Trace element zinc - properties, daily dosage, deficiency and overdose. The use of zinc preparations in tablets

Zinc is one of the most important trace elements, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Zinc is of particular importance for the stronger sex, as it is involved in the production of testosterone, the main male hormone. The mineral is found in the greatest quantities in oysters and seafood, beef liver and fish, meat and nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. A zinc preparation for men, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online, will help fill the trace element deficiency.

The role of zinc in the human body

Zinc is an essential trace element that takes an active part in almost all processes occurring in the body. It is present in over 300 enzymes and hormones. The role of the mineral in the body is as follows:

  • regulates the functioning of the nervous system: together with B vitamins, it positively affects the functioning of the cerebellum, improves memory, concentration and mood;
  • being a powerful immunomodulator, it helps to increase the protective properties of the body;
  • normalizes the work of the gonads: enhances the production of sex hormones, increases the activity of spermatozoa, prevents the development of prostate adenoma;
  • necessary during pregnancy: helps maintain an optimal balance of hormones and cope with stress;
  • ensures normal growth, development and puberty of the body;
  • indispensable for the growth of hair, nails and skin;
  • prevents the development of diabetes;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect;
  • improves digestion and pancreas function;
  • acts as an antioxidant;
  • takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis.

What Causes a Zinc Deficiency?

The lack of a microelement can be caused by several reasons. Zinc deficiency is based on malnutrition, impaired intestinal absorption, inadequate or impaired binding of zinc to albumins, poor absorption of the trace element by cells, stress, bad habits, vegetarianism, and so on.

Why do men need zinc?

During puberty, it can lead to a disruption in the development of the adolescent's reproductive system and provoke discord in its work.

Mineral deficiency in men of reproductive age is a common cause of testicular dysfunction: testosterone and sperm production decreases, sperm motility decreases. As a result, the chances of fertilization are greatly reduced. That is why zinc is essential for those planning to conceive. If the problem is ignored and therapy is not carried out in time, using zinc preparations for men, the list of which will be presented below, this can lead to a breakdown in the prostate gland.

Zinc is equally important for the full functioning of the immune system. With its lack, the work of the entire immune system is disrupted, the antimicrobial activity of macrophages and neutrophils is inhibited, which leads to a decrease in the synthesis of protective antibodies, which makes the man vulnerable to the effects of viruses and bacteria.

Zinc is also necessary for men who are actively involved in sports. The fact is that during intense physical exertion, the trace element is lost along with sweat. For this reason, zinc preparation for men is often prescribed to professional athletes, as well as to those whose lifestyle is associated with regular physical activity.

Norm of zinc for men

What is the daily requirement of zinc for the male body? For an ordinary man, the norm of a microelement is 15 mg per day. With moderate physical activity, the body should receive from 20 to 30 mg of zinc per day. With enhanced training, the need for a mineral is 25-30 mg, and during sports competitions - 35-40 mg per day.

Zinc preparations

Preparations containing zinc for men are presented in various dosage forms. These may be coated or uncoated tablets, effervescent tablets, drops, capsules or chewable lozenges. Moreover, the release form does not affect the degree of absorption of zinc. It is important what form of this microelement is contained in the preparation. Most often, these are zinc salts (oxide or sulfate). A zinc preparation for men in this form is the cheapest, but it is worth noting that the sulfate form of zinc is absorbed by the body the worst. To date, the optimal form of the mineral is considered to be chelated, which is referred to as “chelate” on the packaging with vitamins. Its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. Forms such as picolinate, citrate, monomethionine, acetate and glycerate also have good bioavailability.

Next, we will consider the most popular and effective zinc preparations for men, the price of which can vary greatly depending on the activity of the form of the constituent elements, the popularity of the brand and the country of origin.


"Zincteral" is a zinc preparation for men, which doctors prescribe most often. Produced in the form of film-coated tablets. One tablet contains 124 mg of zinc sulfate.

Zincteral is prescribed for men as part of a complex treatment for infertility, as well as for impotence. The drug is recommended in order to prevent the development of neoplasms of the prostate gland.

