The effect of smoking on the child. Smoking and children: prevention of addictions. The impact of smoking on child development: active and passive smoking during pregnancy and after birth

Everyone knows the irreparable health damage from smoking. Despite this, the number of cigarette adherents is not only not decreasing, but is growing. Parents live in unreasonable fear that their child will develop this bad habit. And if this happened, in the end, what if the child smokes?

Why do children start smoking?

There are several reasons why young people try cigarettes:

  • feeling of adulthood;
  • bad Company;
  • misconception that smoking is fashionable;
  • the view that smoking has a calming effect;
  • the misconception that smoking promotes weight loss.

How to know if a child smokes?

Adolescents are especially careful to hide their attachment to tobacco. However, with some effort, parents can recognize the “danger” by:

  1. Smell. True, children mask it with chewing gum, hazel leaves, toothpaste. However, the child's things, his hands and hair are saturated with tobacco smoke.
  2. Frequent cleaning teeth.
  3. Waste of money. The child may no longer have enough pocket money, and a trifle begins to disappear in the purse of the parents.
  4. Detection of cigarettes in things, pockets, school backpack.
  5. Smoking friends.

Naturally, the teenager will balk and deny that he smokes. But parents need to take action.

How to wean a child to smoke?

You should not follow the mistake of many parents, that is, scold or beat the child, punish him by forbidding him to sit at the computer or walk. This will cause a reciprocal negative, and the student will smoke twice as much out of spite.

It is necessary to have a conversation with the offender. But her character should be trusting, without reproaches, insults and threats. Express to your child your dissatisfaction with smoking, say that you are upset and upset.

In no case do not rely on the age of the student in a conversation, which can cause a backlash to prove your “adulthood” by smoking. Better explain that you can show your maturity, defend your personal opinion, by giving up a cigarette in the company of smoking friends.

Argument the refusal of a bad habit not only dry scientific facts impact on health. Tell about examples from the life of your acquaintances, relatives, friends. If possible, the child himself will communicate with a heavy smoker or an adult who has already got rid of this scourge. The child should get the idea that quitting smoking in the early stages is much easier.

Parents who are concerned about how to get their child to quit smoking can be advised to send their child to the sports section. Then the teenager will be able to brag to the girl he likes not with a cigarette in his mouth, but with a steel bicep.

The problem of smoking is increasingly affecting the youngest. Disappointing statistics show that the age at which teenagers start smoking is getting smaller and smaller. So, girls are increasingly trying their first cigarette by the age of 13. And boys even earlier - by the age of 10. But what about the parents of children who have started smoking?

The first cigarette will not give pleasant sensations. Its taste is unpleasant, but the child's unwillingness to be a black sheep among his peers makes him smoke again and again. Psychologists and narcologists have proven that addiction, in other words, nicotine addiction, occurs already from the fifth cigarette. Needless to say, children can become addicted to cigarettes incredibly quickly. Initially, the child will smoke exclusively "for the company", without experiencing the pleasure of a smoked cigarette. But the more often he does this, the faster he will develop the need for the psychostimulant effects of nicotine.

Only medical facts!

Before proceeding to the study of the question of how to be parents if the child suddenly starts smoking, it is worth considering in more detail the data on the dangers of nicotine for children. young body. Only parents should take into account that it makes no sense to tell him stories about the dangers and dangers of smoking. This will in no way help him quit smoking. Accurate medical statistics and your own example will have a much greater effect.

