Strong salivation in an adult. Excessive salivation: causes and treatment in adults

If salivation increases when eating or at the sight of food, then this is considered the norm. But not everyone knows that profuse salivation can develop under certain conditions of the body, including serious diseases. When saliva begins to be produced in large quantities in the mouth, it can cause discomfort. Be sure to pay attention and consult a doctor to avoid consequences.

What are the causes of increased salivation?

When a person produces a lot of saliva, this is called hypersalivation. We can assume that during the day the body produces about two liters of saliva. The work of the salivary glands can be affected by stress or fear. But in this case, saliva, on the contrary, will become less.

The main factors affecting the increase in saliva production:

  • Entering the oral cavity of various bacteria that can cause swelling;
  • Any diseases of the mouth and throat: sore throat, pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis and many others;
  • The presence of foreign objects in the oral cavity;
  • Dentures and various dental processes;
  • Chewing gum or candy;
  • Reflex effect on the secretion of some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, gastric ulcer, various inflammations and even a tumor of the stomach;
  • pancreatitis- inflammation of the pancreas, also affects the secretion of saliva in a reflex way pancreatic tumor;
  • Increased acidity;
  • Nausea, vomiting during intoxication;
  • neurological disorders;
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • The use of drugs;
  • Neuralgia of various types, one of the most common glossopharyngeal neuralgia.

There may also be increased salivation during the onset of menopause. Less common in healthy people, but too nervous. When saliva of unclear etiology appears, with its further pouring out of the mouth, this may indicate paralysis of the facial nerve. In this case, not only saliva, but also the food he eats, pours out from the patient’s mouth through the corners of the mouth.

Ear and eye diseases, as well as dysfunctions of the central nervous system can cause increased salivation. Cerebral atherosclerosis, dementia, critinism and various mental illnesses also affect salivation in many cases. In some pathologies, saliva is released so much that the patient simply does not have time to swallow it. There is increased secretion of saliva and with cerebral palsy, since in this case the coordination of the oral muscles is disturbed.

Rarely, but still there are cases when saliva production increases in adolescence. In this situation, salivation cannot be called a pathology, because it is just a restructuring of the hormonal background during puberty. Scientists have proven that with age, saliva production decreases significantly, because the work of the secret glands decreases over time.

Thyroid dysfunction can cause saliva production at any age, hormonal imbalance affects the functioning of the salivary glands. With diabetes this may be the first symptom. Pregnancy is one of the main causes of increased salivation in women.

Hypersalivation can occur with dental diseases and, for example, after tooth extraction, or after various dental procedures in the oral cavity. Salivation normalizes after a person's full recovery.

Also, a common cause of increased salivation in a healthy person can be smoking, because nicotine and tar provoke the work of the salivary glands. Yet excess saliva in the mouth does not affect the mucous membrane at all.

Vagus inflammation, Parkinson's disease and trigeminal inflammation also cause the release of large amounts of saliva.

Symptoms of increased salivation

Most often, patients come to the doctor and complain of increased salivation and desire to spit or swallow frequently. After the examination, it is found that the secretory gland produces much more saliva, or rather, about 5 ml in 10 minutes, at a rate of only 2 ml.

Very rarely, but still there are cases in which a person does not swallow saliva completely due to a violation of the innervation of the bulbar nerves or with inflammation of the mouth, throat or tongue injury. In these cases, the production of saliva is not increased, and the patient constantly has a sensation of a large amount of liquid in the mouth. The same symptom is seen in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Often observed change in taste, a person begins to feel the taste of food badly, or vice versa, taste sensations are perverted.

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Variants of increased salivation

At night

Very often, saliva production increases at night. Although normal salivation at night usually decreases. But there are cases when the work of the salivary glands begins much earlier than the person woke up.

