Normal hematogen. Hematogen - composition according to GOST, from which it was made in the USSR and now, instructions for use and contraindications. Is "Hematogen" allowed in diabetes mellitus


There is no child or adult who has not tried hematogen at least once in his life - the benefits and harms of this remedy are still being discussed by doctors, but if at an early age it looks like a delicious treat, similar to a bar of chocolate, then after learning about the composition, people often do not rush to take it there is. The drug that stimulates hematopoiesis contains defibrinated bovine blood. The tool was invented at the end of the 19th century in Switzerland. At first, the medicine was a medicine based on the blood of cattle, it acquired the usual form of sweet bars in Russia after 1917.

What is hematogen

Hematogen refers to medicinal preparations containing dried processed blood. Translated from the Greek "haematogenum" this word means "giving birth to blood." The drug consists of albumin (blood protein) and various food additives that improve taste. Hematogen increases hemoglobin. During the Great Patriotic War, the Russian drug was included in the mandatory diet of the wounded.

According to the modern pharmaceutical classification, it is a dietary supplement rich in vitamins and microelements. Dietary supplement is not a candy or a dessert. It has a memorable specific sweet taste, soft texture. It is important to know what the hematogen is used for - the benefits of delicacy and harm border on each other.


The active components of the hematogen are proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. An important substance is ferrous iron, which forms erythrocytes in the blood - red blood cells. The chemical element is represented by an iron-containing protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. The preparation contains vitamin A, which is necessary for a growing organism, it is a source of amino acids.

Additional food ingredients of hematogen are flavoring additives: honey, molasses, sugar, chocolate, sesame seeds, nuts, condensed milk, coconut flakes, candied fruits are added to it. They make a product from blood, in the composition it is indicated as food albumin. The calorie content of the product is 354 kcal per 100 g. A detailed analysis of the BJU of a useful product:

How is hematogen made?

The dietary supplement contains classic black food albumin. It is obtained from the blood of cattle - it stabilizes and dries the blood or erythrocyte mass. These components contain many allergens, so in modern production they are replaced by hemoglobin. Technology for the production of the drug according to GOST:

  • sugar syrup is mixed with condensed milk, molasses, heated to 125 degrees;
  • the mass is cooled to 60 degrees;
  • black food albumin or hemoglobin is introduced into it.

The benefits of hematogen

The effect of taking the medicine is a preventive and restorative effect. The bioadditive is an aid in the prevention of anemia and the treatment of diseases. What is useful hematogen:

  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • normalizes the process of blood production;
  • amino acids support the normal functioning of all organs;
  • vitamin A improves the condition of nails, skin, hair, supports vision;
  • used in the complex treatment of anemia, postoperative periods, weakness;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamins, proteins, eliminates general exhaustion;
  • indispensable for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, as these diseases are accompanied by blood loss;
  • normalizes the weight and height of children.

For kids

Why children need a hematogen, pediatricians will tell. The remedy is given from 3 years to 30 g per day. Its benefits to the child's body are as follows:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • does not allow anemia to develop;
  • enhances the production of red blood cells in case of deficiency, normalizes the state of hemoglobin, protects against anemia;
  • renews the structure and composition of the blood, strengthens the body;
  • increases the supply of cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • stimulates hematopoiesis, metabolism, develops visual function;
  • improves the activity of digestion, respiratory organs;

For women

Some doubt whether hematogen is useful because the product has many contraindications, harms and side effects. For women, especially pregnant women, the benefits are as follows:

  • helps to fully develop the fetus and placenta;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps to avoid the risk of lack of iron intake;
  • doctors recommend using a remedy for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
  • increases the reserves of trace elements in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • during menstruation replenishes the loss of substances;
  • increases osmotic pressure in the blood, eliminates edema;
  • the use of hematogen is recommended to enhance the transport of hormones;
  • the composition contains vitamins A, C and E, which maintain the normal condition of the mucous membranes, skin, hair, nails.

For men

The product is considered important for children and women, but there are benefits of Hematogen for men. It is as follows:

  • helps with emotional, mental, physical stress;
  • stabilizes metabolism, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • improves digestion, respiration;
  • normalizes vision, tones the body, contains the norms of vitamins;
  • amino acids protect against penetration of infections;
  • helps with intense workouts
  • restores strength after medical procedures, operations.

