8 physical exercises after an ankle fracture. Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture. Periods of the therapeutic complex of exercises on the ankle

An ankle fracture is a common type of injury. It is formed due to the motor activity of a person with an excessive range of motion, as well as the adoption of an uncharacteristic foot position. Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is very important, since the further ability of a person to walk depends on its correct appointment. All the details of this period can be found in the article.

Doctors note that this injury is characterized by the following typical symptoms:

  • Severe pain, the appearance of a crunch and hematoma in the area of ​​damage;
  • The formation of edema and loss of general working capacity of the limb.

Usually, pain appears in a person at the moment of impact, but most often a person is in a state of passion and may not feel it at all. Later, he develops severe pain and is unable to step on his injured leg. If you do not see a doctor in time, then a person may develop a painful shock.

If a strong crunch was heard during the impact, then this indicates that the bone is broken. If this is the case, the person will later develop swelling in the injured area. If large vessels are damaged, edema may appear on the entire surface of the damaged limb.

The appearance of dark spots on the surface of the skin indicates the formation of a hematoma at the site of injury. It is formed if there is internal bleeding in the soft tissues. This phenomenon leads to a decrease in the performance of the injured leg.

Types of ankle injuries

Physicians distinguish the following types of damage:

  • Supination and pronation.
  • Isolated. They are divided into lateral and medial. Lateral appear on the outside, and medial - on the inside of the ankle.
  • Multiple. They are classified into two-malleolar and three-malleolar. The latter are characterized by a detachment of the posterior part of the tibia.
  • Ligament injury.
  • Closed and open fractures.
  • Ankle fracture with or without displacement.
  • Injuries with abnormalities in the ankle ring. They form between the ankle fork and the ligaments. These fractures are also divided into stable and unstable. In a stable fracture, only one ankle is affected. Unstable fractures are characterized by a double or triple ankle fracture, as well as the presence of torn ligaments. Such injuries are also characterized by the presence of external subluxation in the foot.

Thus, if unpleasant signs appear in the limb, the person should be immediately taken to the hospital. Only an experienced doctor, based on an examination, additional diagnostic procedures, can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

Rehabilitation after an injury

Most people are often interested in the question of how long rehabilitation lasts. Doctors note that if after breaking the ankle and removing the cast, a person has no complications, then the recovery period will take from 1 to 2 months.

Complications that may occur in a patient may include:

  • The presence of edema in soft tissues;
  • Reduced joint activity and lameness.

In the event that the injury was accompanied by a displacement of the bones and an operation was performed with a plate, then the rehabilitation period will be extended to six months.

After removing the bandage, the patient is recommended to bandage the leg. An elastic bandage after a fracture is necessary in order to give the limb an optimal position. At first, the patient is forbidden to step on the injured leg while walking. He usually walks on crutches. Only after 2 weeks is a person allowed to use a cane instead of crutches. If the patient does not know how to walk with a cane, then this should be discussed with the attending physician in advance.

Remember that how the recovery after an ankle fracture will go, and how long it will last, is affected by the severity of the injury.

In general, during the rehabilitation period, the following tasks are solved:

  • Increase muscle tone and elasticity;
  • We get rid of congestion and swelling in the leg and normalize blood supply and lymph outflow;
  • We restore the mobility of the injured limb.

Only the attending physician can prescribe additional procedures necessary during the rehabilitation period.

Thus, the rehabilitation process after a displaced ankle fracture generally consists of the following important steps:

  1. The passage of the patient physical therapy. He is also prescribed physiotherapy, massage;
  2. Eating only healthy foods;
  3. Giving him medication and wearing orthopedic devices.

Fundamentals of Physiotherapy

Initially, the patient is prescribed electromagnetic therapy. Next, mud baths are used, as well as exerting an effect on the damaged limb using ultrasound, electrophoresis and heating.

If the patient has a fracture with a displacement, then he is prescribed oxygen and pearl baths, as well as the use of underwater massage, thermal baths, applications with ozocerite, paraffin and mud.

In the presence of severe pain in the ankle area, physiotherapy includes the use of UHF, electrophoresis, and the use of an Almag device.

With slow bone fusion, extracorporeal shock wave therapy is used.

Exercise therapy for an ankle fracture is not carried out for the following categories of citizens:

  • With the presence of severe chronic diseases;
  • With the appearance of diseases in the circulatory system;
  • With the development of neoplasms of both malignant and benign nature;
  • With a tendency to heavy bleeding.

Massage technique

Usually, massage after an ankle fracture is prescribed to the patient after they have completed several courses of physiotherapy procedures. Massage makes the muscles elastic, improves blood flow to the damaged area and lymph outflow, and it also helps to work out the joint better and returns the mobility of the limb.

In general, massage for an ankle fracture is based on performing light circular and flexion-extensor movements. It is done either by an experienced doctor or by the patient himself if he has knowledge of the massage technique.

Massage is performed in several stages:

  1. Warmed hands are stroking the lower leg. Movements are made from below and go up. You can't click on a limb.
  2. Next, the ankle is worked out with the knuckles or fingertips. Circles are drawn on it, rubbed and slightly pinched.

Also during recovery, the patient is given baths with an aqueous solution of sea salt. To improve the healing process of the limb during the massage, various ointments and compresses are used.

Ointments and their recipes for making:

  1. Mix: 50 ml of olive oil, 15 mg of copper sulfate, 20 mg of spruce resin and 1 finely chopped onion. The resulting slurry is applied to the damaged area after a massage or bath.
  2. Mix rose oil and mummy. The composition should be applied 3 times a day.
  3. To get rid of hematomas, fistulas and wounds in the first days after removing the bandage, many people recommend using badger fat.
  4. In order to get rid of severe pain, a compress with potato gruel should be applied to the problem area.
  5. Alcohol compresses are used to improve blood flow and get rid of edema.

The patient undergoes about 5-10 sessions of therapeutic massage using various ointments.

Stages of fixing fixing bandages

Fixing devices are:

  • Soft and elastic;
  • Semi-rigid and rigid;
  • Pressing and protective;
  • treating and corrective;
  • Immobilizing.

Additionally, you can purchase orthopedic shoes and orthopedic insoles for your shoes. They help relieve swelling and prevent the development of flat feet.

Stages of physiotherapy exercises

One of the important components of the entire rehabilitation period is physiotherapy exercises. This is a set of special exercises that develop the limb and restore mobility in it. Therapeutic gymnastics after an ankle fracture relieves swelling, reduces the risk of such a phenomenon as post-traumatic flat feet, bone deformities, and heel spurs.

Usually, physical education is prescribed by doctors in the first days after osteosynthesis with a minimum load, but then it gradually increases. The first few days, the development of the leg is carried out with a physician who selects the exercises and controls the correctness of their implementation. When the patient learns the whole complex, therapeutic exercises for an ankle fracture are performed at home.

Exercises after an ankle fracture include:

  • The patient's exercise of flexion and extension of the toes and the capture of any small objects by them.
  • Carrying out rolling between the feet of a shady ball or a small bottle.
  • Rotation of the ankle joint: first counterclockwise, then clockwise.
  • Rolling feet from heel to toe.
  • Performing adduction and deviation of the foot from the lower leg.
  • The implementation of the passage through the room in a semi-squat.
  • Performing the exercise "bike".

A person at home should bend and unbend the ankle joint as often as possible.

If during exercise therapy after a fracture, the patient has unpleasant symptoms, then you should seek the advice of a specialist.

The list of actions that the patient should not perform during rehabilitation:

  • Jump, run and lean heavily on the limb and walk for a long time on the outside and inside of the foot;
  • Raise a limb, overcoming obstacles;
  • Ride a bike;
  • Practice active sports

Often, doctors, when answering the question of how to develop a leg after a fracture, recommend that patients sign up for a pool.

How to eat during recovery

Therapeutic exercise after an ankle fracture is not the only way to quickly heal the foot. Also, the patient needs to know how his nutrition should be built in case of a fracture. Every day in his diet should be elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as vitamins and mineral complexes. Also, a specialist may prescribe medications that increase the amount of calcium in the bones.