Then you can observe how saliva flows from the mouth of a sleeping person. Do not worry if this condition is rare. Most of the time it depends on what the person has. stuffy nose with a cold and no nasal breathing. After a full recovery comes, and the nasal passages become free, saliva in a dream ceases to stand out in large quantities.

Another reason for salivation at night can be malocclusion or missing teeth. But this problem can be easily solved with a visit to the dentist. Also, a person loses control over his body when a deep sleep occurs. Therefore, in this case, saliva can flow out at night in almost everyone.

After meal

Along with increased salivation, symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, all this can be a sign of the presence of helminthic invasions. To confirm this, you need to seek help from a doctor. Most often, helminths are found in children, because they constantly gnaw their hands and put dirty objects in their mouths, including eating dirty vegetables or fruits.

If saliva begins to stand out after eating, then you can suspect the presence of some kind of disease of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastroduonitis;
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract;

Very often, such a symptom occurs in diseases that combined with increased acidity of gastric juice. In this case, saliva enters the stomach and makes the acidic environment not so acidic. The doctor may also suspect pancreatic tumor in a patient with increased salivation. In such a situation, saliva will cease to be released after the body has completely recovered.

Increased salivation when talking

When a person has impaired coordination of oral muscles, then you can notice copious salivation during a conversation. Basically, such a symptom appears with diseases such as cerebral palsy or neurological disorders.

The patient simply does not swallow saliva, because the function of swallowing is impaired. Also hormone disruptions in the body can lead to salivation in humans. Hormonal imbalance is observed in violations of the thyroid gland.

Drooling during pregnancy

The period of bearing a baby for many women can be difficult. After all, there are many unpleasant sensations, including saliva in huge quantities, this brings a lot of discomfort. Pregnancy affects the blood circulation of the brain and this provokes the salivary glands to work many times stronger.

Accompany this unpleasant symptom heartburn and nausea. A woman may choose not to swallow her saliva to reduce the feeling of nausea. Because of this, it will seem that saliva is produced much more. With heartburn, the body reacts a little differently and begins to produce saliva to normalize the acid balance in the stomach.

Also pregnant women take medication to which the body becomes more sensitive. This can be a side effect during pregnancy. A woman in position may experience nighttime salivation.

It is advisable to tell your doctor if you have such a symptom during pregnancy, because pregnant women are just as susceptible to other diseases as other people.

Salivation in the presence of dentures

When a person installs new dentures, most likely he will be overtaken by such a symptom as an increased volume of saliva. This is due to the fact that the salivary glands perceive the prostheses as something foreign and begin to produce more saliva.

Normally, the glands will begin to work in a week or a little less. Even with dentures, a lot of saliva is released if their shape is incorrectly selected.

Increased salivation in children

Saliva begins to flow from the baby about at three months of age. The baby begins to salivate from the mouth, but it must be taken into account that such a symptom does not appear due to the fact that the child has increased salivation, but because he unable to swallow saliva.

If an infection has entered the baby's oral cavity, then saliva will help to clear the mouth faster.

When teeth start to erupt, the gums are irritated and very sensitive, and saliva softens them and the process of teething becomes less painful. Very rarely, such a symptom can be a sign of damage to brain cells.

In older children, salivation is considered normal and does not require treatment. The unconditional reflex factor affects this state of babies. But there are cases of psychological problems associated with this particular symptom. Can check baby for worms, because the increased work of the salivary glands may indicate this.

The article answering the question addressed a similar question.

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It begins with a complete history, after which the doctor will examine the oral cavity, throat, palate, tongue, for damage. Next, you need to take an analysis in order to determine the amount allocated. After that, you may need to see other specialists.

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Treatment for increased salivation

The basis of treatment is the elimination of the disease, due to which there is an increased secretion of saliva. Reception of anticholinergics is prescribed. These are drugs that can block the activity of the high parasympathetic nervous system. They weaken the work of the salivary glands. After taking, it is possible that dry mouth, increased pressure, and a violation of the rhythm of heart beats will appear.

