Immunity boosting pills for adults are inexpensive. Drugs that increase immunity in adults and children. Best Immunity Booster - Transfer Factor

Medicine began to develop inducers of body resistance simultaneously with its inhibitors, designed to suppress autoimmune reactions. Some believe their action is more pronounced and better directed compared to. For others, they are another “chemistry” and allergy provocateurs. But they remain the most popular class of over-the-counter drugs today.

Pills for raising immunity in adults

Means of this type give the immune system the substances it needs to work (usually trace elements and) or include inductors for the production of various types of antibodies.


The active substance meglumine acridone acetate in the composition improves the production of its own interferon in the body.

It is suitable for prevention and therapy, but is contraindicated in cirrhosis, in the gestational and lactation period. It is prescribed at 0.45-0.6 g per day, in one dose, half an hour before meals. The treatment regimen requires drinking the indicated “portion” for the first two days in a row, the next 2 days - once every 48 hours, then once every 72 hours. You can buy it for 366-390 rubles.

The tablet form of the drug is the only one that contains tilorone dihydrochloride. Amiksin the production of interferons and T-type leukocytes, but it is not recommended for use with, lactation and liver pathologies.

Depending on the perceived threat, its dose is 0.125-0.25 g per day, the first two days in a row, then every 48 hours, 1.5-6 months. It is drunk after any meal, without chewing. The price of Amixin is 583-850 rubles.

Imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid, which forms the basis of the drug, is an anti-inflammatory - not only.

It is prohibited during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Tablets for immunity for adults Ingavirin are prescribed at 0.09 g, at a time at 24 hours, regardless of meals, for 5-7 days. It costs from 505 to 598 rubles.


Umifenovir, whose trade name is Arbidol, has repeatedly shown high efficiency in relieving the symptoms of infections, reducing the treatment period.

No teratogenic effect was found behind it, another serious “side effect”, except for allergies, too. With caution, it is allowed for use during gestation and lactation. A single dose is 0.2 g. The scheme varies depending on the purpose of admission:

  • - prescribed dose once a day, twice a week;
  • suspected infection - 1 "portion" per day, daily, 10-14 days;
  • therapy - at the prescribed dose every 6 hours, 5 days in a row.

Arbidol is cheap - for 20 tablets they ask for 250-290 rubles.

An adamantane derivative called rimantadine hydrochloride is marketed under its own name. It contributes by activating the work of lymphocytes and the synthesis of interferons, is a fairly strong inducer of resistance.

Rimantadine gives a number of side effects of a stimulating nature on the central nervous system. It has not been tested for toxicity to the fetus and is not indicated for pregnant women, people with thyroid, kidney, or liver pathologies.

On the 1st day of the disease, rimantadine is taken after meals, 0.1 g 3 times, on the 2nd and 3rd days - the same amount, but already twice, on 4 days - 0.1 g and once. The prophylactic dose is 0.1 g daily, for a maximum of 15 days. A separate advantage of rimantadine is its low cost (65-200 rubles, depending on the dosage - 0.05 or 0.1 g).

Oseltamivir as an active ingredient in Tamiflu destroys antigens rather than strengthens the immune system.

But its aggressive action is directed at neuraminidase, a shell enzyme of many viruses and bacteria, which is atypical for plants. And it is the main "penetration agent" of the pathogen into the target cell, especially mucous membranes, and rapid spread within the tissue.

In the resistance system, the indices of consumption of vitamins C, D, E, minerals selenium, iron (only trivalent, divalent plant absorption is not subject to), calcium are especially noticeably increased.

Most widely distributed in tablets. Among them, the most complete ones are 30 or close to that elements in the aggregate (the full set of currently known nutrients for the body). Among them are AlfaVit, Centrum and Vitrum in the "basic configuration".

But "solid" forms have disadvantages - slow absorption, high irritating potential on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, especially given the need to drink them in long courses (30 days or more) with short breaks (maximum 2-3 weeks). Soluble multivitamins allow you to eliminate them.

They are made in the form of effervescent tablets, after dissolution they form sweetish bright colors (yellow, orange), with a fruity unobtrusive taste. Such funds are absorbed several times faster, almost do not irritate the digestive tract.

