What vitamins to drink in the fall for a girl. Vitamin complexes for the autumn period. What vitamins should be taken in the fall

Everyone knows the phrase "autumn depression". Maybe we know it just due to the fact that our body lacks vitamins at this time? What should you drink during this period to stay healthy and not give in to autumn depression, and what vitamins and minerals are most important for the body now?

For some reason, we are used to thinking that vitamin deficiency will affect us only in winter. A fundamentally wrong opinion, because we can find vitamins not only in vegetables and fruits. In the summer, of course, we make up for the lack of such vitamins as D, C, P and E. In the rest of the year, these vitamins are not enough for us. Be that as it may, vitamin deficiency can be felt even in summer - if you rarely go to the sun, vitamin D will not enter the body, or if it is not “diluted” with calcium (it is absorbed best with calcium), then the lack will also be felt .

Vitamins such as B1, vitamins A, PP (or B3, nicotinic acid) and K we mainly get from meat, cereals, mushrooms and fish, due to which we generally do not experience a deficiency of these vitamins. Unless, of course, we eat these foods, where, in addition to these vitamins, there are still many useful microelements.

In addition, the compatibility of vitamins and trace elements is important. Without properly combining them, stuffing yourself with them, you can nullify all your efforts. Well, or overdo it, getting hypervitaminosis. And sometimes it is not even clear which is worse - a deficiency or an excess of a vitamin.

All this suggests that vitamins are needed not only in winter, and that even in summer you can easily get a lack of important vital elements that ensure a healthy lifestyle.

It is due to the lack of vitamins that you can meet with symptoms such as:

      • Brittle nails, flaky skin (vitamin A);

        Hair loss, long wound healing (vitamin B7, B9);

        Age spots, dull skin, rosacea (vitamin C and E);

        Swelling of the eyes and face (vitamin E);

        Numbness of extremities, convulsions (B9 and B12).

Many girls found out here their problems with the beginning of the autumn period. Complaining about the change in the weather, one may not understand that those same vitamins are actually to blame. Or rather, their lack in the body.

In addition, the following symptoms of "autumn depression" may appear:

      • Inability to concentrate one's attention;

        irascibility, mood swings;

        Feeling as if all the energy was "sucked out";

        Disturbance in the digestive tract;

        Weight loss;

        And even a decrease in sexual desire.

As you can see, the signs are not pleasant. We don’t want to get all this, which means that we need to eat right and make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals.

So, in autumn, vitamins C, D, P, A, E and B1 are mostly lacking, as well as trace elements of calcium, selenium, chromium, copper and iron.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble element. Its effect on the body:

      • Protection from viral diseases;

        Increased immunity;

        Removal of poisons from the body, also remove bile;

        Normalization of the function of certain hormones and metabolism;

        Synthesis of collagen;

        Participation in the processes of hematopoiesis;

        Defence from external influence environment, protection from cardiovascular diseases and oncology.

When taking a vitamin large doses allergies may develop. Overdose - cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, anemia.

And in the most severe cases Vitamin C deficiency results in a disease called scurvy. The one that sailors often suffered from and from which they died in agony. The paradox is that many of them carried oranges and lemons rich in this vitamin in their holds.

      • Cabbage (except for white cabbage, - Brussels and Beijing);

        Rose hip;

      • Citrus;

        Melon and pumpkin;

      • Sweet and hot peppers;

        Potatoes (sweet too);

      • Tomatoes.

Compatible with vitamins P, A, E, B5 and B9. The best combination is with E. In addition, it helps the absorption of calcium and chromium.

It is not absorbed if B1, B12 and copper are present.

Vitamin E, tocopherol, is known to be an antioxidant. In addition, the vitamin is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and protein synthesis, cell division, slowing down their aging and saturation of the latter with oxygen, and many other processes. Fat soluble vitamin.

The element accelerates cell renewal, and also thanks to it those dark spots that can be seen with the beginning of autumn will gradually disappear. It is lost if you stay under the sun for a long time. An important measure is so that the body does not lose vitamin E and is saturated with another - D.

The first sign of a shortage is lethargy, weakness, from the fact that the cells are not saturated with oxygen. Deficiency, like surplus, occurs extremely rarely. The body immediately spends such an important resource for its needs.

The following foods are rich in vitamin E:

      • Oils plant origin(olive, corn, coconut, sunflower, wheat germ);

        Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanut butter);

        Sunflower seeds, as well as pumpkin and sesame;


      • Herbs (basil, oregano and others).

Vitamin C and E are a “sweet couple”, this is the best combination of vitamins in terms of compatibility. Also compatible with selenium. But the element with magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamin D and zinc is not absorbed.

Vitamin D - we can say that this is the "vitamin of the sun" - the most important component for the formation bone cells, division and development of other cells, improves the production of enzymes and pancreatic hormones (insulin), and, consequently, affects the level of glucose. fat soluble element.

