Drugs that increase erectile function. How to achieve a stable erection: detailed instructions for men. What is an erection

Such a problem as erectile dysfunction is increasingly worrying not only men of retirement age, but also quite mature, able-bodied people. How to choose the most effective drugs to increase erection? It is worth focusing on the promised therapeutic effect and taking into account general state your health.

Erection pills

Any medication is best taken together with a doctor. After the patient has undergone an in-depth examination, the urologist may recommend drugs that affect the filling of the cavernous bodies with blood, improve blood circulation, or stimulate certain centers of the brain.

Now a lot of synthetic drugs are being produced based on. But the very first and this moment the most advanced is Viagra. A stable erection appears within half an hour or an hour after taking the drug. The positive effect persists for 4-6 hours.

Any drug based on sildenafil cannot be combined with nitroglycerin. Also, with caution, you need to drink Viagra to those men who have been diagnosed with chronic hypotension.

Main active agent The drug is avanafil. Thanks to this drug, a quick erection is achieved. Within 15-20 minutes after taking a man, an erection appears. From 4 to 6 hours a man is capable of sexual intercourse.

Thanks to Stendra, two contacts per night can be made, as it contributes to quick recovery male body. This drug has fewer side effects than sildenafil.

The remedy is contraindicated for epileptics, patients with anemia, leukemia, suffering from glaucoma.

The drug based on tadalafil has an effect on the body of a man, similar to what Viagra causes. With sexual stimulation, a man gets an erection. The erection medicine Cialis begins to act one hour after ingestion. The effect of the drug lasts longer than a day.

There are also side effects- may occur in case of overdose headache, bloating, swelling of the nose, rhinitis.

Main active substance The drug is vardenafil. It promotes relaxation smooth muscle and, at the same time, stimulates the blood supply to the cavernous bodies. Levitra is prescribed for men suffering from a weakening of erection, inability to maintain the necessary hardness of the penis during the entire sexual intercourse.

The drug causes an erection 30-50 minutes after ingestion. After a man takes a pill, he has about 6 hours to have sexual intercourse.


The composition of the tablets contains udenafil. He possesses prolonged action- up to 20-24 hours. Zidena can be taken in combination with fatty foods and alcohol, it does not negative impact on the human body and does not affect the effectiveness of the stimulant.

Choosing drugs fast action, a man must take into account the fact that, while beneficially affecting an erection, they can adversely affect fertility. If a person is interested in the birth of healthy offspring, it is better to take such medicines as little as possible.

Drugs for long-term use

If erectile dysfunction is caused infectious disease or experienced psychological stress, long-term therapy may be required to restore a man's sexual abilities.

This is one of the natural drugs to enhance erection, often prescribed by urologists to men of mature and old age. Biomanix helps to maintain a normal erection throughout the entire sexual intercourse.

Patients are recommended course intake: 1-2 capsules for three weeks. Already on the fourth day of treatment, men note that instead of sluggish erection they have a pretty good stand. And after a week, you don’t need to make any special efforts to get excited.

The drug can be attributed to dietary supplements, as it consists only of natural ingredients. But due to the therapeutic effect, Stimerect is popular with both urologists and their patients. Take 1 capsule before meals for 14 days. Then a break is made for 10 days and the course of treatment is repeated. Positive effect:

  • Recovery of libido.
  • Increased erection.
  • Prolongation of sexual intercourse.

The drug is contraindicated for people suffering from low blood pressure.


These erection pills are also dietary supplements, sold in pharmacy network without recipe. Course intake of dietary supplements helps to restore the normal functionality of the body, eliminate erectile dysfunction.

Sealek contains a lot of vitamins: B12, folic acid, zinc. They help maintain potency and improve fertility. If you need to get a one-time effect, you can take Sealek Forte. Its action develops within an hour after ingestion.

The drug is available in candles. Its main purpose is to treat chronic prostatitis. And here is a side effect - the restoration of erection function. The drug is injected every evening into the rectum. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Suppositories reduce inflammation in prostate, eliminated muscle spasm, potency is normalized, erection is restored.

The drug is available as an injection for intramuscular injection. It belongs to one of the best drugs to improve erection, restoring the normal level of androgens in the blood of a man. If you inject Nebido for 10 days, you can:

  • Normalize sex drive.
  • Restore erection.
  • Improve potency.

The administration of testosterone is contraindicated in men suffering from cancerous tumor mammary glands, liver.

Reception medicines should be combined with a diet, the food should contain enough zinc, which is necessary for the production of testosterone and improvement of erection function.

Means for topical application

It is believed that a gel, spray or cream applied to the penis helps to restore an erection much faster than tablets. Indeed, funds applied topically begin to quickly warm up the penis. This helps to get a quick erection and have normal intercourse.

This erection enhancement cream is marketed as a penis enlarger. But patients also note other positive effects:

  • Increased sexual desire.
  • Lack of addiction.
  • Strengthening erotic sensations.

To improve erection, apply the product to the erect penis. The cream is not applied to the mucous membrane of the head, only to the skin fold. The duration of the cream is up to two hours.

