Mechanical massage contraindications. Features of mechanical massagers, their advantages and disadvantages. Local contraindications

Our domestic industry, in addition to massage instruments, produces the simplest electrical equipment for use with cosmetic purposes: electric massage brush "Agidel" for massaging the scalp, an electrical appliance for women "Kharkovchanka-4" for massaging the head and hands, a heat massager "Molodist" and a ball for thermal cosmetic procedures, etc.

In practice, of the hardware types of massage, vibration, pneumatic, hydromassage, ultrasonic and baromassage, as well as various combinations of them, are most widely used.

Vibration massage. Vibration therapy, as one of the oldest methods of apparatus physiotherapy, developed in accordance with the technical capabilities of a particular period. At first, vibrators were driven by hand: like a foot sewing machine or even with the help of tuning forks. various designs.

Vibration excitation principles can be:

1) electromotive - through an eccentric;

2) electromagnetic - during the passage of an alternating electric current through an electromagnet;

3) pneumatic - due to variable air pressure;

4) hydraulic - due to the variable water pressure created by the compressor.

In modern devices for vibration massage, electric motors are most often used. The defining features of vibration are the amplitude and frequency of vibrations.

Oscillation amplitude- this is the deviation of the point from a stable position (in mm). The larger it is, the deeper the vibrations penetrate into the tissues, since the adipose tissue is a shock absorber for them. The amplitude of oscillations depends on the degree of pressing the vibrating tip to the patient's body, this is one of the difficulties in choosing the right dosage.

Oscillation frequency is the number of times the point moves through the steady state position per unit time. It is measured in hertz. Hertz is one complete oscillation in 1 second. In practice, frequencies of the sound range from 16 to 2000 Hz are used.

The transmission of vibrations from the apparatus to the body being massaged occurs through vibratodes of various shapes and hardness. For an energetic and deep impact on tissues, solid vibrators (metal, plastic, ebonite) are used; for a more gentle and superficial effect - soft (rubber, spongy).

According to the degree of propagation of vibration are general action and local.

Due to the high cost, bulkiness and heaviness, general-purpose devices are currently not widely used.

Significantly more use was made of devices designed for local action. This is explained by the following: firstly, they are cheap, portable, easy to use, and, secondly, local vibration has not only a local, but also a reflex effect, affecting organs and systems located far from the vibrated area.

The physiological effect of vibration massage is very diverse and depends on the frequency, amplitude and duration of vibration (A. Ya. Kreimer). The vascular, muscular and nervous (in particular autonomic) systems are most sensitive to the action of a vibrational stimulus. In the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of vibration, their analgesic effect is of great importance in connection with the development of protective inhibition in cortical cells. At the same time, the anesthetic effect at the site of impact is more pronounced under the action of vibration with a frequency of 100 Hz than 50 Hz.

Rice. 118. Vertical impact of vibration.

Under the influence of mechanical vibrations, a feeling of warmth appears at the site of exposure, local hyperemia (redness) is detected and the temperature rises (and to a greater extent - with an increase in the applied vibration frequencies or the duration of procedures). After the first procedure, oxygen uptake by muscle tissue and working capacity increase, redox processes and the pituitary-adrenal cortex system are activated.

The nature of the body's response to vibration exposure depends not only on the frequency and amplitude of mechanical vibrations, the duration of the procedure, but also on the localization of exposure. For example, at a frequency of 100 Hz, an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate are more often observed, and at lower frequencies, a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate.

Vibromassage can be carried out according to labile and stable methods. The labile technique consists in the fact that the vibratod constantly moves without leaving the skin of the massaged area, mainly along the lymph flow, that is, to the nearest lymph nodes. When performing a stable technique, the vibratod stays in one place for 3 seconds or more (up to several minutes).

The main options for the location of vibratodes are as follows: vertical (Fig. 118), horizontal (Fig. 119) and vertical-horizontal (Fig. 120) in relation to the massaged areas.

Rice. 119. Horizontal impact of vibration.

Rice. 120. Vertical-horizontal impact of vibration.

The choice of one or another vibratode depends on the shape and length of the massaged surface. They can be flat with an adjacent surface, concave, spherical and impact.

Vibration massage techniques according to the form of movement are divided into the following:

1) rectilinear - movements are made strictly in a straight line of the massaged area and mainly along the lymph flow (Fig. 121, a); the pressure exerted by the hand on the vibratodode, in this case, is minimal, the vibrations extend to the skin and subcutaneous tissue(imitation of manual reception "stroking");

2) zigzag (Fig. 121, b) - the hand holding the vibratod additionally performs shaking from side to side;

3) spiral (Fig. 121, c) - the pressure on the vibratod can be of medium strength (2-4 kgf), when the vibrations spread to the skin and muscles (imitation of the manual "rubbing" technique), and large (up to 9 kgf) - vibration penetrates through all tissues to the skeletal system (imitation of the manual “kneading” technique);

4) circular - are used most often in some local area in order to eliminate muscle hypertonicity (Fig. 121, d);

5) dash-shaped - produced by 2-3 movements back and forth (Fig. 121, e);

6) transverse - used for massaging large areas: back and back surface, lower extremities(Fig. 121, e).

Rice. 121. Variants of movements of hardware attachments.

a- rectilinear; b - zigzag; in - spiral; G- circular; d - dashed; e- transverse.

Rice. 122. Vibration massage in the thigh area with a spiral movement of the nozzles of the EMA-2 apparatus.

Rice. 123. Electromassage device "Elvo" with nozzles.

a - flat; b - with spherical projections; c - sucker bells; G- spiny.

Vibratory massage can be done daily, every other day or 2-3 times in a row, followed by a one-day break. The optimal exposure time for one area is from 3 to 5 minutes. The number of massage sessions is determined individually and depends on the general condition of the body and its response to vibration (usually 10-15 sessions).

For local vibration in our country, the following devices are produced: EMA-2 designed by N. N. Vasiliev, VMP-1, VM-1, "Cheerfulness", "Elvo", PEM-1, "Sport", "Tonus", a mechanical device M. G. Babia and others.

