Zinc ointment and zinc paste for children and newborns: indications and instructions for use, reviews. List of the best remedies for diaper rash in newborns

Ointments have been used to treat specific pathologies for many years.

Some ointments have warming and healing effect, others successfully fight with and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Some ointments are quite effective against childhood diseases, but their use is possible only according to indications and after consultation with a pediatrician.

Ointment for diaper rash

In the first-aid kit of young parents, there should be an ointment for diaper dermatitis.

"Bepanten"- an ointment that creates a protective layer on the skin, which prevents the appearance of diaper rash and provides care for the newborn.

For prevention, apply ointment to clean skin inguinal region daily in the mornings and evenings. For the treatment of diaper rash, lubricate the affected skin with ointment after each change of linen up to 5 times a day.

Anti-inflammatory ointment

"Hydrocortisone" and "Prednisolone" ointments are used to treat skin diseases in children older than 2 years.

Hydrocortisone ointment has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-edematous effects. It effectively eliminates allergic and inflammatory diseases skin: dermatitis, effects of insect bites, seborrhea, psoriasis. Ointment is applied thin layer on the affected skin three times a day for 2 weeks.

Using these hormonal drugs possible only after consultation with a specialist. Improper use of them can lead to impaired growth and development of the child.

Antiviral ointment

Among antiviral drugs local action used to treat colds in children, secrete ointment " oxolinic". This tool is also used for prophylactic purposes.

Not a large number of ointments are applied to the skin around the child's nose. "Oxolinic ointment" is allowed to be used by children over 2 years old. It protects the child's body from and.

"Oxolinic ointment" is used to prevent and treat viral diseases eye. It is placed behind the lower eyelid of the child.

Warming ointments

Most warming ointments contain essential oils or turpentine. A warming ointment is applied to the chest, heels and between the shoulder blades, the child is dressed in warm clothes and put to bed.

A warm drink will help enhance the effect of the ointment: tea with raspberries or honey.

  • "Doctor Mom" ​​- a remedy used to treat acute respiratory diseases, myalgia. The ointment has an irritating, distracting, antiseptic and antiviral action. With nasal congestion in a child, it is applied to the wings of the nose, and when it is applied to the chest and neck.
  • "Turpentine ointment" is very popular among parents. At the heart of the drug natural remedy, which has an antiseptic and analgesic effect. Rubbing " Turpentine ointment"prescribed for a cold, accompanied by a cough and nasal congestion.
  • Among the warming ointments, no less popular are: "Pulmex baby", "Vitaon baby", "Badger" and "Bear cub".

Ointments for bruises and wounds

  • Bodyaga ointment will help save the baby from bruises, bruises and cuts. It has anti-itch, bactericidal and analgesic effect, and also reduces swelling of soft tissues.
  • Arnica is a homeopathic remedy used to treat abrasions, bruises and bruises. This ointment effectively heals wounds, stops bleeding, and reduces signs of inflammation.
  • Vishnevsky's ointment is used to eliminate acne and pustules in children. It is impregnated with gauze, which is applied to the boil. Leave the bandage for 10-12 hours, and then change it to a new one. The procedure is repeated until the boil bursts.

Ointments for babies

The skin of a newborn is very delicate and sensitive, it is not able to protect the child from external factors.

  • « Zinc ointment» copes well with the symptoms of diaper dermatitis: eliminates redness and weeping sores in the groin area. It is applied to the clean and dry skin of the child before each swaddling.
  • « Tetracycline ointment"Used to treat eye diseases in infants: blepharitis or keratitis. Only an infectious pathology can be eliminated. "Tetracycline ointment" is laid behind the eyelids strictly according to the instructions.

Babies need careful care, and especially for parts of the body that are constantly wet: inguinal folds, neck, areas under the bend of the handles in shoulder joint, ass, behind the ears. Especially on hot days, diaper rash can occur in them, it is easy to remove them with a special ointment.

To treat the affected area of ​​skin, rinse it and pat it dry with a paper towel. Terry products will rub the skin of newborns even more.

To eliminate problems with the skin of infants in medicine, there are several tools that are easy to use, allowing for short span time to get rid of irritation. They are sold in pharmacies or children's departments of supermarkets. Information about its composition and purpose and consultation with a doctor will help you choose a remedy. What cream or ointment will cope with the problem more effectively?

The active substance of the ointment is dexpanthenol, which belongs to provitamins. Under the influence of the product, the process of regeneration and formation of the skin of babies, the healing of microcracks and erosion is accelerated. The composition includes the antiseptic miramistin, which prevents the spread of bacteria on the priest or in other places.

It is necessary to apply for babies after washing the affected area, applying a thin layer to the skin. Next, you need to cover the inflamed area with a sterile bandage or hold the child in the air. If pustules appear on the skin, before using the ointment, rinse the area with a weak solution of furacilin, then apply a thin layer of the product.


Contains D-panthenol, which is involved in intracellular metabolism, restoring the skin and mucous membranes from the inside. Externally, "Panthenol" accelerates the scarring of the affected areas in the groin (eliminates a rash in the groin) and other folds on the body of newborns. The remedy anesthetizes, allows you to quickly calm the baby with severe lesions. The spray consists of natural ingredients(allantoin, vitamin E, wax, petroleum jelly and others), and it is acceptable to use during pregnancy and infants. The spray must first be shaken, then applied to the skin.


Ointment is often used for inflammation of the skin of babies. An analogue of the remedy is the cream "Cat Matroskin", which has proven to be an effective and cheaper method of dealing with diaper rash.

Ointment "Weleda" soothes and heals inflamed areas, contains calendula and chamomile - natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptics. Reestablish skin glycerin, wax, lanolin, zinc oxide and various oils that the ointment contains also help.

