No salivation. Foamy, viscous and viscous saliva in the mouth - causes and treatment. Elimination of dry mouth

Dry mouth (xerostomia) is a manifestation of reduced production of saliva by the salivary glands. The causes of this condition are numerous and often lie outside the field. oral cavity. Most cases of xerostomia are general (somatic) conditions and only proper treatment can eliminate their symptoms.

main manifestation pathological condition is painful sensation dry mouth. Dry mouth is accompanied by pain during eating and digestive disorders due to lack of salivary enzymes.

Xerostomia - what is it?

Xerostomia is the absence of saliva in the mouth, dry mouth.

Xerostomia is not an independent disease, in most cases it manifests itself either as side effect from drugs, or as a result of physical illness.

In order to better understand the importance of the problem, it is necessary to know why and how saliva is produced in the human body.

Saliva destroys harmful bacteria in the mouth, as it contains lysozyme, a substance that has a bactericidal effect.

Saliva contains enzymes that break down the complex carbohydrate chains of starch and glycogen into simpler ones, such as monosaccharides and oligosaccharides. Thus, the saliva in the mouth activates the process of digestion.

Saliva provides wetting and shaping food bolus. This function of saliva is very important, as food easily passes through the esophagus into the stomach. In addition, saliva begins the separation process nutrients, and activates the action of gastric enzymes.

Provides the outer layers of teeth with calcium, phosphorus and zinc, thus helping to balance mineral composition tooth enamel.

Saliva maintains the moisture of the oral mucosa. With a decrease in the production of saliva or its complete absence (xerostomia), the oral mucosa dries out, cracks and ulcers appear.

Produce saliva in the mouth salivary glands located in the oral cavity and beyond. In total, there are three groups of the most important and large salivary glands: parotid, submandibular and sublingual. In addition, there are a huge number of small glands in the mouth.

The salivary glands regulate the autonomic nervous system, and dysregulation of the salivary glands at each level can lead to the development of xerostomia.

Dry mouth: causes

The causes of dry mouth are quite varied and numerous, including:

Dehydration. The development of dehydration can occur with insufficient intake of fluid into the body, as well as its loss in large quantities(vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, protein deficiency). In both cases, the development of xerostomia may occur.

Surgical removal of the salivary glands. The salivary glands may suffer from various diseases. They can be affected by tumors, contain stones, form cysts. One of these reasons can lead to problems with the channels of the salivary glands, which leads to improper flow of saliva. As a treatment, a radical method is usually used - the removal of the salivary glands.

Regulatory violations nervous system
on the different levels often cause xerostomia. Damage can be of various origins: mechanical or as a result of development systemic diseases(diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's).

Taking medication. Dry mouth can result from an overdose of diuretics. Xerostomia can also occur as a side effect of chronic use of groups of drugs such as antidepressants, antiallergic drugs, antipsychotics, drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, belladonna derivatives.

Anesthesia. Xerostomia often develops as a side effect upon recovery from anesthesia.

Autoimmune diseases , such as Sjögren's syndrome, in which the destruction of salivary and lacrimal glands. Xerostomia and dry eye syndrome go hand in hand here.

Application radiotherapy during treatment neoplastic diseases. It has been proven that the use of radiation therapy can significantly reduce the production of saliva.

Sleep with open mouth. This type of xerostomia is most common in older patients.

Diseases of the nose accompanied by a significant violation of nasal breathing.

Symptoms and signs of xerostomia

One of the most bright signs xerostomia is a feeling of dryness of the oral mucosa. This feeling of dryness in the mouth comes from the fact that saliva comes in insufficient quantities to the oral cavity or it does not exist at all.

Dysfunction of mucosal hydration provokes dryness of all structures of the oral cavity (tongue, teeth, gums). The oral cavity loses its luster and dullness, cracks appear on the tongue, gums, cheeks, inner surface followed by ulceration. The absence of bactericidal components of saliva leads to rapid growth pathogenic organisms and causes inflammation of the mouth.

Xerostomia also causes some difficulty in eating. Chewing food with a dry, dense texture is very painful.

Another dangerous manifestation xerostomia is the progressive destruction of tooth enamel and then of the tooth as a whole. Dental mineralization is impaired due to the lack of saliva, in addition, it contributes to the flourishing of carious bacteria, even despite the observance of oral hygiene. Treatment of caries in this case leads only to a temporary improvement in the condition of the teeth.

Patients with xerostomia are characterized by permanently dry lips and the presence of deep painful cracks in them.

There are several stages in the development of xerostomia:

At the first stage saliva is secreted, but in reduced amounts. After a long speech communication there is a feeling of dryness in the mouth. This phase is most pronounced among people who participate in public speaking, presentations, lectures, or who conduct seminars.

