The child's eyes are swollen and festering. Manifestation of an allergic reaction. Eyes red and festering

The pus that appears in the corners of the baby's eyes can seriously scare the parents. Meanwhile, this phenomenon is not uncommon, so all moms and dads should find out why the eyes of a child are festering, and how to act when you find this symptom.

The reasons for the reddening of the baby's eyes and the appearance of purulent discharge are different, therefore, if these symptoms are detected, one cannot do without contacting a doctor.

Parents are especially frightened if they notice that the eyes of a newborn child are festering. This happens if the baby develops dacryocystitis. This disease occurs only in very young children aged 0-3 months.

The disease develops due to blockage or insufficient development of the lacrimal canal. As a result of this pathology, tears do not flow into oral cavity, but stagnate. When bacteria enter them, inflammation develops and pus begins to stand out.

It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with dacryocystitis on your own, so if your eyes fester month old baby you need to show it to your doctor.

Treatment of this disease is carried out in a complex manner. First you need to destroy the infection and relieve inflammation. For this, drops and ointments are prescribed. Then you need to achieve a normal outflow of tear fluid. Most often, the problem can be solved with the help of massage (the doctor will show the techniques to the mother, at home massage will need to be done 6-8 times a day), in rare cases The child needs the help of a surgeon. Probing will be necessary to restore the patency of the lacrimal canal.

Previously, festering eyes in infants were often a sign of chlamydial infection, which the child contracted during childbirth from an infected mother. These days, this route of infection is extremely rare, as most pregnant women go through preliminary examinations. And when chlamydia is detected, they take preventive measures that prevent the development of infection in the infant.

Pus in the eyes of children after a year

Eyes can fester not only in newborns, but also in older children. And most often, the cause of the appearance of purulent discharge is a disease such as conjunctivitis.

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This is a disease that can develop in any person, both a baby at 1-2 years old and a pensioner can get sick. Most often, conjunctivitis is observed in preschoolers, because they do not have too strong immunity.

The disease is characterized by development inflammatory process conjunctiva. This is the name of the mucous membrane lining inner surface century. Main symptoms:

  • eyes are red;
  • there is pain, itching, a feeling of the presence of foreign objects under the eyelids ("sand");
  • the appearance of purulent discharge, which can be both abundant and meager.

The insidiousness of conjunctivitis is that inflammation can be caused different factors. The disease can be infectious, caused by bacteria or viruses, or allergic.

Viral conjunctivitis- this is the main reason that the eyes of a child fester with a cold. This disease is characterized by reddening of the eyes, but the discharge is small and it has a mucous, and not purulent character. However, viral conjunctivitis is often accompanied by bacterial infection and then pus appears.

Most often, a disease of a viral nature is provoked by adenoviruses. The disease begins with the appearance of symptoms of a common cold, then the eyes are also affected. At first, only one eye turns red, but after a few hours, the second one also begins to hurt.

In addition, viral conjunctivitis can be caused by measles pathogens, in which case, the disease is usually accompanied by stylish photophobia.

Pretty dangerous variety. viral conjunctivitis is herpes. When infected with this insidious virus, blisters appear on the affected surface, accompanied by severe pain. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it proceeds chronically with periodic relapses.

bacterial type of disease, as a rule, is provoked by staphylococci, pneumococci and other bacteria. In bacterial conjunctivitis, purulent discharge from the eyes is usually copious. The eyes of a child are especially festering in the morning. The discharge of pus can be so strong that during the night the eyelashes of the baby stick together, and he cannot open his eyes.

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Infection with bacterial conjunctivitis often occurs if a child has a habit of rubbing his eyes with dirty hands. The most severe conjunctivitis is caused by the bacteria that cause diphtheria. At the same time, a film is formed on the mucosa gray color which adheres tightly to the surface.

Severe course has gonorrheal conjunctivitis, which a child can become infected during childbirth from a sick mother, or later if hygiene rules are violated. With this disease, the eyelids are very swollen, the child cannot open his eyes, green or yellow purulent discharge appears.

The danger of conjunctivitis lies in the fact that inflammation can also go to the cornea, which, in the end, can lead to visual impairment.

Both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are infectious diseases that can be transmitted from a sick person.