During surgery There may also be a complication in the form facial paralysis. If the violation occurred against the background of a neurological disorder, then the patient will be prescribed Exercise therapy and facial massage. They may also assign cryotherapy, botox injections or radiation therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies consists in rinsing the mouth with various herbs and plants: chamomile, oak bark, viburnum, sage, water pepper tincture, shepherd's purse tincture, cabbage brine.

Last resort you can use vegetable oil. Adding drops of lemon juice to tea or plain water will also give a good effect. Some people rinse their mouths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

But if folk methods do not help, then it is best to seek help from doctors so as not to start the development of the disease, and even more so complications.


For starters, it's worth avoid foods that increase salivation. This applies to salty, peppery and fatty foods. You should also stop drinking alcohol and stop smoking. You must follow all the rules of oral hygiene.

In case of infectious diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid an unpleasant symptom in the form of salivation. Timely prevention of worms will also help prevent this symptom.

Increased salivation is associated with increased secretion of the salivary glands. Hypersalivation or ptyalism is often associated with a violation of the swallowing reflex, dental problems.

Such a defect often brings a lot of discomfort, so you should not hesitate with the examination. For the treatment of hypersalivation, it is necessary to initially identify the causes and eliminate them.

Causes of impairment in adults

Up to six months, abundant salivation is considered the norm; at an older age, one should be wary of this process. In adults, increased salivation can accompany diseases such as:

Why does it flow from the mouth at certain times?

Profuse salivation can be observed at certain times.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the abundant secretion of saliva at night. Hypersalivation at this time may be accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting.

The cause may be worms, gastrointestinal diseases, low acidity. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease

Initially, the doctor must collect an anamnesis, analyze complaints, the duration and manifestation of the disease. Separately, chronic and hereditary diseases are distinguished, which can be the cause of ptyalism.

Physical examination is an important step in the diagnosis of the disease. At this stage, the amount of saliva secreted, the presence of skin lesions near the lips and on the chin are determined.

It is also necessary to conduct a full examination and consultation with narrow specialists: a therapist, dentist, psychiatrist and neurologist. Only a comprehensive examination will help to identify the true causes of the disease and effectively get rid of it.

How to reduce salivation?

An important stage in the treatment is a complete examination and finding the true causes of the disease. It is necessary to treat exactly the cause, it is necessary to eliminate all chronic and acute diseases that lead to increased salivation.

If, for example, hypersalivation is caused by dental problems, it is necessary to take appropriate drugs, perform mouthwash with sage infusion, which effectively reduces the formation of saliva.

If the illness is caused by psychiatric disorders, consultation with a specialist may help.

In the treatment of disorders, anticholinergic drugs (Riabal, Platifillin) are often prescribed. They block the high activity of the parasympathetic nervous system.

What if all this did not help get rid of increased salivation?

In very rare cases, a surgical method of treatment may be prescribed - removal. In this case, only large glands are removed. This method has significant drawbacks, if the operation is performed incorrectly, the facial nerves can be damaged, the symmetry of the face is disturbed.

If surgery is not possible, radiation may be prescribed. With this method, there is a risk of rapid development of caries in the oral cavity, since saliva is not enough to fight microorganisms.

It can also be treated with an injection of botulinum toxin. In this case, the effect is short-lived - for about 6-8 months, the large salivary glands slow down their work.

The simplest, but rather ineffective method of dealing with strong salivation is special gymnastics. These are exercises for the muscles of the face, most often prescribed after strokes and in diseases of the nervous system.

For a complex of such gymnastics, see this video:

Consequences and prevention

Increased salivation can be dangerous for its complications and consequences. It can be infectious complications, psychological discomfort, dehydration, allergic rash.

Treatment of the disease should be carried out only after a complete examination by highly qualified specialists.

If surgery is scheduled, then give preference to those specialists who have extensive experience and know all the intricacies of the operation. It is very difficult to remove the consequences of an incorrect surgical operation.

