How to deal with winter dandruff: the secrets of healthy hair. Dandruff as a sign of seborrhea. Itching of the scalp: manifestations and causes

Where doesthisdandruff? Normally, the scalp is inhabited by numerous microorganisms, the number of whichis in. But sometimes the balance shifts in the direction of increased reproduction of yeast-like fungi of a special kind. The products of their vital activity lead to the acceleration of the processes of keratinization of cells. Because of this anddandruff may appear.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, leading researcher at the State Institution "Central Research Institute of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Roszdrav", head of the "Healthy Hair" center Aida Gadzhigoroyeva tells how to deal with it.

When the update process fails

Dandruff occurs as a result of disruption of the natural cell renewal process of the scalp. Typically, epidermal cells turn into horny scales in 28 days, after which they easily and imperceptibly exfoliate. With dandruff, the process of keratinization of cells is accelerated. They reach the upper layer of the epidermis in 5-14 days. During this period, the cells do not have time to lose moisture and completely keratinize. Therefore, they stick together and form large scales on the surface of the skin, which we call dandruff.

The cause of dandruff is a fungus

Normally, the scalp is inhabited by numerous microorganisms, the number of which is in balance. But sometimes the balance shifts in the direction of increased reproduction of yeast-like fungi of a special kind. The products of their vital activity lead to the acceleration of the processes of keratinization of cells. Because of this, dandruff may appear. The quality of food does not affect the amount of sebum secretion, but may affect its composition. In severe forms of dandruff, such as seborrheic dermatitis, the proportions of the composition of sebum change. It increases the proportion of triglycerides and cholesterol. Therefore, people prone to seborrheic dermatitis are recommended a diet that excludes fatty and smoked foods, sausages and sweets. It is recommended to include more vegetables, fruits, vegetable fats, low-fat varieties of fish and meat in the diet.

Styling products can ruin the appearance of the scalp

Often, particles from hairsprays or hair mousses are mistaken for dandruff. After spraying, varnishes or mousses dry out, forming a film on the surface of the hair. The longer the film dries, the more dust and suspended particles are attracted to the surface of the hair and skin, contributing to their pollution. Breaking off and crumbling, styling particles can mimic dandruff. Improper hygiene care can also provoke dandruff. For example, if you use shampoo for oily hair to wash normal hair, you can dry out the skin. The result will be itching and reactive dandruff. The quality of the water also affects the condition of the scalp. Washing your hair with hard water, which contains a lot of salt, can trigger dandruff.

Can dandruff be cured?

Dandruff is of different types. If we are talking about simple small scales that suddenly appeared on the head, then most likely a shampoo with an anti-dandruff effect will be enough. Shampoos with active zinc particles are considered the most convenient. After washing off, these particles remain on the head, lingering in the microrelief of the skin and the mouths of the hair follicles. They dissolve under the action of sebum, resulting in the formation of zones unfavorable for the fungus that causes dandruff. It turns out that the shampoo acts in between shampooing. Sometimes it is enough to apply it two or three times to improve the condition of the scalp. But if we are talking about often recurring dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, then you need to go to a trichologist. This will require not only special medicated shampoos, but also a thorough clinical examination and additional medicines.

Dandruff is normal in adolescence

Usually, dandruff first occurs in adolescents 12-13 years old and can continue throughout puberty. For teenagers, dandruff is the same normal physiological phenomenon as increased greasiness of the skin and youthful acne. Shampoos can help get rid of dandruff. It is advisable at this time not to use those that contain active antifungal ingredients commonly used in medical preparations. Self-medication can disrupt the healthy microbial balance of the scalp. And then you will have to fight dandruff all your life. Another option is a hereditary predisposition to dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis. Here you should immediately contact a specialist. The same should be done if abundant dandruff began to bother in the adult period, after 20-22 years.

Permanent dandruff in adults can only be cured by a doctor

If we are talking about constantly disturbing dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, that is, when there are scaly plaques, redness, itching and greasiness on the scalp, you cannot do without medical help. Self-medication is dangerous here: shampoos with active antifungal drugs are, in fact, antibiotics for the skin microflora. Their use must be justified. It is necessary to carefully follow the instructions for the use of the drug and withstand the exposure time of the shampoo on the head. During the consultation, the doctor will conduct a detailed examination of the patient. Then he will definitely send him for tests in order to study lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, the state of the intestinal flora, and the presence of endocrine pathology. The clinical picture of the skin of the scalp allows the doctor to prescribe the necessary shampoo during the first consultation. Therefore, it is important not to wash your hair for two days before an appointment with a trichologist. After receiving the results, the doctor adjusts the treatment taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. In general, the course of treatment takes up to four weeks, although dandruff may disappear after two weeks of treatment.

