Bifurcation of the palatine uvula in a child Komarovsky. Edema, swelling, inflamed tongue in the throat (uvulitis): causes, treatment. Manifestations of inflammation of the palatine process

Uvula split(bifurcation of the palatine uvula) is a pathological bifurcation of the uvula, which is located at the end soft palate. A bifurcated uvula is usually discovered at birth when a doctor examines the baby's mouth. In some cases, uvula cleft is detected during prenatal screening by ultrasound. In other cases given state discovered by chance.

Sometimes a bifurcation of the tongue is one of the signs of a cleft palate. Since the palate is covered with a mucous membrane, the cleft is difficult to detect. Submucosal (submucosal, hidden) cleft palate can be without uvula splitting.

Photo: Wikipedia

Causes of a bifurcated uvula

Genetic, environmental, and toxic factors may be the cause of a bifurcated uvula. However, the ultimate reason for this is unknown. The bifurcation of the uvula appears between the 7th and 12th weeks of pregnancy due to an error in the fusion of the uvula.

Risk factors for uvula bifurcation

  • smoking during pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • substance abuse;
  • certain medicines, such as those for epilepsy;
  • other diseases.

Complications of submucosal cleft palate

Submucosal cleft palate can lead to speech problems in a child who often has abnormal nasal speech. In these cases, the cleft may not be diagnosed until the child begins to speak.

Another complication of submucosal cleft palate is swallowing problems. This is due to the lack muscle tissue and the baby may have trouble feeding. After birth, the baby may be found to have a cleft palate if it sucks weakly or milk comes out of the nose.

As a rule, a bifurcated uvula does not cause breathing problems, and in many cases the child may not have any obvious complications.

Treatment of a bifurcated uvula

Photo: Wikipedia

A bifurcated uvula is a benign condition and therefore does not require treatment. However, it is important that a child born with a cleft uvula be examined for possible submucosal cleft palate. Cleft palate may require surgical intervention.

The most common cause of treatment is a speech impediment when air escapes through the nose.

A person may also have a condition known as palatopharyngeal insufficiency, submucosal cleft palate. Then surgery is needed to restore the palate and close the cleft. In some cases, as an alternative surgical treatment the surgeon can insert special device, which is placed in the mouth and attached to the teeth to help with speech problems.

If a child has problems with feeding and swallowing, then sometimes they can be solved with the help of methods shown to parents by a feeding consultant. Children with submucosal cleft palate often have trouble getting fluid into their mouths. tympanic cavity and associated infections, which can lead to hearing loss. Ear problems should be treated by a specialist. Treatment includes antibiotics or insertion of ventilation tubes into eardrum. This should be done as early as possible, as the child may become deaf, which in turn may also affect speech.

For most people, a split uvula does not cause any complications and they can lead a normal and healthy life.


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  2. Samanta S., Samanta S. Bifid uvula: Anesthetist don't take it lightly! //Saudi journal of anaesthesia. - 2013. - T. 7. - No. 4. - S. 482.

If treatment is not started on time, the disease may end. lethal outcome.

How dangerous is uvulitis

The uvula is composed of muscle, mucous membrane, connective tissue pierced by blood vessels. It protects the ingress of food into the respiratory tract, distributes and warms air flow, is involved in the processes associated with emetic and cough reflex, participates in the formation of sounds, since it belongs to the articulatory department of the speech apparatus. The secondary function is to block the foreign body on its way to the larynx.

Acute inflammation of the palatine uvula is accompanied by severe edema and pain, which affects the mobility and size of the process. As a result, obstruction of the airway is possible, that is, blocking the access of air to the lungs with hyperemic tissue and death from suffocation. But this happens if the disease is not treated or the wrong therapeutic technique is used.

Types and causes of uvulitis

Inflammation of the uvula has acute and chronic clinical form. The first occurs suddenly due to the body's reaction to the causes that provoked the pathology, in which the process develops rapidly and can proceed with complications. Chronic uvulitis is rarely accompanied by acute symptoms. It occurs intermittently or secondary disease due to the presence of a pathological focus in the oral, nasal cavity or pharynx.

Types of inflammation of the tongue:

The disease received these names because of the reason that provoked it. Infectious uvulitis develops as a result of infection of the body with a virus or a pathogenic microbe. The pathogen penetrates the process with a blood stream or enters the mucous membrane with saliva, sputum, nasopharyngeal mucus from nearby foci of the disease. That is, inflammation of the uvula develops against the background of pathologies of the ENT organs, mouth, esophagus, bronchi and adjacent tissues.

The culprit of the disease can be sinusitis, rhinitis, caries, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, blood poisoning, lymphadenitis, abscess or phlegmon in the larynx.

Drug uvulitis occurs due to the action of the substances that make up the drug. This is warned in the instructions for the medication in the section on contraindications and side effect, for example - hypersensitivity, Quincke's edema (angioneurotic edema).

The tongue can also become inflamed due to the body's reaction to any kind of allergen: household, food, from environment- on pollen of plants, waste products of ticks, etc. As a consequence, fluid accumulates in the tissues of the process and the person experiences discomfort, and he also has other symptoms of the pathology.

Causes of traumatic uvulitis:

  • operations in the throat, nose (adenotomy, tonsillectomy, tumor removal);
  • a disease that provoked a violation of the integrity of the tissue and blood network of the tongue (cyst, polyps);
  • snoring in sleep;
  • injury foreign body(bone, hard object);
  • shell burn with hot food;
  • hypothermia of the mucous membrane with cold air, food, water and other drinks;
  • tissue damage by exposure to aggressive substances (salt, acids, spices, alcohol, smoke, toxic agents).

