How big should the axillary lymph nodes be? Enlarged lymph nodes under the arm: causes, treatment. Inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpits

The lymphatic system is one of the most complex and cunningly arranged human systems.

Its main purpose is to flush dead cells of the body into the lymphatic capillaries, as well as bacteria, viruses and toxins that have entered the body with food, water and air.

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Always on guard

There are over 500 lymph nodes in the human body.

These tiny glands are, as it were, intermediate pumping stations on the path of lymph movement and, at the same time, filter elements. They perform the duties of sentries, selflessly protecting our body from the encroachments of various harmful viruses and bacteria.

Protective white bodies (lymphocytes) act as orderlies of this system, which are stored in large quantities in the lymph nodes and do not allow pathogenic microorganisms, as well as cancer cells, into the circulatory system, restraining the development of the disease.

If there are too many “enemies” and the usual number of lymphocytes cannot cope with them, white blood cells begin to multiply actively in order to eliminate the infection. Such a load affects the state of the lymph nodes: they increase, harden, redness of the skin appears above them and pain occurs. In medical language, this phenomenon is called lymphadenitis.

So inflammation of the lymph nodes is not an independent disease, but an alarm signal indicating that something is wrong in the body. Moreover, depending on which lymph nodes are inflamed, it is possible to accurately determine where and what kind of inflammatory process occurs.

Breast lymph

Lymph nodes are an important part of every person's immune system. In total, there are more than 500 such organs in the body, of which there can be 12-45 under the arm. All of them form a system that acts as a mechanical and biological filter that prevents hostile elements from entering the circulatory system:

  • foreign particles
  • bacterial infection,
  • malignant cells,
  • toxic substances,
  • foreign proteins.

The lymph of the mammary gland circulates through the lymphatic ducts to the lymph nodes located in the armpit on the same side. These lymph nodes form the so-called chain of axillary lymph nodes.

When inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the armpits occurs, it is here that the outflow of lymph from the tissues of the mammary glands is directed. Axillary lymph nodes are also called axillary. They purify almost 75% of the entire lymph of the mammary glands, protecting adjacent tissues and organs from foreign agents. Most often, these lymph nodes react with an increase in size, as well as an increase in sensitivity to inflammatory or oncological diseases of the mammary glands.

Signs of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes

Unpleasant sensations in the armpits, radiating to the arm and chest area, are often the first sign of inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the armpit. Enlarged and sensitive lymph nodes usually do not cause acute pain even on palpation, but at the same time they cause nagging pain, which causes constant discomfort and can serve as a symptom of a serious illness that only a doctor can tell about.

As a rule, inflammation of the lymph nodes is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • an increase in size (inflamed nodules bulge out from under the skin, reaching the size of a pea, olive, and sometimes a walnut);
  • pain in the lymph nodes;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • headache;
  • temperature rise.

In this state, the lymph nodes can be from several days to several weeks.

After the infection is defeated, they should return to their normal state, that is, become invisible and imperceptible. If these symptoms become more pronounced, the skin in the region of the lymph node turns red, severe pain appears, which means that a purulent process has begun.

In this case, you may need urgent. the doctor's consultation.

As a rule, the inflammation of the lymph nodes is the more severe, the more pronounced the infection that caused it.

However, often an enlarged lymph node can be completely painless and externally, it would seem, completely unrelated to any disease. This indicates a latent infection or that the lymph node managed to neutralize the harmful microbe before the initial signs of pathology appeared.

Since inflammation of the lymph nodes is a secondary phenomenon, and not an independent disease, it is worth understanding the causes.

Control of the condition of the breast and regional lymph nodes

An increase in the size of the lymph nodes under the arm, as well as supraclavicular / subclavian, is a serious criterion in the diagnosis of breast cancer. In order to detect signs of the disease in a timely manner at an early stage, experts strongly recommend that all women over 20 years of age:

  • conduct an independent monthly check of the mammary glands and armpits;
  • at least once a year to visit a mammologist for preventive examination.

