How to lose weight in the hips: an integrated approach to achieving the goal. Tips for those who want to lose weight in the legs and hips

Today, the weight loss portal Let's lose weight without any problems will tell you about how to lose weight in the hips in a week. A few helpful tips will help you achieve good results.

Drink water!

It is water, and not all kinds of juices and carbonated drinks. Drink a glass of water in the morning to replenish your strength, improve blood circulation and enable your entire body to wake up quickly. During the day, also try to drink water, because it has a positive effect on metabolism.

But remember, if your legs are prone to swelling, then the use of water and other liquids, despite the desire to lose weight in the hips in a week, will have to be limited.

Wear slimming clothes!

If you decide to buy corrective underwear to lose weight urgently in the hips in a week, then you will not regret it at all. The fact is that such underwear is made from special materials that contribute to weight loss and volume reduction. Some models are more advanced: they are impregnated with special substances (caffeine, guarana), which also help to get rid of extra pounds.

Eat right!

To lose a few centimeters in the hips in a week, be sure to adjust your diet. Give up sweet, floury and fatty foods, include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. In the morning, you can eat oatmeal, it, like water, fills you with vital energy and perfectly saturates. If oatmeal does not seem very tasty, you can diversify it with dried fruits or nuts. By the way, instead of coffee in the morning, it is best to drink a glass of delicious orange juice - that's where the charge of vivacity for the whole day is.

If you want to lose weight in your thighs in just one week, make sure that every meal includes whole grains and proteins (meat, fish, eggs). If after the main meal you want to eat, drink a glass of kefir or eat a handful of nuts. can also be effective, unless, of course, you violate its rules.

And yet, remember that you can’t eat after 18.00. This is a taboo, and it is not worth breaking it for the sake of beauty.

Give up salt!

Salt is a product that retains fluid in the body, which may cause swelling of the legs. Whether you're prone to puffiness or not, it's best to limit the amount of salt you add to your food anyway. Instead, add aromatic spices to your dishes, which will also prevent the food from being bland.

Do hip exercises!

Well, what is weight loss without sports? In order to lose weight quickly in the hips in a week, do cardio training several times a week, i.e. walk, run, ride a bike, dance, in a word, move more. This will help to force the gluteal muscles and leg muscles to work. Do not overdo it, choose for yourself those cardio workouts that you like best. Start small, gradually increase the load. Getting rid of centimeters on the hips and a good mood will be provided to you.

A few words about morning exercises. Do not like to physically load yourself early in the morning? Then do not force yourself, do exercises for the buttocks in the afternoon or even in the evening. Some experts even express an opinion that doing exercises in the evening is even very useful for the general condition and getting rid of extra pounds.

What exercises can you do to lose a few pounds in your hips in a week? Lying on your back, spin the “bike”, do “scissors” and swing your legs. Be sure to squat and lunge on one leg several times. To help you - here are the video exercises:

Take a contrast shower!

An excellent method to improve blood circulation in problem areas and maintain muscle tone. During the shower, knead the thigh area, you can even massage with a vacuum jar, which breaks up fat deposits and promotes their removal. By the way, vacuum massage will help you get rid of orange peel, which means that the skin of your legs can again become smooth and tender.

Use anti-cellulite cosmetics!

On sale you will find various means that prevent the formation of fat on the thighs and contribute to its removal. If you need to lose weight in your thighs in a week, then buy a cream that contains ivy extract as well as caffeine. By the way, this cream also fights cellulite very well. Having rubbed a slimming cream into the skin of the thighs, and then putting on a special corrective underwear for women, in a week you will be able to say goodbye to a few extra centimeters.

Do not rely on cosmetics alone to help you lose weight. Do everything that is described above, and you will definitely succeed.

Do you want to have slender thighs? Do you feel like you need to change your lifestyle a little and find a new source of inspiration? Slim hips do not appear by magic, but with a little work on them, you will definitely see the results. Read on to find out how to lose weight in your thighs.



    Get a pedometer. The pedometer counts how many steps you take every day. You can attach it to your thigh; today you can buy a pedometer that no one will notice, so there is no reason to refuse it.

