Brain tumor first symptoms. Brain cancer: the first symptoms, treatment and prognosis for life. The main symptoms of the oncological process in the brain

Most people become wary of cancer at some point in their lives. Cancer of the organs of the housing and communal services, lungs, and skin develops gradually, and the onset of such a disease, with careful recording of symptoms and constant diagnosis, can be captured at the first stage. But there are several body systems in which the reproduction of cancer cells does not cause specific signs and therefore goes unnoticed for a long time. Such systems include, malignant neoplasms of this organ differ in severity and, unfortunately, are found in most patients at a late stage.

Knowing the main symptoms of brain cancer, it will be possible to turn to a specialist in time, who, after an appropriate diagnosis, will already be able to reliably confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Early signs of brain tumors

It must be said that the symptoms listed below are characteristic of a wide variety of diseases of the nervous, musculoskeletal and internal systems of the body. Therefore, having fixed one of the signs of cancer in yourself, you do not need to panic, but you need to carefully consider your health and if you identify several symptoms that have been bothering you for a certain period, be sure to undergo a diagnosis. This will help to find the cause of the deterioration in well-being and undergo a course of appropriate treatment, which in itself is already a prevention of serious complications.

The first signs of brain cancer:

All symptoms of brain cancer increase with increasing size. Mental disorders begin to appear in a person, a person’s personality gradually changes and more often for the worse. Headaches in brain cancer in the last stages become persistent, significantly worsen the physical condition of the patient. By nature, the pain in the head can be pulsating, girdle, its intensity persists for several hours or even days. Vomiting that occurs at the peak of pain does not bring noticeable relief. There are no external noticeable changes in appearance, a photo of patients with brain cancer shows only pallor of the skin and blue under the eyes. These signs appear after persistent bouts of pain, chronic fatigue and no rash.

General signs of malignant neoplasms of the brain

Clinical manifestations of brain cancer are divided into two large groups - focal and cerebral symptoms. Focal signs of the disease are determined by the area of ​​the brain in which the malignant tumor grows. Cerebral signs appear as the neoplasm grows, which disrupts the blood supply and leads to compression of nearby brain structures.

The focal symptoms in medicine include the appearance of the following symptoms:

  1. Violation of sensitivity. A person ceases to adequately respond to temperature, pain or tactile sensations. Some patients lose the ability to determine the location of limbs in space with their eyes closed.
  2. Movement disorders. The first symptoms of brain cancer associated with impaired movement can manifest as minor and quickly passing paresis. As the cancer grows, paresis is replaced by partial or complete paralysis of the limbs.
  3. When the auditory nerve is involved in the pathology, the patient's hearing decreases, all speech addressed to him turns into noise that is difficult to distinguish by sounds. In the last stage, hearing is completely lost.
  4. If the tumor affects the optic nerve or is located in the region of the quadrigemina, then the signal transmission from the retina to the analyzers located in the corresponding zone is disrupted. The patient cannot distinguish what is written, is unable to follow moving objects, vision gradually decreases
  5. With the development of cancer cells in the centers of the brain responsible for written or oral speech, the patient complains of the loss of relevant skills. The inability to write or speak develops gradually. In the early stages of cancer, the patient's speech becomes crumpled, slurred, individual syllables or sounds fall out, handwriting changes. The progression of the disease leads to the fact that others do not understand the speech of the patient at all, and what he writes in the form of jagged lines becomes clear only to the author of the lines himself.
  6. Vegetative disorders are expressed in fatigue, weakness, pressure drops, dizziness with a sharp change in body position.
  7. Convulsive seizures can be expressed both in seconds of fading in one position, and in a series of debilitating seizures.
  8. With damage to areas of the midbrain and cerebellum, all coordination of movements is noticeably disturbed. At the beginning of the disease, a person cannot determine the tip of the nose with his eyes closed, loses his balance. In the future, a noticeable violation of gait when walking, instability occurs, the patient may fall during movements, affect nearby objects.
  9. The first signs of brain cancer can also be seen in the progressive change in personality. A person with a malignant tumor becomes distracted, inattentive, unmotivated irritability appears. Depending on the size of the entire tumor, the signs of the disease also change; a person is not completely oriented in time and space.

General cerebral signs - dizziness, seizures, nausea and vomiting intensify to the last stages of the development of a malignant neoplasm. At stage 4, they can be permanent, aggravated from time to time and are not removed by drugs.

