"solgar zinc picolinate" - instructions, price, reviews. My impressions of Solga zinc picolinate. The trace element zinc - the main functions in the body

Hello everyone! Remember, a few months ago, I wrote that I started an experiment to improve my vision?

She told me what I was doing and what I was taking. No, the experiment is not over yet, it is ongoing, and today we will not talk about it.

I will tell you about the trace element zinc, which everyone has heard of, but few have thought about why we need it.

I started taking a zinc supplement because I found out that it is critical for our eyes.

But, as it turned out, zinc is generally such a trace element, on which almost everything in our body depends.

It is no less important than magnesium, and. In general, let's talk about everything briefly and in order

From this article you will learn:

The trace element zinc - the main functions in the body

So, zinc is an important component of our enzymes, bones, tissues and skin. It is present in every cell of our body. More than 70 proteins contain zinc!!!

Zinc is required by our body as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. In simple terms, superoxide dismutase is the main antioxidant defense of a person!

Useful properties of zinc:

  1. Zinc forms our immune defense. With its deficiency, a person becomes especially susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Replenishment of zinc reserves is very important for those who are prone to frequent colds.
  2. Zinc is our antidepressant, the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy, is associated with this trace element.
  3. Zinc is a microelement of our beauty and youth. With its deficiency in the body, regeneration processes in the skin decrease, its elasticity decreases. It becomes dry, acne and blackheads appear, nails break.
  4. Zinc is essential for testosterone metabolism. For the proper functioning of the prostate gland. Zinc deficiency can cause male infertility and defective births.
  5. Zinc plays an important role in bringing vitamin A from the liver to the retina to produce melanin, the protective pigment in our eyes. Zinc is found in the retina and choroid of our eyes, the layer of vascular tissue that lies beneath the retina. Zinc is one of the most important micronutrients for supporting our color vision.
  6. Zinc is necessary for the normal functioning of our body, to maintain good physical shape and endurance.
  7. Zinc stabilizes the blood, maintains the acid-base level in the blood and other fluids.

Who can get zinc deficiency and how does it manifest itself?

As a rule, if a person is completely healthy, has a complete and rational diet, a serious zinc deficiency can occur very very rarely.

But, this is especially susceptible to people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and disorders of the thyroid gland.

Zinc deficiency can be experienced by fans of a variety of diets and vegetarians.

It has been proven that zinc is very poorly absorbed from plant products (phytic acid interferes), and modern soil is also deficient in zinc, which practically deprives vegetables and fruits of this important trace element.

As well as those who take drugs that impair the absorption of zinc (for example, calcium or copper supplements)

Manifestations of zinc deficiency in the body:

  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Decreased visual acuity
  • Hyperexcitability
  • Severe dry skin
  • Brittle nails
  • Frequent and ailments
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fallout and
  • Poor skin regeneration

To find out specifically whether there is a lack of zinc in your body, you need to take an analysis for trace elements, which is carried out today in most diagnostic centers. Usually, blood or nails are taken for analysis. By the way, a very useful procedure!

What foods are rich in zinc?

Two shellfish per day can make up the daily requirement of zinc in the body.

The main suppliers of zinc are:

  • seafood
  • turkey
  • beef
  • mutton
  • nuts
  • buckwheat
  • wheat
  • dairy

The most bioavailable of these are shellfish (oysters), meat and eggs.

It has been scientifically proven that any heat treatment of products reduces the amount of zinc in them by dozens of times. Therefore, taking additional zinc in the form of drugs can be justified in most cases.

Dosage forms with zinc

To date, you can find a large number of preparations with zinc in its various forms.

But, in order for zinc to settle well in our body, it is very important to pay attention to the fact that in the preparation it is in the chelate form that is most accessible to our body.

The zinc requirement for an adult can range from 12 to 30 mg per day.

So, today there are several zinc-containing forms of preparations: zinc acetate, zinc gluconate, zinc glycate, zinc picolinate, zinc sulfate and zinc oxide.

Zinc sulfate and oxide are the most poorly bioavailable for our body, zinc citrate and picolinate have the maximum bioavailability.

