Purulent bronchitis symptoms. How to treat chronic purulent bronchitis in the acute stage and what problems the patient may have. Their vital activity causes such symptoms

Among the numerous forms of bronchitis, the most dangerous is purulent. This pathology is fraught with the development of serious complications (inflammation affects not only the bronchi, but also other internal organs). This type of disease does not develop suddenly, a person has a chance to recognize and get rid of the danger in time.

Purulent bronchitis is an inflammatory process that covers the entire bronchial tree.

The disease proceeds with abundant separation of purulent mucus. Pathology is a kind of either acute bronchitis.

The nature of the disease is always laid down on the initial development of a bacterial type infection, from which characteristic signs are observed:

  • shortness of breath;
  • sweating;
  • increased fatigue;
  • pain when breathing;
  • subfebrile temperature (+37-37.2⁰ С);
  • wet cough with;

Purulent bronchitis exacerbates 2-3 times a year. Hypothermia, additional colds, and stress lead to relapse. With relapse, the clinical picture of the pathology becomes more pronounced. The cough intensifies, and the volume of expectorant mucus increases sharply.

Types of disease

Pulmonary complication of the disease is divided into three types by pulmonologists:

  1. catarrhal. The disease manifests itself with a strong painful cough and profuse expectoration (when analyzed, leukocytes are found in the mucus).
  2. Purulent-obstructive. In the sputum, purulent streaks are visible in large numbers, an admixture of blood may occur.
  3. Chronic. Sluggish purulent bronchitis with periods of relapse and remission.

The purulent-obstructive form of the disease is of great danger. Such a pathology develops due to the exacerbation of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The patient's temperature rises, aching muscles and joints develop.

Important! Delay in therapy in the development of purulent-obstructive bronchitis causes irreversible changes in the pulmonary system and can lead to death.

How the disease develops

Bacteria are the culprits. Carriers of infection enter the body by airborne droplets (if bronchitis is secondary - with blood and lymph flow).

An organism that has weakened after suffering the flu, tonsillitis, tracheitis, SARS is not able to resist the activity of bacteria.

Rapidly multiplying microorganisms cause swelling of the bronchi causing shortness of breath and the appearance of thick sputum. Air pollution, passive smoking, allergic reactions, irritating the bronchi, make them even more vulnerable to bacteria.

The mechanism of the development of the disease is divided into two phases:

  1. Primary. Damage to the alveoli and bronchi.
  2. Secondary. The inflammatory process also covers other respiratory organs, deep damage to the lungs occurs.

The development of the disease takes a long time. If the disease is recognized at the first stage and the therapy is carried out correctly, recovery is guaranteed. But, when the patient again surrounds himself with provocative factors, purulent bronchitis returns and develops into a chronic form.

How to recognize chronic purulent bronchitis

characterized by a long, sluggish form with periods of remission and relapse.

This type of disease does not have pronounced symptoms. Pathology is diagnosed in the case when periods of exacerbations are observed from 2-3 months a year for 2 years.

The hallmark of the disease is a sharp increase in the amount of expectorant sputum(volume can reach 250 ml per day). In the mucus, in addition to pus, blood streaks-blotches are observed. Relapses are provoked by even the slightest hypothermia of the body and a slight cold.

The danger of pathology

With purulent bronchitis high risk of developing pulmonary obstruction (COPD). This probability increases with the age of the patient from 60 years. Lung obstruction leads to irreversible changes in lung tissue and disruption of the entire respiratory system.

Important! If the patient has a lung obstruction, it is no longer possible to restore and put in order the functions of the respiratory apparatus.

Purulent bronchitis is an extremely dangerous and serious pathology. The disease must be diagnosed in a timely manner and treated immediately.

Diagnosis of purulent bronchitis

At the first alarming symptoms, especially if a person already suffers from chronic bronchitis, a comprehensive examination should be carried out. More often the development of pathology allows to identify fluorography. Laboratory cultures of sputum determine the presence in it of bacteria inherent in the disease.

Spend and blood chemistry, which in case of illness will show an acceleration of ESR, increased leukocytosis, sialic acids and seromucoid.

Attention! With purulent bronchitis, a chest x-ray, as a diagnostic method, is rarely performed. It is not considered informative.

But bronchoscopy is necessary. When examining the bronchi, signs of hyperemia (blood overflow of the organ), swelling of the mucosa and an abundant amount of pus are found. During bronchoscopy, doctors take sputum to determine if it is sensitive to antibiotics. And develop a treatment plan.

