Sprouted wheat benefits and contraindications. Recipe for hair loss mask. Dietary properties of the product

When the process of germination begins in the grain, the concentration of useful micro- and macroelements sharply increases several times.

Sprouted wheat contains vitamins B5, C, D, E, P, iron, iodine, calcium, silicon, potassium, copper, selenium, folic acid, chromium.

Properties of germinated wheat

There are people who are sure that germinated wheat grains can help in the fight against almost any disease. Perhaps they exaggerate, but it is impossible to deny the beneficial properties of this product. Regular (1 teaspoon once a day) eating white wheat germ in a couple of months will significantly increase visual acuity. However, the effect was observed only in those people who did not neglect the rules of working at a computer, did not overload their eyes and led a more or less healthy lifestyle.

Sprouted wheat is able to normalize metabolism and maintain it in a stable state. The sprouts of this cereal strengthen the immune system, have a good effect on the work of the nervous, musculoskeletal, digestive and circulatory systems. They help oxygenate the blood. Sprouted wheat is recommended for people sitting, as well as those who want nails.

Recently, scientists have conducted a series of studies, the results of which revealed that wheat germ helps to resolve cysts, wen, malignant and benign tumors at an early stage.

Wheat with sprouts stops any inflammatory processes and activates protective mechanisms in the body. Hence the surge of strength, and improved well-being. With this product, you can quickly restore the intestinal microflora, for example, after or long-term treatment with antibiotics. Sprouted wheat removes cereals and, thereby, heals the body. The complexion improves, blackheads and unpleasant body odor disappear. The fact is that getting into the gastrointestinal tract, grain fiber begins to swell and absorb toxins. Then it is excreted from the body naturally, and harmful substances along with it.

How to eat sprouted wheat?

First, you need to use sprouted wheat regularly. There will be no benefit from a single dose. Only the constant presence of this product in the diet can have an effect. Secondly, you need to decide on the dosage. The dose recommended by experts is half a glass of sprouted grains per day. Thirdly, it takes habit. It's just that wheat is difficult, even if. But it can be added to salads. Fourth, for wheat to benefit, you need to eat it in the morning at the first meal.
During heat treatment (boiling, baking, and so on), some of the useful properties of germinated wheat are lost.

Many are interested in how strongly to germinate wheat. The seedling of optimal length is 2 millimeters. And the sprouts should be. When they begin to turn green, they rot on their own and become not a useful product, but only fertilizer for the root.

How to germinate wheat

Buy wheat for sprouting at the pharmacy. In extreme cases, you can use wheat, which is sold on the market (where there is mustard, beans, millet). It is important to purchase raw wheat and untreated with chemicals.

At home, wheat should be washed for several minutes in running water to get rid of dust and impurities. Then you should rinse the grains with cool boiled water.

At the bottom of the plate, lay out a clean cloth or gauze folded in several layers. Pour some water. Sprinkle the wheat in an even thin layer and cover with a damp cloth or gauze. Excess water must be drained.

Place the plate of grains in a warm, well-lit area. To prevent wheat from sour, it should be washed daily. In a day, sprouts will appear, and after two - the finished product can be eaten.

If you have sprouted too much wheat, the leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator. The product can be stored for about a day.
A more exotic way to germinate wheat is a compressor. Pour well-washed wheat grains into a jar and fill with water at room temperature. Dip a hose with a filter from a conventional compressor into the jar, which is used to supply oxygen to the aquarium. Turn on the compressor. With constant seething of water, wheat germinates very quickly - within a few hours. This method is good because the grains simply do not have time to sour. ,

Wheat grains are useful for the human body. This type of cereal has been used as food since ancient times. Recently, sprouted wheat has become popular. Young seedlings are several times more useful than ordinary cereal grains.

The benefits and harms of germinated wheat

The benefits of germinated wheat

Useful properties of wheat increase several times in the sprouted state. With the revitalization of grains, all of its carbohydrates, fats and proteins begin to break down. This process is similar to digestion. Young sprouts facilitate the process of assimilation of all components of the grains. The benefits and harms of using sprouts are not the same. Before using it in food, you should carefully study its properties and contraindications.

