Why are vitamins needed? Why do people need vitamins

Vitamins are essential substances, which the body does not produce, but without which it cannot exist. They are absolutely necessary for one and all physiological processes: work of the heart, blood vessels, muscles, mental activity, maintaining immunity, etc.

We get vitamins mainly from food. Empty, vitamin-deprived food does not seem to pose a direct threat to health, but only "as if". In fact, emasculated, inanimate food slows down life processes, thereby causing premature withering of the body, which is accompanied by all sorts of ailments.

There are objective factors leading to hypovitaminosis. Let's name the most important of them.

* Mankind has gone from hard physical labor; accordingly, his energy costs decreased and his diet changed. We now need much less food, and, therefore, right amount vitamins are hard to come by.

* We eat mostly processed food, which contains almost no vitamins.

* Diverse and rich in all kinds of vitamins food is far from affordable for everyone.

There are also additional, not so obvious risk factors for hypovitaminosis:

* unpretentiousness in food,

* fast food,

* bad ecology,

* sedentary image life,

* antibiotic treatment,

* surgical intervention,

* stress,

* smoking and alcohol.

Vitamin ABC

A - vitamin for the eyes. A lack of vitamin A is signaled by a decrease in visual acuity at dusk. Many would do without glasses, increasing the dose of this vitamin.

B1 (thiamine) - vitamin of optimism. If fatigue and absent-mindedness are your usual state, if you have no appetite and memory fails, then there is a deficiency of vitamin B1.

B2 (riboflavin) - the engine of life. With a deficiency of vitamin B2, cracks form in the corners of the mouth (jamming), the edge of the lips becomes inflamed (cheilitis). There may be problems with color perception. The main function of B2 is to activate the work of cells.

B6 (pyridoxine) - a catalyst for life. Participates in 50 protein conversion reactions. Without it, the origin and existence of protein life is impossible.

B12 - the spool is small, but expensive. It is needed in incalculably small quantities, but its shortage is deadly. With B12 deficiency, the development pernicious anemia and happen degenerative changes in nerve tissues.

C - always in the arena. The most popular of the vitamins. Helps fight colds and stress, slows down the aging process.

D (calciferol) is the sunshine vitamin. Synthesized on the skin under the action of sunlight. Engaged in the transport of calcium, helping babies grow and adults not to lose strength.

E (tocopherol) - a vitamin for the whole family. Strengthens "male strength", protects against atherosclerosis, prevents tissues from aging prematurely.

Folic acid is the builder of new life. Responsible for building cells in the body. Absolutely necessary for expectant mothers, in whose body the building of a new life is being erected.

Delicious and vitamin

How to make food tasty and rich in vitamins? To do this, you need to know what vitamins are rich in certain foods.

Vitamin A: liver, butter, egg yolk, carrots, spinach, apricots, persimmons.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine): blackcurrant, seeds, peanuts, pork, cereals, green pea, Brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): liver, beef, potatoes, cheese, cottage cheese, cabbage, green bean, almond, leek.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): bran, yeast, bananas, pork, cabbage, carrots.

Vitamin B12: liver, spinach, squid, egg yolk, soy, green onion.

Vitamin C: rose hips, parsley, citrus fruits, black and red currants, red peppers, strawberries, young nettles, horseradish.

Vitamin D (calciferol): white mushrooms, herring, tuna, liver, milk.

Vitamin E (tocopherol): sunflower, burdock, olive, corn oil, egg yolk, seeds, olives, butter.

Folic acid: cod liver, black caviar, whole grain bread, cottage cheese, cheese, parsley, lettuce.

Tips for the hostess

Vitamins are extremely unstable substances: they are easily destroyed by light, heat and in contact with metals. Vitamin C holds the first place in terms of "whimsicalness", A and E cannot stand light at all (which is why a bottle with vegetable oil clean in a dark place, and close the oiler tightly), B1 is destroyed even with slight heating, etc. It is clear that vitamins must be handled skillfully.

Here are the basic rules to help preserve vitamins.

* Vegetables and fruits should be kept in a dark, cool place.

* Water literally washes vitamins from fruits and root crops, so you need to wash them thoroughly, but quickly (it is enough to rinse the fruits).

