Dependence on psychotropic drugs. Drug addiction is a problem without a long box

I welcome you to the information site about the diagnosis and treatment of various drug addictions: alcohol, drugs, nicotine addiction. Here everyone can learn useful information about a particular problem and disease associated with addictions. On our site you can find out what types of drug addictions are, what are the signs of alcohol or nicotine addiction, what are the consequences of using various types of drugs, and most importantly, how to be treated for this disease.

If you are here, then you or your loved ones have experienced some kind of addiction, or you just need this information. And I, the future narcologist, will try to help you with all my might, because any drug addiction is not a vice, but a disease that can and should be fought before irreversible consequences occur.

Stages and types of treatment

Addiction treatment can be divided into several stages. The first stage is the cleansing of the body from the toxic decay products of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs.
This procedure is called "detoxification" or "detoxification". At the second stage of treatment, the patient is instilled an aversion to the drug, nicotine or alcohol with the help of special medical procedures, techniques and methods. The third stage is rehabilitation, which helps the patient never return to old habits.

There are also several types of drug addiction treatment:

  • Coding from alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking
  • Conclusion from binge: dropper, drugs and psychotherapy
  • Relief of withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal)
  • Implantation of Naltrexone
  • Body detoxification
  • Psychotherapy if necessary.

Experience and highly effective diagnostic and treatment methods provide a quick and high-quality treatment effect. Turning to a good specialist for help, it is possible to return to a full and healthy lifestyle.

What are drug addictions?

There are several groups of addictive drugs:

  • Alcohol. It relaxes, and with an increase in dosage, it suppresses the central nervous system (CNS), disrupts articulation and coordination of movements. Forms physical and mental dependence. An overdose is characterized by coma.
  • Nicotine. Excites the central nervous system, causes both types of addiction. It is very poisonous, causes various diseases of the respiratory tract, oral and laryngeal cavities, however, when smoking tobacco products, it is almost impossible to reach a lethal dose.
  • Opioid analgesics(heroin, morphine, promedol, etc.). They cause passivity, euphoria, relaxation and pain relief, as well as strong psychological and physical dependence. Overdose leads to death due to paralysis of the respiratory center.
  • Sleeping pills and tranquilizers. The initial effect is similar to alcohol intoxication, then gives way to drowsiness. Overdose is characterized by prolonged drowsiness, but rarely leads to death.
  • Stimulants(caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines). Stimulate physical and mental activity, euphoria. Cocaine causes the strongest psychological dependence. Overdose leads to heart attack, stroke and hypertensive crisis.
  • Hallucinogens(psychotomimetics, psychedelics, deliriants, dissociative anesthetics). They cause a strong change in perception and train of thought, the appearance of acute psychosis with illusions and hallucinations. Under their influence, mental functions are separated from bodily ones, the perception of the body is disturbed, and the illusion of being in another place is created. Fatal overdose is extremely rare, but accidents can occur due to confusion or false sensation.
  • cannabis products(hashish, marijuana, etc.). They cause relaxation, worsen short-term memory, sharpen perception, increase appetite. A weak psychological dependence is formed. An overdose is characterized by disorientation, weakness, a sense of false fear. Cases of fatal overdose are not known.

Effects of alcohol, drugs, smoking

In addition to a strong craving for smoking tobacco or using alcohol and other drugs, an addicted person has a number of other serious problems:

  • Harm to health (cirrhosis, sepsis, tuberculosis, etc.)
  • Changes in the psyche (hallucinations, intoxication, illusions)
  • Mental disorders (persecution mania, psychosis)
  • Withdrawal (hangover, delirium - "white tremens", withdrawal)
  • HIV diseases (AIDS, syphilis, etc.)
  • Injuries caused by impaired coordination of movement and the instinct of self-preservation.

Such conditions lead to disability at best, and death at worst. However, all these consequences can be avoided if you seek help and undergo treatment from a qualified specialist in time. Remember that there is nothing shameful in alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug addiction. These are diseases that need to be treated. It is only necessary to recognize it as a disease, because from this moment begins a difficult but effective path to recovery!

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to get rid of drug addiction. You will find out for what reasons such a condition develops, how it manifests itself in people. Find out what consequences can await a drug addicted person. Let's talk about measures to prevent this condition.

General information

Drug addiction is one of the most dangerous diseases of the modern world. It leads to problems not only with health, but also with the law. Young people and adolescents are most susceptible to drug addiction.