Sprouted grains have the following beneficial properties:

  • Contribute to the self-healing of the body;
  • Improve the metabolic process;
  • Help to get rid of excess weight;
  • Enhance skin nutrition;
  • Restore skin elasticity;
  • Give shine to hair;
  • Get rid of brittle nails;
  • Beneficial effect on vision.

Such numerous beneficial properties of cereal germs make it popular among society. However, not everyone is recommended to eat it. There are some contraindications.

What is the harm of germinated wheat

It contains lectin, a substance that is dangerous to health if consumed in large quantities. There is a lot of it in germinated seeds.

Lactin affects the body in the following ways:

  1. Damages the gastric mucosa;
  2. Has a toxic effect on the endocrine system;
  3. Causes allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases;
  4. Impairs metabolism.
  • Children under 12;
  • People of any age who have recently had surgery;
  • Having problems of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers;
  • If you are allergic to gluten.

All people who do not have these problems can eat sprouts, watching its effect on the body.

Doctors' advice on the dangers and benefits of germinated wheat

Doctors do not oppose the use of sprouted wheat for food.

  1. Carefully choose grains, buying them from pharmacies and small shops.
  2. Avoid cereals stored in huge bags;
  3. During germination, drain the first water in which the grains have been infused for about 8 hours;
  4. Throw away darkened, unhealthy grains;
  5. The length of young sprouts should not be more than 3 mm;
  6. Sprouted wheat should be used within 2 days;
  7. Start taking from 2 tbsp. spoons, gradually increasing the amount depending on the reaction of the body;
  8. The maximum allowable amount per day is 100 gr.

If you follow all the indications and advice, taking sprouts will bring only tremendous health benefits. The advice of doctors will help you use sprouts competently and without harm.

How to germinate wheat grains

It is not difficult to germinate wheat at home.

You need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Pour a glass glass to the very edge with water;
  • Cover it with gauze;
  • Pour a spoonful of washed grains on gauze;
  • Change water three times a day.
  • After 2 days, the wheat should germinate.

Many may be concerned about the question of how to germinate wheat. It is quite easy to do this by following the instructions above.

Sprouted wheat - how to germinate at home

If after 2 days the sprouts have not sprouted, it is better to throw away the wheat.

How to consume grains and sprouts after sprouting

No need to think too much about how to use sprouted wheat. It can be eaten in its pure form, without mixing with other components. Eating grains should be done on an empty stomach. The maximum allowable amount per day is half a glass.

Sprouted grains should be thoroughly chewed until a porridge-like consistency forms in the mouth. Both the grains themselves and green sprouts are used in food. They can be added to salads, meat and fish dishes.

You can make juice from the sprouts. The maximum allowable amount of such juice per day is 20 - 30 ml.

The use of sprouted grains or juice from sprouts is not recommended in the evening and at night.

This can cause insomnia because the grains stimulate various body systems. Sprouts or grains of wheat can be eaten in pure form or as part of salads and various dishes. They must not be heat treated. In this case, all useful properties will disappear.

Beware of mixing grains with dairy products. This will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and digestion.

What to cook dishes with sprouted wheat

Sprouted wheat grains have a rather specific taste. Many people don't like it. To facilitate the intake of grains, you can cook different dishes from them.

Delicious dessert with apple and sprouts

You will need: 1 apple; a third of a glass of sprouts; 100 gr of yogurt; 1 teaspoon honey.

  1. Soak the sprouts in water, then drain the water.
  2. Peel and chop the apple.
  3. Mix all ingredients together.

Sprouted Wheat Dishes

Salad with wheat and carrots

Required: 100 grams of wheat germ; 1 large or 2 small carrots; 400 gr leaf lettuce; 1 teaspoon of honey; 1 teaspoon mustard; 3 spoons of sunflower oil.