Women of reproductive age should dedicate one of the days from the 5th to the 12th from the start of the menstrual cycle to the examination. Women who have already entered menopause can/be examined on any day of the month.

Unchanged nodes normally have an elastic consistency, seem soft to the touch. During visual inspection, the place of their localization is imperceptible.

You should pay attention to the condition of the skin under the armpits. If there is nothing unusual (soreness, swelling, redness), you should not worry. Lymph nodes are small and not palpable, but when danger is detected, their activity increases, an increase occurs. In this case, you must immediately undergo a medical examination.

Learn to heal yourself

You should know it!

The inflamed lymph node should not be warmed, massaged or acted on in any other way. First of all, you should get rid of the root cause that caused lymphadenitis.

The appearance of nasal congestion, runny nose and cough is also an indicator of the load on the lymph. Before getting into the blood, it must dump the remnants of toxins and does this through the mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, you can not interfere with her, for a long time escaping from a cold with vasoconstrictor drops.

It can disrupt the functioning of the lymph nodes and deodorant, which blocks the exit of sweat and poisons from the body. With the constant use of such agents, poisons will accumulate in this area, gradually soaking nearby tissues.

The liver, which cleanses the body of toxins, fully engages in work only at night. Therefore, you should not eat a lot at night, so as not to interfere with the body to neutralize the poisons received during the day.

Well-known procedures among the people help to improve the work of the lymphatic system: a steam bath with a broom and drinking plenty of tea with a currant leaf.

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There are a number of reasons for swollen lymph nodes. The most common is infection. You should see your doctor if you don't know what the cause is or if the swelling doesn't go down within two weeks.

Types of lymph nodes

Small lymph nodes are located throughout the body. Located side by side, form groups and chains. The main groups of lymph glands are found in the neck, armpits and groin, as well as in many other places in the body. Lymph nodes are connected to each other by lymph channels. Lymphatic fluid is formed between the cells of the body. This watery fluid travels through channels through the glands and eventually enters the bloodstream. Lymph nodes are the main part of the immune system. They contain former blood cells (lymphocytes) and antibodies that protect the body from infections.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits and in other areas

Lymph nodes are usually the size of a pea. They can be felt through the skin. Best of all, they are felt in the neck, to the touch like lumps under the skin. When swelling Lymph node on the back of the head becomes the most noticeable and very easily palpable. They can increase several times. In some areas, such as the chest or abdomen, the lymph nodes cannot be felt.

Main reasons


During the fight of the immune system against bacteria and viruses, the lymph nodes swell and become soft. They return to their normal size only when the immune system has completely defeated the infection. It may take about a week. Common infections include the following:

  • Throat, colds and dental infections
  • Skin diseases on the head, including lice can cause swelling in the occipital region
  • Skin diseases of the hands can lead to inflammation in the armpit
  • Infections in the legs and genitals usually result in swollen lymph nodes in the groin
  • Viral infections such as influenza, chickenpox, mononucleosis affect the entire body.

Cancer, lymphoma, leukemia

Less common reason. Cancer cells can metastasize to nearby lymph nodes through the lymphatic channel. These cancer cells can live and spread in the lymph glands and lead to swelling. Types of cancer that cause inflammation:

  • Mammary cancer
  • throat cancer
  • Lung and stomach cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Cancer of the lymphatic and circulatory system
  • As a rule, enlargement of the lymph nodes for this reason causes less discomfort and may be painless at an early stage.

Other less common causes

Rarely, swelling is associated with a reaction to certain medications and with diseases such as sarcoidosis and certain forms of arthritis. The same problem can be caused by Kawasaki disease, HIV and tuberculosis.

Treatment of lymph nodes

Treatment depends on the cause. In cases of infection, the disease itself is usually treated, and the enlarged lymph nodes return to normal on their own within 1-2 weeks. If the cause is cancer or lymphoma, serious treatment may be needed.

What to do if the lymph nodes are enlarged

An increase due to infection is common and does not require special attention. For example, with frequent sore throats, the lymph nodes swell in the neck. It is worth worrying if the nodes have grown for no apparent reason. In this case, you should consult a doctor. You may also need to see a doctor if the swelling does not go away within two weeks.