Prevention of hypersalivation can be primary and secondary. The primary is to prevent the development of diseases that can cause increased salivation. Secondary prevention is carried out after the detection and treatment of the disease.
It consists in the timely provision of medical care and the elimination of the causes of the violation.

Remember that we need saliva for normal life. Without it, chewing food is impossible, with its help harmful toxins are removed.

These are far from all the functions of saliva, but its abundant secretion can be a symptom of other dangerous diseases.

Treat this carefully and do not delay your visit to the doctor, because timely and professional treatment is the key to a quick and successful recovery.

Increased salivation is sometimes associated with the general condition of a person or with certain diseases. The secretion of saliva is an important and mandatory function of the salivary glands, and therefore the process must occur, but with a certain frequency.

What are the causes and symptoms of increased salivation?

Increased production of saliva is often observed when there is exposure to some kind of irritant. Usually, saliva is secreted to keep the mucous membranes wet, and in addition, for a good function of the digestion of food.

When salivation occurs in large quantities, there are always reasons that lead to this. Among them are:

    • Taking some drugs that have a side effect in the form of saliva
    • Poor metabolic processes
    • Do you have any neurological disease?

  • The presence of otorhinolaryngological pathologies

Sometimes, this condition can be observed in adolescents. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background is changing, so there should be no cause for concern.

In addition, it has already been proven by experts that in adults, salivation decreases over time, as the work of the secretory glands decreases with age.

Excessive salivation can also be found in those who have dental problems or suffer from smoking. Yes, it is nicotine and smoke that irritate the mucous membrane, which causes saliva.

In addition, pregnant women should not worry about this.

Symptoms of increased salivation

Usually, patients complain that due to the copious secretion of saliva, there is a reflex to constantly spit it out. When the doctor begins the examination, he finds that the secretory function rises to 5 ml in ten minutes, while only 2 ml is considered the norm.

Sometimes, salivation is associated with the fact that the swallowing function is impaired, and subsequently, the tongue becomes inflamed, the tongue is injured, or the innervation of the nerves is disturbed. Along with this, salivation is normal, but patients feel a deceptive state. Sometimes, profuse salivation is also accompanied by a change in the taste or sensitivity of the tongue.

High salivation at night

In a normal state, salivation during sleep should be less than during the daytime. Sometimes it happens that the salivary glands begin to work before we get up, and therefore we can often see traces of secretions on the pillow. If this does not happen often, then you should not even worry. Basically, salivation at night can be explained by nasal congestion, and after the patency of the nasal passages is restored, such secretion stops.

In addition, it may depend on the correct bite, and therefore this problem can be solved with a trip to the dentist. During sleep, a person may lose control of his body, and therefore salivation appears.

Nausea with increased salivation

This symptom can be observed in pregnant women, nerve damage, pancreatic diseases, as well as ulcers and gastritis. In order to clarify the exact reason for nausea, you need to consult a doctor.

Discharge after eating

Salivation during meals is a normal condition. Usually, this process stops after the reception is over. If you stop eating, and saliva continues to flow in large quantities, this indicates that there are worms in the body. They can affect any organ. Signs of their appearance are nausea, fatigue, and an appetite disorder.

Increased salivation when talking

Such a release is often observed if the coordination of the muscles of the mouth is disturbed, which usually finds its manifestation in cerebral palsy or neurological diseases. In addition, a disturbed hormonal balance, which is often observed with problems with the thyroid gland, can become a provocateur of saliva secretion.

Problem Diagnosis

Diagnosis of increased salivation involves the implementation of several actions:

  • It is necessary to collect all complaints, as well as the duration of salivation
  • It is necessary to find out whether there is a hereditary predisposition, bad habits in the patient, as well as chronic pathologies
  • After that, the doctor examines the patient and finds out if there is any damage to the tongue or mucous
  • After that, the patient often goes to specialized specialists, such as a dentist, a neuropathologist and others.