  • When it comes to the dangers of smoking medical point vision, then primarily nicotine negatively affects the nervous system. It literally drains nerve cells, which leads to constant feeling fatigue. To replace the usual healthy body endurance, activity soon comes irritability, nervous excitability. Constant nervousness- here is a faithful companion of a smoker;
  • Smoking sharply worsens the work of the organs of perception. Smell, hearing and vision begin to function with failures. The enamel of the teeth of smokers is destroyed much faster. This is due to the fact that when smoking, a person inhales air, the temperature of which is much lower than that of cigarette smoke, and this difference provokes the destruction of tooth enamel;
  • Memory due to smoking gradually deteriorates, and the development of basic thought processes also deteriorates. At the same time, than more baby starts smoking, the more likely it is that his analytical thinking will gradually begin to falter;
  • Another body system that suffers more than others from nicotine addiction- respiratory system. Due to the fact that the body is still growing, the respiratory system is not able to process tobacco smoke entering the lungs. Because of this, part of it literally settles on young lungs. It always complicates the course colds. Over time, even with a slight load, the timbre of the voice will begin to change in a young smoker, shortness of breath will appear, a constant hysterical cough;
  • The appearance will also begin to suffer from regular smoking: acne and pimples, shiny skin. Often it is these signs that can give out a young cigarette lover. Despite all the harm that smoking has on the body, children in this matter are not very literate. Usually they do not even suspect and do not think that smoking is not just entertainment, fashionable among peers, but a real addiction that eventually destroys the young body.

Why do children start smoking?

You should not rush from extremes, being nervous and punishing the child for starting to smoke. In this case, it is best to calm down, not be nervous, and after thinking carefully about why he is still addicted to this habit, start acting. The best option there will be a conversation in a friendly tone, without yelling and swearing. At the same time, parents can find out why their child still started smoking. It is much more likely that he will tell you about the reason for smoking if you talk to him kindly, without punishing.

So, why does a teenager take up a cigarette for the first time? As it turned out, there can be many reasons for this:

  • The child simply wanted to try what cigarettes are;
  • Parents themselves have become an example in order to start smoking;
  • Friends offered to smoke, because it is fashionable;
  • A cigarette was offered by peers, taking it to “weak”, they say, everyone smokes, and what are you, a weakling?
  • He began to smoke in order to look older and more authoritative in the eyes of his own friends;
  • Sometimes kids see their favorite movie characters smoking, so they start doing the same;
  • Favorite show business stars also smoke;
  • Bright advertising, prize draws often encourage teenagers to smoke;
  • Children are often drawn to everything harmful and forbidden;
  • Excessive parental control, diktat forced to take a cigarette in spite of parents;
  • Excess free time, boredom and monotony - all this can also push a child to smoke;
  • Craving for dangerous and forbidden...

Despite the reasons described, the personal example of the parents will always be one of the primary reasons pushing the child to smoke. It makes no sense to tell him about how harmful smoking is if you yourself smoke in front of him. Therefore, it is a personal example that can influence the refusal of a cigarette.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a problem as the inability of a teenager to realize himself in society. If he does not go to any sections and circles, does not do what he is really interested in, then he turns out to be left to himself - this is with big share probabilities will push him to a cigarette.

How can you tell if a teenager smokes?

If parents are attentive to their child, they will easily notice some characteristics smoking child. The smell of cigarette smoke lingers on clothes and hair for a very long time. If a person has recently started smoking, then a dry cough will give him away. Over time, the smoker begins to change (turn yellow) the color of the skin of the face and hands, the color of the nails. Similarly, the teeth turn yellow. This is especially true for those who smoke cheap cigarettes.

The psycho-emotional state can also give out a smoker. If he for a long time cannot get away from your supervision (to smoke), he starts to get nervous. More serious smokers (spice or weed) are betrayed by instability emotional behavior. Such a teenager often rushes from one extreme to another.

At the bottom of the pockets and in the bag of a smoker, particles of tobacco may appear. If he constantly chews gum, then it is likely that he "chews" bad smell cigarettes.

What do parents usually do if they find out that their child smokes?

  1. Some parents, having learned that their beloved child smokes, allow him to do it at home. Sometimes it works and the teenager kicks the addiction. But it may turn out that he, knowing permissiveness, will go even further in his actions.
  2. Some moms and dads force their child to smoke an entire pack of cigarettes. So that he experienced an aversion to nicotine on a physiological level. This is not only harmful, but also useless from an educational point of view. It is highly likely that he will continue to smoke "out of spite."
  3. Swearing, threats of punishment, demands to quit a bad habit, prohibitions to communicate with "bad" guys. Unfortunately, such measures are rarely effective.