How to get rid of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits? How serious is this disease, is it possible to cure it with folk remedies or can not do without the intervention of a specialist - all these issues deserve the closest attention.

Signs of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes

Unpleasant sensations in the armpits, radiating to the arm and chest area, are often the first sign of inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the armpit. Enlarged and sensitive lymph nodes usually do not cause acute pain even on palpation, but at the same time they cause nagging pain, which causes constant discomfort and can serve as a symptom of a serious illness that only a doctor can tell about.

Redness of the skin, fever, chills, headache, weakness and body aches, similar to a cold, and intense pain may indicate suppuration of the lymph nodes - purulent lymphadenitis. In this state, an immediate appeal to a qualified specialist is inevitable, and delay is very dangerous.

Armpit pain can be quite dangerous

What to do in such a situation - immediately run to the clinic or try to find out the nature of the "behavior" of the lymphatic system on your own? First of all, you need to understand how it works and as a result of which the nodes turn into painful formations.

On guard of health

Lymph nodes are a kind of biological filters located throughout the body, both singly and in groups. Lymph, better known in the common people as ichor, absorbs harmful infections and microbes throughout the body and brings them to the nodes, which are an obstacle to vital organs.

Nature disposed very wisely, placing its "defenders" throughout the body, which allows us to consider them one of the most important organs of the human immune system. Thus, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits should be taken rather as a good sign, because it, in fact, indicates health problems that a person might not even be aware of.

Why do the lymph nodes in the armpits become inflamed?

There are a number of reasons for swollen lymph nodes. Among the diseases are immune, infectious and oncological diseases.

immune diseases

    Systemic lupus erythematosus - damage to capillaries and connective tissues.

    Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy is a disease of the lungs.

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of the joints.

    Dermatomyositis is a severe connective tissue disease.

    Serum sickness is an immune response to foreign proteins.

    Reaction to certain drugs.

Infectious diseases

Each lymph node serves a specific part of the body. The lymph nodes in the armpit are mainly designed to protect the fingers and hands of a person, preventing the infection present here from moving further through the body.

  • Purulent processes that occur as a result of inflammation of wounds give rise to the multiplication of millions of microbes that enter the lymph and can cause acute lymphadenitis. How does this happen? For example: a cut, bite, or even a banal scratch on a finger or hand was not treated in a timely manner, as a result of which an inflammatory process began. Redness and inflammation form around the wound, which, without the use of drugs, begins to rise up the arm and pose a direct threat to human life and health.

At this moment, protection begins to act in the form of lymph nodes - first the elbow, and then the axillary. But even such a powerful barrier has weaknesses, and without proper treatment, the nodes themselves turn into a focus of the disease. In such advanced cases, the resulting cavity filled with pus is opened to prevent rupture, the consequences of which can lead to severe complications in the form of phlegmon - an acute diffuse purulent inflammation of the cell space that can not only spread to neighboring organs, but also lead to blood poisoning.

    Cat scratch disease (fever) is a common cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits, it is especially common in children. The name of this acute infectious disease is directly related to the four-legged friends of the feline family, since it occurs due to scratches and bites of cats, and most often the hands and fingers of a person suffer from them.

    The child's body, like litmus paper, presents parents with inflamed lymph nodes in various infectious diseases, trying to draw attention to the baby's health problems as early as possible.

Lymph nodes on a child's body may indicate an illness

Even a banal acute respiratory viral infection can cause an increase in several groups of nodes, including axillary ones. But you should not relax - such a reaction of the body can serve as a signal of very serious illnesses, such as tuberculosis, which can be triggered by immunodeficiency caused by HIV infection.

  • An increase in axillary and other groups of lymph nodes that has existed for a long time is a serious cause for concern. Perhaps this is due to particularly dangerous diseases such as mononucleosis, brucellosis, listeriosis, and even HIV infection.