These diseases often occur in the form of epidemic outbreaks in children's groups, especially among children. younger age at 2-3 years old. Therefore, a sick child must be isolated from healthy children until his recovery.

Unlike the diseases described above, allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious. It develops upon contact with a substance that provokes an allergic reaction. Usually, the disease is accompanied by redness of the eyes and itching. Purulent discharge appears if a bacterial infection joins.

With conjunctivitis in young children, it often suffers and general well-being, the baby becomes whiny, irritable, loses appetite.

What to do?

But what to do if parents notice the appearance of purulent discharge in a child? Of course, you should immediately consult a doctor - a pediatric ophthalmologist or pediatrician.

Since the nature of the disease can be different, only a doctor can tell how to treat conjunctivitis.

At viral nature diseases may be assigned antiviral drugs. As a rule, this is necessary if diagnosed herpetic infection. If the disease is provoked by adenoviruses, then special treatment not required. It is enough to wash the baby's eyes with warm chamomile tea.

Purulent discharges appearing in the corners of the eyes of children are not at all isolated phenomena. And, although the appearance of pus in itself is not too dangerous, the lack of treatment can cause complications in the form of various eye pathologies. That is why, as soon as parents notice discharge from the eye, which is red and itchy, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. The specialist will identify the cause of the disease and prescribe a treatment that can be done at home.

Festering eyes in a child - the main reasons

With inflammation of the eye and the appearance of pus in it, parents and the doctor must first of all identify the cause of the pathology, which may be:

  1. Conjunctivitis- This is the most common cause of suppuration of the eyes. The mucous membrane in this disease becomes inflamed and reddens, the eyelid swells, pus is released from the eye. Conjunctivitis can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or allergens.
  2. Chlamydia the child is infected at birth.
  3. Viruses: adenovirus, herpes, measles, SARS, influenza.
  4. bacteria: pneumococci, meningococci, streptococci, staphylococci.
  5. Dacryocystitis occurs in newborn babies due to blockage of the tear duct. If, after birth, the protective film does not break in the baby and the cork does not come out of the canal, then an infection begins to develop.
  6. Not cured sinusitis, colds, measles, adenoiditis, tonsillitis.
  7. Allergens in the form of dust, animal hair, odors, pollen.
  8. Non-sterile medical instruments or infection through birth canal may be one of the causes of inflammation and decay of the eye in newborns.
  9. Weakened immunity.
  10. Non-observance of hygiene rules. Dirt and infection get in if the child rubs his eyes with unwashed hands.

To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the child's problem by contacting a doctor for this. He will make an accurate diagnosis based on the symptoms and tests.

Associated symptoms

If the eye of a child is festering, then this is most likely a disease that can be accompanied by a number of symptoms:

The body of each child is individual, so the pathology can manifest itself with only one or more of the above symptoms. But each of them worries the baby and requires treatment.

First aid

What to do if the child's eye is festering, but there is no way to get to the doctor?

In this case, parents should know how and how they can help their baby at home:

Before each procedure, parents must wash their hands with soap and water. Only well-washed pipettes and sterile swabs should be used. You can make them from sterile cotton wool purchased at a pharmacy.

It is contraindicated to continue treating the eyes on your own if:

  • a bubble appeared upper eyelid;
  • the baby began to see worse;
  • the child complains of pain in the eyes;
  • have symptoms of photophobia;
  • the eyes have been festering for more than two days, and there is no improvement in treatment.

Medical treatment

After the diagnosis is made, the specialist prescribes the treatment, which is also based on individual characteristics child.

Infectious conjunctivitis is treated with drops of Eubital, Levomycetin, Vitabact, Kolbiotsin. Some children tolerate ointments better, so Tetracycline, Erythromycin or Torbex ointment can be used.

Treat adenovirus conjunctivitis it is necessary with the help of florenel or 25% tebrofen ointment and interferon.

If the eyes of a child are watery and fester mainly in the spring, then most likely the cause is allergens. In this case, you should apply antihistamine drops Allergodil, Spersallerg, Lekrolin, Allergoftal, Diphenhydramine in solution. Raising the immunity of the child will help get rid of allergies.

Herpetic conjunctivitis is treated with acyclovir. It is used as an ointment for the eyes, and tablets for oral administration.

