Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose of a child. Instruction, price. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drops. Positive feedback from patients

Nasal obstruction is the most common health problem in children. This symptom may appear already in the first months of his life. You can get rid of the problem only by instilling special medicines in the form of solutions into the nose. But you need to carefully select drops from nasal congestion for children - not all drugs are approved for use in babies. In addition to age restrictions, it is worth considering the purpose of the medicine, because a runny nose in a crumb occurs by different reasons, and the wrong remedy simply will not work.

Causes of runny nose in babies

Difficulty in nasal breathing in a baby is not difficult to recognize on its own. In children of the first year, sniffling appears, sleep is disturbed, hoarseness appears. Such changes are due to the fact that the child tries to capture air with his mouth, and the mucous membrane in the throat dries up. This condition is accompanied by a deterioration in sleep, general depression. Older children complain headache that arose against the background of a runny nose. This phenomenon is due to a lack of oxygen in the body.

It is interesting! In the first years of life, the child actually does not know how to breathe through his mouth. If the nasal passages are swollen or clogged with mucus, the supply of oxygen to the body decreases many times, which can provoke numerous disorders.

To pick up drops from a runny nose, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. It could be:

In the latter case, microorganisms can affect not only the nose, but also the ears and throat. Often, a child's nose stops breathing with otitis media, tonsillitis and other infectious diseases.

Do not overlook such a disease as adenoiditis. Pathological growth of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and nasal cavity also cause noticeable difficulties with nasal breathing and are diagnosed mainly in children from 2 to 7 years old. Problems with a runny nose can arise with a congenital curvature of the nasal septum.

Important! If the crumbs have problems with nasal breathing, it does not make sense to save only vasoconstrictors. Moreover, this poses a threat to the health of the baby - the cause of breathing problems is not eliminated, and the mucous membrane changes under the influence of drugs that are not suitable for the baby.

When you can't do without nose drops

Doctors recommend treating a runny nose in a child with extreme caution. Even the abundant secretion of mucus, pediatricians do not recommend eliminating in the first days of the disease. The fact is that this is how the body protects itself from infection and removes from the body both infectious agents and the toxins produced by them. But such advice is relevant for babies from a year old. The body of younger children cannot fully resist infections.

When deciding what to do with nasal congestion in babies, you need to rely on their current condition. You need to use cold medicine if:

Such symptoms often indicate the spread of infection and the occurrence of eustachitis, sinusitis, otitis media. In addition, when breathing only through the mouth, there is high risk the occurrence of bronchitis and pneumonia in the crumbs.

Types of medicines for the common cold in children

There are many types of remedies that can be used for nasal congestion in a child. Doctors distinguish the following groups of drugs according to the mechanism of action:

Drug group How do they work Application features
Moisturizers Accelerate the removal of mucus from the nose, moisturize the mucous membrane. If they contain salts, such drops reduce puffiness. Do not cause addiction and side effects. Can be used even in newborns several times a day.
Vasoconstrictor Reduce swelling of the mucosa, reduce the production of mucus. Used if the nose is very stuffy, once. Cause addiction with regular instillation. Prohibited for use in newborns.
Antiallergic Relieve swelling by constricting blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. Ineffective in bacterial and viral rhinitis. They are used only for nasal congestion of allergic origin. Have age restrictions.
Hormonal Narrow blood vessels, act locally and do not change the overall hormonal background. May aggravate the condition with fungal and bacterial rhinitis. Applies only when severe forms allergic rhinitis.
Antibacterial Oppressed pathogenic microflora but do not reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. Used for bacterial rhinitis as prescribed by a doctor. Not prescribed for viral rhinitis.
Combined Depending on the composition, they have decongestant and moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, antiallergic and immunomodulatory effects. They are selected individually depending on the clinical picture and the cause of the common cold.

AT separate group doctors endured homeopathic remedies, which help strengthen local immunity, fight puffiness, reduce mucus production, inhibit pathogenic microorganisms and neutralize allergens.

List of moisturizers for the common cold in babies

Moisturizing drops are produced using sea or mineral water. Designed to moisturize the mucosa and protect it from overdrying. They are recommended to be used as aids in conjunction with other groups. local medicines.

The list of moisturizing solutions approved for use in children includes:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Marimer;
  • Quicks;
  • Physiomer.

They can even be dripped into the nose of a newborn baby, since such solutions are suitable for all categories of patients, do not cause addiction, overdose and side effects. In pharmacies, they are dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

List of vasoconstrictors

Doctors recommend using only specialized children's nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. The drugs in this group have clear age restrictions, as they have a pronounced effect on blood vessels mucous membranes. If used incorrectly (exceeding dosages, duration of use) cause reverse effect and provoke systemic diseases ENT organs.

There are several groups of vasoconstrictor drugs for children:

  • based on xylometazoline - Otrivin, Glazolin, Dlyanos, Rinonorm and Xymelin;
  • based on oxymetazoline - Nazol, Nazivin, Fazin;
  • based on naphazoline - Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Tizin.

When choosing drugs from these groups, the decision which drops are best to use depends on the condition of the baby and the estimated time of their instillation. So, drops and sprays based on xylometazoline and naphazoline are best used during the day, since they last no longer than 4 hours. For use at night, it is better to use products based on oxymetazoline.