Tumor diseases

Unfortunately, inflamed axillary lymph nodes may indicate the presence of tumor diseases, namely:

    Malignant granuloma (Hodgkin's disease) - damage to the lymph nodes. Contacting a doctor at an early stage contributes to an almost complete cure, while neglected forms are extremely life-threatening.

    Lymphosarcoma is a malignant tumor that occurs directly in the lymph node. Requires immediate medical attention.

The insidiousness of tumor diseases is that the lymph nodes enlarged to 3-4 centimeters do not cause pain, and a person may simply not pay attention to them, thinking that he is dealing with a wen or other benign seal.

Do not neglect even the slightest tumor in the armpit area

Personal care products

An amazing fact - the most common roll-on, solid or gel deodorant can become the cause of enlarged lymph nodes. Few people know about this, but surgeons who observe patients with tumors in the armpit almost daily can tell lovers of such antiperspirants a lot. Why is this happening?

It's simple: firstly, because of the constant clogging of pores, which can lead to inflammation and even suppuration of the armpit, and secondly, because of the accumulation of bacteria on the deodorant applicator, which regularly penetrate into the wounds that form after shaving.

So, summing up. No matter how insignificant the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpit is, a visit to the doctor will be very helpful - only a specialist can identify and eliminate the cause.

Methods for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the axillary lymph nodes

Fortunately, and the joy of most patients who see a doctor because of the enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpits, most often the source of inflammation is minor infections or colds that can be treated with simple outpatient treatment.

Which specialist to contact with such a problem? The simplest thing is to go to the local therapist, who will write out a referral for passing the necessary tests to detect inflammation or infection. Having studied the results, he will either prescribe treatment on his own, or refer him to other doctors specializing in this profile.

Having identified the cause, the doctor decides on the advisability of using certain drugs, most often antibiotics, immunostimulating drugs and vitamin complexes. Be that as it may, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate inflammation of the lymph nodes - each person requires an individual approach. It is not uncommon for completely different drugs to help different patients with the same diseases.

Folk remedies can be used only after a medical examination

Folk remedies can also be used, but only as an auxiliary course. There are many recipes to reduce the intoxication of the body and increase immunity. Here are some simple and effective ways:

    Grind equal parts of hawthorn, capsicum, green and peppermint and mix thoroughly. One tablespoon of the mixture pour 250 ml of boiling water and hold in a water bath for several minutes. Cool, strain and drink 70 ml twice a day.

    Pour a handful of oats with 1 liter of milk (natural, not powdered) and put on fire using a divider. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave for 40 minutes. Add half a teaspoon of honey to one glass of cooled broth and take one glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals. For kids under the age of seven, give a quarter cup, teenagers - half a cup.

    Grind one hundred pieces of pine tops, pour 2 liters of water and boil over low heat for two hours. Strain. Dilute the infusion with another 1 liter of water, add 200 g of sugar and leave to boil for another two hours over low heat. The resulting syrup should be consumed daily, 1 tablespoon.

    Lotions from peppermint leaves, steamed roots of roadside cornflower and cloth soaked in sunflower oil are very useful.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Lymph nodes are the protective system of the human body. Their diffuse location throughout the body contributes to high-quality filtration of the entire lymphoid fluid. The axillary lymph nodes are the natural filter of the upper half of the body. If they increase, then it is possible to suspect the localization of inflammation in this particular part of the body. Therefore, it is very important to know what an inflamed lymph node looks like under the arm, a photo of which can be easily found on the Internet.

The main groups of axillary lymph nodes

A group of axillary lymph nodes collects tissue fluid (lymph) from the upper half of the body. The lymph nodes filter and disinfect it, after which the lymph enters the large lymphoid ducts. Each person has a different number of axillary nodes. Normally, they can be from 13 to 50. Axillary nodes are divided into:

  • Central - located in the center of the armpit.
  • Medial - lie next to the thoracic artery.
  • Subscapular - located in the armpit, in its back.
  • Thoracic - also lie in the deep layers of the axillary cavity.
  • Lateral (shoulder) - accompany the axillary vein.

