Autumn depression: seasonal blues or dangerous disorder. Autumn depression symptoms

Autumn depression- Seasonal unstable psycho-emotional state. Most often, this concept is understood not mental illness, which is depression, but a temporary blues associated with the change of seasons and the onset, to some extent, of unpleasant changes in nature. It's getting colder outside sunny days, more often there is dank and gray weather, deep autumn comes, after which depression creeps up. The mood deteriorates symmetrically to the weather. Nothing pleases, longing and irritation settle in the soul.

According to medical statistics, the peak of the depressive period falls on mid-October. It is at this time that people most often ask the question: how?

First of all, it is worth deciding whether it is really depression or the usual autumn blues. This is not easy to do. Some species depressive disorder so insidious and so skillfully disguised, what to put correct diagnosis not even all doctors succeed.

Main symptoms

The term "autumn depression" includes a word indicating the presence mental disorder, which is observed regardless of the time of year, weather conditions and other seasonal factors. That is why autumn depression has symptoms that correspond to the usual form of the disease, among them:

  • Severe apathy, refusal to be active
  • Chronic fatigue that does not go away (rest does not relieve fatigue, the broken state persists even after sleep)
  • An unexplained sad state
  • Sleep disturbances (pronounced problems with falling asleep, intermittent sleep with early waking up, after sleep there is no feeling of proper rest)
  • Lack of desire to communicate with anyone
  • Increased irritability (unreasonable outbursts of anger)
  • Touchiness
  • Frequent headaches
  • Disruption of the digestive system
  • poor appetite
  • Muscle cramps and pain in different parts body for no apparent reason.

The symptoms of autumn can manifest themselves enough long time. At the same time, as autumn passes, so does depression. Gradually, the symptoms of the disorder disappear without any medication.

However, in some severe cases, without the help of a specialist can not do. Signals for this are talking about death, about the hopelessness of the situation, refusal to eat, loss of touch with reality.

These symptoms indicate a serious mental disorder that will not go away on its own. In such cases, it is necessary not to delay contacting a doctor. If the patient himself denies the need to consult a specialist, then close people who have noticed these changes should make every effort so that he seeks professional help.

The reasons

According to scientists, autumn and depression are interrelated events. Their dependence is explained by the seasonality of psychophysiological changes in the body. In addition, there are a number of reasons that provoke the onset of the disease in the fall.

Among them, first of all, it is worth noting the reduction in the duration daylight hours, frequent rains, cloudy weather. These factors favor the appearance of a gloomy mood, boring thoughts, lethargy and apathy.

Psychophysiologists explain this phenomenon by seasonal changes that occur not only in nature, but also in the human body. Reduction solar activity leads to increased production of the hormone melanin in the human body. It is its increased concentration that contributes to the development of depression.

Scientists have found that increased melanin synthesis occurs at night and dark time days, while during the daytime, its production is significantly reduced. Based on this, it was concluded that depression in autumn is to some extent due to insufficient insolation and short days.

An important role in the development of depression in the fall is played by psychological aspect. Autumn completes the annual cycle. During this period, everyone begins to take stock, rethink the events of the next ending time period. Unfortunately, not everything that was planned can be realized, sometimes even truly tragic events occur.

That is why there is a feeling of unrealized oneself as a person, lack of demand, worthlessness of existence and impotence. Gradually, the mood becomes unstable, quiet sadness is replaced by irritability, attacks of anger come in place of apathy.

Contribute to the emergence of depression in the fall increased demands from others, inadequate sleep and rest, non-compliance with the work regime, not proper nutrition. An example is the "blockage" at work at the end of the year. Almost all serious reports are made during this period. Nervous tension, fatigue, disruption of the working rhythm, coupled with seasonal changes in output, give a depressive disorder.

Among the reasons for the development of depression in the fall, psychiatrists identify a hereditary predisposition to special emotional states characterized by weakness, imbalance of mental processes.

