How to treat advanced lichen in a shepherd dog. How to treat lichen in a dog - causes of infection, signs and symptoms. Oral preparations - capsules, tablets

Skin diseases are one of the most pressing problems, lichen in dogs is no exception, especially since it is dangerous for humans.

The epidermis, or skin, is a natural barrier against negative factors. This unique organ is capable of performing a huge number of processes, ranging from the synthesis of vitamins to thermoregulation and protection of the whole organism.

This is the main shield against bacteria, viruses and fungal infections. Many negative factors lead to a violation of the protective ability (malnutrition, violation of zoohygienic standards, uncontrolled intake of certain drugs, environmental issues, and much more).

Dermatophytoses (skin diseases caused by a fungus) are widespread in humans and animals. Most often, these diseases occur in young animals and the elderly and with a decrease in immunity. Seasonality is also noted, the problem often occurs in spring and autumn.

The main types of lichen in dogs are trichophytosis and microsporia. Pityriasis rosea in dogs is a common name for infections that are caused by viruses and other agents, sometimes self-limiting, occur spontaneously, and treatment is symptomatic.

It should be noted that single fungi can also be found in healthy individuals. In the presence of various factors and a decrease in immune forces, pathological

The main pathogens are Microsporum and Trichophyton. An infected animal is dangerous to people and healthy individuals. Trichophytosis and microsporia can pass from cat to dog and vice versa, as well as from person to animal. Rodents are also at risk.

These microscopic fungi infect the surface layer of the skin, claw covers and coat. The pathogen can persist in the environment for up to one and a half years and is spread by spores that are very stable in the external environment.

If a fungus is found on the coat, contact with a sick pet should be excluded from people at risk (small children, the elderly and adults with impaired immunity, weakened).

Infection most often occurs directly from the patient or indirectly (through dishes, clothes, bedding, etc.). In dogs, there is an individual resistance to the pathogen, the lower it is, the higher the risk of getting sick.

The fungus mainly affects the keratinized areas of the skin. The coat is wrinkled and a spot with alopecia (bare area) or a thinned circle is formed. Metabolic products and spores of the fungus can penetrate microcracks and provoke an inflammatory reaction.

The infected hair follicle becomes accessible to pathogenic agents and secondary folliculitis develops. The infectious process spreads in a circle, which gives a classic picture of the affected foci.

Typically, owners find the following symptoms: places without hair, scales, peeling of the skin, hyperemia (redness), sometimes this is all accompanied by severe itching, but not always.

Ringworm in dogs can be manifested by the appearance of bumpy, raised areas of the skin with a serious inflammatory process. The diameter of such lesions ranges from 2 to 4 cm.

There are also atypical forms of manifestation that can only be differentiated by a veterinarian after a complex of examinations.

In a veterinary clinic, with suspected lichen in a dog, an examination begins with translucence of the coat with a Wood's lamp. Some species of Mycrosporum give off a characteristic bright green glow. Therefore, this method should not be the only one.

Wool with creases is taken from the affected areas and sent for examination under a microscope to a laboratory assistant or seeding is carried out. In some cases, a biopsy is performed, sending a piece of skin to the laboratory.

Under a microscope, mycelium and spores of the fungus are found. In this case, the diagnosis is final and complex treatment is prescribed. During research, secondary bacterial microflora can be detected and adequate antibiotic therapy can be selected.

Emphasis should be placed on skin problems that manifest as ringworm, such as allergic weeping eczema.

This disease is caused by hypersensitivity and has nothing to do with fungi. In this case, it manifests itself with symptoms, as in the case of ringworm disease in dogs, that is, the presence of rounded foci without hair and red inflammatory areas of the skin.

Pink lichen with vesicles on the skin and peeling should also not be confused with true dermatophytosis.

These and other pathologies are non-contagious and are most often associated with systemic problems of the animal, a vivid example is endocrinological alopecia. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should contact the veterinary center for diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment must be comprehensive. How to treat lichen in a dog? In addition to local treatments, it is necessary to regularly treat the dog's habitat, as well as its bowl and bedding with disinfectant solutions. On a walk, you can not contact other animals until complete recovery.

Previously, doctors prescribed a therapeutic vaccine against dermatophytes, but recently, due to the lack of proper results, it is increasingly being abandoned.

The last generation and the drug of choice is Imaverol, which has proven itself well, with low toxicity. Also for processing, bathing the animal with therapeutic antifungal shampoos is used, with mandatory exposure. To prevent drugs from entering the gastrointestinal tract, dogs wear protective collars that limit mobility.

With systemic lesions, the doctor prescribes oral preparations (inside) to cure the generalized form. Antifungal agents carry side effects and only a specialist should prescribe them, choosing the dose strictly by weight, otherwise intoxication (vomiting, diarrhea, depression) can be provoked at home.

When treating lichen in dogs, you should not self-medicate, because without confirmation of the presence of fungal hyphae, you can harm your pet.

Sometimes lichen is confused with symptoms of dermatitis and weeping eczema. Along with specific therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides), antihistamines (antiallergics), which relieve itching and suppress the development of secondary secondary microflora, can be prescribed. Immunostimulants also remain relevant to cure the animal.

It should be taken into account that if treatment is delayed or the disease progresses, then the diagnosis is confirmed again or immunodeficiency states are excluded.