* Do not keep cut vegetables in water. If you can't start cooking right away, cover the vegetables with a damp towel.

* Salads are not prepared ahead of time. It is ideal to make a salad just before the meal.

* Frying and stewing means killing vitamins. Either steam or bake.

* Meat with long, natural defrosting loses its vitamin value. Defrost it in the microwave or pour boiling water over it.

Vitaminized foods

Fortified foods are man's answer to the trap set up for him by civilization. Since he does not receive the proper amount of vitamins from food (because he cannot eat as much as the primitive man ate), then these missing vitamins should be added to food. This is what modern food manufacturers do, enriching them with vitamins and microelements. In addition, you can enhance the beneficial properties of various products by combining them and thereby creating New Product, previously unknown (for example, juice and milk).

Products today enrich those vitamins and microelements, the deficiency of which hits our health most painfully. These are vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, iron, calcium, iodine. Add them to juices and juice drinks, milk and dairy products, confectionery, margarine, breakfast cereals and cereals fast food, special dry multivitamin drinks.

I would like to highlight milk in a separate line, because it occupies a huge place in baby food. From the age of three, a child can drink
fortified milk drinks.

How to find out in total mass foods fortified? Very simple - look at the labels!

Answer please...

1. "They told me that taking a multivitamin can improve my skin. Or maybe it's better to get a vitaminized cream?"

Yes, the skin is very sensitive to the lack of vitamins. If she lacks vitamin A, she is flaky and easily irritated; without vitamin E loses moisture; B vitamins strengthen its structure (vitamin B5 also has an anti-inflammatory effect).

External remedies support the status of the skin rather than treat it, so you cannot do without deep fortification.

2. "Can my dysbacteriosis lead to beriberi?"

Maybe. Moreover, these are closely related phenomena. "Bad" bacteria, which actively multiply during dysbacteriosis, literally plunder vitamin reserves organism. Therefore, having treated dysbacteriosis, the doctor will most likely prescribe vitamin therapy next.

3. "Can vitamin C prevent and cure colds?"

Vitamin C is a great helper in the fight against all kinds of acute respiratory infections and even the flu, because it activates the immune system (and, conversely, vitamin C deficiency dulls its vigilance). At the first symptoms of a cold, it makes sense to take vitamin C in doses that are 2 to 3 times the daily allowance, but not more than one gram.

4. "Do men and women need the same amount of vitamins?"

I guess, yes. But a woman during pregnancy is more acutely in need of folic acid, and a man during significant physical exertion suffers more from a deficiency. nicotinic acid, vitamins of group B and PP.

5. "Can I take vitamin supplements for the whole year in the summer?"

Unfortunately no. Our body can only store fat soluble vitamins- A, D and E, but water-soluble (C, B2, B6, PP, K), alas, you can’t stock up. In addition, in the summer with fruits and vegetables, we mainly get vitamins A, C and folic acid, that is, only 3 of the 13 vitamins needed by the body.

6. "Is there a danger of overstimulating the body with vitamins?"

No, there is no such danger. It is a misconception that vitamins play the role of stimulants and regulators. metabolic processes- in fact, they are just a building material for enzymes that regulate metabolic processes. An excess of "building material" for enzymes does not affect the activity of enzyme systems. After all, if, say, extra parts were brought to the plant, this does not change the volume and efficiency of production in any way.

7. "What is more useful - clean, natural products Or the ones with something added?

Ordinary food - whole milk, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish - in the amount in which we get it, supplies the body with no more than seventy percent of the vitamins it needs. The presence in the diet of at least a few fortified foods makes up for this deficiency. By the way, in Europe they have long appreciated fortified foods, and reasonable housewives cannot imagine a family diet without them.

Vitamins and calcium

Another essential trace element, directly related to vitamins, is calcium. For its normal absorption and full assimilation, vitamins D, C, B2, B6 and K are necessary (the combination of calcium with vitamin D is especially effective).

The lack of the proper amount of calcium in the body is rickets in infants, a poorly developed skeleton in adolescents, a little later - problems with posture, and closer to old age - excruciating bone pain, osteoporosis, hip fractures.