The tool can be used for the treatment and prevention of inflammation under diapers. It does not clog pores, the baby's skin is able to normally saturate with air even under a thin layer of the product. The ointment helps to regulate skin moisture: it does not allow overdrying and excess moisture.

The product is hypoallergenic, it is permissible to use it from the first days of life. Not only inguinal folds are processed with it, but also other places of irritation.


Commonly used treatment various kinds skin damage. It is used even for cracked breasts in nursing mothers, as it is harmless to the baby.

The tool perfectly copes with diaper rash, abrasions, erosion, cracks, wounds on the skin. The active substance of Bepanthen - dexpanthenol - restores skin cells, makes collagen fibers strong, moisturizes, relieves inflammation.

Bepanthen cream is available to use for the prevention and treatment of even very severe diaper rash. He's safe side effects in the form of an allergy are extremely rare. Apply the product to cleansed, dry skin of the baby. The duration of use depends on the condition of the skin of the crumbs. Cheaper analogues of Bepanten are Panthenol, Pantestin.


Ointment, it contains zinc. It allows you to use it for weeping eczema and other types of skin irritation. It contains fish fat, talc, petroleum jelly and methylparaben.

The tool helps to restore the skin, softens them and dries. You need to apply it more than 2 times a day to get rid of irritation faster. Apply to dry skin. The remedy is used for prevention and treatment, but if an infection has joined the affected area, Desitin is contraindicated. Here you will need another analogue of the ointment.

"The tender nature of a baby"

It is designed specifically for the care of the skin in the groin of newborns. The manufacturers of the product took into account that the skin of the child is very sensitive and delicate, under the influence of moisture, excessive dryness and pathological trace elements, it often becomes inflamed. Special care behind it is essential. The product consists of natural ingredients: fruit oils, vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants.

All the constituent elements of the cream actively nourish, moisturize, heal the skin on the pope. They relieve inflammation and irritation. The tool does not lose its effectiveness and when applied during the night's sleep.


It is bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent. You need to smear it with a thin layer. Used as a prophylactic, sold in children's stores and pharmacies. Sanosan is a gentle and delicate cream without preservatives and dyes. Made from natural ingredients. Contains zinc oxide and D-panthenol.

If a child has an allergy to the skin, then you should use ointments against allergic rashes.

Additional funds

In addition to the main remedies for diaper rash described above, antibacterial creams and ointments are sometimes used for babies when exudate appears. What cream or ointment should be chosen additionally?

  • Zinc ointment . It actively dries the skin, its analogues are often used, or zinc oxide itself is part of diaper rash ointments. For the child, it is safe and has no side effects. Quickly eliminates itching and inflammation. Together with antibacterial agents, it helps to dry festered places. You need to use at least 2 times a day. If the skin is damaged by a fungus or an allergic reaction occurs, the ointment does not help.
  • "Baneocin". It is an antibiotic, we recommend using it in the form of a powder or ointment, it kills microorganisms, accelerates the process of skin recovery. For infants, the drug is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription, since an allergic reaction occurs to it and there are contraindications for use (pathologies of the liver, kidneys, and others). Powder or ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 2-4 times a day (daily dose is not more than 1 g). Treatment takes place over 7 days.
  • "Clotrimazole". Presented in the form of a gel or ointment, it is used for skin lesions with a fungus. Gently acts on the surface of the skin thanks to sage oil, antiseptic. Used for at least a month even after the removal of inflammation. The drug is used as an antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. For prevention is not recommended.

Children's ointments for diaper rash should be lubricated systematically to prevent irritation in the inguinal folds. Elsewhere, ointments are used if the skin is reddened. Apply medicinal ointments as prescribed by a doctor, since the fungus and bacteria do not go away from the usual prophylactic. All presented ointments should be used for children from birth.

All diathesis creams can be divided into two groups, based on the mechanism of their action:

  • corticosteroid;
  • non-hormonal.

Non-hormonal ointments are prescribed by a doctor when diathesis in a baby occurs in mild form. It is possible to use them for a long time, while they have a mild effect and are not addictive.

Important! Corticosteroid hormonal preparations are more effective, but have some side effects, so they are prescribed by a specialist with bright pronounced manifestations dermatitis.

Non-hormonal ointments and creams

Preparations without the content of hormonal substances are best suited for infants to get rid of diathesis. Their action is aimed at removing replenishment and regeneration of the affected areas of the skin.

A doctor should choose an ointment for diathesis for children, since it is important to take into account many factors, up to the time of year and air temperature.

Among non-hormonal drugs, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Fenistil. From the first month of life infants the gel is prescribed to relieve itching and irritation from diathesis. Doctors do not recommend treating large areas of the body with the product, as this can be harmful and cause an overdose.
  2. Gistan. This drug is considered biologically active, because it contains components plant origin. When buying, it is important not to confuse it with a cream.
  3. Gistan H, which is hormonal.
  4. Skin cap. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of children from 1 year of age. The cream contains antibacterial component. It can only be used after medical prescription.
    When strongly severe symptoms pathology, the following medicines are used:
  5. Elidel. A potent drug for local use with antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. In infants with diathesis, it is used no earlier than from three months.
  6. Desitin. Ointment based on zinc oxide. Suitable for the treatment of diathesis and prickly heat. An important feature is that the product creates a protective film, and the rash does not spread to healthy areas of the skin. It can not be used if there is an infectious inflammation.
  7. Protopic. Treatment is prescribed for children from the age of two years. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is used for atomic dermatitis.

To speed up the peeling of the skin on the cheeks and other parts of the baby's body, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration, use Bepanten and similar ointments (D-panthenol, Pantoderm).

Important! Ointment for diathesis in children can also cause allergies. At the first sign of negative reactions, the use of the drug must be stopped.

Hormonal drugs

The doctor prescribes corticosteroid ointments and creams only when non-hormonal drugs do not desired effect. Hormonal agents very effectively cope with the task.