It has a positive effect on intestinal absorption of calcium and calcium metabolism in general.

Its deficiency is associated with weak bones, muscle pain and lethargy. May occur with liver disease (impaired bile secretion). With an acute shortage, Crohn's disease, which is dangerous for the intestines, can develop. An overdose of the element will be expressed by poisoning the body, decreased appetite, nausea, and joint pain.

The element is neutralized when exposed to light and in contact with oxygen. Resistant to heat treatment.

Found in products such as:

      • Fish fat;

        Many types of fish (halibut, cod, mackerel, mackerel, salmon and tuna);

        Liver (beef, pork);

        Egg yolk;

        Melted butter;

        Mushrooms (chanterelles and morel).

Halibut liver contains a record amount of solar vitamin.

The element is compatible with phosphorus, calcium, vitamins B6, B12 and K, it is absolutely incompatible with vitamin E.

Water-soluble vitamin B1, or thiamine, plays an important role in metabolism, protecting cells from poisons (including reducing the effects of alcohol and tobacco), bone growth and muscle tissues, muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down cell aging, and also improves brain function, in particular, memory.

Alcohol, coffee and tea, sugar contribute to the destruction. In order for the element to be better absorbed, you should eat foods with a high content of it in its raw form, as it is susceptible to heat treatment.

The first signs of deficiency - fatigue and irritability. Symptoms acute shortage is the "take-take" disease.

It is extremely difficult to get an excess of a vitamin, since the element does not tend to accumulate in the body.

    Cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, millet groats);

    Lentils, green peas, asparagus;

    Sunflower seeds;

    Potato, cauliflower and broccoli;


    Onions, beets.

Assimilated in the absence of alcohol, salt, black tea, nicotine and coffee. Compatible with vitamins B9 and C.

Incompatible with B2, B3, B6 and B12, as well as with calcium and magnesium. Its action is also destroyed by some antibiotics.

Vitamin P

Vitamin P (rutin) is a water-soluble element involved in following processes life:

      • Increased capillary permeability, normalization of blood pressure, removal of edema, positive influence on circulation, prevention varicose veins veins and cardiovascular diseases;

        prevention oncological diseases;

        Increased immunity;

        Stimulation of the adrenal cortex.

        Mild analgesic action.

In addition, the vitamin is a natural antioxidant.

Destroys vitamin excess heat and sunlight and oxygen, also smoking contributes to this.

Deficiency is felt as weakness of capillaries, rosacea, bruising. All excess is excreted from the body, and therefore there can be no excess routine.

Contained in products:

      • citrus;

        Berries and fruits (cherries, grapes, apples, apricots, plums, rose hips);

        Vegetables such as cabbage, tomatoes and beets;

        Lettuce, sorrel, garlic;

        Green tea;

Another "sweet couple" is ascorbic acid and rutin. Moreover, some products contain both elements. special instructions there is no vitamin incompatibility - it is well absorbed by the body in almost any situation.

Fat-soluble vitamin A is a well-known antioxidant and cancer protector. The main thing is not to overdo it, because an excess of retinol is just as dangerous as a deficiency, and can lead to cancer.

Action on the body:

      • Normalization of protein synthesis;

        Maintaining work immune system;

        Antibacterial effect;

        Growth and repair of tissues;

        Ensuring the elasticity of the skin and hairline;

        Influence on the male and female genital areas, including the prevention of hormonal disorders.

An excess of retinol threatens with intoxication, nausea, headache, enlargement of the liver. The deficiency manifests itself in night blindness, skin problems, slow healing of wounds. It tends to accumulate in the body, but not for long.

Vitamin is not destroyed during cooking. Absolutely incompatible with nicotine, and when using the latter together with retinol in pure form leading to cancer. You can not allow an excess of vitamin during pregnancy.

Contained in products:

      • Liver (cod, turkey, beef, pork);

        Red and orange vegetables and fruits ( Bell pepper, carrots, apricots, melon, sweet potato, tomatoes, pumpkin);



        Chicken eggs;

A, C, E - a good trio to protect the body. In addition, it is absorbed with iron and zinc.

Selenium is an important trace element for the body that performs the following functions:

      • Antioxidant;

        Normalization of the function of the thyroid and pancreas;

        Stimulating effect on the immune system;

        Increasing physical and mental activity person;

        Maintenance of the male reproductive system;

        Reducing the risk of spontaneous abortion during pregnancy;

        Growth and development of tissues.

The lack of selenium will be noticeable in the development rheumatoid arthritis and emergence cardiovascular diseases, in the deterioration of the thyroid gland. There may be an increase in body weight while maintaining the diet and activity. AT acute cases deficiency can lead to infertility in men.

Selenium is destroyed during long-term processing (in canned food and semi-finished products). It is poorly absorbed in violation of intestinal absorption of substances, in case of an excess of carbohydrate intake, and also if a person is fond of laxatives and teas.