To prevent ringworm, you should exclude contact of your four-legged friend with homeless or questionable animals. If dermatophytes are found in family members, the dog should be shown to a veterinary dermatologist and contact with an infected owner should be excluded, which is very important.

Preventive measures also include a properly selected diet, good living conditions (clean, well-ventilated room), active exercise, optimal physical activity. Bathing should be carried out as it gets dirty, grooming at home will also reduce the risk of fungal infection of the skin and coat.

Regularly clean your pet's habitat, treating the floors once a month with disinfectants.

All this will help maintain immunity and strengthen the defense mechanisms of your pet.

Ringworm in dogs is a contagious skin disease that is difficult to treat and is fungal or viral in nature. If your pet suddenly begins to lose hair and incomprehensible red spots appear on the body, this is an alarming bell. It is possible that the dog has lichen, from which the animal may die if not treated promptly.

What to do if you notice baldness and spots? How to quickly and effectively overcome the infection? How serious is it and can humans and other pets get infected from a dog? We will answer all these and other questions in our article.

What is this disease

Ringworm is a group of skin diseases that have a similar clinical picture: rash, itching, inflammation and hair loss. Each of the types of pathology is caused by its pathogen (fungi or viruses), has its own causes, degree of contagiousness and methods of treatment.

Types of pathology

  1. Herpes zoster (viral herpes). Skin disease of a viral nature. The causative agent is the herpes virus (Herpes zoster). The main localization sites are the abdomen and chest. The skin in the affected areas is very itchy and sore. Dogs seek relief from pain and itching and scratch the affected areas, bringing dirt and secondary infection into the wounds.
  2. Pityriasis (colorful) lichen does not cause suffering to pets. Visually, it looks like a small speck with a yellow dried crust on the skin of a dog. The causative agent of the disease is yeast-like fungi. Over time, the crust changes color to brown. Most often, the paws and back of the dog are affected, it can be located on the neck of the animal.
  3. Weeping lichen is a non-contagious pathology. It develops as a result of allergic reactions to food. It can signal a sharp decrease in the dog's immunity, and also be a reaction to stressful situations. The second name of the pathology is weeping dermatitis. This type of lichen can become chronic. It visually looks like bubbles on the skin filled with a cloudy liquid. Over time, the bubbles burst, the liquid flows out. In the advanced stage, purulent mucus is released instead of liquid. It is characterized by swelling of tissues. The incubation period is 3-4 days.
  4. Ringworm (ring-shaped) is a contagious type of pathology. The infection is caused by the mass reproduction of two types of fungi: Microsporum and Trichophyton. Hair loss appears. Wool falls out in the form of oval spots, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich grows with time. If you do not stop the reproduction of fungi, lichen can capture the entire surface of the skin. Bald areas are very itchy. Itching irritates the animal, depresses its psyche. Dogs are constantly scratching themselves, bringing dirt into their wounds. Lethal outcome is not excluded. The incubation period of the disease is 3-12 days.
  5. Pink lichen is not transmitted from dog to person. It differs from other species in that sick dogs do not experience severe discomfort with it. It looks like a small pink spot (1-3 cm). This pathology is considered an allergic reaction to viral infections. It affects dogs with weakened immune systems.


The length of the incubation period for pink, herpes zoster, and pityriasis versicolor is unknown.

Who is at risk

A healthy and strong immune system of the dog's body is able to cope with lichen pathogens. But, as soon as the animal's immunity fails, the risk of infection increases tenfold.

The risk group includes:

  • puppies (up to 12 months), especially weakened and unvaccinated;
  • dogs on uncontrolled walking;
  • emaciated animals;
  • pets who had contact with stray animals;
  • dogs during the period of illness and recovery from serious illnesses;
  • pets during the postoperative period;
  • immunocompromised dogs.

Ways of infection

Lichen spores can live in the external environment for several years. In addition, they are resistant to aggressive media and some disinfectants. Therefore, the danger of fungal infection can lie in wait for a dog anywhere.

The main ways of infection:

  1. contact - from a sick animal (cat or dog);
  2. on a walk - soil, plants can be inseminated with spores;
  3. through care items (combs);
  4. a person can bring spores of the fungus into the house on shoes or clothes.

Symptoms of lichen in a dog

Each type of lichen has its own symptoms. It is important to pay attention to your dog in order to notice warning signs in time and begin therapy.

Common symptoms common to all species

  • changes in taste preferences, dogs beg for sweets;
  • apathy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • excitability;
  • hyperthermia (except for shingles);
  • pale mucous membranes.

Shingles symptoms

  • the appearance of large hairless areas on the neck, muzzle, in the back of the head and in the area of ​​​​the auricles;
  • after a day, the spots swell and become inflamed;
  • after a few days, the bald areas begin to itch and peel off;
  • if the dog combs the bald patches, secondary infection occurs, suppuration and tissue necrosis is possible.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor

  • hyperthermia;
  • large bald patches on the entire body of the dog;
  • the skin of bald areas changes color to bright pink or brown;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • over time, the bald patches begin to get wet and inflamed.

Weeping lichen symptoms

  • the appearance of large hairless spots in the tail or head area;
  • severe itching, the dog itches;
  • ichor oozes from wounds;
  • over time, the wounds begin to bleed.