Second phase: xerostomia progresses. Dry mouth becomes commonplace, complete wetting of the mouth does not occur. There are difficulties in chewing food. During lunch, the patient must constantly drink water. After long public speaking and conversations, it is necessary to moisten the mouth with water. The surface of the oral cavity loses its luster, cracks appear in the mouth and on the tongue, change taste sensations, there are multiple caries lesions.

Xerostomia reaches its peak . This stage is clinical form diseases. Erosions and ulcers form in the mouth, caries, gingivitis and stomatitis develop, there may be indigestion, lips are dry, chapped. The patient experiences constant feeling thirst.

Dry mouth: treatment

Treatment of xerostomia should be aimed primarily at eliminating its cause. An effective remedy against dry mouth are therapeutic measures to overcome the causes of the disease.

In order to understand the causes of the disease, universal testing, a thorough examination, information about the duration and dosage of medications are needed.

As additional methods diagnostics used ultrasound procedure salivary glands and X-ray of the salivary glands.

Drugs for xerostomia are prescribed mainly for local application in the region of the salivary gland. Physiotherapeutic methods such as electrophoresis have also proven to be successful. The patient is prescribed drugs such as pilocarpine, galantamine, potassium iodide, which increase the secretions (saliva) in the mouth.

To increase saliva production, patients are advised to chew gum and saccharin-free sweets.

But the easiest way to deal with xerostomia is to normalize your drinking regimen. Patients are advised to drink water as often as possible, in small sips, while it is permissible to use mineral water. Night time is also no exception. This simple measure helps to maintain a constantly moist environment in the mouth, and this greatly improves general state sick.

Used to treat ulcers and fissures oil solution vitamins. Patients are also advised to stop smoking, as this habit provokes relapses.

It is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene, which leads to a reduction in the growth of bacteria that cause inflammatory diseases. It is recommended to cure caries because it is a hidden source harmful bacteria. Besides, timely treatment teeth prevent their destruction.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this xerostomia article is intended to inform the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a health professional.

Dry mouth can be a symptom of many diseases. It arises as a result chronic ailments when there is a blockage of the duct of the gland, which reduces the production of saliva. Acute infectious diseases, diabetes, diseases also contribute to this. gastrointestinal tract, postoperative conditions of organs abdominal cavity, avitaminosis, increased function thyroid gland, menopause and radiation sickness. AT old age dry mouth increases.

Salivation or salivation - the secretion of saliva by the salivary glands. Salivation of large glands occurs reflexively when food is irritated by sensitive nerve endings oral cavity or when exposed to conditioned stimuli (type, smell of food). Small salivary glands secrete constantly, moisturizing the mucous membrane. Doctors don't usually treat dry mouth as a medical condition. They believe that this is just a syndrome of other diseases.

Causes of dry mouth

Dry mouth can also develop as a result of a number of local and common diseases. To local reason include: a surgical and chronic disease in which there is a decrease in saliva production, blockage of the gland duct by a salivary stone or compression by a tumor.

Common reasons are:

  • diseases - Mikulich, Shegren, radiation;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • conditions after surgery on the abdominal organs;
  • collagenoses;
  • beriberi A, B, E;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • climacteric, etc.

In old age, the possibility of dryness in the oral cavity increases. Xerostomia is most common in the elderly, or after taking certain medications that affect the parasympathetic nervous system. But the decrease in the functions of the salivary glands can also be affected by systemic disorders in the body, such as diabetes, autoimmune pathologies etc.

Xerostomia syndrome usually occurs in patients who have undergone radiation therapy to the head and neck. Usually, after such procedures, patients complain not only of dry mouth, but of pain in the teeth. With xerostomia, the risk of infection of the oral cavity increases, which is dangerous for the whole organism.

To combat this syndrome, you must first find out what caused it to appear, and then take up treatment. To combat xerostomia, various mouthwashes have been used for many years: decoctions and tinctures of herbs, olive oil etc.

The primary cause of dry mouth is the use of medical preparations. Indeed, xerostomia is a commonly observed side effect of approximately 400 blocking drugs. These include antihistamines, vasoconstrictor drugs and antidepressants.

Many diuretics and normalization drugs blood pressure and elimination of spasms muscle pain can also cause a dry mouth sensation. Even conventional antihistamine and vasoconstrictor drugs, available on the market, have an inhibitory effect on the formation of saliva. Since all these drugs affect the biochemical processes occurring in the liver cells.

Dry mouth can be a symptom of the following conditions:

Dry mouth at night and in the morning

As a rule, dry mouth at night and in the morning have the same causes:

  • mouth breathing with nasal congestion;
  • taking medications;
  • unhealthy diet (alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, salty foods);
  • a sign of illness.