How to treat purulent bronchitis in adults

Since the activity of bacterial microorganisms becomes the culprit of purulent bronchitis, doctors for treatment antibiotics are used. Antibacterial drugs are administered to the patient by oral route (tablets), endotracheal infusions, or as injections.

Endotracheal infusions are performed under local anesthesia using a laryngeal syringe or rubber catheter. This achieves accurate sanitation of the affected areas of the bronchi.

Attention! With purulent bronchitis, it is absolutely impossible to self-medicate. Illiterate therapy leads to a worsening of the situation and the development of deadly complications.

Many people who do not understand the intricacies of drugs like to drink a course of antiviral drugs for any infection. With purulent bronchitis, such treatment is useless! Antivirus tools help only when required.

Treatment of purulent bronchitis with antibiotics

Antibiotics for purulent bronchitis are taken under medical supervision, the patient needs to undergo a control bronchoscopy every 5-7 days to detect the attenuation of inflammation. In addition to antibiotics, in the treatment of purulent bronchitis, the following are used:

  • mucolytics for thinning and removing sputum;
  • bronchodilators to relieve swelling of the bronchi and improve breathing;
  • antihistamines, which relieve sensitivity to disease-provoking allergens or prescribed medications.

The course of therapeutic therapy is supplemented by physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, and postural drainage (a special procedure that facilitates the discharge of bronchial sputum).

At the same time, it is necessary to treat concomitant diseases in order to prevent the exacerbation of the pathology and the development of its complications.

What complications does purulent bronchitis cause?

Without proper therapy, the disease provokes the development of emphysema and severe pneumonia with acute respiratory failure. Signs of incipient deterioration:

  • prolongation of inspiration;
  • heavy sweating;
  • grayish skin tone;
  • respiratory tension (wheezing, whistling);

What helps in the treatment

Patients with purulent bronchitis (especially the elderly) during treatment should maintain strict bed rest and completely eliminate smoking (passive too). Important preventive measures:

  • improvement of indicators of the inhaled air;
  • timely vaccination during influenza epidemics;
  • immediate treatment of emerging colds;
  • regular monitoring by a doctor with diagnosed chronic bronchitis.

Such a sparing regimen with strict adherence to all prescriptions contributes to favorable treatment. A standard therapy regimen might look like this:

Drug group View Name What helps
Antibiotics Aminopenicillins Arlet, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin Destroy the walls of harmful bacteria, leading to their death
Macrolides Sumamed, Macropen, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, They inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microflora by destroying the protein of bacteria
Fluoroquinolones Moxifloxacin, Ofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Levofloxacin
Cephalosporins Cefalexin, Cefazolin, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefelin
Mucolytics Aceticysteine, Bromhexine, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Fluditec Liquefaction and removal of sputum from the bronchi
Bronchodilators Atrovent, Berodual, Salbutamol, Teofedrin Elimination of bronchospasms

Treatment of purulent bronchitis folk remedies

Methods of healers in the treatment of purulent bronchitis aimed at clearing the bronchi from the accumulated mucus. , folk healers advise:

  1. Include natural antibiotics in the menu: garlic, horseradish, onion, honey, propolis, ginger, black radish.
  2. Drink more healing drinks (raspberry, ginger, linden, cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks).
  3. Treat with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs: breast fees, sage, mint, chamomile, elderberry, lime blossom, plantain.
  4. Use animal fats (badger, lamb, pork). It is used as a means inside and for rubbing the back and chest of the patient.

Proper treatment of purulent bronchitis will help you forget about the disease after 1.5-2 weeks. After the symptoms disappear, you can return to your usual way of life, but do not forget to take a course to strengthen the body's immune forces.

Useful video

From the video below you will learn what purulent bronchitis is and how to treat it.

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State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Medical Faculty

Department of faculty therapy №2

Disease history

Moscow 2016

Passport part

1. Surname, name and patronymic: G.B.B.

2. Age: 66 years old

3. Gender: male

4. Marital status: married

5. Profession: a disabled person of the 1st group does not work

6. Home address: ********

7. Date of receipt: 08/15/2016

Complaints upon admission to the clinic

The patient complains of shortness of breath with minimal exertion and at rest, paroxysmal cough with sputum difficult to separate, weakness.