The principle of operation of the electromassage device EMA-2 is that the air pressure drops from the cylinder of the device through rubber hoses are transmitted to two shock or rubber nozzles with a frequency of up to 50 Hz. The labile technique and all the main "options for the location and movement of vibratodes over the massaged area are mainly used.

While pressing the vibratodes to the massaged surface with a force of 0.2-1.0 kg and moving them at a speed of 3-4 cm / s, a manual stroke is imitated. Pressing with a force of 2-4 kg and a speed of 5-10 cm / s imitates rubbing, and with a force of 5-9 kg and a speed of 2-3 cm / s - kneading (Fig. 122).

In a general massage session for areas of the body, the following sequence is recommended: back, including the collar region (3 min), lower back and buttock (2 min), thigh (3 min) and lower leg (2 min) of one limb, then the other, the front surface of one lower limbs from bottom to top (4 min), then the other, chest (1 min), one upper limb from top to bottom (3 min), then the other. When indicated, the general massage session ends with a massage of the abdomen.

sequence diagram general session massage on body areas with the help of EMA-2 is also used for massage performed using other devices.

Effective and combined massage, that is, a combination of manual massage with vibration. Its methodology is as follows: after manual techniques of stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration is applied for 1-3 minutes on one area. The session ends with other manual massage techniques. Mechanical vibration, having a strong reflex effect, significantly complements and deepens the physiological effect of manual massage.

Vibrating devices for massage - models VMP-1 (50 Hz with an adjustable amplitude of 0.2-2 mm), vibrating massager VM-1 (57 Hz and 0.11-0.07 mm, respectively) and Vigor (50 and 100 Hz ) - are used not only for cosmetic, but also for therapeutic purposes, taking into account the above guidelines.

Effective for self-massage and easy to operate is the new Elvo electric vibratory massager (Fig. 123). Vibration with a frequency of 100 Hz and an amplitude of 4 mm is transmitted to the massaged area through four removable nozzles: flat, with spherical protrusions, with suction bells for back, abdomen and limbs massage and spiked (for neck and head massage).

Less convenient is the PEM-1 (Elmaz) electric massage apparatus, although it has an adjustable vibration frequency of 50 and 100 Hz (Fig. 124). With this device, despite its portability and availability, it is possible to use only a stable technique and massage on one area of ​​the body. Changing the position of the patient creates additional difficulties for both the massage therapist and the person being massaged.

Rice. 124. Electromassage apparatus of the Elmaz type.

1 - vibrating platform; 2 - vibration frequency regulator.

In auto massagers "Sport" (AM-2) and "Tonus" (AM-1) vibration with a frequency of 45-50 Hz and an amplitude of 12 mm and 2-3 mm acts on the massaged area through a wide massage belt. The amplitude of the vibration is regulated by the massaged belt tension force, which is equal to an average of 7-8 kgf.

Such devices began to be widely used abroad in the form of automatic machines, for example, in Vienna, in the Exhibition and Leisure Park, and in hotels in South and North America, in sanatoriums in Japan. A general self-massage session for 10-15 minutes with these devices begins in a standing position from the back and lower back - 3 minutes (Fig. 125), then the gluteal region - 2 minutes and thighs - 3 minutes (Fig. 126). The lower leg and foot (Fig. 127) are massaged for 2 minutes in a sitting position, after which the massaged one moves the vibrating belt to the upper shoulder girdle for 1-2 minutes. At the same time, in a sitting position, they are massaged upper limbs- 3 minutes (Fig. 128). Naturally, the time for self-massage increases if the limbs are massaged separately.

Rice. G26. Massage of the buttocks and thighs.

Rice. 127. Shin massage.

Rice. 125. Massage of the back and lower back area with the help of "Sport" or "Tonus" massagers.

Stationary mechanical apparatus M. G. Babia is able to simultaneously transmit not only vibration in the horizontal and vertical direction, but also imitate the basic techniques of manual massage: stroking, rubbing and kneading. A general massage session lasting 12-15 minutes, but not more than 5 minutes on each area, accelerates the recovery of working capacity, especially when exposed to a tired muscular system. Methods of therapeutic application of mechanical massage are built depending on the nature pathological process and its localization.

Per recent times Vibration massage began to be used in the form of hydrovibromassage (combination of the action of vibration and the water environment) or in the form of pneumovibromassage (combination of vibration with the suction action of air).

Hydrovibromassage- a new type of massage, its essence lies in the transmission of mechanical vibrations to tissues through the water layer using the "Wave" apparatus (Fig. 129). Vibrating water waves are directed to the desired area of ​​the body with a frequency of 10-200 Hz for 12-15 minutes. Baths can be fresh, mineral, coniferous, etc., that is, in this case, a chemical effect is added to the mechanical and hydrothermal influence. Currently, hydrovibromassage is used in the treatment of diseases, in particular peripheral nervous system, injuries.

Rice. 129. Apparatus for hydrovibromassage type "Wave".

Pneumovibromassage is carried out using the EMA-2 apparatus, in which the effect of vibration is carried out through a funnel-shaped nozzle by compressing and rarefying the air coming from the cylinder of the apparatus. During the massage, the nozzles move in a straight line, simulating a manual stroking technique, rubbing in a zigzag manner, and kneading in a circular motion.

The general session of pneumovibromassage is carried out for 25-30 minutes according to the scheme: back - 3 minutes, buttocks - 2 minutes, thigh - 2 minutes, lower leg - 1 minute of one limb, then the other; lower leg and thigh of the forelimb - 3 min, chest - 2 min, arms - 4 min.

Thermal vibration massage using an apparatus of the “Wizard” type, developed by the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Balneology, which will allow simultaneous exposure to mechanical vibrations with a frequency of 10 to 100 Hz and a temperature factor of 20 to 50 "C.

In addition to these devices, the industry produces stationary ones, which are used in rehabilitation centers and in physiotherapy departments.

Pneumomassage. The operation of devices for pneumomassage is based on the principle of creating an increased or reduced pressure air (Fig. 130).