The trace element is found in the following edible products:

      • Cereals (corn, barley porridge, lentils, rice);

        Nuts (Brazil and walnuts, peanuts, coconut, almonds);

        Black bread;

        Legumes (peas, beans).

Selenium enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin E.

Phosphorus is an essential trace element involved in almost all human biochemical processes, from the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to phosphate compounds in DNA and RNA.

It has an invaluable influence on mental activity, and together with calcium makes the bone tissue strong. Does possible functioning and muscle tissue.

The absorption of phosphorus is facilitated by soaking grains and legumes. Magnesium and iron can impair the absorption of the element.

Signs of deficiency are loss of appetite, weakness, convulsions, rickets, fatty liver and numbness in the limbs. It may even reach inexplicable fear. Excess is characterized by anemia, bleeding. In particular advanced cases may lead to the development of nephrolithiasis.

The following products are different high content phosphorus:

      • Mushrooms (boletus);

        Seeds (pumpkin, sesame);

        Wheat bran;

        Whole milk powder;

        Nuts (cashews, walnuts, almonds);

        Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice);

        cocoa powder;

        Some types of fish (mackerel, sardine, tuna, sturgeon);

Phosphorus is excellently combined with vitamin D and the trace element boron.

Poor compatibility of the trace element with magnesium, iron and calcium.


Calcium is known to promote the development and strengthening of bone tissue. In addition, the trace element is involved in the process of blood clotting, reduces capillary permeability and prevents the development of infectious diseases.

Calcium has an invaluable effect on the normalization of pancreatic hormones, in particular insulin. Calcium is also known as a cardiovascular stabilizer.

It tends to store up, in order to give it from the bones in case of a lack of calcium in the blood formation. The parathyroid gland helps.

It is difficult to be absorbed by the body, but, as we know from childhood, it is well absorbed from dairy products. Also increases the absorption of calcium fat. During pregnancy, a woman absorbs calcium more efficiently.

In addition, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine tend to flush out calcium from the body.

Calcium deficiency is both increased bone fragility, and rickets, and growth retardation, and increased blood pressure and much more.

An excess manifests itself in nausea, weakness, increased urination, convulsions.

You can find calcium in foods such as:

      • Milk and its derivatives (cheese, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk), and fermented milk products;

        Parsley, spinach, celery;

        Vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, onions);

      • Fish and liver;

        Nuts (almonds);

        sunflower seeds);

        Fruits (apricots, grapes, pineapples, black currant, oranges).

Calcium is well absorbed along with magnesium, boron, as well as vitamins B12, B6, K and D.

Despite the fact that phosphorus and calcium have similar properties in terms of effects on the body, it is better not to use them together.

It also does not combine with sodium, iron, zinc, manganese and excess magnesium.

Therefore, do not forget to knock over a glass of milk in the fall so that you do not have to give calcium from the bones, keeping them healthy.

One of the most important elements for our body, whose deficiency is felt very acutely.

We need iron for:

      • The formation of hemoglobin in the blood;

        Tone and elasticity of muscle tissue;

        Nutrition of the brain with oxygen;

        Protect against infections and increase the resistance of the immune system;

        Maintenance normal temperature body;

        Normal course of pregnancy.

Highly important element especially for women, since during the period of menstruation there is a loss of a microelement, which causes fatigue. Well, and secondly, iron plays a special role in the process of the birth of a new life in a woman's body.

When we experience iron deficiency, symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, headaches, gastrointestinal discomfort and more can be observed. The most acute deficiency is anemia. An excess has almost the same symptoms as a deficiency.

Iron absorption becomes problematic in some gastrointestinal disorders. For normal absorption of iron, healthy work pancreas, which, in turn, requires the absorption of trace elements. Vicious circle. Therefore, it is very important to prevent insufficient iron intake.

In these foods you can look for an important trace element:

      • Meat (white and red);

        Cereals and legumes (buckwheat, lentils, beans, peas);

        Vegetables, greens (beets, potatoes, onions, pumpkins, parsley, tomatoes, spinach);

Berries and fruits (apples, black currants, bananas, plums, strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, pomegranates, pears, peaches, apricots, persimmons);

      • Dried fruits;



        Black chocolate.

As you can see, the choice is rich in vegetables, berries and fruits. In the autumn, when the weather ceases to please us with fruits, you need to lay on other products containing a microelement. Well, also turn to marinades, mushrooms and dried fruits.

Iron is well absorbed with vitamins A, B3 and C, trace element copper.

But magnesium, zinc, chromium and calcium are not his friends. In addition, vitamins B12, E and manganese also interfere with the absorption.

Copper is the second trace element, along with iron, which plays such a crucial role in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin in the blood. In addition, we need copper in order to

the respiratory system was in order, we were not nervous (and then it was autumn with its depression), proteins were synthesized, and iron was absorbed.

