What is useful chamomile for the body. Chamomile infusion - a universal remedy for all diseases

This plant is often used in medicine. It is used to treat many ailments. Infusions from this flower were used by the legendary Hippocrates. And Avicenna used this plant to prepare medicines for headaches.

Chamomile is an annual plant that is found in the south and in central Russia. Some species of this plant grow in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and southern Siberia. Chamomile can be found in meadows and fields, forest edges and along roads.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Due to its unique properties, chamomile has long been used in medical and cosmetic products. Decoctions and infusions of this plant were used by the legendary healers of the ancient world for skin and eye care. Pliny the Elder described the use of chamomile to treat women's diseases.

In our country, the first records of chamomile date back to the time of Ivan the Terrible. During his reign, this plant was harvested for the needs of the army. Under Peter the Great, chamomile was not only harvested, but also began to be grown.

The uniqueness of this plant is due to the content of chamazulene in its oil. This substance has an anti-inflammatory effect. Chamazulene helps relieve allergic reactions and enhances the regenerative processes of the body.

In addition, chamomile has the following properties:

  • Removes inflammatory processes
  • Has an antiseptic effect
  • Destroys viruses and pathogens
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Has analgesic and sedative effect
  • Reduces allergic reactions in the body
  • Restores the work of the digestive tract
  • Helps reduce body temperature

Chamomile oil contains apiin, apigenin and herniarin. These substances have an antispasmodic effect. With the help of the unique oil of this plant, you can reduce gas formation in the intestines, remove harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract, reduce inflammation and expand the vessels of the brain.

Chamomile oil activates the immune system, kills bacteria and stimulates appetite. The use of this remedy is shown for failures of the menstrual cycle and for menopause.

Chamomile oil can heal wounds from insect bites and relieve pain from sunburn. In cosmetology, chamomile oil is included in anti-wrinkle products, hair masks and skin whitening preparations.

Chamomile - benefit and harm

The benefits and harms of chamomile

The main benefit of this plant is its antimicrobial action. Chamomile contains essential oils that are used today in aromatherapy as antidepressants.

The vitamin composition of this plant is represented by almost all vitamins necessary for humans. That is why chamomile is used in the treatment of many diseases. It can help with mental stress and diseases of bone tissue.

But, if you use chamomile very often, it can cause headaches and lethargy. You can not use decoctions and infusions of this plant during pregnancy. In some people, chamomile causes severe allergic reactions.

How and for what to take to use chamomile pharmacy?

  • Very often, remedies based on this plant are used to combat colds. For this, infusions and decoctions are prepared. They can be used as an inhalation liquid. Chamomile vapor contains substances that have antimicrobial activity. They are able not only to suppress the action of pathogenic microorganisms, but also help to remove sputum from the lungs and bronchi
  • The oil of this plant is widely used as part of preparations for the common cold. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Due to which it can normalize the functioning of the nasal mucosa
  • Chamomile oil is very popular in cosmetology. Substances included in lotions, ointments and creams based on it are used against acne. The polysaccharides and biological acids that make up the plant can normalize skin health and stop inflammation.
  • Chamomile tea will help with malfunctions in the stomach. With its help, they cleanse the intestinal mucosa and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • You can use chamomile-based compresses to relieve pain in the joints. Due to the presence of chamazulene in chamomile oil, a compress from a decoction of this plant can not only relieve inflammation from the joints, but also help regenerate decaying cartilage tissue.
  • The composition of this plant includes phyto compounds that inhibit oral bacteria. That is why chamomile can be used as a rinse for diseases of the teeth, gums and throat. To enhance the effect of chamomile to solve this problem, you can use honey.
  • A decoction of this plant eliminates headaches. Moreover, the preparation prepared from the dry collection can be taken orally. A good effect can be achieved by using a decoction of chamomile to prepare a compress on the back of the head. This remedy will not only help you cope well with a headache, but also calm your nerves.
  • Infusion of chamomile pharmacy treat peptic ulcer. It should be drunk 15 minutes before meals three times a day. After 5-6 months, the disease should recede.
  • Tea with chamomile and honey will help in the fight against insomnia. And if you add a couple of lemon balm leaves to such tea, then the dream will not only be strong, but will also help you recover better after a hard day.

Indications and contraindications for chamomile treatment

  • As mentioned above, chamomile has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. This allows it to be used to treat diseases caused by bacteria and viral infection. This plant is especially useful for diseases of the throat: tonsillitis, catarrhal and follicular tonsillitis.
  • Chamomile is incredibly useful for pharyngitis and laryngitis. Infusions and decoctions of this plant will relieve itching and dryness in the throat. Swelling of the vocal cords can be relieved with chamomile tea. It can also help relieve sore throat.
  • Chamomile helps a lot with colds complicated by joint pain and general intoxication. The active substances of this plant are able to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  • The uniqueness of chamomile is that it can be used at any age. For newborns, this plant is shown as an external agent, and from the age of one month, chamomile-based products can also be used internally. But, it is important to make sure that the child is not allergic to this plant.

IMPORTANT: But, it is necessary to use chamomile in moderation. Usually, remedies based on this medicinal plant are treated for 2-3 weeks.

As for the contraindications to taking chamomile, it cannot be used for exacerbation of antacid gastritis. If the level of estrogen in the body is exceeded, then it is also better to refuse funds based on this plant. During pregnancy, you can use chamomile internally only after consulting your doctor.

Treatment of allergies with chamomile

Allergies are not inherited. This is a purely individual problem, which may not manifest itself for a long time. Chamomile helps to cope with disorders in the immune system.

She has proven herself especially well for allergic skin rashes. Moreover, this problem can be treated even in the smallest by adding chamomile to the baths for bathing. They are recommended to be carried out 2-3 days in a row. Lotions can be used instead of baths.

To do this, pour 3 tbsp. spoons of plants with boiling water and let it brew. In this infusion, you need to soak a clean cloth and lay it on the affected area on the skin.

Treatment of angina with chamomile

  • This medicinal plant is very often used in the treatment of angina. To remove bacteria from the mouth and throat, rinse with a warm decoction or infusion of chamomile. During such rinses, the essential oil of this plant has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • The great benefit of chamomile for sore throat is the complex effect of the active substances of this plant on the sore throat. In addition to the antibacterial effect, chamomile helps to reduce fever and pain.
  • For rinsing, you need to pour a tablespoon of this plant with a glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes, strain the infusion and use as directed. Gargle with warm infusion. If it cools down, then the effect of such rinses will be close to zero.
  • A decoction of chamomile and sea salt goes well. Pour one tablespoon of these ingredients into a thermos and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them. Gargle with this solution 4-5 times a day.
  • With angina, other means are also indicated. You can make medicinal tea. To do this, pour a glass of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. In this tea you need to add honey and milk (20 ml)

Treatment of the common cold with chamomile

Washing the nome with this medicinal plant helps to quickly get rid of a runny nose. In this way, you can even treat a runny nose in a child. To do this, the decoction should be injected one drop into each nostril. But, this must be done very carefully. So that the child does not begin to choke and cough.

