Symptoms of allergic edema and its treatment. Allergic swelling of the face: what to do when the face is swollen from allergies


An allergic reaction in the human body occurs as a result of the ingestion of various protein substances. For most people, they are harmless, but for some they cause a violent reaction in the form of rhinitis, swelling, rashes, joint pain, and even bronchospasm.

Manifestations of allergies are becoming a real scourge of modern society. This is due to the fact that the atmosphere is becoming more and more polluted, food is of less quality, and people are increasingly in contact with chemicals at home and at work. Often, when exposed to a number of factors, people experience allergic swelling of the face. What are the reasons for this phenomenon, and what should be done in this case?

Why does the face swell

At the moment, more than 300,000 substances are already known that can cause an allergic reaction, including swelling in the face. And therefore, it is rather difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to determine the true cause of this deviation. The most commonly cited reasons are:

  • animal hair;
  • some products;
  • plant pollen;
  • house dust;
  • a bite of an insect;
  • cosmetics or detergents.

Most often, people who have a hereditary predisposition suffer from allergies. And unfavorable conditions, climate, psycho-emotional overload can provoke this pathological reaction.

Swelling of the face with allergies may only be the first sign of a more serious illness.. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor to identify the cause and obtain adequate treatment.

Types of edema and manifestations

There are several types of swelling of the face, which often does not have a total distribution, but occurs locally, depending on the cause of its occurrence. Edema on the face can have different localization:

  1. On the upper eyelids. Occur when eating certain types of food - strawberries, eggs, nuts.
  2. Swelling of the upper lip occurs after an insect bite or taking certain medications.
  3. Swelling in the nose and throat may be allergic to dust, animal dander, or pollen.

Regardless of the cause of the reaction, its mechanism is the same. In response to the introduction of a foreign protein in the body, a massive production of antibodies begins. In the area of ​​penetration of the allergen, there is an increase in the production of prostaglandins and histamines, which provoke the expansion of capillaries. This causes the liquid part of the blood to leak out of the bloodstream and cause swelling, redness, and inflammation.

Quincke's edema on the face sometimes develops immediately, and in some cases, some time passes from the onset of exposure to the allergen until the appearance of edema. Most often, there is a change in the fleshy parts: swelling of the tongue, larynx occurs, swelling of the lips develops. Gradually, it passes or spreads to the limbs, trunk and genitals.

In addition to swelling, there may be:

  • rash;
  • skin itching;
  • nasal congestion;
  • decrease or disappearance of smell;
  • spasms in the throat;
  • rhinitis;
  • redness or blanching.

Puffiness can be manifested not only by allergies, but allergic edema is characterized by the fact that when pressed with a finger, a hole does not form in the affected area.

How to help

It is best to consult a doctor about how to relieve allergic edema. But before that, you can and should provide immediate assistance:

  1. Apply a cold compress to swollen parts of the body.
  2. Treat the skin with clean water.
  3. Prepare a solution of boric acid (a small spoonful of powder per 200 ml of water) and make lotions.
  4. Take an antihistamine.

With such a violation, you cannot:

  1. Use alcohol solutions.
  2. Wash skin with soap or cleanser.
  3. Comb itchy places.
  4. Cover redness and rashes with powder or foundation.

Treatment of an allergic reaction consists in identifying the allergen and eliminating its influence (if possible). To do this, you should contact an allergist and undergo an examination. If it is possible to identify the cause, then it is possible to treat the patient using the method of hyposensitization. It consists in introducing small doses of a substance that causes reactions, followed by the body getting used to it. Such therapy allows you to permanently get rid of the problem.

In case of violation of the digestive organs, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist and restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines. How to relieve swelling in the presence of food allergies? If a pathological reaction of the body occurs as a result of the consumption of certain foods, then the diet should be reviewed and completely eliminated.

Alternative treatment

There are a number of folk remedies that, in the event of allergic swelling on the face, help no worse than medicines. Since a number of herbs and other natural ingredients can also cause a negative reaction, this treatment should be used only after consulting a doctor.