Failure to follow the recommendations of a specialist can lead to complications that are dangerous for his health, which can appear both during rehabilitation and after a certain period of time after it. Proper rehabilitation is the key to a quick recovery and resumption of physical activity.

Classes after an injury, namely exercises after an ankle fracture, begin to be done while the leg is still in a cast. Of course, during this period, the sore leg cannot be loaded, but the task of physiotherapy exercises is to improve blood circulation.

The fact is that the better the blood circulates through the vessels, the faster the healing of any injury. You can read about it yourself here.

At the very beginning, the exercises should be done every other day, then you can start daily workouts.

So, the starting position (IP) is standing on a healthy leg.

  1. Cross swings. Stand near a chair or wall and lean on your hands so you don't lose your balance. Start moving the sore leg: first take it to the side (on inhalation), then make an adducting movement, cross in front of the healthy leg (exhale). The exercise is done within 30 seconds, strengthens the inner thigh muscles.
  2. Swing your legs to the side. IP - the same, take the sore leg as high as possible, linger for a few seconds and lower the leg. These movements develop the outer thigh muscles.
  3. Knee lift. IP - as in the first two exercises. Raise your knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Hold for a few seconds and lower your leg. Perform for 2 counts within 30 seconds. This exercise strengthens the front of the thigh.
  4. Raising the legs back (develops the back of the thighs and buttocks). PI the same, lift your leg back as high as possible, pause for a few seconds and return to the starting position. DO NOT BEND IN THE LOIN!

Exercises after plaster removal

When the plaster was removed, it is necessary to start exercises on the ankle. If these exercises are neglected, joint stiffness or even lameness may develop ...

ATTENTION: exercises are performed lying down.

  1. Tighten the quadriceps femoris. Repeat 20-30 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.
  2. Bend and straighten your feet. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.
  3. Bend and straighten your toes. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free. Rest 1-2 min.
  4. Repeat exercise 3.
  5. Circular movements in the ankle joints in both directions. Repeat 10 times on each side. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  6. Bend the feet forward - backward with maximum amplitude. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  7. Alternately bend your legs to your stomach (socks on yourself). Repeat 10 times with each leg. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  8. Spread the toes of the legs to the sides, turning the entire leg from the hip as much as possible. Repeat 10 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  9. Alternately, without bending, raise your legs to a right angle in the hip joints (socks on yourself). Repeat 10 times with each leg. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  10. Repeat exercise 1.
  11. Raise, without bending, the injured leg to a right angle in the hip joint, while bending and straightening the fingers and foot on weight. Repeat 10 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  12. Rest in a prone position with legs raised - 5-10 minutes.

Self massage

In addition to exercises, massage or self-massage is very helpful in restoring an injured leg.

It is done while sitting on the bed, gently shake the sore leg, knead it, make squeezing and stroking movements.

Exercises that help strengthen the foot after injuries and surgery:

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    Hello! A week ago they put plaster on.
    Fracture of the right ankle without displacement.
    They will shoot on the 12th, will I be able to return to sports after the New Year holidays? That is, it will fully recover in a month ?!

    • Kirill, full recovery (that is, ossification of the fracture site) occurs within a year (at least six months).
      A torn ligament in a professional football player is restored after at least 3 months, and this is with the football player's access to the most modern recovery technologies (drug recovery + hardware exposure + exercise therapy, etc.). And you have a fracture.
      It is IMPOSSIBLE to fully recover in a month!


      Hello, I recently fell at work. As a result, she received a comminuted fracture of her right leg, to the right of her knee. Have made operation. They put a titanium plate and 8 bolts. The seam after the operation was 19 cm. They put a cast from the heel and 20 cm above the knee. Only the fingers were left open. The seam was left open. What worries me is that the seam always gets wet and the discharge is reddish, and recently it has become yellowish. It's been 3 weeks since the surgery. The doctor partially removed the suture. Near where the discharge goes, he left the seams. And about the discharge, he said that it would pass. I am 48 years old. Tell me is this normal or not?

      • The seam needs to be corrected. Most often, the seam gets wet due to POSSIBLE metal brackets left there. They are small and therefore the surgeon does not always feel them in a hurry (when examining the suture).
        3 weeks is too much - the seam should already stop oozing. To eliminate the situation, one would have to ask an experienced surgeon for powder (sold in a pharmacy without a prescription in small vials - I don’t remember the name, but a practicing surgeon or surgical nurse should know). So such a powder is sometimes enough for one treatment to eliminate the jamming of the seam.


        Hello! I am 45, on May 20 I broke my ankle in three places, and the fibula was also displaced. At the beginning of September, only a callus appeared, before that 2 months in plaster without movement, a month without plaster, but also without movement.
        August walked on crutches. Now the question is that the place where the displacement is still not growing together, they are afraid that if this happens, you will have to do an operation. What forms a false joint. Although I walk, I feel better, but it is difficult to go down the stairs.
        Is there a method other than operation? Advise thyroid gland to check. So afraid of the operation.

        • Yes, Irina, judging by the terms of rehabilitation, the occurrence of a false joint is possible. Operations do not be afraid. Your age is not critical - stand it. Just think positive.
          Your thyroid needs to be checked. And not just because of the situation. If there are prerequisites, then the thyroid gland can give side problems and where it all will go is unknown. Checking the thyroid gland may give an opportunity to conduct a conservative (without surgery) treatment. In this case, check earlier - less problems. More or less like this.

          • Irina

            Thank you very much for your prompt and encouraging response! It's so hard to be alone with your fears. I am very glad that I found you and this site, I learned a lot of useful things during the rehabilitation while being here.

            • Irina, do not worry too much.
              Fight and everything will be fine.


              Hello, on August 30, the lower part of the fibula was broken with damage to the deltoid ligament and dmbs. The fracture is closed, without displacement. Plaster was applied. A month went by and I went to the doctor. He looked at the diagnosis and sent without a picture for another 2 weeks (reason: ligament damage).

              Yesterday there was a visit to the doctor, they took an x-ray, the picture showed that the bone had not grown together, the doctor said that the callus was weak, but the plaster was removed. The swelling is quite small, well, plus small bruises from the plaster. He said that it is possible to step on the foot (20-30%), but so far only with an elastic bandage. He also prescribed an ointment and soar the leg.

              I have a question: is it normal that the bone has not grown together (it is clearly visible in the picture), but I can already step on my foot? And why, when you step on, so to speak, do not just put, but put pressure on your leg with medium force, then strong tingling in the foot?

              • Sergey, I don’t know your age, but the situation with prolonged fusion in most cases is related to diet. Chances are your diet is lacking calcium-rich foods. They can be replaced (only partially) with drugs from a pharmacy. There are many, I won't list them. They will say there. Don't chase the price. It is best to take domestic drugs - cheaper and more reliable.

                You can step on your foot. Just don't pressure her. This is not true. Just step lightly (as the doctor said - 20-30%%). Do exercises.
                The tingling sensations are associated with insufficient blood circulation, which was disrupted when the injury occurred. Small vessels will still germinate for six months. I recommend daily self-massage of the damaged part of the leg. Do not press on the tissue, but lightly stroke, as if dispersing the blood. It will be useful.

                  • Sergey! No psychic will answer your question.
                    Try. Work on yourself and you can.
                    You just need to understand that full recovery (that is, reliable fusion) will occur no earlier than in six months or a year.
                    Up to this point, you have to be very careful. No loads.


                    I am 55, two days ago the cast was removed after a fracture of the outer ankle without complications, severe circular edema. Is it possible to use a steam bath or hot baths along with foot gymnastics and ointment (troxevasin)?

                    • Dear Sergey! You should refrain from "hot" procedures. At least until the swelling is gone. Gymnastics and ointment will help in rehabilitation. This is enough for now. Gradually, day after day, increase the load on the leg - for a start, light walking for a couple of minutes will be enough. Quite possible in the room. After a week, if there is no pain, walk for 5-10 minutes. Leisurely. Thus, these actions of yours will lead to the disappearance of edema. And then you can gradually go to the steam room.