History of present illness

Long history of smoking. From 1982 to 1997 he worked as a gas and electric welder. Since 1980, he has been experiencing shortness of breath on exertion. Since the 1980s, he has been suffering from hypertension of the III degree with an increase in blood pressure of 180/100 mmHg, he does not receive constant therapy. Target BP 130/80 mmHg Since the 1990s diagnosed with COPD, bronchial asthma. Attacks of suffocation occur during the flowering period of birch. Basic therapy Spiriva (m-anticholinergic), Foster (bronchodilator + anti-inflammatory drug) regularly. Repeatedly treated in hospitals, observed by a pulmonologist at the place of residence. The last deterioration within 2 weeks: shortness of breath increased, sputum began to depart worse. Treatment in the clinic without effect. Hospitalized as scheduled. In 2001, he suffered an AMI. She has a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus since the age of 50, takes Diabeton (a hypoglycemic agent). Maximum glycemia 37.

The history of the patient's life

He was born at term, at the birth of the mother was 28 years old, the father was 46 years old, both were healthy. He was the 1st child of his mother, the 5th of his father, was fed with mother's milk, mental and physical development corresponded to age. He started walking at the age of one, talking at the age of 1.5. He began to study at the age of 8, studied 10 classes. Profession gas electric welder from 1982 to 1997.

Family history

Married, 2 sons, 2 granddaughters, 1 grandson. My father died at the age of 94 from heart failure. Mother died at 38 - knee cancer.

Occupational hazards: gas electric welder.

Bad habits: smokes more than 40 years 1p / day, recently 3-4 pieces a day. Smoker index - 40 pack / years. Abuses alcoholic beverages.

bronchitis chronic purulent mucous

Past illnesses

Typhoid, malaria, hepatitis, venereal diseases denies. Operated for habitual dislocation of the left shoulder joint.

Allergological history

Quincke's edema on antibiotics. Attacks of suffocation occur during the flowering period of birch. Food intolerance, smells of plants and others are not noted. Other skin allergic rashes, hay fever, anaphylactic shock in contact with certain food or other plant substances denies.


He does not remember hereditary diseases in relatives.

Conclusion of the first stage of the diagnostic search:

Objective (physical) examination

Present condition of the patient:

The general condition is satisfactory The consciousness is clear The position in bed is active, with a low headboard Orientation in the environment is complete Answers to questions are timely The constitution is hypersthenic

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 112 kg

BMI: 36.7 kg/m2 (II degree obesity)


Hyperemia of the face and neck Humidity of the skin - normal Color of visible mucous membranes - normal Skin elasticity - reduced Hairline - normal, hair type - male

The degree of development of subcutaneous tissue: moderate, uniform

Pastosity of legs and feet

lymphatic system

There are no complaints, the parotid lymph nodes are palpable in the form of a pea, painless, not soldered to the surrounding tissue, the skin above them is not changed. Submandibular, cervical, jugular, supraclavicular, axillary, inguinal lymph nodes are not palpable. The skin above them is unchanged. Palpation is painless

Muscular system

No complaints The general development of the muscular system is moderate The tone is reduced Seals, hypertrophies and atrophies of individual muscles and muscle groups are not observed No hyperkinetic disorders were detected Seals, local hypertrophy or atrophy are not observed

Skeletal system

There are no complaints In the study of the chest, skull bones, spine, pelvis, limbs, there are no deformities, curvature, usury, thickening, pain during palpation and tapping

Articular system

There are no complaints On palpation of the joints, their swelling and thickening is not observed The condition of the skin over the joints is normal The skin over them is of a normal color The volume of active and passive movements in the joints is completely preserved, while pain and crunch are not observed

Respiratory system

Pain in the chest: retrosternal, aching, paroxysmal. There is no effect of breathing and coughing

Shortness of breath with minimal exertion and at rest. Attacks of suffocation during the flowering period

Upper respiratory examination

Breathing through the nose - free Discharge from the nose - no Sense of smell preserved Pain when talking and swallowing - absent Pain at the root and back of the nose, at the projection sites of the frontal and maxillary sinuses (independent, as well as during palpation and tapping) are not noted

Larynx examination

No complaints

Painless palpation of the larynx

Chest examination

The shape of the chest is barrel-shaped No deformities The position of the clavicles and shoulder blades are at the same level, they fit snugly against the chest

Both halves evenly participate in the act of breathing. Type of breathing is abdominal. Breathing is evenly weakened. Intercostal spaces are not enlarged. Movements are not symmetrical. Respiratory excursion of the lower edge of the lungs is reduced. Accessory muscles do not participate in breathing.

