Animal feeding hygiene and veterinary and sanitary assessment of feed quality. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for animal feed and feeding Overfeeding of animals and its consequences

For a sanitary assessment of the quality of feed at the place of their storage, an organoleptic study is carried out, and in doubtful cases, a feed sample is sent for laboratory analysis to a veterinary laboratory.
Roughage (hay, straw) is examined for color, smell, structure, humidity and mechanical impurities (sand, metal objects, glass, etc.), and also check the botanical composition, fungal infestation, etc. Good hay and straw have a pleasant smell, but spoiled hay is musty, moldy and putrid, as well as a color not characteristic of them. Hay and straw are considered dry with a moisture content of up to 15%, wet - with 17-20% and wet - over 20%. Dry hay, when twisted into a bundle, makes a kind of crackle, it seems hard; the hand does not experience any sensation of moisture. When bending and unbending the beam, such hay quickly breaks. Wet hay does not make any sound when twisted; Raw hay, when twisted into a bundle, releases moisture onto the surface of the stems.
Feed with excessive moisture is more likely to spoil and become unsuitable for feeding. On wet food, mold fungi develop faster, among which there are also very poisonous ones.
Feeds containing mechanical impurities over 10% are not allowed to be fed. It is not allowed to feed animals hay containing more than 1% poisonous plants.
Good quality silage has the color of the plants from which it is made. Dirty green, dark brown or black color is an indicator of poor quality silage.
Good-quality silage has a fragrant smell, and poor-quality silage has the smell of vinegar, rancid oil, radish, herring.
Feed the silage immediately after removing it from the trench, shoulder, tower or pit. Frozen silage is given to animals only after thawing.
Good quality haylage has a fragrant, fruity smell, green, straw-yellow or light brown color, free-flowing consistency, completely preserves the structure of plants, humidity 50-55%.
Bad haylage is dark brown or black in color, with an unpleasant manure smell, and no acids in it. It is almost always affected by mold and is not suitable for feeding.
Benign forage has a color characteristic of each grain crop. Fresh grains have a peculiar shine, its absence indicates a decrease in grain quality, soaking, and darkening of the ends - the development of microorganisms.
To establish the smell, a small amount of grain is poured into the palm of your hand and warmed with your breath. Benign grain has a peculiar normal smell. Spoiled grain acquires a musty and putrid, long-lasting unpleasant odor.
The taste of the grain is determined by chewing. The fresh grain has a sweetish milky taste and sticks together in the mouth into dough. Grain spoiled during storage has an unpleasant, pungent, caustic or putrid taste; the grain affected by the weevil has a bitter taste, and the grain affected by the flour mite is sweetish-honey.
The normal moisture content of grain fodder and compound feed is 12-15%. Dry grain crumbles easily when bitten with teeth, while wet grain flattens. Feed grain should not contain more than 1% of harmful impurities (seeds of poisonous plants, ergot and smut) and 8% of weeds. Metal impurities and glass are completely unacceptable, and mineral impurities (sand, earth, silt) should not exceed 0.1-0.2% in grain fodder, 0.8% in compound feed, flour and bran. Grain, compound feed and mealy feed should be free from mold.
Grain feeds affected by granary pests (mites, weevil, grinder, etc.) can adversely affect the health of animals. In addition, during storage of such feeds, their nutritional value decreases by 5.5-7.9% every month. The neutralization of such feed is carried out at high temperature.
Grain treated with protectants (granosan, etc.) causes fatal poisoning in animals and birds, so it is strictly forbidden to feed it.
Cakes and meals of different types have their own characteristic smell and taste. The presence of a musty smell of mold, a bitter taste can appear during improper storage or as a result of the vital activity of microbes.
When assessing the quality of root crops, attention is paid to the degree of their mechanical damage, soil contamination, rot and mold. Sometimes, using laboratory analysis, solanine is found in potatoes, and nitrates are found in fodder and sugar beets. These substances, when used in feed, can cause poisoning in cattle and pigs.
To prevent poisoning, before pasturing animals to new pasture areas, the latter must be examined for weediness of the herbage with poisonous plants.
To combat poisonous plants, grazing of animals should be carried out by the driven method, and the inedible grasses remaining after grazing should be mowed. In some cases, if there are poisonous plants in the herbage, pasture plots can be used for hay, since drying neutralizes most poisonous plants.
In agriculture, pesticides or pesticides (chemical compounds containing arsenic, phosphorus, fluorine, mercury, copper, etc.) are widely used to combat crop pests, plant diseases, weeds, rodents, midges. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of pesticides in feed, a sample is sent to a veterinary laboratory for analysis. Based on the organoleptic examination and laboratory analysis of feed, the issue of their suitability for feeding to animals is decided.
Slaughterhouse and kitchen waste from canteens can be used as feed only after they have been thoroughly boiled. Skip and other wastes received from dairies should also be used as feed for young animals only after pasteurization.
When feeding all kinds of animals, meat and bone meal is used, which is produced at special factories under veterinary and sanitary control from non-food raw materials of the meat industry and animal corpses. Benign meat and bone meal is dry, homogeneous, with a particle size of not more than 3 mm, without a putrefactive, musty, moldy or rancid smell, and without foreign impurities (sand, glass, etc.). Store it in a cool, dry place for no more than 3-5 months.
Animal diseases directly or indirectly related to feeding can be divided into the following groups: a) diseases caused by various pathogens entering the body with feed; b) diseases resulting from feeding poor-quality feed; c) diseases caused by eating poisonous and harmful plants; d) diseases, the appearance of which is facilitated by violations of the order and technique of feeding.
Prevention of diseases caused by the ingestion of pathogens with feed. Plants during the growth period, during harvesting or when stored in unsanitary conditions, can be contaminated with animal secretions and soil particles containing an infectious principle.
Various microorganisms not only survive in the feed, but also multiply and even produce toxic substances in it (for example, botulism bacilli in silage, in wet grain, in caked roughage).
To prevent the entry of pathogens into the feed, it is necessary:
- promptly identify and carefully isolate sick animals;
- protect hayfields from animals entering them;
- keep animals away from food storage areas;
- Maintain cleanliness and order in food storage areas;
- to allocate special wagons for the transportation of feed;
- regularly clean and wash the feeders.
The prevention of disease associated with poor quality feed has been more or less covered above, so there is no need to re-emphasize it.
Prevention of poisoning of animals by poisonous and harmful plants.
One of the most important measures for the prevention of poisoning of animals by poisonous plants is the destruction of such plants in meadows, pastures, fields with the help of agrotechnical and reclamation measures (cleaning seed material, proper crop rotation, deep plowing, eliminating the introduction of weed seeds with fresh manure, destroying weeds, including number of poisonous and harmful plants along roadsides, fertilization, drainage, use of herbicides, etc.). Of great importance is haymaking in the early stages, when toxic substances have not yet accumulated in the plants.
Of particular importance in the prevention of all feed poisoning is a careful examination of feed before distribution to animals, as well as a good knowledge by farmers and animal breeders of all harmful and poisonous plants found in the area.
Prevention of diseases associated with violation of the regimen and feeding technique. A significant number of animal diseases occurs as a result of a violation of the regimen and feeding technique. To prevent possible diseases during stall maintenance, the following rules must be observed:
1. Distribute feed at certain hours and possibly at regular intervals.
2. During the period of feeding animals in the premises, avoid distracting noises. On horses, work can begin no earlier than an hour after feeding.
3. In the morning, it is better to give animals a small amount of voluminous food at first, it is recommended to feed succulent food before voluminous food, mealy food - together with voluminous or juicy food.
4. Do not feed animals too much bulky feed and ruminants enough roughage.
5. Feed temperature should be close to room temperature. It is not recommended to feed frozen and insufficiently thawed food (cause colds, diarrhea, abortion, etc.), as well as uncooled boiled and steamed food.
Proper and rational feeding of animals and poultry ensures high productivity and quality of food products (meat, milk, eggs), reproductive capacity and the normal course of physiological processes, and also contributes to maintaining their health.

Animal drinking hygiene.

Animals are watered in groups from common troughs, gutters, or individually from drinkers. From a hygienic point of view, it is advisable to give the animals plenty to drink, which is achieved by drinking from automatic drinkers. The transfer of animals to auto-drinking allows you to increase the milk yield of cows, the growth of young animals, the shearing of wool in sheep under the same conditions.

For watering cattle with tethered content, automatic drinking bowls of the PA-1A, AP-1A brands are used; for loose keeping, in pastures and camps - group drinkers API-4A, AGK-12, etc. When organizing watering of animals, drinkers are installed on walking areas AGK-4 with a device for heating water in winter. Drinking bowls are regularly cleaned of food residues, washed and, if necessary, disinfected.

Water temperature for watering cows is desirable 10 - 12°C. When drinking colder water, the body spends a large amount of heat to warm it, and this causes additional feed consumption. Often the consumption of cold water leads to a disease of the digestive system.

Pigs are watered ad libitum from automatic drinkers, which are placed depending on the place of feeding. Apply individual (valve and nipple type) and group drinkers. The latter are usually installed in summer camps. Especially important is the regular and uninterrupted supply of water to lactating sows, as this has a great impact on their milk production, and, consequently, the growth, development and health of piglets.

For watering sheep in sheepfolds and at bases, group automatic drinkers are used. In winter, automatic drinking bowls with a device for heating water are used. In the absence of running water, sheep can be watered 1-2 times a day from troughs installed near wells. Their number should be sufficient so that there is no stamping of animals, which can cause abortions.

Horses are given water at least 3 times a day before feeding them with grain feed and after giving hay. It is impossible to water horses heated after work, after giving concentrates. Their greedy consumption of water, especially cold water, leads to colic disease, rheumatic inflammation of the hooves. Horses can also be watered while working or riding, if after watering the work will continue for about 30 minutes, and the movement - for a distance of 4 - 5 km. It is allowed to water horses from automatic drinkers, but they must have a device to temporarily turn off the flow of water.

Calves and piglets in the first two weeks of life are fed with boiled water at a temperature of 15 - 16 ° C.

For watering chickens and turkeys at floor maintenance, automatic group drinkers with a float regulator, as well as bowl or mounted drinkers are used.

When chickens are caged, tap water flows through special gutters that run along the front of each tier of cages. Young growth is watered from special ceramic or metal drinkers.

When watering ducks and geese, drinkers are placed on a platform, under which there is an iron pan, as they splash a large amount of water.

Of great importance for protecting the health of animals and increasing their productivity is a properly organized watering place in the summer on pastures and in camps. By the beginning of the pasture season, all watering places must be brought into proper sanitary order and equipped accordingly. Safe accesses are arranged near open natural reservoirs; swampy places on the sloping banks of rivers, lakes and ponds fall asleep and compacted, and on steep banks they make gentle slopes.

Feeding hygiene.

Among the environmental factors that determine the normal development and vital activity of the animal organism, feeding belongs to one of the first places. Proper and rational, biologically complete feeding ensures the health of animals, their high productivity and reproductive ability, as well as the successful growth and development of young animals. Complete feeding plays an exceptional role in the prevention of various animal diseases, as well as in the successful treatment of sick animals. Of great importance is the good quality of feed for obtaining high-grade food.

The imbalance of diets in terms of nutrients and elements, as well as low or excessively plentiful levels of feeding are the main causes of metabolic disorders in animals.

The good quality of feed and their suitability for feeding is determined at the place of use according to external signs (organoleptically). This assessment is the responsibility of zootechnical and veterinary specialists. In some cases, the good quality of feed is evaluated in agrochemical and veterinary laboratories. In large livestock farms and poultry farms, special laboratories are being created for these purposes.

benign hay- green color with various shades. Hay from acid marsh plants (sedges, etc.) is bright green. Hay that has been exposed to rain is less valuable; it is usually gray and yellowish-gray in color. Old, long-lying hay, matte, gray-green. Hay, subjected to strong self-warming in shocks and stacks, dark in color. Roughage is considered benign if it does not contain or has an insignificant admixture of poisonous plants (by weight no more than 1%).

benign straw must have a color characteristic of the straw of the respective crop, and a special luster of the stems. Straw that was harvested out of time and in the rain, without shine, its color is grayish or dark gray. Straw, hay and chaff of good quality have a peculiar smell peculiar to them. When spoiled, these feeds acquire a burnt, musty, putrid, moldy or "mouse" smell.

Feed with excessive moisture is more likely to deteriorate and become unsuitable for feeding. Moldy fungi develop on wet food, among which there are also very poisonous ones. Hay is considered dry with a moisture content of no more than 15% - when twisted, it gives a kind of crackle, it seems hard. Raw hay (moisture content 20 - 30%), when twisted into a bundle, releases moisture onto the surface of the stems. Dry is considered straw with a moisture content not higher than 14%, and wet - 16 - 20%. Humidity of chaff should not exceed 16%.

Feeding feeds with a large admixture of dust and mineral particles (sand, earth) causes diseases of the digestive organs, eyes, clogging of wool in animals. Hay and straw should not contain metal impurities (pieces of wire, nails, etc.), which, if they enter the stomach, can cause traumatic damage to the proventriculus and heart, often resulting in death. To prevent these diseases, a special magnetic probe is periodically used.

The cause of feed injuries may be the consumption of straw or chaff by animals containing whole ears of barley, wheat awns, rye, and cocksfoot. The awns of ears damage the oral mucosa, can penetrate into deeper tissues, causing stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.

Good-quality healthy forage has a color characteristic of each culture. A peculiar luster is inherent in fresh, unsettled grain, its absence indicates a decrease in the quality of the grain, soaking, and the darkening of the ends of the grain is the development of microorganisms in them. Soaked grains of oats and barley acquire a grayish and brown hue. High-quality grain feed has a peculiar normal smell. If, as a result of the activity of bacteria inside the grain, decomposition has begun, it acquires a musty and putrid, long-lasting smell.

The taste of the grain is determined by chewing. Fresh grain with a sweetish milky taste, sticks together in the mouth into dough. Rotten, moldy has an unpleasant, sharp, caustic and rotten taste; the grain affected by the weevil has a bitter taste, and the grain affected by the flour mite is sweetish-honey.

Grain with high humidity is quickly affected by mold and bacteria. Botulinus pathogen develops in heaps of such grain. If, when cutting the grain in half, its halves bounce off - the grain is dry (moisture content 15%). Wet grain is cut in half freely, and the halves remain in place. Raw grain (20% moisture) flattens when cut. When biting with teeth, dry grain easily crumbles, wet grain flattens.

Benign grain should be full, rounded, with thin films (oats, barley).

Factories produce combined feed with a guarantee of their quality, which is recorded in the accompanying document - a certificate. However, when transported in bulk, they can become contaminated with sand, fertilizers, metal particles, and if stored carelessly, they can deteriorate. Metal particles accumulate in the lower layers of the feed, they are caught by a strong magnet. In 1 ton of grain feed they should be no more than 50 g.

The quality of cakes and meals is determined by external signs. Sunflower cake - dark gray, linen - from gray to light brown, cotton - light yellow or light brown. A change in the color of cakes indicates their poor storage and spoilage. When cakes are stored in damp rooms, they acquire a musty or moldy smell and become unsuitable for use by animals.

Feed cakes should be careful. So, in cotton cake there can be an increased amount of gossypol, which causes poisoning and even death of animals. Poisoning is more often observed in young animals; pregnant queens may have abortions. Therefore, animals should be accustomed to cotton cake gradually, fed with silage, beets and other feeds. The toxic properties of gossypol disappear when the cake is heated to 100 ° C for an hour, when it is boiled or steamed. Calves, piglets, lambs, as well as pregnant and lactating queens should not be given cottonseed cake.

When wetting linseed cake with warm water, hydrocyanic acid can form in it. Poisoning with such cake causes digestive disorders (colic, diarrhea), trembling, unsteady gait, anxiety, muscle cramps. Flaxseed cake is neutralized by heating or boiling, followed by chilled feeding. It can also be fed in a dry, crushed form.

