Vitamins in autumn and winter. The best vitamins to take in the fall for adults. The danger of a lack of nutrients in the body

Find out how to determine vitamin deficiency and what 10 vitamins you need to drink in the fall to have good immunity and feel great.

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Many people are sure that the body needs micronutrients only in the winter-spring period. Although today we can buy various vegetables and fruits in the supermarket, even exotic ones, this assumption is erroneous. Let's deal with this issue in detail. We have prepared for you a kind of TOP 10 vitamins that you need to drink in the fall.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, allowing you to replenish your micronutrient stores. Many people in the summer quickly get rid of excess weight, because at this time you can cleanse your body with the help of natural juices. Thanks to the large number sunlight Vitamin D is actively synthesized in the body, which is necessary for better assimilation calcium, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and is a prophylactic against the development of rickets.

However, summer quickly gives way to autumn, and temperatures environment starts to decline. At the same time, performance deteriorates. defense mechanisms organism and a person becomes vulnerable to various diseases of an infectious and catarrhal nature. You must remember that we need vitamins at any time, and not just in winter or spring. Here are a few of the downsides that come with micronutrient deficiencies:

  • The enamel of the teeth is destroyed.
  • Nail plates become brittle, and skin covering peels off.
  • Edema appears on the face and eyes.
  • Depression makes it difficult to focus on important things.
  • Nervousness and mood swings appear.
  • Decreased libido.
  • There are problems with the digestive system.

What vitamins you need to drink in the fall: TOP-10

Most often, the body experiences beriberi in winter and spring. However, it is also possible in autumn, since the body does not always have time to adapt to changes in air temperature. Add to this less sunlight and the importance of the vitamin becomes clear. All this leads to a decrease in work efficiency. immune system.

You should not count on those micronutrients that we managed to stock up in the summer, because they will not be enough for a long period of time. Some people are sure that if you take complexes of vitamins and minerals for several days in the fall, then they will be enough for the body to work smoothly. Such a statement is based on enough vegetables and fruits that we have in autumn.

It must be remembered that most of vitamins are consumed by the body almost immediately. Recall that all vitamins can be divided into two groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Only substances from the first group can be stored in the body, and the composition of vegetables with fruits mainly includes water soluble vitamins. Unfortunately, they are very quickly utilized if they were not in demand by the body. All this suggests that vitamins must be consumed constantly. Let's get acquainted with our TOP 10 vitamins to drink in the fall.

Vitamin C

This is one of the most important vitamins for our body autumn period. Probably, for someone it will be news that ascorbic acid cannot prevent the development of the flu or a cold, but it can alleviate symptoms and speed up the healing process.

This substance is a powerful antioxidant and is necessary for the body not only to fight the above diseases. Vitamin C helps slow down the development of oncological, cardiovascular diseases, etc. An excellent source ascorbic acid are cranberries, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, kiwi.


Vitamin A is also able to increase the efficiency of the immune system. In addition, the substance is necessary for the renewal of the cellular structures of all tissues and improves vision. Retinol is an antioxidant and can slow down the aging process. Excellent sources of vitamin A are egg yolks, tomatoes, certain types of fish, liver, green leafy vegetables, dried apricots, carrots, milk, etc.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is the most powerful antioxidant among vitamins. The substance is also a protector of the membranes of cell structures, providing them reliable protection from oxidation. Once in the cells, vitamin E is introduced into the membranes and prevents the contact of oxygen with lipids. Do not forget about the antihypoxant properties of the vitamin. Tocopherol stabilizes mitochondrial membranes and cells consume oxygen more economically.


Vitamin B1 is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and has a positive effect on work nervous system. Found predominantly in foods vegetable nature and cannot be synthesized by the human body.


Vitamin B2 is used by the body to produce antibodies and red blood cells, and also regulates developmental processes reproductive organs improving their performance. Women should remember that the quality of their hair, nail plates and skin depends on the concentration of riboflavin. With the ability to improve performance thyroid gland, vitamin B2 contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes.


Vitamin B3 takes an active part in the metabolism of fatty acids, amines, purines and protein compounds. Also, the substance improves tissue respiration and is necessary for the process of glycogenolysis. Not less than important feature niacin is its ability to reduce the concentration of low-density lipoprotein compounds, which positively affects the balance of cholesterol. We also note an improvement in brain performance with a sufficient concentration of vitamin B3.


