How to protect a child from ENT diseases: advice from an otolaryngologist. Children's ENT. Treatment of ENT diseases in children Pathology of ENT organs in children

Children's ENT

Children's ENT is a specialist who is an insightful psychologist, because only he knows how to find the right approach to children. And this plays a very important role, because the degree of trust of young children-patients depends on how correctly and quickly the ENT doctor will make a diagnosis.

Video: treatment of ENT diseases in children in the Cradle of Health medical center

Another important difference between a pediatric otolaryngologist and a pediatrician, as a pediatrician, is a clear understanding of the characteristics of the child's body, as well as knowledge of the causes of the disease. In young children, the clinical picture of ENT diseases can be similar, and the task of the doctor is, given all the differences, to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

Otolaryngology is a specialized branch of medicine that deals with the study, prevention and treatment of diseases of the ear, larynx and nose. Diseases related to this field of medicine are among the most common and familiar to each of us. Well, the otolaryngologist (ENT) is familiar to all of us from childhood. ear-throat-nose” or children's lore.

Due to the prevalence of ENT diseases, many parents believe that they are quite capable of coping with such an ailment on their own, without the help of a children's ENT.

However, it should be said that self-treatment of ENT diseases, for example, a sore throat, ear or runny nose can lead to an incomplete cure and even to the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

And chronically occurring inflammation, in turn, adversely affects the work of the whole organism as a whole and provokes the development of other diseases. In this case, you can not do without consulting a good pediatric ENT doctor.

Children's ENT diseases

The result of children's ENT diseases can be damage to internal organs - the heart, joints, kidneys and urinary tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of chronic foci of infection, so it is especially important to pay close attention to early diagnosis and proper treatment.

Cradle of Health”Experienced pediatric ENT doctors treat diseases such as:

  • Chronic tonsillitis
  • Sinusitis

Consultation of a pediatric ENT doctor

A pediatric ENT doctor specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases of the ENT organs as otitis media, pharyngitis, rhinitis, chronic inflammation of the tonsils (chronic tonsillitis), treatment of sinusitis, laryngitis, treatment of pneumonia, adenoids, removal of sulfur plugs.

Good pediatric ENT doctors can identify the disease in children in the early stages and prevent it in time. To do this, you just need to timely make an appointment with a children's ENT at a specialized center. Our children's polyclinic has a convenient location in Moscow and is ready to provide the services of medical specialists at any convenient hour.

At the children's medical center Cradle of Health” You can make an appointment and get advice from a pediatric ENT doctor, as well as qualified diagnostics and effective assistance in the treatment of ENT diseases. Similar information and appointment by phone: 655-6680, 655-6685

Calling a pediatric ENT doctor

Special training of ENT doctors in our polyclinic and modern equipment ensure the high quality of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The paid children's clinic Cradle of Health provides professional ENT care to adults and children. With the appearance of any ENT disease, doctors will solve any problems that relate to the ear, throat and nose.

A pediatric ENT will examine your children at home, which will greatly facilitate the contact between the child and the doctor, and will also allow you to make the correct diagnosis with high accuracy and prescribe the necessary course of treatment. Consultation and call and a children's ENT at home includes: arrival, an objective examination of the child, history taking, appointment of a course of treatment and recommendations, a doctor's conclusion in writing.

Our advantages:

  1. Calling a pediatric ENT doctor at home is carried out daily;
  2. Most medical specialists have advanced degrees;
  3. Guaranteed sterility and purity.

Video reviews about the treatment of ENT diseases in our center

  • Alla Shitova, daughter of Ariadne, treatment of sinusitis

Our otolaryngologists

Pediatric otorhinolaryngologist. Total work experience 29 years

Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov (2MOLGMI named after N.I. Pirogov) Clinical Residency in Otorhinolaryngology on the basis of the Children's Clinical Hospital named after. Filatov. Owns all types of surgical and conservative treatment of ENT pathology in children and adults

Smoltsovnikova Tatyana Vasilievna

Otorhinolaryngologist. Total work experience 26 years

In 1986 she graduated from the II Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogov. On the basis of the Children's Clinical Hospital No. Filatova was trained in clinical residency in the specialty: pediatric otorhinolaryngology.