This dependence at times reduces life expectancy, affects the occurrence of degradation, both moral and intellectual. Individuals with addiction are criminally active in the hope of getting a new dose.

Most addictions occur with substances that are prohibited. Someone is limited to one time, someone has a need for a constant reception. The rate of development of dependence is determined by the specific substance that is used. Some drugs cause addiction much faster. Over time, a person needs large doses, because the previous volumes do not allow one to plunge into a state of intoxication. After a while, such a situation occurs that a normal existence is no longer possible without taking drugs. Attempts to stop the use of illegal drugs end with brittleness, it is almost impossible to cope with it on your own.

Drug addicts who inject themselves with intravenous drugs have a high risk of introducing infectious diseases when using the same syringes, in particular, infection with hepatitis or HIV.

Stages of development

First stage:

  • characterized by the periodic use of narcotic substances;
  • over time becomes permanent use;
  • there is a need to increase the dosage;
  • there is no physical dependence yet;
  • there is confidence that the condition is under control;
  • such a person is still able to experience the absence of drugs;
  • over time, the feeling of drowsiness is replaced by activity and cheerfulness;
  • health is not yet affected;
  • close people begin to move away, the social circle changes;
  • many people at this stage recognize their problem and stop using drugs.

Second stage:

  • the presence of physical dependence;
  • systematic use of drugs;
  • intervals are shortened;
  • in the absence of drugs - breaking;
  • there are serious deviations with health;
  • all thoughts about the dose.

Third stage:

  • there are changes that are already;
  • the individual is not able to live without drugs, he needs them to maintain his activity;
  • ties in society are completely destroyed;
  • complete degradation is observed;
  • serious deviations in the internal organs.

Why does

This dependence can develop under the influence of psychological, so-called social causes. These include:

  • problems in the family - this can be either excessive parental care or a lack of their love;
  • curiosity - often a person wants to experience new sensations, it can be a personal desire or inspired by someone from the outside;
  • an attempt to improve one's intellectual abilities and creative skills by taking narcotic drugs (there is confidence that drugs help to expand consciousness);
  • rebellion against the public - an attempt to disobey the established rules, generally accepted laws in society (all the fault may be the individual qualities of the individual or youthful maximalism);
  • the desire to be like an idol if he takes drugs;
  • lack of goals;
  • low self-esteem;
  • intrapersonal conflicts;
  • lack of responsibility for their actions, internal indiscipline.

There is an opinion that drug dependence can occur due to physiological changes in the human body, namely the lack or excess secretion of neurotransmitters. In this case, there is increased anxiety, the development of depression. A person feels his dissatisfaction, there are obsessive fears, emotional stress. An attempt to get rid of these sensations leads to anesthesia.

Characteristic features

The following manifestations may indicate that an individual has a drug addiction:

  • problems at work or school;
  • a person may be absent from his workplace;
  • Loss of interest in routine activities
  • schoolchildren's performance decreases, in adults - labor productivity;
  • characterized by indifference, lack of motivation;
  • the state of health is morbid;
  • such a person is no longer interested in her appearance, clothes can be chosen at random;
  • sudden changes in mood, changes in behavior, worsening relationships with relatives and friends;
  • serious spending of money, while nothing is acquired, a teenager can steal things and money from home.

Depending on which drug is used by the individual, visible manifestations are distinguished:

  • when using drugs containing cannabis, redness of the whites of the eyes is observed, appetite increases, coordination is disturbed, the reaction becomes slow;
  • when taking benzodiazepines and barbiturates, involuntary eye movements, slurred speech, memory problems, decreased pressure, slow breathing, drowsiness, development of depression are observed;
  • when taking stimulants such as amphetamines, cocaine, the manifestations will be as follows: speech becomes incoherent and fast, irritability and weight loss are observed, aggressive behavior, pupils are dilated, restless movements, frequent mood swings occur;
  • today's youth succumb to the temptation of taking club drugs, such as ecstasy or ketamine, when poisoned by these drugs, the following symptoms are observed: hallucinations, increased hearing, foggy consciousness, partial amnesia, tachycardia or bradycardia, muscle cramps, sweating and chills;
  • when taking hallucinogens, such as LSD, a person experiences aggressive or impulsive behavior, clouding of consciousness, distortions of reality, seizures, and sometimes coma.