  1. Lotions from flax seed help. They should be crushed and insisted in a small amount of water - a large spoonful of raw materials per 100 grams. After the mixture has cooled, you need to wrap it in gauze or a napkin and apply it to the inflamed area.
  2. If there are rashes, they should be treated with ointment. For cooking, you will need 100 grams of melted pork fat, two large spoons of birch tar and powdered sulfur (three grams), which must be mixed. Ointment should be lubricated with the affected area for several days in a row, the procedure is carried out before a night's sleep.
  3. If the skin of the eyelids is swollen, then small circles of cucumber will help relieve puffiness.
  4. In the case when an allergy arose against the background of exposure to the sun, a whipped protein mask helps. They need to smear the skin several times a day. After the next mask dries, it is washed off with water and a greasy cream is applied to the skin.
  5. Swelling on the face goes away if you take a decoction of diuretic herbs inside. They help to remove excess fluid and improve the appearance. For this purpose, bearberry can be used. It must be taken in the amount of one small spoon per glass of boiling water and drink the finished infusion one large spoon at a time a quarter of an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is about one week.
  6. Herbal collection from dandelion root and horsetail, taken in equal volumes, helps to relieve swelling. For a liter of boiling water, you need to take a large spoonful of the mixture and boil over low heat for another five minutes. Take 200 ml up to five times a day until allergic swelling subsides. The infusion helps not only as a diuretic, but also acts as an antihistamine.

If you are prone to allergic swelling of the face, you should use cosmetics and skin care products with caution. You need to reconsider the diet and remove allergenic foods from it. You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid and eat fresh vegetables and fruits.


No one is immune from the negative effects of allergens that contribute to the development of allergic reactions, which can cover large areas of the skin or affect internal organs.

Signs and causes of allergic edema

Allergic edema is calculated on such a basis as swelling in the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips

To find out what ailment you had to face, you need to know the symptoms of a particular disease. Allergic edema is calculated on such a basis as swelling in the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips, accompanied by scabies, rashes, acne, and the duration of discomfort lasts half an hour.

There are many reasons why allergic swelling of the face occurs, a reaction to any component contained in food or medicine, the allergen is the flowering of a plant, pet hair, household items. The specialist can determine which allergen provoked the allergy, the patient must undergo an examination, the result will be the determination of the causes of swelling and redness.

Treatment of edema with medications

The drug Loratadine

To eliminate edema, antihistamines are prescribed - Loratadin, Suprastin, Cetirizine. If the edema occurs with complications, having a severe form, then it will not be possible to get rid of it, the doctor offers several solutions.

This is taking medications such as hormones based on corticosteroids - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone or inpatient treatment.

Preparations Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil are prescribed for edema on the mucous cavities of the mouth, lips, around the eyes or cheeks. When there is no positive effect after the use of drugs, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor.

There are risks that the disease will develop into an extensive edema called Quincke, which carries a potential danger to human life, it is more difficult to eliminate than swelling.

It appears in areas with loose fiber, when you press on the edematous area, redness is not observed. When an allergic edema of the larynx appears, then react immediately, the disease can cause suffocation, followed by death. In order to prevent the death of the patient, he is hospitalized, measures are taken to get rid of the danger.

Methods for the treatment of allergic edema

In difficult cases, treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist who prescribes antihistamines and hormones.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is divided into points:

  • identification of the allergen;
  • delivery of tests;
  • diagnostics;
  • choice of treatment method;
  • a course of therapy, including taking vitamins.

In difficult cases, treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist who prescribes antihistamines and hormones. The doctor prescribes a solution of adrenaline, which eliminates swelling of the face. When all stages of treatment have been completed, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor from time to time so that he can be sure of a successful result.

In addition to drug therapy, folk methods of treatment are used, including recipes made on the basis of natural plants (dandelion, burdock, calendula, etc.).