Zinc picolinate

Picolinic acid promotes mineral absorption, so zinc picolinate is much better absorbed than other zinc supplements."

Picolinic acid is a natural mineral chelator produced by our bodies, which is made from the amino acid tryptophan in the liver and kidneys, and from there it is taken to the pancreas.

During the digestion of food, it is released from the pancreas into the large intestine, where it joins the mineral elements, improving their absorption.

I buy like this zinc picolinate preparation and I have been taking it for 4 months now, 1 tablet a day.

For me, this supplement is primarily important for improving and maintaining vision, but the positive effect of its use already far exceeds my expectations.

In general, pay attention to this trace element and take note of it. Especially if you are at risk and may be prone to a lack of zinc in the body.

Look at your vitamin complexes, whether they contain zinc, in what dosages and chemical forms it is present in them.

Well, if you decide that you need to take zinc additionally, be sure to consult your healthcare professional before use if you have chronic diseases.

I would be glad if someone shares their proven dietary supplements with zinc with me and my readers or supplements this article with even more detailed and important information about the trace element zinc.

Alena Yasneva was with you, be good with zinc !!! Bye Bye.

For the full development and functioning of the human body, a number of conditions are necessary. One of them is the presence of all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In the event of a deficiency of a certain element, it can usually be gradually replenished by changing the diet of your diet and including in its composition the maximum amount of products containing the missing vitamin or trace element.

But, unfortunately, such a simple solution is not suitable in cases where there is a lack of zinc in the body. We will consider the features of this component and its effect on the human body further, as well as Zinc Picolinate, a popular dietary supplement.

How to replenish in the body?

Unfortunately, if the body suffers from a lack of zinc, then changing the diet will not solve the problem. The difficulty lies in the fact that in nature there are very few plants that can accumulate zinc in sufficient quantities. For example, some types of violets contain quite a lot of zinc in their composition, but, unfortunately, they cannot diversify their diet.

A sufficient amount of zinc is found in legumes, oysters and seeds. But fresh oysters as a daily dietary supplement are not available to everyone, and legumes and seeds must be eaten in incredibly large quantities in order for the lack of zinc in the body to be replenished. For this reason, the most adequate solution is to take special vitamins and dietary supplements containing this component. Picolinic acid helps zinc to be better absorbed by the body, and therefore it is included in almost every dietary supplement with this element. Due to the two main components that make up their composition, the drug is called "Zinc Picolinate".

What functions of the body is zinc responsible for?

It is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of the drug "Zinc Picolinate", instructions for the use of which will be discussed by us later. The element we are considering is involved in almost all metabolic processes of the body. With its deficiency, it is really necessary to take vitamins "Zinc picolinate".

Zinc is present in every human cell and is responsible for the full functioning of the body. This element performs the function of controlling the correct division of cells, and also participates in such important processes as:

  • protein production;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • DNA synthesis;
  • wound healing process;
  • production of hormones, including insulin.

A sufficient amount of zinc is also necessary for a full sense of smell. In the event of a shortage of this component, a person may not feel the full taste of food, and it may also be difficult to distinguish between various odors.

Since zinc is important for maintaining hormonal levels and for the normal functioning of the endocrine system, it is also responsible for the normal growth of the body. In some Middle Eastern countries, where there is a shortage of food containing zinc and the population suffers massively from its deficiency, cases of dwarfism are often recorded.

Consequences and possible causes of zinc deficiency in the blood

Studies have found that there are a number of factors that can cause a decrease in the level of zinc in the body. Among them:

  • long-term use of certain oral contraceptives;
  • prolonged consumption of too salty and sweet foods in large quantities;
  • intensive treatment with cortisone;
  • increased intake of radioactive substances into the body;
  • alcohol consumption (tests conducted on rats showed that after drinking small doses of alcohol in rodents, there was a drop in the level of zinc in the blood and muscles, and especially in the liver).

If you do not pay attention to the lack of zinc in time and do not start taking Zinc Picolinate in the form of vitamins and supplements, this will negatively affect the state of the whole organism. What could be the consequences:

  • hair loss;
  • blurred vision;
  • constant fatigue, lethargy, increased fatigue;
  • occurrence;
  • memory impairment;
  • weight loss, loss of appetite;
  • decreased immunity (frequent colds);
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • slow recovery period after various injuries, very slow healing of wounds and cuts.