Carrots need to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater, lettuce leaves - chopped.

  1. Mix carrots and lettuce with sprouts.
  2. Fill them with oil, honey and mustard.
  3. To mix everything.

Oatmeal with sprouted wheat and berries

You need to take: 4 tablespoons of sprouted grains; the same amount of oatmeal; 300 gr of kefir; 100 gr of any berries; 1 teaspoon of honey; half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

  1. You need to mix kefir with sprouted grains and oatmeal.
  2. Add cinnamon and honey to the mixture. Wash the berries beforehand.
  3. Mix all ingredients together.
  4. Leave for a few hours to infuse.

Sprouted wheat dishes are tasty and satisfying. They provide the body with all the important vitamins and minerals.

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Sprouted wheat has been the main source of nutrition for many long-lived people for many centuries. Modern civilization believes that it uses wheat, although in fact it is in a perverted form: flour, pasta. Despite all the vitamin supplements invented by people, germinated wheat remains natural. The benefits and harms of this product are discussed by many people. There are supporters of germinated wheat, there are opponents. How does sprouted wheat actually affect the body?

Why did people again begin to think about the benefits of germinated wheat? Yes, because everyone has already overate on synthetic products, from which only death emanates. “Live food” is what interests a modern person who thinks about a healthy life.

Diseases have overcome humanity so much that, as a rule, at the age of 30, a person already has a number of serious diseases. Almost always, diseases are attributed to the climate, the environment, and the lack of vitamins in food. In fact, it's all about the wrong diet. Slags and toxins from junk food are formed in the human body and attack it.

Sprouted wheat, about the benefits and harms of which we will talk today, is a fiber that can remove all poisons from the intestines and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Many people consider wheat germ useful, supposedly they have magical properties and can cure a number of diseases. Others shout: “This is poison! There will only be harm from the preparation and use of wheat grains.

In another article, read about how to properly germinate wheat for food. Today, we will talk about the benefits and harms of this product. Let's weigh the pros and cons of conflicting opinions.

Sprouted wheat - benefits and harms.

Let's take a grain of wheat apart and see what it contains. Sprouted wheat grain consists of:

  • Carbohydrates - about 70%;
  • Proteins - about 14%;
  • Fat - approximately 2.5%;
  • Fiber - 3%;
  • Vitamins and minerals (we will analyze below);
  • Enzymes are the molecules of life, what gives life to any living organism.

When the wheat seed is dry, it contains inhibitors - these are substances that inhibit the work of enzymes. When wheat begins to germinate, under the influence of reactions, inhibitors disappear and enzymes begin their work. They "include life" in germinated wheat. And when we eat living food, we get life!

So what is the benefit of sprouted wheat? The fact that it forms a colossal amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for life.

At this moment, it is necessary to eat this source of energy. Sprouted wheat gives the body an incredible vitamin and vital charge.

Vitamin composition of germinated wheat.

Let's see what vitamins are contained in germinated wheat:

  • E, C - vitamins that affect the immune system;
  • B - a group of these vitamins plays an important role in human hematopoiesis;
  • K, M - potassium and magnesium, affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Fe - iron, necessary for hemoglobin;
  • And other important elements: PP, A, D, chromium, copper, zinc, iodine, folic acid, selenium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. There is no need to talk about the importance of each of these elements for the body;
  • And the fiber of sprouted wheat cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins.

Agree, a really rich complex of important substances. And the price of this pleasure is 15 rubles per 1 kg. Sprout and eat as much as you like.

Wheat germ useful properties.

To feel all the positive properties of the action of sprouted wheat on the body, it is necessary to use it regularly. Once will not be enough to get at least some result.

4. Can sprouted wheat grains be used as a means of preventing colon cancer?

YES. Sprouted wheat is rich in fiber, which, just, cleans the intestines from toxins, toxins and undigested food. However, any raw vegetables and fruits play the same preventive role against bowel cancer - this is also fiber.