    • Try to take 5,000 to 10,000 steps every day. This may seem like a huge number, but it's less than you think (5,000 steps is a bit more than 3 kilometers). Always find a reason to walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk to the grocery store instead of driving. It takes a little practice to walk 10,000 steps a day, but it's worth it.
  1. Try running up and down the steps in the stadium. Wake up your inner Rocky and start climbing up and down the stairs. Feel the burning sensation in the muscles and remember that without pain there is no result. Also try taking the stairs at home and at work instead of taking the elevator!

    Try interval training. In interval training, you alternate short-term intense exercises with lighter and longer ones. For example, you can jog three laps and run at top speed for the fourth lap. You'll be exhausted, but that's the beauty of it.

    Perform jumping legs together - legs apart. Instead of just jumping, which you may find boring and not very effective, try doing them when you have already exhausted yourself with a workout. After you've run a couple of miles, swum 20 laps, or cycled so hard that your heart is jumping out of your chest, get up and do 20 of these jumps at full strength. It's a good way to get really intense in your workout and you'll feel it on your thighs.

    Engage your inner thighs and abs with the scissors exercise. This is a great exercise that you can do almost anywhere without special equipment. Lie on your back, hands under your buttocks, lift your legs in the air and begin to bring them together and spread them in short, quick movements. Remember that the toes should be pointing away from you and that both feet should move. If you want to intensify your workout, place your hands at your sides instead of under your buttocks.

    • To increase the load on the hips, spread your legs wide and quickly bring them together. It's like jumping legs together - legs apart, only lying on your back.
  2. Dance to your favorite music or enroll in a dance class. It's a great way to have fun, and it's also a very effective workout because you won't even notice it. An added benefit of classwork is that you will study for a set amount of time, not just until you get bored.

    Go in for sports. You may not be an athlete, but there is a sport for every person. So if you don't like basketball, take up tennis. If you don't like tennis, start playing football. The spirit of competition will help you forget about the monotony of training and turn it into fun.

    • During team sports or group training, you can burn more calories than doing it alone. If you play football for an hour, you will burn about 730 calories. If you do the same hour of hatha yoga at home, you will burn about 200 calories. That's a big difference!
  3. Do lunges to tighten your muscles. Take a small dumbbell in each hand and lunge forward with one foot so that the knee of the other is just a couple of centimeters from the floor. Take a step back to return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

    • Bodyweight exercises, such as lunges, are ideal for those who want to have healthy, toned muscles, but not bulk them up.
  4. Realize that you cannot lose weight in just one part of your body. There is a myth called “spot training” that you can only lose weight in the hips or any other part of the body. In fact, to lose weight in the hips, you need to lose weight in general.


    1. Consume fewer calories than you burn during the day. Want to lose weight? This is the only reliable way to do it. Since there are 3,500 calories per 500 grams, you need to burn approximately 3,500 more calories than you consume to lose 500 grams of weight.

      • Don't be afraid of this number. 3,500 calories cannot be burned in one day. Try to lose 500 to 800 calories per day. This means you need to cut your calorie intake by 1,500-2,000 and burn 2,000-2,800 with exercise and activity.
      • Get into the habit of counting the calories you consume. Many people don't know how many calories they consume per day until they start writing them down. Create a list of the energy value of the foods you eat throughout the day. This list will help you follow your weight loss plan.
    2. Eat more in the morning and afternoon than in the evening. It is important to eat a balanced lunch in the morning to start the day. So your body will receive all the necessary energy to perform its daily functions. If you eat at night, it's not bad because you slow down your metabolism, but because you are more likely to snack on something harmful.

      Eat the right foods. To lose weight in general, as well as in the thighs in particular, it is important to eat the right foods. Scientists and doctors recommend the use of such products:

      • Lean proteins: white poultry meat, soy and dairy products, fish and so on.
      • Vegetables and legumes: spinach, kale, broccoli, carrots, peas, lentils, beans, and so on.
      • Fruits: citruses, bananas, apples, kiwi, pears and so on.
      • Whole grains: whole grain pasta, whole grain bread and so on.
      • Nuts and seeds: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts and so on.
    3. Avoid junk food. Processed foods, foods with saturated or trans fats, and foods with a high glycemic index are best avoided. These are products such as:

      • Refined sugar: candies, cakes, sugary drinks (soda) and so on.
      • Simple carbohydrates: pasta, white bread and so on.
      • Saturated and trans fats: butter, lard, margarine, and so on.
    4. Drink plenty of water. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, keep your organs happy, and partly trick your stomach into thinking you're fuller than you really are. If you are really hungry, drink a glass of water before eating. You will feel fuller and not eat as much as you planned. People often confuse feelings of hunger and thirst.