Zinc and men's health

Lack of zinc can adversely affect the sexual development of boys. Since this component increases testosterone levels, sexual development may slow down if it is deficient.
In adults, zinc deficiency can cause impotence, loss of sperm activity, which will lead to their inability to fertilize an egg.

The impact of zinc on the health of expectant mothers

For women planning a pregnancy, a lack of zinc can cause miscarriage, the birth of a weak fetus with low weight, and premature birth.

Zinc deficiency in children: main symptoms

Unfortunately, it can be observed not only in adults. The lack of this trace element is often found among young patients. Signs that may indicate a lack of zinc in a child's body include:

  • the desire of the child to lick metal objects;
  • slow hair growth;
  • slow growth;
  • poor appetite or its complete absence.

Of course, all of the above symptoms may signal the presence of other problems, but if parents systematically notice their manifestations, it is worth seeking the advice of a therapist as soon as possible. If the child is recommended to take zinc, you should not hesitate to purchase vitamins or special supplements.

Indications for use and the effect of vitamins with zinc on the body

Official instructions for "Zinc Picolinate" (various manufacturers) indicate the following health problems and diseases as indications for its use:

The use of "Zinc Picolinate" is appropriate for the following problems:

In order to prevent the occurrence of zinc deficiency in the body, the intake of dietary supplements and vitamins with its content is recommended in the following situations:

  • postoperative conditions and recovery period after serious injuries;
  • disorders in the work of the digestive system;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • inadequate diet, including vegetarianism.

The most popular manufacturers of vitamins with zinc and the average cost of drugs

Almost every major pharmacological manufacturer launches zinc-containing products on the market.

Conventionally, they can be divided into two main categories: multivitamins (containing zinc as one of the components) and monopreparations.

Monopreparations in their composition contain mainly only zinc. They are prescribed in the case when the patient needs to quickly increase the concentration of this particular element in the body. As a rule, one tablet of a monopreparation contains the daily minimum dose of zinc or slightly exceeds it. Monopreparations with zinc are prescribed for its chronic insufficiency. Their cost may vary. It all depends on the discounts provided by online stores, on the mark-up of pharmacies selling these drugs, on the manufacturer and the number of tablets in the package.

The most popular manufacturers of such additives are companies:

  • Now Foods (250 tablets, cost from 500 to 800 rubles);
  • Nature "s Way (60 lollipops, cost an average of 250-350 rubles);
  • Jarrow Formulas (100 capsules, cost from 450 to 700 rubles);
  • Doctor's Best (120 capsules, the cost varies from 1500 to 2000 rubles).

Judging by the numerous reviews and comments, the most popular among buyers is a monopreparation with a zinc content, which is produced by Solgar. "Zinc picolinate" (the instructions for use of which indicate the same useful properties and indications for use as other manufacturers) is available in the form of tablets (100 pieces in one bottle). The average cost of the drug is about 750-900 rubles. But if you follow the discounts in online stores that are distributors of this drug, Zinc Picolinate from Solgar (the reviews will be briefly reviewed by us later) can be bought much cheaper.

60 caps. 50 mg

One of the most important trace elements involved in ensuring the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.


Zinc plays an important role in the physiological processes of the body:
- in the synthesis of proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids;
- when copying genetic material during cell division and growth;
- is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, the functions of the liver and pancreas;
- participates in the formation of insulin;
- participates in the process of hematopoiesis;
- necessary to maintain the immunological status;
- plays an important role in the restoration of testosterone secretion and contributes to the activation of spermatozoa.