Such ointments relieve severe inflammation, eliminate itching. The problem is that their use can lead to serious consequences.

Among hormonal ointments from diathesis for children, the following funds can be distinguished:

  1. Advantan. The tool is sold in several dosage forms and effectively copes with the manifestations of diathesis. When treating children, the period of use should not exceed one month.
  2. Sinaflan. Anti-inflammatory, antipruritic drug, the course of treatment of which should last no more than 10 days. Moreover, the tool can not be used on the skin of the face and in the folds.

Hormonal preparations have the following features:

Ointments for diathesis are used quite actively. But is it possible to use this or that ointment for diathesis in children with any form of dermatitis? Definitely not.

All drugs that have healing effect on diathesis of a child, are divided into two large groups:

  • Hormonal;
  • Non-hormonal.

Although the effectiveness of hormonal ointment is higher, if you anoint a child up to a year old with a similar remedy, you may encounter certain consequences, complications or side effects.

  1. If the disease is in a mild or moderate form, be sure to start treatment only with non-hormonal drugs.
  2. The initial stage is often easily treated with immunosuppressants.
  3. If scratching or weeping wounds begin to appear on the baby's body, try to use traditional ointments or creams.
  4. When it appears on the baby's skin a small amount allergic spots that do not manifest themselves clearly, with this form of diathesis, the ointment is replaced with softening and moisturizing creams.
  5. When weeping lesions with diathesis are abundantly formed on the baby's skin, it is worth abandoning ointments. Instead, lotions with antiseptics are prescribed. As soon as the foci dry out, you can return to the ointment.
  6. When a non-hormonal diathesis ointment for children does not give a result, or the disease goes into an exacerbation stage, you will need to switch to corticosteroids, that is, a hormonal ointment.

Hormonal remedies

Treatment of diathesis with corticosteroid or simply hormonal drugs has its own characteristics and warnings, which the parents of the child must be aware of.

  • The main advantage of treating diathesis with hormonal ointments is their excellent effectiveness. They act on the disease quickly and efficiently;
  • But there is a hormonal ointment back side medals - questionable safety;
  • If the treatment is not controlled, smear the affected areas of the baby's skin whenever you like, this threatens with serious consequences;
  • Pigmentation and addiction can act as consequences of improper use of hormonal ointment for dermatitis in a child. Therefore, soon the ointment will no longer act so effectively, but will begin to bring more harm than benefit;
  • Manufacturers of hormonal children's ointment for diathesis are subject to increased requirements. The main thesis is maximum efficiency with minimum threats;
  • Doctors trust a certain group of hormonal ointments, which are characterized by low and medium degree activity. These are Prednisolone, hydrocorticosone ointment, Advantan, Lokoid and Elokom;
  • The presented funds are able to quickly eliminate the inflammation of diathesis for a course lasting up to 2 weeks. In this case, side effects are not observed if you follow the instructions;
  • Some doctors recommend that for certain diathesis, requiring the use of steroid ointment, dilute hormonal preparations with baby cream. One of the best means for dilution, F99 cream is considered;
  • As soon as the course of treatment with a hormonal agent is over, the child should switch to the use of non-hormonal ointments.

Non-hormonal agents

How to smear diathesis in a child when using non-hormonal treatments? This will be determined by the attending physician on the basis of tests or examination of the baby. In many ways, the choice also depends on how hot summers or cold winters are.

External factors can significantly affect the performance of a drug.

There are quite a few drugs for the treatment of diathesis. However, all medicines local application can be divided into 2 broad categories - hormonal and non-hormonal.


These drugs are highly effective, but can lead to undesirable consequences for good health.

Prolonged and uncontrolled use of such drugs provokes: addiction; the appearance of pigmentation; thinning of the skin.

Therefore, the use of hormonal ointments is allowed only as directed by a doctor.

Separate requirements apply to drugs for children.

Corticosteroids used in pediatrics should have a high safety profile and sufficient efficacy.

The most effective means are drugs such as elocom, locoid, advantan. They quickly eliminate inflammatory processes.

With a short course of use, which does not exceed 15 days, they do not provoke side effects.


New drugs that help cope with dermatitis include immunosuppressants. Most effective medicine from this category is elidel.

It helps to suppress the aggressive effect of T-lymphocytes on skin cells and stop the development of inflammation.

The advantages of such drugs is the possibility of use on any part of the body, including the most sensitive.

Such drugs can smear diathesis on the cheeks of a child. They can also be applied to the neck and inguinal folds.

The disadvantages include a decrease in the protective properties of the skin and an increase in the risk of infections. Therefore, the use of such funds is allowed only as directed by a doctor.

Also, for the treatment of diathesis in children, preparations based on mineral components are used.

The specialist may issue:

  • tar;
  • naftalan;
  • or ichthyol ointment.

Such drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, cope with pain syndrome, sensation of itching. In addition, they have a resolving effect.

Diathesis in infants often has a weeping character. In this case, the bubbles on the surface of the skin burst, creating moist areas that are favorable environment for bacterial growth.

Therefore, an ointment for babies should have:

  1. drying;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antimicrobial action.

Zinc preparations have such an effect.

An emollient that is actively used in pediatrics is bepanthen. This drug contains dexpanthenol.

It helps to eliminate irritation, increase skin elasticity and heal scratches. Smearing diathesis with bepanten is recommended for peeling, the appearance of cracks and dry crusts.


AT infancy diathesis happens:


The type of diathesis is characterized by redness and swelling. Inflamed foci may be covered with a crust that is prone to peeling. This causes a disturbing itch.


Diathesis with very severe itching. There are swelling, there are bubbles on the irritated places. Subsequently, the contents of the bubbles flow out and damaged skin starts to get wet.

Treatment of diathesis

The high efficacy of corticosteroids main reason the appointment of these drugs in severe form of leakage and during exacerbations. However, this group of medicines is considered not the safest, especially when it comes to the treatment of children.