Hormonal changes characteristic of women are also the cause of mental disorders in the fall. The weaker sex, more sensitive to changes in the daily rhythm, is much more likely to experience manifestations of seasonal depressive disorder.

Health is no less important. As is known, the presence somatic diseases increases the risk of depressive disorder. downgrade atmospheric temperature contributes to the spread colds and decreased immunity. Besides, in autumn period there is an aggravation of already existing health problems, as a result, affecting mental well-being. Mental well-being is also great importance. In cases where in the past there have been mental disorders, you should be more attentive to your health and think in advance about how to cope with autumn depression if it occurs.

Evidence of seasonal exacerbation this disease are statistics. It is in the spring-autumn period that large quantity divorces, suicides, wanton murders.

Is it possible to cope with the disease on your own

Those people who, as autumn approaches, begin to think about how to cope with autumn depression, you need to follow these simple recommendations:

  • First of all, do not wait for autumn to come and depression. If autumn necessarily replaces summer, then the probability of depression is 1:10.
  • Surround yourself with beautiful, bright things. Try to avoid "traditional autumn" shades in clothes.
  • Use everything free time With maximum benefit. Depression will not appear in the fall if you do not have too much free time. Keep yourself busy, don't forget winter is just around the corner, so don't deny yourself the opportunity to spend more time outside. However, this does not mean at all that you will have to wander aimlessly along wet sidewalks, you can ride a bike, go for a run, remember your childhood and collect autumn leaves for the herbarium.
  • If, on the contrary, you give yourself entirely to work, then set aside a few hours for yourself and devote them to your improvement. Start learning foreign languages, take up dancing, yoga, or, finally, go to a fitness club or take care of your appearance. In the event that you feel you need yourself, depression in the fall is not terrible for you.
  • Change things around you. Autumn is not a reason for depression. Do repairs in the apartment or just slightly change the interior of your home.
  • In order not to think about how, try to eat right, take vitamin complexes fortified with B vitamins.

Do not withdraw into yourself, do not refuse communication. Find a common activity that your friends enjoy. Go to the movies, go bowling or compete in paintball. Develop, cheer yourself up and your friends, then thoughts about how to get rid of autumn depression will fade into the background.

If autumn and depression have become synonymous for you, change the situation and go to those places where there is no slush and dullness. However, do not forget that you will have to return, so choose the time for the trip carefully, preparing yourself for the return at the optimal time for you.


No specialist can say with 100% certainty that autumn depression is easy to prevent. At the same time, one should not despair and shudder to expect the onset of autumn either. It all depends on your mood and state of health. According to psychologists, you do not have to worry about how to get rid of autumn depression if you yourself do not let it into your life. A vivid confirmation of this are the words of Horace: "Control your mood, because it, if it does not obey, then commands."

Autumn depression is an absolutely common occurrence for the inhabitants of Russia and a common problem - today you will learn how to get rid of autumn depression for women.

Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And trumpet sadly
White elephants.

Symptoms of autumn depression in women

The phrase "autumn depression" is often heard. But what it really is - few people understand. This is the state in which:

  1. Obviously - it's raining outside, the yellow leaves are circling, the birds are flying south. That is - autumn.
  2. You Bad mood . You be sad. Constant sadness
  3. You irritable, vulnerable, whiny, hysterical, unrestrained - and all this at once.
  4. Do you feel like sleep. Constantly. Although, no. Sometimes you want to not only sleep, but also eat. Then we ate - and again I want to sleep. They say there are rare exceptions. Some ladies suffering from autumn depression, on the contrary, do not feel like eating at all. But I don't know these ladies personally.
  5. Except how to sleep and sometimes - there is you don't want anything else. Scientifically it is called apathy. Don't force yourself to move.
  6. Do you feel the same lethargic, as well as leaves, landscape lying on the ground. Only the leaves feel good - lie to yourself and inspire artists. And you have a job, kids.

Actually, this state - autumn blues - is not depression in pure form. There is no such term among doctors. It's just the way people say it.