Zinc is part of gonadotropic hormones that stimulate the production of female and male sex hormones. In men, it promotes the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which activates the production of sperm in the seminiferous tubules, and luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the production of testosterone in the cells surrounding the tubules. In women, zinc is essential for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
A clear lack of zinc is observed in people suffering from alcoholism, atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, and cancer. The level of zinc in the blood in patients with rheumatism and arthritis is lower than in healthy people. Zinc deficiency is seen in people with difficult-to-heal wounds and ulcers.
A severe lack of zinc is caused by cortisone treatment, the use of contraceptives, prolonged use of too salty or too sweet food.
With a lack of zinc, high cholesterol levels, fatigue, memory loss, irritability, frequent infections, and allergic reactions are observed.
Zinc is part of more than 80 types of enzymes in the body and, therefore, its deficiency causes a number of enzyme disorders.
With a lack of zinc, vitamin A is not absorbed. Poor appetite, poor growth are often the result of zinc deficiency in the body. French doctors have found that one of the causes of epilepsy is a lack of zinc in the diet and one of the amino acids - taurine, and a certain type of schizophrenia is the result of a lack of zinc, vitamin B6 and manganese in the menu.
One of the most unpleasant senile diseases is memory loss. Zinc helps to alleviate the disease. The fact is noted that in patients taking zinc "for atherosclerosis", brain functions improve: memory returns, the ability to coordinate, etc.
The human body contains 2.2 g of zinc, which is concentrated primarily in the prostate gland in men, kidneys, liver, muscles. A lot of zinc in the skin and hair, this, in particular, explains the ability of zinc to improve skin condition and maintain the beauty of hair.

Indications for use:
- diseases of the nervous system;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas;
- diabetes;
- diseases of the osteoarticular system (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, bone fractures);
- diseases of the reproductive system (prostatitis, urethritis, prostate adenoma, impotence, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis);
- skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia);
- eye disease (cataract).

1 tablet daily between meals.

Reception features:
Do not take at the same time as selenium, fiber and phytin (found in all grains and soy). They bind zinc, making it unavailable to the body. Zinc picolinate is the most easily absorbed form. The effectiveness of the application increases if the results of the diagnosis of microelement imbalance are available.

individual intolerance to the components.

Various compounds of the trace element zinc in the composition of biologically active food supplements are used for prophylactic purposes. Violation of male reproductive and copulatory function, fragility of hair and nails, acne, decreased immunity, fatigue are considered a reason to compensate for the lack of zinc. Dietary supplements with zinc are produced by various companies and are represented by different chemical complexes - inorganic and organic (chelate or picolinate).

What is the difference?

Chemical compounds of zinc and a number of other trace elements are absorbed differently in the human body. That is why the modern pharmaceutical industry seeks to replenish the drug market with drugs that bring maximum benefit.

The less loss of the drug in the body, the more benefit it will bring to the person. This property of medicines is called bioavailability. Such forms of the zinc chemical compound as sulfate and oxide have low bioavailability, which led to the need to create new complexes with the mineral.

The difference between the chelate and zinc picolinate lies in the type of chemical bonds with the microelement. The principle of operation of funds is no different. These complex compounds are part of dietary supplements, which are produced in the United States by various companies.

So, picolinate is produced by brands:

  • Solgar 22mg per tablet
  • Now Foods 50mg
  • Country Life and Thorne 25 mg.

Zinc picolinate "Thorne" 15 mg

The chelate compound is made:

  • Solgar 22 mg
  • 30 mg each - Nature's Way, Carlson Labs,
  • 50 mg each - 21st Century, Source Naturals.

The indicated dosages are prophylactic. For the treatment of diseases and conditions that require higher doses of the element, not dietary supplements are used, but medicines.

Which is better absorbed in the body?

The highest bioavailability in the body is possessed by such mineral compounds as citrate, acetate, picolinate and the chelate complex. This means that when entering the gastrointestinal tract, the microelement reacts with enzymes and is completely absorbed into the bloodstream. The concentration is maintained at a constant level.

Zinc chelate or picolinate are equally well absorbed, so they can replace each other if necessary. Some studies conducted to find out: zinc chelate or picolinate - which is better, it is confirmed that the degree of assimilation of the latter is higher.

An important difference between these chemical complexes and oxide or sulfate is the organic component. Compared to inorganic compounds, organic matter becomes almost 100% available to cells and tissues.

