How to get rid of small dandruff. How to quickly get rid of dandruff at home - effective tips. Traditional medicine recipes

If the anti-dandruff shampoo you use doesn't work for you, try the proven folk remedies for fighting dandruff at home and you will forever forget about those terrible white flakes in your hair.

How to get rid of dandruff?

Dandruff can appear as a result of dry scalp. Dry scalp, in turn, can be caused by a condition called seborrheic dermatitis. Dryness of the scalp also occurs with other diseases, such as: eczema, psoriasis, etc. In most cases, dandruff is caused by skin infection with a fungus called lat. Malassezia. Infection with a fungus can provoke alopecia. Anti-dandruff shampoos sold in pharmacies often contain zinc pyrithione, which is designed to fight fungal diseases and bacteria. Also in the composition of pharmaceutical anti-dandruff shampoos, ketoconazole is often present, which fights the fungus quite well.

What is in dandruff shampoos?

Anti-dandruff shampoos often contain other ingredients such as coal tar and selenium sulfide. These elements are able to slow down the growth and death of skin cells on the scalp. Salicylic acid, often found in anti-dandruff shampoos, loosens the scales well, making them easier to wash off. But there are often times when anti-dandruff shampoos bought at the pharmacy do not help. In this case, it will not be superfluous to try traditional medicine to easily get rid of dandruff forever at home. In this article, we will share the 10 most effective homemade recipes for fighting dandruff. So let's get started...

How to get rid of dandruff at home?

1. Aspirin

Aspirin contains the same active ingredients (salicylic acid) as many medicated dandruff shampoos. Take three aspirin tablets and crush them well into a powder. Add the resulting powder to your regular shampoo, shake the shampoo bottle well to mix everything. After an hour, you can start washing your hair with this shampoo.

Apply the shampoo to the hair as usual, but be sure to leave it on the hair for 2 minutes for the best effect. After you wash off our medicated (aspirin) shampoo, wash your hair with another regular shampoo.

2. Tea tree oil

Numerous studies have repeatedly proven the benefits of tea tree oil in the fight against dandruff. Shampoos with 5% tea tree oil significantly increase the effectiveness of this shampoo, so be sure to pay attention to its composition when choosing a therapeutic anti-dandruff shampoo. In the case of treating dandruff with home remedies, you can use tea tree oil bought at a pharmacy. Put a few drops of tea tree oil into your regular shampoo and use this shampoo as usual.

3. Baking soda

Baking soda can be very helpful in fighting dandruff. Wet your hair and rub a handful of baking soda into your scalp in circular motions. After applying soda to your hair, you can immediately begin to rinse with warm water without using shampoo. Baking soda reduces the overactivity of fungi that cause dandruff. If this procedure is carried out regularly, the sebaceous glands in the scalp will begin to come into order, producing natural fats. As a result, your hair will become softer and your scalp will receive the necessary moisture.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Studies show that apple cider vinegar can change the PH of the scalp, which helps fight dandruff by creating an unfavorable environment for fungus. Using apple cider vinegar to treat dandruff is very effective.

Mix 75ml. 6 percent apple cider vinegar and 75 ml. water. Pour the composition into a spray bottle. Apply the composition to the hair and scalp. After applying, wrap your head with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Wash your hair with regular shampoo afterwards. The procedure should be carried out no more than twice a week.

5. Mouthwash

This option is suitable for severe cases. Wash your hair with your regular shampoo, then rinse your hair with an alcohol-based mouthwash. Wash your hair with your regular conditioner afterwards. Alcohol-based mouthwashes have a good antifungal effect.

6. Coconut oil

Coconut oil can be a great help against dandruff, and coconut oil smells great too. J. Massage your scalp with coconut oil before showering. Take 4-6 tablespoons of coconut oil and apply to your hair. Massage the oil well into your hair and scalp in a circular motion. Leave the coconut oil on your hair for one hour. After, wash your hair as usual with your regular shampoo.

P.S. There are shampoos on the market that already contain coconut oil.

7. Lemon

Treating dandruff will help the usual lemon, which is in your refrigerator. Apply two tablespoons of lemon juice to your hair and scalp and rub it in well.

IMPORTANT! To avoid burning the scalp and lightening the hair, rub lemon juice for no longer than two minutes. After that, you need to wash the lemon juice from the hair with already diluted lemon juice, for this, dilute 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in a mug of warm water and rinse the lemon juice from the head with this composition.

Repeat this procedure daily until dandruff disappears. Citric acid helps to balance the pH level of the scalp. The natural pH level keeps dandruff under control.

