How to measure acid-base balance. What does alkaline mean? What is acid-base balance

I don’t know about you, but for me the phrase “acid-base balance” is strongly associated with chewing gum advertising. The advertising slogans of Orbit and Dirol, which “will restore the acid-base balance,” have firmly stuck in my memory. At the same time, I never thought about what kind of balance it is and why restore it ... And the pH level I associate with Johnson Baby creams, which have pH = 5.5, which is great for a baby's butt))) Why is it so wonderful, I never thought about it either.

It turned out that the acid-base balance and pH level is a very important topic in the context of health! Many diseases arise precisely because of this imbalance. Moreover, by the pH level, we can understand whether we are at risk. About why the balance can be disturbed and how to restore it, I want to tell.

In this article, I will cover the following questions:

  1. What are health indicators?
  2. What is acid-base balance and pH level?
  3. What does pH signal as an indicator of health?
  4. Why is the acid-base balance disturbed?
  5. How to measure the pH level at home?
  6. How to restore the acid-base balance?

I heard very interesting information on this topic at a lecture by Natalya Dubinchina, a practicing specialist in visceral therapy. For those who don’t know, visceral therapy is an old Slavic technique for promoting health through various manipulations with the abdomen. That is, it is something like manual therapy, but here not the bones and joints are set, but the internal organs - through a deep massage of the abdomen. Such a massage allows you to remove the clamps and blocks that have formed in the internal organs - the spleen, kidneys, stomach ... The cause of such clamps is vasospasm, and the cause of the spasm - as always, the disease of our soul - experiences, resentment, fears, etc.

But back to the acid-base balance ... At the lecture, I learned that the acid-base balance is the most important indicator of a person's health. What does it mean?

I deeply share this philosophy: human health= 50% body health + 50% spirit health. body health determined by what we eat and how active we are. Spirit health is determined by how harmoniously we live with our inner self and our environment.

Indicators of the health of the spirit there may be, for example, wrinkles on the face - they signal experienced emotions. Or posture - how confidently a person carries his body through life. Or obvious emotions that a person demonstrates - frequent irritation, anger, tantrums ... Hidden indicators just the clamps of the internal organs are - we ourselves may not notice them, but the specialist will immediately determine where you have the clamp and what it means.

The main indicator of body health is, of course, the body itself - how slim it is, what condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth ... Also, an indicator of the health of the body is the waste of our life - the frequency of stool and the color of urine can say a lot about health. But hidden indicator is the acid-base balance. Moreover, this indicator can signal a lot!

2. Acid-base balance and pH level.

Acid-base balance is the ratio of acid and alkali in body fluids. What liquids are we talking about? Absolutely everything that is in the human body a: blood, lymph, intercellular fluid, saliva, gastric juice, bile, urine and others.

The human body is 65% liquid! And in a newborn baby - by 75-80%. Therefore, it is obvious that for the healthy functioning of the body, both internal organs and their condition and internal fluids and their characteristics are equally important! Or rather, even so: organs and fluids are not two separate components of the body, but this is our body, in which everything is interconnected - problems with internal organs necessarily affect the state of fluids in the body, and vice versa.

Like any internal organ, fluids inside the body also have certain characteristics, the deviation of which from the norm signals health problems. One of these characteristics is just acid to base ratio.

The measure of the ratio of acid and alkali is pH level. There is a standard pH scale with divisions from 1 to 14. How to interpret it?

  • A value of 7 means a neutral environment.
  • Above 7, an alkaline environment begins.
  • Below 7, an acidic environment begins.

In a healthy state, most body fluids are slightly alkaline:

  • arterial blood pH = 7.36-7.42
  • venous blood pH = 7.26-7.36
  • lymph pH = 7.35-7.40
  • interstitial fluid pH = 7.26-7.38
  • pH of the small intestine = 7.2 - 7.5
  • Colon pH = 8.5-9.0
  • pH of bile = 8-8.5
  • saliva pH = 6.8 - 7.4
  • tear pH = 7.3-7.5
  • pH of breast milk = 6.9 -7.5 etc.

Exceptions are urine and gastric juice:

  • Urine pH in the morning = 6.0-6.4, and in the evening = 6.4-7.3.
  • The pH in the stomach is very different depending on the part of the stomach: for example, in the lumen of the body of the stomach, pH = 1.5 - 2.0 (this is on an empty stomach), in the depth of the epithelial layer of the stomach, pH = 7.0, in the esophagus, pH = 6, 0 - 7.0.

An acidic environment is needed in the stomach to start chemical reactions and digest food.

By the way, human blood is 1.58 times more alkaline than the blood of a predator. An acidic environment is necessary for predators to quickly digest the meat of a killed animal, sometimes along with the bones!

3. Acid-base balance and health.

As we found out, most human fluids are slightly alkaline. Urine is more acidic. And only the juices of the stomach can be clearly acidic.

This is normal. In fact, most people have a very acidic body, and this applies to all fluids. That is, liquids that should be slightly alkaline move into the acidic zone. And urine becomes strongly acidic, that is, its pH approaches levels of 5-5.5.

This is a very bad signal because the more acidic the body, the more it wears out and the more often we get sick.

Acidification of the body is also called acidosis and alkalization - alkalosis.

That's why I didn't get sick at all when I went vegan (vegan food doesn't acidify)! It's not that I used to be a super sick person, but, like everyone else, I got sick 5 times a year, if not more. I mean runny noses in the off-season, or a sore throat, plus a couple of times something like SARS, sometimes bronchitis ... In general, a standard set ... Now I remember this as a distant past. Because I rarely get colds. It's great that such a bonus of a healthy lifestyle and veganism can be felt clearly and quickly enough. About half a year later, I noticed that I was not sick ...

Secondly, our body constantly trying to balance the acid-base balance and bring it back to normal, spending a lot of energy on this process. At the same time, absolutely all mechanisms (respiration, metabolism, production of hormones, etc.) are connected to remove caustic acid residues from the tissues and cells of the body without damaging living cells. If we constantly acidify our body (read below how we do it), then, accordingly, the body weakens and wears out over time.

Thirdly, in the process of balancing the acid-base balance, the body neutralizes the acid with alkali, and this leads to sad consequences. For example, the body leaches calcium and magnesium from the bones. And we are losing our valuable micronutrient reserves! Why calcium and magnesium? The fact is that acid can also be alkalized with magnesium sodium, but their number in the body is not much. Or potassium, but the body is smart and does not touch potassium, since its lack in cells can have a very bad effect on the life of the body. That is why calcium is used. Well, magnesium is always with calcium at the same time, since calcium is not absorbed without magnesium ...

So, the leaching of calcium from the bones leads not only to sad consequences for the bones themselves. In this case, an excess amount of calcium is released into the blood, and the excess calcium is deposited not back in the bones, but already in the kidneys and gallbladder in the form of stones. And the lack of magnesium, which is excreted along with calcium, can lead to a deficiency of minerals such as zinc, copper, potassium, silicon.

Blood acidification also causes agglutination of red blood cells, platelets, and oxidation of cholesterol, leading to blood clots and health problems in blood vessels. And acidification of the body can also affect the baby during pregnancy, since the amniotic fluid, which should normally be alkaline, can move into a slightly acidic zone, which leads to negative consequences.