A decoction for instillation is prepared from dry chamomile. To do this, one glass of this medicinal plant must be poured with a glass of boiling water. You can bury your nose with this remedy only when the infusion has cooled to room temperature.

Chamomile nasal wash can be used for several days. As soon as breathing becomes easier, washing can be completed.

Treatment of thrush in women with chamomile

Thrush is caused by the activity of the yeast Candida albicans. In a normal state, the body is able to fight these microorganisms. But, if the immune system is weakened, then these yeast fungi get out of control. Chamomile can help him.

IMPORTANT: You can treat thrush at home. But, for proper treatment, it is advisable to first consult with your doctor.

  • The composition of chamomile includes farmazulene. This substance helps to relieve inflammation and cope with pathogenic microorganisms. Essential oils of the described medicinal plant will help relieve pain and enhance regenerative processes
  • In the treatment of thrush, douching with chamomile infusion is indicated. If a problem is detected at the initial stage, such procedures can be used as basic ones. If the thrush has already “gained” its strength, then it is better to supplement douching with chamomile by taking special preparations
  • To prepare a decoction for douching, pour two tablespoons of the flowers of this medicinal plant with a liter of cold water and bring to a boil. After the broth has cooled to body temperature, it must be filtered and douched.
  • Chamomile baths can also be used to treat thrush. For one bath, 100 g of flowers of this plant is enough. The water must be warm. You need to take such baths daily for 10-20 minutes.

Treatment of prostatitis with chamomile

  • There are several causes of prostate cancer in men. One of the causes of prostatitis is the action of pathogenic microorganisms that, penetrating into this area of ​​the body, activate inflammatory processes. You can cope with such a cause of this common problem with the help of medicinal herbs. including chamomile.
  • To treat this delicate problem, chamomile infusion is suitable. To do this, a tablespoon of this medicinal plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. You need to drink this infusion several times during the day.
  • You can also use an enema with the above infusion. Before using it, you need to empty the intestines and inject 100 ml of infusion into the rectum. Enemas are very helpful in acute forms of prostatitis.

Chamomile eye treatment. How to cure conjunctivitis with chamomile?

  • Conjunctivitis can cause an allergic reaction of the body, a bacterial or viral infection. In all cases, the treatment of this disease can be carried out with the help of chamomile. With the help of decoctions or infusions of this plant, you can soothe pain and relieve inflammation.
  • Well help to cope with conjunctivitis infusion of this medicinal plant. With it, you need to rinse your eyes every 2-3 hours. It is very easy to prepare such an infusion. It is enough to mix one tablespoon of chamomile with one glass of boiling water.
  • To get rid of inflammation of the eyes, a compress with chamomile will help. To do this, use the usual infusion from this plant. Soak a cotton pad in it and apply on the inflamed eye.
  • Chamomile helps to cope with conjunctivitis caused by bacteria and viruses. But, it is not always effective for other types of eye inflammation. If no improvement is seen within 1-2 days, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Cough treatment with chamomile

  • Chamomile is also good for coughing. But, the effect of such treatment can be achieved if you start using this medicinal plant at the first symptoms of the disease. Cough treated with a decoction. To do this, one tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water. You need to take this infusion one tablespoon during the day.
  • Herbal tea is well indicated for the treatment of cough. If you include chamomile in its composition, then such tea will improve the condition of the mucous membrane. In addition, it will have an expectorant effect.
  • With a dry cough, inhalations with chamomile are shown. Such procedures will soften the cough and clear the airways. Herbal collection can be brewed in a saucepan and inhaled with a towel. One inhalation procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. For the treatment of cough, 5-15 inhalations with chamomile are needed.
  • For greater efficiency, chamomile flowers need to be crushed and pour boiling water at the rate of half a glass per liter of water. After 30 minutes, add boiling water to the infusion and inhale the vapors of this medicinal plant. To enhance the action of chamomile during inhalation, sage and mint can be added to the solution.

How to prepare?

Fees or dietary supplements based on chamomile can be bought at any pharmacy. But, if you want to prepare this medicinal plant yourself, then you need to do this at the end of June or the beginning of August. Chamomile inflorescences are used for treatment. They need to be collected in dry weather, away from highways and industrial enterprises.

It is necessary to dry the chamomile pharmacy in the shade. The room must have good ventilation. The resulting raw materials for decoctions and infusions can be used for no longer than a year. Then, its medicinal properties noticeably deteriorate.

How to use chamomile for healing: tips and reviews

Olga. I always treat conjunctivitis with chamomile. The collection can be bought at any pharmacy. And its effectiveness is undeniable. And all these newfangled drops can not always cope with inflammation. Therefore, it is better to be treated with herbs.

Natalia. Even from school, I began to periodically wash my face with a decoction of chamomile. I have a very problematic skin in puberty. But chamomile helped to cope with acne and other inflammations.

Video: Chamomile pharmacy. Medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs are often used in the treatment of various diseases with folk methods. Traditional medicine does not always recognize these methods of dealing with the disease. But there is a plant whose healing properties are recognized at the official level: it is sold in a pharmacy in various forms of release, it is recommended to be used by professional doctors. How to use chamomile infusion, its benefits and harms - what are they? What pathologies will it help to cope with?

Chamomile (Matricaria) is a perennial flowering plant. Belongs to the Asteraceae family. About 20 types of herbs are known, of which the most popular and widespread is the annual chamomile, which has a huge range of healing properties.

Translated from Latin, the name translates as "uterine grass". This is due to the use of the plant in various diseases in the field of gynecology. The Russian version is borrowed from the Poles, who in the 16th century called chamomile “Romance flower” (from the Latin “romana”, which means “Roman”).

It grows up to 20-40 cm in height, has the following appearance:

  • stem thin, straight, hollow inside;
  • leaves are alternate, narrowly linear, with sections consisting of lobes;
  • flowers are white-yellow, 2 types, collected in inflorescences in the form of hemispherical baskets: in the center there is a bisexual type of yellow color, tubular, female at the edges, pseudolingual, with 3 teeth on the upper edge, white;
  • the receptacle usually has a conical shape, hollow inside;
  • the fruits are a small elongated achene with 3-4 ribs, with a slightly visible crest (in some species there is no crest);
  • the root is thin, taproot, slightly branched.

The plant has a light pleasant smell, bitter taste.

The composition includes a significant number of chemical elements that make chamomile a unique healing agent. Their greatest concentration is in inflorescences, including:

  • derivatives of bioflavonoids (vitamin P), vitamin A (carotenes), ascorbic and nicotinic acids;
  • compounds of the class of natural organic compounds - coumarins;
  • free organic acids;
  • polysaccharide compounds;
  • plant sterols (phytosterols);
  • protein and tannins;
  • gum (gum), mucous substances, vegetable bitterness, etc.

Dried inflorescences contain up to 0.8% essential oil. It is used as an antihistamine, antiviral, anti-inflammatory agent.