This group also includes intramammary lymph nodes, which are located in the thickness of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland. They collect lymph from the lobules of the mammary gland, as well as from the small and large pectoral muscles. The norm of lymph nodes of this subgroup is 3-5 pieces.

Non-inflamed, normal lymph nodes in adults are almost impossible to feel. On palpation, they should be small, painless.

Methods for the study of axillary lymph nodes

If there is a suspicion that the axillary lymph nodes are enlarged, then you need to contact your family doctor or therapist. To determine the size of the inflamed node, the doctor conducts the following studies:

  • Examination of the whole body and the affected area. The doctor will pay special attention to the size of the lymph nodes under the armpits, the color of the skin above it. If the intramammary node is enlarged, then the nipples and areolas, the skin of the mammary glands will be carefully examined.
  • Palpation of lymph nodes in the armpit. Attention is paid to the mobility of the nodes, their consistency, the temperature of the skin above them.

In addition to examining and probing the nodes, the doctor may prescribe laboratory techniques and instrumental studies. They will help to make sure that a pathological process develops in the body, as well as to find out its cause. The most common methods include:

  • Clinical blood test and urinalysis.
  • Biochemical and immunological examination of blood.
  • Ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes.
  • Mammography and puncture biopsy.

If the process has a long course and its diagnosis is difficult to access, computed and magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed. In some cases, you may need to consult doctors of other specialties.

Important! Only after a full, comprehensive examination of the patient, the correct and effective treatment can be prescribed.

How to understand that the axillary lymph nodes are enlarged and what they are normal

In order to suspect inflammation or hyperplasia of the axillary lymph nodes in time, you need to know the symptoms that accompany this pathology. Enlarged axillary lymph nodes are accompanied by such a clinic:

  • The affected node is enlarged (the normal size of the nodes is not more than 10 mm). Perhaps a feeling of discomfort in the affected area, it seems that something "interferes". Depending on how enlarged the lymph nodes under the armpits are, they can be felt or even noticed with the naked eye. With an increase in the intramammary lymph node, a seal in the mammary gland can be palpated.
  • Soreness in the area of ​​the affected node. Pain can be of a different nature (aching, shooting, squeezing) and duration (constant and periodic).
  • Deterioration of the general condition. Since the enlargement of the axillary nodes is a symptom of various inflammatory diseases, the general condition also suffers greatly. Most often, body temperature rises, general weakness occurs, irritability appears, mood is disturbed.

If you find at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe a full examination and effective treatment.

Diseases that occur with an increase in nodes under the arm

An increase in axillary lymph nodes can be observed in a variety of pathologies. Most often it is:

  • infectious diseases. An increase in nodes is usually observed with purulent processes. For example, with boils or carbuncles located under the arm. In addition, with mastitis and mastopathy in women, the lymph nodes of this group also become inflamed.
  • Violation of the rules of personal hygiene. With frequent and improper use of deodorants that clog the sweat ducts, there is a risk of developing infectious processes. After that, an inflammatory process may occur in the tissue of the lymph node.
  • Immunodeficiencies. With such pathologies, all groups of lymph nodes usually increase. The axillary group reacts to the pathological process one of the first.
  • oncological processes. An increase in axillary lymph nodes is characteristic of both benign and malignant breast pathologies. Usually, enlarged lymph nodes do not cause any discomfort to a woman, and they are discovered by chance, for example, during a routine examination.

Because it is quite difficult to determine the cause of the enlarged lymph nodes, consultations of related specialists may be required. With their help, it is possible to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and predict its course.

