When pressed, the stomach hurts: types and symptoms of diseases. Normal metabolism. Pain in left lower abdomen when pressed

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  • Left lower abdomen hurts when pressed. What does pain in the left side of the lower abdomen indicate?

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    When pain occurs while pressing on the stomach near the navel or to the right of it, the small intestine is most often naughty. Pain that occurs when pressing the lower abdomen under the navel, in women, is most likely of a gynecological nature. If there is an acute sharp pain when pressed in the lower right side of the abdomen, in the vast majority of cases this is a sign of appendicitis.

    Severe pain occurs when the tissue that lines the abdominal cavity (peritoneum) is irritated, inflamed, or infected. Anyone with acute abdominal pain should call the emergency services and be seen by a doctor right away.

    In people with peritonitis - often tense abdominal muscles to the area of ​​​​touch. The doctor should note the point of tenderness - this is a general term that means that the patient has increased pain sensitivity in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen. For example, if a patient has appendicitis, then he is likely to have points of tenderness when touching a certain part of his abdomen (McBurney's sign).

    The tongue is covered with a grayish-white coating, there is profuse salivation or, on the contrary, increased dryness in the mouth. When pressing on the abdomen, pain is felt in the stomach area. The abdomen is the part of the body that can cause pain when pressed. Acute gastritis is one of the causes of pain when pressing on the lower abdomen. When pressing on the abdomen, pain in the abdominal cavity may be associated with diseases of the pancreas or liver.

    How to get rid of pain in the abdomen with pressure

    In some cases, the stomach hurts when pressed due to inflammation of the duodenum. Only an experienced doctor is able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Soreness when pressing on the abdomen in the navel area is a sign of inflammation of the small intestine due to the fermentation of undigested food, which provoked irritation of the mucous membrane. Pain can also be caused by excessive consumption of sugary foods or legumes that cause flatulence.

    When pressed, the stomach hurts: types and symptoms of diseases

    During the examination, the doctor presses on this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, but slightly, so as not to cause a rupture of the internal organ. In women, the cause of pain in the abdominal cavity can be gynecological diseases.

    Each person with pain in the abdominal cavity during palpation should consult a doctor for a professional examination. The specialist examines the patient, gently pressing on different parts of the abdomen.

    When the pain is caused by inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stomach or duodenal ulcer, the doctor may prescribe No-shpu to relieve pain. One of the most common complaints when visiting a doctor is pain in the stomach and intestines. The nature of the pain can be mild or severe, but in any case, this symptom is quite serious.

    Appendicitis is characterized by severe pain, including when pressed. To determine, you must click on the bottom right. The pain is especially pronounced when the pressure is relieved. It is important to consult a doctor immediately, at the first suspicion of this disease. Stomach pain and acute gastritis. Pressure on the abdomen can cause discomfort in peptic ulcers. Initially, it is localized in the epigastric region, and then spreads to the entire abdomen. Severe pain when pressed in any area.

    Inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis is more often diagnosed in those who abuse alcohol or have gallstones. The nature of the pain is sharp, constant, and can radiate to the back. You need to gently press on the stomach, so the sensations are very painful. If the body does not perceive certain foods, this can provoke an attack of severe abdominal pain. If the pain is localized below the navel in women, this indicates gynecological problems, for example, inflammation of the ovaries.

    gastrointestinal tract; the pain is sharp, constant, localized in one area, it is difficult for a person to breathe and move, since any movement can increase pain. On examination, the doctor begins to press on different parts of the abdomen to determine the diagnosis.

    The doctor must take into account that the stomach can also hurt with a heart attack and pneumonia. Self-medication for abdominal pain can lead to a deterioration in the general condition. If it hurts in the stomach due to an attack of an ulcer, pancreatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, then No-shpu, Galidor or Trigan are prescribed.

    If the disease is in a mild form, then you can take the choleretic drugs "Allohol" and "Hologon". To relieve an attack of pain due to hepatic colic, drugs are prescribed that relieve spasm. For pain in the lower abdomen, before the doctor arrives, you can take analgesics. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and avoid those foods that can provoke the onset of pain. The process can affect not only the surface layer of the mucous membrane, but its entire thickness and the muscular layer of the gastric wall.

    This may be due to the fermentation of poorly digested food, causing irritation of the mucous membrane. They occur if the spleen is enlarged. A follicular cyst can form from an unruptured follicle in the ovary.

    In the treatment of infertility, a bilateral follicular cyst may appear, the shape of which is round. Not infrequently, pain in the lower abdomen when pressed can cause a cyst that requires surgical intervention. Subsequent pregnancy is possible, but only with the full functioning of the second ovary. Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by many reasons and is the most common in women.

    Cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the right

    It is impossible to ignore this pain, and even more so to drown it out with painkillers. This can be caused by various pathologies in the pelvic area. The best way to identify the causes is to contact your gynecologist and do. What causes these pains, and how to understand why the delay?

    Stimulation of gallstones can occur from eating foods that are too fatty and high in cholesterol. With individual intolerance to lactose, dairy. When the hand is released, the pain intensifies. Pain when pressing on the left side in the presence of a disorder, as well as nausea, weakness and fever, most often indicate indigestion or poisoning. In any case, if you feel acute pain in the abdomen, you should not try to diagnose yourself.

    If the pain is so severe that it is not possible to go to the hospital on your own, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. It's best to see a doctor right away, as it is. maybe an acute abdomen, which requires immediate surgical treatment.

    I had appendicitis, and my stomach ached strictly in the center, in the navel area. The doctors could not understand for two days that it was appendicitis. I also say that the location of the pain will not help you make the correct diagnosis yourself.

    During the examination, the doctor does not press hard on the corresponding part of the abdomen, since the enlarged spleen may rupture. Pain in this area can cause flatulence after heavy consumption of beans or sweets. If with such pains there is a frequent urge to urinate, burning, cramps, clouding of the urine, we can talk about problems with the kidneys and urinary tract.

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    Why does the lower abdomen hurt in men and women and what to do?

    If the lower abdomen hurts a lot?

    Regardless of whether the person in pain is male or female, there are common signs of an emergency and how to behave in such cases.

    The lower abdomen hurts very much, what needs to be done, and what should not be done in any case.

    A condition that in clinical practice is characterized as an "acute abdomen" is a serious threat not only to health, but also to life, accompanied by the following symptoms and signs:

    • Sharp, intolerable pain that lasts for an hour.
    • Significant increase in pain symptom at the slightest tension or cough, when turning over or any movement.
    • Pain in the lower abdomen, which does not change its intensity with a change in the posture or position of the patient.
    • If before the appearance of pain during the day there was no defecation, the stomach is tense and swollen, this may indicate acute intestinal obstruction.
    • The stomach not only hurts a lot, it is tense.
    • Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by palpitations, sweating, pallor of the skin, a decrease in blood pressure up to fainting, loss of consciousness.
    • If the pain is accompanied by a bowel movement, in which blood clots are noted in the stool (black or uncharacteristic stools).

    In any case, it is almost impossible to independently diagnose and differentiate a serious, threatening disease from others that do not require emergency care. Therefore, with severe pain that lasts for an hour, fever, weak pulse, nausea and vomiting, you need to call an ambulance.

    Prior to the arrival of specialists, the following independent actions are permissible:

    • The patient needs - complete rest, silence, a ventilated room and a horizontal position.
    • You can put cold on the abdomen - a heating pad with ice, a chilled water bottle, a cold compress. Cold should not be kept for more than 20-25 minutes, cold compresses should be changed to avoid warming the abdomen.
    • Of the medications, let's take No-shpa, no more than two tablets. All other drugs can be prescribed only by a doctor after an examination and a preliminary diagnosis.
    • If signs of internal bleeding appear - fainting, bluish complexion, increased heart rate, and there is a health worker nearby, you can put an intravenous drip with sodium chloride solution.

    The lower abdomen is very sore, the following actions are unacceptable:

    • You can not choose and take painkillers on your own. At a minimum, this “lubricates” the clinical picture and makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis, and at a maximum, it provokes an even greater exacerbation of the underlying disease.
    • It is impossible to warm the stomach in order to avoid the development of extensive sepsis, only cold is allowed.
    • You can not take medicines from a number of laxatives, enemas are unacceptable.
    • No food or drink allowed. With severe dryness in the mouth, wetting the tongue and lips is acceptable.

    These are recommendations that apply to both men and women, especially you need to be attentive to pain symptoms in children who still do not know how to correctly describe their feelings. At the slightest alarming signs of malaise in a child, you should immediately seek medical help.

    Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation

    Such pain is most often characteristic of young women whose hormonal system has not yet stabilized. By itself, menstruation is not a disease, it is a natural physiological state that ensures the reproductive function of a woman. If all organs and systems of a woman work flawlessly, then the menstrual cycle should not cause discomfort. Some soreness may appear in the first two or three days of the cycle, and then pass. The lower abdomen hurts during menstruation, usually due to a dissonance between different types of sex hormones - prostaglandins and progesterone. The uterus produces substances that provide its contractile function - prostaglandins. If there are too many of them, the contractions become intense, respectively, pain increases. Also, an excess of prostaglandins can provoke headaches, feelings of nausea up to vomiting. An increased level of contractile hormones is typical for young women who have not yet given birth. If the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation in women who have given birth, this may be evidence of more serious pathologies - endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adnexitis, inflammation in the ovaries, in the fallopian tubes and many other diseases. In addition, an unsuccessfully selected intrauterine device can also provoke pain during menstruation. Pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by other signs, among which the most common are:

    • Pain radiating to the lumbar region.
    • Heaviness and pain in the legs.
    • Nausea, vomiting.
    • Violation of bowel movements, diarrhea or constipation.
    • General weakness.
    • Irritability, tearfulness, often increased aggressiveness.

    Immediate medical attention is needed for pain during menstruation if the following signs appear:

    • The pain becomes intense with increased bleeding. The test is a sanitary napkin that overflows in one hour.
    • In addition to pain, a woman feels fever, fever, sweating.
    • The pain is accompanied by severe aching in the joints.
    • Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness.

    Lower abdomen hurts after period

    This is typical for conditions caused by excessive levels of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the contractile function of the uterus. During the cycle, the uterus must contract to remove blood clots, after the end of the cycle, the contractions become less active. However, if the hormonal system of a woman works with disorders, there is an imbalance of hormones in it, pain is possible after the menstrual cycle. Often in women 30-35 years old, there is an increase in estrogen production, which leads to pain in the lower abdomen during the cycle, which can also change and go astray. As a compensatory response, the uterus begins to intensively produce prostaglandins, which continue to contract the organ even after the end of menstruation. Postmenstrual pain in the lower abdomen is often caused by stress or depression. As a result of a difficult cycle, the work of the thyroid gland, which controls hormonal balance, is disrupted. It turns out a kind of vicious circle, in which one pathological factor provokes another. In addition, after menstruation, the lower abdomen often hurts due to a congenital anomaly of the uterus - underdevelopment or its incorrect position. Any inflammatory process - adnexitis, salpingitis can cause prolonged postmenstrual pain. The intrauterine device, which irritates the walls, the uterine cavity, can also interfere with the normal contraction of the uterus. In situations where the pain after the cycle does not stop within two to three days, you should not worry, this is most likely a normal physiological hormonal “jump”. If, after menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts for four or more days, especially if there is discharge and fever, you need to see a doctor to rule out a serious inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.

    Lower abdomen hurts after ovulation

    This is also a common occurrence in gynecological practice, women often complain of pain in the lower abdomen during the maturation of the follicle and uterine contraction. Surprisingly, even women who have given birth sometimes do not know what ovulation is and how the process of fertilization is connected with it.

    Ovulation is the period during which a mature follicle “releases” a single egg into the abdominal cavity, ready for fertilization. This process begins with the first menstrual cycle and gradually fades in the menopause. If a couple plans to replenish the family, then ovulation days are the most favorable days for conceiving a baby. The period of ovulation for each woman is individual and depends on the length of the monthly cycle. The boundaries of the ovulation period vary from 22 to 33-35 days. Ovulation is often accompanied by painful symptoms, in addition, during this period, fertility (attraction) to the opposite sex increases significantly, which is evidence of the natural predisposition of these days to conception. Pain both during and after ovulation is most often of moderate intensity and is an acceptable physiological norm. Rarely, the pain becomes severe, cramping, but, as a rule, it does not last long. If the pain alternates from the left side to the right, this indicates the maturation of the follicle in the left and right ovaries. Pain after ovulation is very rare, and if they occur, this may indicate the following conditions:

    • Exacerbation of chronic, latent inflammation in the ovaries.
    • Completion of conception.
    • Pregnancy, which may be associated with some inflammatory processes in the ovaries.
    • Pathological processes in the pelvic organs, not associated with the maturation of the follicles and the release of the egg.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and discharge

    This is a sign of an inflammatory process that goes into an exacerbation stage. Often, pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by milky discharge, is a symptom of a common disease - thrush or candidiasis. In fact, this is also an inflammation of the vagina, however, it is usually caused by Candida albicans - specific yeast-like organisms, fungi. The reasons why the lower abdomen hurts and the discharge becomes abundant, characteristic of its curdled consistency, are very diverse. Among the most common are the following:

    • Pathology of the endocrine system - hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism.
    • Diabetes mellitus, in which the level of sugar in the blood is elevated, respectively, in the vaginal discharge. The acidity of the excretory secretion is reduced, which creates a favorable, comfortable environment for the reproduction of Candida albicans.
    • Metabolic disorders, obesity or anorexia.
    • Long-term use of medications - antibiotics, hormonal drugs.
    • Physiological changes in the body - menopause.
    • Long-term use of contraceptives.
    • Diseases of venereal etiology.
    • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs - mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.
    • The consequence of surgical intervention as a result of which the body undergoes an adaptation process.
    • A change in the climatic zone, especially often provokes pain in the lower abdomen and discharge, moving to hot countries.
    • General decrease in the protective functions of the immune system.
    • Avitaminosis.

    Thrush is not a health-threatening disease, but its chronic course can provoke an erosive process in the cervix, which is considered a rather serious pathology.

    It is also a sign of an inflammatory process in the appendages. Inflammation of the appendages can be manifested by painful sensations on the left or right side, radiating to the thigh or sacral region of the lower back. Discharge during inflammation is mucous, often with pus. The body temperature may rise, a feverish state may occur, which indicates an exacerbation of the process.

    Also, the pain in the lower abdomen can be regular, but not pronounced, the discharge is scanty, but these symptoms also cannot be ignored in order to prevent exacerbation and more serious problems that may require emergency surgical care.

    Lower abdomen hurts after sex

    This is evidence of pathological processes that can secretly occur in the body, but often such pains are provoked by psychogenic factors.

    The lower abdomen hurts after sex - this is also a symptom of standard gynecological problems that require diagnosis and treatment. Pain in the lower abdomen after intercourse may indicate ruptures of an ovarian cyst, ruptures of the ovary itself, or the threat of miscarriage in the early stages of bearing a child. In addition, the cause of pain can be purely mechanical, when sexual contact was too rough, intense and provoked an injury to the vaginal wall, damaged the mucous membrane of the cervix. If the lower abdomen hurts after sex and discharge with blood, you need to urgently seek medical help, especially if the bleeding is intense.

    Lower abdomen hurts for a week

    This persistent abdominal pain is called chronic abdominal pain. Descriptions of sensations on the part of patients are very diverse - from a burning sensation to constant pressure and heaviness. Quite often, the reason that the lower abdomen hurts for a whole week is an elementary violation of the diet, the gastrointestinal tract is simply unable to work rhythmically in a normal mode. However, often chronic, persistent pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a developing cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, and an inflammatory process in the large intestine. The pain can be really constant, but it can also be cramping. As a rule, if a person suffers pain in the lower abdomen for a whole week, the pain is rather weak and does not differ in intensity. It is important to note how the pain is related to eating, whether it occurs before or after eating. Also, chronic pain in the lower abdomen can be a symptom of a psychosomatic illness, more related to neurology than gastroenterology. In clinical practice, such pains are called neurotic.

    The stomach actually hurts, although there are no objective external or internal causes. This is due to a psycho-emotional factor, which may be an unloved job, intense study and fear of exams, family troubles. Also, the cause of constant pain can be vegetative-vascular syndrome, which is also a neurological disease. One of the causes of chronic, recurrent pain is helminthic invasion. Chronic pain is diagnosed with the help of a comprehensive examination, the more complete it is, the more accurate and effective the treatment will be. The standard diagnostic complex includes the following procedures:

    • Collection of anamnestic information, including family.
    • Palpation of the abdominal region.
    • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy - FGDS.
    • Detailed clinical blood test, including leukocyte formula.
    • Biochemical blood test, which determines the level of enzymatic activity of the liver, pancreas.
    • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
    • Analysis for the definition of helminthic invasion, coprogram.

    If the lower abdomen hurts

    However, there are conditions that require immediate medical attention, these are all severe pain that lasts for an hour.

    The lower abdomen hurts a lot - this is one of the most typical symptoms presented in gastroenterological and gynecological practice. The stomach hurts most often intensely, since there are thousands of nerve endings and pain receptors in the gastrointestinal tract. The nature of the pain can be different: pulling, sharp, aching, cutting, and so on. The pain symptom in the abdominal area is not specific, since many diseases are accompanied by painful sensations.

    In women, the lower abdomen hurts a lot during the menstrual cycle; in men, pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of urological pathology.