Rarely, when a girl has a slender figure with clear waist lines, the hips are “inherited”. More often - this is painstaking work aimed at combating extra centimeters. After all, our body loves to store hated fat in the most vulnerable areas. These include buttocks with hips. But the proportion and elegance of the figure depends on their harmony. Excessively plump hips will give the female body a figure called a “pear”. Therefore, the question “how to lose weight in the legs and hips?” most relevant for every girl and woman.

With some effort, you can achieve perfect hip lines. The main thing is to pay special attention to:

  • proper nutrition;
  • wellness treatments;
  • fitness.

Beautiful thighs with proper nutrition

At first it may seem that losing weight in the legs and hips is not realistic. But this is a wrong opinion. A strict meal schedule will allow the body to process the previous portion of food before the next meal.

To function normally, the body must receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates. An immediate reaction of the body will follow the exclusion of one of the necessary elements. Normal functioning involves the periodic intake of substances in a certain amount.

Basic four rules:

  1. Carbohydrates are best absorbed by the body in the morning. They are contained in many cereals - muesli, cereals.
  2. Fats are better absorbed by the body at lunchtime. A bowl of soup is perfect as a dose of fat.
  3. Protein is the most important component for our body, and it is perfectly absorbed both day and night. Boiled meat in a small portion, eaten two hours before lights out, is able to replenish the entire necessary supply of protein.
  4. In between, let's say, main meals, have a snack in the form of fruits, fresh herbs. But do not overdo it with tomatoes, they just contribute to the deposition of fat.

Such nutrition will allow you to consume the necessary amount of substances for the body, and eliminate the process of accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Wellness classes

Wellness simulators will help to effectively lose weight in the hips and buttocks. Their impact is many times more effective than traditional methods. With the help of modern simulators, you can focus all your attention on problem areas, which will increase the rate of weight loss in the buttocks and thighs. You can lose a whole size in the hip area in a week. Training should be given three days a week for only sixty to ninety minutes.

  • It is recommended to start the lesson with. Artificially created pressure breaks down fats four times more efficiently than regular workouts;
  • Next, give your thighs and buttocks a sauna effect with infrared heating. One session is able to reduce the volume of the hips by one or even two centimeters;
  • Finish your workout.

Fitness classes

How to lose weight in the hips and buttocks in a week without a "shock" complex. We have already figured out that the main components of the complex are proper nutrition (you must always adhere to it) and Veles simulators. But this complex is not complete without fitness loads. But these should be special exercises that are aimed directly at problem areas of the body. Fitness classes should be given for thirty minutes, but daily. Alternate the following exercises, and your hips will become perfect:

  1. As a warm-up, dedicate five to ten minutes to an exercise bike, treadmill, or regular bike. Thus, you will prepare the muscles for the main load;
  2. - an effective method for creating a chiseled line of the hips. The main thing is to bend your legs at the knee joint while jumping. This will add stress to the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  3. At least once a week visit the pool and swim there. At the same time, alternate the movement of the legs up and down and, as the people call it, “frog” movements;
  4. The key exercise is squats. Place your legs no wider than your shoulders, straighten your back as much as possible, squat parallel to the floor. Perform four repetitions of ten squats each. You can increase the load with dumbbells;
  5. And of course, lunges. Starting position - standing. Then take a step forward, bend your knee, and lower yourself as low as you can. Lock the position, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the second leg.

Let's make a small conclusion

The above complex will allow you to tighten your muscles in a week, reduce the volume of the hips, and make their line more clear. As the saying goes, repetition is the mother of learning:

  1. the right diet - limit your intake of fats, and increase proteins and carbohydrates. But you shouldn't count calories;
  2. be sure to follow the wellness treatments. This is the most important part;
  3. start fitness after your body gets used to proper nutrition. At home, the above exercises can be replaced with the “bike” exercise, squats and lunges.

In order to lose weight legs, it is necessary to use not only a set of exercises, but also to reconsider your food preferences.