In fairness, I note that the imbalance in the direction of explicit alkalization is also bad. But studies show that the body's resistance to alkalization is several times higher than to acidification. Yes, and there is a sharp alkalization much less often.

4. Why is the acid-base balance disturbed?

The main factor is food.

One of the main causes of acidification of the body is an excess of acid-forming foods in the diet, leading to the accumulation of acid deposits in cells and tissues. It turns out that each product to a greater extent either acidifies or alkalizes the body.

Therefore, it is more important and valuable from the point of view of health not to focus on proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories, as is customary now, but to evaluate food in terms of how it is digested by the body. Including in terms of whether it leads to the formation of an excess of acid or alkali in the body. If it does, then the body just has to take alkali somewhere to neutralize the acid as compensation, which, as we already know, is harmful.

Each product is, from a chemical point of view, a set of different substances, or components. Each of these components, when digested, releases either an acid or an alkali. Accordingly, in general, the set of these substances in each product taken also forms either an acid or an alkali to a greater extent. This reflects a special indicator -. When acid-forming components predominate in the product, the acid load is positive. And vice versa.

The acid load is measured in milliequivalents (mEg) per 100 Kcal or per 100 g. product:

Source: Estimation of the net acid load of the diet of ancestral preagricultural Homo sapiens and their hominid ancestors by Anthony Sebastian , Lynda A Frassetto , Deborah E Sellmeyer , Renée L Merriam , R Curtis Morris Jr.

* Note: Root vegetables are carrots, beets, radishes, etc. Tubers - 0 are potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.

Acid foods include:

  • meat, fish, poultry
  • dairy products, incl. cheese and cottage cheese
  • sweet (not fruit!): jam, chocolate, cakes, sweets
  • flour products (bread, pastries)
  • alcohol
  • sweet carbonated drinks
  • coffee, cocoa, black tea
  • vinegars, purchased sauces, mayonnaise
  • cereals (least of all - spelt, barley, brown rice)

It doesn't appear on the table, but one of the most acidic foods is soda, which has a pH of 2.47-3.1. I drank a glass and immediately started the process of acidification of the body. And any kind of sweets. And of course meat and eggs!

Alkaline foods include:

  • greens!!!
  • ripe fruits (including lemon, orange, etc.)
  • dried fruits
  • berries
  • vegetables (including tomatoes)
  • legumes
  • herbal teas

Especially alkaline are greens, lemon, cabbage, cucumbers, celery, zucchini, avocados.

In addition, the acidity of foods increases as a result of:

  • heat treatment
  • adding sugar (jam, fruit drinks)
  • adding acid additives and preservatives (vinegars, sauces)

But it should be noted that processed vegetables (for example, steamed) are in any case better than initially acid-forming foods, such as meat or eggs. And of course, processed acid-forming foods are the worst...


1. Acidic product ≠ acidic product! Sour foods taste sour or sweet and sour, while acid-forming foods can taste anything. A striking example is meat, which belongs to acid-forming foods, but does not taste sour. Or lemon, which tastes sour but is actually converted to alkali in the body. How to explain it? Very simple. This is due to the laws of biochemistry.

2. Alkaline are only fresh fruits and vegetables without extraneous additives and processing. For example, sweetened fruit juice becomes already acidic. Or canned vegetables also become acidic.

3. Only ripe fruits are alkaline. For example, a green banana is acidic, while a ripe banana is alkaline.

What about sour fruits?

Many mistakenly fear sour fruits (citrus fruits, apples, grapes, pineapple). In fact, as I mentioned just above, lemon and other acidic fruits do not have an acidifying effect on our body at all. Quite the opposite! If you look at the food acid loading table (a little higher in the article), you will see that meat, milk, eggs, soda form sulfuric acid during digestion. And fresh fruits are organic acids: citric, malic, tartaric, etc.

Organic acids are easily absorbed by the body and give exactly an alkaline reaction! The fact is that organic acids in the body easily break down into alkaline bases, carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide is then expelled through the lungs. And water and alkali enter the body.

So be sure - lemons and oranges will never acidify your body!!! For example, the pH of a lemon is about 9, which means it is definitely an alkaline product! The only exception is plum and prunes.

Of course, remember that everything is good in moderation. If you eat sour fruits in kilograms, then first, rinse your mouth after that (to take care of tooth enamel) and do not eat sweets immediately after sour fruits (after sour fruits, the enamel becomes softer, and bacteria that multiply in the remnants of sweets can enamel can be easily damaged). And one more thing - you can eat sour fruits themselves as much as you like, but it is better not to abuse freshly squeezed juices from them! In large quantities, they just can sour acidity.

What about water?

Normally, water should not acidify the body in any way! Acidic water is dead water! It should be neutral or slightly alkaline. The acidity of tap water and water in flowing reservoirs is usually close to PH=7.

But non-naturally carbonated sparkling water has an acidic pH!

Other factors.

It should be added that in addition to food, the acid-base balance can be disturbed under the influence of the following factors:

  • stress and all sorts of experiences
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • ecology (lack of fresh air)

5. How to restore the acid-base balance?

In order to restore the acid-base balance, and best of all not to disturb it, it is necessary to eliminate the negative factors under the influence of which our pH shifts to the acid zone:

  • Eat alkaline foods
  • Do not drink harmful sugary drinks (soda, packaged juice). Drink more plain water and moderately natural juices
  • Lead an active, mobile lifestyle
  • Strive to live in harmony with yourself and the world, minimize stress, resentment, irritation.

First of all, you need, of course, to think about the consequences of acidification of the body, to realize them and then to nullify the use of highly acidic foods. Their list is given a little higher in the article. These are mainly animal products - meat, fish, eggs, milk and "junk food" (mayonnaise, vinegar sauces, harmful sweets, etc.).

In my articles, I have repeatedly described why animal products are harmful to the human body. Violation of the acid-base balance is not another reason not to eat meat. This is essentially the same reason that I write about all the time, just from a new angle - animal food is very difficult for humans. The biochemistry of our body is arranged in such a way that we can easily and simply digest plant foods - nuts, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals ... They also contain the whole complex of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for a person. Meat is not fully digested by the body. It is digested only partially (at best, by 70 percent), the rest settles throughout the body in the form of toxins, polluting it and leading to diseases. Including one of the breakdown products of meat and other animal products is sulfuric acid, which acidifies the body and makes it spend a lot of energy on neutralizing this acid.

Eat plenty of healthy alkaline plant foods. It will not harm the body in any way! in addition to all the other delights of plant foods, you will provide the body with alkali in the right amount to avoid a situation where the body begins to take the missing alkali from its reserves - for example, bones.

In addition to food, to maintain health and normal acid-base balance, you need to do fitness and lead the most mobile lifestyle. During sports, the acid in the body breaks down faster and exits through the lungs in the form of gas. This is certainly not a panacea, but an additional factor to maintain your health!

6. How to measure the pH level at home?

I have great news for you. You can see for yourself what I wrote here without leaving your home!

To do this, there are so-called test strips to determine your pH level. With their help, you can easily and quickly find out the pH level of your urine or saliva. Blood pH can also be found, but not at home, but in the laboratory in order to avoid bloodshed))) That's why I call the acid-base balance an indicator of health. You can just sit at home and find out how your food affects your health!