Copper also helps to form collagen and elastin, two important proteins in maintaining youth and beauty.

At insufficient consumption copper, you can experience anemia, poor breathing, depression, hair becomes brittle, falls out, normal skin pigmentation is disturbed, rashes may appear. An excess of copper gives us insomnia, disturbances in the cerebral cortex, and in women - problems with the menstrual cycle.

The following foods are richest in copper:

      • Liver (cod, beef, pork);

        Seafood (squid, shrimp, octopus);

        cocoa powder;

        Cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet)


        Nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios);

        Legumes (peas, beans).

Copper, only if not in excess, contributes good assimilation gland. Also combined with vitamin B6.

The microelement is incompatible with a number of vitamins such as B2, B5, B12, C and E.

With the approach of autumn, the protective system human body weakens, so we easily fall ill with various colds and viral infections. At this time of the year, you should, more than ever, stick to healthy lifestyle life, otherwise you will not stop sneezing and coughing until spring. Vitamins will certainly help to strengthen the immune system.

There is always a need for vitamins

If you think that, having eaten plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in useful substances in the summer, you have stocked up on microelements of groups A, B, C, D, E for whole year, then you are mistaken. Unfortunately, they do not have the ability to accumulate in our body, and they need to be replenished regularly.

In this regard, the question of what vitamins to drink in the fall is of paramount importance in order to forget about diseases for a long time. Of course, none of the above groups can be neglected. They all play essential role for our health.

Unfortunately, ignorant people not only do not know what vitamins to drink in the fall, but also about how to make up for their deficiency.

Of course, many people know that useful trace elements are found in vegetables and fruits, and autumn is the time when apples, pears, pumpkins, and grapes are harvested.

So, let's start a practical consideration of the question of what vitamins to drink in the fall.

Vitamins of group "A"

Due to lack useful substances in the body with the onset of the first cold weather, the condition of our hair, nails, teeth begins to deteriorate, and our immunity also weakens.

To the question of what vitamins to drink in the fall in order to solve the above problems, the answer should be given: “Those that belong to group “A”. They are found in carrots, apples, cheese, as well as seaweed and cottage cheese.

Many are interested in the topic of what vitamins to drink in the fall for immunity. As already emphasized, to increase the body's resistance to ailments, the whole complex of useful substances is needed. It is impossible to strengthen the immune system by receiving vitamins "A" and "B", while ignoring the micronutrients belonging to groups "C", "D" and "E".

Strengthen defensive reaction body can be, if you drink as much as possible freshly squeezed apple and carrot juices.

Vitamins of group "B"

Have no idea what vitamins to drink in the fall? Does the name thiamine mean anything to you? Meanwhile, it is a vitamin necessary for health, which is known as B1. Its deficiency can provoke the development of nervous, cardiovascular pathologies, the occurrence of pain in the muscles. You can make up for the lack of B1 with brewer's yeast and germs of cereals, for example, wheat.

Many people ask: “What vitamins should children drink in the fall”? First of all, these include riboflavin, which is known as B2. Its deficiency leads to a deterioration in vision, and it also takes an active part in the growth processes. To enrich the child's body with vitamin B2, foods such as spinach, tomatoes, cauliflower, yeast, and milk should be introduced into the diet.

What vitamins should children drink in autumn? Of course, these are micronutrients belonging to groups "C" and "D". A young and immature body is especially susceptible to ODS, so every child should eat regularly citrus fruit rich in vitamin C. Well, vitamin D is necessary for children to strengthen bone tissue and reducing fatigue. However, let's continue about group "B".

The third most important is nicotinic acid. Without it, the synthesis of hormones is impossible. A small amount of this vitamin leads to apathy, lethargy, and a decrease in concentration. Corn and milk will help to fill its deficiency.

Also very important for human health and vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine.

AT autumn period it is usually not enough in the body. As a result, ailments worsen of cardio-vascular system and progressive liver disease. To minimize these risks, you should eat yeast, whole grain, beans, nuts, pomegranate.

Vitamins of group "C"

Undoubtedly, great amount representatives of the stronger sex are concerned about the question of what vitamins to drink in the fall for a man. First of all, you need to enrich the body with ascorbic acid, which is poorly broken down and practically not absorbed by those who suffer from nicotine addiction. Vitamins of group "C", as already emphasized, help to increase the body's resistance to diseases, especially the flu and colds. Make up for the lack ascorbic acid oranges, lemons, sweet peppers will help, White cabbage, black currant.

Vitamins of group "D"

And the weaker sex is concerned about the question of what vitamins to drink in the fall for a girl. First of all, young ladies need to cope with vitamin D deficiency.

With the onset of the first cold weather solar Activity decreases, so the this vitamin in the body decreases, since its synthesis occurs with the direct participation of ultraviolet rays.