Brain cancer is a serious disease, but the neoplasm can be removed surgically in the early stages without consequences. Therefore, periodically observing symptoms in yourself or a loved one that indicate the likelihood of cancer, it is necessary to undergo the entire diagnosis as soon as possible.


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Most types of cancer develop gradually, so the first symptoms of the disease are quite easy to identify on your own. But the brain is exactly that system, in the defeat of which cancer develops rapidly, but in the first stages it may not have specific symptoms at all. Unfortunately, many patients come to the clinic already with stage III-IV of the oncological process. About what signs should be the reason for going to the doctor, we'll talk in the article.

Causes of the disease: who is at risk

Oncologists cannot give an unambiguous answer about the causes of the development of malignant tumors in the brain. But there are separate factors that contribute to the appearance of primary cancer cells.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the risk groups whose representatives are most likely to experience this disease:

  1. Cases of oncological and other diseases in a family history, for example, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Turcot syndrome, Gorlin syndrome, von Hippel-Lindau disease.
  2. Irradiation of the brainstem or cerebellum. Alas, the treatment of one type of cancer, such as leukemia, provokes another form of the disease. Living in a region with a high radiation background also increases the risk of a brain tumor.
  3. Viral invasions of the blood.
  4. Postponed brain injuries, concussions.
  5. The influence of an electromagnetic pulse has a negative effect.
  6. A secondary tumor may develop as a result of a malignancy in another part of the body.
  7. Increases the risk of working in enterprises for the production or processing of chemical products.
  8. Even bad habits, such as alcohol, can cause cancer.

Brain cancer is curable only at an early stage and only with a three-step approach to treatment: surgery, radiation and a course of chemotherapy.

Symptoms of brain cancer at different stages

The symptoms listed below are typical not only for malignant tumors that have developed in the tissues of the brain, but also for various tumors of the bone, muscle and nervous systems. Therefore, any of these signs should serve as a reason to consult a specialist for a diagnosis.

The first manifestations of brain cancer depend on the size of the tumor and its location.

The brain is classified into:

  • focal - arising only in one location of the brain;
  • cerebral - when symptoms appear in all areas of the brain without exception.

There are practically no significant symptomatic differences between primary and secondary tumors.

Common signs of malignancy in the brain:

  1. Periodic without a clear localization. Discomfort increases when trying to change the angle or position of the head, during swallowing, sneezing, speech. Particularly vivid attacks occur after waking up. Antispasmodics and analgesics practically do not bring relief.
  2. Excessive chronic fatigue, which does not allow you to lead an active lifestyle. The patient is excessively drowsy, irritable, forgetful. There are short amnesic attacks when a person is not able to name the names of loved ones or perform a habitual action. There is a lack of attention and concentration.
  3. Fainting states and. An attack of sudden nausea can occur for no reason: during sleep, while walking, at rest, or after eating.
  4. The larger the tumor, the greater the risk that the patient will experience visual, tactile, gustatory and auditory hallucinations. There is photophobia. In 12-15% of the total number of cases, epileptic seizures of unknown etiology are observed.
  5. Violations of spatial orientation and coordination. Sometimes short-term paralysis develops.

As the tumor grows and metastasizes, the symptoms worsen and become clearer.

Clinical symptoms of brain cancer depending on the current stage:

Stage Symptoms
I stage

It is characterized by a slow course with a slight damage to the brain tissue. If at this stage the surgical removal of the tumor is carried out, then the prognosis for a cure becomes quite favorable.

Symptoms are mild:

  • chronic headaches;
  • muscle weakness;
  • bouts of dizziness;
  • excessive fatigue.
Diagnosis of brain cancer at an early stage is carried out in combination with the differentiation of oncological tumors with neurological lesions.
II stage

Most tumors are still growing very slowly, but the malignancy is affecting nearby healthy tissue. There is still the possibility of an operation that gives a chance for a full cure.

Symptoms are more pronounced, to the above signs are added:

  • gastrointestinal disorders, bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • increase in intracranial pressure;
  • severe general malaise for no apparent reason;
  • partial loss of vision;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • epileptic seizures.
III stage

The tumor grows rapidly, the process of metastasis begins. The operation will no longer give the expected result, the patient needs medication, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Most tumors are considered inoperable.