It is worth considering contraindications to the use of drugs:

  • drops with oxymetazoline act more aggressively, and therefore they cannot be used for children under 2 years old, babies with kidney pathologies and diabetes;
  • it is advisable to use drugs with naphazoline if absolutely necessary in children from 1 year old - they often cause addiction and the formation of drug-induced rhinitis.

Important! If a vasoconstrictor drops do not help alleviate nasal breathing, repeated instillation cannot be done, as well as increasing the dosage when next use drugs!

List of antiallergic and hormonal drugs

These drugs are used in the treatment allergic forms rhinitis. Antiallergic non-hormonal agents used to treat vasomotor unaggravated rhinitis. Children are advised to use the following means:

  • Sanorin-Analergin;
  • Rinofluimucil;
  • Vibrocil.

These drugs relieve swelling, but do not have negative impact on the mucous membrane. However, they should be used in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. In complicated forms of allergic rhinitis or the absence of the effect of these drops and sprays, the doctor prescribes more powerful glucocorticosteroids and hormonal agents:

  • based on beclomethasone - Nasobek, Altsedin, Baconase and Gnadion;
  • based on Budesonide - Nasal, Rinocort, Tafen;
  • based on fluticasone - Avanis, Flixonase.

Important! Hormonal preparations are not prescribed to a child of the first year of life. Most of the listed glucocorticosteroid drugs are approved for use in children over 6 years of age.

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drops

Local funds with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are used in colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in children from the very early age. Such conditions are accompanied by the release of yellow or green viscous snot, fever, signs general intoxication organism. After the examination, the doctor will advise which drops are best used to eliminate the symptoms:

  • children from the first birthday - Albucid and Derinat;
  • children from 1 to 3 years old - Isofra, Kollargol and Protargol;
  • children over 3 years old - Polydex.

At viral origin runny nose, you can use drops of Grippferon. The use of these drugs can, and sometimes should be combined with vasoconstrictor and moisturizing drops and sprays. The fact is that the effect of drugs with an antibiotic is fully manifested after 2-3 days from the start of use. Before that, the baby still has problems with the nose.

List of combined remedies for the common cold in children

The pharmaceutical market does not offer much for children combined funds from the common cold, which can simultaneously eliminate puffiness and fight the causes of the common cold. These include:

  • nasal drops Pinosol, which are recommended for children from the first days of life;
  • drops and dragees Sinupret, which are approved for use by children over 2 years old;
  • powders for the preparation of a drink and Rinzasip tablets, which are recommended to eliminate the signs of a cold in children from 6 years of age.

The listed funds, except for Pinosol drops, it is advisable to use no longer than 3-5 days in a row for initial stage diseases. Before use complex means you need to consult with your pediatrician.

Basic rules for the use of drugs for the common cold in children

The use of drops from the common cold in children should be consistent with certain norms and rules:

  1. You can not use products with adult dosages - all drugs should be only for children.
  2. Do not exceed the dosage of vasoconstrictor, antiallergic and hormonal drugs even one drop a day, especially in children of the first year of life. Better to use less medication than to face an overdose.
  3. You can not use drugs for the common cold for longer than 3-5 days in a row.
  4. Before starting treatment for a runny nose, it is advisable to show the child to an ENT specialist or pediatrician. This is necessary to determine the causes of swelling of the mucous membrane in the nose and snot. In addition, you need to make sure that there are no foreign objects- children often push pieces of paper or parts of toys into their nose, which provokes swelling of the nasal mucosa.

In the event that shortness of breath is associated with a curvature of the nasal septum or a congenital pathological narrowing of the nasal passages, it is possible to use drugs for the common cold only to temporarily alleviate the condition of the baby. Experts say that in this case it is desirable to do plastic partitions.

Do not put up with the difficulties of nasal breathing in babies. Even a slight swelling of the mucous membranes can result in deterioration general condition child, increased risk of bronchopulmonary and ENT infections. To prevent this, it is worth immediately after the appearance unpleasant symptoms consult a pediatrician and follow his recommendations.

With rhinitis problem childhood we encounter repeatedly, so the treatment of each subsequent case of the disease does not differ much from the previous one. This is not entirely correct, because allergens, microbes, or environmental irritants can become the cause of snot.

What about children? To date, there are many drugs, thanks to which you can quickly cure the disease and prevent the chronicity of the inflammatory process.

A runny nose in an adult often lasts 5-7 days and is not accompanied by complications. Another thing is when a child's nose is clogged. Long-term preservation of congestion against the background of the progression of the infectious-allergic process leads to undesirable consequences:

  • otitis. Its development is based on the spread of edema to the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, which disrupts its airway function and ventilation in the ear cavities. This is accompanied by hypersecretion and activation of opportunistic flora;
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis). The mechanism of development has much in common with otitis media, only inflammatory focus localized in the paranasal sinuses;
  • laryngitis. Inhalation of cold, unpurified air increases the risk of inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. At the age of 2-4 years, laryngospasm is especially often diagnosed against the background of severe swelling of the vocal cords;
  • apnea. In most cases, periods of temporary cessation of breathing are observed in a child with adenoids, polyps and structural anomalies in the structure of the nasal passages (septal deformity);
  • malnutrition (weight loss). Infants have a separate problem with a runny nose. It is associated with the inability to breastfeed. Against the background of nasal congestion, it is difficult for the baby to breathe through the nose and, accordingly, suck on the breast or bottle. In order to prevent weight loss, it is necessary to use small spoons for feeding;
  • adenoiditis. A child from three to eight years old may suffer from adenoids. Overgrowth of lymphoid tissue in the nose pharyngeal tonsil interfere with the passage of air and are capable of accumulating infection. Even with a slight decrease in immunity or after hypothermia, adenoiditis occurs.