5. Do Wheat Germs Help You Lose Weight?

NO. Wheat germ cannot promote weight loss because it contains quite a lot of calories. This will only work if you do not eat anything other than sprouts, vegetables and fruits. In this case, the process of losing weight is guaranteed to you.

As a conclusion.

Let's summarize the healing properties of sprouted wheat. The harm and benefits of this grain are now clear to you. The benefits are obvious, and harm can only be obtained from the incorrect use of seedlings.

Sprouted wheat is of great value for human health, although it is not a cure or panacea for various diseases. Its benefits are high enough to eat it daily. At the same time, do not forget about proper nutrition for weight loss if you want to lose weight. And wheat germ can be included in your diet in any case. They will serve as good helpers on the way to a healthy lifestyle.

Environmental conditions force a person to look for ways to maintain their health. Wheatgrass is a real gift from nature. Sprouts juice has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The main value of wheat germ is that they are "live" food.

The life-giving power of seedlings

The concentrated strength and energy inside the seed is ready to give rise to a new life. For the first few days, the seed uses all its potential, all its energy to form the root, the first leaves, and the growth of the stem. This is the phase of maximum vital activity, which a person can use for his own good. The composition of the seeds is formed by building materials to ensure the vital activity of the emerging plant organism. Starch, fats and proteins are concentrated in each seed and are waiting in the wings. Seed germination converts these substances into malt sugar, fatty acids and amino acids. The healing power of the juice and pulp of the sprouts relieves many diseases. It is a powerful stimulant of vital activity that improves the functioning of the whole organism due to a number of useful functions:

  • increased immunity;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • slowing down the aging process due to the presence of antioxidants, vitamins E, C, A and enzymes;
  • normalization of acid-base balance;
  • self-purification of organs and blood from toxins, the formation of hemoglobin;
  • increase in potency and efficiency;
  • improve digestion, help in the fight against eczema and stomach ulcers.
  • compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • strengthening of tooth enamel, restoration of vision, strengthening and stimulation of hair growth, improvement of coordination of movement;
  • metabolism is restored, the nervous system is strengthened;
  • Magnesium contained in sprouts has a very beneficial effect on the heart, promotes the removal of cholesterol.

Among the many types of seeds, wheat is famous for its strongest healing properties. All diseases are caused by changes in the genes. Sprouted wheat grains provide the body with material for their replacement and restoration and contribute to the renewal of diseased tissues. At the same time, they help the proper functioning of the whole organism. Sprouted wheat for weight loss supplies the body of a dieter with all the necessary substances. Under the influence of acids of the gastrointestinal tract and alkali, the fiber of the grains, like a sponge, absorbs all the toxins that have accumulated in the body. For overweight people, this is a great opportunity to get rid of hunger. After all, sprouts have the ability to create a feeling of satiety, while stabilizing the metabolism. Sprouted wheat for weight loss contains from 300 kcal per hundred grams. The high nutritional value of sprouts allows them to be eaten in very small quantities.

How to choose?

To choose the right quality seeds for sprouting, it is best to look for them in a pharmacy, health food store, or even a stable. Seeds intended for planting are not suitable. They are usually treated with pesticides. Immediately you need to exclude grains with black spots, signs of fungus damage, unripe, overdried and rotten. Carefully selected grains are germinated at 20 degrees Celsius, in a slightly shaded place. If the process takes place at the window, then it is better to cover it with a curtain. If the grains do not germinate at the same time, this means that the mixture contains more than one variety of wheat.

How to germinate?

Proper utensils for germinating seeds should be glass, porcelain, earthenware, or enamelled. Half a cup of grain, poured into a colander, is washed in running water. Now you need to remove the non-viable seeds. To do this, they are poured with water in a liter jar. Floating seeds can be safely thrown away. Then you need to throw a little potassium permanganate, taken at the tip of a match, into the jar. After mixing the solution, the water is replaced with clean, unboiled. After that, it is replaced again.