Tip: you need to collect inflorescences from the first days of May until the last days of August, in dry, clear weather. It is better to choose flowers in which white petals are placed horizontally - they contain the maximum amount of healing components. Plants with drooping petals are more likely to disintegrate during the drying process, and the essential oil will evaporate from them.

plant benefits

Even ancient scientists paid attention to the medicinal qualities of chamomile:

  • Hippocrates and Dioscorides used it to stop convulsions and painful sensations in patients;
  • Pliny the Elder considered grass an excellent antidote for the bite of a poisonous snake (all components of the plant were used for its preparation) and, in addition, an effective diuretic;
  • Avicenna gave chamomile to the sick as a drug that strengthens and restores strength.

Modern researchers have also proven a number of useful qualities of chamomile. She is:

  • relaxes blood vessels and smooth muscles, relieves spasms, convulsions;
  • relieves feelings of anxiety, tension, depression, eliminates sleep disorders, improves the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • has a positive effect on the digestion process, activates the secretion of gastric juice, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite;
  • helps with the accumulation of excess gases;
  • removes or reduces the level of pain, including during migraine attacks, toothache;
  • increases sweating, which at high body temperature leads to an antipyretic effect;
  • as a choleretic agent stimulates the work of the gallbladder, its ducts;
  • stops bleeding;
  • promotes milk production in women during lactation;
  • regulates the menstrual cycle;
  • strengthens hair, cleanses the skin;
  • has disinfectant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, radioprotective, adsorbing properties.

Important! You can only take chamomile inside!

Indications for the use of medicinal herbs are:

Due to the lack of addiction to the components of the plant, prolonged herbal treatment is permissible - up to 3 months.


There are a huge number of recipes with the participation of chamomile as a healing agent. It is insisted, boiled, brewed, creams are made, administered by douching, added when bathing. Is it possible to drink chamomile infusion? How to make and use grass? What is the instructions for use of chamomile tincture?


From the use of chamomile infusion, the benefits are unusually great: it can alleviate the condition in many diseases. The plant is also very popular as a tool used in various cosmetology products.

How to prepare chamomile infusion? There are 2 standard manufacturing methods:

  1. Cold. 8 to 10 tsp. chamomile flowers pour 2 cups of cold boiled water. Filtered after 10 hours. Use this product externally: as enemas, lotions, rinses.
  2. Hot. 1 tablespoon of flowers is poured into 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, after the specified time filter until complete removal of flower particles from the product. Use the infusion of chamomile obtained in this way inside hot, before eating.

For infusion, both purchased and personally collected and dried flowers at home are suitable.

From inflammation of the bladder and with complications in the kidneys

For people suffering from cystitis, pyelonephritis, the following remedy is suitable:

  • take 2 tsp. chamomile flowers;
  • pour 1/2 liter of boiling water into them;
  • wait 1 hour;
  • filter through a couple of layers of gauze.

Take orally three times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Another infusion is known with the addition of other medicinal herbs, which effectively helps against these diseases. Take in equal volumes:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • Hypericum perforatum;
  • corn silk;
  • highlander bird (or bird knotweed);
  • sowing cornflower.

1 tbsp Pour the funds with 1.5 cups of boiling water, soak for 1 hour, filter thoroughly. Drink after meals.

For mouth and throat

With inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), perspiration, pain in the throat, the infusion is used by rinsing. You will need:

  • chamomile flowers - 2 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - ½ l;
  • good quality honey - 1 tbsp.

Pour boiling water over the inflorescences, filter after 30 minutes. Add honey. Rinse at least 6 times a day.

Tip: to get rid of inflammation, pain in the mouth as soon as possible, along with rinsing procedures, drink chamomile infusion - 1/3 cup three times a day.

In the first phase of a sore throat, make a more concentrated infusion. Put a little boric acid in it, mix thoroughly. It will turn out a drink that has a strong antibacterial effect, capable of blocking pain and inflammation.

To get rid of a cough, prepare an infusion in a hot way and drink 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. To achieve the greatest effect, inhalation is carried out simultaneously: half a glass of dried chamomile flowers is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, allowed to brew, and then the vapors of the resulting infusion are inhaled. The duration of the session is 15 minutes.

From acne

To get rid of acne, take:

  • chamomile flowers - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry celandine - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiling water - 1 liter.

Pour boiling water over the mixture of plants, cover the dishes with the resulting composition with a lid. Leave for 12 hours. Strain through cheesecloth.

Wipe the acne-affected areas with infusion. Wipe at least 5 times a day.

From ophthalmic diseases

Due to its antiseptic action, chamomile is effective in the treatment of conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids. In addition, infusion:

  • relieves signs of allergies;
  • reduces swelling of the eyelids;
  • removes "bags", dark circles.

For conjunctivitis:

  1. pour 3 tablespoons of the plant with 1 cup of boiling water;
  2. leave for 1 hour;
  3. strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, bandage.

How to use:

  • Saturate a cotton pad with the solution. Gently wipe closed eyelids with it. Remove dried pus from eyelashes.
  • Rinse open eyes. For this purpose, use a syringe, a small syringe. Dial infusion in them, direct the jet in the right direction.

The procedure is carried out several times a day. The infusion should be warm.

With puffiness of the eyelids, dark circles, visual fatigue after a long work on the computer, the following method will help:

  1. pour 1 tablespoon of herbs with 250 ml of boiling water;
  2. let stand 10 minutes;
  3. filter the infusion;
  4. moisten a gauze swab, a cotton pad with the resulting product;
  5. put on closed eyelids for 15 minutes.

It is better to perform sessions in the evening, before going to bed.

Information: shelf life in the refrigerator of chamomile infusion for external use in the form of lotions, compresses - no more than 3 days.

With inflammation of the airways

The method will help with inflammation, nasal boils, rhinitis. Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 1 tsp chamomile inflorescences. Cool slightly, then filter. Rinse the nasal passages with the resulting warm infusion several times a day.

From blood pressure

  1. 1 tablespoon of inflorescences pour 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  2. leave to stand for half an hour;
  3. strain well.

Regular intake of the drink will restore metabolism, normalize blood pressure.

Attention! Chamomile infusion does not completely cure hypertension or hypotension, since it does not significantly affect the speed and pressure of blood flow through the vessels. It can be used as a preventive measure to avoid the risk of heart and vascular pathologies, as well as in the form of maintenance therapy.

For toothache

There are several recipes for relieving toothache:

  • Prepare a strong chamomile infusion. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of inflorescences with 250 ml of boiling water. After 30 min. take the filtered product into your mouth, hold for about 10 minutes. Another option: saturate a cotton swab or a piece of cotton wool with the preparation, apply to the damaged area for 15 minutes.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon chamomile and 1 tablespoon sage flowers. Pour in 250 ml of boiling water. Strain after a quarter of an hour. The method of application is similar to that specified in paragraph 1.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers, ponytail (horsetail), marigold, St. John's wort or common. Fill them with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then strain. Rinse the mouth with the resulting infusion for gingivitis, periodontitis up to 6 times a day.

Not always the proposed methods help to completely get rid of the disease. Chamomile can relieve pain and inflammation. The reason for their appearance is still better to identify and treat in a medical institution.

For diarrhea, stomach upset

For the treatment of indigestion, diarrhea, and other problems with the digestive tract, a standard infusion of 2 tsp is prepared. chamomile inflorescences and 1 tbsp. boiling water. Wrap the container with a drink for 1 hour, strain. Drink ½ cup up to 4 times a day.