8. Salt

Due to the abrasive properties of ordinary table salt, it is well suited for use as a "grater" that allows you to rub off dandruff from the surface of the scalp before using shampoo. Directly from the salt shaker, you can pour salt on dry scalp. Then rub the salt with massage movements.

Head massage is able to stimulate by “revitalizing” the capillaries and normalizing the blood circulation of the scalp.

After massaging your head with salt, use shampoo and wash your hair as usual.

9. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera will help in the fight against scratches, which inevitably appear during the itching caused by dandruff and dryness of the scalp. Through these scratches, fungi and infection can enter the bloodstream, which can cause other diseases of the scalp and hair.

Aloe juice should be rubbed into the scalp with massage movements before washing the hair. Aloe has a cooling effect and can soothe itching. After massaging the head with aloe juice, wash your hair with shampoo as usual.

10. Garlic

The antimicrobial properties of garlic are known to all. Such properties of garlic are ideal for eliminating dandruff. Crush the garlic and rub it into the scalp for 5 minutes. You can add some honey to reduce the bad smell. The procedure is carried out before washing the head. Wash your hair afterwards with shampoo.

11. Olive oil

An overnight hair mask with olive oil is very good at fighting dandruff. You will need 15 drops of extra virgin olive oil. Rub olive oil into the scalp in a circular motion and cover with a cap overnight. In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo as usual. For best results, you can use the shampoo already with olive oil in its composition.

These ways to deal with dandruff should help you. Be healthy.

Based on materials: //, Encyclopedia of Beauty.

Today I will talk about how to cure dandruff. What products and shampoos should be used to get rid of itching and flaking of the skin on the head? How to deal with adversity to get rid of it forever? To answer these questions, you need to know the nature of the phenomenon.

Hello my dear! Svetlana Morozova is with you. The question “how to cure dandruff” is asked by many people. Despite the abundance of shampoos and other products designed to save us from "snow deposits" on clothes, the problem remains. And this happens because not only external, but also internal factors are responsible for the occurrence of seborrhea. The answer to the question "how to cure dandruff" is directly related to the problem of internal diseases and constant stress.

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Host, Andrey Eroshkin. Health Recovery Expert, Certified Dietitian.

Topics for upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and so that the weight does not return again?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, in a natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from reappearing?
  • How to stop going to gynecologists, give birth to a healthy child and not grow old at 40?

Let's take a closer look at the questions raised.

Our strength is in knowledge

Let me remind you that the safest method to improve blood circulation in the face and skin on the head is gymnastics. With its help, you can get rid of fine wrinkles, smooth, improve color, get rid of under the eyes.

That's all for today.

Let's immediately clarify what dandruff is, and then it will be clear how to deal with it effectively. Dandruff, in fact, is epidermal cells, which, as a result of disruption of the sebaceous glands, are not washed off, but are exfoliated in groups. And they form the very “snow” on our shoulders. There is always a process of exfoliation. And to remove the scales, a person washes. This is the normal self-cleansing process of the skin. When it intensifies and we already see scales, this indicates a violation of the process. In this case, doctors talk about seborrhea (what we among ourselves simply call dandruff).

Getting rid of dandruff means curing seborrhea

There are several forms of seborrhea: oily, dry, mixed. There are also several reasons for its appearance. It can also be an early sign of autoimmune diseases (such as psoriasis). It could also be an increase in hormone levels. For example, an increase in the amount of the male sex hormone testosterone leads to an increase in the production of sebum, as a result of which a plaque (dandruff) forms on the head. It could also be a fungal infection. In principle, fungi always live on the skin, but during a “failure” (hormones, stress, etc.), they begin to grow at an increased rate and exert their negative impact. That is, in this case, in addition to disrupting the process of exfoliation of the upper layer of cells, there is also an inflammatory process. Therefore, itching of the scalp is a sure sign of a fungal disease. But all this can be fought. And quite simply and effectively. So, what are the ways to get rid of dandruff?

Fast/One Day: Shampoo

If dandruff is not a symptom of a serious illness, but is conditionally cosmetic in nature (for example, due to improper shampooing or hair coloring), then just go to the store and buy dandruff shampoo. But it is important to choose the right shampoo that would achieve the goal - dissolve and remove scales. It should contain acids (for example, salicylic, lactic - they help exfoliate). At the same time, keep in mind that if you have oily seborrhea, then you need to wash your hair every day. Unlike dry seborrhea, where daily washing will only bring harm instead of good.