Taking "Zincteral" helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, stimulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improves immunity and improves well-being.

The drug should be taken 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. This scheme of administration allows zinc to be better absorbed.

The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the type of pathology and its severity.


To treat reproductive problems, doctors prescribe drugs containing zinc and selenium (for men, these 2 trace elements are simply irreplaceable). One of such means is the Seltsink vitamin-mineral complex. Preparations with zinc and selenium for men are good because the combination of these two elements in one preparation is very convenient in the complex therapy of infertility and prostate diseases. Both elements do not interfere with the assimilation of each other. In addition to zinc and selenium, the preparation contains optimal doses of vitamin E, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene.

Due to the fact that "Selzinc" is an effective antioxidant agent, its appointment is advisable for high mental and physical stress, pathologies of the digestive system, infectious diseases.

There is only one contraindication to taking Selzinc - individual intolerance to its components.

"Zinc Chelate"

The advantage of the drug is that it contains zinc in its content in 1 capsule is 22 mg. "Zinc Chelate" is prescribed to increase immunity, improve and restore the functioning of the prostate gland. In addition, taking the drug contributes to the speedy recovery of tissues after injuries and operations and prevents the development of diabetes.

Zinc in multivitamin complexes

The most popular multivitamin preparations containing zinc for men are Duovit for Men, Alfavit for Men and Parity.

"Duovit for men"

It is a complex vitamin preparation that contains the entire range of B vitamins, vitamin A, C, D, E, magnesium, manganese, iodine and copper. It is recommended to increase the body's defenses, maintain tone, with increased physical and mental stress. Reception "Duovita for men" can reduce the risk of prostate diseases, improve sperm motility.

The daily dose of the drug is 1 tablet. The course of therapy is 30 days.

"Alphabet for Men"

This vitamin and mineral complex is available in the form of multi-colored tablets. Each color of the tablet has a separate composition and is intended to be taken at a certain time of the day (morning, afternoon and evening). In general, Alphabet for Men consists of 13 vitamins and 9 minerals (including zinc), L-carnitine, L-taurine, and eleutherococcal extract.

The balanced composition of the vitamin-mineral complex allows you to strengthen the nervous and immune systems, improve the functioning of the male reproductive system, increase energy tone and mental performance.


This vitamin-mineral preparation is manufactured by Evalar from plant components and belongs to dietary supplements. The content of zinc oxide in 1 capsule is 15.6 mg.

First of all, "Parity" is intended for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Its action is aimed at stimulating the production of testosterone, and, as a result, increasing potency.

The drug is taken 1 capsule per day for 15 days.

Of course, zinc is a very important element for the normal functioning of the body, but before taking zinc tablets for men, it is better to consult a specialist and undergo an appropriate examination. Remember that only a competent approach to treatment will help to avoid disappointment and get the desired result.

Zinc is an essential trace element that is found in every cell of our body and depends on it a lot. Zinc is concentrated in muscles, bones, skin, kidneys, eyes, and in men also in the prostate.

The lack of any trace elements in the body is fraught with numerous failures and problems. The trace element zinc plays a decisive role in hundreds of processes occurring in our body from cell division to puberty, it is also important for immunity, as well as for the senses of smell and taste.

And since our body does not produce zinc itself, we are completely dependent on external sources of its intake, which are not so many. Zinc is found in relatively high concentrations in drinking water and in meat. If you are taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement as a precaution, make sure it contains zinc as well.

1. Zinc for hair and more

  • The amount of zinc you get directly affects your body's resistance to colds, flu and other infections.
  • Maintaining the normal level of this trace element will allow you to avoid or at least delay the treatment of a wide range of chronic diseases - from rheumatoid arthritis and low thyroid function to fibromyalgia and osteoporosis.
  • Even in ancient times, zinc was used to treat skin diseases and as an aid to digestive ailments.
  • Increased fertility, healthy hair, reduced tinnitus - all this also depends on whether you have enough zinc.