From peptic ulcers

Therapeutic infusion promotes the healing process of ulcers, erosions. The mucus contained in it envelops the walls, relieving inflammation and restoring the structure of the gastric protective film. Necessary:

  1. mix 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 1 tbsp. l. melissa leaves;
  2. add 3 cups of boiling water;
  3. leave alone for 8-10 hours.

Drink three times a day, 1 glass 20 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is 1 month.

Recommendation: for peptic ulcers, after taking the infusion of chamomile inside, lie down in turn on the right and left sides, on the back, then on the stomach. This will speed up the spread of the healing infusion to the stomach walls.

For hair

Chamomile has a positive effect on brittle, dry, prone to hair loss, eliminates dandruff, excessive oiliness.

For brittle and dry hair, the following infusion is suitable:

  1. take 4 tablespoons. colors;
  2. add 500 ml of boiling water to them;
  3. strain after 30 minutes;
  4. add 1 egg yolk.

The resulting solution must be distributed over the entire length of the hair, left for ½ hour. Rinse thoroughly. Perform 2-3 times a week for a month.

Strengthening and regenerating infusion of chamomile for hair prone to falling out, damaged, oily, with dandruff:

  1. take equal amounts of chamomile flowers, nettle leaves, sage, plantain, oregano;
  2. 1 tbsp the resulting collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  3. let cool slightly, then filter;
  4. apply to hair;
  5. put on an insulating cap or a plastic bag;
  6. after 1 hour, rinse your hair without shampoo;
  7. let your hair dry on its own, without a hair dryer or towel.

Improvement in the condition will become noticeable after 3 sessions.


As in the case of tincture, only chamomile is used for ingestion. For external use, tongueless chamomile (fragrant) is suitable.

Important! Chamomile does not need to be boiled, it will lose its healing properties. It should be heated in a water bath.

From bloating

Pour 6 tablespoons. chamomile flowers 2 cups boiled water. Place in a water bath for 20 minutes. Let cool, filter. Throw out the squeezed flowers. Add water in such quantity that the initial volume is obtained. Add 2 tbsp. l. good quality honey. Drink half a glass after meals.

From inflammation of the pancreas

For inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), use the following recipe:

  1. finely chop 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers;
  2. pour 1 cup of boiling water into them;
  3. hold in a water bath for a quarter of an hour;
  4. let cool for 30-60 minutes, then filter;
  5. add boiled water to obtain 200 ml of drink.

Drink 1/3 cup after meals for 2 to 4 weeks.

For lightening hair

Chamomile slightly brightens dark hair color, gives a golden hue to light strands.

To make hair lighter by 1-2 tones, you will need:

  • dry chamomile flowers - 8 tablespoons;
  • lemon - ½ part;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Dried flowers pour boiling water and soak in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling and straining, add vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Moisten the hair with the resulting product, let it dry on its own. Wash your hair with shampoo.

From acne

Chamomile brightens, softens, relieves acne and cleanses the skin of any type. For this you need:

  1. pour 1 liter of boiling water 3 tbsp. inflorescences;
  2. put in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  3. cool to a warm state;
  4. moisten a cotton pad with the resulting product;
  5. wipe the affected areas.

The second, no less effective way: after cooking, hold your face over the hot remedy for 15 minutes, covering yourself with a towel or a warm scarf.


Alcohol tincture is several times more effective than other forms of the drug, but has more contraindications due to the alcohol it contains. For manufacturing you will need:

  • chamomile flowers - 100 g;
  • vodka or medical alcohol diluted to 40% strength - 250 ml.

Step by step:

  1. chop the grass, put in a glass container;
  2. fill with alcohol;
  3. store in a warm place for 7 days, shaking daily;
  4. after a while, strain the tincture through several layers of gauze, wring out and remove the raw material;
  5. pour the tincture into a dark glass bottle;
  6. add vodka to the primary volume;
  7. clean in a dark cool place for 7 days, strain.

Keep the finished product in the refrigerator. If the product is made according to all the rules, it will be transparent, with a pleasant smell. Drink the tincture three times a day, diluting 10 to 15 drops in 250 ml of warm boiled water.

The use of chamomile tincture in the above way is recommended for a variety of diseases:

  • pathologies of the liver, kidneys, biliary tract;
  • intestinal colic, flatulence;
  • headaches;
  • neurosis, depressive states;
  • colds.

In addition to ingestion, use tincture and externally.

For acne

To get rid of acne, increased fat content of the skin, compresses are prepared:

  • dilute in a glass of water 30 drops of tincture;
  • wipe the affected areas with a cotton pad moistened with the product.

It is best to carry out the procedure at night, before going to bed.

Healing teas

Tea brewed from chamomile flowers has antibacterial, diuretic, sedative, anti-inflammatory properties. It is very easy to prepare, all the components included in the composition are easily accessible.

From bloating

For flatulence, bloating, prepare a carminative:

  • mix chamomile flowers, cumin seeds and crushed valerian root in a ratio of 3:5:2;
  • take 2 tbsp. the resulting mixture;
  • pour 2 cups of boiling water;
  • let the drink brew for 20 minutes;
  • filter, press the raw material.

Drink half a glass twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Calming the nervous system

To relieve nervous tension, calm the nerves, get rid of depression, pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave to brew for 1 hour. Drink at night.

Tip: in case of sleep disorders, you can put 1 teaspoon of honey in a tea drink.

For weight loss

According to the reviews of many people suffering from obesity, trying to get rid of excess weight, a tea drink from chamomile flowers helps to burn fat as soon as possible. You will need:

  • chamomile pharmacy - 1 tsp;
  • birch buds - 1 teaspoon;
  • wild strawberry leaves (can be replaced with immortelle) - 1 teaspoon;
  • Hypericum perforatum - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 2 cups.

Grind all herbs, mix. Take 3 tablespoons of the collection. Pour in 2 cups of boiling water. Let brew for 12 hours. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day, 20 minutes before. before meals.

Important! The course of taking a tea drink from chamomile for weight loss should not exceed 2 weeks.


Cream with chamomile is well controlled with various skin problems. Made independently, it retains its healing properties (if stored in a refrigerator) for up to six months.

From redness, peeling, irritation, dryness, lethargy of the skin

To make a cream, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Take 50 g of not too fat butter (not higher than 65%) and 3 tablespoons of sunflower or olive vegetable oil. Melt them in a water bath.
  2. Add chamomile infusion made by one of the above methods to the mixture, chicken yolks - 2 pcs., Glycerin - 1 tsp, camphor alcohol - 30 ml, honey - 2 tbsp. l. Mix everything well.
  3. Pour the mixture into a glass container with a secure lid. Put in the refrigerator.

The finished cream wipes the skin, prone to lethargy, dryness, irritation, redness, with existing cracks, peeling.

For whitening, getting rid of freckles

To reduce pigmentation, color alignment, a cream is made from the following components:

  • chamomile decoction - 2 teaspoons;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l;
  • water - 1 glass.

To achieve the maximum effect from use, the cream is applied at least 2 to 3 times a week.