One of the main properties of pyridoxine is its ability to increase the efficiency of consumption. cellular structures glucose. As a result, the body is protected from sudden spikes in blood sugar. Also, vitamin B6 accelerates metabolic processes in the brain tissues, which leads to an improvement in the functioning of the organ. The peculiarity of the substance is to increase the efficiency of the entire nervous system.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9 is of particular importance for children, as it is necessary for the full development of all body systems. The participation of folic acid in the processes of replication of DNA molecules indicates the ability of the substance to protect the body from cancer. We also note the participation of the vitamin in the production of red blood cells and the ability to improve the functioning of the bone marrow.

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP helps to normalize the concentration of fatty acids in the blood, normalizes the balance of lipoprotein compounds, lowers the cholesterol index and has anti-atherogenic properties. A nicotinic acid It has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and improves blood microcirculation in the tissues of the organ.


Almost everyone knows that vitamin D is synthesized in the body under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation. Deficiency of the substance can cause a decrease in the strength of bone tissue and the development of depression. Try to spend more time outdoors throughout the year. sunny days. The best sources calciferol are dairy products, eggs and fish fat.

Omega 3

Although this substance does not belong to the group of vitamins, we could not help but talk about it. Omega 3 fatty acid found in fatty fish vegetable oils, walnuts, seafood and flax seed. These substances improve the functioning of all body systems. For women over the age of 19 daily dosage omega-3 is 1.1 grams.

A few words must also be said about minerals, since these substances are no less important for the body in comparison with vitamins. One of the most important substances of this group is iron. However, this does not mean that other minerals are not so relevant. Iron is used by the body to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all body tissues. Women should pay special attention to the content of iron in the diet. The substance is found in red meat, eggs, legumes, grains and dried fruits. In order for iron to be better absorbed by the body, the sources of the substance should be consumed simultaneously with ascorbic acid.

How can you find out about avitaminosis?

We have just introduced you to our TOP 10 vitamins to drink in the fall. Let's find out the main signs of deficiency of the most important micronutrients for the body:
  1. Vitamin C - high fatigue, bleeding gums, appearance small rash on the skin of the face.
  2. Thiamine- bags appear under the eyes, the face becomes pale, concentration decreases and irritability increases.
  3. Riboflavin- small cracks appear in the corners of the lips, the hair grows dull, the lips become pale color etc.
  4. Niacin- the sleep pattern is disturbed, lethargy appears, the stratification of the nail plates is observed.
  5. Pyridoxine- the skin becomes oily, dandruff appears in the hair, lips crack, often there is a feeling of severe weakness.
  6. Folic acid- the hair splits, and the process of their loss begins.
  7. A nicotinic acid- the skin begins to peel off and acquires a greasy sheen.
  8. Retinol- small wrinkles appear, the condition of the hair, skin and nail plates worsens.
  9. Calciferol- insomnia appears, appetite worsens, the nail plates become brittle and begin to exfoliate.
  10. Tocopherol- the skin of the face acquires an earthy hue and pigmented heels appear on it, the condition of the hair and nail plates worsens.

The best pharmacy complexes of micronutrients to drink in the fall

Today in the pharmacy you can find a large number of supplements containing vitamins and minerals. We will introduce you to the most popular and effective ones.


The range of products under this brand is extremely large. We recommend that you stop yours in the fall on a complex to strengthen the immune system. The manufacturer also offers specialized preparations for children, women and men.


Another overseas brand offering a wide selection of drugs. In the line you will find a complex created specifically for use in the autumn.


A complex of micronutrients from a domestic manufacturer. It must be admitted that he is in no way inferior foreign analogue, but its cost is more attractive. In the Complivit line you will find products designed with gender and age in mind. This is an excellent choice in terms of value and quality.

How to choose the right vitamins, see below:

In autumn people are full of energy after holidays and fruit season. But not all vitamins are stored in the body. Only daily replenishment vitamin reserve will help keep the body in good shape.

Vitamins for immunity

In autumn, immunity requires support. Eat at least 400 grams per day. fresh vegetables and fruits. Then autumn blues and apathy will pass by.

Vitamin A

In order not to lose hair, nails and teeth, eat carrots. Better drink carrot juice. It contains a lot of vitamin A. It is also present in watermelons, apples and apple juice.

Vitamin B (B6, B2, B1)

Add more beans, potatoes and cabbage to daily diet. These foods are high in vitamin B. It will help maintain a clear mind and visual acuity.

Vitamin C

Helps the body fight disease. It is found in sweet peppers, white cabbage, blackcurrant and citrus fruits (orange, lemon). They are saturated with greens (dill, parsley, lettuce). Eat foods daily and the body will get stronger.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E does not accumulate in the body. Eat apples and Apple juice add oils to your food. Vitamin E will strengthen the immune system and slow down aging.