The tool has a stimulating effect, helps to warm up the tissues of the penis, achieve an erection in a record short time. Erection ointment also acts as a lubricant. It should be applied in a thin layer, not thicker than 2 mm. You can start sexual intercourse 5-10 minutes after application.

To improve erection, you can apply the ointment 1-2 times a week. It is desirable to combine local treatment with drugs that normalize potency.

This gel is used specifically to enhance erection. The composition includes cardamom extract, guarana, B vitamins. The gel is applied with gentle massage movements to a clean penis, best of all after a shower. After waiting 7 minutes, a man can put a condom on his penis.

After application, blood flow to the penis shaft increases, and the erection increases. The erection lasts for 1.5-2 hours.

An exciting drug for women is produced, as well as a V-Activ spray for erection. After application, a positive effect is noted:

  • Riser reinforcement.
  • The appearance of an erection.
  • Prolongation of the period of coition.
  • Exacerbation of sexual sensations.

The active substances warm up the skin, stimulate the blood supply to the cavernous bodies. V-Activ can be applied before putting on a condom. It is possible to use a spray without barrier protective equipment.

The main thing is that before applying a spray or gel, ointment to the phallus, you need to make sure that the man is not allergic to this remedy.


weak potency, flaccid dick, the absence of a prolonged erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

Erection medication drops

Drop drugs differ from tablets in form, as well as in the speed of the therapeutic response. Liquid preparations give a stable positive effect, helping to get a high-quality long-lasting erection.

The company produces not only drops of enhancement for erection, but also a remedy in the form of a cream. Drops are a complex natural substances. Falloston is taken in courses of 1-2 weeks. Every morning, on an empty stomach, a man should drip 3-5 drops on his tongue. A positive effect is observed on the 4th day of therapy. For a man:

  • The erection is restored.
  • Improves the perception of sexual sensations.
  • Stimulates the production of testosterone.

To fix the potency, you should repeat the course of treatment with drops after 14 days. The medicine is contraindicated in men suffering from renal or hepatic insufficiency.

These drops are taken when erection is weakened, premature ejaculation, deterioration of potency, loss of fertility.

The drug is taken for 3-4 weeks, on an empty stomach. A man needs to drip 3-4 drops at a time, on the mucous membrane of the tongue. A second course is held after 10 days and lasts the same. Side effects are possible if the patient is allergic to the active ingredients of the drug.

After a long course of taking drops, a man's erection returns to normal. It is advisable to take breaks in treatment and repeat course therapy, coordinating the dosage of the erection agent with the urologist.

Herbal preparations for erection

Suitable for restoring erection herbal teas on the basis of St. John's wort, red clover, hawthorn, wild oats, arrowroot goat weed. cook medicinal decoctions better than pharmaceutical preparations.

Ginseng root is traditionally considered male medicine. Used for treatment alcohol tincture or natural infusion. The positive effect of ginseng:

  • Stimulating effect.
  • Strengthening the vascular system of the small pelvis.
  • Increased sex drive.
  • Erection stabilization.
  • Strengthening potency.

Due to the elimination of stenosis with the help of ginseng, normal blood filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis is achieved. It helps to eliminate erectile dysfunction, restore the sexual activity of a man.

The main effect of ginkgo leaves is to improve blood circulation. These herbs are simply necessary for the erection of a man who has lost potency as a result of a severe chronic disease, diabetes, suffered a stroke.

Ginkgo helps to saturate the blood with oxygen, restore normal flow arterial blood to the pelvic organs. Due to the normalization of metabolism in the vascular wall, venous congestion is eliminated, and potency is restored.

Only long-term use of herbs will help restore erectile function in full.

Intraurethral suppositories and injections

Erectile dysfunction can also be eliminated with the help of drugs injected directly into the penis. For such manipulations, suppositories or liquids for injection are used.

Refers to prostaglandin analogues. Preparations of this group to improve erection stimulate blood circulation cavernous bodies directly. After the introduction of the drug directly into the trunk of the penis (under the head), the cavernous bodies of the man relax, blood flow increases.

Alprostadil is available not only in injections for administration, but also in suppositories. A thin candle is inserted directly into urethra. The required dose of medication is determined by a sexologist-andrologist.

Other drugs

In addition, injections for intraurethral administration have a positive effect:

  • Edex.
  • Sorry VR.

Important! It is best to entrust fluids to the penis with a doctor or nurse.. At home, it is not always possible to maintain the necessary sterility during injection.

Supplements that improve erectile function

Regular intake of dietary supplements helps to strengthen an erection, increase a man's sexual strength. Biologically active additives are based on natural medicinal substances that have a positive effect on the entire human body.

To the most popular natural vitamins erections include:

  • Tribestan.
  • Tentex For.
  • Tongkat Ali Platinum.
  • Golden horse.
  • Alicaps.

Capsules and pills for erection must be taken for a long period of time. At least three to four months of regular use will help restore normal potency and stabilize an erection. Natural ingredients have a tonic effect, improve blood flow, improve stamina and help normalize sexual life.