That is, traumatic uvulitis occurs due to pathological, mechanical, chemical or thermal damage to the process. Inflammation of the uvula can begin, even if it is not he who is affected, but the nearby territory - the tongue or the root of the organ, the wall of the larynx, another part of the soft palate.

Signs of uvulitis

Despite the variety of pathology, the symptoms differ little. The first thing a person feels when acute inflammation- a lump in the throat, pain in the pharynx, a violation of the quality of breathing - the air seems to get stuck in the throat. On examination, an enlarged swollen tongue is visible. It can be bluish, red, or covered with a white coating, erosions.

Due to inflammation of the palatine process, a person has vomiting or a desire to cough, profuse salivation and watery eyes, runny nose, itching around the pharynx, inability to make a sound (dysphonia). With infectious uvulitis, the temperature rises, there is general weakness, migraine, muscle and joint pain(myalgia, arthralgia), skin rash.

Treatment of uvulitis

It is recommended that at the first symptoms of the disease, contact the ENT in order to detect true reason inflammation. This is important, since the choice of medicine depends on the type of pathology. Treatment and prevention of uvulitis includes compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards - oral care, frequent ventilation of the room, daily wet cleaning, and so on. This will eliminate the factors due to which the tissues of the tongue will become inflamed.

Treatment of uvulitis includes mandatory rules:

  • frequent rinsing;
  • inhalation and irrigation of the throat antiseptic solutions, sprays, herbal decoctions;
  • compliance with the drinking regime and a sparing diet;
  • a ban on smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • air humidification;
  • use of individual dishes and its regular disinfection;
  • application folk remedies only in combination with the methods of official medicine.

For infectious uvulitis, antibacterial (Amoxiclav) or antiviral (Arbidol) drugs are prescribed, and for allergic, antihistamines (Claritin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Tsetrin). Antibiotics (Ceftazidime, Azithromycin) are used only if a mixed form of infection is confirmed or inflammation of the uvula is accompanied by a complication.

Symptomatic treatment includes the use of diuretics for edema (Furosemide, Hypothiazide), and in case of respiratory disorders - glucocorticosteroids (Betamethasone, Medrol, Prednisolone). It is allowed to take antipyretic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and pain medications. radical way with the threat of asphyxia - a tracheotomy operation.

The local therapy of uvulitis includes physiotherapy quartz, UVI, as well as inhalations with the addition of thyme, St. John's wort, pine buds, oils of eucalyptus, fir. Inflammation with plaque well relieves rinsing with a decoction of kirkazon, chamomile and sage. However, pus is sometimes removed surgically.


Whatever the reasons would not provoke inflammation of the tongue, treatment should be carried out immediately. This will help prevent asphyxia or tissue necrosis, if bacterial flora is connected to the pathological focus. Compliance with medical recommendations, as well as properly selected methods of official and traditional medicine contribute to a quick recovery.

The information is given for general information only and should not be used for self-treatment.

Do not self-medicate, it can be dangerous. Always consult your doctor.

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Treatment of an enlarged tongue in the throat, causes of uvulitis

Discomfort, the feeling of a foreign object in the throat, the urge to vomit, impaired swallowing - these are the symptoms that can be very frightened. This difficulty is most often encountered after a night's rest. When studying oral cavity you can see an enlarged and reddened tongue in the throat. Why does it increase in size and what should the patient do?

Reasons for uvula enlargement

Many are afraid when the tongue in the throat has increased. Indeed, the problem is vexing. But why is it needed at all? The uvula is the back of the soft palate. It is called the palatal curtain, as it hangs down in front of the pharynx.

At normal condition it is small in size and has a pinkish tint. A person rarely feels it, since it does not prevent us from speaking and swallowing food.

But in practice there is such a phenomenon when the tongue is very swollen. The reason for this is the pathological processes in the throat. What are they and how to overcome redness?

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammation of the tongue in the throat is extremely rare, only when the process is of a serious nature. This phenomenon is observed only when there are a lot of bacteria in the oral cavity, and the immune system cannot cope with them.

If the tongue in the throat is swollen, the cause may be:

  • inflammation in the tonsils in the form of tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasal and pharyngeal region simultaneously in the form of rhinopharyngitis or adenoiditis;
  • development of a pharyngeal or paratonsillar abscess;
  • damage to the pharyngeal region in the form of pharyngitis;
  • development purulent infections in the dental system;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa in the form of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • diphtheria infection;
  • the appearance of mononucleosis of an infectious nature;
  • inflammatory process in the salivary glands;
  • infection with tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV.

Usually in such cases, the tongue swells suddenly. At the same time, it swells simultaneously with neighboring tissue structures. As a result of this process, the patient complains of worsening swallowing function, severe pain, swelling in the throat.

Oncological pathology

If the tongue is inflamed in the throat, which can be another reason unpleasant illness? AT recent times Increasingly, doctors are diagnosing cancer of the mucous membrane in the throat. But according to statistics, only two percent of patients have an oncological pathology of the tongue.

With this symptomatology, exactly the same as viral, bacterial and fungal infection. It all starts with a sore throat and difficulty in swallowing.

Uvula burn

If the tongue is very swollen, then perhaps the cause was a chemical or thermal burn. Strong hot dishes, drinks, drinking alcohol can lead to such a process. Then the patient complains of dryness in the oral cavity and damage to the mucous membranes. A formation appears in the throat, the pattern of which consists of blood vessels. Under the influence of factors, severe irritation, blood flow and swelling of the palate are observed.

