Pain in the fold of the leg from the inside. Etiology of pain in various areas of the knee. Causes of swollen knees

Knee pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to be examined by a qualified doctor. He will diagnose and prescribe therapy. It will determine whether treatment with ointments, massage and medicines will be sufficient or whether surgical intervention is necessary.

Why does the knee hurt on the inside: the main reasons

Behind the knee often hurts after injuries of intraarticular and periarticular elements. These can be ruptures or sprains of the tendons, pinched nerves, torn meniscus, bruises. Symptoms don't have to come on instantly, they can show up after a few days.

Side knee pain inside may indicate joint diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis, including rheumatoid and gouty;
  • aneurysm of the popliteal artery;
  • benign tumors;
  • metastases of malignant tumors;
  • hemophilia.

Diagnosis of diseases that cause pain on the inside of the knee from the side opens up a wide range of pathologies with similar symptoms, which indicates the need for a thorough examination in a medical institution with the participation of qualified doctors of various specializations.

In some cases, knee pain is caused by:

  • Hoff's disease;
  • chronic meniscitis;
  • Baker's cyst;
  • Plick's syndrome, etc.

Usually, doctors make the usual diagnosis - arthritis or arthrosis, but this is far from always true. Incorrect diagnosis leads to ineffective treatment. It is recommended to do a tomography of the knee or arthroscopic diagnosis before making a final diagnosis.

Causes of pain depending on the nature of the manifestation

If it hurts to straighten the knee after sitting, this is most likely a manifestation of arthrosis. Chondropathy affects adolescents and the elderly, but the nature of the disease is different. During maturation, tissues can develop out of sync, so young people during intensive growth develop blood vessels lags behind bone development. Insufficient enrichment of tissues with blood, impaired metabolism lead to aching pains that spontaneously disappear after puberty.

In older people, pain after sitting usually also occurs due to metabolic disorders, but for other reasons:

  • weak heart activity;
  • hypotension;
  • excessive loads;
  • heavy weight.

Pain in the knees when walking is usually caused by chronic microtrauma of the joints. Due to high loads may develop:

  • bursitis - lesions of the periarticular cavities filled with synovial fluid;
  • tendovaginitis - deformation of the tissues of the tendons;
  • neuralgia - pinched nerve;
  • osteomyelitis is a bone disease.

If pain in the knee on the side from the inside appears when the knee is flexed or extended, it is most likely that they were provoked by an injury or regular heavy loads. In adolescents, they may be evidence of Osgood-Schlatter disease of puberty. The disease goes away without consequences, but in rare cases it becomes chronic.

Loss of cartilage into the joint cavity can cause spontaneous unbearable pain when walking.

In adults, pain behind the knee when bending is usually the first sign of osteoarthritis, especially if they are accompanied by a crunch in the joints.

Pain when pressed is of a traumatic nature after a strong blow from the side. It can be a bruise, fracture, sprain.

Pressing on the damaged area leads to increased pain. Reddening of the skin and swelling are observed at the site of injury.

Sometimes the body temperature rises, chills begin. In severe traumatic cases, pain is often not felt in the first minutes, the person is in an excited state, behaves inappropriately.

Pain when pressing the knee on the side from the inside can be caused by other reasons:

  • exacerbation of arthritis;
  • infection;
  • lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes.

First aid for trauma

Ice on the knee can be kept for no more than 15 minutes

Often, a knee joint injury is accompanied by an outpouring of blood into volvulus and synovial bags. As a result, the joint swells so much that it practically loses its flexion properties. When trying to bend the knee, the pain syndrome increases.

Before diagnosis and provision of qualified medical care necessary:

  • immobilize the knee
  • apply a tight bandage;
  • place an ice bag on the joint area;
  • take the patient to a traumatologist.

Methods of complex treatment

For pain in the knee on the side from the inside, you should initially consult a general practitioner - a general practitioner. He will examine the knee, make a preliminary diagnosis and refer you to one of the narrow medical specialists:

  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon
  • neuropathologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • rheumatologist.

Comprehensive treatments include:

  • medicinal preparations of different directions;
  • physiotherapy exercises and massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • medical diet.

In particular advanced cases accompanied by unbearable pain, opiates or other narcotic drugs are prescribed by the doctor's decision.

Among drugs used to treat pathologies of the knee joint, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Analgesics are pain relievers that do not cause anesthesia.
  • Antibiotics - inhibit the growth of living cells, bacteria, relieve inflammation and swelling.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - nonsteroidal drugs with antipyretic and analgesic properties;
  • Glucocorticosteroids - steroid hormones, analogs of the hormones corticotropin produced by the pituitary gland to release glucocorticoids in the adrenal glands. They have an anti-stress and anti-shock effect.
  • Chondroprotectors - symptomatic drugs delayed action for the restoration of cartilage tissue.

vitamins cannot solve the patient's problems, but are an indispensable element in the treatment of knees. The complexes must contain:

  • vitamin A - promotes the growth of cartilage tissues of the joints;
  • vitamin C - synthesizes collagen - the building material of connective tissue;
  • vitamin E - accelerates tissue repair processes;
  • vitamins B6 and B5 - increase immunity;
  • chondroitin and glucosamine - contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissue;
  • selenium - participates in the creation of elements of the synovial membrane of cartilage;
  • copper - is involved in the formation of collagen and strengthening of connective tissues.

To the complex physiotherapy treatment procedures include:

  • warming up;
  • manual and laser reflexology;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ozone therapy;
  • massage;
  • shock wave therapy (SWT);
  • ultrasound therapy.

It is necessary, together with the doctor, to determine the most effective procedures and exclude possible contraindications.

Massage and physiotherapy exercises

Indispensable component complex therapyphysiotherapy. You can perform any exercise that does not cause discomfort and pain in the knee. Emphasis should be placed on lying exercises:

  • slow flexion and extension of the knees;
  • foot movements;
  • "bike";
  • "scissors".

Massage knees can be carried out independently several times a day for 10 minutes. There are no special restrictions, but you should not actively massage areas with pronounced pain.

Arthroscopy of the knee joint - a minimally invasive method of diagnosis and treatment

In cases where exhausted conservative methods treatments are applied surgical methods . Depending on the type of disease, operations are performed:

  • knee arthroscopy - a method of diagnosis and treatment with the introduction of video cameras into the tissues;
  • arthroplasty - performed with the minimum amount incisions with the help of special equipment, allows you to restore damaged cartilage, ligaments.
  • osteotomy - surgically the axis of the leg is changed to reduce the load on the damaged cartilage of the knee joint.

As additional treatment are used methods traditional medicine.

  1. Make a thick mixture of clay with warm water. Apply clay dough in a thick layer on the knee, wrap it with oilcloth on top, wrap it with a layer of woolen cloth and leave it overnight. The procedure should be repeated within a week.
  2. Has a warming effect lard. Cut into thin slices and attach to the knee, securing with a piece of cotton fabric. Change the fat as it dries. The course is seven days for 12 hours.
  3. Grate 5 large chestnuts, mix with gum turpentine and let it sit for two weeks. Rub this compound on your knees.
  4. Grind fly agaric caps, pour vodka, cover and leave for a month in a dark and cool place. Rub your knee in case of pain.
  5. Clear fresh flowers potatoes (4 tablespoons) from green leaves and pour alcohol, leave the mixture for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. The tincture should be rubbed into the knees 2-4 times a day until the pain disappears.