Root crops should not have lesions (rot, mold). Before feeding, they are washed and crushed in a root cutter. Sprouted and frozen potatoes are used as feed only in boiled form, and the water in which they were boiled must be drained. This is due to the fact that the sprouts and peel, especially the green ones, contain a poisonous substance - solanine. In case of solanine poisoning, digestive disorders, respiratory disorders, unsteadiness of gait, depression, paralysis appear.

Feeding unground root crops can lead to blockage of the esophagus. There may be cases of animal poisoning by beets cooked long before feeding, so boiled beets should be fed immediately after they have cooled.

The good quality of the ensiled fodder is ensured by compliance with the requirements during its laying (high-quality silo structures, crushing of green mass, quick filling of the container, sufficient compaction, dense shelter). Under such conditions, normal processes of formation of lactic acid, which preserves measles, take place in the ensiled mass. The quality of silage is determined by color and smell. Good silage has a fruity (soaked apples) smell that quickly disappears when the sample is rubbed in the hands, and a yellowish-green (olive) color.

Feed the silage immediately after it is removed from the silo. Frozen silage is given only after thawing, and it is better not to feed such silage to young animals and pregnant animals.

The requirements for haylage are reduced to the fact that it must be green or light brown, fragrant fruity smell, free-flowing, completely retaining the structure of the feedstock, its moisture content is 50 - 55%. Such haylage can be obtained only with strict observance of the technology of its preparation. As in silage, rotten, moldy haylage should not be allowed to be fed.

The remains of technical production (beet pulp, brewer's grains, stillage, licorice sprouts, potato pulp) should be fed raw to animals, especially pregnant women and young animals, with caution. Beet pulp is used fresh and sour. Benign fresh pulp of light gray color, insipid smell, butyric acid is absent in it, and the total amount of acids is not more than 0.2%. Sour pulp of a peculiar dirty gray color, smearing consistency, with the smell of butyric acid (it should be no more than 0.5% with a total amount of acids 1 - 2%). Fresh bard is light brown in color, with a bready smell. Of the organic acids, lactic acid accounts for 80%, acetic acid - 20%.

Feeding large amounts of stillage in cattle causes red biting biting, diarrhea, and abortions are possible in pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women and suckling queens are not recommended to give potato stillage, and calves should be fed a lot of fresh or ensiled pulp. Licorice sprouts and brewer's grains are a good breeding ground for the development of molds, and this, in turn, can lead to various animal diseases (gastric catarrh, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, etc.).

When fattening pigs, food waste from canteens, restaurants and other food enterprises is often used. Food waste entering the farms is boiled in closed boilers for at least 1 hour at a temperature of about 120 ° C. Without such heat treatment, the use of food waste is strictly prohibited, as they can serve as distributors of pathogens for a number of diseases. You can store canned wet food waste in summer for no more than 8-10 hours from the moment of collection; and in autumn and winter at an outside air temperature not higher than 6 - 7 ° C, no more than 30 hours.

Meat and bone meal should be a homogeneous mass with a particle size of no more than 3 mm, without putrefactive, musty, moldy or rancid odor, and without foreign impurities (sand, glass, etc.). Meat and bone meal is packed in strong dry containers (usually in kraft bags). Store it in a cool, dry place for no more than 3-5 months.

After a night break in the morning, it is better to give a small amount of voluminous food at first. Mealy foods are fed along with voluminous and juicy ones. On large farms

It is preferable to prepare feed mixtures in special feed mixers, they are more readily eaten by animals;

Do not give animals too voluminous feed, as in these cases their digestibility and assimilation deteriorates. The lack of roughage is also undesirable for ruminants, which leads to disruption of the processes of digestion in the rumen and, as a result, to disruption of the entire process of digestion and metabolism;

Do not feed frozen, as well as uncooled boiled and steamed food. The temperature of the fed feed should be close to the air temperature of the animal room;

Transfer animals from one feed to another gradually, for example, from a winter diet to a pasture diet within 10-15 days,

When grazing, an essential role belongs to the correct choice of pastures, the observance of grazing techniques, the proper arrangement of watering places, resting places, etc. To prevent tympania (swelling of the scar), it is recommended to drive cattle in the morning to poorer pastures, and later transfer them to areas with better herbage . In early spring, before pasture on young juicy grass, animals are fed with hay. You can not water the animals after a plentiful intake of young grass.

Lecture No. 16. Topic: "Sanitary and hygienic requirements for feed and animal feeding"


    The zoohygienic value of feed

    Hygienic characteristics of nutrients

    Influence of feeds on the use of drugs

    Hygienic rules of feeding page - x. animals

    Prevention of animal poisoning associated with improper storage and preparation of feed

    Feed hygiene in case of damage by toxic fungi, pathogens of infectious diseases and barn pests

    Dietary feeding of animals

Additional literature:

1. Kuznetsov A.F. Hygiene of keeping animals. - St. Petersburg, Lan, 2003. - 640 p.

2. Kuznetsov A.F. Veterinary mycology. - St. Petersburg, Lan, 2001.- 416 p.

3. Medvedsky V. A. Hygiene of livestock facilities. - Vitebsk, UO "VGAVM", 2001 - p. 248

4.Sokolov G.A. Veterinary hygiene.- Minsk: "Design Pro", 1998. - 160 p.

    Burak I. I. Hygiene. - A course of lectures for students of the medical institute, VGMI, Vitebsk 1997. - 118 p.

    The zoohygienic value of feed. Feed and feeding significantly affect the health of animals, their productivity and the quality of livestock products.

The great physiologist I. P. Pavlov pointed out that food is that ancient connection that connects all living beings with inanimate matter.

Through nutrition, the body perceives substances from the external environment, turning inanimate into living things in the process of assimilation.

A feature of farm animals as organisms for the processing of raw materials (fodder) into human food (milk, meat, etc.) is that the substances contained in the feed serve both as a raw material for production and as a material for maintaining life.

In industrial technologies for keeping farm animals, feed that has undergone technological processing (mechanical, thermal, microbiological, etc.) is most often used, often reducing their quality. This leads to a weakening of the body's resistance and reactivity and, as a result, a loss of productivity.

It is generally recognized that the main economic damage to animal husbandry in our republic is caused by diseases of fodder etiology.

Improper feeding, both insufficient and excessive, is a stress factor and adversely affects the health of animals, causing metabolic disorders.

There are the following forms of pathological conditions associated with improper feeding:

    malnutrition (insufficiency of feeding) - a condition caused by the consumption for a more or less long time of insufficient quantity or quality of feed;

    overeating (overfeeding) - a condition associated with the consumption of excess feed;

    imbalance - a condition caused by an incorrect ratio of essential nutrients in the diet.

Animal diseases associated with feeding can be conditionally reduced to the following groups:

    diseases caused by disorders of the basic and energy metabolism;

    manifestation of feed injuries;

    manifestation of violations of vitamin and mineral balance;

    arising as a result of feeding poor-quality and affected by pathogens of various feed diseases;

    diseases that have arisen as a result of violation of the sanitary and hygienic rules for feeding, storing and processing feed.

2. Hygienic characteristics of food substances. Nutrients are groups of organic and inorganic compounds that are part of the feed and are involved in the metabolism and energy.

Nutritional substances include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts, as well as flavoring substances.

Taking into account the criterion of obligation, food substances are divided into:

    essential, which include: some amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins;

    replaceable - carbohydrates, fats, as well as a number of amino acids.

Squirrels are indispensable substances. They perform a plastic, energy, signal, protective, motor, transport, catalytic and buffer role in the body.

In particular, they provide the structure and catalytic functions of enzymes and hormones, plastic processes of growth, development and regeneration of cells and tissues of the body.

Proteins are involved in the formation of immune bodies, specific -globulins, myosin and actin, hemoglobin, rhodopsin and are an essential structural component of cell membrane systems.

They are of particular importance during a period of high energy costs or when the feed contains an insufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats.

The biological value of proteins is determined by the amino acid composition.

Animal proteins have a higher biological value than vegetable proteins, which are limited in threonine, isoleucine, lysine, and some other essential amino acids.

The essential amino acids are valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, and phenylalanine.

Exclusion from the diet of at least one of them entails growth retardation and weight loss.

Non-essential amino acids (arginine, cystine, tyrosine, alanine, serine, etc.) also perform very important functions in the body, and arginine, cystine, tyrosine and glutamic acid play no less physiological role than essential amino acids.

Too much protein is also bad. So, with an excessive amount of protein in combination with a lack of carbohydrates in the diets, dairy cows, bulls, ewes and sows develop a disease such as ketosis (acetonemia or alimentary toxemia).

The disease is accompanied by the accumulation of ketone bodies in the body, damage to the pituitary-adrenal system, thyroid, parathyroid glands, liver, heart, kidneys and other organs.

The main cause of the disease is the wrong ratio of protein and carbohydrates in diets, leading to a change in the species composition of the rumen microflora. A change in the microbial background of the proventriculus leads to a decrease in the enzymatic processes occurring in them, the accumulation of excess amounts of butyric and acetic acids, which in the liver with a deficiency of carbohydrates turn into acetoacetic, beta-hydroxybutyric acids and acetone, cause ketosis, accompanied by severe intoxication of the body.

Prevention of this disease consists in limiting excessive giving of concentrated feed, feeding in a sufficient amount of easily digestible carbohydrates (for every 100 g of digestible protein there should be 80-140 g of sugar). In addition, sufficient exercise in winter and grazing or camp keeping of animals are recommended.

Fats are a source of energy that surpasses the energy of all other nutrients.

They participate in plastic processes, being a structural part of cells and their membrane systems.

Fats are solvents for vitamins A, E, D, K and contribute to their absorption.

With fats, phosphatides enter the body, in particular lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sterols, tocopherols and other substances with biological activity.

Fat improves the properties of the feed, and also increases its nutritional value.

Fat contains glycerol and fatty acids, and animal fats contain saturated fatty acids, and vegetable fats contain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Limit fatty acids are used mainly as an energy source.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and some other components of fats are indispensable.

The most important biological property of polyunsaturated fatty acids is participation in the synthesis of phospholipids and lipoproteins, the formation of myelin sheaths and connective tissue.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids increase the elasticity of blood vessel walls and reduce their permeability.

Essential fatty acids are important in the synthesis of lipid components of cell and subcellular membranes and prostaglandins.

Carbohydrates are most capable of satisfying the body's energy needs and helping to reduce the pH of the environment to the acid side.

With all types of physical work, there is an increased need for carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates and their metabolites play an important role in the synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids, glycoproteins, mucopolysaccharides, coenzymes and other vital substances.

Mineral composition feed includes more than 60 macro- and microelements.

The physiological significance of the mineral elements of the feed is determined by their participation in the synthesis of enzyme systems and the construction of body tissues, in maintaining the acid-base state of the body, the normal salt composition of the blood and the normalization of water-salt metabolism.

Calcium serves as the main structural component of the formation of the skeleton. 99% of its total amount in the body is concentrated in the bones. It is also necessary for blood clotting, neuromuscular excitability, building cell structures. With a lack of calcium, rickets develop in young animals, and osteomalacia in adult animals.

Magnesium is involved in the transmission of nervous excitation, stimulates intestinal motility, has antispastic, vasodilating and choleretic activity. With a lack of magnesium, hypomagnemic tetany or pasture tetany develops - an acute disease characterized by increased excitability, clonic and tetanic convulsions.

Potassium takes part in enzymatic processes, the conversion of phosphopyruvic acid to pyruvic acid, a decrease in protein hydration, the formation of buffer systems, the synthesis of acetylcholine, and also in the processes of conducting nervous excitation to muscles.

Sodium plays an important role in the formation of the blood buffer system, maintaining acid-base balance, creating a constant osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm and body fluids. It takes an active part in water metabolism, contributes to the retention of bound water in the body.

Phosphorus plays a leading role in the functioning of the central nervous system, membrane intracellular structures, skeletal muscles, heart, the synthesis of enzymes and adenosine triphosphoric acid, and the formation of bone tissue. Many compounds of phosphorus with protein, fatty acids form nucleoproteins of cell nuclei, phosphoproteins (casein), phosphatides (lecithin), etc.

Chlorine is involved in the regulation of osmotic pressure in cells and tissues, the normalization of water metabolism, the formation of hydrochloric acid by the glands of the stomach.

Sulfur is a necessary structural component of methionine, cystine, vitamin B 1, is part of insulin and participates in its formation. With a lack of sulfur in animals, the growth of the coat is disturbed, the hair becomes brittle, alopecia is noted.

Iron is an integral part of the chromatin substance of cell nuclei, blood hemoglobin, is part of the oxidative enzymes peroxidase, cytochrome, cytochrome oxidase, stimulates intracellular metabolic processes and is a necessary component of the cytoplasm and cell nuclei. With a lack of iron in the diet, alimentary anemia develops in animals, especially in piglets and lambs, less often in calves.

Copper is actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of other iron porphyrins. The influence of copper on the function of the endocrine glands and, first of all, on the formation of insulin and adrenaline was noted. With a lack of copper, “lizuha” or a perversion of appetite develops, accompanied by: a hematopoietic disorder, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, paralysis of the pelvic limbs, changes in hair growth and exhaustion.

Cobalt activates the formation of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, has a pronounced effect on the activity of hydrolytic enzymes, bone and intestinal phosphatase. It is the main starting material in the endogenous synthesis of vitamin B 12 . With a lack of cobalt, "dryness" develops, accompanied by pernicious anemia, impaired protein metabolism, bone dystrophy and malnutrition.

Manganese is involved in the processes of ossification, stimulates growth processes. Its participation in hematopoiesis, influence on sexual development and reproduction has been established. Manganese prevents fatty liver and promotes the utilization of fat in the body. With a lack of manganese, the reproductive function is disturbed, bones and joints are deformed, and birds develop a disease - a sliding joint or perosis.

Zinc is included in the structure of carbonic anhydrase. It is necessary for the normal function of the pituitary, pancreas, seminal and prostate glands. Zinc has lipotropic properties, normalizing fat metabolism, increasing the intensity of fat breakdown in the body and preventing fatty liver. There is evidence of the participation of zinc in the processes of hematopoiesis. With a lack of zinc in calves and piglets, pellagra-like dermatitis or parakeratosis of the skin develops.

Iodine is needed to form the structure and ensure the function of the thyroid gland. With a lack of iodine, especially in young animals, endemic goiter develops.

Selenium exhibits protective properties in hepatitis, liver and skin cancer, aflatoxin poisoning. With a lack of selenium in young animals, a white muscle disease develops, characterized by functional, degenerative and necrobiotic changes in skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle, blood vessels, organs and tissues.

vitamins- these are chemical compounds of organic nature necessary for normal life, not synthesized in the body or synthesized in small quantities.

They normalize metabolism, being biological catalysts for a number of biochemical processes, and also control the functional state of cell membranes and subcellular structures. All vitamins are divided into three groups (Table 1. Classification of vitamins).

Vitamin D regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body, facilitating their absorption from the intestines and deposition in bone tissue. It is formed in the skin under the action of ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin A provides the process of vision, is necessary for normal growth, maintaining the structure of epithelial cells of the skin, mucous membranes.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, protects fatty acids from oxidation, participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and regulates the function of the gonads.

Vitamin K stimulates the production of prothrombin in the liver and other substances involved in blood clotting, is part of the membranes. It is formed in the intestine.

Vitamin C affects redox processes, participates in regeneration, promotes the production of antibodies, ensures normal permeability of vascular walls and their elasticity, affects cholesterol metabolism.

Vitamin classification

Groups of vitamins


fat soluble

Calciferols (vitamin D)

Retinol (Vitamin A)

Tocopherols (vitamin E)

Phylloquinones (vitamin K)

water soluble

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Biotin (Vitamin H)

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP)

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B 5)

Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6)

Riboflavin (vitamin B 2)

Thiamine (vitamin B 1)

Folic acid (vitamin B 9)

Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B 12)

Bioflavonoids (Vitamin P)

Inositol (Vitamin B 8)

Vitamin-like compounds

Lipoic acid (vitamin N)

Orotic acid (vitamin B 13)

Pangamic Acid (Vitamin B 15)

S-methylmethionine (vitamin U)

Choline (Vitamin B 4)

Biotin (vitamin H) is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids and amino acids, and is part of a number of enzymes.