2. The benefits of vitamins with zinc

Zinc is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. The microelement helps to resist colds, flu, conjunctivitis and other infections. So, in one study, 100 people took part in the initial stages of a cold, they were given zinc lozenges every couple of hours. As a result, this group recovered three days earlier than the control group, who received placebo lozenges. Zinc lozenges have been found to be effective for sore throats and also speed up healing from ulcers.

Taken as part of a vitamin, zinc can help treat more serious conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and possibly multiple sclerosis. The trace element is used in the treatment of HIV and other disorders associated with impaired functioning of the immune system.

Zinc has a beneficial effect on hormonal status, including sex hormones and thyroid hormones. It shows promise in the field of enhancing fertility, both men and women. Zinc is actively used in the treatment of prostate diseases. It may be useful for people with underactive thyroid and may improve the condition of diabetic patients by having a positive effect on insulin levels.

As medical practice has shown, zinc has a wide range of applications. It accelerates the healing of wounds and skin irritations of various etiologies, zinc is useful in the treatment of burns, acne, eczema, psoriasis. The trace element improves the health of the hair and scalp. Important: Zinc has been shown to slow vision loss due to degeneration of the eye muscles, which is the most common cause of blindness in people over 50 years of age.

Not so long ago, in Japan, they conducted a study of a disorder whose characteristic symptom is ringing in the ears. The condition of the participants improved after taking nutritional supplements and vitamins containing zinc. The trace element is useful for the prevention of osteoporosis, in the treatment of hemorrhoids and inflammatory bowel diseases.

3. Zinc deficiency - symptoms

Zinc deficiency is extremely rare in developed countries, but it's worth considering if you're prone to frequent colds and flu. Zinc deficiency can lead to poor wound healing, reduced sense of smell and taste, and skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Zinc deficiency can also cause more serious problems: worsening sugar tolerance (increased risk of developing diabetes) and a decrease in the number of active spermatozoa.

4. How to take zinc properly

The recommended daily allowance for zinc is 12 mg for women and 15 mg for men. Higher doses are usually prescribed for specific indications for medicinal purposes. Therapeutic dosage, as a rule, does not exceed 30 mg per day. A course of treatment with zinc lasting more than one month may lead to a decrease in the absorption of copper, in this case, 2 mg of copper per 30 mg of zinc is added to the diet. For a short term course (treating a cold or flu), use zinc lozenges every two to four hours for a week, but do not exceed 150 mg per day.

An overdose of any trace elements can be harmful. Long-term zinc intake of more than 100 mg per day has been shown to impair immunity and lower HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. One study has found a link between excess zinc and Alzheimer's disease, but there is not enough data yet. Large doses of zinc - more than 200 mg per day can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Developed and certain recommendations for taking zinc. The microelement should be taken one hour before meals or two hours after it. If zinc irritates the stomach, then you can take it with food that contains little fiber. If you are also taking iron supplements, you should avoid taking them at the same time. And yet, take zinc supplements no earlier than two hours after taking antibiotics.

5. What foods contain zinc

Large amounts of zinc are found in beef, pork, liver, poultry meat (especially dark meat), eggs and seafood (especially oysters). Cheese, beans, nuts, and wheatgrass are also good sources of zinc, but zinc from these foods is less absorbed than from meat. When choosing foods rich in zinc, pay attention to proteins.

6. Recent research data

Zinc is especially beneficial for the elderly, who are often deficient in minerals. According to a recent study of 118 elderly, relatively healthy patients in a nursing home in Rome, Italy, those who took 25 mg of zinc daily showed improvements in immune system function after three months. Experts believe that zinc can restore the function of the thymus gland, which produces immune cells.

Studies show that strenuous exercise leads to zinc loss through sweating and urination. This may be one of the reasons why moderate exercise strengthens the immune system, and a long series of intense training leads to a weakening of it.

I really didn't want to write a review for this product. But when I read what some people write about here, I was simply horrified. And I consider it my duty to warn.