In his work he actively uses both traditional and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

The cost of consultation and services of a pediatric otolaryngologist

Service codeName of servicePrice, rub
10201 Otorhinolaryngologist primary appointment1 600
10202 Reception of an otorhinolaryngologist1 400
10205 Departure of an otorhinolaryngologist at home within the Moscow Ring Road2 900
10207 Departure of the otorhinolaryngologist to the house 10 km outside the Moscow Ring Road3 770
10209 Departure of the otorhinolaryngologist to the house 20 km outside the Moscow Ring Road4 060
10211 Departure of the otorhinolaryngologist to the house 30 km outside the Moscow Ring Road4 350
10221 Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses using Sinuscan500
10222 Gaming Audiometry850
10223 Tympanometry500
10224 Otoacoustic emission900
10225 Washing of cerumen plugs (1 ear)500
10226 Ear washing in chronic otitis media (1 ear)600
10227 Foreign body removal1 000
10228 ET blowing by Politzer (1 ear)500
10229 Pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane (1 ear)500
10230 ear toilet300
10231 The introduction of drugs into the external auditory canal (1 ear)100
10232 Washing the ear with drugs300
10233 nose toilet500
10234 Anemization of the nasal mucosa300
10235 Nasal lavage by moving500
10236 Nasal lavage by moving method (repeatedly)500
10237 Application of drugs on the nasal mucosa100
10238 Washing the tonsils800
10239 Irrigation of the nasopharynx with drugs300
10240 Laser therapy (1 session)350

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Book an appointment with an otolaryngologist

Answers from an otolaryngologist to user questions on our website

The child had a runny nose, green-yellow snot, there was no temperature, a week later he complains of a pain in his head that is not acute, they put a hamoritis, and expensive antibiotics, is it necessary to inject Denicef ​​antibiotics?

can you do without them?

Otolaryngologist's answer:
Sinusitis can occur as a complication of SARS and without an increase in body temperature. Green-yellow discharge (pus) from the nasal passages indicates that a bacterial infection has joined. If an ENT doctor diagnoses sinusitis, then antibiotic therapy is necessary in your case. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, the condition may worsen, up to the development of meningeal complications.

The child is 3 months old, the internal snot is disturbing, it is impossible to suck out, you have a procedure, washing the sinuses or something for such


Otolaryngologist's answer:
Infants often have narrow nasal passages, this is not a disease, but an anatomical feature of this age, against the background of which “snoring” is possible during sleep and eating. To clarify the cause of difficulty in nasal breathing in your child, you need to contact an ENT doctor.

The child is 2.5 years old, the ear is flowing, one, they were treated, they were in the hospital, it does not stop ...

Otolaryngologist's answer:
Good afternoon Rashida! You need to come to an appointment with an ENT doctor and take a culture from the ear for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics and bacteriophages. According to the results of the study, select the necessary therapy.

Child 4 years 6 months. Adenoiditis 3 degrees. ENT recommends removing adenoids. The child gets sick very often. Night snoring, almost always

have nasal congestion. Is it worth trying to treat or unambiguously remove adenoids? I don’t want to waste time trying to treat if the result of the treatment is removal anyway. And on the other hand, I also don’t want to expose the child to stress from surgery and anesthesia, if there is a chance to cure it in a conservative way.

Otolaryngologist's answer:
Good afternoon, Oksana! There are clear indications for adenotomy: hearing loss and frequent colds that require frequent antibiotic therapy. If there are no such indications, then conservative treatment is first used in courses, if it is ineffective, then adenotomy cannot be avoided.

Can you please tell me if adenoiditis and adenoids are the same thing?

Otolaryngologist's answer:
Adenoids - pathologically enlarged pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) tonsil. Adenoiditis - inflammation of the pathologically enlarged pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) tonsil (adenoids).

When summer ends and autumn and winter come, people are exposed to respiratory diseases.

These diseases are collectively referred to as the common cold.