The guarantee of weight loss lies in a simple formula: calorie restriction plus exercise.

By giving up high-calorie foods, and regularly performing a set of exercises, you can quickly achieve excellent results, even at home!

Leg anatomy

The anatomical structure of the muscles of the legs are the following muscle groups: gluteal, femoral, lower legs.

The largest in volume are the femoral muscles. It is in this area that the main fat layer is located. Loads should be, first of all, aimed at working out the target muscle groups: and. By targeting the muscles, you can achieve a beautiful and slender leg line.

Compliance with certain recommendations significantly affects the effectiveness of the exercises performed.

  • Start your workout with a warm-up. This is an important condition, as it will prepare the muscles, joints and ligaments for loads.
  • Be careful when doing strength exercises if you are starting to exercise for the first time. Increase the number of repetitions smoothly and consciously.
  • The musculoskeletal system of the legs and the ligamentous apparatus adapt to the loads within a few weeks. After that, you can fully engage and increase the number of repetitions.
  • It is very important to alternate tension and relaxation. We always do tension on the exhale. This needs to be done automatically.
  • The number of exercises and repetitions performed, the pace of execution and other training parameters are not the same for everyone. Set a training regimen so that you feel pleasantly tired after it.
  • Sports doctors warn! It is not uncommon for a person to get injured, starting immediately to train too intensely. Must be able to
Attention! Every body is different, so listen to yourself. Tailor your workout to suit you and your abilities.

The most effective system of 7 exercises

The complex below, consisting of the best exercises that affect the legs, is quite in demand in many types of training. It is designed in such a way that it allows you to qualitatively work out the main muscle groups.

Remember! You can achieve your goal only with regular training.

1. Plie Squat

It works well on the muscles of the legs with an emphasis on the inner surface of the thigh. This area needs a good load, as it is usually little involved in everyday life. It is in this part of the thigh that subcutaneous fat is usually developed, which can be difficult to cope with.

  1. Do squats with a straight back. The arms are extended parallel to the floor.
  2. Feet wider than shoulder width, toes slightly turned outward.
  3. The squat is not done completely - the knees do not go beyond the toes.
  4. The pace is slow, breathing is free.

We start with ten repetitions. For an advanced level, we perform twenty exercises, with two to three repetitions. Rest for thirty seconds between sets.

2. Lunges

The most common movements for the legs. They form the relief of muscles and give the legs harmony. The main load is directed to the hips and buttocks.

  1. Stand straight, straighten your shoulders, lift your chin. Lower your hands freely.
  2. Take a step forward to the angle at the knee was ninety degrees.
  3. Repeat the movement for one and the other leg twenty times. Do several approaches.

In order for the load to be the greatest, the step should be as wide as possible.

As a variant of this exercise, walking lunges can be used. This option is convenient to perform, walking in a circle with maximum amplitude, but without touching the floor with your knee. We do not swing our arms, we do not use the force of inertia. All the load goes to the legs.

3. Leg swing

Perfectly work out the thigh with an emphasis on its front part, large and small gluteal muscles. It is performed in several versions.

Option 1.

  1. We get on all fours with an emphasis on the hands and knees.
  2. We make swings with a leg slightly bent at the knee with maximum amplitude.

We perform twenty exercises for each leg with two to three repetitions. Rest for thirty seconds between sets.

Option 2.

  1. We perform standing. Feet slightly narrower than shoulder width.
  2. We bend the leg at the knee at a right angle. Leaning against the countertop or the back of a chair, we swing with maximum amplitude.

We perform twenty movements for each leg with two to three approaches. Rest for thirty seconds between sets.

4. Exercise "Stool" (static)

A common exercise that gives a good load on all muscles. Great for burning calories. Static exercises are good because in a short time they make it possible to work out all the muscles.

  1. Standing with our backs to the wall, we retreat half a step from it and begin to slowly lower ourselves, as if sitting down on a chair.
  2. In the hip and knee joints, we repeat the bending of the chair structure.
  3. Hold the pose for thirty seconds.
  4. We rise and relieve tension from the muscles, finely shaking our feet and hands.

We do three approaches. Exist .

5. Stepping onto the platform

We strengthen the large and small gluteal, as well as the front and back of the thigh.