You can buy these strips mainly through the Internet. In pharmacies, they also happen, but rarely, far from all. They may be called test strips to determine the acidity of urine or simply litmus papers to determine the pH. They cost a penny - less than 100 rubles. for 50 pcs.

It's easy to use them. You need to dip the test strip into the urine and that's it. The stripe will change color. You will need to find this color on the palette of colors painted on the packaging of the test strips. And draw conclusions. You need to do this either once a day in the morning. Or 2 times - in the morning and in the evening.

As I already wrote, in the morning your pH should be 6.0-6.4 (if higher, that's good!!!), and in the evening = 6.4-7.3. If you get a figure of 6.0 and below in the morning, and 6.5 and below in the evening, then this is a clear sign of a strong acidification of the body, which is bad. This means that you do not have enough alkaline reserves in your body to neutralize the acid that is abundant in your body.

The pH level of saliva should be in the range of 6.5-7.5. The optimal time for measuring the acidity of saliva is the first half of the day, from 10 am to 12 pm. Better on an empty stomach - 2 hours before or after a meal.

It's interesting to watch the pH change depending on the food you eat. For example, in the morning your pH was at 6.5. If you have been eating animal food all day, you will notice that the pH stays in the acid zone throughout the day. If you eat only plant foods, then your pH will be in the alkaline or very slightly acid zone. These changes can be memorized or recorded in a phone or notepad.

You don’t need to constantly measure the pH level, it’s useless. It’s just interesting and important to find out your indicators, understand that they really depend on the food you eat, and draw conclusions. After all, knowledge of the acid-base balance helps to feel the body better, keep it clean and healthy!

7. Conclusions.

Eat more healthy plant foods and especially raw green leafy vegetables and less foods high in animal protein, sugar and flour!

If you still eat a lot of acidic foods, then buy strips to measure your pH level. See for yourself that this food acidifies your body and makes it weaker!

And most importantly - be healthy!

What is it and what is it eaten with? How to check it? What violations of the bioenergetic balance in the body are. How to restore your acid-base balance of the body?

We will try to answer these and other questions.

When you have something or somewhere sick, then you go to the doctor. And the doctor prescribes the necessary medicine for you. The medicine is an acid-forming substance and causes your blood to clot. You will then be given another medicine that will not cause you stomach ulcers. Then, you will prescribe another medicine to relieve the constipation. And when you are constipated, it will cause a whole host of many other health problems as it indirectly impairs liver function.

Your immune system is compromised. Other diseases that may occur are diabetes, poor circulation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, thrush, and so on.

Then you are constantly prescribed in the pharmacy, because you need other medicines for every disease. Now this is the problem of your life. Do you see a vicious circle?

The main indicator of the state of human health is acid-base balance of the body or ABR (acid-base balance) equilibrium), as V.V. Karavaev called it. Most of the population of our ball suffers from disorders of the acid-base balance in the acidic direction. Acidification is more dangerous for the body than alkalization. It is much easier for our body to always acidify than to become alkaline. The alkaline resource of our blood is approximately 20 times more than acid. If we do not remove toxins from our cells, they can easily acidify the blood.

Our body clearly supports pH blood within certain limits, sacrificing our health. To alkalize the body, calcium is washed out of the bones through our kidneys. Back pain develops rapidly osteoporosis. Our muscles also suffer: with age, weakness and pain in them are observed. The work of the joints is disrupted. Acidified urine contributes to the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys.

The acidic environment of saliva in the mouth destroys the enamel and our teeth. The constant acidification of the body also causes headaches, blood pressure fluctuations, insomnia, anxiety, fluid retention and many other disorders. Cancer cells die only in an alkaline environment.

What can the acid-base balance of our physical body depend on? From nutrition and many external factors. Improper and immoderate food intake, the choice of harmful foods and drinks, unhealthy lifestyle, stress and nerves. All this affects the advantage KShchR to the sour side. This must be remembered.

Some doctors do not understand natural healing. You need to take control of your own body and your own health! Start it now!

Hydrogen indicator pH

The lives of most living beings depend on the correct level pH to sustain life. Your body is constantly working to maintain an appropriate level pH. The blood that flows through our veins must have a level pH within 7.35 — 7.45. Exceeding this range by 0,1 from the norm pH blood can be fatal.pH is a measure of acids and bases that plays an important role in our lives, from cooking to cleaning and watering in the country. Plants will grow better if they are planted in soil that is maintained at optimum levels. pH . pH sewage, drinking water should be within a certain range pH , established by state or federal regulatory authorities. This value is usually 5 before 9 pH . In all processes occurring in an aqueous solution, it is possible to measure pH.

Hydrogen showpH introduced by a Danish chemist Soren Serensen in 1909 year to determine the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution (pH+). The letter " H » Sorensen designated as a symbol of hydrogen ions, and the letter « p » he chose arbitrarily as an index, meaning "potential". That's why pH from Latin can be translated aspotentia Hydrogenii or pondus hydrogenii ("force or weight of hydrogen"). Later it was introduced pH-scale.

AT pH The scale indicates the acidity of liquids. The scale varies from 0 before 14 . Values ​​from 0 before 7 mean that this liquid is an acid, for example, it is lemon juice withpH = 2,0 or apple juicepH = 3,6.

When working with a liquid, chemists use the density of hydrogen ions to determine pH. When it changes pH by one unit, the concentration of hydrogen ions changes tenfold.

pH = -log , or more precisely pH = -log . In this form, the positive hydrogen ion is in aqueous solution. Index pH shows the acid-base balance of the solution.

Level pH measured: 10 in minus degree mole/ l (ion concentration H+ or H3O+ ). If the concentration of ions H+ rises, then pH will be lower. Pond with pH=6 contains ten times more acid thanpH=7 and 100 times more thanpH= 8 . Because on the other right half of the scale, that is, from7 before 14 , there is an alkaline liquid (lye). Can be washed in a strong alkaline solution. Soap haspH= 9-10 .

Ion concentration H+ and OH-

  • at pH > 7 alkaline solution (basic, ion concentration: C H3O +< C OH − )
  • at pH= 7 neutral solution (this is the pH of pure neutral water at 25 degrees Celsius, the ion concentrations are the same: C H3O + \u003d C OH - )
  • at pH< 7 acidic (sour) solution (ion concentration:C H3O + > COH - )

The higher the level of hydrogen ions in the solution, the lower the value pH and higher acidity of the solution.The density of hydrogen and hydroxide ions in pure water at a temperature equal to25 degrees Celsius is10 -7 mol / l (H + \u003d OH _) , those. ion concentrations are the same. If the level of hydrogen ions is higher10 -7 mol/l , this means that the substance has a low acidity and has an alkaline environment. It is important to note that the solution must be aqueous in order to have pH . It is impossible, for example, to calculate pH vegetable oil or pure ethanol. pH often used in practice when measuring the acid-base balance of various solutions and media, and it is convenient to use.