Such the disease should not be ignored and Pavel Vladimirovich Kryukov will tell about this, who works as the head of the ENT department of the Medical Center "XXI century".

Risk factors for ENT diseases

- Tell me, which children are most exposed to ENT diseases?

For the most part, children who attend school and pre-school educational institutions are at risk. Here the situation is explained by the elementary stay of a large number of children in one room. Of course, children who are prone to this are largely ill, often suffering from otitis media, rhinosinusitis and the like.

- What are the root causes of ENT diseases?

Many consider hypothermia to be the cause, but this factor is only secondary, as it helps to reduce the protective abilities of the mucosa and the body as a whole. In fact, various pathogenic pathogens (often viruses) begin to act initially, which, let's say, put the body in the position of a disease. At the same time, viruses can be in the body, as well as other pathogens, but they cannot have practically no effect on a strong body.

Many sin with antibiotics, which they give to their children immensely. In such a situation, most often, the body's own immunity decreases, and the resistance of various microorganisms to drugs increases. If earlier antibiotic treatment was often performed, and there are also chronic diseases, in particular the respiratory system. These factors may additionally predispose to the onset of diseases of the ENT organs.

A cold (ARVI) begins with a sore throat and a runny nose. These symptoms indicate an inflammatory process and most often it is the symptoms themselves that are treated, that is, special drops and tablets are used. Reason should be shown here, since even elementary drops for vasoconstriction should be used as prescribed by a specialist, and antibiotics, all the more, do not need to be prescribed independently.

- Tell us more about angina, what to do in such a situation?

You need to immediately turn to the lore, the disease logically creates fears for adults, and here, as they say, it’s better to overdo it. Complications of angina are dangerous, which can result in rheumatism of the joints and inflammation of the heart muscle and kidney disease. In general, not a particularly pleasant "bouquet", which should beware.

Therefore, it is not necessary to prescribe the treatment of angina on your own at home and you should not stop treatment after the temperature drops. After the onset of the disease, it is useful to isolate the child, since sore throat viruses are transmitted through the air. You need to stay most of the time in bed and expect a drop in temperature. I repeat, the treatment does not end there, talk to a specialist and try in every possible way to avoid the recurrence of a sore throat. This disease can lead to the development of other chronic diseases.

Video: "How the most common ENT diseases are treated"

The danger of ENT diseases for children

- Can you name other dangers of ENT diseases for children?

Frequent are otitis media, which are determined, among other things, by the anatomical parameters of the child's body. In children, the infection sometimes extends from the throat to the middle ear. If otitis media is not treated competently and in a timely manner, then hospitalization and even possibly surgical intervention will be required in the future.

If SARS are frequent, then the inflammatory process leads to the growth of adenoid tissue. Enlarged adenoids, in turn, contribute to the cessation of communication between the nose and throat. Inflammatory processes in the adenoids can give other complications from hearing loss to snoring and noisy breathing.

When it comes to very young children, you need to be especially careful. Even if you have completely cured SARS, you should give the body a little more time (3-4 days) to fully recover and acquire the necessary resources. Otherwise, if you send the child immediately to a nursery or kindergarten, he may get sick again. In conclusion, it should be said about the relevance of regular and competent hardening of the child and the choice of optimal clothing depending on the weather.

Video: "Otitis media: diagnosis"

Diseases of the ENT organs must be treated at an early stage of their development, since after the transition of these pathologies to the chronic stage, the treatment will be more complex and lengthy, often dragging on for many years. Untreated diseases in childhood can cause a delay in the development of the child.

Varieties of diseases

The list of ENT diseases is huge, it can include hundreds of clinical names. Diseases of the nose, throat and ear are often diagnosed in children and adults. Children are exposed to them more often due to the imperfection of the immune system.

Nose diseases:

  • runny nose or in acute and chronic stages;
  • ( , );
  • foreign body in the nasal cavity;
  • nosebleeds, etc.

The pathological process affects the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. Some chronic nasal diseases (for example, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis) can cause serious complications in the form of excruciating migraines, blurred vision, and the development of meningitis.