Therefore, remember: corticosteroid drugs can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Unreasonable and unreasonable use of such medicines can lead to negative consequences and severe complications.

What corticosteroid ointments are suitable for the treatment of diathesis in children?

  • Dermovate. The main active ingredient (clobetasol propionate) eliminates swelling, itching, hyperemia, and also relieves inflammation and helps in the fight against allergies. The period of application should not be more than four weeks, and in some cases even less.
  • Locoid. The main active ingredient is hydrocortisone-17-butyrate. This drug available in the form of an ointment, cream or emulsion. Effectively fights against itching, inflammation, swelling. It rarely causes side effects.
  • Afloderm. The drug has immunosuppressive and antiproliferative properties, relieves swelling, fights tissue inflammation, and suppresses itching. Available in both cream and ointment form. Absorbs quickly into the skin and leaves no oily residue. Contraindicated in babies under six months.
  • Elokom. The composition of the drug includes mometasone furoate - a topical glucocorticosteroid of synthetic origin. It has a vasoconstrictive, anti-exudative, antipruritic, anti-allergic effect. Issued in different forms- ointments, creams, lotions.
  • Advantan. Effectively fights itching, swelling, redness, rashes, thickening of the skin and so on. It is produced in three forms: emulsions, creams, ointments. Sometimes side effects appear, so the appointment and use of advantan should be under the supervision of a physician.
  • Celestoderm B. Cream and ointment contain betamethasone. It has antipruritic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory action. Available in the form of a cream or ointment.
  • Beloderm. The active ingredient is betamethasone dipropionate. Fights inflammatory and allergic processes, has an immunosuppressive effect. Has contraindications.

All corticosteroids have in common that their use should not be interrupted abruptly, as this can lead to the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome. Usually the course of use similar drugs has a short time duration, and at its end, the dose and frequency of use are gradually reduced.

In order to consolidate the effect obtained and not provoke a withdrawal syndrome, after the end of the course of treatment with corticosteroids, non-hormonal therapy is prescribed.

In addition to medical and cosmetic products, diathesis and folk methods. There are many "grandmother's" methods that can be applied from the manifestations of this atypical reaction of the body.

Their undoubted advantage is that the ingredients for folk recipes is in almost every home. The downside lies in the fact that these recipes do not always have such a quick and effective action as you would like.

Here are the most famous folk remedies from diathesis:

Diathesis is not a skin disease, but a signal of the body to irritation coming from the inside or outside. Treatment should be complex, accompanied by diet.

In order to identify what provokes diathesis in a child, and to form a treatment regimen, a full examination is required.

Usually, the following methods are used to treat the disease:

Because every organism has its own certain product- an allergen, a diet is developed for each child individually.

Any diet should be based on uniform nutrition. Need to avoid long breaks in feeding, as well as overeating.

Mom is obliged to closely monitor the reaction of the baby's body to the foods used. When diathesis is detected, the product allergic, should be excluded.

After a pause, it is advisable to try again to use this product in the diet. Thus, you can slowly, without haste, adapt the body to this food.

Particularly allergenic foods include:

  • Broths based on chicken or meat:
  • Red fruits and vegetables;
  • Products that have not undergone heat treatment;
  • Porridge made from semolina or millet;
  • Sweets, chocolate;
  • Products with honey.

Of the fruits, the use of fear causes: bananas, citrus fruits, pomegranates, apricots, peaches.

Dietary nutrition for diathesis involves the use of foods rich in protein. The dose of protein required for a child is 3 grams per kilogram of body weight.

It is recommended to replenish the menu with boiled vegetables. A regular product on the table should be kefir, cottage cheese, egg yolk. Also very helpful goat milk. The diet must be saturated fresh vegetables and permitted fruits.

Treatment of diathesis in babies should take place only under control pediatrician. You cannot apply any medications, be it tablets, drops or cream. Remember that some drugs themselves can cause allergic reactions.

It is necessary to treat diathesis primarily by adjusting the nutrition of the mother and the newborn. If the baby is only breastfed, take care proper diet follows a breastfeeding woman.

On her dining table there should be no allergen products: honey, chocolate, fish, red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, spices, cow's milk.

Treatment of diathesis in children with folk remedies

A new class of non-hormonal agents to combat dermatitis are immunosuppressants (Elidel cream). They suppress the attack of T-lymphocytes on skin cells and inhibit the development inflammatory process.

The advantages of drugs include the ability to use on any part of the body, including the most sensitive - the face, neck, inguinal folds.

The disadvantages are a decrease in the protective properties of the skin and an increased risk of developing secondary skin infections. It is possible to use such a remedy for diathesis in children only under the supervision of a pediatrician or dermatologist.

Traditionally, in the treatment of childhood dermatosis, ointments based on minerals: naftalan, tar, dermatol and ichthyol. In addition to anti-inflammatory, they have a resolving, analgesic and antipruritic effect.

They are prescribed for mild and moderate forms of dermatitis. However, the pungent smell of these drugs often causes rejection in young patients.

In infancy, the disease, as a rule, is "wet" in nature. Bubbles on the skin burst and create weeping "islands", which become a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

Therefore, diathesis ointment for infants should have not only anti-inflammatory, but also drying, and antimicrobial action. Zinc preparations have the necessary properties - creams Desitin, Diaderm, Menalind.

They are allowed to be used from the first days of life, up to 3-6 times a day.

As soon as you notice the appearance of such symptoms in the baby as redness of the skin (especially in the area of ​​the cheeks, priests, inguinal folds), their dryness, characteristic weeping rashes, itching, and so on, you must refer to pediatric therapist, allergist or dermatologist.

Depending on the nature of the manifestations, the specialist will be able to choose the appropriate ointment or cream for diathesis for infants and older children.