Vitamin PP activates redox processes, cellular respiration and carbohydrate metabolism, has a positive effect on higher nervous activity, and normalizes liver function. Synthesized in the body from tryptophan.

Vitamin B 5 is part of the enzymes that ensure the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the formation of cholesterol, hormones of the adrenal cortex.

Vitamin B 6 is necessary for the exchange of amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, the formation of vitamin PP. It has a positive effect on fat metabolism in atherosclerosis, hematopoiesis processes, and has a lipotropic effect.

Vitamin B 2 regulates the processes of oxidation and reduction in tissues, the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, improves light and color perception, has a positive effect on hemoglobin synthesis, capillary tone, and liver function.

Vitamin B 1 is involved in the oxidation of carbohydrate metabolism products, amino acid metabolism, the formation of fatty acids, affects the functions of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, central and peripheral nervous systems, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, the motor function of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamin B 9 is needed for normal hematopoiesis, has a lipotropic effect, stimulates the formation of amino acids, choline.

Vitamin P reduces permeability and increases the strength of capillaries, promotes the accumulation of ascorbic acid in tissues, and stimulates tissue respiration.

Vitamin B 8 has a lipotropic and sedative effect, affects the function of the sex glands, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, stimulates the motor function of the stomach and intestines.

Lipoic acid affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and cholesterol, has a lipotropic effect.

Vitamin B 13 is involved in the metabolism of proteins and vitamins, regeneration processes. It is used as a remedy for liver diseases, myocardial infarction, heart failure.

Vitamin B 15 increases oxidative processes and the uptake of oxygen by tissues.

Vitamin U improves tissue respiration, stimulates oxidative processes, normalizes the secretion of digestive glands, accelerates the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Vitamin B 4 is involved in the formation of lecithin and acetylcholine, has a lipotropic effect, affects the metabolism of proteins and cholesterol.

Water- is an essential part of the diet. It provides for the course of metabolic reactions, digestion processes, excretion of decay products with urine, thermoregulation, etc. Loss of more than 10% of water threatens the life of the organism.

3. Influence of feeds on the use of drugs

Knowledge of the basics of feeding hygiene is important for the veterinarian when administering medicinal products, since some feeds themselves have pharmacological activity.

In addition, the main components of the feed can affect the biological activity of the drugs used.

Example: Fats promote easier and faster absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and thus their effect.

Feed ingredients can bind or destroy drugs.

Example: milk forms insoluble and indigestible complexes with the tetracycline group.

Medicines can be affected by digestive enzymes, the acidic environment of the stomach, and the alkaline intestines. Preparations of lily of the valley and strophane are highly sensitive to digestive juices. In the acidic environment of the stomach, erythromycin and penicillin are destroyed, and calcium preparations can form insoluble salts. Neomycin sulfate, nystatin and polymexin sulfate form indigestible compounds with bile.

In turn, medicinal substances can adversely affect the processes of digestion and assimilation of feed, inhibiting the activity of enzymes, stimulating the release of hydrochloric acid and mucus, and preventing the activity of microorganisms involved in the processes of digestion. Such drugs include acetylsalicylic acid, bromides, laxatives, hypnotics, antisclerotic, sulfonamides, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, cardiac glycosides, diuretics.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the interaction of drugs and feed, the influence of digestive enzymes, the pH of the medium, drugs are prepared in special shells with protective fillers.

The doctor should have an idea about the bioavailability for drugs of the relevant organs and systems, taking into account the time of feeding.

There are many medicinal substances, the action of which is directly related to the various phases of digestion. For them, a strictly defined reception time is set. In particular, drugs with a choleretic property should be given before feeding, since they must have time to get into the intestines in order to ensure the release of bile in time.

Together with choleretic agents before feeding, pancreatin should also be prescribed, since it should avoid the adverse effects of gastric juice before digestion begins.

On an empty stomach, penicillin and erythromycin are prescribed.

It should be borne in mind that medicinal substances taken on an empty stomach are not only better absorbed, but also have a faster biological effect.

During feeding, medications that promote the digestion of food (gastric juice preparations, enzyme complexes, burn) should be given.

Digestible medicines (infusion of hay leaves, decoction of buckthorn bark, rhubarb root tablets) should also be used during the intake of food, since compounds that have a laxative effect are released during digestion.

Knowledge of the basics of rational nutrition is also necessary for a veterinarian to maintain and strengthen their own health.

4. Hygienic rules of feeding page - x. animals.

The works of many scientists and practitioners are devoted to hygienic methods of preventing diseases of farm animals in the process of feeding.

Professor G. A. Sokolov formulated them as follows (1998):

1. Strictly follow the daily routine in feeding animals.

2. Feed during the day at regular intervals, better 3 than 2 times, newborns and patients - 4 ... 5 times during the day and at night.

3. Observe the order of feeding feed.

4. The daily dose of the diet should be divided into three unequal parts: medium in the morning, small in the afternoon and the largest in the evening.

5. The alternation of feeding and watering in different types of animals must be strictly observed, especially with a concentrated type of feeding.

7. It is not allowed to feed food from the floor.

8. It is necessary to maintain a high sanitary condition of the feeders, to prevent contamination of the feed in the feeders with the feet of animals.

9. Do not underfeed or overfeed animals.

10. The transition to a new type of food should be carried out gradually.

11. Feed in the absence of stress.

12. The formulation, shape, color, smell and consistency of the feed must correspond to the type, age and economic orientation of the animals.

13. The temperature of food for adult animals should be close to the normative indoor air temperature for this type of animal. For young animals - close to their body temperature.

14. The remains of uneaten food are not allowed to be fed to other animals.

15. Feed should be prepared for feeding to animals (by cleaning, washing, grinding, steaming and enriching with premixes).

16. To prescribe dietary feeding to sick animals.

17. Periodically change the diet.

18. Poor quality feed cannot be fed in full, but should be added 1/3 or 1/2 to the quality feed of this species.

19. Transport for the transport of feed must be free from infestation or the presence of toxic substances.

20. Feed perishable feed quickly, do not store on the farm for more than the period specified in the instructions for use.

21. Follow the rules for storing feed.

22. Have regulatory support for feeding front.

23. Pasture should be driven, with a change of sites in 3 ... 5 days.

24. The first watering of newborns with colostrum should be within 1 hour after birth from teat drinkers. Mastite milk is not subject to soldering. Between drinking milk, drink clean boiled cooled water.

5. Prevention of animal poisoning associated with improper storage and preparation of feed.

If the technology of production, harvesting, processing, storage, transportation, as well as contamination of feed with substances harmful to the body and microorganisms, a decrease in their quality is noted.

Such feeds have a negative effect on the animal's body, causing a variety of pathologies.

In this regard, sanitary and hygienic control over the quality of feed is of great preventive importance.

The quality of feed is determined by organoleptic, laboratory and biological (bioassay) methods.

Organoleptic assessment is carried out on the spot, while determining the smell, color, humidity, uniformity, the presence of mechanical impurities, mold, signs of decay and other indicators.



hygiene feed farm animal

Modern animal husbandry is characterized by an active process of intensification, which is possible only with well-balanced diets and high-quality feed.

Food is becoming the main link that connects an animal with nature, since modern industrial technologies are associated with a long stay of animals in enclosed spaces, where movement is limited, and the feed used is exposed to a lot of factors, incl. thermal, mechanical, microbiological and others, which leads to a decrease in productive and reproductive qualities, the emergence of still new unknown diseases.

It is known that two opposite processes take place in a living organism - assimilation and dissimilation, in which in the first case the transformation of the inanimate into the living occurs, and in the second - the living into the inanimate. However, it should be noted that these two processes are interconnected into one whole.

1. Hygienic value of normalized full feeding

Achieving a high level of animal productivity is possible only with rational and biologically complete feeding, i.e. diets should be such as to fully satisfy the needs of animals both in energy and in a certain ratio of various nutrients - complete protein, carbohydrates, fats, macro- and microelements, vitamins. Growing young animals are especially sensitive to the usefulness of diets, since only with full feeding, the development of all organs and tissues is ensured in accordance with age dynamics, the manifestation of all its physiological functions and the formation of sustainable health.

Poor-quality feed and, as a result, inadequate feeding is the fate of many non-communicable diseases; a decrease in the resistance and immunological reactivity of the animal organism is a direct path to infectious diseases. It is a generally accepted fact that the main economic damage to animal husbandry is caused by diseases of forage origin associated with inadequate diets and poor quality of the feed included in them.

All metabolic disorders in the body of an animal caused by imbalance, insufficiency or excess of feeding lead to the so-called feed stresses. At the same time, partial, incomplete and complete starvation are distinguished.

With incomplete starvation, which is observed during underfeeding, all the necessary components of the feed enter the animal's body, but in an amount that does not replenish their consumption. In the initial period of incomplete fasting, the secretion of digestive juices increases, but intestinal motility slows down and constipation often occurs. Constant incomplete starvation leads to the extinction of gastric secretion and as a result, carbohydrates, fats and proteins are partially transited, and partially split not completely. Products formed during the incomplete breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates cannot be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to the creation of favorable conditions for the reproduction of various microflora, incl. and putrid. At the same time, such undesirable processes in the animal's body as a decrease in digestibility and absorption of nutrients, diarrhea and general exhaustion of the body are observed. Incomplete starvation adversely affects the cardiovascular system, liver function, and as a result, the body's resistance decreases.

Particularly affected by incomplete starvation are highly productive and pregnant animals, young animals. Incomplete starvation disrupts the process of puberty in replacement animals, reduces ovulation and fertility in breeding stock, the quality of sperm production in producers, the service period in queens is extended to 2-3 months, and sometimes more. Outwardly, incomplete starvation is manifested in the loss of hairline shine, its tousled, wrinkled skin.

Complete starvation develops if the animal organism does not receive any food at all for a long time. The reason for this may be diseases of the pharynx, oral cavity, stomach, the animal being in extreme conditions - an abyss, a gorge, etc. In this case, the animal's body must consume the substances of its own body - carbohydrates, fats, proteins. First of all, the stock of glycogen, reserve fat, is consumed, which cover the energy needs of the body. Lastly, the proteins that are in the muscles of the trunk and limbs are consumed. It should be noted that during starvation, the plastic substances of the lungs, blood vessels, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract are not spent on energy needs.

Influence of deficiency or excess in animal diets of protein and amino acids

Proteins are an essential component of the cells and tissues of a living organism. To build their body, restore cells and form products (wool, eggs, milk, meat), animals need feed proteins. Immune bodies, hormones, enzymes are composed of proteins. The biological value of protein largely depends on the amino acid composition of the feed. All amino acids are divided into essential and non-essential. The former can be synthesized in the body of an animal, while the latter cannot and must be supplied with food. Essential amino acids include - lysine, tryptophan, methionine, cystine, valine, histidine, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, trionine. In feed, as a rule, there is a lack of critical, essential amino acids - methionine, cystine, lysine and tryptophan. Polygastric animals are able to cover up to 60% of the need for amino acids due to microbial synthesis in the proventriculus, and the missing amount is obtained from the feed. The body of pigs and poultry is especially sensitive to the lack of critical amino acids in feed. They are replenished with synthetic amino acids. Complete proteins are found in feeds of animal origin (meat and bone, fish, meat meal, milk, etc.). The absence or lack of essential amino acids in the diet causes a negative nitrogen balance in animals, loss of appetite, changes in blood composition, disorders in the nervous, endocrine and enzymatic systems. Proteins of plant origin do not contain or contain in small quantities the most important amino acids. Cereals are poor in lysine, methionine, tryptophan, and legumes are much richer in amino acid composition.

With a lack of complete protein in the diet of animals, there is a decrease in protein fractions in the blood serum, protective properties and resistance to infectious and non-infectious diseases are reduced.

A constant lack of complete protein leads to infections of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs. This is typical for pigs and birds. Excess protein in the diet does not go unnoticed for the animal. In this case, there is an increase in the processes of destruction of amino acids, an increase in the synthesis of urea and the excretion of protein breakdown products from the body. Growth energy in young animals decreases, and in adult animals productivity and reproductive functions decrease, the phenomenon of liver obesity is observed, the excitability of the nervous system decreases, the functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted, the blood volume decreases, and the amount of interstitial fluid increases, leading to edematous phenomena.

Diets high in protein or deficient in protein and carbohydrates contribute to the development of acetonemia in dairy cows, sires, ketosis in sows, and ketonuria in sheep. Contribute to the occurrence of this disease to a large extent, the lack of exercise, insufficient lighting of the premises and the rapid distribution of cows. At the same time, in animals, there is a loss or perversion of appetite, cicatricial and intestinal digestion, since the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, which disrupts absorption processes.

Prevention of protein starvation is ensured by proper detailed protein and amino acid feeding - enrichment of feed mixtures with synthetic, essential amino acids. The lack of protein in the diets of ruminants can be partially compensated by urea (up to 25%), while providing for the introduction of easily fermentable carbohydrate feeds into the diet. Many advanced farms use a variety of forage crops to achieve the amount of required amino acids. The balance of rations for protein and amino acids is controlled by their content in the daily ration or per feed unit and in dry matter (in %).

carbohydrate deficiency

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for animals, it is the main part of the dry matter of plant foods. They are represented by two groups - dry fiber and nitrogen-free extractives.

Carbohydrates enter the rumen of ruminants in the form of sugar, starch, hemicellulose, cellulose, and other compounds. The microorganisms inhabiting the rumen are able to break down complex sugars into simple sugars, which are fermented to acetic, butyric, propionic and other acids.

With carbohydrate starvation, the body can partially compensate for them due to the breakdown of proteins and fats. Increasing the fat content in the diet and the absence or lack of carbohydrates practically does not affect the increase in blood glucose and glycogen in the organs. At the same time, there is an increased breakdown of fatty acids in the liver with the formation of an excess of acetoacetic acid (ketone bodies), which leads to the development of ketosis. Contributes to the development of ketosis and an insufficient amount of carotene in the feed. In diets, you need to control the sugar-protein ratio. So for dairy cows, it is desirable to keep the sugar-protein ratio in the range of 0.8-1.4, i.e. 80-140 g of sugar should be per 100 g of digestible protein. For sires this ratio should be 1.25-1.50 in winter and 0.7-1.1 in summer. Turnips, rutabaga, sugar beets, carrots, molasses, beet pulp, young corn, cereal hay are rich in easily digestible sugars. Carbohydrate starvation is promoted by diseases of the thyroid gland, pancreas and adrenal glands, which are the result of a disorder of nervous regulation.

Fiber, like carbohydrate, is a necessary component of the diet. It creates volume, physical structure and friability of the forage mass. It promotes intestinal motility, the formation of feces, adsorbs gases. It is also one of the important sources of volatile fatty acids (acetic and propionic). It is desirable that the amount of fiber to the total carbohydrate content of the diet is approximately 1:3.

A change in this ratio in one direction or another leads to a violation of digestion and a decrease in productivity.

Overfeeding animals and its consequences

Animals respond adequately to both hunger and excess feeding. Overfeeding stress adversely affects the rate of forage mass evacuation and utilization of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, while reducing their digestibility. In ruminants, lactic acidosis, tympania, abscesses of the stomach and liver, flatulence, and nephritis are recorded. An excess of protein in the diet causes not only stress, but leads to a decrease in the absorption of vitamin A, which affects the secretion of cortecosteroids (the amount decreases). The breakdown of an excess amount of feed protein contributes to an increase in the formation of uric, sulfuric and other acids. All this contributes to the development of acidosis and ultimately reduces the body's resistance to various diseases, a sharp weakening of the bactericidal action of body fluids. Acids formed in excess combine with calcium and phosphorus salts, which depletes the skeleton of these salts and leads to the progression of rickets. An increased protein content in the diet requires an increase in the animal's need for vitamins A and B1. High fat intake and lack of protein disrupt the functions of the adrenal glands, significantly changing their structure.