Which doctor diagnoses an increase in axillary lymph nodes

To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment for enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, you will need consultations from different doctors. Which doctor can consult:

  • Gynecologist-oncologist. If you are concerned about an inflamed and enlarged intramammary lymph node. It can be felt both in the form of a soft elastic formation, and take on a dense, bumpy structure. The doctor diagnoses hormonal imbalance or genital pathology (hormone-producing tumors of the pelvic organs).
  • Surgeon . In the presence of purulent foci of infection, lymphadenitis, which require surgical treatment.
  • Oncologist. If, according to the results of a preliminary, physical examination and laboratory, instrumental diagnostics, a tumor process can be suspected. Large, firm lymph nodes are usually palpated adjacent to the affected lymphatic ducts.
  • Mammologist. The doctor is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of the intramammary lymph nodes.
  • Hematologist and immunologist. If there is a suspicion of the development of any immunodeficiency state.

Each of the narrow specialists will conduct additional research and give qualified advice. With the help of recommendations, the attending physician will be able to prescribe the full amount of medical treatment, or recommend surgical correction.

From such an ailment as enlarged lymph nodes under the arm, you can quickly get rid of, the main thing is to seek medical help in time, and carefully follow the doctor's recommendations.

Any infection in the body can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm - a disease of lymphadenitis, which is not independent, but as a result for a number of reasons, which we will discuss later. This may be a banal ARVI, or it may be the result of more serious violations. Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm in women may indicate breast cancer. Therefore, if you find an inflamed lymph node, you need to consult a doctor. He will help to find out the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The reasons

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. Its occurrence signals a malfunction in the body caused by various infections.

The most common causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm:

  • allergy;
  • bacterial or viral infection (flu, acute respiratory infections, etc.);
  • diseases of the mammary glands in women (cancer, including those that developed against the background of milk stagnation during breastfeeding);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the oral cavity.

Lymphadenitis can also develop with inflammation of the hair follicles. And this condition provokes shaving and infection in damaged skin. The use of low-quality deodorants can also lead to this disease. But most often in such situations, lymphadenitis goes away on its own after the elimination of the cause that caused it.

In children, the lymph nodes under the arm increase against the background of chickenpox, mononucleosis,. In adults, inflammation may indicate or.

Important! If several lymph nodes are inflamed at once, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible: this may indicate the presence of a serious disease that requires immediate treatment.

Symptoms of lymphadenitis

In the first stages, the inflamed lymph nodes increase slightly in size, but practically do not cause discomfort. There may be slight pain when pressed. The skin over the lymph node acquires a reddish tint. The initial stage can pass on its own if the inflammatory process is stopped. But a progressive disease makes itself felt with more pronounced symptoms.

Signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpits:

  • fever, chills;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • pain, aggravated by touching the lymph nodes;
  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.

Note! The last stage, in which pus forms, is dangerous. The danger lies in the fact that the inflammatory process can cover other organs.


Since lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, the diagnosis includes finding out the cause of the inflammation. Diagnostic measures differ depending on the form of the course of the disease (acute, chronic), the presence of other symptoms that help determine the root cause, the prevalence of the lesion (generalized or local).

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is determined by visual inspection and palpation. Then a clinical analysis of blood and urine is prescribed. With an increased level of leukocytes, indicating the presence of an infection, additional tests are taken.

  1. If suspected, a Mantoux test and X-ray examination are performed.
  2. If suspected or prescribed serological tests.
  3. If oncology is suspected, a histological examination is performed and a puncture of the lymph node is taken.
  4. An ultrasound examination is prescribed to assess the condition (adhesions) of the lymph nodes.

Timely detection and treatment of inflammation significantly reduces the risk of complications. Otherwise, the tissue of the lymph node may be destroyed, and this requires surgical intervention. But the most formidable complication is the penetration of the infection into the bloodstream, which can lead to death.

Treatment of lymphadenitis

It is important to remember that lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom that indicates the presence of an infection in the body. Therefore, treatment should be aimed not only at relieving inflammation, but also at eliminating the infection.

To eliminate the infection with inflammation of the lymph nodes, antibiotics are prescribed. The course of treatment is from ten to fourteen days.

What antibiotics are prescribed for lymphadenitis?

Important! Antibiotics of the penicillin series should be prescribed by a doctor, and it is better to do this at the onset of the disease. In this case, the inflammatory process will slow down its development and quickly come to naught.

