When does deep sleep begin? Characteristic features of the slow phase of human sleep. Awakening in different phases and rest cycles

Sleep is a unique state during which all systems, and above all, the brain, work in a special mode. During this period, there is a self-regulation of the body, a deep shutdown of consciousness, which is necessary for the natural restoration of strength and energy. Its average duration per day, determined by doctors for an adult, is approximately 7-8 hours, but taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism, it may vary. Regardless of the rest mode, the cyclicity with the predominance of deep sleep remains unchanged.

The sleep of a healthy person consists of two phases: fast and slow, which is due to the peculiarities of the work of the brain and changes in its rhythms (intensity of electromagnetic waves). Their alternation is carried out within the framework of one cycle, which lasts an average of 1-2 hours.

During the night, the change of cycles occurs 4-5 times, and at the beginning of the rest, the slow phase is predominant, and closer to the morning - the fast one. The body's ability to fully recover may depend on the correct ratio of periods, since each of them has special functions. In general, sleep consists of 5 stages, which are replaced throughout the night's rest.

In an adult, the initial process is as follows: falling asleep begins with a state of drowsiness, the duration of which does not exceed only 10 minutes. It smoothly flows into the second stage, which also lasts about a quarter of an hour. After that comes the turn of two other stages, which take about 45-50 minutes in time. After its expiration, the second stage enters into force, during which an episode of REM sleep appears.

Advice! If a person wakes up with a feeling of irritation and fatigue, then the awakening occurs during a period of slow sleep. To avoid this, one should have an idea of ​​the duration and structural features of the deep phase.

Deep sleep and its features

Night journey to the realm of Morpheus begins with immersion in a deep slow sleep. Certain areas of the brain take part in its formation: the hypothalamus and its nuclei, the inhibitory center of moruzzi. The functioning of the systems slows down, the body partially turns off and goes into a state of deep rest and rest, tissue restoration begins, the formation of new cells and structures.

Structural elements

Slow-wave sleep is called deep or orthodox. Unlike the surface, it is divided into 4 main stages:

Drowsiness. A person is already beginning to sink into a shallow sleep, but the brain is still actively working. Consciousness is confused, therefore, dreams are often intertwined with reality, and it is during this short period that one can find a solution to some problems that were difficult during the daytime.

Falling asleep. The time when the main parts of the brain begin to turn off, but still sensitively react to any stimulation from the outside. A person can easily wake up from a loud noise, but it will take some time for him to fall asleep again.

Deep dream. A good period when the body relaxes as much as possible, all processes slow down, motor and brain activity practically comes to naught.

Delta sleep. There is a complete immersion of a person in an unconscious state. There is no reaction to external stimuli and sensitivity to odors. During this period, the sleeper is very difficult to awaken.

Body condition during deep sleep

The first stage is characterized by the following indicators:

  • breathing slows down;
  • body temperature decreases;
  • the heartbeat weakens;
  • movements of the eyeballs are barely perceptible.

As you sink into a sleepy state, the pressure level decreases, and the pupils become almost motionless. The blood flow to the cells of tissues of organs and muscles increases, growth hormone begins to be synthesized. At the last stage, there is a complete shutdown of consciousness, there is no reaction to external stimuli (bright light, noise, screams, singing), including smells. The normal course of this stage allows you to remember some information after waking up.

Normal duration of the slow phase at different ages

It is known that deep sleep is a purely individual indicator, and how long it should last depends on the human body. So some people, like Napoleon, for example, need only 4 hours to get enough sleep. Others need at least 10 hours of sleep to stay active. Albert Einstein belonged to this category.

According to the results of the experiment, which was conducted by specialists from the University of Surrey, it was found that the sleep rate for each age group has differences, which is clearly displayed in the table.