NPV 26 per minute

Palpation of the chest: rigid, painless

Percussion lung sound box

With topographic percussion, lowering of the lower borders of the lungs

Bottom border: right left

midclavicular line VI -

anterior axillary VIII VIII

middle axillary IX IX

posterior axillary X X

scapular XI XI

paravertebral XII spinous process. XII rev.

Lower edge mobility:

mid-clavicular line

mid axillary line ±2

scapular line

Auscultation of the lungs

The nature of breathing - hard breathing; dry, predominantly wheezing rales, increasing over the entire surface of the chest with forced expiration, with imitation of coughing, in the position of the patient lying on his back.

circulatory system

On examination, the pathological pulsation of the carotid arteries is not observed. The veins of the neck are not changed, do not pulsate. The cardiac impulse is not detected.

On palpation, chest trembling is not detected Liver pulsation is not detected Apex beat is palpable in V m/r along the left midclavicular line

Percussion of the heart

Limits of relative dullness of the heart

Right - 3 cm outward from the right edge of the sternum

Left - V m / r on the left midclavicular line

Upper level III m/r

Limits of absolute dullness of the heart:

Right - along the left edge of the sternum

Left - in V m / r and 1.5-2 cm shifted inward from the left mid-clavicular line

Upper - IV rib along the left parasternal line

Auscultation of the heart

On auscultation, the heart sounds are muffled. The rhythm is correct.

The pulse is rhythmic, with a frequency of 100 beats per minute, satisfactory filling On the main arteries of the upper limbs and neck - satisfactory Noises in the projections of the main arteries are not heard

Blood pressure 160/90 mm Hg.

Digestive system

No complaints

Decreased appetite Regular stools - 1-2 times a day Chews food well Swallowing and passing food through the esophagus free Salivation - no Thirst - no

Examination of the digestive organs

Mouth: normal odor Tongue: moist not coated

Zev clean Mucous - pale pink

Abdominal examination

The abdomen is soft, participates in breathing. The volume of the abdomen is 100 cm. Superficial palpation: the abdomen is soft, participates in breathing

Deep palpation: the sigmoid colon is palpable in the form of a cylinder 2 cm in diameter, painless, displaceable; the surface is flat, smooth; elastic consistency; purring. The caecum is palpable in the form of a strand with a diameter of 2.5 cm, painless, displaceable; the surface is flat, smooth; elastic consistency; purring. The ascending and descending sections of the colon are palpable in the form of a cylinder with a diameter of 2.5 cm, painless, displaceable; the surface is flat, smooth; elastic consistency; purring. Transverse colon - palpable in the form of a cylinder with a diameter of 3 cm, painless, displaceable; the surface is flat, smooth; elastic consistency; purring

Percussion of the abdomen: tympanitis is expressed to varying degrees in various parts of the abdomen, there is no free fluid in the abdominal cavity. Fluctuation and Mendel symptoms are negative

The liver is not enlarged 10x8x7 according to Kurlov, painless. The gallbladder is not palpable. Pathological symptoms were not detected

The spleen is not palpable. Pathological symptoms were not identified

genitourinary system

Pain in the lumbar region - no Urination - free Pain during urination No pain in the lower back No pathological changes are detected on examination of the kidney area Kidneys are not palpable Hyperemia and swelling in the kidney area are not noted The symptom of tapping is negative on both sides

Endocrine system

No complaints

When examining the anterior surface of the neck, no changes are noted Examination of the thyroid gland Thyroid gland - not enlarged Symptom of Graefe, Kocher, Mobius, Dalrymple, Stelweg - negative

Neurological status

Speech is legible Memory is preserved Reaction to light is alive Tongue in the midline No nystagmus Meningeal symptoms are absent Paresis, paralysis are absent Intellect corresponds to the level of one's development The degree of working capacity is reduced.

Criticism saved The mood is unstable. Headaches are present, are permanent Dizziness is present

Stable in psycho-emotional status, does not need to consult a psychotherapist

Conclusion of the II stage of the diagnostic search:

Syndromes: chronic cor pulmonale, pulmonary emphysema, respiratory tract lesions, intoxication, broncho-obstructive, respiratory failure, heart failure, arterial hypertension.