Dry mouth at night, in addition to the above reasons, is often a sign of the following diseases:

Dry mouth is characteristic symptom diseases of the biliary tract and, as a rule, often accompanies diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, duonitis, gastritis), and also occurs when smoking.

Dry mouth during pregnancy

Dry mouth is often a concern for a pregnant woman. To understand how serious this phenomenon is during pregnancy, why it occurs and whether it is worth reacting to it, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the nature of this phenomenon in the body of the expectant mother. Among the main causes of dry mouth during pregnancy, there may be hormonal changes and associated metabolic disorders.

Another reason may be diabetes mellitus, which is also actively developing against the background of hormonal changes body during pregnancy. Dry mouth can also be triggered by taking those medicines.

During pregnancy, the processes of blood circulation intensify in the body of a woman, and therefore he now needs much more fluid. Therefore, another cause of dry mouth in a pregnant woman is dehydration.

If a pregnant woman experiences dry mouth constantly, then you should definitely consult a doctor and pass necessary tests for sugar. This will help eliminate diabetes, or begin its treatment.

If the expectant mother takes any medication, you just need to read the instructions for using the drug and, if one of its side effects is dry mouth, you just need to replace the drug with another analogue.

But to avoid dehydration, expectant mother should be consumed enough fluids throughout the day. If a woman drank little before pregnancy, now is the time to rebuild. To do this, you just need to drink not a large number of fluids every hour and after a few days the body will get used to the innovation.

It is important to remember that pregnancy itself is not the cause of dry mouth, so if it occurs, you should consult a doctor who will accurately determine the cause of its appearance.

Elimination of dry mouth

If the reasons for her dry mouth are not clear, you can simply drink water, sometimes just to moisten the mucous membranes of the mouth. In general, it should be remembered that during the day you need to consume at least two liters of fluid. Sometimes it is enough to use a humidifier.

You can remove dry mouth with a candy and see if salivation improves. You should reduce the consumption of salty, spicy, dry and sugary foods, drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, stop smoking.

If dryness is a manifestation of the disease itself, then treatment should be aimed at increasing salivation. The doctor may prescribe the drug Salagen, which enhances natural production saliva. Evoxac is used to treat dry mouth in Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease that causes dry mouth, skin, eye and muscle pain.

Questions and answers on the topic "Dry mouth"

Question:Hello, my husband has dry mouth, while he is sick: he has a temperature and his stomach began to hurt. Could this be related?

Answer: Hello. Lots of options: acute gastroenteritis, open gastritis, etc. Your husband needs a full-time consultation with a doctor to identify additional symptoms and examinations necessary for a diagnosis.

Question:Hello. I have dry mouth and heavy plaque in the morning. When I lie on my left side, dry mouth appears after 5 minutes. Chronic gastritis for over 15 years now. Dryness problem. What to do?

Answer: Hello. Internal consultation of the therapist or the gastroenterologist is necessary for you.

Question:There are no problems during the day. In the morning, dry mouth often occurs, I wake up several times and drink several sips of water. What is my problem? I don't drink alcohol. I have dinner 4-5 hours before bed.

Answer: Hello! You need to take a blood test for glucose and contact an endocrinologist.

Question:How to get rid of dry mouth? And from what does it arise?

Answer: There are many reasons for dry mouth (scientifically called xerostomia). For example, saliva production can be disrupted by long-term use various medicines, especially sleeping pills and drugs that lower blood pressure. About 400 drugs are known that have a similar side effect, among them antidepressants and tranquilizers, as well as decongestants and antihistamines. Another cause of dry mouth can be diabetes. Just in case, check your blood sugar. In older people, xerostomia is often associated with an age-related decrease in the function of the salivary glands, which occurs with diseases of the stomach, for example, anacid gastritis. This symptom may also indicate neurological disorders, including very dangerous ones - for example, about developing disease Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke, etc.

Question:Good afternoon! For the second day I have dry mouth and not very strong throbbing pains in the lower abdomen on the right. Tell me, please, what can it be?

Answer: Dry mouth and nausea may be due to the fact that you are taking some medications or simply drinking little water. Are you sure that in your case there is neither one nor the other? Relatively more in the lower abdomen on the right - they can be observed with some gynecological diseases. If the pain does not disappear within 3-4 days, consult a doctor and do an ultrasound of the internal organs.