It must be remembered that it is good to cure salivation only after first finding out the cause.

Treatment for increased salivation

In order to start treatment, you should go to the doctor. There are some methods that doctors use:

    • Prescribe drugs that can suppress the secretion of saliva
    • Remove salivary glands

  • Botox injections
  • Cryotherapy

In general, the problem of salivation cannot be called very serious, but in some cases it can signal more dangerous processes in the body. That is why, immediately when suspicions arise, you should consult a doctor.

People who are faced with the problem of hypersalivation are interested in the causes of increased salivation, both in adults and in children.

This not only causes serious discomfort, but also indicates dangerous changes in the body and oral cavity, which must be addressed immediately. In this article, we will tell you about the causes of the problem and what needs to be done in this case.


The salivary glands of adults and children can produce either too much or too little saliva. This happens for various reasons, but there are several main symptoms:

  • too much liquid is always felt in the mouth. This happens if the allocation rate is exceeded at least twice;
  • due to an unnaturally large amount of secretion in the mouth, there is a constant reflex desire to swallow the accumulated saliva;
  • taste sensations in the mouth change, sensitivity to the taste of food can be either too strong or insufficient.

It is worth noting that sometimes the feeling of excess saliva in the mouth can be false, this happens when the oral cavity suffers from a trauma. In this case, the patient may complain of imaginary discomfort, although in fact the release of secretion occurs normally.

Why is there a lot of saliva in adults?

There are several reasons why the problem can be associated not only with a disorder of the oral cavity, but also with other dysfunctions of the body.

  1. Disorders of the digestive system - increased acidity in the stomach, disorders of the liver and pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, and others most often contribute to the appearance of hypersalivation.
  2. Pathologies of the thyroid gland are disorders of the hormonal balance in the body.
  3. Pregnancy - in women, hypersalivation can occur during this period due to toxicosis. Nausea during pregnancy makes it difficult to swallow saliva, which contributes to its accumulation.
  4. Taking medications - for both men and women, the problem can be caused by taking certain medications. In this case, you need to make sure that the cause of the disease is in taking the drug, and reduce its dosage.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - with diseases such as tonsillitis or stomatitis (for example,), the release of secretion will increase significantly, but will be more of a protective reaction of the body.
  6. Diseases of the nervous system - cerebral palsy, Parkinson's, lateral sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.;
  7. During sleep can be caused by:
  • mouth breathing;
  • irregular structure of the dentoalveolar system;
  • sleep disturbance.

A person suffering from hypersalivation in sleep usually does not experience its symptoms during the day.

Increased salivation is more a symptom of other, more serious diseases than a single oral problem. It is because of this, if you find the appropriate symptoms in yourself, you need to consult a doctor.

Causes of increased salivation in children

Children are more likely than adults to suffer from hypersalivation, mainly due to the peculiarities of human development in childhood. The main reasons are:

  • reflex factor - in children in the first year of life, hypersalivation is not a pathology, it is caused by reflective features and should be perceived as inevitable. Teething in a child often causes an increased separation of saliva, since a serious load falls on the gums and the oral cavity as a whole;
  • worms - this is due to the child's habit of pulling dirty objects into his mouth, with helminths, increased salivation will be observed more often at night than during the day;
  • infection or disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in infants - there may be a situation when the secretion is normal, but the saliva is not swallowed by the infant due to disorders with the function of swallowing;
  • mental disorders - occurs in older children. In this case, you should immediately contact a pediatrician who will determine the exact cause of the symptom and refer you for a consultation to another specialist or prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

Important! If an older child has constant problems with increased salivation, this can cause speech defects, since in this case it is quite difficult for children to pronounce words correctly and quickly.

Hypersalivation during pregnancy

Due to disruptions in the hormonal balance of a woman's body caused by pregnancy, hypersalivation may occur, most often its symptoms appear in the first 2-3 months after conception.

