Memory enhancing nootropics. Nootropics. The Best Mid-Range Nootropics

Nootropic drugs include a large group of psychotropic drugs that help a person get rid of numerous effects on his nervous system. The newest nootropics are devoid of many of the dangerous side effects that were characteristic of the first generation of medicines, and are considered quite safe.

Modern nootropic drugs (neurometabolic stimulants) or simply nootropics are a large group of drugs that have such an effect on the brain when its mental functions improve. As a result, the action of these funds activates the thinking and memory ability (cognitive functions), increases the resistance of the brain to the influence of negative exogenous factors - lack of oxygen, polluted atmosphere, toxins, stress and emotional overload, traumatic impact. In other words, they have an important ability to reduce neurological deficits.

The basic principle of action of nootropics is based on their active participation in the metabolism and biological energy of neurons, and is also carried out by influencing the mediators of neuroprocesses in the brain. In particular, they increase the level of adenylate cyclase in nerve cells and accelerate the production of ATP, which significantly affects cellular energy. The effect on the production of RNA and some protein substances leads to an acceleration of plastic processes in the nervous system.

As a result of a series of metabolic transformations, serotonin is released, which is a catalyst for intracellular potassium and calcium ions. Adenosine triphosphoric acid helps maintain the rate of metabolic processes in oxygen deficiency, which reduces the risk of oxygen starvation. Finally, nootropics optimize glucose utilization.

The best nootropics can have the following effects:

  1. Stabilization of membranes due to the normalization of phospholipid and protein synthesis, as well as streamlining the structure of membrane cells.
  2. Antioxidant capacity as a result of slowing down the formation of free radicals and lipid oxidation.
  3. The antihypoxic effect is due to a decrease in oxygen consumption.
  4. Neuroprotection is characterized by an increase in the resistance of neurons to the action of aggressive exogenous factors.
  5. Improving blood microcirculation by improving the penetration of red blood cells through the vascular walls and blocking the production of platelets.
  6. Improvement of electrophysiological patterns, which provides facilitated signal transmission between the hemispheres, increasing the level of wakefulness and the power of the EEG of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This ultimately leads to the optimization of integrative brain function.
  7. Optimization of the control of cortico-subcortical processes, information exchange between brain regions, formation of a memory imprint. These effects provide an improvement in mindfulness, mental response, memory, perception of information, and contributes to an increase in intelligence and cognitive functions.

When are nootropics prescribed?

Neotropic drugs were developed to correct brain dysfunctions and were intended mainly for the elderly. The development of pharmacology in this direction has made it possible to significantly expand the capabilities of nootropics, which makes it possible to use them in various branches of medicine (neurology, psychiatry, pediatrics, surgery, gynecology, etc.).

  1. Dementia of various types, incl. in Alzheimer's disease, vascular and senile pathologies.
  2. Cerebrovascular pathologies of a chronic nature.
  3. Syndrome of psychoorganic defeat.
  4. Post-traumatic syndrome caused by circulatory disorders as a result of damage to the skull.
  5. Severe intoxication.
  6. Diseases caused by the penetration of neuroinfection.
  7. Deviations of the intellectual-mnestic, asthenic, depressive nature.
  8. neurotic disorders.
  9. Dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system.
  10. Chronic alcoholism and associated pathologies such as encephalopathy, abstinence.
  11. Lagging mental development.

A child, like an adult, in some cases needs psychotropic therapy. Nootropic drugs for children are recalled in pediatrics with amino acid deficiency, leading to a deterioration in protein synthesis and, in general, to a violation of metabolic processes. The reasons for the appointment of such funds are the following circumstances - a significant lag in the mental and speech development of the child; a noticeable deviation in mental development; signs of congenital, perinatal disorders of the nervous system; cerebral paralysis; pronounced signs of attention deficit disorder.

Neotropics of the new generation cope well with some other diseases that are affected by processes occurring in the brain. According to the decision of a specialist, nootropics can be used in such conditions:

  1. Elimination of manifestations of neuroleptic syndrome. Hopantenic acid, Pantogam and other drugs can be used.
  2. Treatment of stuttering and hyperkinesis. Effective drug Phenibut.
  3. In case of violations in the urinary organs, Pantogam may be prescribed.
  4. Glycine helps fight chronic insomnia.
  5. For migraines, Pyritinol or Semax is recommended.
  6. Such an unpleasant phenomenon as motion sickness and "seasickness" can be treated with Phenibut.
  7. Complex therapy of ophthalmic problems often includes the use of Nicotinoil.

When Problems Might Occur

Nootropics also have contraindications in circumstances where their use can cause negative consequences. They can not be taken with individual intolerance to the main active substance or any additional ingredient of the drug; severe course of renal failure, both in acute and chronic form; at the acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke; congenital chorea of ​​Hettington associated with a degenerative lesion of the central nervous system. Only in exceptional cases is it possible to prescribe drugs to pregnant women and nursing mothers. With extreme caution, nootropics are given to young children and only after reaching 1 year.

New nootropics are fairly well tolerated by patients. However, individual reactions are possible in the form of such side effects - the appearance of an incomprehensible anxious feeling; temporary insomnia at night and craving for sleep during the day; irritability; jumps in blood pressure; dyspeptic disorders; allergic reactions of various kinds. In elderly people, when taking nootropics, in rare cases, cardiological problems are recorded, in particular, heart failure.

What are the drugs

The list of nootropics includes many drugs divided into groups that differ in chemical composition, direction, and mechanism of action. The following main categories are distinguished.

Stimulators of metabolic processes in neurons:

  1. Based on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The main representatives are Phenibut, Picamilon and Aminalon. Hopantenic acid is considered an analogue.
  2. Compounds based on pyrrolidone (racetam). The most common drugs are Piracetam and Phenylpiracetam. Derivatives such as Aniracetam, Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam may be prescribed.
  3. Pantothenic acid derivatives - Pantogam.
  4. When using the active substance dimethylaminoethanol, Acefen and Centrophenoxine are produced. Popular drugs such as Phenotropil and Meclofenoxate have gained popularity.
  5. Preparations containing amino acids and peptides. The most famous are Glycine, Actovegin, Biotredin and Cerebrolysin. Popular neuropeptides - Noopept, Semax, Selank. Polypeptides include Cortexin, Cerebramin.

Drugs to reduce the effects of hypoxia. The best remedy is hydroxymethylethylpyridine succinate.

Nootropics with the effect of vitamin-like substances or adaptogens. These include funds based on folic and succinic acids, vitamins E and B15, ginseng root. Idebenone stands out in this category.

Preparations for the normalization of the state of blood vessels (vasotropes). They help to get rid of cerebral problems. Stand out - Instenon, Cinnarizine. Vinpocetine may be prescribed.

Memory improvement is achieved using nootropics of the following subgroups:

  • cholinomimetic and anticholesterase drugs - Amiridin and Choline;
  • hormonal type drugs - Corticotropin, ACTH, as well as a number of drugs related to endorphins and enkephalins.

A significant difference in the effectiveness of nootropics is found when considering such a feature as the time of their development. Older designs or first-generation drugs continue to be used, but they have an increased risk of side effects. These funds are mainly derivatives of Piracetam - most of the racetams.

The most popular drugs

Currently, depending on the type of psychogenic deviation, first and second generation nootropics are used, as well as tools from the latest developments. You can make an indicative list of the most popular nootropic drugs:

  1. Piracetam or similar products (Lucetam, Nootropil). The form of introduction into the body - tablets for oral administration, intramuscular injections and intravenous droppers. The most characteristic effects are the normalization of metabolic processes and blood circulation. Given that Piracetam belongs to the first generation of drugs, side effects such as an increase in platelet levels, leading to a deterioration in blood clotting, can be expected.
  2. Pramiracetam is available in tablet form. Although it belongs to the old developments, it has high cognitive properties, which helps to improve memory. Possesses sedative abilities. Can be used for a long course of therapy. The drug should not be taken in renal failure.
  3. Cavinton. Analogues are Neurovin and Vinpocetine. In addition to neuralgia, this drug is recommended for certain ophthalmic pathologies and hearing problems. The course of admission is quite long - 2-7 months. During the acute phase of the disease, it is administered by injection, and as the disease weakens, the transition to tablets is made.
  4. Phenibut. You can use its analogues - Bifren and Noobut. Release form - tablets, powder for injection solutions, capsules. This nootropic is effective for increasing mental response and physical performance, relieving stress, getting rid of anxious feelings and phobias, and improving sleep quality. It is prescribed for hypoxia. Useful when traveling on water, because. eliminates the effect of pitching. The course of treatment lasts 30-40 days. The drug should not be taken simultaneously with sedative drugs and sleeping pills.
  5. Hopantenic acid (often sold under the name Pantogam). It is recommended to reduce the excitability of a motor character. A positive effect is detected within 25-30 days after the start of administration, but the full course can be 5-6 months.
  6. Glycine. Best known as an anti-stress drug. Helps to relieve excessive excitability and irritability. It has a pronounced sedative effect, and also contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body.
  7. Cerebrolysin. It is used for serious lesions of the central nervous system, incl. useful in Alzheimer's disease. It is most often administered by injection, and is most widely used in the treatment of post-traumatic syndrome and the consequences of a stroke.
  8. Encephabol. It can be prescribed for both adults and children, in the latter case, a suspension with additives that improve palatability is used. The drug belongs to strong neuroprotectors and antioxidants with high cognitive abilities.