    One of the main reasons why women experience severe pain in the absence of signs of pregnancy are the following:

    • An ectopic pregnancy, in which the egg does not reach the uterine cavity and begins to implant in the fallopian tube. There may be no signs of pregnancy, but after three to four weeks, the egg begins to enlarge and destroy the tissues of the fallopian tube. This process is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, dizziness to the point of loss of consciousness. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention.
    • Apoplexy, ovarian rupture. The rupture can be triggered by trauma, intense physical activity, or sexual contact. Symptoms are very similar to those of an ectopic, tubal pregnancy. The pain may radiate to the lumbar region, accompanied by vomiting, weakness and loss of consciousness. Treatment is urgent, surgical.
    • Torsion and violation of the outflow of blood through the veins in the leg of the ovarian cyst. The cyst begins to grow rapidly, presses on nearby organs, often merging with them. The pain in the lower abdomen is aching, quite strong, but transient and recurrent. Surgical treatment.
    • Inflammation of the appendages, which happens quite often after an abortive termination of pregnancy, after childbirth. The pain is diffuse, severe, intermittent. If not diagnosed in a timely manner, the spread of infection can lead to peritonitis. In the acute stage, adnexitis gives severe pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the groin. The temperature is elevated, the abdominal muscles are very tense. Treatment in the initial stage of development of adnexitis is medical, conservative, in the acute stage with the threat of peritonitis, surgical intervention is possible.

    In addition, the lower abdomen is very sore with ureaplasmosis, pathological diseases of the urinary system. In men, acute pain in the lower abdomen is a typical sign of inflammation of the urethra, an acute stage of prostatitis, and a strangulated hernia.

    All conditions associated with severe pain require immediate medical attention.

    Lower back and lower abdomen pain

    This is a description of the so-called pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is considered to be all painful sensations in the lower abdominal part, accompanied by pain in the sacrum, lumbar region. Often such pains in men give (radiate) to the rectum or vagina - in women. Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen is a non-specific symptom that may indicate various diseases, both gynecological, proctological, and vascular or urological. The nature of the pain is also different, they can be acute or chronic, prolonged.

    Acute low back pain is a sudden onset of pain that lasts two to three hours, combined with fever, nausea, weakness and fever. This is how acute conditions often manifest themselves that require immediate surgical care - inflammation of the appendix, intestinal acute obstruction, an attack of cholecystitis, rupture of an ovarian cyst, purulent inflammation of the urethra, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

    Chronic, long-term pelvic pain is a recurring discomfort that sometimes lasts for months. Such pains indicate a developing latent pathology, which has not yet manifested itself.

    Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen - causes and types of diseases

    Gynecological reasons:

    • Endometriosis, which can take various forms:
    • Imbalance of the hormonal system, violation of the normal anatomical structure of the uterus, thickening of the walls and tissue deformation.
    • Vulvodynia (pain in the vagina) caused by endometriosis.
    • Inflammatory process in the pelvic organs caused by endometriosis.
    • Neoplasms (uterus, ovaries) - benign and malignant.
    • Prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus, or POP (pelvic organ prolapse).

    Urological reasons:

    • Interstitial cystitis is a disease of unknown etiology, when bacterial studies do not reveal the causative agent of the inflammatory process.
    • Infectious inflammation of the urinary tract.
    • Urolithiasis or urolithiasis.
    • Bladder cancer.
    • Adhesive causes that often accompany surgery, also adhesive disease can develop and cause pain in the lower back as a result of a closed injury.

    Proctologic reasons:

    • Hemorrhoids, which is manifested by chronic pelvic pain.
    • Inflammation of the mucous tissue of the rectum - proctitis.
    • Intestinal tumor.

    Neurological causes:

    • IBS is irritable bowel syndrome.
    • Radiculopathy is an inflammatory process of the spinal cord root or its infringement (sciatica).
    • Hernia, osteochondrosis or prolapse (prolapse) of the intervertebral disc.

    Vascular causes:

    • VRVMT - varicose veins of the venous system of the small pelvis.
    • Pelvic varicose veins - an increase in the length of the veins of the small pelvis, their expansion.

    Musculoskeletal causes:

    • Inflammatory processes in the joints.
    • Fibromyalgia is a muscle spasm that causes lower back pain.

    Gastroenterological reasons:

    • Colitis.
    • Retroperitoneal oncological process, tumors.
    • Intestinal obstruction.

    Psychogenic causes - depressive disorders, violence, neurotic fear of sexual contact.

    Pain in lower abdomen on the left

    The lower abdomen can be conditionally divided into quadrants - the right side, umbilical, left side, right and left inguinal zone and the pubic part. Localization of pain in a particular area is one of the important diagnostic symptoms that help identify the cause of pain.

    The lower abdomen hurts on the left - this is a signal of possible problems in the organs located in this abdominal part: in the left side of the intestine, in the left kidney, in the internal reproductive organs. Also, pain in the left abdominal area can be non-specific and diagnostically identical with pain in the right abdominal region, with the exception of inflammation of the appendix. If the lower abdomen hurts on the left, this may mean that the sigmoid colon has become inflamed, or urolithiasis, adnexitis or diverticulitis develops. Due to the non-specificity of the left-sided pain symptom, the diagnosis includes a complete examination of the abdominal organs, regardless of their location - on the right or left. A comprehensive study allows timely detection of diverticulitis, which is also called left-sided appendicitis. If this disease is not diagnosed in time, especially in elderly patients, it can lead to perforation of the lower part of the colon (sigmoid), which is an indication for urgent surgical intervention. Also, tubal pregnancy can also manifest itself as pain in the left quadrant of the abdomen, in addition, the infringement of an inguinal hernia also signals about itself. One of the causes of left-sided pain may be ulcerative colitis, granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease or terminal ileitis), helminthic invasion. Often a kidney calculus that is located in the left kidney, passing the way to the bladder, also causes severe pain in the left side of the peritoneum.

    Pain in lower right abdomen

    Explicit localization of pain, in a sense, is a plus for diagnosing the disease, while diffuse (widespread) pain in the lower abdomen greatly complicates the diagnosis due to its non-specificity. The first thing that comes to mind with right-sided abdominal pain is inflammation of the appendix. Indeed, the right-sided localization of painful sensations is a specific manifestation of appendicitis, however, the lower abdomen hurts on the right and in other diseases. For example, an inflamed ureter or an attack of cholecystitis, inflammation of the liver or an acute stage of pyelonephritis can also “respond” to right-sided painful sensations. Crohn's disease, a complex inflammatory disease of unclear etiology, can also signal its development. Terminal ileitis, also called Crohn's disease, is a pathological lesion of the walls of the entire digestive tract, starting from the iliac region, where the first symptoms appear. However, when ileitis develops, the symptoms may also move down the peritoneum. In addition, cystitis or urolithiasis, ulcerative right-sided colitis, herpetic lesions of the intestinal walls can signal and manifest as pain localized in the lower right abdomen.

    Since the abdomen is the seat of many organs and systems, right-sided pain may indicate an inflammatory process, pathology or chronic course of the disease of the following organs located precisely in this part of the peritoneum:

    • A worm-like area of ​​the caecum or appendix, inflammation of which is most often manifested by pain in the right side of the abdomen - the upper or lower quadrant.
    • Most of the intestinal tract, the zones of which are often subject to inflammation, including those of an infectious nature, obstruction, and an oncological process in the intestine is also possible.
    • In the right lower quadrant is the right ureter, which can become inflamed and present with right-sided pain.
    • The right fallopian tube, which is anatomically slightly longer than the left. Inflammation can develop in the tube - salpingitis, endometrial polyp.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and fever

    This is a signal that the pathological process in the organs of the peritoneum is already moving into an acute stage. Hyperthermia is a characteristic sign of an acute inflammatory disease, but this symptom often appears already at the stage when urgent medical attention is needed. Even with gangrenous appendicitis, the patient may have a relatively low body temperature, and with perforation, it may generally decrease. Also, hyperthermia in itself cannot be a specific symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. Many severe ulcerative processes are not always accompanied by significant temperature fluctuations, for example, a perforated ulcer often manifests itself in the first hours only with pain symptoms.

    Appendicitis, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), diverticulitis, dysentery, adnexitis and pyelonephritis, many other diseases may be accompanied by pain and slight hyperthermia. This applies to urological pathologies, gynecological and proctological diseases, and even to sexually transmitted diseases, since, for example, gonorrhea is also sometimes manifested by abdominal pain and hyperthermia. The combination of "lower abdomen pain and temperature" in clinical practice is considered a serious signal of an acute period of the disease, and a high temperature that exceeds 38-39C is a clear indication of a septic lesion of the body, which can be caused by ovarian cyst apoplexy, rupture of the abdominal aorta, spleen infarction , peritonitis, rupture of the fallopian tube, infectious diseases of the kidneys or gallbladder. Both too high borderline temperature indicators and low temperature - hypothermia - are bad signs in a prognostic sense. All conditions, in the symptoms of which there is pain in the lower abdomen and temperature, require medical attention, and if the thermometer shows 34-35 or 38-40C, you need to call an ambulance, as these are clear signs of sepsis and internal bleeding.