Fat starvation and its consequences

Fats contain much more carbon and hydrogen, but less oxygen, and therefore, when oxidized, they release energy 2.25 times more than carbohydrates. Fats as a structural material are part of the protoplasm of the cell, and fatty acids such as arachidonic and linolenic acids are very important for active metabolism, as well as the growth and development of animal organs and tissues, and therefore their intake with feed into the animal body is highly undesirable. Sufficient dietary fat intake contributes to good appetite and digestion and nutrient conversion in the digestive tract. The lack of fat intake with feed leads to the fact that fat-soluble vitamins, although they are present in feed, are not absorbed enough, which leads to hypovitaminosis. It has been established that individual components of fat are used to nourish the brain and form cell membranes. Dermatoses of the skin, poor permeability and elasticity of capillaries, hemorrhages and bleeding, violations of the formation of germ cells - all this is due to a lack of fat. With prolonged fat deficiency, the content of unsaturated fatty acids in the blood plasma drops sharply, the activity of enzymes that activate tissue respiration decreases. All this reduces the body's resistance and leads to the death of animals from various diseases. The lack of fat in the diet leads to a decrease in milk, egg and meat productivity, and causes a decrease in fertility, ovulation processes and fertility.

6. The role of minerals and the consequences of their deficiency for the animal organism

Minerals take an active part in metabolism, in the formation of buffer systems, and are also necessary for the production of milk, meat, eggs, and wool by animals, although they do not have energy value. Insufficient intake of minerals in the body of young animals is fraught with a delay in their growth and development, a decrease in resistance to diseases and the development of various pathologies. Adult animals are also sensitive to mineral deficiencies. At the same time, live weight, milk yield, fertility decrease, infertility increases, the birth of unviable young, and often stillborn.

With a prolonged lack of minerals, the phenomenon of perversion of appetite is observed (eating one's offspring, swallowing wool, drinking urine and slurry). All this leads to gastrointestinal and other diseases.

When organizing rationed feeding, it is necessary to take into account the content in the diets of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, selenium, molybdenum.

The organization of rationed animal feeding involves taking into account the complex relationships between minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other factors.

It must be remembered that the lack of one of any mineral substances or their complex can cause stress and, as a result, metabolic disorders.

It is believed that the amount of trace elements in the body of an animal is approximately 0.4% of its mass and they are found in different organs and tissues in different amounts and ratios. The bulk of minerals is localized in the muscles, liver, blood, brain, endocrine glands.

The digestibility and assimilation of trace elements in the body depends on their interaction with other substances that are in the gastrointestinal tract, the possibility of complex formation, as well as the stability and solubility of their compounds.

In livestock farms located near metal-working enterprises, microelementoses of animals can occur as a result of the ingestion of excess microelements into their body by inhalation of aerosols polluting the air, and often through drinking water and vegetation.

All minerals are divided into macro- and microelements.

For the organism of animals, the importance of iron is great. It is necessary for a living organism, as it is part of hemoglobin, myoglobin, peroxidase, catalase, oxidase and cytochrome enzymes involved in tissue respiration, biological oxidation and protective functions. Iron deficiency causes anemia. It can occur in an adult animal due to insufficient dietary intake, reduced absorption of iron into the blood due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased consumption during pregnancy, intensive lactation and large blood loss. In young animals, iron deficiency occurs as a result of its low level in the secretion of the mammary glands, increased demand due to the rapid growth of animals, as well as a violation of its absorption process in gastrointestinal disorders. The development of anemia is promoted by a lack of copper, cobalt, manganese, vitamins B12, C and E, Bs, amino acids lysine, methionine and histidine in the diet, as well as unsatisfactory living conditions.

Insufficient intake of manganese into the body of animals causes hypomanganese microelementosis, which is characterized by a growth and development delay, as well as a disorder of ossification in diseased animals. Manganese is needed for the normal functions of the nervous and endocrine systems, hematopoiesis, blood circulation, respiration, the normal functioning of the gonads and mammary glands. One of the factors contributing to the occurrence of this disease may be a significant difficulty and slow absorption due to excess amounts of calcium and phosphorus.

With a lack of zinc in the body, protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, the synthesis of pancreatic insulin are disturbed, infertility and parkeratosis of the skin, mucous membrane of the esophagus and pancreas occur.

Insufficient intake of cobalt with feed leads to hypocobaltosis, which chronically occurs in cattle, sheep, and less often pigs. The soils of Belarus are poor in cobalt. It is part of vitamin B12, enhances the synthesis of muscle proteins and nucleic acids, affects the body's resistance, heart function, and prevents the occurrence of pernicious anemia.

Great biogenic value of copper. It affects the work and maintains the liver, kidneys, myocardium, lungs, bone tissue, endocrine and nervous systems in a normal state. Deficiency leads to stunted growth and development in young animals, impaired coordination of movements, hemoglobin synthesis and the development of hypochromic anemia, reduced productivity and body weight.

Lizukha. Iodine is one of the important elements in animal nutrition. It regulates the functioning and condition of the thyroid gland. Signs of its deficiency are dryness and thickening of the skin, delayed shedding of hair and baldness, slowing down the development and formation of bone tissue, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue in the neck and groin. Abortion in females, stillbirth.

The soils of Belarus are poor in selenium, but it plays a significant role in the body of animals. Its deficiency leads to heart failure, depression, loss of appetite, liver dystrophy, ovarian degeneration, mastitis, hemolysis of red blood cells.

The lack of selenium causes a disease - white-muscle disease. Selenium has an antioxidant effect, supports the body's immune reactivity, regulates water and mineral metabolism, as well as carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Fluorine is involved in the formation of teeth and bones, where it is deposited. Its disadvantage is loss of appetite, deformation of the skeleton and teeth. But more dangerous is its excess in the body, causing the disease endemic fluorosis. Livestock farms located near industrial facilities that emit toxic fluoride compounds enter the body of animals by eating grass, drinking water, and also by inhaling aerosol and cause fluorosis disease. Fluoride toxicosis can occur when feeding phosphates with a high fluorine content.

Recent studies show that there are practically no microelements random for the body.

So titanium is necessary for the formation of hairline; arsenic deficiency leads to a decrease in the reproductive abilities of animals, and silicon - to the formation of supporting tissues.

Lead, along with some other minerals, belongs to heavy metals. In large quantities, it is able to accumulate in the body of animals. It is especially abundant in feed produced near highways, as lead is used as an anti-knock material in gasoline. Excess lead in the body in large doses leads to complete sterility of the breeding stock, the development of anemia, liver and kidney disease.

Lithium is attracting more and more attention, as it affects the synthesis of DNA and is used as a tranquilizer.

For normal life, calcium and phosphorus are very important, which make up 60-70% of all mineral substances in the body. Their meaning is very, very diverse. The construction of bone tissue, the functioning of the heart and the functioning of the nervous system, and blood coagulation depend on them. The chemistry of muscle work, the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the digestive tract provides phosphorus. A sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium in the body, together with vitamin D, protects the young body from rickets, and the adult from osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Osteomalacia can occur in pregnant and lactating animals when a positive balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body is not ensured. Prolonged calcium-phosphorus starvation in animals leads to disruption of sexual activity, loss of weight and appetite, and lizuha appears. For weaned piglets and gilts, a lack of calcium is fraught with the onset of hypocalcic tetinia. An increased ratio of phosphorus in diets and a lack of calcium in pigs and other animals lead to alimentary hyperphosphoremia, a sign of which is the development of acidosis, metabolic disorders, and a decrease and perversion of appetite.

In-depth studies have shown that the violation of mineral metabolism is directly dependent on the lack of calcium and phosphorus in the diet, but no less on the correct ratio between them.

It has been experimentally established, and practice has confirmed that the ratio between calcium and phosphorus in diets for animals of different species and production groups should be in the range from 1.2:1 to 2:1. At the same time, it is desirable to provide animals with vitamin D, which will lead to an improvement in the processes of bone formation both with a lack of absolute amounts of calcium and phosphorus, and with a wide ratio between these elements.

Antagonism between calcium, on the one hand, and phosphorus, magnesium and iron, on the other hand, with a high level of calcium in the diet, manifests itself in the process of their absorption in the digestive tract, when the salts of some elements form insoluble compounds that are inaccessible to the body, which naturally creates them. deficiency in animal nutrition.

With an excess of calcium and phosphorus, magnesium deficiency increases. It is characteristic that with an excess of magnesium in the diet, insufficient for phosphorus, calcium excretion from the body increases.

In summer, there is an excess of calcium salts in the diet, which negatively affects the balance of calcium and magnesium and leads to a decrease in the magnesium content in the body, and this affects neuromuscular excitability, electrolyte composition of the blood and ultimately leads to metabolic disorders. In winter, farms in the northern and middle belts of Belarus lack phosphorus, while calcium is abundant in diets. Often during the grazing period, the diets of cattle lack not only phosphorus, but also calcium.

In the diets of pigs and birds, there is usually a deficiency of calcium and less often of phosphorus. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus is controlled, as a rule, according to the norms of need and the actual presence of these elements in the feed.

The detailed requirements for calcium and phosphorus for different species and sex and age groups of animals per 1 feed unit are as follows:

The need for calcium and phosphorus in different animal species

Species and sex and age groups of animals Per 1 feed unit, calcium phosphorus Calcium dry cows 8-105-6 Lactating cows 6-84-5 Young cattle 5-104-8 Pregnant sheep 4-62.5-3.0 Lactating ewes 5-83-4 5.0 Lactating sows 75-6 Growing young pigs 6-84-6

In poultry farming, rationing is based on 100 g of feed. In the diet of egg-laying chickens, 100 g of feed should contain 2.5 g of calcium and 1.16 g of phosphorus; young growth 1-6 months - 1.64-2.32 g of calcium and 0.9-1.2 g of phosphorus. With a lack of calcium and phosphorus in the diet, they can be replenished with such mineral feeds as mono-, di- and tricalcium phosphate, defluorinated phosphate, bone ash or bone meal. The missing amount of calcium in the diet can be replenished by introducing limestone, chalk and trivertines into the feed.

Eliminate excess calcium in the diet of ruminants is not possible. However, additives such as monoammonium phosphate and disodium phosphate can balance the ratio of calcium and phosphorus. Currently, various methods of fodder preparation have been developed, tested and widely used, which allow the use of a whole range of chemical preservatives containing minerals and various mineral additives. Existing ways to improve soil fertility, such as reclamation, liming, the application of mineral fertilizers directly into the soil or foliar top dressing, make it possible to enrich the resulting feed with minerals.

When compiling diets, it is necessary to use zonal data on the content of trace elements in feed. One of the sources of replenishment of mineral substances in diets is the manufacture of briquetted mineral supplements, the filler of which is table salt. Norms (%) in feed for cattle 1%, fattening pigs - 0.8%, the rest - 0.5%

For the normal course of digestion in the body of animals, sodium and chlorine are necessary. They are not only included in the digestive juices, but no less important, they excite the appetite, as well as improve the palatability of the feed and increase the palatability of the feed mass. The lack of sodium and chlorine in the animal body is fraught with a decrease in the absorption of fats, feed proteins, live weight, milk yield and osmotic pressure, and the onset of depression of the central nervous system. Large amounts of sodium and chlorine are excreted in milk and sweat in dairy cows, working and sport horses.

It should be remembered that sodium and potassium are antagonists, not synergists, and almost all plant foods contain a lot of potassium and are poor in sodium. It is right to act where table salt is introduced into the diets of herbivorous animals all year round, the norms of which are different for different types of livestock, taking into account their physiological state. Cattle, sheep, horses, in addition to adding table salt to compound feed and feed mixtures, should be given in the form of lick briquettes, which should be both on pasture in summer and in feeders in winter.

Pigs and poultry should receive table salt with concentrates or compound feed in a well-ground form.

You should always remember that table salt is not a harmless component, and can lead to undesirable consequences, incl. and with a fatal outcome. Pigs and poultry deserve special attention in this respect.

Zoohygienic value of feed vitamins

Providing them with vitamins is of great importance in organizing the proper nutrition of animals. The latter play an important role in the metabolism, many of them are included in the enzyme systems, while performing the role of coenzymes. Being present in the body in extremely small amounts compared to the main nutrients, they have a significant impact on protein, carbohydrate, lipid and mineral metabolism, improve the use of all nutrients, improve the health of animals and increase their productivity. Over a hundred years, about 30 different vitamins have been discovered and studied.

The development of alimentary or primary hypo- and avitaminosis is promoted by anti-hygienic conditions for keeping animals (dampness, drafts, crowding, low light, physical inactivity), feeding poor-quality feed, monotonous protein and carbohydrate nutrition. Avitaminosis occurs in the body very hard and occurs in the absence of vitamins in the body. The lack of certain vitamins is fraught with hypovitaminosis for the body.

Young animals, growing animals, pregnant and lactating uterus, sick and recovered animals most often suffer from a lack of vitamins. Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis occur in animals most often in the second half of winter and early spring. Just during this period, there are no feeds that could well provide the animal's body with vitamins. It often happens that, according to the analysis, there are vitamins in the feed, but they are not absorbed due to the presence of metabolic products and toxins of microorganisms caused by the disease of the animal. The phenomenon of avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis increases slowly, since with excessive intake with food, vitamins are stored in reserve in the body and are consumed as needed. Stocks of vitamins accumulated in the summer are not large and they last for 2-3 months, and therefore their consumption should be replenished in the winter. For the organism of animals, an excess of vitamins is also dangerous, leading to hypervitaminosis.

Green plants contain a yellow-colored pigment - carotene or provitamin A. Various isomers of carotenes are found in nature, of which beta-alpha and gamma-carotenes are of greatest interest. In plants, beta-carotene prevails over other isomers and in the total content of active carotenoids is approximately: in grass - 75%, in red carrots - 85%. In yellow corn, vegetables and potatoes, the proportion of beta-carotene is relatively small - only 50% of total carotene. Feed carotene in the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed into the blood and in the liver, under the action of the carotenease enzyme, vitamin A is formed from it. The synthesis of vitamin A from carotene can also occur in the walls of the small intestine. A diet deficient in vitamin A causes visual impairment in animals, atrophy and degeneration of the visual (mucous) integuments and damage to the central nervous system. As a result, "night blindness", pneumonia, dyspepsia, paralysis appear. Violated the activity of a number of enzymes, the metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and minerals. It has been established that with A-avitaminosis, the formation of bone tissue, the normal functioning of enterocyte membranes in the intestinal mucosa and membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum of the kidneys and erythrocyte membranes are disrupted. Outwardly, the lack of vitamin A in animals is manifested in coarsening of the coat, general weakness, diarrhea, salivation, tearfulness, and inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes.

The activity of vitamin A is measured in international units (IU). 1 IU is equal to 0.3 micrograms of vitamin A.

An important indicator of vitamin A availability is its concentration in the blood and liver of animals. For calves, a sufficient level of vitamin A in blood plasma is 0.1 µg/ml. In adult animals, in the summer, the amount of vitamin A in the blood can increase to 0.6 µg/ml or more, and in winter it can decrease to 0.15 µg/ml.

To assess the A-vitamin availability of poultry, its concentration in the liver and eggs is most often used. A biologically complete hatching egg of chickens contains at least 6-8 µg/g of vitamin A, in the liver - from 300 µg/g in pullets to 790 µg/g in adults.

The daily requirement of heifers and cows weighing 450-500 kg during the dry period is 400-440 mg of carotene, lactating, depending on the milk yield of 10-20-30 kg, respectively 440-680 and 930 mg.

Heifers of dairy breeds, depending on age, should receive 0.5-0.7 mg of carotene per 1 kg of live weight. When growing breeding bulls, the need is 0.7 mg up to 6 months of age and 0.5 mg at 12 months of age per 1 kg of live weight. When fattening - 0.16-0.17 mg of carotene per 1 kg of live weight.

Sheep - pregnant uterus with a live weight of 40-80 kg, the first period is 10-15 mg/head per day, the second - 15-25 mg/head per day. Sucker queens 12-15 mg/head per day with 1 lamb and 15-25 - 2 lamb. When fattening - 4-9 mg per head per day for lambs and 6-10 mg for adults.