Preventive measures

  • warm up your legs with gymnastics before training;
  • don't test on your feet increased loads if you are not an athlete;
  • Pay attention to unusual sensations in the knee and seek medical attention in a timely manner.

The knee is the most complex and powerful mechanism human body. Neglect it can lead not only to pain in the joint, but also to disability and complete immobilization. For any pain, discomfort on the side of the knee from the inside, undergo an examination and take the necessary measures.

shooting, It's a dull pain in the knee sometimes visits even the most healthy people. Unpleasant sensations from the inside indicate the occurrence of diseases of the meniscus, cartilage tissue or damage to the tendons. Most people are subject to such pains, ranging from professional athletes to home workers.

Symptoms of pain in the knee on the side from the inside

A person may experience pain on the inside of the knee of a different nature. The type and severity of damage directly affects the intensity of pain. Often a person begins to complain of incoming discomfort in the knee joint after intense training. Unpleasant feelings are more active at night. Sometimes these sensations come directly during exercise. After a while, the pain from the inside will become strong and will bother you constantly. The source of discomfort can be the following:

  1. Ligament damage. Immediately at the very moment of damage, a crunch or click (crack) will be heard, followed by a sharp, sharp pain from the inside of the knee.
  2. Tendonitis of the knee or tendon injury. Runners, cyclists, skiers are prone to this type of injury. There is inflammation, irritation of the tendon, which provokes pain in the knee joint in front and the inside while jumping, running, climbing stairs, squatting. Maximum discomfort will be when the knee rotates. With the final rupture of the tendon, the person loses the ability to walk.
  3. Meniscus injury. With the gradual destruction of the fibers, the pain will be moderate, a tumor may occur within 2 days. With thinning of the tissues during movement, severe pain can appear inside the knee (under the kneecap). The problem is treated only by surgery.
  4. Bursitis. Some injuries to the knee cause inflammation in the sac of synovial fluid that allows the ligaments and tendons to glide at the joints. The pathology of this area leads to severe pain when a person kneels, squats down.
  5. Septic arthritis. Sometimes an infection of the joint occurs, which causes a person to have a knee pain on the inside, a swelling may occur that does not allow the leg to be bent, redness. Purulent (septic) arthritis is accompanied by fever.
  6. Rheumatoid arthritis. It was considered exclusively an age-related disease, but now it can be detected even in a child. Affects the ligaments, which results in constant feeling discomfort, stiffness of movements (especially in the morning). There is deformity of the knee joints. In most cases, both the left and right knees are affected at the same time.
  7. Hernia of the popliteal fossa, or Baker's cyst. Accompanied by severe aching, pulling pain from the inside of the knee. It may swell: swelling occurs due to inflammatory process.
  8. Periarthritis of the knee. More often occurs in women, causes inflammation of the periarticular tissues. It is characterized by sharp pain during squats, aching pain when changing position, at rest.

Which doctor to go to

It is impossible to ignore when the knee hurts from the inside, because running inflammatory processes or degenerative changes lead to backfire. For help, you can turn to a rheumatologist who specializes in the treatment and restoration of joints, spine, muscles, bones damaged by diseases. As a rule, a specialist works with manifestations of osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis.

A traumatologist deals with the treatment of joint problems. He specializes in most diseases that provoke pain from the inside of the knee. For help in maintaining the health of the knee joints, their treatment should be addressed to a physiotherapist. The doctor conducts therapeutic gymnastics, which normalizes the functionality of the knee. In certain cases, a massage may be prescribed, which should be done chiropractor.

Why do my knees hurt

The cause of pain in the knees, as a rule, is damage to the tendons, cartilage, pinched nerves, inflammation of the periarticular bags. Against the background of these pathologies, the knee can swell, swell, redden, creating discomfort at rest and during movement. Among the reasons why the knees hurt from the inside, the first should be considered an ordinary dislocation. It becomes a frequent cause of acute pain, but has lesser consequences for human health. A more significant threat is posed by such diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • Hoff's disease;
  • arthritis;
  • tendinitis;
  • synovitis;
  • rickets;
  • hernia.


The disease is inherent in people over 40 years old, as a rule, women suffer more often. Gonarthrosis of the knee joint is diagnosed in young age after receiving serious injuries, in professional athletes. Pain sensations in the early stages are practically not noticeable, they appear only during movement, for example, when descending, climbing stairs. You may feel pain on the inside of your knee when you get up from a chair. When the disease is damaged, the hyaline cartilage of the knee is subjected to damage.

Over time, a crunch appears, similar to clicks, which intensifies and becomes audible even to strangers. After sleep, the legs are difficult to unbend and bend, they seem numb, and the pain intensifies. Outgrowths of osteophytes appear in the articular cavity, effusion is collected. If a piece of growth comes off and gets stuck between the bones, it will provoke unbearable pain. If this type of arthrosis is not cured in time, then its development can lead to immobilization of the affected joint: the patient will become disabled.

Knee sprain

Stretching can provoke pain on the inside of the knee. In this area are the internal lateral, external lateral ligaments. If they are damaged, tear, microfractures, stretching can be diagnosed. In very rare cases, a complete detachment of the ligament occurs, usually with concomitant severe leg injuries. Based on the symptoms, a clinical examination, the doctor prescribes treatment. For the speedy healing of the ligament, it is necessary to provide rest to the leg, limit mobility and wear a knee brace.

Tendinitis of the knees

When a tendon is injured, it develops stabbing pain accompanied by burning sensation. This phenomenon is called tendonitis, which is characterized by inflammation, irritation of the tendons. The cause in most cases are injuries sustained during physical exertion in cyclists, runners, skiers. In certain cases, tendinitis develops in two knees at once. It causes pain when a person tries to bend the leg. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after a clinical examination.

Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint

The cruciate ligament plays an important role in the structure of the knee, which stabilizes the joint, prevents the lower leg from moving inward and forward. The injury is usually caused by twisting the supporting leg in the knee joint. Because of this, a rupture of the cruciate ligament occurs, the knee hurts when bent from the inside. In some cases, trauma is accompanied partial break or complete, sprained, damage to other structures within the joint (meniscus). Treatment is determined based on the extent and stage of the injury.

At the first stages, conservative methods are used: rest, anesthesia with cold, immobilization, removal of blood from the joint, physiotherapy exercises. The exception is professional athletes, whose operation can be scheduled immediately. This is not a mandatory scenario, it can be abandoned if conservative methods have helped and there are no signs of instability. During the operation, the reconstruction (plasty) of the ligament is performed, restoring its structure.

meniscus injury

This part of the knee joint acts as a shock absorber and stabilizer when running and walking. Distinguish medal (internal) and lateral (external) meniscus. A tear is considered one of the main causes of pain on the inside of the knee. Damage can be degenerative or traumatic in nature. The first option occurs in older people, which becomes a consequence of arthrosis of the knee joint. Traumatic torn meniscus occurs more frequently in young people as a result of leg injury. The pain increases gradually, there is swelling (bump), swelling of the knee.