If you wash your hair with dandruff shampoo, and it does not disappear, then this is not a cosmetic problem, but a disease.

Then you have a direct path to the pharmacy - for a therapeutic shampoo, which includes, among other things, antifungal drugs. More about it in the next chapter.

Folk remedies for dandruff: to each his own

Forever: drugs

In this case, complex therapy will help fight dandruff. It includes several components at once. First, antifungal drugs (eg, ketoconazole). Secondly, shampoos with antifungal drugs (octopirox, piroctone olamine) and exfoliating components (salicylic acid). These are the same therapeutic shampoos for seborrhea that are sold in pharmacies. The first 2-3 weeks they are used actively, then - as maintenance therapy. Thirdly, antihistamines (they have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve irritation). Fourthly, local ointments, if seborrhea has already passed into seborrheic dermatitis. Fifth, diet.

To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, give up fatty, fried, alcohol.

Increase the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet (they are especially abundant in fish, nuts), B vitamins (coarse bread, milk, cottage cheese, liver, cheese, eggs, cabbage, apples, tomatoes).

Good help is also provided by ozone therapy, cryomassage (with severe itching), mesotherapy (in the inter-crisis period).

Important! To get rid of dandruff, you need to wash your hair with medicated shampoos properly. Basic Rules:

Water should be warm - 36-37 degrees, since hot stimulates the sebaceous glands and contributes to a favorable environment for the reproduction of the fungus, and cool simply does not wash the hair.

Shampoo must be shaken before use so that the therapeutic component, which could settle at the bottom, is mixed with the main mass.

Shampoo should be applied with gentle massaging movements first on the scalp. And only then go down the entire length of the hair.

Hold the shampoo on your head for 3-5 minutes - for the effect of the active anti-fungal ingredient. Massage periodically to redistribute the shampoo over the scalp. Wash off with warm water.

At the end of the washing procedure, be sure to rinse with cool water - to narrow the vessels of the scalp and reduce sebum secretion.

In case of hyper-sebum of the scalp, you can first use a regular shampoo, and then a therapeutic one.

At home: folk remedies

Hair masks made from natural ingredients have long been recognized. And grandmother's secrets are still relevant today. If you want to cure dandruff at home and inexpensively, choose your folk remedy.

Beet juice. Apply freshly squeezed beetroot juice to the head. Wash off with shampoo after an hour. Better homemade: an egg, a pinch of borax (sodium tetraborate) and a little water.

Sea salt. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of natural sea salt (unflavored) in a glass of water. Apply to scalp and hair. Massage for a few minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Infusion of hop cones. Brew 1 tablespoon of cones with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes. Apply on the head. Wash off after an hour.

Apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio.

Vegetable oil and sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1:9.

1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and honey.

1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, honey, lemon.

1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon honey, lemon juice and fresh persimmon puree.

1 yolk, juice of 3-4 young nettle leaves, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 teaspoons of mustard oil and oatmeal flour.

1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and aloe juice, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil.

By the way, for the lazy: for masks, you can use only one of the ingredients, be it an egg, yogurt, black bread (dilute with water to a mushy state), aloe juice, castor, burdock, sea buckthorn, linseed, olive or jojoba oil.

Important! It is necessary to keep the masks on the head for 30-60 minutes so that the active elements have time to act. Apply to hair roots. After applying the mask, arrange a “bath” for your head - wrap it with cellophane, and on top with a towel. The course is at least 10 procedures.

Almost all of the above hair masks can be used not only in the treatment of dandruff, but also to improve the condition of your hair.

And remember, dandruff is just a symptom. For proper treatment, the cause must be identified. Of course, a doctor (dermatologist or trichologist) will help to cope with this.

How to quickly and effectively get rid of dandruff at home is a question that worries many people. If the hair has become dull and brittle, itching has appeared, and “snowfall” has fallen on the shoulders, dandruff (seborrhea) may be the cause.

The statistics are depressing: every fifth inhabitant of the earth suffers from dandruff. Everyone has dandruff in various forms, but some people get a lot of it. Itching, deterioration of the hair, marks on clothes, all this spoils a person's life.

To begin with, you should deal with the true symptoms of dandruff and seborrhea, since these two different concepts are usually combined into one, but this is wrong. For example, dandruff is a consequence of seborrhea, but it can also exist on its own, as a result of an improperly selected shampoo, after which the scalp becomes dry and begins to peel off.

Seborrhea is a more serious disease and requires long-term treatment, and unfortunately, there are times when it is only possible to alleviate its symptoms.