Therapeutic measures

Before starting treatment, you need to understand its cause:

  • physiological rhinitis. This condition applies to infants. The fact is that after birth, the nasal mucosa is exposed to aggressive action. annoying factors(dust, allergens, germs, chemical substances), therefore, it begins to intensively produce a secret to cleanse the nasal passages. Physiological runny nose usually lasts up to 8 weeks, after which it heals on its own;

With a physiological runny nose, it is important to keep the nose clean and facilitate nasal breathing. It is not recommended to use antiseptics and other strong drugs.
  • allergens (wool, dust mites, pungent odors of chemicals, hygiene products, fluff, pollen, food, medicines). In this case, it is rational to take antihistamine drugs;
  • infection. Against the background of a decrease in local protection, the risk of infection increases. Toxins produced by microbes affect the blood vessels, after which the latter expand, and edema appears. therapy can be added antiseptic preparations for inhalation or instillation of the nasal passages;
  • dry, polluted air. For creating optimal conditions in the nursery, it is necessary to maintain humidity at 60%, lower the temperature to 19 degrees, regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning, which will reduce the concentration of dust and allergens in the air;
  • frequent colds, hypothermia. Parents should pay attention to the level immune protection child. To strengthen it, you need to normalize nutrition, regularly walk on fresh air and improve their health on the sea coast, in the forest zone;


When stuffy nose, you can use drugs for inhalation.

It is easier for a child to carry out the procedure using a nebulizer, but there are some limitations in its use:

  1. inhalations are not carried out with hyperthermia;
  2. using a nebulizer, it is forbidden to inhale herbal decoctions, oil solutions;
  3. preparations for the device are diluted exclusively with saline.

For nasal congestion in children, the following medications are used:

  • propolis tincture. It should not be used for microbial, allergic rhinitis due to the risk of disease progression. The tincture should be diluted 1:20 with saline;
  • Tonzilong is also diluted with saline 1:1 (child from seven years old), 1:2 (1-7 years old);
  • saline - in pure form. Indicated for cleansing, moisturizing the mucosa and protecting it from irritating factors;
  • Furacilin - is prescribed for infectious rhinitis; tincture of calendula - diluted 1:40 with saline;
  • Interferon. The contents of the ampoule should be diluted with 3 ml of saline.

The frequency of inhalation should not exceed two times a day. The duration of the procedure is 7-10 minutes.

An addition to inhalations can be a massage of points in the paranasal zone, as well as warming procedures ( foot baths, mustard plasters).


Can a stuffy nose be treated? medications. They are prescribed when the nose gets very clogged:

  • vasoconstrictor. The medicine quickly relieves congestion by reducing tissue edema. The drugs act locally, constrict blood vessels, which is due to their therapeutic effect. The child is allowed Nazol baby, Nazivin, Tizin;

Vasoconstrictors help well only in the first 5-7 days of use, since subsequently the risk of addiction and drying of intranasal tissues increases.

  • salt products (Humer, Dolphin). The composition includes sea ​​water Therefore, the drugs are absolutely safe and are prescribed from the first days of life. If sick one year old baby You can flush your nasal passages up to four times daily. For prevention, you can also use a saline solution, however, following the recommended doses. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx has a certain composition of microflora, due to which its protection is maintained at a sufficient level. At frequent use saline solution the quantitative composition of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms may be disturbed, which increases the risk of disease;

  • antihistamine for children (Sanorin Analergin). The action of the drug is to block histamine receptors that stimulate the development of an allergic reaction;
  • homeopathic. Possess the minimum amount contraindications, side effects, as they contain natural ingredients. Children are allowed Edas-131, Delufen. They help cure allergic rhinitis, infectious origin, as well as chronic atrophic, hypertrophic type of rhinitis;
  • immunostimulants. With frequent rhinitis, care must be taken to strengthen the child's immunity. To do this, you can use Derinat, IRS-19;
  • antibacterial drugs provide high-quality cleansing of nasal tissues from microbes. Bioparox is often prescribed. It can be used at 3 years to prevent the spread of infection and inflammation;
  • hormonal preparations(Avamis) for intranasal administration are prescribed for severe allergic rhinitis. Strong antihistamine, anti-inflammatory activity allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time;

A long course of hormonal sprays is accompanied by thinning of the mucous membrane, addiction and perforation of the septum.

  • antiseptic preparations (Sialor Protargol 0.05%) are prescribed from the age of two. Its action is aimed at combating microbes, thanks to which it is possible to sanitize the infectious focus;
  • antiviral (Nazoferon). In the case of a viral genesis of the common cold, the use of antiviral, immunomodulatory agents is recommended;
  • herbal preparations (Pinosol, Kameton). The composition includes natural oils, vitamins, which makes it possible to reduce inflammation, tissue edema, the severity of rhinorrhea, accelerate the regeneration of the mucosa, and restore nasal breathing.

Complex drops

Complex drops for intranasal administration can relieve nasal congestion in a child. They consist of several components, due to which a person receives a double or triple effect when using one medicine.

The drug can be prepared at home, so parents should strictly follow the recipe. The disadvantage of such drugs is the lack of information about their tolerability. In addition, it will not be possible to maintain sterility at home, which is also important. It is best to entrust the preparation of a complex medicine experienced specialist, because we are talking about the health of the child.