Eye massage for dacryocystitis

With this pathology, drops and washing of the necessary therapeutic result will not bring. The film must first be removed, which can be done with special massage. His technique should be shown by a doctor, after which the massage can be performed independently.

Before the massage, the hands are well washed with soap and water. Make sure to keep your nails trimmed short. Finger up and down with a little pressure, but very gently massaged inner part eyes . In one session, six to ten movements should be done. If the pus began to stand out more strongly, then the manipulation is carried out correctly.

If in the first six months of the baby's life it was not possible to cope with the pathology, then probing of the lacrimal canal is necessary, which is carried out in stationary conditions.

Mechanical damage to the eye

Inflammation and suppuration can occur if a mechanical particle gets into the baby's eye:

  • eyelash;
  • fly or other insect;
  • cotton wool or fabric fibers;
  • spray chemical substances;
  • splashes of hot oil;
  • plastic flake;
  • a piece of glass;
  • metal or wood shavings.

In this case, first aid is required:

  1. The inflamed eye is washed with saline, a decoction of chamomile, calendula or warm black tea. If there is a solution for soft contact lenses, then you can use it.
  2. It is necessary to determine whether a foreign body has come out of the eye.
  3. If it is impossible to independently determine the degree of damage, then the child urgently needs to be shown to a specialist who, with the help of special equipment examines the eye.

Swelling on the eyelid caused by infection of the eyelash follicles, which leads to the formation of pus, is called barley. The bacterial infection enters the hair follicles and sebaceous glands which are located near the eyelashes. In mild cases, barley goes away on its own. But if a child has a weakened immune system, then he can develop into a boil. Two or three days after the redness and swelling of the eyelid, the eye begins to fester.

In no case should you squeeze out pus or open barley. He must ripen himself and make the release of dead cells. That is why his treatment is aimed at accelerating the process. For this it is recommended:

  1. Apply warm compresses mashed potatoes wrapped in a wide bandage or clean gauze. Keep it until it cools down.
  2. Very effective in the treatment of barley dry heat. You can consult a doctor to prescribe a course of UHF for the child.
  3. The eyelid must be treated with antibacterial drugs - 1% Erythromycin, Tetracycline ointment or Ciprofloxicin. Albucid is instilled into the eye.
  4. Several times a day, compresses are made from warm infusion of chamomile. To do this, a cotton pad or swab is wetted and applied for 5-7 minutes.
  5. You can use flaxseed, 2 tbsp. l. which are heated in a pan, poured into a clean bag and applied to the eye for 7-10 minutes five times a day.

Heating barley must be used very carefully, because with this method of treatment it can open and infect the eye. Therefore, when barley appears on the eye, it is better to take the child to a specialist.

Parents should remember that the health of the baby is in their hands. Therefore, at the first appearance of symptoms of eye inflammation, you should consult a doctor. Only in this case, the treatment of the disease will not take much time and will not cause complications.

Almost immediately after birth, babies in the maternity hospital are instilled with albucid in the eyes for the purpose of prevention - antibacterial drops containing sodium sulfacyl in the base. Usually, most babies do not have eye problems, but in some cases, even albucid does not help.

If the eye of a newborn is festering from the first days of life, this indicates that the pathology has developed even in the womb. Perhaps the accession of infection after birth. Doctors carefully examine such a child and identify the causes of eye problems in a newborn.

Most often among these reasons are noted: a reaction to medical preparations, allergic diseases, colds, bacterial conjunctivitis, chlamydia, underdevelopment lacrimal glands and dacryocystitis. Each of these pathologies is treated in its own way.

Eye treatment for an allergic reaction

If allergic conjunctivitis occurs, the newborn must be examined by a doctor. Parents cannot treat the disease on their own, since the causes of pus can be completely different. To begin with, the doctor will find out why the eye of the newborn is festering, and already when making a diagnosis, he will recommend treatment.

Antihistamines are not prescribed for children under 1 month of age. If a allergic conjunctivitis complicated by swelling and other symptoms, for example, Quincke's edema, then the baby is placed in a hospital and monitored there. For the treatment of allergic children, antihistamines and hormonal preparations that are administered intravenously. Suppurating eyes are also treated with corticosteroids. The most best help for a child - eliminate contact with the allergen. To do this, you need to carefully examine the living conditions where the baby lives, ask the mother about her diet.