Much less often, a uvula burn occurs as a result of exposure to alkali or acid. Such a process can occur accidentally when consuming vinegar, essence or gargle heavily. concentrated solution soda.

allergic reaction

When the tongue in the throat is swollen, the cause is an allergic reaction to external stimuli. This phenomenon can manifest itself with the use of preservatives, dyes, food products in the form of honey or strawberries, inhaled chemicals and household chemicals.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to insure against such a problem, because an allergic reaction can manifest itself quite suddenly.

Nowadays, allergies are becoming more and more topical issue. Such a process is primarily observed in those who at least once in their lives suffered from increased susceptibility to the components of drugs or products, angioedema, urticaria, dermatitis, bronchial asthma.

Swelling of the tongue in the throat occurs suddenly. But the unpleasant feeling intensifies with each time the stimulus arrives.

Adverse reactions to drugs

Break down work immune system may be due to long-term use of the drug. In practice, it is customary to single out side effects in the form of swelling of the tongue, rashes on the skin and difficulties in the implementation of the respiratory function.

Reaction to the drug may occur after ingestion of tablets and syrups, injection or topical application. Then the side symptoms are not associated with allergic reactions at all.

Ulceration and swelling in the oral cavity may occur as a response to chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer.

Quincke's edema is considered the most dangerous. Often it occurs against the background of the use of funds in the form of Captopril, Enalapril. Also, the reaction occurs when taking muscle relaxants, antibiotics and anesthetics.

Other causes of uvulitis

An inflamed tongue is also observed with other pathological processes as:

  1. injury to the mucous membrane with solid food or bone;
  2. carrying out dental manipulations, pharyngoscopy and probing of the gastric organ;
  3. prolonged and repeated vomiting;
  4. snoring
  5. consumption of cold foods and drinks;
  6. availability addiction in the form of smoking;
  7. hereditary predisposition to edema;
  8. development of Franklin syndrome.

In some cases, pain when swallowing will be observed only in the morning and pass through hours after waking up. In others, the pain may be constant. Then you need to consult a doctor for advice.

Diagnosis of pathologies of the tongue in the throat

Puffiness of the tongue is not particularly difficult to diagnose. It is enough for the doctor to find out the patient's complaints, take an anamnesis and examine the oropharyngeal region.

Additional diagnostic methods are used only to clarify the diagnosis. These include:

  1. blood donation for analysis. If the disease is infectious nature, then the level of leukocytes in the blood and ESR increases. This process is called leukocytosis. With allergic reactions, the number of eosinophils in the blood rises;
  2. taking a smear from the mucous membrane with a bacterial lesion. This will identify the pathogen and its susceptibility to antibiotics;
  3. carrying out an immunogram and specific allergodiagnostics;
  4. performing pharyngoscopy and posterior rhinoscopy;
  5. implementation x-ray examination, tomography and histological examination for biopsy.

When the cause is identified, you can proceed to therapeutic measures.

Treatment of an inflamed tongue in the throat

What to do if the tongue is swollen and red? Do not panic. The first step is to assess the situation, and then seek help from a specialist.

If there is a small tongue in the throat and it does not exceed the maximum size, then it is enough to inspect the oral cavity on your own. If it is swollen severely, and there is a violation of the respiratory function, then you need to urgently call ambulance. Perhaps uvulitis begins.

The doctor will listen to the patient's complaints and try to identify the cause of what is happening.

If the patient has problems with the dentition, he will be referred to the dentist. They will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. You may need treatment or extraction of teeth.

In case of an allergic reaction, accompanied by rashes and itching, it is necessary to visit an allergist.

How to treat such a pathology? To eliminate swelling of the tissues, it may be advised to rinse the throat with a slightly salty solution. Treatment also includes antihistamines and elimination of the irritant. If it is difficult to identify the allergen yourself, then the patient is given test samples.

If the throat hurts with an inflamed tongue, then an inflammatory process is observed.

Then the treatment is:

  • gargle herbal infusions, soda and saline solution, furacilin;
  • washing the nasal passages with a solution based on sea salt;
  • lubrication of the affected areas with Lugol, Chlorophyllipt, streptocide;
  • throat irrigation medicines in the form of Miramistin, Hexoral, Tantum Verde;
  • taking antibacterial, fungal and antiviral agents.

The duration of treatment depends on the form of the disease. But usually the course ranges from seven to twenty days.

The most dangerous thing is when the cause lies in oncological pathology. Then the patient needs to consult an oncologist and undergo a thorough examination. Perhaps a course of chemotherapy and physiotherapy will be prescribed. For large tumors, surgery is performed.

No matter what caused the inflammation of the tongue, there are general recommendations that should be observed during the treatment process.

  • Observe drinking regimen. In the early days, it is better to refuse food, but the body should receive fluids from two to three liters per day.
  • Observe bed rest. This will allow the body to recover faster and overcome infectious agents.
  • Follow a healthy diet. Food should be soft and warm. It is best to give preference to grated cereals and vegetable puree. No hard, sour, spicy and sweet food. This all leads to even more irritation.

Treatment for a swollen tongue in the throat

If the tongue in the throat is swollen and significantly increased in size, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness.

The tongue is essential element soft palate, consists of smooth muscle cells and many blood vessels. In the normal state, the body has a very small size, a person does not even feel it.

The organ performs many important functions in the region of the nasopharynx, therefore, with its dysfunction, a person may encounter dangerous ailments, threatening life. By what signs can uvulitis be determined, and what to do if this deviation occurs?

The essence of pathology

Most people don't know the name uvula. In medicine, the organ is called the "conical process" and takes part in a variety of functions:

  • separates food ducts;
  • distributes and directs air flows;
  • activates vomiting reflex if necessary;
  • reduces the likelihood of infection through the throat;
  • protects the throat from the penetration of cold air;
  • takes part in speech.

