Flaccid penis: how to get rid of this problem with drugs and folk remedies. What to do if a sluggish penis: expert advice

A flaccid member during sexual arousal is a signal of a violation in the work of the genitourinary system. Many factors can provoke an unstable "riser". The main reason for this phenomenon is psycho-emotional lability.

Due to depression, stress and other psychological shocks, a man may be nervous before sexual intercourse, as a result of which, when excited, the penis does not become sufficiently elastic and firm.

It happens that the reason lies in diseases. Sluggish potency is observed in persons suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine or genitourinary systems.

To restore the "riser", a man should initially contact the doctors. Doctors must identify the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The main causes of sluggish erection

In most cases, the penis becomes flaccid due to psychological disorders. Many men develop sexual failure anxiety syndrome because of a failed sexual experience.

Expert opinion

Dr. Ekaterina Makarova

From 2000 to the present, he has been working as a doctor urologist / venereologist in Moscow

STOSN is characterized by a fear of not satisfying the chosen one, a decline in potency and libido. In the psychological form of ED, a spontaneous “riser” is present, but upon contact with a woman, the erection is suddenly broken.

Other factors can also provoke a decrease in sexual strength, namely:

  • Pathology of the genitourinary system. The decline in sexual power is observed in patients suffering from prostatitis, prostate adenoma, cystitis, urethritis, prostate cancer.
  • Diseases accompanied by disorders in the work of the pituitary or adrenal glands.
  • Diabetes. With autoimmune pathology, not only potency worsens, but libido also decreases, hormonal disruptions occur.
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland. Often, a decrease in potency is observed in men who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
  • Injuries of the genitals, spine, spinal cord, coccyx, perineum. Mechanical damage can lead to damage to blood vessels, as a result of which the “riser” will noticeably worsen.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and / or spinal cord.
  • Multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and other diseases of the nervous system.
  • Peyronie's disease.
  • cavernous fibrosis.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Allergy to condoms. In this case, the "riser" worsens immediately after putting a condom on the penis.
  • vascular disorders. Erection is a hemodynamic process. Often, a decline in potency is observed due to atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, heart failure. Heart attacks and strokes have an extremely negative effect on sexual strength.

Decreased sexual function can be caused by surgical interventions on the prostate or blood vessels / arteries of the penis.

Could the reason lie in the way of life?

The fact that an unhealthy lifestyle negatively affects sexual strength is undeniable. Often the penis becomes flaccid in overweight men. Excess adipose tissue also negatively affects the hormonal background and the work of the prostate gland.

Some foods can also worsen the potency and work of the vascular system. These are semi-finished products, fast food, smoked meats, pickles, sausages, fried foods, fatty meats, offal.

In addition to being overweight, ED can be caused by:

  1. Alcohol. Alcohol not only worsens the “riser”, but also provokes a decrease in the synthesis of exogenous testosterone.
  2. Smoking. Heavy smokers are more prone to vascular impotence, since nicotine and harmful tars have a devastating effect on the CCC organs.
  3. Addiction. Narcotic substances cause damage to the central nervous system, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  4. Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle is a predisposing factor to the development of congestive prostatitis and erectile dysfunction. Doctors say that moderate physical activity will have a positive effect on hormonal levels and sexual strength.

Also, the reason why the penis is sluggish can be prolonged sexual abstinence, or, on the contrary, an overly active sex life.

What medications can cause sexual impotence?

Anabolic steroids can cause erection problems. When they are used, the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes axis is suppressed, as a result of which the synthesis of testosterone is reduced.

Low levels of androgens cause a decline in erection and a decrease in libido. Also, a lack of testosterone leads to increased fatigue, a decrease in mental abilities, and female-type visceral obesity.

So that the course of taking anabolic steroids does not cause disastrous results, you must first consult with an endocrinologist. After the course, it is mandatory to use aromatase inhibitors and, if necessary, Gonadotropin.

Can also cause iatrogenic impotence:

  • Psychotropic drugs.
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Anticonvulsants.
  • Statins.
  • Antihypertensive tablets.
  • Estrogens.
  • Blockers of H2-histamine receptors.
  • Immunosuppressants.
  • Fibric acid derivatives.
  • cardiac glycosides.
  • MAO inhibitors.
  • Progestins.
  • Narcotic analgesics.
  • Hypoglycemic agents.

If a certain medicine has become the cause of the decline in erection, then in order to restore male strength, you must either stop taking it or replace the drug with an analogue.