Those who are friends with the step platform do not have extra pounds. To increase the load, we take dumbbells in both hands, starting with the minimum weight. To begin with, we work out the execution technique. Learn to balance without dumbbells. There are several options for doing this exercise:

Option 1.

  1. We step alternately with the right and left legs. Ten times with one foot, and the same number with the other.
  2. Rest for thirty seconds and do a few repetitions. The leg that first stands on the platform should keep a right angle at the knee. We do this due to muscle tension, and not due to inertia.
  3. We perform at a slow pace, then you can gradually increase the speed.

The number of repetitions is twenty times with the required number of repetitions.

Option 2.
We perform fifteen steps with the right foot, then the same number with the left.

Standing on the platform with both feet, we increase the load by bending the leg at the knee and tearing the foot off the surface of the platform.

The result is like a double step.

On a note! Stepping onto the platform is the number one exercise for burning calories and shaping a slender and toned silhouette.

6. Bicycle

The muscles of the press, hips work, the knee joints are worked out. Good for belly slimming. A slender area of ​​the knee and thigh is formed.

- depending on the physical fitness of the performer.

  1. Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head.
  2. The exercise is performed with an emphasis on the lower back.
  3. We raise our legs above the floor. Alternately bending the legs at the knee joints, "ride a bicycle."
  4. We do not hold our breath, we breathe freely.

We perform ten to twelve exercises with several approaches. Rest for thirty seconds between sets.

Attention! The more we tear off the hips from the floor, the less the load on the press and lower back.

7. Scissors

Hips and abs are effectively worked out.

  1. We lay down on the floor. We raise the straightened legs, tearing them off the floor by fifteen centimeters.
  2. At a fast pace make alternating leg swings. The movement resembles the movement of scissors.

We do ten times with several approaches.

How is the process of burning fat?

Fat is distributed unevenly over the surface of the legs. His favorite zones are the lower part of the buttocks, the so-called "ears", and the hips. The knee joints are also covered with a rather large layer of fat and become like a ball. Caviar is also taken, which take on a bottle shape.

Initially slender legs, under the influence of body fat, become voluminous and lose their attractive shape. Cellulite bumps appear on them.

As soon as we start to lose weight, the legs begin to decrease. Muscles are tightened and strengthened. A slender line of legs begins to emerge.

Does the size of the legs decrease with weight loss?

When losing weight, the leg may well decrease by one or two sizes. This is due to the fact that fat disappears from the body evenly: if you do fitness and eat right, your feet will also lose weight. This is what will allow the size of the legs to decrease.

By following the basics of a balanced diet and purposefully doing exercises at home, you can cope with fat and gain harmony. Nutritionists and sports instructors emphasize that this problem must be addressed in a complex:

  • Reduced calorie intake. Refusal of foods with excess calories. Inclusion in the daily menu of salads from fresh vegetables and herbs, boiled fish, cottage cheese. Useful dishes from cereals, especially buckwheat, boiled in water with the addition of a spoonful of any vegetable oil.
  • Implementation of the proposed system- the basis of your actions to lose weight in the hips and buttocks. You can connect in addition classes on simulators, dancing, swimming, walking at a fast pace. This will help you shed extra pounds and strengthen your muscles.

If you use these methods, then the volume of the legs will decrease every ten days by several centimeters. That's all you need to do to achieve the result.

  1. The use of a contrast shower on the leg area relieves fatigue, trains blood vessels. It is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.
  2. Massage your feet after a workout, starting from the fingertips and ending with the gluteal region. You can do it yourself or contact a specialist. The massage procedure will relieve fatigue, improve lymph outflow, tighten the skin, make it supple and smooth.
  3. Before bedtime it is useful to perform the following exercise: raise your legs vertically, and finely vibrate your feet. This will strengthen the capillaries and improve venous outflow.
  4. Try to use your free time for outdoor activities. Even simple walking perfectly strengthens the muscles of the legs, helps to maintain good physical shape, and prevents congestion in the lower extremities.
  5. If constantly practice walking at a fast pace, then this will be a good prevention of the appearance of extra pounds.

Physical exercise should be regular, and rational nutrition should become permanent. Having dropped those extra pounds and started to eat wrong, you can return them again. Having fallen in love with a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy foods and not overeating, doing gymnastics, you can maintain an optimal weight without much effort!