It was once believed that osteoporosis is an inevitable consequence of aging, but today doctors are sure that osteoporosis is not an inevitability at all. It can be prevented by saturating the body with calcium and vitamins at all stages of life. Suffice it to say that a physiological intake of calcium in childhood halves (!) reduces the risk of hip fracture in an aging person.

For people with fractures, a vitamin-calcium complex is prescribed in without fail. But women also need it during menopause, patients bronchial asthma and those with diabetes or chronic renal failure.

The best source of calcium is milk. But in order to adequately saturate the body with calcium, you will have to drink at least a liter (or eat a kilogram of cottage cheese). Not everyone can do it. And here special preparations with calcium and vitamins come to the rescue, or fortified foods - say, the same milk, but with an increased calcium content.

Let's get to know each other better: A, C and E

Among all thirteen vitamins known to science, there are three that should be mentioned in particular - such important role they play in our body. These are vitamins A, C and E.

As we already know essential function of this vitamin - to participate in the transmission of the visual signal. Retinol (as scientists call vitamin A) is part of the pigment that converts the light that enters the retina into electrical impulses. These impulses go to the brain, where the visual image appears. That is why a decrease in visual acuity at dusk signals a lack of vitamin A.

In addition to vision, vitamin A helps our immune system, regulates cell division processes, preventing their uncontrolled growth, and protects cells from radiation exposure.

Mountains are written about this miracle vitamin scientific papers. And all because a simple ascorbic acid saves not only from a common cold, but also from much more serious diseases. For example, it oxidizes and removes cholesterol from the body, protecting our blood vessels from atherosclerosis, inactivates (that is, deprives of strength) poisons that secrete pathogenic microorganisms- tuberculosis, diphtheria and dysentery bacilli. Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron, thereby protecting against anemia, and increases the ability of blood leukocytes to destroy pathogenic microbes. Probably, the above is enough to treat this vitamin not only with respect, but also with reverence.

This vitamin is not in vain called a vitamin for the whole family. With its deficiency, pregnancy can end in miscarriage, and a newborn deprived of vitamin E will suffer from anemia and lung diseases.

In men at chronic deficiency vitamin E, defective spermatozoa are produced and the production of sex hormones may come to naught. And for the elderly, grandparents, vitamin E is needed so that the heart does not junk and vigor does not leave for as long as possible.


A lot of scientific works have been written about the benefits of vitamins and a lot of words have been said. Everyone knows that vitamins are not only beneficial for our health, but also necessary for its normal functioning. Deficiency of certain vitamins adversely affects the functioning of the body and the well-being of a person, can lead to irreversible consequences and even death. But it is one thing when we use vitamins with food, and quite another when we apply a cream with vitamins on the skin. How effective are vitamins in a cosmetic composition? Is there any sense in them, or is this another replicated stereotype?

Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds necessary for the life and activity of a heterotrophic organism (an organism that receives food with complex substances, incapable of their independent synthesis).

The very word "vitamin" in its name already carries a symbol of life, as it comes from Latin word"vita" - life. Literally, it means - "a substance necessary for life." The daily concentration of vitamins in the body is small, but when they are deficient, dangerous pathological changes. The vast majority of vitamins are not synthesized in human body, so they must be fed regularly. The exceptions are vitamin D, which is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin A, which is synthesized from its precursors, vitamins K and B 3, which are usually synthesized in sufficient quantities. bacterial microflora human intestines.

Vitamins in the body perform a large number of functions and tasks. They take part in the processes of assimilation of nutritional compounds, improve the work immune system, contribute to the growth and restoration of cells and tissues of the body, increase vitality and make our skin beautiful.

Groups of vitamins

Vitamins are divided into two groups:

  • fat-soluble A, D, E, K;
  • water-soluble B, C, PP, P, H, N.

Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in adipose tissue, in the liver and do not need to be consumed daily, and with their excess, hypervitaminosis develops.

Water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body, and their excess is excreted in the urine. Therefore, there is a need for their regular intake into the body. In the case of water-soluble vitamins, vitamin deficiency (their deficiency in the body) is more common.

All vitamins come to us in the body along with food and nutritional supplements. Getting into digestive tract, they are absorbed into the blood and carried to all organs and tissues.