Drugs of the latest generations

Pharmacology around the world is taking active measures to improve nootropics, resulting in more effective and safe drugs. The following nootropics have gained popularity:

  1. Phezam - is used to normalize the blood supply to the brain, improve protein metabolism and energy. It has vasodilating properties.
  2. Phenylpiracetam - necessary in the period after stroke rehabilitation. Often used to improve memory, concentration, to eliminate convulsive phenomena.
  3. Noopept is especially effective for normalizing cognitive brain functions, eliminating anxiety and phobias, and chronic headaches of a neurogenic nature.
  4. Selank - helps to relieve stress surges, eliminate the needy state. It increases the mental reaction, fights apathy and a gloomy mood.

In child psychiatry and pediatrics, nootropics also find their rightful place. For babies, these drugs are available in the form of granules for making syrup or in the form of ready-made syrup. The most characteristic appointment for cerebral, encephalopathic disorders, as well as a significant lag in intellectual development and lack of memory. For children, stimulant drugs such as Picamilon and Cogitum can be recommended, as well as drugs with a sedative effect - Cortexin and Phenibut.

Nootropics have ceased to be the lot of geeks, as they were just a few years ago. They quickly became fashionable among students and freelancers, and today they have become commonplace for many other segments of the population. The share of nootropic drugs in the global pharmacological market is already more than $1 billion and continues to grow rapidly.

There is, of course, nothing to be surprised here. If there are pills out there that promise to make you smarter and more focused, then you're more likely to take them - as long as the risks don't outweigh the benefits (will you?)

True, nootropics by themselves have not yet made anyone smarter, but to cope with study loads, successfully pass a session, get out alive from work time pressure, or perform better in the daily tasks of a knowledge worker, they seem to help. But "it seems" here - not from excessive delicacy.

In the English-speaking world, nootropics are also called "smart drugs". There are also such cute definitions as "professors" little helpers ".

There is bad and good news. Let's start with the first: the effectiveness of most nootropic drugs that are common on the Russian market has not been confirmed by serious clinical trials. Supporters of evidence-based medicine, as a rule, conclude from this that taking nootropics is simply useless. But here one cannot confine oneself to a simple statement.

Now the good news is that nootropics really help a lot of people. Of course, no one has canceled the significance of the placebo effect, but in the case of nootropics, it can be argued that there are other reasons as well.

So, let's try to figure out how nootropics work and what effects to expect from their use.

What do nootropics do to the brain?

Once again, I’ll make a reservation: nootropics by themselves will not make you smarter and will not save you from an overwhelmed session. It would be rather strange to expect that some pills modify your intelligence if you do not put effort into it and do not distribute the mental load more or less rationally.

It is not yet possible to fully understand exactly how nootropics work, and in what cases they can be recommended to healthy people to improve cognitive activity. I am afraid that this will not work, even if you first pump yourself up with some kind of modafinil or pramiracetam and immerse yourself in reading literature on the topic for a year or two.

According to the results of an informal survey conducted on the website of the journal Nature in 2008, out of more than 1400 scientists who took part in it, about 20% use some kind of nootropics.

Let's start with the fact that this class of drugs includes drugs with a variety of pharmacological properties and effects. In the most general sense, nootropics are means that "have a direct activating effect on learning, improve memory and mental activity, increase the resistance of the brain to aggressive environmental influences" (WHO definition).

They operate as follows:

  • Stimulate cerebral circulation;
  • Improve the intake and absorption of glucose (it is easier to penetrate the blood-brain barrier between the circulatory and nervous systems, and the brain does not lack energy);
  • Prevent hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain;
  • Improve the interaction between the prefrontal cortex and other areas of the brain, accelerate the exchange of information between its hemispheres;
  • They stimulate cognitive functions, processing and memorization of information, influencing the production of certain neurotransmitters, with the help of which neurons exchange their "messages".

It is believed that nootropics optimize metabolism and neural activity, but do not have the same side effects as psychostimulants. For example, caffeine, although it promotes concentration, is not usually considered a nootropic.

Dummy or drug?

Although nootropics are used in medical practice for the treatment of clinical depression, recovery from a stroke, ADHD or asthenic disease, they have not received clinical confirmation in the framework of evidence-based medicine.

This means that in the so-called "blind" studies, when neither doctors nor patients know where the placebo is and where the test drug itself is, it was not possible to find a statistically significant difference between the nootropic and the empty pill. Therefore, in the US, for example, piracetam (also known as Nootropil) is not considered a medical drug at all and is registered as a biologically active food supplement.

But you need to take into account, firstly, that not all nootropics generally passed tests of this kind; and secondly, that they tend to test a very specific effect of the drug (for example, helping with recovery from strokes, as in the case of Cerebrolysin).

In addition, separate studies have nevertheless demonstrated an improvement in cognitive abilities with the medical and non-medical use of nootropics. This is also evidenced by the experience of many people who take nootropics to increase their intellectual productivity.

According to one of the domestic studies, 69.7% of people out of 120 students who took nootropics felt subjective improvement during the session, but there was no improvement in the average score.

The fact is that nootropics act very individually. The effects obtained are highly dependent on the properties of your body and what you are doing while taking them. In addition, most nootropics have a cumulative effect (results only show themselves over time), so it is quite difficult to fix it.

In general, the entire range of nootropic drugs can be divided into three groups:

    Harmless, but (almost) ineffective. These are brain vitamins like glycine. This amino acid, which is really important for memory and cognitive processes, our body produces on its own. If you already have enough of it, then the effect will depend only on your ability to self-hypnosis.

    Effective but not safe. You will either not find these drugs on legal sale at all, or you can only get them by prescription. These include, for example, Ritalin, Modafinil, Adderall and Pramiracetam. They have a strong effect on the nervous system and can be addictive. In Russia, some of them are banned and considered drugs (much to the outrage of transhumanists).

    Moderately effective and (almost) safe. Drugs that can act as a placebo, and also improve blood flow to the brain, stimulate the production of certain neurotransmitters, or have an inhibitory effect - help relieve irritability and improve concentration. Phenotropil, for example, rather accelerates, and Phenibut, on the contrary, calms the nervous system (although in some cases it can cause heart rhythm disturbance and anxiety). If you have problems with the blood supply to the brain, such drugs will really help, but if everything is fine, with the right attitude, the placebo effect will come to your aid.

The formula of piracetam is the first drug to be called a nootropic. It was synthesized in 1963 by Belgian pharmacologists and has been used to improve cognitive function in the elderly. In Russia, it remains the most popular drug in this group.

For those wishing to learn more about the effects of various nootropics, we can recommend, for example, a site where there are results of amateur research and recommendations on the use of nootropics.

More recently, the results of a large-scale (albeit informal) study of nootropics, in which 850 people participated, were published. There were no clinical trials - the participants simply answered a few surveys about their experience with such drugs. In addition to the banned Adderol and Modafinil, domestic drugs Phenibut, Semax and Cerebrolysin received the highest marks in it.

Even if the effect of legal nootropics on healthy people is reduced to placebo, you can distinguish different degrees of their effectiveness: some drugs work better than others for some reason.

In general, reviews about nootropics are more than contradictory. Intelligence is a too complex human property, which, moreover, is highly dependent on heredity. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to improve it simply with the help of chemical compounds.

Nootropics can temporarily improve certain intellectual abilities - for example, memory or concentration - but at the same time weaken other brain functions and cause addiction. As a result, without the help of magic pills, you will generally forget how to think well.

According to some studies, the results of IQ tests can improve after taking nootropics - but they can change for the worse if they were already high.

In addition to purely medical, there are also ethical considerations. Some people think it's just not fair. Can nootropics be considered doping drugs? It even seems to some that it is time for universities to organize special commissions that will weed out students for such a “scam”. But, in fact, there is nothing to worry about yet: nootropics will not help to radically improve learning abilities anyway.