                      Hello Anna. advise please? She fell and broke her ankle. More than a month in plaster. 5 days after the removal of the cast, the doctor says it's time to discharge. And I can't stand up. I walk on crutches. How long does it take to develop a joint. I try very hard, but the dynamics are slower than I would like.

                      • Svetlana, understand a simple thing - we are different, so the recovery time will be different for all people. The rate of recovery is also influenced by the age and “quality” of the fracture (what was damaged along the way and how soon the blood supply to the adjacent tissues will be restored) and the quality of nutrition (that is, how much the body receives the necessary substances). So it's hard to predict even roughly.
                        The main thing - do not load the sore leg immediately. Exercise very little and carefully.
                        You should feel the possibility of increasing the load.
                        Let's say you're doing exercises. If tomorrow everything is in order, the leg is not swollen due to the load, you can slightly increase the load.
                        See the result the next day. If everything is in order again and there is no pain syndrome with swelling, you increase the load a little more.
                        I hope the mechanism is clear.
                        Everything in moderation - load, rest, again load, rest.
                        Get well.


                        Anna, hello, I have the following situation, on June 24, 2013 I fell down the stairs and received a three-malleolar fracture with a slight displacement and subluxation of the foot outward, on June 25, a closed reposition was performed, the subluxation was corrected, they immediately made a smile, they said everything was fine, after 6 weeks I was back on X-ray, they said that the corn is weak, you can’t step on it, they said to come in another 3 weeks, that is, 27.08, it will just be 9 weeks, but yesterday I accidentally stepped on my foot, there was no pain, and then it didn’t hurt, today it hurts a little. Tell me Well, I could hurt myself, because 8 weeks have passed and I still don’t have a cast, but an orthosis from 5 weeks, thanks in advance

                        • Hello, Elena. It is unlikely that you caused yourself any damage by stepping on your foot, especially since you were wearing an orthosis. Enough time has passed for the bones to grow together. When you go to the doctor on the 27th, be sure to tell us about it, perhaps you need to play it safe and take a control picture. Still, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis on the Internet.
                          Regards, Anna

                          • Elena

                            Anna, thanks for the answer, I have another question, after how many weeks can I already start stepping on my leg in an orthosis with my fracture and can I sometimes start pulling out my leg for baths?

                            • Elena, be patient until you visit the doctor, everything is individual here, you need to have your leg examined. The doctor himself will tell you when you can start stepping on your leg and with what force (sometimes you start with 20% of your body weight, that is, put your foot on the scales, press until the desired number appears and remember the effort). Physiotherapy (including baths) is started after complete fusion of the bones, and this, again, can only be said by the attending physician.

                              • Elena

                                Thank you for your answer, but I already pulled out of the orthosis a couple of times to wash my leg, go ahead, I washed it very gently :-)

                                Elena, so I'm not talking about those baths that are hygienic! Of course, you can simply wash your leg by removing it from the cut. I thought you wanted salt baths in which the leg is worked out, so it's still too early. :yes:


                                Anna, please tell me more, the leg is very thin, there is a hard swelling at the fracture site, there are bruises in some places, it doesn’t bend at all and doesn’t obey, as if it’s a stranger, is this normal? I have a feeling that I will never be able to step on it.

                                • Elena, the leg should be thin - the muscles atrophy from immobility, it's not scary, then, when you start working out, the shape of the muscles will be restored. It does not bend and does not obey - it is also absolutely normal, this stiffness also develops due to prolonged immobilization (immobilization). Here we immobilize the leg so that the bones grow together, but at the same time we always get muscle atrophy and stiffness. Therefore, after a cast or complete removal of the orthosis, there is a period of rehabilitation. I even wrote about him when it is necessary to take restorative measures:.
                                  Read more comments there, they have a lot of interesting things!

                                  Anna, hello! February 3, 2012 broke her leg, diagnosis: closed fracture of the n / c of the tibia, both ankles, the posterior edge of the tibia, the right tibia with displacement, subluxation of the block ... I don’t understand which bone on February 6, 2012 they had an operation, inserted 4 pins and a plate for 7 screws, it was all gradually removed ... On April 5, 2013, the operation to extract the metal structure, there was a hematoma, at discharge, the recommendation was not to give a load for a month, I probably did not understand correctly what it meant not to give a load, in short, the leg hurt all the time, it was always painful to touch, but walking I could really be lame, after a month I was on my feet for 10 hours and a couple of days ago I couldn’t stand on my leg, there was severe pain, now I can step on and walk a little with a stick, limping, but my leg hurts at the fracture site where the plate was. I walk for spock and electrophoresis with lidase, please tell me what to do, after the removal of metal structures, pain in the ankle and lower leg intensified

                                  • Hello, Tatyana! Pain after a fracture, especially such a complex one as you had, the pain will be for a long time. 10 hours on the legs - this moment, of course, can increase the pain. Try to find an opportunity in the middle of the day to “unload” your leg - sit on a chair, and put your sore leg on another chair (at work, this can be done at the table so as not to attract special attention from employees). At home, of course, lie down more often with your foot on the pillow.

                                    Pain may increase because swelling occurs when the foot is in the "down" position. In addition to changing the position, the exercises that I wrote about in the article, walking, swimming pool, “disperse the blood” are good. If the pain is very strong, you can drink painkillers (Analgin, Pentalgin). Only they should not be drunk in a row for more than a week, otherwise addiction may develop, and they act on the stomach, especially in those who suffer from gastritis or an ulcer. Drink at night pharmacy sedative collection.
                                    In order not to develop flat feet, it is necessary to wear orthopedic arch support insoles. Incorrect position of the foot due to weakened muscles can also give pain.
                                    The main thing - remember that the pain will gradually pass.
                                    Regards, Anna


                                    good afternoon Anna! On February 27, 2013, I received a closed fracture of the inner and outer ankle, a displaced posterior edge of the white bone and a rupture of the syndomesis! On March 11, 13, I underwent an opration, a German plate and titanium screws were placed. 2 weeks after the operation, the sutures were removed and a plastic cast was applied! 7 weeks have passed since the operation, and I am already leaning on my leg with a crutch in a cast! the problem is that I don’t have a traumatologist and a surgeon in the clinic; good friend! the question is that at the time of the fracture and at the present time I am pregnant, the term is bb 23 weeks, the operation was done at 15. how should rehabilitation go in my case, and is it too early for me to start on my leg? my leg does not hurt at all, I can walk without crutches. thanks in advance!

                                    • Hello Irina! If you already walk without crutches, that's good, 7 weeks is enough time for the bones to grow together (especially since you have a plate and screws). But the question of when to remove the cast and start the exercises should be decided only by a competent traumatologist (or the one who operated on you). Here on the Internet it is impossible to say when to remove the cast, for this you need to take an x-ray and see a specialist! If there is no traumatologist in the clinic, look for a paid one or talk to your friend - a therapist, she probably has familiar traumatologists, doctors always know who and where to turn to.
                                      Do not delay with this and wonder what to do, because you are pregnant, then the body weight will increase, and the load on the leg too. In addition, during pregnancy, bone tissue can behave a little differently due to calcium loss, so be sure to see a doctor!
                                      Regards, Anna


                                      Hello! Please help with advice! On 03/26/13 I had a closed fracture of the outer ankle. Today, 04/24/13, the cast was removed. The leg, of course, weakened. I can get on my feet a little. The doctor sent me to a magnet, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, but the clinic is far away. Is it worth it now to heavily load the leg and “run” to the clinic, or can you limit yourself to professional massage and baths with sea salt for now, and postpone the procedures at the clinic for at least a couple of weeks. Especially since the holidays are ahead. What else can you do at home? Is it possible to make ozocerite at home? Thank you!

