Axillary lymphadenitis in women treatment. Self-treatment of axillary lymphadenitis. Diagnosis and treatment

Axillary lymphadenitis is inflammatory process lymph node in the area armpit. This pathology is the result past infection or inflammation. The risk group, first of all, includes women, because. their axillary lymph nodes are more sensitive.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of lymphadenitis is the penetration of a harmful microbe into the lymph node ( coli, streptococcus, pneumococcus, etc.). The number of damaged lymph nodes depends on the stage of inflammation and the location of the focus. This is determined based on the size of the infected lymph node. There are the following classifications of lesions:

  • Lymphatic.
  • Hematogenous.
  • Contact.

The most common cause of inflammation axillary lymph nodes are Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus. They flow with the flow of lymph through the vessels from the place purulent inflammation. Specialists distinguish purulent and non-purulent lymphadenitis. The disease can be in a chronic or acute form, depending on the period of inflammation.

Without proper treatment, the likelihood of purulent inflammation increases. Infected lymph nodes affect nearby healthy lymph nodes. With severe suppuration of the nodes, there is a possibility of the appearance of adenophlegmon - the outflow of pus infiltrate into soft tissues.

Lymphadenitis can develop with:

  • ulcer;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Suppuration of the hair root;
  • tumors;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • AIDS, etc.

Types of lymphadenitis

There are two types of lymphadenitis of the armpit:

  1. Specific - the defeat occurs by certain viruses, fungi or bacteria;
  2. non-specific- damage to the lymph nodes occurs with other inflammations.

Axillary lymphadenitis in children

In children, the appearance of lymphadenitis is common. The imperfect organism of children is constantly struggling with the infection attacking it, and the first thing that reacts to this is the lymphatic system. Often the increase is temporary, for example, with the growth of teeth.

Also, the causes of the appearance of lymphadenitis in children are:

  • Multiple colds and past viral infections.
  • scratch, incl. and animals, on whose claws great amount harmful microbes.
  • Graft.
  • AIDS or HIV.

If the lymph nodes are not painful, then the specialist prescribes only control over the condition and plentiful drink. If improvement does not occur, then it is necessary to pass the KLA and urine. Analyzes show the presence of infection or its absence. In the presence of a purulent process in children, emergency hospitalization with treatment in a hospital is desirable, because. possible intoxication.


There are the following types axillary lymphadenitis:

  1. catarrhal. This type is an increase lymph nodes and their increased sensitivity. The human condition does not change. Lymph nodes are dense, painful, characterized by mobility. The skin at the site of enlargement of the nodes does not change.
  2. Purulent. Expressed sharp pain. The skin at the site of inflammation acquires a red tint and swells. General state the human body deteriorates and the following symptoms appear: malaise, headache and fever. Left untreated, this type leads to an abscess or sepsis.

Diagnosis of lymphadenitis

staging correct diagnosis based on the collection of anamnesis by a specialist and laboratory research. First, the doctor examines the inflamed area and feels the lymph nodes. In case of a positive diagnosis, ultrasound procedure armpit. Most effective method research is considered a biopsy of the inflamed lymph node. AT extreme cases node excision is required to study the structure of the tissue. You may also need procedures such as lymphoscintigraphy, CT scan and x-ray.

Therapeutic methods

For the treatment of axillary lymphadenitis, there is effective therapy. In case of suppuration of the lymph node, specialists make an incision and remove all the pus. The operation is performed in a hospital. After, required daily care and drainage of the wound so that pus does not accumulate and come out. The patient is often prescribed a course of antibiotics in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections.

Also, along with medicines, the specialist prescribes ointments to destroy the infection on the skin, relieve pain and swelling.

With a neglected state of the disease, treatment can be long-term.

AT rare cases you can resort to folk medicine. For example, a compress from echinacea tincture on alcohol, diluted warm water. Also lotions decoction of mistletoe, walnut leaves and St. John's wort, filled with 250 ml of boiling water. The treatment process consists of soaking gauze and applying an enlarged lymph node to the site.


chief preventive measure to prevent the development of axillary lymphadenitis is to prevent infection of the body. If an inflamed area or injury on the skin is detected, it is necessary to treat the area with antiseptic drugs. Avoid injury armpit. Measures to strengthen immunity and hygiene will be useful.