Indications for use and dosage

Both dietary supplements are used for the same purpose: to eliminate the symptoms associated with zinc deficiency. These include:

  • deterioration in hair quality, loss, dryness, early gray hair;
  • fragility of nails, the appearance of white striation;
  • acne;
  • tendency to slow wound healing;
  • male infertility factor due to impaired sperm quality;
  • decrease in potency with prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • decreased taste perception;
  • tendency to frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Zinc picolinate or chelate should be taken once a day with meals for better availability. The course of prophylactic administration lasts 1.5-2 months, after which it is necessary to take a three-month break. You can repeat preventive treatment 2-3 times a year.

The element compounds that are part of dietary supplements are not a drug, therefore, they should be used in combination with etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment. This condition concerns the treatment of male infertility, impotence, acne, tissue regeneration disorders, for example, in diabetes mellitus.

What is better to choose?

There is no difference in the digestibility and effect of drugs on the human body, so you can choose any dietary supplement based on trust in a particular brand. If you focus on the cost, the chelate complex will cost 20% cheaper.

In the process of taking funds, it is necessary to remember about incompatibility with other microelements. So, parallel intake of calcium, iron, manganese and copper is not recommended. If there is a need to use these minerals, a two-hour interval between them should be observed.

Zinc requires constant replenishment from the outside. It is a trace element necessary for the full functioning of the antioxidant, immune, and reproductive systems. Thanks to monocomponent biologically active food supplements, it is possible to ensure a constant supply of the element.

Zinc is quite an essential element for our existence. In fact, we often forget about it. We often take courses of calcium, iodine, and iron preparations, because we know that they are vital, but zinc somehow remains on the sidelines.

Nevertheless, zinc is an essential chemical element that has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions in men, stimulates the formation of spermatozoa and the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, and also positively affects the prostate gland. In women, zinc also has a positive effect, contributes to the normal functioning of the ovaries, heals the hormonal background. Also, with a normal intake of zinc in the body in the required quantities, wounds and scratches heal faster on the skin, the activity of the sebaceous glands normalizes, and thus the body copes with acne, oily skin and other problems. Zinc is very important in the work of the thymus or thymus, an important organ of the immune system of the human body.

If you notice rapid fatigue, poor appetite, impaired attention and difficulty concentrating, you are often haunted by colds, your hair becomes brittle and brittle, white stripes appear on your nails, then it is likely that you have problems with zinc in the body, that is, it flaw.

Having experienced similar symptoms, at one time she took the drug Zincteral. Moreover, this drug was far from cheap, it took me just a lot of money for it. But this drug gave very unpleasant side effects, sometimes the stomach began to hurt badly from it, which was terribly uncomfortable and unpleasant. Therefore, this tool had to be abandoned. However, unlike the previous remedy, which contains zinc in the form of sulfate and has an acidic reaction due to hydrolysis, there is no acidic environment in zinc picolinate and it is much easier to tolerate by the body without causing such terrible side effects. And since zinc in zinc picolinate is in an organic compound, its bioavailability is quite high, and hence a more pronounced effect. One tablet of the supplement contains 25 milligrams of zinc, which is one and a half times higher than its daily intake.

I didn’t like the fact that despite the attached instructions, it does not reflect how much this drug should be taken, in what course and when the desired effect should approximately appear. Therefore, based on everything, I had to take, as they say, by eye. To avoid the risk of side effects, I took it after meals, so I think it will be more reliable.

Admission results

The first results appeared about a week after the drug was started. First of all, the oily skin has not become so - I looked in the mirror and this unpleasant shine is gone. A little later, the number of pimples on the back and in other parts of the body also became less, but they were constantly present with me and did not want to go away on their own. And not only did old searches begin to disappear, which were constantly sick, but new ones also stopped popping up. And finally, my nails began to take on a pleasant appearance, stopped exfoliating, became hard and shiny, that is, they acquired a healthy texture. Whatever you say, although the body needs very little zinc, its effect is very high, and I really felt it when I took this dietary supplement. Therefore, if you have similar problems, then zinc picolinate is just the option that you need - it is both effective and safe and well absorbed and, most importantly, does not produce side effects.

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