                                      • Hello Irina! If the clinic is far away, then you can get by with home remedies. Rehabilitation occurs when you work on the leg, develop the joint, and in the clinic or at home - she does not care. Therefore, do hot salt baths, ozokerite also warms up muscles and ligaments well, do it at home. As for professional massage, I would not recommend doing it - sometimes massage therapists with their strong hands massage too violently, you don’t need it now. Or did the doctor prescribe it? If prescribed, then do as he said, if not prescribed - do self-massage, watch the video in this article:. There are very simple movements, they are done easily and you adjust the pressure with your hand yourself.
                                        What you definitely cannot do without is exercise and walking. Let it be a little bit, with frequent breaks for rest, but this work must be done without fail until normal ankle mobility is restored. You can do the exercises as written by me or by watching the video here:
                                        Regards, Anna

                                        • Irina

                                          Anna! Thanks a lot for your advice! God bless you!!!))))

                                          • Irina, thanks! Get well and think only about the good)

                                            Hello Anna! Many thanks for a very useful site, for your attention and good advice! The fracture was on January 15, 2013. The outer ankle and the posterior edge of the tibia with subluxation. There was a manual reposition. Now in rehab. I go without a stick. The leg slightly hurts only in the joint area. The ankle does not swell. Before the fracture, she regularly visited the sauna. Tell me, please, when will I be able to return to visiting the bathhouse again?
                                            Best regards, Vika

                                            • Hello Vika! In theory, heat has a beneficial effect on the leg during rehabilitation and development of the joint. You didn't have surgery, I understand. I think that enough time has already passed, and you can visit the bathhouse. However, to be on the safe side, check with your doctor. Regards, Anna

                                                • Please! Get well)

                                                  Alexey Luponosov

                                                  Good day. There was a fracture on January 19, 2013. I broke the fibula, the fracture was comminuted, the foot was dislocated inward and the deltoid ligament was torn.

                                                  Not for skeletal traction, support: The capsule was sutured, the plate was placed on the bone, the deltoid ligament was screwed to the bone. Only 2 incisions, one on the left on the joint, the other on the right along the tibia. For 8 weeks there were fixing anchors not to step on the foot. The anchor was removed 10 days ago. The sutures were removed on the 10th day. He began to work out the joint with sutures. I pull the towel towards me. I pedal on the simulator because it is clear that the muscles have weakened, I shake my leg, I even hit it on a soft sofa, but the feeling of stiffness in the joint does not go away. Even the seam has widened. I'm 100% on the first day of removing the stitches, the pain was in the place where there was a small fixing anchor that fixed the torn ligament, the one that was inserted into the incision on the left. But I can’t stand on one leg (for example, when I put on my trousers and have to stand on one leg), I can’t stand on the sick one, I can’t sit on it, even though I already get up from the sofa without hands.

                                                  I don’t believe in magnesium, I do massages, I spin the simulator for 10 days, and I also walk with the help of crutches. Stepping on electronic scales, I see that discomfort begins with 80 kg of load on the leg. How to develop a leg faster? I can’t swim, the seams are still weak, they still have a crust on them, I think they won’t let me into the pool. The leg does not swell at all as the fixing anchors were removed, the plate can be removed in a month, but the doctor says that it is possible later. But there is stiffness. Maybe there are radical ways to remove it. The rebiliatologist gave me exercises, but somehow everything was slow. Thank you.

                                                  • Hello Alexey! Unfortunately, there are no radical ways to remove stiffness. The fact is that the muscles were immobile for a long time, such fixation is necessary for the bones to grow together, but it also weakens the muscles. As you correctly noted, the muscles have weakened, this is also called atrophy after an injury. Development in any case should be gradual. Do the exercises, as in the article or as prescribed by the doctor, walk, then rest, then exercise and walk again. Only in this way does the rehabilitation (restoration) of movements in the ankle in full, there are no other ways. The stiffness will go away, don't worry, be patient and work with your leg (but without fanaticism!).
                                                    There is a good way to slightly speed up the process - daily hot salt baths for the legs, in water you can do simple exercises - rotation and on yourself-away from you. But not all doctors allow them to be done with metal in the leg, you should ask your doctor about this.
                                                    Regards, Anna

                                                    • Alexey Luponosov

                                                      Thanks for the answer. I'll ask the doctor about iron baths. After sleep, the leg doesn’t hurt so much, but when I start walking, it starts to whine again 🙂 But strangely enough, after sleep, it’s not so constrained. Maybe I'm just overexerted 🙂 Okay, I'll definitely go to a rebiliatologist. I wanted faster and so 2 months without work ... Thanks again for the answer.

                                                      • Alexey, the leg will be whining for a long time, this is normal for the condition after the fracture. Here you need to find a middle ground so as not to overwork the leg, but also give it enough load. Get well!

                                                        Good evening!! I wrote to you earlier on February 2, my leg was broken, 9 surgery was performed ... .. On March 22, the doctor allowed me to walk without a splint, and develop my leg, the leg does not rise more than a couple of centimeters, I start to press down a little further, the dull pain goes to the outside , I have a record there .. maybe I'm doing something wrong? although the doctor is waiting for me already on April 4, and he gave the go-ahead for me to even slowly step on her 2-3 kg .. then why did she stop in one place ???thanks in advance

                                                        • Hello Julia! Very little time has passed since you were allowed to walk without a splint. Prior to this, the leg was without movement in the joint, the muscles and ligaments were very weakened. This is absolutely normal, the rehabilitation period is therefore long in time, because the leg has to be developed a little bit, slowly but surely restoring the normal function of the ankle. At the beginning, it is always very tight and hard to develop, you will have to put up with this and just work every day (without fanaticism!). The main thing here is gradualness and regularity. Walked (or did exercises) - rest - leg up (on a pillow). Then again exercise-rest. No need to allow fatigue and severe pain, everything will gradually recover.
                                                          At your doctor's appointment, ask if you can take hot salt baths. They work well to develop the joint, but some doctors are against them when there is metal in the leg. Knowing your specific situation, let him tell you.
                                                          The plate, of course, creates unpleasant sensations, but you still need to develop the leg, so you are doing everything right. Create an optimistic mood for yourself, all doctors say that everything heals faster with optimists!

                                                          • Thank you for your answer!! The doctor advised me to take baths with fir oil twice a day ... just if I can’t do anything before 4, won’t the doctor scold me??

                                                            • Julia, you are not a child to be afraid that you will be scolded. Do what you can, don't be afraid of anything. If the doctor says - so-and-so is right, but this is not - well, then he is a doctor, to correct in case of mistakes.
                                                              If the doctor is not against hot baths, then you can lower your leg into the water and not just keep it there for 20 minutes, but make light rotational movements and bend and unbend the foot. It helped a lot in the development of the joint.


                                                              Hello! On November 27, 2012, she broke her leg, was diagnosed with a 3 fracture n / 3 m / tibia, ext. of the ankle and the posterior edge of the distal epimetaphysis of the b / tibia of the right tibia with displacement. subluxation of the foot from the outside. I can’t stand straight on my foot, please help me what exercises can I do to stand on my foot!

                                                              • Hello Anastasia! Your leg was in a cast for a long time, and the function will not recover immediately, this is normal. Firstly, consult with your doctor about wearing insoles - often after a cast, the muscles weaken and temporary flat feet develop, from this you need to wear insoles while walking, do exercises, as in the article, and wear an ankle brace. But all this is done after an internal consultation with a traumatologist.
                                                                Regards, Anna

                                                                Thank you for your answer. I wanted to ask one more question. My doctor allowed me to unbind the splint and lie down, without a bandage, I lift my leg from the splint and bend it to my knees, can I do this ??? will there be any consequences ???

                                                                • Yuliya: I don't think there will be anything wrong. Only in the ankle joint, until the doctor allows, do not bend.