This disease is characterized by the formation of pus and which are localized in the armpits.

This type of lymphadenitis is distinguished by features peculiar only to it.

Namely, the disease is not an independent pathology, but is mainly a consequence of various inflammations associated with the appearance of pus.

Lymphadenitis in the armpit

emergence this disease occurs after exposure to microbes that have spread to the lymphatic and blood vessels. In addition to this case, the spread of infection can occur from direct contact in places where the skin has been broken (for example, scratches or cuts in the armpits).

For general view diseases lymphatic system, infection is possible at the level of the local process of suppuration. The process of intoxication is also possible in violation of tissues at the regional level.

Thus, one can come to the following conclusion, from the state of the lymph nodes and glands, it is possible to determine the state of other external and internal organs and tissues of the human body. With any variant of the pathology process in the body, violations of the lymphatic system may occur. When it is necessary to take immediate measures to treat a person, since the above processes can be the cause of this disease.

Lymphadenitis of the armpit causes inflammation of the lymph nodes that are above and below the collarbone. The lymph that accumulates in the armpit area was transported there from neighboring organs (neck, chest, shoulder girdle).

At simple forms lymphadenitis, the course of inflammation takes place in the capsule of inflammation itself, it is limited to a place, the focus of inflammation from which does not spread further throughout the body. For cases with a more complex form, destruction is characteristic, that is, the process of inflammation quickly spreads to tissues that are nearby in the neighborhood. At adverse conditions there is a possibility of adenophlegmons (infiltrates) - these are seals in which softening foci appear in some places. At untimely appeal see a doctor or incorrect treatment occurs Great chance the appearance of thrombophlebitis and septicopyemia in a patient with mediastinal tissue damage.

Also, there is a possibility of fistulas in lymphatic vessels, which leads to a breakthrough of pus. At acute processes possible purulent form. A symptom of this process is redness on the skin near the inflamed lymph nodes. After that, there is a adhesion of the lymph nodes between themselves and neighboring tissues, which leads to a lack of mobility of the lymph nodes.

Causes of the disease

The cause of the formation of this disease may be different, but it is mainly due to the defeat of the lymph nodes by various harmful microbes. These include Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci, as well as varieties of pneumococci and diplococci. The extent of damage to the lymph nodes will depend on the volume of the inflammation process and the location in which the infection from microorganisms occurred. All this can be determined by how much the lymph node itself has increased.

The following types of lesions can be distinguished, which differ in the period of infection:

  • lymphatic;
  • hematogenous;
  • contact.

All of them are united by the fact that the body becomes infected due to the entry of microbes into the lymph nodes. At the same time, they are united by the symptoms that appear in the patient, the difference is only in the difference in the time of infection.

Streptococci and staphylococci are the main sources of axillary lymphadenitis disease. Infection occurs by getting these pathogens into the lymph nodes with a lymph flow directly from those places where there is a chronic purulent or acute inflammation. This infection may be due to direct contact at various violations skin (trauma, injury).

The nature of the course of inflammation processes that are formed during axillary lymphadenitis, doctors distinguish axillary lymphadenitis of a purulent and non-purulent nature. Also, the disease axillary lymphadenitis can take a chronic and acute form, everything will depend on the time of the inflammation process.

With more advanced cases the course of the disease, there is a possibility of a purulent inflammation process, which can be not only single, but also multiple. In this case, microbes from infected lymph nodes affect nearby healthy nodes. With purulent inflammation, if the process of suppuration in soft tissues has begun, adenophlegmons may appear.

Methods of infection of the lymph nodes with axillary lymphadenitis

Lymphatic method. The infection process can be described in this way. Infection of the lymph node occurs when the infection enters through the vessels in the lymph flow, which in turn was infected by contact in the primary focus. Such a primary source of infection may be trauma or other damage to the skin (for example, armpit scratches due to improper personal hygiene, or irritation of the skin with uncomfortable clothing). Also, the cause of infection can be purulent-necrotic inflammation. hair follicle or furuncle.