Water is recommended to stand for several hours before the soaking procedure. The best time for soaking is morning or afternoon. In the evening, drain the water and rinse the seeds. The jar with future seedlings is slightly covered with a lid and left overnight. In the morning, when washing the grains with running water, you can see sprouted sprouts. They are left in the bank for several hours. In the absence of sprouts, repeat washing in the evening and wait until the next morning.

Sprouts with a length of one to two millimeters are of the greatest value. If their length exceeded two millimeters, then it is better not to eat them. Experts assure that the formation of a poisonous enzyme begins in such sprouts. Sprouts should be eaten immediately. You can store them in the freezer for up to three or four days. Discard the darkened milled wheat germ.

Rules for the use of sprouts

Heat treatment of germinated wheat grains should be avoided, as they will lose their valuable properties. To get the greatest effect from useful substances, it is recommended to chew them for a long time until gruel forms in the mouth. If you have problems with chewing, you can skip the sprouts twice through a meat grinder, as well as make an infusion or make juice. The introduction of seedlings into the diet should occur gradually. One or two teaspoons a day is enough to get you started. Two months later, you can increase it to seventy grams. If you overdo it with the number of sprouts in the diet, you can get an upset stomach. The use of sprouts or their juice is useful at any time of the year. It is correct to eat them in the morning to avoid insomnia.

Sprouted wheat is incompatible with products such as golden root, flower pollen, royal jelly. A consequence in the form of urticaria will occur as a result of an imbalance. You need to be aware of some contraindications. Doctors warn people with allergies to gluten, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system from eating wheat germ and juice from them. Children under the age of twelve are also prohibited from eating them. Wheat germ should not be consumed after surgery.

Cooking sprouts

Sprouted wheat dishes are very diverse. There are many recipes for its preparation. It is correct to eat it immediately, whole, preferably fresh. It is in this way that seedlings give the maximum benefit. You can cook them in many ways and put them in any dishes:

  • Dried and ground sprouts in the form of flour serve as a powder for salads, vegetable dishes and cereals.
  • Yogurt mixed with finely chopped apples, walnuts and wheat germ makes a great nutritious breakfast for the whole day.
  • Hearty sandwiches made from properly toasted slices of whole grain bread. Sliced ​​olives are placed on a layer of butter on top of the bread. The topmost layer is wheat germ.
  • Wheat milk. You need to mix four cups of filtered water with one cup of sprouts and add half a cup of pre-soaked raisins. All ingredients must be mixed, passed through a mixer and strained. Cooked milk should be kept in the refrigerator.
  • Fruit salad. Two tablespoons of wheat germ and sunflower are crushed and mixed. One hundred grams of low-fat cheese, banana and kiwi, pomegranate seeds, honey and lemon juice are added to the mixture. After mixing the ingredients, you can eat.

Adding sprouts to dishes does not require their heat treatment. But there are many recipes using heat that are also very useful. This is baking cakes, cookies, making kissel, frying pancakes. To preserve the benefits of such a dish, heat treatment should be as small as possible.

Some helpful recipes:

  • Porridge from wheat sprouts. One glass of wheat grains is poured with water. After an hour, the water is drained and the pot with sprouts is filled with new water and put on the stove. After the water boils, sugar and a pinch of ground ginger are poured. The mixture is simmered over low heat until soft. Porridge is seasoned with a teaspoon of honey and butter. You can add decoration in the form of orange slices.
  • Flatbreads from wheat sprouts and zucchini. One hundred grams of grains are stewed for five minutes in a small amount of water in a pan, and then crushed. Grated small zucchini is mixed with wheat with the addition of a teaspoon of cumin and half a teaspoon of ground ginger. You can salt a little. It remains to bake cakes on both sides in a thick frying pan in vegetable oil.
  • Cookies made from wheat germ and prunes. One and a half cups of sprouts are mixed with one hundred grams of prunes and crushed in a meat grinder. You can add two tablespoons of poppy seeds. Formed flat-shaped cookies are placed in the oven for five minutes, and then turned over and dried again.