Autumn depression - causes

Version 1. It's not 100% clear why this happens. It is believed that the autumn melancholy is due to the fact that the sun shines less. There is no sun, because of this it begins increased production melanin hormone. Depression sets in. Although, even when the sun shines in autumn, depression still comes. Yes, and in winter the sun is even less, but depression is not so pronounced.

Version 2. Another opinion is the lack of vitamins. Again, why the shortage, if we stocked them all summer? In the spring they are even less. Inconsistency.

Version 3. Another version is a violation of biorhythms. The day is getting shorter, the night is getting longer. It's hard for the body to adjust.

Version 4. I recently came across this version. Again, the sun is to blame. But now he is accused of activating the serotonin carrier protein due to his lack. In turn, the serotonin itself is produced little. Therefore, we fall into sadness.

Choose for yourself which version you like best. So far, none has become an official justification for the autumn depression. If you, dear reader, are a researcher and can shed light on this issue, I beg you to give your comments at the bottom of the article.

Now for the good news: the autumn blues cannot be beaten. Therefore, the period of sadness must simply be experienced! How to do this - further, step by step.

How to Survive Autumn Depression as a Woman: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

I offer you 7 answers to the question "how to get rid of autumn depression for women." It's best to use them all at the same time.

  1. Force yourself to move. Run, jump, walk. Wave your arms and legs. Doing a “sun salutation” in the morning (this is from yoga, surya-namaskar, it’s easy). Or just charging.
    Yes, I know that rain and wind. Get busy at home. Turn on the music and jump.
    And I know that "you're not in the mood." Treat movement like a pill. Have you ever had a craving for painkillers because they taste good? Hardly. But you took it because you had to.
  2. Pull yourself out by the ears. Don't let yourself sink into problems and sadness. Better times and forever get rid of what upsets you. Discuss with your husband what you have long wanted. Cry about something in your mom's vest. Go for a consultation with a psychologist. Yes, I'm right there!
  3. Eat beautifully. There are two aspects here - WHAT to eat beautifully and HOW to eat beautifully.
    What looks beautiful on the table? Bright vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs (they can be brewed into tea, even dried ones). Chocolates are nice too. And useful. When else to eat them, if not during depression? Pure therapy.
    Treat yourself to a beautiful serving. Make eating an exquisite ritual. It's also therapeutic.
  4. Get inspired. The spleen is in the head, you know? Personally, for the New Year, I stick snowflakes on the windows, and by the fall - paper suns. I make motivational posters. "Have you smiled today?" or “This autumn is the most bright sun- our orange sofa! The main thing is to be fun.
  5. Celebrate autumn. Where, if not in Russia, the calendar has several hundred holidays. Do you know how many holidays there are in autumn? 70. You will have enough reasons to meet friends, or dress nicely, or set a festive table.
    Once I made a plan-calendar in which I indicated when which birds fly south. According to the calendar, she kept track of what should happen in nature. It was also a holiday - "seeing off the ducks."
  6. Search for autumn scenes. Many moments you can only catch in autumn. Colored leaves are the smallest. Make your list and wait. Anything can be on the list: the first snow, someone's birthday, autumn fairs, swimming in the leafy "snowdrifts" in the park. Take autumn photos and view them with the whole family.
  7. Seek support from like-minded people. First of all - a win-win option, consultation positive psychologist. My attention, understanding and debriefing are guaranteed with further launch into a stable orbit. Details, as always, here. Less effective, but no less pleasant options are gatherings with girlfriends, a visit to mom.

How to get rid of autumn depression yourself?

My recommendations are related to lifestyle. You may need some more tips. To deal with the situation on your own autumn blues cook more often fish meals. Bananas and cheese will be useful. I have already mentioned vegetables. Bananas are considered the most necessary during this period. Nuts are good, especially almonds. Almonds with warm milkexcellent tool from insomnia. Cocoa is great too.

Needless to say, a moderate dose of red wine never hurts? The main thing is moderate, that is, no more than 150 ml per day. Preferably dry.