                                                                  Hello 2.2.13 I broke my leg, a 3rd ankle fracture with a displacement, 9.2.13 an operation was performed, a plate with bolts was inserted on one side, knitting needles, a wire, a bolt on the other. How long do I have to walk in a cast??? said that iron extraction after 4 months. What awaits me after this operation?? Thank you in advance

                                                                  • Hello Julia! Your fracture is one of the most severe among ankle fractures, so you need to be patient and courageous. You can be kept in a cast for a maximum of a month, because the longer the leg is in the cast, the more difficult it is to develop the ankle later. If the plaster is not removed yet, then there are grounds for this. Iron is usually removed after 7-8 months, but it can be earlier, everything is individual here.
                                                                    The operation to extract the metal is not at all complicated - the skin and muscles are cut, the metal is removed, that's all. Then only a week is needed to heal the wound, the bones have already grown together, you are already walking. The most important thing, when the plaster is removed, is the rehabilitation period: By the way, read the comments on this article, there are a lot of interesting things there.
                                                                    Regards, Anna


                                                                    Hello! Tell me too, please! I had a closed fracture of the outer ankle of the right tibia without displacement, I was in a cast for 3 weeks. The plaster was removed a week ago. They said to develop the leg and in 2-3 weeks it will be possible to go. After 2 days, I started walking with a crutch, lightly leaning on my leg. I've been walking without crutches for 2 days, but I'm limping a lot! The leg hurts, but tolerable and, it seems to me, not at the fracture site! But that's the trouble, the leg began to cramp at night and in the morning! During the night I can wake up 10 times from the fact that the muscles of the lower leg seem to be bitten by something and pulled! I'm afraid to stretch in the morning, because the result is muscle contraction! Is this normal or should I see a doctor?

                                                                    • Hello Natasha! Of course, this is not normal. If you have such frequent and severe cramps, be sure to consult a doctor. There can be several reasons for seizures, it is important to find out which one you have. Most often, cramps are a signal of a lack of calcium in the body. This often happens after a fracture and being in a cast. For a complete diagnosis, it will be necessary to donate blood for a quantitative analysis of electrolytes - Calcium, Magnesium. You can still drink calcium preparations, for example, Calcium D3 (Nycomed) 2 tablets in the evening. But, I repeat, the reason may be not only in this.

                                                                      • Hello Julia! Of course, given the age, the bones should grow together with a bang. Therefore, to begin with, calm down, you still have a difficult rehabilitation period after the removal of the plaster, so save your nerves and strength.
                                                                        About the x-ray. If the doctor suspected that your bones are not growing well, he would definitely prescribe an x-ray. Irradiation during X-ray examination is minimal and does not bring harm to the body. But, of course, they won't do it just like that. Yes, and do not!
                                                                        Pain and swelling at the fracture site will persist for a long time, this is quite normal. When the plaster is removed, you will do exercises, hot salt baths, lubricate swollen areas with ointment or gel, and develop your ankle. The main thing is to tune in to work, because rehabilitation is your job, and now just calmly wait for the cast to be removed (I think, soon). Muscles weaken in a cast, so now only one exercise is available for you - moving your fingers.
                                                                        Regards, Anna

                                                                        • Hello Zarina! Unfortunately, it is impossible to make a diagnosis via the Internet, you must definitely see a traumatologist, tell where exactly it hurts. He must examine and feel (palpate) the sore spot. You may need to do an x-ray of the knee joint. It happens that after gypsum, arthrosis of the knee joint develops. This is not scary, it is treated by taking special drugs and physiotherapy exercises. By the way, as for physical education, it would be nice to consult a doctor for physical therapy after a traumatologist (for example, in a sports dispensary), they know what movements should be done so as not to harm the joint. It may also be like physical therapy. The main thing - do not delay, it's your health!
                                                                          And yet - in the post-traumatic period, doctors often prescribe the wearing of arch support insoles, because after a long stay in a cast, flat feet sometimes develop, you will need to wear comfortable shoes and monitor your gait. It is possible that the pain appears due to the incorrect position of the foot when walking. In such cases, an ankle brace (plus insoles) is prescribed.
                                                                          Regards, Anna


                                                                          Hello, please tell me what needs to be done after removing the cast (fracture of the little finger and the penultimate toe of the right foot). They removed the plaster on their own, took a control picture. The radiologist said that the healing is going on, but he still needs to see a traumatologist. There is no way to get to a traumatologist. There was swelling on the leg after removing the plaster, it was completely scary to step on it. If you walk a lot, your leg hurts. What do you recommend, the plaster was removed on 01/31/2013 and nothing else was done.

                                                                          • Hello Alevtina! After removing the cast, it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation measures, namely: exercises (given in the article, they improve blood circulation and promote healing) and dosed walking. After a fracture, it is always scary to start walking. But we must overcome fear and slowly increase the walking time. They looked like 2 minutes - rest (during rest, put your foot on a hill - a pillow or a roller). Get a gel - Dolobene or Lyoton, you can use heparin ointment (the gel form is better applied). The swelling will not go away immediately, this is normal. To reduce swelling and develop a joint, do salt baths - hot, for 30-40 minutes.
                                                                            Regards, Anna

An ankle fracture is very painful and difficult, because it takes a long time to restore the functionality of the damaged limb, lost during the time in the cast. Rehabilitation after a fracture of the ankle after removal of the cast at first glance seems to be quite difficult.

Many patients fear that even after a broken bone heals, they are doomed to lameness. But this is not at all the case, it all depends on how a person approaches the recovery process. Rehabilitation is quite successful if all the procedures prescribed by the doctor are followed exactly and the leg is developed using physiotherapy exercises after the cast is removed.

Broken ankle - first aid

Ankle fracture is the most common injury in the lower limbs. Therefore, everyone should know what actions can be taken immediately after an injury. First aid for a broken ankle is as follows:

  • calm and immobilize the victim, giving the leg a comfortable position, preferably a little higher or at the same level with the head, on a soft, comfortable base, a pillow is good;
  • apply cold to the ankle;
  • call an ambulance or take the injured person by car or taxi to the emergency room.

In no case should you apply tires on your own, or carry out other manipulations in the absence of practical experience in this area. In the presence of theoretical ideas about these manipulations, one can only aggravate the severity of the injury, making it difficult to further treat it and lengthening the subsequent rehabilitation process.

What to do with an ankle fracture?

The first thing to do if you suspect an ankle fracture is to immediately stop all load on the injured limb and go to the nearest emergency room for help.

Quite often, fractures or cracks are ignored, considering them to be a very severe bruise, which leads to the loss of precious time and the difficulty of proper fusion of bone tissue. As a result, the healing process is significantly slowed down, and rehabilitation measures after the removal of the cast become more complicated and take a long time. The hallmarks of an ankle fracture or other serious injury (bone fracture, rupture of the articular connective tissue) are:

  • a bright crunching sound during an injury;
  • severe pain, before darkening in the eyes, and sometimes before fainting, can occur immediately, and some time after the injury:
  • on palpation, pain in an ankle fracture always radiates in the direction of the fibula;
  • rapid swelling of the soft tissues around the injured area, with severe swelling, which spreads over a fairly large area;
  • in the area of ​​the fracture site, hematomas (internal) and hemorrhages “flowing” to the heel occur, as a rule, this symptom is characteristic of severe fractures with displacement and concomitant rupture of the ligaments;
  • the functionality of the foot as a whole is impaired, that is, it is not possible to move the fingers, there is no reaction to the usual sensitivity test (for example, a light tickle):
  • with complex fractures accompanied by displacements or dislocations, the foot looks abnormal outwardly.

If you observe any of the above signs, you should immediately contact a surgeon, and you can’t get to the emergency room on your own in public transport, since you can greatly complicate the condition of the injured limb with a sudden stop of the minibus and other dangerous situations that lie in wait on the trip.

Diagnosis of an ankle fracture

You need to get to the hospital by taxi and preferably accompanied by another person, because help will be needed both in the corridor in front of the doctor’s office and in orientation on the territory of the hospital itself, for example, when looking for a reception desk, a wardrobe or an X-ray room. If there is no one to turn to, then you just need to call an ambulance team, doctors will deliver to the surgeon's door and provide the very first, necessary medical care, if there is a need for it.