Ear diseases:

  • inner, outer and middle;
  • eustachitis;
  • sulfur plug;
  • foreign body in the ear canal;
  • injury to the inner ear and eardrum, etc.

The clinical picture of ear pathologies in almost all cases occurs against the background of hearing loss. Inflammatory processes are usually accompanied by fever, symptoms of intoxication of the body, discharge and acute pain in the ear.

In adult patients, the signs of ear disease are often blurred and mild, so the pathology is more difficult to detect and with a great delay. Signs of a pathological process may not make themselves felt for a long time.


With the individual susceptibility of the body, they can cause sore throat and swelling of the nasopharynx. Allergens are dust, animal hair, pollen, etc.

Regardless of the cause of the allergy, it is possible to get rid of it only on the condition that contact with the allergen is excluded or as limited as possible. Also, the therapy of allergic rhinitis consists in the appointment of antihistamines.


A cold can catch you by surprise not only in the cold season, but also in hot weather. This is most often observed in people suffering from a decrease in immunity. In the cold season, low temperatures provoke spasm and vasoconstriction, disrupt tissue trophism, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes and ENT diseases due to the penetration of infectious pathogens into the organs.

In the summer, the greatest danger to the throat is swimming in cold water, ice cream and chilled drinks.

Ears are more susceptible to cold gusts of wind and low temperatures, so be sure to protect them by wearing a headscarf or hat. A runny nose most often develops due to cold feet, which is why you need to wear shoes according to the weather and prevent them from hypothermia.

Any diseases of an inflammatory, infectious and systemic nature often become a provoking factor for the development of ENT diseases.

General symptoms

The general clinical picture of diseases of the ear, nose and throat is characterized by:

  • discomfort and pain in the larynx and nasopharynx;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • intoxication of the body in the form of weakness, deterioration in performance, muscle pain;
  • inflammatory phenomena in the affected organs;
  • discharge from the nasal cavity and ears;
  • pathological enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • hearing loss;
  • headaches;
  • decreased protection of the immune system;
  • impaired sense of smell, etc.

If, against the background of the current disease, several of the listed symptoms are noted at once, this indicates an advanced stage of the disease.

How are ENT organs interconnected?

All diseases of the ENT organs are combined into a general category, because the throat, ear and nasal cavity interact as a single physiological system.

For example, if a person has a sore throat, the infectious process can easily enter the sinuses or the inner ear, causing inflammation in them, and vice versa. Most often this happens due to untimely treatment of ENT diseases or a decrease in immunity.

Otolaryngology as a science is engaged in the study and treatment of ENT diseases, and also works in a preventive direction. An otolaryngologist, in addition to specific knowledge of the pathologies of the ENT organs, must have the knowledge and practical skills of a therapist and surgeon. Advanced diseases in otolaryngology often require the doctor to perform surgical procedures.

Treatment of ENT diseases consists in a complex effect on the body, in particular, on the affected organ or organ system of drug, symptomatic, physiotherapeutic and radical therapy.

All diseases require competent diagnosis and the choice of the most gentle and effective therapeutic effect. In addition to treating the underlying pathology, specialists pay attention to improving the patient's immune system and are engaged in the prevention of possible relapses of ENT diseases.

Self-medication or ignoring the treatment of diseases can cause serious consequences for the body as a whole. One pathology of ENT organs easily leads to a complication of another. For example, a common cold can lead to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis) and middle ear (otitis media). That is why it is necessary to treat any pathological conditions of the ENT organs in a complex manner, since they are interconnected.

Useful video about ENT diseases

First, in recent years there has been a local increase in the child population. More children - more ENT diseases.

Secondly, oddly enough, the high level of medical care. Previously, when medical care was less accessible, and medicine itself was imperfect, life expectancy was shorter, infant mortality rates were higher. Modern high-tech medicine fights natural selection more successfully and the weaker ones survive too. The gene pool does not become cleaner from this, and the number of chronic diseases is growing. All pathology, not only ENT organs.

The vast majority of ENT diseases among children are complications after SARS. They are seasonal. A wave of SARS has passed, followed by complications: adenoiditis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, etc.