This is a good solution for children and those with digestion/digestion disorders. The most complete among them is Doppel hertz from A to zinc (27 components) at a price of plus or minus 450 rubles. Take it on the 1st "pop" per day, preferably after a meal.


The active substance, the main component of the drug and its name are the same. it is represented by a dry extract with a characteristic odor, has the form of lozenges.

The plant has scientifically proven immunomodulatory properties due to the simultaneous content of:

  • bioflavonoids and tannins - antioxidants, natural antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, surface antiseptics;
  • minerals - including calcium, zinc, manganese, selenium necessary for the resistance system.

Usually the drug is enriched with C and E, prescribed 1 tablet up to 4 times a day for 7 days. Echinacea is contraindicated in case of allergies to any flowers and their pollen, but it is inexpensive - 120-200 rubles.


In nature, the compound has a consistency slightly softer than stone, it is found in the form of inclusions in its thickness.

Its origin does not cause appetite and consists in the natural decay and conservation of plant-organic accumulations in the relief of rocks. in tablets, it works as a foreign, but not too toxic irritant for immunity, not indicated for autoimmune diseases. It is used in 1 piece. (2 g) per day, for 14 days from the 7th break.

Thai version of general tonic herbal medicine based on Centella asiatica. In Europe, it is more valued as a laxative and diuretic, in Asia - as an immunostimulant.

In India, it is officially recognized as a medicinal plant and is widely used in Ayurveda. Gotu kola leaves are rich in terpenes (a component of tree resin with antiseptic properties), "invigorating" tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, including strong antioxidants quercetin and rutin (also have antitumor effects).

Tablets for with its extract are taken 20 mg in the morning and evening, after meals, according to the scheme of 7/7 days. They are contraindicated for pathologies of the digestive tract, cancer of any localization. Buy 100 tab./caps. Gotu Cola is available for 960-1100 rubles.

With constant colds, infection with viral infections, decreased performance and fatigue, pills to increase immunity in adults and children can help. Pharmacies offer a huge selection of effective remedies to restore the body's defenses.

Medical experts disagree about the need for such drugs for seasonal illnesses, but with reduced performance, they can not be dispensed with.

Admission rules

Any medication has certain restrictions on use and side effects. Therefore, before therapy, you must carefully read the features of the application:

  1. Strictly follow the dose indicated in the annotation to the drug.
  2. Tablets for raising immunity are not recommended to be combined with alcoholic beverages.
  3. If a nettle rash occurs, as well as allergies, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, you must stop taking the medication.
  4. If a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, then the use of immunostimulating drugs may not have the desired effect.

Immunity can be significantly increased only with an integrated approach:

  • taking medications;
  • performing moderate physical activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • good rest and sleep;
  • absence of chronic diseases of internal organs.

Tablets for raising immunity in children and adult patients will be useless if these points are violated.


Causes that lead to a weakened immune system:

  1. Improper nutrition, hunger strikes, lack of protein and fats in the diet.
  2. Infectious and fungal infections.
  3. Pancreatitis (a group of diseases and syndromes in which there is inflammation of the pancreas).
  4. Toxic hepatitis (an inflammatory liver disease that develops as a result of the pathological effect of toxic substances on the body).
  5. Cholecystitis (various in etiology, course and clinical manifestations of the form of inflammatory lesions of the gallbladder).
  6. Pyelonephritis (nonspecific inflammatory process with a primary lesion of the tubular system of the kidney, mainly of bacterial etiology).
  7. Glomerulonephritis (a disease that affects the renal glomeruli, tubules of the interstitial tissue).
  8. Increased physical activity.

As a result of these conditions, there may be a decrease in the body's resistance to viral loads. A person becomes weaker, working capacity and endurance worsen, complications of chronic diseases arise, susceptibility to viruses and infections increases. In this situation, effective pills for raising immunity in adult patients and children can help.

Pharmacological actions

Immunity is a set of reactions of the protective functions of the body, the task of which is to maintain the stability of the internal environment.