Helps make our bones strong. Sour cream, cream, chicken eggs will help get rid of its deficiency.

Vitamins of group "E"

You can’t do without vitamin E in the fall, because it also helps to strengthen our immunity, and also slows down the aging process. If you want to enrich your body with vitamin E, eat more walnuts, spinach, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, peanuts and sorrel.

Vitamin complexes

Unfortunately, even if our table is littered with a variety of vegetables, fruits and other dishes, we cannot 100% satisfy the body's need for vitamins. Therefore, vitamin complexes were developed by pharmaceutical companies, containing at their core everything necessary to improve health.

We list the most common of them. Currently, Vitrum (USA) is in great demand, which is recommended for high physical and mental stress, as well as at unbalanced diet and during the progression of infectious diseases.

The drug "Alfavit" (Russia) is also popular, which should be taken with a deficiency of trace elements, during diets and unbalanced nutrition.

Many people prefer to take the Complivit vitamin complex (Russia), which helps to strengthen the body's immune system.

It must be remembered that the above funds, despite the fact that they are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, are still considered medicines, so it is very important not to overdo it with their dosage. Also keep in mind that some vitamin supplements may simply be incompatible with each other, so it is not always possible to use several complexes at once.

What vitamins to drink in the fall? This question comes up quite often. After all, many experience drowsiness and irritability in the autumn period. Sometimes there is dryness of the skin, tearing, reduced performance. These are all manifestations of autumn beriberi, which you need to be able to recognize and deal with them, preventing the development of diseases.

There is an opinion that vitamins that enter the body in the summer accumulate for the autumn-winter period. However, this is far from being the case, since many of the necessary components they simply cannot be put aside. In addition, a cold snap sets in, sometimes quite sharp, which is accompanied colds. Therefore, taking vitamins in the autumn period is as necessary as at any other time of the year. This will support the immune system and prevent various diseases.

What vitamins are needed in the fall

Vitamins necessary for the human body are of two types: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Vegetables and fruits mainly contain the latter, they are excreted in the urine in a few days. Let's get acquainted with the main vitamins that are needed in the fall for both children and adults.

Vitamin C

Another name is ascorbic acid. It is an antioxidant that protects against colds and facilitates its course, also prevents cardiovascular and other diseases.

You can get vitamin C in the fall from citrus fruits, kiwi, cranberries, sauerkraut, leafy vegetables, berries and fruits that have been frozen.

Vitamin A

Strengthens defensive forces organism, contributes to the preservation good vision. It is also an antioxidant, prevents the development of tumors, helps maintain the overall tone of the body.

AT autumn-winter period Vitamin A can be obtained from fish fatty varieties, egg yolks, milk, liver, dried apricots, carrots ( more benefit bring carrot juice).

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the best antioxidants. Apples, blueberries contain it in large quantities.

B vitamins

Helps to strengthen the immune system, improve mental capacity. Cabbage, potatoes, grains, legumes are a storehouse of B vitamins.

Vitamin D

This is a special vitamin, as it is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight, which is so lacking in winter and autumn. Another source of this vitamin is food: oily fish, eggs, dairy products, fish oil.

Omega 3

Found in seafood walnuts, flax seeds and vegetable oil. Omega-3 is an indispensable component, the importance of which for the body can hardly be overestimated.

How to replenish your body with essential vitamins

So that the body does not give SOS signal, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. This can be done in two ways - introduce a sufficient amount of foods rich in vitamins into the diet, or take vitamin complexes.

vitamins in food

In order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, it is necessary to enter into daily ration not less than 400 g raw vegetables and fruits. Apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, any cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, bell pepper are useful in the autumn. Try to vary your diet vitamin products animal and vegetable origin. Consume fresh juices and take more walks in the fresh air.

Vitamin complexes

Often, in the stream of daily worries and responsibilities, there is not enough time to ensure balanced nutrition. Increasingly, the question arises of which vitamins to drink in the fall in order to better supply the body with everything necessary for full functioning. Then vitamin-mineral complexes come to the rescue.

For adults

We will give a list of vitamin and mineral complexes, the most popular among consumers.


The American firm offers the consumer a wide range of vitamins of this line. However, for the autumn-winter period, the drug is of interest to strengthen the body's defenses. This vitamin-mineral complex includes 14 vitamins and 17 minerals. The drug is intended for both women and men.


The American pharmaceutical company Pfizer recommends purchasing a combined vitamin complex for the autumn period, which includes the main essential vitamins and minerals.


Russian drug, which is not inferior in quality to analogues of foreign production. In this line, the manufacturer offers several products that are designed for a certain age and gender.


The country of origin is Switzerland. Vitamins are designed for use in a period of weakness of the body. Supradin is recommended for women and men, as well as adolescents from 12 years of age.

In autumn, adults can also use vitamins such as:

  • Duovit (Slovenia);
  • Pharmaton (Switzerland);
  • Gerimaks (Denmark);
  • Undevit (Russia).