Juice making

Wheatgrass juice is very useful. Instead of one kilogram of fresh vegetables, it is better to drink thirty milliliters of juice. This is a sufficient portion to meet the needs of the body throughout the day. Lysine slows down aging, tryptophan improves the health of hair and skin, making the body young and strong. Live chlorophyll, present in the juice of wheat sprouts, is an antimutagen, as it fights against pathological changes in DNA molecules. The list of all the useful properties of sprout juice is simply huge.

Well-washed wheat grains are poured with cold filtered water in a saucer and left for 24 hours. The procedure is repeated for two or three days. Germination begins with the appearance of roots. The water must be drained through a colander, and the seeds placed on a napkin. The wheat planting container is lined with paper towels to prevent roots from sprouting through the holes. A five-centimeter layer of organic soil is poured onto the litter. The seeds slightly pressed into the ground are watered with water and the container is covered with wet newspapers. The first four days it is necessary to maintain the moisture of the soil layer by watering it twice a day. Newspapers should also be moistened. After that, the covering layer is removed, and watering is reduced to once a day. The tray should be in a shaded area. After nine days, the shoots are ready for cutting. Now you can run them through a blender and enjoy the fresh and juicy herbal juice flavor.

People talk about getting rid of many ailments, but sprouts cannot be considered a panacea for all diseases. However, the health benefits are enormous. Properly sprouted wheat for weight loss helps to withstand a strict diet. The inclusion of sprouts and juice in the daily diet is an important element in the nutrition of a healthy lifestyle of a modern person. The therapeutic effect of wheat germ is fully manifested with their regular use.


Sprouted wheat is a valuable dietary product with pronounced medicinal properties. It combines the qualities of a balanced, easily digestible product and a powerful universal medicine.

Sprouts with long-term use are able to cope with many diseases and ailments, cleansing the body of toxins and harmful metabolic products, filling it with the energy of a new life.

Let's talk in this article about germinated wheat seeds: about the benefits and harms for the body, about the advice of doctors on their use and application.

How to choose a good product and check the quality

Wheatgrass is sold in the health food section of grocery stores and supermarkets.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the date indicated on the plastic container. It is best to buy a product that is dated today.

The following parameters are also important:

  • seedling length. It should not exceed 2 mm. This is a prerequisite. With longer sprouts, toxic substances harmful to the human body begin to form in the grain;
  • smell. Do not hesitate to open the package with sprouts and check the product for the presence of foreign flavors. A good product should not have a stagnant putrid unpleasant odor;
  • the form. Preference when buying should be given to elongated grains. Rounded seeds are winter varieties. They are harder to chew and taste like rubber. Fortunately, this does not affect their medicinal qualities.

How to germinate grains at home

In order to be sure of the quality of the product, it is best to germinate the seeds yourself, at home. This is very easy to do.

First you need to buy whole grains. They are sold in health food stores or supermarkets. Then they need soak in water overnight to remove chemicals, as well as to saturate the embryo with water.

In the morning, rinse the grains with running water. and put on any damp cloth in a ceramic or glass bowl. From above it is desirable to cover with a linen towel or other cloth. Every evening, the fabric with seeds needs to be moistened.

After three days, the sprouts should hatch. They should be rinsed with water and put in the refrigerator. For sprouting, healers recommend using melt water or shungite infused water.

What is the use of germinated wheat for the human body, how to germinate grain, the program “About the most important thing” will tell:

Chemical composition, calories, nutritional value and glycemic index

The composition of germinated wheat includes a huge range of all kinds of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, as well as linoleic acid, which belongs to polyunsaturated oils.

It activates fat metabolism, preventing the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

The sprouts contain the following set of vitamins:

  • vitamin C, which is formed during germination. It is absent in whole grains. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • B vitamins, namely B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), responsible for the health and beauty of hair, nails and skin, as well as for the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • PP (nicotinic acid) activating mental activity;
  • natural folates to restore and maintain reproductive function in a healthy state;
  • among the microelements that make up the sprouts of embryos, one should single out and which are completely absorbed by the body.