Firstly, these are not vitamins, as stated in the thread title. This is a serious drug.

Despite the fact that these pills look so cute and pink.

Indications for use:

I see that almost everyone here “prescribes” Zincteral for themselves without permission. And they drink absolutely anyhow. But this threatens with serious consequences, because. if used incorrectly, this drug washes out calcium, manganese, copper from the body. And besides, it is not yet absorbed by itself.

In 1 tablet 124 mg of zinc, this exceeds the daily norm by 5 times! The instructions say that adults need to drink 3 tablets a day. This will exceed the daily norm of zinc by 15 times!!!

Clueless girls write, such as “vitamins for female beauty” - namely, they help against pimples and for the beauty of hair. I read here that one girl drinks them 6 pieces at a time to be beautiful. And here is an excerpt from the instructions for use:


Now in order.

My problem is hair loss 500-600 pieces a day. In addition, drastic weight loss. And a lot of blackheads appeared on an absolutely clean face in just a few days.

The doctor sent me to take tests: a biochemical blood test, a blood test for glucose, a general blood test, a urine test.

And ONLY AFTER THAT, based on the results of the tests, she prescribed me to drink Zincteral.

For what?

First, to treat acne. Secondly, the doctor said that after a week of taking this drug, my hair loss will stop. At the same time, it will stop temporarily (artificially), which will give us time to find the true cause. After all, there is still a lot of analysis ahead ...

Drink said this:

Within a month: 1 pc. 2 times a day and see how it goes...

Strictly!!! Drink only water (neither tea, nor compote, and in no case should you drink milk).

Definitely on a full stomach. Wait 2 hours after eating, take the pill, and do not eat for 1 hour after the pill.

If you do not follow these instructions, then there will be no sense from taking the drug, but there will only be harm. Because zinc will not be absorbed in this way, and other important trace elements from food will not be absorbed.

And especially - watch clearly so that the time is waiting after milk, butter, sour cream, cheese and other dairy products

When I came home and read the reviews, I understood the meaning of the mysterious phrase “... and how will it go there ...” Almost everyone writes about side effects - a metallic taste in the mouth, sore throat, and almost everyone has severe nausea.

It became scary. There are a lot of special instructions in the instructions. There is a whole page of them, 40 centimeters long!

These are all special instructions for use!

I decided to strictly follow everything. I drank in the morning and in the evening, so at lunchtime I could even afford ice cream or other milk (for those who drink 3 times a day, it will be more difficult). I constantly set a timer or an alarm clock so that everything was clear.

On the first day of admission, my tongue went numb, as after freezing. I couldn't find anything about this in the manual. But then it stopped.

Didn't feel sick. But once I took a pill not on a very full stomach. In the morning I ate 1 sandwich with tea (I usually have a heartier breakfast), and after 2 hours I took a pill. The stomach began to cut strongly. I barely waited an hour after taking the pill to eat. Thought it would get better. After eating, the cutting pains disappeared, but she began to feel very sick. I lay down on the bed, and died until the evening ...

After this incident, I even forcefully stuffed my stomach so that it was ready to take the pill.

There were no more side effects.

Now for the results:

On the 4th day of taking it, I noticed improvements on my face. The skin became more matte, new acne did not appear, the old ones slowly healed.

Hair began to fall out even worse. Already after 4 days, the number of hairs that fell out during washing increased by 100 pieces, after another 4 days - plus another 100 pieces (631 pieces fell out that day).

But I continued to drink Zincteral, I kept waiting for a miracle. In addition, I bought the Darsonval device to stimulate blood microcirculation in the scalp.

The drop has slowly subsided. But I believe that this is after the application of Darsonval.

And when the course of pills ended - hair loss only returned to the amounts that it was at the beginning of the application.

However, the face has become almost perfect.

I'm going back to the doctor next week. Perhaps you need to extend the course of treatment. I read on some forums that Zincteral is usually prescribed for 3-6 months.


And I extended the course for another 2 months. Dosage as before - 2 tablets per day. When I asked why not 3 tablets (as written in the instructions), the doctor replied that I was too thin for 3 tablets.