Preparations to increase male strength

To stabilize an erection, a man can be prescribed certain medications. When choosing a remedy, the doctor takes into account the root cause of the decline in erection.

If penis lethargy is the result of androgen deficiency, hormonal preparations based on testosterone are prescribed. Means such as Nebido, Methyltestosterone, Androgel, Andriol, Proviron, Testosterone Cypionate, Sustanon, Omnadren, etc. can be used.

When conducting hormone replacement therapy, preference is given to injectables, as they are more effective, less likely to cause side effects, and relatively inexpensive. The duration of HRT is selected individually, in some cases lifelong HRT is indicated.

In addition to hormonal drugs, to restore the "riser" can be prescribed:

  1. Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (Viagra, Sildenafil, Zidena, Levitra, Kamagra, Viatail, etc.). Medications are taken before sexual intercourse, the duration of the effect is no more than 24 hours.
  2. Intracavernous injections (Papaverine, Caverject, Alprostadil). Introduced into the cavernous bodies of the penis, effective in organic genesis.
  3. Ointments. Nitroglycerin ointment, Maxoderm and Heparin ointment have proven themselves well. They should be applied to the penis with a certain multiplicity.
  4. Tinctures (leuzea, ginseng, eleutherococcus). They are used in cases where the flaccidity of the penis was the result of asthenic syndrome (fatigue).
  5. Homeopathic medicines. To date, the most effective is Impaza. The drug acts in a similar way to PDE-5 inhibitors, but provides a longer effect.
  6. Biologically active additives (AK-45, Peruvian Maca, Semental, Vuka-Vuka, Saimaa, Yarsagumba). They provide a long-term effect, have few contraindications and side effects.

According to doctors, dietary supplements will be the best choice, since dietary supplements can be taken for long courses without harm to health.

It is no secret that a full sexual life is an integral part of the health of both men and women. Nevertheless, most often the representatives of the stronger sex with increased self-criticism refer to their form when it comes to intimate life. And very often the cause of such self-criticism is precisely a sluggish erection. Why is it that a fairly large number of perfectly healthy men face such problems? In order for all this not to be a serious problem, you must first determine the reasons for which it arises.

Causes of problems in the intimate sphere

If the erection weakens, then you definitely should not fall into despair and vice versa. Moreover, the situation is completely normal when an erection in men arises and disappears during intercourse. It is generally accepted that in a normal healthy man, at the sight of a naked female body (of course, attractive), an erection should occur instantly. Nothing like that, it's not mandatory at all. The fact is that for most men, contemplation of a naked female body (albeit attractive) is not at all the reason that an erection immediately occurs. A man needs something more to turn on.

First of all, you need to prevent uncertain thoughts in your head, since they most often cause a weak erection. Many representatives of the stronger sex need additional caresses of the penis, passionate kisses and hugs to be aroused. If you look for the reasons for a weak erection, then nothing can be said unequivocally, since everything is absolutely individual. But the only thing that should be noted unambiguously is that a full-fledged erection occurs only when a man is in a completely relaxed state.

Do not worry about the fact that a full erection requires a large amount of time.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that a full-fledged strong erection should best fit the vagina.

This is what is crucial for a full-fledged sexual intercourse, which brings true pleasure to both partners.

However, this statement is not unambiguous: there are a large number of women who believe that an erection should be at a level that differs from the above requirement. It is not so difficult to decide on this: you can simply compare the state of a morning erection with the one that occurs before close proximity with a woman. A large number of men can be convinced that the difference between them is quite noticeable. The thing is that for a large number of the fair sex, the maximum hardness of the male penis is too hard, which often causes sexual dissatisfaction.

Should I be worried about this?

Now, as for men who experience problems in the intimate sphere: if a man does not experience any problems with erection in the morning, and in cases of intimacy everything is not so rosy, then there are no health problems. Here you need to look for reasons in the head of a man. You can seek help from a psychologist or a sex therapist, but you can decide everything on your own.

It is no secret that it happens that problems in the intimate sphere in men are observed both in the morning and during sexual intercourse. Here, many men immediately begin to think that they definitely have serious problems in the sexual sphere of a medical nature. In fact, in most cases this is absolutely not the case: anything can be the cause of a sluggish erection. Here you need to consider factors such as depression, chronic fatigue, a lot of stress at work. Another reason may be that a man abstains from sexual relations for a long time.