    Chronic pain in the lower abdomen

    Chronic pain in the lower abdomen is persistent pain that remains the main complaint, disrupting the ability to work for six months or more. The correlation between the severity of pain manifestations and the severity of abdominal pathology is usually insignificant. Chronic abdominal pain is often accompanied by psychiatric disorders such as depression and sleep disturbance. Chronic pain in the lower abdomen, not associated with diseases, most often occurs in women who have been sexually abused. There are also statistical data that in a third of women undergoing laparoscopy for chronic pain, the cause of the disease could not be found out, which indicates a psychogenic cause of acute pain. 10-20% of hysterectomies in the United States annually are performed for chronic pain in the lower abdomen, provoked by purely mental factors. Hysterectomy is highly effective in reducing the severity of pain syndromes associated with subconscious protest against sexual contact. This reduces sexual dysfunction, reduces the level of psychogeny and improves the quality of life of a woman, even if the pathology of the uterus is not detected. There are no data on hysterectomy for psychogenic pain in our countries, it is obvious that so far such operations are not in demand and necessary for our women. Pain can also be the result of a hidden inflammatory process, infectious diseases such as chlamydia or mycoplasmosis. Any discomfort associated with sexual relations should be addressed, perhaps not in the drastic way that is practiced in the United States. Modern gynecology has more effective means to help identify the true cause of pain after sex and effectively eliminate it.

    Chronic pain in the lower abdomen due to gynecological problems

    Dysmenorrhea is the most common cause of chronic pain. Dysmenorrhea is called pain in the uterus of a cyclic nature that occurs before or during menstruation. It is believed that primary dysmenorrhea is associated not with the pathology of the pelvic organs, but with hyperproduction of prostaglandins by the uterus. Secondary dysmenorrhea is usually associated with the presence of an acquired pathology (for example, endometriosis).

    Endometriosis. The severity of pain in this disease varies from dysmenorrhea to intense intractable chronic pain, leading to disability. The intensity of pain does not correlate with the severity of the pathology.

    Adenomyosis is a common condition and most women are asymptomatic. Adenomyosis is characterized by an enlarged softened uterus, slightly painful on palpation. However, adenomyosis is considered a pathological condition.

    Fibromyoma is the most common benign tumor of the pelvic cavity in women. Pain in fibroids is caused either by compression of adjacent organs, or by degenerative processes that occur in the tumor.

    Retained ovary syndrome is characterized by recurrent pain in the uterine appendages after a hysterectomy.

    Prolapse of the genital organs may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, pressure, or dull pain.

    Chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are characterized by prolonged pain, usually due to the presence of a hydrosalpinx, a tubo-ovarian cyst, or adhesions in the pelvic cavity.

    Chronic pain in the lower abdomen due to non-gynecological diseases

    Adhesions after infections or surgery can cause chronic pain in the lower abdomen that is difficult to treat.

    Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, such as inflammatory diseases of the colon (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, fecal blockages, may be accompanied by pain manifestations. Pain in the lower abdomen may increase in the perimenstrual period.

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as posture disorders, muscle strain and herniated discs, can cause referred pain.


    Pain in the lower abdomen on the left | Competently about health on iLive

    How is the pain in the lower abdomen on the left manifested?

    Symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen on the left is directly the pain itself. It can be moderate, dull, cutting and sharp. In this case, it all depends on the cause of its occurrence. It is likely that the person has an ordinary indigestion. but not always as easy as one would like. Maybe it's about something more serious. The first step is to pay attention to its character, and only after that try to determine what it is. The gender of the patient also plays an important role. After all, in men, acute pain can talk about prostatitis, and in women about cystitis. In any case, there is no need to delay treatment. If the pain is moderate, it is likely that there are some problems with the intestines. Acute pain can be the very signal to action. After all, it can be problems with the intestines, pancreas and kidneys. In any case, it is strictly forbidden to delay the visit to the doctor. After all, there were cases when acute pain in the lower abdomen on the left spoke of inflammation of the appendicitis.

    Drawing pain in lower left abdomen

    Pulling pain in the left lower abdomen can symbolize the onset of kidney problems. But not always everything happens that way, sometimes we are talking about the intestines and reproductive organs. In general, pain in the lower abdomen on the left is a harbinger of either a serious illness or simply a disorder of some bowel functions. So, in most cases, we are talking about irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover, if you do not take action, then this condition can last 12 weeks. Therefore, it is clearly not worth postponing a trip to the doctor. Why do we need unnecessary problems and aggravation of the situation? So, irritable bowel syndrome is also accompanied by a change in the frequency of defecation. This criterion is worth paying attention to. After all, if it is present, then it is clearly worth asking for help. This phenomenon does not cause any particular inconvenience to a person, but for the time being. Further, the situation can worsen at times. In this case, you will have to undergo a longer and more complex treatment. Moreover, it is worth noting that the syndrome is able to disappear by itself, but only for a short time. Then everything comes back again and with more serious symptoms.

    Severe pain in the left lower abdomen

    Severe pain in the left lower abdomen can appear for a number of reasons. Moreover, it is important to note that in this case, the gender of the person, as well as the presence of pregnancy, is of great importance. Because it is difficult to talk about this problem in general terms. But if we are talking about men separately, then it can be both inflammation of the testicles and prostatitis. In general, you need to consult a doctor in order for him to make an accurate diagnosis. After all, it is difficult to talk about such things in general terms. If you take a woman separately, then in this case it may be cystitis or problems with the genitourinary system. In a pregnant girl, pain in the lower abdomen on the left can characterize the presence of both a disease and more serious problems. So, for example, we can talk about cystitis or just implantation of the embryo. In more severe cases, this indicates a threat of miscarriage. The gestational age also plays a big role here. In general, there can be quite a few reasons for the development of pain. The main thing is not to delay the trip to the doctor. So that the situation does not worsen, especially in the case of a pregnant girl. Here the risk is highest.

    Aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left

    Aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left in most cases indicates the presence of problems with the intestines or kidneys. What could it be? Basically, if we talk specifically about the intestines, then there are quite a few reasons for the development of such a phenomenon. This may be an ordinary disorder of his work. This happens in the case of eating poor-quality food or one that can cause irritation. Therefore, it is always necessary to monitor what is used. If we talk about the kidneys, then most likely this happened due to hypothermia or the presence of an infection in them. This can only be determined by an experienced doctor after the examination. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. Moreover, it is not recommended to drink painkillers, because in this way you can easily hide the pain that signals a complex inflammatory process that occurs in the body. Most likely, ordinary hypothermia was the cause of this phenomenon. Especially if the pain occurred in the fair sex.

    Sharp pain in lower left abdomen

    A sharp pain in the left lower abdomen symbolizes serious problems, in most cases. Under no circumstances should it be ignored. Yes, and taking painkillers is also not recommended. It is better to seek help from a doctor. What can symbolize such pain? Most of the time it could be kidney problems. Most likely there is a place for an infectious disease. Basically, they behave in this way. But it may be that we are talking about the pancreas. But such pain, as a rule, although strong, is short-lived. If it does not go away for a long time, then something more serious has happened. This can be the first symptom of cystitis in women and the same symptom of prostatitis in men. Sometimes this can be a harbinger of appendicitis, despite the fact that the pain appeared in a completely different direction. If we are talking about a systemic form of inflammation, then the first signs can appear anywhere, and even in the navel area. Leaving everything to chance is prohibited. After all, if it is appendicitis, then the consequences can be extremely severe.

    Stitching pains in the left lower abdomen

    Stitching pains in the left lower abdomen occur mainly in inflammation of the large intestine. This may occur due to the intake of poor-quality food or with a lot of seasonings. So, this phenomenon is also accompanied by a strong swelling. It is advisable for a certain period to refuse food that can irritate the intestines. But you can find out about this only after consulting a doctor. Self-diagnosis is not necessary. If the matter is not in the intestines, then the genitourinary system should be checked. You don't have to start fighting right away. The situation can get out of control at any moment. If the stabbing pain is accompanied by fever and vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is advisable to immediately call an ambulance and not try to cope with the situation on your own. These can be serious problems that sometimes require surgery. This condition indicates that a cyst has formed, which must be removed immediately.