Use of natural remedies

How to remove allergic swelling from the eyes and other parts of the face? It is difficult to get rid of such an ailment in a short time, but there are ways to promote recovery quickly:

  • a cold compress is made with ice, which is wrapped in a towel, the skin is covered with a cloth for 15 minutes;
  • for a compress with green tea, cotton pads soaked in a warm liquid are taken, applied to the place where there is an allergic swelling of the eyes, then you need to wait until everything cools down;
  • birch sap should be drunk 1 glass 2 times a day, the treatment takes on average about 4-6 weeks;
  • for a vegetable mask, cucumbers are cut into rings, which should be put on the area where there is an allergic swelling of the eyelids;
  • to make a compress based on calendula infusion, cotton pads are soaked in liquid, applied to swelling sites;
  • milk compress involves soaking a piece of gauze or cotton wool in milk, after which the moistened cloth is placed on the affected area for 5 minutes. This product is useful in that it eliminates swelling, soothing the skin;
  • soups, salads, snacks are prepared from asparagus, it is recommended for those who suffer from allergies to drink an infusion of apple juice (100 ml), carrot (50 ml) and asparagus (50 ml) every morning.

Every day you have to go outside, where the skin is affected by the sun's rays, which become harbingers of trouble in the form of edema. An effective method of eliminating the disease is a honey mask with the addition of papaya.

To prepare, you will need a spoonful of honey, a few tablespoons of papaya, after which everything is mixed, the resulting mixture is applied to the face, you do not need to rinse it off for 10 minutes. The mask can not only effectively get rid of swelling, but also refresh the skin of the face.

An egg mask is ideal, showing a positive result from edema resulting from exposure to sunlight. First you need a protein, it is driven in, then applied to the face, it is necessary to give the mixture time to dry. When there is a feeling of tightness of the skin, you should wash yourself, apply a nourishing cream.

Regardless of which method of treatment was chosen (conventional medicine or non-traditional), in order not to spoil the whole process of treating allergic swelling of the skin of the face, exclude from the diet such allergenic foods as mustard, chocolate, alcohol, vinegar, etc., reduce salt intake to a minimum , eat more fruits and vegetables.

Many people are prone to various allergic reactions. The tendency to this disease can be laid even in utero. The reasons for the appearance of allergic edema can be very diverse.

Many people are prone to various allergic reactions. The tendency to this disease can be laid even in utero and, against the background of exposure to harmful environmental factors, develop into a disease. Today, there are many different allergenic components that can cause an allergic reaction in a person. Often it manifests itself as an allergic swelling of the eyes.


The first signs of allergic edema are small swelling of the soft tissues of the face, that is, in the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips. This may be accompanied by a slight itching of swollen areas of the skin, a rash, pimples. In some cases, small swelling may appear on the back of the hands. In time, such an allergic reaction can last up to half an hour.

The reasons

The reasons for the appearance of allergic edema can be very diverse. This can be a reaction to a certain type of food, medicines, all kinds of flowering or animal hair, or to various chemicals, such as paint, varnish, powder.

Swelling of the face with allergies can suddenly occur and no less suddenly disappear, in the second case, nothing needs to be done, treatment is not required. But still it is worth finding out the causes of edema.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, after a complete examination and identification of an allergen that provoked redness or swelling.

Edema can be quickly removed with the help of antihistamines (suprastin, cetirizine, loratadine). If this allergic reaction is severe, then the doctor prescribes special drugs or treatment in a hospital, it will not be possible to quickly remove such swelling. Hormonal preparations based on corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone) are usually used.


In many cases, it is impossible to determine which component the body has responded to with an allergic reaction. You should not treat the manifestation of allergies negligently, because sometimes it is dangerous with complications in the form of Quincke's edema, which is unsafe for human life and it is very problematic to remove it. If swelling appears on the mucous membranes of the mouth, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, cheeks or lips, allergy medications should be taken, including Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil. If after this the swelling could not be removed, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Quincke's edema is a sudden, extensive swelling. It is observed in areas with loose fiber, while Quincke's edema is particularly dense, that is, the skin does not squeeze when you press it with your finger, and there is also no redness. You need to be especially careful with laryngeal edema, because it can cause suffocation and lead to the death of a person. What to do in such a situation? The appearance of such edema requires mandatory hospitalization and immediate treatment.