Hematogen during weight loss

The beneficial properties of hematogen are applicable in many areas, but not for weight loss. The product has a high calorie content to include it in the diet menu. If you count calories, hematogen can be used as a dessert. When following a special diet, consider the rate of use of additives - fillers increase calorie content, are included in the list of prohibited foods for people suffering from excess weight.


You should not uncontrollably take any dietary supplements, including hematogen - the benefits and harms of its use can be closely intertwined. Here are some harmful factors:

  • additives and albumin are allergenic, cause severe consequences;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates are harmful in the form of obesity, diabetes;
  • overdose threatens with nausea, diarrhea;
  • helps to reduce the digestibility of saturated fats;
  • negatively affects the thyroid gland of diabetics.

Instructions for use

1-2 plates three times a day - this is the norm for taking hematogen without consequences for the body. Tiles, bars or chewable sticks are available in 20, 30 or 50 g divided into sticks or cubes. The duration of the medication is 2-3 weeks. Take it between meals, preferably two hours after eating. It is possible to drink cubes with water, but not to combine with dairy products - this makes it difficult to absorb nutrients. During the use of hematogen, it is forbidden to take vitamin complexes.

Before taking the product, consult your doctor so as not to harm the body. The consumption of hematogen for prophylactic purposes requires the implementation of a number of rules:

  • do not combine with salt substitutes;
  • you can’t eat tiles while following a low-salt diet;
  • do not combine with antibiotics (take after two hours);
  • you can not use protein foods in parallel - meat, fish, liver, foods with calcium or antacids;
  • store the hematogen in a dark place out of the reach of children.

The daily dosage depends on the age, gender and individual characteristics of the person. Approximate allowed doses for benefit:

At what age can hematogen be given to a child

For children under three years of age, taking hematogen is contraindicated. Even if the child asks to buy a delicious bar - do not give in. Starting from the age of three, it is allowed to include in the baby's diet 5 grams three times a day, from six years old - 10 g twice a day, over 12 - 10 g three times a day. Duration of reception lasts 21 days.

What happens if you eat a lot of hematogen

The daily dose of hematogen for children over six years old is 20 g, for adults 50 g. It can be taken every day, but not longer than 21 days. After that, take a break for at least three weeks. If the dosage is not observed, the following unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • digestion is difficult;
  • stained tooth enamel;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • gastric bleeding, uneven heartbeat, muscle weakness are possible.

Possible side effects

Iron ions, which are part of the product, have a slight irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach. They activate the vagus nerve, which supplies nerve endings to the abdominal organs. Side effects. reviews are:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • flatulence; diarrhea, diarrhoea;
  • frequent urination.


Instructions for the use of hematogen speaks of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of a bar is not prescribed in order to avoid harm:

  • diabetes mellitus (the medicine contains easily digestible carbohydrates that increase the concentration of sugar);
  • obesity;
  • gastritis;
  • hypersensitivity to the main components;
  • anemia without iron deficiency (an excess of iron threatens with a toxic effect on the body);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • children's age up to three years.

How to choose

Tiles are sold in a pharmacy. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors that guarantee the quality and benefits of a natural product:

  • in the first place of this composition is food albumin (black, dry bovine blood);
  • albumin content should be 4-5% of the total mass;
  • it is better not to choose a product with additives, they reduce the effectiveness of the drug;
  • if the plates are doused with chocolate, reduce the total caloric content of the diet.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The benefits and harms of hematogen for children and adults

Products for diabetes are designed to stabilize the patient's condition. Their choice depends on the diagnosis. For example, foods for type 2 diabetics allow the consumption of oranges in diabetes. Cherry for type 2 diabetes, by the way, is also allowed. Cherries, chickpeas, and pineapple are sometimes affordable for type 2 diabetics. But the list of what to eat with type 1 diabetes is much shorter.

