When a girl can get pregnant - cycle period, probability. High probability of pregnancy: when to conceive a child

So, during each menstrual cycle in a woman's ovaries. She leaves the ovary and begins to move along the fallopian tube towards the uterine cavity. If at this time it meets with a sperm, fertilization occurs and further, if favorable, pregnancy. If such a meeting does not occur, the egg dies. Oddly enough, even knowing the general pattern of pregnancy, many men and women have absolutely no idea when sex is without consequences.

Get it done in 48 hours

You will be surprised, but the egg retains the possibility of fertilization for only two days from the moment it leaves the ovary. If during this period you do not meet with a spermatozoon, there can be no talk of any pregnancy. Simply put, a woman is able to conceive an extremely short period of time. These most “dangerous days”, as they are commonly called, are ovulation or the middle of the menstrual cycle. Sexual contact during the release of the egg and the next two days is the most dangerous in terms of possibility. A logical question arises, then contraception should be used with every sexual contact? Everything is simple. Despite the fact that the life span of the egg is very short, the situation is influenced by many indirect factors, which are not always taken into account.

Before and after

Firstly, not every woman's menstrual cycle is regular and works like clockwork. The hormonal background can change due to moving to another region, illness or severe stress, and all this automatically shifts the menstrual cycle up or down. So it turns out that even with a regular cycle and a predicted date of ovulation, you can miscalculate and not get into a safe period.

Another factor that must be taken into account is the ability of spermatozoa to maintain their viability inside a woman's body for several days after intercourse. That is, you can have sex even on quite days, and the male reproductive cells will simply wait for the release of the egg already in place. That is why gynecologists recommend most carefully 4-5 days before the expected start of ovulation and another 3-4 days after - just in case. After all, it also happens that you expect one day, and it comes a little later.

But about a week after ovulation, the days for conception begin. The egg, whenever it leaves the ovary, has already died, so the sperm simply have nothing to fertilize. Before the onset of menstruation, during it and 2-3 days after, you can have sex without fear.

The probability of getting pregnant on one or another day of the menstrual cycle is of interest to many women. Some are trying in this way to find out when it is most likely to conceive a long-awaited child, while others, on the contrary, are trying to find out when they should not make love in order to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. But both for those and for others there are regularities.

You are most likely to get pregnant on the day of ovulation. All literate women know this. But how do you know exactly when ovulation will occur? Then it is possible to conceive the first time or avoid an abortion. You can find out exactly when the ovulation period began using tests or ultrasound, the measurement of basal temperature and symptoms are less reliable. An interesting point is that conception can occur even when sexual intercourse occurred before ovulation. This is because spermatozoa can live inside a woman for up to several days. That is why it is possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation, especially in women with irregular or short menstrual cycles. Given the fact that most often ovulation occurs from the 10th to the 17th day of the menstrual cycle, this means that another 3 days in one direction and the other should be considered dangerous. That is, from day 7 to 20. The probability of getting pregnant during menstruation, in their first 2-4 days, is minimal, but still there. And for this reason, and because of the high probability of inflammatory processes as a result of infection entering the uterus, intimate relationships during menstruation are only permissible using barrier contraception - a condom.

Much less likely to get pregnant before menstruation, and women take advantage of this. Those who have a more or less regular menstrual cycle and with pronounced PMS can safely have unprotected sex 2-3 days before the expected start date of the next period.

Are there categories of women who are likely to become pregnant on “safe” days? It includes women who have a menstrual cycle of less than 22 or more than 35 days, there are delays in menstruation, in adolescence and in premenopause. By the way, conception can occur even without menstruation. An example is women who are breastfeeding and after childbirth. They may not have their first period for several months, but this does not mean that they are “sterile”. Ovulation can occur before the onset of the first period. The same applies to very young girls who have not yet had a menarche. There are cases when conception occurs in women who thought that they had already started menopause, although during these 1-3 years before menopause it is still possible to become a mother, albeit more difficult.