In cases of sharp, severe pain, surgery is prescribed. A doctor can diagnose the pathology, for confirmation, an MRI is performed or, in the absence of an apparatus, an ultrasound scan. The danger of a meniscus tear is that the dangling part can block the joint, cause severe pain, and limit or impede movement. Torn off menisci are dangerous for the cartilage that covers the tibia, femur. Its tissues are damaged, destruction is provoked.

The best option for the treatment of a torn meniscus, arthroscopy is considered. It is a low-traumatic type of operation, which is performed through two centimeter incisions. Transplantation or the use of a suture in this case gives a less reliable result, and rehabilitation lasts longer. During arthroscopy, that part of the meniscus that is loose or torn off is removed, and the inner edge is surgical instruments align. You can walk on the day of the operation after a few hours. For full recovery It will take several days, sometimes weeks.

Treatment of knee pain from the inside

Standard treatment pain in the knee when injured should be carried out immediately. The main steps to prevent complications include:

  • cooling with ice;
  • tire overlay;
  • plaster overlay;
  • raise the leg higher to avoid swelling;
  • compresses that will not allow fluid to accumulate.

To relieve pain, the doctor prescribes analgesics, antibiotics (Naprosin, Ibuprofen). Physiotherapy is used to restore and strengthen muscles, restore the joint. The doctor may prescribe special exercises in simulators, sometimes with a load. For the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, physicians:

  1. make up a regimen for taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  2. taking a course of steroids hormonal drugs with intra-articular administration;
  3. use physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnast, massage.

Video: How to strengthen the ligaments of the knee joint

Joint pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor. According to statistics, every second person has experienced knee pain at some time in their life.

The most common causes of knee pain when flexing are overuse, injury, and disease. And if everything is more or less clear with injuries, then with diseases that manifest themselves as pain in the joints, everything is much more complicated. The list of diseases that provoke discomfort is very large.

For arthritis: very severe pain is observed, which increases with movement, is accompanied by redness, swelling and inflammation of the knee, as well as local and general fever. Arthritis is based on an inflammatory process that can last for years and lead to disability.

For gout: the pain is paroxysmal. Strengthens when bent. Attacks often recur, lasting from a few minutes to several days.

Other conditions not related to overuse or injury that can cause knee pain when flexing are:

  • Osteoarthritis. It is characterized by pain that worsens in the morning.
  • Osgood-Spatter disease. Often seen in older children school age. It is characterized by pain when bending and swelling of the anterior part of the knee.
  • Baker's cyst. A disease characterized by pain and swelling behind the knee.
  • Infection. Knee pain may indicate an infection of the skin, bone, or joint.
  • Dissecting osteochondritis. The pain is caused by the death of part of the cartilage, due to a violation of the blood supply, etc. The pain is extremely severe when bending.

Stretching the ligaments of the knee joint also causes a strong pain symptom.

About why the joints crunch in the knees and how to cure it, read this article.

How to treat a sore knee

Medical treatment of knee pain is primarily aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Folk remedies - to remove the main symptoms of the disease. As a rule, the doctor prescribes whole complex activities after the survey. The standard examination in the hospital includes a detailed patient interview (anamnesis) and certain studies: examination, ultrasound, knee x-ray, computed tomography, MRI.

Medical treatment

The safest forms of NSAIDs are ointments, creams, and gels. They should be used as prescribed by the doctor, strictly according to the instructions.

  • Ointments and gels

Ointments containing diclofenac sodium. For example, drugs Ortofen, Voltaren and others. Used to relieve inflammation. Ointment is applied thin layer on the damaged area 1 time per day. The duration of use is 2-3 days or more, as prescribed by the doctor.

Ointments containing ketoprofen. For example, such popular drugs as Bystrum-gel or Fastum gel. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the damaged area 2-3 times a day.

Gels based on nimesulide. For example, Nise gel. It is applied 2-3 times a day for no longer than 10 days.

Other popular anti-inflammatory drugs: Indomethacin, Butadione ointment 5% and Apizartron.

  • Creams

Effective are creams aimed at relieving swelling and reducing pain in the knee when bending. For example:

Creams based on ibuprofen in combination with other excipients. For example, Dolgit cream. Applied externally. It is applied 3-4 times a day for 3-5 weeks.

Diet food for pain relief

Helps relieve discomfort associated with knee pain when bending balanced diet. The menu may differ, depending on which disease is causing the pain, but there are general recommendations.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in different kinds fish (salmon, mackerel, cod, tuna, etc.) are a natural anti-inflammatory agent and, accordingly, help relieve pain caused by various joint diseases. There are no side effects.

  • Greens

With degenerative diseases of the knee joint, greens should be included in your diet: spinach, green onion, parsley, etc. According to studies conducted by Australian scientists, eating greens helps relieve pain and other symptoms of arthritis. This is because greens are high in lutein, zeaxanthin, and querticin, and have strong anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Spices

Some spices also have anti-inflammatory effects. For example, curry or curcumin. Spices inhibit enzymes that cause inflammation and swelling and relieve pain.

With rheumatoid arthritis helps a diet consisting of vegetable and fruit juices: orange, tomato, carrot, celery or cabbage. The duration of such a diet is three weeks, the scheme is as follows: the first week - one "hungry" day, the second week - two days and the third - three days.

Traditional medicine for pain

Medicinal lotions and poultices, as well as other folk remedies, help relieve knee pain:

  • Lotions, popular recipes:

At night, a mixture of ryazhenka with bread is applied to the sore spot (proportions: 0.5 cups of ryazhenka, 0.5 cups of bread and 0.5 tablespoons). A lotion from a burdock leaf (cabbage leaf) will relieve pain. It must be moistened in cold water and, with the fluffy side, applied to the inflamed knee.

  • Poultices have also proven themselves well:

Within a month, before going to bed, you can soar the sore leg in a decoction of sage (proportions: 100 g of sage per 6 liters of water). Duration of the procedure: 30 minutes - 1 hour.

Good therapeutic effect also gives a decoction of chamomile with salt (proportions: 200 g of flowers per 10 liters of water). Poultices are made once a day. Duration of the procedure: 1 – 1.5 hours

  • Lapping:

Popular for knee pain alcohol tincture(proportions: 200 g chopped root of the foot per 500 ml of alcohol). The mixture must be infused for two weeks. Then use daily: rub with light massage movements for five minutes. At the same time, both the components of the infusion and the massage itself have a therapeutic effect.

Surgical treatment in especially severe cases

The modern method of treating joint pathologies is arthroscopy. It is advisable in cases where drug treatment and physiotherapy did not give a significant result.

During arthroscopy, the surgeon makes a small incision and, using an arthroscope, performs a surgical intervention: removal of the damaged meniscus, vaporization, and so on. These are the main measures to combat knee pain that occurs when bending.