Every third person on the planet has experienced dandruff at least once. It not only gives its owner discomfort, but also makes the appearance untidy. About where dandruff comes from and how to get rid of it, read this article.

What is dandruff

In medicine, dandruff is called seborrhea, or seborrheic dermatitis.

Dandruff is dead flakes of the scalp that are caused by a fungus (Pityrosporum oval). Under normal conditions, this fungus performs a protective function of the body and is on the head of any person.

When normal conditions change, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly and abundantly, which leads to tissue necrosis. These tissues separate, then absorb sebum and take up much more space on the scalp. Then dandruff clings to the root of the hair and eventually falls off the head.

Causes of dandruff

Where does dandruff come from and what are the reasons for its appearance is a question that many people ask. In fact, there are quite a few reasons for the occurrence of dandruff, and they are all very diverse. So, dandruff can be due to:

  • impaired metabolism and lack of vitamins in the body;
  • unstable hormonal background (use of hormonal drugs, problems with the endocrine and nervous systems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • weak immunity;
  • constant stressful situations, physical and emotional overstrain;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • developing dermatological diseases;
  • frequent staining;
  • home use of masks to accelerate hair growth;
  • increased dryness of the scalp (after traumatic factors - hair dryer, curling iron, straightener and improper care);
  • cosmetic care products that do not match the type of hair;
  • often due to external factors (weather and poor ecology).

Dandruff symptoms

Where does dandruff come from and what are the symptoms to identify it? The primary sign is the abundance of dandruff flakes located near the scalp and on the basal part of the curls. Severe itching is also a sign of dandruff. Everything is simple here - the skin is flaky, so there is a desire to scratch your head. As a result of such scratching, even more scales appear. The third sure symptom of dandruff is poor hair condition. Curls become lifeless and unattractive, quickly get dirty, break and fall out.

Types of dandruff

Dandruff can appear for various reasons, and it can also be of different types.

  • Characterized by a noticeable dryness of the scalp. Small particles of exfoliated skin easily come off the head and fall on the hair and shoulders. Hair looks dull and has split ends.
  • Usually provoked by excessive work of the sebaceous glands. The scales are large. They connect with each other in large pieces, which, due to fat, adhere tightly to the hair and are difficult to remove. Fat irritates the nerve endings, clogs the sebaceous and sweat glands, so itching is observed. With this type of dandruff, the hair falls out a lot, becomes greasy and ugly.
  • Tubular dandruff. Scales are yellowish or gray. They are shaped like tubes. These tubes are put on the hair, which makes it difficult for dandruff to come off. There is severe itching. This type of dandruff can be both oily and dry. May cause baldness of part or all of the head.

Folk remedies

The question is: where does dandruff come from and how to treat it? There are several options for solving this unpleasant problem with the help of folk remedies, proven by generations.

  1. Burdock is known for its firming, regenerating and healing effect. The use of a burdock mask will help to overcome annoying dandruff. You will need chopped burdock root (1 tablespoon) and 1 cup of olive oil. Mix both ingredients, pour into a glass bottle, close the lid and infuse in a warm, dark place for 15 days. Rub into the hair roots, wait an hour and rinse with shampoo.
  2. Nettle is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic plant. With the help of a nettle conditioner, you can not only eliminate dandruff, but also give hair strength and softness. Take 5 tablespoons of fresh nettle leaves and 2 tablespoons of dried leaves of the plant. It is necessary to pour all this with a glass of boiling water and put in a water bath for 12 minutes. Strain the broth, cool a little and rub it in before washing your hair, and also use it as a conditioner after washing.
  3. Another method based on herbal ingredients. It will help you forget about the question of where dandruff comes from and how to make hair strong. It is necessary to mix these oils: lemon, mint, myrrh, chamomile, tea tree in equal amounts. You can use other compounds, the main thing is that they are suitable in their properties for your problem. The resulting mixture of healing oils should be rubbed into the scalp until completely absorbed. Wash your hair after 60-80 minutes. This method can be used 3 times a week.
  4. Black bread mask. Crumble one piece of bread and pour boiling water over it. After the mass has cooled, begin to rub it into the head. Leave on hair for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water. This is an absolutely harmless remedy for hair health, which can be used simply to strengthen curls.
  5. Chicken egg mask. Take one egg and beat it with a whisk until foamy. Pour in the same amount of fermented milk product (kefir or yogurt). The resulting mixture must be well mixed and rubbed into the scalp. Wrap your hair with a film and wrap it with a thick towel. After an hour, rinse with water without shampoo. You can not apply such a mask more than 3 times in 7 days.

