Chronic gardnerellosis. List of drugs for the treatment of gardnerella in women: a review of effective medications. Macmirror: pills for gardnerellosis

Gardnerellosis is a disease during which disturbances occur in the genitourinary system in both women and men. The causative agent of this disease is considered to be an aerobic pathogen. Considered in medicine female disease called a little differently, namely, bacterial vaginosis. But in each individual case, this disease develops in different ways, affecting various organs of the reproductive system. We will tell you more about this disease below.

Gardnerella is a small microorganism. This organism is constantly female vagina and urinary organs. Therefore, the detection of gardnerella in a smear is not considered an indicator to make a diagnosis of gardnerellosis. As a rule, the diagnosis can be made in cases where both clinical symptoms.

Gardnerella begin to develop actively after a person decreased local immunity. As a rule, this happens in the following cases:

  • In the presence of concomitant infectious disease
  • During and after taking antibiotics
  • After the use of drugs that lower a person's immunity, for example, glucocorticosteroids
  • Frequent change of sexual partners
  • With diabetes
  • If a person is very fond of sweets

Gardnerella can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. But the disease can develop only after the failure of dysbiosis in the genital tract and their loss. beneficial microflora, which loses its own protective function.

Symptoms in women:

Approximately 1/4 of all girls and women are considered carriers of this disease. At the same time, the disease itself may not develop in them, since these carriers have ideal tension. immune system.

The rest of the women experience certain clinical symptoms. The main ones are:

  • Periodic secretion from the vagina watery discharge having a grayish white color
  • These secretions have an unpleasant odor that often smells like rotten fish.

  • During the examination, the doctor may notice how these secretions are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the vagina.

Gardnerella very often provoke the occurrence of other infectious diseases. These bacteria excite endometritis that develops after childbirth or after an abortion.

Symptoms in men:

The disease is characterized by slightly different symptoms than in women. Bacteria often cause chronic urethritis or chronic prostatitis.

Sometimes these microorganisms can cause balanoposthitis. All these forms of manifestation of the disease have certain symptoms.

  • Discharge has an unpleasant fishy odor
  • The discharge itself is viscous and sticky
  • Head male organ becomes very sensitive, it acquires a reddish tint

With a pronounced failure of the immune system, the disease will certainly begin to progress. It can even lead to organ damage. genitourinary system.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women and men

If it was carried out timely diagnosis and qualified therapy, there is a chance for a complete recovery and prevention of complications. It is possible that after treatment a relapse may occur.

Thanks to therapy, it is possible to eliminate all the causes of the onset of the disease and its symptoms. Plus, you can normalize the state of the microflora of the woman's vagina.

  • On the initial stage doctors spend antibiotic therapy. They reduce the acid-base level.
  • Depending on the indications, doctors may prescribe an immunomodulator, estrogen, a drug that has antihistamine action. During unpleasant symptoms, an anesthetic is prescribed to the patient.
  • The next therapeutic stage of treatment is the restoration of microflora in the vagina. A few days after the antimicrobial treatment ends, the patient is prescribed eubiotics.
  • Since treatment is considered complex, it is strictly forbidden to exclude at least one of the possible stages.

The therapeutic course itself is controlled with the help of laboratories and research. It will end after absolutely all the symptoms have been destroyed, the patient will stop complaining, and his tests will show normal indicators.

Treatment of the disease in men requires integrated approach. During it, activities are carried out that destroy the pathogen and increase the immune system at the same time.

This disease needs immediate treatment, requiring preventive measures of a medical and domestic nature.

Gardnerellosis treatment: drugs

The main treatment of gardnerellosis, as a rule, is carried out with the help of drugs, which include active substance metronidazole. The drug can be applied topically (gels, suppositories) or orally (using tablets).

  • Due to its own action against strong anaerobic microorganisms, the most effective medicines considered the following means: "Metronidazole" and "Klion".
  • In addition, doctors often prescribe drugs that contain doxycycline, clindamycin, levofloxacin, azithromycin.
  • Because antibiotics can often cause fungal infections, then to prevent them, it is necessary to use these medicines: Flucostat, Pimafucin.
  • It is recommended during treatment for women to use medications that bring them back to normal. vaginal microflora. For example, "Vagilak" or "Acilact".