She also advised after the expiration of two months of admission to re-take tests for the content of magnesium, calcium and iron. And if it happens that Zincteral suppressed them, then it will be necessary to make up for the deficiency of these elements.

The resolution of the conference of the American Society for the Advancement of Science states: “Since the lack of zinc in the human body has a negative effect on its health, impairs the growth and development of the human body and causes many other disease states, zinc should be recognized as a vital element for humans.”

The history of the use of zinc as a biologically active mineral goes back to ancient times. Zinc ointment was used for skin diseases and to speed up wound healing in ancient Egypt 5,000 years ago. However, serious study of the role of this mineral in biological processes did not begin until the middle of the 20th century after it was accidentally discovered that in rats that received burns, wounds began to heal much faster when a little zinc was added to their diet.

The value of zinc for humans

Zinc is one of the vital trace elements. It is essential for the normal functioning of every cell in the body. Normally, the human body should contain about 2-3 g of zinc. Most of it is in the skin, liver, kidneys, in the retina, and in men, in addition, in the prostate gland.

Zinc is part of enzymes and complexes that provide the most important physiological functions of the body:

Formation, growth and metabolism (metabolism) of cells, protein synthesis, wound healing;

Activation of immune responses directed against bacteria, viruses, tumor cells;

Assimilation of carbohydrates and fats;

Maintaining and improving memory;

Maintaining gustatory and olfactory sensitivity;

Ensuring the stability of the retina and the transparency of the lens of the eye;

Normal development and functioning of the genital organs.

A person receives zinc mainly from food. The body needs 10-15 mg of this mineral per day.

From grains and legumes, zinc is absorbed worse than from meat and fish.

Fruits and vegetables tend to be poor in zinc. So vegetarians and people who eat insufficient amounts of foods containing this trace element may develop its deficiency.

Long-term consumption of foods that are too salty or too sweet can also reduce the amount of zinc in the body.

Zinc deficiency is the cause of diseases.
Zinc deficiency can be associated not only with malnutrition.

Low levels of zinc in the blood are characteristic of a number of diseases. These include atherosclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, heart disease, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcers on the body, decreased thyroid function. Taking certain medications, such as certain birth control pills and hormonal drugs, calcium supplements (especially older women), can also reduce the amount of zinc in the body.

Zinc deficiency in the body is manifested by the following symptoms:

growth retardation in children

late puberty,

Impotence in men and sterility in women,

Poor wound healing

Irritability and memory loss

The appearance of acne

focal hair loss,

Loss of appetite, taste and smell,

brittle nails,

Frequent infections

Violation of the absorption of vitamins A, C and E,

Increasing cholesterol levels.

With zinc deficiency, white spots appear on the nails. This phenomenon is called leukonychia. Often this sign accompanies increased fatigue, reduced resistance to infectious, allergic and some other diseases.

Zinc in old age

It has been established that with age, the level of zinc in the body decreases. Dizziness, constant tinnitus, progressive hearing loss, fragility of skin capillaries, which are common in older people, are all possible consequences of zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency is also associated with age-related progression of atherosclerosis, weakened immunity and protracted infectious diseases. Therefore, older people should carefully monitor whether they receive enough zinc.

Zinc affects memory

Zinc intake in old age improves brain functions: memory, concentration, intelligence, etc.

Zinc for prostate adenoma

Zinc is indicated for prostate enlargement (prostate adenoma). It helps to reduce it and alleviates the symptoms of the disease. With adenoma, it is recommended to take zinc gluconate, aspartate or picolinate 50 mg 2-3 times a day. And naturopathic doctors advise older men to eat one handful of pumpkin seeds in the morning and evening for the prevention and treatment of the initial stages of this disease.

Zinc and vitamin A

It is known that with a lack of vitamin A, the skin becomes dry and flaky. However, often loading doses of vitamin A do not solve the problem. This happens when the body lacks zinc, which activates the absorption of this vitamin. Therefore, if taking vitamin A does not help restore healthy skin, add foods containing zinc to your diet.