Examples medium values pH Wednesdays and solutions.

pH Ion concentrationH + or OH - (mol / l) Example Solution type (Which ions are more in solution?
0 1.0 rechargeable acid

Acidic (sour) solution (Hydrogen ions H + more)

1 0.1 gastric acid
2 0.01 lemon juice, orangenew juice,coca cola, vinegar
3 0.001 soda
4 0.0001 acid rain, tomato juice
5 0.00001 bananas, black coffee
6 0.000001 milk, urine
7 0.0000001 pure neutral water The solution is neutral (the number of ions is the same,H+=OH-)
8 0.000001 eggs, sea water

Alkaline (basic) solution (Hydroxy ions OH - more)

9 0.00001 baking soda
10 0.0001 milk of magnesia, Great Salt Lake
11 0.001 ammonia solution
12 0.01 soapy water solution, household bleach
13 0.1 stove and oven cleaner
14 1.0 liquid cleaning agent

Table medium values pH some materials , household substances and products .

Substance pH Medium type
Acid batteries 1.0


Stomach acidity (empty stomach) 1,0-1,5
Lemon juice 2,4
Coca-Cola drink 2-3
Vinegar 2,9
Orange and apple juice 3,5
Guilt 4,0
Spoiled milk 4,5
Beer 4,5–5,0
Acid rain < 5,0
Coffee 5,0
Shampoo 5,5
Tea 5,5
Rain (natural precipitation) 5,6
Mineral water 6,0
Milk 6,5
Human skin about 6.5
Water (depending on hardness) 6,0–8,5


Human saliva 6,5–7,4
Pure neutral water 7,0 NEUTRAL
human blood 7,4


Sea water 7,5–8,4
intestinal juice 8,3
Soap 9,0-10,0
Alcohol ammonia 11,5
chlorine bleach 12,5
Concrete 12,6
Caustic soda (caustic soda) 13,5-15

How does the human body regulate acid levels?

How to check the acid-base balance of the body?

How to determine the pH level easily and quickly. The acid-alkaline balance of the body can be both before and after meals. Compose your optimal food composition at the moment. Constantly check your pH balance by the intensity of breathing through the nostrils of the nose and regulate the dark pink conjunctiva by using acidic foods (fruits, berries and juices), breathing through the right nostril (closing the left one), warming the legs and massaging the back of the head.

Align acidosis and do prophylaxis to prevent it by applying the above procedures. Good luck with this.

We wish you good health always!

The ratio of acid and base in any solution is called acid-base balance (ABA), although physiologists believe that it is more correct to call this ratio the acid-base state.

KShchR is characterized by a special pH indicator (power Hydrogen - "power of hydrogen"), which shows the number of hydrogen atoms in a given solution. At a pH of 7.0, one speaks of a neutral medium.

The lower the pH level, the more acidic the environment (from 6.9 to O).

An alkaline environment has a high pH level (from 7.1 to 14.0).

The human body is 70% water, so water is one of its most important constituents. The human body has a certain acid-base ratio, characterized by pH (hydrogen) index.

The pH value depends on the ratio between positively charged ions (forming an acidic environment) and negatively charged ions (forming an alkaline environment).

The body constantly strives to balance this ratio, maintaining a strictly defined pH level. When the balance is disturbed, many serious diseases can occur.

Keep the right pH balance for good health

The body is able to properly absorb and store minerals and nutrients only at the proper level of acid-base balance. The tissues of a living organism are very sensitive to fluctuations in pH - outside the permissible range, proteins are denatured: cells are destroyed, enzymes lose their ability to perform their functions, and the body may die. Therefore, the acid-base balance in the body is tightly regulated.

Our body uses hydrochloric acid to break down food. In the process of vital activity of the organism, both acidic and alkaline decay products are required, and the former are formed more than the latter. Therefore, the body's defense systems, which ensure the invariability of its ASC, are "tuned" primarily to neutralize and excrete, first of all, acidic decay products.

The blood has a slightly alkaline reaction: the pH of arterial blood is 7.4, and that of venous blood is 7.35 (due to excess CO2).

A pH shift of at least 0.1 can lead to severe pathology.

With a shift in blood pH by 0.2, a coma develops, by 0.3, a person dies.

The body has different levels of PH

Saliva - predominantly alkaline reaction (pH fluctuation 6.0 - 7.9)

Typically, the acidity of mixed human saliva is 6.8–7.4 pH, but at a high rate of salivation it reaches 7.8 pH. The acidity of the saliva of the parotid glands is 5.81 pH, the submandibular glands - 6.39 pH. In children, the average acidity of mixed saliva is 7.32 pH, in adults - 6.40 pH (Rimarchuk G.V. and others). The acid-base balance of saliva, in turn, is determined by a similar balance in the blood, which nourishes the salivary glands.

Esophagus - Normal acidity in the esophagus is 6.0-7.0 pH.

Liver - the reaction of cystic bile is close to neutral (pH 6.5 - 6.8), the reaction of hepatic bile is alkaline (pH 7.3 - 8.2)

Stomach - sharply acidic (at the height of digestion pH 1.8 - 3.0)

The maximum theoretically possible acidity in the stomach is 0.86 pH, which corresponds to acid production of 160 mmol/l. The minimum theoretically possible acidity in the stomach is pH 8.3, which corresponds to the acidity of a saturated solution of HCO3- ions. Normal acidity in the lumen of the body of the stomach on an empty stomach is 1.5-2.0 pH. The acidity on the surface of the epithelial layer facing the lumen of the stomach is 1.5–2.0 pH. Acidity in the depth of the epithelial layer of the stomach is about 7.0 pH. Normal acidity in the antrum of the stomach is 1.3–7.4 pH.

It is a common misconception that the main problem for a person is the increased acidity of the stomach. From her heartburn and ulcers.

In fact, a much bigger problem is the low acidity of the stomach, which occurs many times more often.

The main cause of heartburn in 95% is not an excess, but a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

The lack of hydrochloric acid creates ideal conditions for the colonization of the intestinal tract by various bacteria, protozoa and worms.

The insidiousness of the situation is that the low acidity of the stomach "behaves quietly" and goes unnoticed by a person.

Here is a list of signs that make it possible to suspect a decrease in stomach acid.

  • Discomfort in stomach after eating.
    Nausea after taking medication.
    Flatulence in the small intestine.
    Loose stools or constipation.
    Undigested food particles in the stool.
    Itching around the anus.
    Multiple food allergies.
    Dysbacteriosis or candidiasis.
    Dilated blood vessels on the cheeks and nose.
    Weak, peeling nails.
    Anemia due to poor absorption of iron.

Of course, an accurate diagnosis of low acidity requires determining the pH of gastric juice (for this you need to contact a gastroenterologist).

When acidity is increased, there are a lot of drugs to reduce it.

In the case of low acidity, there are very few effective remedies.

As a rule, preparations of hydrochloric acid or vegetable bitterness are used, stimulating the separation of gastric juice (wormwood, calamus, peppermint, fennel, etc.).

Pancreas - pancreatic juice is slightly alkaline (pH 7.5 - 8.0)

Small intestine - alkaline (pH 8.0)

Normal acidity in the duodenal bulb is 5.6–7.9 pH. The acidity in the jejunum and ileum is neutral or slightly alkaline and ranges from 7 to 8 pH. The acidity of the juice of the small intestine is 7.2–7.5 pH. With increased secretion, it reaches 8.6 pH. The acidity of the secretion of the duodenal glands - from pH 7 to 8 pH.