If the palatine (throat) uvula increases in size and becomes inflamed, a person develops uvulitis. The disease progresses rapidly, from the first days a person has pain and discomfort in the sky.

The disease entails a violation of most of the functions of the tongue, which can cause very serious complications. That is why experts warn that at the first sign of swelling, you should immediately seek qualified help.


If a person has an inflamed and swollen tongue in the soft palate, the signs of the violation will be so pronounced that they cannot be confused with something else. Regardless of what causes uvulitis, the most common symptoms are:

  • Sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the throat, which may indicate an increase in symptoms, and the swelling is very strong.
  • Nausea and urge to vomit.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Pain and difficulty swallowing food.
  • Speech dysfunction, the appearance of hoarseness.
  • Increased salivation.

If swelling is caused by allergies, the pathology may be accompanied by such disorders:

  • the appearance of a cough;
  • strong sneezing;
  • the occurrence of a rash in the oral cavity;
  • tearing of the eyes;
  • constant sore throat.

If uvulitis is a consequence of an infectious disease, a person will suffer from such symptoms:

  • excessive dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • runny nose;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • the appearance of chills or fever;
  • purulent neoplasms on the tongue;
  • general weakness.

Experts warn that if the tongue in the throat is swollen and increases in size, the disease should alert the patient. To pick up suitable treatment, it is necessary to identify the causes of the pathology, only an experienced physician can do this.

Basic Treatments

If the patient complains that his tongue is swollen in his throat, the doctor will not only conduct a physical examination and history taking, but also be able to prescribe a change general analysis blood and bacterial culture urine.

AT rare cases required histological examination fabrics. Only after the physician has identified the overall clinical picture and the causes of the deviation, he will understand how to treat the patient.

allergic uvulitis

If the throat uvula swells due to allergic manifestation, usually prescribed antihistamines (Loratadin, Suprastin, Diazolin). To restore the swollen organ faster, you can use diuretics (Trifas, Veroshripon).

If the conical process is so swollen that the patient's life is in danger, it is necessary to use corticosteroids - medicines that are prescribed as first aid for allergies to prevent complications. If after taking the drugs of this farm. group, the patient's condition does not improve, the only way out is to perform a surgical intervention.

You can speed up the recovery process with the help of traditional medicine methods. The patient needs to gargle several times a day with decoctions based on medicinal herbs(raspberries, St. John's wort), an infusion of garlic has also proven itself (100 g of peeled vegetable is poured into 100 ml of water and the medicine is left to infuse for five hours).

Experts warn that if the uvula, located in the sky, constantly swells due to allergies, it is required to identify what is the primary source of such an organism reaction, otherwise the pathology can be repeated at certain intervals and significantly complicate the patient's life.

Pathogenic microbes

If the organ is swollen, and taking antihistamines does not bring relief, most likely the disease is caused by contact with mucous infections.

If the disease has viral origin, need admission antiviral drugs(Viferon or Arbidol), but when the pathology was provoked pathogenic microbes requiring antibiotics.

Often, with infectious uvulitis, various anti-inflammatory sprays are prescribed that fight pathogens of the inflammatory process and reduce pain.

getting burned

Often the problem occurs due to injury, for example, getting a burn. If the tongue is swollen after exposure high temperatures, in this situation it is possible to do without professional treatment. Experts assure that folk remedies will help to achieve significant improvements.

The patient will need to regularly gargle with a decoction of chamomile or sage. After 3-4 days of such therapy, the tissues of the organ will begin to recover and take on a natural size.

Abuse of bad habits

Surprising as it may seem, but excessive alcohol consumption and frequent smoking can also lead to swelling of the mucous membrane of the tongue. What measures to take in such a situation?

Doctors advise to consume as much warm liquid as possible. Why do it? If the kidneys and urinary system work in an accelerated mode, the body will be cleared of toxins faster. If a person drinks little liquid, intoxication can last for several days.

To speed up the recovery process will also help:

  • adhering to proper nutrition;
  • compliance with oral hygiene;
  • complete rejection of alcohol and smoking (at least for the duration of treatment).

Uvulitis - most dangerous pathology, which, in the absence of competent and timely treatment may cause various complications. That is why, in order to maintain your health, when the first symptoms of a violation occur, you must immediately visit a doctor.

If there is discomfort in the throat, which turns into pain, treatment should be carried out immediately. The tongue tends to increase in size, it is necessary to monitor its condition.

Video: Severe sore throat, treatment

During stomatitis, everything became inflamed. what was around. and the tonsils, and this tongue, the palate hurt terribly ... and the doctor sent me to the dentist, she said, this is in his part. is it so?

Nina, not only an ENT or a dentist can find out the cause, but also a gastroenterologist, so you should get advice from all specialists.

does this happen to him? wow, you usually don’t feel it, you even forget that it is there ...

Faith, inflammatory and edematous processes are characteristic of all types of tissues in the body, including those that make up the tongue.

And what can it increase to such a size that it will stop breathing?

Katya, usually it does not become inflamed by itself, the neighboring tissues are also inflamed and swell, which can really interfere with normal breathing.

Bifurcated tongue in a child. What threatens and what to do?

Hello! In the case of a forked tongue, there may be problems with the intake of solid food and improper bite formation, a violation of sound pronunciation. Maybe the child will not pronounce the letter "R". But as I said, it is only possible, but it will not necessarily be so.