AgeTotal night rest/hoursDuration of slow (orthodox) sleep /%
Newborn16-19 10-20
Baby - 2-6 months14-17 10-20
one year old baby12-14 20
Child 2-3 years old11-13 30-40
Children 4-7 years old10-11 up to 40
TeenagersAt least 1030-50
Adults 18-60 years old8-9 Up to 70
Seniors over 617-8 Up to 80

It is known that the norm of deep sleep in an adult exceeds the same indicators in children. Since the brain is just being formed in infants at an early age, biological rhythms and processes have significant differences. As a result, orthodox sleep is the minimum duration, which, however, tends to increase. The complete formation of the structure ends by 2-3 years.

The Importance of the Deep Rest Stage

How long deep sleep lasts within one cycle depends on how many hours per night its total duration.

In the process of numerous studies, it has been found that deep immersion in sleep has a tremendous impact on the mental abilities and physical development of the individual. A conscious reduction in the slow phase, even for several days, has a detrimental effect on a person’s well-being: his memory deteriorates, concentration decreases, and attention is scattered.

There are other differences that characterize the effect of deep sleep on the body.

  1. Full restoration of strength and energy, tissue regeneration at the cellular level, Calming and healing the psyche.
  2. Disclosure of intellectual resources, increasing the efficiency of labor activity.
  3. Strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's defenses.
  4. Slowing down the aging process.
  5. Preservation of creative skills, concentration of attention, ability to solve difficult life situations.
  6. Compensatory properties that help maintain good spirits and physical health.

Attention! Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the health and well-being of a person is directly dependent on the number of hours of slow sleep.

To ensure a good night's rest, you just need to accustom the brain to switch off from daytime problems, and the body to go to bed and get up at the same time.

Slow sleep disorder

Many people can suffer from intermittent sleep disturbance, but this does not have a negative effect on the body. Preparing for exams, completing an important project, preparing for a wedding, and other life situations are factors that affect normal sleep and shorten its duration. A healthy body is able to compensate for lack of sleep for several nights. But if the lack of sleep is noted for a long period, you should start looking for the cause of a dangerous disorder.

The reasons

As practice shows, the most common factors that provoke insomnia in the adult population include the following:

It's important to know! A common cause of sleep disorders is the usual workaholism, when a person seeks to improve their well-being by reducing the time for a night's rest. As a result, a vicious circle is formed - performance decreases, to increase it, he is a man or a woman who minimizes the period of sleep. As a result, the body suffers, and the financial situation does not improve.


At a young age, as a rule, sleep disorders are not as noticeable as in adulthood, but in everyone, without exception, they cause more severe disorders over time. A regular lack of night rest is bad for the state of the body and leads to dangerous consequences.

  1. Deterioration of appearance: traces of fatigue, sallow complexion, bags and swelling under the eyes, the formation of fine wrinkles.
  2. Weight gain, obesity development.
  3. Respiratory arrest and the development of sleep apnea syndrome.
  4. Increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, the development of cancer
  5. Reduced concentration, leading to difficulties at work and problems on the road.
  6. Deterioration of memory and ability to memorize, which affects the quality of life.
  7. The occurrence of various diseases due to weakened immunity.

All these problems arise from a lack of deep sleep, so doctors advise changing the daily routine and increasing the time of night's rest.

Unusual sleep disorders: connection with the orthodox stage

Regardless of the total duration of a night's sleep, it begins with a slow phase. It differs from fast and in some situations can last longer than normal. As a rule, this is due to thyroid disorders, physical or mental exhaustion, and a number of other factors. During the research, scientists noted some interesting phenomena.

  1. Sleep disorders appear - sleepwalking, sleepwalking, enuresis, nightmares can occur.
  2. Pathologies of development - the production of somatotropin growth hormone decreases, the formation of the muscle corset slows down, and the fat layer increases.

It was also found that the conscious exclusion of the phase of non-REM sleep during a night's rest is identified with spending a sleepless night.

Awakening in the deep phase

Let's understand what deep sleep is. This is the period when the body relaxes as much as possible, there are no reactions to the outside world, which allows a person to fully recover and replenish the spent energy. The brain stops responding to irritating factors, including smells and sounds.