Horses - for young animals before weaning per 100 kg of live weight - 50-55 mg, after weaning - 40-50 mg, mares pregnant and suckling 35-40 mg, stallions - breeding period 60-70 mg, in the rest of the period 20- 25 mg, working horses 15-40 mg.

Pigs - suckling pigs and weaners per 1 feed unit - 5 mg; replacement young - 4 mg; fattening - 3.5; pregnant uterus - 6, lactating uterus - 8, boars - 10 mg.

Poultry: chickens and broilers 7-10 thousand IU per 1 kg of vitamin A feed, young hens and layers - 7.0, breeding flock - 10, turkey poults - 15.0, young turkeys - 7, breeding flock - 15. Ducklings and ducks - 7-10; goslings and geese - 5-10 thousand IE.

Fur-bearing animals - 250 IU of vitamin A per 1 kg of live weight for minks and foxes.

In addition to green fodder, grass flour, pine and spruce needles, hay cooked on hangers after artificial drying, and also pumpkin are rich in carotene.

Vitamin D promotes the transfer of iron salts through the intestinal wall into the blood, but also from the blood to the intestines, which is facilitated by a specific protein called calcium-binding protein. In addition, it regulates the metabolism of phosphorus and carbohydrates, participates in the synthesis of carboxylase, which plays an important role in the reactions of the conversion of pyruvic acid to citric acid.

There are several forms of vitamin D in nature - D2 and D3. D2 is called calciferol, which is formed from ergosterol under the action of ultraviolet rays. Animal tissues contain 7-dehydrocholesterol, from which vitamin D3 is formed. It should be noted that vitamin D3 is more cost-effective to use in poultry farming than vitamin D2. This is due to the fact that vitamin D3 for poultry is 10-30 times more active than vitamin D2. Hay dried in sunny weather, grass silage harvested in sunny weather, irradiated fodder and baker's yeast, fish meal, fish oil are rich in vitamin D. The need for vitamin D is largely determined by the level of calcium and phosphorus in the diet and their ratio, as well as the degree of digestibility of minerals. Currently, it is recommended for calves and young animals for fattening 20-30 IU, for cows (dry and lactating) and bulls - 20-40 IU; ewes and lambs - 10-15 IU of vitamin D per 1 kg of live weight. For horses in winter - 10 IU per 1 kg of live weight.

For weaned piglets 225 IU of vitamin D per 1 feed. units, for growing and fattening gilts 225-300, for breeding animals and pregnant queens 300-400IU at a rate of 0.5% calcium and 0.4% phosphorus in a dry diet for pregnant queens and 0.7% calcium and 0, 5% phosphorus for fattening young animals. For poultry: chickens and young - 1000; laying hens - 1000-1500; ducklings - 1000, ducks - 1500; turkeys and turkeys - 1500; goslings and geese - 1500; quail - 450 IU per 1 kg of feed. For 1 international unit of vitamin D activity, 0.025 μg of irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol is taken.

Vitamin E plays an important role in increasing the activity of metabolic enzymes, prolongs the life of red blood cells, and prevents reproductive dysfunction. Lack of vitamin E in males causes degenerative changes in the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules, impaired spermatogenesis, attenuation of sexual reflexes, in females infertility occurs due to delayed fetal development, death, resorption and abortion, as well as damage to the nervous system and striated muscles. It plays the role of an antioxidant, prevents necrotic processes in the liver, enhances the synthesis of vitamin C in the liver, and normalizes protein biosynthesis.

It should be noted that the soils of the Republic of Belarus are poor in selenium, which can largely replace the missing amount of vitamin E, and therefore diets should be monitored for their supply with vitamin E. For 1 IU of vitamin E, the biological activity of 1 mg of a-iocopherol acetate is taken. The need for young ruminants in vitamin E is determined by 20-30 mg, the need for young pigs is 15-30 mg per 1 kg of dry feed, sows - 35-40, dairy cows 20-50 mg. Chickens and ducklings - 10 g, turkey poults - 20 g, adult poultry - chickens - 10 g, ducks and geese - 5 g, turkeys - 20 g per 1 ton of feed.

Foods with a high content of vitamin E are dry chlorella (18 mg%), rice bran (6 mg%), sun-dried alfalfa and clover (4-8 mg%), barley (3.6 mg%), brewery waste and distillery industry (2.7-3.0 mg%), ground oats (2.4 mg%), yellow corn (2.0 mg%), fish meal (1.7 mg%), wheat bran (1, 7 mg%), millet and wheat (1.1-1.2 mg%).

Vitamin K. There are several forms of vitamin K - K1 - K2, - K3. Of all the forms of vitamin K, vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is the most interesting. Plants are a rich natural source of vitamin K. So cabbage and nettle contain 32 mg of vitamin K in 1 kg, grain contains from 0.5 to 1.0 mg / kg, green mass of various herbs contains from 60 to 90 μg / g of vitamin K. Herbal flour from alfalfa contains up to 100 mcg/g.

A lack of vitamin K in the body leads to a decrease in blood clotting, growth retardation, and hemorrhagic diathesis. Adult ruminants do not feel the need for vitamin K. Pigs of all ages require 2-3 mg per 1 kg of feed, chickens - 1-2 mg, adult birds - 2-2.5 mg, minks and rabbits - 1 mg, horses - 6-10 mg.

The B vitamins are the largest variety of all the vitamins available. This includes such biochemically complex compounds as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, biotin (H), folic acid (Bs) and B12. It has been established that ruminants are not sensitive to the lack of B vitamins, since microbial synthesis of these vitamins takes place in their body, in the gastrointestinal tract. Through this process, ruminants provide their need for them. The exception is the young of these animals, which at an early stage of life do not have the opportunity to synthesize these vitamins. Pigs, poultry, rabbits, horses, fur-bearing animals are sensitive to the lack of these vitamins.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Its deficiency leads to loss of appetite, impaired coordination of movements, paralysis of the limbs, disruption of the processes of decarboxylation and carboxylation, disruption of the course of the sexual cycle. Grains are rich in thiamine content, 1 kg of which contains an average of 3 to 5 mg of thiamine, yeast - 20-30 mg / kg, egg yolks - 2.79 mg.

Young pigs (suckling pigs, weaners and rearers) 1.5-2.0 mg per 1 feed. units, sows and boars - 1.8 mg. For poultry of all ages, 2 g per ton is recommended. Minks and foxes, their young - 1.2 mg per 1 kg of dry matter, horses and foals 10-20 mg.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, prevents fatty degeneration of the liver, kidneys, bronchopneumonia, lacrimation. In large quantities, riboflavin is found in baker's and fodder yeast up to 30 mg, herbal legume meal up to 12, fish meal - 6-7 mg, corn silage - 3 mg. As a norm for adding riboflavin to poultry feed, it is recommended: chickens and broilers - 3 g, turkeys - 4 g, ducklings, goslings - 2 g, adult chickens - 4 g, turkeys - 5 g, geese, ducks - 3 g per 1 ton.

For suckling piglets and weaners - 1.5-2.0 mg per 1 kg of feed, breeding pigs, pregnant and boars - 1 mg, fattening - 3 mg.

Vitamin B3 (pantothenic acid) plays an important role in cell metabolism. In combination with specific proteins, it forms numerous enzymes that accelerate metabolic reactions, the breakdown and synthesis of fats, the synthesis of glucose and acetylcholine.

B3-avitaminosis causes symptoms common to animals and poultry: cessation of growth, weight loss, dermatitis, diarrhea, vomiting, ulceration in the intestines, hypertrophy of the adrenal glands and their hyperfunction, fertility decreases.

A rich source of vitamin B3 are yeast (50-120 mg/kg), grass flour (20-20 mg/kg), wheat bran (29 mg/kg), milk powder (33 mg/kg), wheat grain (10-16 mg/kg), soybeans (18 mg/kg), sunflower meal (35-40 mg/kg). The need for pigs in vitamin B3 is as follows: replacement and fattening young animals - 10 mg, suckling piglets, lactating uterus and gestation in the 2nd period - 15 mg, weaned piglets, pregnant uterus 1st period - 12 mg per 1 feed . units

For poultry - breeding chickens and turkeys - 20 g, ducks and geese - 10, chickens, turkey poults - 10-15, replacement goslings and ducklings - 10 g per 1 ton of feed.

For minks and foxes - 12 mg per 1 kg of dry matter. Horses - 60 mg, foals - 30 mg per head per day.

Vitamin B4 (choline) is a component of phospholipids (isphingamielin lecithin). A lack of choline leads to fatty liver, impaired fat metabolism, degenerative changes in the kidneys, decreased growth, movement disorders, and muscular dystrophy.

For pigs, the following norms are established per 1 feed. units: suckling pigs - 1250 mg, weaned piglets - 1000 mg, pregnant uterus and boars - 700-850 mg, fattening young - 750 mg.

Vitamin B5 (nicotinic acid, vitamin PP). Its deficiency leads to a loss of appetite, a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, cessation of growth, and scaly dermatitis. A good source of vitamin B5 is baker's and brewer's yeast (300-400 mg/kg), wheat bran (150-200 mg/kg), sunflower meal (150-200 mg/kg), fish juice (200 mg/kg). According to the norms, sows require 70-80, piglets 60-70, adult birds and young animals - 20-30 mg per 1 kg of feed.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, adermin). Its deficiency causes growth retardation, changes in skin, coat, plumage, epileptic seizures, decreased egg production, and hatchability of chickens. The richest in this vitamin are yeast (15-40 mg/kg), alfalfa flour (6-11 mg/kg), wheat bran (9-16 mg/kg).

The need of the poultry organism is satisfied in vitamin B6 if it is contained in the following amount in a ton of feed: chickens, turkeys - 4 g, ducks - 3 g, geese - 2 g, young birds - 3-4 g.

Adult pigs meet their needs for this vitamin through internal synthesis, and young pigs need 0.75-1.00 mg per 1 kg of feed.

Vitamin Bc (folic acid). Insufficient intake of this vitamin in the body leads to a decrease in the content of leukocytes in the blood, pneumonia, diarrhea, a decrease in hatchability, and growth inhibition.

Contains a lot of folic acid in yeast (11-35 mg/kg), alfalfa flour (4 mg/kg), soybean meal (4.2 mg/kg).

Young birds are given up to 0.5 g per 1 ton of feed, adult livestock and breeding stock 1.5 g per ton.

Vitamin H (biotin) is needed to prevent dermatitis not only of the legs and fingers, but also of the skin of the eyelids, head, beak, the phenomenon of perosis, inhibition of the growth of cartilage tissue. Young pigs require 50-400 mg/kg feed, young birds 90 mg/kg feed, adult birds 150-200 mg.

Feed yeast is rich in biotin up to 2.4 mg/kg, grain contains up to 0.15 mg/kg.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) plays an important role in a variety of physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the body of animals. The only source of vitamin B12 in nature is its biosynthesis by microorganisms - bacteria, actinomycetes and some unicellular algae. Plants and animals are unable to synthesize vitamin B12. Ruminants are provided with this vitamin due to the activity of the rumen microflora, while animals with a single-chamber stomach (pigs, poultry) need to be delivered ready-made with food.

It has been established that vitamin B12 that has entered the body of an animal and a person will begin to work if the body is able to metabolize the introduced vitamin B12 to coenzyme forms, otherwise cyanocobalamin is not able to show its biological activity. In the animal body, vitamin B12 is converted into adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. In the body, adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12) forms up to 70% of the total amount of cobalamins and 3% is methylcobalamin. The rest is accounted for by oxycobalamins. The coenzyme is retained in tissues for a longer time and is deposited in higher amounts in the liver and kidneys. Only 4.9% of the absorbed coenzyme B12 is excreted in the urine, while vitamin B12 is 15%. The coenzyme plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, participating in the deamination of amino acids. It plays a special role in the transfer of methyl groups leading to the formation of methionine. Coenzyme B12 is involved in the reduction of ribonucleides to deoxyribonucleides, the deficiency of which causes a violation of the process of hematopoiesis and the development of anemia. Enriching the diets of young fattening pigs with it, instead of vitamin B12 at a dose of 45 μg per head per day, increases weight gain by 8-13% compared to vitamin B12. The picture is similar in the poultry industry. The use of coenzyme B12 instead of vitamin B12 in the diets of the breeding stock allows you to increase the safety of young animals by 7-8%, fertility by 10-15%. The production of coenzyme B12 has been established using microbiological processes and is already successfully used in animal husbandry.

A new-generation vitamin has been synthesized relatively recently - this is vitamin U. There is a lot of it in young greens. Due to the presence of a huge number of methyl groups, it takes part in all those methylation reactions in which another activated form of methionine, S-adenosylmethionine, is usually involved. Vitamin U promotes wound healing, an increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin in the body, and a decrease in cholesterol. Gives a good effect in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.

Enrichment of the diets of poultry and young fattening pigs in doses of 8-10 g and 25 g per ton of feed, respectively, significantly increases the weight gain and the quality of meat products. Its production has been established synthetically.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has a positive effect on the body's immunobiological reactions, sexual function, and hematopoiesis. Pigs, poultry, rabbits are especially sensitive to it.

A lot of vitamin C in greens, good hay, potatoes, root crops, silage, needles. Cooking fodder destroys it.

The norms of vitamin C per 1 kg of feed in mg are established: suckling pigs - 150-80, breeding pigs - 200-70, chickens - 60, adult birds - 70, calves - 200, horses, foals - 600-300 mg. Vitamin C is used as an anti-stress agent.

A cheap and affordable source of vitamin C, carotene and B vitamins is spruce and pine needles and coniferous flour prepared from them.

Evaluation of the quality of feed and control of the adequacy of feeding

The usefulness of animal feeding involves not only providing energy needs, but also the content of all nutrients in accordance with the standards for individual species and production groups of animals per 1 kg of dry matter of feed. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the diets are as diverse as possible in terms of the set of feeds, than it is possible to achieve the provision of animals with the necessary set of nutrients and biologically active substances.

The usefulness of animal feed rations must be monitored by analyzing the feed for the content of nutrients in them and comparing how they correspond to the feeding standards. It is advisable to examine the selected feed samples quarterly. If this fails, then without fail at the beginning of the stall content and in its second half. In local agrochemical laboratories, feed is examined for the presence of protein, carotene, calcium, phosphorus and trace elements.

A more complete picture of the nutritional value of animals can be obtained by conducting a blood test in selective animals for the content of total protein, calcium and phosphorus, carotene, reserve alkalinity, erythrocytes, and hemoglobin.

The data of hematological studies give a more complete picture of the condition of the animals, which fully depends on the usefulness of feeding.

It is necessary to strictly ensure that animals receive high-quality feed, since eating low-quality feed is a direct path to the emergence of many diseases, including both invasive and infectious. Poor feed can cause feed injuries, gastrointestinal disorders, and feed poisoning. The latter can occur due to the ingestion of mineral, organic, synthetic and vegetable poisons.

The results of the study of feed, blood allow specialists to competently make decisions to correct the errors and inaccuracies that have arisen in the organization of adequate nutrition of animals and thereby increase their productivity and carry out preventive measures in order to prevent diseases of metabolic disorders.

Stern injury and its prevention

In almost all feeds, foreign objects are often found, such as broken glass, pebbles and thorns of greenery, pieces of wire, nails. The presence of such items reduces the quality of feed, and sometimes leads to unsuitability for feeding batches of feed, causing irritation of the digestive tract and death of animals. Especially in this regard, ruminant animals suffer, less often birds and animals with a single-chamber stomach. At the same time, the proventriculus, the heart wall and the heart, the diaphragm are injured. This kind of injury is recorded not only on ordinary farms, but also on industrial complexes where more modern technology is used. Feeding in unprepared form such plant foods and their residues as chaff of barley and spined wheat, rye, broad-eared wheatgrass, wild oats and others can cause mechanical damage to the oral cavity, where they penetrate to a considerable depth, forming abscesses, opening the gates for various infections. Lesions also capture the ducts of the salivary glands, cheeks, and mucous membranes. Animals, as a rule, with such injuries quickly lose weight and have to be culled, which causes great economic damage.

