Speech therapy lessons at home. Exercises for setting hissing. The structure of a speech therapy lesson at home

Clean speech is very important for each of us. It is the conversation that helps us communicate with each other, and without communication it is very, very difficult for a person to live. But slurred and impure speech greatly complicates communication, so even in childhood it is important to learn how to pronounce all sounds clearly and beautifully. And parents should definitely take care of this, because without timely speech therapy correction, a child may encounter serious problems in communicating with peers and even acquire unnecessary complexes. The topic of our conversation today will be speech therapy classes for children 5 years old at home - we will discuss possible exercises.

In fact, five-year-olds rarely speak clearly. Almost every second crumb needs, and moreover, systemic speech therapy help. But some problems can be dealt with even without the help of a specialist - you just need to do a good job at home.

At the same time, parents need to immediately remember:

All classes must be performed exclusively in the form of a game;

You need to start with two to three minutes at a time, after which the duration of the lesson can reach fifteen to twenty minutes;

It is worth doing two or three classes a day;

Be sure to praise the baby for successes and do not scold for small defeats;

Practice when the child is alert and cheerful;

Be a role model;

Do all exercises slowly.

Consider effective speech therapy exercises for five-year-old children

To form the correct pronunciation of the sound "r"

The child opens his mouth wider and tries to smile in this position. It is important that the lower jaw does not move. Next, you need to make several stroking movements with the tongue back and forth along the region of the upper palate. Parents will have to practice to explain the technique of performing such a task to the baby.

The baby brushes his teeth with the tip of his tongue, moving along their inner surface. The mouth needs to be opened wider.

We pronounce the word “yes”, resting the tip of the tongue on the upper teeth, then we pronounce the word “dy”, moving the tip of the tongue to the upper palate.

Exercises for the correct pronunciation of the sound "l"

The child opens his mouth wider and puts his tongue on his lower lip. With one hand, you need to hold your chin and pronounce syllables with the sound "l" - "la", "li", "lu", "lo".

The mouth is also wide open, and the tongue draws across the surface of the palate.

Parents offer the baby to reach the tip of the nose with his tongue.

Exercises for setting the sound "sh"

This is a rather complex sound, with the production of which the children will have to work:

You need to put the edges of the tongue under the upper lip, and then jerk it down sharply to hear a loud clicking sound;

Pull out the sponges with a tube and freeze in this position for seven seconds;

Take a small piece of cotton wool, put it on the tip of the crumbs' nose and invite him to blow it off.

Speech therapy classes for home to help improve speech clarity

Five-year-olds are able to easily repeat different actions for adults. Articulation gymnastics will be easy for them and will bring noticeable results.

We smile broadly, showing everyone our teeth. Next, stretch the lips with a thin tube and freeze for a second.

We strain the muscles of the lips as much as possible, after which we gently relax them.

We bite a little on the lower, then the upper lip.

We click with the tongue, like a horse with its hooves.

Other speech therapy exercises for homework with a five-year-old

Stretch your lips as you smile. But at the same time, the teeth must be securely hidden behind the teeth. Freeze for thirty seconds.

Open your mouth a little, put your tongue on the surface of the lower lip and slap it with your lips to make the sounds "five-five".

Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and try to bend its edges up - with a tube. Freeze in this position for thirty seconds.

Smile with your mouth open. Then touch alternately with the tip of the tongue to each of the corners of the mouth.

Smile and open your mouth wide. Then, on the count of "one", lower the tip of the tongue over the lower edge of the teeth, and on the count of "two", raise it by the top. Repeat five times.

Fun sounds to correct your pronunciation

Toddlers of five years old really like different sound games. And speech therapists use them in their practice. So, to improve sound pronunciation, offer your child:

Squeak like a mouse: "wee-wee";
- roar like a baby: “wa-wa-wa”;
- buzz like the wind: “uuuu”;
- shout as if lost: “ayy-ayy”;
- to talk like animals "kwaa-kwaa", "meow-meow", "ha-ha";
- roar like a big lion "rrr";
- sing a children's song "la-la-la".

Speech therapists, among other things, emphasize the importance of singing for the formation of correct speech. In this case, you can learn any of your favorite songs. They will help solve many speech therapy problems, because when you sing, the sounds drag on, and this contributes to the correction of pronunciation.

Additional Information

Parents need to take into account that they simply will not be able to cope with some problems in the child’s speech at home on their own. In such a situation, it is better to seek help from a specialist - a qualified speech therapist. Well, with systematic classes with a speech therapist, home articulation gymnastics and exercises will help to achieve the desired effect an order of magnitude faster.

Speech therapy classes for 5-year-old children and the exercises given above will be more effective in correcting speech therapy problems if you enrich the child’s vocabulary: read books to him, talk more and devote time and effort to developing the grammatical structure of the language (learning how to use words correctly and correctly compose sentences) .

Sound and letter -J. Journey to the fairy forest. Senior speech therapy group

Vyalkova O.V.

Speech therapist NDOU "Kindergarten No. 45" JSC "Russian Railways"


Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound -Ж-.

To form the skills of dividing words into syllables.

Develop the skill of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Enrich vocabulary.

Practice word formation.

Arouse interest in the language on the basis of exercises on the intonation coloring of the phrase.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

To cultivate communication skills, goodwill, the ability to listen to a friend.

Contribute to the removal of psycho-emotional stress.


Schemes of consonant sounds.

Schemes denoting the place of sound in a word: at the beginning and in the middle of a word.

Circle symbols denoting vowels (red) and hard, soft (blue, green) consonants.

Houses for words of different syllabic composition.