They consist of an air compressor and a pump. They are mainly used in medical practice in the form of vacuum pneumomassage. The mechanism of action is that congestive hyperemia is created in the skin drawn into the nozzle (bank) and local hemorrhages are caused. The decay products of tissues and blood have a stimulating effect on the body of the person being massaged.

In the absence of an apparatus, the so-called canned massage. The medical bank is installed on the skin treated with cream so that in the skin was drawn in by no more than 1 cm. Then the jar is moved with smooth movements. When the jar comes off, it is installed again. It is used mainly in the back area. The procedure time is 5-7 minutes, the frequency is every other day or, if well tolerated, daily.

Hydromassage. There are several ways to conduct hydromassage: with hands under water, with a water jet in the air, with a water jet under water with high pressure.

Manual massage under water is a combination of manual massage with a thermal water treatment in the form of a bath or rain shower from a simple or mineral water.

At air jet massage thermal and mechanical irritation is used (Fig. 131). This type of massage is used in physiotherapy practice in the form of a Charcot shower or a jet shower (a jet of water under a pressure of 1.5-3 atm is fed into a hose to a tip with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm; this jet of water with a temperature of 20-30 "C on a distance of 3-4 m is carried out over the body massaged from the bottom up for no more than 3 minutes), Scottish or contrast shower(during the procedure, the temperature of the water changes all the time - from 40 to 20 ° C), circular shower (the water jet affects the person being massaged from all sides).

130. Pneumomassage in the back.

Rice. 131. Hydromassage with a jet of water in the air (Sharko shower).

At underwater massage under high pressure, centrifugal pumps are used that increase the pressure of the water jet to 12 atm. Hydromassage is carried out in special micropools with a size of 210.8 m using the Tangentor and Universal devices, Germany. The temperature of fresh or mineral water is 34-38 "C. The nozzles have holes of different diameters, and therefore the water jet affects the tissues of the body in different ways (Fig. 132). The intensity of hydromassage is achieved by moving the water jet closer or closer or increasing or decreasing the angle of inclination the handle of the tip to the massaged part of the body, and also depends on the duration of the session and the temperature of the water.It is necessary to take into account the sensitivity of individual parts of the body to pressure and temperature.The optimal pressure for back massage is 2-5 atm, hips - 2-4 atm, the duration of the general session is 15-35 minutes, in total, 6-10 procedures are prescribed for the course.

Rice. 132. Types of nozzles (a) for underwater hydromassage and their effect on massaged tissues (b).

Hydromassage enhances blood supply to the skin and hemodynamics in general, increases diuresis and metabolism, activates trophic functions, promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages and effusions, and accelerates recovery processes.

Ultrasonic massage. This massage is carried out using ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment, which includes a high frequency generator and a piezoelectric transducer (Fig. 133). Ultrasonic vibrations are not conducted through the thinnest 0.001 mm layer of air, therefore, a snug fit of the head of the apparatus to the body of the person being massaged is necessary, for which vaseline, lanolin or medicinal oils are used. The operating frequency of the devices is from 880 to 2950 kHz, the area of ​​the head is 1.5 cm 2 , the intensity of ultrasonic radiation is 0.05-3 W/cm 2 . The duration of exposure to one area is 2-5 minutes.

the distance of the ejection of a jet of water from the surface of the massaged body is at least 15 cm. Massage manipulations are performed in a circular motion clockwise from the periphery to the center.

Usually they use a labile method of exposure: the ultrasonic head slowly produces longitudinal and circular motions.

The mechanism of action of ultrasonic vibrations on the tissues of the body is complex, it distinguishes between mechanical, thermal and chemical exposure. The mechanical effect is associated with the direct influence of vibrations that cause alternate thickening and rarefaction of tissue particles, that is, with micromassage; thermal - is directly proportional to the magnitude of the vibrational energy absorbed in a particular tissue; chemical - associated with a change (under the influence of vibrations) in the intensity of oxidative processes.

Baromassage. It is carried out using the apparatus of V. A. Kravchenko (Fig. 134). Air is forced into the chamber and air is sucked out of it by an air pump. The minimum pressure achieved in the chamber is 500 mm Hg. Art., maximum - 850 mm Hg. Art., temperature - no more than 40 ° C. The dosage is carried out according to the manometer of the device.

Rice. 133. Ultrasonic back massage

Baromassage is carried out by 3-time alternating decompression up to 1000 or 3000 m, depending on the power of the pump and compression - up to 500-600 m. The duration of the massage in the first case is 20-25 minutes, in the second - 6-7 minutes.

Decompression causes an increased blood flow to the massaged area due to the expansion of arterioles and capillaries, an increase in skin temperature by 1.5-3 ° C, an increase in the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues and the respiratory activity of cells in the decompression zone, and an improvement in metabolic processes.

It is a method of mechanical and reflex action on the human spine using pressure and sliding rollers, as well as heating with infrared rays. This is achieved by special massage mechanical beds, of which there is a fairly large variety.

The mechanism of action of mechanical massage

It acts on many receptors in the skin, muscles and spine and stimulates with the help of mechanical and thermal stimuli. In this case, impulses are transmitted to the central nervous system. Depending on the modes of mechanical massage, the flow of impulses can stimulate and increase the tone of the central nervous system. It can also have a relaxing effect, which in turn has a positive regulatory effect on the activity of all body systems. In addition, blood circulation in the paravertebral zones is stimulated, muscle spasms.

Mechanical massage bed allows you to change temperature regime. This is important if there are contraindications to the use of heat. There is also an additional applicator for warming up the joints, when present, as well as a myostimulator, which is effectively used to treat cellulite ().

Many refer to the varieties of massage as a technique referred to as, but this is a separate medical practice.

Traditional massage like ancient way impact on the state human body, which consists in influencing the skin, muscles and tissues through friction, pressure or vibration produced with the help of hands, today has found a powerful competitor - hardware massage. For those who want to get rid of extra pounds and cellulite, improve the contours of the figure and reduce swelling, the issue of choosing the type of massage is very relevant.