Feed contaminated with soil and silt loses its quality and may be unsuitable for feeding. Such feeds cause gastrointestinal diseases, loss of appetite, swelling of the scar, obstruction of the book, and all this leads to a decrease in productivity, and sometimes death of animals.

Feeding horses with fodder with impurities of the earth leads to the accumulation of the latter in the caecum and colon, and sometimes in the stomach and duodenum, which causes colic, constipation, necrosis of the mucous membrane, decreased efficiency and, in some cases, death of animals.

Dangerous for animals and hot food when their temperature reaches 60 ° C. In this regard, pigs and animals after starvation suffer the most. There are stomatitis, inflammation and desquamation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach. The optimum temperature for boiled and steamed feed is 14-16°C.

Feeding in large volumes of coarse, finely ground feed (grass flour, briquetted feed) leads to indigestion, since such feed is quickly evacuated from the gastrointestinal tract, disrupting the cellulolytic activity of microflora and ciliates, which leads to a significant decrease in the fat content of milk due to for a sharp decrease in the level of formation of volatile fatty acids.

Giving animals frozen and cold food also negatively affects the body, changing the motility of the digestive tract and uterus in particular. All this leads to abortions and other consequences.

To a large extent, the fineness of the grinding of grain feed also affects the body of animals. Horses are best fed flattened grains as they are more digestible than whole grains. Mealy feeds can be inhaled and also lumped together in the gastrointestinal tract, making the substances difficult to digest and can cause indigestion.

Young pigs are especially affected by the use of finely ground grain feed, since finely ground concentrates do not absorb digestive juices well, linger in the stomach for a long time, which leads to ulcers, gastritis, and enteritis. The degree of grinding should be medium.

For ruminants, it is desirable to give concentrated feed in a yeasted form, which improves their palatability, digestibility and absorption of nutrients. It is better to give the daily norm of concentrates to animals not in one dose, but two or three.

Root crops before feeding must be cleaned of dirt, earth, either by washing or mechanically. They must be crushed without fail before distribution, which will ensure the rational operation of the chewing apparatus and reduce salivation.

Root crops are best crushed before distribution, as the crushed mass and not distributed turns black, becomes dirty and loses juice.

For pigs, it is better to use granular feed, since their production requires the use of thermal carriers, and this contributes to the destruction of both molds and microorganisms. When accustoming suckling pigs to eating feed, but using grain, it is best to fry it, which achieves disinfection and improves the palatability of the feed. In sunflower cake and meal, the content of husks and husks is allowed no more than 10 and 16.5%, respectively.

GOST allows the presence of a certain amount of metal-magnetic impurities in all feeds. Impurities should not exceed 2 mm (no more): in the grain mixture after grain processing - up to 30 mg/kg; bran and muchka - up to 5; herbal flour - up to 30; coniferous flour - up to 10 mg / kg; in compound feed, the amount of particles up to 0.5 mm in size should not exceed 0.01%. To reduce metal impurities in compound feeds, magnetic traps are used at the factories producing combined feeds.

Poisoning of animals by poisonous plants and their prevention

The toxicity of feed products may be due to the presence of poisonous and harmful plants.

As a rule, they grow in wastelands, long-used pastures, acidic soils, and lowland meadows. Animals distinguish poisonous plants from edible ones. However, the scarcity of the herbage forces animals to eat along with harmless ones. In spring, the families of Ranunculaceae, Umbelliferae pose the greatest danger, in summer, during droughts - euphorbia, kutrovye and others. In winter, with harvested roughage, animals also eat dry plants that do not lose their poisonous properties.

Plants that remain on the pasture after grazing should be cut down. In the forests in early spring, an abundance of anemone, blueberries, snowdrops, and the crow's eye appear. These are also poisonous plants, and therefore animals need to restrict access to such places. On acidic soils where a lot of field horsetail grows, livestock cannot be grazing.

The dynamics of the accumulation of toxic substances in different plants depends on the growing season. So, in some, toxic substances accumulate during the flowering period, in others, either before flowering or after. In some plants, harmful substances accumulate in the roots and rhizomes, in others - in the seeds. However, some toxic substances are destroyed by drying.

The entire botanical composition of poisonous plants in Belarus can be divided into 9 groups according to their effect on the vital systems of the body.

  1. Plants acting on the respiratory and digestive tract - rapeseed, colza, field mustard.
  2. Plants that have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract - nightshade, great, spurge, blueberry, marsh calla.
  3. Plants that cause convulsions and adversely affect the work of the heart, kidneys and digestive tract - tansy, buttercups, marsh thorn, anemone.
  4. Plants that affect the central nervous system - belladonna, dope, celandine, horsetail, intoxicating chaff, hellebore, hemlock.
  5. Plants that violate salt metabolism - oxalis, small sorrel.
  6. Plants acting on the heart - crow's eye, adonis, May lily of the valley.
  7. Plants acting on the liver - perennial lupine, meadow cross.
  8. Plants that cause signs of hemorrhagic diathesis are sweet clover.
  9. Plants that sensitize animals to sunlight - St. John's wort, buckwheat, wild clover, alfalfa (causes skin damage in strong sunlight).

To prevent poisoning by poisonous plants, animals need to be fed before pasture. Monitor pasture herbage and botanical composition and, as necessary, carry out superficial or radical improvement. Destroy harmful plants prior to foraging, either mechanically or using herbicides. The grinding of grain is carried out in such a way as to destroy the seeds of poisonous plants, which, having passed through the digestive tract of animals, will not be able to germinate.

In compound feeds, a certain percentage of the content of seeds of poisonous and weed plants is allowed: henbane, hemlock, cornflower, rattle - 0.01; chaff of an intoxicant - 1.0; cockle - 0.25. Thus, the main importance in the prevention of animal poisoning by poisonous plants is the control over the quality of feed, its preparation, storage and use.

11. Hygiene and prevention of diseases associated with the content of toxic substances in feed

Huge harm caused to animal husbandry as a result of feed diseases, poisoning and toxicosis, which is the result of poor quality feed.

Potato for Belarus is a traditional culture and is the "second bread". It can be used in feeding almost all types of animals and birds. However, under certain conditions, the glucoalkaloid solanine accumulates in the peel, sprouts. The content of solanine in the green tops of potatoes before flowering reaches from 0.855 to 0.144%, in tubers during germination and in the light up to 4.76%. There is this glucoside alkaloid in immature tubers. When feeding a large mass of tubers and their waste in pigs, and they are most sensitive to solanine, vomiting, salivation, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and diarrhea are observed. Then, after some time, there is a depressed state, paralysis of the limbs, weakening of cardiac activity, at normal temperature. In severe poisoning, a fatal outcome is observed.

A certain danger is represented by potato stillage (waste of the alcohol industry) obtained from the use of sprouted potatoes and affected by rot. In bard, along with solanine, organic acids and fusel oils accumulate. The use of such stillage in cattle leads to liver damage, dermatitis of the extremities, nervous phenomena, persistent atony of the scar and abortions.

Prolonged feeding of such bards can lead to skin ulceration, gangrene of certain areas, depletion of the body, its sepsis and death. To prevent the harmful effects of solanine on the body of animals, potatoes must be steamed, after freeing them from growth. Boiling is continued for at least 1 hour. The water in which the potatoes were boiled is not used and is drained into the sewer. Potato tops are poorly ensiled, and therefore, for the preparation of silage, easily ensilable plants are included. Green tops and dried are used in an amount of not more than 3 kg per head per day. Raw potatoes can be fed to animals in limited quantities and gradually introduced into the diet. If the potato is affected by wireworm, rodents, scoop, and also ring rot, then it is used exclusively in boiled form. Frozen tubers are fed only after cooking and in an amount not exceeding 25-30 kg by weight of the mass of root crops.

The animal body needs easily digestible carbohydrates for normal life. Easily digestible carbohydrates are especially needed for ruminants, and more precisely for the activity of the rumen microflora. In this regard, sugar beet deserves attention. Introducing it into the diet of animals that use ensiled feed prevents the phenomenon of acidosis, while increasing the use of organic acids. Moderate summer cottages (up to 15 kg per day for dairy cows, sheep up to 2 kg) ensures the normal course of fermentation processes in the rumen, the preservation of the composition of the microflora, as well as the content of lactic acid. With large amounts of sugar beet consumption in ruminants, thirst, lack of appetite, atony of the proventriculus, reduced milk production, convulsions, abortions and death of animals can be noted.

For pigs and horses, sugar beet dacha is not standardized.

Beets of fodder and table varieties give the best effect in a steamed or boiled form. Raw feeding to pigs is not effective. The beets prepared in this way must be immediately cooled and fed, as denitrifying bacteria intensively develop in it, which convert nitric acid salts into nitrous salts. After 6 hours, such beets are poisonous. Salts of nitrous acid are capable of converting blood oxyhemoglobin into metahemoglobin, as a result of which oxygen starvation occurs and animals die. With such poisoning, a depressed state, salivation, a blue patch, convulsions are observed. It is unacceptable to feed animals with fermented or moldy beet tops. Dairy herds are fed fodder beets at the rate of 20-30 kg, and sheep up to 4-5 kg ​​and pigs 4-6 kg per 100 kg of live weight.

Such crops as flax and vetch are widely cultivated in Belarus. The technical processing of flax seeds supplies cakes and meal for fodder purposes. However, in linseed oil cake there is a cyanogenic glucoside - linamarin, in vetch - vicianin. In the presence of water and temperatures below 60 ° C, cyanogenic glucosides are hydrolyzed under the action of enzymes and acids to form hydrocyanic acid. This is the strongest poison that affects not only the tissues of the body but also interstitial respiration. Temperatures above 60°C destroy the lipase enzyme, and hydrocyanic acid is not formed from linomarin.

When introducing linseed cake into the diets of pigs as a protein supplement, the content of hydrocyanic acid should not exceed 180-200 mg/kg. It is necessary to steam linseed cake, and you can not leave it for a long time. It is best to use them dry.

One of the ways to solve the problem of fodder protein is the cultivation and processing of rape seeds. However, rape seeds and their processed products contain glucosinolates and erucic acid, which limit the use of these feeds. The dry fat-free substance of low glucosinolate varieties contains 1-2% glucosinolates, medium glucosinolates - 4% and more. Depending on the variety, the content of erucic acid in rapeseed oil varies from 0 to 5%. In feed from rape seeds, at the appropriate temperature, humidity and hydrolytic action of the enzyme myrosinase contained in the rapeseed cake, meal or flour, decompose into substances that adversely affect the functional state of the thyroid gland, liver, causing intestinal inflammation. Erucic acid, which enters the body of an animal in excess, can adversely affect the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Ruminants are less sensitive than others to the adverse effects of rapeseed feed.

The maximum allowable concentration of glucosinolates in the diets of farm animals is not more than 5 mg per 1 kg of live weight for pigs and poultry, and not more than 10 mg for ruminants.

The green mass of rapeseed is administered to animals before flowering. Getting used to eating it is gradual.

Continuous feeding is continued for 10-12 days in a row, and then they take a break. It is strictly forbidden to feed green mass up to 4 months of age to all types of young animals. For cows, the daily norm cannot be higher than 20-30 kg, for young animals - 15-20, for pigs - 3 kg. Rapeseed silage is suitable for feeding, but it is advisable to feed it at the beginning of wintering.

Feeding crops such as sorghum, millet, clover, alfalfa, buckwheat, St. John's wort on sunny days leads to skin disease with eczema. The disease usually affects animals of light colors. The dyes contained in these plants are furocoumarins, which, under the influence of solar insolation, form hydrogen peroxide in the body, which damages the capillaries and skin integuments in the front of the head, neck, and ears. Animals of dark colors do not get sick with this disease.

This disease can be prevented by not grazing animals of light colors on the arrays of these crops, leaving them for the night period. Hay made from these crops does not cause this disease.

The lack of protein in the diets of ruminants can be made up for by introducing urea. 1 g of urea is equivalent to 2.6 g of digestible protein. In the rumen of ruminants, under the action of the urease enzyme secreted by microorganisms, carbamide is split into ammonia and carbon dioxide. Ammonia, along with other feed nutrients, is taken up by rumen microorganisms. The latter, together with the feed mass, come from the rumen to the abomasum and intestines, are digested and their protein is absorbed by animals. Urea can be considered harmless provided that the diet is balanced in terms of feed units, insufficient in digestible protein and provided with easily digestible carbohydrates. Urea is fed to animals after 6 months of age, accustomed to small doses for 7-10 days. The daily norm of urea is determined by the live weight and the level of productivity. But more than 25-30% of the animal's need for digestible protein is not recommended to be filled with it. Urea can be used as part of complete mixtures. If roughage predominates in the mixture, urea is added in the form of an aqueous or aqueous solution, with the predominance of succulent feed - in a mixture with concentrates. In beet-growing areas, urea can be used as part of amido-mineral and liquid feed additives prepared in sugar factories on the basis of dry beet pulp or sugar beet molasses. In recent years, the technology of amidoconcentrate additives by extrusion has become widespread.

To prevent poisoning with carbamide, it is necessary to strictly observe the norms of its feeding: for pregnant and lactating cows, no more than 80-100 g, for replacement young animals older than 6 months - up to 50 g, for fattening young animals over the age of 6 months - 50-70 g; sheep 12-15 g, young animals older than 6 months up to 8-12 g. Urea should not be given when feeding animals with legume hay, and concentrated type of feeding, as well as in its pure form with liquid feed and drinking water. Animals with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and malnourished should not receive it.

Currently, one of the important problems that have arisen as a result of increased anthropogenic pressure on ecosystems is the problem of nitrates. Along with the traditional solution of the problems of using nitrate nitrogen as a source of nitrogen nutrition for plants and optimizing environmental and agrochemical conditions that affect the formation of the crop and its quality, there were questions about the environmental consequences of nitrate accumulation in soil, water, plants, atmosphere, their impact on animal and human health. .

Nitrates are an integral part of all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, since the nitrification process, leading to the formation of an oxidized inorganic form of nitrogen, is a fundamental mechanism that has a global character. At the same time, with the growth of intensification of production in general and nitrogen fertilizers, in particular, the flow of inorganic nitrogen compounds into natural waters, plants, and, consequently, into living organisms is increasing.

It is known that the ammonium and nitrate forms of nitrogen are equivalent, but their ratio may be due to species specificity, as well as environmental factors. So against the background of potassium, plants use nitrates better, against the background of calcium - ammonium. Nitrates are better absorbed in an acidic environment, while ammonium is better absorbed in an alkaline one. But since both amide and ammonium forms of nitrogen in the soil undergo nitrification, turning into nitrate, within 10-15 days, nitrates are still the predominant form of mineral nitrogen entering plants.

The nitrogen cycle of plants consists of the processes of entry of mineral nitrogen compounds through the roots, their transport to the aerial part, and assimilation into high-molecular compounds - proteins.

The path from nitrate to protein lies through a series of successive stages: nitrates are reduced to nitrites, then to ammonia, which, interacting with organic acids, forms proteins. Each is associated with the activity of a particular enzyme. The reduction of nitrate to nitrite induces nitrate reductase, whose activity depends on the external concentration of NO3 ions. It is believed that there are several ways of formation and accumulation of nitrates in plants: nitrates accumulate in plants from excessive nitrogen consumption by the plant, when their intake prevails over assimilation; with unbalanced nitrogen nutrition with other macro- and microelements; with a decrease in the activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase.

The increased accumulation of nitrites in forage crops is facilitated by drought, weak insolation, a sharp drop in temperature, and the introduction of large amounts of organic fertilizers. In such cases, there is a sharp decrease in the activity of enzymes regulating nitrogen metabolism - nitrate reductase and nitroreductase. An excess of nitrogen reduces the synthesis of amino acids and carotene, non-protein nitrogen accumulates in the stems and foliage, and highly toxic nitrosamines are formed in the soil and plants. In the large intestine of ruminants, when nitrates and nitrogen oxides interact, endogenous nitrosamines are formed. Feed can become toxic with the accumulation of nitrates, nitrites, nitrogen oxides and ammonia and lead to poisoning of animals.