Help resist temptation

One of the most effective ways helping a child resist the temptation to start smoking is a personal example. If you do not smoke, then you can easily set yourself as an example to a teenager.

If you still begin to suspect that your child has started smoking, then try to have a friendly talk with him about it. Remember that on initial stage it will be much easier for a teenager to give up addiction. Do not hide your emotions and feelings from him. Let the child know that you are not going to scold him during the conversation, that you are really worried about this news and upset. Explain to him that you cannot remain indifferent to the fact that he is poisoning himself with nicotine, but you will not put pressure on him with your authority.

To help your son or daughter resist the temptation to start smoking, try to spend more time with him, be interested in his hobbies and desires. If your child likes to ride a bike or play football, then do it with him.

Give your child more freedom in terms of the choice of interests, style of clothing, books and music - then he will not have to defend his freedom and protest against the parental "no" with the help of cigarettes. If something is regularly forbidden to him, then there is a great chance that he will start smoking to spite you, demonstrating his independence.

Unsure of himself, not wanting to lose credibility in his company, a teenager is unlikely to give up cigarettes so easily. And, nevertheless, try to convey to him that the ability to defend one’s opinion and one’s position is important quality that this is a sign of a well-formed personality, you don’t need to “be like everyone else” and poison your body for the sake of friends.

In order not to be late, start talking about the dangers of smoking when your children are small and for the first time wonder what kind of sticks they are in their mouths and why they are. You don’t need to dismiss the child with a simple “this is kaka” and “fu”, it’s worth explaining to your kids what it is and how harmful it is. Of course, information must be presented, given the age of the crumbs.

What if the child started smoking? How to help a child quit smoking?

Of course, this news will upset you. Moreover, as experience shows, few people in such a situation are able to calmly talk with a child on this topic. More often it is a domestic scandal with tantrums, threats, slamming doors and giving slaps in the face. Stop: shouting will not help the cause. And it is certain that your threats in the style of “once again and I to you” will not solve the problem. First of all, you need to choose the most appropriate moment for the conversation: when you have already “digested” this news, calm your nerves and be ready to calmly talk with your child about his smoking, and the child, accordingly, will be ready for a conversation.

Sometimes teenagers don't realize that indulging in cigarettes can lead to serious addiction. To make your child understand that this is not a joke - ask him not to smoke for at least a week, and then discuss it together. Let him understand that in reality everything is not so rosy and fun.

Do not think that the way out of this situation is a harsh punishment. Many parents do exactly this when they find out that their beloved child has started smoking. However, this can provoke a protest in the child, which will lead to the fact that the child will begin to do everything to spite the parents. But what about parents who have just found out that a teenager is addicted to cigarettes?

To help your child, make a plan together to get rid of the habit. Your help and support will be needed more than ever. Read all kinds of literature on the topic "How to quit smoking", look for it together. Let the child feel your concern for him - this will give him another additional incentive to fight.

Ardi Rizal is only two years old, but even now he cannot live a day without smoking 40 cigarettes. To bad habit the boy was taught by his father:

  1. Try to find out why he smokes, what is the reason that prompted him to try? Do not just get an answer, but invite the child to explain to you why he smokes and whether he really understands how harmful it is for his growing body.
  2. Do not start serious conversations with the words “smoking is harmful to health”, “you are not mature enough yet”, etc. By doing this, you will ensure yourself a failure in achieving the result in advance. Build the phrase so that the child understands that he is put on the same level as an adult.
  3. If you forbid a teenager to smoke, but continue to do it yourself, then it will be difficult for him to understand the logic of your behavior. In this case, actively discuss your smoking experience with your child. Tell him about how you or your friends quit smoking, how you did not like the first taste of cigarettes. Focus on the fact that it is quite easy to quit smoking at first, and it is better for the child to do it right now, without postponing "for later", getting used to smoking even more. The whole conversation should come down to the fact that adults smoking people still harm their health because they could not or did not want to do it when it was still easy.
  4. Follow the child when he returns home. How does he behave? Does he smell like cigarettes? If you notice an unpleasant smell from clothes, then you can be sure that his entourage is smoking. If he smells from his mouth or from his hands, then we can say for sure that the teenager himself smokes. If a child is afraid to be a “black sheep” in a company where they smoke, then try to convince him that this is a delusion. Suggest that he can resist temptations and not take up cigarettes in a smoking company.
  5. Try watching with your child documentaries confirming the enormous harm of smoking. The scarier these films are, the better. After watching, be sure to discuss the film, allowing the teenager to speak.
  6. Teach your child to rest and relax without using cigarettes. Tell him about harmless ways to have fun and relax. Try to accustom him not only to a healthy lifestyle, but also to any kind of sport. Athletes don't smoke. At the same time, load your child with activities to the maximum so that he has a minimum of time to engage in addictions.
  7. Never use a child's age as an argument in a conversation about smoking bans. If you tell him that he is too small for smoking, then he will do everything to spite you. This is one of the most common parenting mistakes among parents.
  8. If, after the conversation, the child made a promise to quit smoking on the same day, support him in this endeavor. Check in regularly to see how he is doing.
  9. If a child has quit smoking, you should regularly ask if he has returned to this habit again. After all, any experienced smoker will tell you that it is hard not to quit smoking, but to restrain yourself and not return to this habit.
  10. If you are unable to influence the child in such a way that he would give up smoking, then do not hesitate to contact a psychologist for help. He will help you by giving advice on how to communicate specifically with your teenager.

Kindness and patience will help you find the right approach to a child who has started smoking. Look for the cause, and only then eliminate the effect. In no case do not hysteria, do not scandal and do not punish a teenager. Only in this case you will be able to succeed in weaning your child from addiction.

Video: what to do if a child starts smoking

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Irina, 45 years old

I recently found out that my son started smoking. She was very upset, punished: she deprived him of pocket money and put him under house arrest. A month passed, everything somehow smoothed out, I already thought that from now on he does not smoke. But yesterday I caught him doing it again. Again I had to be punished. Now he doesn't talk to me at all. I understand that this is not for long, but I am sure that he will again take up a cigarette. What do i do?

Psychologist's answer: You initially built the wrong line of behavior with your child. Punishment will not desired result, after him he will do everything to spite you. You need to talk heart to heart with the child, in a friendly tone without threats of punishment. In such a conversation, he will tell you why he picked up a cigarette. Together you can also come up with ways to get rid of this addiction.

Elena, 38 years old

My daughter smokes. Why she decided to do this, I don't know. I haven’t talked to her about this topic yet, as I found out recently. I'm afraid that I myself could become an example for her, since I myself smoke. How should I behave in further conversation with her?

Psychologist's answer: Of course, you yourself set a bad example for your daughter. It makes no sense to tell her about the dangers of smoking if you yourself smoke like a steam locomotive. After all, you are the main example for her. Therefore, stop smoking yourself, show her that it is not so difficult. You can start leading together healthy lifestyle life.


I started smoking at the age of 14-15. For the sake of interest. Moms of smoking girlfriends caught, frightened, scolded, they did not give money. Of course, the guys could always shoot. They chewed, ventilated, so as not to stink, poked around as best they could, but smoked! Surprisingly, my mother calmly somehow reacted, didn’t scold, didn’t scare, she just said, if you want to smoke, smoke, don’t poke around. I lost interest. And the girlfriends, whom their mothers chased for cigarettes, have not stopped smoking and are still hiding from their mothers, although they are already over 30.


We have living examples of the dangers of smoking. Grandfathers on both sides smoked and died of lung cancer. Doctors openly told them so - because of cigarettes. There is nothing to invent here. Now my grandfather's brother, also a smoker, is coughing so hard that it looks like his lungs are about to burst out. I told my son that if I find out that he smokes, I will stop investing in him moral, physical and material costs. Because smoking is the road to self-destruction. And I'm not going to develop a personality that "scored" on itself.