The cognitive mechanisms of the brain have not yet been studied enough, and pharmacology lags behind neuroscience for decades. Among the most popular nootropics now are still those substances that were synthesized in the 60-70s of the last century.

It can be hoped that the invention of truly effective and at the same time harmless drugs that improve brain function is a matter of the near future. The nootropics that exist now can indeed increase your intellectual productivity, but in the case of legal drugs, this is likely to be associated with a placebo effect, and in the case of illegal ones, with unpleasant side effects.

Almost all popular nootropics were originally developed for patients with severe cognitive impairment. While some of them have been shown to be useful in medical applications, they seem to have no effect on healthy people. The conclusion is as follows: if everything is in order with your blood supply and brain function, the effect of nootropics will be slightly less than completely limited only by your subjective feelings.

And of course, it is better to consult a doctor before trying the effects of nootropics on your own brain.

Nootropics are a group of psychotropic drugs that affect the higher functions of the brain and increase its resistance to negative exogenous factors: excessive stress, intoxication, trauma or hypoxia. Nootropics improve memory, increase intelligence, stimulate cognitive activity.

From the ancient Greek language, the term "nootropics" means "the desire for thinking." For the first time this concept was introduced in the last century by pharmacologists from Belgium. Cerebroprotectors activate neurometabolic processes in the brain and increase the overall resistance of the body to the action of extreme factors.

Nootropics were not singled out as an independent pharmacological group, they were combined with psychostimulants. Unlike the latter, nootropic drugs are antihypoxants, but they do not have a negative effect on the body, do not disrupt brain activity, do not affect motor reactions, and do not have a hypnotic and analgesic effect. Nootropics do not increase psychophysical activity and do not cause pharmacological dependence.

All nootropics are divided into 2 large groups:

  • "True" nootropics that have the only effect - improving memory and speech;
  • with antihypoxic, sedative, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant effects.

Nootropics have a primary effect, which is a direct effect on the structures of the nervous system, and a secondary effect, aimed at improving microcirculation in the brain, prevention and hypoxia. Nootropics stimulate metabolic processes in the nervous tissue and normalize them in case of poisoning and traumatic injury.

Currently, pharmacologists are developing and synthesizing the latest nootropic drugs that have fewer side effects and are more effective. They are characterized by low toxicity and practically do not cause complications. The therapeutic effect of nootropics develops gradually. They should be taken continuously and for a long time.

New generation nootropics are used in various medical fields: pediatrics, obstetrics, neurology, psychiatry and narcology.

Mechanism of action

Nootropics have a direct impact on a number of brain functions, activate them, stimulate mental activity and memory processes. They facilitate the interaction of the right and left hemispheres, as well as the main centers located in the cerebral cortex. Nootropics rejuvenate the body and prolong life.

Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors are nootropic drugs that received a second name due to their biogenic origin and effect on cellular metabolism. These medicines increase the utilization of glucose and the formation of ATP, stimulate the biosynthesis of proteins and RNA, inhibit the process of oxidative phosphorylation, and stabilize cell membranes.

Mechanisms of action of nootropics:

  • Membrane stabilizing;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Antihypoxic;
  • Neuroprotective.

As a result of the course use of nootropic drugs, mental and cognitive processes improve, intelligence increases, metabolism in the nervous tissue is activated, and the resistance of the brain to the negative effects of endogenous and exogenous factors increases. Cerebrovasoactive drugs also have a special mechanism of vasodilating action.

The effectiveness of nootropics increases when combined with angioprotectors and psychostimulants, especially in debilitated individuals.

Nootropic drugs are most often prescribed for the elderly and children. In old age, it is necessary to correct impaired functions of the intellect: attention and memory, as well as increase creative activity. For children, neurometabolic stimulants will help in the fight against mental retardation.

Main Effects

Nootropics have the following effects on the human body:

spectrum of action of nootropics

  1. Psychostimulating - stimulation of brain functions in mentally inert individuals suffering from hypobulia, apathy, psychomotor retardation.
  2. Antihypoxic - formation of resistance of brain cells to oxygen deficiency.
  3. Sedative - soothing, inhibiting effect on the body.
  4. Antiasthenic - elimination of symptoms of asthenic syndrome.
  5. Antidepressant - the fight against depression.
  6. Antiepileptic - prevention of convulsions, loss and confusion of consciousness, behavioral and autonomic disorders.
  7. Nootropic - stimulation of cognitive activity.
  8. Adaptogenic - the development of the body's resistance to the effects of negative factors.
  9. Vasovegetative - acceleration of cerebral blood flow and elimination of the main symptoms.
  10. Lipolytic - the use of fatty acids as an energy source.
  11. Antitoxic - neutralization or excretion of various toxic substances from the body.
  12. Immunostimulating - strengthening the immune system and increasing the overall resistance of the body.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of nootropics:

Nootropics are contraindicated in individuals with individual hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient of the drug, severe psychomotor agitation, hepatic and renal insufficiency or bulimia, as well as those who have had acute, suffering from Hettington's chorea, who have severe renal dysfunction, pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

Side effects that occur during treatment with nootropic drugs:

  1. hyperexcitability,
  2. Weakness,
  3. Insomnia,
  4. Anxiety, anxiety,
  5. dyspeptic symptoms,
  6. Hepato- or nephrotoxicity,
  7. eosinophilia,
  8. Frequent attacks of angina pectoris
  9. Convulsions, epileptic seizures,
  10. imbalance,
  11. hallucinations,
  12. Ataxia,
  13. confusion,
  14. Fever,
  15. Thrombophlebitis and pain at the injection site,
  16. motor disinhibition,
  17. Feeling of heat and flushing of the face,
  18. Eruptions on the face and body like urticaria.

Description of drugs

List of the best nootropic drugs that have become widespread in medical practice:

  • "Piracetam" has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain. The drug is prescribed for the treatment, memory improvement, correction of dyslexia, cerebrosthenia and in children. "Piracetam" is an emergency remedy for withdrawal symptoms and delirium in alcoholics. It is used for viral neuroinfections and in the complex therapy of myocardial infarction.
  • Vinpocetine- a neurometabolic agent that dilates the vessels of the brain and improves microcirculation. The drug supplies the brain tissue with oxygen and nutrients, reduces systemic blood pressure. Vinpocetine tablets thin the blood and improve its rheological properties. The drug has an antioxidant and neuroprotective effect. First, the drug is administered intravenously by drip for 14 days, and then proceed to oral administration of tablets.
  • "Fenibut" appoint patients with asthenia, neurosis, insomnia, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. Children "Fenibut" helps to cope with stuttering and tics. The drug normalizes metabolism in tissues, has a psychostimulating, antiplatelet and antioxidant effect. Phenibut is low toxic and non-allergic.
  • "Pantogam"- an effective nootropic agent, widely used for the treatment of children. The main active ingredient of the drug is vitamin B 15. This is a physiologically active substance found in almost all plants and products.
  • Phenotropil- a drug of the latest generation, which is popular with both patients and doctors. It has a pronounced adaptogenic effect and increases the body's resistance to stress. The drug does not cause dependence. It is often recommended to students during preparation for a session.
  • Phezam is a nootropic drug intended for the complex treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. It has an effective effect on the nervous system, dilates blood vessels, stimulates the functioning of the organ of hearing and vision. "Fezam" eliminates the effects of hypoxia, relieves headaches, fights against dizziness and amnesia. Persons who have had a stroke, or TBI, take Phezam for a long time. It helps patients recover quickly and eliminates the negative consequences of pathologies. "Piracetam" and "Cinnarizine", which are part of the drug, dilate the vessels of the brain, improve brain nutrition, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulate local blood flow, and reduce blood viscosity. Thanks to both components, the antihypoxic effect and antiplatelet activity are enhanced, the metabolism in the cells of the nervous system improves.
  • "Cinnarizine"- a nootropic drug that strengthens the walls of cerebral vessels and causes them to dilate without changing blood pressure indicators. "Cinnarizine" has a sensitizing effect, suppresses nystagmus and is an effective prophylactic against motion sickness. It dilates small arteries and peripheral capillaries. The drug is released in a single dosage form - in the form of tablets for oral administration. "Cinnarizine" is prescribed not only for the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, but also for the prevention of migraine attacks and kinetosis. The medicine stops the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia and: weakness, headache, dizziness. "Cinnarizine" is used to alleviate the condition in menopause. The drug normalizes sleep, relieves irritability, eliminates.
  • "Cerebrolysin"- a complex nootropic drug that has passed clinical trials that confirmed its effectiveness and safety. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. "Cerebrolysin" is prescribed for the treatment of patients with various forms of mental and neurological diseases. According to reviews, "Cerebrolysin" activates the processes of mental activity and improves mood. Long-term use of the drug improves memory processes, increases concentration and learning ability.
  • "Actovegin"- antihypoxant, intended for the treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain and promotes rapid healing of wounds. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of radiation skin lesions, peripheral vascular disorders, diabetic polyneuropathy. "Actovegin" is produced in tablets for oral administration, as well as in the form of a solution for intramuscular, intravenous and intra-arterial injections. Gel, ointment and cream "Actovegin" is used topically.