Myth two. Adenoid enlargement is not normal.

What are adenoids? Many diseases enter the body through the upper respiratory tract. To recognize microbes, the body came up with a kind of observation post, which was placed in the mouth and nose.

These are tonsils - accumulations of lymphoid tissue. In the recess between the soft palate and the tongue are two palatine tonsils. In common parlance they are called tonsils. In the depths of the nasal cavity is another tonsil, which is called adenoids. There are also tonsils at the root of the tongue and near the entrance to the middle ear. When microbes enter the tonsils, they are recognized, neutralized, and launched, in addition to the local, and the general immune mechanism. The process is accompanied by a slight inflammation and an increase in the tonsils (adenoids too). This is a natural reaction that should normally pass in about 1 to 2 weeks.

If the child is often sick or weakened, then the tonsils do not have time to return to normal, and the inflammation becomes sluggish. And this is not a normal situation.

Myth three. With enlarged adenoids, the child develops an “adenoid” type of face and enuresis (bedwetting) is observed.

Both of these examples are described in old Soviet textbooks. But in 20 years of work, I have never had to remove adenoids from a child due to enuresis. An adenoid face - a heavy, lowered lower jaw, smoothed nasolabial folds - now, probably, can only be found in a remote village in dysfunctional families. In other cases, after all, help is provided to the child on time.

Myth four. Adenoids cannot be removed. This leads to a decrease in the immunity of the child.

If conservative treatment does not help, then I usually give the example of a dog. A man feeds, loves and takes care of a dog as long as it protects him. If the dog ceased to protect the person, began to snarl and pose a danger, the question arises: is it worth keeping it further?

The same goes for adenoids. As long as they perform their function, this is part of the child's immune barrier. If they begin to interfere with life, then they themselves undermine the immune system and they must be removed. Exist Absolute indications for removal of adenoids:

  • First, conductive hearing loss. It is not very pronounced, but gradually increases. The child makes the TV louder, does not immediately respond. Parents often attribute his behavior to inattention, and these are problems with the adenoids. If the adenoids are not removed, there is a chance that as the child grows, everything will resolve itself. Or maybe not. Then the eardrum will begin to collapse, chronic inflammation of the middle ear will occur, and in adulthood such a person will still need surgery. But it will be impossible to restore natural hearing.
  • Secondly, snoring with holding your breath during sleep. This is an indicator that the child is experiencing chronic oxygen starvation. Such a child does not get enough sleep, he has increased fatigue, he gets sick a lot, misses school, his performance decreases. Teachers may even consider that he has reduced intelligence. It's not about stupidity. You just need to get your breath back...

There are many other, relative, indications for the removal of adenoids. Each time the issue is resolved individually with the attending physician.

Myth five. Before the operation to remove the tonsils (palatine tonsils), you should eat a lot of ice cream.

This myth is outdated. Now many new techniques have been developed to remove the tonsils (tonsils and adenoids). Their essence is the same - it should not hurt and not in haste. But before they really gave ice cream. It gives a mild analgesic effect. In Soviet textbooks it is written that the operation to remove the tonsils is painless. Adults who have had surgery remember that this was not the case. Parents who bring their child to surgery relive their childhood pain and fear. Often they transfer pain and fear for the child to doctors. They can be understood, the illness of a child is a powerful stress for parents. But as a result, doctors literally bathe in negative emotions. In order not to burn out professionally, the doctor must develop protection, a certain detachment, which is often perceived by people as indifference. This is a big psychological and ethical problem.

Myth six. Surgery to remove tonsils, such as adenoids, is useless. They grow up again.

Indeed, earlier in about half of the patients, adenoids recurred. The reason is their incomplete removal due to a less perfect operation technique. . Then the sick child was tied or held tightly, an instrument was put into the mouth and the tonsils were cut off. It was painful, the child twitched and resisted. The doctor worked blindly and was nervous. There is such a well-aimed medical phrase: "A sick child should not be present at his operation."