Vitamin D

Produced under the influence of sunlight. The benefit of vitamin D is storage. It strengthens bones and improves the nervous system. Infants need vitamin D to prevent rickets.

On sunny days, walk for at least 15-20 minutes.

Vitamins and trace elements for women

In autumn, women feel that the condition of the skin, hair and nails has worsened. Changes occur due to lack of vitamins.

Retinol (Vitamin A)

If you notice that your hair has become brittle and your skin is dry, then it's time for you to take retinol.

Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

Vitamin E is essential for normal operation female gonads.

Due to the lack of pigmentation on the skin, elasticity deteriorates. Tocopherol affects hair growth and improves reproductive function.


The trace element slows down skin aging and improves the condition of tissues. Fights insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day.

Improves the condition of hair and nails. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Selenium in the composition of vitamin complexes helps women cope with menopausal manifestations.


Participates in the normalization of the nervous system, affects the strength of bones.


it main trace element in the fight against stress. It improves the emotional state.

During pregnancy, magnesium is prescribed to relieve uterine tone or normalize kidney function.

The dose of magnesium during pregnancy increases with each trimester.

Eight "live" vitamins

Pay special attention to autumn vegetables and fruits.

In autumn, the body weakens. Take a walk to keep your body in good shape. fresh air, exercise and eat seasonal vitamins.


Pumpkin is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains beta-carotene, which helps the body produce vitamin A, and vitamins B1, B2, B5, E, as well as pectin and minerals.

Pumpkin is easily digestible and considered dietary product, so use it for digestive problems.

Apples and pears

Two apples a day will help to bring the level of cholesterol in the blood back to normal. Refuse imported apples, because they lose useful substances due to long-term storage.

Vitamins found in apples strengthen the immune and nervous systems.

Pear fruits contain the antibiotic arbutin, which kills pathogenic microbes. Pears contain essential oils, which reinforce defensive forces body to fight infection and inflammation. Pears tone up, reduce stress and improve mood.

Do not eat pears on an empty stomach and do not drink water, otherwise digestive problems may occur.

bell pepper

Eat peppers in the fall and you will boost your immune system. Sweet pepper lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Reliable source of beta-carotene. Helps with weakness and anemia.

Vitamin A in carrots helps children grow.


The green contains folic acid which helps cells grow and multiply. It contains phosphorus, iron, calcium. Add greens to salads and other dishes.

Or exhi

Children should be given nuts no earlier than three years. Nuts are rich in protein children's body not yet able to digest heavy food. Give your child nuts in small quantities and no more than once a week.


This berry contains about two hundred useful substances. Useful, leaves and bones.

Strengthens immunity. With regular use, it saves from migraines. Thanks to antioxidants, it relieves fatigue and energizes. Reduces pressure.

Vitamin complexes for autumn

To maintain the body in good shape, there should be enough nutrition, but not everyone manages to eat a balanced diet and the body does not receive a full set of substances. Smoking, alcohol and consumption reduce the amount of vitamins in the body. They come to help vitamin complexes.


Helps the body fight colds. Contains vitamins A, C, magnesium and copper.

A complex for children and infants has been developed in the form of sweet drops and chewing sweets.


Balanced drug. Does not contain excessive doses of vitamins and minerals.

Complivit is shown if you have:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • complex mental and physical stress;
  • lack of vitamins in the body (avitaminosis);
  • recovery period after injury, illness or antibiotic treatment.


Composed of 17 minerals and 13 vitamins. One tablet per day saturates the body of an adult essential vitamins and minerals.

Vitrum is shown:

  • with an unbalanced diet;
  • during a period of strong physical and mental stress;
  • after illnesses.

Use vitamin-mineral complexes after consulting a doctor and passing tests. Uncontrolled absorption of vitamins leads to hypervitaminosis and provokes allergies.

Do not take several vitamin-mineral complexes at the same time.

It is in autumn that our body usually lacks vitamins, which is why we so often feel tired and overwhelmed at this time of the year. But how to deal with it?

What vitamins are lacking in the body in autumn?