Hematogenous method. The cause of the disease is an infection in the following internal organs: intestines, ovaries, liver, which spread to the lymph node. Inflammation occurs by transmission in the blood stream various infections. Other illnesses may also be the cause.

These diseases include:

  • malignant tumors in the head and neck area,
  • brucellosis,
  • melanoma,
  • rubella,
  • lymphoma,
  • disease cat scratches and other non-specific infectious lesions.

In our time, another reason has also appeared why axillary lymphadenitis may occur. This reason, in some cases, may be silicone implants in mammary glands ah, women.

In any case, if you find yourself with an increase in lymph nodes of more than one centimeter in diameter, and this will also be accompanied by painful sensations in the armpit area, you need to apply for medical care, as these may be symptoms of axillary lymphadenitis.

Symptoms of axillary lymphadenitis

It is very difficult to recognize axillary lymphadenitis from ordinary lymphadenitis, since the symptoms of the diseases are identical. The main symptom is a pronounced pain in the armpits, pulling character. People who have this disease, in order to relieve pain, are forced to take a special position of the body and hands.

This may also result in heat body and swelling appears. If the inflammation from lymphadenitis is localized on the surface of the skin, then hyperemia and an increase in temperature at the sites of inflammation are possible. If the disease is started, then signs such as the onset of chills, fluctuation, leukocytosis may appear. After that, the focus, in which the infection originally appeared, no longer matters.

With a nonspecific course of axillary lymphadenitis, a person feels pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inflamed lymph nodes, which appear suddenly. Strong ones can also form, the body temperature rises, malaise and weakness of the whole organism are felt.

The non-purulent form is characterized by the fact that it proceeds imperceptibly, without any pronounced symptoms.

Purulent lymphadenitis can be distinguished by the following external features:

  • lymph nodes stand out more and become denser;
  • the lymph nodes are in a state of motion, and if you try to move them, then pain occurs;
  • the area on the skin near the nodes has no changes.

The purulent form is characterized by significant, with constant pulsation, pain. There is a splicing of inflamed nodes and neighboring tissues. Knots, to the touch, acquire a more solid structure and become motionless. With a purulent form, the appearance of adenophlegmons is possible.

Symptoms of this inflammation can be reddening of the skin over the focus of inflammation, and in case of complications of the disease, it can lead to the appearance of a tumor that has blurred boundaries and is dense to the touch.

Symptoms secondary form purulent axillary lymphadenitis, may be the following:

  • severe chills may occur;
  • cardiac arrhythmia appears;
  • the whole body is unwell;
  • internal ulcers may occur. In order to determine their appearance, you need to press your fingers in this place. If there is phlegmon in this place, then there will be a sound resembling “crunching of snow”.

It should also be noted that if purulent axillary lymphadenitis is not diagnosed and treated in time, the disease can spread to large areas of the body, which in the future can lead to the formation of sepsis.

Right axillary lymphadenitis

This type of lymphadenitis has its own characteristics in the manifestation primary symptoms. This feature includes the fact that the focus of the disease is in close proximity to the heart. It has great importance in diagnosing and choosing a further method of treatment, with which medical professionals you have to be extremely careful. With this type of disease, there is always a threat that the disease can turn into purulent form, which is characterized by temporary remissions with exacerbations, and also has a persistent course.

Characteristic signs at the initial stage of the disease are:

  • severe pain in the armpit, bearing a pulling character;
  • weakness will be felt throughout the body;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • bad general well-being organism.

The nature of the course of the disease

On the primary stage disease, in the first 3 days there are no pronounced signs of the disease, there are no pains, the mobility of the nodes does not change. Symptoms of the disease begin to appear on the third or fourth day. They are expressed in a sharp development of accumulation of lymph in the tissues and adhesions of the lymph nodes. In the right armpit, the lymph nodes resemble appearance bunches of grapes.


Features of the treatment of axillary lymphadenitis

Many factors influence the choice of treatment for this disease. For example, this may depend on the stage of development of inflammation or on the severity of the course of the disease. Treatment, first of all, is to remove the focus. Treatment methods in the early stages are conservative, we are talking what needs to be eliminated in the first place. primary focus inflammation process.