Question:I have constant dry mouth, I feel thirsty, as a result I drink 3 liters, and maybe more. I get up even at night. And I also have severe swelling on my feet: sometimes in the evenings, and sometimes all day. 5 years ago, I turned to a surgeon for this reason, he told me that it could be hidden varicose veins veins. I followed all the recommendations and as a result, the edema disappeared, and now it has started again. I think it's because I drink a lot of water. Thank you in advance.

Answer: Increased thirst may be the result of a number of diseases, so I recommend that you undergo an examination. AT without fail I recommend that you take a blood test for sugar, visit an endocrinologist to rule out a disease such as diabetes. In addition, the cause of increased thirst may be intoxication due to a number of chronic diseases. In this regard, it is advisable to do general blood and urine tests, biochemical analysis blood, ultrasound of the internal organs, chest x-ray.

Question:Man, 40 years old. I never went to the doctors, but I didn’t seem to be sick with anything serious. Called from work, said he felt general weakness, dry mouth, pressure in the head, presses on the eyes, sometimes sneezes, does not eat anything, only drinks. This happened recently, but we dumped on sunstroke some. He refuses to go to the hospital. They didn't do anything, they didn't give anything. I'm afraid to hurt. It can be noted that he works a lot, sleeps little. What to do?

Answer: In this situation, the reasons for this condition can be many, including elevated level blood sugar and increased blood pressure, therefore it is recommended to conduct an examination: measure arterial and intraocular pressure, pass general analysis blood and urine, donate blood for sugar and personally visit a general practitioner for an examination.

Question:Hello! Three months ago I quit smoking and immediately started dry mouth. I had a myocardial infarction a month ago. Dryness doesn't go away. I took tests while I was in the hospital and after leaving. The doctor says everything is fine.

Answer: Hello. First I want to clarify, is dry mouth permanent or temporary? There are many reasons for this state of affairs. It is very good that the analysis for sugar (if I understood correctly) is normal for you. Smoking reduces the production of saliva by the glands. The main symptoms of smokers, such as cough and dry mouth, do not disappear until a few months after quitting. Constant dryness in the mouth can be: - at an older age, when the production of saliva by the salivary glands decreases. - due to breathing problems (for example, due to mouth breathing or snoring). - a sign of conditions such as diabetes mellitus, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, parotitis, Sjögren's syndrome, Parkinson's disease, etc. Damage to the salivary glands may also be the cause. Temporary dry mouth may be due to dehydration due to exercise. loads due to prolonged exposure to dry and hot climates. Also, dryness in the mouth can occur after taking certain medications (side effect).

The salivary glands secrete a multicomponent fluid, which consists mainly of water. About 5% of saliva is represented by enzyme compounds, proteins, acidic salt residues and many trace elements. The maltase and amylase contained in the oral cavity, being organic enzymes, are involved in the process of splitting polysaccharides immediately after eating. Thanks to lysozyme, the growth of pathogenic bacteria is controlled.

General information

Why sometimes a person observes foamy and too thick saliva? It's all about high molecular weight glycoprotein-mucin, which is responsible for the formation and enveloping of the food bolus. Violation of this mechanism creates difficulties with swallowing food and moving it through the esophagus. From which we can conclude that thick saliva is an important attribute initial stage the process of digestion. For how much saliva will be allocated, the autonomic nervous system is responsible. In this regard, people who are in a state of sleep or under the influence of anesthesia experience dry mouth. Effects of different smells and tastes give impetus to sharp increase saliva production.

The appearance of excessive density and white color saliva causes wide range reasons. Activation of the actions of irritants present in the oral cavity and triggering impulses in sympathetic department nervous system, increase salivation. For appointment proper treatment it is necessary to diagnose the underlying provoking disease.

Saliva can become thick for the following reasons:

  • Sinusitis. Chronic illness sinuses paranasal sinuses nose makes itself felt thick sputum and bad smell from mouth. The mucus produced by the sinuses moves continuously from the mouth to the throat. The nasal cavity swells, and saliva thickens. Patients make efforts to free the throat from sticky sputum, and then spit out the clot. Chronic form The disease is complicated by headache and less often by fever. If you suspect sinusitis, you should immediately make an appointment with an otolaryngologist.
  • Xerostomia. Sudden violation the work of the salivary glands, complicated by severe dryness. Saliva becomes very viscous. The surface of the tongue thickens, the work of receptors is disturbed, there is a burning sensation in the mouth. Sometimes there is soreness and pain in the throat.
  • Fungal candidiasis. An infectious disease that develops due to a violation immune functions, after long-term use antibiotics and corticosteroids. They can also provoke contact ways infections, personal hygiene items. Candidiasis can be a symptom of much more serious illnesses: diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, AIDS. With thrush, there may be a taste of metal in the mouth, difficulty swallowing food, itching and burning of the mucous membranes.
  • Angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Diseases affect the region of the tonsils. Infection causes the formation of purulent blisters, and their spontaneous rupture creates discomfort in the mouth. Inflammatory process accompanied elevated temperature, which deprives the body of water and inhibits the function of the salivary glands.
  • Periodontitis and periodontal disease. Due to damaged gum tissue, the amount of saliva produced decreases. Elements epithelial tissue penetrate the salivary fluid, making it viscous and white.
  • Acute infectious diseases: dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). With this pathology, gastric juice rises into the oral cavity. In this case, additional salivation is necessary to neutralize stomach acid.
  • Endocrine disruptions. Change hormonal background occurs during pregnancy, puberty and menopause. These reasons can also cause thick saliva.
  • Autoimmune diseases. Serious disease practically untreatable. Pathology is manifested in the defeat of the glands of external secretion, including salivary ones.
  • Dehydration. Water is the main constituent of saliva. The lack of fluid in the human diet leads to an increase in the viscosity of saliva. A person needs 1.5-2 liters of water per day to avoid dehydration. it minimum dose which ensures the proper functioning of all body systems.
  • dry air. Saliva often becomes frothy and viscous due to negative impact dry air on the respiratory system. In a poorly ventilated room, where the humidity of the air does not meet the standards, the oral mucosa instantly dries up. Thickening, mucus forms crusts around the perimeter of the inner part of the throat, which is manifested by perspiration and dry cough. Thus, the air masses, moving along the respiratory tract, receive the necessary moisture due to the moisture of the mucous membranes. The mouth and throat are not responsible for moisturizing the air. For this purpose it is intended nasal cavity, in which a special muconasal secret is produced. When a person cannot breathe normally through his nose, he uses his mouth to do this, so saliva immediately begins to thicken.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke causes irritation of the upper mucosa respiratory tract, and there is an increase in the volume of mucus. Many smokers complain of a feeling of having a foreign object in their throat.
  • Action of allergens. Thick saliva observed in certain months indicates seasonal allergies for pollen.
  • Taking medications. There are categories of drugs that cause this side effect like thickening of saliva. It can be hormonal pills, antidepressants and antihistamines.
  • Diabetes. Dryness of the oral mucosa and thick saliva are often observed against the background of hyperglycemic conditions.

In addition to a sharp decrease in the volume of secreted saliva and, as a result, an increase in viscosity, patients can observe additional symptoms:

  • Taste disturbance
  • Sore throat
  • Bad smell from the mouth
  • Cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, dry mucous membranes
  • Burning sensation in palate and tongue
  • Hardening of the muscle fibers of the tongue

It is possible that saliva becomes thick due to temporary hormonal disorders . In such cases, it is not required medical care, and the natural secretion of saliva improves after a while. To understand the causes of impaired salivation, a full-time consultation with a dentist is necessary. He will interview the patient, give directions for tests, and only then will he select the appropriate course of treatment. As a rule, an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause allows you to prescribe the correct treatment method, which will lead to a gradual normalization of the salivary glands.

The first thing to do is to stabilize the level of moisture in the mucous membranes of the mouth. Can help with this the following treatments:

  • Rinsing the mouth with anti-inflammatory decoctions of herbs and soda-brine solution. To eliminate the symptoms of laryngitis, it is advisable to use antiseptics, for example, hexoral.
  • The use of artificial saliva. Use in the form of drops or spray.
  • Moisturizer sprays and gel substitutes. Well-known manufacturers produce preparations in the form of a gel and spray, which instantly help to eliminate dry mouth. In addition, they contain antibacterial components designed to eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Mucolytics. A group of drugs to increase the production and thinning of saliva. Bromlein and acetylein have proven themselves well.
  • Inhalations. They help those who have problems with the lungs and bronchi. Suitable for inhalation pharmaceutical preparations, and herbal infusions, for example, St. John's wort or sage.
  • Chewing gum with sugar substitute. Great for stimulating the salivary glands.

Folk remedies to reduce the viscosity of saliva

  • A decoction of needles and pine bark. Pour 4 tablespoons of the ingredients with a liter of boiling water. Keep on low heat for 10 minutes, and then leave to infuse for an hour. Strained drink taken on an empty stomach three times a day for 2 tablespoons.
  • A mixture of aloe and honey. Take orally no more than twice a day for a tablespoon.
  • Propolis with peach oil. Lubricate the oral cavity with the mixture in the morning and evening.

Preventive measures

Daily preventive actions will reduce the risk of thick saliva. Costs observe the following recommendations:

Violations of the functioning of the salivary glands can be associated with improper functioning of internal organs and the development of diseases of the endocrine, respiratory, immune systems. But sometimes the symptoms of dryness hide factors that are eliminated without medical intervention.