Nootropic drugs are of great relevance. Although the first nootropic drug, Piracetam, was synthesized back in 1964, only now the means to improve the brain activity of this group have been made public, especially among schoolchildren, students and the elderly. Nootropics have virtually no side effects, the most obvious is overexcitability, which can manifest itself either in hyperactivity or in panic attacks. The reviews note that in order to obtain such negative effects, it is necessary to use a very large dosage of the drug, in all other cases, this is nothing more than self-hypnosis.

As a standard, in order to obtain the desired effect, namely, improving brain function, increasing learning ability, and concentration of attention, it is important to drink a course of at least a week to get the first noticeable changes. At the same time, it is not enough just to take the drug and expect new knowledge to appear from nowhere, some kind of enlightenment. It is necessary to constantly use logic, read some information and the like. This is how nootropic drugs can help, for example, the same students before exams; the student must surround himself with the necessary educational literature and begin to study it. Due to the effect of improving blood circulation, oxygenation of brain cells, information is better remembered and absorbed.

Nootropics are relevant not only for advanced youth, but also for the elderly. With age, brain cells begin to actively die off, and therefore, symptoms of senile insanity, sclerosis and other age-related diseases associated with brain activity may appear. The elderly body needs help, saturate it with useful elements, and it is nootropics that can significantly improve the overall picture of the life of an elderly person.

Often, nootropic drugs are prescribed to patients with traumatic brain injury, as well as to children with prolonged speech and mental development. In the first case, nootropics will help restore the functioning of the brain, set it back to the previous mood, and in the second, when the child does not want to start talking or does not show success in learning, the nootropic will allow you to focus on new information, broaden your horizons. Another indication for the use of these funds may be alcohol dependence.

  • Online reviews and overall reputation;
  • The opinion of representatives of medicine;
  • Value for money;
  • Trust level;
  • Safety.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Best Budget Nootropics

5 Biotredin

Struggling with alcohol addiction
Country Russia
Average price: 120 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Biotredin" is an effective tool used for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal. The drug reduces a person's desire to drink alcohol. The tool reduces psycho-emotional arousal, improves memory and has a positive effect on intellectual performance. From the reviews on the Internet, you can understand that this drug is mainly prescribed for people who abuse alcohol and suffer from physical and psychological alcohol dependence.

Also, the drug is used to improve memory and intellectual activity in children and adolescents. The drug is contraindicated in people with a high susceptibility to vitamin B6. In no case should Biotredin be taken simultaneously with alcohol or while intoxicated.

4 Piracetam

The most popular
Country Russia
Average price: 55 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Piracetam" is recognized as one of the best modern nootropic drugs. It is used to speed up metabolic processes and the propagation of impulses in the cerebral cortex, has a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities and memory development, significantly increases the brain's resistance to poisoning by toxins, and accelerates the processing of glucose. It helps to improve the interaction between the hemispheres of the brain. Improves cerebral blood flow, without creating, however, a vasodilating effect.

"Piracetam" is recommended to be taken with weakening of memory, dizziness, decreased attentiveness and learning disabilities in children. Elderly people are advised to take the drug for therapeutic purposes. This drug is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity, severe renal insufficiency, children under one year old and pregnant women. Also, Piracetam should not be used for hemorrhagic stroke.

3 Picamilon

Relieves older people from migraines
Country Russia
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Pikamilon" refers to nootropic drugs that have a tranquilizing, psychostimulating and antioxidant effect. It has a positive effect on brain function by improving tissue metabolism and affecting cerebral circulation. The course of taking the drug increases physical and intellectual activity, reduces pain in the head, improves memory, helps to reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. Improves blood circulation in the vessels of the retina and optic nerve.

Helps patients with minor motor and speech disorders, reduces the negative impact of toxins on the central nervous system. The agent is used as part of complex therapy to prevent migraine in the elderly, with cerebrovascular accidents. According to experts, the drug is one of the best in the treatment of severe alcohol and drug addiction. "Pikamilon" is contraindicated in people suffering from kidney disease and having hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

2 Phenibut

Relieves anxiety conditions
Country Russia
Average price: 150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Phenibut is a prescription nootropic drug that has a strong anxiolytic effect, reducing excitability, anxiety and fear. Prolongs and enhances the effect of the use of sleeping pills. With a course application, it positively affects the physical and intellectual activity of a person, improves memory, and restores healthy sleep.

Usually prescribed for children with stuttering and enuresis, elderly people suffering from insomnia and night anxiety. Also, this remedy is often used as part of complex therapy for those suffering from alcohol withdrawal syndrome. According to experts, the drug is contraindicated in pregnant women for children under three years of age. Should be taken with caution in gastric ulcers and liver failure. The drug is taken according to the doctor's prescription and is sold by prescription.

1 Glycine

The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Glycine is an amino acid produced by the human body. "Glycine" is a natural drug that improves memory and mental activity. Reduces the conflict of a person, improves the ability to social adaptation. The use of this tool allows you to normalize sleep, which is especially important for the elderly. Also, this amino acid restores the functions of the central nervous system after toxic poisoning with alcohol or other medications.

It is recommended to take "Glycine" during stressful situations, problems at work or study, with a decrease in mental performance and with diseases of the nervous system, expressed by high excitability, sleep problems and emotional instability. Since glycine is a natural product, it has no special contraindications, with the exception of personal susceptibility to the components of the drug.

The Best Mid-Range Nootropics

5 Pantogam

Neutralizes psycho-emotional overload
Country Russia
Average price: 640 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

"Pantogam" significantly increases the resistance of the brain to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances on the central nervous system, stimulates anabolic processes in neurons. Reduces excitability and positively affects the social behavior of a person. Effectively affects intellectual activity and activity.

The drug is widely used in medicine: to neutralize the effects of psycho-emotional overload, with neurotic disorders caused by traumatic brain injuries, with a decrease in intellectual and physical activity, loss of concentration and attention. "Pantogam" is contraindicated in pregnant women, people suffering from serious kidney disease and persons under 18 years of age.

4 Nootropil

Accelerates the propagation of neural impulses
Country: Belgium
Average price: 330 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Nootropil" is a nootropic drug that improves memory, increases concentration and activates mental activity. The drug stabilizes the metabolic processes in nerve cells, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system by increasing the speed of propagation of neural impulses in the brain. The drug is excellent for eliminating the effects of ischemic stroke.

It can be effectively used for the rehabilitation of patients who have undergone traumatic brain injury or toxic poisoning of the brain. In particular, it can be used to increase learning in children. It is not recommended for people with cerebrovascular accidents, suffering from renal insufficiency or having an increased susceptibility to the components of the drug. It is also contraindicated in children under three years of age.

3 Intellan

Herbal ingredients
Country: Pakistan
Average price: 175 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Intellan" is a herbal preparation containing bioactive amino acids, vitamins and other important microelements. It has a positive effect on memory, mental activity, actively fights anxiety and depression. According to experts, Intellan does not affect a person's ability to act, which makes it one of the best nootropic drugs for car owners.

The remedy is used for reducing mental activity, neurotic syndromes associated with mental illness, memory impairment and absent-mindedness, as well as for depressive states and anxiety. "Intellan" is contraindicated in persons under the age of eighteen and pregnant women. The drug should not be taken by those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular systems, with a deficiency of sucrose and fructose intolerance. During an exacerbation of mental illness, the drug is also contraindicated.

2 Semax

The best nasal preparation
Country Russia
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Semax" is a unique peptide drug, the hormonal activity of which is zero. It has a positive effect on the processes of perception of the surrounding world, improves learning and attentiveness. Promotes rapid adaptation of the central nervous system to the effects of anesthesia. It is a prescription drug and is used only as prescribed by a specialist.

As a rule, it is used to treat people who have had an ischemic stroke, as well as for rehabilitation after traumatic brain injuries and severe anesthesia. It has long been used in pediatrics to treat brain dysfunctions in children over five years of age. "Semax" can not be prescribed to children under five years of age and pregnant women. It is important to note that the drug is contraindicated in people who are in a state of acute mental disorder, accompanied by an acute sense of anxiety.