The body's ability to resist viruses must be regularly stimulated. Good drugs to increase the body's defenses (in adult patients and children) cope with the problem only with the right therapy, and not from time to time. What are the best pills for raising immunity?


All medicines to increase the body's defenses are divided into the following types:

  • vegetable;
  • bacterial;
  • vitamins;
  • immunomodulating;
  • homeopathic;
  • immunostimulants;
  • interferon preparations;
  • medicines containing nucleic acids.

Herbal preparations

Adaptogenic drugs that increase immunity in adults are also very popular among patients due to their low price and a minimal set of negative reactions and restrictions. Herbal medicines with adaptogenic action:

  • Eleutherococcus extract;
  • ginseng root;
  • tincture of Chinese lemongrass.

But the most popular drug for apathetic state is echinacea. This plant is part of a large number of medicines that improve the functioning of the immune system. The most famous is "Immunal", which is based on echinacea juice, saturated with mineral components. The drug is produced in the form of drops (they are approved for use by children from twelve years old) and tablets.

Pharmacological agents with ginseng root extract in the composition not only have a positive effect on the immune system, but also give vigor and vitality, improve performance. In addition, this substance has a beneficial effect on potency.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Most people who care about their health regularly consume dietary supplements and vitamins. Among them, there are those that are designed to increase the body's resistance to viruses and infections. List of pills for raising immunity for adults:

  1. "Doppelgerz Active" with magnesium and B vitamins.
  2. "Alphabet in the Season of Colds".
  3. "Supradin".
  4. "Gerimax".

According to the instructions for use, it is best to use such vitamin-mineral complexes for a long course - from one to six months. With a shortage of useful components, a slow accumulation occurs, and the effect will not appear immediately, but only in the second or third month of constant use.

When taking vitamin-mineral complexes, it is necessary to completely exclude alcohol, since ethyl alcohol interferes with the absorption of magnesium, iron, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine. Hot drinks wash out calcium from the tissues and disturb the hormonal balance, which also adversely affects the protective functions of the body.

Vitamin C plays a special role in eliminating an already existing viral infection. With its deficiency, immunity weakens. For this reason, ascorbic acid is included in the structure of most drugs to eliminate influenza. Persons with reduced immunity should include foods rich in ascorbic acid in their diet.

It is necessary to pay attention to B vitamins. Immunologists, as a rule, prescribe treatment to patients with intramuscular injections of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, as well as thiamine, nicotinic acid, riboflavin. These drugs improve the functioning of the central nervous system, have a mild sedative effect, stabilize sleep, eliminate anxiety and irritability. What pills for raising immunity are prescribed for an adult patient?

Bacterial medicines

Such medicines to increase the protective functions of the body in adult patients may contain fragments of bacterial structures, their use activates the immune type response to pathogens.

List of good pills to boost immunity:

  1. "Ribomunil".
  2. "Lykopid".
  3. "Imudon".

Medicines containing interferon

The drugs of this category have the maximum effectiveness in the initial stages of a cold. They effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Increase the body's resistance with constant use.

Good pills to boost immunity:

  1. "Viferon".
  2. "Anaferon".

Preparations with nucleic acids

These are stimulant drugs, the principle of action of which is based on the induction of interferon, and drugs that contain nucleic acids help to boost immunity in adult patients and adolescents. According to the method of penetration into the body, nucleic acids are divided into natural and synthetic.

The latter are produced in the form of lozenges, by sucking which, you can quickly neutralize the unpleasant symptoms of the flu. These drugs are prescribed to patients to boost immunity (with tonsillitis, rhinitis, otitis media).

List of the main names of drugs:

  1. "Sodium nucleinate".
  2. "Poludan".


These are medicines that increase the body's defenses, bringing low rates to standard levels. The most used are:

  1. "Levamozol".
  2. "Bemitil".
  3. "Dibazol".
  4. "Imunofan".
  5. "Pyrogenal".

They are used for congenital and acquired immunodeficiency. Medications have certain limitations. At the beginning of therapy, it is necessary to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the annotation.