  • Individual approach. Unlike the apparatus, the massage therapist evaluates each case in detail, competently and consistently building the procedure based on the state of tissues, blood vessels, the degree of swelling and many other factors.
  • The intensity of the impact. Since the master, in any case, feels the client better than the most modern device, and feels the degree of preparedness of muscles and tissues, the strength and intensity of exposure during manual massage is much higher. Hence, the efficiency is higher.
  • Naturalness. Manual massage is much better perceived by the body due to the fact that it is based on such a familiar touch. Therefore, many massage therapists argue that manual massage is much better than hardware massage, as it is “alive” and is perceived as a natural effect.

Anticellulite massage- a method of intensive manual impact on the subcutaneous tissue of problem areas, changing the local state of fat cells and improving blood and lymph circulation. There are manual (manual) and hardware anti-cellulite massage. Manual anti-cellulite massage can be carried out using thermoactive gels, essential oils, honey and other products. Anti-cellulite massage is especially effective in combination with wraps, thalassotherapy, hydromassage, mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage procedures, sports activities and appropriate nutrition.

Most likely, there will not be a single person who would argue with the fact that medical massage is one of the most enjoyable medical procedures. Even in ancient times, the enormous benefits and healing effects of this procedure were revealed. Massage implies a mechanical effect on different parts of the body, which contributes to improved tissue saturation. nutrients, bringing muscles into tone or relaxing them. The final result of the massage depends on its type and duration of the procedure.

One of the types of professional massage - Relax Massage. For a complete healthy life a person needs to relax from time to time. In moments of mental excitement and stress, the muscles involuntarily tense, and tense muscles, in turn, also affect psycho-emotional state. If the tension is prolonged, then overwork occurs, efficiency decreases, and stable stress is formed. The action of a relaxing massage is based on the reverse pattern - muscles relaxed by massage transmit calming impulses to the brain, which leads to a general calming of the nervous system and relaxation.

During relaxation, there is a temporary inhibition of electrophysiological processes in the central and peripheral nervous system, due to which a state close to healthy sleep is achieved. This is extremely beneficial for health. Important role for relaxation, relaxation of the facial muscles plays, since it is these muscles associated with emotional acts, facial expressions and speech that are largely responsible for the processes of excitation of the cerebral cortex. Also, for relaxation, massage of the neck-collar region, massage of the back and reflex zones of the feet are very effective.

Healing effect + relaxation + rest = relaxing massage.

Honey massage used for the prevention of various diseases, for therapeutic purposes, as well as for relaxation. Honey massage relaxes the respiratory muscles, improves lymph and blood circulation, and is effective for broncho-pulmonary diseases. Honey massage helps restore joint mobility. In a word, with honey massage best properties massage are combined with the wonderful qualities of honey.
Attention people with an increased threshold of pain and skin sensitivity! When performing a honey massage, unpleasant or even slightly pain.
Especially at first, until your skin is used to, or very tender. But after several procedures, the skin gets used to it and you enjoy the result in the form of smooth, clean and healthy skin.
Massage with honey is an excellent tool not only for relieving fatigue, but also for healing the skin and body, getting rid of many unpleasant ailments and simply for filling the body with the forces and energy of nature itself. If you have no contraindications and want to have silky smooth glowing skin - honey massage will help you look 100%!

Acupressure(or acupressure) is considered one of the most ancient methods of treatment. The massage is based on the impact on biologically active points, energetically connected with various internal systems and organs. Acupressure massage helps restore the "vital" energy of a particular organ, create an energy balance in the body as a whole, and reduce muscle and nervous tension.

A variety of diseases, as well as the need to increase immunity, reserve forces and restore the energy balance in the body, can become indications for therapeutic and prophylactic point exposure. Thus, the technique can be applied even purely in preventive purposes when there are no direct indications for therapeutic massage.

You can practice acupressure for headaches, to increase efficiency, relieve pain in the joints. The method for removing pain syndrome, derivation from fainting. Many medical and sanatorium-resort institutions use acupressure for coughs, bronchitis, tracheitis and even bronchial asthma. Acupressure as a method alternative medicine can significantly increase internal immune responses, positively affect the state of organs and systems in almost any disease.

In salons, clinics, as well as at home, two types of massage are done: manual or hardware. They differ in techniques, strength and area of ​​study, the use of additional accessories. Manual massage is carried out with brushes, jars, stones, spoons. Its main goal is to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, relax and increase tone.

Hardware massage has more possibilities, is used for many diseases and is more effective.

Types of massage are divided into:

  • Using pressure change;
  • roller;
  • Mechanical;
  • Using water and hot steam;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Pulse - electrical and electromagnetic.

The differences are explained by the peculiarities of the technical devices used to work out the body.

Massage devices are divided into:

  • Electrical;
  • electromagnetic;
  • Pneumatic;
  • reflex;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser;
  • Vacuum.

Regardless of the type of procedure, it is recommended to exfoliate with a scrub and steam the body before each session.

Each type has its own indications and contraindications, but they are all used to treat cellulite, improve body relief, and increase muscle tone.


Vibrovacuum devices operate on the principle of an air compressor. Vibrovacuum massage affects the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle tissue. He is assigned to fight overweight and cellulite, to improve metabolism. Vibrovacuum massage has anti-inflammatory, vasodilating and antispasmodic effects. Therefore, vibrovacuum therapy is used for degenerative-dystrophic diseases, physical inactivity and for recovery after injuries and operations. Vibromassage is carried out to normalize the work of the heart and respiratory organs, to correct posture and improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Vibro-vacuum massage also has contraindications:

  • Spinal injury;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • heart disease;
  • Stones in the gallbladder or urinary tract.

Carry out hardware procedures courses. The duration of vacuum exposure depends on the patient's condition, age, indications and doctor's recommendations.

Laser massage

Barolaser massage is a combination of vacuum massage and laser irradiation. When working on a part of the body, a special mirror jar is placed, inside which a reduced pressure is created. The air discharge occurs under the control of the microprocessor. Next, the laser is turned on, the radiation of which is increased by the inner mirror surface. As a result of exposure to the skin, blood supply to tissues and organs improves, natural pressure normalizes, lymph movement accelerates and edema is eliminated. It is forbidden to attend sessions with skin inflammations and heart diseases, during infectious diseases and in the presence of tumors.