Important! There are some diseases that are similar in symptoms to seborrhea, such as psoriasis, so before taking any action, you should consult a dermatologist.

Seborrhea is divided into dry, oily and mixed types, and each has its own symptom.

For oily seborrhea, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • oily scalp;
  • affected areas of the head, dirty gray.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea are somewhat different:

  • thin, split ends;
  • dry scalp covered with white scales.

The mixed type, respectively, has both categories of symptoms.

Besides the fact that dandruff is aesthetically unpleasant, it is also a great danger to human hair. If seborrhea is not cured in time, it will cause damage to the hair follicles, as a result of which the hair will begin to fall out in significant bunches, causing baldness in advanced cases.

Causes of seborrhea

Dandruff is a consequence of many reasons, when it occurs, you need to consistently eliminate each of them. Below are the main reasons:

  • Malassezia Furfur-Pitirosporum Ovale - a fungus with such a beautiful name is an unpleasant cause of dandruff;
  • violation of the rate of metabolic processes in the body;
  • disturbances in the work of hormones;
  • diseases of the digestive system, respiratory system, nervous system;
  • the cause that cannot be corrected is heredity;
  • oily scalp, excessive work of the sebaceous glands;
  • malnutrition;
  • sudden changes in temperature from warm to cold and vice versa.

Therefore, do not forget about the headdress in winter and summer. In winter, to protect your head from hypothermia, in summer from the scorching sun. People suffer from "snow" for the following reasons:

  • aggressive actions on the scalp, for example, frequent blow-drying or curling curls with a curling iron;
  • infrequent or frequent shampooing;
  • adolescence, since in the puberty period the hormonal balance is being reconfigured, acne and seborrhea are a frequent companion of boys and girls;
  • nervous tension.

There are many reasons, but all but one (hereditary factor) can be solved. In some cases, it is enough to balance the diet, in others, consult a doctor about hormonal disruptions in the body.

Fact! In any case, this problem cannot be started, since seborrhea in the last stages can lead to complete baldness.

Errors in nutrition lead to a malfunction in the work of all internal organs of a person, metabolism slows down, that is, all metabolic processes in the body do not work correctly. If you regularly use products from the prohibited list, then soon you can expect dandruff to visit, in particular, the following foods contribute to the appearance of dandruff:

  • sugar;
  • yeast;
  • fatty food;
  • preservatives.

In order for the hair to remain beautiful and well-groomed, sometimes it is enough just to establish a diet and include some products in it:

  • oily fish;
  • nuts;
  • avocado;
  • linseed oil;
  • eggs.

All of these products will promote the growth of beautiful and healthy hair without dandruff, and beautiful, radiant skin will also be a pleasant bonus from including them in the diet.

Prolonged stress and seborrhea

A person's stay in stress negatively affects his health, one of such negative manifestations is seborrhea. And if the stressful condition persists for a long time, then the body releases hormones, the excess of which causes an increased secretion of sebum, including on the scalp.

It turns out a vicious circle, stress is manifested by seborrhea, seborrhea generates even more stress, since its main manifestation is itching, which interferes with sleep and normal existence. As a result, a person falls into even more stress, causing an increase in the symptoms of seborrhea.

Fact! Studies have shown that in 54% of cases of seborrhea, it was stress that triggered the development.

Thus, in order to get rid of dandruff caused by nervous strain, you should first solve the problem that caused stress, and then proceed to the treatment of dandruff.

External factors causing dandruff

Frequent dyeing with low-quality paints, constant blow-drying and curling with a curling iron, hair care with low-quality products can cause dry dandruff.

In such cases, it is obvious that in order to put your hair in order, you need to properly care for them, namely, periodically dry them naturally, choose hair cosmetics more scrupulously, and find a good hairdresser who will select high-quality hair dye.

Alternative medicine in the treatment of dandruff

There are a lot of ways to treat seborrhea with folk remedies, the main thing here is not to overdo it, but to choose your own working way to deal with this scourge. Sometimes a whole range of measures may be required.

All types of seborrhea respond well to treatment at home with herbs and improvised products.