The treatment of pregnant women practically does not differ from the treatment of ordinary women. But still there are slight differences. For example, metronidazole is forbidden to use in the first three months of pregnancy. In addition, it is desirable to use drugs that have local action but not oral.

You should know that the human immune system cannot comprehensively fight the disease. Therefore, there is every chance of contracting this disease even during treatment. That is why doctors advise using condoms during therapy or generally refraining from sex for a while. intimacy.

If a condom breaks during intercourse, you need to conduct thorough hygiene and use a local antiseptic, for example, Miramistin.

Gardnerellosis: suppositories for treatment

Gardnerellosis occurs in women, as a rule, in the following cases:

  • after prolonged use of drugs, antibiotics
  • after frequent douching
  • and also among those representatives who use spermicides

Such situations greatly disrupt the microflora of the vagina and spread in it pathogenic bacteria. Very often, turning to the doctor with a complaint of itching and heavy discharge, women describe medications they have already used during treatment for thrush. After all, the symptoms of this disease are very similar to the symptoms of gardnerellosis. However, this disease is more common than candidiasis. Yes, they have different treatments.

During treatment, mainly used special tablets. But there are also candles, which include the same components.

Required dose and time treatment period such drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician. You should never treat yourself. There are situations when after the first course the patient is not completely cured. If this happens, the doctor prescribes a second course. However, he corrects it.

The most common suppositories that are prescribed during the treatment of the disease are:

  • "Metronidazole-candles"
  • "Metrovagin"

During therapy, it is important to consider the following point: these drugs cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages.

Chronic gardnerellosis: treatment

Chronic gardnerellosis - infectious disease, which does not carry inflammatory changes, but develops the development of dysbiosis in the vagina. This disease is considered the result of a decrease in the number of Dederlein sticks. It also develops due to pathogenic microbes.

Chronic gardnerellosis in a woman can develop for several reasons:

  • The patient does not take care of her own health
  • She does not visit a gynecologist in a timely manner
  • The patient hides complaints during a visit to the doctor
  • The disease develops and becomes chronic form due to improper treatment
  • Due to non-compliance with the doctor's advice
  • The treatment does not involve the woman's sexual partner

During the treatment of the chronic form of the disease, a combination of several drug options and their administration are used.

  • Systemic treatment: the drug is taken intravenously or through the oral cavity
  • Local treatment: creams or gels are used, which contain metronidazole, as well as suppositories

After graduation treatment course a swab is taken from the patient in order to evaluate the effectiveness re-treatment. If during such treatment you strictly follow all the doctor's instructions, take the right medications, then the course itself will be no more than 7 days. The doctor may also prescribe an immunomodulator and vitamins that will strengthen protective qualities human body.

Gardnerellosis: treatment with folk remedies

This disease can be treated at home with medicinal herbs and plants. Medicines are very easy to prepare. After them, a positive result appears quite quickly. If this problem has affected you, you can use one of our recipes.

First recipe.

  • Medicinal chamomile - 200 g
  • Sage - 200 g
  • Calendula - 200 g

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Fill them with water (2 l). Boil over low heat and boil for 30 minutes
  • Cool the finished composition
  • Use a douche

Second recipe. For this recipe, stock up on the following ingredients:

Cooking process:

  • Soak chamomile in boiling water
  • Set the mixture aside for about an hour.
  • Strain
  • Use for douching

Recipe three:

  • If you have gardnerellosis, try using oak bark
  • To do this, take 100 g of raw materials, pour boiling water over it (500 ml)
  • Boil the composition for about 30 minutes, then strain
  • For douching, take 250 ml of the product
  • Douche them 2 times a day

Recipe four. For this recipe, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Elecampane root - 50 g
  • Wormwood - 30 g
  • Licorice roots - 30 g
  • Raspberry leaves - 30 g

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Steam them with boiling water (1 l)
  • Set aside for 9 hours
  • Use the resulting composition for douching 2 times a day

Recipe five. If you want to strengthen own body and feed him beneficial substances, we advise you to use this recipe:

  • Take calendula (50 g)
  • Fill it with boiling water (500 ml)
  • Set aside to cool completely
  • Drink warm tea during the day

Recipe six. For this recipe, stock up on a pinch of the following ingredients:

  • Chopped bergenia root
  • clover flowers
  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • tansy flowers
  • bearberry leaves
  • Wintergreen
  • Leaves coltsfoot
  • Mint
  • Yasnotka

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Take 1 tablespoon of the composition, pour boiling water (500 ml)
  • Drink the resulting remedy every day for 1 tbsp. before meals 3 times

Treatment of gardnerellosis with metronidazole

Usually, during the treatment of gardnerellosis, doctors prescribe metronidazole to patients, since this drug is considered the best and most effective. This medicine exists for local use(candles or vaginal tablets), and for systemic (tablets or capsules plus suppositories).