    Sharp pain in lower left abdomen

    Acute pain in the left lower abdomen is a consequence of the development of many diseases. Moreover, it is simply impossible to identify what it is about, only by this symptom. The first step is to determine the source of pain, and then, based on this, try to figure out what is the reason for this. It is necessary to be able to distinguish pain during menstruation, from pain in other cases. Sometimes in the middle of the cycle there is pain in the lower abdomen on the left and this is normal. So there is nothing to worry about in this case. In all other cases, you need to think about what is happening. If acute pain occurs along with bleeding, then most likely it is a problem with the genitourinary system. It is likely that inflammation is occurring there, which needs to be dealt with quickly. But sometimes the gastrointestinal tract behaves in a similar way. If there is a state of shock, which is accompanied by fainting, then this is most likely the problem. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. After all, the consequences can be aggravating. If chills are also observed, then most likely these are problems with the pelvic organs.

    Dull pain in lower left abdomen

    Dull pain in the lower abdomen on the left is a consequence of problems with the pancreas, intestines, gallbladder and genitourinary system. It all depends on the additional symptoms and the duration of the pain. So, if you experience pain, you can judge that we are talking about problems with the intestines. Most likely there is a place for irritable bowel syndrome. This phenomenon is rather insidious. It can arise and then disappear without a trace after a while, and then begin to torment a person with renewed vigor. Therefore, it is recommended that if you experience pain of varying intensity, you should immediately seek help from the hospital. In general, it should be understood that such pain sometimes indicates the presence of pregnancy. Therefore, self-diagnosis is strictly prohibited. Only doctors should do this. After all, harming your own body is quite simple. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital. Indeed, in the early stages, in many cases this can be avoided.

    Cutting pain in the lower abdomen on the left

    Cutting pain in the lower abdomen on the left often occurs due to various intestinal pathologies. The main thing is to determine how often this feeling manifests itself in order to understand whether everything is so scary. Basically, such pain characterizes intestinal obstruction. Moreover, this is manifested not only in the presence of pain, but also in the absence of a chair. If we are talking about a diverticulum, then a feverish state is also added to everything that happens. In general, it is impossible to determine “by eye” what is happening. Only an experienced doctor can do this, and in this way he will only make a preliminary diagnosis. It is always necessary to take a series of tests to find out exactly what is happening to a person. Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen on the left indicates inflammation of the appendages. But at the same time, there is also a sharp increase in temperature. If such a phenomenon has arisen, you should immediately call a doctor, because who knows what it could be. You don't have to risk your health, that's for sure.

    Cramping pains in the lower abdomen on the left

    Cramping pains in the lower abdomen on the left in women are associated either with pregnancy or with gynecology. What can not be said about men. After all, the pain that arises in them can be of any nature. Starting from prostatitis and ending with the gastrointestinal tract. If you experience cramping pain in a woman, it is most likely worth checking the pelvic organs. Most likely the infection hid somewhere in the genitourinary system. If you do not start to deal with this in time, then problems can arise quite serious. When the pain in the lower abdomen on the left is accompanied by vomiting and fever, then you definitely need to call a doctor. After all, it can be both inflammation of the cyst and appendicitis. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates an ectopic pregnancy. This is very serious! Therefore, you should never put off a visit to the doctor. After all, all this can end in death. Sometimes such pain indicates problems in the large intestine. In this case, you just need to exclude irritating components from food. If there is no relief, you need to seek help from the hospital.

    Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen on the left

    Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen on the left is due to problems with the intestines. In some cases, this may indicate the presence of inflammation of the appendages. If we dwell directly on problems with the intestines, then most likely we are talking about colitis. Such pain in the lower abdomen on the left sometimes speaks of intestinal obstruction. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor. If it hurts, they appear directly on the left, then this may also indicate the presence of intestinal cancer. Sometimes pain is a harbinger of cyst inflammation. If a similar situation occurs in a man, then you should also rely on problems with the intestines. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician. Sometimes such pain in women can signal a rupture of the fallopian tube. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. This phenomenon occurs during an ectopic pregnancy. In any case, it is impossible to delay calling an ambulance, this can end very badly.

    Periodic pain in the lower abdomen on the left

    Periodic pains in the lower abdomen on the left are due to all the same problems in the intestines or the genitourinary tract. In principle, nothing else can be. After all, this part of the abdomen is responsible only for the soreness of these organs. Naturally, such pain can be hidden. Simply put, something more serious may be hiding behind it. But this does not happen in all cases. Naturally, you should not guess, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Sometimes even arthritis manifests itself in this way. But often the problem lies precisely in problems with the intestines. It is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen on the left, which disappears and reappears after a while. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe competent treatment. Otherwise, the situation could worsen. Sometimes appendicitis manifests itself in this way. He can get sick a little and then return with renewed vigor. Only now the second time it will be peritonitis, which must be dealt with immediately.

    Constant pain in the lower abdomen on the left

    Constant pain in the lower abdomen on the left indicates the presence of diseases or any pathologies. In any case, only an experienced doctor can deal with this. There is a kind of pain that gradually increases or subsides, but does not go away at all. Most likely in this case there are problems with the genitourinary system. There is even such a thing as chronic pelvic disease syndrome. It is quite difficult to cope with them, you can only maintain the general condition of the body and nothing more. This can be determined only after a complete examination and passing certain tests. What is most interesting, this can also occur due to stressful situations. Sometimes it can also be benign and malignant tumors. Sometimes pain provokes even ordinary constipation. Getting rid of this is quite simple, you need to change the diet. In general, in any case, you should seek help from a doctor.

    Stitching pain in the lower abdomen on the left

    Stitching pain in the lower abdomen on the left is a symptom of intestinal obstruction or its irritation. In both cases, you need to see a doctor. After all, the first symptom is not so serious, but still requires the intervention of an experienced doctor. If you do not start to deal with it in time, serious problems can arise. First of all, it is recommended to change the diet and follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor. In the second case, you should also review the food you eat. After all, it is likely that it is she who causes such a state. Therefore, it is better to refuse sufficiently acidic and salty foods. In some cases, this symptom indicates the presence of problems with the genitourinary system. It can be both banal hypothermia and a serious infection. This phenomenon is fraught with consequences for women. If all this is accompanied by additional symptoms, such as fever and vomiting, you should immediately call a doctor.


    The abdominal cavity is a place that can be examined by palpation. It is easy to detect any tumors, hernia and feel the organs. But sometimes patients complain that their stomach hurts when they are pressed on it, and then the specialist prescribes additional diagnostic methods that help to find out the cause of the unpleasant symptom.

    Reasons for pain

    Pain in the abdomen with pressure may appear in the following cases:

    • acute appendicitis;
    • gastritis in the acute stage;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
    • Crohn's disease;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • hernia;
    • poisoning with poor-quality food;
    • pathology of organs located in the small pelvis (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, etc.);
    • urinary tract infections.

    Looking at the table, you can briefly learn about the cause of the pain and the place of its localization.

    Pathology Cause of abdominal pain and its location
    Appendicitis is an acute inflammation of the appendix of the caecum Pain when pressing on the abdomen appears sharp and intensifies with a positive Shchetkin-Blumberg syndrome in the supine position. Additional signs of appendicitis are nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief, upset stool, high body temperature. Most often, the pain is localized on the right below the navel.
    Gastritis is an acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa The main symptoms of the disease are loss of appetite, belching, nausea and vomiting, increased gas formation, and weight loss. In addition, the stomach hurts when pressed in the epigastric region, there is heartburn and a burning sensation behind the sternum
    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer - a disease in which ulcers form in the mucous membrane of the digestive organs Soreness on the left side of varying intensity, stabbing in nature, most often occurring on an empty stomach. Other companions of GU and 12 duodenal ulcer are heartburn, sour belching, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen after eating, nausea, weight loss
    Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition in which gastrointestinal contents back up into the esophagus. Most often, pain occurs in the upper abdomen or behind the sternum, mainly on the left, there is a burning sensation along the esophagus, difficult and painful swallowing, prolonged cough and hoarseness, destruction of tooth enamel
    Crohn's disease is a chronic granulomatous disease that affects the entire gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the rectum. Patients with a serious illness develop diarrhea with blood in the feces, fever and general weakness, decreased or loss of appetite, ulcers from the oral cavity and throughout the gastrointestinal tract, fistulas of the anus, abdominal pain of a cramping nature, aggravated by palpation. In addition, Crohn's disease can manifest as inflammation of the skin, eyes, and joints.
    Gallstone disease is a pathology in which stones form in the gallbladder and ducts. The disease is diagnosed according to the following signs: pain in the right side of the hypochondrium of a aching nature, belching, bloating, irritability, stool disorder with proper nutrition, colic on the right. In addition, it is worth noting that patients complain of sleep disturbance and loss of appetite.
    Strangulated hernia - a condition characterized by compression of the abdominal organ by a hernial orifice, leading to circulatory disorders If a hernia is incarcerated, then patients experience a sudden sharp pain, an increase in the size of the abdomen, redness and swelling of the skin surrounding the hernial sac, nausea and vomiting, a violation of the act of defecation, streaks of blood in the feces, fluctuations in blood pressure, general weakness and malaise
    Food poisoning is a condition in which the body is poisoned by toxins that appear in food due to the mass reproduction of pathogenic microbes in it. In case of poisoning with spoiled foods, body temperature, nausea and vomiting, upset stool and abdominal pain of a cramping nature, flatulence, lowering blood pressure, cold sticky sweat most often appear. On palpation, the patient complains of increased pain in the umbilical region.
    Infection of the urinary system - a group of diseases associated with inflammation of one or more organs of formation, accumulation and excretion of urine With various diseases, the clinical picture and the location of the pain will be different. When pressed, the lower abdomen hurts, urinary incontinence, painful urination in small portions is noted with cystitis. The left side can hurt if the kidney is damaged on this side and vice versa. With bilateral kidney damage, for example, pyelonephritis, the pain is localized in the lumbar region
    The pathology of the female genital organs is a type of disease, including inflammation of the uterus with appendages, ectopic pregnancy, painful periods, etc. Due to the location in the small pelvis, all pain sensations are noted in the lower abdomen in women with any gynecological pathology. If bacteria join, itching and burning of the genital organs, an unpleasant odor and consistency of discharge, dryness of the mucous membrane, pain during and after sex may appear.