Treatment of severe edema should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Antihistamines and hormonal drugs are usually prescribed. Also, the doctor may prescribe an adrenaline solution, which helps to get rid of facial swelling.

Effective treatment of allergic edema should include several stages, including the determination of the allergen, the collection of tests, the diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of treatment, the subsequent course of vitamin therapy. After undergoing treatment, it is worth visiting the doctor periodically.

In some cases, alternative medicine prescriptions can be used to relieve allergy symptoms. It is considered quite effective to take a decoction of dandelion and burdock roots or an infusion of bear ears. This will help remove excess fluid from the tissues and relieve swelling.

Ways to quickly eliminate edema

The formation of edema worries not only with itching and discomfort, but also with an unaesthetic appearance, including redness that is difficult to remove. What treatment to choose? What should be done to relieve swelling and remove redness quickly?

Cold compress

To do this, ice is wrapped in a film and a towel and applied to the affected area for fifteen minutes.

Green tea compress

Cotton pads are moistened in warm green tea, applied to the eyes and left to cool; Such treatment is available to everyone, the causes of edema are not so important.

cucumber mask

Ordinary cucumbers are cut into circles, applied to the eyelids for fifteen minutes.

Compress from infusion of calendula

Cotton pads are soaked with calendula infusion and applied to swollen places for several minutes.

Milk compress

A piece of gauze or cotton wool is abundantly moistened in milk, covered with it on the face and kept for about five minutes. Milk relieves swelling, and also soothes and cleanses the skin.

Swelling from the sun's rays

If the causes of edema are excessive exposure to the sun, then a papaya and honey mask will help get rid of them. To do this, a spoonful of natural honey is mixed with several tablespoons of papaya pulp, applied to the face, and kept for at least ten minutes. Such a mask not only perfectly saves from swelling, but also gives the face freshness.

Also, an egg mask will relieve swelling of the face resulting from exposure to the sun. The egg white is beaten, applied to the entire face and left to dry. After the appearance of tightness of the skin, the mask is washed off, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the face.

In addition to the prescribed medical treatment for allergic swelling of the face, you should refrain from taking allergenic foods, limit salt intake and add more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

Swelling of the face during an allergy is one of the most common signs of an allergic reaction in the body. Puffiness of the face appears due to the retention of excess fluid in the skin. This occurs due to a violation of water metabolism in the body.

Causes of swelling on the face

An allergen that causes an allergic reaction can cause facial swelling. It is not always possible to diagnose allergies and identify allergies in this case, which is the main difficulty in prescribing treatment.

Edema on the face occurs within a few minutes after exposure to the allergen on the body. It should be noted that female and children's organisms are much more likely to be affected by allergens that cause swelling on the face.

So, let's take a closer look at the swelling of the face and eyes: the causes.

  • Animal wool;
  • household dust;
  • Food;
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Pollen from trees and flowers;
  • Medications;
  • Household chemicals;
  • Cosmetics.

Allergens that have penetrated into the human body are much more dangerous than allergens that have an effect from outside.

It is important to know that swelling on the face, as a symptom of an allergic reaction, mainly appears in those places that have been in direct contact with the allergen. That is why puffiness appears around the eyes and lips, on the cheeks and eyelids.

Treatment of the disease

Timely treatment is the key to successful treatment of an allergic disease. First of all, to get rid of allergies and puffiness on the face, it is necessary to identify the allergen and eliminate it. Sometimes urgent and emergency care can save a life, for example, with Quincke's edema, which can lead to serious consequences.

We also note that when edema appears on the face due to an allergic reaction, the same treatments are mainly used. However, the type of allergy, as well as its form, influence which treatments should be used.