This is a severe form of brain cancer, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • horizontal nystagmus: the patient's pupil is in constant motion, while his head remains motionless;
  • auditory and visual hallucinations;
  • speech disorders;
  • personality changes: emotional lability, unstable mood, rejection of the usual behavior;
  • the patient cannot concentrate on thoughts and objects;
  • violations of short-term and long-term memory;
  • the patient cannot maintain balance when walking;
  • convulsions, paralysis, convulsive syndromes, muscle hypertonicity;
  • numbness in the limbs.
IV stage

The most dangerous, inoperable stage. The prognosis is unambiguous and unfavorable. The rapid growth of the tumor is almost impossible to stop, metastases affect the vital centers of the brain.

If the formation is localized in one lobe, then surgery may increase the chance of survival, accompanied by courses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In all other cases, excision of part of the tumor may slow progression but will not improve prognosis.

To all the symptoms described above, the failure of most of the life-supporting systems of the body is added. The patient's condition is relieved with the help of potent drugs, but there is no cure.

Symptoms preceding death: unconscious existence, coma, lung failure.


For the purpose of diagnosis, MRI, CT, angiography, neurological examination methods, radioisotope methods for studying the tumor, stereotactic biopsy and ventriculoscopy are used. Lumbar puncture is often used to confirm a cancer diagnosis.

It happens that a large tumor is completely asymptomatic, and a formation a few millimeters in size has obvious and typical symptoms.

It is almost impossible to independently detect the disease by signs, since the tumor is localized deep inside the skull.

Methods of treatment and prognosis of further survival

Brain tumors are dangerous not only for their malignancy, but also for their location. It is rather difficult to remove a formation that develops in the closed space of the skull, and at the same time not to touch the vital centers. But not all tumors need to be considered in terms of a fatal outcome.

Once the boundaries, size, and exact location of the tumor are determined, it becomes clear how the patient should be treated. If there is even the slightest chance for a successful outcome of the operation, then a histology of malignant tissue will be required, if such a procedure is possible and does not complicate the patient's condition.

Treatment is always complex. At an early stage of cancer, all available methods are used: radiosurgery, cryosurgery, radiation and chemotherapy, surgery, symptomatic therapy. As the goal is not only to cure cancer, first you need to stop the pain, alleviate the general condition and prevent cerebral edema.

The prognosis of survival for people with early-stage brain cancer depends on two factors: the correctness and timeliness of diagnosis.

If treatment is started immediately, then about 82% of patients survive for five years. With late treatment, the five-year survival rate is only 31%. The prognosis largely depends on the type, aggressiveness and rate of tumor growth.

Brain tumors are strikingly different from other malignant tumors and occur in approximately 3% of all recorded cases of oncology. They are located so inconveniently that the symptoms of the disease are difficult to differential diagnosis, and this greatly complicates the treatment.

The basis for referral to an oncology clinic is a sudden onset and growing neurological symptoms. However, modern medicine has hardware diagnostic tools that can not only detect cancer at an early stage, but also identify a predisposition to it.

For more information about the symptoms of a brain tumor, see the video:

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A brain tumor- growth, uncontrolled division of tumor-like pathological cells in the cortex or meninges of the brain. Cancer occurs in 5% population, can develop by metastasizing other affected internal organs.

How serious?

As the cancer grows are damaged vital centers of the brain, which poses a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the patient. It is difficult to predict the outcome even with a non-spreading benign tumor due to the limitation of the brain by the bones of the skull and the impossibility of spreading the tumor beyond them.

The tumor does not spare children, growing primarily from the membrane or brain tissue. In adults it is possible metastasis tumors from another affected organ: lungs, mammary glands.

Today, thanks to accurate modern diagnostic equipment, survival after surgery is up to 80% cases, but only at the initial stages of the development of the disease. 3-4 stages fraught with complications and relapses. The outcome is unfavorable. Doctors predict survival no more than 5-6 years.

We have already discussed the issue in detail in our other article.

The first signs of a brain tumor

Signs of a tumor:

  • The main and primary sign of the tumor- paroxysmal pain with localization in any part of the brain, usually aggravated in the morning when sneezing, tilting, turning the head.
  • With malignant lesions of the cerebellum there is nausea, vomiting, regardless of food intake, dizziness, drowsiness for no apparent reason, impaired coordination of movements. Read more about when on our website.
  • Possible hallucinations, memory disorders, epileptic seizures, bright flashes of light or black circles (asterisks) before the eyes. These are just the first signs of brain cancer.