Thus, we found out that the probability of getting pregnant after ovulation and before it is very low. But even directly when unprotected intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, pregnancy does not always occur. Why is this happening? The fact is that, in addition to ovulation, other aspects are also important. For example, the patency of the fallopian tubes is very important, since it is through them that the spermatozoa move to the egg, and then the fertilized egg moves towards the uterus. If there are adhesions in the tubes, this can lead to the impossibility of conception or the development of a pregnancy outside the uterus. Another important point is how healthy the uterus itself is, as the organ in which the child will develop. The male factor is no less important. With a small number of mobile healthy sperm, conception is less likely.

Is it possible to somehow reduce the likelihood of pregnancy if unprotected intercourse occurs around the time of ovulation? Yes, this is possible. A woman can use emergency contraception - take hormonal pills immediately after intercourse, they will help suppress ovulation if it has not yet occurred. Another method is suitable for some women who have given birth - within 2-3 days after intercourse, you need to put an intrauterine device. But different folk

Few women do not think about the possibility of getting pregnant. Some are worried that this will not happen. The majority - as soon as possible dreams of knowing the joy of motherhood. Especially if the birth of a child is included in family plans.

It happens that a couple cannot have a baby for a long time. It happens and vice versa: a single unprotected contact immediately leads to pregnancy. What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time and what it depends on is completely unknown.

Conditions for successful conception

A healthy woman has everything she needs to conceive, carry and give birth to a baby. In the medical community, the ability to have children is called in one word - fertility. Nature has provided for the implementation of this ability a complex but effective mechanism:

  • With a regular menstrual cycle, the egg at the same time matures and leaves the follicle in the ovaries.
  • Through freely passable uterine (fallopian) tubes enters the uterine cavity. During this journey can be fertilized.
  • In the case of a successful meeting with the sperm, it attaches to the inner lining of the uterus without any problems. The resulting embryo survives, the placenta begins to develop from the chorionic villi.

What are the chances that the pregnancy will end successfully - depends on many things. To begin with, it is useful to know what can affect the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time. We note right away that it depends on both sexual partners.

Women's health

The key to good reproductive health is a balanced hormonal background. In particular, its changes during the menstrual-ovarian cycle. Also important:

  • The general level of sex hormones, which should correspond to the age norm.
  • Maturity and health of the ovaries: These organs are responsible for the maturation of the egg.
  • The physical and psychological well-being of women.
  • Mood before intimacy.

Among doctors there are quite interesting opinions. For example, the influence of physique on conception. What is the probability of getting pregnant women with a different constitution? It is believed that harmoniously built, moderately plump women with wide hips have a greater chance of conceiving with unprotected contact than thin women with a model appearance.

As a scientific justification, the state of the hormonal sphere is put forward: it is estrogens and progesterone that give the female body the most seductive forms. At the same time, these hormones contribute to the onset of pregnancy at the slightest opportunity for this.

However, this statement has not been proven, life gives everyone a chance and pregnancy occurs in thin people without any problems and long expectations.

Ovulation calculation

If menstruation comes regularly, you can calculate the day on which ovulation occurs (the release of an egg from the ovary).

The calendar method of pregnancy planning is simple, does not require medical manipulations, and can be used at home.

Having calculated the day of ovulation, you need to guess the proximity for it. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait for this very day: conception can occur if the only unprotected intercourse is carried out 2-3 days before ovulation.

What is the probability of getting pregnant in this case and what does it depend on? It is quite high if the partner is healthy: especially hardy spermatozoa can enter the uterine cavity, pass into the fallopian tubes and wait there for several days until the egg cell approaches them.

To increase the effectiveness of the method, you can measure the basal temperature. These words mean the control of rectal temperature every morning at the same time. You need to start doing this a few days before the planned ovulation.

To be sure of the results, it makes sense to start a diary where to enter the daily readings of the thermometer. At the time of the release of the egg from the ovary, the internal temperature rises slightly, but noticeably. From that day and over the next few days, the probability of getting pregnant the first time is as high as possible.

Readiness for pregnancy

What is the chance of getting pregnant in a woman with gynecological problems? Usually the chance is low. Any pathology of the reproductive system adversely affects the ability to conceive. To ensure women's health and well-being, you should undergo regular examinations in a consultation. The chance of pregnancy increases if:

  • There are no genetic anomalies and hereditary diseases.
  • Balanced sexual and physical maturity.
  • The formation of internal genital organs is synchronized with the development of external ones.
  • The endocrine glands (not only the sex glands) work without failures and disturbances.
  • There are chronic diseases, but they are compensated or are in remission.
  • There was a psychological readiness for the beginning of sexual activity and motherhood.
  • We must not forget about such a simple concept as a healthy lifestyle: bad habits always reduce the likelihood of a normal pregnancy.

Regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist will allow you to track negative phenomena in time and eliminate them.

As for the last point, about psychological readiness, it is often not given due attention. High anxiety and chronic stress have a destructive effect on all aspects of life.

The level of fear of sexual activity can reach such a degree that it will inevitably affect the functions of the gonads. After all, the most important - the pituitary and pineal glands - are located in the brain.

The influence of contraceptives

There is no paradox that oral contraceptives can increase the chance of pregnancy. Their action is based on inhibition of the release of the egg from the ovaries. After the abolition of pills, the body tries to "catch up".

It often happens that the ability to become pregnant resumes within a few days after the end of taking contraceptives. Moreover, the probability of becoming pregnant with twins or triplets increases significantly: in the “rested” ovaries, several eggs mature at the same time. So if not twins, then twins or triplets the first time is quite real.

Man's health

For a successful conception, the participation of two people is necessary. Therefore, a lot also depends on the sexual partner. The most important thing for a man is physical health and a healthy lifestyle:

  • Good vitality.
  • No bad habits.
  • Safe working conditions.
  • Calm mental attitude.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • Maturity for fatherhood.
  • Unburdened by genetic anomalies heredity.

It should always be remembered that approximately 40% of couples cannot have a child due to disorders from the stronger sex.

Viral parotitis poses a very big threat to male infertility. Transferred in a complicated form, this childhood illness can permanently deprive a man of the opportunity to conceive. Regardless of the number of sexual acts or intimate partners.

Bad habits

Men who smoke and abuse alcohol are more likely to experience problems with spermatogenesis, impaired libido and potency.

There is another interesting observation, according to which the use of a "light" drug - marijuana - for some time deprives a man of the ability to have children. So, if a partner smokes weed, the chances of conceiving from him are reduced.

Age features

It is clear that a young couple is more likely to have a child than older people. However, there are two factors to consider here:

  • Early onset of puberty does not mean an increased chance of getting pregnant. Even if the egg is fertilized, in a girl who is too young, it may not attach to the wall of the uterus.
  • Ideal for pregnancy, in women, the age of 18-35 years is considered. The period when the body is fully ready for such a responsible process. In the future, fertility is maintained, but markedly reduced.
  • Menopause does not mean the loss of the ability to have children. People often perceive age as an insurmountable obstacle to pregnancy and absolutely in vain. With proper preparation, the likelihood of conceiving, carrying out and giving birth is no lower than that of young couples.

In medicine, there are cases when both very young girls and already elderly women become pregnant. However, it is very difficult to complete gestation normally in such cases.

Men are less limited by age limits. They can produce offspring even after 70 years. True, how many attempts will be required for this - no one undertakes to calculate.

It is not unreasonably believed that folk wisdom can contribute to rapid conception. According to beliefs, the chance of getting pregnant increases:

  • Late summer and autumn. The basis for this is probably the sufficient intake of vitamins from food during these seasons.
  • In early spring. The awakening of vital processes and forces does not bypass the human body.
  • If you add pumpkin to the menu. It is believed that the content of vitamin E - the vitamin of pregnancy - in this vegetable is so high that it significantly increases fertility.
  • With a restriction in the diet of quickly digestible carbohydrates - potatoes, white bread. They can disrupt the normal course of ovulation.

Increasing the proportion of high-fat dairy products in the diet can also increase the chances of pregnancy. Sometimes bitter tinctures, such as wormwood, are recommended.

Doubtful advice without consulting a doctor should not be followed: you can cause serious harm to health.

Poses for conception

There is an opinion that the posture also affects the likelihood of conception. There is a certain amount of rationality in this. After ejaculation, sperm must travel from the vagina to the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. The most conducive to this process is the usual "missionary position".

However, studies on what is the likelihood of getting pregnant in different positions have not been conducted. On the contrary, there is a lot of evidence about when pregnancy occurs after a single act in an unconventional position.