Addicts may convince themselves that they have no addiction, that they are able to control themselves. The following signs may indicate that drug addiction is already taking place:

  • daily need for drug use;
  • gradual increase in dose;
  • putting drugs in reserve;
  • buying a narcotic drug, even when there are financial difficulties;
  • withdrawal from social life;
  • severe withdrawal when abstaining from drugs.


Before starting a specific therapy, an examination is prescribed, which may include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • chest x-ray;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • blood for HIV and other infections;
  • if a drug addict uses narcotic substances by inhaling them through the sinuses, then consultation with an otolaryngologist is mandatory.

If there are changes in the internal organs, consultations of narrow specialists are appointed. A narcologist can refer a patient to a psychotherapist in order to assess the state of his intellect and memory, to diagnose possible mental disorders.

Possible consequences

  1. Problems with law. A person for the sake of a dose or money for it can decide to steal and even kill.
  2. Social problems. The person has mood swings. All interests are to use the drug. This is followed by problems when communicating with loved ones and friends, drug addiction leads to divorce, job loss or expulsion from the university, to a possible criminal record.
  3. Financial difficulties. A person spends all his money only on drugs, forgets about other needs.
  4. Severe deterioration in health:
  • organ damage;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • infertility;
  • increased risk of cancer;
  • the likelihood of HIV infection.


In order to save an individual from drug addiction, it is necessary to go through a whole range of activities. It should be borne in mind that for a complete recovery, everything must be done to completely eliminate the possibility of a relapse.

Thinking about such therapy, it is necessary to understand that the process will be very long, in addition to taking medications, psychotherapy sessions will be prescribed, in particular, group and behavioral.

In a situation with drug addiction, the patient is very rarely aware of his problem. Therefore, treatment can be forced. Such therapy will be prescribed if:

  • there is a serious danger to human health;
  • disability;
  • threat to the life of other people or their property;
  • the presence of physical injuries in others or in the patient himself.

The therapy will include several stages.

  1. Detoxification. An important stage during which all toxic substances are removed from the body.
  2. behavioral therapy. The specialist communicates with the patient, convincing him to change his attitude towards drugs. The doctor seeks to develop the right skills and needs in the individual.
  3. The use of drugs that help reduce the manifestations of withdrawal. Also taking medications to prevent the development of relapses. Medications are also prescribed for the treatment of concomitant diseases that have arisen on the background of drug addiction.
  4. Treatment of emerging mental disorders such as depression or increased anxiety.
  5. In order to prevent the development of drug addiction, it is necessary to avoid the use of any drugs.
  6. If a person is prescribed medications that can be addictive, then it is necessary to take them carefully and only as directed by a doctor, observing the optimal dosages.
  7. In order to prevent the emergence of drug addiction in adolescents, it is necessary to talk with them about the dangers of drugs, as well as provide support if the child is under pressure from outside. Do not forget to talk about the consequences of drug addiction.
  8. If you have already encountered this problem, then you need to do everything in order to prevent the recurrence of addiction. To do this, you must follow the doctor's prescriptions, if you have thoughts about drugs or a relapse occurs, immediately seek help from a doctor.

Now you know what drug addiction treatment is. It's no secret that the issue of drug addiction is very acute in our time. It is necessary to understand that narcotic substances destroy the fate and life of people. Protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of drugs.

These three syndromes are combined into general drug syndrome, 4) syndrome of consequences of chronic anesthesia.

  • In everyday life and in legal practice, however, the concept of drug addiction includes any use of illegal psychoactive substances, including non-addictive ones (for example, marijuana or LSD). At the same time, the use of alcohol and tobacco is usually not considered a drug addiction, since it is not prohibited (!), although they are also drugs, moreover, causing great harm and addiction.
  • The term "substance abuse" is also used - it usually means dependence on substances that are not legally classified as drugs.

According to the ICD-10 classification, it belongs to class V diagnoses, block mental and behavioral disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances categories F11.0 to F14.9 .

Character traits

Visible signs of drug use:

  • injection marks, cuts, bruises
  • rolled up paper, foil
  • small spoons, capsules, bottles, vials, unknown tablets, powders
  • often altered response to light

Behavior changes:

  • memory impairment
  • inability to concentrate
  • insomnia alternating with drowsiness
  • painful reaction to criticism, aggressiveness
  • frequent and sudden mood swings
  • unusual requests for money or the appearance of money of unknown origin
  • loss of valuables, books, clothes from home
  • frequent unexplained phone calls

Separately, these signs may be present in a teenager without the use of drugs, but the more traits appear in the behavior of a teenager or already an adult, the more likely he is to use any drug.