The psychological moment is also important. Having strengthened an erection with the help of dietary supplements, in the future a man can safely do without them.

When taking dietary supplements for erection or any other medication, you need to remember that the restoration of male strength is possible only with an integrated approach:

  1. taking medicines,
  2. increase in motor activity,
  3. giving up bad habits.
and find out how experts recommend treating...

Men of all ages often have to deal with a problem that may be temporary and be the result of stress or be observed regularly, significantly worsening the emotional state and quality of sexual life. Whatever the cause of sexual impotence, they always try to fight it. In addition to drugs and physiotherapy procedures that eliminate the immediate cause of the deviation, erection pills are used that help maintain the hardness of the penis for several hours in a row.

Deterioration of potency and the inability to maintain an erection for a full-fledged sexual intercourse is observed not only in the elderly, but also young age. The reasons for this phenomenon are varied - from overwork to chronic illness. Men who have sexual impotence are advised to use fast-acting erection stimulants, provided there are no contraindications to their use.

These funds work as follows:

  1. Stimulate vascular system, which provides the necessary blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis. Thus, a full erection is achieved in men of all ages;
  2. They prevent, thanks to which a man is able not only to achieve orgasm, but also to satisfy his partner;
  3. Increase testosterone levels by stimulating glands internal secretion(does not apply to all means for erection);

Urologist Iskander Abdullin will tell about the features of taking pills for the treatment of impotence:

  1. Increase sexual desire;
  2. Increase the sensitivity of the penis;
  3. Normalize muscle tone.

The drug is taken for about half an hour to an hour before the onset of sexual intercourse. During the specified time, the active components of the tablets begin to act, filling the penis with blood. Depending on the name of the drug and the substances it contains, it can act from 5 to 36 hours.

It should be noted that the described means have contraindications. These include following states and pathology:

  • Tendency to allergic reactions in the form of shortness of breath, rash, swelling;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • High blood pressure;

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Taking drugs used to treat heart disease.

When taking erection stimulants, you should not drink alcoholic beverages at the same time: firstly, they reduce the effectiveness of the drug, and secondly, such a combination contributes to the manifestation of such side effects as dizziness, palpitations, and a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

It is forbidden to combine drugs to enhance potency with nitrate drugs (nitroglycerin, nitrosorbitol). This combination is very dangerous, because it leads to sudden pressure surges, which can be fatal.

List of names of erection stimulants

There are a large number of different drugs that are used for a long erection. Each of them contains chemical substances Therefore, before making a choice, you should consult with a specialist.

Table 1. List the best means to improve sexual function

Name of the drug Principle of operation and method of administration
"Viagra" The most famous and advertised tool. A natural erection when taking a pill occurs as a result of a rush of blood in the vessels of the penis. The action is observed after 30-40 minutes and lasts for 3-5 hours. The duration of the effect depends on the characteristics of the male body. It is recommended to take one hour before sexual contact.
"Impaz" This drug, in addition to enhancing excitation, is used as medicine in order to increase erectile function against the background of various diseases of the urogenital area. Impaza helps to increase the level of testosterone in the blood. If the remedy is used once, to prolong an erection, you must take 2 tablets: one 1.5-2 hours before sexual intercourse, the second one an hour after taking the first one. AT medicinal purposes the drug is taken regularly, the dosage is determined by the doctor.
"Cialis" Tablets belong to the group of high-speed with pronounced lasting effect: they begin to act within 15 minutes and maintain an erection throughout the day. The average recommended dose of the drug is 20 mg.
"Dragon Tornado" The advantage of these capsules from a Chinese manufacturer is the natural composition. The drug is effective in psychogenic erectile dysfunction Yu. In addition, it restores masculine strength after past illnesses, and also after long-term use drugs that adversely affect potency. Among the components of the "Dragon Tornado" - ginseng, Tibetan saffron, extracts from black ants. It is recommended to take one capsule of this erection remedy 15-20 minutes before sex. The drug increases the duration of sexual intercourse up to 2 hours, and also allows you to increase the amount of seminal fluid released and the size of the penis in an erect state.
"Australian Kangaroo" Means for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse with such exotic name is food additive in the form of tablets. The drug not only increases the physical endurance of a man during intimacy, but also normalizes reproductive function and also strengthens the immune system. The main active ingredient of the supplement is an extract from the testicles of a young kangaroo, a powerful hormonal remedy. It is recommended to take no more than 1 tablet per day, half an hour to an hour before sexual intercourse. The action of the tablets, according to the manufacturer's instructions, lasts up to 36 hours.
"Verona" These are effective pills that stimulate potency and prolong erections. They consist of natural ingredients: tribulus extract, itchy mucuna seeds, withania root. It is recommended to take 2 tablets of the drug per day - before breakfast and at bedtime.
"Dynamic" The tool is suitable for restoring potency and achieving a long erection. It is recommended to take the tablet before meals, one hour before sexual intercourse. The action occurs in 30-40 minutes.
Gerimaks Energy This drug is a complex of vitamins for erection, potency and general strengthening organism. It is necessary to take the tablets continuously for 2 months. You should not do this before going to bed due to increased activity of the body.