Ringworm - symptoms

  • the appearance of "bald" oval-shaped areas throughout the body of the animal;
  • severe itching;
  • combing the affected areas;
  • without treatment, bald patches begin to get wet and increase their area.

Pink lichen - symptoms

  • numerous hairless areas on the body of the dog, resembling a rash (size no more than 2 cm);
  • redness of the affected areas;
  • in the center of the spots, the skin is yellow and flaky;
  • without treatment, the area of ​​the spots increases, peeling and itching intensify.

Places of localization

Most often, lichen is localized in the head and neck, on the limbs and around the dog's tail. Usually the first foci appear on the muzzle and ears of the animal.

If the correct treatment is not started in a timely manner, the pet will comb itself, the area of ​​the affected skin will gradually increase.

Diagnosis of the disease

If one or more symptoms appear that indicate that the dog may have lichen, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Only in a clinical setting can the diagnosis be confirmed or refuted.

Diagnostic measures:

  • Primary inspection. The doctor examines the dog and examines the symptoms.
  • Wood's lamp diagnosis. Inspection of the animal under the glow of "black light" (Wood's lamp). Fungi and some other microorganisms emit a fluorescent glow under this light source.
  • Sowing a fungal culture. This study is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis. It is considered the most reliable. A scraping is taken from diseased areas of the animal's skin, which is placed in a special environment where lichen spores begin to grow actively.

What does ringworm look like in dogs

near the ear

on the head

on the stomach

Photo - what does lichen look like in a dog

Treatment at home - folk methods

The recipes of traditional medicine are given for review and we remind you that all of them do not have proven effectiveness. In addition, uncontrolled use of these products without the advice of a veterinarian can harm your pet. Be careful and attentive!

First method

What will be required:

  • laundry soap;
  • cotton pads;

How to handle:

  • put on gloves and carefully trim the hair in places affected by lichen;
  • make a saturated soap solution from laundry soap and warm water;
  • treat sore spots with cotton pads, trying not to hurt the dog;
  • after that, treat the lesions with iodine.

The procedure is repeated daily until the animal recovers. To prevent the dog from licking his wounds, use an Elizabethan collar.


Remember that iodine is toxic to animals, do not self-medicate!

Second method

What will be required:

  • disposable medical gloves;
  • cotton pads;
  • Apple vinegar.

How to handle:

  • put on disposable gloves and cut the hair around the wounds;
  • soak a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar and apply on the affected area;
  • repeat the treatment daily until the ringworm is gone.

This method is only suitable for rosacea. Other types of pathology are not treated in this way.


If traditional medicine does not help, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian, he will tell you how to treat lichen in dogs.


professional treatment

The disease requires an integrated approach to treatment. The full course is from 6 to 8 weeks. This is due to the high survivability of fungal spores. It is impossible to completely cure a dog if only local treatment of the affected areas is used. To increase efficiency, therapeutic measures are carried out simultaneously with the disinfection of animal habitats and care items.

initial stage

While the area of ​​the affected areas of the dog's skin is not very large, it is enough to treat the sore spots with external antifungal and anti-inflammatory agents:

  • creams;
  • emulsions;
  • ointments;
  • sprays;
  • shampoos.

Read more about popular external preparations further in our article.

Severe (advanced) stage

With a large degree of damage and an advanced form of pathology, it is necessary to give oral preparations simultaneously with the treatment of diseased skin areas.

The most effective are:

  • griseofulvin;
  • ketoconazole;
  • fluconazole;
  • terbinafine;
  • itraconazole.

All these medicines are also used to treat humans. The veterinarian must select the remedy and calculate the allowable dosage.


Simultaneously with the treatment procedures, disinfection is carried out of everything that the sick dog has come into contact with.

External preparations - solutions, ointments, sprays

Ointment Yam Bq

A popular external agent of fungicidal and bactericidal action, which has no analogues. It is highly effective against fungal diseases. It has been used in veterinary medicine for a long time. The product is low-toxic, safe for animals of all ages and conditions.

Ingredients: tar, salicylic acid, sulfur, turpentine, petroleum jelly, zinc oxide, creolin, lanolin.

How to use: apply with a special spatula on the affected areas and around them (3-4 cm) in a thin layer 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days.

What it treats: ringworm, shingles.

Price: pack of 20 mg. - 75 rubles / 18 UAH.


A dermatological agent with an antifungal effect is available in the form of sprays and solutions. The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. The drug relieves the animal of itching, effectively destroys pathogenic cells. It has wound healing properties.

Ingredients: sulfur, glycerin, propolis.

How to use: the product is applied to and around the lesions with a cotton swab or sterile gauze and gently rubbed into the skin. The procedure is repeated 1 time per day for 10-14 days.

What it treats: ringworm, pityriasis versicolor.

Price: solution (30 ml.) - 310 rubles / 85 UAH; spray (30 ml.) - 415 rubles / 115 UAH.


The basis of the antifungal agent is synthetic imidazole. The active ingredient inhibits the reproduction of the fungus, causes its death.

How to use: apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected areas of the skin, capturing the area around them. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

What it treats: pityriasis versicolor.

Price: tube (20 gr.) - 185 rubles / 31 UAH.