To do this, it is necessary to open an abscess or purulent flow, phlegmon, an abscess drainage is established. After that, antibiotics are prescribed, but it is necessary to take into account the sensitivity of the flora of microorganisms that are in the primary focus of inflammation. In some cases, for the treatment of axillary lymphadenitis, one has to resort to surgical intervention. Usually when it comes to acute form purulent axillary lymphadenitis, one has to resort to opening an abscess, removing pus and draining the wound. If we are talking about axillary lymphadenitis with a secondary character, in this case, the treatment process should be primarily aimed at eliminating the main source of infection. It should also be noted that the treatment of a specific form of axillary lymphadenitis will depend on the general condition of the lymph nodes and the degree of their damage.

In the case when the process of inflammation is in active phase, there is a need to use such medicines first order as: tubazid, ethambutol, streptomycin, prothionamide, ethionamide.

Inflamed lymph nodes must be bandaged with a bandage with streptomycin, and they must also be treated with tibon or tubazid ointment. In some cases, the places directly to the lymph nodes are also chipped with streptomycin. In inflammatory purulent processes with a pronounced character, it is necessary to carry out drug therapy through the use of antibiotics a wide range. The term of treatment of axillary lymphadenitis can reach up to six months.

Lymph nodes in the armpit healthy person are not palpable on palpation. Their size in normal condition no more than a pea. Some people are unaware of the existence of these nodes until inflammation causes them to enlarge. If axillary lymphadenitis occurs, treatment is prescribed, taking into account the causes that provoked the disease.

Axillary nodes protect organs from the development of various pathological processes. Certain diseases cause their inflammation and deformation, change the consistency.

Lymph nodes are located in the middle of the armpit. They are divided into five types:

  • central;
  • chest;
  • subscapular;
  • apical;
  • lateral.

The bump formed in the armpit cannot be ignored. It sticks out strongly, is painful on palpation. Lymphadenitis usually develops against the background of colds and hypothermia.. But there are other reasons that lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the armpits.

Inflammatory processes in the nodes flare up if the body penetrates:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • coli;
  • other pathogens.

The infection is spread by blood and lymph flow through contact harmful microbes with skin lesions. Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm indicates that the body is actively fighting infectious agents.

Inflammation of the hair follicle often leads to the development of lymphadenitis. In this case skin under the armpit blush, there are pains in the joints, nausea. The person feels bad, gets tired quickly.

The lymph node can become inflamed with the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • furunculosis;
  • erysipelas;
  • trophic ulcerations;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity (caries, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • profuse sweating;
  • intoxication;
  • weak immunity;
  • injuries;
  • cystic formations;
  • allergies.

Enlarged axillary lymph nodes in women indicate the development dangerous pathologies mammary glands. To exclude the malignant nature of the formations, they visit a mammologist.


Although the bumps make themselves felt immediately, the pathological process develops rather slowly. When the node grows, characteristic symptoms appear:

  • pain, aggravated by palpation;
  • the skin in the lesion turns red;
  • if lymphadenitis is not treated, the growth of nodes continues;
  • nausea-vomiting syndrome occurs;
  • muscles weaken;
  • the temperature jumps to critical values;
  • the pain becomes throbbing.

Medication treatment

Target therapeutic methods- suppress the source of infection. For this use traditional way treatment:

  • prescribe tests;
  • do an ultrasound;
  • formulate a treatment plan.
  • moderate physical activity;
  • accept medications prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis is carried out using:

With purulent lymphadenitis, an operation is performed. The abscess is opened, pathogenic exudate is released from it. The wound is being cleaned antiseptic solutions. Drainage is introduced into the affected lymph node, it brings the purulent substance out.

The patient is prescribed painkillers. AT severe cases transfuse blood. In the postoperative period, a diet is prescribed: they reduce the amount of carbohydrates, increase the intake of food enriched with vitamins.

Traditional medicine

An inflamed lymph node under the arm can be treated with home remedies. They are used simultaneously with official medicine by consulting a physician. At the same time, remember that folk recipes effective on early stage the development of the disease.