If a person is awakened during delta sleep, then he has disorientation in space and time. He looks lost, cannot determine the time of day, his location, and how long he has been in a sleepy state. Such an individual feels worse, there is a feeling of weakness and fatigue. He will not be able to remember his actions and dreams, even if the latter took place before awakening. In this case, pressure surges can be determined, a headache can occur.

Possibility of slow sleep correction

In order to correct deep sleep, increasing its duration and making it stronger and healthier, you need to follow simple rules.

If you need to adjust the rest mode, it is recommended to purchase a bracelet with a "smart" alarm clock, which captures movements in a dream, distinguishes between phases. Its main function is to awaken the sleeper during the shallow stage.


The norms of orthodox sleep directly depend on the person's age and lifestyle. Staying in a state of deep immersion has many useful functions and is necessary for full development, as well as normal physical and intellectual activity. Sleeping soundly and feeling refreshed after waking up will help following the recommendations of experts.

We now know that nighttime sleep is a complex physiological process that includes up to five cycles of REM and non-REM sleep. But more recently, in the 19th century, sleep was perceived by scientists as a phenomenon closed to study, in contrast to the state of wakefulness, which can be measured and observed.

You can evaluate the sleeping position, measure his physical indicators: pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature. But how to evaluate the fundamental sleep processes?

First experiments were based on the awakening of the subject, that is, on the invasion of the sleep process.

However, with the help of these studies, the idea was gained that sleep occurs in the form of successive stages.

Kölschütter, a German physiologist, established in the 19th century that sleep is deepest in the first hours, and later becomes more superficial.

A breakthrough in the history of sleep research was the discovery of electrical waves that occur in the brain and which can be recorded.

Scientists were able to observe, record and study the phenomena that occur in a dream with a person - using an electroencephalogram.

Numerous studies have established:

The state of the autonomic nervous system different in both stages.

In non-REM sleep, we grow faster: the growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland is produced more actively in this phase.

Dreams are of a different nature.

In the fast phase - dream pictures are saturated with actions, brightly and emotionally colored, in the slow phase - the plot of dreams is calm or completely absent.


Sleep is the best thing in human life. In ancient times, it was equated with a small death, and in the modern world and with the frantic pace of life, many dream of getting enough sleep.

Research in 1953 by scientists at the University of Chicago proved that there are several stages of sleep. But, I will not get ahead of myself, and I will start my story from the very beginning ...

Our compatriot, Nobel laureate, physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov interpreted the reason for the onset of sleep. The great scientist proved that the work and life of the entire human body is controlled by brain cells.

With continuous work, the cells get tired, exhausted. The system of self-preservation of our body is amazing: a gradual decrease (inhibition) of the work of the cerebral cortex causes this wonderful state, which we call sleep. It turns out that we sleep in order to rest! And this is true to some extent...

Modern research has proven that there is no rest in sleep! The brain prefers to rest actively, it does not stop its work for a second! During sleep, only our strained muscles rest, and the whole body continues to work in the “night”, automatic mode ...

So, the work of the brain during sleep is divided into four stages

First stage of sleep

In my opinion, this is the most beautiful stage - falling asleep. This is the time when you just plunge into this enchanting world of dreams, fantasies and illusions. Breathing calms down and slows down, it becomes even, deep. The muscles of the body relax, all the anxieties of the day go away. We fall asleep...

At this time, the body switches from wakefulness to sleep. If something wakes you up at this time, you will be sure that you did not sleep at all, but only lay down and dozed off.

second stage of sleep

The mysterious stage of sleep, it occurs approximately 20 minutes after falling asleep. What happens at this time with the brain science is not yet able to answer. It is known that this is a transitional stage from falling asleep to "slow sleep", during the night you can return to this phase of sleep several times. With a sudden awakening, a person will again and again pass through it ...

There is an opinion that this stage of sleep is completely useless, but we all know that in nature there is nothing unnecessary and useless. I'm sure in the future it will be clear what happens to us during this stage of sleep.