We don't smoke ourselves. Friends, our guests, in the majority - too. We will unobtrusively try to instill the opinion that smoking is a bad taste. We will give it to sports, if there is a desire. This is how other values ​​are also inculcated. We will definitely not threaten, shout, check our pockets, etc. Smoke, then - such a choice. I would not like to introduce elaborations and prohibitions, and it is useless. I will try not to pay attention to this habit.


A personal example, too, alas, does not always work. Non-smoking parents are good, but there are a lot of other people around who smoke and it’s also impossible to say that smokers are bad. After all, among your friends there are good people, but smokers ... Plus, peers can smoke and, as they say, he can also start for the company, but does a child admit that his friends are bad ....


I remember when my mother caught me, she calmly lit a cigarette, gave it to me and said: “Well, since you are such an adult, let's sit, smoke, talk” .... I don’t know why, but then I was sooooo ashamed and I cried and said that I wouldn’t do it anymore ... Perhaps because I’m a girl, if boys smoke, they are more restrained, it seems to me.


Of course, you can even beat a child, show a movie, go to the museum of the story, but there is one rule - if you want to get a result, find out the reason. If you have a close relationship with a child - on occasion, not on purpose, talk to him about his friends, about girls, what they do, how they spend time. Does he enjoy authority in his environment. Pull him out of the shell with stories about yourself, about your growing up. If the child "opens up" - open up and you. Tell us about how you felt at his age, as well as how you experienced when you realized that he smokes.


I have been smoking since I was 12 years old. Mom tried to talk - it didn’t help, but if she began to forbid, yell, close houses - it would be worse, she would smoke anyway. From the age of 14, she has already openly smoked at home, and this is better than poking around in the hallways and eating toothpaste. Of course, smoking is bad, but if in 9-10 years I find out that my daughter smokes, I will try to intimidate with words, films, pictures. Do not be afraid - let him smoke normal cigarettes and not in the alley.


I could not influence my son in any way. Scold - did not scold. But she kept talking. Reactions are nil. Saved by the fact that he met a girl, and she is categorically against smoking. Thank her very much. He no longer smokes, but only thanks to the influence of his girlfriend. Unfortunately, I was powerless.

You will not see anyone by the fact that smoking is harmful. At the same time (according to WHO - World Health Organization) 1.3 billion people, that is, almost every fifth inhabitant of the Earth, is dependent on tobacco products. According to the degree of addiction, tobacco smoking is second only to alcoholism, while bypassing heroin and cocaine addictions. Nevertheless, the fact that in Russia 75% of men and 26% of women smoke, and this number is constantly growing, cannot be called otherwise than terrifying. Every year, 332,000 people die worldwide from the effects of smoking, including passive smoking (WHO data). More than 30% of this amount is accounted for by child mortality.

"Children and smoking" - sad, but extremely actual topic, at least for the reason that a smoking dad is considered almost the norm. And this is not only a bad example, but also a constant second hand smoke child from the prenatal period. What are the consequences of inhaling tobacco smoke by young children and expectant mothers, we will tell you in today's article.

Children and smoking. Consequences of childhood smoking (active and passive)

The consequences of smoking for children are deplorable - for them, the harm caused by substances that make up cigarette smoke increases many times over. And this applies not only to active, but also to passive smoking. The body of a child is so weak and defenseless against tobacco poisons that the consequences of even passive smoking can become irreversible. Nicotine, carbon monoxide, poisonous tar terrible enemies child health that do not allow the body to direct all its forces to the growth, development and formation of strong immunity; in such conditions, one can only speak of survival. Growing up healthy and strong for a child who smokes or lives in a family of smokers is not realistic.

Effects of active and passive smoking on children:

  1. Tobacco poisons affect all organs and systems of the body : lungs, heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver, stomach, nervous system etc. Proven link between passive smoking and appearance over time chronic diseases.
  2. Cigarette smoke inhaled by the child disturbs the metabolism undermining health since childhood.
  3. Toxic substances from tobacco smoke are toxic, they kill brain cells , making the victim of passive smoking distracted, nervous, rude, weak-willed, embittered and inadequate.
  4. Decreased intelligence, slowed down physical development child exposed to passive smoking.
  5. "Hereditary" smoking . It is clear that tobacco dependence is much more likely to occur in a person whose parents (or one of the parents) smoked in childhood.