Causes of impaired salivary gland function

Malfunctions with the glandular system are marked by symptoms: in the morning, thick, foamy saliva appears, similar to mucus, lips, corners of the mouth become covered with cracks or ulcers. With impaired salivation, dryness of the mucous membranes is constantly observed. Among the diseases and pathologies that affect the salivary glands, there are:

The answer to the question of why it dries in the mouth is often associated with diseases that do not affect the activity of the glands.

Viscous saliva as a symptom of disease

If it constantly dries up in the mouth, and saliva changes color and consistency, then this may be a symptom of diseases of other organs. Additional features confirm the presence of a problem: burning, hardness of the tongue, cracks, pungent breath, sore throat, impaired taste sensations.


Chronic disease affects the sinuses. As a result, thick sputum is produced fetid odor from the mouth, the mucus mixes with the saliva and thickens it. Sinusitis is accompanied by swelling of the palate and nasopharynx, in severe cases appears headache and fever.


The infection develops after prolonged treatment antibiotics and corticosteroids. Occurs against the background of immune lesions, as well as as a result of infection through hygiene items.

Candidiasis is included in the group of symptoms of AIDS, tuberculosis and diabetes.

It is accompanied by a taste of metal in the mouth, swelling of the throat, burning and severe itching. Outwardly, candidiasis is manifested by a strong white coating in the oral cavity.

Laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis

Infections affect the tonsils, pus appears, the exit of which infects the entire mucous membrane. The process proceeds rapidly, with an increase in temperature, due to dehydration, it dries the nose and throat greatly.

If a person has dark yellow mucus and there is no saliva, this is a sign of an acute infection.

Acute infections that affect other organs also cause changes in saliva: hepatitis, typhoid, salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera.

Parodontosis and periodontitis

The gums become inflamed, saliva becomes scarce, and its viscosity increases. With periodontal disease, it becomes whitish and viscous. The growth of gum tissue can affect the functioning of the salivary glands.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

One of the reasons why the mouth dries and thick saliva appears is gastroesophageal reflux. It develops due to the weakening of the sphincter that protects against penetration gastric juice in lower section esophagus.

Acid mixed with other fluids and food enters the mouth and causes profuse salivation. The process can cause it to thicken and change color.

Endocrine pathologies

Any changes in the hormonal background can affect the consistency of saliva. During menopause or pregnancy, it becomes thicker in some women.

Changes in the structure of the thyroid gland affect the functioning of the entire endocrine system.

The condition of a dry mouth and viscous saliva is dangerous when diabetes- an unpleasant condition develops due to sharp drop or an increase in blood glucose.

Reasons not related to diseases

There is viscous saliva in the mouth, dryness and discomfort as a result of other factors. Avoid or eliminate them simply at home (or wait a while for the body to recover itself). Here are the more common reasons:

Saliva becomes viscous during some physiological processes and pathologies.

saliva changes during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, women may experience changes in their mouth. The process is especially noticeable in the evening before bedtime and at night. Additional symptoms occur: hot flashes, stomach problems, dry nose and mouth, metallic taste, cracked lips.

All the unpleasant sensations during pregnancy associated with salivation depend on the work of the hormonal and metabolic systems.

Sometimes the changes are due to drugs, other times it is due to an increase in body fluids. Dry mouth and altered salivation are accompanied by frequent urination. Accelerated Metabolism leads to sweating and, as a result, dehydration may occur.

The appearance of thick saliva and dryness in sleep

During sleep, any changes in saliva and the appearance of severe dryness depend on huge amount factors. Most often, viscosity increases due to sleeping with your mouth open or snoring.

Dry mouth occurs when a person sleeps, may be due to severe stress. Experiences, emotional upheavals, lack of rest and psychological problems affect all areas of the body. In some people, the work of the salivary glands is affected.

If dry mouth is found at night, restlessness and heart palpitations are symptoms of a panic attack.

At panic attacks any acute symptoms pass without a trace. During the day, discomfort does not persist. If during the period of wakefulness a person sometimes experiences panic attacks, then with highly likely it is because of them that dryness appears at night, the viscosity of saliva increases.

In the side effects of some dental preparations noted that at night or daytime dry mouth may increase and the consistency of saliva may change.

Additional signs of illness and infection can help identify a range of problems that can cause saliva to become thick and dry mouth. But for staging accurate diagnosis it is necessary to pass some tests, including a smear, as well as undergo additional examinations.


Drying out of the oral cavity may be due to the beginning infectious disease. Prolonged thirst that worries at night can be a symptom of diabetes and other endocrine disorders.