I would not recommend buying sedatives or stimulants without a doctor's recommendation. They can affect the heart or nervous system. Would like to recommend contrast douches. But they also need to be taken carefully if you have heart problems.

My personal recipe is a salon manicure and pedicure. Here you will find bright colors, a relaxing massage, and communication.

How to avoid autumn depression?

As you probably already understood, it is impossible to be 100% insured against the arrival of autumn depression. The surest remedy is to believe that it simply does not exist. After all, you have a bad mood at other times of the year. Do not put a stigma on yourself - “That's it, I have autumn depression! I will be lethargic, sad and sleepy until May! Better remember those charms that pay off autumn problems. A beautiful forest, holidays and weekends, harvests and fairs.

We look forward to summer with joy, because "summer is a small life." Make sure that autumn also becomes a separate little life for you. Color it yourself to those colors that you lack. Clothes, colored paper, a tablecloth on the table. It's your life, you decide how to spend it!

And how do you feel now? How do you deal with autumn depression? Write in the comments.

With the arrival of autumn, many people complain aboutlow mood, apathy and loss of energy. This seasonal mood can turn into a dangerousautumn depression - the most common variety.

The cause of autumn depression, according to scientists, may be a waning day, cloudy rainy weather, which affects mood.
If with the onset of autumn you begin to fall into a dreary state, then you have been overtaken this disorder and action must be taken as soon as possible. It is difficult for a person suffering from autumn depression to control himself, while it is negative thoughts and emotions that lead to various disorders.

Symptoms of autumn depression

Consider the main signs of autumn depression:

  • guilt
  • yearning
  • fear
  • fatigue
  • heightened emotionality
  • sleep disorders, insomnia
  • sudden mood swings
  • cravings for high-calorie foods

Some of the symptoms may be more pronounced, others less so.

Autumn depression can be mild or severe. FROM mild form you can successfully fight it yourself, but if the symptoms do not go away, and the condition worsens, you need to resort to the help of specialists.

How to deal with autumn depression?

Perhaps the most important thing to pay attention to is nutrition. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods that promote the production of serotonin - bananas, citrus fruits, dates, as well as meat and dairy products rich in protein.

The generally recognized antidepressant is chocolate, eat a small bar of chocolate a day, but do not get carried away, because. Excessive consumption of it can lead to obesity. During the autumn depression, many people feel cravings for sweets and starchy foods, but such foods are of little benefit. It is also desirable to diversify the diet with products with vitamins C and B. So, they found out grapefruit helps to ease depression, improves mood and ability to work.

It is advisable to replace tea and coffee with herbal infusions. Decoctions of the following herbs help to cope with a bad mood: thyme, mint, linden. Beneficial features These herbs have a positive effect on the nervous system and general well-being.

Very effective during depression physical exercise: light jogging, walking, exercising in the gym. Water also has a relaxing effect on the body, so you should visit the pool if possible. After the pool, you will recharge your batteries, in addition, the water has a relaxing effect. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the pool, use a contrast shower.

It is necessary to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, in the sun. Lighting at home and at work needs to be made more intense.

Adjust sleep-wake mode. Sleep at least 8 hours daily. If you do not get enough sleep for any reason, be sure to sleep off.

It will not be superfluous to be short daytime sleep, which should be no more than half an hour.

Take one day, forget about the media and be free from it. If it is difficult for you to spend the whole day in this way, free at least the evening.

Yoga or meditation are also beautiful way fight depression.

Don't forget about positive attitude during the period of autumn depression, watch comedies, communicate with those with whom you are pleased to communicate, joke and laugh, because laughter inhibits the production of stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisone.

During the autumn depression, do not lose your sense of humor and try not to indulge in the dreary autumn mood!

These days when technical progress strongly rushes up, and people do not keep up with their ambitions, the problem of depression, which is getting younger every day, is also becoming relevant. The disease is exacerbated especially in the autumn. First of all, autumn depression affects a person’s mood, leading him to a dull state, sometimes to total loss performance. By studying the causes leading to this condition, you can learn how to fight and, most importantly, how to defeat it.