Preparations to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the lymph

If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, you need to strengthen defense mechanisms organism. To do this, prepare drugs that raise the immune system, freeing the lymph from pathogens. They are made according to the following recipes:

Anti-inflammatory drugs

For the treatment of lymph nodes under the arm, drugs are made that can suppress the development of inflammatory processes. The following recipes are suitable for their preparation:

Inflammatory processes that flare up in the lymph nodes signal the development of serious diseases in the body. Lymphadenitis cannot be ignored. With an early visit to the doctor, it will be possible to avoid life-threatening diseases (for example, cancer), quickly get rid of the disease, and restore health. It is necessary to be treated with the means prescribed by the doctor.

Axillary lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits. In most cases, it occurs in people who have had infectious diseases, and is side reaction organism. Men are less susceptible to this disease, but in women, the lymph nodes are more sensitive, and therefore more likely to become inflamed. Therefore, if discomfort appears in the armpit area, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, because such inflammation can quickly spread to the neck, shoulders and chest.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph

This happens as a result of damage to tissues by harmful bacteria, for example: E. coli, streptococcus, etc. There are several reasons why you can get sick:

  • through the entry of bacteria into open wounds in various parts body;
  • any inflammatory process can provoke an increase in lymph, spreading the disease through the blood;
  • upon contact with a contaminated surface or a person, but is extremely rare.

Basically, the disease can progress according to the first two points above, but the third reason should also be treated with caution. This can be the result of damage not only to the lymph nodes in the armpits, but also to infection of other areas near the inflamed area. It is also worth understanding what inflammation is, it can occur simultaneously with other diseases, such as rubella, tuberculosis, or malignant lesions. various areas. The cause of lymphadenitis can be even minor scratches from cats or surgery associated with breast augmentation.

In a child's body, this ailment can begin to develop along with diphtheria, scarlet fever, due to all kinds of chafing or abscesses on the skin. In children, lymphadenitis develops faster and in a few days can reach chronic stage.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits is easy to detect. But for this to know the first signs and symptoms that manifest themselves on initial stage.


If the disease is detected at an early stage, this will reduce the risk of more severe consequences and shorten the duration of treatment. Therefore, it is important to prevent lymphadenitis from becoming severe or purulent. This disease can be divided into three stages.

In the first few days, the symptoms of the disease are practically not noticeable. The sick person does not have a temperature or any other changes in the body. At the initial stage, there is only mild discomfort in the armpits with a subtle increase in lymph nodes.

In the second stage, this disease becomes serious. Wherein discomfort in the armpits become stronger, the lymph nodes increase significantly and when touched they appear pain. The inflamed area turns red and becomes warmer than other places. The general condition of the sick person remains unchanged.

If proper treatment has not begun before this time, the disease passes into a complex degree, in which purulent foci appear. The patient has a fever, weakness and even nausea. The inflamed nodes are filled with pus and break through, accompanied by severe pain. At the same time, there is high probability infection of lymph nodes from other parts of the body and organs. If treatment is not started, there may be sad consequences from blood poisoning to lethal outcome.

Before starting treatment, you need to put accurate diagnosis and not to be confused with cancer.


Usually, a specialist can easily make a diagnosis. Assigned analyzes are carried out to identify the source of infection and exclude the likelihood of occurrence malignant tumors.

What methods are used to detect the disease:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • biopsy of a piece taken from an infected node;
  • x-ray and ultrasound.

Sometimes, they can be sent for an appointment with another doctor, for example, when a woman has a bilateral lymphadent, this may be a sign of diseases associated with the ovaries. The reason is that the lymph nodes in the groin area have a connection with axillary nodes. Based on this, if the weaker sex showed inflammation of the lymph in the groin area, then it is worth examining the chest, as well as in the opposite direction.

Proper treatment of armpit lymphadenitis

The first thing to understand is that the treatment will directly depend on the degree of development and neglect of the disease. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to direct the treatment to combat the inflammatory lesion and stop its spread. In doing so, apply special ointments in combination with antibiotics. The treatment of which, aimed at relieving inflammation, pain and destruction pathogenic bacteria. But if the disease has reached the last purulent stage, then it will be necessary to carry out surgical operation. In addition, the patient must be given good nutrition, in combination with vitamin supplements, and do not forget about increased hygiene.