  • liver diseases;
  • peeling, dryness, inflammation, itching of the skin, including those of an allergic nature, cracks in the heels and feet, wounds, ulcers;
  • insomnia, excessive irascibility, anxiety;
  • calf cramps, swelling and leg fatigue.

For the manufacture of baths, all ground parts of chamomile (leaves, stems, flowers) are used. Pour a pound of grass with 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, continue to boil for 10 minutes. After straining and squeezing the raw material, pour the product into a bath of water.

Bathe in such a bath for half an hour. Bathing frequency: every other day for 14 days.

Terms of use

There are some peculiarities of using chamomile extract depending on the sex and age of the person.

For men

For men, chamomile will help in the treatment of such an unpleasant male disease as prostatitis. Preparation method:

  1. mix 1 teaspoon of chamomile, linden, celandine with 2 tsp. St. John's wort;
  2. take 1 tablespoon of the resulting collection;
  3. fill it with 1 cup of boiling water;
  4. let stand 1 hour, filter.

Drink the remedy 2 times a day for 0.5 cups. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks.

For women

For women, chamomile is an excellent tool in the fight against various gynecological diseases, such as thrush, cystitis, cervical erosion, vaginosis, candidiasis, etc. In these cases, it is used in the form of douching.

For the manufacture will require the following components:

  • chamomile flowers - 30 grams;
  • knotweed - 50 grams;
  • nettle - 30 g;
  • oak bark - 10 g.

Mix the ingredients, collect 2 tablespoons of the collection. Pour boiling water (1 l) into the collection of herbs, put on a quiet fire, sweat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, let stand until cool, strain the field.

It is advisable to douche before going to bed, with a warm solution (+37 ° C), choosing a comfortable position and relaxing the muscles of the vagina to the maximum. Enter at a slow pace. Course - 1 week.

For kids

Attention! Before using chamomile in the treatment of a child, consult a pediatrician to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions!

To use chamomile inside is contraindicated for infants under the age of 1 year, essential oil - up to 6 years. It is permissible to use the plant externally in the form of lotions, rubbing, baths from the first days of life in the absence of allergies to the components of the herb.

When making a herbal drink for a child from 1 year old, reduce the saturation used for adults by 2 times by pouring water into the product in a ratio of 1: 1. The tool improves immunity, improves digestion, blocks the appearance of seizures, relaxes.

For swimming you need:

  1. in 1 tbsp. chamomile pour 1 liter of boiling water;
  2. boil over low heat for 5 minutes;
  3. hermetically close the container with a lid;
  4. when the flowers settle to the bottom of the container, strain several times through gauze.

Make sure that chamomile flowers do not come into contact with the sensitive skin of an infant.

Baths give a soothing and anti-inflammatory result. Having bathed, the children fall asleep sooner.

How to store

The dried plant should be stored in cloth or paper bags. The storage location must be dark and dry. The shelf life of the product is 1 year.

Tip: Don't place bags of chamomile near foods that absorb odors well - the herb has a characteristic intense odor.


Like any medicine, chamomile has a number of contraindications:

  • allergy to plant components;
  • pregnancy, with caution - during lactation;
  • the presence of mental disorders;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • chronic diseases;
  • continuous intake of medicines vital for maintaining health;
  • in the form of douching - after reaching the age of 40, during the menstrual cycle, in the first month after a miscarriage, childbirth, surgery.

In case of an overdose, a person may experience a feeling of irritation, headache, nausea, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, hoarseness.

Chamomile has a strong healing effect on the human body. It is important to adhere to the recommended amount of components in the preparation of medicinal products in which it is included, and not to exceed the dosages and duration of administration.

Chamomile has long been considered the best hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent, it is actively used to treat diseases. Most often, chamomile is used because its medicinal properties are most pronounced. Other varieties are less effective, so they are practically not used. The plant is specially grown in personal plots, it can be harvested in meadows, purchased ready-made in a pharmacy. Chamomile decoction is often found in herbal recipes, consider some of them.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

A decoction of chamomile flowers helps fight various diseases:

  • relieves inflammation during a cold;
  • improves the secretion of the digestive glands;
  • relieves swelling of the gastric mucosa;
  • normalizes the strength of heart contractions;
  • calms the nervous system.

It is successfully used for inflammation of the liver, treatment of stomach ulcers, for the prevention of bile stasis, and flatulence. Chamomile has long been called mother grass among the people, since it helped with female diseases. Chamomile has the ability to stop uterine bleeding, regulate the menstrual cycle. A decoction of this plant will help to cope with spasms, inflammation, pain, cramps.

Composition of chamomile

Chamomile owes its rich healing properties to a large number of useful substances that it contains. In white flowers with yellow cores, a large amount of matricine, a source of chamazulene. Chamazulene has an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates tissue regeneration. This substance, unfortunately, is partially destroyed by boiling.

The essential oil contains palmitic, oleic, linoleic, stearic acids, as well as carotene, coumarins, flavonoids, mucus, gums and vitamin C. There are also trace elements represented by copper, potassium, selenium, zinc. Unlike chamomile, odorous chamomile does not contain chamazulene essential oil.

Procurement of raw materials

To prepare a healing drink and start treatment, you need to properly prepare the raw materials. Healing chamomile (pharmacy) begins to bloom in early summer, ends in September. The maximum useful properties in the plant are already in mid-June. For collection choose a dry warm morning. The flowers are carefully plucked, then sorted out to remove accidentally caught insects, earth, wilted flowers.

The prepared raw materials are laid out on paper in a small layer and dried. You can do it on the veranda, balcony or at home. When using dryers, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. At the end of drying, the chamomile will become light, having lost almost 80% of its mass. The appearance will tell about the readiness of the raw materials. If the flowers crumble easily, turning into dust, they are overdried. If they do not crumble at all, they need to dry out more. Ready chamomile is poured into a bag of cloth or paper, stored in a dry place.

How to prepare a decoction of chamomile

Chamomile can be used as a decoction, infusion, tincture, tea. In the recipes of traditional medicine, it is the decoction of chamomile that is most often found, and we'll talk about it. In order not to destroy chamazulene, the plant is not advised to boil over an open fire. It is better to use a water bath for cooking. There are several ways to prepare a decoction, everyone can choose the right one.

  1. Pour the flowers with boiling water in a teapot or any other convenient vessel, close the lid and leave for an hour. The decoction can be used for treatment.
  2. A stronger decoction will turn out if you take chamomile flowers, pour hot water over them, and simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Then strain. Depending on the purpose, you can dilute the decoction or take it undiluted.
  3. We fall asleep chamomile flowers in an enamel bowl, fill it with water. Bring to a boil, remove, cool. After straining, you can use.

Chamomile for the treatment of throat, runny nose, mouth

Chamomile for inhalation. For colds, an infusion of chamomile is prepared (2 tablespoons / 200 ml of water). Leave for half an hour, then add a liter of boiling water. Cover the container with a towel, gently lower your head and inhale the warm steam through your nose and mouth. Carry out such procedures every day, if there is no fever.