This happens if: feeding corn silage with a high content of nitrogen oxides; use steamed beets and the water in which they were boiled after more than 12 hours, then nitrates will turn into nitrites; excessive application of organic and mineral fertilizers containing more than 150 kg/ha of nitrogen is allowed for fodder crops; include in the diet beets and its tops subjected to mold and decay.

It has been established that different parts of plants accumulate different amounts of nitrates. Nitrates are practically absent in the grain of cereal crops and are mainly concentrated in the vegetative organs (leaf, stem). Among the representatives of higher plants, there is a group of families that accumulate a significant amount of nitrates. These include the families of amaranth, haze, umbrella, Compositae, cabbage, nightshade.

The maximum allowable concentration of nitrates in the diet and drinking water can be no more than g/kg of body weight: pigs - 0.6; horses, sheep - 0.4; cattle - 0.2; chickens - 1.0.

12. Prevention of feed contamination with pesticides and fertilizers

Modern agriculture is characterized by the use of a wide range of pesticides, current and various mineral fertilizers.

To combat ticks - acaricides, to destroy harmful insects - insecticides, to combat fungal, bacterial and viral plant diseases - fungicides, weeds and poisonous plants are destroyed by herbicides, rodent control is carried out by rodenticides.

Pesticides are the most common in the environment. You can find them in the air, water, soil, plants. Careless storage and improper use leads to contamination of feed, water and air. Pesticides have sufficient stability, and therefore they break down very slowly and are able to accumulate both in plants and living objects. All this is dangerous for humans and animals, since toxic substances enter the body with food and feed. Poisoning can also occur from eating from feed with impurities of various chemicals.

Grain dressed for sowing and accidentally ingested in the feed can cause poisoning. The danger is represented by plants treated with desiccants (pre-harvest drying), baits prepared for the destruction of rodents.

The clinical picture of poisoning is very diverse and depends on the composition of pesticides. Characteristic signs are loss of appetite, vomiting, salivation, convulsions, paralysis. The death of animals is often observed. For the storage of pesticides, special rooms should be equipped, the distance to the nearest livestock facility should be at least 300 m. Store pesticides in a special container. It is not allowed to transport on the same transport, and even more so simultaneously, pesticides and feed. Preventive work is to ensure that animals do not have access to chemicals. When treating plants with solutions of chemical agents, in areas located near pastures and places of livestock drives, it is necessary to temporarily restrict operation. Feed obtained from fields treated with pesticides should be checked for the presence of pesticide residues in them.

Such mineral poisons as fluorine, arsenic, lead, copper, mineral fertilizers, acids, alkalis and cyanides not only reduce the quality of feed, but also become dangerous for the health and life of animals.

The remaining treated grain that did not go for sowing must be re-accounted for and returned to the warehouse.

Hygiene of feed affected by granary pests

Barn pests are also dangerous because they turn the available nutrients in feed, in most cases, into toxic products of their vital activity, and contribute to the spread of various microorganisms.

Significant harm from damage to grain processing products by mites. These mites, unlike other known ones, have a longer development cycle due to additional stages of transformation. All this leads to the fact that the excrement excreted by both adults and their larvae, nymphs and hypopuses give flour, compound feed a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor. Excrement, among other things, contains poisons that have a detrimental effect on young farm animals and poultry. Adult animals also suffer. In addition, mites are suppliers of bacilli and bacteria excreted in excrement.

Barn weevil - an insect with hard chitinous wings. With abundant reproduction in cereal grains, they can enter the digestive tract and cause a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, which leads to infection and, as a result, to the development of various pathologies. In addition, the weevil emits a toxic substance - contaridin, which is harmful to the health of not only young animals, but also adult animals.

Rodents have always been and are pests not only of cereals, but of coarse and succulent fodder. Mice and rats are also dangerous because they can spread a huge variety of infectious and parasitic diseases that are characteristic of animals and humans.

To prevent contamination of feed with barn pests, it is necessary to carry out such measures as washing warehouses and storage facilities with aqueous solutions of acaricides and insecticides when they are freed from grain and products of its processing at least once a year. Regularly carry out deratization activities in warehouses.

Of the other pests of plant foods, caterpillars of cabbage and turnip whites can be called. They not only affect the aerial part of these plants, but can also be eaten by animals. Once in the digestive tract, the caterpillars damage the mucous membrane of the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract with their hairy hard pubescence, and the poisonous secretions of the hairs irritate the digestive tract. One of the measures to combat caterpillars is spraying plantations of fodder and table cabbage, turnips with a saturated salt solution (800 g of salt is taken per 10 liters of water), which, without any harm to plants, completely leads to the death of caterpillars.

Grass aphids most often infect crops of legumes, feeding on their juices. When pets eat contaminated food, inflammation, blisters, and conjunctivitis occur. A week before harvesting, the affected areas of aphids are treated with recommended chemicals.

Hygiene of feed contaminated with various bacteria

Plant objects are a permanent habitat for fungi, yeast, bacteria, actinomycetes. Freshly harvested grain contains rod-shaped and coccal forms of bacteria. There are also non-spore-forming bacteria. They do not affect the quality of the grain. If freshly harvested grain is contaminated with earth, the number of bacilli increases in it. Self-heating of the grain also contributes to their growth. Soil bacteria do not have a noticeable effect on grain stored under proper conditions, however, with their intensive development, its quality decreases, which leads to a loss of fodder value.

In the grain, you can find not only benign bacteria, but also pathogens of dangerous diseases: anthrax, salmonellosis, brucellosis, etc. Such feed is dangerous for animals. Meat and bone, fish, bone, oil cakes and meals are good targets for Salmonella. Enrichment of animal feed with such protein additives at high humidity and temperature leads to the rapid reproduction of Salmonella. It is very dangerous to feed such compound feeds and protein supplements affected by Salmonella to livestock, as the disease can progress or the animals will be their carriers.

The spread of diseases of an infectious nature is facilitated by improper disposal of the corpses of dead animals.

Many infections of diseases such as anthrax, swine erysipelas, are able to persist in the soil. Growing food located in such burial places makes them dangerous, and therefore the troupes are best destroyed in crematorium ovens.

After carrying out measures for deratization, the corpses of rats and mice can be a source of diseases such as tularemia, leptospirosis, Aujeszky, since rodents can often get into feed.

Feed grown on soils infected with various pathogens can also become a source for the occurrence of serious diseases.

Feed mycotoxicoses

Helminth eggs can be stored for a long time on unwashed root crops, and in hay from low swampy areas, fasciol adolescaria can be stored for up to 5 months. Therefore, hay from low cereals is fed n \\ during the second period of winter maintenance. Feed harvested in violation of the technology requirements can cause serious animal diseases. Contributes to this high humidity, improper storage. All this makes it possible for fungal flora and bacteria to develop.

Toxic fungi penetrated into the body of animals with food germinate and multiply in organs and tissues and lead to mechanical and toxic disorders of local significance. The diseases that arise in this case are called mycoses.

The reason for the spread of smut is poor cleaning and the lack of processing of grain with granosan, violation of crop rotations, when the same crops are sown on the same array for two or more years in a row, the lack of disinfection of seed warehouses, harvesting units.

Ergot or uterine horns. The ovary of rye is especially susceptible to damage by this fungus. The uterine horns contain methylamine, histamine, as well as alkaloids - ergotoxin and ergometrine.

Poultry, farm animals after feeding husks, waste from grain processing get severe poisoning. This affects the central nervous system, arteries, involuntary contraction of the uterus. Signs of poisoning are increased trembling, diarrhea, an excited state, and then depression, convulsions, salivation. This is how acute poisoning proceeds. In chronic poisoning - necrosis of hooves, ears, tail, scallop, beak, patch.

In order to prevent ergot poisoning, grain products can be fed at a content of no more than 0.2%, in limited quantities and not to breeding stock. With a strong defeat of the grain, it is disposed of. To prevent ergot infestation of crops, the seeds must be dressed and the placement of crops in the crop rotation must be observed.

Significant harm to animals is caused by food affected by rust fungi (family Uredinaceae). These fungi begin their development at the root of young plants, and then infect leaves and stems, forming spots of various colors: brown, brown, yellow and black.

Fusariotoxicoses are caused by eating food contaminated with fungi of the genus Fusarium. Rye, wheat, oats, barley, etc. are affected, as well as their green plants and straw during the growing season. Wet, rainy years contribute to this. At the same time, the resulting grain is small, feeble, without gloss, with a surface lesion with a pink or brown bloom of the mycelium of the fungus.

The poisonousness of Fusarium grains is due to the presence of cycosides and amines, as well as cholines and an alkaloid - fusareon. Farm animals and poultry suffer. They affect the digestive tract and nervous system. The onset of the disease is marked by excitement, impaired coordination of movements, which are replaced by a state of depression, weakness and trembling. It can be observed in case of poisoning in pigs - vomiting, horses - diarrhea, thirst, in cattle - atony of the proventriculus, slowing down of intestinal motility. Overwintered cereals under the snow are affected by the fungus F.Sporotriduella. When eating such feed in animals, leukemia occurs, the hemoglobin content drops, hemorrhages, dermatitis, ulcerative necrotic stomatitis occur. Early ploughing, seed dressing, stubble peeling, hay and straw with high humidity should not be stacked. Harvesting spikes in a separate way also contributes to the appearance of these fungi. Feed grain is examined in a veterinary laboratory for the presence of this fungus. Fusarium grain is not allowed for feeding. To do this, it is soaked in water and drained four times a day. Then the grain fodder is boiled for an hour and after cooling it is fed in the form of a swill. Grain fodder of the first degree of toxicity according to the skin test is introduced into the diets of cattle up to 30-40% of all concentrated feeds. With the alcohol processing of such grain, the resulting stillage is fed up to 30-40 liters per day.

On the feed there is a mass of spores of mold fungi that inhabit them through soil, water, air. With the onset of favorable conditions (at t 5-15 ° C) and humidity (18 and above%), spores germinate, forming filiform, cobweb-like, mucous deposits of various colors. Forage affected by fungi acquires a darker color and an unpleasant odor. Mushrooms from the genus Aspergillus, Mucor, Fusarium, Penicilium, Alternaria, Rhisopus, etc. most often infect food. Acid-resistant bacteria and cocci coexist with fungi, which decompose feed.

It has been established that most of the fungi that affect grain are toxic to animals. These are representatives of the genera Fusarium, Penicillinium, Aspergillus, etc. They infect both cereals and legumes. These mushrooms are present in almost all types of compound feed. Mushrooms that produce toxic poisons are also found in mixed fodders. So the product of the vital activity of the fungus Aspergillus flavis are aflatoxins, which can be recorded on different types of grains, in feed of protein origin, in hay, and meat products.

Forages affected by fungi have lower nutritional value, chemical composition and quality.

Currently, about 300 species of fungi have been studied that cause various animal diseases under certain conditions. These fungi account for 60% of diseases.

Fungal and bacterial flora change not only the physical state of the feed, but also the biochemical one, affecting proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. Individual mushrooms, having entered the body with food, release their toxins into the blood - aflatoxins, glucosides, and so on. Toxins in mushrooms are formed during the fruiting period, when enzymatic decay occurs in the mycelium. At this time, mushrooms are especially dangerous.

Signs of disease in animals affected by mycotoxins are salivation, constipation or diarrhea, tympania, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, stools covered with mucus or blood, kidney and liver damage.

External signs are most noticeable: paralysis of the limbs, unsteady gait, trembling, depression, severe sweating, abortions in females. Horses, pigs and poultry get sick. They are the most sensitive. Very often, diseases occur with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchopneumonia and disorders of the nervous system.

Such methods of combating mycotoxins are effective - proper drying of feed, storage of hay and straw under sheds, wrapping hay bales and bales with film, storing grain feed in protected warehouses from external moisture and well ventilated. It must be remembered that moldy feed is unsuitable for feeding animals. With a weak defeat, such feeds are used after additional drying, airing, grinding, winnowing. For the destruction of mushrooms on hay and straw, a 3% solution of freshly slaked lime is used. Grain with a significant lesion is treated with high temperature in special grain drying units.

You can often find microorganisms on feed. Botulinus. Microorganisms release toxins that cause the disease botulism. The causative agent of this disease is found almost everywhere. It is a spore-forming soil aerobe whose vital activity products are very persistent and strong neurotropic toxins.

Such grain waste as chaff and chaff, wet grain, under-dried and stacked straw, hay, silage and haylage with impurities of the earth create favorable soil for the habitat of this microbe.

Horses and minks are very susceptible to this disease, however, there are isolated cases of the disease in poultry, pigs and even cattle. Symptoms of this disease are loss of voice, paralysis of the tongue, lower jaw, pharynx, intestines, dilated pupils. This disease is accompanied by constipation, colic, urinary retention, unsteadiness. The disease can proceed both acutely and subacutely.

17. Control over the sanitary quality of feed and ways to improve them

The productivity of animals, reproductive abilities depend on the state of health of the body, which is designed to provide good nutrition and high sanitary quality of feed. Feed can become of poor quality for many reasons - storage, transportation, non-compliance with production, harvesting and processing technologies, as well as contamination with toxic and mechanical substances. Such feeds have a negative effect on the animal's body, causing feed diseases.

For a sanitary assessment of the quality of the feed, they are examined on the spot organoleptically (they determine the smell, color, humidity, uniformity, the presence of mechanical impurities, mold, decay, etc.).

For a more thorough control of the sanitary quality of the feed, an average sample is taken on a commission basis and sent to a veterinary laboratory, where a thorough analysis is carried out. When sampling, an act is drawn up in 2 copies, indicating the farm, sampling site, type of feed, batch weight, type of packaging and date of sampling. To obtain an average sample that reflects the composition of the feed, sampling is done in different places and thoroughly mixed. Samples of cakes and meal, compound feed, meat and bone and fish meal, grain, bran at least 1 kg are taken from this mixture, and silage, haylage, hay - at least 0.5 kg. In case of poisoning of animals, samples are taken from the feeders.

Benign hay and straw should have moisture up to 17%.

If metal impurities and broken glass are found in them, and more than 1% of poisonous plants in hay, such animal feed is not used.

The color of hay depends on the presence of carotene in it, methods of harvesting, storage. Straw and hay of good quality have a pleasant smell, but spoiled musty, moldy and putrid.

There are several ways to harvest good-quality hay: harvesting loose and pressed hay (in bales and rolls), final drying of hay by active ventilation with and without air heating, as well as harvesting chopped hay with its subsequent drying by ventilation in tower-type storages.

It is possible to obtain high-quality hay only with timely mowing of grasses, when, with the maximum yield of green mass, the greatest amount of nutrients is preserved. The optimal terms for harvesting grasses for hay are: for legumes - the budding phase, for cereals - earing, the beginning of flowering. The nutritional value of hay and the yield of feed units decrease with each day that has passed since the optimal harvesting time has come, by an average of 1%.

Straw will be used in animal feeding for a long time as one of the components of the diet. Characteristically, straw contains 36-42% fiber and 3-4% protein. The straw of spring crops in this respect is close in nutritional value to poor quality hay.

The use of straw as a feed means requires an appropriate technology for preparing it for feeding. Ways to prepare straw for feeding can be divided into physical, chemical, biological and combined (physico-chemical, physico-biological).

Physical methods - grinding, which allows you to increase palatability; mixing - straw cutting is mixed with silage, root crops, pulp; steaming - chopped straw is wetted and processed with steam in boxes or mixers of the steamer.