Vitamins for the beauty of our skin

Our skin, like any other organ, also needs vitamins. Their deficiency immediately affects our appearance. For example, a lack of vitamin C makes the skin dull and sluggish, a deficiency of vitamin A contributes to dry skin and loss of elasticity. Vitamin E deficiency makes the skin vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation and free radicals, and this leads to the destruction of collagen and elastic fibers. B vitamins promote the growth of nails and hair, making them strong and healthy.

In other words, vitamins are necessary for the human body as a whole, and in particular for the skin. This is an axiom that has never needed proof. The question is different: how effective are vitamins in cosmetic preparations? Are they able to bypass the protective layer of the skin?

Everyone knows that the main function of the skin is barrier-protective. That is, it protects the body from harmful influence environment. The skin successfully resists mechanical, chemical and infectious factors. For this reason it is very difficult to pass upper layer epidermis as for harmful substances from the outside, and for cosmetic products that are not drugs.

How justified is the introduction of vitamins into a cosmetic cream?

Unfortunately, here lies another cunning of cosmetics manufacturers. Let's look at this issue point by point.

Firstly, vitamins have a large molecular weight, which does not allow them to pass through the protective layer of the epidermis.

Secondly, not vitamins themselves are used in cosmetic preparations, but their derivatives, but even they are not able to cross this protective line. But manufacturers claim that there is no need for deep penetration. Enough presence of vitamins at the level of the epidermis. It is from here that they will “lead” the processes at a deeper level. Do not forget that manufacturers are real storytellers who can invent any story to increase their profits.

Fourthly, even if we assume that the vitamins have safely passed the protective layer of the epidermis, their concentration in the cosmetic composition plays an important role. Vitamins should not just be present in the cream, but in a certain concentration. And since the introduction of vitamins into the composition of the cream is not a cheap pleasure, most often they are simply formally present there. As a rule, they are indicated on the packaging, only to decorate the packaging itself. It turns out that the vitamins in the cream really exist, but their effectiveness is silent. In order to avoid such "disturbances", it is necessary to add a concentration of vitamins to the cream, that is, it is necessary to indicate on the package which vitamin in what concentration is in this cosmetic preparation.

Fifth, when choosing a cream, you should pay attention to how vitamins are indicated in the cream. If there is an inscription “contains vitamins A, C, E, D”, then most likely these vitamins are not in the cream. Just another marketing gimmick. You should know that vitamins in cosmetic products are indicated as follows:

  • vitamin C is referred to as vitamin C, ascorbyl sodium or sodium ascorbic phosphate (remains longer in the cream);
  • vitamin B 3, or PP, is listed in the cosmetic cream as niacinamide;
  • vitamin A as retinol acetate and retinol palmitate, retinal, tretinoin, isotretinoin, alitretinoin;
  • vitamin B 5 is designated as pantothenic acid or panthenol, dexpanthenol;
  • vitamin B 6 as pyridoxine;
  • calcium is administered in the form of calcium chloride and calcium pantothenate.

In cosmetic products, all vitamins are of artificial origin, since natural vitamins from vegetables and fruits are not able to remain in the cream. They quickly break down and lose their properties, so their synthetic counterparts are added to the cream.

Many or few?

There is another problem that experts are actively talking about. And specifically - an overdose of vitamins or in another way - hypervitaminosis. When taking vitamins inside, there really is a threat of hypervitaminosis, but how real and dangerous is an excess of vitamins when taken locally? Experts are divided on this issue. Some argue that the risk really exists, others argue that this is nothing more than fiction. Who is right? Let's figure it out.

  1. Vitamins, having a high molecular weight, are not able to pass through the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Therefore, they simply remain on the surface of the skin.
  2. The high cost of vitamins makes it impossible to include them abundantly in a cosmetic composition. We wrote about this in more detail above. If it is very expensive, then it is unprofitable for manufacturers.
  3. household cosmetic preparations for home care do not contain active ingredients. This composition is usually found in professional cosmetics, which is used in aesthetic clinics under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

For this reason, we can say with confidence that an overdose of vitamins in the cream is impossible. You shouldn't be afraid of it.

Eat or spread?