If treatment with metronidazole is not done on time, then the number of lactobacilli begins to actively decrease. As a result, microorganisms multiply rapidly.

During illness, usually severe itching in the genital area and unpleasant burning sensation. And this disease can cause pain during intimacy.

  • Metronidazole gel is used for topical treatment. The drug must be administered in inner part vagina. The introduction is about 5 days, 2 times a day.
  • Metronidazole tablets are suitable for systemic therapy illness. The medicine of 0.5 g is applied orally for at least 7 days, 2 times a day. Note that when taking pills, you should not drink alcohol at all.

If we talk about side effects, then, as a rule, there are very few of them during intravaginal use than during systemic use. You should know and understand that no drug gives a full guarantee of the absence of a relapse. Therefore, it is advisable not to refuse preventive visits to the attending doctor.

Treatment of gardnerellosis during pregnancy

After a disease has been detected in a pregnant woman, her doctor prescribes therapy. As a rule, this is a gentle treatment when compared with treatment non-pregnant woman. Gardnerellosis cannot be completely eliminated during pregnancy, since the disease can only be cured with antibiotics. And as we know, such drugs are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Therefore, therapeutic measures against this disease reduced to the use of local procedures. Complete treatment diseases in the vagina is carried out only after the woman has given birth to a child.

The main task of the doctor in such interesting period is as follows: he carefully monitors the number of microorganisms in the female body in order to prevent the unexpected appearance of an inflammatory process. During a regular examination for this disease, the doctor examines a woman on a gynecological chair a couple of times a month.

When such an examination is carried out, the woman passes flora analyzes in advance, plus bacterial culture. If signs of inflammation are found, she is prescribed a certain medicine local use, for example, douching, candles, and so on. If a disease is detected a couple of weeks before childbirth, a special preparatory process is carried out.

As a rule, treatment is divided into stages.

  • The first stage - the doctor prescribes antimicrobial drugs that eliminate the negative microflora
  • The second stage - there is a restoration of the lactic environment of the vagina

Basically, gardnerellosis in pregnant women disappears after they are carried out preventive measures, cleansing the microflora, and douching. This, of course, is possible, but only if the disease occurred during pregnancy or in the absence of its complications.

Based on the foregoing, it is safe to say that a disease such as gardnerellosis can be stopped in almost all cases. The main thing here is timely detection of this disease and prevent its flow into a chronic form. Numerous reviews of women who have been ill similar ailment, indicate that modern methods treatments are very effective if you follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician. Take care of yourself!

Video: Treatment of gardnerellosis in women

For female body a disease such as gardenelosis or bacterial vaginosis. It is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina itself, a change in the microflora. In addition, abundant cases appear when this disease occurs without any symptoms.

What exactly causes bacterial vaginosis is difficult to say. Most experts are of the opinion that this is primarily due to a hormonal disorder. The reason may be the use of antibiotics, as well as the presence of an intrauterine device. For diagnosis, it is necessary to determine the acidity in the vagina, examine the smear of the mucous membrane. If during the examination gardenelosis was found, treatment, which is based on the destruction of bacteria, restoration normal microflora should be immediate.

Gardenelosis: main symptoms, signs

Many women may not even suspect that they have a similar disease. in such cases, it is detected quite by accident, during a preventive examination. But still the main ones are:

  • copious vaginal discharge, which may be white or gray color;
  • the presence of a specific smell;
  • periodic itching in the genitals, burning, the presence of discomfort;
  • frequent urination.

The longer there is no treatment of gardenelosis in women, the more serious the complications are. Difficulties arise during pregnancy, during childbirth. Gardenelosis often causes premature birth. In addition, many other infectious diseases and even cervical cancer. Bacterial vaginosis can develop in parallel with diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Gardenelez and sexual life

gardenelosis (bacterial vaginosis)- a purely female disease with damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina, so it does not develop in a man. However, do not forget that he (the man) is the sexual partner of a woman, so he may well be a carrier and the symptoms of the disease may also appear in him. Yes, in the background bacterial vaginosis a man can get urethritis, accompanied by pain, pain during urination. Therefore, if gardenelosis begins to appear in women, treatment in men should be complete and mandatory.