What drugs are most in demand for the treatment of such reactions of the body? All of them are divided into two groups:

  • corticosteroid drugs;
  • non-hormonal agents.

The drugs of the first group are usually used for a mild form of leakage. If there are more complex cases (with severe itching, profuse redness of the skin, swelling and weeping rashes), the doctor may also prescribe corticosteroids.

It is necessary to treat diathesis in a child comprehensively. Remove from diet allergenic products, and treat reddened areas of the body with special preparations.

When choosing a product for children, it is important to focus on its quality and the age of the baby. Creams for adults are not suitable for babies, as they may contain the following substances:

  • hormones;
  • dyes;
  • fragrances.

When choosing an ointment for diathesis, you should understand how severe its symptoms are and pay attention to the condition of the baby's skin.

Benefits of the ointment:

  1. It has a dense texture rich in lipids.
  2. Ideal for dry, rough skin.
  3. More suitable for severe allergic reactions.

The advantages of the cream can be described as follows:

  1. The cream is lighter and absorbs faster without clogging pores.
  2. It suits better initial stage treatment when diathesis is just beginning.

In addition, the delicate skin of the baby after the course of treatment also needs care. The healing agent must meet the following requirements:

  1. Protection. When an allergy occurs, the skin becomes dry and crusted, therefore it ceases to fulfill its protective functions. A diathesis cream should protect the damaged epidermis.
  2. Hydration. The cream should not only moisturize the dry skin of the child, but also retain moisture in it, so parents should choose a product with moisturizing ingredients.
  3. Mitigation. Emollients will prevent crusting and eliminate signs of peeling.

Also, during treatment, it is important to prevent infection and the development of infection in inflamed areas of the skin.

The ointment is a dosage form that has a soft consistency and is intended for topical use.

It includes:

  • mixture of active substance;
  • auxiliary components;
  • ointment base.

All ingredients can be:

  • homogeneous, which dissolve in the base;
  • insoluble - in this case, the ointment is available in the form of a paste, cream or suspension.

Types of ointments

With children's diathesis allow to cope special ointments. Now diathesis is a very common phenomenon, the disease manifests itself in different forms.

It is important for parents to remember what to choose correctly effective drug with diathesis rashes, only a specialist can, based on the tests performed.

Therapy must begin immediately to reduce the child's suffering from skin itching to the minimum time.

As soon as redness or a rash appears on the child's skin, he should immediately be taken to an allergist.

What are ointments

Ointments for diathesis for children are hormonal and non-hormonal. This is the basic principle of dividing these medicines.

Parents of infants should be aware that despite the great effectiveness of hormonal drugs, they are usually not used for infants, since negative side effects may appear, and very strong ones.

For older children, only a specialist can prescribe a hormonal drug; it is by no means possible to treat a child with these drugs on their own at home. Everything should be done according to the doctor's recommendations.

With diathesis, which manifests itself in mild and even moderate form, non-hormonal ointments are usually prescribed for children of any age.

Hormonal drugs are used only for serious cases in children older than one year, and also if there is no result from the use of a non-hormonal drug.

What gives the use of ointments from diathesis

Such medicines for childhood diathesis solve a number of problems:

  • They protect the skin, which becomes dry during diathesis and cannot prevent various toxins, bacteria, and moisture loss from getting under the skin. That is, the skin itself must be protected with an ointment so that the skin can “work” normally. Dry skin with manifestations of diathesis requires good treatment. The ointment will protect the skin, will heal it, and the cured skin will protect the child's body.
  • Moisturize the skin. The product delivers water to dry skin and helps to retain it there.
  • Soften the skin, while reducing the symptoms of diathesis.

Babies: what is suitable for them

Parents themselves will not be able to determine whether their baby has diathesis or something else. The doctor will install accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Often, ointments are saved from the manifestations of diathesis in children, which include minimum doses hormones. These drugs are called glucocorticoids. High efficiency demonstrate such ointments as elocom, advant, celestoderm.

  1. Elokom. This drug is available in the form of lotion and ointment. With diathesis in newborns, an ointment is used to treat a rash, which has antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative and vasoconstrictive effects. Apply it in a thin layer to the affected areas once a day. Duration of treatment - no longer than seven days.
  2. Advant. Available in four forms: cream, ointment, fatty ointment, emulsion. Advant can only be used from the age of four months, so this diathesis ointment for newborns is not suitable. If the rash is not weeping, then the advant is applied once a day in a thin layer, but the treatment should not exceed four weeks.
  3. Celestoderm. This hormonal ointment for diathesis is suitable for children from six months. It has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Can be applied to the skin 1-3 times a day, depending on the condition of the skin. It is not recommended to use celestoderm for longer than seven to ten days.

Note that the choice of hormonal ointments is quite wide, but it is worth giving preference to drugs with prolonged action.

It is somewhat easier to choose a non-hormonal ointment, because there are no hormones in its composition. The only thing to be taken seriously is possible manifestations allergies. Unfortunately, this can only be verified by applying the ointment to the child's skin.

  1. Dimedrolovo- zinc paste(pasta Guzhienko). This drug is prepared in a pharmacy on the basis of zinc paste and alcohol solution diphenhydramine. The resulting ointment is applied in a thin layer to itchy areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. It is used to eliminate the manifestations of dermatosis and exudative-catarrhal diathesis in children older than six months.
  2. Elidel. The ointment is effective in eliminating inflammation, itching and pathological histological manifestations on the skin in babies from three months. Rubbed into the skin two or more times a day, and the course is continued until the effect is achieved, but not more than 1.5 months.
  3. Fenistil-gel. This ointment is applied pointwise, but it contains components that can cause allergies. If the child is breastfed, then the mother is recommended to take diazolin. Getting into milk, and then into the body of a child, diazolin has a similar wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

In some cases, rashes may be accompanied by discharge of pus. This form of diathesis requires special care in choosing ointments.