Vitamin Vitamin deficiency symptoms Products containing Vitamin complexes
FROM Manifestation of fatigue, bleeding from the gums, rash, risk of catching an infection. Highly great content in pepper and cabbage (sauerkraut and fresh). MultitabsComplivit
IN 1 Paleness, which is accompanied by bags under the eyes, irritability, inability to concentrate. Cereals and legumes, nuts. ComplivitVitrum
IN 2 Pale lip color, faded hair color. Nuts (almonds and peanuts), buckwheat grain, meat (lamb, pork and veal), oatmeal. ComplivitVitrum
AT 3 Sleep disturbance, constant fatigue, exfoliates the nail plate. Liver (pork or beef), peas. B Complex
AT 6 Oily skin, dandruff, constant lethargy. Soybeans, avocado, banana, spinach, bran. ComplivitVitrum
AT 9 Hair problems. Parsley, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, peas. Folic Acid (For Pregnant Women)B Complex
RR Facial skin gives oily sheen and peeling appears. Liver (beef), pork, fish, cheese. Spectrum
A The manifestation of small wrinkles, a rash, the hair becomes dull. Carrot juice (contains more than fresh carrots). MultitabsComplivit
D Problems with nails in the form of brittleness and delamination, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite. In summer - under the influence of sunlight, so during this period you need to walk more often. Vitrum
E Problems with hair and nails, protruding on the skin dark spots, and the skin on the face acquires an earthy hue. Apples, blackberries. VitrumDynamizan

Vitamin C

This is a vitamin that a person needs constantly, since vitamin C plays an important role in the functioning and maintenance of immunity. This is a guarantee that your body will not succumb to stress, and infections will not be able to affect you so easily. This vitamin helps to eliminate substances that are toxic, such as copper or mercury. It is important to remember that our body does not reproduce this type of vitamin on its own and does not store it upon receipt. Therefore, it should be replenished and maintained regularly.

Vitamins of this group contribute to the maintenance of immunity, as they are involved in the formation of blood composition. The group consists of 13 elements, but only 8 of them are the most common. It is difficult to talk about how much vitamin B per day for a person. All because of the influence various factors such as: age, gender, season, etc. All B vitamins have their own purpose, however, all affect the nervous system, and support many other functions, this vitamin is also widely known as. It is important to note that together vitamins are much more effective than if they are taken separately from each other. If the body lacks a vitamin from this group, then this can be seen in insomnia, changes in the skin, loss of appetite, hair problems, and so on.

By the way, we already wrote about it earlier - it, like the B vitamins, helps slow down skin aging.

However, you should also not go too far, because an excess of B vitamins is extremely dangerous, and the symptoms are similar to its deficiency.

We all heard a lot about vitamins C, A, B and others, but what is vitamin PP and why is it needed at all? First, it is believed that this vitamin has medicinal properties, so it is often added to medical preparations. And secondly, vitamin PP plays a special role in the development of tissues, lowers cholesterol and converts fat into energy. Also, the vitamin helps fight a number of cardiovascular disease and reduces the risk of their occurrence. With hypovitaminosis, a number of symptoms occur, among which insomnia, depression, permanent state lethargy and eating problems. Concerning daily requirement Well, it all depends on the age of the person. For example: in the period from seven to ten years - you need 15 mg of a vitamin, and from ten to thirteen - already 19 mg.

Vitamin A is usually associated with carrots, and it is not surprising, because it was first discovered in this vegetable. But, nevertheless, vitamins of group A in large quantities also found in fish oil, liver, butter, egg yolks and other products. Scientists often study the issue of vitamins, and recently it was found that food cannot replenish the supply of vitamin A to the fullest. That is why it is worth taking additional complexes that will bring its content to the proper level. This vitamin helps the body perform many functions, such as:

  1. redox processes;
  2. proper formation of bones and teeth;
  3. normalizes metabolism;
  4. helps in the formation of new cells;
  5. significantly reduces the aging process.

Moreover, the most important point is that vitamin A affects our vision. It contains substances that support the normal activity of all visual processes. Like all vitamins, vitamin A is also involved in fighting infections and protecting the immune system from viruses. As for the need, an average adult needs to receive 800-1000 micrograms of vitamin per day.

Everyone knows that we get vitamin D from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Group this vitamin includes the following views: D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6. If the body has received normal amount ultraviolet, in which case we do not need to replenish it. However, this option is not always possible, as some factors are important:

  1. how long is the light wave?
  2. skin color (the darker the skin, the less vitamin is produced);
  3. age;
  4. how polluted the atmosphere and the environment.

However, small amounts of vitamin D can be replenished through animal products such as dairy, fish oil, or egg yolk. chicken egg. But it should be remembered that dairy products do not always contain this vitamin, so you should not count on them too much. More in an efficient way will drink a vitamin complex that contains group D.

Not many people know, but vitamin D still functions as a hormone in our body. It is formed in the kidneys and affects their work in the same way as the work of the intestines and muscles.

Since the vitamin tends to be stored in the body, its overdose threatens with problems. You need to be careful, because the symptoms of overdose are similar to the symptoms of excess.