Cream of complex action based on betamethasone, gentamicin and clotrimazole. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Effective against fungi.

How to use: applied to the diseased areas with a thin layer 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

What it treats: Ringworm.

Price: tuba (15 gr.) - 110 rubles / 55 UAH.


The solution, popularly referred to as "red brilliant green", has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Ingredients: boric acid, phenol, acetone and resorcinol. The product is toxic, it should not be allowed to lick.

How to apply: the affected areas are lubricated with a solution 3 times a day until complete healing.

What it treats: shingles, ringworm.

Price: bottle (25 ml.) - 40 rubles / 10 UAH.


An effective antifungal emulsion based on enilconazole. The active substance destroys the spores of the fungus at the cell level. Used in complex therapy. The product is safe, acts in the superficial layers of the skin, is quickly removed.

How to use: before use, dilute the emulsion with boiled water at room temperature (1:50). The affected areas of the skin are treated with a cotton pad 1 time in 4 days.

What it treats: Ringworm.

Price: bottle (100 ml.) - 1450 rubles / 845 UAH.

Oral preparations - capsules, tablets


An antifungal antibiotic based on the substance Griseofulvin. Has a cumulative effect. The active substance of the drug stops the reproduction of the fungus.

How to use: give to dogs during feeding 1 tablet 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 14-20 days.

What it treats: Ringworm.

Price: package (20 tablets) - 220 rubles / 45 UAH.


Tablets with antifungal, fungistatic and antiandrogenic action. The drug is considered potent.

How to use: give to animals with food at a dosage of 5-10 mg / kg every 10-12 hours or 1 time per day at the rate of 10-20 mg / kg.

What it treats: ringworm, weeping lichen.

Price: package (10 tablets) - 150 rubles / 130 UAH.


Synthetic antifungal agent inhibits the activity of fungi. It is excreted through the kidneys of the dog unchanged.

How to use: give to animals with food at a dosage of 10-20 mg/kg 2 times a day.

What it treats: ringworm, weeping, pityriasis versicolor.

Price: package (10 tablets) - 35 rubles / 12 UAH.


Tablets with a pronounced antimycotic and anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed as part of complex therapy. Shows activity against causative agents of dermatomycosis.

How to use: give to animals with food 1 time per day at a dosage of 20-30 mg/kg.

What it treats: pityriasis versicolor.

Price: package (10 tablets) - 140 rubles / 45 UAH.


The most effective medicine in the treatment of ringworm. Itraconazole inhibits the reproduction of the fungus and prevents it from developing. Produced in the form of capsules.

How to use: give to animals with food 1 time per day at a dosage of 10 mg / kg. The course of treatment is up to 1 month.

What it treats: Ringworm.

Price: package (14 caps) - 320 rubles / 43 UAH.

Medical vaccines

Treatment-and-prophylactic vaccines have the most effective effect in the treatment of lichen. For medicinal purposes, injections are made 2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days.

The following drugs are used to vaccinate dogs:

  1. Polivak TM;
  2. Wakderm-F;
  3. Microderm.

How do you know if treatment is helping?

Signs that the therapy is effective:

  1. In places of defeat, crusts are actively separated.
  2. New hair begins to grow on the bald patches.
  3. Skin redness disappears.
  4. Itching goes away, the dog itches less.

Finally, it is possible to make sure that the treatment has achieved its goal only in a clinic setting. There, the dog is examined under a Wood's lamp and scrapings and cultures are taken. Only after two negative tests carried out with a monthly interval, we can talk about the complete healing of the dog.

Is lichen in a dog dangerous for human health?

Pink and weeping lichen does not pose any danger to humans and other pets. We have already mentioned this in our article.

Ringworm, shingles, and pityriasis versicolor is a contagious disease. It is not dangerous only for absolutely healthy people with strong immunity. If the immune system of a person copes with the disease on its own, you can become infected and not notice it.

But, for young children, people with undermined immunity, pregnant and lactating women lichen is a huge danger. Therefore, you need to take precautions when dealing with animals.

The danger of infection is not only stray street dogs and sick animals. Pets can also be infected if they are carriers of fungal spores.


Prevention measures:

  1. Preventive vaccination against lichen.
  2. Never touch unfamiliar dogs and cats. Forbid children to approach stray dogs and cats.
  3. Maintain hygiene. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap after each contact with the dog and its accessories, upon returning from the street.
  4. Regularly clean the hallway with disinfectants.
  5. After each walk, wash the paws of the animal and your shoes.
  6. Try to keep your dog out of contact with stray animals.
  7. Follow quarantine measures if there is a sick animal in the house.

Ringworm Vaccination

Therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines (Polivak TM, Vakderm-F, Microderm) are used both as part of therapy and for prevention.

Dog Owner Stories

Valeria:“My shepherd dog had some kind of black crust on his nose, then the hair began to fall out in this place. The vet diagnosed her with ringworm. We were prescribed Imaverol. They said to treat the affected area of ​​the nose 1 time in 3-4 days for 2 months. They also prescribed Clotrimazole ointment to smear her nose. In addition, they advised to give the dog vitamins to drink. After the first treatment with Imaverol, the dog's nose turned red and in some places it became ichor. This scared us. But, after 3 days, everything began to dry out, and after a week, new hairs of wool began to appear on the nose. We managed to completely get rid of lichen in 1.5 months.