Raw foodists note that after several months of regular consumption of wheat germ, their teeth and gums improve, and even the amount of gray hair decreases.

It also contains essential amino acids:

  • arginine, valine, histidine with rejuvenating effect. They remove toxins from the body that are formed during the digestion of animal protein, prevent the development of cancerous tumors;
  • isoleucine, leucine, methionine that help remove excess cholesterol from the liver. These amino acids can also neutralize substances that are foreign to the body;
  • cysteine, threonine, tryptophan involved in the synthesis of serotonin, supporting the function of the endocrine glands. The lack of these amino acids leads to causeless neurosis and depression;
  • phenylalanine, tyrosine responsible for energy, memory and attention.

calories sprouted wheat is about 200 kcal per 100 grams. This indicator may vary slightly in one direction or another depending on the wheat variety.

Nutritional value can be represented by a table:

Glycemic index seedlings is 15. This is a very low figure. Therefore, the product can be used by those who want to lose weight and the sick.

The composition of vitamins and microelements of germinated wheat sprouts, their benefits and harms will be revealed by the “Live Healthy” program:

Useful properties and medicinal qualities

Wheatgrass is called "living food". It has high biostimulating properties.

During germination, enzymes are formed in the seed that convert wheat starch into a state of maltose, proteins into amino acids, and fats into unsaturated fatty acids.

This facilitates the digestion and absorption of valuable nutrients by the human body. Seedlings have a huge will to live, which they transfer to a person.

With prolonged use of them in food,:

  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • significant improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • activation of the immune system;
  • fast weight loss while following a low-calorie diet;
  • increased efficiency and mental activity;
  • quick recovery after illness or prolonged stress;
  • raw foodists also note a significant improvement in vision when eating sprouts for more than a year.

What is useful

For adult men and women

The combination of essential amino acids in combination with the vitamin complex balances the hormonal balance, prompting the body to rejuvenate and regenerate tissues.

In women and men, libido is quickly restored, the skin is smoothed and cleared of acne. Raises mood and self-esteem.

Over time, many people forget about such unpleasant things as:

  • constipation;
  • drowsiness and absent-mindedness;
  • frequent colds.

What else is germinated wheat grains useful for: in men, the quality of the seed increases, and in women, the ability to fertilize. It is also noted the ability of wheat germ to resist the development of cancer.

Smokers after a month of eating "live food" can safely give up their bad habit. There has also been a reduction in cravings for alcohol for drinkers.

Pregnant and lactating

Wheatgrass can bring huge benefits in the first trimester, alleviating the symptoms of toxicosis. They can also help maintain pregnancy when the body is prone to habitual miscarriages.

In the second and third trimesters consumption of sprouts should be limited to 10 g per day. This amount will help the full formation of the fetal brain and skeletal bones.

During lactation, this product must be excluded from the diet.. It can lead to too rapid overgrowth of the fontanel in an infant.

For kids

But is sprouted wheat good for a child? Here, the opinions of official and traditional medicine were divided..

Doctors believe that children under 12 should not eat sprouted wheat grains, as this is fraught with premature puberty.

Traditional healers, on the contrary, are confident in the beneficial effect of "live food" on children older than one year. They believe that wheat germ will allow children to:

  • increase immunity and resist colds;
  • ensure rapid intellectual development;
  • form a stress-resistant nervous system.

Most likely, here you should listen to common sense and come to the following conclusion: children can eat germinated wheat at high physical or mental stress if there is no individual intolerance or aversion to the product.

In old age

The use of germinated wheat in adulthood able to turn back time, returning the joy of life and purity of perception. This product is vital for all people who have reached retirement age.

The constant use of "live food" can increase energy potential, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and also help form new eating habits that are appropriate for health and age.

Large amount of antioxidants contained in wheat germ, will help to resist such diseases as:

  • arthritis;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis, etc.

Also, regular use of the product is necessary to normalize the psycho-emotional background and prevent age-related depression.