In this case, the food should be as free of carbohydrates as possible, since insulin synthesis is impaired in the body. Therefore, even a minimal amount of carbohydrates can cause a sharp jump in blood glucose levels. In addition, type 1 diabetics need to constantly inject insulin. The diet for type 1 diabetes is completely adjusted to the hours of taking the drugs. For example, if it is succinic acid in diabetes. It promotes the production of insulin and relieves the burden on the pancreas. Its special salts stimulate cellular metabolism and improve the absorption of glucose from the blood.

So before eating with diabetes, we will check the allowed and prohibited list of foods that:

  • categorically impossible (dramatically increase the level of glucose in the blood);
  • make an exception for type 2 diabetes (high levels can be avoided);
  • conditionally excluded (fat milk should be excluded, but oatmeal, buckwheat or flax porridge - you can eat).

By the way, milk, like the entire list of fermented milk products, is allowed only with low fat content. Fatty foods that increase blood sugar are glazed curds, high-fat milk, milkshakes.

To choose the right products, you need to understand the concept of "bread unit", which is equal to 10-12 grams of net carbohydrates. One bread unit is about 25 grams of bread (white, rye, black), that is, 1 piece about 1 centimeter thick.

For each meal, you should consume no more than 7-8 XE carbohydrates. Be sure to plan a list of what you can eat or not eat per day and what foods you can combine with each other, how to eat during the week. Usually eat at least five to six times a day. This is necessary not only to maintain a relatively stable blood sugar level. This is necessary to normalize metabolism and prevent aggravation of the situation (nutrition must be balanced so that the body receives the required amount of amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements).

  • products containing starch. For the most part, they are harmful. These are baked goods, beans, pasta, potatoes, as well as cereals. But the useful ones are chickpeas, grain bread with bran (it has a lower glycemic index (GI)). For example, if for white bread 1 bread unit is 25, then in bread with bran there are already 30 grams. But flour for diabetics is excluded from wheat and the highest grade (even dumplings for diabetics can be made from second-grade flour);
  • dairy. Unsweetened liquid dairy products (kefir) account for 1 XE (200-250 ml of products). In the context of "cottage cheese and diabetes" in the adult diet, the product is required to be consumed in large quantities (in 1 XE there are 700 grams of this product);
  • fruits and juices. It becomes dangerous with packaged juices, as they contain a lot of sugar. It is better to enter compotes into the menu (dried apricots, dates for diabetes, pomegranate juice). The same goes for fruits. Most of them (for example, if there are dates) contain a large amount of sugar, which provokes an increase in blood glucose levels;
  • from fruits, it is best to lean on unsweetened apples (for example, the Semerenko variety), feijoa, unsweetened plums, medlar (the second name is loquat), pomegranate and pears. They contain a lot of fiber - a complex carbohydrate, most of which is not absorbed in the intestines. But pineapples, grapes, melons, peaches, apricots, mangoes in diabetes are best excluded. Also, all fruit juices, except for tomato, have a large GI. So it is better to cook fruit drinks, compotes, drink diluted pomegranate juice. Good effect from herbal infusion. It is imperative to drink a cup a day - steam chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, etc. in one liter of water (the number of herbs when preparing decoctions is measured with the left palm - how much fit in it, this is the dose);
  • sweets and sugar. These products exist for diabetics only when blood sugar drops sharply and hypoglycemia needs to be prevented. You can eat date paste (grind dates in a blender and add honey) or sweet food. Eating halva in diabetes is recommended for the same reason (halva in diabetes helps to quickly increase blood glucose levels). But if the sugar is high, it will have to be abandoned. With high sugar in diabetes, hematogen can be used (no more than two cubes per day);
  • vegetables that do not contain starch. These include cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, radishes, eggplants, zucchini, onions, herbs and tomatoes. Thanks to avocados in diabetes, the chemical balance in the body is stabilized. So these products exist for unlimited consumption.

Approved Products

Consider what to eat with diabetes.

The products listed below are permitted.

Cereals (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, flax porridge). By the way, buckwheat with kefir for diabetes, oatmeal or flaxseed porridge is the best diabetic food. It is undesirable to add butter in diabetes mellitus to cereals (with type 1 it is permissible), since the amount of fat in the menu is strictly limited. Bulgur and chickpeas are also useful. Along with a large amount of proteins and vitamins, soluble and insoluble fiber, chickpeas have a low GI (about 30). Due to this, chickpeas normalize blood sugar levels. It is added to soups, side dishes, salads and snacks.