The use of such drugs is indicated for certain conditions and diseases:

  1. Secondary immunodeficiency (diseases of the immune system that occur in children and adults, not associated with genetic defects and characterized by the development of repeated, protracted infectious and inflammatory pathological processes that are difficult to treat with etiotropic treatment).
  2. Malignant neoplasms.
  3. Decrease in the body's defenses after a course of chemotherapy.
  4. Autoimmune diseases.
  5. Diabetes mellitus (a chronic metabolic disorder, which is based on a deficiency in the formation of one's own insulin and an increase in blood glucose levels).
  6. Chronic infectious processes in the body.

homeopathic remedies

The main principle of the pharmacological action of homeopathy is that like cures like. If high doses of choline cause fever, then the intake of low concentrations of this component, on the contrary, neutralizes the symptoms of fever. Homeopathic pills for raising immunity work in the same way.

Mushrooms, herbs, animal organs, flowers, tree bark, snake and spider venom are used as raw materials for the production of such drugs. The main active ingredient is diluted to a minimum concentration - often we are talking about hundredths of a milligram. Many doctors are biased towards homeopathy, and some, on the contrary, consider it a panacea.

The list of the most popular homeopathic remedies that can be purchased at a pharmacy, claimed to increase immunity:

  1. "Echinacea".
  2. "Mucosa Compositum".
  3. "Galium-Hel".
  4. "Engistol".
  5. Delufen.

How to take Echinacea tablets to boost immunity?

According to the instructions for use, the drug should be taken after meals. Single concentration - 1 or 2 tablets, daily - 3-4 pieces. The duration of therapy is not less than seven days, but not more than eight weeks.

Immunomodulating agents

These drugs that can improve both humoral and cellular immunity are called immunomodulatory. The most famous drug of this group is Kagocel. It has a minimum of prohibitions and adverse reactions. Under the supervision of a doctor, it can be used to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in women in the "position". "Kagocel" is often prescribed to children as a preventive measure to prevent viral illnesses, as well as during quarantine.

"Anaferon" shows increased activity in bronchopulmonary pathological processes, as well as herpes. The drug is used both for treatment and for prophylactic purposes against SARS and influenza. As a rule, for small patients there is - "Anaferon" for children. Adults need to use a classic drug with the highest content of the active ingredient.

List of the best medicines to boost immunity

List of the best remedies that have a minimum number of negative effects and an affordable price:

  1. "Immunal" shows increased activity in rheumatoid arthritis, as well as infectious diseases of the lungs, leukemia, during recovery after surgery. Produced in the form of tablets, drops, powder for making a solution. Approved for the treatment of children from one year old, subject to the use of the drug in the form of drops.
  2. Probiotics ("Acipol", "Lineks", "Bifiform") are tablets for raising immunity through the intestines.
  3. "Kagocel" is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. Shows increased efficiency in the herpes virus, SARS. Doctors often recommend using Kagocel for prevention.
  4. "Amixin" belongs to the class of immunomodulatory drugs and is an inducer of interferon synthesis. Of the negative reactions during its use, allergies, rashes and diarrhea are observed.

What other drugs help improve immunity? As a rule, the following pharmacological agents are prescribed:

  1. "Cycloferon" exhibits antiviral, as well as immunomodulatory, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug helps to reduce the content of carcinogens in the blood. One of the restrictions for admission is the age of the patient up to 4 years. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, ampoules for injections, as well as liniment.
  2. "Timogen" is available in the form of a cream for external application, as well as a solution for injection and spray. The main active ingredient is glutamine tryptophan. It has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects, it is allowed to use it for preventive purposes to prevent viral diseases in children. Positive dynamics can be seen already after a month of constant use.
  3. "Glycine" - these tablets for raising immunity under the tongue must be kept until completely dissolved. The drug increases the amount of immunoglobulins in the blood. Improving immunity, as well as the ability of the body to resist pathogens, leads to a decrease in the likelihood of catching an infection.

How to choose the right drug?

To choose a more suitable remedy for the prevention and treatment of viral and infectious diseases, you need to contact a medical specialist. Once the diagnosis is made, medication will be prescribed. Dosage and duration of therapy depend on the individual characteristics of a person - height, gender, body weight, the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs, age, living conditions, physical activity.

There are a lot of drugs that are designed to increase immunity. They can be divided into several groups.