Now operations to remove the tonsils are carried out in accordance with this popular expression - under anesthesia. For a child, they are painless, and the doctor sees his actions and has the opportunity to remove the tonsils completely. This is a big step forward.

Myth seven. Chronic infection of the tonsils can "walk" through the body and affect other organ systems.

This is not a myth. Take, for example, chronic tonsillitis - damage to the palatine tonsils (glands) is often caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Exacerbation of tonsillitis - tonsillitis. If the general immunity of the child is reduced, then he can get tonsillitis several times a year. In between exacerbations, feel weakness, weakness - due to constant intoxication from a chronic focus of infection, from the tonsil. Often he has a seemingly unrelated slightly elevated temperature. These manifestations of chronic infection are unpleasant in themselves.

In addition, hemolytic streptococcus toxins affect the heart, kidneys and joints, leading to diseases of these organs. Now more and more often there are cases when a person is 26-28 years old, and he already has myocarditis (heart disease). When you start to understand, it turns out that all his childhood he suffered from chronic tonsillitis. Such severe consequences might not have happened. Let me remind you once again that the severity of the manifestation of ENT diseases is associated with the state of the general immunity of a person.

Myth eight. It is possible to increase the body's resistance to infections and thereby reduce the number of ENT diseases by hardening.

Now in society they somehow don’t talk about hardening. Sounds more like a healthy lifestyle. In order for children to be healthier, parents first of all need to lead a healthy lifestyle themselves and educate the child by their own example. In the meantime, ENT doctors and pediatricians advise cutting off the child from microbes. How?

If this is a frequently ill child (sick with SARS more than 8 times a year), we advise you to remove the child from kindergarten and keep it at home. We say to the rest of the parents: "Look for a garden where no one gets sick." Of course, there are no such kindergartens. In most kindergartens, the groups are overcrowded. Children share their infections with each other and get sick in a circle. If there are 10 people in a group, children get sick less. And if 28? Frequent acute respiratory viral infections reduce the overall immunity of the child and give more severe complications to the ENT organs. This is not only a medical problem. This has been a social problem for a long time.

ENT diseases in children are those diseases that affect the throat, nose and ear. You can protect your baby from them using various treatment methods that an experienced doctor selects. He will also prescribe the right treatment, since any childhood ENT diseases threaten serious health problems in adulthood.

ENT diseases in children alphabetically

Very often, young parents panic when they notice that their child stops breathing for 10-20 seconds during sleep, and his heart rate ...

Sinusitis in children occurs with any infection or cold, since it is at a young age that sensitivity to air quality is high. Nasal...

One of the most dangerous infectious diseases, provoking many unpleasant symptoms and causing pain, is herpetic ...

Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as "purulent tonsillitis" in fact. A qualified doctor will never put under ...

Fungal angina in children is quite common. The disease is also called candidal, because its causative agent is the fungus Candida, which affects whether ...

Catarrhal tonsillitis in children is a mild form of tonsillitis. Its distinctive feature is that with it the outer ball of the tonsil is affected, and on ...

Lacunar tonsillitis appears in children against the background of weakened immune properties. Distinctive features of this type of disease - inflammation of the crypts ...

The most common complication of otitis in children is mastoiditis, which is an inflammation with pus of the bone tissue of the mastoid process ...

Follicular tonsillitis in children develops against the background of the active growth of bacteria that enter the body and begin to multiply rapidly, causing ...

Frequent sore throats in a child are caused by the ingestion of an infectious agent. It forms pathogenic microflora and weakens the immune system. This is p...

ENT diseases in children are those diseases that affect the throat, nose and ear. You can protect your baby from them using various treatment methods that an experienced doctor selects. He will also prescribe the right treatment, since any childhood ENT diseases threaten serious health problems in adulthood.

Various complications are possible, and in rare cases, even death. Ear diseases in children in a neglected state can lead to disability. Some of them entail complete deafness, so you need to carefully monitor the health, daily routine, physical activity of the baby. It is better to treat the disease at an early stage, then the risk of complications is minimal. All medical procedures should be carried out only by a qualified doctor, since he selects a program of examination and treatment on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of the body of each patient. Sore throats in children, also with untimely treatment, will develop into a dangerous stage. The same applies to other organs. Proper treatment will help get rid of the disease as soon as possible and prevent it from developing into a more dangerous stage for health. You should be more careful with nose disease in children. Many can develop into a chronic category and negatively affect adult life, causing many problems.