Large intestine - slightly acidic (5.8 - 6.5 pH)

This is a slightly acidic environment, which is maintained by normal microflora, in particular, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and propionobacteria due to the fact that they neutralize alkaline metabolic products and produce their acidic metabolites - lactic acid and other organic acids. By producing organic acids and lowering the pH of the intestinal contents, the normal microflora creates conditions under which pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms cannot multiply. That is why streptococci, staphylococci, klebsiella, clostridia fungi and other “bad” bacteria make up only 1% of the entire intestinal microflora of a healthy person.

Urine - predominantly slightly acidic (pH 4.5-8)

When eating with animal proteins containing sulfur and phosphorus, acid urine is mainly excreted (pH less than 5); in the final urine there is a significant amount of inorganic sulfates and phosphates. If the food is mainly dairy or vegetable, then the urine tends to be alkalized (pH over 7). The renal tubules play a significant role in maintaining acid-base balance. Acidic urine will be excreted in all conditions leading to metabolic or respiratory acidosis as the kidneys compensate for shifts in acid-base balance.

Skin - slightly acidic (pH 4-6)

If the skin is prone to oiliness, the pH value may approach 5.5. And if the skin is very dry, the pH can be as high as 4.4.

The bactericidal property of the skin, which gives it the ability to resist microbial invasion, is due to the acid reaction of keratin, the peculiar chemical composition of sebum and sweat, and the presence of a protective water-lipid mantle with a high concentration of hydrogen ions on its surface. The low molecular weight fatty acids included in its composition, primarily glycophospholipids and free fatty acids, have a bacteriostatic effect that is selective for pathogenic microorganisms.

Sex organs

The normal acidity of a woman's vagina ranges from 3.8 to 4.4 pH and averages between 4.0 and 4.2 pH.

At birth, a girl's vagina is sterile. Then, within a few days, it is populated by a variety of bacteria, mainly staphylococci, streptococci, anaerobes (that is, bacteria that do not require oxygen to live). Before the onset of menstruation, the acidity level (pH) of the vagina is close to neutral (7.0). But during puberty, the walls of the vagina thicken (under the influence of estrogen, one of the female sex hormones), the pH drops to 4.4 (i.e., the acidity increases), which causes changes in the vaginal flora.

The uterine cavity is normally sterile, and the entry of pathogens into it is prevented by lactobacilli that inhabit the vagina and maintain the high acidity of its environment. If for some reason the acidity of the vagina shifts towards alkaline, the number of lactobacilli drops sharply, and in their place other microbes develop that can enter the uterus and lead to inflammation, and then to problems with pregnancy.


The normal level of semen acidity is between 7.2 and 8.0 pH. An increase in the pH level of sperm occurs during an infectious process. A sharply alkaline reaction of sperm (acidity of about 9.0–10.0 pH) indicates a pathology of the prostate gland. With blockage of the excretory ducts of both seminal vesicles, an acid reaction of sperm is noted (acidity 6.0-6.8 pH). The fertilizing ability of such sperm is reduced. In an acidic environment, spermatozoa lose their mobility and die. If the acidity of the seminal fluid becomes less than 6.0 pH, the spermatozoa completely lose their mobility and die.

Cells and interstitial fluid

In the cells of the body, the pH value is about 7, in the extracellular fluid - 7.4. Nerve endings that are outside the cells are very sensitive to changes in pH. With mechanical or thermal damage to tissues, the cell walls are destroyed and their contents enter the nerve endings. As a result, the person feels pain.

Scandinavian researcher Olaf Lindal did the following experiment: using a special needleless injector, a very thin stream of a solution was injected through the skin of a person, which did not damage the cells, but acted on the nerve endings. It was shown that it is hydrogen cations that cause pain, and with a decrease in the pH of the solution, the pain intensifies.

Similarly, a solution of formic acid directly "acts on the nerves", which is injected under the skin by stinging insects or nettles. The different pH values ​​of tissues also explain why a person feels pain in some inflammations, and not in others.

Interestingly, injecting pure water under the skin caused particularly severe pain. This phenomenon, strange at first glance, is explained as follows: cells, upon contact with pure water, rupture as a result of osmotic pressure and their contents act on the nerve endings.

Table 1. Hydrogen indicators for solutions

RN solution

Gastric juice 1.6

Tartaric acid 2.0

Citric acid 2.1

Lemon juice 2.3

Lactic acid 2.4

Salicylic acid 2.4

Table vinegar 3.0

Grapefruit juice 3.2

Apple juice 3.8

Urine 4.8-7.5

Black coffee 5.0

Saliva 7.4-8

Milk 6.7

Blood 7.35-7.45

Bile 7.8-8.6

Ocean water 7.9-8.4

Fish eggs and fry are especially sensitive to changes in the pH of the medium. The table allows a number of interesting observations to be made. pH values, for example, immediately show the comparative strength of acids and bases. A strong change in the neutral medium is also clearly visible as a result of the hydrolysis of salts formed by weak acids and bases, as well as during the dissociation of acid salts.

Urine pH is not a good indicator of overall body pH, and it is not a good indicator of overall health.

In other words, no matter what you eat and at any urine pH, you can be absolutely sure that your arterial blood pH will always be around 7.4.

When a person consumes, for example, acidic foods or animal protein, under the influence of buffer systems, the pH shifts to the acid side (becomes less than 7), and when using, for example, mineral water or plant foods, it shifts to the alkaline side (becomes more than 7). Buffer systems keep the pH in the acceptable range for the body.

By the way, doctors say that we tolerate the shift to the acid side (the same acidosis) much easier than the shift to the alkaline side (alkalosis).

It is impossible to shift the pH of the blood by any external influence.


1. Buffer systems of blood (carbonate, phosphate, protein, hemoglobin)

This mechanism operates very quickly (fractions of a second) and therefore belongs to the rapid mechanisms for regulating the stability of the internal environment.

Bicarbonate blood buffer is quite powerful and the most mobile.

One of the important buffers of blood and other body fluids is the bicarbonate buffer system (HCO3/СО2): СO2 + H2O ⇄ HCO3- + H+ The main function of the blood bicarbonate buffer system is the neutralization of H+ ions. This buffer system plays a particularly important role because the concentrations of both buffer components can be adjusted independently of each other; [CO2] - by breathing, - in the liver and kidneys. Thus, it is an open buffer system.

The hemoglobin buffer system is the most powerful.

It accounts for more than half of the buffer capacity of the blood. The buffer properties of hemoglobin are due to the ratio of reduced hemoglobin (HHb) and its potassium salt (KHb).

Plasma proteins, due to the ability of amino acids to ionize, also perform a buffer function (about 7% of the buffer capacity of blood). In an acidic environment, they behave like acid-binding bases.

The phosphate buffer system (about 5% of the buffer capacity of the blood) is formed by inorganic blood phosphates. Acid properties are monobasic phosphate (NaH2P04), and bases are dibasic phosphate (Na2HP04). They function on the same principle as bicarbonates. However, due to the low content of phosphates in the blood, the capacity of this system is small.