In addition to all these factors, it should be noted a variety of diseases. Here we can talk about diabetes and atherosclerosis. But still, the main reason for all sexual problems lies in the unsatisfactory psychological state of men.

Often the cause of sluggish erection is taking certain medications. Here we can talk about antidepressants, drugs that help lower blood pressure, antiallergic drugs. If the erection has deteriorated sharply after the start of taking certain medications, then this is the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

It should be noted that in most cases, all this is not a cause for serious concern. You just need to get rid of the self-critical attitude towards yourself, and then you can fully enjoy a full-fledged sex life.

Erection Exercises

Often the cause of sexual problems is an unhealthy lifestyle. It is known that a large number of modern men lead a sedentary lifestyle, ignore sports, abuse alcohol, and smoke. All this most negatively affects the state of health, especially in the intimate sphere. Therefore, if problems in the intimate sphere occur regularly, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Than spending time every evening with a bottle of beer in a warm chair, smoking a cigarette, maybe go to the gym better? In addition to the fact that your general health will soon improve significantly, you can surprise your partner in bed so that she will see the sky in diamonds.

And there are some exercises that provide significant assistance in the intimate sphere.

  1. This exercise is called the "front step". In this case, you need to stand straight, with your hands down, and then you need to start walking, raising your knees high.
  2. Another exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the coccyx. Such an exercise is not very difficult - you just need to imagine that urination is delayed. At the same time, the coccygeal muscles are compressed, thereby they develop perfectly, which contributes. Such an exercise should be performed regularly, 10-15 times every day, then the result will not be long in coming.

Summing up, it should be noted that the best way not to experience erection problems is to have sex with the woman you love. Medical studies have shown that couples in love experience 8 times less problems in the intimate sphere than those couples whose feelings are not so deep. So you need to do everything to find your one and only, and then you can not have any intimate problems.

Violation of erection and sexual desire in men is characterized by poor potency. This problem requires a balanced complex treatment in order to give the stronger sex self-confidence, restore the normal functioning of the reproductive system and sexual satisfaction. The causes of the disease are factors of a physical, psychological nature, and weak potency can be eliminated by diet, medication, and exercise.

What is potency

In a broad sense, the term potency means "the ability to act" - to experience an erection, have sex, feel sexual desire, satisfy a woman and participate in the conception of a child. Also, the components of the concept include: the functionality of spermatozoa, the production of testosterone, the duration of sexual intercourse and libido. Sexology associates potency with a high rhythm of sexual life - up to 30 men have sex every day, at 30-35 years old - 2-3 times a week, twice - at 50 years old and once at 60.

flaccid erection

If there are problems with desire, this is reflected in all areas of the life of the stronger sex. A man has a sluggish potency, a bad erection, the desire disappears altogether, sometimes even during intercourse. Young people lack excitement, there is a feeling of psychological discomfort. There can be several reasons for problematic potency - from severe overexcitation to serious diseases like prostatitis or disorders of internal organs.

Sexopathologists believe that a sluggish erection is a reason to see a doctor if it is not possible to get excited even after foreplay, there is no desire to have sex in the morning, and cases of intimacy are rare. Here you will need the help of a psychologist, and if a man experiences pain during sex, suffers from problems with urination, low ejaculate volume and duration of sexual intercourse, it is better to seek help from a urologist.


Factors for concern may be the lack of erection in the morning or during intercourse. A man is worried about fear and self-doubt. Doctors distinguish spontaneous and adequate erections - the first occurs involuntarily without sexual arousal, and the second - in an environment of exposure to sexual stimuli. The presence of spontaneous erections indicates a healthy potency of a person. Without them, you should think about going to the doctor. The reason for visiting a specialist may be too strong an erection or its absence, but with the release of sperm.

Young people

There may be several reasons for the problem, why a young guy has problems with potency. This is too strong arousal, which ends with early ejaculation, inability to control oneself or psychological discomfort. At a young age, signs of sluggish potency, poor erection are:

  • unwillingness to have sex in an intimate setting;
  • loss of erection during intercourse or during foreplay;
  • too fast sexual intercourse or its violation.

Causes of poor potency

Doctors believe that the causes of sluggish potency and weak erection at any age can be psychological and physical factors:

  • poor potency at the age of 30 occurs due to depression, chronic fatigue, great tension at work;
  • a long period of abstinence;
  • diabetes, atherosclerosis, tumors;
  • problems of the endocrine system;
  • taking antidepressants, drugs to reduce pressure, anti-allergic medicines.