As the disease progresses and the tumor grows in size, the symptoms begin to appear more often and more pronounced:

  • With time mental disorders are observed.
  • Headache become intense and shingles, do not go away for a long time even after taking analgesics or antispasmodics.
  • Attacks of pain become permanent, sleep deprivation and fatigue become chronic.
  • Covers turn pale skin, pronounced blue circles appear under the eyes, pressure jumps, sweating is increased.

Similar signs are inherent in many diseases and, of course, if you suspect an ailment, this is not the time to panic. The signs are similar to other infectious processes in the body, neurological ailments, a vegetative crisis, and also with menopause in women. It is better to consult an oncologist as soon as possible, to undergo the proposed comprehensive examination.

Symptoms in children and adults in the early stages

The development of a tumor in the brain begins with disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic system:

  • jumps pressure;
  • violated rhythmic pulsation;
  • allocation perspiration become uncontrollable;
  • face and some parts of the body are covered with bright spots.

In addition, there are signs:

Symptoms in children

babies with the development of tumors, they spit up between feedings for no reason, they are constantly capricious or, conversely, overly aggressive.

Attacks causeless aggression are inherent in adults at any time of the day or night. Cancer at the initial stage leads to a deterioration in memory, confusion, thinking.

Patients begin to see and hear non-existent sounds, objects. Personality gradually degrades, changes beyond recognition. Violated mentality, coordination of movements in the localization of the tumor in the stem or pituitary department. When the hormones responsible for growth fail, children begin lag behind in development.

Babies are worried about:

  • pressing throbbing headaches;
  • emetic urges;
  • promotion intracranial pressure (an increase in head size is possible);
  • convulsions;
  • decline vision, the appearance of flies, black circles before the eyes;
  • puffiness around eyes;
  • the loss appetite (with a malignant neoplasm, children are far behind in development, also in weight).

When accumulated liquids around the tumor, the face swells, becomes swollen. It is possible to increase the size of the head as the neoplasms grow.

Signs of a tumor in the brain, depending on the location, they can manifest as foci, intensify in one or another part of the brain as the disease progresses, the tumor increases in size.

At brain cancer in children, most of the symptoms are similar to those in adults, and the signs are identical to some other diseases in the body that have nothing to do with the brain.

Not sure if it's brain cancer. Only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis based on a series of diagnostic measures. Parents need to be more attentive to their children. If you suspect, do not hesitate to contact your pediatrician or oncologist.

Symptoms in adults

Symptoms with damage to individual lobes

Frequent symptoms:

  1. Disorders of these human functions are the main symptoms in case of damage to the lobe of the temple.
  2. Partial memory loss leads to psychological discomfort, aggressive behavior of the patient. It becomes sometimes simply inadequate.
  3. fear, laughter or, conversely, unfounded tears, strong excitability and agitation, depression, constant migraines, which cannot be eliminated even with strong analgesics and painkillers.
  4. Defeat temporal lobe leads to disturbances in the speech apparatus, speech distortion. With such appearances, the support of the patient from relatives is extremely necessary.
  • With damage to the cerebellum declining vision, pain and spasms localize the occipital region. There is dizziness, prolonged vomiting.
  • Localization of the tumor in the back of the head leads to damage to the optic nerve, to a sudden sharp decrease in vision. This is an irrefutable sign that you need to urgently see a doctor and undergo an examination, while the development of the tumor is at an early stage and there are still chances for a quick, successful cure.
  • The parietal lobe is responsible for speech and movement:
  1. With her defeat the tumor impairs speech perception.
  2. The patient begins incoherent or unable to clearly pronounce even single phrases.
  3. With cancer of the crown possible tremor in the limbs or paralysis of the arms (legs) separately.
  1. Strongly the personality and behavior of the patient will change.
  2. Reactions become inadequate, uncontrollable, laughter, tears, depression without good reason and at any time of the day.
  3. Increased impulsiveness, aggression in a patient already at the initial stage of cancer development become distinct and noticeable.
  • Localization of the tumor in the cerebral cortex leads to memory impairment:
  1. Sick unable to remember people's names, lost in time, forgetting even letters, unable to read.
  2. Possible loss of sensation in the lower (upper) limbs, paralysis, decreased motor function when the tumor occludes the nerve tubules, as well as seizures of epilepsy with a gradual increase in their number as the tumor grows.