This vitamin supports stable condition nervous system, dilates blood vessels, helps to quickly get rid of skin and eye diseases. And this is not the whole list, since the properties of the vitamin can be listed for a long time. Vitamin deficiency is serious problems as various diseases. Also, it is very important for pregnant women to monitor this, as a lack of vitamin E can cause spontaneous abortion.

As you can see in the table, vitamin E is found in in large numbers in apples and blackberries. However, in pharmacies there are many drugs that replenish its content in the body. Vitamin E has a reproductive function, so it is quite often prescribed in the form of drugs for those undergoing treatment for certain diseases. For an adult, 10-20 mg of vitamin per day is enough.

What vitamins should a man drink in the fall?

Autumn is the time of the year when our body lacks almost all vitamins due to a decrease in the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet, and a lack of sunlight. Therefore, you should not allocate only vitamins to improve immunity. In autumn, it is extremely important to take care of the intake full complex all necessary elements.

A properly selected balanced complex will be able to speed up the metabolism, as well as increase endurance, physical strength, and the ability to produce offspring.

Men's vitamins by age

Of course, in different age period the needs of the body change, therefore, among other factors, it is necessary to take into account it.

Until the age of forty, group B compounds are very important, as they are involved in the absorption of protein, which in turn provides an increase muscle mass and support for the production of sex hormones. Vitamins tocopherol and retinol have a good effect on the production of testosterone and improvement of sexual function. Also, to maintain the required level of this hormone in the body, vitamin F is needed.

People over 40 need complexes that contain vitamins E, C, and A. These vitamins are antioxidants and do a good job of slowing down the aging process. Vitamin D is important to prevent deterioration of heart function and pressure stability. In addition, older men will need to supply their bodies with vitamins B12 and H (which protects the liver).

Quite often, the cause of hair loss in men of any age is precisely the lack of vitamins. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex, who are concerned about the condition hairline on the head, it is recommended not to neglect the intake of vitamins of group B, and E, H, C, A, F. These elements can strengthen hair, prevent hair loss, and also make them lush and beautiful.

Vitamins for sports

playing sports or physical work, the body in any case is in dire need of additional help in the form of vitamins. Scientists have identified the following list of elements that need to be supplied to the body of a man during systematic physical activity: C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, D, E, A. Such a complex will provide a person with all the necessary nutrients and improve metabolism. It is worth noting that these vitamins must also be taken in cases of constant unreasonable fatigue, lethargy, and fatigue. In this case, you can use the complex Wellman, which helps especially well with strong physical and mental stress. It replenishes the body with all the necessary nutrients and improves memory, but its disadvantages include the possibility of allergies.

Vitamins that improve immunity

For supporting protective function body and increase resistance to various infections and diseases, it is necessary to regularly replenish the internal supply of immunostimulating nutrients. These vitamins include: C, B1, B5, B6, B9. In the absence of the need for these elements, the likelihood of disease decreases, and the healing process is accelerated.

What complexes should a guy drink?

All of the above properties are possessed by the Alphabet for men. It energizes, drives away drowsiness, and has a very positive effect on the immune system. Its feature is the division of active elements into three doses, which allows you to most effectively combine all the necessary vitamins. Duovit for men also perfectly copes with the function of replenishing the vitamin balance of the body. It improves metabolism, increases efficiency, and also slows down aging. In addition to all this, Duovit good effect on sexual function a person, and with prostatitis reduces the severity of symptoms. Watrum « Life" and Complevit « Mens Formula"can also be attributed to a number of the most effective vitamin complexes, because they include all necessary substances, which are so necessary for men, especially in autumn.

What vitamins should a woman drink in the fall?

In autumn, the possibility of obtaining all the necessary elements along with food comes to an end, and, as you know, for the most part, the state of not only women's health, but also appearance generally. The problem of vitamin deficiency is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is recommended to take suitable complexes.

How does a lack of vitamins affect a woman?

The absence of each vitamin in its own way can affect the condition of a woman.

For example, vitamin C is responsible for increasing resistance to colds, so its presence in the complex during the autumn season is extremely important.

If the body lacks vitamin E, then the health and beauty of hair and nails can deteriorate dramatically.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are weakness and splitting of the nails, as well as disturbed sleep.

All B vitamins can improve memory performance, so if you become noticeable small problems with it, then we can draw conclusions about the lack of essential nutrients.

In addition, it is possible to determine the lack of vitamins of group B in the body by cracks in the lips, enhanced work sebaceous glands on the face and head, as well as general lethargy and fatigue.

What vitamins to choose?

In pharmacies, you can find three types of vitamins: monopreparations, multivitamins, and vitamin and mineral complexes. The first contains only one vitamin. They should be drunk only if a doctor diagnoses a lack of a particular vitamin. Multivitamins are already a kind of complex of vitamins that are necessary female body. And vitamin-mineral complexes, in turn, in addition to vitamin substances, also contain women need minerals such as calcium, etc.