"Irresistible attraction" is associated with mental (psychological) and sometimes physical (physiological) dependence on drugs. Distinguish positive attachment- taking a drug to achieve a pleasant effect (euphoria, a feeling of cheerfulness, increased mood) and negative attachment- taking a drug in order to get rid of tension and poor health. physical addiction means painful and even painful sensations, a painful condition during a break in the constant use of drugs (the so-called withdrawal syndrome, breaking). These sensations are relieved by the resumption of drug use.

Narcotic substances

The list of substances that can cause addiction is very large and is expanding as new drugs are synthesized.

The most common types of drug addiction are substance abuse (the use of drugs that are not considered as drugs, chemical and plant substances), alcoholism (addiction to drinks containing ethyl alcohol) and tobacco smoking (addiction to nicotine).

The use of drugs based on cannabis (hashish, marijuana), poppy (opium, morphine, heroin), coca (cocaine) and many others is also common, including modern synthesized drugs such as LSD, amphetamines and ecstasy.

It should be especially noted that many of the narcotic substances do not correspond to the signs offered by official medicine, so many substances do not cause an irresistible craving and a tendency to increase the dose, moreover, after using many synthetic narcotic substances, a person no longer desires further experiments with his consciousness due to with acute crises experienced from the effects of the drug.

Addiction and Society

From the point of view of generally accepted sociology, drug addiction is one of the forms of deviant behavior, that is, behavior that deviates from generally accepted moral standards.

Among the causes of the emergence and development of drug addiction, character traits, mental and physical disorders, and the influence of various social factors are most often cited. There are also frequent cases of drug addiction among patients who are forced to take drugs for medical purposes for a long time. Many drugs used in official medicine (mainly sleeping pills, sedatives and painkillers) can cause severe forms of drug addiction, which is a serious problem in their use.

In some countries, the use of drugs is associated with certain religious and cultural traditions (chewing coca leaves by the Indians, smoking hashish in Muslim countries). In Europe and America, drug addiction became widespread during the youth cultural revolution of the 1960s. Since that time, this phenomenon has become a serious social problem.

The fight against drug addiction

Legislative measures, media, and law enforcement actions

The fight against drug addiction is carried out primarily at the legislative level: in almost all countries there are tough criminal sanctions for the production, transportation and distribution of a number of narcotic drugs. Widespread promotion of a healthy lifestyle, life without drugs is of great importance. It is very important to realize that drug addiction is more a disease of society than of an individual, and every word spoken, at the right time and in the right place, can become the cause of infection, aggravation or activation of the disease. Therefore, most researchers of the problem are still inclined to believe that it is much more effective (although much more difficult) to provide social conditions in society that are not conducive to drug abuse. This is especially true of the main risk group - young people.

In some countries, the army is used in actions against the drug mafia - for example, the United States used army units against guerrilla units involved in the production of drugs in certain states in Latin America.

Treatment (medical aspects)

Main article: Addiction treatment

Treatment of severe forms of drug addiction (such as heroin addiction) in most cases does not lead to success. The methods used in specialized clinics are effective only in the case of the active position of the patient himself. But even in such cases, after recovery, relapses are not uncommon.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

UN on drug addiction


Prevalence by drug type

According to the UN document, the most widely used drug is cannabis (nearly 150 million users), followed by amphetamine-type stimulants (approximately 30 million mainly methamphetamine and amphetamine, and 8 million ecstasy). A little over 13 million people use cocaine and 15 million use opiates (heroin, morphine, opium, synthetic opiates), including approximately 10 million people who use heroin.

At the same time, there has been a sharp increase in the popularity of so-called "soft drugs" - especially marijuana, the world's most common illegal drug. Amphetamine-type stimulants (principally ecstasy in Europe and methamphetamine in the US) have also experienced high rates of abuse over the past decade, followed by cocaine and opiates.

Forecast of the development of the situation

According to UN experts, the development of the situation on the drug market depends entirely on the situation in Afghanistan, where the main crops of opium poppy are concentrated and where three-quarters of the world's illicit opium has been produced in recent years.