Often prescribe means such as Vishnevsky's ointment, fundizol or levomekol, but you cannot prescribe them to your child on your own, since these ointments can be dangerous to his health.

The article is presented for informational purposes. The appointment of treatment should be made only by a doctor!

Hormonal formulations for diathesis are creams that have the most effective effect, they effectively fight the disease, thanks to the ability to trigger the child's internal cleansing mechanisms.

The hormonal group includes the following creams: Elocom, Advant and Celestoderm. The first is used primarily to combat the rash, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and is applied to the affected skin of the baby once a day for a week.

"Advant" is a cream that must be used only from the age of four months. It will not help newborns, but only harm. "Advant" is applied once a day, the duration of the course is not longer than four weeks.

Celestoderm "has an anti-allergic effect and is suitable for six-month-old babies. It is applied to the skin up to three times a day and is applied no longer than 10 days.

Non-hormonal agents are also widespread. This group includes the following creams: "Dimedrol-zinc", "Elidel", "Fenistil-gel".

The choice of a cream from this group must be approached very carefully, since an incorrectly selected remedy can cause an allergic reaction. "Dimedrol-zinc" cream is used to eliminate itching and different kind dermatoses.

It is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 to 3 times a day and is used from six months.

"Elidel" perfectly eliminates itching, inflammation, as well as histological manifestations in babies. This drug should be used from three months, rubbing into the skin of the child several times a day. The duration of the course is no more than one and a half months.

"Fenistil-gel" requires special measures precautions, it must be applied pointwise to the baby's skin so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Unlike corticosteroids, non-hormonal drugs have a milder effect, are not addictive and can be used for a longer period of time.

The following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Diaderm. The composition of the product includes zinc oxide, which contributes to the drying of sores, characteristic of the weeping form of diathesis. It also has an astringent, adsorbent and antiseptic effect.
  • Desitin. It also contains zinc oxide, due to which it has a drying, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.
  • Glutamol. Contains zinc pyrithionate, vitamins E and A, glutamol, stearin, Vaseline oil. Absorbs quickly. Suitable for children of any age.
  • Bepanten. Basic active ingredient- dexpanthenol. The drug copes well with weeping sores, drying and disinfecting them. They produce both cream and ointment and lotion.

When inflammation occurs on the skin this remedy can lead to the appearance of a film that will interfere with the healing process. To stop the symptoms of allergies, it is recommended to use milder remedies.

The choice of cream should be treated very carefully, because children's skin is different. high sensitivity and needs gentle care.

Today, there are quite a few hypoallergenic products that are designed to care for dry skin.

Usually in the composition of such cosmetics are present:

  • natural oils;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • other ingredients that help saturate the skin with fats and acids, as well as restore water balance.

Diathesis is a fairly common problem that causes serious discomfort to the child. To cope with the symptoms of the disease will help drugs for topical application.

However, most of them have side effects, so they should be prescribed by a doctor.

Hormonal medications contain corticosteroids, so they work faster. Of the hormonal ointments used in the treatment of diathesis, judging by the reviews of parents, the most effective are Elok, Advant and Celestoderm, together with an additional course of Polysorb.

For infants under the age of 3 months and older, non-hormonal creams, lotions and ointments are prescribed for the treatment of diathesis. For example, drugs Enterosgel, Bepanten, Suprastin, Smecta and Fenistil are shown even to one-month-old babies, and Elidel can be used as early as three months of age. Before starting diathesis treatment hormonal means, consultations of a pediatrician and an allergist are necessary, and if necessary, more narrow specialists.

The main difference between non-hormonal drugs and hormonal drugs is the absence of the first hormones.

- Fenistil cream has a slight sedative effect. It is best to smear Fenistil at night, then the child's sleep will be much calmer.

Burning and itching will not bother him. If the disease requires a double application of Fenistil, then a smaller part daily allowance use in the morning, and a larger residue just before bedtime;

- Bepanten - a drug containing vitamins that stimulate the metabolism in tissues. Bepanten has pronounced disinfectant properties; Paste for oral administration "Enterosgel"

— Enterosgel relieves children's body from excess cholesterol. Enterosgel is indispensable in the treatment of rashes, itching and acne. Like Polysorb, Enterosgel is very effective for weight correction;

- Smecta is just a very effective absorbent with an anti-inflammatory effect. Smecta for newborns with allergic dermatitis the most affordable, effective and safe drug;

- Suprastin is a broad-spectrum drug. In the treatment of diathesis, Suprastin is especially effective in the form of a cream, especially together with the use of Polysorb.

Judging by the reviews of doctors and parents of young patients, Smecta, Polysorb and Enterosgel are the most effective drugs harmless to newborn babies. Moreover, if Enterosgel shows its therapeutic properties as a cream, then Polysorb is more often used as a fight against food allergies. With weight loss, Polysorb is a very effective drug.

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The skin of a newborn baby is not yet fully able to perform protective function. She is very gentle and sensitive to adverse effects environment, so parents should be especially careful when using medicated creams, gels and ointments for newborns. Despite the abundance of advertising, it should be remembered that any product containing medicinal substances, can harm the baby, so they can only be used on the recommendation and under the strictest supervision of a supervising physician.

The use of zinc ointment for newborns

Toddlers often suffer from skin lesions (so-called diaper dermatitis), which are characterized by the appearance of redness or weeping sores in the groin area caused by contact with wet diapers. As a rule, such a reaction is typical for children whose skin is especially sensitive. Dermatitis also occurs in cases where inexperienced parents overly trust advertising and change their babies' diapers too rarely. In any case, the disease cannot be started. The best remedy for the symptoms of diaper dermatitis is zinc ointment for newborns. The drug contains petrolatum and zinc oxide in a ratio of 10:1. For the treatment of dermatitis in a newborn, the ointment is recommended to be applied to clean and dry skin of the crumbs before each swaddling. It is necessary to be careful and ensure that the product does not get on the mucous membranes.