    Diagnosis of abdominal pain

    If there is pain in the lower abdomen, navel area or side of unclear etiology, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. The doctor needs to carefully and accurately palpate all parts of the abdomen in order to more accurately understand what pathology this patient may have.

    After the examination, the specialist marks the point of "tenderness" - the places of the highest sensitivity in a certain area. In addition, the medical worker collects an anamnesis:

    • when the first signs of the disease appeared;
    • whether the patient feels such symptoms for the first time;
    • in what case does the pain appear and when does it begin to intensify;
    • what additional signs appeared or were there, for example, stool disorder, vomiting, hyperthermia, etc.

    Important! In a child, the diagnosis of the disease can be difficult.

    This is due to the fact that the baby cannot independently indicate the place where the pain is localized and name other symptoms of the pathology (with the exception of those that the parents themselves can observe with their own eyes).

    In order to diagnose the pathology in time and correctly, the following measures can be taken: X-ray of the abdominal organs, ultrasound of the abdomen, clinical and biochemical blood tests, laparoscopy (for diagnostic purposes during surgical treatment).

    The photo shows the areas of the abdomen of a man, on palpation of which one or another pathology can be assumed. Also, they diagnose problem areas not only in an adult, but also in a child.

    On palpation, the doctor can mentally make a diagnosis, which is further confirmed by a comprehensive examination.

    First aid

    Under no pretext should you take painkillers, as the clinical picture can be greatly distorted. To ease the pain a little, it is allowed to apply ice to the place of its localization.

    After the pain sensations have decreased, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for help, because if this is not done, then serious consequences can occur, even death.

    Remember! Pain is a serious bell, which indicates the presence of any pathology in the body. Under no circumstances should this fact be ignored.

    Soreness in the abdomen may indicate improper functioning of the heart, lungs, digestive organs, and these are organs that are of great importance for the functioning of the whole organism.

    Treatment of diseases that cause abdominal pain

    The treatment of each disease that causes abdominal pain is individual. For example, appendicitis is treated only by surgery, i.e. removal of the inflamed appendix (appendectomy). Treatment of gastritis involves taking antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, painkillers and following a strict diet.

    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer will not do without taking antibacterial agents, drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach, drugs with an enveloping effect. Gastroesophageal reflux can be cured with fractional meals, antacids, proton pump inhibitors.

    If conservative treatment does not give positive results, surgical intervention is indicated. Therapy for Crohn's disease directly depends on the severity of the disease and the location. With a narrowing of the intestine, purulent inflammation and the ineffectiveness of drug treatment, an operation is indicated.

    Therapy is selected on an individual basis

    Urinary tract infections are treated with antibiotics, after bakposev to identify microorganisms and their sensitivity to certain drugs. Getting rid of diseases of the female genital organs is also not complete without antibiotics, in addition, it is worth paying attention to the cause of the disease and the place of its localization.

    In some cases, you can not do without surgical intervention. Mandatory conditions on the path to recovery are quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, following a strict diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist or other specialist.

    Abdominal pain in itself is a very distant symptom of a disease of the abdominal organs. To determine the source of irritation, spasms of smooth muscles, it is necessary to conduct an examination by palpation. This can be done at a therapist's appointment, with appropriate complaints, or on your own.

    However, an experienced specialist correctly differentiates the source of pain from other possible ones, corrects the symptoms against the background of existing complaints, and correctly prescribes treatment. Despite the undesirability of self-treatment, it is useful to know what this or that symptom is associated with.

    Possible causes of abdominal pain

    The localization and intensity of pain may indicate both a violation of the organ itself, and a possible connection of pain sensations with the nearest area of ​​​​innervation.

    The most common diseases of the abdominal cavity:

    1. Violation of the digestive tract: gastritis, pancreatitis, liver damage (blockage of the bile ducts, stones), intestinal motility disorders.
    2. Hernias.
    3. Appendicitis.
    4. Infectious diseases of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis).
    5. Violation of the tissues of the ovaries, twisting.

    Slight pain that occurs when pressing on the abdomen can be a somatic manifestation of stress, a change in diet, or be the initial stage of the development of serious diseases (inflammation, tumors). In the first case, you can resort to a home first-aid kit, in the second, you need to call medical personnel to your home.

    Description of symptoms according to affected organ

    Depending on the affected organ, the pain can be different. Consider the ailments that lead to the occurrence of such symptoms.


    Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa as a result of a bacterial infection, or as a result of the abuse of junk food. With this disease, pain is aching, not constant. The pain is localized as if under the heart, accompanied by bouts of heartburn, pressing sensations. After eating, even in small portions, there is a feeling of fullness, often accompanied by nausea. Other signs of gastritis when the stomach hurts: an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, belching, a gray-whitish coating on the surface of the tongue. On palpation - there is pain, aggravated by pressing on the stomach.


    Inflammation of the appendix of the large intestine. At the beginning of the disease, pain occurs first around the navel, and then moves to the right side of the abdomen. During the day, the pain intensifies. There is a high temperature, headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The progression of symptoms is very rapid, from the first manifestations of symptoms it can take no more than a day. When feeling the abdomen with a slope to the lower right region, a sharp pain occurs. After pressure, in a relaxed state, the pain intensifies. Often there is an increase in heart rate, dry mouth. Appendicitis is treated only with the help of surgical removal of the appendix, drugs can only aggravate and complicate a critical situation. It is necessary to call an ambulance at the first sign of illness.

    Liver disease

    Infectious lesions of the liver, such as hepatitis, are accompanied by acute, constant pain in the right side, in the hypochondrium. This changes the tone of the skin. It becomes yellow, with a transition to a yellowish color, the sclera of the eyes is stained.

    There may be invasive infections of the liver, while a person has a general severe intoxication with vomiting, digestive disorders. Periodically suffer from constipation, then diarrhea. Pain directly in the source of invasion is very strong, a painful attack may be accompanied by severe vomiting and a temperature of 37 0 C.

    Pain in the liver may be associated with inflammation of the biliary tract or gallbladder. There is pain at the top right along the rib. It can be projected into the right shoulder blade and felt from the back, while only painkillers help. When eating fatty and oil-containing foods, nausea with signs of bilious vomiting is noted.


    Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas, inflammation resulting from excessive secretion of enzymes. Reflux formation, malnutrition - starvation, overeating, rarely stones in the ducts.

    The pain appears on the left side, along and under the rib. Depending on the location of the damaged tissue, it may spread backward or closer to the location of the stomach, and maybe even above the navel. When probing this place, pain occurs. Pain from mild to moderately severe: periodic, mild tingling when breathing, and in the presence of stones - sharp, incessant. Unpleasant sensations are accompanied by indigestion: belching, nausea, upset stool (it is necessary to do an analysis for steatoria).

    Pancreatic pain may be associated with the accumulation of intestinal gases in the pancreas. The reasons are inactivity, plant and legume foods, increased consumption of flour and dairy products.

    bowel disorder

    In the absence of other painful symptoms, an unpleasant sensation of colic or increased intestinal motility may be the result of psycho-emotional disorders. It is also possible to overeat fresh plant foods, a sharp change in food. Pain can be weak, aching and in a calm state (or lying down) does not manifest itself in any way. Increased gas formation is accompanied by severe colic. The pain is rarely localized in any particular place, but most often it is noted in the lower abdomen and is accompanied by the urge to go to the toilet.

    Infectious bowel disorders are accompanied by frequent diarrhea, severe pain in the abdomen. There is a high temperature (37 0 C), nausea and vomiting. With frequent emptying - dehydration.