At the same time, for the fourth year in a row, the overall stabilization and reduction in coca cultivation (in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia) and cocaine production have been maintained. The cannabis market continues to be active. Its consumption is growing in South America, Western and Eastern Europe, and Africa.


The document states that Russia appears to be the largest heroin market in Europe. The total number of drug users is between 3 and 4 million, one third of which are heroin abusers. In Russia, according to official statistics for 2009, the number of drug addicts is estimated at 503,000 people registered with the dispensary, and the actual number, calculated according to the UN methodology, is more than 2.5 million. According to the results of special epidemiological studies, the total number of drug users, including " hidden" drug addicts, can be three times the number of officially registered. In addition, Russia has one of the highest rates of HIV infection associated with injecting drug use in the world, and was rising rapidly until 2001. However, in 2002, the number of new HIV infections associated with drug injections fell sharply both in the Russian Federation and in several other countries of the former USSR. According to the Federal Drug Control Service, every day in Russia 80 people die from drug use, more than 250 people become drug addicts.

External links

  • Handbook of Psychiatry (1985) / Non-alcoholic substance abuse (drug addiction)


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Drugs/Chart
  • drug dealer

See what "Drug addiction" is in other dictionaries:

    CHEMICAL DEPENDENCE- A substance-induced disorder characterized by a maladaptive way of using these substances to the extent that the individual experiences clinically significant impairment or distress, manifested by the development of resistance to ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

    DRUG DEPENDENCE- see drug addiction. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

These three syndromes are combined into general drug syndrome, 4) syndrome of consequences of chronic anesthesia.

  • In everyday life and in legal practice, however, the concept of drug addiction includes any use of illegal psychoactive substances, including non-addictive ones (for example, marijuana or LSD). At the same time, the use of alcohol and tobacco is usually not considered a drug addiction, since it is not prohibited (!), although they are also drugs, moreover, causing great harm and addiction.
  • The term "substance abuse" is also used - it usually means dependence on substances that are not legally classified as drugs.

According to the ICD-10 classification, it belongs to class V diagnoses, block mental and behavioral disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances categories F11.0 to F14.9 .

Character traits

Visible signs of drug use:

  • injection marks, cuts, bruises
  • rolled up paper, foil
  • small spoons, capsules, bottles, vials, unknown tablets, powders
  • often altered response to light

Behavior changes:

  • memory impairment
  • inability to concentrate
  • insomnia alternating with drowsiness
  • painful reaction to criticism, aggressiveness
  • frequent and sudden mood swings
  • unusual requests for money or the appearance of money of unknown origin
  • loss of valuables, books, clothes from home
  • frequent unexplained phone calls

Separately, these signs may be present in a teenager without the use of drugs, but the more traits appear in the behavior of a teenager or already an adult, the more likely he is to use any drug.


"Irresistible attraction" is associated with mental (psychological) and sometimes physical (physiological) dependence on drugs. Distinguish positive attachment- taking a drug to achieve a pleasant effect (euphoria, a feeling of cheerfulness, increased mood) and negative attachment- taking a drug in order to get rid of tension and poor health. physical addiction means painful and even painful sensations, a painful condition during a break in the constant use of drugs (the so-called withdrawal syndrome, breaking). These sensations are relieved by the resumption of drug use.

Narcotic substances

The list of substances that can cause addiction is very large and is expanding as new drugs are synthesized.

The most common types of drug addiction are substance abuse (the use of drugs that are not considered as drugs, chemical and plant substances), alcoholism (addiction to drinks containing ethyl alcohol) and tobacco smoking (addiction to nicotine).

The use of drugs based on cannabis (hashish, marijuana), poppy (opium, morphine, heroin), coca (cocaine) and many others is also common, including modern synthesized drugs such as LSD, amphetamines and ecstasy.

It should be especially noted that many of the narcotic substances do not correspond to the signs offered by official medicine, so many substances do not cause an irresistible craving and a tendency to increase the dose, moreover, after using many synthetic narcotic substances, a person no longer desires further experiments with his consciousness due to with acute crises experienced from the effects of the drug.

Addiction and Society

From the point of view of generally accepted sociology, drug addiction is one of the forms of deviant behavior, that is, behavior that deviates from generally accepted moral standards.