What vitamins should a girl drink?

Choosing among vitamins, for the autumn period it can be noted Complivit and Vitrum. They contain all the substances necessary to maintain women's health and beauty, even in adverse seasonal conditions.

What vitamins to drink in the fall for a child?

AT childhood it is very important to get the necessary active development and growth of matter in sufficient quantities. The abundance of fruits and vegetables in the summer diet allows you to saturate your body with all essential vitamins, but in the fall they become insufficient. There is, of course, the possibility to choose available products in such a way as to minimize the shortage useful elements, but what if the child is picky about food? In this case, the time comes for additional vitamin complexes. It is important for children to have strong immunity, because in a kindergarten, school, amusement park and other crowded places, they are most susceptible to respiratory diseases.

When and how to drink?

A common mistake is that many start taking vitamin preparations only at the height of the cold season. It is best to start early, for example, in September or October. It should also be understood that it is necessary to drink vitamins in courses of 2-3 weeks, between which there should be a break of at least two months.

What vitamins to choose in a pharmacy?

pick up vitamin preparations necessary in the first place according to the age of the child. Children under one year old need an abundance of vitamins D and A, which can prevent rickets and increase overall resistance to respiratory diseases. On the shelves you can see such solutions of vitamin D as Vigantol and Aquadetrim. Multi-Tabs Baby is a complex of vitamins D and A, as well as ascorbic acid.

Children from one year old it is already possible to give complexes, which include more than 9 important vitamins and minerals. These are drugs like Multi-Tabs Kid, Pikovit syrup, and Alphabet "Our baby".

Toddlers from two years old, in addition to the previous complexes, you can give the following drugs: Vitrub Baby and Virum Junior.

For children over the age of three the choice of vitamins is much larger. To series of drugs Vitrum, Multi-Tabs, Pikovit and Alphabet added Biovital, Complivit, Cetrum, and many others.

Autumn time corrects many things that concern our body and largely dictates its own laws. A fairly common belief is that vitamins that accumulate in summer period, are a satisfactory supply for the winter, this is a myth.

In autumn, as in other seasons, it requires vitamins to maintain immunity and simply wellness. Remember that many of them do not accumulate in reserve. So with big share probability, it can be argued that taking vitamins in the autumn period is not just desirable, but necessary.

Of course, you need to pay attention to the fact that in spring and autumn fortification is more effective. What vitamins to drink in the fall? Many people are interested in this issue. However, in the beginning, it should still be said about the natural accumulation and replenishment of vitamins in the human body.

To saturate the body with the necessary vitamins, you should take about four hundred grams, of course, you can have more, fruits and vegetables in their raw form. It is necessary to eat in autumn traditional apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, and Bell pepper, and pumpkin, and zucchini, and, of course, various types of cabbage.

Vitamin C

It is constantly necessary for a person, it is found in large quantities in pepper, cabbage, both fresh and sauerkraut.

Vitamin A

There are many in carrot juice. By the way, there is much more of it than in the vegetable itself. And he, as you know, prevents the formation of tumors, makes better color facial skin, and indeed strengthens and maintains the human body in good shape.

Vitamin E

Widely known for its antioxidant properties. Its replenishment is required constantly, because it does not have the possibility of accumulation. This is where the usual apples and freshly squeezed apple juice, as well as blackberries, will help the best.

Vitamin B

They are rich in legumes, potatoes, cabbage. Eating them in the fall, you can strengthen the immune system, improve mental abilities.

Vitamin D

Its accumulation requires special attention. Winter and autumn naturally this is not easy to do, because it is produced under the influence of sunlight. If this vitamin is not enough, then it is fraught with brittle bones, nervousness and even depression. Take the time to walk on sunny days, accumulating vitamin D in the body.

Do not forget about trace elements, which are also vital for a person. Potassium and copper, for example, can be replenished by eating zucchini and pumpkins. Dishes from them are tasty, satisfying and healthy.

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The best vitamin and mineral complexes for autumn

Dynamic modern society dictates its conditions of existence. Often in the stream of everyday worries and responsibilities, there is a chronic lack of time to provide balanced nutrition. Increasingly, the question arises which vitamins to take in the fall in order to better supply the body with everything it needs. This is where the use of vitamin-mineral complexes comes to the rescue.

When taking these drugs, remember that vitamins should not be taken non-stop for a long time. We should not forget that before you are all the same drugs. Without a medical recommendation, one course is taken with a break of six months or a year.
Here are the most effective and healthy vitamin complexes that you can take in the fall.