In what cases is tetracycline ointment used for newborns

Eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, etc.), which are quite common in infants, are most often infectious. For their treatment, drugs containing antibiotics or similar substances should be used. It is clear that such drugs should not be used without consulting a doctor. Most of the microorganisms that cause eye diseases are sensitive to the action of tetracycline, but it must be used very carefully in the treatment of babies - this substance can cause numerous side effects, many of which are unsafe for infants. If the doctor nevertheless prescribed a 1% tetracycline ointment for a newborn, it should be applied behind the eyelids, carefully observing the prescribed dosage.

Oxolinic ointment - a preventive and therapeutic agent

A parent's desire to protect their child from viral infection can be understood. During the height of the flu (especially if there are sick people among family members), many mothers use oxolin ointment for newborns. There is no agreement among physicians about the use of this drug for the treatment of infants, although the remedy itself has existed for more than forty years. Therefore, trying to protect their baby from viruses with it, parents to a certain extent act at their own peril and risk. The ban on the use of oxolinic ointment for newborns, most doctors attribute to the fact that this drug dries the mucous membranes. Therefore, for the smallest, it is recommended to mix 0.25% ointment with petroleum jelly or baby cream and apply it only to the very edge of the baby's nostrils.

Many newborns are now prone to allergic reactions. This must be remembered when using for their treatment or prevention. infectious diseases any medications. Parents should not reassure themselves that the ointment is an external remedy, or that it was prescribed by a doctor. Only careful monitoring of the reaction of the child's body to the medicine will save the baby from complications, and his parents from unnecessary problems.

Almost all parents of newborn babies have encountered such a problem as diaper rash in skin folds, groin, and buttocks under a diaper. Doctors call this condition diaper dermatitis. Inflammation and erosion on the tender sensitive skin cause a lot of inconvenience to the baby, causing burning and pain, which you can get rid of with the help of special means and diaper rash creams.

What is diaper rash

The delicate skin of the baby is very prone to all sorts of irritations, especially in those places that have the least contact with air - armpits, perineum, intergluteal fold, behind the ears, under the knees. Diaper rash is an inflammation of the skin that occurs when bad care behind the child due to sweating from overheating, constant contact with moisture and friction of the diaper or clothes, as a result of which the epidermis loses its protective layer, becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

A favorable factor for the appearance of diaper rash is the extra weight of the baby, especially if it is caused by endocrine and metabolic disorders. Skin lesions may appear due to:

  1. Skin contact with stool. Irritation is aggravated by the ingestion of urine and feces. Salts and ammonia contained in waste products further corrode the skin. When changing diapers, wipe the skin with baby antiseptic wipes.
  2. Improper use of diapers. Change diapers every 4 hours. Before putting on a new one, you need to let the baby be naked in the air.
  3. Absences hygiene procedures. The baby should definitely wash and dry the perineum and ass after each bowel movement.
  4. Friction of clothing and diaper. It is necessary to choose soft clothes made of cotton with seams on the outside, and use diapers of the correct size.
  5. Allergic reactions. Redness in places where the skin is in close contact with the diaper can be caused by substances that are part of the diaper. Such a reaction occurs in babies prone to allergies, as well as if the vessels are close to the surface of the skin. Don't overdo it with cosmetics. Nothing has a more beneficial effect than frequent bathing and air baths.
  6. Overheating, sweating. Do not put a hundred clothes on the baby, being afraid to freeze the child. As they say experienced moms, you need to put on the baby as many clothes as you wear on yourself, plus one more.
  7. fungal infection. In this case, drug therapy will be required.

Diaper rash is classified according to the stages of the inflammatory process:

  1. Easy stage characterized by slight redness.
  2. Moderate - with the formation of small erosion.
  3. Difficult stage. Erosions are combined into a single weeping surface. At this stage, drying ointments will not help, serious treatment will be required.

How to treat diaper rash

Modern caring mothers begin to treat diaper rash at an early stage. They cope with this very successfully thanks to a large assortment of medicinal creams, which can be bought at any pharmacy relatively cheaply or, without looking up from important matters, ordered in an online store with home delivery. Can be found effective remedy for any child with different components: oils, herbal extracts, vitamins. Manufacturers try to make their product suitable for all children, safe, hypoallergenic, without preservatives and fragrances.

On sale you can find such popular tools:

  1. Sanosan.
  2. Weleda.
  3. Bepanten.
  4. Baneocin.
  5. Mustela.
  6. With zinc.
  7. Bübchen.
  8. Babyline.
  9. Drapolene.
  10. Desitin.
  11. D-Panthenol.
  12. Himalaya.
  13. Panthenol-Teva.
  14. With talc.
  15. Eared nanny.

Apply a cream for diaper dermatitis under diapers with a thin layer on pre-washed and thoroughly dried skin. After bathing, blot the child with a soft towel, do not dress immediately, let the skin “breathe”. Gently lubricate the dry surface of the skin with light movements: it should be absorbed for a while, and only then put on a diaper.

If you are using newborn diaper cream for the first time, test your baby's reaction by lubricating a small area and waiting a few hours. If an allergic reaction occurs to plant extracts and other components that make up the drug, then you should not use it. Contact your pediatrician to identify the allergen and choose a less aggressive remedy.

Diaper rash cream for newborns

If the care of the baby is correct, then diaper rash cream for newborns may not be needed at all, but you need to know about hygiene products, prevention and treatment of diaper rash - forewarned, then armed. There are many drugs that may differ in composition, cost, consistency, action. It is important to choose the one that suits the child.