Among the causes of the emergence and development of drug addiction, character traits, mental and physical disorders, and the influence of various social factors are most often cited. There are also frequent cases of drug addiction among patients who are forced to take drugs for medical purposes for a long time. Many drugs used in official medicine (mainly sleeping pills, sedatives and painkillers) can cause severe forms of drug addiction, which is a serious problem in their use.

In some countries, the use of drugs is associated with certain religious and cultural traditions (chewing coca leaves by the Indians, smoking hashish in Muslim countries). In Europe and America, drug addiction became widespread during the youth cultural revolution of the 1960s. Since that time, this phenomenon has become a serious social problem.

The fight against drug addiction

Legislative measures, media, and law enforcement actions

The fight against drug addiction is carried out primarily at the legislative level: in almost all countries there are tough criminal sanctions for the production, transportation and distribution of a number of narcotic drugs. Widespread promotion of a healthy lifestyle, life without drugs is of great importance. It is very important to realize that drug addiction is more a disease of society than of an individual, and every word spoken, at the right time and in the right place, can become the cause of infection, aggravation or activation of the disease. Therefore, most researchers of the problem are still inclined to believe that it is much more effective (although much more difficult) to provide social conditions in society that are not conducive to drug abuse. This is especially true of the main risk group - young people.

In some countries, the army is used in actions against the drug mafia - for example, the United States used army units against guerrilla units involved in the production of drugs in certain states in Latin America.

Treatment (medical aspects)

Main article: Addiction treatment

Treatment of severe forms of drug addiction (such as heroin addiction) in most cases does not lead to success. The methods used in specialized clinics are effective only in the case of the active position of the patient himself. But even in such cases, after recovery, relapses are not uncommon.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

UN on drug addiction


Prevalence by drug type

According to the UN document, the most widely used drug is cannabis (nearly 150 million users), followed by amphetamine-type stimulants (approximately 30 million mainly methamphetamine and amphetamine, and 8 million ecstasy). A little over 13 million people use cocaine and 15 million use opiates (heroin, morphine, opium, synthetic opiates), including approximately 10 million people who use heroin.

At the same time, there has been a sharp increase in the popularity of so-called "soft drugs" - especially marijuana, the world's most common illegal drug. Amphetamine-type stimulants (principally ecstasy in Europe and methamphetamine in the US) have also experienced high rates of abuse over the past decade, followed by cocaine and opiates.

Forecast of the development of the situation

According to UN experts, the development of the situation on the drug market depends entirely on the situation in Afghanistan, where the main crops of opium poppy are concentrated and where three-quarters of the world's illicit opium has been produced in recent years.

At the same time, for the fourth year in a row, the overall stabilization and reduction in coca cultivation (in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia) and cocaine production have been maintained. The cannabis market continues to be active. Its consumption is growing in South America, Western and Eastern Europe, and Africa.


The document states that Russia appears to be the largest heroin market in Europe. The total number of drug users is between 3 and 4 million, one third of which are heroin abusers. In Russia, according to official statistics for 2009, the number of drug addicts is estimated at 503,000 people registered with the dispensary, and the actual number, calculated according to the UN methodology, is more than 2.5 million. According to the results of special epidemiological studies, the total number of drug users, including " hidden" drug addicts, can be three times the number of officially registered. In addition, Russia has one of the highest rates of HIV infection associated with injecting drug use in the world, and was rising rapidly until 2001. However, in 2002, the number of new HIV infections associated with drug injections fell sharply both in the Russian Federation and in several other countries of the former USSR. According to the Federal Drug Control Service, every day in Russia 80 people die from drug use, more than 250 people become drug addicts.

External links

  • Handbook of Psychiatry (1985) / Non-alcoholic substance abuse (drug addiction)


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Drug addiction" is in other dictionaries:

    CHEMICAL DEPENDENCE- A substance-induced disorder characterized by a maladaptive way of using these substances to the extent that the individual experiences clinically significant impairment or distress, manifested by the development of resistance to ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

    See drug addiction. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

Drug addiction is one of the worst diseases of the 21st century. The “high virus” does not spare anyone, respectable businessmen and stocky builders, the daughter of a general or the son of a school teacher, a native of an elite area or a slum dweller can become its victims. The mechanism of the disease is the same: after taking the first dose, a person experiences a wave of pleasure, euphoria, joy. But immediately after this state passes, withdrawal occurs - the “withdrawal syndrome”, which manifests itself in different ways.