Treatment of gardenelosis

If the disease is detected, then it is time to treat it. Fast Taken measures help avoid complications. Purpose of treatment- Destroy the bacteria that cause the disease. Gardenelez treatment is carried out in several ways: using antimicrobial tablets, as well as using vaginal suppositories and gels.

The main drugs whose action is directed to gardenelosis treatment are m etrodinazole, clindamycin, metrogil plus. Many doctors recommend using antibacterial tablets and local treatment simultaneously. For example, you can use metrodinazole and vaginal gel"Metrogil".

As soon as the bacteria are destroyed, you should proceed to the next stage of treatment - the restoration of microflora. For this, drugs called probiotics are used. They are living bacteria that actively fight against harmful bacteria. For example, these may be drugs inex, lactobacterin.

If all the above recommendations are strictly followed according to the doctor's instructions, then the disease will successfully recede, the woman's body will recover with the complete disappearance of all unpleasant sensations. Gardenelosis treatment will take more than two weeks, so you should be patient and devote maximum time to yourself. Thanks to a responsible approach to solving this problem, you can get rid of not only gardenelosis, but also perform excellent prevention of more serious diseases.

Gardnerellosis, or bacterial vaginosis, is a disease of the genital tract, which is characterized by a violation normal composition microflora. As a result, this leads to the predominance of anaerobic microorganisms (they do not use oxygen in the process of life), which is not observed normally.

Most often, gardnerellosis occurs in women, but it can also occur in men. Its frequency in women reaches 20-30%, and according to some sources it reaches 80%.

What it is?

Gardnerellosis is an inflammatory disease of the urogenital area, caused by an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina. The causative agent of the infection is an anaerobic bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis. The microflora of the vagina is represented mainly by lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid, which prevents reproduction. conditionally pathogenic microflora. However, even healthy woman other microorganisms are also present in the vagina - gardnerella, mycoplasma, klebsiella and others.

Reasons for development

The main cause of the imbalance is the vaginal gardnerella, hence the name given state- gardnerellosis. The negative role of gardnerella lies in the fact that it forms a favorable background for the development of a large number of other bacteria - yeast-like fungi, mycoplasmas, Trichomonas, coccal species. At the same time, the vaginal mucosa suffers, many infections enter the woman's body, develop inflammatory diseases urinary system.

There are many reasons that provoke the development of gardnerellosis in women:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene.
  2. Long term antibiotic treatment.
  3. A sharp decrease in the immune system.
  4. Untimely (not frequent enough) replacement of gaskets. This is especially true of the period of menstruation, when the microflora in the vagina is especially vulnerable and prone to the ingress of various pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Frequent changes of sexual partners (unprotected sexual contact both in men and women).
  6. Daily use of thin pads, which creates all the conditions for the spread of infection.
  7. A sharp violation in the hormonal background (may occur during puberty or during pregnancy).

In addition, the appearance Gardnerella disease vaginalis can contribute to untreated dysbacteriosis, frequent observance of an unbalanced diet, various optional pathologies of the reproductive system, as well as long-term use contraceptive contraceptives.


The reproduction of Gardnerella bacteria triggers an inflammatory process in the vagina and cervix. The main symptoms of gardnerellosis in women are expressed as follows:

  • appear sticky, foamy discharge from the vagina of a white, or yellowish-gray shade;
  • secretions are very bad smell, comparable to the smell of rotten fish;
  • intensify pain in the lower abdomen, which indicates an increase in the inflammatory process;
  • there is a feeling of irritation, itching and burning in the vagina, accompanied by frequent urges to urination;
  • during intercourse discomfort and the pain intensifies.

The appearance of a persistent unpleasant odor is due to the decay of waste products of gardnerella. This symptom gives a woman significant discomfort and often makes hygiene intimate places. But upon contact with the alkaline environment of soap, the situation only worsens and the period of “purity”, that is, the absence of smell, becomes shorter and shorter.