Pictures for mounting on a flannelograph: a house and a house, two little men, a pie, a pie, a boot, a boot, a flag, a flag, an iron, an iron, a mug, a mug, a spoon, a spoon, a toad, a hedgehog, a snake; insects of various syllabic composition: beetle, bumblebee, spider, fly, ant, butterfly; letters familiar to children (Ж,А,Б,А)

Subject pictures: acorns, crane, jelly, pearls, beetles, scissors, blackberries, rain, spring;

artist, skier, bookshelf, lying cat.

Flannelgraph, type-setting.

Course progress.

Org. moment.

Children stand in a circle.

(Psycho-emotional mood)

Speech therapist. Say hello to each other

Smile to everyone around you.

Give a hand to a friend on the left

And quickly get up in a circle,

And now the neighbor on the right

You give a smile

Good morning wish
Invite us to the fairy tale.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist. Today we will take a journey into a fairy tale. We will learn about the adventures of little forest dwellers and we will help them. But the one who correctly hears the right sound will be able to get into the fairy tale. Listen to what sound is often repeated in the tongue twister:

The beetle buzzes, but can't get up.

He is waiting for someone to help him.

(Children. Sound -J-.)

Speech therapist. Correctly. Where can you hear the Z sound?

(Children. A bee is buzzing, a spinning wheel is buzzing, an electric drill is buzzing, a car motor is buzzing, a saw is buzzing, etc.)

Speech therapist. What do you know about the sound Zh, what is it?

(Children. He is consonant, sonorous and always firm.)

Main part.

Speech therapist. I see that you are ready for a journey into a fairy tale where the sound -Ж- lives.

Now - we turn around ourselves and say the magic words:

One, two, three, four, five,

We found ourselves in a fairy tale again.

Be careful, you must come up with the answers to all questions with the sound Zh.

The speech therapist tells a fairy tale, in the course of the fairy tale, the children answer questions.

Pictures of a house, a beetle and already are attached to the flannelograph.

Speech therapist. Once upon a time there was a Beetle and an Already. Once the Beetle says to Uzh:

Some kind of roof we have is dark, old. I would like to paint it in a bright cheerful color.

You can paint it, - says Oh, - but with what paint?

What paint do you think they can paint the roof to in the title

Was there a Z sound?

(Children: yellow, orange)

The therapist continues.

Certainly better than yellow, said Zhuk.

But we don't have yellow paint, - said Already.

Well, then orange, - said the Beetle.

And there is no orange, said Already.

Then you need to go to the Toad, she has a lot of all sorts of paint.

And I must say that the Toad did not give anything to anyone. So what was she like?

(Children: Greedy.)

And where does Toad live? - Asked Already.

I do not know for sure. Somewhere in the forest, by a large puddle.

Okay, let's go, and ask someone for directions.

And the Beetle and Already went to look for the Toad.

Exercise on phonemic hearing and phonemic perception.

On the typesetting canvas there is a picture - a hedgehog, diagrams indicating the place of sound in a word: at the beginning and in the middle;

subject pictures on the table: acorns, crane, pearls, jelly, beetles, scissors, blackberries, rain, spring;

artist, skier, bookshelf, lying cat,

The therapist continues. It's beautiful in the forest, the flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing. They see that the Hedgehog is sitting and doing the tasks that he was asked at the Forest School.

They began to ask the Hedgehog the way to the home of the Toad. And the hedgehog says:

Help me complete the tasks, then I will help you.

In the first task, you need to hear where the sound -Ж was hidden in the word -

at the beginning, or in the middle and put the picture to the desired scheme?

(Children go out one at a time, choose a picture, pronounce a word, determine the place of the sound Zh in a word (For example: This spring, in this word, the sound -Ж- is in the middle.) and put the picture to the desired scheme).

Speech therapist. And in the second task, - said the Hedgehog, - you need to guess the words, they should have the sound -Ж- and put the right picture.

*What is the name of the profession of a person who paints pictures? (painter)

*Athlete running on skis. (skier)

* Shelf for books, what? (book)

* What can you call a lazy cat who likes to lie on his side? (couch potato)

(Children name the words and put the necessary pictures on the typesetting canvas).

Thank you guys, you are so smart.

Word building exercise.

A house and a house and two little men are attached to the flannelograph.

In front of the flannelgraph on the table pictures: pie - pie,

boot - boot, flag - flag, iron - iron, spoon - spoon, mug - mug.

The brothers will not reconcile in any way, because they cannot sort out their things. Beetle and Already began to ask the way to the dwelling of the Toad. And the brothers say:

First, help us sort things out, and we will not remain in debt.

Children, let's help our friends share the items, which ones for the big brother and which ones for the little brother.

(Children attach pictures, calling the words:

- Big brother - a pie, a little one - a pie, a boot - a boot, a flag - a flag, an iron - an iron, a spoon - a spoon, a mug - a mug)

Speech therapist.-Guys, name the objects of the little brother.

What sound appeared in the name of each small object?

(Children pronounce "small" words and determine that the sound Zh has appeared in the names)

Speech therapist. Well done! You helped the brothers to make peace, and they showed the way to our friends.

Formation of skills of dividing words into syllables.

There are three houses on the flannelgraph for words of different syllabic composition.

On the table are pictures of different syllabic composition depicting insects: a beetle, a bumblebee, a spider, a fly, an ant, a butterfly;

Speech therapist. The Beetle and Already go further, they look, there are 3 houses in the clearing. On the first house is drawn poppy, and one short strip, on the second - lily of the valley, and the strip is divided into two parts, and on the third - chamomile and the strip is divided into three parts. Guys, what do you think this means?