Possible Side Effects

If you follow the instructions for the drug and take erection stimulants infrequently, there should be no problems. Otherwise, side effects such as:

  1. Redness of the face caused by a powerful rush of blood to the vessels of the brain;
  2. Headache;
  3. Nausea and diarrhea (especially if drugs are taken on an empty stomach);

To a greater or lesser extent, all drugs for regulating potency have side effects. They can appear immediately after taking the medicine, during or after sexual intercourse.

  1. Nasal congestion;
  2. Pain in the back;
  3. Feeling of discomfort in the chest;
  4. Impaired vision and color perception.

Preparations to improve erection, according to experts, with long-term use can cause psychological dependence.

Is it possible to strengthen an erection with the help of folk remedies?

For health or other reasons, some men cannot use erection products that contain chemicals. In such cases, they can try to treat sexual impotence based on folk remedies. For this, various medicinal herbs, bee products, vegetables and other natural remedies.

The following recipes help to achieve a good effect:

  • Infusion based on nettle. A tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and left until the liquid cools. It is not necessary to strain the tincture. Take the drug should be 2 times a day before meals, half a glass. The duration of use is 2-3 weeks. Nettle is good for men's health the fact that it stimulates sexual desire, normalizes the process of hormone production, positively affects potency;

Dear readers, we have prepared for you a video with recipes to increase potency:

  • Cornflower infusion. Such a remedy is suitable for delaying ejaculation without loss of erection. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of dried flower stamens, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let cool. Whole volume finished product drink 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. You can not use this infusion for men who suffer from low blood pressure;
  • Red wine syrup. This recipe is suitable if you urgently need to achieve an erection and arousal. You need to take a handful of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, sprinkle with a tablespoon of granulated sugar, mix. Pour dried fruit over a glass of red wine. Put the resulting mixture on low heat, simmer for an hour. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add a little cloves, cardamom, cinnamon. Drink liquid half an hour before intimacy in the amount of 1 cup.

Erectile dysfunction is a problem that can occur for various reasons. If sexual impotence is due to serious pathologies, episodic administration of erection pills, although it will allow a full-fledged sexual intercourse, will still not prevent the development of such serious conditions as. Before using pills for potency, you should consult your doctor.

Erectile dysfunction is a problem faced by men at any age. Most are embarrassed to seek help from a specialist, and resort to self-treatment. Speech in today's article will focus on pills for erection. Some can be taken over an extended period of time. Others help increase potency and have a full sexual intercourse after 15-20 minutes. However, before taking medications, you should carefully study the instructions, since all drugs have contraindications and side effects. Recommendations and supervision of a specialist during admission are mandatory.

All means for potency are divided into several groups depending on the direction, mechanism and speed of exposure. active substance:

  1. Selective inhibitors- Medicines to restore potency fast action. Their action is aimed at activating the endocrine glands and stimulating the production male hormones and enzymes that help relax the penis. They have a positive effect on the circulatory system, increasing blood flow to the penis, and prevent premature ejaculation. Together, the multidirectional action provides a good and long-lasting erection a few minutes after ingestion and for several hours. This group includes Viagra, Levitra, Cialis and others.
Comparison of popular drugs to enhance erection (click on the image to enlarge)
  1. Biologically active additives and homeopathic remedies("Vimax", "Furunbao") - safe means folk and not traditional medicine which are used to delay erection. The action is much slower than that of selective inhibitors, but longer - there is an "accumulation" effect. Due to their natural origin minimal amount contraindications. They have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, the circulatory system, the functioning of nerve fibers, increasing the sensitivity of the penis, and immunity, which together enhances potency and male libido in general.

Overview of essential drugs

Before using the drugs, you should consult a specialist who will help identify true reason erectile dysfunction and will prescribe the correct treatment based on the problem, the age of the patient, the general condition and the presence of other diseases of acute and chronic forms.

Table 1. Popular drugs for erection

Name of the drugDescriptionPrice, rubles
"Viagra"A product for prolonged sex based on Sildenafil improves blood flow to the penis and pelvic organs. Convenient to use - the effect occurs within half an hour after taking. The reaction appears in response to stimulation, which avoids various incidents and inconveniences. One tablet valid up to 6 hours. from 600 to 3000
"Levitra"A practically harmless drug based on vardenafil, with a minimum number of contraindications. Allowed sharing with small amounts of alcoholic beverages and fatty foods. Effective remedythe effect is achieved in a quarter of an hour after application.

It has an effect on the circulatory system, stimulating blood flow to the penis, relaxes the muscles.

from 900 for 1 medicinal unit
"Cialis"Erection pills. The reaction of the penis to the reception is noted after 15-18 minutes after application. A drug long-acting– up to 36 hours, which eliminates the need to calculate the time before sex. Together with Cialis, it is allowed to take a small amount of alcoholic beverages.from 1100
Vimaxof natural origin based on Ginkgo Biloba and Chinese lemongrass, which eliminates the occurrence of complications. Contraindication is sensitivity to one of the components.

Stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs premature ejaculation, increases endurance, prolongs sexual intercourse.

from 2500 for 60 capsules
"Impaz"Homeopathic stimulant, is an analogue of Cialis, Viagra and Levitra. A means of delayed action and is prescribed by the course for poor erection.

The increase in potency occurs due to the effect of:

On metabolic processes in the body, which contributes to the release of nitric oxide in the blood;

· On the endocrine glands, increasing the production of testosterone.

from 450 to 700
"Stimarect"Available tool with a cumulative effect. It has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism: it improves blood flow, increases endurance, soothes, relaxes muscles, and improves overall immunity. Thanks to complex impact improves the general condition and stimulates an increase in potency.

drug based on natural component– reindeer antlers, after the end of the course allows you to live a full life sex life, excluding the use of additional erection stimulants. natural composition provides a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. Joint reception with alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated.

from 100 rubles per package
"Pantocrine North"The food supplement contains more than 80 elements. The drug was created on the basis of the active substance - reindeer antlers, which has a positive effect on the genitals.

Tablets are prescribed in a course, which allows you to eliminate the cause of erectile dysfunction.

from 440 to 600 for 40 capsules of 300 mg
"Papaverine"The drug with an antispasmodic effect has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the genital organs, due to which it is used to increase potency. Used intracavernously. 1 injection from 50
"Ikariin"Medication - synthetic analogue of testosterone, which is responsible for potency. In addition, it stimulates physical activity, increases efficiency, stimulates growth muscle mass and improves mood.

The disadvantage of the drug is its absence in many pharmacies, but this is offset by a low price.

from 1300 rubles for a pack of 90 capsules
"Dostinex"prescription drug for elimination hormonal disorders in men. Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, reduces the level of prolactin in the blood. Thanks to recovery hormonal balance improves potency, enhances sensitivity, prolongs sexual contact, prevents premature ejaculation.from 400
"Mastogol"A drug plant origin, which ensures the absence of contraindications and side effects. It has a cumulative effect and with regular use allows you to prolong sexual intercourse, . from 350
"Proviron"Biologically available active additive used to strengthen muscle muscles by athletes and men to increase erections. The action is to block aromatase and activate the synthesis of testosterone.from 400
"Yohimbine"Cheap drug for blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors. Thanks to this, blood circulation is normalized, blood flow to the penis improves. It has a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands, increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which is responsible for male libido (more on).

Refers to biologically active additives. Yohimbine is based on natural component- African yohimbe tree.

from 200
"Power of the Emperor"The drug to enhance erection. It is recommended to take 30 minutes before sexual intercourse, it is valid for 2 days, however pronounced effect observed within 6 hours after application.

Negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system - leads to sleep disturbance and increased excitability.

1300 per pack
"Leveron"A dietary supplement that is available in many pharmacies. High quality product based on natural ingredients.from 800
"Dynamic"A drug prescribed for insufficiency of the genital reaction based on sildenafil citrate. Begins to act 30-40 minutes after application, so the tablet should be taken 1 hour before sexual intercourse during a meal.from 350 to 500
"Stimin"Dietary supplement based on wheat germ, kelp and echinacea. Increases immunity, relaxes muscles, improves the filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood, which together stimulates male libido.from 1500 for 30 capsules

Analogues and generics

Analogues of Viagra, Cialis and others are widely represented on the pharmaceutical market, which not inferior in efficiency, but have a lower cost.

Table 2. Analogues and generics of popular means to improve erection

Name of the drugDescriptionPrice, rubles


A selective drug that is an analogue of Viagra, Cialis and other medicines that have a popular name.

Used for weak erections to prolong sexual arousal. Should be taken half an hour before sexual contact, valid for a quarter of a day.

from 200 per unit of the drug
"Tadasip"Analogue "Cialis". Can be used with alcohol in small doses. Has fewer contraindications that affect only work of cardio-vascular system. 180 for 1 pill
"Sildenafil"Is relatively inexpensive analogue"Viagra". To get the effect you need take 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Works for 4 hours after application. from 250 to 800
"Viagra Soft"A drug for prolonging an erection, which is an analogue of Viagra. Action active ingredient- sildenafil citrate is aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvis, which allows for short span time to fill the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood and provide a "riser" for a long period of time.