Instrumental and laboratory research

General blood analysis

Blood test for total IgE

General urine analysis

Blood chemistry


Sputum analysis

Sputum culture for antibiotic susceptibility

X-ray of the chest organs

MSCT of the chest

Glucose tolerance test

Fundus examination

Ultrasound of the carotid arteries

Complete blood count (15.03.16):

Leukocytes - 10.2x109 / l (p-1, s-77, m-8, e-1, l-13),

Erythrocytes - 5.50х1012/l

Hemoglobin - 157g/l,

Platelets - 246x109/l,

ESR - 5mm/hour,

Glucose - 15.6mmol/l

Blood test for total IgE - 149 IU / ml

Biochemical analysis of blood sharply chylous serum.

Coagulogram (16.03.16):

PV - 11.0-98.1% -1.02,

APTT - 33.1,

Fibrinogen - 17.8,

Urinalysis (03/16/16):

Yellow color,

Transparency is complete

Glucose - 6.5,

Bilirubin - no

Ketones - no

Relative density - 1.030,

Erythrocytes - no,

Protein - 0.1,

Urates - 0.2 EU / dl,

Leukocytes - no.

Sputum analysis (16.03.16):

Color - gray,

Character - slimy,

The consistency is viscous.

Found: a lot of squamous epithelium and alveolar macrophages. Leukocytes - 20-40-60 in p / sp.

Erythrocytes were not found.

Eosinophils - units in p / sp.

Kurshmann spirals discovered

Mushrooms - not found

MBT - negative.

FVD (16.03.16):

VC: (sample with salbutomol - 86%);

FVC: 3.02 - 78% (82%);

FEV1: 2.12 - 71% (75%);

FEV1/FVC: 70.2 - 93% (93%);

POS: 4.76 - 60% (64%);

MOS 25%: 3.67 - 52% (64%);

MOS 50%: 1.66 - 40% (49%);

MOS 75%: 0.62 - 43% (47%).

Conclusion: slight violations of respiratory function of a mixed type. The test is negative.

ECG (15.03.16):

The rhythm is right


Heart rate - 86 beats / min.

Decreased blood supply to the posterior lateral wall.

X-ray of the chest organs (03/15/2016):

Pulmonary fields without focal and infiltrative shadows. The sinuses are free. The roots are not expanded, heavy. The heart is enlarged in diameter. The pulmonary pattern is enhanced by the interstitial component.

MSCT of the chest organs (17.03.16):

CT picture of low-density foci of both lungs, foci of fibrosis. Emphysematous-sclerotic changes in the lungs.

Conclusion of the III stage of the diagnostic search:

Syndromes: chronic cor pulmonale, pulmonary emphysema, respiratory tract lesions, intoxication, broncho-obstructive, respiratory failure, heart failure, arterial hypertension.

Clinical diagnosis

Main: COPD of an extremely severe course: chronic obstructive mucopurulent bronchitis in the acute stage. Bronchial asthma (atopic and infection-dependent form) of severe persistent course in the acute stage. Emphysema of the lungs. Pneumosclerosis. Chronic cor pulmonale II FC.

Combined 1: IHD: Postinfarction cardiosclerosis (MI in 2001). Background: Hypertension stage 3, risk 4. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, aorta.

Combined 2: Diabetes mellitus type 2, moderately severe course in the stage of decompensation.

Complications: Respiratory and heart failure IIB stage III FC.

Companion: Obesity II degree.

Treatment plan

ATS desk,

Ward mode;

Low flow O2 therapy;

Inhalation of iproterol solution through a nebulizer,

Budenit 1000 mcg x 2 r / d

Infusion therapy: Eufillin 2.4% 10.0

Verapamil 10mg IV

Antibacterial therapy: Amikacin 1.0

Levofloxacin 500 mg IV cap.

T. Omez 20 mgx2r / d.

T. Prednisolone 30 mg. Reduce by? tablets every 3 days

T. Verapamil 80 mg 1 tx 3 times a day

T. Cardiket 20 mg 1 tx 2 r / d

T. Veroshpiron 25 mg 2 tons in the morning

T. Aspirin 50 mg qd

ACC 3.0 i/m

Insulin Actropid p/z-8ED. p / o-10ED. p / u-8ED. n / n - 6 units

Featured on Allbest.ur

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Purulent bronchitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the bronchial tree. This pathological process, most often, is the result of an acute or chronic form. However, it is not excluded that such a pathological process can act as an independent disease.

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, after all the necessary laboratory and diagnostic measures have been taken. Complications can be avoided if therapeutic measures are started in a timely manner.


The etiological factors for the development of this inflammatory process can be divided into external and internal. Internal etiological reasons include:

  • damage to the body by a bacterial infection - and Haemophilus influenzae,;
  • chronic abscess;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • various allergic reactions.