We have introduced you to the five most effective and popular remedies in the fight against dandruff. All of them are aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. However, do not forget that folk remedies can not always help to cope with the problem. Each patient is individual - from the symptoms to the type of dandruff. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist before self-medicating.

How to speed up the healing process

If you are treating dandruff, whether on your own or as prescribed by a doctor, you must follow some rules. They will help to avoid negative consequences and get rid of an annoying problem, if successfully solved, you will no longer need to wonder where dandruff on your head comes from.

Here are the easy ones:

  • In no case should you scratch and scratch your head. An infection can penetrate into the injured cover, which will provoke suppuration.
  • It is better to use a soft non-metallic comb.
  • Let your hair rest from the hair dryer, curling iron, straightener and coloring.
  • It is important to wash your hair with a quality medicated shampoo and avoid products that contain alcohol, as they will dry out the skin even more.
  • Include healthy foods, fruits and vegetables, and vitamins in your diet. Try to limit yourself in alcohol, fried, salted and smoked. Proper diet normalizes metabolism, which will significantly affect the healing process.

The main rules for the prevention of dandruff

Seborrheic fungus is a very unpleasant phenomenon. In order not to wonder again where dandruff comes from after the treatment, you should know about preventive measures.

Perhaps the most important advice is to try to do cosmetic procedures carefully and without fanaticism. Despite the composition, even the most harmless mousse or hairspray contains harmful chemicals. The constant use of such products harms the hair. They become weak, dry and brittle.

It is important to wash your hair as needed. It is not recommended to do this too often, as the natural fat layer from the head will be washed off. But you should not walk around with dirty hair for a long time. Hygiene procedures on healthy hair are usually carried out 2-3 times a week.

Another condition for washing hair: the water should be warm. Too hot or icy water can cause the skin to peel off.

You need to comb your hair carefully and carefully. We advise you to start using a special massage brush, which will have a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation.

By following these simple prevention rules, you will no longer wonder where dandruff comes from.

Dandruff is a very unpleasant phenomenon that can overtake a person at any age and with hair of any type. We hope that our article was useful for you, and now you know about the causes of dandruff and how to deal with it.

The more common name for dandruff is seborrhea. Proceeding as an inflammatory process in the scalp, this disease is characterized by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the secretion of sebaceous secretion increases or decreases. In some cases, with seborrhea, the chemical composition of sebum is also disturbed.

Causes of dandruff on the head

Fungal infection of the skin

The cause of seborrhea on the head is the spread and increase in the number of fungus from the yeast genus Malassezia Furfur / Pityrosporum Ovale (Malassesia Furfur / Pityrosporum Ovale). These microorganisms live in the scalp of most people without harm to health. If the number of fungi does not exceed 30-50% (according to the article by T.V. Ileshin, TsKVI, Moscow) of the entire microflora of a given zone, that is, its normal value, then dandruff does not occur. However, under suitable conditions, microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly, feeding on sebum. As a result of fungal infection and the development of seborrhea, increased keratinization of epidermal cells develops, skin cells grow and divide unevenly, not having time to go through the entire peeling cycle and sticking together. Horny particles mix with fats and form scales, which causes dandruff on the head.


With this disease, there is an accumulation of many dead skin cells that stick together into dense gray dandruff flakes. Usually, the affected areas are localized on the knees, elbows, torso, less often on the scalp. In the latter case, psoriasis is difficult to distinguish from fungal seborrhea.