Toxicosis in the early stages leads to gag reflexes and a disorder of swallowing functions. As a result, women during pregnancy can experience not only hypersalivation, but also salivation.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the glands began to secrete more saliva, it’s just that the swallowing process takes place less frequently, respectively, it lingers in the oral cavity.

Video: saliva study

During sleep

Frequent salivation at night can be triggered by several factors:

  • salivary glands “wake up” earlier than a person - during sleep, their work is much slower, but sometimes they resume their work process long before the moment when a person begins to wake up;
  • sleep with an open mouth - if a person, for some reason, sleeps with an open mouth, then in a dream he will be prone to hypersalivation. In this case, it is necessary to contact the ENT, because the problem is most often within his competence, but it is also necessary to consult a dentist, since the mouth may not close due to the incorrect structure of the dentoalveolar system;
  • sleep disturbance - if a person sleeps too soundly, then he actually does not control some processes in his body. The human brain is not able to control the release of secretion, as a result of which hypersalivation occurs.

If the facts of the increased appearance of saliva in the oral cavity during sleep are not too frequent, and it is not released too abundantly, then there are few reasons for concern.

How to reduce salivation?

Increased salivation and the discomfort it causes cause people to have a strong desire to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible. Treatment, in turn, depends on the causes of its occurrence.


The process of diagnosing a disease is no less important than the treatment itself. First of all, you need to contact the doctors: it can be a dentist or a therapist. If the problem of hypersalivation is beyond their competence, they can redirect the patient to an ENT or dentist.


  1. If the production of a large amount of saliva needs to be stopped, doctors may prescribe drugs to suppress overactive salivary glands (for example, ribal). But if the cause is not specifically in them, but in diseases of other organs or systems, then this will not be the treatment of the disease, but the suppression of its symptoms. You can completely get rid of this problem only after the final elimination of its source.
  2. If the salivary glands themselves are the source of the disease, doctors can remove them, but this happens only as a last resort. Most often, a course of treatment is prescribed, for example, cryotherapy, which stimulates the swallowing reflex. Some drugs may be injected into the salivary glands to slow down the secretion.


There are also folk remedies that can be used at home. So, rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile or nettle can temporarily reduce annoying symptoms. But such treatment is in the form of an auxiliary, and in case of serious problems of the body, the methods will be completely ineffective.

  • we take viburnum berries and trample them in a mortar;
  • pour the mixture with water (approximate proportion: 2 tablespoons of viburnum per 200 ml of water) and let it brew for 4 hours;
  • rinse your mouth with a remedy 3-5 times a day.

Additional questions

Increased salivation with angina

With a cold or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, including tonsillitis, hypersalivation can indeed appear, since during an illness an infection enters the mouth, which inflames the salivary glands. It is necessary to cure the underlying disease, after which the increased salivation, as one of its symptoms, will also disappear.

Before or during menstruation

A rather rare symptom, it can be associated with changes in the hormonal balance of a woman during this period. If the frequency and amount of saliva in the mouth causes discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

Salivation and nausea

Nausea can indeed be the source of this. During toxicosis in pregnant women, for example, the swallowing reflex is disturbed - a person begins to swallow less often and an excess of saliva is obtained in the oral cavity.

After eating a lot of saliva in the mouth - what to do?

Most likely, the glands react this way to too spicy or sour food. This is not a very threatening phenomenon, but if it causes severe discomfort to you, then you should consult a doctor.

Salivation is a natural physiological process. Saliva is actively secreted at the sight of food, during its intake, and is necessary for its primary splitting. However, excessive salivation is a manifestation of some diseases.

Saliva is a fluid secreted by the salivary glands. It contains water, enzymes, minerals, organic substances. A healthy person produces 1 ml of salivary secretion every 5 minutes.