In young age

Men under 30 experience potency problems due to sexually transmitted diseases and prostatitis. In addition to these reasons, doctors identify the following factors for poor erection:

  • diseases of the heart, spinal cord, brain, thyroid gland;
  • taking neuroleptics, anticonvulsants and hormonal drugs;
  • high consumption of alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • excess weight, failure expectation syndrome - when a man is terrified of the repetition of a bad erection;
  • neuroses;
  • trauma;
  • prostate dysfunction.

What to do if the potency is weak

From a psychological point of view, with a weak potency, you need to regain your former comfort and stop being afraid of failure. To do this, a man can visit a psychologist or independently set himself up for the right thoughts. If the problem is caused by a physiological condition, then you should:

  • reconsider the lifestyle in favor of a healthy one - start playing sports, stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • get tested for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • do special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the coccyx, buttocks and prostate gland - walking with legs held high, tension and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum has a positive effect.

Which doctor to contact

Problems with potency and their elimination are solved by several doctors. The main doctors are urologist and andrologist. The first one diagnoses urological diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems, the second one specializes in problems of male reproductive health. An andrologist deals with the study of infertility, diseases of the genital organs, and pathologies. For psychological problems, it is recommended to visit a sex therapist or psychotherapist.

How to treat

After examining the patient, doctors prescribe treatment for the problem. Complex therapy may include special procedures, tablets and creams, folk remedies. The main directions of treatment of poor erection:

  1. Medicines (Viagra, Talgat) - increase male strength, contain substances sildenafil, tadalafil, which improve blood supply to the pelvic organs and pressure. They affect the strength of erection, but do not cure it, but mask the problem - after the action of the pills, the problem returns and develops. Contraindications for taking pills for potency are high blood pressure, individual intolerance. They should be taken with caution and after medical consultation.
  2. Traditional medicine - offers fees, decoctions with ginseng, lemongrass, thyme, hawthorn flowers, ginkgo. Herbs increase erection, saturate the body with useful trace elements, but are inferior to professional treatment, and can cause allergies.
  3. Physical education - simple exercises included in daily exercises, normalize poor blood circulation, increase potency. Classes lead to the achievement of the desired result.
  4. Prostate massage - helps if the problem is concentrated in the work of the prostate gland. The procedure eliminates inflammatory processes, treats potency.
  5. Vacuum constrictor therapy - maintaining an erection with the help of a vacuum cylinder worn on the penis.
  6. Shock wave therapy is a painless, non-surgical method of influencing tissues using sound waves of different lengths. Due to them, scars dissolve, blood flow improves, blood vessels are restored, tissues become denser, potency increases.
  7. Surgery is the last resort for repairing arterial damage in a mature man. During it, the veins are blocked, through which blood is drained from the penis or penile prosthesis is done.


To solve problems with libido will help change the diet. Basic diet rules for poor erection:

  • intake of foods rich in calcium, which include: beets, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, cheeses;
  • eat foods rich in magnesium - almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, brewer's yeast, seaweed, parsley, bran;
  • eat foods containing phosphorus - cod liver, crabs;
  • taking aphrodisiacs to enhance potency - spices, eleutherococcus, cinnamon;
  • include vitamin C in the diet - it is found in sea buckthorn, currants, strawberries, oranges, sweet peppers, rosehip broth;
  • refusal of sugar, salt, fast food;
  • eliminate the deficiency of zinc, which is necessary for potency - include seafood, pumpkin seeds, grape juice in the diet;
  • replenish the reserves of vitamin E contained in olive oil;
  • eat more potassium - from citrus, lettuce leaves;
  • rarely eat pastries, white bread, soy products, drink sweet soda;
  • do not abuse coffee, which in small doses is an aphrodisiac;
  • give up beer and alcohol;
  • daily use a slice of dark chocolate, eggs, bananas, vegetable oils;
  • pomegranate, asparagus, lean meat are the main products for maintaining male strength and potency.


Age-related changes in potency and poor erection can be stopped or slowed down by preventive actions:

  • switch to a healthy diet - include in the diet foods rich in zinc, vitamin E;
  • reduce excess weight by eliminating the load on the heart and blood vessels, which are the causes of poor erection and reduced potency;
  • give up smoking and alcohol;
  • sleep well - poor sleep or lack of sleep leads to stress, chronic fatigue, which are the causes of problems with potency;
  • reduce the amount of stress - seek help from psychotherapy, yoga, meditation, which will drive away bad thoughts;
  • give up coffee, energy drinks in the afternoon, and even better;
  • start to establish a daily routine;
  • visit a urologist once a year and be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, infections;
  • prevent hypothermia of the body;
  • have a regular sex life without frequent change of partners.