Doctors note that an allergy can even appear on the washing powder, which is used to wash clothes for a newborn. After identifying the cause, as a rule, the disease goes away on its own. If observed residual effects conjunctivitis, for the treatment of the disease at home, the pediatrician recommends antiallergic drugs Fenistil or Suprastin. Therapy should be continued until the allergy disappears.

Treatment of catarrhal conjunctivitis

If the baby's eyes are festering against the background of the development of acute respiratory viral infection, then parents should first call the pediatrician. The doctor will examine the baby and prescribe not only antiviral drugs, but also tell you how to treat the reddened eye. It is much easier to treat conjunctivitis against the background of effective antiviral therapy.

It is necessary to drip the eye very carefully so as not to infect the second healthy eye.

First of all, the baby needs to be helped to eliminate bad feeling, remove burning and tearing in the eyes. With these signs, children become restless, constantly cry, refuse to eat and sleep poorly. To alleviate the condition of the child, red inflamed eyes can be washed with a decoction of sage or chamomile. To prepare the product, you need to take a tablespoon of the dry mixture in a glass of boiling water, brew it and after 2 hours soak cotton pads in warm liquid and wipe the baby's eyes. Drops of Oftalmoferon and Albucid are excellent, and if a bacterial infection has joined, then tetracycline ointment.

The pediatrician will prescribe drops depending on the severity of the process. These drugs are instilled under the lower eyelid after the pus in the eyes is removed. You can also wash your eyes with furacilin. To prepare the solution, dissolve one tablet in half a glass of water to make a light yellow liquid. Soak a cotton pad with this solution and remove pus from the eye.

When processing a child's eye, it is very important to keep the hands clean so as not to complicate the course of the disease and not provoke even more suppuration. After acute symptoms pass, you can treat your eyes with a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula or other herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in newborns

If the eyes of a child fester, this is often provoked not only by a virus, but also pathogenic bacteria. Most often, babies become infected, passing through the birth canal of the mother, if she is a carrier of the infection. In medicine, there is even a special term - neonatal ophthalmia. it inflammatory disease conjunctiva, which occurs in a third of babies born to a sick mother. Symptoms of the lesion pathogenic microorganisms very obvious: the child has festered one eye or both, there is a feeling foreign body and burning, he constantly cries, and a purulent discharge appears from the eyes. Usually pathological process captures two eyes.

The active substance tobramycin copes well with a bacterial infection.

cure bacterial form conjunctivitis can be drops of Vigamox (moxifloxacin 0.5%). They are instilled three times a day for 10 days. It is also recommended to use Polymyxin drops. They are dripped 4 times a day. Excellent antibiotics for newborns are Fucitalmic, Chloramphenicol, Ofloxacin, Neomycin, Tobramycin. If the eye is festering very strongly, the droplets must be combined with treatment with ointments. They are laid in a festering eye under the lower eyelid at night.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis in newborns occurs if the mother of the child is sick with this disease. Most often, the baby gets chlamydia at the time of birth, and the probability of transmission reaches 70%. Chlamydial conjunctivitis can be either unilateral or bilateral. It usually occurs in the first two weeks after birth, but sometimes incubation period delayed up to 1 month. The disease is severe. On the eyes of the child, abundant purulent discharge is formed, on lower eyelids films appear. If babies were born ahead of time, then the onset of symptoms of conjunctivitis can be expected as early as the fourth day after birth.

In addition, the child has other organ damage: otitis media, pneumonia, fever. The main role in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis is given to tablets, ointments, drops and injections. With a chlamydial type of eye damage, you can also use Moxifloxacin drops. good effect renders Ceftriaxone intramuscularly or Ciprofloxacin tablets twice a day for five days. As a local therapy, an eye ointment with gentamicin is used. AT severe cases chlamydial infection requires intravenous infusions of erythromycin 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Chlamydial infection cannot be treated at home. The baby remains under the supervision of doctors.


With the anatomical narrowness of the lacrimal canal, the eyes also fester in babies. This pathology is called dacryostenosis. The reason is the impossibility natural secretion tears from the anatomical opening. Often, pathology is diagnosed in children born prematurely.

Doctors prescribe washing of festering eyes with a solution of furacilin, chamomile herb or ordinary tea brewing.