(Children give their answers with an explanation: in the word MAC - one syllable, LILY OF THE VALLEY - two syllables,

Chamomile - three syllables.)

Speech therapist. Guys, look, different insects crawl near the houses, they can’t find their houses in any way. Beetle and Already began to ask the insects the way to the dwelling of the Toad, and the insects say:

Help us find our houses, then we will show you the way.

Children, let's help the insects find their homes. It is necessary to determine how many syllables are in the name of each insect and place them in the desired house.

(Children determine the number of syllables in a word and, commenting, attach pictures to the desired house.

Sample responses from children:

Beetle, (bumblebee) - This word has 1 syllable, he lives in a house where a poppy and one stripe are drawn.

A fly, (spider) - 2 syllables, lives in a house with a lily of the valley and two stripes.

Ant, (butterfly) - 3 syllables, lives in a house with chamomile and three stripes.)

The insects were very happy and decided to play.

Together we count fingers - we call insects.

Squeeze and unclench fingers.

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly, this is a beetle with a green belly.

Alternately bend your fingers into a fist,

Starting big.

Who's buzzing around here? Oh, here comes the bee! Hide!

Children squat, making a "house" over their heads with their palms.

Development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis skills.

Pictures are attached to the flannelograph: toad, puddle, house,

On the table are the letters: A, Zh, A, B and circle symbols denoting vowels, hard and soft consonants.

Speech therapist. Beetle and Already go and see a large puddle, and a Toad sits near it.

Our friends greeted Toad and politely asked her for yellow paint. And she replies: “I won’t give it! Pity the paint. If only you could help me.

I had an inscription on the house “TOAD” and crumbled, but I can’t assemble it.

Children, let's help our friends fix the inscription..

(Children one by one, commenting, fasten the letters to the house, making up the word TOAD.)

Speech therapist. To make the house beautiful, let's put a sound symbol under each letter.

(Children do a sound analysis of the word with the placement of circle symbols, commenting on their actions: The first sound -Ж- is a consonant, always solid, denoted in blue. The second sound -A-, it is a vowel, denoted in red. Etc.)

Speech therapist. Guys, what circle do we have left? And why?

(Children. There is a green circle, because there is no soft consonant sound in the word TOAD).

Speech therapist. Well done! Toad is very pleased that her house has become so beautiful and even kinder. "Okay," she said, "I'll give you a bucket of yellow paint."

Work on intonation.

The house of the Beetle and the Snake with a yellow roof is attached to the flannelograph.

Speech therapist. Joyful Beetle and Already returned home, painted the roof with yellow paint, sat on the porch and decided to play - they began to come up with sentences about the Toad and pronounce them differently. Let's think about it too.

(Children come up with different sentences. The speech therapist chooses one (for example, The toad lives near a puddle. ) and suggests pronouncing with different intonation: sad, questioning, joyful).


Speech therapist. Did you enjoy the trip? What tasks have we helped our friends complete? (children's answers)

Our fairy-tale heroes decided to thank you for your help. Spring has come, the snow is melting, and they give you the first spring flowers, their name also has the sound -Ж-. What are their names? (Children. Snowdrops.)

As a prize, each child receives a picture with a picture of a snowdrop.

Speech therapist. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten, to our group.

We turn around and say:

One, two, three, four, five - In our group we are again.

Speech therapist. Thanks kids, you are all great.

Use of sound games

In the process of developing phonemic hearing, phonemic perception, shaping the skills of dividing words into syllables and sound analysis and synthesis, I use speech games with fairy-tale characters: Slovoznaikin and Zvukoznaikin. Such games activate the activity of children, create a favorable emotional background, arouse interest and are successful in children of older preschool age.

Slovoznaikin has read many books, knows many poems, riddles, sayings, knows everything about words, can explain the meaning of all unfamiliar words. He also came up with various interesting games in which he will teach us to divide words into syllables and write them down using diagrams. And Zvukoznaikin knows everything about sounds, speaks correctly and beautifully. He invented sound games.

Slovoznaykin games.

"Draw the words"

Goals: Exercise children in the ability to divide words into syllables and determine the stressed syllable.

Equipment: Cards divided into two columns. In the left column of the card, subject pictures (3-4 pieces) are vertically arranged, the names of which contain a different syllabic structure. On the right side, opposite each picture, there is a sample diagram of this word (divided into syllables with marked stress). This side of the card is covered with a clean strip of thick paper.

Game description:

Before starting the game, clarify with the children what a syllable is, stress, how many stressed syllables can be in a word.

Each child is then given a card. It is proposed to consider the pictures on the card, name them, determine the number of syllables and the stressed syllable.

Zvukoznaykin's games.

"Understand words by sounds"

Goals: Develop phonemic awareness and phonemic perception.

Develop the skill of sound analysis and synthesis of words.

Equipment: Cards divided into two columns. Subject pictures (3-4 pieces) are vertically arranged in the left column of the card. On the right side, opposite each picture, there is a sample diagram of the sound analysis of the word (vowels - in red, hard consonants - in blue, soft consonants - in green circles.) This side of the card is covered with a clean strip of thick paper.

Game description:

Before starting the game, clarify with the children what sounds are. What color are the vowel sounds? Hard consonants? Soft consonants?

Each child is then given a card. It is proposed to consider the pictures, name them. Then, independently on a blank strip of the card, in front of each picture, make a sound analysis and write down the scheme.

After completing the task, the children remove the strip and check according to the model whether the task was completed correctly.

Note: To complicate the task, these two games can be combined into one.