1 Cavinton

Targeted impact on damaged areas of the central nervous system
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

"Cavinton" has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation, reduces blood viscosity and promotes the passage of oxygen through the tissues of the central nervous system. In this case, the drug does not affect the total blood pressure of a person and his pulse rate. The peculiarity of this tool is that it selectively acts on the damaged area of ​​​​the central nervous system. The product is used and sold only by prescription.

The ability to point action, called "reverse steal", makes "Cavinton" one of the best drugs for the treatment of the effects of stroke, vascular dementia and cerebrovascular accidents. It is also used to treat the choroid and retina of the eye, and even to treat Meniere's disease. The drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy, persons under 18 years of age, people suffering from arrhythmia, coronary heart disease and having an acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke.

The best nootropic drugs: budget from 750 rubles

5 Cortexin

Most versatile
Country Russia
Average price: 780 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Cortexin" has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous systems. The drug well improves memory, attentiveness and learning, counteracts the influence of stressful situations on the nervous system, reduces the effects of toxic substances on brain cells. This nootropic is often used in medicine to eliminate the consequences of traumatic brain injury, circulatory disorders and epilepsy.

The drug has gained great popularity among parents of children with delayed psychomotor and speech development. Also, the medicine is widely known among students, during the examination period, with a deterioration in learning and attentiveness. "Cortexin" is not recommended for pregnant women due to the lack of accurate data from clinical studies. Contraindicated in case of high personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.

4 Encephabol

Combats mental retardation in children
Country: India
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Encephabol" accelerates metabolism in the brain, increasing the rate of glucose utilization. Stabilizes blood circulation in ischemic areas of the brain. The drug restores impaired metabolic functions in the nervous tissue, which has a beneficial effect on improving memory, attentiveness and the general tone of the central nervous system. "Encephabol" shows good results in the treatment of systematic decreases in mental activity.

This remedy helps to get rid of the consequences of encephalitis, and is also used in pediatrics in the treatment of cerebroasthenic syndrome and mental retardation in children. "Encephabol" is contraindicated in renal failure, liver disease and autoimmune diseases. May cause allergic reactions in people who are highly sensitive to pyritinol.

3 Phenotropil

Relieves stress conditions
Country Russia
Average price: 1000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Phenotropil" is a nootropic drug that improves blood flow to the brain, the ability to think, memory and attentiveness. Also, this drug increases the resistance of the central nervous system to the effects of stressful situations on it. It is used for insufficient cerebral circulation, neurosis, depression and to neutralize the effects of alcohol and drugs.

It is possible to take the drug prophylactically by people whose activities are associated with high psychophysical tension. "Phenotropil" is contraindicated for use in severe kidney and liver diseases, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and high sensitivity to compounds of the pyrrolidone group. If a person has experienced a panic attack or severe psychotic states in the past, then this drug is also contraindicated for him.

2 Pramiracetam

Restores cognitive functions of the brain
Country: Germany
Average price: 3500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Pramiracetam is a nootropic drug from the racetam group. The effectiveness of this tool has not been fully proven, but, according to experts, it has a positive effect on increasing intellectual activity and cognitive functions of the brain. Improves memory, concentration and attentiveness. To achieve the full effect, it is recommended to take this drug for four to eight weeks.

As follows from the above, Pramiracetam should be taken with a decrease in mental performance, loss of concentration and memory problems. Elderly people are recommended to take the drug for therapeutic purposes. Like other nootropics, Pramiracetam has no specific contraindications. The reviews rarely write about side effects, but with a significant excess of the dosage in the first days of the course, patients complained of headache, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness and tremor.

1 Kogitum

The best stimulating effect
Country: France
Average price: 4500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

"Cogitum" has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in nerve tissues and has a stimulating effect. Increases physical activity and immunity. The drug is able to accelerate the removal of ammonia from the body in case of intoxication with this substance, and slightly reduce the radioactive impact. It is often used as part of the complex therapy of asthenic syndrome, as well as for depressive and neurotic conditions of mild severity.

"Cogitum" increases the overall endurance of the central nervous system. Contraindicated in people with high personal sensitivity to acetylaminosuccinic acid and other components of the drug. It is not recommended for pregnant women and children under seven children, due to the lack of clinical studies with this group of patients.

Nootropic drugs that improve nutrition and blood circulation of the brain belong to the category of drugs that improve the activity of higher mental functions of the brain:

Another positive effect is the protection of the gray matter of the brain from overload and oxygen starvation. They are also used in the treatment of strokes and heart attacks.

Pharmacological group

Nootropics are assigned to a separate pharmacological group (ATX code: N06ВХ).

The first discovered nootropic is Piracetam (1963), which gave rise to a branch of "racetoms". He became the main competitor for psychostimulants, but at the same time did not have side effects (addictive, exhaustion, psychomotor agitation, intoxication), which the latter sinned. The new synthesized drug improved memory, attention, helped to concentrate better. At the dawn of its existence, the new drug was used to treat brain dysfunction in the elderly.

In 1972, a new designation was proposed - "nootropic". Piracetam is now known under the trade name Nootropil. However, its mechanism of action is still not fully understood.

What is the therapeutic effect of drugs of the group

It ensures the work of the following mechanisms, due to which a positive effect is achieved from taking nootropics:

  • supports the energy structure of the neuron;
  • improves the main and conductive functions of the central nervous system;
  • activates the plastic function of the central nervous system;
  • improves metabolic processes (utilization of glucose);
  • stabilizes cell membranes;
  • reduces the neuron's need for oxygen;
  • has a neuroprotective effect.

Pharmacological properties and mechanism of action

The active substances of nootropics penetrate well through the myelin barrier of nerve fibers. In the neuron, there is an increase in metabolism, bioenergetic and bioelectrical processes, and neurotransmitter exchanges are accelerated.

In the nerve cell, the concentration of adenylate cyclase, norepinephrine increases; ATP is more actively produced (even in conditions of lack of oxygen), GABA, dopamine. The work and release of the serotonin mediator is faster, glucose is more efficiently utilized.

Due to these processes, the body receives a stimulating effect in relation to cognitive functions, for which nootropics received the additional name “cognition stimulants”. In addition to positive changes in the nerve cell, neurostimulators improve microcirculation and blood flow in the brain.

Result of action and expected effect

Nootropic action leads to the following effects:

  • the mental function is activated;
  • memory improves;
  • consciousness is cleared;
  • increased physical strength;
  • there is an antidepressant effect;
  • there is a sedative effect;
  • fat burning occurs;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • operational readiness is activated.

Classification of modern nootropics

There are a huge number of developed nootropic drugs around the world (the full list includes up to 132 items). In pharmacology, the following groups of drugs have been synthesized, which are subdivided according to their chemical composition:

  1. Group of the pyrrolidine series ("racetams"): Etiracetam; Oxiracetam; Pramiracetam.
  2. Group derived from dimethylaminoethanol: Phenotropil; Deanol aceglumate; Meclofenoxate.
  3. GABAergic: Aminalon; Picamilon; Phenibut.
  4. Pyridoxine derivative group: Pyritinol; Biotredin.
  5. Neuropeptides: Noopept; Semax; Selank.
  6. Polypeptides: Cortexin; Cerebrolysin; Cerebramin.
  7. Amino acids: Glycine; Biotredin.
  8. A group derived from 2-mercantobenzimidazole: ethylthiobenzimidazole hydrobromide (Bemitil).
  9. Vitamin: Idebenone.

Drugs of the old and new generation

Nootropics are also divided into old and new generation groups. The nootropics of the old generation include drugs discovered at the dawn of the synthesis of neurostimulants. This is the so-called. derivatives of the first open nootropic - Piracetam ("racetams"). These include:

  • Oxiracetam;
  • Aniracetam;
  • Etiracetam;
  • Pramiracetam;
  • Dupracetam;
  • Rolziracetam;
  • Cebracetam;
  • Nefiracetam;
  • Isacetam;
  • Detiracetam.

With the advent of the 90s of the 20th century. opens a new page in the history of the development of nootropics. Modern drugs have a more flexible selective action and fewer side effects. Here is a list of the most popular new generation nootropics:

  • Phezam (improvement of cerebral circulation, protein and energy metabolism, has a vasodilating effect);
  • Phenylpiracetam (stroke recovery, improvement of attention, concentration, memory, improves the transfer of information between the hemispheres, anticonvulsant effect);
  • Noopept (restoration of memory and other lost cognitive functions, relief of anxiety, treatment of headaches);
  • Selank (relieves anxiety and stress, increased mental capacity, uplifting mood).