Zinc for acne

Zinc helps to get rid of acne. By taking zinc sulfate or aspartate, you can even get rid of chronic acne that stubbornly resists treatment.

Zinc for rheumatism

It has been established that the level of zinc in the blood of patients with rheumatism and arthritis is lower than in the blood of healthy people. Scientists conducted an interesting experiment. A group of 24 elderly patients with chronic rheumatism with joint deformity was divided into two subgroups. Half of the patients, in addition to conventional drugs, received 50 mg of zinc sulfate for 12 weeks, the others did not receive it. After 3-5 weeks, those who received zinc felt much better: their pain subsided, their joints began to swell less. After 12 weeks, joint mobility improved in the morning, and patients could take long walks. In the control group that did not receive zinc, there were no noticeable improvements.

Zinc during pregnancy

teeth and zinc

Zinc deficiency weakens the gums' resistance to bacteria penetration, which can lead to the development of gingivitis or periodontitis - chronic infectious diseases of the gums. To prevent these diseases, it is useful to regularly rinse your mouth with a dilute aqueous solution of zinc complex salt, and also eat foods rich in this mineral.

Zinc and vision

In animal experiments and in clinical studies, it has been established that zinc deficiency impairs the absorption of glucose by the cells of the lens of the eye and promotes the formation of cataracts. Doctors advise with this disease to do a blood test for zinc. If the analysis shows that this microelement is not enough in the body, then the diet should be changed to include foods high in zinc.

Another eye disease associated with zinc deficiency is macular degeneration of the retina. As already mentioned, the concentration of zinc in the retina is higher than in many other organs. It is involved in important biochemical reactions of the retina, and also promotes the absorption of vitamin A, which is necessary for maintaining vision.

Zinc and male infertility

In male infertility, there are usually few spermatozoa and / or they are not mobile enough. As a result, the probability of fertilization of the egg and, consequently, conception is reduced. One of the causes of infertility, as well as a decrease in the secretion of the male sex hormone - testosterone, can be a deficiency of zinc in the body.

Osteoporosis and zinc deficiency

Zinc enhances the action of vitamin D and promotes better absorption of calcium, so its deficiency leads to osteoporosis - weakening of bones and increasing their fragility, especially in older people.

The effect of zinc on cancerous tumors

Even a slight lack of zinc in the body can reduce the ability of the immune system to resist tumor cells. Patients with lung cancer, prostate cancer, and rectal cancer often have low zinc levels. A diet rich in zinc and taking zinc supplements, such as zinc aspartate or zinc picolinate, 50 mg 3 times a day, is a good prevention of these serious diseases.

Medical preparations with zinc

Suppositories with zinc are used for cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids.

With focal alopecia (alopecia areata), 0.02-0.05 g of zinc oxide is prescribed orally 2-3 times a day after meals in tablets and lubrication of the affected areas with zinc ointment.

For the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin, an ointment containing the zinc salt of undecylenic acid is used.

Pharmacies sell zinc medicines: zinc sulfate and zinc oxide. Zinc sulfate is used as an antiseptic and astringent for conjunctivitis (0.1-0.5% eye drops) and chronic catarrhal laryngitis (lubrication or spraying with a 0.25-0.5% solution). Zinc oxide is used externally in the form of powders, ointments, pastes for skin diseases (dermatitis, ulcers, diaper rash, etc.) as an astringent, drying and disinfectant. On the basis of zinc oxide, ointments (zinc and zinc-naphthalan), pastes (zinc and zinc-ichthyol), powders (for children and from sweating of the feet) are produced.

Scientists continue to work on the creation of new medicines and nutritional supplements based on zinc. Recently, the Central Dermatovenerological Institute in Moscow conducted clinical trials of a new zinc-containing drug Skin-cap, available in the form of an aerosol, cream and shampoo.

This drug is indicated for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp and smooth skin, as well as seborrheic dermatitis and eczema. According to experts, the creation of "Skin Cap" is a breakthrough in the treatment of such a serious disease as psoriasis.