Potential danger and contraindications

The main danger lies in the acquisition of a low-quality product. For this reason, it is better to germinate wheat on your own, and whole grains must first be soaked in water.

The use of wheat germ is contraindicated in:

Wheatgrass should not be eaten with dairy products. This can cause flatulence and dyspepsia.

Eating wheat germ can also be harmful due to the content of a substance called "lectin", which in some people may:

  • damage the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • upset the endocrine system.

Therefore, with the appearance of pain in the abdomen, dizziness and nausea, the use of sprouts must be stopped.

How to eat sprouted wheat for food at home? The product is recommended to eat once a day, in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast..

You can start with 10 g (tablespoon), increasing the amount over time to 30 g.

The main difficulty is that The product must be chewed thoroughly for optimal absorption. Not everyone likes the taste at first.

How to take wheat germ for pregnant women: you need to stop at a daily amount of 10 g.

Elderly men with good tolerability of the product can increase the dose to 50 g.

Wheat germ cannot be eaten together not only with dairy products, but also with honey, pollen and mummy.

Dietary fibers of sprouts absorb all the valuable substances in other products, negating their healing effect.

When it is impossible to chew for a long time, you can grind sprouts in a coffee grinder. Then, after grinding, pour warm water and slowly drink this healing cocktail.

How to use in cooking

During heat treatment, all the healing properties of germinated wheat are lost. For this reason, it is used in the preparation of vegetable, fruit salads and cocktails.

Cocktail "Health": for cooking, you need to take 100 ml of freshly squeezed, mix with 30 g of germinated wheat and beat with a blender.

Such a drink perfectly restores strength after an intense workout.

Salad "Joy": peel and cut avocado into slices, add thinly sliced ​​. Lightly fry the grains, grind together with 30 g of wheat germ.

Sprinkle vegetables. If desired, you can season the salad with lemon juice mixed with vegetable oil.

Recipes for dishes with the addition of sprouted wheat are shared by the Healthy Nutrition Clinic “Weight Factor”:

In cosmetology

For face and body care you can use wheat germ to make masks and scrubs. These procedures have a strong rejuvenating effect, promote skin regeneration, cleansing it from acne and comedones.

For the mask you can take fresh sprouts, grind them with a blender or in a coffee grinder, mix with clay, boiled potatoes, mashed avocado or other filler, depending on the purpose of the procedure.

Apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. This procedure should be carried out once a week, but only after 30 years.

Scrub it is better to make from dry sprouts, ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder can be mixed with regular shower gel and thoroughly massage the skin on the face and body with this mixture.

Weekly use of the scrub will make the skin silky, soft and toned.

How to take for weight loss

Sprouted wheat has a beneficial effect on metabolism, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

How to take sprouted wheat grains for weight loss? It is desirable to include it in low-calorie diets.

The product helps to cope with unhealthy cravings for fast food, cakes and sweets, and also helps to replenish the body with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

The result of weight loss with the participation of wheat germ will be not only a slender figure, but also healthy hair, nails, smooth young skin.

Nutritionist Ionova will talk about germinated wheat:

In folk medicine

Wheat germs can be used to prepare remedies for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Milk: Grind 100 g of sprouts and pour 200 ml of water at a temperature of 40 degrees, mix and leave for an hour. Then strain and drink in two doses during the day 30 minutes before meals.

This milk should be drunk within a month to prevent osteoporosis. The course is repeated twice a year - in spring and late autumn.

from anemia: Turn 150 g of wheat germ through a meat grinder with an equal amount of walnuts, dried apricots and.

The resulting mass must be stored in the refrigerator. Consume twice a day for a tablespoon before meals.

With progressive myopia: Mix 100 g chopped sprouts with 50 g of ghee, and then grind the mass with the juice of one lemon.

Eat every day in the amount of one teaspoon in the evening, combined with 100 g of raw grated carrots for three months. The course is repeated twice a year.

This tool can be used for a long time.

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