In order not to become a victim of an insidious disease, you need to get to know him better.

What is autumn depression and how does it occur?

it disease state, aggravated in the autumn period due to some factors that are inherent in this particular time of the year. As a rule, for the whole year of work a person gets tired not only physically, but also mentally. Many experience different negative feelings that torment the psyche from the inside. These are:

  • decrease in activity;
  • emptiness, sadness, melancholy;
  • insomnia or excessive sleepiness;
  • desire for loneliness;
  • decrease in self-esteem.

The human mood is influenced by color, light and fragrance. During spring and summer, we have the opportunity to replenish our impressions at the expense of nature, that is naturally. The bright sunshine, the colorful colors of summer, the fragrance of flowers and the clear sky give people positive comfort. But with the advent of autumn, everything changes - once around the rain and slush grow dim, the sky "cries" and people experience a decline in mood. This is where the depression begins.

What percentage of the population is affected by this disease?

Seasonal mood swings are common to almost everyone. Even in too cheerful persons sometimes there are such states as dissatisfaction with life and disappointment. Especially people with a soft and gentle psyche, weakened by various stresses, are prone to this.

Autumn depression is dangerous because at this time the risk of suicide increases sharply, as the unsatisfied psyche looks for ways to solve problems and often finds the worst of them.

Men and women experience depression differently. Men often hide their feelings. At the same time, they become more irritable and angry, which turns into a big problem.

For women, everything is different - they communicate more, talk with friends and share their problems, which brings them some relief.

How to deal with this disease?

Many do not know how to get rid of autumn depression. People simply suffer, aggravating their condition at a time when the ways of deliverance are varied and do not require large financial costs.

And yet, if after all the efforts you can not get out of despondency, contact the experts. A psychotherapist will tell you what to do if depression drags on, how to get out of a depressed state, and help you regain peace of mind.

To fight depression, it is important to understand the causes of its occurrence. Some psychologists believe that autumn and oppression psycho-emotional state human are closely related. This is explained by the following factors:

  • Physiological changes associated with weather conditions . It's all about serious psychophysiological changes in the body. Plus, there are other reasons that provoke the onset of depression. One of them is a noticeable reduction in daylight hours. Rains and cloudy weather also provoke depression. Such changes lead to lethargy, apathy, sad thoughts and loss of mood. Changes are also taking place in the human body. The sun goes down, and, accordingly, the production of melanin increases significantly. It is this hormone that leads to disorders and the appearance of autumn depression. Scientists also found that melanin is actively released at night, and during the day its production is reduced. It can be concluded that the reduction of daylight hours directly affects the mood of a person. Considering natural factors, finding a way to deal with autumn depression is not so easy.
  • Psychological aspect. Autumn is exactly the time that completes the annual cycle. Each conscientious person tries to rethink his actions, correct negative sides and assess what the success is to achieve in a specific period of time. Unfortunately, not all plans can come true and be fully implemented. This is especially true for those who have not managed to relax either in the desired place, or at all. Sometimes even tragic events happen that touch the deepest spiritual wounds. All this is not in the best way affects morale. Gradually, the mood can become unstable and unstable. In some cases, even anger can take the place of apathy.
  • Problems at work. Abnormal sleep, workload, inadequate rest and dissatisfaction with others can affect the appearance of depression. Even a "blockage" with reports or projects can become good reason. In addition, almost all serious speeches, conferences, checks and other moments fall precisely on the autumn period. Constant nervous tension and fatigue are the worst companions in the cold season.
  • Health. Of no less importance physical state person. A decrease in temperature provokes the development of various infectious diseases. Due to the lack of vitamins, immunity is significantly reduced, which leads to the appearance of colds and other ailments. Plus, in the fall, all diseases that are in chronic form. Accordingly, all this negative impact on the human psyche.
It is important to identify the symptoms of impending depression in a timely manner. Otherwise, you can completely immerse yourself in a depressed state, which will inevitably affect both the work process and communication with others, the family.