Stages of development of the disease

Brain cancer develops quite rapidly.

There are 4 stages of development, and it is not always possible to accurately diagnose one or another stage even with modern methods by MRI, CT:

  1. initial stage development is rather slow. Cells are affected in small quantities. Treatment at this stage gives quite positive prognosis, but there may be no signs at all and, unfortunately, the disease is detected at the initial stage in patients extremely rarely.
  2. At the second stage tissues are affected. By performing an operation to remove it, it is still possible to prevent the process of tumor development. Signs include nausea and vomiting that are not related to food. The chances of curability during surgery are high
  3. At the third stage the disease begins to progress rapidly, there is simply a rapid introduction of tumor cells into the brain tissue. Many doctors do not risk doing surgery at this stage, considering the treatment to be inoperable. Usually only medical treatment is carried out.
  4. At the fourth stage the entire brain is subject to rapid tumor growth and metastasis. Showing chemo, radio and radiation therapy. The stage is dangerous, the forecasts are disappointing. Although there are cases in medical practice when, through an emergency operation, it was possible to eliminate the process of cell division, also the entire tumor. Although in most cases, treatment at the 4th stage can only slow down the growth of cancer cells, thereby prolonging the life of the patient.

Causes of cancer

Crayfish- a complex pathology, and until now, doctors are not always able to establish the exact primary causes of its occurrence. It is generally accepted that the primary form of cancer contributes to the effects of radiation on the body and the brain in particular.

Oncology is inevitable when a patient is infected with HIV infection, exposure to chemically active elements. Oncological diseases are inherited, that is, genetically predisposed people get sick.

With the localization of the tumor in the brain, an active division of abnormal cells begins. But why suddenly healthy cells become pathological? Even scientists are often unable to answer this question. It remains only to assume factors that can negatively affect the brain, also to identify the circle of people at risk.

In most cases, a tumor in the brain develops due to:

  • radioactive exposure, also heavy salts, metals, chemical reagents;
  • labor activities of people in harmful conditions;
  • radiation exposure;
  • intracranial brain injuries;
  • harmful habits: smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • long taking antibiotics;
  • transplants some internal organs.

The risk of developing a tumor against the background of various types of lesions increases with age. Perhaps the formation of a tumor from the cerebellar tissue.

Diagnosis of the disease

Even the most minor signs like headache, nausea and drowsiness should be cause for concern and see a doctor. Of course, these are symptoms of many other, less serious diseases, but also the development of a tumor. It is always better to identify the disease at an early stage. There will be much more chances for complete curability.

Today, cancer is diagnosed using high-tech equipment: CT, MRI, PET, MEG, allowing with maximum accuracy to determine the size, degree of development, location of the tumor even in the most hidden corners of the brain.

No less effective:

  • angiography;
  • biopsy;
  • spinal puncture;
  • emission tomography.

Only on the basis of the results obtained, the doctor will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, the effectiveness of which will directly depend on the correctly selected methods, the degree of tumor development, and also on the patient's strict adherence to all the doctor's recommendations. Brain tumor prognosis is quite positive, but only in the detection and treatment of cancer in the early stages of its development.


Malignant neoplasms of brain tissues include tumors inside the skull and spinal canal. The oncological process is characterized by uncontrolled and atypical cell division. How to recognize brain cancer at the same time, it depends on the class and type of oncoformation.


This pathology can develop in two main forms:

  1. Primary lesion - when a neoplasm is formed from mutated brain tissue.
  2. Secondary lesion - the oncological process in this case is a consequence of the metastatic spread of cancer cells from distant organs and systems. Penetration of pathological elements can be made by lymphogenous or circulatory route.

According to the latest classification, according to the histological structure, experts distinguish 12 groups of brain tumors. In most cases, cancer patients are diagnosed (60%). This type of head tumor grows directly from the brain tissue and has a poor prognosis. The second oncological tumor in terms of frequency of diagnosis is, the source of which is the cells of the meninges.

Many people have a logical question, how to recognize cancer at an early stage? To do this, the doctor compares the subjective complaints of the patient and the data of an objective study.