Still not impotence, but simply a weak erection in a man can greatly complicate intimate relationships. There is excitement, but the riser is sluggish. The reason for failures may lie in physiological problems or psychological attitude. To restore a normal sexual life, a man needs to eliminate the cause of discomfort.

What is a "weak erection"?

When a man develops erectile dysfunction, due to which he is completely unable to have sexual relations, we can talk about complete impotence. A weak erection is diagnosed if one out of four (sexual intercourse) ends in failure for a man. What is the weakening of erection?

  • A man has sexual desire, but no erection.
  • The penis is filled with blood, but not worth it.
  • The penis is flaccid.
  • The penis hardens, but after a couple of seconds after the start of the frictions, it falls off.

Normally, an erection should be enough for the entire period of sexual intercourse. If there is no erection, the man does not get an orgasm and often cannot please his partner. This leads to tension in the relationship, which further aggravates the condition of the man.

Physiological factors leading to weakening of erection

It would seem that only the elderly do not have a riser, and this is due to the peculiarities of the body: the tissues wear out, the vessels can no longer supply the tissues with blood in the same volume. But young people under the age of 40 are increasingly complaining about a sluggish erection. The reason is in physiology. Possible pathologies leading to a deterioration in erectile function:

Common diseases such as diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, cholecystitis can also cause a decrease in erection. Violation of sexual life is provoked by colds, fever. True, it is enough to cure the disease in order to return to normal intimate relationships.

Deterioration of erection occurs if a man takes drugs for a long period that affect the functioning of the circulatory system, the production of hormones. These can be antipsychotics, hormones, antiepileptic drugs, steroids and anabolics.

Psychological problems

It is believed that it is easier to eliminate physiological pathologies that provoke the appearance of a sluggish erection than to deal with psychological problems that lead to erectile dysfunction. If the reasons for the deterioration of erection are in the head, they will have to be dealt with with the help of a sexologist, psychiatrist or psychologist.

Negative psychological factors:

Very rarely physiology and psychology are connected. This happens when a patient is diagnosed with a nervous breakdown, which resulted in a sharp drop in the production of male hormones. If the hormonal balance is not restored, the problem will worsen and after a time the man will not be able to maintain an erection.


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, the absence of a long-term erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

Erection restoration

Sometimes only a urologist or a sexologist can determine the cause of a weak erection in a man by a combination of signs. When should you see a doctor? If once every few weeks you “didn’t get up”, then you don’t have to worry yet. The problem may be in the banal fatigue or lack of sleep, it is eliminated by a good rest.

But if the weakening of erection is observed regularly, and it can already be calculated that out of three sexual intercourses, one could not be completed due to the fact that the penis became sluggish in the process, you should visit a doctor.


First of all, the doctor will listen to the patient. Already during the initial physical examination, it is possible to approximately establish what is the cause of penis lethargy: in violation of the blood supply or the development of an infectious disease. The sexologist should question the patient in detail and, if necessary, refer him for a consultation with a neurologist or psychiatrist. Additionally, you may need to:

When it is determined that a weak erection is provoked by a certain disease, the treatment prescribed by the urologist is usually aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. But often the patient has to prescribe a complex treatment, since many men have to normalize the hormonal background, as well as treat inflammatory processes.

Preparations to increase potency

Therapy features:

  • Medications are prescribed to eliminate inflammatory processes.
  • Medicines are prescribed that normalize blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, and stimulate the outflow of venous blood.
  • Hormone therapy is carried out - patients are prescribed a dosed intake of androgens, testosterone.
  • Courses of prostate massage are prescribed, as well as physiotherapy sessions: electrosleep, phonophoresis.

In old age, to support erection, the doctor may allow the patient to take drugs based on or tadalafil.

Udenafil, are single-acting drugs and only help to maintain an erection for a short period. It is undesirable for young men to take them.

With a significant deterioration in erectile function caused by a severe disease of the veins of the small pelvis, a violation of the blood supply to the penis, the doctor may offer the patient a radical solution. You can restore potency and get a full-fledged riser by undergoing a surgical operation for penile prosthetics.