A bit of math

Statistically, on a 28-day cycle, pregnancy is likely within 7 days (3 before and 4 after ovulation). And 7/28 is 25%. Removing from this time 4 days, which fall on the actual monthly, we get a probability of 29%.

In reality, while no one is able to express the probability of pregnancy in dispassionate and reliable numbers. Too many parameters and data have to be taken into account, and each person has an individual level of health.

Rather, another approach, philosophical and mathematical, will be more evident here. According to him, the probability of getting pregnant in any case is always 50%. That means you either get pregnant or you don't.

The best thing you can do is not get hung up on conception, relax and have fun. By eliminating the nervousness and tension of the nervous system, you can quickly achieve the desired effect. Even the first time.

Many couples believe that if they refuse contraception, pregnancy can occur immediately. But it takes a certain time to prepare the female body for conception, which is why the probability of getting pregnant on different days of the cycle is very different. In order to determine the most suitable time for sexual intercourse, one should understand the phases of a woman's menstrual cycle and take into account their features.

What days are you most likely to get pregnant the first time?

On the first day of menstruation, the development of follicles in the ovaries begins, in which eggs mature. Around the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, that is, the release of a formed egg from one follicle. A specific day can be determined by knowing the exact length of the cycle. If the cycle lasts 28 days, the probability of getting pregnant is highest on days 14 and 15. The egg in the female body lives no more than 48 hours, while spermatozoa can remain active for up to a week, so that conception is possible not only on the day of ovulation.

How to determine the day of ovulation to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant?

Many women who are planning to replenish the family are interested in what days the probability of getting pregnant is highest. Ovulation in a young woman occurs every month, with rare exceptions. There are several ways to define it. The most popular of them is calendar, it is well suited for women who have a regular cycle and keep a menstruation calendar. Unfortunately, the chance of error is high.

A method for determining ovulation by measuring rectal temperature has long been known. With its help, a few generations ago, women found out when it was more likely to become pregnant. The next day after the onset of ovulation, the temperature in the rectum rises by 0.2-0.4 degrees.

A very reliable method is a home ovulation test, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. This is a relatively new invention that has made life much easier for couples planning a pregnancy. The test is based on determining the level of luteinizing hormone, and its accuracy is very high.

You can use the services of specialists by undergoing an ultrasound examination, with which you can detect ovulation, or in the middle of the cycle, take tests to determine the approximate date of ovulation.

It is important to consider that every woman, even if she is completely healthy, has cycles in which ovulation does not occur at all. This is considered the norm, and you should not worry about it.

What is the probability of getting pregnant before and after menstruation?

Many women believe that before menstruation and immediately after them, the probability of getting pregnant is zero, but this is not entirely true. This period is considered unfavorable for conception, but the body of each woman is individual. During menstruation, the likelihood of pregnancy also remains, especially with an irregular menstrual cycle.

What is the chance of getting pregnant in one menstrual cycle?

Do not worry if conception did not occur the first time. Doctors believe that with constant attempts, a woman under the age of thirty should get pregnant within a year, but various factors can influence this. According to statistics, the probability of getting pregnant within one cycle is 20%. When planning a pregnancy, it is important to make sure that the future mother and father do not have any diseases in order to avoid problems in the future and not overshadow the expectation of the child.

It becomes more difficult to get pregnant with age, so you should consult a doctor if attempts do not bring the desired result.

Not every woman has access to the joys of motherhood. Therefore, every adult representative of the fair sex at least once asked herself the question: “What are the chances of getting pregnant?” This is primarily due to a change in priorities - ironically, the ideal period for pregnancy falls during study, career, so planning a child for many couples is delayed by 10 years. But even if everything is in order with health and age, it is possible to conceive a child far from everyone. What are the chances of getting pregnant and how to increase them?