  1. Herbal immunostimulants. Such drugs are suitable for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. They have a minimum number of side effects, effective and harmless. These drugs include immunal, extracts of eleutherococcus, magnolia vine and ginseng.
  2. Immunostimulants based on the effects of bacteria. The action of such drugs is similar to vaccines: bacterial enzymes stimulate the synthesis of immune bodies and strengthen immune defenses. These drugs include ribomunil, broncho-munal, licopid, imudon, IRS.
  3. Nucleic acid immunostimulants. Such agents include, for example, sodium nucleinate, which inhibits the growth and development of streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.
  4. interferon preparations. Effective in the initial stage of acute respiratory viral infections. For preventive purposes, such drugs are not used. Means containing interferon include injections of leukocyte interferon, viferon, influenzaferon, arbidol, anaferon, amixin, etc.
  5. Means of the thymus gland, are used only as directed by the doctor. These agents include taktivin, thymalin, etc.

Drugs that increase immunity in children

Immune protection in children has a number of features. For example, in a child, from the moment of birth and up to six months, immunity rests on immunoglobulins that were transmitted to the baby from the mother. After six months, the immune reserve is depleted, and the child becomes more susceptible to all kinds of bacteria. A child will be able to carry out independent synthesis of immunoglobulins only from the age of six, and finally his immune system will be formed only by the time of puberty.

The use of drugs that increase immunity in children may be justified in the following situations:

  • the baby is sick more than six times a year;
  • common sore throat or runny nose are characterized by a protracted course, often complicated by other pathologies (ear inflammation, sinusitis);
  • a cold usually lasts a long time, its treatment is ineffective.

Of course, the question of the advisability of prescribing immunostimulants to a child should be decided by the doctor.

As a rule, from the age of three, it is already possible to prescribe herbal preparations, such as immunal, echinacea, lemongrass. Babies under 3 years of age are stimulated with interferons: laferobion, gripferon, gammaferon.

Nucleic acid preparations (ridostin, derinat) are prescribed only after the child reaches 3 years of age.

In addition, pay attention to the child's nutrition, play with him more often, walk in the fresh air, and do simple morning exercises in the morning. Thus, you will significantly strengthen the immune system of your baby.

Immunity boosters in adults

To increase weakened immunity in an adult, it is sometimes advisable to use several drugs in combination. Firstly, this method of treatment will be more successful, and secondly, you can use the minimum dose of each of the drugs.

Every year, with weak immune protection, it is allowed to take from 3 to 4 treatment and prophylactic courses. In particular, it is recommended to take drugs during the mass incidence of influenza, or simply in the off-season, when the body receives the minimum amount of vitamins from food. The duration of taking the drugs should not be too short: usually the effect of them is observed only after 7-14 days from the start of treatment.

Relatively recently, pharmacy chains introduced qualitatively new drugs aimed at increasing immune protection. These are means such as polyoxidonium and galavit. Studies have shown that these medications are effective even with critically weakened immunity. Perhaps the only drawback of these drugs is still a very high cost.

Of course, in case of severe immune pathologies, the drugs used must also be serious, and in some cases it is recommended to vaccinate to raise immunity. For example, such serious diseases as encephalitis, diphtheria, and even influenza can provoke the development of quite severe complications. Vaccination will allow the body to resist a specific disease.

Herpes Immunity Boosting Drugs

A significant drop in immunity can be observed during viral infectious diseases (especially in a chronic form). For this reason, for the treatment of a viral infection, for example, herpes, experts have developed special preparations - interferon inducers. Such drugs are designed to activate the synthesis in the body of its own interferon. In addition, such drugs have fewer side effects than interferon medications.

There are several other advantages of drugs-inducers:

  • low price for drugs;
  • lack of addiction;
  • duration of action even with a single application;
  • no interaction with other drugs.

In the fight against herpes, domestic specialists use various interferon inducer medications. Among them are Kagocel, Amixin, Ridostin, Cycloferon, Poludan. Sometimes treatment with such drugs is combined with the use of acyclovir, famciclovir, etc. The main condition for the effectiveness of treatment is the timely administration of drugs.