Sexual intercourse is accompanied by exacerbation painful symptoms and contributes to an increase in the volume of secretions, since alkaline environment sperm makes pathogenic microorganisms multiply even more. In the future, urination disorders appear, urine is excreted in small portions, and the process itself becomes difficult and painful.

In some cases, the symptoms of gardnerellosis may be mild and persist for many years. Left untreated, the chance of developing serious consequences associated with dysfunction of the genitourinary system.


Basically, diagnosis is based on clinical manifestation diseases and some laboratory research. The first step in the examination is to take a swab from the woman's vagina to microscopic examination, which is the most informative method. Under a microscope, the amount of Gardnerella vaginalis in the microflora is calculated. All other methods of laboratory research are uninformative and practically useless.

The next diagnostic method is to establish the pH value of the vagina, since with a large reproduction of gardnerella and other anaerobic bacteria The pH increases, i.e. the medium becomes alkaline. The final method of determination is a test for isonitrile, which reveals the presence of a large number of Gardnerella vaginalis.

Criteria giving the right to establish a clinical diagnosis:

  • finding pathological cells (key) - on squamous epithelium cells attached anaerobic bacteria;
  • alkaline vaginal pH;
  • homogenous discharge from the vagina with a rotten smell.

Only if all three criteria are found can a diagnosis be established, since the presence of only one of them is not an accurate indicator of the disease.

How to treat gardnerellosis in women?

Before treating gardnerellosis, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that contributed to its development:

  1. Rejection frequent shift sexual partners or use barrier methods protection (condoms);
  2. Use rational antibiotic therapy for others inflammatory diseases, which excludes long-term and uncontrolled use of antibiotics that suppress lactobacilli;
  3. Restoration of normal microflora in the intestine - oral probiotics are used (preparations containing live bacteria of normal intestinal microflora) - Bifidumbacterin, Linex;
  4. Normalization hormonal background body - hormonal two- or three-phase contraceptives are used, only after consulting a gynecologist;
  5. Increased activity of the immune system - synthetic (biomax, vitrum) or plant (echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng) immunomodulators are used;
  6. Avoid frequent douching of the vagina with antiseptic solutions and the use of antibacterial vaginal suppositories.

The main and mandatory method of treatment of bacterial vaginosis is the appointment of antibiotics.

Treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in women:

  1. Systemic antibiotics (clindamycin twice a day, 300 mg; metronidazole also twice a day, 500 mg). Take pills for a week. Apply at the same time local forms these drugs.
  2. After antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora. For this, probiotics are taken orally and in the form of suppositories. For internal use Lactonorm, Lactobacterin are recommended. They must be consumed for 30 or more days. Three weeks apply candles Laktonorm or Atsilakt.

Treatment with drugs of the penicillin group (Ampicillin) is possible. Gardnerella is resistant to tetracyclines (Doxycycline, Tetracycline), cephalosporins (Claforan, Ceftriaxone), sulfonamides (Septrin, Biseptol), aminoglycosides (Neomycin, Kanamycin).

  1. When diagnosing a disease, her sexual partner is also treated at the same time. Often, bacterial vaginosis, combined with candidiasis, requires simultaneous antifungal therapy. In this case, suppositories for gardnerellosis are prescribed, which have a combined antifungal / antibacterial composition (Clomezol, Gynotran), vaginal tablets (Terzhinan, Mikozhinaks) are also effective.
  2. Treatment of gardnerellosis in women at home on a course of antibiotics and a "clean" re-analysis does not end. To exclude the subsequent reproduction of bacteria, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora and thereby strengthen the local immune defense.

For this, apply medications type Vagilak (vaginal capsules) and Epigen-intima (gel). Average duration applications - 2 weeks.

Treatment of gardnerellosis during pregnancy

Treatment of gardnerellosis during gestation has its own nuances. Everyone knows that during pregnancy, taking almost all medications is contraindicated.

  • It is impossible to completely destroy the gardnerella during the bearing of a child, since this requires the use of antibiotics, which are prohibited. expectant mother. Treatment is with topical antibacterial drugs, which help to reduce the manifestations of the disease and reduce the pathological activity of gardnerella. Complete treatment a woman can pass after childbirth.
  • The main task of the gynecologist during pregnancy is to monitor the number of gardnerella to prevent the development concomitant diseases organs of the genitourinary system. In order to control the condition of the vaginal mucosa with gardnerellosis, a woman should be examined once a month on a gynecological chair. During this examination, the doctor takes smears for microscopic examination. If symptoms of concomitant infection are detected in urgently appointed local procedures(douching, irrigation of the genitals, sitz baths, etc.). With inflammation of the pelvic organs, vaginal suppositories cannot be used.