The third stage of sleep - "Slow-wave sleep"

The most productive stage of sleep is when our brain finally rests! I would describe this rest as the work of the body in autonomous mode. It accumulates and restores the necessary elements and substances for the body to work during the daytime, active time.

The immune system is activated, tissues are restored, protein and vitamin A are accumulated. All these processes have time to go through in our body in a fairly short time, because “slow sleep” takes about a quarter of the total time spent by a person in a dream.

The fourth stage of sleep - "REM sleep"

Short sleep phase, as the name suggests. The duration of this stage is approximately equal to 90 minutes, it takes 1/3 of the time that falls on the phase of "slow sleep". Another name for the fourth stage is "paradoxical sleep."

It is at this time that a person sees dreams! There is no person in the world without dreams, but there are many who do not remember their dreams ... 🙁

In the days of the USSR, studies of the fourth stage of sleep were carried out, which established that the color scheme of dreams depends on the emotionality of a person.

So, it was found that rational people mostly see black and white dreams. And creative, emotional personalities see colorful, vivid dreams.

Scientists also gave explanations for the color scheme of dreams. For example, red and burgundy colors warn of a person's anxieties and fears. Blue, blue and green tones are seen in a dream by people who have a calm soul.

During REM sleep, a kind of processing of information received by the brain over the past day occurs. “Paradoxical sleep” is like a balm for our head, the brain, like an unnecessary husk, throws out unnecessary fears and stresses. Thought and memory are put in order. Unnecessary worries and worries of the past day fade into the background.

How much time do you need to sleep

I think there is no exact answer to this question. Some people think that you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day, but I'm sure that everything is deeply individual. To look good and feel great, you just need to get enough sleep!

An interesting historical fact is known:

In the afternoon in the 16th-17th centuries, life in Muscovy calmed down. Men and women went to bed. Men slept until three o'clock, but women lay down for at least an hour.

Each of us is individual and the time needed to restore vitality is different for everyone. The duration of sleep also depends on the time of year and daylight hours. It is no secret that in winter we go to bed earlier and sleep longer. Modern people sleep two hours less than our ancestors. Perhaps this state of affairs is the cause of neuropsychiatric disorders and diseases.

Sometimes you get so tired that when you come home you have absolutely no energy to do anything. How to restore strength? Absolutely simple advice: wash your face and lie down to take a nap for 20-40 minutes.
You will see for yourself that this time spent in a light nap will help you to go into yourself and recover.

I tried to tell as simply as possible about the stages of human sleep, about what happens to us during this time of dreams. I will definitely continue the topic of sleep and dreams in one of the following articles. See you!

Sleep implies a cycle of successive phases, during which a person sees dreams, restores physical strength, thinking, strengthens knowledge and skills. As a rule, the structure of the change of these phases is the same for each night, and one full cycle during the night for a healthy person can be repeated up to five times. Deep dream- This is a phase of non-REM sleep, which has a longer duration, in contrast to fast sleep. Also, deep sleep is called slow-wave and orthodox.

4 main stages of deep sleep

Stage one.

The first stage of deep sleep is characterized by a state of half-asleep and dreams in a state of half-sleep, as well as the manifestation of hallucinogenic thoughts bordering on absurd and abstract concepts. At the same time, a gradual decrease in muscle activity, heart rate and respiration, body temperature and a slowdown in metabolic processes begin. Slow pupil movement may also be observed. It is believed that at this stage it is possible to intuitively form new ideas (also illusions of this process) that accompany the solution of real problems. If you observe this condition on a special device - an electroencephalograph, you can note the characteristic so-called hypnogogic twitches.

Stage two.

The second stage is characterized as light or shallow sleep (relatively deep). Muscle activity continues to decline, eye movement stops, body temperature decreases, and heart rate slows down. This stage occupies almost a large part of the entire phase and causes the so-called “sleepy spindles” on the instrument readings. During periods of manifestation of "sleep spindles" a person loses contact with consciousness, but in the intervals between these periods it is easy to bring him out of a state of sleep. This fact significantly raises the thresholds of our perception. The frequency of occurrence of "sleep spindles" varies from two to five times in one minute.