Best of all, not postponing the problem in long box, show the child to the otolaryngologist and get advice from him in person. The forked tip of the tongue ("heart" uvula) speaks of a short hyoid frenulum. If the frenulum is very short and tight, then it can be difficult for the child not only to stick out the tongue, but also to lift it up. In this case, it becomes impossible to pronounce very many sounds, the articulation of which implies the upper position of the tongue (in particular, such as Ш, Ж, Ш, Ch, Р). There are two options for solving the problem - stretch the bridle with special speech therapy exercises, which you can recommend (provided that the bridle is elastic), or cut (this is if the bridle is too short and tight and it is not possible to stretch it).

A bifurcated uvula is the most common form of cleft in the mouth and nose area among newborns. This condition is rare. According to statistics, it occurs in about 2% of newborns. But judging by the numerous reviews on Internet forums, this phenomenon is still more common than the official figures tell us. In addition, bifurcation of the tongue also occurs in newborns with such a congenital deformity as the cleft palate. The cause of this pathology is a violation of the connection of the medial nasal and maxillary processes in the embryonic period (that is, during early dates pregnancy).

Studies have shown that patients with this anomaly are more likely to have a middle ear infection (otitis media). During swallowing, the tongue moves back and thereby prevents food from entering the nasal cavity. With an anomaly of the soft palate, including a forked tongue, this process is disrupted, which is accompanied by the ingress of food and liquid into the nasal cavity, as well as into the Eustachian tubes.

It must be said that many mothers claim that such a bifurcation of the tongue in children passes over time without a trace and much damage to the health of the child. It is difficult to say whether this is actually the case.

If you are still concerned about this phenomenon, consult a doctor.

Health to you and your child!

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Sergey Aleksandrovich

I am already 29 years old and I do not know of any problem related to this phenomenon, so please do not worry, this is normal.

the guest

I also have a split tongue in my throat. I am 26. Personally, I have never had any problems because of this.


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All about the tongue in the throat

The tongue in the throat in the sky, despite its seeming insignificance, performs a number of necessary human body functions. Anatomically, it is a process (continuation) of the soft palate hanging freely above the root of the tongue. It mainly consists of smooth muscle cells, which are covered with a mucous membrane and penetrated by a large number of blood vessels, which leads to severe swelling and redness in case of inflammation of the organ.

The main functions of the body

Why is this little tongue in the human throat needed? It performs a number of functions that are necessary for digestive system, speech apparatus and respiratory protection:

  • prevents the penetration of infections, partially blocking the throat;
  • protects against cold air entering the trachea, due to the presence of blood vessels, heats it;
  • divides air flows and directs them;
  • separates swallowed chewed food;
  • if necessary (especially in case of poisoning), it can cause a gag reflex;
  • to some extent prevents the entry foreign objects into the throat;
  • is a participant in the performance of the function of speech;
  • divides the throat into two zones, which prevents the simultaneous inflammation of both tonsils.

Given the location of the process and its role, the disease of the organ due to infection and the presence of an inflammatory process can carry serious danger and requires immediate referral to an otolaryngologist.

Manifestations of inflammation of the palatine process

The tongue in the throat in Latin is called "uvula", and inflammatory disease the process of the soft palate is called uvulitis. As a rule, the development of the inflammatory process begins unexpectedly and proceeds rapidly. It all starts with redness, then swelling develops, which increases rapidly. Often a person begins to feel the symptoms of the disease when coughing, sneezing, or while eating.

The most common symptoms of uvulitis are:

  • feeling of a constant "coma in the throat" or the presence of a foreign object there;
  • difficulty swallowing, which may also be painful;
  • gagging;
  • increased salivation;
  • problems when talking, pronouncing words, speech may be distorted, individual sounds are not pronounced correctly;
  • difficulties with breathing, which is associated with a partial overlap of the swollen tongue of the airways.

People who have undergone surgery to remove adenoids or tonsils are more likely to develop uvulitis than others.

Increased attention should be paid to inflammation of the palatine process in children, especially very young ones. A rapidly growing edema can completely block the child's nasopharynx and lead to asphyxia, which can be fatal. In such cases, an urgent call to a doctor or an ambulance is required.

Causes of uvulitis

The most common causes of edema of the palatine process are:

  • consequence infectious diseases mouth and nose cavities when viruses or pathogenic bacteria enter them;
  • chronic or acute tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the teeth, accompanied by the formation of purulent discharge;
  • neoplasms in the ENT organs (benign or malignant);
  • chemical or thermal burns;
  • angioedema, inherited;
  • application of certain medicines, in particular, antihypertensive action (captopril, enalapril, lisinopril).

Besides, contributing factors the development of the disease can be:

  • bad habits (smoking, drinking strong alcohol);
  • snoring during sleep;
  • burns (even minor ones) of closely spaced mucous membranes of the palate;
  • hypothermia (cold drink or frosty air).

The development of the inflammatory process is quite easy to observe with the help of a mirror. With inflammation and slight swelling of the organ, which does not affect respiratory function, you should not be afraid, it is enough just to observe the course of the disease, using local funds treatment. With a sharp development of swelling of the tongue, its increase in size by 2-3 times, difficulty in breathing, urge to vomit and strong salivation should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of the disease and prescribe adequate therapy.

Diagnosis of the disease

First, the doctor asks the patient about the presence of symptoms and conducts a general examination of the nasopharynx for the presence of foreign objects in it that could cause irritation of the palatine uvula. First of all, this applies to young children.

During further manipulations, the ENT determines the cause of the development of inflammation. For a complete clinical picture, in addition to the pharynx, the ears and sinuses are also examined, from where the infection can spread, which most often provokes the development of the disease. The second most common cause is an allergic reaction to some irritant.

After studying the symptoms and determining the pathogen, the doctor decides where the treatment will be carried out.