Deterioration mental abilities as a result of smoking, at least the fact that 95% of repeat students smoke proves it. An American study of 22,000 teenagers who smoked showed that in addition to stunting, these children had a reduced size. chest and underdeveloped lungs. smoking girls enter into earlier sexual life and look worse than their healthy peers.

We think that the harm of anyone, including passive smoking for children, is now obvious to you. The only way to protect your child from the above dangers is to completely stop smoking.

The effect of smoking on the conception of a child

The impact of smoking on the unborn child is a concern for many families planning a pregnancy. The peak of Russian smoking falls on the most childbearing age, 20-29 years old.

Smoking and conceiving a child are poorly compatible concepts. The effect of tobacco weakens reproductive function future parents , so it becomes much more difficult to conceive a baby. Infertility smoking women occurs one and a half times more often than non-smokers!

The real fact for female smokers who seek IVF help is that 24% of embryos survive in non-smokers, and 2 times less in tobacco-dependent women.

A man's smoking can also make it harder to conceive a child. The quality of sperm deteriorates in a male smoker but that's not the worst. When planning a pregnancy, it is not in vain that both partners are advised to quit smoking: tobacco smoke directly affects DNA, can deform spermatozoa, and the result is fetal genetic mutation and, accordingly, a miscarriage or the birth of a sick child.

The father's smoking also affects future children in that it poisons the health of his partner, who becomes a passive smoker.

The impact of smoking on child development: active and passive smoking during pregnancy and after birth

If a woman smokes during pregnancy , this in 5 cases out of 100 leads to intrauterine death of the fetus, increases the risk of miscarriage, congenital pathologies and deformities, delays prenatal development, premature birth and stillbirth. In the womb, the baby of a pregnant smoker literally suffocates from carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke. The result is intrauterine hypoxia, the consequences of which can be the most terrible. In addition, smoking during pregnancy will almost certainly cause a small baby to be born. On average, the weight of a newborn child of a smoking mother is 250 grams less than that of a non-smoking one.

Future dad smoking also detrimental to the fetus. Starting from the intrauterine period, we can talk about passive smoking and its effect on the child. The baby during pregnancy is completely defenseless, because he cannot resist the effects harmful substances from tobacco smoke. Yes, and a pregnant woman often becomes an involuntary passive smoker if one of the family members smokes at home. Secondary smoke inhaled by a person during passive smoking contains most out of 4000 harmful components of tobacco smoke, 50 of which are carcinogens. Thus, all these toxic substances are transmitted to the child through the mother's blood - this is such a "gift" the baby receives from loving relatives even before birth.

A newborn living in a family of smokers has 3 times more high risk die from the syndrome sudden death baby compared to a normal baby.

If the risks of passive smoking have bypassed the child, he was born alive and seems to be quite healthy in the first months, you should not deceive yourself: impact hazardous substances on the body, especially such a small and defenseless one, never passes without a trace. Sooner or later, the consequences of passive smoking will necessarily manifest themselves in the form of developmental delays, chronic diseases, weak immunity baby.

Children and passive smoking are not just poorly combined words, cigarette smoke naturally poisons the child. Poor health, whims, inability to concentrate, bad memory, lethargy and nervousness are the sad prospects that await children who grow up under a veil of smoke.

How does parental smoking affect a child?

Smoking in the presence of a child, unfortunately, in our country is business as usual. A dad who smokes right on the stroller or confidently lights a cigarette next to his own offspring does not surprise anyone. “It’s good that there is a dad at all,” women think. It’s hard to argue with this, but you don’t need to give up in the fight for the health of your child! The kid is absolutely not to blame for the fact that adults do not want to think with their heads.

According to statistical calculations, up to 30% of parents smoke calmly in the presence of own child, in the apartment, with closed windows. Do they know that passive smoking can slow down the development of a baby's lungs by 80%? ..