Yeast-free pastries (lavash, brown bread).

Vegetables (beets, carrots, peppers, onions, zucchini). Pumpkin for diabetics is allowed, but in moderation, as it contains starch. But pumpkin seeds for diabetes are very useful, as they saturate the body with fiber, which, in turn, helps in regulating the patient's blood sugar level.

Fruits (orange for diabetes, lemon, apple, pear, plum, cherry), berries. You can eat dates and any other dried fruits, but no more than two pieces a day.

Drinks: dried fruit compote, fruit drinks. Mineral water for diabetes: Berezovskaya, Borjomi, Jermuk, Dilijan, Dragovskaya, Essentuki N4, Crimean, Kuyalnik, Swallow, Mashuk N19, Plokovskaya, growled-su, sairme.

Soy products (soy milk, tofu). Soy sauce for diabetes can be added to salads (no more than 1 tablespoon per day). Apple cider vinegar for diabetes is also allowed - 1 teaspoon helps to lower blood sugar levels. But salt in diabetes should be used carefully (no more than a pinch per day).

Fresh nuts. Walnuts for diabetes can be added to salads, salad dressings, cereals, desserts, prepare a nut spread for diet crackers. Their kernels should contain a large amount of fiber. Walnuts have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and normalize blood glucose levels. And they also contain components that help to avoid fatty liver (the combination of nuts, dried apricots and cottage cheese is especially effective for type 2 diabetes).

Tea, coffee (weak) without sugar. You can drink infusion with laurel. A decoction of bay leaves can be prepared as follows: insist 5 leaves in 1 cup of boiling water in a thermos. The infusion time can be 12 or 24 hours. It is best to pour the leaves overnight. Strain and consume this amount of decoction in a warm form during the day, half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course is 14-21 days. Instead of sugar in drinks (including fruit drinks and decoctions), you can add a natural sweetener - sorbitol. Sorbitol for diabetes is low in calories (2.6 kcal per gram versus 4 kcal per gram for sugar). Contained in apples, mountain ash, apricots and some other natural products. It is non-toxic, 2 times less sweet than sugar and does not affect blood glucose levels. But the hematogen is better to exclude. Manufacturers often add honey, condensed milk, ascorbic acid and other ingredients to the hematogen. Due to the high content of carbohydrates, hematogen can provoke a jump in blood sugar and weight gain. The only case when hematogen and sweets are useful is hypoglycemia.

What kind of fish can you? Any low-fat, boiled. No more than 150 g should be consumed per day. Such varieties of fish are useful: pike perch, pollock, crucian carp, perch. Salmon and trout are healthy, but very fatty.

What kind of sausage can you? It is better to refuse sausages, as they may contain dyes and preservatives. If you really can’t wait, it’s better to buy expensive boiled chicken or cook it yourself from boiled chicken.

Soups and broths can only be low-fat. Best of all - on chicken or vegetables. Hercules, chickpeas, rice can be added to them.

Hematogen without sugar is a prophylactic agent that replenishes iron stores in the body and improves the process of hematopoiesis. Diabetes is a disease that requires special attention.

Only official statistics state that 9.6 million people among the Russian population suffer from insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. In addition, Russia ranks fourth in terms of incidence worldwide, second only to India, China and the United States.

The fight against the "sweet disease" includes many activities, ranging from glycemic control to taking antidiabetic drugs. Over time, pathology can affect the functioning of internal organs, primarily damaging the walls of blood vessels.

Therefore, the maintenance of protective forces becomes a very important component in the treatment of diabetes. This article will help you find out if hematogen is possible in diabetes mellitus, about its beneficial properties, as well as contraindications.

Composition and pharmacological property

Initially, this product was called "Gomel's hematogen", which was a mixture prepared on the basis of egg yolk and bovine blood. This tool was first made by a Swiss doctor in 1890. In Russia, the hematogen appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, and since 1924 it has been actively produced throughout the territory of the Soviet Union.