To remove pus, massage of the lacrimal sac is shown. Every day several times it is necessary to massage the lacrimal sac from the side inner corner eyes, conducting 10 rhythmic strokes up and down. With proper pressure on the purulent cavity, the baby releases pus. If the suppuration is strong and the procedures do not help, are used antibacterial drugs, for example, tetracycline ointment or eye drops with chloramphenicol. As a rule, after a few days, the symptoms disappear, and a properly performed massage makes it possible to expand the patency of the lacrimal canal over time.


One of the most common pathologies in children of the first days of life is dacryocystitis. Pathology occurs if the nasolacrimal canal is obturated with particles of embryonic tissue - a gelatin plug. It is because of her that the tear does not pass out, and the stagnation of the liquid leads to the development of microbes. An inflammatory process begins in the eyes.

In the absence of dacryocystitis, the baby's eyes do not watery - this should be strived for in the treatment of the disease

The first signs of violations appear within a couple of days after the birth of the crumbs. Parents, seeing a festering eye, begin to independently treat the disease with herbs or antibacterial drops. It is worth noting that improvements are observed only temporarily when therapy is actively applied. If the treatment is stopped, then the eye begins to fester again.

The pediatrician will diagnose dacryocystitis and instruct parents on how to properly treat this condition. Treatment includes the following manipulations:

  • massage;
  • washing eyes;
  • mandatory use of eye drops.

Mom herself can make massaging movements in the area of ​​​​the lacrimal sac several times a day, after which pus will be released from it. After the procedure, the eyes must be washed with furacilin or chlorhexidine to cleanse the skin of pus. Drops must be dripped into the conjunctival sac with a pipette, five to ten drops each, so that the liquid rinses the lacrimal canals well and removes the purulent discharge. Then using gauze swab the remains are removed from the surface of the eyelids.

If there is too much purulent discharge in the eye of a newborn, then special drops of Tobrex, Albucid or Floksal are prescribed. You need to drip eyes three times a day, after which a favorable prognosis is observed. Talk about complete cure usually possible by the 2nd month of life, when the baby has no discharge, lacrimation and standing tears in the corners of the eyes.

In the absence of positive dynamics, surgical expansion is performed lacrimal ducts using a probe. Probing usually takes place under local anesthesia, and children practically do not feel pain. After the opening of the nasolacrimal canal, suppuration of the eye passes. Probing is effective in 95 percent of cases of dacryocystitis. After the probing procedure, the child is prescribed antibacterial drops for two weeks for the purpose of prevention.

If the child's eye is festering, parents should never self-medicate. Some pathologies develop so quickly that the disease can completely deprive the baby of vision. Therefore, it is mandatory to consult a pediatrician who, if you suspect severe infection can send the baby to the hospital, but usually you can get by with home treatment.

If the baby has red eyes, purulent discharge, swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation, and in the morning he cannot open his eyes because of the eyelids glued with yellow crusts, then most likely the child is sick with conjunctivitis. In addition to everything, the baby becomes lethargic, restless, often cries and is naughty. Older children complain of blurred vision, sensation in the eyes of a foreign body, burning and discomfort. This disease can be caused by viruses, bacteria, colds and allergies.

As a preventive goal, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, keep the bed and toys of the child clean, wash hands more often with soap, walk on fresh air, ventilate the children's room, avoid contact with sick children and use more vitamins. How to treat the eyes of a child? Let's figure it out.

The reasons

To determine the treatment, it is necessary to understand what caused this disease. In this case, nai best solution going to see an ophthalmologist.

Since redness and inflammation of the eyes can be not only from conjunctivitis, but also from a foreign body (for example, cilia) or from an allergy to some kind of irritant.

In addition, the specialist must exclude more serious reasons-increased intracranial and intraocular pressure. In a matter such as health, one cannot rely on simple tips when a child's eyes fester, how to treat a baby should be decided by a specialist.