Pichugina G.A. Unusual trip. "Speech therapist" №3, 2009 Poem in the organizational moment.

Borisova E.A. Finger games for children. Speech games and exercises №1 2006

Volina V.V. "Learn by playing." New school. Moscow 1994

(Sound -Zh - adapted fairy tale "Greedy Toad")

Innovations in speech therapy practice. Collection. Linka-Press. Moscow 2008

Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me how to speak correctly. St. Petersburg 2011

Kulikovskaya T.A. Tongue twisters and tongue twisters. Moscow 2002

Speech therapy classes with children 6-7 years old. St. Petersburg 2004

Novotortseva N.V. Workbook on the development of speech to the sounds of Sh, Zh. Yaroslavl 1996.

Repina Z.A. Logopedic lessons. Yekaterinburg, 1999

Early preschool age is a certain stage in the development of children's speech skills. For kids during this period, competent and logically built speech is characteristic. It ceases to be a set of 2-3 words related in meaning. Now these are already quite complex sentences, with the main and secondary members of which are placed correctly, and verbs and nouns are used in case declensions.

At a younger preschool age, the child's speech becomes clearer and more understandable, he uses complex grammatical constructions.

As for pronunciation, just in time for 4-5 years, for many children it becomes clear and largely correct, the number of diminutive words is reduced. Toward the end of the fifth year of life, most babies pronounce almost all the sounds of their native language (we recommend reading:). An exception may be hissing and "p".

Sometimes a child may have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. In such a situation, parents often ask questions about how to help the baby, whether it is worth interfering in the process at all, or everything will go away on its own with time. Alas, without special classes, the peculiarities in pronunciation cannot be corrected. Various speech therapy exercises designed for children are aimed at developing correct speech so that the child can communicate freely with others in the future.

Articulation is provided by the coordinated work of the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx, palate and respiratory muscles. This process can also be hampered by the most minimal hearing deviations.

Speech Features

Until the age of four, children in rare cases manage to characterize an object or describe its properties and qualities. Usually, for this purpose, they resort to spreading their hands or pointing fingers, and if adults cannot understand them, they begin to get angry. A child who is already 4-5 years old is more able to give his own explanation of something, but in his own language, consisting of distorted words. For example, muika is a cartoon or zezya is a hedgehog.

The child already perfectly understands what they want from him, and tries to describe objects in an understandable, but sometimes slightly distorted language.

In the process of speech development in a child of 4 years old, it is advisable to note such children's terms and correct them, teaching the baby how to speak correctly. It is important to be patient and not scold the baby, as he is simply not able to instantly remember the correct option, especially since it is difficult for him. However, it is always worth paying the child's attention to such altered words, explaining that they are not real, pronouncing the correct version with him.

By the age of five, kids enjoy learning poems. Over time, if you read with a crumb and learn all kinds of tongue twisters and funny rhymes, he himself can begin to search for different rhymes.

It would seem that the combination in small combinations, within 2 lines, of rhyming words is a fairly straightforward and simple task. However, it is precisely this that helps to develop a child's hearing, harmony of speech and the ability to combine words that are similar in sound.

In addition, such a moment as the development of musical ear is very important. At the age of five, this is a significant nuance in the formation of the ability to speak correctly, since the child needs to listen and perceive everyday speech and environmental sounds. Parents should help to ensure that the baby understands the origin of noises and sounds that have already become familiar to an adult.

The main characteristics of a child's speech at 4-5 years old

What should be the speech of a child aged 4-5 years? Below is a general list of its main indicators:

  1. Sufficient vocabulary. The child should have enough words in the arsenal to make sentences of 5-7 words.
  2. Clarity. At this age, what the baby says should already be clear not only to parents, but also to strangers.
  3. The ability to navigate in space and distinguish objects from each other, knowing and naming their qualities.
  4. Knowledge of singular and plural.
  5. The ability to easily find the described object or, on the contrary, describe the required thing yourself.
  6. Conducting a dialogue. The child can already ask questions and answer them.
  7. Retelling of the story read. He is also able to tell a poem or sing a short song.
  8. The baby easily calls his name or the names of close relatives, his last name, age, plus the nicknames of pets.

Difficulties in pronunciation

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At preschool age, children learn to pronounce the following sounds:

  1. Hissing. These include "h", "sh", "u" and "g".
  2. whistling. These are "s", "z", "c".
  3. Sonor. These sounds are "r" and "l".

Preschool age - it's time to set the sound R

Often there is a situation when kids do not understand the difference between sounds, they are all mixed up and instead of “r” you can often hear “l”. As a result, in a conversation, a mermaid becomes a lusalka, the clock turns into qyasy, and instead of the word sorrel, you can hear syavel. Parents should be very attentive to the formation of hissing and whistling sounds in a child, since connivance in this matter can lead to difficulties with speech in the future for quite a long time. Correcting pronunciation in a four-year-old is much easier than doing it in a first grader.

However, there is also a reverse situation, when a child, having learned to correctly pronounce sounds that previously caused difficulties, begins to use them everywhere. For example, instead of the moon, a rune speaks or a puddle is called a gun. It is important to always notice and correct incorrect pronunciation.

The beginning of speech therapy classes

What exactly is required to start doing speech therapy classes in order to achieve a result? First of all, you need to find out what specific sounds the baby has problems with. For these purposes, you can use a card file with words that the child should pronounce. A certain sound should occur in different parts of the word, that is, at the beginning, middle and end. Only after defects are identified can work on them be started.