Stage three.

The third stage can only be accurately determined with the help of the device, since it is necessary to identify the percentage of manifestation of delta oscillations (waves with a frequency of 2 Hz), which should be less than 50% of the total readings.

Stage four.

The fourth stage is the deepest, where delta oscillations predominate. It is extremely difficult to wake a person at this moment, which can be explained by the special activity of the brain. It is during this period that a person sees more than 80% of all dreams, and it is during this period that bouts of sleepwalking, nightmares, talking and incontinence become most likely. Tellingly, none of the above is remembered by a person.

Delta oscillations of the 4th stage of deep sleep

Scientists believe that it is deep sleep that is responsible for the main restoration of energy costs and the strengthening of the body's self-defense functions.
Also, recent studies by American scientists have shown that the onset of deep sleep divides the brain into separate active areas. This is characterized by the destruction of the general electrical connection between neurons and its division into local workable areas. To arrive at this result, scientists had to do a lot of work comparing brain responses during wakefulness and during deep sleep using transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Also, through their study, scientists came to the conclusion that, in the absence of a dream in the phase of deep sleep, the areas responsible for thinking, perception and conscious actions are disconnected from the general electrical connection of the brain.


The presence of healthy deep sleep is necessary for a person to consolidate the skills learned during the day and strengthen the protective functions of the body. It is believed that the ability of a person to adequate self-defense is also formed in the phase of deep sleep, and sometimes twitching of limbs, sound reproduction and a special order of human breathing during this phase can serve as confirmation of the active memorization of the studied actions by the brain.

In short, to learn fast, you need to sleep deeply.

A healthy person usually has two-phase sleep. Experts distinguish between two phases of sleep: fast and slow. They alternate within one cycle and, in turn, are also divided into several stages. How long can one complete cycle last? Its duration is usually 1-2 hours. A significant part of this time is represented by the slow phase.

Note that the body is able to fully recover only when the correct ratio of sleep periods is observed. After all, each of them is characterized by special functions. Many people at least once felt unwell after waking up. This happens if a person wakes up in the slow phase. During the night, sleep cycles replace each other 4-5 times. How is sleep phase calculated?

slow phase

A slow period is necessary for the body to restore its physical functions - to renew cells and internal structures, replenish energy reserves, grow muscles, release hormones.

This phase is divided into 3 stages of sleep:

  1. Drowsiness (falling asleep). This stage is quite short - it lasts about 10 minutes.
  2. Light sleep. Consciousness is turned off and at the same time auditory sensitivity increases. Therefore, it is very easy to wake a person up.
  3. Slow sleep. The stage of sound, deep sleep. Eyeballs practically do not move. This time period accounts for more than half of all dreams. Their plot is usually neutral, and they rarely stick in memory. It is sometimes very difficult to "pull" a person out of the slow stage. By the way, somnambulism manifests itself during this period. But only for those who have a penchant for it.

The last stage of the slow phase is extremely important. At this time, the body is restored at the cellular level. This process can be disturbed by frequent awakenings during the night. As a result, in the morning you feel tired and lack the energy necessary for active life.

You can increase this phase with the help of physical activity (sports) 3-6 hours before going to bed or a hot relaxing bath.

fast phase

When sleep switches to the REM phase, a "spring cleaning" begins in the emotional and intellectual spheres. In full swing:

Within one cycle, the REM sleep phase comes after the slow one and makes up about a quarter of it. REM sleep is needed in order for the brain to be able to process and systematize the information received throughout the day. In addition, it is necessary for the restoration of the nervous system to proceed as intensively as possible.

As for the physiological state of people in the fast phase, we note that it is very different from what happens in the slow phase:

  • a sleeping person breathes unevenly;
  • the rhythm of the heartbeat goes astray;
  • muscle tone is reduced;
  • eyeballs move rapidly.