To get the effect you need to take 15 minutes before intercourse.The effect is noticeable even 3 hours after ingestion.

from 90 per 1 tablet
"Kamagra Gold"An effective analogue of "Viagra" to increase sexual desire and prolong sexual contact. After taking the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 5-10 minutes, which is a great advantage in comparison with the above drugs.150 for 1 capsule
"Suhagra"Tablets for strengthening potency, an analogue of Viagra at an affordable price.About 100 for one tablet
"Vizarsin"Prescription. Assigned courses.from 100
"Vuka Vuka"Biologically active additive of natural origin. The composition includes an extract of South African plants, which is a natural aphrodisiac.from 500 for 20 capsules
"Tadalafil"An analogue of Cialis with an increased dose of the active ingredient. It is used in the absence of effectiveness after taking Viagra and Cialis. You should start taking 0.5 tablets.900 for 1 tablet
"Tongkat Ali Platinum"dietary supplement with natural composition. A slow-acting remedy, therefore, it can only be used for minor problems with potency.from 100 per 1 capsule
"Tribulus"A supplement that acts on the endocrine glands and stimulates the production of testosterone. In addition, it stimulates muscle tissues, therefore, it is used not only for erectile dysfunction, but also for building muscle mass.from 1270

Contraindications and side effects

All drugs, including those for stimulating erectile function, have a number of restrictions in use. Men with:

  • Tendency to allergic reactions, manifestations in the form of respiratory failure, rash, edema, tachycardia are especially dangerous;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of the drugs;
  • hypertension;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including heart failure;
  • Co-administration of certain groups of drugs (see compatibility in the instructions);

Urologist Iskander Abdullin about the side effects of pills for male power

  • alcohol addiction;
  • Congenital and acquired deformities of the penis;
  • Severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • Ulcerative and erosive lesions of the digestive tract;
  • CNS diseases.

In addition, psychologists argue that many erection drugs have a placebo effect and affect psychological level. A man without the use of pills becomes insecure own forces, there is a fear of sexual contact.

Constant stimulation with drugs leads to disruption of the functioning of the penis, which makes further sexual intercourse impossible without the use of special medications.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Doctors do not recommend joint intake of selective medications to maintain potency with products that contain nitrates in their composition. For example, Nitoring, Sustak, Nitroglycerin, Nitrosorbide. If recommendations are ignored, a man may experience a large jump in blood pressure and the occurrence of hypertension / hypotension.

Also not recommended to use strong drugs of selective origin to stimulate potency together with drugs to stop bleeding. This is due to the multidirectionality of their action - the first are aimed at thinning and accelerating blood flow, the second - to improve blood clotting. This can lead to the opening of internal and external bleeding. With prolonged use, the load on the heart muscle increases and can lead to its dysfunction, in the form of rhythm disturbances and other things.

Also it is worth giving up alcohol while taking drugs that cause an erection, since ethanol:

  • Violates the process of absorption of the active substance of tablets for potency, which leads to a lack of effectiveness;
  • Negatively affects the functioning of the heart muscle - together with pills that stimulate blood circulation for erection, it leads to tachycardia, sharp decline or increased blood pressure, headaches;
  • Strengthens side effects preparations for potency;
  • Violates the microflora of the stomach and, together with means for rapid erection, leads to the formation of erosions on the mucous membranes of the organ and the development of the inflammatory process.

What to do if the pills do not help

It often happens that the means for instant erection do not bring the desired result. In this case, it is necessary make an appointment to see a specialist, despite the constraints and other factors that forced them to resort to self-treatment.

The doctor will help find the cause of the decrease in potency and prescribe the necessary course of therapy, select other drugs to stimulate male libido. If necessary, intracavernous injections into the penis can be used. In the absence of effectiveness, as well as in the presence of indications, surgical intervention. You should contact an andrologist.

Preparations for erectile function are in high demand among men. They are divided into groups, which include drugs that improve potency, depending on the symptoms of the disease that has developed in the patient. Below we will consider the drugs for which are in the greatest demand.

Pills to improve erectile function in men

Inhibitors that block phosphodiesterase-5

This group of drugs due to a sharp improvement in the filling of the penis with blood. This is due to the fact that the drug blocks one of the enzymes - phosphodiesterase-5. The greatest demand from this group of drugs are such as Zidena, Viagra, Levita, Cialis. Each of them has its positive and negative sides which will be discussed below:

  1. One of the first drugs of this type is Viagra, which appeared in pharmacies more than 12 years ago. This remedy is obtained synthetically and the main active ingredient - sildenafil - was created by synthesis. an hour before sexual intercourse. The action of the drug begins 20-30 minutes after taking it and lasts 4-5 hours. Viagra has several drawbacks that force some consumers to stop taking this medication. Side effects that appeared in Viagra are as follows: heartburn, headache, redness of the face, etc. This remedy should not be taken more than once a day. Viagra is available in dosages of 25 to 100 mg. Combining Viagra with fatty foods and alcohol is not recommended.
  2. Cialis is a drug for accelerated. It quickly gained popularity among men due to the duration of its effects. The action of Cialis on the patient's body lasts about 36 hours. Tablets of this drug can be used throughout the day. At the same time, it is provided. But Cialis also has side effects: dyspepsia, headache, some men get stuffy nose from it. This medication is not recommended for use with alcohol. large doses. Eating does not affect the effectiveness of Cialis. This drug is available in dosages of 2.5 to 20 mg.
  3. Levitra is a phosphodiesterase-5 blocking drug and belongs to the same group as Viagra. But unlike them, this drug does not have the side effects characteristic of the above drugs. The duration of exposure to this medication is about 5 hours. Apply 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. In its group is one of the most powerful drugs. Levitra is produced in doses of 5 to 20 mg. The intake rate depends on the age of the man and his weight. Therefore, when using this medication, the patient is advised to consult a doctor.
  4. Zidena has a rapid onset of action on the patient and a maximum duration of action of about 23 hours. When using this drug, a man can drink alcohol and take fatty foods. The medication should be taken half an hour before sexual intercourse. This drug is not as popular as the analogues of Viagra and Cialis described above. Available in a dosage of 100 mg.