The modern remedy, like its predecessor, is made from the blood of a bull. However, to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions to the elements of bovine blood, it undergoes a thorough filtration. For the manufacture of hematogen, only a fraction of hemoglobin is used. In addition, to give a sweet taste, condensed milk, nuts, honey and other sweets are added to the product.

The main component of the hematogen is called "albumin", which is the main protein that binds to hemoglobin. In addition to iron, the hematogen contains a large amount of:

  • carbohydrates (honey, condensed milk and others);
  • retinol and ascorbic acid;
  • trace elements (potassium, chlorine, sodium and calcium);
  • amino acids, fats and proteins.

Hematogen is especially useful in diabetes mellitus, as it is able to stabilize metabolic processes. Once in the body, it increases the absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the process of hematopoiesis, increases the concentration of ferritin in the blood plasma and hemoglobin.

Thus, the dietary supplement Hematogen helps fight anemia. It is also taken by women during menstruation to restore normal iron levels in the body. The vitamins contained in the medicinal delicacy increase immunity and help fight respiratory viral diseases. Albumin eliminates puffiness by increasing the osmotic pressure of the blood.

This product is not only for diabetics. The main indications for the use of hematogen are:

  1. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  2. Unbalanced diet
  3. Disease of the duodenum.
  4. Ulcerative bowel disease.

Also, the remedy, thanks to vitamin A, is used to prevent visual impairment and diabetic retinopathy. The components contained in it improve the condition of nails, skin and hair.

As you can see, hematogen has many useful properties. But does it have contraindications? Let's try to understand this important issue.

Contraindications and possible harm

Sugar level

Often, among the contraindications to the use of hematogen, hypersensitivity to the components of the product and impaired carbohydrate metabolism are distinguished.

Such manufactured food supplements as "Hematogen" or "Ferrohematogen" contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates, therefore they are prohibited for diabetics.

As for pregnancy, a nutritional supplement is allowed during this period. But we must not forget that it is very high in calories and rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, which is not always useful for a baby developing in the womb.

Independent use of hematogen is prohibited in such cases:

  • metabolic syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • excess body weight;
  • anemia not caused by iron deficiency;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • children's age up to three years.

It should be noted that with anemia not associated with iron deficiency, taking hematogen can cause unpredictable consequences. It is especially dangerous to use this product for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. Due to the fact that the hematogen increases the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, blood clots can form.

Do not forget that when new foods and drugs are introduced into the diet, they should be used regularly to monitor the indicators and body reactions.

However, there is an alternative to such sweets - diabetic hematogen. It can be taken by people with diabetes and allergies, as well as small children. For example, "Hematogen-Super" from the manufacturer "Fakel-Design". The composition of such a product includes fructose, which replaces harmful sugar, as well as other useful substances. It is made in different flavors, such as nut or coconut. There are other useful bars containing hematogen, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or ordered online.

Although hematogen is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, it is very important to remember how much it can be consumed. Excessive use of such a treat can lead to undesirable consequences. A possible side effect of an overdose may be nausea or diarrhea caused by fermentation in the intestines of some of the components of the drug. In such cases, it is necessary to stop taking Hematogen and start symptomatic treatment.

As you can see, a competent reception of the remedy will saturate the human body with useful substances and protect against adverse reactions. Next, let's talk about the dosages in which it is allowed to take hematogen.

Proper product intake

Hematogen does not have to be taken every day.

It is used according to the preferences of the individual.

But it should not be taken very often either.

Bars are produced in different dosages - 10g, 20g, 50g.

  1. From 3 to 6 years - 5 g of hematogen three times a day.
  2. From 7 to 10 years - 10g twice a day.
  3. Over 12 years - 10g three times a day.

The best option is the use of hematogen for 14-21 days. Then there is a break for 2-3 weeks. It is also recommended to use this delicacy during strong emotional upheavals and heavy physical exertion, when the body's defenses are sharply reduced.

Hematogen is best not to use during the meal. The bar is eaten between meals and washed down with sour juice (apple, lemon) or tea without sugar. It is not recommended to consume this product with milk as it interferes with iron absorption.