Abundant salivation is called hypersalivation - the secretory activity of the salivary glands is increased. The only case when current saliva is a physiological norm is in children from three months to six months, in other cases it is considered as a symptom of a particular disease.

Causes of increased salivation

Excessive salivation can be caused by inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract - gingivitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria penetrate into the ducts of the salivary glands, provoking inflammation and swelling.

The mucous membrane becomes irritated, and saliva begins to be actively produced as a protective reaction to the effects of pathogens and their waste products.

In the case of excessive salivation, the cause is a disease of the digestive system, for example:

  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • increased acidity;
  • tumors;
  • liver pathology.

Hypersalivation appears if the vagus nerve is irritated, with Parkinson's disease and some other disorders in the brain and spinal cord.

Other reasons why drooling may also be:

  • and pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • medicines - Nitrozepam, Physostigmine, Pilocarpine, lithium preparations, Muscarin;

Hypersalivation is the norm in babies aged 3-6 months and during the period when the first teeth are cut. Pathological causes of excessive salivation in a child are:

  • indigestion and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stomatitis;
  • sialodermatitis;
  • the entry of pathogens into the oral cavity;
  • helminth infection.

Excessive salivation is possible in children with cerebral palsy. The muscles of the mouth and face in this disease are uncoordinated due to impaired brain function.

Hypersalivation is false, that is, not caused by health problems. In this case, the amount of salivary secretion secreted does not exceed the norm, but the child does not swallow it.

You can overcome this by teaching the baby to swallow saliva and eliminating the habit of keeping the mouth constantly open. A light massage of the soft palate can help with this, and for training the facial muscles it is useful to give the child hard vegetables (carrots, apples).

Profuse salivation at night

Normally, less saliva is secreted at night than during the day. The cause of excessive salivation in humans during sleep are:

  1. Breathing through the mouth due to diseases of the nasopharynx (rhinitis, sinusitis), allergic rhinitis, curvature of the nasal septum;
  2. Sleep problems, nervous strain - since the activity of the salivary glands depends on the work of the brain, anxiety, interrupted sleep lead to profuse salivation;
  3. Incorrect bite, in which the jaws close unevenly, which leads to the leakage of accumulated saliva.

Is excessive salivation a sign of pregnancy?

The cause of increased salivation in women is early toxicosis, in which an increase in the amount of saliva is provoked by a deterioration in cerebral circulation. After 10-12 weeks, this problem most often disappears.

The increased acidity of the stomach, which is a manifestation of toxicosis, can increase the secretion of saliva during the bearing of a child. Concomitant manifestations in this case are nausea, vomiting.

During pregnancy, increased salivation can also be caused by vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity against this background. This can be prevented by good nutrition and the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes from the very beginning of pregnancy, and ideally before it occurs.

Considering hypersalivation as a direct sign of pregnancy is a mistake.

To eliminate increased salivation in an adult or child, you first need to find out its cause. To do this, you need to go to an appointment with a therapist. After studying the complaints, initial examination and examination, he will prescribe the necessary therapy or refer him to a narrower specialist - a gastroenterologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist, or others.

Depending on the cause of hypersalivation, treatment by a dentist may be required to correct the bite, therapy for helminthiasis or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and other pathologies.

If excessive salivation is caused by neurological disorders or ischemic stroke, then in addition to eliminating the underlying disease, facial massage and physiotherapy exercises are indicated.

Of the drugs, the production of saliva is suppressed by anticholinergics - Scopolamine, Platifillin, Riabal. Their possible side effects are increased heart rate, decreased visual acuity, and dry mouth.

At the discretion of the treating physician, other methods may be used to reduce or block salivation:

  • Partial removal of the salivary glands;
  • Radiation therapy;
  • Injection of Botox into the salivary glands;
  • Cryotherapy course;
  • Homeopathic treatment, for example, the use of tablets or injections of Mercurius Heel, indicated for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory apparatus, diseases of the glands, abscess of the tonsils.
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