In addition to the main treatment, physiotherapy exercises help strengthen muscles, return the deformed joint to its normal position, and restore its functions. It could be gymnastics race walking, exercises in the water, exercises aimed at developing the joint, etc. At home, to achieve the effect, it is enough to simply lift up the straightened legs.

If the knee is swollen

At home, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve swelling and relieve pain in the knee. medications. Aspirin and ibuprofen help well (less than aspirin, it hurts the stomach). Paracetamol will help relieve pain, but will not relieve inflammation.

These drugs can have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora and cause pain in the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to take them against the background of drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach, only after prior consumption of food.

In addition to taking medication, if the knee is swollen, it is also necessary to limit movement, apply a cold compress and apply a bandage. How to properly apply a bandage is shown in the video.

How to relieve acute knee pain

At the first attacks of pain when bending the knee, it is necessary to take painkillers (analgin, ibuprofen) and use a cold compress - an ice pack for 20 minutes.

Take off sharp pain glucocorticosteroids, which are administered intra-articularly, also help in the knee. Various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (creams and ointments) can be quite effective.

If "home" remedies do not have an effect within 2-3 days, you should consult a doctor. general practice! Your GP will examine you and, if necessary, refer you to another specialist.

Knee pain isn't just for the elderly. Such pain occurs at any age when lifting weights, heavy weight, insufficient or, conversely, too much active mobility, sudden movements, cooling.

Ointment for pain in the knee joints is the best first aid to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and partially restore cartilage tissue.

Which ointment to choose, the attending physician decides.

The reasons

Knees can be disturbing in more than 200 diseases. These are arthritis and arthrosis. Many types of arthritis or arthrosis cause pain in the side of the knee. For example, with osteoarthritis, pain is felt in the knee from the inside.

Knee pain can be concomitant symptom in diseases of a different nature.

Neurological diseases, such as:

  • neuropathy of the sciatic nerve. The thickest nerve of the body becomes inflamed and from it the pain spreads to the knees, making it difficult to walk.

Autoimmune diseases- this is chronic diseases affecting the entire body system. Pain in the joints of the knees is one of the symptoms and disappears when the disease is cured.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis strikes connective tissues. The joints are especially sore in the morning. Difficulty bending or straightening a leg or arm. Fluid buildup behind the knee, Baker's sign.

infectious diseases

  • Lyme disease is caused by tick bites. Muscles and tendons are affected. And most of all - the knee joints. They are treated with antibiotics.
  • Reiter's syndrome causes intestinal or urinary infection. The eyes, genitourinary system and joints become inflamed. Pain in the knees is asymmetrical. The skin of the affected knee is red, swollen. Treat with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Infectious arthritis in chlamydia, gonorrhea, chronic tonsillitis. Relief occurs when the underlying disease is cured.
  • Osteomyelitis, extremely serious disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus. One symptom is knee pain.

Rough mechanical impact, injuries

  • Bruises, dislocations cause severe knee pain. But they are easier to treat than other injuries.
  • Torn ligaments are a serious injury. With a complete rupture, the joint may even become loose.
  • A torn meniscus is the most common injury. Unsuccessful movement, especially in sports or considerable weight and sharp pain, inflammation, swelling.
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease is characterized by a lump on one of the knees. It hurts to walk, run and jump. And the disease affects, first of all, athletes and, especially, boys. With age, the disease goes away, but the use of anesthetic ointments helps to move.

In what cases and which doctor should I contact?

If inflammation and pain, crunching and difficulty in movement in the knee are not caused by injury, then you need to go to a therapist or orthopedist. They will examine, prescribe tests, send for x-rays and ultrasound. And only then will they determine how to treat further.

Depending on the symptom of which disease is knee pain, you will have to turn to:

  • traumatologist with bruises, dislocations, meniscus ruptures;
  • neurologist with inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • infectious disease specialist Staphylococcus aureus, intestinal or urinary infections, with tick bites;
  • see a rheumatologist for rheumatoid arthritis;
  • and even to the venereologist at a gonorrhea.


Ointments for pain in the knee joint can be different action and composition.

The doctor's advice is very important. But you yourself need to know what to smear, what to expect from the product.


Most often contain an extract of bitter capsicum. They must be used with caution. Do not apply to wounds, acne. Be sure to wash your hands after application.

Ointment Kapsikam

Warms, anesthetizes and reduces inflammation. It is used for pain in the back, muscles, joints. Athletes use Capsicam to warm up their muscles.

The ointment costs 320 rubles.


Ointment with a strong warming formula. The cream contains red pepper, menthol, soybean, eucalyptus and fir oils, camphor and turpentine. In addition, eucalyptus and mint extracts have been added.

Do not use the cream if there is intolerance to any component.

Chondokrem is applied to a clean knee and rubbed in. Now the knee can not be wet for 2-3 hours. The cream relieves inflammation and anesthetizes.

The price of the cream is 990 rubles.

Almost the same composition Espola.

The main active ingredient for joint pain is hot capsicum. Lavender and coriander essential oils are auxiliary components. The drug anesthetizes and warms.

Price - 149 rubles.

Balm " Golden Star» (109 rubles) consists of camphor, menthol, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon and peppermint oils.

The healing effect of the balm was well known to our grandmothers.

Nicoflex(324 rubles) contains lavender oil and capsicum.

It warms up the sore spot well.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal

Such ointments for joint pain also relieve swelling. You need to rub your knees for 14-15 days. If there is no improvement after a week, then see your doctor again. Anti-inflammatory ointments should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

diclofenac(64 rubles) and ointments based on it, such as Diclofenac-acrye (100 rubles), are very common remedies.

Relieve inflammation, relieve pain. Apply no more than two weeks. Otherwise, you can seriously damage the gastric mucosa.

Cream Dolgit(96 rubles) and Ibuprofen ointment (52 rubles) anesthetize, relieve inflammation, bruises and swelling.

Inflammation is actively blocked by ibuprofen, the main constituent element of ointments. From the synovial fluid, the ingredients of the creams are excreted into the kidneys through the blood.

Flexen(185 rubles), Artrozilen (337 rubles) contain anesthetic and antipyretic ketoprofen.

Treatment with these ointments also reduces swelling and inflammation.

nise, a gel containing nimesulide, relieves pain and inflammation.

Cost - 263 rubles.

Bystrumgel relieves even severe inflammation and pain, but the knee must be massaged before applying the gel.

Price from 497 rubles.

All these ointments have a significant list of contraindications.


All three components affect the correct exchange of phosphorus and calcium. They do not cure, but slow down the destruction of cartilage.

Chondroxide (366 rubles), Chondroitin (457 rubles), Artrin (70 rubles) and Kondronova ointment (from 300 rubles) relieve joint swelling, help improve cartilage tissue, reduce the development of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. A little pain relief.

The ointment is absorbed in a couple of minutes and lasts for five hours. If there are scratches, cuts, pimples on the knee, the composition cannot be applied.