Age and chances of getting pregnant

Age is one of the main reproductive factors in both sexes. Time is always relentless. If a woman wants to give birth to a child, then the greatest chance of getting pregnant is given at the age of 20-24, after which the probability gradually decreases, and the risk of infertility increases. And although men have a much longer reproductive period, the likelihood of having healthy children at 45 is much lower than at 20.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant if you are already old? According to family planners, they are four times lower in a woman at 40 than at 25. This means that the more years pass, the more time you need to conceive, and, in addition, various diseases, which are usually detected over the years, can interfere with the bearing of the baby. What are the chances of getting pregnant in older couples? According to medical statistics, 6% of women aged 35 and 23% of 38-year-olds cannot conceive a child for more than three years in a row with regular sexual activity. This is mainly due to health issues. The following factors reduce the likelihood of conception:

  • depletion of the egg reserve;
  • shortening of the menstrual cycle;
  • thinning of the endometrial layer in the uterus;
  • increase in the viscosity of the vaginal secretion;
  • diseases affecting the organs of reproduction (endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, chlamydia);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Chances of getting pregnant after period

The very possibility of conception in women is associated with the cycle of ovulation - the maturation of the egg. And this, in turn, occurs only on certain days of the menstrual cycle. How to determine the chances of getting pregnant after menstruation, based on your ovulation calendar? Very simple. The ovulation cycle is divided into three periods:

  • the period of perfect sterility, when the probability of fertilization of the egg is zero;
  • a period of partial sterility, when there are still chances of getting pregnant after menstruation;
  • the period most favorable for conception.

According to the ovulation calendar, the period of partial sterility begins on the last day of menstruation and continues until ovulation. She, in turn, occurs 14 days after the first day of menstruation, but can also fall on days 11-13 of the cycle. According to recent studies, the greatest chance of getting pregnant falls at the time of ovulation. The probability in this case is 33%. The day before ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant reach 31%, two days drop to 27%, three days - only 16%. These figures are related to the viability of spermatozoa, which is decreasing every day. The longer the gap between intimate contact and ovulation, the less chance of getting pregnant. The probability of conception remains even 5 days before ovulation, although it is too low. And for six or more days, as well as after the release of the egg, it is minimal. It should be remembered that these data are relevant only for women with a regular cycle.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if menstruation occurs after trying to conceive? This does not always mean that you have failed. In rare cases, after the fertilization of the egg, menstruation still continues, but the discharge is scanty and spotting. If this is your case, then you have every chance of getting pregnant after your period.

couple lifestyle

Absolutely healthy spouses who do not have problems with bad habits have much more opportunities for conception than smokers and patients. Sometimes you need to change your lifestyle in many ways so that difficulties recede.

What factors affect the chances of getting pregnant? These, first of all, include the weight of a woman - its deficiency (less than 50 kg) and excessive excess lead to a violation of the ovulation cycle.

The ability to conceive decreases with psycho-emotional overload. According to research, in men who experience regular stress, the testicles produce less sperm.

How do coffee and cigarettes affect the chances of getting pregnant? Fundamental research on this issue has not yet been carried out. However, according to some reports, caffeine and nicotine slow down the production of spermatozoa and make them less mobile, and therefore capable of fertilization.

The temperature regime also affects the ability to conceive - both men and women should avoid hypothermia and overheating in the genital area, as well as circulatory disorders due to tight or uncomfortable clothing, since all these factors reduce reproductive function.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant

To successfully conceive, you need to prepare in advance. If a woman takes oral contraceptives, you need to stop them a few months before planning. Some contraceptives continue to work some time after stopping - these include oral contraceptives, hormonal injections, rings, etc.

Consider the ovulation cycle when planning a pregnancy. For women who have an irregular or too long period, it is best to use the method of measuring basal body temperature every morning to determine the release of an egg. During ovulation, it rises. Within 2-3 days before the increase in basal temperature, the chances of getting pregnant are as high as possible.

How to know you need professional help

In a healthy couple who have regular sex life (about twice a week), conception can occur within a year, provided that the expectant mother is under 35 years old. If this does not happen, it is worth contacting family planning specialists. If the lady took contraceptives, then three months can be added to the period allotted for independent attempts at conception. If a woman is 35 years old, then a visit to the doctor should be scheduled after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

A specialist is worth a visit if you have endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, a history of miscarriage, or age 40 or older. Is there any chance of getting pregnant in this case? In most situations, the answer is yes. The only question is how much time and resources it will take.

The possibility of conception in a woman is completely absent in postmenopause (when menstruation stops completely), as well as after surgery to remove the ovaries or to affect the fallopian tubes.

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