The main symptoms of autumn depression

The term itself implies a certain psychological deviation, and not just a bad mood. It is worth noting that this disease can occur at any time of the year, regardless of seasonal factors. But most often, depression appears in the fall, which is why it got its name.

Like other diseases, depression has characteristic symptoms:

  1. Psychological manifestations. Resentment, melancholy, apathy towards everything, unwillingness to communicate with people, increased irritability.
  2. physical manifestations. Complete rejection of an active lifestyle, chronic fatigue loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, constant desire sleep, pain in different parts of the body, muscle spasms.
  3. The timing of depression. Autumn blues can manifest itself over a long period of time. It is worth noting that the abyss, as well as arise, it can be without special reasons.
In some severe cases, without the intervention of doctors and medications just not enough. Otherwise, depression can turn into more severe form. The main symptoms of this are complete failure from eating, talking about death and not wanting to return to reality. Such changes already indicate that a person is not able to cope with his problem on his own.

Attention! In severe cases of depression, you should immediately contact a specialist. Even if the patient himself does not want to go to the doctor, as is often the case, close people must take care of this. Otherwise, everything can end fatally.

Ways to overcome autumn depression on your own

Letting the situation take its course is not recommended. The fact is that few people are able to get out of depression without much damage, and the distance between a slight blues and a deep psycho-emotional disorder is not so great. Proper nutrition, an interesting lifestyle, communication and the opportunity to devote some time to yourself will come to the rescue.

Changing something in yourself and around is not easy. However, without it, dealing with depression will not work. In order not to plunge into a difficult state of mind, just follow some simple recommendations:
  • Surround yourself with bright things. Beautiful, colorful, they will remind you of summer, driving away the dullness of autumn days. Ditch the boring palette.
  • Make some changes to your routine. You can make a small repair in the apartment, buy new clothes or go on vacation. Sometimes even small changes can keep you in high spirits. Some leading psychologists say that a small "greenhouse" will help you relax. flower plants have a positive effect on a person's mood. Besides green color calms the nervous system.
  • Accept the situation as it is. Do not wait for the onset of cold weather and prolonged depression. Come to terms with the fact that autumn will definitely change summer, do not take it as a tragedy.
  • Fill your day with variety. All free time should be filled with pleasant little things, use it to the maximum. Depression will never appear in someone who is doing what they love. Spend more time outdoors, go for a run, walk your dog, or get some fresh air outside of work or school.
  • Find time for solitude and hobbies. Some people need to immerse themselves in work and leave only a few hours for personal development. In such an environment, they will be happy and not prone to depression. Start reading more, learn languages, do yoga, or join gym. If a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, then you can pay attention to it, eliminate your shortcomings.
  • Enrich your body with tasty and healthy food . Try to eat in moderation junk food eat more fruits and vegetables. And so that the food does not look bland, come up with decorations for dishes from bright vegetables. Be sure to take vitamin complexes, because with the onset of autumn, immunity deteriorates significantly.
  • Let more light into your home. As statistics show, almost every second person on our planet is exposed to psychological disorders with the onset of cloudy autumn. One of the main causes of depression is the lack of sun, bright colors and daylight. In the Scandinavian countries, psychologists very often prescribe a course of special light therapy to residents. In some domestic clinics, you can already find cabinets with heavy-duty lamps. There is a simpler and more affordable alternative for everyone - walks during the day.
  • Don't confuse day with night. If you want to keep a cheerful mood and healthy look, then it is better to give up nightly TV viewing and long gatherings at the computer. It is worth noting that such a pastime can cause a depressive state. This is related to physiological processes in the body. Remember that at any time of the day or night, sanctification must be complete. Therefore, if you have to work on night shifts, light the room well.
  • Communication with friends and family. Many experts strongly do not recommend closing in on yourself and spending all the time at home. Try to get in touch with interesting people and chat with close friends. There are plenty of places to take your mind off problems and get in high spirits.
  • Everyone needs rest! Every person sometimes gets the feeling that there is very little strength left. If work does not allow you to go to the sea, then you can sign up for a massage or a spa center. This will help you relax and relieve irritation.