You can identify speech disorders with the help of fascinating interesting cards

It is necessary to deal with the correction of sounds with each one separately, starting with the easy ones and then moving on to more complex ones. It is necessary to give an explanation that is accessible to the baby of how the tongue and lips should be correctly positioned during pronunciation. The form of instructions in the form of a game is the most comfortable way for understanding the crumbs.

As soon as the child begins to get a problem sound, it should be introduced into everyday communication. At the same time, start correcting the next sound. Parents should be prepared for the fact that the process will move slowly and may drag on for months.

Exercises to warm up the lips and muscles of the tongue

Before any activity aimed at correcting pronunciation, you should warm up the tongue and lips. It is better to do it in a sitting position, since the baby has a straight back when sitting and the body is not tense. He should be able to see his face and the face of an adult, so he will be able to monitor the correctness of the exercises. So charging should be carried out in front of a mirror of sufficient size.

In the form of a game, an adult needs to describe the task that they will do. First, you should show it to the baby yourself, after which he must repeat it. If necessary, you will have to help the child, using a spoon, a clean finger, or other convenient object.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to warm up the tongue and lips.

A number of the most common exercises for warming up the tongue and lips:

  • stretching the lips into a smile, with hidden teeth;
  • extension of the lips with a proboscis;
  • raising the upper lip with clenched jaws;
  • circular movements with lips stretched into a tube;
  • massaging elongated lips with fingers;
  • puffing out the cheeks, together and separately;
  • retraction of the cheeks;
  • licking lips in a circle with an open mouth;
  • stretching a tense tongue up and down;
  • pressing the tongue to the palate in the open mouth, while the lower jaw must be pulled down.

Setting the sound "r"

The most common problem that children face at a young age is the pronunciation of the "r" sound. Usually the problematic sound is simply skipped by children or they make a replacement for it. To help the baby, there are a number of special didactic techniques in speech therapy.

Many exercises aimed at correcting defects in the pronunciation of a given sound can be done with a child at home. However, it is still worth consulting with a speech therapist, since speech problems are often associated with physiological characteristics and deviations from the norm. An example of this is an underdeveloped frenulum. As a result, the child cannot reach the palate with his tongue. Only a professional can understand what causes a violation in speech activity. He will also advise on how to correct existing defects.

To check the sound “r”, you should ask the baby to read and say aloud the words in which he is present. If problems arise only with a separate sound, you need to install it. If the child does not cope with whole words, then syllables need to be trained.

Below are exercises for setting the sound "r":

  1. The child should open his mouth and press his tongue to the beginning of the growth of the upper teeth, while quickly saying “d” several times. After that, repeat the same thing, only now the baby should still blow on the tip of the tongue. Such an exercise will give him the opportunity to understand what vibrations accompany the pronunciation of the sound "r".
  2. Pronunciation of "zh" with a wide open mouth. In the process, it is necessary to gradually raise the tongue to the upper teeth. At this time, an adult needs to carefully place the spatula under the tongue and create vibration for them by moving the tool in different directions, and the child needs to blow.
  3. Pronunciation of the syllable "for", while the baby needs to pull the tongue back. If in the process of this you insert a spatula and make rhythmic movements to the sides, you can get a "p".

If the sound is given to the child poorly, you need to start by practicing syllables

Staging hissing

Exercises for staging hissing begin with training the sound "sh". In the future, it will become the basis for the pronunciation of the sound "g". From the very beginning, the baby learns to pronounce the syllable "sa", while he must raise his tongue to the base of the teeth. When a hiss appears, the parent involved with the child, using a mirror, helps to ensure that this moment is deposited in the baby's memory. After that, he should blow and add the sound “a” on the exhale. Thus, as a result, the sound “sh” is obtained.

While the child will pronounce the sound "sa", an adult can set his tongue in the correct position with a spatula. After several successful attempts, you should check the ability of the crumbs to put the tongue properly on their own. Having mastered the pronunciation of this sound, you can proceed to the study of the sound "g".

In the case of the sound "u", they usually resort to the help of "s". The child pronounces the syllable "si", lingering on the hissing component, and at this time the adult, using a spatula, shifts the tongue back, while raising it.

The setting of "h" occurs through the sound "t". Both direct and reverse syllables are allowed. It is necessary to pronounce it, making a noticeable exhalation on a consonant. The tip of the tongue is again pushed back with a spatula.

Exercises for the general development of speech

What can be done at this stage of a child's development to help him improve his speech? For this you should:

  • To have a dialog. As often as possible, you need to involve the child in a general conversation. Let him answer the questions, ask them himself. More interested in his opinion. It's a good idea to ask him for advice from time to time.
  • Practice monologue speech. This should be given special attention. Many children very often like to talk to themselves, describe their own actions and games. Such a peculiar monologue is an important assistant in the development of speech. So it is recommended to encourage such monologue conversation. This can be done by setting special tasks for the baby. For example, as a game, ask him to give a description of an object or animal, or what he sees outside the window. Naturally, it is important to remember that all children are individual, and for some, language development is faster.
  • Enrich vocabulary. For this, the joint inventing of stories or fairy tales that are rich in synonymous words is perfect. One of these tales may be: “One curious, inquisitive girl had two eyes. In the morning, when she woke up, her eyes opened and began to look in all directions, to look at and examine everything, explore, carefully examine, observe everything, see everything and notice everything. As soon as the eyes got tired, they asked the hostess to let them rest, because they looked, watched, looked, studied so much. They asked her to close them and sleep. The girl closed her eyes and fell asleep. The next day everything started all over again. The eyes were again examined, examined and observed.
  • Teach your child to use words in different contexts. This will help activate his vocabulary. For example, tell him the following: “These are animals. Animals are wild and domestic. They are found in forests and mountains, prairies and jungles. They can live alone or in herds and flocks. They can eat meat or be herbivores."