Anti-dandruff lotion recipes

In the treatment of dandruff, herbal lotions have a good effect, they are easy to prepare, which is important for a working woman:

  1. An equal amount of castor oil, olive oil and lemon juice, mix, apply the composition to the hair roots, then wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Mix burdock oil, vodka, onion juice in equal amounts and rub into the hair roots, and then wash your hair in the usual way.
  3. A handful of walnut shells, 500 ml of alcohol diluted with water. Grind the walnut shell, pour in the alcohol infusion and let stand for a couple of weeks in a closed jar. This composition also massage the roots.
  4. 1 part carrot greens, 1 liter of clean water, 30 g lemon juice, 1 part mint. Cut the greens, mix it with mint leaves, pour boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then filter, add lemon juice, rub into the hair roots.
  5. Carpathian tea, brew with mint and rinse your hair with this composition.

Such lotions will not only help get rid of dandruff, but also significantly improve the condition of the hair. They should also be used for preventive purposes.

For the treatment of dandruff, it is best to apply a whole range of measures, so in addition to lotions, dandruff should also be treated with masks. Masks work more effectively if, after applying them to the hair, cover your head with a bag and wrap it with a towel. Below are some mask recipes:

  1. 50 g of vegetable oil, raw yolk of one egg, 100 g of nettle broth. Mix the vegetable oil with the yolk, then add the nettle, apply the mask on the hair and hold for 1 hour, then rinse thoroughly.
  2. Mask based on castor oil: twice a week, apply a tablespoon of warm castor oil mixed with olive or burdock oil to the hair roots, hold overnight and rinse. Castor oil is a powerful fortified moisturizer that fights itching and dandruff flakes. Usually, after 3-4 masks, the condition of the scalp improves significantly, after 5-7 dandruff completely disappears.
  3. Preventive mask against dandruff. Mix equal amounts of tincture of calendula and castor oil. Apply to hair roots and leave for an hour.

As you can see, almost all masks contain oils. Because essential oils are effective in the fight against fungus and have a disinfectant property.

How to wash oil from hair, a proven remedy:

  1. For medium length hair, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of flour, dilute it with a glass of warm water.
  2. Beat the mixture with a whisk, moisten your hair and wash your hair with the resulting “shampoo”.
  3. Hold it on your hair for 5 minutes, in some cases 10 minutes. And rinse your hair thoroughly with water.

There is an opinion that the oil dries the hair and makes it brittle and split. This is false information, as you should see for yourself.

The reasons may be, firstly, low-quality oil, and secondly, the oil can well wash off the remnants of silicones from the hair, which are part of hair care products. Hence the conclusion - oils are not to blame, competent hair care will fix everything, and oil masks will greatly help with this.

Essential supplements

For example, you can drop a couple of drops of essential oil to 30 ml. bases, the base can be peach oil or any vegetable oil and massage the hair roots for 5 minutes. You should also add 5 drops of oil to the shampoo, for example, noble laurel oil has a cleansing, deodorizing and tonic property. There are a large number of essential oils with the same properties, all of them can be purchased at a pharmacy:

  • lavender oil;
  • patchouli oil;
  • cedar oil;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree;
  • geraniums;
  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • tangerine;
  • basilica.

You can, of course, buy a shampoo, which will already contain these oils. But the best option would be to prepare the compositions of these oils yourself.

Anti-dandruff rinses

Easy-to-prepare infusions and decoctions can become additional helpers in the treatment of seborrhea, and it will be good if their use becomes a habit. And healthy hair needs extra care:

  1. Zest of four lemons, pour it with water (1 liter) and hold on low heat for 20 minutes. Rinse your hair with this decoction after washing.
  2. The same amount of chamomile and sage, 15 ml of lemon juice, 500 ml. water. Combine chamomile and sage, pour boiling water, soak for 20 minutes, then add lemon juice, rinse your hair with this infusion after the main wash.
  3. Birch leaves, pour water, insist and rinse your hair.

It should be remembered that rinses alone do not cure dandruff, but they work very well in combination with anti-dandruff masks.

To see the result of treatment with folk remedies, you need to be patient, since the treatment has a cumulative effect and recovery will come in about a month.

If you combine procedures with a diet and a healthy lifestyle, the result will appear faster.

Interesting! Dry seborrhea responds faster to treatment than oily seborrhea, as it is often the result of illiterate hair care. Oily type seborrhea will require more patience and effort.

What not to do in the treatment of seborrhea

There are components whose use can cause great harm, for example, mixtures with salt and vinegar.

Important! When preparing medicinal compositions for hair using vinegar, you can not use table vinegar, as it will burn the skin, you can only use apple cider vinegar.

The fact is that massaging the irritated scalp with salt will cause even more peeling. Salt massage, of course, will contribute to cleansing, after such a procedure, blood circulation will improve.