Dosage and administration

Echinacea tincture is usually used at a dosage of 5 to 15 drops 2-3 times a day.

Cycloferon requires the appointment of a schematic medication. Treatment is scheduled for each day. The tablet is taken, as a rule, once daily before meals, without chewing, drinking plenty of water.

Immunal is taken on average 20 drops three times a day, with a small amount of water. The course of therapy is from 1 to 8 weeks.

Imudon is taken 8 tablets a day, every 3 hours. The duration of treatment is about ten days.

Broncho-munal is taken in the morning before meals, 1 capsule per day, for 2-4 weeks.

Polyoxidonium is used in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections, or vaginal suppositories. The dosage is prescribed depending on the pathologies existing in the body.

Before starting treatment with drugs that increase immunity, carefully read the instructions for the drug. Do not start taking the remedy without consulting your doctor.

Our catalog offers a variety of products that have a good effect on the immune system, strengthen it and improve the general condition of the body. Each drug has been certified, confirming the high quality of the product. We always have a lot of active profitable offers. In the network of 36.6 pharmacies, you can purchase drugs for immunity at an affordable price and choose the most advantageous option for the active substance.

How can I buy the product:

  • you order the necessary medicine to a Moscow or Leningrad pharmacy;
  • pick up the drug at a convenient time for you and pay for it.

The delivery of medicines is prohibited by law, so the consumer must pay for and pick up the medicines personally. Preparations for restoring immunity can be taken only after a doctor's prescription.

Indications for use

Means for raising immunity for children and adults may vary in dosage. It depends on which drug will be most effective for you.

List of diseases that undermine the immune system:

  • seasonal colds;
  • seasonal hypovitaminosis;
  • stress;
  • rigid diets;
  • bad habits .

Drugs that increase and strengthen the immune system should be taken with caution and if necessary.


Depending on the diagnosis made by the doctor, the medicine to increase immunity has its own contraindications.

Among them:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to three years;
  • some chronic diseases.

Most medicines are available by prescription.

Release form

Release forms differ in dosage and active ingredient. Some are prescribed pills for immunity, while others are prescribed sprays or syrups.

What forms of release are presented on the site?

  • Tablets;
  • Capsules;
  • Sprays;
  • Syrup.

Manufacturing countries

Medicines have an almost identical composition and do not differ in the effects that they have on the body.

Manufacturers listed on our website:

  • Russian;
  • German;
  • Hungarian;
  • American and others.

We are sure that with the help of resource 36.6 you will be able to get the maximum of valuable information about drugs.



  1. [i] ICD 10, Selected Disorders Involving the Immune Mechanism - 2018. - Available at:

Without the immune system, the human body would not exist in a healthy state for even an hour! Its high mission is to protect the biochemical environment of the body from the aggression of external and internal enemies, from viruses to mutant tumor cells. Thanks to immunity, the body successfully prevents a myriad of diseases.

What are the pills to increase immunity in adults

Such medicines are usually combined into independent groups. Pills to increase immunity for adults - the list is long, but you need to choose with a doctor - differ significantly in the principles of action on the body's defense system:

  • Synthetic drugs. The active substances are artificial chemical compounds that can increase the activity of the immune system in adults and children.
  • Biogenic stimulants. Preparations produced from plant and animal raw materials. Aloe extract, Kalanchoe juice, FiBS, Biosed, Apilak, Peloid distillate, Peat, which improve metabolism stimulation, help to increase the activity of the endocrine glands.
  • vitamins. These are organic or synthesized dietary supplements (biologically active additives) that help strengthen the immune system due to the normalization of biochemical and physiological processes.
  • Medicines to increase immunity of plant origin. Drugs stimulate it at the cellular level, enhancing phagocytosis. They help to improve the body's resistance to negative environmental factors.

Herbal preparations to increase immunity

It is wrong to assume that such drugs are completely safe. Indeed, natural extracts, tinctures, lozenges, tablets to increase immunity for adults - the list of them is not so long - have a minimum of side effects. The main property of herbal and homeopathic preparations is to strengthen resistance to infections. However, these medicines can cause allergic reactions.