Multicomponent preparations are selected individually for each case of the disease. Contraindications include:

  1. individual intolerance to the components of a complex drug;
  2. physiological runny nose;
  3. cold.

The composition of a complex drug

To achieve a good effect, you need to use:

  • saline or antiseptic solution (Dioxidin, Furacilin) ​​as the basis of the drug;
  • Miramistin, whose action is aimed at combating fungi, bacteria, viruses;
  • Protargol, which includes silver;
  • Nazivin, Galazolin - vasoconstrictors, which are necessary to reduce mucosal edema and facilitate nasal breathing;
  • Diphenhydramine, Suprastin - antihistamines, the action of which is aimed at blocking histamine receptors. The clinical effect is manifested in the form of restoration of breathing, reduction of itching sensations, volume of mucous secretions;
  • Cefazolin - antibacterial agent. It is added to the medicine if it is necessary to treat an infectious rhinitis;
  • essential oil of pine, eucalyptus, plant extracts are used as auxiliary components. They have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect;
  • Prednisolone, Dexamethasone are hormonal drugs that have powerful anti-inflammatory, antihistamine properties.

When formulating a medicine, it is necessary to take into account adverse reactions and contraindications for each ingredient.


Often, multicomponent drugs are prescribed for:

  1. chronic runny nose;
  2. inefficiency of monocomponent therapy;
  3. complicated course of rhinitis.
  • water (saline solution) 3 ml, Naphthyzinum 7 ml, Hydrocortisone 1 ml, Cefazolin 500 mg;
  • Dioxidin, Naphthyzine - in equal parts;
  • Dioxidine 5 ml, Dexamethasone 1 ml, Naphthyzine (half a bottle), Diphenhydramine 1 ml.

All ingredients must be mixed and used for instillation of nasal passages.

Folk methods

You can also treat nasal congestion in a child folk remedies. They have been proving their effectiveness for decades.

When choosing folk therapy it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of preparation and dosage of the components of the medicine.

If , you can use the following tools:

  • aloe juice. Before preparing the medicine, you need to cut the plant near the base, wrap it with a dark cloth and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. This is necessary for the activation of biological substances. Next, clear the sheet by removing thin layer peel, cut, squeeze the juice. It can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. You can drip an effective remedy two drops three times a day. For amplification therapeutic effect aloe juice can be diluted antiseptic solution, for example, Dioxidine or Furacilin;
  • onion drops. Possesses powerful antibacterial and anti-edematous properties onion juice. For cooking, it is enough to peel the onion, cut, squeeze the juice, dilute the latter with water 1: 3. It is recommended to drip twice a day, drop by drop. If after the first instillation there is a burning discomfort, you should immediately wash off the juice with water or saline. Next time, reduce the concentration of onion juice;
  • beetroot juice is effective colds. For treatment, it is enough to choose an elongated, dark burgundy vegetable, peel it, squeeze out the juice. Dilute 1:1 with water, instill two drops daily;
  • camomile tea. 15 g of the plant should be poured with 230 ml of boiling water, left under a closed lid. After 20 minutes, you can start washing the nasal passages. Be sure to control the temperature of the infusion to avoid burns of the mucosa.

Restoring nasal breathing, you need to remember about drinking mode. The child needs to drink tea with ginger, currant, honey, lemon, as well as compotes, non-carbonated mineral water or unsweetened juice. It is best to prevent the onset of a runny nose than to treat it for a long time and deal with complications.

What to do if the child has a very stuffy nose and needs to restore breathing, eliminate discharge? First of all, children are instilled vasoconstrictor drugs, which in a matter of minutes relieve swelling and expand the nasal passages. But in pharmacies a large number of such adrenomimetic agents are presented. How to choose those that will be safe for the child? Let's try to consider good children's drops from the common cold, and also figure out what is their difference.

When is it necessary to use drops for nasal congestion in a child?

It is worth noting that vasoconstrictor drugs should not be instilled into the baby's nose as soon as he has the first signs of a cold. Viral diseases always accompanied copious secretions clear or cloudy. And they should not be eliminated with drops to narrow the vessels, because, in this way, the parents do not allow the child's body to cope with the infection that has entered the nasopharynx.

But such drugs will be required if children have the following symptoms:

  • With nasal congestion, which blocks the access of oxygen to the nasopharynx. In such cases, the child begins to breathe through the mouth, which leads to drying of the mucous membranes not only in the nasal cavity, but also in the lower respiratory tract. And membrane dysfunction can cause bronchitis and even pneumonia. Therefore, when severe congestion nose, the child must be given vasoconstrictor drops that will help restore the normal moisture of the mucosa.
  • At high temperature accompanied by difficulty in breathing. When a child already has a stuffy nose, an increase in body temperature further exacerbates this symptom. In addition, the exudate that has stagnated in the nose will quickly dry out, which will cause not only blockage of air access, but also discomfort due to the formed dry crusts. Therefore, in this case vasoconstrictor drugs should also be used.
  • With inflammation of the ear. Development acute otitis media or eustacheitis is associated with swelling of the passage between the nasopharynx and the organ of hearing. If you use nasal drops, then this channel will expand and the child's pain will decrease.
  • At infectious inflammations nasopharynx. If a child develops bacterial sinusitis or rhinitis, it is imperative to use vasoconstrictors so that all accumulated secretions can come out and not provoke purulent inflammation.