For kids

The body of children requires a constant supply of nutrients, since vitamins and minerals are necessary both for good immunity and for proper development child.

Vitamins for infants

Breastfed babies get all they need useful components With mother's milk. Babies who are on artificial feeding often lack minerals and vitamins. Milk formulas do not always cover the need child's body in nutrients.

However, parents should clearly understand what to give on their own. infants any drugs are strictly prohibited. Whether the baby needs to take vitamins can only be determined by the pediatrician observing the child.

Vitamins for children aged 1 to 4 years

Pharmaceutical companies are developing special vitamin and mineral complexes for children of this age. They are mainly produced in the form of chewing sweets and tasty syrups, since children at this age do not really like to take pills. The following vitamin-mineral complexes have proven themselves well:

  • Sana Sol - syrup (Norway);
  • Dr. Theiss Multivitamol - syrup for babies from 2 years old (Germany);
  • Kinder Biovital gel - lozenges or gel (Germany);
  • Alphabet - our baby (Russia) - a powder that is recommended to be dissolved in water (for babies from 1 to 3 years old).

Vitamins for children from 5 to 7 years

In autumn, children of this age can be offered the following vitamin and mineral complexes:

  • Alphabet Kindergarten(Russia) - chewing sweets;
  • Pikovit 4+ (Slovenia) - tablets or chewing sweets;
  • Multi tabs for children (America) - chewable tablets;
  • VitaMishki (Russia) - delicious marmalade pastilles in the form of bears containing natural extracts from fruits and vegetables.

Vitamins for children aged 7 to 12

To increase the body's defenses, children of this age are recommended to use the following complexes: Pikovit, Complivit, VitaMishki, Centrum and others mentioned above.

Vitamins for children aged 12 years and over

AT adolescence to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to infections in the autumn-winter period, vitamins such as:

  • Vitrum for teenagers;
  • Supradin;
  • Pikovit and many others.

Parents should remember that vitamins for children of any age should be prescribed by a specialist observing the child. Vitamin-mineral complexes used uncontrollably and without medical prescription may harm the health of the child. All drugs have their contraindications, which must be taken into account.

Vitamins in autumn for pregnant women

In order for the fetus to form correctly and fully develop, a constant intake of nutrients into the body is necessary. Vitamins and minerals are needed by a pregnant woman in the fall to prevent colds and strengthen immunity. What vitamins to take in the fall future mother, can only be recommended by a doctor observing the course of pregnancy. Self-assignment in this case absolutely contraindicated.

Now that you have information about which vitamins are recommended to take in the fall, you can not only avoid respiratory diseases and enhance the body's defenses, but also always look good. However, it should be remembered that it is necessary to comply exact dosage. Otherwise, you can get the exact opposite result in the form of hypervitaminosis, which can be dangerous to health.

Autumn time corrects many things that concern our body and largely dictates its own laws. A fairly common belief is that vitamins that accumulate in summer period, are a satisfactory supply for the winter, this is a myth.

In autumn, as in other seasons, it requires vitamins to maintain immunity and simply wellness. Remember that many of them do not accumulate in reserve. So with big share probability, it can be argued that taking vitamins in the autumn period is not just desirable, but necessary.

Of course, you need to pay attention to the fact that in spring and autumn fortification is more effective. What vitamins to drink in the fall? Many people are interested in this issue. However, in the beginning, it should still be said about the natural accumulation and replenishment of vitamins in the human body.

To saturate the body essential vitamins about four hundred grams should be taken, of course, more can be taken, raw fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to eat in autumn traditional apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, pumpkins, zucchini, and, of course, various types of cabbage.

Vitamin C

Constantly necessary for a person, in large quantities found in pepper, cabbage, both fresh and sauerkraut.

Vitamin A

There are many in carrot juice. By the way, there is much more of it than in the vegetable itself. And he, as you know, prevents the formation of tumors, makes better color facial skin, and indeed strengthens and maintains the human body in good shape.

Vitamin E

Widely known for its antioxidant properties. Its replenishment is required constantly, because it does not have the possibility of accumulation. This is where the usual apples and freshly squeezed Apple juice, as well as blackberries.

Vitamin B

They are rich in legumes, potatoes, cabbage. Eating them in the fall, you can strengthen the immune system, improve mental abilities.

Vitamin D

Its accumulation requires special attention. Winter and autumn naturally this is not easy to do, because it is produced under the influence of sunlight. If this vitamin is not enough, then it is fraught with brittle bones, nervousness and even depression. Take the time to walk around sunny days by accumulating vitamin D in the body.

Do not forget about trace elements, which are also vital for a person. Potassium and copper, for example, can be replenished by eating zucchini and pumpkins. Dishes from them are tasty, satisfying and healthy.