In Japan, a fundamentally new drug for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, PolaPreZinc, has been created on the basis of zinc. It relieves ulcers that are not treatable by other methods.

Now scientists are successfully working on the creation of new drugs based on zinc for the prevention and treatment of prostate adenoma, coronary heart disease and other diseases that older people are more susceptible to.

Physiological need for Zinc, mg per day:

The guidelines MP on the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation dated 12/18/2008 provide the following data:

The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for Zinc is set at 25 mg per day

Foods rich in zinc, Zn

Product nameZinc, Zn, mg%RSP
Kernels of seeds of pumpkin ordinary and large-fruited pumpkin, dried7,81 65,1%
cocoa powder7,1 59,2%
chicken liver6,6 55%
pine nut4,28 53,8%
Lamb liver6 50%
sunflower seed5 41,7%
beef liver5 41,7%
beef tongue4,84 40,3%
pecan4,53 37,8%
cocoa beans4,5 37,5%
cocoa mass4,5 37,5%
Flax seeds4,34 36,2%
pine nut4,28 35,7%
Brazil nuts, not blanched, dried4,06 33,8%
Swiss cheese4 33,3%
Soviet cheese4 33,3%
cheddar cheese4 33,3%
Dutch cheese, round4 33,3%
Russian cheese4 33,3%
Pork liver4 33,3%
Oats, food grain3,61 30,1%
Roquefort cheese3,5 29,2%
Soft cheese3,5 29,2%
Dorogobuzh cheese3,5 29,2%
camembert cheese3,5 29,2%
Adyghe cheese3,5 29,2%
Quail3,41 28,4%
Peanut3,27 27,3%
Beef, brisket (pulp)3,24 27%
Beef, tenderloin3,24 27%
Beef3,24 27%
Beef, cutlet meat3,24 27%
Beef 1 cat.3,24 27%
Beef, loin (thin edge)3,24 27%

Zinc, like other trace elements, is no less important than vitamins for the human body. Its healing properties have been known since ancient Egypt. Currently, scientists have proven that this element is contained in all tissues and organs of the human body. Zinc is part of many enzymes, strengthens the immune system, is important for growth, supports hormonal levels ( affects the function of the pituitary, pancreas and gonads). The main amount of zinc (up to 60%) accumulates in muscles and bones. There is also a lot of it in the glands of the endocrine system, blood cells, liver, kidneys, retina.

An important point in the properties of zinc is its ability to keep cells young for a long time or to return vitality to obsolete ones. To do this, it stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor, testosterone, growth hormone. Scientific studies have shown in animal studies that zinc actually increases lifespan.

daily requirement of zinc

The recommended dose of this trace element for adults is 15 mg. In the case when a person needs increased concentrations to treat any ailments, for adults, a sufficient dosage of zinc in the composition of complex compounds is 15-20 mg, and for children 5-10 mg in a day. Zinc plays a special role in sports. This is determined by the ability of enzymes, which include zinc, to cleanse the body of harmful oxidized metabolic products. The daily dosage of zinc for athletes depends on the degree and period of exercise. To develop the speed and strength of zinc, it is necessary 20-30 mg/day (moderate loads) and 30-35mg/day (during the competition). If training is aimed at improving endurance, then during the training period you need to take 25-30mg/day, during the competition 35-40 mg/day. It is recommended to combine the use of zinc with magnesium and vitamin B6. If the daily dose of zinc is 30 mg, then magnesium needs about 450 mg and 10 mg vitamin B6. These values ​​may vary slightly depending on the weight category of the athlete and the type of load, but the ratios between substances must be maintained.

Functions in the body

Together with food, zinc enters the stomach, it is absorbed in the small intestine, after which it is brought into the liver by the bloodstream. From there, this element is delivered to every cell of the body. Thus, zinc can be found in all organs.

Zinc has a significant impact on such important processes as reproduction, growth, body development, hematopoiesis, all types of metabolism (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Zinc ions are also important for the immune system, because. zinc increases resistance to infections.