Vasoconstrictor drops act on the blood vessels, causing them to constrict. But, since the action of adrenaline is always accompanied not only by vasospasm, but also by increased pressure and increased heart rate, such drugs cannot be used very often and for a long time.

Modern nasal drops from the common cold last up to 12 hours, but they can be used for no longer than a week. If you violate the conditions of the instructions, then the child may develop medical rhinitis. That is, instead of a therapeutic effect, vasoconstrictor drugs will cause the opposite effect - swelling of the mucous membrane, which is difficult to remove by other means.

Besides, long-term use drops and overdose can provoke side effects e.g. drowsiness, incapacity for work, pain in the head, lowering the temperature, allergic reactions, loss of smell.

Before using drugs, it is necessary not only to choose good children's drops, but also to strictly follow the instructions for their use. And most importantly, you need to consult with an ENT, who will help you acquire the most effective means. The specialist will explain better drops use, and which are completely contraindicated for a particular child.

Classification of drops from the common cold with the main active ingredients

Currently, there are 3 groups of drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect, which have a different duration of action on the body:

  1. Naphazoline, Tetrizoline, Phenylephrine

The main substances do not last long, only 5-6 hours. In most cases, they provoke the development drug-induced rhinitis. But drops with Phenylephrine are best suited for children under one year old.

  1. Xylometazoline, Tramazoline

Can act 6-10 hours, are used to provide quick help with severe allergic reactions or acute otitis media.

  1. Oxymetazoline

Renders the most lasting effect- Approximately 12 hours. The drugs do not cause drug edema mucous.

List of drops that are best used for nasal congestion in children

Active substances with a vasoconstrictive effect may be in various preparations and have different names. Consider the most popular baby drops with the main active ingredients.

First medicinal substance Naphazoline, which is a short-acting drug, is in drops:

  • Naphthyzinum for children 0.05%

It is used to eliminate acute rhinitis, inflammation of the accessory cavities, bleeding from the nose. But it is not often used in pediatrics, because it has serious negative impacts: the temperature drops, the child becomes lethargic. Drops are prohibited for children under 6 years of age, as they can cause poisoning of the body.

  • Sanorin 0.05%

Used in therapy baby runny nose from 2 years old. Suitable for the treatment of acute rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis. It is forbidden to bury in the nose of babies with high blood pressure, heart palpitations. In case of overdose, the pulse may accelerate, nausea may appear, high blood pressure, headache.

  • Sanorin with eucalyptus 0.01%

Used in the treatment of rhinitis, eustachitis, nosebleeds, sinusitis. It is not used for instillation of the nasal passages in children under 14 years of age and patients with sensitivity to active substances. Side effects can be dryness of the mucosa, nausea, nervousness, tachycardia.

Nafazolin is also found in drops of Diabenil, Naphthyzinum, Sanorin-Analergin, Alergoftal, Betadrin.

The next active ingredient is Phenylephrine or Metasone. It is used in nasal drops that can be instilled in children up to a year and older. It is found in:

  • Vibrocil

Most often prescribed for a cold in children infancy and up to 6 years. Issued in different forms and is intended for the treatment of allergic and acute rhinitis. It is forbidden to use in the treatment of children with atrophic rhinitis and high sensitivity to phenylephrine. A side effect is a decrease in mucosal secretion and an increase in blood pressure.

  • Nazol Baby

The drug moisturizes, softens mucous tissues, because it contains glycerin. It is used in the treatment of influenza, hay fever, allergic reactions of the nasal cavity, sinusitis. Drops are not recommended for patients with dysfunctions thyroid gland, at diabetes. Overdose can cause nausea, dizziness, skin redness, dry nose.

An antibacterial drug with a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for infectious ENT diseases. Not injected into nasal cavity children under 2 years of age and patients with herpes virus, smallpox, angle-closure glaucoma, disorders of the urinary system. Side effects there may be allergic skin reactions.

Phenylephrine is also found in Vibrocil, Coldex-Teva, Lorain, Rinza, TeraFlu.

Xylometazoline and Tramazoline are similar in their action to Naphthyzinum. Active ingredient renders medicinal effect within a couple of minutes after instillation into the nasal passages. Vasoconstrictor substances are prescribed for allergic and acute rhinitis. Also used to prepare the mucosa before rhinoscopy. The active ingredients are in the following nasal preparations:

  • Otrivin 0.05%

It is prescribed for congestion of the nasal passages, pathological changes in the paranasal spaces. The drug works for about 10 hours. Drops do not provoke a decrease in mucosal secretion, because they have a balanced level of acidity. They relieve puffiness well, improve the outflow of mucus from the maxillary cavities, and are used as an auxiliary medicine for otitis media. As for the price, it is quite high. But given that the side effects of the drug are minimal, then its cost is acceptable.

  • Tizin-xylo 0.05%

It is used to eliminate acute / chronic forms of the common cold, sinusitis, otitis media. Not intended for children under 2 years of age, as well as patients with atrophic changes mucous. Side effects can be: hyperemia of the membrane, drug-induced rhinitis, insomnia, fatigue, tachycardia, hypertension. In practice, Tizin-xylo is an analogue of Otrivin, but their prices are different.

  • Adrianol

Produced with active component Tramazolin. Used in the treatment of children up to a year and older. It is prescribed for acute colds, allergies. It is not used in the treatment of patients with thyroid diseases, kidney disorders.