Sergey:“My Yorkie got lichen after the show. We had 2 injections of Microderm. One immediately at the reception, the second was done after 10 days. In breaks, I treated the affected areas with Yam ointment. Quite quickly got rid of this infection. For the period of treatment, they left with the dog to live in the country, so as not to infect the children and the cat.

Marina:“I always thought that only cats were lichen. Therefore, I did not attach much importance when my dog's hair around the eye began to fall out and redness appeared. The first days I smeared this place with iodine. It seemed to me that it would be right. But, when after a week the spot began to increase in size, and the dog began to try to comb the eye, I got scared. My husband and I took her to the vet. It was only there that I found out it was lichen. The doctor immediately prescribed Itraconazole tablets for us and forbade me to smear this place with iodine. Instead of iodine, he advised to treat the wound with Fukortsin. Treated for almost 2 months. If I had known earlier how lichen begins in dogs, we would have cured the dog faster.”

Quite often, dog owners find signs of a very unpleasant disease in their pets.

Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is a zooanthroponotic (transmitted from animal to person or from person to animal) disease of an infectious-allergic nature that affects the skin. Its occurrence is due to the penetration of fungal, bacterial and viral agents into the body.

How does lichen spread?

The main route of transmission of this disease is contact. A pet can become infected through contact with sick fellows or people, as well as simply lying in the grass or on the ground where they are present. spores of microorganisms that cause lichen. Also, infection occurs through dog care items. The main trigger for the development of the disease is a decrease in the immunity of the animal. But an important role in the development of this unpleasant sore can be played by too young or, conversely, the advanced age of the pet, pregnancy and lactation in bitches, or the presence of oncopathology.

Most often, the disease develops when such infectious agents enter the body of dogs:

  • Fungi: Microsporum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Pityrosporum orbiculare, Malassezia furfur.
  • The virus that causes rosacea.

bacterial flora is secondary, joining the place of invasion of fungi or viruses.

How do pathogens enter the body?

Every animal owner should know what lichen looks like in dogs in order to take action in time and save their four-legged friend from an unpleasant sore.

Most often, in the initial stage, no signs of the disease are imperceptible. They begin to appear as the pathogenic agent multiplies. A signal that something is wrong with the animal may be the appearance of small areas of redness and thickening of the skin in places where hair growth is minimal: in the armpits, on the inner thighs, on the muzzle or ears. However, the disease does not always begin to progress from these places and may manifest itself in another part of the dog's body.

In order for the treatment of eczema to be successful, the factor that caused it must be identified and eliminated. If this is not done, then the disease will progress no matter what.

Diagnosis of skin diseases

In order to correctly prescribe treatment, the doctor must be sure of the correctness of the diagnosis. If you start treating the disease without identifying the pathogen, you can cause significant harm to the animal!

Veterinarians are currently use the following diagnostic methods:

  • Wood's lamp is a special device that allows you to determine the presence of fungal spores on the skin and coat of an animal. With this device, the dog is illuminated in a dark room and if spores of pathogenic fungi are present, a greenish glow will be observed.
  • Sowing pathogens on nutrient media is a method that gives one hundred percent accurate diagnosis. The collection and transfer of material to the laboratory should be carried out by a veterinarian. However, it may take up to two weeks for the results to arrive.
  • Examination of wool under a microscope - the studied material is treated with an alkaline solution, which reacts with pathogens and causes the phenomenon of fluorescence. That is what the specialist sees.

How and how to treat lichen?

You can treat lichen at home, but before that you should visit a veterinarian and pass the necessary tests. Treatment of the disease can begin after receiving the results of the diagnosis, when the doctor can prescribe the necessary drugs. In the room where the dog lives, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning using disinfectant solutions (Blanidas, Dezaktin, Korzolex). If you have other pets that may be infected, they should be isolated.

The main condition and key to success in the treatment of lichen is an integrated approach.

The oral preparation Griseofulvin, which can be added to food, has proven itself well. But it has a significant side effect: it has a toxic effect on the bone marrow, inhibiting the function of hematopoiesis. Its use should occur as prescribed by a veterinarian under the control of a detailed general blood test. If the dog is pregnant, this remedy is strictly contraindicated!

Possibility of oral administration intraconosole or ketoconazole, although its effect in monotherapy has not been proven.

Treatment of skin diseases is also possible with the help of veterinary drugs Nobivak, Polivak, Vakderm. In a therapeutic dose, they are administered once intramuscularly. There is a prophylactic dose, the introduction of which must be repeated once every 6 months.

Local treatment consists in applying drugs directly to the affected areas of the body. First of all, it is necessary to cut off the wool in the affected area, and only then begin processing. The dog may experience discomfort, because it often feels a burning sensation at the site of application of the medicine. For these purposes, nitrofungin, fukortsin, clotrimazole or other ointment is used, which has antimycotic activity.

All procedures are carried out with rubber gloves to prevent possible infection.

To stimulate the improvement of the immune system, the dog should receive immunostimulating drugs (Cycloferon, Immunofan) and multivitamin complexes and vitamins to accelerate the growth of a new healthy coat (Brevers, Trivitamin).

During the recovery period, the dog should eat well. The owner should try to protect the pet from psycho-emotional upheavals and stress, which can again provoke the development of the disease.