At rapid development the patient has swelling and coverage of adjacent parts of the mucosa, the presence of breathing problems, as well as for young children, most often treatment begins in stationary conditions. The hospital has the ability to quickly take measures to improve the patient's condition, after which you can continue therapy at home.

Methods of treatment

At infectious lesion body pathogenic bacteria or viruses characteristic symptoms are:

  • cough, sore throat or pain in the throat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nasal congestion;
  • plaque on mucous tissues, tonsils;
  • muscle and joint pain, headache.

There is no clearly defined protocol for the treatment of the palatine process. The treatment for uvulitis is integral part a broader complex of therapy for bacterial or viral infection. Be sure to prescribe a course of antibiotics (amoxiclav) and antiviral drugs(arbidol, anaferon).

It is also necessary to take measures aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease, for which bed rest, drinking plenty of water, gargling (with herbs, soda, sea ​​salt). Nice results gives the use of sprays with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects (ingalipt, gorlopas). Mild painkillers may be used. From folk remedies helps warm tea with honey and lemon.

Much more dangerous cases of uvulitis allergic nature, the main features of which are:

  • rapid and severe swelling of the uvula and soft palate;
  • rashes on mucous membranes and skin, urticaria;
  • itching in the nasopharynx;
  • frequent sneezing and coughing;
  • lacrimation and rhinorrhea.

Wherein general state the patient is satisfactory, body temperature is within the normal range. In the event of the appearance of such symptoms, in order to avoid blocking the airways with edematous mucosal tissues, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

Treatment of allergic uvulitis consists in the most prompt start of taking three types of drugs:

  • Antihistamine (antiallergic) - claritin, suprastin, tavegil, loratadine, zirtek, etc.
  • Diuretics (diuretics) - furosemide, torasemide, urea, diacarb.
  • Glucocorticosteroids - hydrocortisone.

Only a doctor should prescribe all these drugs, self-medication can end in failure. You should also identify the allergen and eliminate contact with the patient. Very rare in severe allergic edema mucous resort to the procedure of tracheotomy.

Of the other causes, the most common is edema due to dehydration of the mucous membranes, which are a consequence of the use a large number strong alcoholic beverages. Statistically, the largest number requests on this topic on the Internet falls on January 1. To improve the condition in this case, it is enough to restore the natural water balance in the body. Plentiful drink(water, tea, compote) and the rejection of irritating mucous products (alcohol, coffee, spicy dishes, sauces) during the day bring the human condition back to normal.

An increase in size and swelling of the process of the soft palate can occur when neoplasms appear in the pharynx, usually benign (papillomas and polyps). Most often this is a consequence of the defeat of human papillomavirus. These neoplasms are not life threatening, but when enlarged, they can cause discomfort when swallowing, cause coughing, and if damaged or exposed negative factors capable of being reborn malignant tumors. Therefore, doctors prefer to play it safe and offer patients to remove polyps and papillomas on mucous tissues.

Sometimes the cause of inflammation of the soft palate is thermal burn(very hot drink) or mechanical damage(most often fish bone or poorly chewed hard foods). In this case, serious medications are not needed.

Enough rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, with a scratch, it is better to use a spray with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. At the same time, it is important to monitor the state of the uvula in terms of possible suppuration. Ulcers are removed by surgical intervention, after which long-term rehabilitation is necessary.

Prevention of diseases of the palatine process

There are a number of methods that can be used to reduce the likelihood of inflammatory processes nasopharynx and palatine uvula:

  • sports activities, especially developmentally related functions respiratory system(walking, running, cycling);
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases of the pharynx, ears and nasal cavities;
  • restriction in the diet of very spicy, sour and salty foods;
  • avoiding too hot or too cold drinks;
  • thorough chewing of food;
  • timely reception antihistamines with seasonal allergies.

Situations when inflammation or enlargement of the uvula develops often occur unexpectedly. Why is this happening? What causes uvulitis? How to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and get rid of it? Let's try to answer these questions.

What is the tongue in the throat for?

To understand the whole essence of such a disease as uvulitis, it is necessary to understand anatomical features and functional value of the tongue.

The nasal cavity and oropharynx are separated by the hard and soft palate. The first is a bony protrusion covered with a mucous membrane. The soft palate is a continuation of the hard palate, but, unlike it, it consists of muscles and other soft tissues, and also has a rich innervation. It is also densely covered with a network of blood vessels, due to which, with the development of inflammation in this area, it is noted characteristic picture. The uvula is a soft tissue outgrowth located along the midline of the soft palate.

The tongue in the throat has many important functions:

  • participates in the separation and direction of the flows of inhaled and exhaled air;
  • helps the passage food bolus from the oral cavity to the larynx;
  • is a trigger zone, the irritation of which causes a vomiting and cough reflex;
  • partially protects the trachea from the penetration of foreign particles;
  • participates in the processes of warming the inhaled cold air, when nasal breathing difficult;
  • division of the throat into two halves, which prevents the spread of infection;
  • performs resonance.

How does inflammation manifest itself?

Inflammatory processes in the throat, affecting the tongue, occur unexpectedly. It often happens that in the evening nothing bothered, and in the morning a person wakes up and finds that something is bothering him in his throat. The question is whether it is required medical intervention, is decided depending on the signs of the clinical picture of the disease.

Symptoms associated with the condition swollen tongue in throat:

  • there is a feeling that something is stuck in the throat, the illusion of the presence of a foreign body is created there;
  • there is an urge to vomit;
  • swallowing food or even saliva causes difficulty, as it is accompanied by pain;
  • difficulty breathing develops;
  • hypersecretion of saliva occurs;
  • speech is impaired.