Recipe for a cold. This prescription can be used after consultation with the doctor, since with sinusitis and other complications it can be harmful. In a thermos, brew a teaspoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water. After four hours, the resulting infusion is filtered, warm compresses are made on the bridge of the nose with it.

angina treatment. A decoction is being prepared for rinsing. In a water bath, simmer a mixture of a spoonful of celandine, a glass of boiling water and 1 tbsp. spoons of chamomile After 15 minutes, remove, filter. The resulting product can be used only in the form of rinses (up to 7 times / day). It cannot be taken internally due to the presence of celandine in the composition.

Toothache. To rinse your mouth with a toothache, you need to take a tablespoon of sage and chamomile flowers. Leave for 15 minutes, then strain. While the infusion is warm, it should be used for rinsing, holding in the mouth for a long time.

Chamomile for the treatment of blood vessels and heart

Arrhythmia. It is necessary to prepare a complex composition, take 2 tablespoons of cumin, fennel, chamomile, mint, valerian. Brew 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, after 15 minutes of infusion, the medicinal infusion will be ready. Drink it in a glass before bed.

Atherosclerosis. To prepare a decoction, you need to take in equal parts the fruits of chokeberry, hawthorn, buckthorn bark, lingonberries, corn stigmas, motherwort, succession and chamomile. Infuse the drink, it is used in 100 ml for the treatment of blood vessels.

Chamomile for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

Chamomile normalizes the secretion of the stomach, useful if the acidity is high. A decoction of chamomile eliminates gas formation, fermentation processes, relieves mucosal edema and spasm, promotes tissue regeneration.

Gastric ulcer. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of chamomile flowers. You need to drink it for at least a month, half a glass after each meal. After taking the decoction, you should stay in a prone position for a while, turning alternately from side to side.

Liver diseases. To stimulate the separation of bile and eliminate spasm, it is recommended to take a decoction of wormwood, chamomile, yarrow, mint, cumin. You need to insist it for at least 12 hours. Then bring to a boil. Take after meals 100 ml.

The use of chamomile tea for eye health

If the eyelids and eyes are inflamed after prolonged visual work, you need to brew a tablespoon of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. After straining, make gauze or cotton swabs with this decoction. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. For the treatment of conjunctivitis, the eyes are washed with a warm decoction.

Chamomile for the treatment of female and male diseases

The treatment of inflammation of the female genital organs prescribed by a doctor is recommended to be accompanied by douching with a decoction of chamomile. You can take a decoction of chamomile, you can prepare a decoction of knotweed, chamomile and nettle. Douching should be carried out at a warm temperature (about 37 °).

With prostatitis, chamomile infusion will also benefit men. To do this, mix chamomile, celandine leaves, St. John's wort. The decoction should be taken in the morning and evening. The course is three weeks.

Chamomile for children

A decoction of chamomile for newborns is too strong a concentration, it is not recommended to use it. Children can only be given a specialized one, which is sold in children's stores, and then, from a certain age and as prescribed by a doctor.

But a decoction of chamomile can be added to the bath for bathing. Chamomile is able to remove any inflammation of the skin and remove irritation. Chamomile baths also have a calming effect on the child. It is best to bathe your baby before bed.

Chamomile Contraindications

There are contraindications when chamomile can cause harm. It is not recommended to use an infusion from this plant:

  • with anacid gastritis;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

In case of an overdose of the plant, dizziness, cough, headache, hoarseness, diarrhea, nausea may occur. In women, during menstruation, pain may be exacerbated.

Chamomile infusion or tea has been actively used in medicine since ancient times. Today, the plant is finding new uses. In this article, we will look at what it is and everything you need to know about this medicinal flower.

Where does chamomile live

A seemingly simple flower was used by both Avicenna and Hippocrates in their practice. Hundreds of years have passed, as before, it occupies the first place of honor in naturopathy. Despite the fact that this botanical genus is quite extensive, only 2 types of plants are used for medicinal purposes:

  1. roman chamomile- it is found in Argentina, North America and Europe. This perennial plant has a strong odor. It is widely used for the production of aromatic oil and decorative purposes.
  2. pharmacy chamomile- This is an annual, the most common plant. It grows on all continents in temperate climates.

plant composition

The infusion and the benefits and harms of which are described in detail in this article contain an incredible amount of useful substances. Among the most healing:

Benefit and harm: useful properties

The main medicinal properties of this plant include:


Chamomile infusion, the benefits and harms of which have been known to mankind for many years, has a number of contraindications. Many understand that disadvantages are a direct continuation of advantages. So, no matter how chamomile is healing for health, its use must be completely excluded or limited under the following conditions:

  • Allergy to ragweed. It is worth noting that ragweed and chamomile belong to a common botanical family, while intolerance to one remedy can lead to an allergy to the second. In the event that ragweed pollen makes you choke and sneeze, start taking chamomile preparations with small doses and monitor for any negative symptoms.
  • Chamomile activates the action of all anticoagulants- this must be taken into account when taking them.
  • Lactation- Until now, the effect of chamomile on lactation has been poorly studied.
  • If you are about to surgery, a couple of weeks before it, you need to stop using chamomile preparations. Due to this, you will be able to avoid bleeding, which may occur due to poor coagulation.
  • When using chamomile, they act more intensively sedatives and anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to normalize heart rate and blood pressure I, which requires mandatory dose adjustment - thanks to this, you can avoid drowsiness, hypotension and apathy.

We note right away that today it is not known what will happen if you take a long term (more than a month) chamomile infusion. The benefits and harms for men are also not exactly studied, but it can be said for sure that using the drug for more than 4 weeks can cause irritability, fatigue and weakness, it is better not to check these risks on your own body.

Camomile tea

What else is interesting about chamomile? Harm and benefit (the use can cause both) are determined by its composition, method of use and the presence of contraindications. When using funds based on it, be sure to first study all the recommendations.

Flower preparations exist in various forms, the most popular being chamomile infusion. The benefits and harms of it for the human body are best studied today, while cooking takes a few minutes.

Below we describe the most common indications for the use of this infusion, methods of preparation and doses.

Infusion for children

A light infusion of chamomile treats colic in young children. Pour a teaspoon of the dried material with a glass of boiling water, close the vessel with a lid and remove for half an hour. We filter the resulting product, and dilute the infusion with water - it will become pale yellow. We give the baby a drink every time after eating: drinking will eliminate bloating and fermentation in the intestines.

Regular infusion

It is necessary to prepare such an infusion of chamomile, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article, according to the same recipe as the drink above, but at the same time, 2 teaspoons of the material are immediately taken into a glass of hot water and insisted in a thermos or a sealed container for 2-3 hours.

Treatment of internal diseases

Infusion of normal concentration is used:

  • With prolonged menstruation, menstrual cramps: 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • With flatulence, indigestion, spasms, colic - 70 ml the same number of times.
  • 100 ml of this infusion is drunk once at night - this helps to fall asleep quickly. Such a harmless remedy for the nervous system can be used if you want to have a good rest before a difficult day.
  • With a runny nose, stomatitis, inflammatory acute pathology of the respiratory tract, rinse your mouth with a glass of this infusion - at least 4 times a day.
  • With vulvitis, colpitis and thrush, douching with infusion diluted with water (1: 1) can be useful. Usually a liter of water is used for the procedure.
  • Athletes, especially people involved in the gym, will also benefit from chamomile infusion. The benefits and harms for men in this case are obvious from him - warm compresses with a wrapping agent will be effective for bruises or sprains, although they will help only from the 2nd day after the injury.
  • The infusion can also be used for conjunctivitis for eyewashes.
  • Cleansing enemas with the remedy will help with intestinal problems, including hemorrhoids, as well as constipation.