Other drugs with Xylometazoline - Brizolin, Galazolin, Dlyanos, Xymelin, Nosolin, Rinorus, Farmazolin.

One of the most popular drugs with Oxymetazoline is Nazivin. Drops are well tolerated by children, quickly relieve swelling and improve nasal breathing. They are used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, colds, conjunctivitis.

Nasal congestion in a child is a problem familiar to many parents firsthand. Mom sees that her beloved child is hard to breathe and is ready for anything to alleviate his suffering. Sometimes nasal congestion is accompanied by the release of mucus from the nose, and sometimes not. And this causes anxiety among parents: one thing is a banal runny nose, and quite another is congestion in the unknown reasons. Why is your child breathing badly? At the same time, choosing a remedy for nasal congestion for children and how to treat it, how to cure it is the main task.

How to rinse a child's nose

How to quickly remove and remove nasal congestion? The most common cause nasal congestion - of course, a common cold, accompanied by inflammation of the nasal mucosa. On the medical language this condition is called "acute rhinitis". The nasal mucosa is the first outpost on the way of viruses into our body. As soon as they are activated in the nose, the nasal mucosa immediately swells and appears copious mucus. First - transparent, then - yellow-green and thicker. Accordingly, the child develops nasal congestion. All this - normal reaction body to the ingress of foreign microbes.

However, to acute rhinitis did not give complications and did not flow into sinusitis or sinusitis, and also did not contribute to the occurrence of acute otitis media, you need to help the child cope with snot. But how?

If the baby is less than 2 years old, for starters, we advise you to suck his snot with a tube or a regular rubber bulb, this method is suitable for a child up to a year old.

You will find a list of children's drops in the nose from a cold.

In principle, this treatment can be limited. However, at night, when the child cannot sleep due to congestion, it is worth instilling vasoconstrictor drugs - Rinofluimucil or. During the day, these drugs should not be abused, since in large quantities they can adversely affect the nasal mucosa.

If the snot turned green

If nasal congestion and snot go away in a child for more than a week, and at the same time white-yellow discharge gradually became yellow-green, you can’t limit yourself to washing alone here. There is a risk that the runny nose has become bacterial, and this can lead to complications - inflammation of the sinuses. How to get rid of such congestion?

Read about the treatment of yellow snot in a child.

In this case, usually assigned. For example, Isofra or. The composition of the spray and drops of Isofra includes the antibiotic framycetin. It is also recommended for sinusitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis.

Antibiotic nose drops Polydex has a more complex effect: in its composition it contains two antibiotics at once, polymyxin and neomycin, as well as a vasoconstrictor and anti-allergic drug. Therefore, polydex is prescribed to those children who have had or are present with various allergic reactions. However, the drug should not be used in children under two years of age, while Isofra is allowed from one year old.

You will find a list of drops in the nose with an antibiotic.

For newborns (as well as infants 2-3-4-5-6-7 months and older), who have a runny nose and nasal congestion, Russian pediatricians often prescribe purely domestic drug- protargol.

It is a solution of silver, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is quite effective, but many mothers are wary of it, and they have certain reasons for this. After all, silver heavy metal and has the ability to accumulate in the body.

Protargol is not used abroad. Who knows what diseases the “silver” medicine can then lead to? I don’t want to experiment on my child, so protargol must be used with extreme caution. Preferably - only on doctor's prescription.

By the way, the protargol has a number of other inconveniences, which also repelled many parents from him. Protargol can only be bought in the prescription departments of pharmacies - this is the first. The drug has dark color and does not wash off clothes - this is the second. A good alternative to protargol are eye drops and - they are good for the common cold, which is caused by bacteria and can be used in children from birth.

Folk remedies

A good adjuvant in the treatment of colds, accompanied by cough and runny nose at the same time, are inhalations using a nebulizer - a modern inhaler. Unlike drops and sprays, it allows you to increase the time of drug exposure to the nasal mucosa. Also, thanks to the air flow, the drug quickly reaches the most distant parts of the nose, including the sinuses. Such inhalations are especially good if they are thick and there are a lot of crusts in the nose - under the influence of steam, the mucus liquefies and is more quickly excreted from the body.

For inhalation, you can use:

  • alcohol tinctures of propolis;
  • calendula;
  • chlorophyllipt;
  • Interferon;
  • Tonsilgon.

Our grandmothers also knew about the miraculous effect on the body as a whole and the sick oropharynx and nose of aloe juice. This plant stood on the windowsill of almost every apartment. Today, he was undeservedly forgotten, but in vain!

You may also be interested in information on how to apply.

It will help with a runny nose, cough and bronchitis. To do this, from the leaves of aloe, best of all - taken at the very base, you need to squeeze the juice and instill three to five drops into each nostril. And so - about five to seven times a day. However, it is better not to use this recipe in children under two years old - an allergy is possible.

In acute rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis can also be used These are drops for oral administration, which consist exclusively of natural natural ingredients. They improve the discharge of mucus, have an expectorant effect and help to recover from a cold faster. As aid Sinupret is prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. However, with inflammation of the sinuses, antibiotics, unfortunately, cannot be dispensed with. Yes, and usually only an otolaryngologist can make such a diagnosis after receiving an x-ray.

If you have a runny nose due to allergies

Nasal congestion can also be caused by allergic rhinitis(also called hay fever). It is usually accompanied by snot that is not amenable to conventional treatment. Animals, dust in the apartment, flowering plants, household chemicals and perfumes can act as an allergen. It is rather problematic to determine what specifically caused the allergy - you have to contact an allergist and do tests for different kinds allergies.