Eczema that occurs in the scalp is the cause of dandruff in relatively rare cases. However, if this disease is accurately established, the likelihood of an increase in the number of flaking scales on the affected area of ​​​​the skin is very high.

contact dermatitis

This disease is most often a reaction to cosmetics. The reason for the negative reaction of the skin to the use of shampoos, masks, lotions, gels, and hair dyes is the sensitivity of tissues to some components of these preparations, most often to diamine paraphenylene.

Other diseases

For unknown reasons, people suffering from neurological diseases (for example, Parkinson's disease) are more at risk of developing seborrhea on the head. Also at risk for dandruff are people with cardiovascular disease, a weakened immune system, or gastrointestinal disease.

Factors affecting the development of a fungal infection

Seborrhea on the head (the correct name is seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp) can occur in almost anyone, but there are a number of factors that contribute to the appearance of dandruff.

Mature age

Most often, dandruff on the head occurs in people aged 30 to 55 years. This risk of developing seborrhea is associated with age-related manifestation of systemic disorders in the body, weakening of the immune system.

Male gender

Dandruff is more common in men than in women, which is why there is a hypothesis that male sex hormones play a role in its occurrence. Also, the likelihood of a favorable environment for the fungus and the development of seborrhea in men is higher due to the presence of more sebaceous glands in the scalp.

Oily skin or hair

To feed the fungus Malassezia (Malassesia) requires fats that produce the sebaceous glands. Therefore, increased oiliness of the skin is a risk factor for the development of seborrhea on the head and the appearance of dandruff.

Wrong hair care

The cause of dandruff can be the use of shampoos containing aggressive surfactants (surfactants), too frequent or, conversely, rare washing and combing hair. In addition, seborrhea on the head can be associated with the use of various styling products (foams, varnishes), blow-drying and styling hair with hot tongs.

Improper nutrition

Seborrhea on the head can be caused by malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and a weakening of general immunity, which in turn arise due to the abuse of fried, salty, spicy, sweet, fatty foods, and alcohol. A risk factor for dandruff is a lack of sour-milk and milk nutrition in the diet, as well as foods that contain vitamins A, B, C and E, copper, calcium, zinc, and selenium.

cold season

Symptoms of seborrhea often occur in the cold season, as the development of the disease is facilitated by frequent temperature changes (street - room). The fungus that causes dandruff on the head thrives in warm, humid environments that often grow under winter hats.

Symptoms of seborrhea


Dandruff with seborrhea is a clearly visible, exfoliating particles of the stratum corneum of the skin. Depending on the type and thickness, these scales are bran-shaped, leaf-shaped, layered, rough, easily separated or firmly held on the skin. Color can vary from white to greyish silver and yellow. In people with dark hair suffering from seborrhea, dandruff is more noticeable, and during combing, the scales move along the entire length of the hair.


In addition to dandruff, seborrhea causes itching, which provokes intense scratching of the skin. As a result, redness, inflammation and partial softening of the epidermis may occur.

Hair deterioration

Since the layer of dandruff in seborrhea interferes with the normal functioning of the hair follicles, the hair does not receive enough nutrition and becomes dull, brittle, split ends. If you do not find out why this pathology has arisen, and do not take any measures to treat it, hair loss may begin.

Dandruff Treatment with NIZORAL® Shampoo

An anti-dandruff shampoo NIZORAL® is a remedy for the treatment of seborrhea on the head, which helps to achieve a lasting result. The active substance of this drug is ketoconazole, a substance with a strong antifungal effect. Thanks to this, NIZORAL ® not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but also successfully fights the cause of dandruff - a fungus that causes the development of seborrhea on the head (seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp).

The effectiveness of ketoconazole against pathogens has been confirmed by the successful results of 64 clinical studies. This tool can help defeat pathogenic fungus and eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea in 2 weeks, after which the hair becomes clean and tidy, looks healthy.

Dandruff is skin particles that flake off too quickly. This phenomenon may be due to insufficient fluid intake or a metabolic disorder, in which there is an increase or, conversely, a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Any disturbances in the work of the sebaceous glands have a name - seborrhea, which often becomes the very first cause of dandruff, which does not go away for a long time, even after changing detergents.

Fungus can also be the cause of dandruff. There are cases when seborrhea and fungus are combined together, then the treatment should have two directions: directly and treatment of the scalp.

The genetic factor can also influence the occurrence of dandruff, which should also be taken into account when prescribing treatment.