Many women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to take hematogen during menstruation. In fact, it is very useful in such a period. The fair sex, suffering from heavy periods, against which anemia occurs, should eat a hematogen bar every day. Such activities will ensure the replenishment of the body with iron, vitamins and trace elements.

Since the hematogen increases blood clotting, it is able to reduce the amount of blood loss during critical days. But in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to take this delicacy long before the onset of menstruation. Also, the food supplement helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, which is especially important for diabetes, since its progression affects the reproductive system of women.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus, patients should monitor their sugar levels, adhere to a special diet, and also exercise and take hypoglycemic drugs. And in the case of a disease of the first type - daily injections of insulin. However, we must not forget about various nutritional supplements that help improve the body's defenses and the general condition of the patient.

Of course, the use of classical hematogen in diabetes is strictly prohibited, since it can further increase blood glucose levels. But a product containing fructose will help restore immunity, replenish iron stores and fill an exhausted body with energy!

In the video in this article, Elena Malysheva will continue to reveal the topic of hematogen.

Hematogen contains black food albumen , sweetened condensed milk, starch syrup, vanillin and sucrose.

Different manufacturers add honey, jams, nuts, ascorbic acid, ferrous sulfate, aromatic substances, etc. to improve the taste and give the product additional properties.

The composition of the hematogen according to GOST

In accordance with GOST, the product must contain black food (concentration per 100 g of hematogen - 4-5%), whole sweetened condensed milk (from 30 to 33%), starch syrup (from 18 to 23%), vanillin (from 0.01 to 0.015%), granulated sugar (the remaining percentage). Sometimes, to eliminate the bitterness of the finished product, hazelnuts are added to the hematogen (from 5 to 10%).

What is hematogen made of, and how is this product made in general?

The active substance of the drug is black food albumen - is a water-soluble powder that is obtained from stabilized or defibrinated food blood or its formed elements. The substance makes up 40 to 60% of the total plasma proteins and is the main plasma protein.

Albumen responsible for linking , , fatty acids and acts as a carrier for some hormones (including , thyroxine aldosterone and triiodothyronine ). Protein-bound hormones are in an inactive form, but are very easily mobilized.

Albumen , which is part of the hematogen, is produced in such a way as to preserve all the value of its basis . The concentration of the substance in one tile of the drug is 2.5 grams.

During the production of the product, purified water heated to 40 ° C is poured into a digester with a stirrer and granulated sugar is added to it. With continuous stirring, the mixture is brought to a boil and kept until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. After that, whole condensed milk and starch syrup are added to the cauldron and the mixture is allowed to boil.

The finished syrup is thoroughly mixed, filtered and placed in a spherical vacuum apparatus. The finished mass in color should resemble candy "iris". The readiness of the product is determined by the caramel test: the syrup dipped in cold water should quickly harden and become brittle.

If the mass is ready, it is quickly poured into a mixer lubricated with vegetable oil, stirring constantly, cooled to 60 ° C and gradually begin to introduce albumen and - to improve the consistency of the finished product - cuttings obtained from previous batches of hematogenous tiles.

Next, the mass is cooled to 40 ° C and vanillin is introduced into it and . Tiles are formed from the finished “toffee” mass, which are then dried on racks until the moisture content in them is 8%.

How many calories are in the hematogen?

Calorie 1 pc. hematogen according to GOST - 504 kcal. The calorie content of hematogen containing hazelnuts is 700 kcal.

Considering what the hematogen consists of, you can evaluate its benefits and harms. The product contains a lot of sugar, which is contraindicated in patients with diabetes, people with a body mass index of more than 30 kg/m2.

Release form

Chewable lozenges 30 and 50 grams, divided into 6 or 10 plates.

It looks like a brown tile visually divided into cubes, hermetically packed in a polypropylene film.

pharmachologic effect

Iron preparation. pharmachologic effect antianemic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is used to correct metabolic processes. It is a source of fats, a complete protein (that is, a protein in which all amino acids are contained in an optimal ratio for the body), minerals and carbohydrates, which are present in Hematogen in proportions close to the composition of human blood.