What is good for a Russian is death for a German

In the post-Soviet space, nootropics are associated with drugs that enhance "brain metabolism". However, in addition to the nootropic, these drugs also have a number of other therapeutic effects. Therefore, brain stimulants are also used as medicines for diseases of the brain.

Group drugs can be prescribed for the following disorders:

Basically, such treatment is experimental in nature and often leads to side effects and increased symptoms of certain diseases.

Consider the indications and contraindications for use for the most popular drugs in this group.


It is structurally similar to GABA. It has a neuroprotective and vascular effect. Indications for the use of piracetam:

Despite the fact that in Western medicine this remedy is not medicinal, in Russia piracetam has been used for therapeutic purposes in a number of diseases:

Contraindications to the use of the drug:


New generation nootropic, which belongs to the group of so-called. "racetams". Stimulates motor reactions (similar to doping). It has an anticonvulsant and antiasthenic effect. Indications for use:

Contraindications for use: individual intolerance.


Domestic development belonging to the group of neuropeptide nootropics. Applies to the following cases:

  • increased adaptive capacity under stress;
  • prevention of psycho-emotional overload;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • memory impairment;
  • recovery after craniocerebral operations;
  • migraine.

There are the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to nootropic components;
  • acute mental illness;
  • anxiety;
  • convulsions.

Side effects

Nootropics are a double-edged sword when it comes to brain function. Their reception in compliance with all instructions will have a beneficial effect. However, if you deviate even a step from the prescriptions of doctors, this can lead to an increase in the symptoms of the disease for which the drug is prescribed, or it can have a negative effect on cognitive functions.

Consider the pronounced side effects on the examples of the most popular drugs:

  1. Piracetam. Side effects caused by this drug: deterioration of intellectual abilities; increased dementia; increased anxiety and irritability; sleep disturbance or drowsiness; decreased concentration; violation of the digestive tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).
  2. Phenotropil. Side effects caused by this drug are as follows: insomnia; psychomotor agitation; hyperemia of the skin; increase in pressure; feeling of warmth.
  3. Semax. No side effects were found, except for irritation of the nasal mucosa with frequent use of the vial.

Application features

It should be remembered that a drug that stimulates brain activity must be used only after certain conditions are met.

The first thing to do is to consult with a neurologist. After a positive verdict is received from the doctor, you should prepare your body for taking the nootropic.

This preparation consists in a kind of laying the foundation on which the building of the effective action of the brain stimulator will be erected. This foundation is the fortification of the body, in which the necessary substances, when taking a nootropic, will reach the brain faster and more efficiently at the molecular level, which will allow the stimulant to be better absorbed. Vitaminization includes the following substances and natural complexes:

Dosages and schemes for taking nootropics from the TOP-3

The nuances of the use and dosage of popular nootropics.

He was the first

The beneficial effects of Piracetam appear only after long-term use. Excretion from the body through the kidneys. The course is 6-8 weeks on mg / day.

  • capsules;
  • solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration;
  • oral solution;
  • syrup;
  • tablets.


After taking Phenotropil is quickly absorbed by the body and penetrates into all tissues. Excretion from the body is carried out through the kidneys and liver.

Domestic development

How to take Semax:

Release form: dropper bottle.

Golden Ten

Based on the reviews, we have compiled a list of the best nootropic drugs according to the people:

Efficiency not proven?

The attitude of the luminaries of medicine to nootropics is fanned with doubts and uncertainty. Countless clinical trials of nootropics are still being conducted, but this pharmacological group has not been able to gain a foothold in the status of drugs with proven efficacy.

Observations of specialists made it possible to draw a number of more or less stable conclusions regarding the following drugs:

  1. Piracetam. Clinical studies (333 studies since 1972) have shown that the drug has a reinforcing effect on the effect of taking antidepressants, psychostimulants and indirect anticoagulants. Its effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of ischemic strokes (except acute) and heart attacks, due to its ability to compensate for oxygen deficiency.
  2. Vinpocetine. This drug, which has passed 27 clinical trials, still remains unconvincing for specialists in some of its properties. However, it was noted that the drug is able to have a vascular effect (vasodilating), stimulates the metabolism in the brain tissues. It is used for brain injuries, strokes, atherosclerosis of the brain, memory disorders.
  3. Cerebrolysin. 53 clinical trials. Doctors have noted that the drug has a positive effect in the treatment of acute strokes and helps to alleviate the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

What is there for children?

For children, there are special granules for making syrup. In pediatric practice, cases of the use of nootropics are known in cases of the following disorders:

  • cerebrosthenic;
  • encephalopathic;
  • memory impairment;
  • intellectual retardation.

Indications for the use of nootropics in childhood:

Patient reviews and a doctor's review of nootropics will help to finally clarify the situation.

The opinion of ordinary people

I took Piracetam capsules. The drug really works, but you should not expect something supernatural from it. I never became a genius, but the learning processes are really improving, which helped me successfully prepare for the exam at the institute. It also helped me concentrate on my exams.

The first nootropic I came across was Piracetam. I took it according to all the rules (along with vitamins and lecithin). After a two-month course, I can say that I liked the effect: increased arousal, a desire to do something, a long-term retention of concentration.

I have been interested in the topic of nootropics for a long time, I have tried a lot, and I especially want to mention Phenotropil. After taking it, the effect of time dilation is felt. I succeed. Take some strength away. Once I wrote a term paper in 3 hours (took 3 pills).

Physician Review

As a doctor, I am interested in the effect of nootropics in the framework of evidence-based medicine. Let's define terms. Evidence-based medicine is a series of studies of a drug or treatment method on a certain number of patients. The methods and preparations that have passed this selection can be considered proven effective.

Does this mean that all methods and medicines that have not received the recognition of doctors, remaining with the status of "ineffective", cannot be used in medical practice? Rating drugs that have successfully passed testing do not always have the desired effect. Just like medicines that were screened out during research, they can still be useful.

Nootropics in the light of evidence-based medicine are heavily criticized, their effect is equated to the placebo effect. Most of these drugs have not received recognition.

But I cannot agree with this position, since for 15 years I have been observing a pronounced clinical effect from some nootropic drugs (Phenibut). On the other hand, the drug Picamelon does not give such a rosy picture - the desired effect is not observed.

The well-known stimulant of brain activity Nootropil showed itself remarkably well in terms of a stimulant of operational readiness. However, none of these drugs has received recognition from the scientific community.

Thus, the doctor should not blindly focus on the standards of evidence-based medicine. He must choose what is suitable for this particular patient in this particular situation.

Summing up

Throughout its almost half a century of history, this pharmacological group has undergone significant evolution. More than a hundred trade names of nootropics have been created.

Their functionality includes a wide practical range: from the treatment of senile brain dysfunction to applications in obstetrics, neurology and psychiatry. However, the mechanisms of their effect on the human body have not yet been unraveled - scientists have not yet come to the main proven hypothesis of its work.

Further testing of the drug continues, new samples are being synthesized.

I really like the nootronic, my wife and I drink it, now we don’t sit at home without strength after a hard day))

I don't know if nootropics work. I prescribe them because the old guys at the institute said that this should be done. Children take them for years and there is an effect, but how to prove that this is the effect of a nootropic, and not other methods of treatment or simply compensation by the body? I read the results of studies (333 for Piracetam, of which exactly 0 (H-O-L-L) - proved that it has an effect), I read about the clinical experience of foreign colleagues - “nootropics are considered dietary supplements and are not on the list of drugs in the USA, Europe” . Parents ask me “Do they work?!”

I convince them, I persuade them to take Cortexin, Pantogam, Phenibut, Cerebrolysin, etc. I'm not sure about their effectiveness.

P.S .: My friend Socrates, let's define the terms - "evidence-based medicine" is based on evidence, not the opinion of doctors (expert opinion is the effectiveness criterion D, while the results of studies are criterion A or B. There is also C - this is the result of efficacy studies , but on a very narrow sample and specific conditions.There are also F. and E).

P.P.S. There is drug #1 and drug #2. it has been proven that drug No. 1 acts on the body and leads to the result X and does not lead to the result Y, Z.

It has been proven that drug No. 2 acts on the body and does not lead to the result Y.

And then there is a researcher who wants to see the Y result after drug #2.

and seeing the result Y after the use of preparations No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, do you consider it logical to explain this as the result of the action of preparation No. 2?

Nootropics: action, indications, list of modern and effective, reviews

Nootropics are a group of psychotropic drugs that affect the higher functions of the brain and increase its resistance to negative exogenous factors: excessive stress, intoxication, trauma or hypoxia. Nootropics improve memory, increase intelligence, stimulate cognitive activity.