The first thing they do in the hospital is to diagnose a broken ankle. For this, x-rays will be taken in three main projections - direct, oblique and lateral. The difference in projections is achieved by changing the patient's posture during the shooting, and comparing all three shots will allow the doctor to accurately determine such points as:

  • lines of direct fracture;
  • the presence of an expansion of the gap in the ankle joint, indicating a rupture of the ligaments that has occurred;
  • the presence of a wedge-shaped deformity in the lumen or in the gap of the ankle joint, which occurs in the presence of dislocation;
  • the presence or absence of bone fragments and displacement;
  • the degree of thickening in soft tissues, the presence and stage of damage to blood vessels in them.

Usually, this information is enough, but in difficult cases, the surgeon may refer you to additional examinations, that is, to conduct:

  • "CT" - computed tomography of the damaged joint;
  • "" - magnetic resonance general tomography, which gives a complete picture of the state of all elements of the joint, from bones to ligamentous tissue;
  • "Ultrasound" - echography of the joint, usually this study is carried out with severe edema with a large number of hematomas and severe hemorrhages inside the leg.

After all these manipulations, the necessary surgical procedures are carried out, sometimes up to surgery. In standard cases, a cast is applied to the leg, the patient is given a number of prescriptions for certain drugs, the procedure for doing at home is explained, and the next appointment is scheduled.

How to recover properly after surgery?

The treatment of the fracture itself can be both conservative and operative in complex and open variants of the injury. The purpose of the operation is:

  • restoration of bone from fragments and their fixation;
  • giving the correct (anatomically) shape;
  • restoration of the integrity of the tibiofibular joint and directly the ligaments in the joint;
  • installation of "spokes" if necessary, in the most difficult cases.

After the end of the surgical intervention, the leg is “laid” into a cast cast. Gypsum is applied in such a way that the joint is firmly fixed, but at the same time there is access to the “wound” seam for processing and applying healing medicines, for example, ointments.

X-rays must be done immediately after the operation, to exclude possible errors, and several more times during the restoration of the joint before the plaster is removed.

The recovery process itself is as follows:
  • at least 3-4 weeks to stand on your foot, lean a little on the foot, or otherwise load the sore leg - you can’t;
  • you can move on crutches only a month after the operation, and sometimes later;
  • plaster must be worn for at least 2-3.5 months;
  • after removing the cast, you need to use an elastic bandage for 5-6 months;
  • all fixing "spokes" can be removed no earlier than six months later, but pins, retainers and other elements made of titanium can not be removed at all. Re-intervention to remove pins and fixators is always individual and the decision to carry it out is made by the attending surgeon.

The main problem in the recovery period, after the removal of the cast, is the stiffness of the damaged joint, poor exercise tolerance, and persistent lameness. But these consequences, with the right approach, can be completely eliminated in a few months.

It is possible to fully and fully load the foot only 3-5 months after the removal of the cast, but for a complete recovery, that is, for postoperative rehabilitation, it will take much more time - from six months to a couple of years. Although, if the fracture occurred in a child or teenager, this time can be reduced to 3-4 months.

Good to know

The treatment of fractures is the responsibility of the surgeon, no medications can be taken without permission, neither while wearing a cast, nor after removing the splint from the leg.

Swelling after an ankle fracture after removing the cast usually goes away pretty quickly, but if this does not happen, doctors recommend using ointments with a resolving and regenerating effect, such as Troxevasin, Troxerutin, Dolobene or others. Such funds additionally provide anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and analgesic effects and accelerate the recovery process.

What exercises, drugs are used during treatment?

In addition to medicines and anti-inflammatory ointments, much depends directly on the skill of the surgeon, who connects the fragments of the joint together. In addition, in case of an ankle fracture, physiotherapeutic procedures and exercises are important; without them, full-fledged rehabilitation is impossible.

Physiotherapy methods

The most requested procedures are:

  • Electrophoresis with . The procedure starts 10-14 days after the fracture and is carried out up to 12 times. A daily session takes 20 minutes, it is necessary to facilitate the access and absorption of calcium, that is, to accelerate healing and restoration of bone tissue.
  • Electrophoresis with novocaine or lidase. Usually, 10-12 procedures are prescribed to eliminate the pain syndrome.
  • Irradiation with ultraviolet. The procedure is carried out from the 3rd day of treatment. Usually prescribed 12 sessions, which are done daily for 15-20 minutes. Irradiation is aimed at the production of vitamin D3, which promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.
  • Magnetotherapy. The method using low-frequency magnetic fields has proven itself in the restoration of damaged tissues. With an ankle fracture, this procedure helps to normalize impaired blood circulation and helps to cope with severe swelling.
  • Hydrotherapy. Warm baths with sea salt are recommended to be done daily for 15-20 minutes. The procedure promotes warming up of damaged joints, activates blood circulation in tissues, relieves inflammation and accelerates the healing of damaged joints.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe such procedures as phonophoresis with hydrocartisone, amplipulse, ozokeritotherapy, paraffin therapy, mud wraps.


After the plaster is removed, the damaged limb must regain its former mobility, lost due to the forced maintenance of a certain position during the period of bone fusion. procedures help tone the muscles and restore movement of the ankle joint. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the professionalism of the massage therapist, who during the session uses certain techniques aimed at developing the ankle.

Each session begins with kneading, rubbing and stroking the muscles, the impact is carried out with varying degrees of intensity with the palm or fist. Immediately after removing the cast, the massage should be as light and gentle as possible, since one careless movement can lead to complications. During the procedure, the fracture site is not affected, only the surrounding tissues are affected. In the future, at the final stages of rehabilitation, the patient can massage the injured limb on his own, at home, in coordination with the specialist.

So, for example, the use of a mixture of mummy and rose oil gives a good effect. It must be rubbed in a circular motion into the tissues surrounding the fracture area. Shortly after the plaster is removed, it is recommended to do a massage using badger fat, which accelerates the regeneration processes, stops the inflammatory process and eliminates swelling. The greatest efficiency from the use of massage procedures is achieved in combination with the methods of therapeutic exercises.

Therapeutic exercise (LFK)

In addition to the procedures, the list of which is quite extensive and is selected individually, in case of an ankle fracture, a set of exercises is necessarily selected to restore the damaged limb. Exercise therapy methods are mainly aimed at warming up and gradually accustoming the injured leg to the previous loads. In the process of rehabilitation, 8 basic and a number of intermediate exercises are used, all of which must be performed strictly under the supervision of an experienced instructor. The specialist selects the exercises individually, in such a way as to maximize the use of those muscles and joints that are not affected.

Exercise at home

Independently, at home, you can do the following general gymnastic "warming up" exercises:

  • swinging the sick leg forward, backward, to the sides, in a circle - this contributes to the dispersal of blood;
  • stretching the "sock", but not very strong, up to 10-15 times in a row;
  • bringing the foot to the “90 degrees” position, that is, the movement opposite to stretching, no more than 10-15 times;
  • “bicycle”, this will also contribute to the overall tone of the leg, both circulatory and muscular.

The doctor will definitely give recommendations regarding those actions that are strictly prohibited in the rehabilitation period. After removing the cast, you should not overload the injured leg, run, jump, ride a bike, engage in active sports, dance, or walk in high heels. During the entire rehabilitation period, the sore leg must be fixed with an elastic bandage. This measure is necessary to prevent the risk of bone displacement during walking and exercise.

Medical treatment

Medicines prescribed by doctors must be taken very carefully and taken without fail. As a rule, prescribe drugs containing:

  • Ointments with chondroitin, glucosamine. Medicines, which are based on these components, contribute to the rapid formation of cartilage tissue, the fusion of fragments and an increase in bone density.
  • Preparations based on calcium and its compounds have a positive effect on the overall formation and growth of bone tissue;
  • Immunomodulators are prescribed only when installing “knitting needles” to suppress possible metal rejection and general strengthening of the body.

When treating a fracture and after removing the cast, you should definitely take multivitamin complexes containing a set of vitamins and microelements (zinc, calcium, magnesium) necessary for the bones to recover as soon as possible.

Of course, in addition to this, healing and disinfecting external agents are also used. But all medicines, both for internal use and for external wound treatment, should be used only as prescribed by the doctor and according to the scheme recommended by him, otherwise you can not speed up recovery, but, on the contrary, worsen your condition.