Treatment of psychological impotence

When the erection has become weaker due to psychological problems, psychotherapy sessions are prescribed for the man, sometimes together with his partner. With this type of treatment, it is advisable to fully open up to the doctor, try to "get" the problem yourself. To eliminate erectile dysfunction, a psychotherapist may recommend.

Why does the penis fall during sex? In his youth, more than once during sex marathons, almost every man had to deal with this problem. But when an erection regularly disappears at the most crucial moment, you should understand in detail by reading this article.

In the article:

Why does erection fall during intercourse?

The disappearance of an erection can be a temporary or permanent phenomenon. A temporary decrease in potency can be triggered by a weakening of the body after a serious illness, lack of sleep, depression, and medications.

A constant feeling of fatigue, heavy physical exertion and mental work can become any man. If there are no physiological disorders (for example, vascular pathology, prostate gland), the erection returns quickly after a good rest.

If the violation of potency or erection is of a long-term nature, then it is worth thinking about the presence of organic diseases and even mental disorders. The main reasons why a member falls during sex:

  1. Age-related hormonal changes. This refers to the gradual decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood in men.
  2. If a man has, then problems with potency will soon make themselves felt.
  3. Passive lifestyle. This position for a long time leads to disruption of the blood supply to the pelvic organs. The prostate gland, appendages do not receive proper nutrition and oxygen, so impotence occurs earlier than nature intended.
  4. Lack of sleep. Sleep is necessary for the rest of the body, and during sleep, certain hormones are produced, including androgens. That is why in the morning a healthy man should have an erection. Disappearing or during sex is one of the consequences of chronic fatigue.
  5. Diseases such as urethritis, cystitis, cause severe damage to men's health. Frequent acute inflammations or recurrence of chronic diseases change the blood supply in the prostate, contribute to the formation of areas in it with stagnation of prostate secretion and the formation of plugs from it. Part of the gland stops working, hence the impotence.
  6. Nutrition and its value. The health of the genital area will depend on how balanced it is.
  7. Psychological problems sometimes harm potency more than organic diseases. So, depression can cause, and then the disappearance of an erection during sex.

Erectile dysfunction in young people

The main reasons why a member falls quickly during sex in young people:

  1. The state of the psyche. Everyone has moments when it's hard to think about sex, that's when it can come. If a member falls during intercourse, then most likely this is the result of excessive nervousness or, conversely, low vitality.
  2. Education of youth, personal qualities of a guy. If a negative attitude towards sex is instilled in parents from childhood, sexual relations are exhibited as something shameful, then it is not surprising that a child develops a wrong idea about this. Another reason may be low self-esteem, which is also laid down from childhood, or excessive suspiciousness.
  3. Sometimes during sex, the penis falls, and the partner may be the reason for this. It is for psychogenic erectile dysfunction that the penis falls during sex. The reason may be a conflict with a woman, a sense of high responsibility to her. Often with a change of partner, the problem disappears.
  4. Erection problems can occur if sex is not perceived as pleasure, but is performed as a duty.
  5. Side effects of drugs. For example, active substance Phenylephrine, which is an ingredient in cold (Coldrex) and hemorrhoid (Relief) medications, is also used to treat prolonged and unwanted erections.

How to distinguish temporary from permanent?

Treatment of psychogenic and organic erectile dysfunction is significantly different. One of them is that an organic lesion is not characterized by loss of erection right during sex. The psychogenic form is characterized by:

  1. The young age of the man.
  2. Erection disappears with only one partner or when changing positions.
  3. Preserved morning and night erections.
  4. The disappearance of an erection occurs in episodes, and is not a permanent fact.
  5. Sexual intercourse becomes possible after the use of certain substances. With increased nervousness - these are sedatives, and with reduced tone - tonic drugs, drinks.

Correcting mistakes and restoring erection

A number of drugs will help to quickly solve the problem with erection Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. They have long been entrenched in the pharmacy market, because they give a quick and pronounced effect. For example, , in addition to a potency-enhancing substance, it contains Dapoxetine, a mild antidepressant, which, in addition, prolongs sexual intercourse by 3-4 times.

The problem of erectile dysfunction increases if a psychological, emotional component is added to it. It turns out a vicious circle, when a man is constantly focused on erection during sex, and not on getting pleasure. Psychologists will help a man become more confident in himself, in his strengths and capabilities. Therefore, often consultation and treatment by this specialist become an indispensable component of the treatment of erectile disorders. A visit to a psychologist is recommended not only for a man, but also for his wife or partner.

Comprehensively help yourself:

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