In some countries of the Middle East, due to a lack of zinc in the diet, dwarfism is common. It's all about the ability of zinc to increase the level of growth hormones. That is why children are often prescribed foods with a high content of zinc.

Tissue regeneration also depends on how much zinc is in the body. This is especially noticeable when healing of wounds and burns : The less zinc, the slower the regeneration rate. Ointments and creams containing zinc are widely used in the treatment of acne and other skin ailments. Zinc also contributes to normal hair and nail growth. No wonder it is believed that 30% of men with baldness in old age are associated with poor intake or absorption of this trace element. Very often, shampoos and lotions with zinc are prescribed to strengthen the hair follicles.

As for active people and athletes, it is important for them antioxidant properties of zinc. It is known that athletes on training days lose 40-50% more zinc than on "weekend" days. With loads on the muscles, the need for oxygen increases, and therefore the amount of substances oxidized by this oxygen increases. These substances (radicals) accumulate and have a harmful effect on muscle cells. Enzymes containing zinc neutralize these radicals and remove them from the body.

Zinc is important not only for maintaining muscle performance during exercise, but also for increasing muscle strength and speed. It increases the level of testosterone in the blood, and the latter is known as the “courage” hormone, it improves strength and speed performance.

The antioxidant capacity of zinc is also important for maintaining youthful skin. Currently, a large number of firms add zinc ions to lotions and creams with a rejuvenating effect.

It should be noted that for the well-being of pregnant women and for the normal development of the child in the womb, this trace element is also needed. After all, the formation of the palate, eyes, heart, bones, lungs, nervous system (brain, peripheral nerves), genitourinary system directly depends on the level of zinc in the mother's body. With a lack of zinc, malformations of the systems and organs listed above can form.


The state with a lack of zinc is characterized by a decrease in appetite, anemia, allergic diseases, frequent colds, dermatitis, weight loss, visual acuity, hair loss.

Since zinc increases the level of testosterone, with a lack of this microelement, the sexual development of boys is delayed and the spermatozoa lose their activity to fertilize the egg.

Lack of zinc in the female can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, the birth of weak children with low weight.

With a lack of zinc, wounds heal very poorly and tissues recover for a long time after injuries.

The level of zinc in the body can decrease with excessive intake of radioactive isotopes of lead, copper, cadmium. These trace elements completely reduce the activity of zinc in the body, especially against the background of malnutrition, chronic alcohol intoxication. Children and adolescents who have a reduced amount of zinc in the body are more prone to alcoholism. A lack of zinc in athletes can lead to a decrease in the results obtained.


When using more than zinc 2g per day, more often with increased use of dietary supplements, there is a painful sensitivity of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, palpitations, back pain, and urination are possible.

Sources in products

Below are the products containing zinc (mg per 100 g of product)

Interaction of zinc with other substances

Excessive intake of zinc can reduce the total content and intake of copper in the body. Therefore, if you need to take these trace elements, then it is better at different times of the day, or you can separate the courses of their intake ( first zinc, then copper, or vice versa).

It is also known that poisoning with salts of heavy metals leads to a rapid loss of zinc. So, one of the professional ailments of dentists who work with mercury-containing substances is a lack of zinc. People who are constantly in contact with these harmful substances should additionally take zinc preparations, of course, after consulting a doctor in advance.

In addition, oxalic acid, found in many vegetables, tannins ( from tea and coffee), selenium, calcium, iron - all of them are substances that reduce the absorption and level of zinc in the body. Vitamin B6, picolinic acid, citrates, and some amino acids contribute to better absorption.

Long-term treatment with cortisone, irrational use of many birth control pills can also lead to zinc deficiency.

It should also be noted that a large intake of fiber interferes with the normal absorption of zinc. Therefore, if there are too many vegetables and fruits in the diet, only 20% of zinc will be absorbed in the intestines. Vegetarians who eat no meat products at all tend to be more prone to zinc deficiency than people who eat a varied diet.

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