Co-writing stories or fairy tales enriches the vocabulary of the baby

Additional actions aimed at the development of speech

At this age, children tend to confuse words that sound similar but have different meanings and spellings, such as excavator and escalator, or words that are spelled and pronounced the same but have different meanings, such as doorknob and ballpoint pen. The baby should explain the difference between words in a language that he understands. For example, that with a door handle you can open a door, and with a ballpoint pen you can write on paper. Understanding such speech phenomena will contribute to the enrichment of children's vocabulary.

It is also worth engaging in the formation of figurative and associative thinking. For these purposes, it is good to use objects and toys during the game not for their intended purpose, but to imagine what this or that thing looks like. For example, make a shopping bag out of a hat, and take calendars, mosaic or designer details as money.

Developing tasks and questions for the crumbs during games

There are a number of tasks that will be useful to parents for speech development games. For example:

  • What can be made from wood? Table, chair, bed and so on.
  • Where is the mistake? Cars are required to run red lights.
  • What is redundant of this? Dog, cat, BUTTERFLY, tiger.
  • How to say kindly? Papa - daddy, hare - bunny.
  • Name the opposite. Large - small, long - short, empty - full.
  • Explain how things differ and what unites them. Woodpecker and chicken, slippers and sneakers, bow and orange.
  • What's wrong? Cold water, delicious pear, wooden table.
  • Plural. One pencil - many pencils, one doll - many dolls.
  • Describe in the right words the sign or action of the object. What tomato? Red, round. What does the ball do? Jumping, rolling.

Speech therapy classes are not only disciplinary - you can also ask your child questions on a walk, on the way to kindergarten

Supporting literature

Classes with a speech therapist will certainly benefit the child, however, you can always try to do certain exercises to correct defects with your child and on your own at home. Various videos from the Internet will come in handy, as well as the following books.

If your child needs help to speak beautifully and clearly, get advice from our speech therapist.

In speech therapy classes, children get acquainted with various objects, their signs and actions. The development of the sound side of speech is closely related to teaching a child to read and write, the ability to recognize the place of a sound in a word, to isolate the sounds of hissing, whistling, vowels and consonants, soft and hard.

In the classroom, vocabulary is refined and enriched, children learn to build correct sentences, coherently and consistently express their thoughts. Various teaching aids (texts, stories, fairy tales, poems) and various visual materials (pictures, toys, objects) are used. In addition, tasks containing vocabulary, question-answer work, work on sentences and coherent speech, tasks to develop speech understanding and work on the accumulation of vocabulary are included.

The speech therapist works on the formation of the grammatical structure of the child's speech, the forms of singular and plural numbers. At each lesson, speech therapy gymnastics is carried out, this develops the mobility of the organs of speech, finger games are also included, work is underway on the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, proper breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech.

All these skills are necessary for the child to replenish vocabulary and further teaching him to read. Speech therapy classes will help the child speak easily, without speech stutters, correctly build words in a sentence, and increase their vocabulary.

This will contribute to the desire of the child to communicate in society and learn new things. Also in our club, your baby can undergo a psychological and speech therapy examination, which will help you understand at what level of development your baby is and choose an individual training program. After all, the right speech is the key to the success of your baby!

Classes with a speech therapist for children of 5 years old are extremely relevant. This is the age when there is very little left before school. Obviously, every first-grader must correctly pronounce sounds, correctly use words and their forms, correctly build sentences and short stories. Therefore, the time left before school should be used as efficiently as possible.

Speech therapy classes for children 5-6 years old are included in the program of all groups of our center without exception. This means that all children during group classes, together with an experienced speech therapist, work on the formation of the correct pronunciation, the expansion of vocabulary, and the development of the richness of colloquial speech. This is an effective technique because teamwork has a stimulating effect.

Classes with a speech therapist for children 5 years old - when do you need to pay attention individually?

If we are talking about classes with children who do not have signs of a vocabulary deficit or any defects in sound pronunciation, group work is sufficient. If the child pronounces sounds incorrectly, shows signs of insufficient speech development, age lag, individual work should be preferred.

Speech therapy classes for children aged 5-6 in our club can also take place in this form, if necessary. An attentive caring teacher will offer the most suitable type of speech therapy massage in a particular case, draw up an exercise plan for the development of articulatory muscles and, of course, will be able to engender motivation in the child to improve his speech.

The premises of our clubs are equipped with bactericidal devices, as well as regularly subjected to wet cleaning, treated with a steam cleaner, disinfected and ventilated, and children with signs of illness are not allowed to attend classes, so you can not be afraid that your child will catch colds from other children.

Speech therapy classes for children 5 6 years old - what methods are used?

Articulatory gymnastics are special exercises that help develop sufficient strength and at the same time elasticity of all elements of the speech apparatus. For example, they develop the mobility of the frenulum of the tongue, which contributes to a better pronunciation of the sounds "r", "l" and others. Speech therapy massage is a method of exposure to hands. During a session with a speech therapist for children aged 5, the specialist massages certain areas, relieving tension in them. Exercises aimed at getting to know new words and acquiring the skill of expressing thoughts. For example, it is possible to work in the form of compiling a story based on a series of interesting images. The ability to present such a narrative is very useful for a future first grader.

Speech therapy classes for children aged 5-6 take place in an exciting, often playful way. Our pupils, approaching school age, are fully prepared for the first grade. They show a wide range of knowledge that they can colorfully present, and a stable motivation for cognitive activity. This can be achieved, in particular, thanks to classes with a speech therapist for children of 5 years old.