In its composition, it has 17 minerals and 14 vitamins. It is very important that this complex helps the body fight colds that begin to “attack” a person in the fall. It will prolong active longevity and strengthen the immunity of people after fifty Vitrum Centuri. But beauty, health and youth at any time of the year will be supported by Vitrum Beauty, because this complex is the best way to normal exchange substances, strengthening nails and hair, improving the skin.


it combination drug, which contains necessary for a person minerals and vitamins. So, vitamins A, C in its composition help to increase the body's resistance during "attacks" various infections. Needless to say, this is very important in the fall. normal activity magnesium provides the heart, copper regulates metabolic processes in the body, etc. The Multitabs baby complex has been specially developed in the form of sweet drops for babies and the Multitabs baby complex is already in the form of chewing sweets.


This drug also has various complexes. The important thing is that it is designed with characteristic features Russian food. And minerals and vitamins are in one tablet for ease of use.
Do not forget that taking a vitamin and mineral complex even with the most good advice can only be done after consulting a doctor. Self-administration of vitamins can lead to allergies and hypervitaminosis, which, of course, is dangerous to health.

It would seem that summer is the time for vitamins, and a significant part of autumn still pleases us with the sun and fresh vegetables and fruits. Why take anything else?

But many of us seriously think about taking vitamins in the fall. For one simple reason: autumn, like spring, is a test for the immune system, the beginning of the cold and flu season. In autumn, the body is exposed to stress, it is necessary to rebuild under the changing conditions. weather. And this is the time when he needs the support of immunity in the first place. To understand which vitamins to take in the fall, you need to figure out what substances he needs for this.

Multivitamins and Omega-3

I combined vitamins, minerals and Omega into one group because, in fact, the body needs them all the time. And it is desirable to drink them either on permanent basis, or courses with breaks from one to three months. Autumn or spring - perfect time to start the course.

First of all, vitamins C, A, E and group B (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folic and nicotinic acids) are important in autumn to strengthen the immune system.

Worth picking up good complex, in which all of them are contained in sufficient quantities. For example, good vitamins for autumn for girls - in addition to vitamins in bioavailable forms, they contain superfoods and adaptogens, which we will discuss below.

And, of course, omega-3 fatty acids are important for the comprehensive support of the work of the whole organism. Ideally, they should be supplemented with coenzyme Q-10.


And now we are moving on to those dietary supplements that are important and valuable in the fall.

In autumn, the weather changes, the level of humidity, illumination and length of the day change. The body does not always have time to adapt to these changes - and reacts with a decrease in immunity. But there are substances that can help in this process. And these are adaptogens.

Adaptogens are those few of the dietary supplements, the effect of which can be noticed almost immediately - in the form of a surge of energy, strength, increased vigor and endurance, increased tone. They stimulate the central nervous system and improve the body's resistance to harmful effects. In addition, adaptogens increase attention and mental performance, activate metabolism, and have antioxidant properties.

The group of adaptogens includes:

  • Rhodiola rosea
  • Ginseng
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Schisandra chinensis (schizandra)
  • Rhodiola rosea
  • Royal jelly
  • maca peruvian
  • Ashwagandha
  • cordyceps
  • Aralia and others.

Any adaptogen is taken as a course for one to two months. In autumn, it is best to choose two or three adaptogens and take them at the same time (in small dosages). The fact is that each of these substances, in addition to properties common to the entire group, has one or another "specialization", and simultaneous reception different adaptogens allows you to act as comprehensively as possible. For example, Eleutherococcus normalizes blood pressure, and Maca normalizes sexual function.

Another option is to choose a complex preparation that already contains various adaptogens. For example, I will give several such complexes.

An important point - you need to take adaptogens only in the morning! All of them have a tonic and invigorating effect, give a surge of strength. But if you drink them after dinner, this wonderful effect can turn into insomnia.

At the same time, which is important, adaptogens, unlike caffeine-containing drugs, do not give "borrowed" vigor and energy. Remember - when you want to cheer up, we drink a cup strong coffee and we really feel a surge of energy (and at the same time tachycardia) ... for a while. Then this state can turn into a breakdown. Stimulants like caffeine seem to “borrow” energy – we borrow it from own body. And then, like many debts, you have to pay it back with interest. Adaptogens compare favorably with caffeine in that they actually increase your energy, not decrease it.

These are the ideal autumn vitamins”, although you can drink them at any time - it’s just that in this season they are important to everyone. At other times, it makes sense to take them while traveling (when the climate and time zone change), stressful situations and at depressive states, before exams and whenever tone, a clear head and good form are important.