With poison

  • Apizatron (from 258 rubles), Virapin, Ungapiven are made using bee venom. Apizatron also has mustard oil. The ointment warms the knee, the vessels dilate and are better supplied with oxygen.

They also reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Creams can be used not only for pain, but also for crunching in the knees.

You can not smear creams on damaged skin.

Virapin is forbidden to use in case of kidney disease.

  • Viprosal (254 rubles), Nayatoks (230 rubles) contain snake venom. Ointments are heated and anesthetized. Nayatox should not be used for tuberculosis.

After creams with bee or snake venom be sure to wash your hands. Poison can get into the eyes or mucous membranes. Then it's not just your knees that will hurt.

with clay

  • Clay compresses diluted with water help relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation. For a compress, medical clay is taken, yellow, green or blue. It is diluted with boiled warm water. The mixture should be thick. Clay is applied to the knee, a cling film is placed on top. Tie all this with a warm scarf and leave until the morning. Wash off in the morning. Repeat the compress for a week. In the future, for prevention, a couple more times a week.


  • Indomethacin-acry, Indomethacin Sopharma (79 rubles) - non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory gels treat inflammation, relieve pain and lower the temperature.

Up to 14 years and pregnant women, as well as in diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart, use with caution.

These are injections. These drugs act like a real joint lubricant, a liquid prosthesis. They protect cartilage from destruction, improve their elasticity. 3-4 injections are made per course. After a week or two, the course is repeated. For prevention, the joint is chipped again after six months.

  • Hyastat - domestic drug at a price of 2300 rubles.
  • Sinvisk (7110 rubles)
  • Fermatron (3958 rub.)
  • Ostenil (3121 rubles))

Already 15 years of injection hyaluronic acid considered the most effective medicine for sore knees.

The main disadvantage of drugs is their price.

For elderly patients

accustomed to traditional treatment, suitable for a long time and firmly established drugs.

Bom-Beng (58 rubles) with menthol as the main ingredient.

The ointment does not have a warming, but, on the contrary, cooling irritation of the skin. But the result is the same - pain relief. Methyl salicylate from Bom Bengue relieves inflammation.

  • Fenalgon, Kapsikam - synthetic agents. They are well suited for the elderly and receive the most favorable reviews.
  • And once again about a long-familiar remedy - vietnamese balsam"Golden Star". One of the most traditional medicines is good at relieving pain and inflammation.

Cheap rubbing

  1. Camphor costs from 9.00 rubles.
  2. Camphor spirit from 10.00 rub.
  3. Formic alcohol from 9.00 rub.
  4. Pepper plaster, one of the most popular remedies for knee and back pain, costs from 10.00 rubles.

The most effective and commonly used

Dikul's balms - Tibetan (225 rubles), forte (251 rubles) and classic (250 rubles) - for the back and joints, consist of mumiyo, propolis and extracts of medicinal plants.

The classic cream anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, helps restore cartilage tissue, and enhance the renewal of synovial fluid.

Tibetan makes tendons and ligaments stronger.

Forte not only relieves pain and relieves inflammation, but also helps protect the joint from further damage.

Frequently used and received good feedback means: Fastum gel, Troxevasin, Diclofenac.

Folk recipes

Ointment for knee pain can be made independently, according to old recipes.

  • Honey ointment relieves inflammation and anesthetizes. Equally measure out medical alcohol, iodine, glycerin and liquid honey. The composition is mixed and left to infuse overnight. The ointment can be applied several times a day until it runs out. Contraindications - allergy to honey.
  • Ointment from fresh eggs and vinegar essence do this: put in glass jar an egg with a shell and fill it with essence. Keep the closed jar in the dark for five days. When the shell dissolves, add 200 ml of sunflower oil. And put the composition on the sunny side for another five days. Now the composition is ready. Rub it in while massaging your knee. Tie the sore spot with a warm scarf.
  • Turnip-honey ointment is prepared from fresh, peeled turnip, liquid honey and vodka. Cut the turnip and grind it into a puree with a blender. Add 100 g of vodka and the same amount of honey. Mix the composition, insist at least an hour. Smear sore knee it is possible by necessity - 5-6 times.
  • An ointment on lard is prepared from dry comfrey grass. 200 g lard, made from lard or interior fat, melted in a water bath. 2 tbsp are poured into the hot mass. chopped herbs and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Once the ointment has cooled, it can be applied to the knees like a compress, tied with a warm cloth.


How to smear a sore knee, the doctor will tell you.

But to keep the joints of the knees, all other joints, including the spine, it is very important to move. Swimming, ordinary, even leisurely, walking, cycling, dancing - all this will allow the joints to maintain youth.

There are simple gymnastic exercises to keep your joints healthy. These are the developments of Dikul and Norbekov.

Overweight, hypothermia, sudden movements, uncomfortable shoes On the contrary, they lead to fatigue and joint diseases.

Pay attention to food. Dairy products, fish and seafood, lean meat help to maintain the phosphorus-calcium balance in the body. This is what maintains the strength and integrity of the joints. Fruits and vegetables also help you stay healthy.

Canned food, smoked meats, especially with liquid smoke, sausages, flour products and sugar destroy health.

Nicotine, alcohol and drugs are definitely bad for the joints.

If you need ointments for your knees, then you have neglected preventive measures somewhere.

Be careful with ointments. Many of them have an impressive list of contraindications. Therefore, a doctor's advice is required.

Be healthy!

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Pain is a signal of our body about the occurrence of a problem that requires an urgent solution. Any person, even if they have not previously encountered joint diseases, can suddenly feel that the knee hurts from the inside. So that the mobility of the leg does not become limited, you need to establish the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Every day, patients come to the clinic with complaints of pain in the knee joint. This symptom worries people different ages, including children. If you don't stop in time pathological process, the consequences can be quite serious, up to the need for surgical intervention and the onset of disability.

What could be the cause of the problem?

Before contacting a doctor, you can try to figure out on your own why the knee hurts from the inside. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the additional symptoms of various pathologies of the knee joint. Most often, the cause of such sensations is trauma, because the aforementioned joint is constantly subject to huge loads.

injury, causing pain in the knee from the inside:

As a result, there is swelling of the knee, pain at the slightest movement of the leg. If the lateral ligament is damaged, joint mobility may be completely absent, touching the injured area is very painful.

  • Damage to the cartilage plate - meniscus

Such an injury is accompanied by a sharp pain in the knee, redness, swelling, it becomes very difficult to step on a sore leg.

In addition to pain in the joint, you can notice a change in its shape.

  • Hemarthrosis - blood entering the joint cavity

In this case, there is swelling of the knee and discomfort while walking.

About what you got serious injury are evidenced by the following facts:

  • swelling is very strong and gradually increases, and does not subside;
  • joint deformity is quite noticeable;
  • pain does not go away within 2-3 days;
  • clicks are heard during movements;
  • you limp or can't bend your knee at all.