Every woman wants to have slender legs in order to be desirable for men, and for her own pleasure. The whole problem is that the hips in women are wider than the shoulders, so the fat layers first of all appear in the legs.

Basic rules for reducing the fullness of the legs

This is not to say that there is a diet that allows you to remove fat in the legs. But proper nutrition and increased physical activity will help give them harmony.

The market brings to our attention a huge number of scrubs, lotions and massagers that promise to get rid of cellulite or even fat on the legs. Do not neglect them.

You can't lose weight by continuing to eat everything.

During this period, it is best to exclude the following products:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • fatty.

It is worth drinking more water, preferably more than 2 liters. Once there was a case when a woman in the struggle for a slim body died after drinking too much water.

But don't give up on advice. You just need to remember a little nuance.

Do not drink large amounts of water in one sitting. The required amount can be consumed during the day.

It is worth eating no more than 30 g of protein per day.

Such a diet will give a lasting effect, as it helps to normalize metabolism, which improves overall health.

Leg slimming exercises are shown in the video.

Useful exercises for weight loss

To combat fat in the legs, there are many exercises and muscle training options, of which there are a lot in this area and most of them are large. Due to this diversity, exercises should also constantly change, strengthening one or another muscle.

When they come in tone, the legs will look much better.

Before any kind of exercise, it is necessary to do kneading exercises aimed at eliminating the likelihood of possible injuries. It improves blood circulation, helps to accelerate the flow of metabolism, as if preparing the muscles of the body for subsequent physical exertion.

The warm-up should last at least ten minutes, so that all the muscles can have time to come into interaction. It is very similar to the usual morning exercises, so it includes simple exercises to warm up the body.

Classes can be carried out both in the fitness room and at home. For this choice, no one will reproach.

It is only necessary to understand that in order to study at home, there must be great willpower, a focus on success and diligence. If the thought often slips through your head: “laziness” - you need to urgently go to the gym.

There, under the watchful attention of the instructor, it will be possible to perform the exercises all the way, because he will not let go.

The main exercises that should be performed for weight loss of the legs are:

Exercises from the inner thigh

The muscles in this area are quite lazy, so they require special study to remove the "ears" on the hips. The main exercise is the plie, but this mainly serves to warm up the muscles.

  1. Impulses. It is necessary to descend into the “plié” and make springy movements with the pelvis, raising and lowering it to an insignificant level.
    At the same time, do not climb too high.
    Run 20 times.
    If it will be difficult, then divide into two approaches.
  2. Starting position - "plie". We rise, transferring the weight to one leg, and simply shift the second towards the first. Do several sets of 20 reps on each leg.
  3. The next exercise is a continuation of the previous one. The starting position is also “plié”, we straighten up, transferring the weight to one leg, and we start the second in front of us behind the first. After completing 20 repetitions, we perform at the extreme point of the pulsation 20 times. We do the same exercise on the other leg. These swings require three sets of 20 reps.

Buttock Slimming Exercises

There are many exercises designed to "pump up" the ass, but not all are designed for weight loss.

The most effective in this regard are the following:

Calf exercises

There is no special diet for losing calf muscles. However, exercise makes it possible.

Women who often wear high-heeled shoes, as well as professional runners, have very thin calves.

However, they can be achieved not only with the help of running.

Perform the maximum possible number of approaches until fatigue occurs for 20 repetitions.

Those who want to quickly lose weight in their legs are advised to eat right and adhere to a strict training schedule. However, you can not perform daily exercises for certain muscle groups, because they do not have time to recover.

Muscles can take up to 48 hours to recover, so workouts should be timed for this condition. You can practice every day, but in this case, you will need to perform exercises for different muscle groups.

The chosen diet and exercises should accompany throughout life, only increasing their intensity and load. Therefore, when choosing, you should correctly calculate your capabilities.

When you stop exercising, the lost kilograms can easily return, and the muscles sag again from lack of physical activity.

Losing weight quickly in the legs is very difficult. The first result in most cases can be seen after 3 months of training and proper nutrition.

After achieving the result, you should not allow yourself to skip workouts or give up slack and start overeating and abusing junk food.

To create beautiful legs, you should make every effort.

How to get slender legs and remove extra centimeters will teach the video.

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