Medications based on testosterone

If in the body of a representative of the stronger sex, an erection is disturbed due to an insufficient concentration of sex hormones, then doctors can prescribe treatment hormonal means based on testosterone. To increase the potency in this case, use various drugs, which are produced in the form of tablets, injections, medical patches, various ointments and gels. Doctors usually recommend the use of such medical preparations like Sustanon-250, Andriol, Nebido, Methyltestosterone. For their correct use, you should consult with your doctor.

Herbal and alternative preparations

There are also so-called alternative medicines to eliminate problems with potency. They do not belong to the drugs of traditional medicine and their usefulness and effectiveness has not yet been proven. Such funds include Tribulus, Platinum, Golden Skate and many others.

There are drugs of natural origin, such as Laveron. It is made from plant extract. Serves to harmonize sexual intimacy. In practice, this is a dietary supplement that can be combined with small doses of alcohol. Laveron eliminates various, increases sexual susceptibility in men.

Orgazeks - the combined medicine created on the basis of plants. and sex drive. Improves sperm production.

What is the best drug?

It all depends on the goals pursued by the man. If you need a short-term effect, a remedy such as Viagra is most suitable. If you need to have sexual intercourse for a longer time, it is best to choose Cialis. If a man has a need to use it on an ongoing basis, then for these purposes it is recommended to use Ziden or Levitra, since their side effects are less pronounced.

But before contacting a pharmacy and buying the above drugs, it is better to try to eliminate problems with potency in other ways. First you need to try to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Then you can use the complex special exercises to increase potency. It is recommended to go to healthy lifestyle life and get rid of all negative habits - smoking and alcoholism.

If this was not enough, then all methods of increasing potency should be combined with the use of synthetic drugs, such as Viagra. This method in some cases is so effective that over time the man stops using medications, and the potency remains high.

When choosing a particular medication, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

How to improve erectile function at home? This question worries a huge number of representatives of the male half of the population. At present, it is a very common occurrence. Constant stress, bad environment, malnutrition, abuse alcoholic drinks, nicotine addiction and other factors can cause difficulties in the sexual sphere.

With abnormal erectile function, a man has a feeling of inferior sexual intercourse, which greatly affects his emotional state. If this happens often, then even a completely self-confident man can develop an inferiority complex. That is why, after the appearance of the above problem, you need to sign up for a consultation with a doctor as soon as possible and go through all the necessary examinations.

Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, from 25 to 40. At a young age, such disorders are most often associated with emotional state men. In the more mature, abnormal erectile function in most cases is associated with various diseases.

If certain problems arise in the sexual sphere, young people with neuropsychiatric disorders are advised by experts to start leading a healthy lifestyle. It is very important to give up cigarettes and alcohol. Proper nutrition, playing sports, taking various supplements will help in the male body. It is important to keep exercising nervous system with specific exercises. For these purposes, meditation is suitable. As already mentioned, very important physical exercise. Men are advised to walk at least 3 km a day. Such walking has a very positive effect on the blood circulation of the pelvic organs.

When the problem described above appears, doctors advise performing such an exercise as imitation of a parade step. observed after daily tension and relaxation of the buttocks and anus. Such movements help strengthen the muscles that work during intimacy.

If the main cause of violations are various diseases, then the first thing the patient needs to be cured of them. In most cases, after recovery, the patient's sexual life also normalizes.

Another very important rule- in order to be less likely to encounter erectile dysfunction, experts advise men to conduct regular sexual life. This requirement is explained quite simply - the penis is a muscle that needs constant training. Prolonged abstinence it won't lead to anything good.


As many studies show, the constant consumption of certain foods will help. First of all, we are talking about products such as:

  1. Oysters - seafood boasts high content vitamins and minerals needed for testosterone production.
  2. Fruits rich in vitamin C - oranges, lemons and mangoes will improve sperm production. Just 2 servings of fruit will have a positive effect on the quality and duration of sexual intercourse.
  3. Garlic - this product has aphrodisiac properties. That is why it will help restore the sexual functions of the male body.
  4. Fish rich fatty acids, improves fertility and potency.
  5. Chocolate is a source of vitamin E, phosphorus and zinc. These components will help improve sexual function male body.


Very often, essential oils are used to stimulate sexual functions in men. We all know that different pleasant smells attract men to the opposite sex. Smell is popular sandalwood. This aroma helps to normalize or increase potency in men (regardless of how old the patient is). The same positive effect juniper oil. Quite soon after the start of its use, it is observed.