External etiological factors that can provoke the development of an acute or chronic form of purulent bronchitis include the following:

  • a weakened immune system, against which there is a frequent infection of the body with various diseases;
  • active or passive smoking;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • recurrent respiratory infections.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the predisposing factors for the development of such an ailment:

  • elderly age;
  • frequent alcohol abuse, as this reduces the protective functions of the body;
  • long-term treatment with "heavy" medicines;
  • genetic predisposition to such diseases;
  • living in an ecologically unfavorable zone;
  • a history of otolaryngological diseases in a chronic form;

Regardless of what caused the development of purulent bronchitis, treatment with antibiotics only at home, without a doctor's prescription, is strongly discouraged, as this is fraught with the development of concomitant complications.


At the initial stages of the development of the pathological process, the clinical picture is almost identical, which is why many patients do not seek medical help in a timely manner, which ultimately leads to complications.

Symptoms of purulent bronchitis are characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

  • wet cough, in which the sputum is thick, mucopurulent consistency;
  • increased sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • difficult, in more complex cases, shallow, wheezing breathing;
  • subfebrile or elevated body temperature;
  • weakness, almost constant malaise;
  • drowsiness;
  • muscle pain, which may be due to a strong, often recurring cough.

It should be noted that in the absence of correct therapeutic measures, the purulent form of bronchitis turns into, which has extremely negative prognosis for human health. The situation is aggravated if the disease is diagnosed in a child.

It should be noted that a similar clinical picture may also be present in other otolaryngological diseases that have a similar etiology, but radically differ in treatment tactics. Based on this, it should be understood that self-treatment, without an accurate diagnosis, can lead to the development of serious complications.


How to treat purulent bronchitis in adults and children can only be said by a qualified doctor, after carrying out all the necessary diagnostic measures and an accurate diagnosis.

Initially, a physical examination of the patient is carried out with the collection of a general history, clarification of the current clinical picture. Important - if the patient has taken any drugs to eliminate symptoms without a doctor's prescription, the clinician should be notified about this before the start of diagnostic measures.

The diagnostic program may include the following research methods:

  • general clinical and biochemical blood test;
  • sputum sampling for microscopic, bacteriological and cytological examination;
  • endoscopic examination of the bronchi.

In some cases, differential diagnosis may be required to exclude or confirm the following diseases:

  • endobronchial cancer.

The tactics of treatment is chosen only after receiving the results of diagnostic measures and an accurate diagnosis.


As a rule, the treatment of this disease is carried out by conservative methods. Regardless of the etiology of the disease, antibiotics are used in the treatment of purulent bronchitis, which are selected individually.

In addition, the following drugs may be included in drug therapy:

  • mucolytics;
  • expectorants;
  • restorative.

Be sure to prescribe medications to improve sputum discharge.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that antibiotics for purulent bronchitis should be used only strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

As for the treatment of folk remedies, they can also be used, but only after consultation with the attending physician and as an addition to the main course of treatment.

Provided that therapeutic measures are started in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable, the risk of complications is minimized. Otherwise, the purulent form of the disease can become obstructive with associated complications.


You can prevent the development of such a disease in the upper respiratory tract if you follow these recommendations:

  • timely and correctly treat all otolaryngological ailments;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • do not self-medicate.

At the first clinical manifestations, you need to seek medical help.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Asthma is a chronic disease that is characterized by short-term attacks of suffocation, caused by spasms in the bronchi and swelling of the mucous membrane. This disease does not have a certain risk group and age restrictions. But, as medical practice shows, women suffer from asthma 2 times more often. According to official figures, there are more than 300 million people with asthma in the world today. The first symptoms of the disease appear most often in childhood. Older people suffer the disease much more difficult.

This is one of the most severe and dangerous varieties of this disease.

Purulent bronchitis is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process localized in the bronchi, in which the patient coughs up exudate (sputum) containing pus.

This form of the disease can be acute or chronic. However, most often it does not occur immediately. In this case, it is the chronic form of purulent bronchitis that develops.

The obstructive form of purulent bronchitis is the most severe. As a rule, it develops in older people older than 60-65 years.


Purulent bronchitis is directly related to a bacterial infection. It is the activity of pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria that explains the appearance of pus in the sputum.