2. Respiratory (pulmonary) system of regulation.

Due to the ease with which the lungs regulate CO2 concentration, this system has a significant buffering capacity. Removal of excess amounts of CO2, regeneration of bicarbonate and hemoglobin buffer systems are easy.

At rest, a person emits 230 ml of carbon dioxide per minute, or about 15,000 mmol per day. When carbon dioxide is removed from the blood, an approximately equivalent amount of hydrogen ions disappears. Therefore, breathing plays an important role in maintaining the acid-base balance. So, if the acidity of the blood increases, then an increase in the content of hydrogen ions leads to an increase in pulmonary ventilation (hyperventilation), while carbon dioxide molecules are excreted in large quantities and the pH returns to normal levels.

An increase in the content of bases is accompanied by hypoventilation, resulting in an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood and, accordingly, the concentration of hydrogen ions, and the shift in the reaction of the blood to the alkaline side is partially or completely compensated.

Consequently, the external respiration system is quite quickly (within a few minutes) able to eliminate or reduce pH shifts and prevent the development of acidosis or alkalosis: an increase in lung ventilation by 2 times increases blood pH by about 0.2; reducing ventilation by 25% can reduce the pH by 0.3-0.4.

3. Renal (excretory system)

Acts very slowly (10-12 hours). But this mechanism is the most powerful and is able to completely restore the pH of the body by removing urine with alkaline or acidic pH values. The participation of the kidneys in maintaining acid-base balance consists in removing hydrogen ions from the body, reabsorbing bicarbonate from the tubular fluid, synthesizing bicarbonate in case of its deficiency and removal in excess.

The main mechanisms for reducing or eliminating shifts in blood acid-base balance realized by kidney nephrons include acidogenesis, ammoniogenesis, phosphate secretion, and K+,Ka+-exchange mechanism.

The mechanism of blood pH regulation in the whole organism consists in the joint action of external respiration, blood circulation, excretion and buffer systems. So, if as a result of the increased formation of H2CO3 or other acids, excess anions appear, they are first neutralized by buffer systems. In parallel, breathing and blood circulation are intensified, which leads to an increase in the release of carbon dioxide by the lungs. Non-volatile acids, in turn, are excreted in the urine or sweat.

Normally, blood pH can change only for a short time. Naturally, with damage to the lungs or kidneys, the body's functional capabilities to maintain pH at the proper level are reduced. If a large amount of acidic or basic ions appears in the blood, only buffer mechanisms (without the help of excretion systems) will not keep the pH at a constant level. This leads to acidosis or alkalosis.published

© Olga Butakova "Acid-base balance is the basis of life"

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The term metabolic acidosis is understood as a pathological condition expressed in violation of the acid-base balance in the blood. The deviation is in favor of oxidation (acidosis), and this is one of the most common and dangerous changes in the condition.

Acid-base balance of the human body

The ratio of alkali and acid in any solution is called acid-base balance (ABA). It is characterized by a special indicator - pH (from the English power Hydrogen - "power of hydrogen"), which names the number of hydrogen atoms in the solution. A neutral environment is an indicator of 7.0, if the level is lower, the environment is more acidic, if the level is higher, it is alkaline. With the right proportion of acids, the pH of the blood is 7.365, that is, it is slightly alkaline. Achieving the right balance is a complex process, it is helped to regulate the right habits.

How to check the acid-base balance of the body?

You can learn about the state of the body by the state of the blood. AFR varies with age, physical activity, metabolic type, and other factors. Those who care about their health are interested in the question: how to determine the acid-base balance of the body? You can do this in several ways:

  1. With the help of special electronic devices– at home or medical institutions. The device picks up from the artery required amount blood and displays the result on the screen.
  2. indicator paper- another simple device. Getting into an alkaline or acid solution, it changes its color, indicating a deviation from the norm.
  3. Conjunctiva staining capable of relatively accurate determination of the ARC. The darker it is, the higher the alkalinity. Scarlet color indicates normal pH.
  4. By measuring the pressure (lower) and pulse, you can also determine the pH of the blood - the norm or deviation will show their ratio. When the pressure is greater than the pulse, this indicates the alkalinity of the blood, if less, its acidity.

Metabolic acidosis - what is it?

Pathological oxidation of the blood, known as metabolic acidosis - what is it in adults? Against the background of poor excretion of organic acids from the body or their poor-quality oxidation, this disease develops. Acidic foods accumulate in tissues. Depending on the provocateurs of the phenomenon and the severity, several types of violations are distinguished (according to hydrogen indicators):

  • compensated (pH = 7.35);
  • subcompensated (the indicator varies from 7.25 to 7.34);
  • decompensated (pH = 7.25 and below).

Independently metabolic (of any kind) acidosis cannot develop and is always the result of some kind of disease. According to another classification, three types of pathology are called:

  1. Ketoacidosis- diabetic and non-diabetic. It is formed against the background of diabetes mellitus or other underlying causes.
  2. Hyperchloraemic origin- a consequence of insufficient content or loss of sodium bicarbonate (for example, as a result of diarrhea).
  3. lactic acidosis, which is a large accumulation of lactic acid.

Compensated metabolic acidosis

Metabolic acidosis is a pathology of a compensated type. It is characterized by a change in the absolute amounts of the components of the carbonate buffer. Physiological compensation mechanisms do not allow pH to move beyond the physiological norm. There is an increase in respiration, pressure and heart rate at a pH of 7.35 (virtually unchanged). The ratio of carbonic acid and sodium salt of this acid remains within the normal range, it is 20:1.

Acidosis of uncompensated type has other indicators. The absolute amount of sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid, their ratio changes. The compensation effect is insufficient, the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, and this leads to a decrease in blood pH, acidosis becomes decompensated. The work of the gastrointestinal tract, the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, and so on is disrupted.

Metabolic acidosis - causes

When metabolic acidosis is diagnosed, the pathogenesis is as follows: the concentration of bicarbonate in the blood plasma decreases, and the concentration of chloride anions, on the contrary, increases. Potassium cations leave the cell, sodium and hydrogen cations are exchanged. Excess potassium is excreted in the urine, but intracellular hypokalemia is formed. Acidification of the body is provoked by various adverse factors. Metabolic acidosis develops for various reasons. Among them:

  • unhealthy lifestyle, addiction to alcohol and smoking;
  • prolonged starvation or, conversely, an excess of fat in food;
  • impaired renal function;
  • insulin deficiency, ;
  • the presence of heart and oncological diseases;
  • drug overdose and other factors.

Metabolic acidosis - symptoms

As a rule, the symptoms of a pathological condition are inextricably linked with the signs of the underlying disease. It is difficult to differentiate them. If acute metabolic acidosis is observed, symptoms appear, and if chronic, it proceeds secretly. In a mild form, acidosis is almost asymptomatic, only nausea and fatigue can be observed. In severe cases, symptoms such as:

  • shortness of breath, rapid breathing even at rest;
  • unpleasant ;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • slowing heart rate;
  • shock and other signs.