Particularly popular are:

  • tinctures of echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, rhodiola rosea;
  • , Immunorm, Estifan (tablets);
  • Dr. Theis (a line of preparations with echinacea, calendula, comfrey, etc.), etc.


Preparations of this group for strengthening the immune system are effective only if used at the very beginning of the disease. Popular drugs that help increase the body's resistance:

  • - nasal drops;
  • - ointments, rectal suppositories;
  • - powder for injection solution.

Interferon inducers

These drugs, especially effective for viral diseases, encourage the body to produce protective proteins on its own. Such drugs have fewer side effects than drugs containing interferon. Inductors last longer, are not addictive, and are cheaper. It:

  • Neovir;
  • Poludan;

Bacterial immune preparations

Fears that such drugs can be harmful are completely unfounded. Bacterial medicines for raising immunity are intended not only for adults, but also for children. Due to the presence of fragments of streptococci, staphylococci, and other pathogenic bacteria, these drugs are strong immunostimulants:

  • Imudon- tablets for resorption for infections of the oral cavity of the mouth, throat;
  • Broncho-munal- capsules, effective for frequent inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • IRS-19- immunomodulator in the form of a nasal spray, widely used in the treatment of diseases of the nose, throat, ear, respiratory tract;
  • Ribomunil- tablets and granules for solution, effective against frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Pyrogenal- suppositories and injection solutions for immunorehabilitation and prevention of many inflammations;
  • Likopid- a universal immunomodulator in the form of sweet tablets for the elimination of infectious processes of any localization.

Nucleic acid immunostimulatory drugs

Required medicines:

  • Derinat- solution for injection, external and local use of a very wide spectrum of action (the only rare contraindication is individual intolerance);
  • Ridostin- substance for injection solutions, interferon inducer, effective in the treatment of many viral infections, chlamydia, prostatitis, cancer.


If they are not allergic, then these are indispensable medicines that help adults restore weakened immunity. Immunoglobulins differ in price from vitamin preparations, contain antibodies to pathogens of many diseases, are administered using injections and droppers:

  • Intraglobin;
  • Gamimun N;
  • Cytotect;
  • Pentaglobin;
  • Humaglobin.

Synthetic pills for immunity for adults

To strengthen the body's defenses during seasonal epidemics, it is recommended to drink synthesized drugs. The only condition: the medicine selected for immunity by adults should not cause intolerance to the components. Effective synthetic immunomodulating tablets that have a powerful immunostimulating and antiviral effect:

  • Galavit;
  • Amiksin;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Neovir.

Vitamins to boost immunity

Vitamins are indispensable participants in biochemical reactions that maintain defenses at a high level. The most popular multivitamin-mineral complexes at an affordable price for women, men, children:

  • Centrum;
  • Vitrefor;
  • (a series of inexpensive means).

The price of pills to increase immunity for adults

Inexpensive drugs can be bought in the online store by ordering from the catalog. Estimated cost of medicines (in rubles, the price difference depends on the city, pharmacy network):

How to choose pills for raising immunity for adults

The need for them arises only when:

  • a person gets sick 5-6 times a year;
  • diseases last a long time, give complications;
  • neither hardening, nor diet, nor folk remedies help.

It should be remembered: most immuno-boosting drugs have a lot of contraindications, side effects! For example, many interferons cause allergic reactions, depression, furunculosis, disorders of the digestive and hematopoietic processes, cardiac activity, so only a doctor should prescribe immunostimulating tablets.

At the same time, it is extremely important to follow the treatment regimens and dosages, which should correspond to the age and general health of the patient. The best remedy for immunity is not pills, but the elimination of factors that weaken the body's defenses: a healthy, active lifestyle, high-quality food strengthen them no worse than pills.

Don't want to lie down with a cold or flu for two weeks? Already on the third day of the disease, do you dream of a speedy cure? Does a runny nose interfere with a normal life? To speed up the course of the disease, experts recommend Oscillococcinum. It can be given to both adults and children. Oscillococcinum helps the body's own forces to cope with the disease and bring the moment of recovery closer. It can also be taken to prevent diseases!

Video: how to increase immunity for an adult

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