Let's disappoint those who think that dad's or mom's smoking is not so much great evil if you smoke in the entrance, on the street or on the balcony: tobacco residue on clothes, body and hair of adults, household items, the remnants of smoke exhaled by a smoker affect children in almost the same way as the smoker himself.

Passive smoking of a child leads to the development various diseases bodies respiratory system : bronchitis, severe forms asthma, pneumonia, etc. The ammonia contained in tobacco smoke, dissolves in moist mucous membranes and turns into ammonia which increases mucus secretion. The result is a wet cough.

In addition, children of smokers are more likely to:

  1. allergies;
  2. immune abnormalities;
  3. infectious and viral diseases;
  4. mental disorders;
  5. risk of leukemia (blood cancer).

Studies on passive smoking in children showed disappointing results: for the youngest (under 3 years old), the probability of acquiring one or another respiratory disease increased by 56%, even if only the father smoked; by 95% - when the mother smokes during breastfeeding; in older children (7-14 years old) who were exposed to secondhand smoke, obvious signs of respiratory failure were noticed.

Why do children and teenagers smoke?

Topic child smoking inextricably linked to the prevalence tobacco addiction in adults. After all, it is the parents who show the child an example of how to behave in life. As you know, a bad model of behavior is much brighter and more contagious. It doesn't matter if the family is prosperous - the children will equally copy everything you do. Did you know that 80% of teen smokers have at least one parent who smokes? Moreover, if dad smokes, the son will almost certainly smoke, and if mom, then the daughter ...

Even in non-smoking families, however, there is a risk that a teenager will take up a cigarette - the informational propaganda of smoking is too great. Add to this the desire to appear older, “cooler”, self-doubt, the precariousness of the psyche of a teenager ... The statistics are not surprising: among fifth-graders, 15% of boys and 1% of girls smoke, while 53% of boys and 28% of girls join the bad habit .

How can you protect your child from the effects of passive smoking?

Quitting smoking completely is the only sensible decision about cigarettes that loving parents should make. There can be no compromises here! Hugging and kissing the baby, even dad, who smokes exclusively on the street, “gives” him a whole cloud of poisons and carcinogens.

If you convince a smoker that he is killing his own baby, it does not seem real, at least ventilate the apartment more often! Buy an air purifier. Prohibit household members and guests from smoking at home.

living in an apartment where used to live a heavy smoker, it is advisable to make repairs, since the walls, ceiling and floor in this case remain saturated with tobacco smoke.

On the street, walking with a baby, even non-smoking parents need to be careful. Avoid places where someone stands nearby and smokes, do not go into smoky rooms with your child.

If a child is exposed to secondhand smoke, you should ensure that his diet contains enough antioxidants, especially vitamin C.

Awareness of the dangers of children's smoking, even passive, is the first step towards the health of the whole family. We wish all smokers to get rid of this habit, which has already claimed many lives, as soon as possible. Do not look at those around you who are smoking with might and main - think with your head! Health to your children!

What if the student actually smokes? These and many other questions were well studied by Makarenko. In his writings, he stated that only self-realization of one's mistake can give positive result. You should not scold a person or hammer into him the norms of behavior. He must come to the realization of his erroneous deeds himself.

Notify parents or not?

“Surrendering” a child to parents is the last thing a teacher can do.

Firstly, he can forever spoil the relationship with the educated. And you will have to work with such a student for more than one year.

Secondly, the teacher who informed the parents will emphasize his professional bad manners. Why?

There are teachers who know a lot. But this knowledge passes by the ears of schoolchildren. In other words, the teacher is educated, but uneducated.

There are teachers who are poorly trained professionally. They have a limited amount of knowledge. But children listen to the words of such people. Such a teacher is considered educated, but uneducated. It is such a teacher who is able to conduct educational activities well, but to the detriment of professional knowledge.

If the teacher is well-mannered and educated, then he will be an ideal teacher. He will have smart and well-mannered children who will not strive for alcohol, smoking and other bad habits!

As for the notification of parents, then only on parent meeting. In general, the teacher should leave his domestic problems outside the school threshold and not take out educational institution school!

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