Stimulates hematopoiesis , increases the content erythrocytes in the blood of people who suffer from anemia, promotes better absorption of iron in the intestinal tract, increases the content of Hb (hemoglobin) in the blood and plasma concentration ferritin (globular protein complex, which acts as the main depot of iron inside the cell), improves morphological characteristics erythrocytes (including removing microcytosis and erythrocyte hypochromia , and also increases their average diameter).

The hematogen contains a large amount , due to which the product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nail growth, vision.

Studies of the pharmacokinetic profile of the drug have not been conducted.

Indications for use: what is the hematogen for?

The use of Hematogen is indicated for:

  • anemia , which is associated with a deficiency of hemoglobin formation factors (in particular, with anemia, which is a consequence of blood loss);
  • malnutrition;
  • chronic diseases (particularly peptic ulcer , in which frequent, often unnoticed bleeding is possible);
  • visual impairment;
  • conditions that occur with malnutrition and/or cachexia ;
  • traumatic lesions of bones and soft tissues;
  • delayed recovery of body weight.

The use of hematogen is also advisable to accelerate the healing of tissues after injuries and surgical interventions, as well as during the period of convalescence after infectious diseases;


Hypersensitivity to Hematogen components, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism; anemia , which is not associated with iron deficiency; violation of iron utilization, hemochromatosis , age up to 2 years.

Since the product contains easily digestible carbohydrates, it should not be consumed by people who are sick as well as people who suffer from obesity.

Side effects

Rarely, nausea and/or .

Instructions for use of Hematogen (Method and dosage)

Pastilles are intended for oral administration. An adult is recommended to take them 1-3 pieces per dose 2 or 3 times a day (no more than 50 grams per day).

The duration of the intake, subject to the daily intake of the product, is not limited in time.


There are no reports of cases of overdose.


Terms of sale

Non-prescription drug.

Storage conditions

Pastilles are stored in a place protected from light and moisture, inaccessible to children, where the temperature is maintained from 15 to 21°C.

Best before date

6 months.

special instructions

Hematogen - what is it?

Hematogen is a product with healing and restorative properties, which is obtained from dry blood of slaughter animals purified in vitro from fibrin protein. From the Greek the name is translated as "giving birth to blood."

The value of the extract obtained in this way is that iron is present in it in the form of purified - an iron-containing protein that stimulates the formation erythrocytes .

Hematogen is used as a protein food supplement during periods of increased mental and physical stress, and is also used in therapy. iron deficiency anemia (IDA).

The dosage form of the drug is primarily intended for children of different age groups. After all, it is in childhood that the highest frequency of cases of IDA and cases of malnutrition .

A developing children's body needs an increased amount of macro- and microelements, vitamins and protein, which are necessary for it to maintain the normal course of metabolic processes.

In particular, prophylactic administration of Hematogen is indicated during the child's puberty, as well as in situations where the body's need for iron increases (for example, during sports competitions).

Good palatability of the drug allows it to be used in sick children with reduced appetite.

Is Hematogen useful for adults? Undoubtedly. As in children, in adults the drug is a source of amino acids (moreover, both replaceable and irreplaceable, the deficiency of which is replenished only if they are sufficiently supplied with food), iron, high-grade protein, microelements.

In addition, the product is rich fat-soluble vitamins . One tablet of the drug is enough to compensate for the daily need for vitamin A , which is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates , increases the resistance of the mucous membranes of the digestive canal and respiratory organs, and also contributes to the normalization of visual function.

What is a hematogen - medicine or dietary supplement?

Wikipedia indicates that, from a medical point of view, hematogen is vitamin-like drug , since its pharmacological action is beyond doubt. However, when compared with modern means for the treatment and prevention of IDA, it is less effective.

If we talk about the legal side of the issue, then some drugs, which are based on the blood of slaughtered livestock, are registered as medicines, and a number - as dietary supplements. At the same time, the composition of the medicinal product and the food additive has, as a rule, minimal differences, and they primarily relate to flavoring fillers: honey, nuts, jams, etc.

On the one hand, in Russia medicines are taxed less than most other goods, therefore, it is much more profitable for the manufacturer to sell Hematogen, which is registered as a medicine.