If redness, swelling and an increase in the tongue in the throat are added to at least a few of the listed complaints, and when touched, there is strong pain, this indicates the development of uvulitis. To identify the cause and diagnosis of the disease with subsequent therapy, you must consult a doctor. An otorhinolaryngologist deals with pathologies in this area.

Reasons for changing the shape and size of the tongue

If you get an infection, you may notice that the throat is swollen, and the tongue has increased in size and reddened. This is due to the fact that in response to the penetration of pathogenic microflora, leukocytes help in the fight against bacteria, while protective cells migrate and penetrate into the tissues of the tongue. This causes his hyperemia, he becomes edematous and inactive.

Many processes and conditions of the body can cause such changes in the throat:

  1. Tonsillitis in acute and chronic forms.
  2. Peritonsillar abscess.
  3. Various infectious processes flowing in the nasopharynx and oropharynx, sinuses, larynx.
  4. allergic manifestations.
  5. Tumors affecting the ENT organs.
  6. Swelling of the neurovascular bundle.
  7. Chemical or thermal burns.
  8. Purulent-inflammatory pathology of the dentoalveolar system.
  9. Lingual injury.


Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of anamnestic data, visual inspection as well as laboratory test results.

With a pharyngoscopic examination, the doctor finds that:

  • a small tongue in the throat is significantly enlarged in size;
  • there are signs of swelling;
  • the natural pale pink color is changed, the organ has become red or even bluish;
  • the uvula reaches the root of the tongue;
  • closes most throat lumen;
  • when touching a soft tissue formation, a gag reflex is initiated;
  • ulceration or signs of purulent infection are noted on the surface of the tongue or its tip.

Differential diagnosis of uvulitis is not necessary, since external signs pathologies do not allow to confuse it with any other disease.


Treatment methods for uvulitis depend on what caused the tongue to enlarge in the throat.

At allergic nature diseases to relieve edema take the following medications:

  • antihistamines - Suprastin, Tavegil, Kestin, Loratadin;
  • diuretics - Furosemide, Torasemide;
  • glucocorticoids - hydrocortisone, dexamethasone.

These drugs can be called the first helpers that reduce the swelling of the tongue to prevent the occurrence of asphyxia. AT exceptional cases when the intensity of edema is high, and medication does not work, a tracheotomy is required as an emergency to combat suffocation.

Uvulitis of allergic etiology is accompanied by signs such as itching and rashes on skin, tearing and discharge from the nose, bouts of coughing or sneezing. At the same time, there is no hyperthermia and deterioration of the general condition. It is necessary to determine the cause that caused the appearance of the hypersensitivity reaction, and to protect the patient from contact with the source.

When the tongue in the throat has increased due to infection, the methods of therapy are the same as for follicular or purulent tonsillitis:

  1. Antibacterial drugs - upon detection of a purulent focus and confirmation of microbial invasion. Most effective against staphylococcal infection Amoxicillin and Biseptol.
  2. Painkillers - help eliminate the discomfort in the throat that occurs when swallowing and talking. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take medicines that have systemic action(Nise, Nimesulide, Ketorol), and means for local application, which help to cope with the pain of angina.
  3. Anti-inflammatory - drugs of this group eliminate hyperthermia, eliminate puffiness and reduce the severity pain syndrome(Ibuprofen).
  4. Throat antiseptics - relieve discomfort in the throat and also fight infection. Presented in the form of lozenges (Faringosept, Falimint, Septolete) or sprays (Orasept).

Uvulitis due to injury or burn various etiologies, does not require special drug treatment. To accelerate healing, it is recommended to use with antiseptic preparations, such as , or medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, including calendula, sage or chamomile.


Preventive measures aimed at reducing the likelihood of inflammation of the tongue in the throat are to prevent SARS, tonsillitis and other infectious diseases, as well as maintaining good oral hygiene.

Inflammation of the tongue in the throat causes many unpleasant symptoms, and in the absence of timely treatment is fraught with the development dangerous complications, which may result in death. Therefore, one should be attentive to such a disease as uvulitis, because behind the apparent of little importance this body often hides serious problems.

Useful video about gargling

The tongue in the throat in the sky, despite its seeming insignificance, performs a number of functions necessary for the human body. Anatomically, it is a process (continuation) of the soft palate hanging freely above the root of the tongue. It mainly consists of smooth muscle cells, which are covered with a mucous membrane and penetrated by a large number of blood vessels, which leads to severe swelling and redness in case of inflammation of the organ.

The main functions of the body

Why is this little tongue in the human throat needed? It performs a number of functions that are necessary for the digestive system, speech apparatus and respiratory protection:

  • prevents the penetration of infections, partially blocking the throat;
  • protects against cold air entering the trachea, due to the presence of blood vessels, heats it;
  • divides air flows and directs them;
  • separates swallowed chewed food;
  • if necessary (especially in case of poisoning), it can cause a gag reflex;
  • to some extent prevents foreign objects from entering the throat;
  • is a participant in the performance of the function of speech;
  • divides the throat into two zones, which prevents the simultaneous inflammation of both tonsils.

Given the location of the process and its role, the disease of the organ due to infection and the presence of an inflammatory process can carry a serious danger and requires immediate contact with an otolaryngologist.

Manifestations of inflammation of the palatine process

The tongue in the throat in Latin is called "uvula", and the inflammatory disease of the process of the soft palate is called uvulitis. As a rule, the development of the inflammatory process begins unexpectedly and proceeds rapidly. It all starts with redness, then swelling develops, which increases rapidly. Often a person begins to feel the symptoms of the disease when coughing, sneezing, or while eating.