If you didn’t hit or stumble, then knee pain is caused by an inflammatory process. The knee hurts from the inside when bending in case of development:

  • bursitis - inflammation of the articular bags (the condition is accompanied by swelling);
  • diseases of the cartilage of the kneecap, causing aching pain and crackling sounds when moving;
  • sciatica - inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease (due to excessive loads This pathology is common in children. adolescence and in most cases ends with a complete recovery after 4-5 weeks).
  • rheumatoid arthritis - the knee swells, becomes hot, fever, general malaise may begin. In addition, with arthritis, the knee usually hurts from the side on the inside, it hurts to unbend the joint after sitting.

Read also:

  • Swelling of the legs in the ankles: causes and preventive measures
  • Lower back pain in women

Also about the occurrence dangerous inflammation testify:

  • crunching and clicking when walking, increased pain in the morning (arthrosis);
  • accumulation of fluid in the knee (synovitis);
  • severe pain and impaired mobility of the joint (inflammation of the tendons due to stress - tendinitis);
  • a neoplasm that is noticeable when the knee is extended (Baker's cyst);
  • acute pain without visible changes(renewal of the fat layer - Hoff's disease);
  • pain in children under 2 years of age (softening of the bones - rickets).

Such ailments are fraught with the fact that over time - in case of refusal to visit a doctor - the ability to move without assistance will be lost.

Knee hurts from the inside: how to treat?

After the doctor examines the sore spot, to confirm the presumptive diagnosis, you will need to undergo an X-ray or tomography examination. In severe cases, when general well-being, a blood test or synovial fluid is prescribed.

If it is determined that a person is suffering from knee pain due to inflammation, they will need to take steroid hormones and agents that help restore the knee joint. But drug treatment not enough. You will also need:

  • massage;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • visiting a physiotherapy room;
  • stretching of the spine.

If the pain occurs after an injury, sometimes you can not do without surgery. For less severe injuries, a bandage or splint is applied to the leg, the position is fixed with a cast, and the limb is placed above the level of the heart. The patient must also:

  • be treated with analgesics and antibiotics;
  • perform certain physical exercises;
  • go to physical therapy.

In addition to taking therapeutic measures, you need to make sure that the pain does not disturb in the future:

  • get rid of excess weight so as not to burden the legs when walking;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • walk daily;
  • sleep 8 hours a day.

Read also:

  • Ointment Traumeel: instructions for use, analogues
  • Compress with dimexide: how to prepare a solution and make
  • Pain in the abdomen in the navel: possible causes
  • Knee pain when bending and straightening
  • Knee hurts and swollen: what to do?
  • How to treat Baker's cyst under the knee?

When the knee hurts on the inside for more than a day, you should not expect that the discomfort will go away on its own. Remember: subject to timely medical assistance can eliminate pain in the shortest possible time and avoid severe consequences. Do not take limited mobility and pain in your legs lightly, because movement is life!

Many people different ages complain of pain in the knee joint. Treatment at home will be effective only after finding out the cause of the discomfort.

Regardless of the nature of the pain, consultation with an orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist is required. Refusal to visit the doctor, self-treatment with dubious or inappropriate methods often worsens the course of the disease. Find out what to do if your knee hurts.


Painful sensations are a sign of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system or a consequence of injuries and injuries of the lower extremities. Only an experienced doctor can understand the variety of negative factors.

One of the reasons is the result of injuries:

  • bursitis of the knee joint;
  • dislocation or fracture;
  • meniscus tear;
  • sprained tendons or ligaments;
  • displacement of the patella.

Injuries unsettle a person for a long time; in some patients, rehabilitation takes a long period. One reason is that it is difficult to provide Everyday life immobility of the knee joint when this technique is necessary. Often, after a month or more, a person still experiences pain when moving, squatting. The localization area is the area below the knee (behind). The nature of the pain is sharp, aching, pulling, mild, but practically constant.

Learn more about the symptoms and treatment of elbow bursitis.

About the causes and methods of treating pain and swelling in ankle joint read at this address.

Another cause of discomfort is diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Baker's cyst. characteristic feature- swelling under the knee. As the cyst grows, the pain intensifies, it is difficult to sit down and move actively. When bending the leg, squatting, the pain in the knee joint often becomes excruciating;
  • dissecting osteochondritis. The patient is annoyed by discomfort at the slightest attempt to move his leg, while walking or squatting;
  • osteoarthritis. A characteristic symptom is periodic pain that subsides after warming up or at rest;
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease. During movement, a sharp pain pierces the area below the knee, aggravated after squatting.

Important! Many patients think for a long time about what symptoms to see a doctor for, hoping that a weak (pulling, aching) pain will go away. The problem is not in the strength of painful sensations, but in the negative factors that provoked discomfort. Even minor, but often occurring pain is a reason to consult a doctor.

Effective methods and rules of treatment

There are many causes of pain in the knee area, but the solution to any problem requires an integrated approach. During the examination, the patient often finds out that discomfort in the legs is a consequence of a long-term injury, a complication of chronic pathologies, or a sign of a disease that the person did not even know about.

Basic therapies

Conservative treatment of pain in a problematic knee joint consists of several areas:

  • physiotherapy;
  • taking anti-inflammatory compounds;
  • application of ointments, gels with analgesic effect;
  • massage and self-massage;
  • wearing a special bandage;
  • exercise therapy complex;
  • the use of home ointments, compresses, rubbing;
  • use herbal decoctions for treatment from the inside;
  • proper nutrition.

The success of therapy is a combination of different methods. Most physicians recognize the benefits folk recipes. Rubbings, ointments, tinctures, lotions based on natural ingredients reduce discomfort, combined with other methods of treating pain in the knee joint.

Fighting overweight- a mandatory condition in the presence of 5 or more kilograms. High index body weight - negative factor for healthy joints: With knee pain, obesity interferes with recovery.

Folk remedies and recipes

Consult with your doctor, select a few formulations:

  • tincture from the healing golden mustache. One of the most effective ways for the treatment of diseased joints. Pour 500 ml of good vodka into a jar, put 6 large or 10 small leaves, put in a cool place without light. The tincture is ready in a week. Daily rub the healing liquid into the knee, rub the shins if necessary, upper part stop;
  • rubbing of cologne and iodine. Composition with analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. In a container, combine 50 ml of triple cologne and iodine, add 10 crushed tablets of Analgin. Carefully place the mixture, let it brew for a day. Rub the liquid on the affected knee every day. Always protect your hands: the mixture leaves bright marks;
  • gelatin compress. Saturating the cartilage with a natural substance that provides elasticity is beneficial for any knee problems. Dissolve 2 tsp. gelatin in warm water, wait until the mixture swells. Dip the gauze into hot water, wring it out slightly, then put it into the gelatinous mass. Wrap gauze around your knee, cover with cling film (not tight), and top with terry logs. Perform the procedure in the evening, wash your feet in the morning. Frequency - daily, course - two weeks;
  • nettle decoction. The product cleanses the blood, is indispensable for maintaining the health of the joints. For thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, increased blood clotting, choose another medicinal plant, for example, chamomile. Daily prepare fresh decoction: 500 ml hot water boil, put 1 tbsp. l. dry or fresh nettles, boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat, cover the dishes with a lid. In 40 minutes healing agent ready. 20 minutes before meals, drink half a glass of decoction, frequency - three times a day;