Early signs of brain cancer

The initial stage of the disease can be identified only by the presence of cerebral symptoms of oncology:

Headache attacks:

This is considered the earliest sign of a malignant process in the central nervous system. Pain attacks have different intensity. They are usually active in the afternoon and at night.

Also, increased pain occurs during physical or mental overexertion.

Vomit :

Typical for such is the presence of vomiting without concomitant nausea. In most cases, vomiting attacks are not associated with food intake and are observed in the morning or on the background of a migraine.

Dizziness :

Often patients complain of a sudden onset of a sense of rotation of surrounding objects.

Mental disorders:

Patients with meningeal tumors retain a clear mind. At the same time, in some patients, the process of thinking, remembering or perception is distorted. So, for example, it can be difficult for a cancer patient to remember recent events, his address. He becomes apathetic or, on the contrary, hyperexcited.

epileptic seizures:

Seizures that first occur over the age of 20 are a direct reason for a visit to a neurologist. In the case of a malignant lesion, this symptomatology tends to increase the number of seizures.

Deterioration in the quality of vision:

Patients have a progressive decrease in visual acuity or a feeling of fog before the eyes.

Sensitivity Distortion:

The slow disappearance of tactile or pain sensitivity of the skin can also be an early sign of the development of a head tumor.

Exact symptoms of a tumor

Focal signs of damage to the tissues of the central nervous system, depending on the location of the tumor, include:

  • Frontal lobe:

Local headache, epileptic seizures, mental disorders, paresis of mimic muscles and decreased visual acuity.

  • Pre- and postcentral gyrus:

Pathological seizures of swallowing, licking and chewing. Patients have paralysis of the facial and hypoglossal nerves and discoordination of limb movement.

  • Temporal lobe:

In the initial period of the disease, patients note the disappearance of gustatory and olfactory sensations. Also in such cancer patients there is a disruption of the trigeminal nerve and convulsive conditions.

  • Parietal lobe:

Decreased deep sensation and gait coordination. Patients have difficulty reading, writing and speaking.

  • Occipital lobe:

The main symptom is blurred vision.

  • Pituitary:

The key sign of such a lesion is a radical change in hormonal balance and blindness.

What tests will help to recognize brain cancer in time?

For the timely diagnosis of brain cancer, the doctor, after clarifying the patient's complaints, prescribes the following procedures:

  1. A general and detailed blood test, which also includes the determination of the exact concentration of platelets.
  2. Ultrasound examination of internal organs.
  3. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

Determination of the number of oncomarkers in the diagnostic complex of procedures does not bring great results, since they do not have a high specificity of the study. This procedure is mainly used to monitor the effectiveness of anti-cancer treatment.

Disease prevention

To prevent malignant degeneration of brain cells, experts recommend following the following rules:

  1. Annual preventive medical examinations.
  2. To refuse from bad habits.
  3. Balance your daily diet in terms of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Eliminate the effect of carcinogens on the body.
  5. Spend more time outdoors and exercise.

Symptoms of brain cancer in the early stages indicate an aggressive malignant neoplasm of the central nervous system. This pathology is characterized by uncontrolled and atypical division of brain cells. Another cause of a tumor of this localization is the spread of cancerous elements through the circulatory and lymphoid systems.

Features of the oncological process in the brain

MRI diagnostics:

The most reliable results of the study of brain tissue can be obtained from the results of magnetic resonance imaging, a characteristic feature of which is the exposure of the body to radioactive rays. MRI diagnostics determines the structure, size and location of a malignant neoplasm.

Treating early brain cancer and managing symptoms

The main treatment for early stages of brain cancer is surgery to remove pathological tissue. Before surgery, the patient is given general anesthesia. Access to the surgical field is carried out using craniotomy (opening the skull). After excision of the tumor, the patient is recommended to undergo radiation therapy to prevent postoperative complications.

If a malignant neoplasm is located in a hard-to-reach place in the brain, specialists resort to stereotaxic therapy. In such cases, the cancer patient is irradiated with a focused beam. This equipment is a robotic unit that performs medical manipulations under computer control.

Well-timed early stage brain cancer symptoms make it possible to diagnose the tumor in a timely manner and to carry out a full-fledged treatment. Therapy at the initial stages of malignant growth has the most favorable prognosis for the patient's recovery.

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