As well as in the treatment of the disease for non-pregnant women, the therapy of gardnerellosis of pregnant women is carried out in two stages: a decrease in the amount of pathogenic microflora and the normalization of lacto and bifidobacteria in the vagina. Positive effect from treatment is observed only if the woman turned to the gynecologist in a timely manner and the disease did not turn into a chronic form of the course.


Preventive measures against gardnerellosis include:

  • the presence of one sexual partner, the fight against sexual promiscuity;
  • refusal to use intrauterine devices;
  • warning inflammatory processes in the genital tract;
  • the use of antibiotics according to strict indications, followed by correction of dysbacteriosis;
  • exception too early start sexual life.

Thus, gardnerellosis, for all its seeming frivolity, is very serious. pathological process that needs to be treated promptly. The drugs prescribed for this, allow you to normalize the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora of the genital tract.

Those. a condition in which the ratio of microorganisms that normally live in the vagina is disturbed. Those that should be more (lactic bacteria) become smaller, and vice versa, those who should normally be few multiply. Gardnerella is one of those bacteria that should be less, but not the only one.

general information

Gardnerellosis is caused by an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina. Normally, it is represented mainly by lactobacilli. These bacteria form lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, preventing reproduction conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. The composition of the normal microflora of the vagina in a small amount may include Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis and anaerobic bacteria (genus Mobiluncus and others). These microorganisms are present in small amounts in the vagina of most healthy women.

As a result of douching, application contraceptives containing 9-nonoxynol (Patentex Oval suppositories, Nonoxynol suppositories), changing the sexual partner, the proportion of lactobacilli in the vaginal microflora decreases. At the same time, the share of Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis and anaerobic bacteria increases. In this case, there is a dysbacteriosis of the vagina - the so-called gardnerellosis.

Gardnerellosis in men causes urethritis in the first place. With gardnerella urethritis, discharge from urethra gray, watery, with an unpleasant "fishy" odor. Their number is insignificant. Of the other manifestations, burning, itching, or simply unpleasant sensations during urination are noted for urethritis.

Gardnerella infection in women in addition to urethritis causes inflammation of the vagina and cervix. The development of complications can contribute to menstruation, abortion, childbirth, the use of intrauterine devices. Gardnerellosis can be complicated by endometritis and inflammation of the uterine appendages. In a pregnant woman with gardnerellosis, complications of pregnancy are more often observed - miscarriages, premature birth. A child can become infected with gardnerella during childbirth while passing through the mother's birth canal.

Causes of gardnerellosis

The causes of bacterial vaginosis can be:

  1. Wearing tight-fitting synthetic underwear, tight-fitting synthetic trousers, i.e. creating barriers to oxygen penetration.
  2. Abuse of pads for every day and tampons - for the same reason.
  3. Long-term use of antibiotics, including lactic acid bacteria.
  4. Improper nutrition is a lack of fermented milk products in the diet, which are a source of lactic acid bacteria for the body.
  5. Chronic bowel disease and other conditions causing dysbacteriosis, - lactic bacteria come with food and live in the intestines.
  6. Immunodeficiency is the inability of the immune system to cope with problems in the body.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

The first step is to suppress excess"bad" bacteria, the second - the settlement of the vacated niche with "good" ones. Therefore, at first, drugs are used against anaerobic (oxygen-free) bacteria: metronidazole or clindamycin preparations - mainly locally in the form of suppositories and gels, sometimes systemically in the form of tablets. Only the woman is treated because vaginosis is not an infection and is not sexually transmitted.

The second stage is the colonization of the vagina with lactic acid bacteria. A diet containing them is prescribed (biokefirs, yogurts, sauerkraut), additional drugs lactic bacteria (lactobacterin, acylact, "Narine") - inside and locally (suppositories acylact, "Zhlemic"). The appointment of lactic acid bacteria preparations is possible only after re-testing and the conviction that there is no vaginal candidiasis (fungal colpitis, "thrush"), which often develops during the treatment of vaginosis and progresses well in acidic environment together with lactic acid bacteria.