Treatment with folk methods at home

You can apply a lotion of yarrow, St. John's wort, mistletoe. Everything is taken in equal proportions of 20 grams per 1 tbsp. water. Bring the broth to a boil and cool. Apply to painful area 1-2 hours several times a day.

A compress of echinacea tincture diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Leave the lotion on all night.

A tincture of mint leaves and basilisk roots may also help.

Do not self-medicate without consulting a doctor. In any case, only a specialist is able to identify the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Prevention methods

Of course, it is better to prevent not only lymphadenitis, but also any other diseases than to engage in debilitating treatment later. To eliminate the risk of this disease, it is necessary to observe the following recommendations:

  • If symptoms of a cold or other infections appear, do not delay treatment. Because at the initial stage it is easier to cure a cold and it will be enough bed rest with antibiotics and folk remedies. If the recovery is delayed, then it is better to visit a doctor and consult.
  • In the autumn-spring period, drink vitamins.
  • Avoid hypothermia. But if this happens, you need to warm up well in the bath or just in hot tub.
  • Even the smallest wounds in the armpit area need to be disinfected. Especially after shaving it is worth treating with alcohol or peroxide
  • If you find the first symptoms of inflammation under the armpit, you need to see a doctor.

Lymphadenitis in children

In children, this disease is quite common. And what is the reason? And it all lies in the fact that the child's body for any infection reacts with inflammation of the lymph nodes. Even when teeth are being cut. But usually it passes quickly, and does not pose any danger.

There are other reasons too:

  • At frequent colds, then the infection accumulates in the lymph nodes.
  • Cat scratches. There are a lot of pathogenic bacteria on their nails, with which the child's body begins to fight.
  • Quite often appears after vaccination.
  • With tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS.

Treatment of lymphadenitis in children

In the case when the enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits do not hurt, the doctor will recommend simply observing them. Frequent walks will also be useful. fresh air and plentiful drink. This will help fight the infection faster. But if after a few days there is no improvement, then it is better to take a urine and blood test. This will help identify a malicious infection and prescribe proper treatment.

But if the inflammation has reached last stage, and pus appeared, hospitalization is required here. The reason for this is that children's body It's hard to deal with this infection on your own. It may even be observed general poisoning. In a hospital setting, it will be easier and faster to overcome the disease, and improve the well-being of the baby.

Prevention measures for children

To reduce the risk of disease, it is necessary to engage in hardening from early childhood. And since 2 one month old, it is recommended to use air baths, but the temperature should not be below 19 degrees. Also, a cool shower, which should be alternated with warm water, will not hurt either.

And of course it should be balanced diet. Frequent walks in the fresh air and active games.

This article presents all the symptoms of lymphadenitis in the armpits, and following all the above tips, you can minimize the risk of getting this disease.

- this is inflammatory response lymph nodes in response to local or general pathological processes in the body. Serous lymphadenitis in children, it proceeds with an increase, compaction, soreness of the lymph nodes; purulent lymphadenitis is accompanied by local (hyperemia, edema) and common symptoms (sharp deterioration feeling, fever). The diagnosis of lymphadenitis in children is established on the basis of a clinical examination, general analysis blood, ultrasound and puncture of the lymph nodes. In the treatment of lymphadenitis in children, conservative tactics are used (antibacterial, desensitizing, detoxification therapy, local applications, UHF) or surgical opening and drainage of a purulent focus with the obligatory elimination of the primary source of infection.

In some cases, lymphadenitis in children may be associated with blood diseases (acute and chronic leukemia), tumors of the lymphoid tissue (lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis), as well as traumatic injury the lymph nodes themselves. Lymphadenitis is usually observed in children with lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis, often suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, with a history of concomitant herpesvirus infections (CMV, Epstein-Barr virus) and chronic diseases GIT.


Depending on the type of pathogen, nonspecific and specific lymphadenitis is isolated in children, which can have an acute (up to 2 weeks), subacute (from 2 to 4 weeks) or chronic (more than a month) course. The nature inflammatory changes lymphatic glands in children distinguish between serous (infiltration), purulent, necrotic (with melting nodes) lymphadenitis and adenophlegmon.