Causes and consequences

ENT diseases in children can appear both in utero and subsequently under the influence of environmental factors, manifesting themselves over time. In newborns, difficulty breathing is due to the fact that the lower shell descends to the nasal cavity, and the nasal passages are narrow. The larynx in children is also narrow, the mucous layer is very loose, it quickly swells, provoking further severe breathing problems.
Among the causes of ailments are also distinguished:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • lack of vitamins.

The consequences of violations affecting the ENT organs are the most severe. Untimely treatment of pathologies affecting the ear, throat, nose leads not only to complications of diseases (for example, meningitis), but also to disability, loss of hearing, voice, and vision loss. In addition, life-threatening inflammation of the brain tissue can develop.


Determining if your child has health problems is not difficult. The first signs can be detected at a very early stage. It is at this time that they are amenable to quick and safe treatment. Children's ENT diseases have pronounced symptoms:

  1. hearing loss;
  2. runny nose, nasal congestion;
  3. cough, sore throat.

If you find one of these signs in your child, you need to consult a doctor. Only he will conduct a qualitative examination and prescribe the correct treatment. At the first appointment, the otolaryngologist conducts a comprehensive examination, then prescribes all the necessary studies and writes out a treatment plan. It includes taking medications, sometimes also undergoing medical procedures. The medical program depends on which organ is affected and how badly.

Diagnostics and types

Depending on in which part of the body the anomaly occurred, there are different children's ENT diseases, which are divided into several types:

  • throat and larynx. This group includes all pathologies associated with the oral cavity. They manifest themselves both quickly and clearly, and slowly and implicitly. The main difference by which it is possible to recognize children's throat diseases is the nature of the course of the pathology. Depending on this, there are different types of treatment that can only be developed by a qualified specialist. What diseases of the throat occur in children, many may know, but only a doctor is well versed in this. He conducts an examination and reveals what exactly the patient is suffering from:
  1. pharyngitis;
  2. adenoids;
  3. laryngitis.
  • nasal diseases in children, including all the problems that are associated with this organ. They can be both acute and chronic. Only a doctor should prescribe methods of treatment, since each type has its own medications.
  1. sinusitis;
  2. rhinitis;
  3. sinusitis.
  • ear diseases in children, characterized by specific disorders in the work of this organ. Ear disease in children can develop gradually. These are the following ailments:
  1. otitis;
  2. sulfur plugs;
  3. mastoiditis.

All types of violations in the work of ENT organs can be divided into three groups:

  • infectious pathologies caused by infection in the body. These diseases include tonsillitis and tonsillitis.
  • fungal disorder provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. Fungi that settle in the ear cause otomycosis. With inflammation in the pharynx, a fungus occurs that generates pharyngomycosis. Similarly, laryngomycosis occurs.
  • viral infections that occur due to the penetration of various viruses into the body. They contribute to the appearance of colds, runny nose, otitis media.


As soon as the first suspicions that a child has such a disease appeared, it is urgent to consult a specialist. Self-medication is dangerous for your baby's health. Only an experienced doctor knows how to treat a sore throat in children. He will conduct a comprehensive examination and write out an individual treatment program.


You can get around your child's health problems. Many clinics offer a comprehensive examination and specialized procedures. To avoid ENT diseases in children, parents should follow preventive measures:

  1. epidemiological regimen surrounded by a child;
  2. a clear daily routine;
  3. hygiene;
  4. proper diet;
  5. timely vaccination.

As soon as you have identified the first signs of illness in a child, you should immediately contact a specialist. You can choose it yourself on our website or call the help desk (the service is free).

This material is posted for informational purposes, is not medical advice and cannot serve as a substitute for consultation with a doctor. For diagnosis and treatment, please contact qualified doctors!

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