Another important question: But is the effect of vitamins in the composition of a cosmetic preparation exaggerated? The composition of the cream includes not only vitamins, but also other components. Improvement skin characteristics occurs not due to vitamins, but with the help of other ingredients that stimulate blood circulation, retain moisture, and soften the upper layer of the epidermis. The effect of vitamins in cosmetic cream is greatly exaggerated. This way of getting vitamins into our body does not radically affect the condition of the skin and is not the main source of replenishment of vitamins. Vitamins are added to cosmetic preparations not because they are effective, but for marketing purposes.

There is only one vitamin that is well "absorbed" by the skin - this is vitamin A. Its low molecular mass promotes passage through the stratum corneum, which makes cosmetic preparations based on it effective. With the same success, you can use pharmaceutical capsules with vitamin A for external use. However, applying pharmacy form vitamin A, we must remember that there is a risk of an allergic reaction.

Many experts are inclined to believe that vitamins are more effective in food additives, and even better in a natural form, when they enter our body with food. Therefore, correct balanced dietbest source vitamins for the health of our body and the beauty of our skin.

So, the vitamins in the cream also do not contribute to the improvement of skin parameters and skin rejuvenation. This is yet another marketing gimmick to deceive gullible consumers.

In conclusion, we can say that in the future, more and more new “revolutionary” drugs and substances will appear, which marketers and advertisers will enthusiastically tell us about. Just do not forget that our body remains the same, and the biological laws of its functioning remain unshakable. Beauty and youth are a combination of many factors. The main ones are: active Lifestyle, good sleep, balanced nutrition, exercise, moderation in everything and an optimistic attitude.

Each of us at least once heard the word "vitamins", and in childhood, my mother bought us a package of sweet and sour "ascorbic" more than once. However, rarely does anyone ask questions, what are these vitamins, what are they and what are they for? Let's find out what vitamins are, how they are useful for the body and which foods contain the most of them.

What are vitamins for?

Vitamins are organic compounds that are involved in many metabolic processes, help the body produce the substances necessary for life, etc. Most of vitamins are not synthesized in the human body, however, their presence is vital. That is why it is important to get enough vitamins "from outside" - with food, with the intake of vitamin preparations or dietary supplements.

What are vitamins?

Scientists have adopted the division of vitamins into fat-soluble and water-soluble. The former dissolve in fats (vitamins A, D, E, K) and accumulate in adipose tissue and liver, the latter dissolve in water and are quickly excreted from the body.

For every vitamin there is daily rate consumption. The lack of a certain vitamin in the body is called hypovitaminosis, excess - hypervitaminosis, absence - beriberi.

Vitamin What is useful What products contain
Vitamin A (provitamin A) Affects normal function vision, skin, mucous membranes of the urinary tract, respiratory tract. Accelerates wound healing. Carrots, spinach, pumpkin, apricots, parsley, fish fat, cod liver, butter, egg yolks, milk.
Vitamin D Affects the absorption of calcium and phosphorus salts from the gastrointestinal tract, their deposition in bone tissue and teeth, on the formation of immunity. Participates in the processes of blood clotting.

Fish oil, salmon, tuna, sardines, cod liver, pork and beef liver, parsley, mushrooms, red caviar, egg yolk, butter, milk.

Moderate sun exposure helps the body naturally make up for the lack of vitamin D.