The main causes of dry mouth:

  • Nose ailments. If the nasal septum is deviated or if there are polyps nasal breathing difficult. The patient breathes through the mouth, causing the mucous membrane to dry out. The throat feels dry and thirsty.
  • Taking medications. With some medications, drying out of the mucous membranes is a side effect. Most often, dryness is observed while taking antifungal, antihistamine and sedative drugs.
  • Infection. Often, dry mouth is the first symptom of a starting SARS or flu. If you suspect that you are sick, rinse your nose immediately. So you can prevent the development of the disease.
  • Endocrine ailments. Dry mouth is common in people with diabetes or Parkinson's disease. This is due to the malfunction of the salivary glands, which produce a secret in insufficient quantities.
  • Operations on the head. Operational interventions can disrupt the salivary glands or affect the nerves that are responsible for secretion production.
  • Dehydration. At heavy sweating and lacrimation glands can produce very little saliva. After drinking water, the amount of saliva increases.

Signs of dry mouth

Usually xerostomia is not a single symptom. Very often, the drying of the oral mucosa is preceded by several conditions. Pay attention to how you feel detailed description symptoms will allow the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

Signs of dry mouth:

  1. Thirst, frequent urination . This indicates that the body is losing moisture. It is necessary to try to drink more, and not water, but a solution of Regidron. After all, along with water, salts are washed out, which are necessary for normal functioning organism.
  2. Dryness in throat and nose. Together with dry mouth, these symptoms may indicate a cold or acute viral infection. When the virus enters the body, it primarily affects the nasopharynx and oral cavity.
  3. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, bright lip contour. With dry mouth, the lips often dry out, which provokes the appearance of cracks. Often seizures occur when the immune system is weakened due to the multiplication of streptococci.
  4. Burning and dry tongue. The tongue turns red from lack of moisture. In addition, there may be a sensation of itching and burning.
  5. . When the mucous membranes of the mouth dry out, an unpleasant odor may appear, due to the reproduction pathogenic microflora and putrefactive bacteria.
  6. Hoarseness of voice. Due to the drying of the ligaments, the voice may become quieter or disappear altogether.

Features of the treatment of dry mouth

There are many ways to get rid of xerostomia. If it is a symptom of some disease, then it is worth curing the disease. Only then will the dryness disappear.

Treatment of dry mouth with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a lot of recipes that will help increase the secretion of saliva and prevent the mucous membranes from drying out. Most often used herbal decoctions and juices of medicinal plants.

Folk recipes for dry mouth:

  • Wormwood and calendula. Very useful rinses with wormwood and calendula. It is necessary to pour 25 drops of tincture of wormwood or calendula into a glass of boiled and cooled water. You can use herbal tinctures in equal amounts at the same time. Rinse your mouth with the prepared liquid three times a day before eating. It is necessary not to eat after rinsing for 20-25 minutes.
  • Vegetable oils. They envelop the mucous membrane and reduce the evaporation of saliva. To get rid of dryness, wipe your mouth with cotton dipped in olive oil or sunflower oil. You can take a little in your mouth and rinse for 2-3 minutes. Spit out the oil. Repeat the procedure after meals three times a day.
  • Collection of herbs. For this remedy, you will need chamomile flowers, sage flowers and calamus root. These plants need to be brewed separately with boiling water. For 230 ml of boiling water you need 10 g of grass. When the decoctions have cooled down a little, they should be filtered and rinsed in turn. That is, before breakfast, chamomile, before lunch, sage, and before dinner, tincture of calamus root.
  • Rosehip and eucalyptus oil. You can buy them at any pharmacy. Eucalyptus oil is sold under the name "Chlorophyllipt", it is a green viscous liquid. For the treatment of dry mouth, it is necessary to immediately drip the nose with rosehip oil, and after 15 minutes with Chlorophyllipt. Use oils three times a day for a week. Chlorophyllipt is famous for its bactericidal properties, and rosehip oil stimulates the salivary glands.
  • . Eat fresh berries 100 g per day. If it's out of season, you can use dry ones. A handful of blueberries should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water and kept in a thermos for 5 hours. When the berries become soft, they need to be eaten, and the broth should be drunk.
  • Mint. This plant is suitable for diabetes and partial blockage of the salivary glands. It is necessary to chew several mint leaves during the day. Try to do this a third of an hour before eating.
  • Aloe. To treat dry mouth, you need to rinse the cavity three times a day. Is it necessary to take one rinse? part of a glass of juice. After that, it is advisable not to eat food for 1 hour.
  • Oil grape seeds . Before going to bed, apply a little oil on a cotton pad and smear the tongue and cheeks with a swab. Rinse your mouth clean after sleeping. boiled water and brush your teeth as usual.
  • Cardamom. This remedy is used to eliminate dry mouth in the countries of the East. It is necessary to chew a cardamom pod after each meal. After that, do not rinse your mouth for 1 hour.