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The best vitamin and mineral complexes for autumn

Dynamic modern society dictates its conditions of existence. Often in the stream of everyday worries and responsibilities, there is a chronic lack of time to provide a balanced diet. Increasingly, the question arises which vitamins to take in the fall in order to better supply the body with everything it needs. This is where the use of vitamin-mineral complexes comes to the rescue.

When taking these drugs, remember that vitamins should not be taken non-stop for a long time. Do not forget that before you is still medications. Without a medical recommendation, one course is taken with a break of six months or a year.
Here are the most effective and healthy vitamin complexes that you can take in the fall.


In its composition, it has 17 minerals and 14 vitamins. It is very important that this complex helps the body fight colds that begin to “attack” a person in the fall. It will prolong active longevity and strengthen the immunity of people after fifty Vitrum Centuri. But beauty, health and youth at any time of the year will be supported by Vitrum Beauty, because this complex is the best way to normal exchange substances, strengthening nails and hair, improving the skin.


it combination drug, which contains necessary for a person minerals and vitamins. So, vitamins A, C in its composition help to increase the body's resistance during "attacks" various infections. Needless to say, this is very important in the fall. normal activity heart provides magnesium, metabolic processes regulates copper in the body, etc. The Multitabs baby complex has been specially developed in the form of sweet drops for babies and the Multitabs baby complex is already in the form of chewing sweets.


This drug also has various complexes. The important thing is that it is designed with characteristic features Russian food. And minerals and vitamins are in one tablet for ease of use.
Do not forget that taking a vitamin and mineral complex even with the most good advice can only be done after consulting a doctor. Self-administration of vitamins can lead to allergies and hypervitaminosis, which, of course, is dangerous to health.

Find out how to determine vitamin deficiency and what 10 vitamins you need to drink in the fall to have good immunity and feel great.

The content of the article:

Many people are sure that the body needs micronutrients only in the winter-spring period. Although today we can buy various vegetables and fruits in the supermarket, even exotic ones, this assumption is erroneous. Let's deal with this issue in detail. We have prepared for you a kind of TOP 10 vitamins that you need to drink in the fall.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, allowing you to replenish your micronutrient stores. Many people in the summer quickly get rid of excess weight, because at this time you can cleanse your body with the help of natural juices. Due to the large amount of sunlight in the body, vitamin D is actively synthesized, which is necessary for better assimilation calcium, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and is prophylactic from the development of rickets.

However, summer quickly gives way to autumn, and the ambient temperature begins to decrease. At the same time, performance deteriorates. defense mechanisms organism and the person becomes vulnerable to various diseases infectious and catarrhal nature. You must remember that we need vitamins at any time, and not just in winter or spring. Here are a few of the downsides that come with micronutrient deficiencies:

  • The enamel of the teeth is destroyed.
  • Nail plates become brittle, and skin covering peels off.
  • Edema appears on the face and eyes.
  • Depression makes it difficult to focus on important things.
  • Nervousness and mood swings appear.
  • Decreased libido.
  • There are problems with the digestive system.

What vitamins you need to drink in the fall: TOP-10

Most often, the body experiences beriberi in winter and spring. However, it is also possible in autumn, since the body does not always have time to adapt to changes in air temperature. Add to this less sunlight and the importance of the vitamin becomes clear. All this results in a decrease in the efficiency of the immune system.

You should not count on those micronutrients that we managed to stock up in the summer, because they will not be enough for a long period of time. Some people are sure that if you take complexes of vitamins and minerals for several days in the fall, then they will be enough for the body to work smoothly. Such a statement is based on enough vegetables and fruits that we have in autumn.

It must be remembered that most of vitamins are consumed by the body almost immediately. Recall that all vitamins can be divided into two groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Only substances from the first group can be stored in the body, and the composition of vegetables with fruits mainly includes water soluble vitamins. Unfortunately, they are very quickly utilized if they were not in demand by the body. All this suggests that vitamins must be consumed constantly. Let's get acquainted with our TOP 10 vitamins to drink in the fall.

Vitamin C

This is one of the most important vitamins for our body in the autumn. Probably, for someone it will be news that ascorbic acid cannot prevent the development of the flu or a cold, but it can alleviate symptoms and speed up the healing process.

This substance is a powerful antioxidant and is necessary for the body not only to fight the above diseases. Vitamin C helps slow down the development of oncological, cardiovascular diseases, etc. An excellent source of ascorbic acid are cranberries, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, kiwi.


Vitamin A is also able to increase the efficiency of the immune system. In addition, the substance is necessary for the renewal of the cellular structures of all tissues and improves vision. Retinol is an antioxidant and can slow down the aging process. Excellent sources of vitamin A are egg yolks, tomatoes, certain types of fish, liver, green leafy vegetables, dried apricots, carrots, milk, etc.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is the most powerful antioxidant among vitamins. The substance is also a protector of the membranes of cell structures, providing them reliable protection from oxidation. Once in the cells, vitamin E is introduced into the membranes and prevents the contact of oxygen with lipids. Do not forget about the antihypoxic properties of the vitamin. Tocopherol stabilizes mitochondrial membranes and cells consume oxygen more economically.