On the other hand, dietary supplements do not undergo such strict quality control as medicines, and their sale can be carried out not only through pharmacy chains, but also through other specialized stores.

Hematogen: benefit and harm

How is Hematogen useful for adults and children? Delicious medicine based plasma protein albumin improves the course of metabolic processes, vision, increases the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tract, replenishes iron deficiency, vitamin A , proteins, minerals and carbohydrates, normalizes appetite.

However, it should be remembered that uncontrolled intake of Hematogen, as well as taking it with incompatible drugs, can lead to undesirable consequences. It is important to remember that the product has contraindications, and not everyone can take it.

The presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in the Hematogen can provoke an increase in body weight, which is highly undesirable for diabetics, pregnant women and people prone to obesity. In addition, the drug increases blood viscosity, thereby provoking thrombosis .

Precautionary measures

Hematogen should be taken with caution to persons with:

  • potential risk of bleeding (including peptic ulcer in history, hypocoagulation conditions, etc.);
  • ischemic circulatory disorders of the brain ;
  • severe arterial hypertension , which is not amenable to medical correction;
  • diabetic retinopathy ;
  • severe liver disease .


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:


Hematogen L , Hematogen new , Hematogen for children , Hematogen C ,Hematogen C Vita ,Hematogen with pine nuts .

For kids

For children, the daily dose of Hematogen is from 2 to 6 plates (no more than 30 grams per day). The dose is divided into 2-3 doses. Subject to the norms of daily consumption, you can take the drug for an unlimited time.

Despite the fact that in the instructions of some manufacturers, the age limit for the use of the drug is up to 2-3 years, experts recommend introducing the product into the diet of children from 5-7 years.

Hematogen during weight loss

The introduction of Hematogen into the diet of a person following a diet for weight loss allows maintaining the required level hemoglobin and compensate for the need for vitamin A .

However, in order to maintain the good condition of teeth, nails, skin and hair in conditions of insufficient intake of nutrients, the body needs many minerals and B vitamins , which are absent in Hematogen.

Answering the question whether it is possible to eat Hematogen on a diet, doctors say that it is possible, but in limited quantities and not for long. The maximum duration of continuous use is 3 weeks.

The dose should be calculated in such a way that about 15 grams of the drug per day per 45 kg of weight. The portion during the day is divided into 3 doses.

It must be remembered that Hematogen has the ability to accumulate in the body and is not removed from it at a time. If a person follows a long-term diet designed for months or even years, he should use Hematogen in courses, maintaining intervals of 2-3 months between them. Before you resume taking the drug, it is recommended to take a complete blood count.

Deficiency of nutrients, provoked by the peculiarities of the diet, can cause blood clots even with sufficient fluid intake into the body. Most diets involve limiting the intake of salt, while the liquid, in turn, with a lack of salt, is excreted from the body very quickly along with metabolic products.

At normal rates hemoglobin (for women - 120-130, for men 140-160 g / l) enter into the diet hemoglobin not worth it. Instead, in consultation with your doctor, you can take a balanced multivitamin complex.

Hematogen during pregnancy: is it possible to Hematogen during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only according to indications, in limited doses, and only in cases where the benefit of hematogen for a woman outweighs the risk to the developing fetus.

Why pregnant women can not Hematogen?

The ban is due to the fact that a high concentration hemoglobin leads to thickening of the blood and, as a result, to thrombosis and placental capillary embolism , which in turn adversely affects the condition of the fetus.

The product is high in calories, which can cause a sharp weight gain. In addition, due to changes in the hormonal background, the body of a pregnant woman may “respond” to its intake. allergic reaction .

Why is hematogen useful for pregnant women?

Nevertheless, there are situations when during pregnancy the benefits of Hematogen for women outweigh the potential risks. In some cases, doctors may recommend this remedy for prevention and treatment. iron deficiency anemia .

So, give an unambiguous answer to the question “Is it possible for pregnant women to eat Hematogen?” pretty hard. The doctor may recommend this product or, on the contrary, prohibit it only taking into account the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the body of the expectant mother.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have a hematogen?

Use during breastfeeding is possible only with the approval of a doctor.

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