Treatment of skin pathologies

With boils, acne, ulcers, chamomile infusion is also used (its benefits and harms are already known to you). A clean cotton cloth is soaked in the product and applied - like lotions - to the affected areas.

For rashes on the skin, eczema and dermatitis, an infusion is used orally, 60 ml three times a day. They also make baths with chamomile (by the way, they even bathe babies in them). In this case, 100 grams of material is taken per bucket of boiling water.

You can freeze the infusion of chamomile in the refrigerator. In this case, you will get an excellent cleanser in the morning. Chamomile ice rejuvenates, tones the skin, reduces inflammation in acne vulgaris, smoothes wrinkles and brightens circles under the eyes. It is worth noting that for the use of such a remedy there is also a contraindication - rosacea.

The next effective way to deal with circles under the eyes is to cover them every day for 5 minutes with cotton pads moistened with chamomile infusion. In the same way, you can quickly eliminate swelling of the eyes.

If the hair has become brittle, lost its shine, split and fall out, chamomile infusion should be used as a conditioner after shampoo. In this case, pour about a liter of infusion on your head and gently spread it through your hair. Further, it is advisable to avoid drying with a hairdryer, allowing the hair to dry itself.

If your feet sweat a lot, dip them in a bowl of infusion before going to bed. The effect will help enhance the oak bark (use with chamomile in equal proportions). Daily half-hour baths allow you to remove the fungus, heal minor injuries on the fingers and feet from a poorly done pedicure, and restore skin tone.

Features of a strong decoction

In severe skin diseases, the normal strength of the infusion may not be enough: you need a decoction of chamomile. To do this, 4 tablespoons of the material are poured with a liter of hot water, put on fire, the liquid is brought to a boil again, and then left for 10 minutes on the stove. Allow to cool, then filter through cheesecloth. It is worth noting that it is better not to take such a decoction of chamomile inside. Its benefits and harms are explained by too high concentration.

It is believed that decoction and infusion in the refrigerator retain their properties for a short time - up to three days. Therefore, it is better to avoid the preparation of liquids for future use.

Oil infusion

An unusual recipe for chamomile is oil infusion (oil). An easy way to prepare it is cold.

To do this, we need: 1 glass of raw materials and 3 glasses of oil under your skin (grape seed, almond, olive, sunflower). Grass is poured with oil in a glass jar and removed to infuse for two weeks. Cool and dark is an excellent choice for infusion. Sometimes we shake the container and wait for the flowers in it to settle to the bottom.

As soon as this happens, we filter the product and store it for no longer than a year, using it as needed - to remove makeup, in various masks, on hair for wraps, to soften chapped skin.

Chamomile: medicinal properties and contraindications of tea

Sometimes (about a couple of times a week) you can drink chamomile infusion as a tea. This drink will promote calm and relaxation, as well as strengthen the immune system, thereby helping the body fight back against various chronic infections. Consider a few tea recipes:

  1. Classic tea: brew a teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of hot water, boil and let it brew for 20 minutes. Do not often take such a decoction of chamomile inside - its benefits and harms can change each other from an overabundance of this remedy in the body. Do not put sugar in herbal teas: drink it with sweet dates, honey, raisins or dried apricots.
  2. Chamomile-melissa tea. We mix herbs in 0.5 tablespoons and brew a glass of boiling water. Such a drink will be useful for intestinal colic and colds.
  3. Chamomile and mint tea. To a spoonful of chamomile, you need to add a spoonful of mint. This drink has a sedative effect and has no negative side effects.
  4. The benefits and harms of chamomile tea for women are interesting. The drink below helps cleanse the body, helps to endure the feeling of hunger - this is true if you are on a weight loss diet. A set of herbs: mix 4 herbs - mint, chamomile, sweet clover and St. John's wort - in the same amount of a teaspoon, brew with water.

So we told you about a wonderful remedy - this infusion. You have learned what are the benefits and harms of it, so you can start healing right now!

In the article we discuss chamomile tincture. You will find out what useful properties and contraindications for use the plant has. Following our advice, you will learn how to prepare medicines for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, kidney disease, cystitis, acute gastritis, gastric disorders, stomach and intestinal cramps, diarrhea, dysentery, peptic ulcers, bloating, inflammation of the mouth and throat, diseases eyes and gynecological pathologies. We will tell you whether it is possible to give chamomile infusion to newborns and how to properly use the remedy during pregnancy and lactation.

The benefits and harms of chamomile infusion have been known since ancient times. This medicinal plant is widely used in both traditional and traditional medicine. Chamomile tincture is used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The tincture has a mild anti-inflammatory, analgesic and disinfectant effect. With regular use, the remedy restores strength and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.

According to the instructions for use, chamomile tincture is used as an antispasmodic.. The drug effectively relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the intestines and stomach.

Due to its ability to stop bleeding, chamomile tincture is often used as a hemostatic agent. It has a pronounced antibacterial, astringent and healing effect.

Chamomile tincture has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Regular consumption of the drink has a mild sedative effect, normalizes sleep and eliminates increased irritability.

You have learned the benefits of chamomile tincture. Now we will tell you how to prepare the drug at home.

How to prepare chamomile tincture

Before preparing a decoction of chamomile or an alcohol-containing tincture, it is necessary to prepare medicinal raw materials. It can be purchased ready-made at any pharmacy or assembled independently. The flowers of the medicinal plant are harvested during the flowering period - from July to August. Then they are dried under sheds at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

On the basis of medicinal raw materials, water and alcohol-containing products are prepared. Consider the basic recipes.


  1. Chamomile flowers - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour dried chamomile flowers into the bottom of a glass container, add vodka and stir. Close the jar with a lid or a piece of polyethylene, put it in a dark place without direct sunlight. The optimum temperature for infusion is 20-23 degrees. Remove the product from time to time and shake thoroughly. Strain the finished product through a multi-layer gauze and squeeze. Pour the liquid into a clean container and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take 20 drops 2-3 times a day. The drug is drunk 20-30 minutes before a meal. It is advisable to dilute the tincture before this in 100 ml of warm boiled water.

Result: Chamomile tincture has a tonic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. With regular use, the remedy normalizes digestion and the functioning of the respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems.

For the treatment of certain diseases, it is better to use water infusions and decoctions. They have a mild effect and are gentle on the body.


  1. Chamomile flowers - 2.5 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour chamomile flowers into a small saucepan, add water, stir and put in a water bath. Simmer the broth under the lid for 10-15 minutes, then remove from the stove, cover with a towel and let it brew for half an hour. Filter the finished product through a strainer or gauze.

How to use: Take 40 ml half an hour before meals no more than 3 times a day. Duration of admission - up to 30 days.

Depending on the disease, the dosage of the drug changes. We will tell you how to take a decoction of chamomile and alcohol-containing products for various ailments.