Vitamin C Strengthens the immune system, affects the absorption of iron, has antioxidant properties. Bell pepper, fresh and sauerkraut, potatoes, currants, citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi, apples, garlic.
Vitamin E Participates in work endocrine system. Affects the enrichment of the body with oxygen at the cellular level. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Protects cell membranes. Sunflower seeds, vegetable and olive oil, butter, nuts, spinach, broccoli, carrots.
Vitamin K Participation in the process of blood clotting, in the construction of bone tissue. Pumpkin, spinach, all kinds of cabbage and lettuce, beans.
Vitamin B1 Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, "delivery" of energy to muscle and nervous tissue. Yeast, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat), peanuts, eggs, cottage cheese, pork, hazel.
Vitamin B2 Regulation of metabolism, influence on the formation of immunity, on visual acuity. Improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Cabbage, green peas, beans, tomatoes, almonds, wheat germ, turnips, fatty cheeses.
Vitamin B5 Participation in all types of metabolism. so-called. beauty vitamin. Yeast, egg yolk, liver, kidneys, dairy products, whole wheat bread.
Vitamin B6 Affects growth. Participates in hematopoiesis, digestion, the functioning of the central nervous system. Potatoes (especially baked), bananas, carrots, beans, cabbage, yeast, cereals.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) "Women's" vitamin. Affects the formation nervous system. Participates in protein metabolism and hematopoiesis. Spinach, parsley, dill, green onions, peas, chicken liver, brewer's yeast, orange juice.
Vitamin B12 Affects protein metabolism, growth and development. Participates in the activity of the central nervous system, in hematopoiesis. Beef liver, leaf salad, greens, dairy products, seafood.
Vitamin H Participation in metabolism, in synthesis digestive enzymes, antibodies. Bananas, grapes, peas, onions, cauliflower, beets, spinach, cabbage, carrots, pork, beef, eggs, milk.
Vitamin PP Stimulation of work of cardio-vascular system and CNS. Participation in all types of exchange. Promotes healthy skin and hair. Beef offal, dairy products, cheese. eggs, turkey, tuna, dates, peaches, broccoli.

The lack of one vitamin can lead to a violation of the metabolism of other vitamins and even their complete elimination from the body. For example, a deficiency of vitamin E leads to impaired vitamin D metabolism.

It is important to know that a lack of vitamins in the body can be caused not only by their low intake from food, but also by an unbalanced human diet in general. For example, insufficient intake of fats negatively affects the absorption of vitamins A, E, D, K.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat that the role of vitamins in the optimal functioning of the body is enormous. Each vitamin has a unique set useful properties(see table above). That is why human nutrition must be balanced, and the diet must contain all the right vitamins in the quantities recommended by experts. In winter, you can feed the body with multivitamin preparations, but it is better, of course, to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

The axiom about the benefits of vitamins in human nutrition has long and firmly rooted in our minds. We choose foods rich in these substances to diversify our daily diet, and we take special multivitamin complexes on the advice of a doctor or just because of the season. And why does a person really need vitamins, is it possible to do without them, what will happen if you overdose on these beneficial substances? Not everyone has thought about these questions. modern man, so we will try to cover these topics in the most interesting and easy-to-understand way.

Why do people need vitamins?

To begin with, a little dry but necessary scientific theory, without which we will remain in the darkness of a superficial and stereotypical understanding. Vitamins in modern science called pretty large group very different in origin and action on the body of chemicals. Their main difference from all other components of our diet is that they do not have a direct nutritional value. That is, they are completely non-caloric and do not perform an energy function, and also do not participate in the construction and regeneration of tissues in our body. All their biological value lies in the fine regulation and maintenance of the balance of metabolism.

If you delve into the theory a little more, it looks something like this: most substances from the class of vitamins perform the function of coenzymes, that is, one of two constituent parts molecules of a fermenting substance, which regulates human metabolism. Most often, "vitamin substances" serve as a catalyst for the creation of the most important enzymes responsible for the metabolic rate and neutralization negative factors environment. In addition, they participate in a process scientifically called humoral regulation and carried out with the help of hormones. It is not possible to briefly explain this system, so if someone is interested in the question at a deeper level, you can google the phrase “neurohumoral regulation”.

For now, let's leave the theoretical "wilds" aside and return to utilitarian functions. According to studies of the last decade, conducted by WHO scientists and doctors, human health is 70% dependent on sufficient and varied diet coupled with lifestyle, and only 15% of the original genetic predisposition and another 15% availability of quality medical care. Re-evaluate the role of healthy and rational nutrition is simply impossible, as once again this theoretically and practically proven formula speaks. The role of vitamins in such a diet is simply invaluable, since their deficiency, based on recent norms, is usually attributed to signs of hunger.

Insufficient intake of vitamins in the human body, especially in chronic form, seriously reduces defense mechanisms, violates metabolic processes and cognitive functions (clarity of thinking and assessment of the world around). In severe protracted cases, which, unfortunately, are not uncommon in developing countries, severe illnesses can appear, leading to death.

Despite the importance of these substances, our body can independently synthesize only some of them, and the rest must be obtained from outside. Therefore, with an obvious imbalance or insufficiency daily diet you need to compensate for the deficiency by taking pharmaceutical preparations.