A few more effective recipes:

  • compress of honey and aloe. good remedy when an inflammatory process is detected. Optimal processing time painful area- evening. Tear off the fleshy leaf of the agave, wash, select the pulp (2 tablespoons), pour in thin honey (half less), mix. Apply a gentle mass on gauze, attach to the swollen area, bandage lightly, cover with cellophane or cling film, insulate terry towel. After a few days, the effect will definitely appear;
  • compress of cabbage and camphor oil. Select big leaf cabbage, wash, lightly beat off. In a bowl, combine honey (1 part) with camphor oil (2 parts). Put the mass on a cabbage leaf, put it on a sore spot, do not bandage it tightly. Optimal time for a compress - from evening to morning. Combination cabbage juice, honey and camphor gives good results;
  • homemade ointment. Mash 1 yolk, add a tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp turpentine, mix. Lubricate the affected area with light movements, gently rub the mass, cover with gauze, then with a woolen scarf or scarf. Wash your feet after an hour. Repeat the procedure every day for two weeks;
  • homemade ointment with horse chestnut. Peel the fruits, remove the contents, chop with a blender. Connect camphor oil with chopped chestnuts, apply to the affected area, put a thin slice of brown bread on top. Carefully bandage the design, cover soft cloth. Keep the compress for 2 hours, wash your feet with soap, moisten the sore spot with a decoction of chamomile. Repeat beneficial sessions daily, treatment course- two weeks.


You can't do it with home remedies alone. Take medications prescribed by your doctor.

  • ointments, gels. Use compositions with bee and snake venom, with an active warming / cooling, analgesic effect. Many remedies improve blood circulation. The drug will be selected by the doctor, taking into account the cause of pain and contraindications. Popular means: Apizarton, Viprosal, Troxevasin, Menovazin, Kapsikam;
  • non-steroidal drugs with active anti-inflammatory action (NSAIDs). Use Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen. Ointments and gels in this category relieve pain, but are less effective than NSAID tablets for controlling inflammation. Popular drugs will reduce discomfort: Voltaren-emulgel, Fastum-gel;
  • chondroprotectors. Preparations with chondroitin and glucose preserve the functional properties of cartilage, maintain tissue elasticity, and restore metabolism in the affected area. Effective means: Structum, Dona, Artra, Chondroitin AKOS.

Learn more about the symptoms and treatment of foot arthritis.

About the treatment of polyarthritis of the fingers folk remedies written on this page.

At the address, read about the rules for treating gout during an exacerbation.

Completely eliminate knee injury or the impact of certain diseases on the condition musculoskeletal system not possible, but the risks can be minimized. Pain in the knee joint often torments patients for years.

Warn negative manifestations not difficult:

  • dose physical activity, do not overload the joints and ligamentous apparatus. Swimming, walking, gymnastics, daily walks are useful for the health of the lower extremities;
  • when doing active sports, when there is a constant load on the legs, always use protective equipment, choose comfortable, high-quality shoes;
  • supplement the diet with dishes and foods high in magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, eat aspic dishes with gelatin once a week;
  • Vitamins and minerals are essential for muscle, bone, and cartilage health. After consulting with an orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist, buy dietary supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes. Positive reviews the compositions of Chondro Strength, Chondro Capsules, ArthroStop Plus and others deserved;
  • control your weight. Obese people often suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, have a "bouquet" of chronic diseases that adversely affect the health of the joints;
  • remember: sitting for a long time without moving is just as harmful as overloading your legs. If you work at a computer, do not get up for hours, blood circulation in the lower extremities worsens, the elasticity of cartilage tissue decreases. Joint problems with a sedentary lifestyle are as common as in athletes, loaders and auxiliary workers;
  • when discomfort, severe or mild pain visit a doctor in the knee area. An experienced orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist will check the condition of bones, muscles and cartilage in the problem area, prescribe treatment;
  • patients suffering from chronic pathologies joints, ligaments, to reduce the load on the legs, orthoses (protective devices) should be worn. The doctor will select a special bandage, bandage or a special design, taking into account individual characteristics.

Pain in the knee joint is a common occurrence. Listen to the recommendations of rheumatologists, orthopedists, herbalists. Use proven home remedies, study preventive measures. Remember: You can get rid of pain only with an integrated approach to therapy.

Video. Elena Malysheva about the treatment of pain in the knee joint without pills and injections:

Attention! Only today!

The knee joint is subjected to constant stress. It is constantly in motion, the whole mass of the body affects it. Unpleasant sensations can occur in any part of the joint. But most often there is pain in the knee from the inside.

Causes of pain

We will look at the most common causes of knee pain.

After injury

Discomfort in the knee joints can be experienced by people of any age. Often the disease develops after a fall.

What Injuries Cause Knee Pain:

  • rupture of the ligament - there is a sharp pain, the knee instantly swells, walking and any movement are painful;
  • meniscus injury - the leg does not straighten, the person experiences severe pain, cannot move independently;
  • dislocation of the patella - discomfort is constantly felt in the knee, the joint is modified;
  • hemarthrosis - the joint cavity is filled with blood, the knee swells, discomfort occurs while walking;
  • damaged lateral ligament - can cause immobility of the knee, when pressed, there is a sharp pain.

First aid for injury - a cold compress. At severe swelling, deformity, immobility of the joint, clicks when walking, lameness urgent medical attention is needed.

Important! Severe injuries knee joint require surgery. Also, you may be wondering why there is pain under the knee at the back and how to treat it.

Due to inflammatory processes

The knee can suffer not only during a fall. Many joint diseases inflammatory nature can lead to knee pain.

Arthritis causes an increase in temperature in the joint, swelling, and general malaise occurs. Pain can affect the outer and inner side of the knee. The disease proceeds for a long time, cartilage and ligaments are affected. Treatment should be started immediately, as rheumatoid arthritis may develop.

  1. If a crunch and clicks are constantly heard when bending and walking up the stairs, this indicates the development of arthrosis (you can read more about pain in the knee when walking up the stairs in our article). Unpleasant sensations, aching pain intensify in the morning after waking up. This disease is constantly progressing, is chronic. Without proper treatment, the cartilage is destroyed, the joint loses its mobility.
  2. With synovitis, severe pain occurs, the joint swells strongly due to the accumulation of synovial fluid.
  3. Tendinitis (inflammation of the tendons of the patella) develops against the background of constant stress, poor posture. The disease is accompanied severe pain, the joint does not move well.
  4. Cystic formations for a long time do not cause much discomfort. But over time, the cyst grows, there are discomfort when bending. The neoplasm impedes the movement of blood, swelling, heaviness in the legs, numbness, thrombophlebitis occur.
  5. Most complex disease knee is Hoff's disease. The disease is accompanied by severe constant pain.

Important! In children, knee pain can be caused by rickets, which softens, breaks down bones. It is required to immediately begin treatment, since the disease does not allow the joint to develop properly.