Watch your pets and at the slightest deterioration in their condition contact your veterinarian. If you start treating the animal on time, then you will not have to regret the irretrievably missed opportunities!

Ringworm in dogs


Dog lichen (dermatophytosis, trichophytosis) is an infectious highly contagious skin disease of dogs that can take a protracted form. A dermatological disease in our four-toed friends is caused by a certain type of pathogenic dermatophyte fungus. The disease is manifested by severe itching, the appearance of hairless areas on the body of a pet.

Lichen is dangerous for dogs, cats, other animals, as well as for humans, so it is very important to start treatment in a timely manner, based on what type of trichophytosis is diagnosed in your pet.

Causes of the development of the disease and ways of infection

Lichen in dogs provokes a pathogenic trichophyton fungus, which is resistant to various external factors. It is this aspect that explains the widespread occurrence of this dermatological disease.

Dermatophyte fungi are resistant to moisture, various temperature conditions, and, what is most unpleasant, is very quickly transmitted from sick animals to healthy ones. Spores of pathogenic fungi can be found in grass, on plants, in the ground, on the soil surface.

Infection with ringworm occurs through direct close contact of healthy individuals with sick individuals. A pet can become infected with spores of pathogenic fungi through household items, dog ammunition (leashes, collars, brushes). It is enough for a dog to lie down on a bedding contaminated with fungal spores and eat infected food.

The risk group includes small puppies, young animals with weak immune systems, as well as older dogs weakened by viral, infectious diseases. Ringworm is especially dangerous for pregnant, lactating bitches, newborn puppies, representatives of dwarf, miniature breeds. It is noted that in long-haired dogs, ringworm is diagnosed much more often than in short-haired breeds.

Symptoms and types of lichen

In veterinary practice, lichen in dogs manifests itself in the following forms and varieties:

  • Pink deprive. It is the most dangerous form of dermatophytosis. It is manifested by the appearance of small light spots up to 2 cm in diameter. The lesions have a regular rounded shape, itch strongly, are localized on the muzzle, in the area of ​​the croup, on the inner surface of the limbs, on the sides, and on the tail. The skin in the affected areas is dry, thickened. As trichophytosis progresses, the spots increase in diameter, merge, forming extensive affected areas.
  • Ringworm. Pathogenic fungus affects the upper layers of the dermis. In places where dermatophyte fungi are introduced, wool falls out, and an inflammatory process develops. Ringworm affects the muzzle, limbs, tail, back of dogs, claws. Areas infected with spores of the fungus are very itchy. Light hairless spots of a rounded shape are noticeable, which quickly spread throughout the body. In dogs, the quality and condition of the coat is significantly deteriorating.
  • Weeping lichen. This form does not apply to infectious dermatological pathologies. The disease is inflammatory in nature and most often develops under the influence of various allergens. When examining the skin, numerous rashes, small blisters filled with pathogenic exudate, small round spots of a bluish-pink hue are noticeable. Dogs experience severe itching in the localization of the affected areas. There may be a deterioration in the general condition, a slight increase in temperature.
  • Herpes zoster form. It develops under the influence of the canine herpes virus. The lesions are visible on the sides, in the sternum, intercostal areas, on the abdomen. The clinical picture is supplemented by the formation of liquid elements that spontaneously burst, which leads to the formation of crusts, scabs.

As you can see, the symptoms depend on the form, stage of the disease, the intensity of the development of pathological processes. In the early stages, small pinkish, gray spots of a round, oval shape can be seen on the dog's body. Hair falls out at the injection sites. As trichophytosis progresses, small spots merge, which leads to the formation of extensive lesions.


When diagnosing, a comprehensive examination of animals is carried out, skin scrapings are taken from the affected areas, particles of the affected claws are taken for microscopic examination. To determine the form of trichophytosis, take into account the nature, shape, color of the spots, localization of the affected areas.

According to the results of diagnostic studies, the veterinarian prescribes an effective treatment.


Having noticed the first clinical manifestations, given the high contagiousness of a dermatological fungal disease, it is worth isolating the dog in a separate room for the duration of treatment, protecting it from contact with people and other pets.

The treatment regimen is prescribed by a veterinarian, taking into account the form, nature, intensity, severity of clinical manifestations. To prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the deep structures of the dermis, the development of pyoderma, it is very important to start treatment as soon as possible.

For the treatment of the pink form of lichen, in the early stages, therapeutic ointments, alternative medicine, fungicidal (antifungal) pharmacological preparations in the form of aerosols, sprays are used.

Treatment of ringworm involves a comprehensive, systematic approach, including medical, local therapy. Hair is cut around the affected areas so that the hairs do not impede the penetration of topical drugs. For the treatment of lichen in dogs, Griseofulvin, Ketoconazole is used.

Important! The treatment of the affected areas is carried out strictly adhering to the rules of asepsis and only with rubber gloves. After treatment, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands.

The spots are smeared with an alcohol solution of iodine, after which antifungal agents are rubbed into the skin. To prevent the dog from licking off the applied medicine, put on a special protective collar. Therapeutic measures are carried out two or three times a day, at regular intervals.

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, and symptomatic agents can be prescribed as an additional therapy for four-fingered patients. The duration of the treatment course is from ten days to two to three weeks. Treatment is carried out until the complete recovery of the dog.