But when oil production fails on the scalp, any mechanical impact will make the problem even worse. The same can be said about vinegar. It is very good to use with excessive work of the glands. But dry skin at the same time becomes even drier, and this is unacceptable.

Also, for the same reasons, you can’t comb the scalp, yes, itching with seborrhea can be unbearable, but if you injure an already irritated skin, you can only aggravate the problem.

Dandruff is a disease, it cannot be cured with cosmetics. An anti-dandruff shampoo will work, but temporarily (while you use it), then the problem will return. It is better to go to the doctor once than spend money on shampoos an infinite number of times.

The chief doctor of the British chain of Saco salons, Olga Green, a dermatologist, trichologist, Ph.D., told us about how to get rid of dandruff once and for all.

“Dandruff is characterized by the appearance of flakes on the scalp. Today, dandruff no longer falls on the shoulders: it has disguised itself. This is primarily due to the widespread use of medicated shampoos that muffle the problem but do not cure it.”

Causes of dandruff

Hair coloring

“Dandruff can appear 3-4 days after dyeing your hair. As a rule, it is accompanied by itching and redness of the scalp. Usually this condition lasts no more than 2 weeks and goes away on its own. But if you constantly resort to staining with such paint, then in the end everything will end with allergies and chronic inflammation. If this happens, Dixidox DeLuxe Antidandruff Shampoo and Dixidox DeLuxe Antidandruff Lotion will help relieve symptoms. In a duet, these products not only eliminate dandruff once and for all, but also prevent its further occurrence, and also regulate the secretion of sebum (sebum).


The "wrong" shampoo

“Usually, peeling and itching after using the wrong shampoo appear immediately. In this case, change the shampoo, for example, to sulfate-free Luminox Shine Shampoo No. 001. It does not contain sulfates and parabens. The hair is nourished thanks to the special amino acids from oats and rapeseed contained in the shampoo, which give the hair a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
“Until you restore the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can forget about a healthy scalp. We advise you to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

bad carbs

“The relationship between the use of cakes, chocolates, sweets, pastries, croissants and the appearance of dandruff against the background of increased oily hair has already been proven. This is because light carbohydrates actively stimulate the work of sebaceous hair follicles. In this case, we recommend avoiding the use of "light" carbohydrates.

How to get rid of dandruff

Method number 1: mechanical peeling

Start exfoliating your scalp regularly as dandruff interferes with normal hair growth. For example, the Dixidox DeLuxe brand has a Dixidox DeLuxe Peeling mechanical peeling product, which is based on a complex of fruit acids and salicylic acid, plant extracts and apricot kernel powder. Due to natural fruit acids, superficial keratin scales are exfoliated, the scalp is moisturized and immunity is activated, and the skin becomes fresh, soft and velvety.

Method number 2: deep cleansing lotion

Try using special lotions. For example, Detox Deep Cleansing Lotion No. 004 contains a natural ingredient derived from yeast that helps remove cellular degradation products. Apply about 3 ml of lotion to dry or damp scalp. Lightly rub the preparation into the skin, making a gentle massage. Do not wash your hair immediately after applying the lotion, allow the healing components to penetrate deeper. If you are going to wash your hair, do it before applying the lotion, or no earlier than 4 hours after applying it.

Method number 3: chemical peeling

Peeling is the most effective way to fight dandruff. In salons and trichological clinics, there is a chemical peeling procedure based on glycolic acid, created specifically for the scalp. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, scalp peeling promotes deep cleansing of hair follicles. The Saco salon uses Time to grow 30% and 50% cosmetics.

Method number 4: a global approach to the problem

First, determine if your dandruff is dry or oily.

Dry appears a day or two after washing the head, there is a lot of it, it easily flies off, accompanied by brittleness, hair loss and itching of the scalp. The reasons for its appearance: hormonal problems, bad food, lack of vitamins, bad habits, bad cosmetics. If your dandruff is dry, then you need to start drinking vitamin complexes, which include B6 and PP vitamins, eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and seafood, and also use high-quality hair cosmetics.

Oily dandruff manifests itself later, on the third or fifth day, it is yellowish, oily to the touch, difficult to comb out. It appears due to the poor functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and impaired metabolism. To permanently get rid of oily dandruff, you can cleanse the body of toxins, give up fast food, fatty, sweet, carbonated drinks, lose weight if necessary, check your hormonal levels, try taking special drugs (by prescription) and make homemade masks against dandruff.

Remember: regardless of the causes of dandruff, it is necessary to consult a trichologist so as not to miss something serious.

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