Diagnosis and treatment

With severe and persistent discomfort in the knees, you need to know which doctor to contact.

  1. A rheumatologist treats diseases of the joints, bones, muscles. He will be able to determine the cause of the pain, choose treatment, rehabilitation measures.
  2. You can also contact a traumatologist. He deals with joint problems, bruises, ligament problems.
  3. Physiotherapist prescribes special gymnastics, which contributes to the restoration and preservation of motor abilities.

Before treatment, the doctor will prescribe a complete diagnosis - ultrasound, MRI and x-ray of the knee joint.

How to treat the disease with medicines

The treatment regimen for knee pain at home depends on the cause of the disease. In case of injuries, the damaged joint is fixed with a tight bandage, plaster or splint. The load on the leg must be reduced, move with a cane or crutches.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation.

Effective nonsteroidal drugs:

  • ibuprofen;
  • aspirin;
  • diclofenac;
  • ketanol;
  • paracetamol.

These drugs have many side effects and contraindications, so you should not take them for a long time.

  1. If the pain is unbearable, drugs can be injected directly into the cavity of the inflamed joint. Quickly eliminates pain syndrome kenalog, diprospan.
  2. Ointments are used as an additional method of treatment, since their absorption is low. For local therapy, you can use Voltaren gel, menovazin.
  3. For the treatment of joint diseases, chondroprotectors are used, which help restore cartilage tissue - artra, teraflex.

In addition to treatment with ointments and tablets, physiotherapy, massage, and physiotherapy exercises are prescribed.

Important! Sometimes pain in the knee on the inside can be caused by overwork.

Folk methods of treatment

Treatment with folk remedies allows you to eliminate pain, inflammation, crunching in the joints.

Helps relieve muscle and joint pain soda bath. For 5 l warm water you need to add 75 g of soda. Water should reach the knees, the duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. You can moisten a cloth in this solution and make a compress on your knee.

To get rid of the crunch in the joints, you can make orange jelly from 300 ml orange juice and 25 g gelatin

Horse chestnut flower tincture

Chestnut-based products eliminate joint inflammation and swelling. You can use inflorescences, peel and fruits of the tree.

  1. Collect inflorescences, dry for a day.
  2. Dried flowers (10 g) pour vodka (250 ml).
  3. Remove the container in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Lubricate the knees with the resulting product after waking up and before going to bed.

Oral tincture

This tool can not be used for low blood pressure and diabetes.

  1. Thoroughly grind chestnut fruits (5 pcs.), Pour 470 ml of vodka. Insist for a week, shake daily.
  2. Take 30 drops three times a day. Course - 10 days. Re-treatment can be carried out after a three-day break.


To prevent serious problems with knees, it is necessary to monitor the weight, wear comfortable shoes. Varicose veins should be treated at the first manifestation of the disease.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to do exercises that strengthen the muscles of the limbs, eliminate swelling, and normalize blood flow in the limbs. Massage the thighs and lower legs daily, give the legs a rest in a timely manner.

Without healthy knees, it is impossible to fully move. Neglected ailments can make a person disabled. Only timely diagnosis and treatment can guarantee the joints normal mobility and the absence of discomfort.

Pain in the knee joint is a fairly common manifestation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Moreover, not only elderly patients suffer from such pain, but also young people. At the same time, many note that the knee on the side hurts. Among the reasons similar condition not only diseases of the knee joint itself, but also the pathology of other anatomical zones.

A bit of anatomy

Before finding out what causes knee pain, we should briefly dwell on the anatomy and physiology of this joint. The knee joint, along with the hip joint, is the largest articulation in the human body. The joint has a complex structure - formed femur, tibia and patella. articular surface femur represented by two bone formations - condyles.

The condyles of the femur, the articular surface of the tibia are covered cartilage tissue. In order for the surfaces of the femur and tibia to correspond as much as possible to each other, they are equipped with menisci. The menisci are located in the lateral sections of the joint, and act as gaskets that increase the contact of the articular surfaces and protect the articular cartilage from wear.

The articular cavities of the knee joint are limited by capsules that produce synovial fluid. The joint itself is strengthened by the patellar ligaments, lateral and cruciate ligaments. The knee joint bears maximum load when walking, carrying weight, maintaining the body in vertical position. Due to the heavy load, our knees are to a large extent subject to various negative changes.


One of these changes is or gonarthrosis. With gonarthrosis occur dystrophic changes articular cartilage. The cartilage becomes thinner, then the bone tissue of the tibia and the condyles of the femur is involved in the pathology. When the condyles are affected, the knee often hurts on the side when walking. Among the causes of gonarthrosis:

  • Overweight
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Endocrine diseases - diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis
  • Irrational nutrition
  • Burdened heredity
  • Weak immunity
  • Congenital anatomical defects of the knee joint


Another, no less common pathology is inflammation of the knee joint. knee arthritis called a drive. At the heart of the drive, like any other arthritis, is inflammation of the synovial articular membranes - synovitis. This process leads to the accumulation of joint fluid in the joint cavity, sometimes with an admixture of pus or blood.

At the same time, patients are worried about sharp pain, limitation of movements in the knee. The cause of most gonitis is an infection. The infection can enter the joint directly through damaged tissue with trauma. And it can be carried by blood flow from other foci in sepsis. Sometimes the introduction of infection leads to an immunological breakdown and subsequent damage to the articular cartilage. This is what happens with rheumatism. rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis.


Traumatic injuries are the most common cause of knee pain, especially in young people involved in sports, heavy physical labor. Trauma is not necessarily bone damage. Among knee injuries, the most common injuries of the ligamentous apparatus are ruptures of the lateral, cruciate ligaments. These breaks lead to a sharp soreness, aggravated by bending the knee.

Another common type knee injuries- torn meniscus. At strong blow, sometimes this cartilaginous lining is torn when falling. The detached fragment is freely located in the joint cavity. With the optimal location of the fragment in the articular cavity, the injury may not manifest itself in any way. With strong sharp movements, running, squats, the torn meniscus changes its position, and intense pain immediately begins.

Other reasons

As already mentioned, pain in the knee joint is not necessarily due to damage to the joint. One of common causes- osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. With this pathology, due to the displacement of the intervertebral discs, sensitive roots of the lumbosacral nerve plexus. In this case, pain from the lower back gives (radiates) to the thigh and knee.

Pain can also radiate from hip joint with its inflammation (coxitis). In this case, it often hurts on the outside of the knee. Another cause of knee pain is flat feet. Weak shock-absorbing ability of the foot leads to an increase in the load on the lower limb. Permanent muscle tension over time leads to knee pain. Finally, the vascular component may also be responsible for causing knee pain. Varicose veins leg veins are often accompanied pain syndrome. From the vessels, the pain radiates to the knee.

Thus, in order to establish the cause of pain in the knee joint, a complex diagnosis is needed using X-ray, ultrasound and magnetic resonance therapy. And to eliminate pain, treatment should also be complex with the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, massage and physiotherapy exercises. And with some types of injuries, for example, with a torn meniscus, surgical intervention is indispensable.

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