In addition, it is very important to systematically inspect the skin for the presence of wounds, abrasions, uncharacteristic spots. If you notice hairless areas, scabs, scales, sores on the body of a pet, if the general condition of your beloved four-toed friend worsens, take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Try to create optimal conditions for maintenance and care. Pay attention to the diet, the state of the immune system, do not neglect preventive vaccinations, give your pet anthelmintic drugs in a timely manner. On walks, try not to allow your dog to come into contact with stray, stray animals.

What is ringworm?

Medically, ringworm is known as dermatophytosis, which is a fungal skin disease that affects the top layers of the skin, hair follicles, the hair itself, and sometimes the claws (nails).

Lichen in animals appears due to fungi of the Microsporum series - microsporia, or trichophytosis. After entering the layers of the skin, they multiply rapidly and first of all affect the wool follicle. Because of this, the affected area manifests itself in the form of fallen hair.

The incubation period is usually around 2 weeks, so it's often difficult to determine where and how your pet became infected. This disease is transmitted through direct contact with sick animals, through the use of the same comb, dog bed and other shared items.

Fungi are especially active in the summer, which is characterized by high temperature or atmospheric humidity. By the way, most often you can catch the disease from a street dog.

Causes of lichen

Ringworm is an infectious disease caused by a fungus known as trichophyton.

Trichophyton is very tenacious, because lichen is one of the most common diseases.

The fungus gets along well at different temperatures, it is easily transmitted from carrier to carrier.

It is not necessary to think about the reasons for the development of lichen in a healthy dog ​​for a long time, infection occurs:

  • If the dog has been in contact with sick and street animals.
  • If the dog ate food from the bowl of a sick animal or lay down on its rug.
  • If the dog has been playing on contaminated soil, grass, and so on.

Important! There is a so-called risk group, which is most susceptible to infection with lichen. The risk group includes animals with a weakened immune system that have undergone any diseases, old animals, and puppies.

The causative agent of the infection is fungal microorganisms of the genus Trychophiton and Microsporum, therefore, in medicine, these types of the disease are referred to by the terms trichophytosis and microsporia. They are distinguished only in the laboratory, and the external signs and methods of treatment are similar.

Fungi reproduce by spores, which in a favorable environment remain viable for up to 18 months, easily tolerate temperature fluctuations. Getting on the skin and coat of a dog, spores damage the epidermis, hair follicles. The fungus multiplies and the disease progresses.

Any dog ​​can become infected, regardless of breed and age, but the individual resistance of the animal to the pathogen matters. The risk factors are:

A variety of viral infection, which is called pink lichen, is recognized as the most dangerous.

Symptom - small rounded spots of yellow-pink color, 2-3 cm in diameter.

Weeping lichen (eczema) is a manifestation of negative processes occurring in the body of an animal. Negative processes most often mean allergies, endocrine system disorders, poor heredity or the presence of chronic diseases. Weeping lichen in dogs is not contagious.

This species manifests itself first by the appearance of a patch of skin without hair. The skin then becomes loose and inflamed.

Foci of inflammation appear: rash, pustules, which often secrete pus and ichor. The “diseased” area can grow quite quickly, and not only in breadth, but also deep into the skin.

Eczema is difficult to treat and prone to recurrence.

Pink lichen - first appears as small pink-yellow spots. The defeat occurs gradually: first one spot, then several, then the whole body is covered with them. The spot that appears first is called the "maternal plaque", as it is usually the largest.

There are several varieties of the disease. The symptoms of lichen in dogs vary by species.


There are three types of this disease:

  • weeping lichen (acute weeping eczema) is a non-contagious skin disease, often of an allergic nature;
  • pityriasis (dry eczema) - a chronic disease, occurs in well-fed, old animals;
  • Ringworm is a fungal infection.

What lichen looks like in dogs and how to recognize the type of this disease will be described further.

Weeping lichen. On different parts of the skin appear red swelling, painful, hot to the touch. After a few hours, bubbles containing liquid form, which subsequently burst. Wool on the affected areas falls out.

When confirming the cause of an allergic nature, the effect of the pathogen should be excluded and the possibility of using antihistamines or hypoallergenic food should be considered.

What does lichen look like in a dog: the photo clearly reflects the signs of this phenomenon. Pityriasis versicolor is characterized by thickening of the skin, scaling, and hair loss.

It is more common in the back area. In the process of the development of the disease, the skin becomes folded, the dog is worried, combing the lesions.

Ringworm. Initially, round, regular-shaped spots form on the skin, more often on the head, paws and neck.

Gradually they become oval, merge, change their appearance and increase.

Let's start the disclosure of this paragraph of the article with the most dangerous pet for health - pink lichen. Its danger lies in the fact that it is rapidly developing, while affecting a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

In the photo, lichen in a dog, the initial stage. At the beginning of the disease, one plaque is formed, which branches out over time, covering more and more surfaces of the pet's skin with small pink spots. The foci of pink lichen are rounded and about 2 cm in diameter.

A characteristic manifestation of pink lichen for an animal is unbearable itching.