Dandruff hair treatment

In the case when dandruff is caused by the aggressive action of the components of the shampoo, treatment most often involves changing the cosmetic product to a more gentle one. Shampoos intended for professional use in hairdressing most often contribute to dandruff, so if there is a predisposition to this phenomenon, it is better to refuse this remedy.

If dandruff is caused by seborrhea, it is necessary to find out its appearance. Very often it is caused by a fungus, which is activated at the slightest disturbance of the immune system: after experiences and stresses, strong psychological or physical stress, as well as poor nutrition.

The presence of a fungus provokes a reduction in the cycle of exfoliation of skin scales. It usually lasts one month and takes only one week, so a large number of scales that form becomes clearly visible even to the naked eye.

When dandruff occurs during pregnancy, it is a temporary problem that resolves after the recovery of the body in the postpartum period. This is due to the mass of changes occurring in the body of a woman, as well as to the metabolism, so you should not worry about this. If this problem brings psychological discomfort, you can use the means of treatment.

Treatment of dandruff should be carried out comprehensively, and should be aimed not only at external influences, but also at correcting the work of the sebaceous glands. During treatment, the general physical and mental state of the body is important, because general weakness, low immunity and increased irritability contribute to the appearance of dandruff, which can be for a long time if the main cause of its appearance is not eliminated.

Dandruff affects almost 20% of the world's population. At the heart of the problem is the accelerated renewal of scalp cells and the rejection of dead cells associated with this process.

The update process is regular, it happens every 28 days. And, as a rule, with an interval of almost one month, those suffering from dandruff begin to experience a strong one, which sometimes covers not only the head, but the whole body.

Causes of dandruff

There are several reasons that provoke the appearance of dandruff:

    vitamin deficiency;


    improper hair care.

Dandruff treatment

At the initial stage of the appearance of dandruff, you can cope with its treatment yourself. But if the disease is advanced and crusts and a weeping film have already formed on the scalp, you need to contact a dermatologist or trichologist.

Do not console yourself with the hope that you can solve the problem with folk remedies. They are only able to maintain head hygiene, but not to heal.

But what can really solve the problem of dandruff is special shampoos. The choice of therapeutic agents for hair and scalp is great. This diversity contributes to the possibility of acquiring shampoo both within our means,

and depending on the stage of the disease.

The composition of all dandruff shampoos includes substances that prevent accelerated cell reproduction and normalize their condition, antifungal components, agents that help soften and reject the crust, as well as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances.

In order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to use dandruff shampoo as follows: wash your hair with it 1-2 times a week for a month. The duration of treatment is always determined by the doctor, but most often the course of getting rid of dandruff is at least 30 days.

In addition to therapeutic shampoo, you can use other hair care products. However, it is important to consider that they should be distinguished by a neutral pH balance for the scalp.

that under the influence of high temperature irritation of the scalp may increase. Therefore, during treatment, it is desirable to dry the hair naturally.

To aggravate the problem with dandruff is capable of ... combing. Combs and brushes with hard teeth have an aggressive effect on the scalp - they scratch it. With each combing, keratinized scales spread throughout the head, which can provoke another infection of the scalp and the appearance of inflammation.

Along with the use of therapeutic agents to get rid of dandruff, it is also necessary to reconsider the culture of nutrition.

Preference should be given to natural products: fresh fruits and vegetables, sour-milk and dairy products with low fat content. From all fatty, smoked and flour must be discarded.

With the help of this diet, it will be possible to normalize, which will affect both the state of the body as a whole and the gradual disappearance of dandruff.

In the treatment of oily crust on the head, the sun can become an ally. It is noticed that in summer the problem of dandruff is not as relevant as in winter. This is partly due to the fact that during the cold months, the hair is always covered with a warm hat that prevents air from entering.

During treatment for dandruff, do not forget that stress, regular lack of sleep and overwork also provoke this skin disease. Therefore, it will be necessary to reconsider both the daily routine and the attitude to work and everything around.

With an integrated approach to the treatment of dandruff, you can get rid of this annoying circumstance that prevents your hair from looking attractive in a month. But if the treatment is delayed, it may have to be adjusted. However, if you set out to get rid of dandruff with the help of therapeutic agents, there will be no chance for it to linger on your head.

Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

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