An obvious fact: drugs completely change a person, destroy his psychology, family ties. The worst thing that relatives and friends can do is to distance themselves from the addict and leave him alone with his illness. Since drug addiction is a social disease, it can only be cured by joint efforts.

What causes drug addiction?

The number of drugs that cause drug addiction is in the thousands. And although the methods of administration vary (by injection, by inhalation, smoking), the mechanism of the formation of the disease has remained unchanged for many decades. At some point, out of curiosity, a person tries a pill, “jamb”, “brand”, powder, and after a while feels the need to repeat the procedure.

Dependence causes various drugs:

  1. psychotropic substances. These include spices, LSD, "brands", snuffs, pills that affect the nervous system. As a result, a person can completely lose control over his actions, and in this state, commit a crime, attempt suicide, become a victim of vehicles.
  2. Drugs. A wide range of drugs - from marijuana to heroin - causes auditory and visual hallucinations, insensitivity to pain, causes a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Hard drugs block the production of hormones and enzymes necessary for the body to work, which is why their use becomes necessary for life.

For the family of a drug addict, there is not much difference what exactly the patient uses. Drugs and psychotropics alike destroy health, social connections and can put an end to the future. There can be no “safe” substances: they all destroy the psyche, vital organs, require a huge amount of money to continue using.

Example. 1 dose of "spice" (one of the cheapest drugs) on the black market costs 5-10 dollars. If a drug addict needs 5-6 uses every day, then he needs about $ 1,000 per month. You can get that kind of money only through criminal means - theft, extortion, prostitution. But the worst thing for the patient's family is the trade in drugs or psychotropics: this is punishable by up to 25 years in prison (Article 228-1 of the Criminal Code).

Symptoms of drug addiction

  1. Inappropriate behaviour. A person can laugh for no reason, lose his temper at the slightest provocation, become withdrawn and closed.
  2. Abrupt changes in appearance. Previously healthy people lose weight dramatically, their hair begins to fall out, their eye color changes, and complaints of constant malaise appear.
  3. Changing the circle of communication. The son or daughter no longer wants to introduce you to their friends, they do not tell anything about them.
  4. Problems at work or school. Drug addicts very quickly lose their place in the organization, at the university or college, while shifting the blame for what happened to other people.
  5. Persistent financial problems. The addict needs currency all the time, the salary or scholarship disappears within a few days, the old reserves disappear.
  6. Loss of money and valuables. Household appliances, jewelry, as well as any other property subject to collateral in a pawnshop may disappear from the house.
  7. Loss of alternative interests. Ardent athletes, lovers of tourism, bookworms completely part with their hobbies.

The surest way to determine the state of altered consciousness is to look at the pupils of a person. In a person who has taken psychotropic substances or narcotic drugs, they do not respond to external stimuli. In other words, the pupils do not dilate if you shine a lamp on them or bring them to the window. However, only an examination with the sampling of biological media (blood and urine) can make a final diagnosis.

Can addiction be cured?

Statistics suggest pessimism: only about 5-10% of people who become addicted to drugs and psychotropics return to normal life. At least 50% will die within 3-5 years either from illegal substances or from the consequences of their use. The rest will end up in places of deprivation of liberty, which will allow them to prolong their bleak existence, but completely deprive them of the future.

To be in the happy percentage of those cured, you need to act now. First, the problem must be identified: the patient must admit that he has a “high virus”. Secondly, you need to act systematically and consistently, work every day and hour, trying to escape from the tenacious clutches of drugs and psychotropics.

Drug addiction treatment includes several important stages:

  1. Body detoxification. Destructive substances are removed from the blood, muscle and cartilage tissue, internal organs, and “breaking” is removed.
  2. Determination of the reason (reason) for the formation of dependence. After the drug user has admitted that he is such, he needs to do some serious inner work and understand how he came to such a life.
  3. Active addiction treatment. The combination of psychological techniques with physical activity, the restoration of social ties is carried out in a hospital: a person literally learns to live anew.
  4. Anti-relapse therapy. After 6 months at best, the former drug user is again ready to return to society and take his place. However, he still needs to be monitored, which will prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Yes, life after psychoactive substances will never be the same: it will take years to return to a full life. But this is much better than the inglorious death, prison and despair in which the whole family will plunge. If you are faced with this problem, seek help from professionals as soon as possible: this is the only way to defeat the disease.

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