Pressure chamber massage

Spend this species in special pressure chambers, where the air pressure varies depending on the given program. The result is an improvement in blood circulation, stimulation of metabolism, saturation of blood and internal organs with oxygen. Assign for diseases of the respiratory system and to improve bowel function. The main contraindication is diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Press massage or pneumomassage saturates skin cells with oxygen and stimulates active movement interstitial fluid. It is carried out with the help of special boots, gloves and a wide belt for the abdomen and hips. When the device is turned on, compressed air acts on the tissues. Pressure drives blood and lymph from the feet to the heart, activates blood circulation. Massage is used to eliminate edema, fight excess weight and cellulite. Contraindications - heart disease and respiratory tract, damage skin, spinal injury.


Before a hijama session, a back massage is performed, after which the skin is abundantly lubricated with olive or black cumin oil. There are three types of hijama:

  • Dry similar regular massage glass jars. It differs in that banks are placed at certain points corresponding to the disease.
  • The sliding view is carried out by vacuum jars with a pump to create a reduced pressure.
  • The wet type of hijama is capillary bloodletting. Banks are placed on problem areas of the skin. After a few minutes, they are removed, and small incisions are made at the installation site. Then the banks return.

Indications: gynecological diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, high blood pressure. Contraindications: low blood pressure, anemia, cirrhosis, heart failure.

Roller massage

Roller massage is divided into manual and vacuum-roller. Vacuum-roller massage activates metabolic processes, normalizes metabolism and blood circulation, stimulates the movement of intercellular fluid and collagen production. The lymphatic drainage effect is manifested in the release of toxins and toxins. Vacuum-roller massage is carried out with the help of hardware nozzles. They stick to the body, draw in the skin, forming a fold, and process it with rolling and kneading. Vacuum-type roller massage is used to lose weight and eliminate all stages of cellulite.

One of the most popular salon vacuum devices is Vortex. The device for massage is developed taking into account the international standards to cosmetology procedures.

For home use, mechanical rollers are used - wooden massagers, consisting of several or one roller. Regular roller massage is simple and effective for cervical osteochondrosis, during the recovery period after injuries, and in case of metabolic disorders. Contraindications - diseases of the skin and blood vessels, elevated body temperature.

Rolling and Rolfing

These two types of procedures are similar to each other and are based on rolling movements and the use of special massagers in the form of a brush with rollers. Rolfing massage consists of 10 procedures, has a strict sequence of actions. The duration of the session is from 60 to 90 minutes.

In the first session, the whole body is worked out, and Special attention given to the hips and abdominal muscles. In the second procedure, the feet and ankle are worked out. The next three sessions are devoted to working with hip joint, muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Next - the muscles of the face and neck. The final sessions are allotted for the removal of muscle blocks, coordination of work muscle tissue and deep study of the whole body. Rolling massage differs from Rolfing in softness and the ability to carry it out at home. Often it is combined with taking a shower or bath.

Mechanical massage

Sessions are carried out using special applicators. Mechanical massage is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases and pathologies. It strengthens the immune system and increases overall tone, improves well-being and performance. The result is improved sleep and metabolism, normalization of weight.

Needle type massage

The most common is needle massage, which is a multi-needle surface reflexology. We use Kuznetsov's applicators made of spandex fabric with polyethylene needles attached to it. Another applicator - Lyapko - is made in the form of a plate of elastic rubber with metal needles. It is more rigid and requires careful application. Rarely used roller applicators.

The effect of massage is:

  • Vasodilating action;
  • Distracting action;
  • Reflex action on points located on the feet and palms;
  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Immune activation.

Needle massage has contraindications:

  • tumors;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Moles and birthmarks.

During pregnancy, needle massage is performed only after consulting a doctor.

Electrostatic massage is based on the use of high voltage pulsed electric fields. During the procedure, the doctor attaches one electrode to his forearm. The second one is installed on the patient next to the problem area. Massaging the body takes place in special gloves made of insulating fabric. Start the session with higher frequencies. During the study, the electric massager forms a pulsating field called oscillation.

The result of the massage effect is an improvement in the nutrition of the tissues of the internal organs, an increase in muscle tone, the natural elimination of seals in the tissues, a decrease in pain, an increase in lymph flow and an expansion of arterial vessels. Oscillatory sessions are prescribed for the treatment of injuries and edema, ulcers, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Contraindicated in acute form infectious diseases, with diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood, as well as if there are malignant tumors.

Ultrasonic massage

Ultrasound devices such as andromed, medium, LPG or AV-006 are used in physiotherapy and cosmetic massage. Ultrasonic massage improves the work of enzymes responsible for the removal of toxins and toxins from the body, as well as tightens the skin and smoothes wrinkles, reduces scars and skin defects, swelling. Ultrasonic massage is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases and diseases of the nervous system, disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

It is forbidden to use ultrasound for people whose body weight is more than 50% over the norm.

There are three types of hydromassage:

  • Underwater, using mechanical devices;
  • In pools, using directed water flows;
  • Sharko shower.

They use hydromassage for weight loss: strong jets of water and mechanical action breaks the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Shower procedures relieve fatigue and headache, improve the state of the nervous system, and help to cope with depression. Sessions can be held in baths or showers with fresh, salt or even mineral water. Optimum temperature water for hydromassage is 37-39`C. The exposure time is from 10 to 30 minutes.

Phytosauna is a steam phytotherapy using saturated essential oils hot steam. Usually a cedar barrel is used, the massage in which is more effective due to healing properties tree. The shapes and sizes of barrels are different, but they are always airtight. Requires AC power to operate.

Indications for sessions: diseases respiratory system, physical and emotional overwork, depression, diseases of the nervous system, kidneys and skin. Supportive sessions are prescribed for problems with the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications to the procedures are hypertension, lung diseases and arthritis, exacerbation of diseases of the liver and genitourinary system.

How often you can do the procedure depends on the doctor's recommendations, the patient's condition and the expected result. The average course includes from 7 to 14 procedures, which are carried out in 1-3 days. To maintain the cosmetic effect, it is recommended to attend sessions every 3-4 weeks.