Metabolic acidosis - treatment

Therapy for a violation of the GSC begins with a quick and accurate diagnosis. The doctor should practice an integrated approach: carefully study the medical history and interview the patient in detail to draw up a symptomatic picture of the disease, collect an anamnesis that will help identify predisposing factors for the development of pathology. The doctor evaluates the condition of the skin, measures pressure, body temperature, heart rate. If necessary, the following laboratory tests are carried out:

  • blood test clinical and biochemical;
  • study of blood serum;
  • assessment of base bb - whole plasma.

With adequate and early diagnosis, the restoration of the acid-base balance of the body occurs in a short time. Correction of acidosis is carried out by conservative methods, with the help of drugs and the use of therapeutic methods: adherence to the correct diet, oxygen inhalation, intravenous glucose administration and other methods.

Medications for metabolic acidosis

Correction of metabolic acidosis involves the use of drugs that contain electrolytes and sodium bicarbonate, B vitamins, solutions that have an anti-ketone effect and drugs that normalize the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, patients are prescribed:

  • Trisol;
  • Disol;
  • Domperidone;
  • Sterofundin;
  • Xylate;
  • Metroclopramide and other drugs.

Nutrition for metabolic acidosis

Knowing how to normalize the acid-base balance of the body, doctors prescribe a sparing diet along with medication. It is necessary in order to reduce fluid loss (especially if associated with diarrhea and vomiting) and improve digestion and digestion of food. Nutrition should be balanced, and the menu should be high-calorie. The diet should contain foods high in carbohydrates and be as low as possible fatty foods.

Here are some tips to help you balance:

  1. Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  2. Do not forget about the water balance (2 liters of water per day).
  3. Replace fatty pork with lean meats.
  4. Avoid alcohol and coffee.
  5. Reduce your sugar intake.

Metabolic acidosis - consequences

Chronic and acute metabolic acidosis have an ambiguous prognosis. Therapy and its success completely depend on the disease that provoked the disease, the severity of its course. In addition, timely treatment is important. The worst thing that can complicate a pathological condition is the occurrence of a coma, leading to death. Such serious consequences can occur in the absence of proper treatment.

When metabolic acidosis is noticed in a timely manner, the necessary therapy is identified and carried out (mainly to eliminate the underlying disease that provoked the pathology), complications can be avoided. Violation of the acid-base balance is eliminated on the first day after the start of treatment. A week later, the patient is completely healthy.

From this article you will learn:
The more sour, the older?
About drinks - healers.
What to eat for health?

What is pH?
The ratio of acid and base in any solution is called acid-base balance (ABA), although physiologists believe that it is more correct to call this ratio the acid-base state. KShchR is characterized by a special pH indicator (power Hydrogen - "power of hydrogen"), which shows the number of hydrogen atoms in a given solution.

Acid-base balance is our indicator of health. The more acidic we are, the sooner we age and the more we get sick. You have probably heard about antioxidants, that you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables in order to protect your cells from stress, aging and death, and your body from oxidation. And that water and fresh vegetable food helps us to keep youth and beauty.

Let's take a closer look at the topic and find out how seriously environmental factors affect the quality and duration of our lives. Further - figures, facts and practical advice.

The main cause of disease today is an excess of acid-forming foods in our diet, leading to the accumulation of acidic deposits in cells and tissues. Cancer cells and other diseases can only develop in an acidic environment. Even the common cold virus is difficult to survive in an alkaline environment.

Has a substance of an acidic or alkaline nature, is determined by the value of PH (means potential hydrogen). The standard pH scale is graduated from 1 to 14 units, 7 is taken as a neutral value. A substance with a pH less than 7 is acidic, and a substance with a pH greater than 7 is alkaline.

At a pH of 7.0, they speak of a neutral environment, the lower the pH level, the more acidic the environment is from (6.9 to 0). An alkaline environment has a high pH level from (7.1 to 14). The pH value depends on the ratio between positively charged ions (forming an acidic environment) and negatively charged ions (forming an alkaline environment). The body is constantly trying to balance this ratio, maintaining a strictly defined level of pH. When the balance is disturbed, many serious diseases can occur. Check your acid-base balance with test strips.

It is very important to pay attention to the change in the pH level of the internal environment of the body in time and, if necessary, take urgent measures. With the help of pH test strips, you can easily, quickly and accurately determine the pH level without leaving your home. If the pH level of urine fluctuates between 6.0-6.4 in the morning and 6.4-7.0 in the evening, then your body is functioning normally. If the pH level in saliva remains between 6.4-6.8 throughout the day, this also indicates the health of your body. The most optimal pH level of saliva and urine is slightly acidic, in the range of 6.4-6.5. The best time to measure the pH level is one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal. Check the pH level 2 times a week 2-3 times a day.

When applied to nutrition, natural foods such as fruits and vegetables are alkaline-forming only to a moderate degree. Animal protein foods are acid-forming to a very high degree.

If the ideal balance of alkali-forming and acid-forming products is maintained in the diet, then the resulting alkalis and acids neutralize each other and leave a PH - neutral precipitate.

In a healthy body there are reserves of alkaline elements - a kind of bank account. And if we eat a piece of meat, alkaline substances are automatically removed from the body's reserves to neutralize it. But if we eat meat constantly, then these reserves are quickly depleted, and the body loses the ability to neutralize the resulting acids. To continue the analogy with a bank account, it's like withdrawing money from the account endlessly without replenishing it.

To ensure regular replenishment and maintenance of alkaline reserves, the 80/20 rule must be followed. According to this rule, 80% of the foods we consume should be alkaline-forming, and 20% acid-forming.

When you first urinate in the morning, check the acidity of the urine using a pH indicator - a piece of specially treated paper. If the pH level is 5.5 or less, then the acidity level is high and your body needs alkalizing. Morning urine should have a pH of 6. Most people with joint pain have a pH of 4.5, which means that a lot of uric acid precipitates overnight. This can cause severe pain in the morning. During the day, the pH of the urine tends to rise as the acid deposits are neutralized and the patient feels better.

To alkalize urine, mix two parts baking soda and one part sodium potassium mixture in a glass jar. Dissolve a teaspoon of this topless mixture in a glass of water (not cold) and drink before bed (not earlier than 2 hours after dinner). Drink everything at once if possible. The next morning, the urine pH should rise to 6. If this does not happen, increase the dosage to a spoonful with a top.

Check the pH from time to time, as to maintain the pH = 6, you will have to gradually reduce the dose. If you alkalize your urine before bed, the pH of your urine will not drop too low overnight. This will reduce the deposition of salts in the joints and will not allow the dissolved kidney crystals to crystallize again, forming new stones.

Increased acidity in the body.

An imbalance in the pH of the body in most people manifests itself in the form of increased acidity (the condition Acidosis). In this state, the body does not absorb minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium, which, due to excess acidity, are excreted from the body. Vital organs suffer from a lack of minerals. Acidosis not detected in time can harm the body imperceptibly, but constantly for several months and even years. Alcohol abuse often leads to acidosis. Acidosis can occur as a complication of diabetes.

Acidosis can cause the following problems:
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system
- Diseases of the kidneys and bladder, the formation of stones.
- Decreased immunity
- Increased harmful effects of free radicals, which can contribute to oncogenesis.
- Fragility of bones up to a fracture of the femoral neck, as well as other disorders of the musculoskeletal system, such as the formation of osteophytes (spurs).
- The appearance of joint pain and pain in the muscles associated with the accumulation of lactic acid.