Exciting for many parents and far from being the simplest topic in itself, the topic of staging sounds in children of five years of age requires careful consideration. Speech therapy classes in children are often given very little attention, and completely in vain. Adults dismiss it, they say, it will go away on its own with age, but it may not go away. Often the "clumsy" speech of an adult takes its origins precisely from these children's "half-educated".

Incorrect impure speech creates first a child, and then an adult, a lot of complexes. He becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative. Hurry up to correct the shortcomings now to help the baby avoid similar problems in the future. This can be done at home too. The home environment liberates the child, and it is easier for him to study freely. We bring to your attention a number of useful and interesting games that you can organize yourself.

The study of speech in a child should begin from preschool age.

Types of defects

Let us first consider the main types of speech disorders. There are a huge number of them, but each eventually becomes unique, as it belongs to a particular child:

  • Stuttering (we recommend reading:). This phenomenon occurs most often. You can notice it already closer to three years, when the child begins to build his first big sentences. To correct the defect, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. It is also important to monitor progress and not give up playing exercises, because there are times when the “disease” returned again.
  • Dyslalia (we recommend reading:). This tricky word means nothing more than a confusion in the pronunciation of individual consonant sounds. Most often, this phenomenon covers the sounds "r", "l" and "sh".
  • Nasal. This phenomenon also occurs among defects, but most likely the problem lies precisely in the incorrect structure of the speech apparatus, then mom and dad have a direct road to the ENT, who will try to solve it and correct it as much as possible.
  • General underdevelopment of speech or. Often this phenomenon is deeply connected with the wrong approach in communicating with the child. In a family with a baby, they often lisped, distorted words and endings. All this created a huge confusion in the child's head, and now he himself constantly confuses prepositions, endings, etc. Hurry up to fix it, because the school is just around the corner!
  • Congenital diseases on a neurological basis. In this case, consultation and treatment with a neurologist is strictly necessary.
  • Delayed speech development or SRR. This disease can manifest itself closer to the age of three. The average child usually speaks at this age a lot and incessantly, but if there is a clear paucity of speech, it is worth visiting a specialist for advice.

Always be on the lookout. No flaws should escape your close attention. Noticing something was wrong, do not delay treatment, but contact experienced doctors as soon as possible.

If the paucity of speech of a preschooler is striking, you need to consult with an experienced speech therapist - it is possible that certain deviations will be identified

Help speech therapist: when is it time?

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We must sadly admit that modern means of communication, such as TV, computer, have sharply and thoroughly ousted communication from life. Reading books has been reduced to a minimum, but watching TV shows and cartoons takes almost half a day. Children communicate too little with both parents and with each other. TV offers a wide range of everything interesting and exciting, which means there is no point in looking for other ways to get information.

Hence there are problems with sound pronunciation. They occur more and more often, and the aggravation of the problem sometimes becomes fast. Behind the TV and monitor, the parent may not notice that the child needs help, and it should be provided the sooner the better. Any problem, in particular speech therapy, is urgent, then the opportunity to correct the wrong and deliver the correct speech increases significantly.

Home lessons in speech therapy

Most often, parents with children after the age of four visit doctors-specialists in speech therapy. This is the age when children can already master the pronunciation of complex consonants, and also know how to build logically complete sentences. At the age of six, a child can easily build a story - for example, from a picture. Such a task is not up to your child? This is a reason to worry and ask for help from a specialist.

Diagnosis by a speech therapist or other specialist will involve attending classes - usually several times a week. It is imperative to follow the schedule, otherwise it will be quite difficult to achieve a sustainable result.

Perseverance and perseverance will certainly give their worthy and pleasant fruits in the form of pure speech. It is advisable to play games at home in a good mood and not force the crumbs to engage in against his will. We will bring to your attention interesting and useful exercises that can be done at home, starting from the existing problem.

Parents can also work with the child at home, using didactic materials for this.

For the pronunciation of sounds

Most often, the sounds L, R and Sh fall into the field of activity of a speech therapist. They are the most insidious. The baby may at first simply skip them in words and not pronounce them. This is a variant of the norm, over time the baby will master these sounds, but the situation becomes more complicated when the child chooses lighter sounds to replace them and replaces them with difficult pronunciation.

R sound

It is important to stretch the entire articulatory apparatus before the games. Everything should work for children - the tongue, the lips, and the palate. Let's start with the sound R. The following exercises will be good helpers:

  • The mouth should be wide open and smile in this position. The lower jaw remains motionless. The tongue with its tip makes stroking movements back and forth along the upper sky. Practice yourself in order to be able to explain this to the child later in a more visual and accessible way.
  • The tip of the tongue makes cleaning movements of the teeth from their inside. The mouth is open wide. The correct explanation will help any 5-year-old to cope with this exercise.
  • A good exercise would be such a developmental option. A small ball with a hole should be put on a stick. We ask the little one to open his mouth and say: “DDRRR”. At this point, you need to hold the ball under the tongue. Movements must be fast.
  • The kid is given the task to say the word "yes". The tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth. Then the sound of "Dy", now the tongue rests against the upper palate.

Correctly put the articulation for pronouncing the sound "r" will help you with the training video, which you will see below. Let's move on to the next difficult sound.

Sound L

We pronounce the sound "L":

  • The mouth is wide open, and the tongue rests on the lower lip. Helping yourself with your hand, supporting your chin, say the syllables "la", "lo", "li", "lu".
  • Make coloring movements with a tongue across the surface of the sky.
  • Invite the baby to reach the tip of the nose with his tongue.
  • We lick the lips, as if there was jam left.