In parallel, it is ideal to be examined for intestinal dysbacteriosis and, if necessary, treat it. Dysbacteriosis rarely develops in isolation and "from scratch" - as a rule, this is a common process for the body, and has its own causes and predisposing factors (see above). If they are not eliminated, it will either remain or reappear, giving the impression of "wrong treatment".

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  • if you suddenly have a slight discharge, accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor, do not rush to accuse your partner of cheating or sin for an infection in the pool.
  • refuse for a while from pads "for every day", which mask problems, giving them time to progress, and also violate the oxygen regime.
  • go to the gynecologist and get the results of the gram smear
  • if you are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, follow these instructions, enrich your diet with lactic acid products.
  • during treatment, sexual activity is possible; it is necessary to protect yourself when taking drugs inside (since they are contraindicated in pregnancy); any method of protection (if you use oral contraceptives, remember that their effectiveness decreases with simultaneous reception antibiotics, at which time additional condom protection is needed).
  • after treatment, you need to take a second smear and follow measures to prevent relapse (see causes of vaginosis)


  • if you suspect your partner has some gynecological disorders, force her not to self-medicate and not to delay, but to contact a qualified specialist.
  • If your partner has been diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis), know that this condition is not infectious, it is not transmitted in any way, including sexually. However, this does not prevent you from undergoing an examination too - other diseases may be detected in parallel.
  • You do not need to be treated for gardnerellosis. However, there are times when a real infection is found along with gardnerellosis. Then both partners need to be treated, according to all the rules for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, at the same time, with the same drugs, protected by a condom until they receive positive results treatment (control smears).
  • sexual life during the treatment of vaginosis is possible without restrictions.

Gardnerellosis is a disease that develops when it enters the human body pathogenic bacterium. The causative agent is gardnerella, which is easily transmitted sexually. The risk group includes men and women who are active sexual life, and do not have a permanent partner.

If a person has suspicions of the progression of bacterial vaginosis, a consultation and examination of a doctor who treats sexually transmitted diseases is needed. Special attention should be given to the choice of drugs. With a negligent attitude, the course of the disease can be aggravated by the occurrence and development of complications. Answering the question of patients, how to treat gardnerellosis, doctors are of the same opinion: therapy local character capable of defeating the bacterium. It is enough to correctly apply the ointment, capsules, tablets, gel or suppositories prescribed by a specialist.


Self-medication can adversely affect the general condition of the body and reduce the effectiveness of therapy.

The final diagnosis is made after studying the results of the patient's tests. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of medicines for the treatment of disease. One of the most effective is the drug Trichopol with gardnerellosis. vaginal tablets prescribed for use once a day with a dosage of 500 milligrams, for 1-1.5 weeks.

No less effective is the treatment with Metronidazole gel at a concentration of 0.75% (introduction is performed into the vagina), and the course of treatment does not exceed 5 days (if the procedure is performed twice a day).

From oral medications, most often prescribed Tinidazole, with gardnerellosis, progressive long time in the body. The dosage and course of therapy is determined by the attending physician, due to the presence side effects at the medication. If Clindamycin was prescribed, it should be taken throughout the week at a dosage of 300 milligrams.

Bacterial vaginosis is also diagnosed in women during the period of bearing a child. Most of them avoid therapy, fearing to harm the fetus and convincing themselves that the bacteria will leave the body on their own. Unfortunately, this statement is not true, and the microflora is not capable of self-restoration.

How to treat gardnerellosis during pregnancy will tell the leading gynecologist for sure. Doctors also note that when carrying a fetus and correct selection medications, the disease is easily treatable, but antibiotic therapy is an exception.

If observed sharp increase the number of gardnerella, then the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. If a dilemma arises as to how to treat gardnerellosis in pregnant women, then suppositories or Klion are better suited. Traditional medicine methods are no less effective in the treatment of pregnant women, but only after approval by a doctor.

From options baths and douching are excluded, and only washing with antiseptic solutions prepared with herbs is practiced. After childbirth, a woman must undergo full course treatment of the disease. When a doctor diagnoses gardnerellosis, it is almost impossible to do without antibiotics. The drugs of this group are indicated to combat a disease that occurs in an acute or chronic form.