From the ancient Greek language, the term "nootropics" means "the desire for thinking." For the first time this concept was introduced in the last century by pharmacologists from Belgium. Cerebroprotectors activate neurometabolic processes in the brain and increase the overall resistance of the body to the action of extreme factors.

Nootropics were not singled out as an independent pharmacological group, they were combined with psychostimulants. Unlike the latter, nootropic drugs are antihypoxants, but they do not have a negative effect on the body, do not disrupt brain activity, do not affect motor reactions, and do not have a hypnotic and analgesic effect. Nootropics do not increase psychophysical activity and do not cause pharmacological dependence.

All nootropics are divided into 2 large groups:

  • "True" nootropics that have the only effect - improving memory and speech;
  • "Neuroprotectors" with antihypoxic, sedative, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant effects.

Nootropics have a primary effect, which is a direct effect on the structures of the nervous system, and a secondary effect aimed at improving microcirculation in the brain, preventing thrombosis and hypoxia. Nootropics stimulate metabolic processes in the nervous tissue and normalize them during ischemia, poisoning and traumatic injury.

Currently, pharmacologists are developing and synthesizing the latest nootropic drugs that have fewer side effects and are more effective. They are characterized by low toxicity and practically do not cause complications. The therapeutic effect of nootropics develops gradually. They should be taken continuously and for a long time.

New generation nootropics are used in various medical fields: pediatrics, obstetrics, neurology, psychiatry and narcology.

Mechanism of action

Nootropics have a direct impact on a number of brain functions, activate them, stimulate mental activity and memory processes. They facilitate the interaction of the right and left hemispheres, as well as the main centers located in the cerebral cortex. Nootropics rejuvenate the body and prolong life.

Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors are nootropic drugs that have received a second name due to their biogenic origin and effect on cellular metabolism. These medicines increase the utilization of glucose and the formation of ATP, stimulate the biosynthesis of proteins and RNA, inhibit the process of oxidative phosphorylation, and stabilize cell membranes.

Mechanisms of action of nootropics:

  • Membrane stabilizing;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Antihypoxic;
  • Neuroprotective.

As a result of the course use of nootropic drugs, mental and cognitive processes improve, intelligence increases, metabolism in the nervous tissue is activated, and the resistance of the brain to the negative effects of endogenous and exogenous factors increases. Cerebrovasoactive drugs also have a special mechanism of vasodilating action.

The effectiveness of nootropics increases when combined with angioprotectors and psychostimulants, especially in debilitated individuals.

Nootropic drugs are most often prescribed for the elderly and children. In old age, it is necessary to correct impaired functions of the intellect: attention and memory, as well as increase creative activity. For children, neurometabolic stimulants will help in the fight against mental retardation.

Main Effects

Nootropics have the following effects on the human body:

spectrum of action of nootropics

  1. Psychostimulating - stimulation of brain functions in mentally inert individuals suffering from hypobulia, apathy, psychomotor retardation.
  2. Antihypoxic - formation of resistance of brain cells to oxygen deficiency.
  3. Sedative - soothing, inhibiting effect on the body.
  4. Antiasthenic - elimination of symptoms of asthenic syndrome.
  5. Antidepressant - the fight against depression.
  6. Antiepileptic - prevention of convulsions, loss and confusion of consciousness, behavioral and autonomic disorders.
  7. Nootropic - stimulation of cognitive activity.
  8. Adaptogenic - the development of the body's resistance to the effects of negative factors.
  9. Vasovegetative - acceleration of cerebral blood flow and elimination of the main symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia.
  10. Lipolytic - the use of fatty acids as an energy source.
  11. Antitoxic - neutralization or excretion of various toxic substances from the body.
  12. Immunostimulating - strengthening the immune system and increasing the overall resistance of the body.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of nootropics:

  • Psychoorganic syndrome is a large group of diseases manifested by dystrophic changes in the nervous tissue. These include dementia of various etiologies, neuroinfection, epilepsy, parkinsonism, ischemic stroke, cerebral palsy.
  • Chronic alcoholism with withdrawal symptoms or delirium.
  • Addiction.
  • Correction of the neuroleptic syndrome.
  • Asthenia of neurotic or organic origin: asthenodepressive and asthenoneurotic syndromes, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, migraine, emotional lability.
  • Somatovegetative disorders.
  • Urinary disorders of neurogenic origin.
  • Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  • Neurosis-like and neurotic disorders.
  • Chronic psychopathology: neurosis-like disorders, schizophrenia, depression, oligophrenia in children.
  • Sickle cell anemia.
  • Organic brain syndrome in the elderly.
  • Complex therapy of ophthalmic pathology.

Nootropics are contraindicated in individuals with individual hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient of the drug, severe psychomotor agitation, hepatic and renal insufficiency or bulimia, as well as those who have had an acute hemorrhagic stroke, suffering from Hettington's chorea, having severe renal dysfunction, pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

Side effects that occur during treatment with nootropic drugs:

  1. hyperexcitability,
  2. Weakness,
  3. Insomnia,
  4. Anxiety, anxiety,
  5. dyspeptic symptoms,
  6. hypotension,
  7. Hepato- or nephrotoxicity,
  8. eosinophilia,
  9. Frequent attacks of angina pectoris
  10. Convulsions, epileptic seizures,
  11. imbalance,
  12. hallucinations,
  13. Ataxia,
  14. confusion,
  15. Fever,
  16. Thrombophlebitis and pain at the injection site,
  17. motor disinhibition,
  18. Feeling of heat and flushing of the face,
  19. Eruptions on the face and body like urticaria.

Description of drugs

List of the best nootropic drugs that have become widespread in medical practice:

  • "Piracetam" has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of dizziness, memory improvement, correction of dyslexia, cerebral stenosis and encephalopathy in children. "Piracetam" is an emergency remedy for withdrawal symptoms and delirium in alcoholics. It is used for viral neuroinfections and in the complex therapy of myocardial infarction.
  • "Vinpocetine" is a neurometabolic agent that dilates the vessels of the brain and improves microcirculation. The drug supplies the brain tissue with oxygen and nutrients, reduces systemic blood pressure. Vinpocetine tablets thin the blood and improve its rheological properties. The drug has an antioxidant and neuroprotective effect. First, the drug is administered intravenously by drip for 14 days, and then proceed to oral administration of tablets.
  • "Fenibut" is prescribed to patients with asthenia, neurosis, insomnia, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. Children "Fenibut" helps to cope with stuttering and tics. The drug normalizes metabolism in tissues, has a psychostimulating, antiplatelet and antioxidant effect. Phenibut is low toxic and non-allergic.
  • "Pantogam" is an effective nootropic agent widely used to treat children. The main active ingredient of the drug is vitamin B 15. This is a physiologically active substance found in almost all plants and products.
  • "Phenotropil" is a drug of the latest generation, which is popular with both patients and doctors. It has a pronounced adaptogenic effect and increases the body's resistance to stress. The drug does not cause dependence. It is often recommended to students during preparation for a session.
  • Fezam is a nootropic drug intended for the complex treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. It has an effective effect on the nervous system, improves brain microcirculation, dilates blood vessels, stimulates the functioning of the organ of hearing and vision. "Fezam" eliminates the effects of hypoxia, relieves headaches, fights against dizziness and amnesia. Persons who have had a stroke, encephalitis or head injury take Phezam for a long time. It helps patients recover quickly and eliminates the negative consequences of pathologies. "Piracetam" and "Cinnarizine", which are part of the drug, dilate the vessels of the brain, improve brain nutrition, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulate local blood flow, and reduce blood viscosity. Thanks to both components, the antihypoxic effect and antiplatelet activity are enhanced, the metabolism in the cells of the nervous system improves.
  • "Cinnarizine" is a nootropic drug that strengthens the walls of cerebral vessels and causes them to dilate without changing blood pressure indicators. "Cinnarizine" has a sensitizing effect, suppresses nystagmus and is an effective prophylactic against motion sickness. It dilates small arteries and peripheral capillaries. The drug is released in a single dosage form - in the form of tablets for oral administration. "Cinnarizine" is prescribed not only for the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, but also for the prevention of migraine attacks and kinetosis. The medicine stops the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia and hypertension: tinnitus, weakness, headache, dizziness. "Cinnarizine" is used to alleviate the condition in menopause. The drug normalizes sleep, relieves irritability, headache, eliminates hot flashes.
  • Cerebrolysin is a complex nootropic drug that has passed clinical trials that have confirmed its effectiveness and safety. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. "Cerebrolysin" is prescribed for the treatment of patients with various forms of mental and neurological diseases. According to reviews, "Cerebrolysin" activates the processes of mental activity and improves mood. Long-term use of the drug improves memory processes, increases concentration and learning ability.
  • "Actovegin" is an antihypoxant intended for the treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain and promotes rapid healing of wounds. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of radiation skin lesions, peripheral vascular disorders, diabetic polyneuropathy. "Actovegin" is produced in tablets for oral administration, as well as in the form of a solution for intramuscular, intravenous and intra-arterial injections. Gel, ointment and cream "Actovegin" is used topically.