Sound Sh

Let's move on to the complex sound "Sh":

  • Place the very tip of the tongue under the upper lip. Now a sharp jerk down, you should get a resounding click.
  • Pull the lips forward with a tube and freeze in this position for about 7 seconds.
  • Put a small piece of cotton on your baby's nose and offer to blow it off. The task of the crumbs is to lift the fleece up. This exercise is very fun and your baby will surely like it.

These were exercises on articulation and the correct setting of sounds. Below we will consider interesting options for exercises for daily developmental activities.

Activities for clear speech

Five-year-old children are already very smart and perfectly able to repeat after adults, to reproduce even very complex actions. Indeed, tasks for articulation can sometimes be very difficult. We have eliminated all the most difficult and left only those exercises that are easy to perform and at the same time very effective. They will be an excellent workout for children with ONR.

Articulation gymnastics

  • Smile widely, showing everyone your teeth. Then pull the lips forward with a tube.
  • Tighten the muscles of the lips as much as possible, then make a smooth relaxation.
  • Lightly bite the lower and upper lips alternately.
  • We depict the clatter of hooves with the tongue. All kids love to do this.

The warm-up time will take no more than 15 minutes. All exercises will be useful not only for children, but also for adults who have some disorders in diction.

We will also offer fun and effective speech games for children 5-6 years old for the correct setting of sound pronunciation:

  • Play baby cry: "Wah-wah!"
  • We feed like mice: “Pee-pee-pee.”
  • We shout as if we are lost in the forest: “Ay! Ay!
  • We buzz like the wind in the mountains: “Uuuuu!”
  • We combine vowels and consonants. We scream like animals: “Meow”, “Woof”, “Kwa-kva”, “Ga-ha-ha”.
  • We growl like bears: “Rrrrr!”
  • We sing a song: "La-la-la, la-la-la."

By the way, singing is very useful for learning correct speech. Any favorite song will come in handy. Many children are very fond of songs like “There was a birch in the field” or “Two cheerful geese lived with a grandmother.” They will be great helpers, because there is a smooth stretching of sounds, and for correcting pronunciation, this is a great thing. It is not for nothing that in kindergartens, music classes are necessarily included in the educational program, although they do not exclude the activities of a speech therapist, who is also present there.

Singing, even amateur, helps the child to develop correct speech skills faster.

Classes in kindergarten

In kindergartens, as a rule, speech therapy games are held, which are divided into 2 main types:

  • Individual. When a certain child has a problem that needs to be solved.
  • Group. Classes are held simultaneously with several children who have similar speech defects.

Such classes are necessary in every preschool institution, but the truth is not everywhere. Closer to school age, speech therapy classes become mandatory, because preparation for school is underway. Chanting will be a great workout. It seems to be songs, but not simple ones. Sound pronunciation occurs along with the performance of certain actions.

Good game "Flying Plane". The kids in chorus imitate the sound of a flying plane: “Uuuuuu!”. At the same time, for persuasiveness, you should spread your arms-wings. We command:

  • The plane flies closer (the buzz becomes louder), the plane flies away (the sound becomes quieter).
  • Breaking! Simultaneously with the buzz, the babies hit themselves on the chest with their palms.
  • Let's land! Keep humming, "Whoo!" airplanes land and sit on their chairs.

Practice with the microphone. Try to show the children how the volume of the sound changes when we move the microphone closer and further away.

Remember that most problems are solvable. The main thing is not to start and not to dump everything to chance, but to engage and develop, then even diagnoses like ZPR or ZPRR will not seem so scary.

Working with a microphone allows you to develop the artistry of the child, and he himself gives the opportunity to hear his speech from the side.

When the doctor put "ZPR"

In addition to parents who are ready to independently find a lot of shortcomings in their blood, there are those who, on the contrary, do not notice the obvious. At the age of five, a child should be able to freely and coherently express his thoughts. It is unacceptable to confuse syllables in words at this age.

Here are a number of diagnoses, the formulation of which often scares parents very much:

  • ZRR. Only the pronunciation side lags behind in its development with this diagnosis. Mental functions are not violated. Early diagnosis will allow not to develop ZRR into ZPRR.
  • ZPRR - delayed psychoverbal development (we recommend reading:). In this case, not only speech suffers, but also the psyche, and with it the mental abilities.
  • ZPR - mental retardation. An extensive diagnosis that, among other areas, also affects the pronunciation skills of the child.

When making one of the diagnoses, you should seek help from specialists as soon as possible, because the sooner the treatment process is started, the faster and more efficiently rehabilitation will occur. Neglect can occur in any kind of disease, so do not delay starting therapy.

Loving parents should first of all create a positive and calm external environment for the child, as well as look for smart doctors. Here, most likely, you will need a speech therapist and a neurologist. Below we provide a small list of didactic literature that can be very useful in corrective exercises with a child.


When someone in the family has speech defects, didactic thematic books must be at hand and on the shelves. Competent authors offer sets of lessons for speech therapy games that will be very useful.

  • “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with ONR”, author Teremkova N.E. This is the first of four albums. Each album is devoted to separate lexical topics.
  • "Speech therapy group: game classes with children 5-7 years old", author Derbina A.I. The best way to teach a child something is through play. The game form of presenting the material will be appropriate for preschool children. This book is suitable for parents of children with complex speech defects.
  • “Lessons of a speech therapist. Games for the development of speech”, author Kosinova E.M. This book also offers a playful form of presenting material, and another big plus is that it can be used with children of completely different ages: from 6 months to 6 years old! The book contains tasks for finger and articulation gymnastics (we recommend reading:
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