Different types of lichen in dogs differ from each other in the nature of the infectious agent that caused the disease and, accordingly, in symptoms and methods of therapy:

  • Pink lichen in dogs is the safest. It is caused by a virus. You don't even have to think about how to cure lichen in a dog, as it goes away on its own in just 4-6 weeks.
  • Ringworm (common name for microsporia and trichophytosis) in dogs is a very troublesome fungal skin disease. It can spread throughout the animal's body in a short period of time. Its first signs can be seen without difficulty - oval spots are found on the skin of the animal, reaching a diameter of 2 cm. Then, in these places, the skin becomes bald and covered with scales.
  • Pityriasis versicolor also develops in dogs due to the multiplication of a fungal infectious agent on the skin of an animal. This disease is the most common among all types of lichen. At the initial stage, a small pink spot appears on the skin without signs of an inflammatory reaction, and then the affected area becomes yellowish or brown.
  • Weeping lichen, which is also called eczema, is an inflammation of the skin of an allergic nature that is not contagious. The onset of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a polymorphic rash, then the affected area swells. The disease is accompanied by redness, the appearance of bubbles, cracks and spots of pinkish or bluish colors.
  • Shingles, like in humans, is caused by the herpes virus in dogs. Its first manifestations can be seen in the abdomen and ribs - at first the animal suffers from itching, the dog actively itches and licks the area of ​​skin that causes concern, and then bubbles filled with liquid form on itchy places. When such a bubble bursts, crusts form in its place.

Advice! Do not try to make a diagnosis on your own from a photo, even a specialist cannot always do this without special diagnostic procedures.

Your pet is in the early stages

The course of the disease begins with the fact that the pet has a rash. Often, the rashes are minor and the owner may not notice them. Further, the rashes begin to grow and it is already difficult not to notice that the dog is developing a disease.

Over time, the affected area of ​​the skin grows and becomes covered with a reddish crust. As a result, hair falls out on the affected area of ​​the dog's skin.

As a rule, at the stage of hair loss, a caring owner sounds the alarm and takes the pet to the veterinarian, but it happens that this does not happen. The next stage of the disease is manifested by the appearance of purulent discharge from the affected areas of the skin.

Signs of ringworm in dogs

To the question: how does lichen appear in dogs, there is no general answer. Canine lichen occurs in many different ways, and the signs of lichen in dogs look different.

A characteristic sign of the manifestation of any of the varieties of the disease is the appearance of damaged areas of the coat of the animal's skin. And also the fact that the dog scratches or licks the damaged area, since the damage is often accompanied by itching.

A subtle rash may also appear, gradually increasing in size. The affected area may be more than one, most often problems begin near the ears of the animal, on the head, near the base of the tail and on the paws in their lower part.

The appearance of lesions is, in fact, the only moment that describes what lichen looks like in dogs.

At the first appearance of any symptoms, which will be discussed below, the animal must be immediately isolated from other animals and people, especially from children, and shown to a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.

Ringworm affects the skin:

  • muzzle;
  • ears;
  • tail;
  • heads.

Sometimes the claws and nose are affected.

The main symptom of this lichen are rashes. They have an oval shape and are small in size - up to 2 cm. The spots spread rapidly throughout the body of the animal.

Scales appear on the affected areas. Over time, they begin to itch a lot. The dog itches, the hair falls out quickly. Due to the appearance of bald patches, this type of lichen is called ringworm.

The main symptoms of the disease

After a pet becomes infected, it is not possible to recognize the disease immediately. It will only make itself known within a few days.

Sometimes it may take a whole month. Veterinarians say that this is due to how strong the immune system is and the characteristics of the body.

A signal of danger is the covering of areas of the skin with a red rash. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find out what ringworm looks like in dogs.

He will make himself felt with the strongest itch. Over time, a crust will appear on the spots.

An untimely cured disease will lead to pus under it.

The owner of the dog should visually inspect the most vulnerable areas of the skin - the head, ears and base of the tail. Inflamed colored spots appear on the skin of the animal. They constantly disturb the animal, as they are excessively flaky. A neglected disease instantly spreads to the back, paws and stomach.

Distinguishing healthy hair from the affected one during visual inspection will not be difficult. Affected areas of the body make themselves felt in the most pale color.

Doctors advise to destroy the cut hair from the animal. It is more correct to separate the crusts that appear on the skin.

A characteristic sign of the disease is pet molting. Doctors warn owners that there is also an atypical form of the development of the disease.

She has no obvious symptoms. In this case, foci of baldness appear almost always.

If you carefully monitor the condition of your pet, you can identify a change in behavior. The dog will constantly itch in one place and food intake will sharply decrease.

Also, the four-legged friend becomes lethargic and inactive. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Otherwise, the inevitable consequences will be hair loss and a decrease in the defenses of the immune system. It should be remembered that damage to the hair follicles causes complete baldness of the animal.

How to prevent ringworm in dogs

Veterinarians on the question of the owners, on the treatment of ringworm in dogs, are advised to properly carry out prevention. Daily wet cleaning is considered effective measures. To do this, you must use specially designed disinfectants.

Until the final results of the examination and treatment are received, it is ideally desirable to isolate the four-legged friend. If this is not possible, then it is recommended to strictly adhere to preventive measures.

Fluffy floors and upholstered furniture should be vacuumed more frequently. Surfaces that your pet comes into contact with should be cleaned with an aqueous solution containing bleach.

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