Patient Nootropic Reviews

Most reviews of nootropic drugs are positive, due to their effectiveness in various vascular disorders. Nootropics normalize the condition of patients for a long time, eliminating the symptoms of cerebrovascular insufficiency.

Maria: The Phenibut drug helped me cope with a difficult life situation, which first made me fall into depression, and then completely deprived me of peace and sleep. I wanted to cry and scream all the time. Phenibut was prescribed to my child by a neurologist. After reading the instructions, I decided to drink it. The pills gave me back my sleep, peace and tranquility. Nervousness, irritability and anxiety no longer torment me. My child after treatment with Phenibut began to sleep better. He no longer gives me causeless tantrums. I would recommend this drug to people suffering from insomnia, apathy for everything, depression. For me, Phenibut is the best nootropic!

Oleg Anatolyevich: "Piracetam" is a classic, true nootropic drug that has had the most beneficial effect on my body. For many years I suffer from arthrosis, chondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Problems with the spine and blood vessels led to the fact that the brain ceased to regularly receive oxygen and the nutrients it needs. After the first three days of taking Piracetam, I developed drowsiness, which subsided unnoticed on its own, and with it anxiety, tension, and apathy. An amazing lightness appeared in the body. The brain began to work much better, attention and memory improved, working capacity increased. The mood improved noticeably and steadily, it became even and positive throughout the day. It costs a lot!

Dmitry: I have been suffering from headaches since childhood. And not so long ago there were panic attacks, heart palpitations, pulsation in the temples. The neurologist prescribed me the nootropic drug Phezam. You need to take it in a course of one tablet three times a day. I drank a pill during an attack, after which the pulse returned to normal, the headache disappeared, anxiety dulled. In addition, I noticed that Phezam is excellent for nausea, motion sickness and dizziness. I rarely drink this drug, but it always helps. I recommend it to anyone who is worried and often nervous.

Zinaida: I took Picamilon as a preventive measure. The body does not always recover quickly after physical or mental stress. Nootropics speed up the healing process. "Pikamilon" improves the mental state, increases the resistance of the nervous system to aggressive influences, is used for depression, heavy physical exertion. This harmless drug always helps me. In addition, it is excellent value for money. The cost of tablets "Pikamilon" is rubles, and the solution for injection - 120 rubles. In general, I'm satisfied!

Most reviews on the use of nootropics for children are positive. 10 days after the start of treatment, children's sleep improves, it becomes deep and long. They better focus on their studies and perceive educational material. The latest nootropics are well tolerated by children. The only disadvantage of this group of drugs is their ability to cause drowsiness and lethargy in the first days of treatment.

Nootropics: a list of drugs

Nootropics are a group of drugs widely used in neurology. They improve brain function and have many other positive effects.

Nootropics - what kind of drugs?

Nootropics are a group of psychotropic drugs that increase the resistance of the central nervous system to the action of negative factors - injuries, poisoning, oxygen starvation, insomnia, stress. Another name for drugs is cerebroprotectors.

Nootropics are combined in one section with psychostimulants, but they have a significant difference from the latter. They do not cause addiction, do not increase physical activity, are not harmful to the body, do not affect reactions and the most important processes. New generation nootropics are now widely used in neurology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and narcology. The mechanism of action of drugs is based on:

  • increased glucose utilization;
  • accelerating the formation of ATP, proteins and RNA;
  • suppression of oxidative processes;
  • stabilization of cell membranes.

The primary effect of nootropics is a positive effect on the nervous system. The secondary action is aimed at optimizing blood flow in the brain, preventing the appearance of blood clots, and preventing oxygen deficiency.

Types and functions of nootropics

The entire list of nootropics can be divided into 2 groups - true and neuroprotective. The former improve memory, speech and a number of other brain functions. The second ones are higher in efficiency, as they have additional effects - relaxing, calming, antihypoxic, etc.

Which nootropics are better to take, only a doctor can determine. There are different groups of drugs, each of which has its own indications.

Some drugs should be taken to improve metabolism in the brain, others are better for increasing cerebral blood flow, and others optimize memory and assimilation of educational material. Due to the difference in indications, the selection of drugs should be entrusted to a specialist.

To whom are drugs indicated?

Now nootropics are prescribed for adults and children, because the range of their use is very wide. Medicines increase physical activity, endurance, therefore they are shown to athletes, people engaged in physical labor. For an elderly person, they will help correct age-related changes in memory, intelligence, and disorders in dementia.

For schoolchildren, students, medicines will be useful for better assimilation of information during intense workloads, exams.

What other indications exist for taking medications? It:

  1. chronic vascular insufficiency;
  2. previous stroke and head injury;
  3. neuroses, neurotic disorders;
  4. vegetovascular dystonia;
  5. stressful conditions, depression;

Even with urinary disorders that are caused by nerve disorders, nootropics can help. They are also prescribed for anemia, diseases of the eyes, spine.

Most Popular Nootropics

In the ranking of cerebroprotectors, the first places are occupied by true nootropics without additional effects. Many of them belong to the drugs of past generations, but they do not give up their positions because of their high efficiency, low price, and availability. If we consider widely prescribed nootropics, the list of drugs will be as follows:

  1. Nootropil (Piracetam) - from 25 rubles. It is prescribed to almost all patients of neurologists, is available in solution, tablets. It improves the mechanisms of remembering information, has a positive effect on learning, increases the nutrition of the nervous tissue and glial cells. Also, the drug protects the brain from hypoxia, increases stress resistance. You can not take Piracetam with hemorrhagic stroke, with renal failure.

Semax is a unique cerebroprotector (nasal drops, from 400 rubles). It contains peptides that have a powerful nootropic, protective, antioxidant, antihypoxic effect.

What nootropics are still prescribed by doctors?

In addition to the drugs described, there are other cerebroprotectors recommended by doctors. For example, the drug Phenotropil (1070 rubles) is one of the best nootropics prescribed for asthenic syndrome, as a neuromodulator and anticonvulsant.

The drug improves mood, speeds up the exchange of information between the hemispheres, increases the threshold for pain perception and the body's resistance during periods of increased stress. The drug optimizes the quality of life in many nervous disorders.

Due to the psychostimulating effect, Phenotropil cannot be purchased without a prescription!

The list of nootropic drugs is impressive. Among the medical appointments you can find the following:

  1. Actovegin (600 rubles). It is indicated after strokes, with diabetic neuropathy, TBI, trophic pathologies, it is well tolerated by patients, it is allowed even for pregnant women.

Other well-known cerebroprotectors are Meclofenoxate, Aminalon, Bemitil, Calcium hopantenate, Neurobutal, Instenon, etc.

New generation drugs

Combination preparations containing several active ingredients are very popular now. The representative of the latest generation of drugs is Orocetam (from 500 rubles) - a derivative of orotic acid and piracetam. The remedy is used for severe injuries, intoxications, improves the metabolism of brain tissues, and prevents hypoxic phenomena from developing.

Another remedy is Phezam (piracetam and cinnarizine). The price of the drug is rub., It is indicated for migraines, headaches, after strokes, injuries, improves memory, normalizes brain function in dementia, decreased intelligence. In parallel, the drug dilates blood vessels, optimizing cerebral blood flow.

New generation nootropics are also widely prescribed in ophthalmology - they seriously improve the functioning of the optic nerve.

Among the combined cerebroprotectors, it is worth noting Thiocetam, Tanakan, Akatinol, Omaron, Olatropil, as well as derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid - Picamilon, Gammalon, Gamalate B6, Neuro-norm.

Nootropics for children

In pediatrics, only those drugs are used that have a minimum of side effects and contraindications. But in babies with long-term treatment, they can still increase nervous excitability, cause sleep disturbances, so the indications for admission are very strict:

  • developmental delay;
  • hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit;

Children are most often prescribed medicines Phenibut, Pantogam in syrups, an older child can be given tablets, capsules. Glycine, an amino acid related to the body, is considered harmless to the body. Also in pediatrics, Cortexin, Picamilon are used, to a limited extent - Mexidol, Neuromultivit. Course application corrects children's pathologies of the central nervous system and is a prevention of the progression of diseases.

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I have heard of many of these. But as for me, Bronchobos helps with coughing best. By the way I

I got rid of papilloma on the palm of my hand in just one day with the help of Celandine, I just applied it on it

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