    Gynecological problems

    Separately, it should be noted that periodic pain in the lower abdomen in women is the norm. Pain is usually moderately severe, the first and last 1-2 days of menstruation. They appear the same on both sides in the pelvic cavity.

    Pathological is a strong irradiating or unilateral pain. When the fallopian tube or ovary ruptures, the lower abdomen below the navel hurts - a sharp attack, like a current, gives into the rectum. Periodically, attacks of pain stop, with timely treatment they decrease. When pressing on the abdomen in the area of ​​​​damage - there is pain. The study by palpation is complicated due to the tension of the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

    There may be complaints about the spread of pain in the groin, in the thigh. In the case of an acute abdomen, when the pain spreads throughout the entire space of the abdomen, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Loss of consciousness from pain is possible.

    How can you help yourself when there are pains in the abdomen?

    The main remedy for relieving spasms of smooth muscle of the abdominal tissue is No-Shpa (in other words, drotaverine hydrochloride). The drug relieves a painful attack both in gynecological problems and relieves pain in the gallbladder, pancreas. No-Shpa also relieves intestinal symptoms (an exception is appendicitis).

    Some specific means of action:

    1. Duspatalin - used for gastritis, unopened stomach ulcer. Used to restore gastrointestinal function.
    2. Immodium Plus - used as an antidiarrheal agent, also reduces gas formation in the intestines.
    3. Maalox is a protective agent that envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, neutralizes high acidity. Used for gastritis, duodenitis.
    4. Mezim or Pancreatin is an adjuvant containing additional enzymes for the pancreas. Improves digestion and promotion of the food bolus through the digestive tract.
    5. Festal - contains both pancreatic enzymes and glands, and a certain amount of dry bile. Facilitates the work of the liver, pancreas. Oat products are also used for the liver.
    6. With dysbacteriosis, or with a slight bacterial intestinal disorder, drink water with a few drops of Hilak-Forte. Serious infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated in a hospital with strong antibiotics.

    If the pain recurs daily or gets worse each time, home treatment may be ineffective and lead to serious consequences. The main complication of self-treatment can be the loss of precious time, during which it would be possible to eliminate the initial stage of the disease without consequences.

    If the pain was preceded by an abdominal injury (blow, fall)

    We can assume damage to the internal organs, with their rupture and bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

    The pain is acute, all over the abdomen, the pain is constant, gradually increasing, aggravated by movement. The abdominal wall is tense, sometimes hard ("like a board"). Pressing on the abdomen is sharply painful. Severe condition. Repeated vomiting, sometimes with an admixture of blood. The skin is pale, cold sweat, body temperature is elevated, the pulse is frequent, weak, blood pressure is lowered.


    If the pain is localized in the upper abdomen. If the abdominal muscles are tense - "the stomach is like a board"

    We can assume acute appendicitis, acute intestinal obstruction, strangulated hernia, perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

    peptic ulcer

    Treatment performed by a surgeon. Immediate hospitalization in a surgical hospital!

    If the pain is excruciating. If the onset of pain was preceded by the use of alcohol, spicy, fatty or fried foods

    Acute pancreatitis- inflammation of the pancreas. It occurs more often in people suffering from alcoholism or cholelithiasis. Abdominal pain occurs acutely after errors in the diet (fatty, fried, spicy foods, alcohol). Pain in the upper abdomen, sharp, boring, constant in nature, radiates to the back or encircles the torso. The abdomen is swollen, painful when pressed on it. Severe condition. Due to intense pain, a person is restless, groans, screams, tries to find a painless position of the body. The attack is often accompanied by hiccups. Vomiting - repeated, not bringing relief, sometimes it can be mixed with blood. Retention of stool and gases. The skin is pale, the body temperature is elevated, blood pressure is low, the pulse is frequent, weak.

    Treatment performed by a surgeon. Immediate hospitalization in a surgical hospital!

    If the abdominal muscles are tense - "the stomach is like a board"

    We can assume acute appendicitis, acute intestinal obstruction, strangulated hernia, perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

    peptic ulcer complicated by perforation of the stomach or duodenum. As a rule, it is known that the patient has a peptic ulcer. Pain in the abdomen is acute, sharp, "dagger". Appears in the epigastric region, quickly spreads to the entire abdomen. Posture of the patient: on the side, with the legs brought to the stomach. Changing the position of the body is sharply painful. The abdomen is not involved in breathing. The anterior abdominal wall is sharply tense. Sharp pain with pressure on the abdomen in all departments. Breathing is superficial. Pale skin, cold sweat. Later there is vomiting. Arterial pressure goes down, pulse is frequent, weak. The general condition is severe.

    Treatment performed by a surgeon. Immediate hospitalization in a surgical hospital!

    If pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the right half of the chest

    Acute cholecystitis- inflammation of the gallbladder. The appearance of pain is preceded by errors in the diet (eating fatty, fried foods). Pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the right half of the chest. The pain is sharp, sharp, cramping. The abdomen is swollen, painful when pressed in the right hypochondrium, sharp pain occurs when tapping on the right edge of the costal arch. The pain is accompanied by repeated vomiting, which does not bring relief. Sclera of the eyes with an icteric tinge.

    Treatment performed by a surgeon. Immediate hospitalization in a surgical hospital!

    Is the pain localized in the right lower abdomen

    Acute appendicitis- inflammation of the appendix. At the beginning of the disease, the epigastric region hurts, then the pain "goes down" to the lower abdomen on the right, the pain is constant. The abdomen is tense in the lower sections on the right, the pain intensifies when the patient is positioned on the left side, when lifting the straight right leg from the supine position. Pressing on the abdomen in the lower sections on the right is sharply painful. Body temperature rises to 38-39°C. Possible vomiting.

    Treatment performed by a surgeon. Immediate hospitalization in a surgical hospital!

    If the pain is accompanied by repeated vomiting

    Acute intestinal obstruction- violation of the activity of the intestine, leading to a violation of the movement of its contents. Often, the patient in the past had surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity. The pain is sharp, intense, sudden, cramping. It is localized first at the site of the focus of the disease, then becomes diffuse throughout the abdomen. Repeated vomiting, first with food, then with bile, later with intestinal contents with a fecal odor. Retention of stool and flatus, with excruciating painful urge to stool. The patient is restless, cannot find a comfortable position of the body. The abdomen is swollen, sometimes asymmetrically. Pressing on the abdomen is painful. The condition is severe, rapidly deteriorating. The skin is pale, moist to the touch. Pulse is frequent, weak. Arterial pressure is low. Body temperature is elevated.

    Treatment performed by a surgeon. Immediate hospitalization in a surgical hospital!

    If acute pain in the area of ​​​​the hernia after lifting weights

    Hernia incarceration occurs after lifting weights, with a strong cough, straining. Sharp pain in the region of the hernia. Hernial protrusion increases in size, dense to the touch, painful. Self-reduction does not occur.

    Treatment performed by a surgeon. Immediate hospitalization in a surgical hospital!

    If you can't make a diagnosis using this scheme, see your doctor.

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    Questions and answers on: pain in the lower abdomen when pressed

    2016-06-04 00:13:38

    Olga asks:

    Good afternoon. Half a year ago I did an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. There were no pathologies on ultrasound. Only torsion of the gallbladder and jwp. But I didn't have any complaints. After 3 months I woke up with pain in the left hypochondrium. The pain was not strong and I fell asleep further. But the pain continued throughout the day. Increased with breathing and sneezing. A day later, in the left hypochondrium, the pain passed and moved to the right hypochondrium, as well as to the area of ​​​​appendicitis. Has addressed to the surgeon. He said you can dance on my stomach. Which seemed strange to me because there were pains. The gastroenterologist looked at the old ultrasound and said that it was JVP. But why was there no pain before, although there was already a diagnosis?? She also felt my stomach and said that I had colitis. By the way, on an ultrasound scan at the gynecologist, they wrote to me that I have fluid in the retrouterine space. I drank choleretic drugs. The pain in the hypochondrium disappeared, but in the lower abdomen, when pressed, the pain remained. It's been two and a half months now. It didn't bother me. Only when pressed. But about two weeks ago, there was a periodically aching pain in the lower back radiating forward. pressing on the lower back was not pleasant. The aching pain in the right hypochondrium also began to appear again. And three days ago I woke up at night from a cold sweat and a slight temperature. Nausea. Dizziness. Dropped the temperature. Didn't get up again. Rod rib and hurts almost all the time. Very rarely brlit and the left side. There was diarrhea. Approximately 4-5 times a day. There are also false claims. My stomach hurts and growls, but in the end nothing happens in the toilet. Nausea is mild and not always. On the right, sort of an edge, sometimes something is in the way. It hurts to press almost the entire right side of the abdomen and gurgles. Also sometimes not a big itch on the skin. The worst thing is that I am now in a foreign country and I don’t have much money even for an examination, and I’m only going home in two weeks. Very scary. What can it be and can you advise something? I drink Allahol and coal for the second day. I read a lot about stones and death. about stomach cancer and so on. And I also have enlarged lymph nodes for 5 years on the neck and in the groin. And there was an idea that now there are problems with it due to the appearance of intra-abdominal lymph nodes. thoughts about cancer are very scary

    Responsible Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

    Hello Olga! You need to undergo a medical examination to determine the degree of urgency. And so, at a distance and without seeing the patient, I can say that despite the predominance of complaints of a gastrointestinal nature, I consider it necessary to be treated, mainly by a gynecologist, who will definitely pay attention to the connection (or not) with your lymph nodes.