Nutrition Features

In the recovery period, special attention should be paid to proper nutrition. Calcium plays an important role in bone tissue regeneration, so the menu must include foods containing this component, as well as proteins and vitamins (especially vitamin D). Milk, cottage cheese, sour-milk drinks, cheeses are added to the diet. A strong rich broth, jelly, aspic and jelly dishes are useful, which contain substances that strengthen bone and cartilage tissue.

In the complex, all measures taken during the rehabilitation period give a positive effect and, if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, they quickly put the patient on his feet, allowing him to forget about the injury and return to a full life.

Restorative techniques are able to quickly return the victim to normal life, and therapeutic exercises after an ankle fracture is the basis of rehabilitation measures.

Basic Trauma Treatments

The most common treatment is immobilization with a plaster cast.

Depending on the nature of the fracture, it is also carried out:

  • manual alignment of fragments or reposition by auxiliary means during the operation;
  • traction of the injured leg;
  • reduction of dislocation of the foot.

All measures taken must be carried out under the control of an X-ray image in order to prevent improper fusion of fragments of damaged bones.

The importance of proper and timely rehabilitation

In order to fully restore activity to the injured leg, it is necessary to start recovery activities from the first days after the injury and end when the motor function has fully resumed.

The modern approach to rehabilitation includes:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • physiotherapy procedures.

The combination of these methods provides:

  • improvement of trophic processes in damaged bone and surrounding soft tissues of the leg;
  • speedy fusion of damaged fragments;
  • reduction of inflammatory changes and edema in the affected area;
  • intensive blood circulation and lymphatic outflow.

There are three main stages of rehabilitation after a fracture:

  1. During strict immobilization (first 10-14 days after injury).
  2. Expansion of the motor mode with certain restrictions.
  3. Restorative procedures during residual effects after damage.

The volume and nature of the treatment is determined depending on the period of rehabilitation and the individual characteristics of the body.

What factors can affect the speed of recovery

The patient's recovery time is affected by:

  • age;
  • the intensity of metabolic processes in the body;
  • characteristics of blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • the presence of concomitant pathology of internal organs (chronic diseases of the lungs, kidneys, diabetes mellitus) and the musculoskeletal system (osteoporosis, osteoarthritis);
  • food quality;
  • the complexity of the fracture (the presence of displacement of bone fragments and the volume of surgical intervention);
  • compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician on physical activity, depending on the stage of rehabilitation;
  • the volume of restorative measures (massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy).

The process of returning motor activity is most rapid in children and young people; in old age, the recovery time and the likelihood of complications increase significantly. It is advisable to start incorporating a variety of techniques into the treatment regimen as early as possible.

How long the recovery process takes depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. In most patients, after two months of rehabilitation measures, the function of the affected limb is fully restored.

Principles and schemes of rehabilitation

The most important foundations of rehabilitation measures are:

  • subsequence;
  • gradual loading on the injured limb;
  • individual approach;
  • dosage of exercises and procedures;
  • systematic.

It is imperative to include exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and massage in the rehabilitation plan. Rehabilitation should be stopped only after the full resumption of the function of the injured leg.

Balanced diet

Food products with a high content of vitamins and microelements strengthen the immune system and contribute to the intensification of reparative processes in the body. To replenish calcium reserves in order to increase strength and accelerate bone fusion, the patient needs dairy and sour-milk products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • hard cheese;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt.

Complete absorption of calcium is possible from dairy products with a high percentage of fat content, since only such food contains a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Calcium from skimmed milk is not able to strengthen the bone structure!

The patient's diet should include:

  • fish (freshly cooked, slightly salted and canned);
  • vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage of all kinds, greens);
  • cereals and legumes;
  • seeds and nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, sesame, chia);
  • unrefined vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, linseed).

Restorative nutrition also provides for sufficient consumption of clean water (up to 1.5-2 liters per day), natural freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes. A balanced diet leads to the fact that recovery is much faster and more efficient.

Taking medicines

Calcium preparations are used to shorten the rehabilitation period and speed up the fusion of the damaged bone. The patient is prescribed:

  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Calcemin;
  • vitamin complex Vitrum with a high content of calcium.

Contribute to the restoration of the means of adaptogenic and biostimulating action:

  • mummy in tablets or solution;
  • extracts of ginseng, deer antlers;
  • tinctures of Eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis.

The duration of the course of drug therapy is determined individually and depends on the reserve capacity of the body.

Orthopedic accessories

After removing the cast or splint, it is recommended to wear an elastic bandage. You should bandage your leg in the morning without getting out of bed. Start applying a bandage from the foot, each turn should be superimposed on 2/3 of the previous one. Finish bandaging at the level of the lower third of the lower leg.

Wearing special devices - orthoses - may be recommended by an orthopedist. The type of orthopedic device is recommended individually and depends on the severity of the fracture.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy methods help to successfully cope with the restoration of normal blood circulation and lymph flow, eliminate pain and trophic disorders. It is advisable to start the recovery of the ankle after a fracture with electromagnetic therapy sessions. Positive impact on the injured leg has:

  • electrophoresis with medicinal substances (novocaine, potassium iodide, aminofillin, lidase);
  • ultrasound (with hydrocortisone ointment);
  • thermal procedures (applications with paraffin, ozocerite, therapeutic mud);
  • laser therapy.

Treatment with the help of physiotherapeutic methods is an integral part of the rehabilitation of an ankle fracture, but this method is contraindicated in the presence of benign and malignant processes, blood diseases in the body. Osteosynthesis in bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures, as well as the presence of an installed metal plate in the tibia, does not prevent physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.


Sessions must be started after the end of physiotherapy procedures. The use of such methods is shown:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • tingling;
  • "finger rain".

Massage movements should be directed from the bottom up to activate the lymphatic outflow. The course of procedures is able to ensure the development of the ankle joint and lasts at least 10 days.

exercise therapy

Dosed physical activity promotes active recovery. It is necessary to start a course of physical therapy after an ankle fracture under the guidance of an instructor. After a series of trainings in a medical institution, you can develop a leg at home.

The volume of gymnastic exercises for the ankle after a fracture depends on the individual characteristics of the recovery period, age and comorbidity of the patient.

Exercises after an ankle fracture to restore muscle function can be performed in the following sequence:

  • in a sitting position, pull the socks first towards you, and then in the opposite direction;
  • the injured foot needs to grab any thin object (pencil, pen, etc.);
  • alternately stand on the inside and outside of the foot (10 sets each);
  • jog in place for 5-10 minutes;
  • squat for 10-15 approaches (at first it is permissible to tear off the heels from the floor, then you will need to lower completely on the entire foot);
  • roll a gymnastic ball or rolling pin on the floor with the fingers of the affected leg;
  • go up and down the stairs for 5-7 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Exercise therapy after an ankle fracture should not cause pain and discomfort. If soft tissue edema and pain syndrome appear, it is necessary to urgently consult with the attending physician and adjust the volume of restorative measures.

Exercise after a broken ankle can quickly restore function to a broken leg. Well strengthens flaccid muscles and ankle visiting the pool.

What to do if the leg swells after removing the cast

The occurrence of edema after the removal of immobilization devices is due to a violation of trophic processes, as well as lymph outflow. Reduce puffiness by rubbing ointments and gels based on troxerutin and horse chestnut:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Indovazin;
  • Essaven-gel.

The affected area should be smeared only in the direction of the lymphatic ducts, i.e. from bottom to top (from ankle to knee).

The use of topical drugs is recommended 2-3 times a day.

What not to do after an ankle fracture

After removing the plaster cast, it is necessary to carefully load the affected limb. You can’t step on a sore leg; for support, they first use crutches, and then a cane. Avoid:

  • sudden movements;
  • dance lessons;
  • sports training;
  • cycling and hiking over long distances;
  • jumps.

In any situation, it is necessary to exclude reliance on the injured leg so as not to provoke a re-injury.

Features of rehabilitation in old age

Most older people are diagnosed with osteoporosis - a decrease in the mechanical strength of bone tissue. This disease makes recovery difficult.