This is achieved by special massage mechanical beds, of which there is a fairly large variety.

AT medical center"Mednean" uses beds for mechanical massage "Nuga Best". They allow you to prepare the patient's body for subsequent manual therapy by developing segments of the spine with rollers, heating and stretching them (especially the lumbar spine). This makes it possible to remove small functional blocks in the segments of the spine, relieve muscle spasms and inflammation, and thereby prepare the body for the manual therapy procedure and make it less traumatic.

Summarizing, I should note that beds for mechanical massage are good helpers in the rehabilitation of the spine, but they must be supervised by a doctor who, according to certain indications, prescribes this procedure. If there are contraindications to mechanical massage, the patient is given a manual back massage by a qualified massage therapist. In addition, massage in our medical center can also be carried out through the aquatic environment (hydromassage).

The mechanism of action of mechanical massage

Mechanical massage affects many receptors in the skin, muscles and spine and stimulates with the help of mechanical and thermal stimuli. In this case, impulses are transmitted to the central nervous system. Depending on the modes of mechanical massage, the flow of impulses can stimulate and increase the tone of the central nervous system. It can also have a relaxing effect, which in turn has a positive regulatory effect on the activity of all body systems. In addition, blood circulation in the paravertebral zones is stimulated, muscle spasms are relieved.

Bed for mechanical massage allows you to change the temperature. This is important if there are contraindications to the use of heat. There is also an additional applicator for warming up the joints when there is pain in the knee, as well as a muscle stimulator, which is effectively used for the treatment of cellulite (body shaping).

Many refer to the varieties of massage as a technique referred to as manual therapy, but this is a separate medical practice.

Features of the spine massage

Spinal massage is a certain mechanical effect that relieves tension in muscle fibers, and also relaxes the whole body. As a result, the body gets rid of the stress that has accumulated.

Experts say that the back is a reflexogenic zone and certain areas correspond to the internal organs, so it can help with various diseases. Therapeutic massage of the spine has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism.

Manual massage may differ in the way it is performed:

  • point (acupuncture). The bottom line is that the specialist acts on certain points in the spine;
  • classical. It is a universal method that is suitable for almost all people of all ages;
  • vibration massage. It is carried out with the help of the device. The spine is affected with the power of vibrational vibrations;
  • hydromassage. This is another kind of hardware method, but the point is that a jet of water is directed to a certain part of the back;
  • segmental. It is performed by stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibrating.
  • jar. For its implementation, ordinary medical banks. With the help of such a massage, blood flow to the desired areas of the body is enhanced;
  • self-massage.

In addition, massages are divided according to their purpose:

  • relaxing massage helps to relieve fatigue, improve mood and relieve depression;
  • lymphatic drainage method promotes cleansing and rejuvenation, and also removes excess fluid from the body;
  • anti-cellulite massage helps to soften the skin and makes the figure more slender;
  • massage in the presence of various pathologies. Helps relieve pain and normalize blood flow, as well as relax and relieve spasm.

Therapeutic massage will help to significantly improve the patient's condition with uncomplicated forms of various back pathologies.

Indications for use

Massage of the thoracic spine is indicated in such cases:

  • with back pain;
  • with spinal injuries (after an injury, before doing a massage, an examination should be carried out). The reason for contacting a massage therapist can be sprains, fractures, curvature of the spine;
  • reduced or vice versa increased tone muscles;
  • shallow scars or scars in the back;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hernia (initial stages);
  • sciatica;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • myositis;
  • violation of the functional activity of the musculoskeletal system.


Therapeutic massage of the lumbar region and the entire back will help to achieve excellent results. Among which:

  • reduction or even disappearance of painful sensations;
  • relaxation of tense muscles;
  • increased tone;
  • strengthening the muscular corset;
  • improvement of local blood circulation;
  • resorption of inflammatory foci;
  • general relaxation;
  • positive emotions;
  • strengthening of local metabolic processes.

Massage is not only a treatment, but also a diagnostic study. Since during it you can find sore spots that correspond to certain organs.

Only a specialist can prescribe a massage, since this procedure, in the presence of certain diseases, aggravates the situation.


Consider contraindications for therapeutic massage:

  • hyperthermia;
  • pustules on the skin;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • dermatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension or hypotension (crises);
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • acute ischemic process in the myocardium;
  • mental illness that manifests itself in the form of mental arousal;
  • sclerotic change in the vessels of the brain;
  • recurrence of the existing pathology of the spine, which is manifested by severe pain, impaired sensitivity and motor activity;
  • infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • wounds;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • alcohol intoxication.

In the area of ​​​​the kidneys, you need to carefully massage and try not to press hard

So, how to do a therapeutic massage of the spine? You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the patient's skin must be clean;
  • it is better to lubricate the hands of a chiropractor with cream or petroleum jelly, thanks to this, good sliding will be achieved;
  • a warm bath, shower or bath - any of the above can be done before the procedure;
  • physiotherapy exercises are carried out after the massage. Massage will help relieve tension, speed up metabolism, activate blood circulation and relieve pain. It is after the massage that exercise therapy will bring more benefits;
  • the patient should lie on a hard surface, due to this, blood flow will increase.

Execution Method

First, let's talk about some simple tips for masseurs who will make the massage more effective:

  1. 1 advice. It is necessary to allocate time for relaxation and establishing contact with the patient;
  2. 2 advice. The pressure must be increased as the muscles warm up;
  3. 3 advice. Only soft areas of the skin can be squeezed strongly and deeply.

Now let's talk about general rules classic massage:

  • the first sessions are done with the help of light and gentle techniques;
  • first, superficial effects on the tissues of the back are carried out, and then deeper techniques are applied;
  • you can not use shock techniques at the site of the projection of the kidneys and heart;
  • at the end, calming superficial techniques should be carried out.

The movements of the massage therapist's hands start from the spinal column itself, and then to the sides

The technique of therapeutic massage includes various mechanical effects. First, let's talk about stroking.