It is very important to use essential oils correctly. In too in large numbers they can cause bronchospasm. Just a few drops of your favorite oil, applied to any place where the pulse beats, will give the desired results (improved erectile function). If desired a small amount of oils can be added to a warm water bath.


Today, everyone knows that it is possible to improve sexual functions folk remedies. ethnoscience has proven itself with positive side in the fight against many diseases. The deterioration of erectile function is no exception.

At home, you can use many healthy ingredients. Especially popular are self-prepared products, the main ingredients of which are medicinal herbs.

Replace pharmacological preparations thyme can. From this plant at home you can cook very useful decoction. 100 g of finely chopped thyme must be infused in 200 ml. hot water until the liquid reaches room temperature. It is necessary to drink a ready-made broth every time after a meal. 100 ml of liquid will be enough.

Nettle tincture is no less popular - 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant should be infused in 1 cup of boiling water for a quarter of an hour. The resulting consistency must be filtered and taken orally before meals.

How to increase potency with the help of a collection of stinging nettle, clover, St. John's wort and mint? All components must be taken in equal quantities and placed in a bowl of boiling water. After 60 minutes, the product is ready for use. You need to drink this tincture 2-3 times a day.

Ginseng tincture is very effective for improving erectile function. For its preparation 1/2 tbsp. l. finely chopped plant must be mixed with 350 g of natural honey and set aside for 10 days. It is necessary to take such a medicine three times a day for 50 g. As practice shows, after 1-2 months of such treatment, an increase in potency is observed.

To eliminate the above problem, the rhizome of marsh calamus is often used. You can cook it at home the most useful tincture. To do this, 1 tablespoon of crushed root should be poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol and sent to a dark place for 14 days. It is necessary to take such a liquid in 20-30 ml. three times a day. The course of treatment is at least 30 days. One month is enough to increase male strength. A tincture of marsh calamus root will give positive results no matter how old the man is.

Traditional medicine recipes

AT home medicine can be used not only medicinal plants. Other homemade ingredients are no less effective. So, for example, honey is very popular in the fight against low potency. Since ancient times, bee products have been among the most powerful stimulants of male sexual performance. For cooking useful mixture 300 g of honey should be mixed with 100 ml. aloe juice. The finished mixture should be taken orally 40 g twice a day.

Red wine can be added to the above components. Get a no less useful healing mixture. 2 tablespoons of honey should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 3 tablespoons of red wine. The resulting consistency must be insisted for 2-3 weeks. Drink the prepared tincture before meals. This recipe most often used by men over 40 years old.

A well-established recipe, which includes white wine. In 1 liter of white wine, dilute half a glass of lemon juice and 1 glass of orange juice. After that, you need to add 1 spoon of liquor, 1 spoon of honey, a little cardamom to the liquid, fresh leaves mint and cinnamon. The resulting consistency must be heated (in no case should it boil). Next, the drink should be placed in the refrigerator for 3 days, strain and drink immediately before intimacy. So specific sexual stimulant begins to act almost immediately after taking it.

A homemade mixture of calamus root, honey and cinnamon is as effective as many pharmaceutical preparations. 100 g of root should be kept in a bowl with half a liter of water for 2 days. Next, the liquid must be boiled over low heat for about 4 hours. Gradually, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and honey should be added to it. sexual functions men will improve if a man takes this tincture every day after meals (100 ml each).

The following recipe will help increase sexual desire and improve erectile function - 1 tablespoon of crushed nettle seeds should be mixed with an equal amount of honey and grape wine. Ready gruel should be taken orally after meals. 1 tablespoon will be enough.

Men who often face the problem described above should know how to increase their sex drive with egg capsule seeds and red wine. In 1 glass of wine, add 1 tablespoon of seeds. Keep the resulting mass in a water bath for about 30 minutes. It is necessary to take this remedy three times a day.

6 g of onion seeds should be mixed with 9 g of wild carrot seeds, 18 g of hemp seeds, 12 g of poppy seeds, 15 g of peeled sesame seeds, 12 g of nettle seeds and 18 g of sugar. A homogeneous consistency should be taken orally for 6 g. It should be washed down with diluted dessert wine. The desired results are visible after the first dose of the product.

The following recipe is no less effective - 1 kg. asparagus root should be mixed with 90 g of turnip seeds and carrot seeds. The ingredients must be chopped. Then add 1 liter to them cow's milk and 1 kg. butter. Keep the resulting consistency on fire until the milk is completely evaporated. A thick mixture should remain. It must be taken once a day for 170 g.

To increase potency at home, products such as walnuts and honey are often used.

200 g peeled walnuts must be poured pre-melted natural honey. The resulting mixture should be boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes and poured into glass jar. The medicinal gruel should be put aside for 1 month. Take this medicine should be 6 tablespoons per day.

Before using any of the above home remedy to improve the erectile function of the male body, you need to make an appointment with your doctor. The fact is that some home remedies can cause allergic reaction or some other complication. Experienced specialist will give everything necessary recommendations and help avoid serious errors in treatment.

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