For older people, the recovery period is significantly longer. Physical therapy exercises and massage techniques should be gentle, as there is a possibility of re-damage to the bones.

Complications of an ankle fracture

After an injury, the patient may develop adverse consequences, which are due to both the improper organization of the rehabilitation process and the individual characteristics of the patient.

The most common complication of an ankle fracture is:

  • infection of bone and soft tissues in the area of ​​the affected limb;
  • the development of degenerative changes in the ankle joint;
  • prolongation of the period of fusion of the damaged ankle;
  • deformation of the bones of the lower leg after improper union of the fracture;
  • bleeding from damaged vessels;
  • lameness;
  • necrotic changes in the skin in the projection of the injured bone;
  • hypotrophy of the leg muscles;
  • habitual subluxation of the foot;
  • embolic and thromboembolic complications;
  • decreased mobility in the ankle joint.

To prevent a serious condition, you need to constantly monitor changes in the body and control the basic functions of organs and systems.

Consequences and prevention of injury

After a fracture, there is a possibility of gait disturbance (limping), the development of stiffness in the ankle and hypotrophic changes in the muscles. To fully recover, all rehabilitation activities must be carried out to the maximum extent possible.

Patients should avoid:

  • traumatic sports (skating, football, skiing);
  • walking in high-heeled shoes;
  • prolonged stay on the legs;
  • long trips.

To prevent the development of flat feet, you will need to put orthopedic insoles in shoes. People who have suffered a previous fracture must learn how to fall properly and clench their muscles to prevent re-injury.

Elderly people are advised to take special safety measures in the winter season. During ice, it is necessary to walk in boots or boots with special devices on the outer surface, and on especially dangerous days, refrain from going outside.

The ankle, in conjunction with the heel, forms the basis of the ankle. The lower part of the legs experiences the greatest load during the day, especially in the presence of excess weight. A fracture of this section of the leg is considered a complex injury, the treatment of which includes professional rehabilitation and recovery.

If you ignore the agreed period of treatment, serious complications will develop, the resulting fracture will remind of itself for a long period, sometimes for life. It is possible to do leg rehabilitation on your own at home, but it is better to undergo rehabilitation under the constant supervision of a professional. The doctor will assess the risks and possible complications. Thanks to special knowledge, the process will take the minimum possible time. Do not rely solely on the doctor. It is important to follow the recommendations and appointments for the full period.

The first part of any rehabilitation after a fracture is to wear a cast. The length of the period depends on:

  • The complexity of the fracture;
  • Complications that have arisen during surgery or the imposition of gypsum;
  • The nature of the ankle injury.

If no complications were observed, the plaster is removed after 5-10 weeks. If the fracture is displaced, the period may be delayed for six months.

After a fracture, it is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor, to be constantly under his supervision. In practice, a plaster bandage of a temporary nature is often initially applied, worn until the bone tissue is fused. Then the temporary measure is replaced by a closed cast, which is removed after the fracture has completely healed.

In order for the fusion process to occur correctly and quickly, you cannot lean on the injured leg until the permission of the doctor. Any recovery exercises are carried out with the permission of the doctor.

The second part of the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture is aimed at restoring the mobility of the leg, which was in a cast. More often, the patient is prescribed procedures used in a complex:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Physical therapy exercises.


During the recovery period, the patient is assigned physiotherapy procedures. Thanks to their use, clear and specific goals are achieved in restoring ankle mobility:

  • Strengthening of bone tissue;
  • Acceleration of bone fusion processes;
  • Normalization of circulatory processes;
  • Removal of puffiness.

Efficiency in recovery from ankle fractures are:

  1. electrophoresis;
  2. UV exposure;
  3. warming up;
  4. mud applications;
  5. Exposure to currents of a harmless nature.

At the beginning of the recovery, the procedures are carried out under the strict supervision of health workers, in the future it is permissible to develop the leg on your own. Physiotherapy courses are often supplemented by therapeutic massage courses.

Features of massage during recovery

It is important to visit a professional massage therapist during the rehabilitation period for the correct perception of the treatment procedure. With swelling of the ankle fracture site, massage will help to cope with the violation. Regular manipulation contributes to the return of tissue sensitivity.

During the massage, the main procedures are:

  • stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • Kneading.

To improve the result, the massage is supplemented with the use of flavored oils that improve lymph outflow.

At the first procedures, there is a noticeable discomfort, gradually decreasing.

It is desirable that the massage be carried out by a master, but sometimes this is not possible. Then the massage should be carried out independently at home, preferably in the morning and evening. When carrying out, they are standing. Techniques during the procedures are similar to professional massage. Each technique is performed at least ten times.

Remember, when carrying out the massage procedure, it is important not to overdo it, not to cause pain.

The power of exercise therapy

After attending physiotherapy and massage procedures, they are engaged in further restoration of the injured ankle, it will be necessary to perform exercises of therapeutic restorative physical education. Thanks to the performance of each exercise, the damaged joint in the ankle area will gradually return mobility, muscles and tissues will return elasticity and firmness.

It is worth starting the exercises under the guidance and supervision of a master who helps in compiling the complex, you will need to monitor the correct execution. In the future, you can do the exercises yourself at home. The duration of the lesson does not exceed 10 minutes. The load on the injured limb increases gradually, if pain occurs, it is recommended to temporarily postpone the exercise.

When restoring the ankle after a fracture, the complex of physiotherapy exercises consists of simple exercises that can be performed easily and simply. Approximately the complex includes:

  1. Walking with full support on the injured leg. It is important not to overdo it so as not to worsen the condition of the ankle;
  2. Leg swings in different directions, back and forth. It is worth while raising the leg to hold it for a moment;
  3. Forward rotation of the foot;
  4. Lying on the floor, perform cross swings with your legs;
  5. Gradual rises from heel to toe. Exercise can be done on one leg;
  6. Performing neat swings in different directions with a slight delay of the injured leg in the upper position for a moment;
  7. Raising the leg back without bending the back;
  8. Raising the knee with a slight delay of the leg.

When recovering, it is important to keep walking. It is permissible to simply walk on flat terrain or use simulators. For the simplest exercise machine, choose a simple staircase in the house. Going down the stairs is much more difficult after a fracture than going up.

The main task of therapeutic physical education is the gradual return of the mobility of the affected leg area. Allocate other goals achieved during the exercise:

  • Thanks to the exercises, the swelling of the injured ankle is reduced;
  • Exercises become preventive measures for the development of flat feet and curvature of the toe;
  • Improves blood circulation.

Additionally, a set of exercises, with the help of which recovery is carried out, is filled with flexion exercises, performed with fingers and other joints. It is permissible to take small objects with your fingers, roll a tennis ball on the floor. Slow walking alternately has a good restorative effect: on the heels, then on the toes. It is important to wear shoes with an orthopedic special insole during the recovery period.

Remember throughout the recovery period that the duration of the course directly depends on the severity and nature of the resulting ankle fracture. If you ignore gymnastics, the consequences of a fracture are expected to be serious. The damaged area of ​​the ankle can cause inconvenience for a long time, causing pain in the damaged area.

Features of recovery for a fracture with displacement

With such a displaced injury, the recovery period is much longer, the damaged lower limb after a fracture is located in a fixed position for a long time, and it needs to be developed more carefully.

Recovery procedures begin already during the period when a plaster cast is placed on the leg. The beginning of the procedures is appointed from the second week after the fracture, the exercises at the first stage of recovery are as sparing as possible. An x-ray image becomes a signal about the possibility of conducting the first classes, when the doctor observes the beginning of the regenerative processes of fusion and damaged tissues on the film. Exercises begin to be introduced gradually.

Anterior ankles with displacement are often among the injuries with the greatest complexity and danger, recovery at certain intervals is controlled by taking x-rays. Thanks to this examination, the slightest changes in healing are monitored.

If the ankle bone does not grow together over a long period, surgical intervention by the surgeon is required, additional development. A complication will require an increase in the rehabilitation period.

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