Stroking movements

It all starts with a wide, superficial stroke. After that, with the help of the back of the brush, the masseur strokes more deeply. With massage movements, the specialist should clasp the entire back. Lateral surfaces are massaged with wrapping strokes.


Squeezing is a deeper technique that is performed along the lymph flow. This movement should be performed slowly, and its purpose is to influence the deeper layer of the skin.

In order to achieve the best effect, squeezing is carried out with the help of weights. Weighting is done by laying one hand on the other. The long muscles of the back begin to be processed, then they move on to the broad muscles.


Rubbing is performed before proceeding to deep exposure. Rubbing is carried out with a displacement of the skin. The back area is processed using semicircular movements.

Rubbing between the ribs is carried out from the spine, and then to the sides. At the end, you can do general wide rubbing over the entire surface of the back and do not forget about stroking.


To perform this technique, one hand is placed on the other. Long muscles begin to be processed. There are several types of stretches. Among which are the following:

  • with the thumb. Thumb must press the muscle fold to the bone and knead with rotational movements;
  • with both hands. On both sides of the back, it is necessary to knead alternately with the thumbs;
  • four fingers. Circular movements are made with the fingertips;
  • with the help of the phalanges of the fingers, circular movements are also performed.

End of the session

The massage should be finished with the help of vibration techniques - energetic shock movements with the palm or fists. Then vibration stroking should follow. And at the end, general wide strokes are made over the entire surface of the back.

So, as it turned out, therapeutic back massage brings great benefit the whole body, but at the same time, if you do not first consult a specialist and do a study, then it can be harmful. That is why massage should be prescribed by a specialist, but not by the patient himself!

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ATTENTION! All information on this website is for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and prescription of medications require knowledge of the medical history and examination by a doctor. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor for treatment and diagnosis, and not self-medicate.

What is spinal massage for and how is it performed?

Today, you can learn how to properly massage the spine on your own. However, we should not forget that a specialist doctor will do this much more professionally. Therapeutic massage for the spine should be done in specialized salons or in a clinical setting.

Massage contraindications

Given that The best way prevention and treatment of spinal problems - this is a massage, it can be done only after the permission of the doctor. This is due to the fact that there are diseases during which the massage is strictly unacceptable. Contraindications are permanent and non-permanent.

The permanent ones are:

  • vascular thrombosis (during the onset);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • malignant tumors (before the use of radical treatment methods);
  • hemophilia (blood clotting disorder);
  • rash on the skin;
  • tuberculosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • aneurysm of peripheral vessels of the heart and aorta;
  • osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow);
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • heart failure;
  • slow blood circulation;
  • AIDS.

The non-permanent ones are:

  • uterine, nasal and intestinal bleeding;
  • acute respiratory diseases, influenza, tonsillitis;
  • purulent processes and associated skin lesions;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • varying degrees of alcohol intoxication.

Spinal massage

Every day, the human spine is subjected to enormous loads. This is, firstly, due to the fact that the spine has to support the weight of the head and body. Secondly, a person periodically lifts weights, which leads to additional load. Thirdly, modern realities are such that most people lead sedentary image life (office workers). All this leads to poor posture, pain in the spine, neck, chest and lower back.

Indications for spinal massage:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis (cervical, thoracic, lumbar);
  • simple intervertebral hernia;
  • lumbalgia (pain in the lumbosacral region);
  • thoracalgia (squeezing and irritation of the intercostal nerves);
  • injury spinal cord;
  • neuralgia;
  • strokes;
  • piriformis syndrome (pain in the buttocks, spreading to the groin and upper part thighs and lower legs);
  • spinal tumors;
  • surgical interventions on the spine;
  • spinal injury.

Massage on the spine is a manual method of therapy, the use of which makes it possible to carry out the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system without medication and surgical intervention.

Impact on various parts of the spine

The massage scheme includes the impact on the area to the right and left of the spine (the distance from it is 3-10 centimeters), from the bottom up (from the coccyx to the head).

Pain in the lumbosacral region is due to the fact that the maximum load falls on it. It never decreases, even during rest and sleep is no exception, the spine hardly relaxes. Massage begins with kneading the gluteal muscles. After that, you can proceed directly to the massage of the lumbosacral region. The first step is to warm up the muscles by stroking in the pelvic area, squeezing and kneading hand movements, shaking and stroking again. The second stage includes again "squeezing" and kneading the muscles with the crests of the fists. Finish the stage with stroking and shaking to "calm" the muscles. During the massage, the following types of rubbing can be used: soft (with fingertips), harder (with finger joints), with fists and the back of the hand. Each technique should be performed 2-3 times.

When treating the cervicothoracic spine, classical therapeutic massage techniques are used.

Its method depends on the stage of the disease and clinical picture course of the disease, therefore, it is developed for each patient individually. Apply the following tricks: stroking, kneading, squeezing, shaking, rubbing. During the massage of the cervicothoracic region, special attention is paid to the areas located to the left and right of the spine, the exit points of the roots of the spinal cord and the reflexogenic zones of the upper and lower extremities (paravertebral zones C3-C7 and Th1-Th6). If pain in the cervicothoracic region is felt only on one side, then they begin to massage from the opposite side, healthy side back and neck. If the pain is felt on both sides, then the part of the back that hurts less is massaged. It is also necessary to perform a neck massage on both sides and the back of the head.

The neck has always been one of the most vulnerable parts of our body due to the large number of nerve channels and blood vessels, so neck pain and limited mobility cause a lot of inconvenience. Often massage cervical spine is the only and most effective way get rid of excruciating pain.

Massage of the neck and collar zone can be carried out both in the supine position and sitting at the table. The muscles of the neck and back should be relaxed. First stage massage includes stroking from the collar zone to the supraclavicular and axillary nodes. Stroking is performed along the course of the lymph with comb-like or planar movements of the hands. After that, they proceed to the implementation of "squeezing", rubbing and kneading. Finish the massage with vibration techniques: tapping, shaking, chopping.