A Brief History of Vitamins in a Popular Presentation

It all started in ancient times - people have long noticed the appearance severe ailments associated with insufficiency or one-sidedness of nutrition. Among the "pre-scientific" works, one can single out research in Ancient Egypt and China, which continued into the 18th century, when a treatise was published on the cure of scurvy with citrus fruits. But the real push that led to modern understanding the role of vitamins, was given by the Russian scientist Lunin at the end of the 19th century, who studied the effect whole milk and its individual components on the health of mice. The results of this work soon made it possible to understand the mechanism of a severe disease that affected very large segments of the population in Asia.

Eating rice purified from impurities with sufficient calories led to a disease called beriberi. With the transition or, more precisely, the enrichment of the diet with unpeeled grains of rice, the disease began to recede. But the real discovery and the first crystallization of the cure for "rice disease" was made by Casimir Funk in 1911, who gave this group of substances known to everyone more or less educated person the name "vitamins". In 1923, the first "real" vitamin was discovered, which exists in the same form to this day - vitamin C. The further history of discoveries is extremely rich in Interesting Facts and even curiosities, but it is not possible to survey it for reasons of vastness. We only note that the population of the Earth, according to one of the "fathers" of vitaminology, Linus Pauling, without the discovery and synthesis of vitamins at the present time would be less by a quarter - really impressive?

What are antivitamins and why are they dangerous?

A class of substances called in popular science and medical literature"antivitamins", is a group of completely different in composition, mainly organic compounds and substances that inhibit the action or absorption of vitamins. When these “antisubstances” are assimilated, the role of vitamins in metabolic reactions and regulatory activity is replaced. Almost every vitamin substance has its antipode, with backfire for the body.

For example, vitamin B1, which is responsible for higher mental and nervous activity person, can be replaced by pyrithiamin, which blocks it biological activity. Thus, they come to one degree or another severe violations thinking and cognitive abilities, which are very difficult to overcome by medication. Modern doctors, as a rule, have a sufficient degree of competence and theoretical training to diagnose such “anti-vitamin” conditions in time, but if any, even the simplest at first glance, disease does not “go away” for unknown reasons, the best way out will be admitted to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Why do we need multivitamin complexes, and are they needed at all?

Medicine claims very categorically - multivitamins are needed, but with the proviso that they be prescribed qualified specialist and were not taken experimentally in uncontrolled amounts. Unfortunately, the “vitamin situation” in Russia, as well as in the rest post-Soviet space, is steadily deteriorating. In order not to bore you with statistics, here are the latest research data from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, which showed a depressing picture of the lack of B vitamins, as well as (to a lesser extent) vitamins C, E and A.

A chronic deficiency of these substances was found in 30% of Russians, although this figure, of course, can fluctuate in specific regions. Moreover, vitamin deficiency was noted not only in the traditional “ cold period", but also in the summer. This situation is connected not only with the financial situation of the general population, but also with changed eating habits. In this highly alarming situation, prophylactic and/or seasonal multivitamin complexes and biologically active additives can be one-stop solution to maintain the health of the population. Also " pharmacy vitamins"It is highly desirable to use for people who, by the nature of their activities, consume a lot of information and produce an intellectual product, which will not only avoid exhaustion nerve forces but also to increase the efficiency and creativity of labor.

For every person for normal development all its organs and systems need vitamins, even with a varied diet. Lack of any vitamin can cause serious malfunctions in the body.

The human body can be compared to complex mechanism with a set of functions given by nature and working according to a certain scheme. But, our modern conditions life is far from ideal: poor ecology, unbalanced diet, bad habits not very good for health. It is for this reason that a healthy lifestyle has become a trend. Healthy food with the necessary set of vitamins for the body must be present on every table and constantly. Everyone knows this in theory, but in practice? Why the body needs vitamins, which ones to a greater extent, will become clear when their deficiency manifests itself, and this happens to people of all ages - both children and the elderly.

The role of vitamins

Vitamins - special group organic compounds that are directly involved in all processes occurring in the human body and act as catalysts in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Since these compounds were discovered by scientists, it has been assumed that a sufficient amount of them enters the human body with food.