Increased alkali content in the body.

With an increased content of alkali in the body, and this condition is called Alkalosis, the absorption of minerals is disturbed. Food is absorbed much more slowly, which allows toxins to penetrate from the digestive tract into the blood. The increased content of alkali in the body is dangerous and difficult to correct. As a rule, it is the result of the use of medicines containing alkalis.

* * *
As I said, the pH level of blood and other fluids in our body should fluctuate. from 7.35 to 7.45. The average blood pH of a healthy person is 7.42. What do these numbers depend on? First of all, from nutrition and external factors.

Inattentive attitude to food, choice of unhealthy food, harmful drinks and other factors - smoking, alcohol, stress. All these aspects contribute to lowering the pH.

We eat and drink every day, we inhale tobacco smoke next to a smoking person or smoke ourselves, we are nervous because of a mortgage, emergency work at work, antics of our children or relationships in the family. All this does not add to us either youth or health. It is clear that it will not be possible to influence all factors at once, but today we can start small. Start thinking and consciously choose drinks and food. Just this one small step will allow you to improve your health by an order of magnitude.

All foods are divided into acidic and alkaline.
Familiar to us: potatoes (old), any starchy vegetables, unripe fruits, pasteurized milk, yoghurts with added sugar, all meat and fish, clarified refined vegetable oil, sugar, pastries, pasta, old nuts, vinegars (except apple) - all this acidic foods that lower the pH level in the body.

Drinks are also divided into oxidizing and alkalizing. Coffee, black tea, cocoa, lemonades and juices from packs oxidize the blood, and high-quality water, weak hibiscus tea, herbal teas, on the contrary, alkalize the body.

The category of neutral products includes:
buckwheat, oats, rye, brown rice, wholemeal products, unrefined vegetable oils (obtained by pressing or cold pressing).

Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate acidic foods from the diet, but you still need to maintain a balance. This will allow you to maintain a high level of immunity and avoid many diseases.

Basic rules for choosing food and drinks.

The best drink- This is water. We have already found this out in the past.
The best food- fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, sprouted grains and legumes. Thermally untreated! If you include a kilogram of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet every day, eat a handful of sprouts and drink the minimum norm of high-quality water (30 ml per 1 kg of weight), then your health will be much better than those people who have coffee with sandwiches for breakfast, they dine with a chop with potatoes and soup, and dine with a casserole.

Our blood, lymph, pericellular fluid are responsible for the activity of the body, the quality and duration of life. We must provide the body with building materials, nutrients, oxygen, and not satisfy our taste preferences. Then we can enjoy life, and not look for pills and a doctor who will think about how to sort out our troubles.

By the way, a curious fact - your the love of sugar also adversely affects the protective functions of the body.

6 tablespoons of sugar per day, reduce immunity by 25% for 24 hours.
. 12 tablespoons of sugar for 60% per day.
. And 18 tablespoons of sugar and does 85% per day.

At the same time, it is worth considering the hidden sugars that are in food and sweets, and not just put in tea or coffee. Therefore, if you love yourself and want to be healthy, give up sugar. I did it in one day, two years ago. I just decided not to use it anymore. By the way, for 6 months without changing anything in my diet, I then lost 5 kg. Of course, I can afford to eat a cake at a party and a chocolate bar, but this is not my daily meal. I drink tea without sugar and without honey. And I feel great. All our eating habits are nothing more than habits. And they can and should be changed if you want to live healthy and bright.

Diet to restore pH levels

The alkaline diet is applicable to normalize the pH level in the body. This diet is good not only for weight loss, but also has a positive effect on human health. So if you are overweight, then the alkaline diet is for you! You will lose extra pounds and at the same time equalize the acid-base balance.

Alkaline and acid foods
All foods that we eat can be divided into acid-forming, alkali-forming and neutral. This division is based on their effect on our body after they are digested. Human blood is alkaline in nature. And to maintain its optimal pH level, a person should consume 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic. But in an era of artificial substitutes, preservatives and emulsifiers, the average person's diet is far from this ideal balance. But it is not at all difficult to correct it by knowing which products need to be excluded, and the use of which should be increased.

The principle of the acid-base diet
So, we need to achieve a ratio of alkaline to acidic foods equal to 4 to 1. But the transition to this diet should be smooth. It is necessary to gradually replace fried, boiled food and animal products with fresh vegetables and fruits, which must be eaten without heat treatment. To make it easier for you to navigate and compose your diet, below we provide a list of products by acidity.

acidic foods
1. Any semi-finished products or finished products.
2. Any sweets containing white sugar.
3. Fried and cooked foods (even vegetables)
4. All fats and oils.
5. Bakery products such as: buns, white bread and any products made from white flour. Cereals and legumes: wheat, corn, rice and beans. We also write polished rice here.
6. Meat, eggs, fish, poultry and any animal products, including oil and any fat. As well as dairy products, cheese and cottage cheese.
7. Products containing toxins: alcohol, tobacco, soft drinks (eg soda), coffee, tea.
8. Any dried nuts and seeds.

alkaline foods
1. All fresh or dried fruits. The exceptions are cranberries, blueberries, currants, prunes, plums.
2. All raw vegetables. The exceptions are peas, legumes, rhubarb, Brussels sprouts and large-fruited pumpkin, as well as vegetables of the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants)
3. Sprouted grains and legumes.

Partially alkaline foods
1. Fresh raw milk and cottage cheese
2. Soaked nuts and seeds
3. Fresh nuts: almonds, coconut, brazil nuts
4. Fresh green beans, peas, grains and millet

Note: even seemingly acidic fruits like lemon, pineapple or orange are alkaline.

Ways to Increase Alkalinity
. By adding lecithin to food or drinks.
. Drink freshly squeezed lemon juice dissolved in a glass of hot or cold water.
. Drink freshly squeezed fruit juices from grapes, pear, apricot, papaya, mango, pineapple, grapefruit and orange.
. Only fresh or stewed fruits.
. Drink fresh vegetable juices from carrots, celery, beets, parsley, spinach, onions.
. 5 days a week before going to bed, drink a glass of clean water with 3-5 drops of glycothymoline
. Drink non-carbonated mineral waters (Borjomi, Essentuki-4, Smirnovskaya)
. Bowel movements 2-1 times a day.
. Try to move during the day or exercise.

Biochemically, increased acidity of the body is equivalent to the sudden onset of old age. Hence the general decline, fatigue and depression.

The alkaline diet is really very healthy and will definitely appeal to people who care about their health. It may be difficult at first to completely change your diet, but it's worth it!

What to eat for health? The main work on the synthesis of nutrients occurs in the intestine. Therefore, we need to take care of our beneficial microflora.
E. coli eats only fresh plant foods, seeds, nuts, dairy products. That's when it can synthesize the amino acids, vitamins and other building materials that we need so much.

By the way, doctors and scientists have already established that all cancer patients have a lower blood pH than healthy people. The average blood pH of a cancer patient is below 7.35…

A decrease of only 5 tenths can lead to irreversible processes. Take care of yourself, love yourself. You are alone! And you have one body, for life.

Take your food choices more seriously, not everything that smells good should be put in your mouth. Too expensive price for a minute pleasure.

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