When a patient goes to the clinic in a timely manner, the first thing he is prescribed is pills (they are effective in the initial stage of the disease). The next stage is restorative, aimed at increasing the number of lactobacilli. Depending on the rate of reduction of bacteria that harm the body, the duration of the course of treatment will be determined. When the number of microorganisms has been reduced to a minimum, antibiotics will be completed.

In every clinical case how to cure gardnerellosis the doctor will determine based on general condition patient and after examining the analyses. This approach will protect against drug intolerance in patients with hypersensitivity to some components. To consolidate the result, immunotherapy and procedures to restore the natural microflora are carried out at the end. To protect the body from re-infection, diet and lifestyle should be adjusted.

How gardnerellosis is treated can be found out exactly from the list below:

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  • Azithromycin - tablets a wide range actions. Long-term use leads to accumulation active ingredient in the blood with its subsequent activation in the lesion.
  • Tiberal is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug, the release form is tablets.
  • Ornidazole - effective in the fight against anaerobic microbes, is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and injections.
  • Imidazole is an effective antimicrobial drug available as a cream, injection, and vaginal tablets.
  • Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal drug with antibacterial activity, produced in the form of tablets with a dosage of 250 milligrams.

In the treatment of the disease, a diet aimed at balanced diet. So that the body receives everything necessary elements and restored, he needs: dairy products, poultry meat and fish. Don't need to be neglected fresh fruit and vegetables. Cereals, nuts, beans, oils (linseed, olive, corn) are very useful.


To save all components in desired form, it is better to give preference to steaming or practicing a raw food diet.

It was also said that the disease is treatable folk medicine. The basis of therapy is oral intake tinctures, installation of therapeutic tampons and baths. These recipes are suitable for the treatment of men and women.

Suitable for decoctions: sweet clover, marshmallow root, pine and birch buds, nettle leaves, mint, St. John's wort and eucalyptus. Prepare according to package directions and take 3 times a day before meals. Recommended single dose 100 milliliters.

Tampons are made from a mixture apple cider vinegar(1 teaspoon) and carrot juice. The resulting solution is applied to gauze folded into a swab and injected into the vagina for 20 minutes. It is not recommended to do the procedure more than once a day. The second version of the mixture includes aloe juice and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. Such a tampon is shown to be left overnight. Take off unpleasant symptoms(pain, itching, burning) baths from oak bark, chamomile and leaves will help walnut. Treatment of gardnerellosis in men is prescribed by a doctor, after a thorough examination of patients and study of the test results.

As with female representatives, in the absence of complications, local therapy is sufficient. The duration of treatment is 14–21 days (the drug is determined by the doctor). When clearly severe symptoms prescribe Doxycycline or Trikaside, they are taken until complete cure. A man must follow a diet: no spicy, fatty, spicy and salty foods, as well as alcohol. Sexual contacts and exposure to the sun for a long time are also prohibited. Hilak, Laktovit or Bifilakt are shown as immunotherapy.

Candles from gardnerellosis: scheme and duration of treatment

The medical name for the well-known thrush is gardnerellosis. To combat it, candles are best suited. They differ from tablets in a directed action, which means they cope better with the disease.

Below are suppositories from gardnerellosis, which are often prescribed by doctors:

  • McMiror;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Clindamycin;
  • Candles with metronidazole;
  • Betadine.

With their help, an optimal environment is created in the vagina, and pathogenic microorganisms gradually die. Vaginal suppositories with gardnellosis are allowed for use, for women during the period of bearing a child. Thus, cleaning is performed birth canal in the third trimester.

high efficiency with gardnellosis, suppositories with metronidazole or tinidazole have. They are recommended to be administered once a day, in the morning or evening time for three hours. The duration of therapy is at least 7 days, depending on the patient's condition.

It is recommended to start treatment no earlier than 2 days after the end of menstruation. On the forum, patients who were treated for gardnerellosis with candles leave only positive reviews about the drug. As a prevention of sexual infections, doctors recommend that you always protect yourself when in contact with a new partner. Also, not the last role in the prevention of the disease is assigned to the control of the state of immunity, because to strong body infections do not join. You should beware of hypothermia, because any inflammation of the genitourinary system will provoke dysbacteriosis, and gardnerellosis will progress against its background.

Genital hygiene is an integral part of prevention. If a man or woman has a suspicion of developing thrush, or gardnerellosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. The disease is easily transmitted sexually, so it is very important to protect yourself from promiscuity. The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on the patient's approach to the implementation of medical recommendations.

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