I usually include adaptogens in my vitamins for the fall, but keep a jar of Eleutherococcus or Rhodiola on the shelf at all times - just in case.

Immunostimulating drugs

There is also a number herbal preparations aimed specifically at supporting immunity in the first place. They can be drunk in autumn preventive purposes or start drinking at the first sign of a cold or flu. In the latter case, they will alleviate the symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery (or even prevent them from “getting sick”). The most popular and effective of them are echinacea, black elderberry, astragalus, garlic, ginger, olive leaf. In complex preparations, they can be supplemented with adaptogens and vitamins, mushroom complexes, amino acids, fulvic or colloidal minerals, etc.

Here are a few complex preparations, which includes the most effective herbs. The table below will help determine which vitamins are best for women and men to drink in the fall.

Be sure to pay attention to the vitamins in the composition and their percentage of the daily requirement in case you are taking multivitamins in parallel. The percentage is especially important. fat soluble vitamins- A, E, D, because they accumulate in the body. If you choose an immunomodulating complex for a course intake, you should choose not containing vitamins in large quantities or refuse multivitamins for this period in order to avoid hypervitaminosis.

A drug plant extracts Other active substances
Vitamins A, C, D, zinc, selenium, copper, sodium Garlic, Propolis, Echinacea, Apple, Kupena, Buttercup, Olive, Isatis, Eleutherococcus, Cinnamon, Kudzu Root, Mullane Leaf, Astragalus, Pau D'Arco Bark, Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, Rhizome, Grapeseed citrus bioflavonoids
Astragalus + flexible mixture (multi-colored tinder fungus, cordyceps, maitake, shiitake, etc.)
Vitamin C, zinc Black elderberry, raspberry, echinacea, astragalus
Vitamins A, C, D, zinc, selenium Echinacea, Astragalus, Olive, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper, Mushroom Complex (Shiitake, Reishi, Maitake), Magonia, Hydrastis, Fenugreek, Chandra, Thyme, Elecampane, Eleutherococcus, Guggul, Rosemary, Gotu Kola, Plantain inositol
Vitamins C, E, zinc, selenium Echinacea, olive, astragalus, androphagus, cat's claw, oregano; biperine complex (black pepper, ginger) Citrus bioflavonoids, bifidobacteria for digestion,
Echinacea, Coptis, Myrrh, Cayenne Pepper, Maidan Mushroom, Marshmallow, Yarrow, Turmeric protease enzyme, propolis
Mushroom complex (chaga, reishi, cordyceps, maitake); turmeric, astragalus, lemongrass

Perhaps the most popular complex here is, indeed effective drug from a reliable manufacturer and with a very rich composition. And my personal favorite is . I just really love this brand - the manufacturer produces most dietary supplements in the form of gel capsules that are easy to digest. For even better assimilation, a bioperine complex is always added to them. In addition, the preparations from Irwin Naturals always differ in absolutely amazing compositions.

What vitamins to drink in autumn for children

For children, special immunostimulating and immunomodulating complexes based on herbs are also produced. For preventive purposes, they are especially worth drinking to those babies who go to Kindergarten and junior school.

A drug Vitamin and mineral complex plant extracts Other active substances Release form and taste Age
Vitamins A, C, E, zinc Grape juice, green tea(decaffeinated), turmeric, garlic, olive, shiitake mushroom Bifidobacteria for digestion Tropical berry flavored chewable tablets. In the form of animals From 2 years
Vitamin C, zinc Echinacea Gummy bears with different flavors From 2 years
Echinacea, Astragalus, Mint, Clover, Burdock Root Drops from year
Vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc Agave, grapefruit seeds Drops From 2 months
Vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc black elderberry Jelly Bean From 2 years

How not to freeze in autumn

Have you noticed that in autumn, even at a still positive temperature, we often freeze much more than in winter with real frosts? In the spring, in exactly the same weather, we already breathe a sigh of relief and walk around in unbuttoned jackets, and in the fall, literally, we can’t get a tooth on a tooth.

All because of the very adaptation of the body, which we have already talked about above. It can be supported and accelerated. But you can also simply ... help yourself not to freeze!

I get cold at every convenient and inconvenient occasion, my hands and feet are always cold, and the fact that this can somehow be influenced was a real discovery for me at one time.

And, of course, when thinking about what vitamins to drink in the fall, it is worth remembering Chyawanprash, an Ayurvedic composition known in India for many centuries. It is useful for immune support, adaptogenic effects, and more. However, Chyawanprash deserves a separate article. Here I will only say that this “jam” (especially authentic, spicy options) also significantly improves blood circulation and does not freeze.

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