Chemical. Treatment of straw with lime. Lime is taken without sand, small stones, with a calcium oxide content of at least 90%. Processing is carried out with both slaked and quicklime. A working solution is prepared, for which 45 kg of lime dough, 5 kg of table salt and 5 kg of urea are taken per 950 liters of water (if necessary). Chopped straw is fed into the mixer for mixing with the working solution (for 400 kg of dry straw 800 l of solution) and treated with steam for 1.5-2 hours. A sign of the end of the process is the appearance of a bread smell, an intense yellow color, the fibers are easily torn. It can be fed as one such straw, but better mixed with other feeds. Cows and heifers 10-15 kg, fattening young at the age of 9-12 months 10-12 kg, sheep 2-3, horses 8-10 kg.

Treatment of straw with soda ash is based on the fact that when the temperature rises, sodium carbonate decomposes to form carbon dioxide and alkali (NaOH). The decomposition of sodium carbonate begins at a temperature of 40°C. Anhydrous soda is used for processing at a dose of 50 kg per 1 ton of straw. After spraying with a solution of soda, the straw is steamed in the same way as that treated with lime.

Treatment of straw with liquefied ammonia. Acting on straw, like other alkalis, ammonia partially replenishes protein in the diet of ruminants. The efficiency of straw treatment largely depends on its moisture content. At humidity below 15%, the process of binding ammonia is greatly slowed down. Liquefied ammonia is added by injection in the amount of 30 kg per 1 ton of straw. With proper processing after ventilation, about 0.7% of nitrogen by weight of dry straw remains. More effective is the treatment of straw with ammonia directly in the conditions of the feed shop. In this case, the enrichment of straw with nitrogen is combined with its steaming.

Biological. Straw preparation methods include the use of fiber-degrading enzymes (celloviridin and pectofoetidin). The process is as follows: well-chopped straw is loaded into a mixer and moistened with water per 1 ton of straw, 1 ton of water, an enrichment additive is added, including flour, macro- and microelements, urea. The mixture is kept at a temperature of 90-100°C for 30-60 minutes, then the temperature is reduced to 50°C and enzymes are introduced. The fermentation process lasts 2 hours, after which the temperature is reduced to 30-40 ° C.

The quality of the silage is determined organoleptically. Good-quality silage is yellowish-green and yellow in color, acidity - pH 3.9-4.2, moderately sour taste, fruity smell. Medium quality silage - brownish in color, with an acetic, grainy smell. Bright green and dark green colors are typical for poor edible silage, which also has a vinegary herring smell, pH 5.6-6.0. Good-quality silage does not contain butyric acid, poor-quality silage has the smell of butyric acid, acetic acid makes up 60%, and good-quality silage does not exceed 25%. Little and lactic acid - 25-40%, while in benign - 50% or more.

Haylage has a smell depending on the quality: fruity - excellent and good quality, bread - satisfactory, burnt sugar - bad, but limited edible and putrefactive - inedible.

Beet pulp is a waste product of sugar beet production. Benign pulp is light gray in color, odorless, contains 0.1-0.2% organic acids, butyric acid is absent. Poor-quality pulp - sour, with the smell of butyric acid, dirty gray. If the production of dry pulp is established, then it is necessary to determine the presence of toxic fungi in it. By the same indicators, the quality of stillage and pulp is assessed.

Before proceeding with the processing of any food for the purpose of detoxifying mycotoxins, it is necessary to choose the most effective one. No exception is the detoxification of grain, compound feed and mealy feed.

Processing grain with soda ash is done in this way. This soda is gradually added to warm water until completely dissolved, the concentration is adjusted to 4%. Then the grain is moistened with this solution and kept on the grounds or in containers for 24 hours. The main thing is to prevent freezing. Then the grain is dried on drying units at a temperature of 180-200°C. For 1 ton of grain, 80 liters of a 4% solution of soda ash are consumed.

Treatment of grain with a solution of sodium (potassium) pyrosulfite. For 1 ton of grain, take 80 liters of a 10% sodium pyrosulfite solution and moisten the grain, which is kept for 2 days at a temperature that does not cause freezing. Then the grain is dried in dryers at a temperature of 180-200°C.

Processing grain at high temperatures. Low-toxic grain fodder is disinfected on drying units of the AVM, SB type at a temperature of 300 ° C and an exposure of 10-12 minutes.

Micronization of grain - is carried out using infrared clouds. In this case, not only many fungal spores are killed, but nutrients are also better absorbed.

Grain embedding is the process of exposing grain to high temperatures. Spores of fungi, microorganisms are killed, and grain loosening (swelling) also occurs. Carbohydrates are converted into a more digestible form.

Grain for fodder and feed has a normal moisture content of 12-15%, flour - up to 14%, bran - up to 12%. The acidity of flour and grain is up to 5o, compound feed - up to 8o, bran - not higher than 4o. Harmful impurities no more than 1%, and 8% weed. The presence of glass, mineral fertilizers is absolutely unacceptable, and mineral impurities should not exceed 0.1-0.2%, in compound feed, flour, bran 0.8%. Grain and products of its processing should not contain impurities and highly toxic fungi. If pests such as mites, weevils, grain moths are found in grain in large quantities, then such grain cannot be considered benign. Any grain that has been pre-treated with chemicals for animal feed should not be used.

Cakes and meal are protein fillers of diets. In Belarus, the most commonly used cakes and meals are linseed, sunflower, rapeseed, less often soybean. For cakes and meals, moisture content of not more than 8.5-11% is allowed. Without fail, they are examined for freshness, the content of mineral and metal impurities, the density of tiles, taste, and smell. During long-term storage, molding and decomposition of fat is possible, which gives the cake and meal a bitter taste. The presence of an anti-nutritional substance, which is linomarin, is determined in linseed cake.

Slaughter waste and canteen waste should be used as feed for pigs and poultry only after thorough boiling, and preferably autoclaving.

Fish, blood and meat and bone meal should not have a musty smell, as well as putrefactive. In case of microbial contamination of more than 500 thousand per 1 kg or the detection of Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Proteus flour is used only after boiling for 1 hour at a temperature not lower than 100 ° C. The detection of anaerobic microorganisms and their toxins in these feeds is required to carry out heat treatment at a temperature of 120-130 ° C for 2 hours without fail.

In order to prevent spongiform encephalomyelitis, it is forbidden for cattle to feed meat and bone meal obtained from dead animals.

Autoclaving of feed is carried out in preparation for feeding the dead non-infectious corpses of pigs and cattle to fur-bearing animals. To do this, meat, bones are loaded into the autoclave and water is added in a ratio of 1: 1. In this case, the pressure is adjusted to 1.5-2 atmospheres. Processing continues for 1 hour.

18. Requirements for the hygiene of feeding and watering farm animals

Farm animals are able to get used to a certain regimen very quickly. It is advisable to strictly observe the regime of watering and feeding if there is no free access to water and feed.

Failures in the violation of the schedule during these operations lead to animal anxiety, reduced feed digestibility, and hence the use of nutrients and, ultimately, a lack of milk and weight gain. The food given at the wrong time forces the animals to swallow it quickly, chew poorly, insufficient wetting with saliva and a sharp filling of the stomach or rumen, the formation of excessive pressure of the feed masses on them, and as a result, a transient process of feed fermentation begins, the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach and intestines increases, leading to to bloating and colic, indigestion.

Hungry or hungry animals are often able to eat foreign objects, various harmful impurities.

With frequent distribution of feed in animals, the appetite decreases, the feed is not completely eaten and a significant amount of it remains in the feeders or is thrown out of them. It must be remembered that ruminants in the process of evolution have developed a certain rhythm in digestion and this can be confirmed by timing. Ruminants with a satisfactory herbage for 8 hours collect food, 8 hours are spent on chewing it, and 8 hours are spent on the rest of the animal. All this suggests that it is necessary to correctly distribute the daily supply of feed, while providing for the exact hours of rest.

Taking into account the type of animals, age, physiological state and economic use, it is necessary to establish both the feeding regimen and its level. For growing young animals, it is advisable to feed more often than for adult animals, which are fed 2-3 times a day. Newborn young calves while in the maternity ward are able to suck their mother up to 8-9 times, while sucking out 1.5-2 liters of milk. Suckling pigs, if the temperature reaches 30-32°C in the nests, are able to suckle the sow up to 12-15 times a day in the first 5 days of life.

Particular attention should be paid to the watering of animals. If water is supplied centrally, when the animal is able to drink it as needed and in small portions, then this does not cause alarm. If there is no centralized water supply, then animals in winter should be given at least 2 times a day and heated water to a temperature of 11-16 ° C. In this case, it is desirable to water the animals before feeding and it is possible during feeding. Thirst forces us to eat less food and reduce the secretion of digestive juices, and this leads in the first case to a weakening of the body, and in the second to a decrease in the digestibility of food. You can not water the animals immediately after long hauls, hard work. When a hot horse drinks cold water, it develops an acute disease - rheumatic inflammation of the hooves. Drinking is indicated in this case after at least a short rest, for 1 hour. The need for water in animals after childbirth is especially great, which must be taken into account.

The introduction of new types of feed into the diets of animals is not carried out immediately, but gradually, over 7-10 days, reducing the feed already used, and introducing new ones in their place.

It is necessary to avoid abrupt replacement of the set of feeds for pregnant and lactating animals, as this can lead to digestive tract upset, constipation, changes in the amount and composition of milk. Such manipulations with the diet are also fraught with abortions, diseases of young animals and their death.

When weaning piglets, and both queens and young animals are prepared for this operation, they reduce the number of sucklings of the uterus during the week, and not immediately. For weaned piglets, within 5-8 days, protein feed in the diet is reduced by half, because without it, as a result of stress, the release of digestive juices is reduced, proteins will decompose and poison the body. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the supply of such feeds as grass flour, which will play the role of an adsorbent of gases in the digestive tract, which are produced in abundance during this period, and suppress the feeling of hunger. It is advisable to give food rich in carbohydrates. After 5-8 days after weaning, the daily feed intake is gradually brought to normal.

Influence of microclimate parameters on the process of animal feeding

Scientific research and practice have proven that the process of feeding animals proceeds optimally if both temperature and humidity parameters are observed.

So it was found that the optimal air exchange in the room for fattening pigs per 1 kg of pig weight is 36-40 m3 / h and humidity 78%. With such air exchange and humidity, animals willingly eat food and provide weight gain up to 600 g per day. Reducing the air exchange to 15 m3/h and increasing the humidity to 86% make it possible to obtain an increase of only 380 g per day, with the reluctance to eat the same feed as in the first case. The optimal temperature for fattening pigs is 19°C in the first period, and 16°C in the second. an increase in temperature to 25 ° C reduces the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, the digestibility of feed and their assimilation decreases, and as a result, low weight gain is observed.

Lowering the room temperature below the critical temperature by 1°C leads to an increase in metabolism by about 4%, an unproductive increase in feed intake and a decrease in body weight gain by 2% in fattening pigs and 3.3% in fattening cattle.

Poor indoor air exchange leads to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the air, which reduces metabolism and feed intake. Animals become lethargic, appetite decreases.

An increase in ammonia in the air of the pigsty (more than 10-20 mg/m3) reduces metabolism and leads to a drop in average daily weight gain due to low feed intake.

Sows with suckling piglets eat food well if the temperature in the mother liquor is 18-22°C (in the nest of piglets 30°C). An increase in temperature, as well as its decrease, negatively affects feed intake.

Dustiness and rather high contamination of the air with microorganisms directly and indirectly lead to a decrease in productivity, and consequently a decrease in the use of dietary nutrients. Especially dangerous is dust containing toxins, infections, and so on. This can cause various diseases, and therefore a violation of digestion and other processes.

Stress resulting from the impact on the body of negative parameters of the microclimate is fraught not only with a decrease in metabolism, but also with an impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Well-organized forage preparation is the key to efficient feed utilization. For this purpose, special premises for fodder preparation are being built on farms and complexes. These premises are equipped with special equipment capable of preparing feed for feeding. Such premises are equipped with equipment, taking into account the feed that will be processed, as well as taking into account the type of feeding. In this case, it becomes necessary to have devices and mechanisms for transporting feed in the workshop and distribution points.

The premises must meet all sanitary standards and rules for the personnel serving this workshop.

The feed shop and the territory should not be littered with the remnants of feed and unnecessary mechanisms. Entry into the territory of the transport workshop must be carried out only through disinfection barriers. The territory of the workshop is fenced and landscaped. Outsiders are not allowed there.

Areas for the reception of food waste, their sorting, feed, must be hard-surfaced, equipped with sewers to drain water. It is advisable to til the walls in the fodder preparation room to a height of up to 2 m, which creates convenience during sanitary measures (washing, disinfection). Technological processes in the feed shop are associated with the use of hot steam and water, chemicals, and therefore it is advisable to exclude equipment with zinc and copper coatings and paints that can cause animal toxicity.

Premises, equipment and containers used in the feed preparation process should be periodically washed with water and disinfected.

When distributing feed through pipelines by gravity or under pressure, a small amount of feed remains in it and can turn sour, which can adversely affect the health of animals during further distribution of feed. To this end, it is necessary to monitor the cleaning of feed conveyors and pipelines, their washing and disinfection. Conduct a constant fight against rodents, insects, birds and stray pets.

For effective fattening, it is necessary to meet the nutritional needs of young pigs. Therefore, the feed ration must be balanced in terms of protein, minerals, and also meet certain standards. KOCHIS

Depending on the characteristics of the feed base in fattening pigsties, feeding is used: a) dry mixes of feed from self-feeders, b) mixed feed, pre-prepared and moistened feed, c) liquid and semi-liquid feed, including boiled food waste, d) root crops and crushed green fodder from feeders and concentrates.

Regulatory regimen (double) feeding of pigs with wet food is more often practiced.

Grain feed is given in dry form or slightly moistened with water in the form of a thick porridge, but not in the form of a liquid mash, since when feeding liquid feed, its digestibility decreases. This is due to the fact that excess water dilutes the digestive juices, reducing their effect on the digestibility and absorption of nutrients. In addition, liquid food is not affected by the saliva enzyme ptyalin to convert starch into a more easily digestible substance - sugar.

Souring and fermentation of semi-liquid feed in feed systems and feeders should not be allowed, as well as feeding various cooked feeds with a temperature above 35 ° C.

When bacon fattening, it is necessary to take into account the specific effect of feed on the quality of bacon. Feeds that improve bacon quality include barley, peas, millet, potatoes, and legume grass. Feeds such as cake, corn, fish waste, molasses, bran and oats degrade the quality of bacon, so they are used in an amount of no more than 30% nutritional value, and by the end of fattening they are completely excluded from the diet.

At the beginning of fattening pigs to fatty conditions, bulky feeds are used in large quantities (silage, grass, food industry waste, grain waste, etc.). In the future, the amount of these feeds in the diet is reduced to 70-80% (in terms of nutritional value), and concentrated ones are increased. KOCHIS

An essential condition for the success of cost-effective fattening of pigs is the preparation of healthy young animals of 3-4 months of age. A number of veterinary-sanitary and zoohygienic measures are carried out: veterinary treatment (deworming and immunization in accordance with the requirements of the epizootic state); preparation of the premises for filling with animals (sanitary repairs, cleaning, washing, disinfection, final washing, drying); filling the premises with animals of the same age; correct formation of groups - 15 - 25 heads in one pen with a difference in live weight of not more than 3 kg (the area for placing animals and the front of feeding must comply with the standards); ensuring an optimal microclimate in accordance with the indicators presented in table 4.

Table 4. Normative microclimate parameters for fattening pigs

Indoor microclimate index

Pigs on fattening of the first period

Pigs on fattening of the second period

Temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s

winter and transition periods

Air exchange, m 3 / h

Concentration of harmful gases

carbon dioxide, %

ammonia, mg / m 3

hydrogen sulfide, mg / m 3

carbon monoxide, mg / m 3

Microbial contamination, thousand microbial bodies in 1 m 3 of air

The microclimate is extremely important for achieving high efficiency in fattening pigs.

With enough straw bedding in the area where the animals are located, a more stable temperature is achieved, and they can tolerate sudden temperature changes in the room without pain. KUZNETSOV 2

With meat fattening, gilts are given daily exercise, and with greasy walks they are limited. In addition, when greasy fattening, it is desirable to reduce the illumination of the room. ALIKAYEV

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