REM sleep is the active phase. Therefore, it is characterized by the most vivid and well-remembered dreams. It is extremely easy for a person to get out of it. And after waking up in the morning, he feels just great - he feels fresh and energetic.

Along with the change in sleep periods, their effect on the body also changes. As morning approaches, the proportion of the fast phase increases, while the proportion of the slow phase, on the contrary, decreases. If the total duration of rest is forcibly limited, then it is the fast phases that will be compressed in time, and the slow one will remain practically unchanged.

Sleep duration

Scientific research proves that biphasic sleep in an adult assumes the duration of the slow phase at the level of about 75-85%, and the fast phase - about 15-25% of the total time spent on a night's rest. A complete sleep cycle lasts about 1.5 hours. While we sleep, it has time to repeat itself 4 to 6 times.

In an infant, these stages are distributed differently: REM sleep (the so-called paradoxical phase) accounts for about 50% of the cycle. This indicator gradually shrinks, and in adolescence, the phases of children's sleep finally stabilize at the adult level.

In a healthy person, the stages of night rest should always be repeated in the same sequence. But age and various disorders can make drastic changes in such stability. For example, in venerable years, the fast phase is only 17-18%, and the slow phase may disappear altogether, causing age-related insomnia.

Some people, unfortunately, cannot sleep fully - as a result of an injury to the brain or spinal cord, they have lost normal two-phase sleep. It is more like a half-sleep or a light, short oblivion without any dreams. There are those who do not sleep at all, even without a short rest.

Some people suffer from numerous prolonged awakenings in the middle of the night. “I don’t sleep at all at night,” is what they usually say. And they wake up not only in the fast phase.

The duration and correctness of the sequence of stages can also be influenced by the emotional sphere, temperament. In impressionable and difficult people, the fast phase lengthens. And in manic individuals, on the contrary, it shrinks to 15 or 20 minutes per night.

We emphasize that the value of a night's rest depends on the time at which a person went to bed. For example, in just 1 hour you can have a great rest, like for the whole night, or not get enough sleep at all.

There is a table that shows a person's sleep phases according to the time value of a night's rest.

How to calculate the best time to wake up

A person needs all levels of sleep so that his body can fully recover. The best option is when his nightly rest consists of at least 4 complete cycles containing fast and slow phases. Ideally, if these cycles end before 4:00, after all, there is almost no non-REM sleep at later times. But this does not mean that you need to get up this early every day. Sleep intensifies the recovery of the nervous system just after 4 am, when the duration of the fast phase increases.

To rest was really beneficial for the body, you need to go to bed early. Then the slow phases will be enough to replenish its reserves.

Many are wondering if there is any method by which you can calculate when it is best to get up in order to feel cheerful and energized in the morning. The ease of awakening, first of all, depends on the phase in which the person is at the moment.

If a person wakes up in the slow phase, he will feel tired. Therefore, it is better to interrupt fast phase sleep. Hourly sleep tracking will allow you to calculate the optimal time to wake up. This can be done using a graph or a special calculator.

Given that the duration of one cycle is 2 hours, of which 20 minutes is REM sleep, you can calculate for yourself what time it is best to wake up in the morning. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that for a full restoration of strength, the body needs from 6 to 8 hours. Thus, you should count several 2-hour cycles and set an alarm.

To check how comfortable it will be for you to wake up in the fast phase, you can only experimentally. However, no one guarantees that falling asleep will happen instantly. Therefore, it is desirable to take into account some errors in the calculations.

And finally

For the normal functioning of the whole organism, each phase of sleep is important. Neglecting at least one period entails unpredictable consequences. Also, most people know exactly how many hours they need to sleep in order to get up the next morning refreshed and full of energy.

Knowing the total time spent on a night's rest, you can calculate the required number of cycles. It will take about a month to clearly define the rhythm of your own sleep and develop the right regimen for yourself. But the good health and mood are worth it.

If counting on your own is inconvenient or impossible, it is recommended to purchase some kind of fitness bracelet (Jawbone Up). He has the ability to fix the time during which the rest lasted, track its phases and measure their duration.

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