Most often, the purulent form of bronchitis is a complication that occurs with improper treatment of the disease. Attempts to cure a strong and prolonged cough on their own can lead to its development. Moreover, the longer such self-treatment lasts, the higher the likelihood of an adult patient or child developing chronic purulent bronchitis. Also, one of the reasons that led to its appearance may be the flu or acute respiratory infections transferred on the legs.

It is also worth mentioning the risk factors that can directly affect the appearance of this form of the disease. These include:

  • unfavorable ecology;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • frequent colds;
  • smoking cigarettes and tobacco;
  • weak immune system.

Often, when talking with a patient, a doctor can build a chain of events that led to the appearance of purulent bronchitis. In general, it can be accurately described in words - an inattentive attitude to one's own health.

Symptoms and signs

Purulent bronchitis has bright and unambiguous symptoms, the main of which are shortness of breath and pus that appears in expectorant sputum.

If you observe such a picture in yourself or someone close, you should visit a qualified doctor as soon as possible. He will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the case.

Other symptoms of purulent bronchitis are:

  • moist cough;
  • body temperature 37-38 degrees;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • increased sweating.

Some patients may experience pain in the chest muscles. This manifestation of the disease is associated with their overexertion, which occurs with frequent coughing.

In the most advanced cases, patients may experience obstruction or, in other words, a violation of the normal patency of the bronchi. This situation leads to the accumulation of an excessive amount of mucous secretion. This pathological condition indicates that the patient has developed purulent obstructive chronic bronchitis.

If in this case you do not consult a doctor, then after a short period of time the patient will develop full-fledged pneumonia.

Proper Treatment

Since purulent bronchitis is associated with the activity of pathogenic bacteria, its treatment is never complete without the appointment of antibiotic drugs. It is strictly forbidden to choose an antibiotic on your own.

This is due to the fact that there is no antibiotic agent that works equally well on any pathogenic bacterium. Thus, only a qualified doctor can prescribe the right antibiotic.

Also, in the medical treatment of chronic purulent bronchitis, mucolytic or expectorant drugs are often used. The task of mucolytics is to thin the sputum. This will simplify its discharge during coughing and alleviate the patient's condition.

Antihistamines may be prescribed. Most often this is done when purulent bronchitis in parallel has an allergic origin. In this case, there is a need to relieve tissue swelling and eliminate other allergy symptoms.

Along with drug treatment, physiotherapy procedures may be prescribed. These include:

  • carrying out inhalations;
  • chest and back warming;
  • electrophoresis;
  • IKV and UHF.

Such an integrated approach in most cases gives good results.

If the patient is being treated on an outpatient basis (at home), then compliance with the regimen established by the attending physician is very important. Its requirements may be:

  • plentiful warm and sweet drink;
  • proper diet;
  • regular walks in the fresh air.

Possible Complications

First of all, they can be expressed in the development of pneumonia and obstructive pulmonary disease.


The bronchi are part of the respiratory system, presented in the form of tubes, it connects the trachea with the lungs. Inflammations of an infectious nature provoke bronchitis. It is considered difficult to treat bronchitis of a purulent nature.

Purulent bronchitis is an inflammatory pathological change in the bronchial tree. Symptoms are the secretion of mucus, with purulent impurities, the origin of bronchitis is associated with the appearance of a secondary bacterial infection.

With the formation of bronchitis of purulent etiology, a cough of a wet form occurs, with discharge of sputum, which has a greenish-yellow color, a persistent increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators - 37.5 C, no more. The presence of sweating and shortness of breath.

The diagnosis is made when information is obtained from X-ray examinations and testimonies of waters that are washed off from the bronchial tree and sputum.

Therapy of bronchitis of a purulent nature implies courses aimed at destroying the pathogen, taking expectorant drugs, washing the bronchi, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy.

Occurrence and causes

The reason for the development of purulent bronchitis is the appearance of secondary pathogenic bacterial microflora

This type of bronchitis is an acute or chronic bronchitis, with a characteristic clinical picture. The difference is the secretion of sputum, by coughing, which is of purulent origin.

Such an inflammatory process in medicine is divided into and purulent. Less common types of inflammatory nature, such as: hemorrhagic and fibrinous.

Manifestation of bronchitis primary or secondary. This means that it can appear as a completely separate type of illness, as well as against the background of other types of inflammation of the respiratory tract, such as: tuberculosis, chronic pneumonia.

Of great importance is the complexity of non-infectious factors, internal and external factors.

External factors include a dirty atmosphere, inhalation of tobacco smoke vapors with tar impurities, both with passive and active smoking, overheating and hypothermia associated with the environment.