Diaper cream Bübchen

Bubchen is a brand that offers diaper rash ointment for children made in Germany. Bubchen diaper cream contains wheat seed oil, mignonette extract, chamomile, vitamins A, E, C, fish oil, panthenol, heliotropin, shea butter and sunflower, zinc oxide, beeswax. Balanced composition helps to soften the skin, provides healing of wounds. Bubchen products do not contain preservatives, dyes, paraffins, fragrances, essential and mineral oils:

  • Hypoallergenic, virtually odorless, dermatologist tested.
  • The consistency is oily, poorly absorbed, which contributes to the formation of a protective film that does not interfere with the normal "breathing" of the epidermis and at the same time prevents contact with aggressive moisture.
  • Suitable for the prevention and treatment of manifestations of diseases in mild stages. FROM strong manifestations it is better to fight with more effective means.

Zinc diaper cream

Thrifty mothers prefer not to overpay for expensive foreign funds if there is a domestic diaper cream with zinc, for example, "My Sunshine", "Eared Nanny", a simple zinc paste. These creams with zinc are a powder that does not roll or crumble. The active substance is zinc oxide, which has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and drying effect. The composition of zinc paste, for example, also includes petroleum jelly, sometimes paraffin. Advantages:

  • Preservatives, aggressive chemical substances, fragrances are not included.
  • Contraindication is only individual intolerance.
  • Too frequent use provokes the appearance of dry scales on the skin from overdrying, so it can be recommended to mix zinc paste with baby cream in equal parts.
  • The rules for applying the paste are similar to other care products.

Sanosan cream

Another effective drug German descent- Sanosan diaper cream. It's absolutely harmless remedy, free of dyes, chemicals, vaseline and paraffin oil. It is mainly intended for the delicate skin of the baby. According to reviews, it is thick, which makes it difficult to apply. Ingredients of Sanosan:

  1. Panthenol - heals the epidermis, relieves redness and inflammation.
  2. Olive oil- provides softening, moisturizing and regeneration. Soothes, relieves inflammation, has an antiseptic effect.
  3. Zinc stearate - astringent, drying effect.
  4. Talc.
  5. Propylparaben.
  6. Magnesium sulfate.
  7. Perfume.

Baneocin for newborns

Skin lesions, non-healing umbilical wound, cuts, scratches, chicken pox, diathesis, boils, non-healing ear piercings, eczema - Baneocin can easily cope with all these problems. it medicine belongs to the group of antibiotics. The composition includes bacitracin, neomycin, lanolin, paraffin. Baneocin release form - ointment and powder. Baneocin with diaper rash in newborns is a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent capable of destroying pathogens such as:

  • actinomycetes;
  • listeria;
  • causative agents of gonorrhea;
  • streptococci;
  • proteas;
  • Neisseria;
  • staphylococci;
  • coli;
  • borrelia;
  • klebsiella;
  • pale treponemas;
  • shigella.

D-Panthenol for newborns

This drug has proven itself very well in the treatment of skin lesions, dermatitis. The composition of D-Panthenol for newborns includes dexpanthenol, which is a derivative of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). This substance prevents irritation, promotes regeneration, relieves inflammation, soothes, strengthens collagen fibers, and normalizes cellular metabolism.

D-Panthenol is available as an ointment and cream. Ointment for diaper dermatitis D-Penthenol has a greasy texture, is slowly absorbed, suitable for dry skin. The cream has a light, low-fat texture that guarantees rapid absorption. The tool is able to prevent further inflammation in wet wounds. Processing is recommended to be done at least four times a day, the therapeutic effect will be noticeable already on the second day.

Desitin for newborns

The active active ingredient of Desitin for newborns is zinc oxide, which dries the skin. Other ingredients (lanolin, cod liver oil, petroleum jelly) form a protective film that works for several hours. It is convenient to use Desitin before a night's sleep. Effectively fights burns, eczema, herpes, prickly heat, festering wounds, all kinds of minor damage to the epidermis.

The remedy relieves inflammation by blocking further development lesions, but for prevention this is not the best remedy. The consistency is thick with a slight smell of fish, Desitin ointment has a denser structure and is used for treatment severe stages. Use the drug carefully and moderately, as you can dry out the skin. If there is intolerance to the components of the drug, use should be discontinued.

Cream for diaper rash in adults

Adults, even more often than children, are prone to skin inflammations that appear due to excess weight, endocrine diseases ( diabetes), neglect of personal hygiene, excessive sweating. They often develop in the groin (in men near the scrotum due to sweating, in women due to pathological secretions), under the chest, armpits, near the neck, on the abdomen, in skin folds at fat people.

Itching, redness, inflammation, pain cause a lot of inconvenience, so the question arises of how to smear diaper rash in adults. It is recommended to wash the affected area more often with decoctions of calendula, chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort, dry thoroughly, lubricate with hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol, and then apply an adult diaper rash cream.


The Swiss quality of the cream speaks for itself, the effectiveness of the drug is guaranteed. The active ingredient of Bepanten for diaper rash is dexpanthenol, other components are lanolin, purified almond oil. Release form: cream, ointment, spray. It goes well with salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. It is used in surgery, dermatology, pediatrics for the treatment of bedsores, wound healing. Ointment for diaper rash in adults Bepanten quickly heals, relieves swelling, redness, improves skin trophism.


Adults may well use children's Sanosan for diaper rash on initial stages. It creates a protective film that will not allow pathogens to penetrate. Active ingredients: zinc oxide, panthenol, paraffin oil, talc. Choose funds individually, having previously tested for allergies.

Panthenol-Teva ointment

D-Panthenol and Panthenol-Teva ointment are the same means, cheap analogues of Bepanthen with active substance dexpanthenol in equal amounts. The composition effectively heals damaged skin in children and adults. According to reviews, Panthenol-Teva is effective for acne, although the instructions do not contain such an indication. To obtain a lasting result, the ointment is applied to clean, dry skin in the morning and evening for a week.

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