To remove the puffiness caused by allergies, it will not be possible to quickly remove it. The swelling can take from a few days to two weeks.

First aid

If you find signs of swelling on your face, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. However, first you need to provide first aid, which will help reduce swelling. So, how to remove swelling on the face:

  1. Eliminate interaction with the allergen;
  2. Take antihistamines, which by acting on the vessels can help relieve swelling. Suprastin, Diazolin, Dimedrol - fast-acting drugs;
  3. It is best to take a horizontal position: lie down in bed, taking the most comfortable position;
  4. Eliminate all sources of stress, as stress can aggravate the situation and increase swelling on the face;
  5. It is important to provide access to fresh air: open the windows in the room, as well as free the patient from tight tight clothes;
  6. Apply a cold compress that helps relieve swelling and itching;
  7. If the cause of an allergic reaction is an allergen that has penetrated into the body, then it is necessary to use a sorbent, washing and enemas.


If signs of allergic edema are found, it is prohibited:

  • Use soap or other means for washing;
  • Comb rashes on the skin;
  • Wipe with alcohol (alcohol-containing products) skin areas with rashes or swelling that have appeared;
  • Apply decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder, blush).

During treatment, it is necessary to identify not only the allergen that caused the allergic reaction at the moment, but also other allergens that can also cause allergies. All identified allergens should be avoided by the patient to prevent swelling or rashes.

Effective ways to relieve swelling on the face

Puffiness of the face is not only a manifestation of the disease and adversely affects health, but also affects the aesthetic component of the appearance. So, what can be done at home if the face is swollen.

  1. Cold compress;
  2. Compress with green tea;
  3. cucumber mask;
  4. Milk compress;
  5. Compress from a decoction of calendula.

Cold compress

Ice must be wrapped in a film or plastic bag, wrapped in a towel and applied to the site of swelling for 10-15 minutes.

Green tea compress

This compress is used when swelling of the eyes appears, while it can be used both for allergic edema and for swelling caused by fatigue. To do this, moisten cotton pads in warm freshly brewed green tea, apply to the eyes and hold until completely dry.

cucumber mask

With swelling of the eyes, cucumber rounds are applied to the eyes and left for 10-15 minutes.

Milk compress

Gauze or cotton should be soaked in milk and put on the face. This compress should be kept for up to 5 minutes.

Compress from infusion of calendula

Cotton wool must be moistened in calendula infusion and applied to places where there is swelling. This procedure must be repeated several times.

Allergic edema is the most dangerous manifestation of an acute response of the body to an irritant. They most often occur on the face and limbs. Swelling of the skin and mucous membranes may be accompanied by urticaria and other allergic skin manifestations. The condition with Quincke's edema is very dangerous, the manifestations that have arisen with allergies affect not only the skin, but also affect the subcutaneous tissue, internal organs and mucous membranes of the oropharynx and respiratory tract. If one side of the face is very swollen, this may be a sign of developing Quincke's edema.

The causes of allergic edema depend on the characteristics of the body of a particular person, on the type and concentration of the allergen and the duration of its effect on the body.

Most often, swelling is accompanied by an allergy to:
  • Food;
  • medications;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • household chemicals, perfumery, cosmetics;
  • smoke, fumes, dust and mold.

Edema can occur rapidly and disappear quickly, but it can last for a long time and require certain measures to stop it.

The risk group includes people who have a genetic predisposition to allergies, as well as people with chronic diseases of the internal organs. Moreover, residents of megacities are more likely to suffer from allergies due to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Types of edema and their symptoms

Allergic swelling of the face most often occurs due to food and drug allergies, insect bites, reactions to cosmetics and inhaled chemical vapors. Signs of this condition are immediately visible: the face may swell evenly or an allergy provokes swelling of certain parts of the face: lips, eyes, nose.

In some cases, swelling of the face with allergies to food and cosmetics may be accompanied by hives and other types of skin rashes, redness, itching and peeling.