What to do? Temporary relief from allergic rhinitis will bring antihistamines and antiallergic drops and sprays. Most often, children are recommended vibrocil and nasonex.

What drops to apply? Nasonex is suitable for the treatment of both seasonal and year-round rhinitis and can be used in children from two years of age.

It contains the hormone mometasone, so before using it, you should always consult with a specialist. They have a good anti-allergic and at the same time immunomodulatory effect - a new drug that has already been appreciated by many parents.

Relieve the condition of the sick allergic rhinitis can use home appliances that filter the air. For example, air ionizers and air cleaners. During the heating season, the air in apartments is usually very dry, which leads to the drying of the nasal mucosa.

To provide optimal level humidity - and this is 50-60 percent, a humidifier is needed.

The well-known Ukrainian pediatrician Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky considers this device necessary in any family where a newborn appears. He considers it the main means of preventing SARS and other types of colds.

When surgery can help

There are situations when nasal congestion in a child has become chronic. It seems that there is no nasal discharge, and the temperature does not rise. But it is very difficult for a child to breathe. This condition is quite dangerous because it leads to oxygen starvation- because of this, the child may be tormented by headaches, weakness, loss of smell, etc. Nasal congestion can be due to a number of reasons - nasal polyps, deviated septum, adenoids, and even a foreign body in the nose.

Parents are usually not able to determine the cause of nasal congestion themselves - only an otolaryngologist can do this during the examination. Another one possible reason– . Nasal polyps usually form in adults, but can also occur in children over 10 years of age. They are rare in young children. Symptoms and treatment of nasal polyps are described. Small polyps are usually not operated on, and larger ones have to be removed on the surgical table. But the curvature of the nasal septum is usually corrected only after the age of 18 - unless, of course, it is possible to wait until this age and the child still has nasal breathing.

The question of the treatment of adenoids is also complex and debatable. Today, doctors are no longer as rampant as before, they send all children for an operation to remove the overgrown pharyngeal tonsil. At the initial stages of the disease, they are prescribed conservative treatment. And only if it did not help, and the adenoids grew strongly, one has to resort to surgery.


This video will tell you how to relieve nasal congestion in a child.

Nasal congestion is a symptom of a fairly large number of nasal diseases. Usually it appears against the background of the occurrence of a common ARVI - and then special problems with relief of the patient's condition does not occur. But if nasal congestion is accompanied by fever, green tint snot, chronic discharge from the nose, then it is better to consult a doctor and start serious treatment. can only be prescribed by a doctor. Read more about the treatment of polyps in the nose with folk remedies.

Reading time: 7 minutes

For any person, a runny nose greatly impairs the quality of life. To warm and clear the sinuses, as well as to stimulate the brain, it is imperative to breathe through the nose. It is especially important to remove the swelling of the mucosa in time little patient. Permanent congestion nose in a child without a runny nose and snot can even lead to a lag in the development of the baby, so it is necessary to cure it quickly. Symptoms can be relieved by both medication and folk remedies.

What is nasal congestion in a child

In children given state has a lot of nuances. The reasons can be different, and the consequences can be dangerous. Nasal congestion without a runny nose in a child does not speak of a lack of parental care, but of excessive concern about the baby. This is the result improper treatment or lack of understanding of how it works respiratory system and the whole child's body.

For example, this phenomenon (physiological runny nose) is inherent in infants up to 6 months, because their respiratory passages are narrow, as a result of which the body enough does not receive air, so babies sometimes breathe through their mouths. Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to establish true reason nasal congestion problem. Otherwise, you can harm the health of the child.

The reasons

If the child’s nose is very stuffy, but there are no snot or signs of a cold, then most likely the air in the room is very dry. Dust irritation, reaction to tobacco smoke. The main process with congestion is swelling, edema, expansion vascular network. If this increases the secretion of mucus, then the reason is allergic inflammation nasal mucosa. Congestion on one side is caused by benign or malignant neoplasms in the sinuses:

  • osteoma;
  • hemangioma;
  • lymphangioma;
  • angiofibroma;
  • squamous cell carcinoma;
  • adenocarcinoma;
  • nasal sarcoma.

Persistent runny nose and nasal congestion

Inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses, accompanied by constant runny nose, may occur due to one of the diseases:

  1. Viral acute rhinitis. Gives clear, copious, watery discharge. In addition to the nasal mucosa, skin rubbing with handkerchiefs suffers. It turns red, gets wet, after which crusts form.
  2. bacterial rhinitis. Bacteria can coexist with viruses or outcompete them. Snot from transparent turns into green or yellow.
  3. fungal process. The development of candidiasis in the nasal cavity gives excreted white color, in which veins of mycelium are visible. The mucosa can erode, after which weeping surfaces are formed.
  4. Inflammation of the sinuses. With sinusitis, ethmoiditis. sinusitis all symptoms are purulent character. Loss of smell is characteristic.
  5. allergic rhinitis. Can the child appear in the background artificial feeding or because of a hereditary factor. Characteristically frequent sneezing, itching, redness, swelling of the nasal mucosa.

No snot

A stuffy nose in a child without rhinitis can indicate several reasons:

  1. Adenoids. Pathology often haunts children under 6 years of age. With age, the problem may resolve itself.
  2. Polyps of the nasal mucosa. Occur against the background of inflammation of the nasal cavity. secondary infection can provoke bronchial asthma.
  3. Deviation of the nasal septum. This causes difficulty in breathing.