In fact, at heat treatment almost all vitamins are destroyed. Most of the products are grown using chemicals, contain GMOs and have little useful in them. Therefore, in order to maintain normal condition all metabolic processes in the body, he needs additional multivitamin complexes.

It is very rare that there is a lack of any one vitamin, since a certain combination and ratio of these substances is needed to perform their functions. Often in vitamin preparations include various micro- and macroelements (one or more), which and for what - is not always clear to consumers. Usually, substances with similar effects on a particular body system are combined in order to increase efficiency.

Main functions

Vital important vitamins 13 are isolated, they are divided into two types: water-soluble - the entire group of vitamins B and C, fat-soluble - vitamin A, E, K and D. A very small part of the second group is synthesized in the human body from provitamins when exposed to certain factors. It is very important to know what kind of vitamin is needed for what, and what foods to replenish stocks in the body, especially if you additionally take pharmaceutical products because too much of them can be harmful.

Vitamin A

Retinol is needed to maintain vision, especially twilight. Retinol in the body is formed from carotene (provitamin A), which comes from eating carrots.


Vitamin B1 is needed for the normal course of hematopoiesis and carbohydrate metabolism. It is not able to accumulate in the body and it is necessary to replenish its reserves constantly, otherwise beriberi develops, which may subsequently cause polyneuritis.


Vitamin B2 ensures the normal course of the formation of erythrocytes, cellular respiration, promotes better absorption of lipids and proteins. Riboflavin is very necessary for women, as it improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Its deficiency in the human body leads to lesions skin (seborrheic dermatitis), stomatitis, cheilosis, diseases of the organs of vision.


Niacin, vitamin B3 or PP takes part in the oxidation processes, is necessary for the health of the nervous system. Its deficiency leads to disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system, diseases of the digestive tract.


Vitamin B4 is one of the few vitamins produced in the human body. Why then monitor its quantity? - a logical question, on the one hand. On the other hand, this substance is one of the most important, as it prevents disorders of the central nervous system, improves memory, normalizes insulin levels and is responsible for fat metabolism in the liver.

In case of a lack of vitamin B4, and very little is produced in the body, liver cells are reborn into fat cells, which are no longer able to perform the functions of cleansing. In addition, with a deficiency of choline, kidney function is often disrupted, and the risk of bleeding increases.

Pantothenic acid

Vitamin B5 - provides normal exchange BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Starring coli it can be produced in the body. With its deficiency, exhaustion, disturbances in work are observed. digestive system, adrenal glands, heart, growth and development stops.


Vitamin B6 provides the synthesis of RNA and DNA, takes part in the development gastric juice and the formation of red blood cells. Deficiency of this substance is most often provoked hereditary diseases and metabolic disorders. Pyridoxine is present in most foods.


Vitamin B7 is involved in the production of glucokinase, regulates metabolism. Indicates a lack of biotin general weakness, skin problems, anemia, increased sugar levels, lack of appetite, constant nausea.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9 provides saturation of blood cells with oxygen and normal functioning nervous system. With a lack of it in the human body, anemia develops, and in pregnant women, developmental disorders of the neural tube of the fetus are possible.


Vitamin B12 improves digestion and ensures protein synthesis in required quantity. Lack of B12 provokes anemia.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C boosts immunity. A lack of vitamin C in the human body provokes the development of scurvy and a decrease in resistance to disease.

Vitamin D

This vitamin is needed for the growth and development of the body as a whole. This substance is produced in the body when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. But why then is it recommended to give it to young children? - you ask. For the reason that for its synthesis one needs certain conditions(exposure to ultraviolet radiation), and for babies such exposure is harmful. Moreover, the level of atmospheric pollution and cloudy weather prevent the penetration of ultraviolet rays to the surface of the earth.


Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that has a rejuvenating effect on the cells of all organs, prevents the formation of blood clots. Tocopherol deficiency is characterized by dysfunction reproductive system, the appearance of skin diseases.

Eating a varied diet and sticking to healthy lifestyle life, while observing failures in work different systems, it is difficult to determine what vitamins the body needs and how much. Therefore, if you decide to replenish their reserves, it is advisable to consult a doctor so as not to overdo it and not provoke hypervitaminosis, because a lot does not mean good.

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