According to the focus of the lesion, lymphadenitis in children is divided into regional (cervical, submandibular, axillary, inguinal, etc.) and generalized; on etiological factor- odontogenic (associated with the pathology of the dentoalveolar system) and non-odontogenic.


As a rule, lymphadenitis in children affects the lymph nodes in the face and neck (most often - submandibular and cervical on one or both sides, less often - parotid, buccal, occipital, behind the ear), in some cases - axillary, inguinal.

The serous stage of acute nonspecific lymphadenitis in children (1-3 days of the disease) is manifested by painful, noticeably enlarged and tightly elastic to the touch regional lymph nodes, without loss of their mobility and development of local skin reaction. The general condition of the child is not disturbed, the temperature ranges from normal to subfebrile values.

Transition acute lymphadenitis in purulent stage(3-6 days of the disease) proceeds with pronounced local features and a sharp deterioration in the well-being of children. There are signs of intoxication: chills, high temperature (up to 40ºС), headache, great weakness, lack of appetite and sleep disturbance. In the area of ​​the affected lymph nodes, intense pulling or shooting pains, periadenitis, local hyperemia and swelling of the skin occur. Perhaps the development of adenophlegmon with the appearance of foci of fluctuation and the release of purulent inflammation outside the lymph node. Adenophlegmons maxillofacial area may be complicated by cavernous sinus thrombosis, mediastinitis, sepsis.

The chronic form of lymphadenitis in children can develop primarily if the pathogens are weakly virulent microorganisms, or become a continuation of the acute form of the disease. At chronic course without exacerbation, the lymph nodes are enlarged, limited in mobility, rather dense, but painless; the child's health is not disturbed; suppuration rarely develops. If the child has a hearth chronic infection, long-term supporting sluggish lymphadenitis, the lymph nodes are gradually destroyed and replaced by granulation tissue.

Tuberculous lymphadenitis in children has a long course, usually limited to the cervical group of lymph nodes, collected in a dense, painless, significant package, similar to a collar. Tuberculous lymphadenitis in children can be complicated by caseous decay, the formation of fistulous tracts, cicatricial changes in the skin.

Specific lymphadenitis associated with vaccination against tuberculosis ("becezheitis") can develop in children with low and altered general reactivity, manifesting as chronic calcific caseous lesions of the axillary lymph nodes. Generalized lymphadenitis in children is observed with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis and chronic tuberculous intoxication; accompanied by characteristic fibrosis of the nodes ("glands-pebbles").


Diagnosis of lymphadenitis in children includes a thorough physical examination, assessment clinical picture and anamnesis of the disease, research clinical analysis blood, ultrasound of the lymph nodes and a number of additional differential diagnostic studies. Identification of lymphadenitis in children may require examination by doctors of various specialties: pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, pediatric otolaryngologist, hematologist, surgeon, phthisiatrician.

During the diagnosis, it is necessary to establish the etiology of lymphadenitis in children, to identify the primary focus of purulent inflammation. Helper Methods tuberculous lymphadenitis in children are tuberculin tests, chest x-ray, diagnostic puncture and bacteriological culture material. If you suspect oncological process biopsy of lymph nodes with cytological and histological examination fabrics.

Differential diagnosis of lymphadenitis different localization in children is carried out with UHF). General strengthening drugs are shown - calcium gluconate, ascorutin, vitamins, immunostimulants.

In the absence of the effect of therapy or the transition of lymphadenitis to a purulent stage, the child is hospitalized and an emergency opening, drainage and sanitation of the purulent focus is performed. In the case of necrotic lymphadenitis in children, a thorough curettage of the cavity is performed, if necessary, the lymph node is removed. AT postoperative period shows complex anti-inflammatory and detoxification therapy. Treatment of specific tuberculous lymphadenitis in children is carried out in specialized medical institutions.

Forecast and prevention

Forecast of lymphadenitis in children with timely adequate treatment- favorable, with a long chronic course, it is possible to replace lymphoid tissue with connective tissue; sometimes in the area of ​​the affected lymph nodes, a violation of the lymph outflow develops (lymphostasis

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