With inflammation of the airways

Chamomile tincture has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. The remedy is useful in diseases of the respiratory system. To enhance the expectorant effect, the plant is combined with thyme in a 1: 1 ratio.

Chamomile tincture for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract is taken 20 drops 2-3 times a day. Before use, the product must be diluted in a glass of warm boiled water. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

For kidney disease and cystitis

Chamomile tincture effectively eliminates painful urination and inflammation. With regular use, the remedy normalizes the water balance in the body and normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.

To enhance the beneficial effect in the treatment of kidney diseases and cystitis, chamomile is combined with other components. For example, with dill seeds or anise. For the preparation of the drug dry ingredients are taken in equal amounts.

Herbal tincture is prescribed 1 tablespoon 2 times a day before meals. Duration of admission - up to 30 days.

With acute form of gastritis

For the treatment of an acute form of gastritis, an aqueous infusion of chamomile is prescribed. This tool effectively restores the gastric mucosa, eliminates inflammation and pain. To enhance the effect, the plant is combined with anise in equal proportions.

For gastritis, take 2-3 tablespoons of herbal tincture half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.

For stomach disorders

In case of violations of the stomach, chamomile infusion in combination with St. John's wort is very effective. The agent has a pronounced enveloping effect and, when taken systematically, normalizes the work of the stomach, regulates the acidity of the juice and improves the absorption of food.

Infusion of chamomile for gastric disorders take 2 tablespoons after each meal. Duration of admission - up to 20 days.

For stomach cramps

Chamomile tincture has a pronounced antispasmodic effect. It is especially effective in the inflammatory nature of stomach cramps. With systematic use, chamomile infusion envelops the walls and restores the gastric mucosa.

To eliminate stomach cramps, 25 drops are prescribed half an hour before each meal. The indicated amount of the drug before taking should be diluted in half a glass of boiled water.

For diarrhea and dysentery

In case of violations in the work of the intestines, an infusion of chamomile is prescribed. It has a strengthening, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial action.

For diarrhea and dysentery, 30 drops of chamomile tincture diluted in 100 ml of warm water are prescribed. The drug is taken half an hour before meals no more than 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 10 days.

For peptic ulcers

For the treatment of peptic ulcer, an aqueous infusion of chamomile is used. If the disease is not in an acute form, then the use of alcohol-containing agents is allowed.

Chamomile tincture promotes scarring and healing of ulcers, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. With regular use, herbal remedies restore the integrity of the gastric mucosa.

Water infusion is prescribed 2 tablespoons before each meal. An alcohol-containing agent is taken 20 drops diluted in 100 ml of warm water 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is from 20 days.

For intestinal cramps and bloating

In case of violations of the intestines, an alcohol-containing tincture of chamomile is prescribed. The remedy eliminates pathogenic microbes, normalizes the intestinal microflora and effectively eliminates painful spasms of smooth muscles.

Tincture is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with 100 ml of boiled water. The course of treatment is 10 days. If during this time the discomfort has not disappeared, consult a doctor to prescribe a more effective medication.

With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat

For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat, water-based products and alcohol-containing preparations are used. Before preparing a decoction of chamomile for gargling, the plant is infused for half an hour.

To treat the oral cavity for dental diseases and inflammatory diseases of the throat, alcohol-containing products based on chamomile are used. They are diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2. With the help of the resulting product, the oral cavity and throat are treated.

Chamomile tincture effectively eliminates discomfort in the oral cavity, relieves inflammation and redness. With regular use of herbal remedies, the process of mucosal recovery is accelerated.

For inflammatory eye diseases

For the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision, an aqueous infusion of chamomile is used. The tool is used for lotions and eyewash. Procedures are carried out daily at least 3-4 times a day. This will allow you to get a visible result already 2-3 days after the start of therapy.

Before making an infusion of chamomile for washing the eyes and using it to treat the organs of vision, consult a specialist. He will give an unambiguous answer to the question - is it possible or not to use a herbal remedy for your diagnosis, and in what quantity. Usually, a weak infusion of chamomile is prescribed for washing the eyes.

In gynecology

Due to the antiseptic, enveloping, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, an aqueous infusion of chamomile is often used in gynecology. The tool is used for douching with erosion, thrush.

Before you prepare an infusion of chamomile for douching and start treatment with it, consult a specialist. In the absence of contraindications, a course of daily procedures is prescribed for 14 days.

How to use chamomile tincture in cosmetology

Chamomile tincture can be prepared at home Chamomile extract is widely used in cosmetology. It is used in its pure form for spot treatment of problem skin, added to industrial cosmetic products or included in home skin and hair care products.

For face

Water infusions and decoctions of chamomile for facial skin as independent means are used for washing. The herbal remedy is suitable for all skin types. It can be applied daily.

Water infusion of chamomile for the face can be frozen in special containers for making cosmetic ice. Use an ice cube to wash your face in the morning. The product tones, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

For hair

A combined decoction of chamomile and nettle for hair is often used to care for dry and weakened curls. The product is used as a rinse after shampooing or added to finished cosmetic products. With regular use, the plant extract strengthens the hair follicles, nourishes them and gives the hair a healthy shine.

Chamomile tincture during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Expectant mothers are interested in the question - is it possible to drink chamomile infusion during pregnancy? Gynecologists recommend taking an aqueous infusion or decoction of a plant for violations of the nervous system, to regulate sleep and overall strengthen the body. At the same time, alcohol-containing drugs are prohibited, as they can harm the baby.

Similarly, experts answer the question - is it possible to drink chamomile infusion while breastfeeding? If we are talking about a water-based product, then it gently calms the mother's nervous system and helps to restore strength after childbirth.

You have learned whether it is possible to drink chamomile infusion during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Now we will tell you how to use a herbal remedy for the care of newborns.

Chamomile tincture for newborns

Water decoctions and infusions based on chamomile are often used as a means for bathing and washing babies. They are added to a bath of boiled water. For 10 liters of pure water, there is 1 liter of herbal remedy. Baths with a plant have antibacterial, disinfectant and healing effects.

Before preparing a decoction of chamomile for washing, you should consult a pediatrician. If the doctor allows the use of herbal remedies, then it can be used 2-3 times a week for hygiene procedures.

Answering the question - is it possible to give a decoction of chamomile to newborns, experts adhere to the following recommendations. For infants, a herbal remedy is useful in a minimum concentration - it is enough to brew 3-4 inflorescences for 1 glass of water. The resulting infusion can be given 1 teaspoon before feeding. This will help the baby sleep better and normalize digestion.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the many positive properties, chamomile tincture should be used only after consulting a specialist. With excessive use of herbal remedies, adverse reactions may occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, and increased blood pressure. If one or more symptoms are found, stop taking the drugs and consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of alcohol-containing chamomile tincture:

  • acute form of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

For more information about the benefits of chamomile, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Knowing how chamomile decoction is useful for the body, it can be used to cope with many diseases of internal organs and systems.
  2. Plant-based preparations have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, disinfectant and hemostatic effects.
  3. Despite the many positive properties, chamomile tincture should be used only after consulting a specialist.
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