Treatment of dry mouth with medicines

Now on the shelves in pharmacies there are a fairly large number of drugs that stimulate the production of saliva or replace it. Stimulants used in radiation therapy and blockage of the salivary canals have shown themselves well. Basically, tablet medicines are used in cancer patients to remove the symptom. In other cases, it is better to use gels and sprays that increase salivation.

An overview of medications for treating dry mouth:

  1. Pilocarpine. For the first time this drug began to be used in Sjögren's disease. The substance stimulates the salivary and sweat glands. Accordingly, sweating may increase. The drug is taken three times a day, 5 mg. Maximum daily dose is 30 mg. Treatment continues until full recovery organism. The drug is a stimulant, but does not solve the problem, but only relieves the symptom. After its cancellation, the oral mucosa may dry up again.
  2. Cevimelin. This is a drug based on civimeline hydrochloride. This is an analogue of Evoksak, which is much cheaper. The medicine also does not cure, but only reduces the manifestation of symptoms, increasing the secretion of saliva. Along with its increase, more sweat is produced. While taking the drug, it is worth drinking plenty of water so that the loss of fluid does not affect the work of the kidneys.
  3. . it healing gel, which is applied to the mucous membrane and increases saliva production by 200%. The preparation contains chitosan, betaine, xylitol and olive oil. Prolongs the action of toothpaste and prevents the mucous membranes of the mouth from drying out. The drug does not contain alcohol and sugar, so it can be safely used to increase the amount of saliva in diabetes.
  4. Spray Bioxtra. This is a spray that contains salivary antibacterial enzymes, xylitol and monosodium phosphate. Used for dry mouth syndrome. Antibacterial components saliva prevents the formation of caries. The spray forms a thin film on the surface, which prevents the saliva from drying out. You can use the tool as much as you like.
  5. Hyposalix. This is a preparation based on several salts. The spray replaces natural saliva and improves the patient's condition with keratomy. Contains chlorides of potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium. It has a salty taste and prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity due to the lack of saliva.
  6. Fluocal gel. Contains fluorine and prevents the development of caries. Enhances salivation. Gel lubricates the mucous membrane of the mouth. After its absorption, a thin film forms on the surface of the teeth and the oral mucosa. It prevents reproduction pathogenic microorganisms and evaporation of saliva.
  7. biotene. This gel is able to permanently moisturize the oral cavity and prevent the evaporation of saliva. The composition of the tool is significantly different from the previous ones. The basis of the drug are silicones and polymers. They envelop the mucous membranes, help eliminate dryness. In addition, the product contains vitamins and chitosan.
  8. Listerine. This is a regular mouthwash with mint and chamomile extracts. It is prescribed to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth, prevents the development of caries. Substances in the composition of the rinse perfectly fight dry mouth.

If xerostomia is caused by excessive physical activity and summer heat, there is no need to take medications. It is enough to adjust your diet and follow certain recommendations that will help increase the amount of saliva.
  • Drink plenty of water. Don't replace clean water carbonated drinks. You need more than 2 liters of clean fluid per day. Drink it in a glass in small sips. It is necessary that the intervals between water intakes be approximately the same.
  • Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar causes dry mouth, so don't sweeten your tea or coffee. Reduce your consumption of sweets and confectionery.
  • Choose an alcohol-free rinse. Alcohol dries out the mucous membrane of the mouth and reduces salivation.
  • Use hygienic lipstick. This will prevent the drying of the oral mucosa and eliminate cracks in the lips. This, in turn, will prevent the development of streptoderma.
  • Eat candy and chewing gums sugarless. They promote salivation, which prevents the mouth from drying out.
  • Drink dairy products. Be sure to include kefir fermented baked milk and yogurt in your diet. These drinks are a source of electrolytes. They prevent dehydration.
  • Put a humidifier in the room. If the air in the room is humid, this will facilitate nasal breathing and prevent the oral mucosa from drying out.
  • Once a day, breathe over the steam. This is necessary to moisturize the nasal passages. In addition, it is useful to rinse the nose with salt water. This will make it easier to breathe through your nose and prevent the saliva from drying out.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables while snacking. Replace sandwiches and fast food with vegetables that contain a lot of water. Perfect for celery and cucumber. It is good to eat watermelon.
How to get rid of dry mouth - look at the video:

Dry mouth - not really harmless problem. It may be a symptom of a serious illness, such as diabetes or cancer. Be sure to consult your doctor.
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