All these causes are irritating to the mucous membrane lining the bronchial tree and the respiratory tract. This facilitates the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, serves as a background for their uncontrolled growth and development.

Violation is caused by infectious diseases:

  • flu;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rhinovirus infection;
  • syncytial respiratory infection.

Internal factors are causes that occur in the human body, such as:

  • elderly age;
  • severe degrees of obesity;
  • reduced content of vitamins;
  • deficiencies in the immune system;
  • increased consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The reason for the development of purulent bronchitis is the appearance of secondary pathogenic bacterial microflora. The causative agents are pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Haemophilus influenzae.

The passage of processes in the bronchial tree of an inflammatory purulent nature is due to infectious foci in the nasopharynx:

  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • chronic inflammation of the tonsils;
  • chronic lung disease;
  • chronic abscesses;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

Prolonged irritant effects on the human bronchi are of a mechanical, physical or chemical nature. Factors provoke the excitability of epithelial cells. As a result of the increased secretion function of the cells lining the respiratory tract, hypercrinia (a large amount of mucus) and dyscrinia (a change in viscosity and composition) appear.

Such transformations increase the risk of bacterial infections in the respiratory tract. In the inflammatory process, with a microbial character, the composition of bronchial cells changes dramatically, the number of neutrophilic white blood cells sharply increases there.

The secreted sputum becomes purulent, highly viscous and coughs poorly.

Symptoms of purulent bronchitis

Infection in the bronchi has a characteristic descent down, so there is a runny nose, infectious inflammation in the throat and trachea

The presence of purulent bronchitis is characterized by previous ailments:

  • colds;
  • hypothermia;
  • allergic type reactions;
  • stress factors.

Infection in the bronchi has a characteristic downward descent, therefore, the appearance of infectious inflammation in the throat and trachea is noted.

The clinical manifestations of purulent bronchitis are characterized by the manifestation of severe poisoning of the body by the waste products of pathogenic microorganisms, a strong paroxysmal cough, and. The acute period of the disease is characterized by the manifestation of body temperature up to 37.5 degrees, general malaise, weakness and excessive sweating.

The patient is disturbed by bouts of coughing, with the release of thick sputum, which has a yellowish-greenish color, in the frequency of cases with an unpleasant odor. Sputum during the disease may stand out constantly, and may not stand out.

With little physical exertion, the patient has severe shortness of breath, a quick feeling of fatigue. Patients have blood streaks or clots in the sputum, which is explained by wound damage in the bronchial mucosa.

A long process of bronchitis leads to the accumulation of sputum and changes in the walls of the bronchial tree. This leads to blockage of the bronchial lumen, causing shortness of breath, whistling during the act of inhaling and exhaling air, and a hacking cough.

The process, with untimely treatment, can cause the onset of emphysema (a pathological increase in the volume of the alveoli and a violation of the partitions between them) and cor pulmonale (an increase in the right heart due to increased blood pressure).

Diagnosis of purulent bronchitis

To conduct a diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct a preliminary examination, send you for laboratory tests.

To conduct a diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct a preliminary examination, send you for laboratory tests. They include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • sputum analysis;
  • radiography;
  • bronchoscopy.

When conducting a general blood test, pay attention to shifts in the leukocyte formula and in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

In the case of a biochemical blood test, the presence of hyper-alpha1 and alpha2-globulinemia and specific indicators is detected.

X-ray examination is informative in the diagnosis of purulent bronchitis. The picture will show an increase in the pattern and expansion of the pulmonary roots, signs of emphysema and pneumosclerosis.

Bronchoscopy is an informative method, during the study, you can detect signs of endobronchitis - redness and swelling of the mucous membranes, the presence of a large amount of purulent secretion in the lumen of the bronchial tree.

During bronchoscopy, secretion samples are taken from the bronchi, this will be needed for microscopic, bacteriological and cytological examination.

Treatment of purulent bronchitis

It is important for a diagnosed disease to comply with bed rest

It is important for a diagnosed disease to observe bed rest, to give up bad habits and other factors provoking the development of bronchitis as much as possible. With a strong severity of poisoning with toxins of microorganisms, the patient may be hospitalized.

The main methods of therapy are:

  • mucolytics;
  • biostimulants;
  • vitamin preparations;
  • physiotherapy.

With the appearance of purulent bronchitis, the prognosis is favorable in the case of timely treatment. In the case of a long course of the disease, a deterioration in the quality of life, the occurrence of pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, and hypertension are possible.

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