Important! Perfect option in the fight against depression is to go where you have long wanted. It can be a resort or some beautiful city, the main thing is that a person feels as harmonious and calm as possible there. And ideally there should be a lot of sun.

Antidepressant products to fight autumn depression

Antidepressant products will also help protect against autumn blues. These include turkey, dairy products, bananas, whole wheat bread and yellow-red fruits. The thing is that they contain the amino acid tryptophan. It is she who is the precursor of the hormone Have a good mood serotonin.
  1. Spinach. He is considered the best source folic acid. Its deficiency is observed in almost all people who suffer prolonged depression.
  2. Dried apricots. Be sure to eat this product, because it is rich in magnesium and other useful trace elements. In addition, it is magnesium that helps fight nervous tension and stress.
  3. Cocoa. Of course, do not forget about chocolate and milk drink with this substance, which are famous for their positive qualities in the fight against depression.
  4. Water. Be sure to drink the required amount of liquid. An organism that constantly needs moisture simply cannot be in good shape.
Many psychologists believe that even monotonous and tasteless food can trigger depression.

An interesting pastime to overcome the autumn depression

Allow yourself a pleasant trifle. Of course, we are all different, but often the following will help to cope with the blues:
  • shopping. It is worth noting that such therapy affects almost all the fair sex, but men do not mind visiting stores either. Firstly, in the process of choosing clothes, you can escape from everyday problems and worries. Secondly, new thing able to transform appearance and wardrobe. Avoid a boring palette, give preference to bright juicy shades. Thirdly, a beautiful thing cannot but rejoice, because it makes a person more beautiful. Statistics show that people who take care of themselves and are satisfied with their reflection in the mirror are less prone to depressive state.
  • Fishing. This type of recreation will probably be more appreciated by men, but it will not hurt girls either. Sitting in nature, enjoying the leisurely passage of time, slight noise waves, you can have a good rest and relax.
  • Trip for mushrooms, rest with tents in the forest. Merging with nature Fresh air stimulate the production of the hormone of joy, and the body will be saturated with oxygen. This type of holiday will benefit the whole family!
  • Physical exercise and regular moderate load . The thing is that in the process of activity it is stimulated nervous system. To do this, it is not even necessary to go to the gym, the main thing is desire. You can just go for a short run, push up from the floor or jump rope, sign up for a pool, dance or yoga. It all depends on what brings pleasure. As a result, you can get not only beautiful body but also a charge of positive emotions. To this remedy worked for sure, make a training system. The key success factor is regular and systematic training.
  • Laughter therapy. In order not to become a hostage of autumn sadness, you need to laugh more and enjoy life. Scientists have proven that people who know how to have fun have excellent immunity and are less likely to get sick. In addition, laughter improves the overall tone of the body.

Important! Spend more time in cheerful companies, communicate with positive people, do what you love, watch comedies and fill your soul with happiness. Even if there is no mood, this does not mean at all that you need to listen to sad songs and watch films with a sad plot. Try to smile even when "cats scratch their hearts."

How to deal with autumn depression - look at the video:

Today, a huge number of people are faced with the concept of "autumn depression", and this fact cannot be ignored. To get around it, it is important to make some adjustments in life. To begin with, fix what you didn’t like for a long time - this is a direct path to self-improvement. Never dwell on problems, even if they exist. Try not to accumulate them, but solve them as they come. So they will not turn into a huge "snowball" ready to cover you with your head. And, of course, surround yourself with loved ones who can warm your soul even on the coldest day. Warm emotions, friendly communication and sincere evenings with the second half - effective method in the fight against depression and chronic fatigue.
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