If the disease has become chronic, stronger drugs are prescribed: Tubazid, Ethionamide. In some cases, injections are prescribed in the affected area. In the chronic form, compresses using Streptomycin are indicated.

If lymphadenitis is caused by tuberculosis, treatment is carried out in a hospital, using special tools. In case of oncological diseases, the oncologist selects the treatment. Assigned, or surgical removal of the lymph node along with.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed - electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy.

For the treatment of the lymph node in the armpit, ointments are prescribed - Tubazid, Tibonova, ointments based on Salicylic acid,. Apply compresses with Boric Vaseline,.

Homeopathic medicines can reduce soreness and help speedy recovery. To do this, use and.

Chloroethyl has a positive effect - spraying it on the affected lymph node causes numbness, and after a few procedures the inflammatory process goes away.

With purulent, the last stage of lymphadenitis, surgical intervention is performed. The inflamed lymph node is opened, pus is removed, washed. Then drainage is placed to remove pus, and it is removed after a week, after which dressings are made.

Lymphadenitis is not a disease, but a symptom

Folk remedies

The main purpose of the use of traditional medicine is. But it is best to combine them with traditional methods and after consultation with the doctor.

- a simple and affordable way to strengthen the body's defenses. The tincture is sold at any pharmacy, and you need to take it in half a teaspoon, diluted in a quarter cup, four times a day.

Dried or fresh echinacea root can be used to make syrup. To do this, take half a glass of the root of the plant and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Boil for another 20 minutes over low heat, remove from heat, add half a glass of fresh peppermint and let stand for five minutes. To make the resulting broth more palatable, you can add. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Children under 10 years old - a teaspoon.

Note! If, during treatment with echinacea root syrup, stomach pain occurs, treatment should be stopped.

A proven and well known fortifying agent is vitamin C. Take it three times a day, starting at 250 mg. If necessary, increase the dose.

Aloe juice is another effective tool. It is mixed with and red wine in equal proportions, mixed well and infused for a week. After that, you can start treatment - take the medicine in a tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Calendula helps to cleanse the lymph and remove pathogenic microorganisms. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour hot flowers of the plant and leave under the lid to infuse for an hour. Then it can be taken in 50 ml (but not more!) Four times a day on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is a week.

Calendula can be combined with tansy, these plants need to be crushed, poured with water and let it brew for about four hours in a dark place. After that, strain the infusion, and you can take it. Use it three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Compresses using traditional medicine have a positive effect on pain. They are prepared just before use, and you need to keep at least two hours. To achieve the maximum effect, the compress should be covered with polyethylene and fixed with a bandage. Compresses are prepared from walnut leaves - 3 tablespoons of leaves are poured into 150 g of vodka and infused for three days. Prepare a decoction for compresses from mistletoe leaves. To do this, the leaves are poured with boiling water or kept in a water bath. But fresh mint leaves are applied raw.

Prevention consists in a balanced diet - a large presence in the diet of fruits and vegetables, a sufficient amount of meat. Walking in the fresh air and moderate physical activity also strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, do not neglect cuts, wounds, hoping for "heal by itself." An infection can get into them, which will lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes. Therefore, damage should always be treated with an antiseptic solution.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpit is a serious pathology, if left untreated and with the development of the last stage, at which suppuration occurs, it can be fatal. But if you start treatment at the beginning, then the inflammation quickly goes away. It is equally important to conduct a thorough diagnosis, because lymphadenitis can be a symptom of more formidable pathologies.

The video tells what causes inflammation of the lymph nodes.

This article is posted solely for the general educational purposes of visitors and is not scientific material, universal instructions or professional medical advice, and does not replace a doctor's appointment. For diagnosis and treatment, contact only qualified doctors.

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I am a general practitioner and general practitioner. My competence includes issues of early diagnosis of patients and treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, skin diseases, metabolic disorders, etc. 15 years of experience as a general practitioner in polyclinics Moscow, 5 of which worked in one hospital in St. Petersburg .. I will be happy to answer questions from readers of my blog.


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