It is not always possible and time to visit a massage therapist, so if you have neck pain, you can do self-massage of the cervical spine at home or during a break at work. It will only take minutes. It is better to carry it out in a sitting position from the 4th thoracic vertebra to the hair growth zone. The techniques for performing self-massage are the same as for a classic neck massage. It can be carried out with one hand or with both hands at once. Being engaged in self-massage, one should remember the main principle of medicine - "do no harm."

  • Intervertebral hernia

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Mechanical massage of the spine

Good, experienced massage therapist - Julia

Can a massage chair replace a massage therapist? And the rubber woman - natural?

Conclusion. Massage devices can be useful in the hands of a professional only after establishing an accurate diagnosis, a thorough examination of the patient. I compare the possession of the Ormed-Professional apparatus with high art, since it is possible to establish more than 100 different modes. Most effective application devices in combination with manual massage, passive gymnastics and mechanotherapy.

Be vigilant and careful in your words and manipulations!

Be professional before the problem arises!!

Can a massager replace the hands of a master?! I can answer as a former physicist with medical education. To date, no!

However, I myself sometimes use a massager (for myself). But I know what I want to achieve and I know how to apply this massager to my problem (and certainly not to general instruction by application). You just need to feel your body.

The difference is that the massager (massage bed, armchair, etc.), as well as not a very good massage therapist, works with soft tissues. And the master works with their movement. That's why you need to study osteopathy, applied kinesiology, etc.

Thinking about buying workplace massage chair on wheels Type of office chair. Of course, I understand that it will not replace the massage therapist, but still. Will it be useful, or is it money thrown away? Maybe you can recommend a model? Dorub budget.

It makes sense to develop a certain set of rehabilitation measures for this category (as in the good old Soviet times, when the section of professional disease was still alive).

The masseur, on the other hand, works with a living person and affects those muscle groups and areas that need to be restored. The inanimate cannot become alive.

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Features of therapeutic back massage for various diseases

Therapeutic back massage is one of the many types of this therapeutic wellness procedure. With the help of massage techniques, you can not only treat diseases musculoskeletal system but also affect the internal organs of a person.

Indications for this massage

The back is the largest part of the body that extends from the neck to the sacrum and is formed by the spine, the back of the ribs, and the muscles. Since the basis of the back is the spine with a ligamentous apparatus and numerous muscles: superficial, deep, small, it is most susceptible to various diseases. But this is also the largest reflexogenic zone, that is, when certain areas of the skin surface are irritated, the function of organs improves. chest and abdominal cavity.

Therapeutic back massage restores the function of the muscles and their contractility, accelerates blood circulation and metabolism, restores the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. Of the variety of types of massage (classical, cupping, acupressure, segmental, vibro-, hydromassage, relaxing back massage, etc.), therapeutic is most often used.

This type of massage can and should be carried out by healthy people who spend most of their time sitting and for those whose back is subject to heavy physical exertion. Therefore, massage for back pain in healthy people Helps relieve pain and relax tense muscles. There are also many indications for this wellness procedure. It:

  • traumatic injury to the spine;
  • various curvature of the spinal column;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis;
  • migraine;
  • stroke;
  • weakness or insufficiency of the heart muscle;
  • cardioneurosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • hypotension;
  • bronchitis;
  • gastritis;
  • intestinal hypotension.

Massage can be used to lift the mood in depression and in stressful situations.

When not to massage your back

Massage is not a panacea for all diseases. In some cases, massage aggravates the course of the disease or worsens the general well-being of the patient. There are a number of contraindications for mechanical impact on the back area. You can not massage with:

  • high temperature;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • purulent processes in the body;
  • hyper- and hypotonic crises;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • severe sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • some blood diseases;
  • excitations of a mental nature;
  • alcohol intoxication.

Features of technology for various diseases

Therapeutic back massage is best done on a comfortable couch or on a hard surface. The patient should be laid on his stomach, put a pillow under his head, and a roller under his shins. The effect of the procedure will be enhanced if the patient first takes a warm bath or shower. The back is lubricated with a massage cream or ointment to improve the sliding of the masseur's hands.

The main massage techniques are: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Hand movements should be in the direction of blood flow - from the spine to the lateral surfaces of the body. All movements begin various tricks from the sacrum, then the hands of the massage therapist go along the spine to the neck and, describing semicircles on the shoulders on each side, return to the lumbar region.

Stroking relaxes tense muscles, improves blood flow, soothes the patient and reduces pain. This technique is carried out after each stage of the massage. They begin and end the procedure. Rubbing is an effect on the deeper muscles of the back in order to relieve pain and improve metabolic processes. Kneading is gymnastics for the superficial muscle layer and deep muscles. Vibrations restore disturbed reflexes and, acting on active points, improve the function of internal organs.

Therapeutic back massage should be performed by an experienced massage therapist. It takes into account the disease for which this type of treatment is prescribed: in case of hypertension, the emphasis is on neck-collar area, with heart diseases and bronchitis - on the interscapular region and thoracic region, with radiculitis - on the lumbar spine.

It should be noted that in the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is first necessary to carry out manual therapy and then a massage. Only in this order are liquidated pain, increases the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, partially restored intervertebral discs, normalizes blood flow and reduces inflammation of the pinched nerve endings.

Massage for back pain should be carried out for a long time and gradually increasing the load during each technique and movement. Carefully act on the area of ​​the kidneys and the thoracic spine, eliminating vibration in these areas. Stroking is the main technique in such conditions. Here it is important to relax the superficial muscles as much as possible. Rubbing and kneading take a little time, are carried out with less intensity and should not cause discomfort to the patient.

Currently, many different devices for massage have been developed. One of them is the back massage mat, which can massage the entire back or specific areas. Using the regulator, you can set the massage mode, session duration and area for exposure. Massage with the help of such a device will soothe, relax and cheer you up.

You should be aware that any therapeutic effect, even a relaxing back massage is prescribed individually only by a neurologist or physiotherapist.

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant joint discomfort, annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones are faced with this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints.

Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you. And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, as they will lose customers! It was precisely against this that the leading rheumatologists and orthopedists of Russia jointly opposed, presenting an effective remedy for joint pain that has long been known to the people, which really heals, and not just relieves pain! Read an interview with a famous professor.

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