Allergies and nasal congestion

Perennial rhinitis indicates an allergic origin. The nasal mucosa reacts to food, dust, household chemicals, perfumery, pollen, animal hair, medicines. The child's condition worsens when walnut, alder, birch blossoms. Even if it does not come into contact with the allergen, rhinitis is still observed, congestion is felt, conjunctivitis (eye damage) begins.

How to get rid of nasal congestion

Treatment of nasal congestion in a child begins only after diagnosis and consultation with a pediatrician. Therapeutic regimens and methods of getting rid of the problem are different. Doctors say that it is categorically impossible to use local vasoconstrictor drugs thoughtlessly, because they will not eliminate the cause of the pathology that has arisen. If congestion is the result of infectious diseases, then antibacterial drugs are needed that destroy the infection. If the obstruction of the nasopharynx was provoked by viruses, then it can be eliminated with antiviral agents.


With rhinitis the best remedy from nasal congestion for children - inhalation. Them main function- thinning excess mucus and removing it from the nasal cavity. Unlike other methods of treatment, they have a milder and longer effect, do not injure the nasal mucosa, and are better tolerated by the child psychologically. An old but effective folk method is inhalation with potatoes, which should be boiled with the skin on. Then it needs to be slightly kneaded, and the sick child should bend over the pan. Then the head is covered with a towel, and the procedure lasts 10 minutes.

Salt washes

It is easy to cure a baby from congestion by washing the nose with a saline solution. However, the benefit of the procedure is not only this. Salt washes- this is an excellent prevention of allergies, inflammation of the respiratory system, strengthening local immunity. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times / day. If the child is small (up to 2 years), then washing should be carried out on the back. Procedure:

  • turn the baby's head on its side;
  • bottle tip from purchased physiological saline in a pharmacy enter into the nasal passage (upper);
  • rinse the weed for 2-3 seconds;
  • plant the baby and remove the mucus with a pear;
  • repeat the same steps with another nasal passage.


To eliminate rhinitis and nasal congestion, the pharmaceutical industry produces many different medicines. The most popular group- vasoconstrictor drugs, which, although they are not able to cure the child, will help clear the sinuses of mucus, make breathing easier. Means prevent the development of otitis media. If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then antihistamines are prescribed. They do not eliminate congestion, but block the release of mediators that cause irritation and swelling of the mucous membranes.

With a cold, anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve inflammation of the nose. They remove congestion, moisturize and soften irritated mucous membranes. If the cause of the common cold is a virus, then the child is assigned a group antiviral drugs. Nasal drops effectively cope with all the symptoms of rhinitis and increase local immunity. Antiviral agents are especially useful during an epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza, when the child has not only rhinitis, but also cough and headaches.

How to drip a child's nose with congestion

At acute cold and congestion, the first remedy is sea water or sodium chloride solution. Thanks to them, you can avoid the occurrence of dry mucus and quickly eliminate the allergen. Habituation and overdose in these medicines excluded. good effect give drugs:

  1. Otrivin Baby. Medical complex, consisting of a spray and drops with interchangeable nozzles. The composition includes sea ​​salt and saline. Preservatives are not used. Apply the drug 2 to 4 times / day. The complex is used not only for rhinitis and congestion, but also for nasal hygiene in a newborn. Do not prescribe the drug if the child is allergic to its components.
  2. Salin. Nasal spray designed to combat inflammation of the nasal cavity. Main component drugs - sodium chloride. Salin facilitates breathing, dilutes thick mucus, softens crusts and removes them from the respiratory tract. It is necessary to spray the drug into both nostrils, one application 3 times / day until the situation improves.


If the problem of nasal congestion lies in the presence of polyps or in a child congenital anomaly nasal septum, then the surgeon comes to the rescue. Treatment consists in the partial destruction of the turbinates (lower). For this, ultrasound, electrosurgery, cryosurgery (ultra-low temperatures), laser radiation. The effectiveness of all these methods is the same, the differences are only in the timing of postoperative recovery.

Removal of the adenoids endoscopic method. The operation is carried out under the control of small optical devices, which are introduced into the nasal cavity of the child. extraction foreign bodies from the nose is carried out in the same way under general anesthesia. This is necessary so that the baby does not interfere with the actions of the surgeon, since the object may be too small size and enter the upper respiratory tract.

Folk remedies for nasal congestion in children

With bacterial or viral rhinitis, massages can be used to combat congestion active points, aromatherapy with essential oils, inhalations with herbal decoctions. Effective and folk remedies:

  1. Aloe leaf. The juice of the plant is used if the child has a breathing problem due to severe nasal congestion. It has an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To quickly relieve inflammation, instill juice in each nasal passage, 2-3 drops 3-4 times / day.
  2. Boiled chicken eggs. Used for rhinitis to warm the sinuses. When warm, the product is wrapped in a cloth and applied to the baby's nose for 10 minutes on both sides at night. To ensure proper outflow of mucus, the baby's head should be tilted down.


In order not to suffer from a runny nose and nasal congestion, one should not allow hypothermia of the child and constantly remember other preventive measures:

  • regularly undergo examination by an otolaryngologist;
  • strengthen immunity by hardening, proper nutrition;
  • do not contact with patients with ARVI;
  • do not use other people's handkerchiefs;
  • often carry out wet cleaning in the apartment.


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