The most common symptoms of uvulitis are:

People who have undergone surgery to remove adenoids or tonsils are more likely to develop uvulitis than others.

Increased attention should be paid to inflammation of the palatine process in children, especially very young ones. A rapidly growing edema can completely block the child's nasopharynx and lead to asphyxia, which can be fatal. In such cases, an urgent call to a doctor or an ambulance is required.

Causes of uvulitis

The most common causes of edema of the palatine process are:

  • a consequence of infectious diseases of the oral and nasal cavities when viruses or pathogenic bacteria enter them;
  • chronic or acute tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the teeth, accompanied by the formation of purulent discharge;
  • neoplasms in the ENT organs (benign or malignant);
  • chemical or thermal burns;
  • angioedema, inherited;
  • the use of certain drugs, in particular, antihypertensive action (captopril, enalapril, lisinopril).

In addition, concomitant factors in the development of the disease can be:

  • bad habits (smoking, drinking strong alcohol);
  • snoring during sleep;
  • burns (even minor ones) of closely spaced mucous membranes of the palate;
  • hypothermia (cold drink or frosty air).

The development of the inflammatory process is quite easy to observe with the help of a mirror. With inflammation and a slight swelling of the organ that does not affect the respiratory function, you should not be afraid, it is enough just to observe the course of the disease using local treatments. With a sharp development of swelling of the tongue, an increase in its size by 2-3 times, difficulty in breathing, retching and strong salivation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of the disease and prescribe adequate therapy.

Diagnosis of the disease

First, the doctor asks the patient about the presence of symptoms and conducts a general examination of the nasopharynx for the presence of foreign objects in it that could cause irritation of the palatine uvula. First of all, this applies to young children.

During further manipulations, the ENT determines the cause of the development of inflammation. To obtain a complete clinical picture, in addition to the pharynx, the ears and sinuses are also examined, from where the infection can spread, which most often provokes the development of the disease. The second most common cause is an allergic reaction to some irritant.

After studying the symptoms and determining the pathogen, the doctor decides where the treatment will be carried out.

With the rapid development of swelling in the patient and its coverage of neighboring parts of the mucosa, the presence of breathing problems, as well as for young children, most often the treatment begins in a hospital. The hospital has the ability to quickly take measures to improve the patient's condition, after which you can continue therapy at home.

Methods of treatment

When an organ is infected with pathogenic bacteria or viruses, the characteristic symptoms are:

  • cough, sore throat or pain in the throat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nasal congestion;
  • plaque on mucous tissues, tonsils;
  • muscle and joint pain, headache.

There is no clearly defined protocol for the treatment of the palatine process. Treatment of uvulitis is an integral part of a broader complex of therapy for a bacterial or viral infection. Be sure to prescribe a course of antibiotics (amoxiclav) and antiviral drugs (arbidol, anaferon).

It is also necessary to take measures aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease, for which bed rest, drinking plenty of water, gargling (with herbs, soda, sea salt) are used. Good results are obtained by the use of sprays with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects (ingalipt, gorlopas). Mild painkillers may be used. From folk remedies, warm tea with honey and lemon helps.

Much more dangerous are cases of allergic uvulitis, the main features of which are:

  • rapid and severe swelling of the uvula and soft palate;
  • rashes on mucous membranes and skin, urticaria;
  • itching in the nasopharynx;
  • frequent sneezing and coughing;
  • lacrimation and rhinorrhea.

At the same time, the general condition of the patient is satisfactory, the body temperature is within the normal range. In the event of the appearance of such symptoms, in order to avoid blocking the airways with edematous mucosal tissues, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

Treatment of allergic uvulitis consists in the most prompt start of taking three types of drugs:

Only a doctor should prescribe all these drugs, self-medication can end in failure. You should also identify the allergen and eliminate contact with the patient. Very rarely, with severe allergic edema of the mucous membranes, a tracheotomy procedure is used.

Of the other causes, the most common is swelling due to dehydration of the mucous membranes, which are the result of drinking a large amount of strong alcoholic beverages. According to statistics, the largest number of requests on this topic on the Internet falls on January 1st. To improve the condition in this case, it is enough to restore the natural water balance in the body. Drinking plenty of water (water, tea, compote) and avoiding irritating mucous products (alcohol, coffee, spicy dishes, sauces) during the day bring the person's condition back to normal.

An increase in size and swelling of the process of the soft palate can occur when neoplasms appear in the pharynx, usually benign (papillomas and polyps). Most often this is a consequence of the defeat of human papillomavirus. Such neoplasms are not life-threatening, however, when enlarged, they can create discomfort when swallowing, cause coughing, and in case of damage or exposure to negative factors, they can degenerate into malignant tumors. Therefore, doctors prefer to play it safe and offer patients to remove polyps and papillomas on mucous tissues.

Sometimes the cause of inflammation of the soft palate is a thermal burn (a very hot drink) or mechanical damage (most often a fish bone or poorly chewed hard foods). In this case, serious medications are not needed.

It is enough to rinse with a decoction of chamomile, with a scratch it is better to use a spray with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. At the same time, it is important to monitor the state of the uvula in terms of possible suppuration. Ulcers are removed by surgical intervention, after which long-term rehabilitation is necessary.

Prevention of diseases of the palatine process

There are a number of methods, the use of which can reduce the likelihood of inflammation of the nasopharynx and palatine uvula:

  • sports, especially those associated with the development of the function of the respiratory system (walking, running, cycling);
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases of the pharynx, ears and nasal cavities;
  • restriction in the diet of very spicy, sour and salty foods;
  • avoiding too hot or too cold drinks;
  • thorough chewing of food;
  • timely intake of antihistamines for seasonal allergies.
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