Quincke's edema affects not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous tissue, and leads to thickening of the blood. This is the most dangerous manifestation of an allergy. This type of allergic reaction is not always accompanied by skin manifestations. The swelling has a dense structure, does not hurt or itch. However, the general condition of a person worsens significantly (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, blood pressure drops). Allergic tumors can affect certain parts of the face, internal organs and respiratory tract.

Allergic eye edema can develop rapidly or over several hours.

  • cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • food products - eggs, milk, fish, chocolate;
  • plant pollen;
  • insect bites.

Allergic eyelid edema is severe and often affects one side of the face - the upper eyelid of one of the eyes. The swelling is so severe that the person cannot open their eyes. In addition, allergic eye swelling may be accompanied by other symptoms: redness of the tissues of the eyeball, lacrimation, burning and pain, photophobia.

Edema of the eyes with allergies can occur with a general deterioration in the condition and be combined with allergic rhinitis, cough, urticaria, swelling of the lips, nose, throat.

Allergic swelling of the lips and oral cavity occurs most often with food and drug allergies. At the same time, the lips swell (more often - one upper lip) and soft tissues of the palate, often there is swelling of the tongue. As concomitant symptoms, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and gums may appear: stomatitis and gingivitis.

In addition, if the lip is very swollen, this may be the beginning of Quincke's edema, which may soon affect the respiratory system. Following the lips, the tissues of the throat, trachea, nasopharynx can swell and lead to asphyxia.

Allergic edema of the larynx is a very dangerous condition and is expressed by the following symptoms:
  • redness of the mucous membranes and tonsils;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the larynx;
  • cough, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing;
  • sore throat, difficulty breathing.

The main causes of allergic edema of the throat and larynx are as follows:

  • allergies to food and drugs;
  • the ingress of particles of chemicals on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • insect bites.

Swelling of the larynx with allergies can have unpredictable consequences, so the patient should be helped immediately.

Allergic swelling of the nasopharynx occurs when inhaling smoke, chemical vapors, and is also an acute reaction of the body to odors and plant pollen.

The manifestations of pathology are as follows:
  • allergic edema of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa;
  • runny nose, sneezing, itching in the region of the nose;
  • lacrimation, swelling under the eyes, burning;
  • sore throat, difficulty breathing.

Allergic swelling of the nose is accompanied by congestion of the nasal passages, headaches.

Extremely dangerous is allergic pulmonary edema, which often occurs under the influence of poison from an insect bite.

How to treat?

What to do and how to remove allergic edema? It is sometimes simply impossible to determine the allergen that caused such an acute reaction of the body. In some cases, 3-4 hours after the onset, the swelling subsides on its own, but some of them go away only after medical intervention, and then over time.
How to remove allergic edema on the face, because this problem, in addition to physical discomfort, also brings aesthetic inconvenience.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but if the condition is not critical, then before going to the clinic, at home, you can remove the puffiness at least partially:
  1. If the face is swollen, a mask of fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir) will help to remove the swelling.
  2. Edema from the face is well removed by a compress from freshly brewed black or green tea, as well as ice from it.
  3. If the lips are swollen, the swelling effectively removes the cold.

How to quickly remove allergic edema from the eyes? In this case, a fresh cucumber will help, the chilled circles of which are applied to the swollen eyelid.

The symptoms and treatment of allergic edema depends on the type of allergen, so it is imperative to undergo a diagnosis and identify the cause of the allergy. An experienced allergist will advise how to relieve symptoms and how to treat the disease. The doctor will prescribe a diet and medications, and also teach you what to do as an emergency in case of swelling of the lungs, nasopharynx and throat with allergies and other respiratory organs.

Among the medications that relieve swelling, the doctor can choose the most effective ointments, drops, sprays and other external agents.

Allergic edema is dangerous for its unpredictability, rapidity of manifestation and rapid development. Therefore, when the first warning signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Persons who know about their predisposition to edema or about this problem with relatives should be able to provide first aid before the ambulance arrives.

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