Vitamin B1 is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and has a positive effect on work nervous system. Found predominantly in foods vegetable nature and cannot be synthesized by the human body.


Vitamin B2 is used by the body to produce antibodies and red blood cells, and also regulates developmental processes reproductive organs improving their performance. Women should remember that the quality of their hair, nail plates and skin depends on the concentration of riboflavin. With the ability to improve performance thyroid gland, vitamin B2 contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes.


Vitamin B3 takes an active part in the metabolism of fatty acids, amines, purines and protein compounds. Also, the substance improves tissue respiration and is necessary for the process of glycogenolysis. Not less than important feature niacin is its ability to reduce the concentration of low-density lipoprotein compounds, which positively affects the balance of cholesterol. We also note an improvement in brain performance with a sufficient concentration of vitamin B3.


One of the main properties of pyridoxine is its ability to increase the efficiency of consumption. cellular structures glucose. As a result, the body is protected from sudden spikes in blood sugar. Also, vitamin B6 accelerates metabolic processes in the brain tissues, which leads to an improvement in the functioning of the organ. The peculiarity of the substance is to increase the efficiency of the entire nervous system.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9 is of particular importance for children, as it is necessary for the full development of all body systems. Participation folic acid in the processes of replication of DNA molecules indicates the ability of a substance to protect the body from cancer. We also note the participation of the vitamin in the production of red blood cells and the ability to improve the functioning of the bone marrow.

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP helps to normalize the concentration of fatty acids in the blood, normalizes the balance of lipoprotein compounds, lowers the cholesterol index and has anti-atherogenic properties. A nicotinic acid It has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and improves blood microcirculation in the tissues of the organ.


Almost everyone knows that vitamin D is synthesized in the body under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation. Deficiency of the substance can cause a decrease in the strength of bone tissue and the development of depression. Try to be outside on sunny days more often throughout the year. The best sources calciferol are dairy products, eggs and fish oil.

Omega 3

Although this substance does not belong to the group of vitamins, we could not help but talk about it. Omega 3 fatty acid found in fatty fish vegetable oils, walnuts, seafood and flaxseed. These substances improve the functioning of all body systems. For women over the age of 19 daily dosage omega-3 is 1.1 grams.

A few words must also be said about minerals, since these substances are no less important for the body in comparison with vitamins. One of the most important substances of this group is iron. However, this does not mean that other minerals are not so relevant. Iron is used by the body to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all body tissues. Special attention women should pay attention to the iron content in the diet. The substance is found in red meat, eggs, legumes, grains and dried fruits. In order for iron to be better absorbed by the body, the sources of the substance should be consumed simultaneously with ascorbic acid.

How can you find out about avitaminosis?

We have just introduced you to our TOP 10 vitamins to drink in the fall. Let's find out the main signs of deficiency of the most important micronutrients for the body:
  1. Vitamin C - high fatigue, bleeding gums, appearance small rash on the skin of the face.
  2. Thiamine- bags appear under the eyes, the face becomes pale, concentration decreases and irritability increases.
  3. Riboflavin- small cracks appear in the corners of the lips, the hair grows dull, the lips become pale color etc.
  4. Niacin- the sleep pattern is disturbed, lethargy appears, the stratification of the nail plates is observed.
  5. Pyridoxine- the skin becomes oily, dandruff appears in the hair, lips crack, often there is a feeling of severe weakness.
  6. Folic acid- the hair splits, and the process of their loss begins.
  7. A nicotinic acid- the skin begins to peel off and acquires a greasy sheen.
  8. Retinol- small wrinkles appear, the condition of the hair, skin and nail plates worsens.
  9. Calciferol- insomnia appears, appetite worsens, the nail plates become brittle and begin to exfoliate.
  10. Tocopherol- the skin of the face acquires an earthy hue and pigmented heels appear on it, the condition of the hair and nail plates worsens.

The best pharmacy complexes of micronutrients to drink in the fall

Today in the pharmacy you can find a large number of supplements containing vitamins and minerals. We will introduce you to the most popular and effective ones.


The range of products under this brand is extremely large. We recommend that you stop yours in the fall on a complex to strengthen the immune system. The manufacturer also offers specialized preparations for children, women and men.


Another overseas brand offering a wide selection of drugs. In the line you will find a complex created specifically for use in the autumn.


A complex of micronutrients from a domestic manufacturer. It must be admitted that he is in no way inferior foreign analogue, but its cost is more attractive. In the Complivit line you will find products designed with gender and age in mind. This is an excellent choice in terms of value and quality.

How to choose the right vitamins, see below:

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