    2015-10-13 14:37:56

    Maria asks:

    Hello. Skills almost 3 months ago was miscarried at 32 weeks. The autopsy showed nothing. After 4 days, menstruation should come, but for almost 2 weeks I already feel pain in my chest, today when I press the nipples, a white liquid comes out. There is also pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Tell me, please, what can it be. I also want to say that I did not take care of myself.

    Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

    Hello Maria! These symptoms are nonspecific and do not allow for an accurate diagnosis, but are definitely an indication for a visit to the doctor. Take a pregnancy test, go to the gynecologist and get tested. In addition, be sure to ask your doctor to choose an adequate method of contraception for you. Given your history, you cannot become pregnant for at least six months. Another topic for discussion should be a survey that should show the cause of premature birth and death of the fetus. Take care of your health!

    2014-06-15 11:00:34

    Xenia asks:

    The gynecologist found inflammation. On examination, it was very painful when pressing on the stomach. and pain in the lower abdomen. Advised to take a course of Rat injection. 5 injections in the stomach, which she herself will do. On the Internet, information about the composition and reviews about this was not found at all. Tell me, is it worth it? What are injections anyway?

    2013-02-12 19:43:57

    Daria asks:

    Hello! For two days, I periodically have pain in the lower abdomen on the right (just below the navel). The pain is sharp but passes quickly. It hurts a little when pressed. With what it can be connected? And in general, is it closer to the symptoms of appendicitis or gynecological inflammation?

    Responsible Tarasyuk Tatiana Yurievna:

    Abdominal pain can have a variety of causes, from intestinal cramps (colic) to serious illness. An examination by a doctor and some tests will help figure this out.

    2011-07-10 13:08:19

    Alexander asks:

    Hello, I have such a problem, burning and pain when urinating, and sometimes just in the urethra there is just a burning sensation, especially often after exercising in the gym (I suppose after treadmills); and also pain below the navel when pressed, after I went once to the toilet in a small way - during urination, everything squeezed so much in the lower abdomen and let go only after I had to finish urination and after that the pain in the lower abdomen began!
    In the program "Live Healthy" on June 10, they considered pain in the lower abdomen in women, but in men I don't think there are many differences! At the end of the program, they said that pain in the lower abdomen can be associated with problems with urination, and therefore I really hope that you will help me find out the reason!
    I've been going through many tests for half a year and they still don't find anything:
    1) In QVD, all infections are negative! Done by PCR
    2) Ultrasound of the bladder: size 68.9 * 43.4 * 65.1, volume 101.9 ml, wall 2.8 mm, homogeneous content
    3) Ultrasound of the prostate: Not enlarged; in the form of a chestnut; size anteroposterior 19.5mm, transverse 37.4mm, upper-lower 28mm; volume 10.7 cm cubic; the contours are even, the echogenicity is normal, the echostructure is homogeneous
    4) Ultrasound of the kidneys: both have a typical location, the shape is normal, the contours are even, the dimensions are 100 * 42 and 103 * 44, the thickness of the kidney parenchyma is 13 mm, there are no changes
    5) adrenal glands are not enlarged
    6) Smear (There is something here, but the urologist does not know what exactly): single leukocytes; poor mixed flora; gonococcus was not found; the epithelium is large, Trichomonas are not detected, mucus is present
    7) everything in the urine is within the normal range: everything is negative, transparent, yellow, without mucus
    8) Complete blood count conclusion: erythrocytosis, monocytosis, basophilia
    9) Biochemical blood test conclusion: hyperglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, decrease in HDL
    10) The surgeon said that there are no hernias
    In the program, they talked about kidney stones, ulcerative colitis, teleocia and various genetic (urological) diseases!
    Please tell me, maybe some other tests need to be passed in order to finally understand the cause and get rid of it!
    thanks in advance!

    Responsible Kharitonchuk Vadim Nikolaevich:

    Dear Alexander. You described an inflammatory lesion of the prostate gland, indeed, the prostate is only a male organ, so prostatitis can only develop in men. It is known that it is bacterial damage to the tissues of the prostate gland that is the cause of chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The development of prostatitis is facilitated by the irregularity of sexual life, hypothermia, trauma, decreased activity of the immune system, impaired blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs, various hormonal disorders (androgen deficiency), and STDs. Prostatitis is often combined with urethritis, vesiculitis and prostate adenoma. We are impressed, Alexander, with your systematic approach to the examination, but most often chronic prostatitis has an asymptomatic course and the main method for diagnosing the disease is the identification of microorganisms in the tissues of the prostate gland. Prostate secretions are cultured to detect bacteria. In addition, microscopy of the secretion of the prostate gland is performed. One of the criteria for diagnosing prostatitis is an increase (more than 10 in the field of view) of the number of leukocytes in the secret. In some cases, there is an increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA.). Your case, Alexander, requires a full diagnosis and adequate treatment.

    2011-05-08 23:57:09

    Yana asks:

    Hello! In the process of medical abortion, a fetal egg came out and a lot of blood clots! Within 5 days there were abundant periods without much discomfort! BUT! On days 6, 7 and 8, pulling pains began in the lower abdomen (I can’t do without painkillers. I can’t do without painkillers) accompanied by meager discharge. I went for an ultrasound scan, the doctor said that everything went well, but a small number of clots in the uterus still remained. Upon examination, the doctor checked uterus and ovaries for soreness when pressed. There is no pain. He advised Movalis or Olfen candles. He also said that these clots would definitely come out with the next menstruation. But I worry that the pulling pains do not stop, is this a normal situation? Thank you in advance for your answer!

    2008-05-31 23:54:47

    Lena asks:

    Hello, I am 20 years old. The delay in menstruation was 3-4 months, before that there was a delay last year for 3 months, but then menstruation started again, everything was fine for 3 months, but here again there was a delay. Recently, I have been feeling pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, strong white discharge, sour, and even in the vagina on the right side it feels like some kind of growth in the form of a ball, it does not grow, it is always the same size, it was already noticed 2-3 years ago, it used to be didn’t bother and didn’t hurt anything, it either appears or disappears from time to time, it doesn’t hurt when pressed, but after intercourse the last week after 15-30 minutes pain begins, 3-4 days ago there was intercourse with my husband and after that pain lasted almost 2 days. What could it be?

    2014-03-27 17:51:33

    Maria asks:

    A few days ago I asked a question, the doctor Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna answered me, thanks for the prompt help!
    I answer your questions: all the tests are in order, the gynecologist said that nothing was found, the smear is good, it’s not clear with cystitis yet, because my tests were lost in the laboratory, now it’s impossible to find out.
    Now my chest has begun to hurt (not much, but when pressed, discomfort), it still pulls the lower abdomen, on the sides, where the ovaries are. The discharge is scanty, creamy, transparent white, after urination it is mucous, but there are not many of them.
    What are the symptoms of pregnancy? When is it appropriate to get tested? I'm already on edge! Why does the chest hurt and the stomach pulls?
    Thank you!

    Question asked earlier:
    The cycle is irregular, on average 27 days (sometimes 21, sometimes 35, in different ways). The penultimate PA was in October.
    The last menstruation was 9.03-12.03, 15.03 was PA protected (condoms were used). The next day, pain began when urinating, the urologist suggested cystitis, the gynecologist diagnosed erosion and sent her for tests. After menstruation, the discharge was normal, after PA for a week now they have been white, WITHOUT an unpleasant odor, sometimes viscous, sometimes creamy, and on March 21-23 I noticed that the discharge became like mucus, and something else similar to white threads is released, like film on a boiled egg, but still meager, in the lower abdomen a little discomfort.

    Responsible Shidlovsky Igor Valerievich:

    In absentia it is not possible to determine. Start with ultrasound / MRI of the mammary glands, MRI of the thoracic and lumbosacral spine, consultation with a neurologist, ultrasound of the ovaries, kidneys, bladder, general urinalysis.
    What is the reason for infertility? Have you had any discharge from your nipples? Is the hairiness of the armpits and pubis preserved, and vice versa, is the hairiness of the body excessive? What is the body weight?

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