There are several simple rules, which must be observed in the treatment of eyes:

  • On the first day of the disease, it is recommended to wash the eyes every 2 hours with chamomile infusion or furatsilina solution. The child is washed with the same solution and dried crusts are removed from the eyelids. In this case, the movements should be from the temple to the nose. Then reduce the procedure to 3 times a day.
  • With inflammation of only one eye, both are washed, as the infection can pass from one eye to the other. For the same purpose, separate cotton pads are used for each eye.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use blindfolds on the eyes, as this injures the inflamed eyelids and leads to the growth of bacteria.
  • You need to bury in the eyes those drops that the ophthalmologist prescribed. Disinfectants are instilled at the onset of the disease every 3 hours. Babies are prescribed a 10% solution of Albucid, older babies are prescribed Fucitalmic, Levomycetin, Vitabact, Kolbiocin and Eubital.
  • If the specialist has prescribed tetracycline or erythromycin ointment, then it must be placed under the lower eyelid.
  • When the condition improves, all procedures are reduced to 3 times a day.

When the redness of the eyes in babies is not associated with conjunctivitis and is not accompanied by the release of pus, many parents are confused and do not know how to treat red eyes in a child and what provoked a change in the color of the proteins.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • Irritation from air, dust, stress, or a speck in the eye. In some cases, you can try to pull out the foreign body with a clean, damp handkerchief or by rinsing the eye with water.
  • Blockage of the tear duct infants. In this case, you need to contact an ophthalmologist who will prescribe a massage and antibacterial drops.
  • Inflammation choroid eyes (uveitis). If the child has photophobia, spots appear before the eyes and red whites, then it is urgent to visit a specialist, as this serious illness leads to blindness.
  • Disease of the skin under the eyelashes (blepharitis). The eyelids itch and crusts form on them.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.
  • Diabetes mellitus, beriberi, iron deficiency anemia.
  • Also conjunctivitis.

To relieve the eyes of irritation and fatigue that have accumulated over the whole day, you can use cold compresses (3 minutes every 2 hours), rinsing (with special eye drops) and lotions (with chamomile or tea infusion).

It is advisable to reduce eye strain: avoid sudden changes lighting, reduce the time at the TV and computer.

With simple conjunctivitis, drops and washes will be enough, allergic conjunctivitis is treated antihistamines, bacterial - antibiotics.

If something worries you or the redness does not go away for a long time, then it is better to consult a specialist. Only he will be able to correctly determine the cause of redness of the eyes and prescribe the necessary procedures.

Baby blinking eyes

Thanks to this unconscious reflex movement, which is inherent in us from birth, the eyes are moistened and dust is removed from them. With fatigue of the eyes or the ingress of a foreign body, blinking becomes more intense.

If a child blinks more than usual, then this, of course, alarms the parents, and when the cause is not fatigue and dust, anxiety intensifies.

If your child is between 4 and 12 years old and suddenly begins to blink his eyes tightly, tightly squeezing his eyelids, then you need to visit a specialist as soon as possible. With such symptoms, dryness of the cornea is most often diagnosed, and the ophthalmologist will prescribe moisturizing drops. It is also desirable to adjust the child's daily routine by reducing the time at the computer and TV.

But there are times when blinking is associated with psychological problems, then parents need to contact a neurologist. Do not ignore subtle or quickly passing nervous tics. They signal an overload of the nursery nervous system. Blinking can also be the result of a traumatic brain injury or concussion. There is a high probability of hereditary predisposition, if someone in the family suffered from nervous tics, then most likely the child will inherit this feature.

Some children are so adaptable to preschool and school educational institutions. It is not easy for kids to get used to the change in familiar circumstances and the transition to new team. Many are very worried and experience emotional stress.

The reasons for blinking can be a strict educator (teacher), rough treatment, moving, fears, etc.

If a child blinks his eyes often, adults just need to create good atmosphere in family.

Most often, children's nervous tics are a temporary phenomenon, correct behavior parents helps them to disappear quite quickly, with the elimination of psychological stimuli.

Parents should not ignore the problem, hoping for its own resolution, the best solution would be a timely consultation with a doctor. Shouldn't be interrupted frequent blinking and make comments, it will aggravate the situation. It is necessary to identify and eliminate provoking factors, analyze family relationships and reconsider approaches to education, daily routine, nutrition, physical and mental stress. The key components in the fight against blinking are the presence of a healthy microclimate in the family, good rest child and a sense of proportion in mental and physical stress.

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Under the suppuration of the eyes in children means the presence of mucous discharge from the eyes of yellow or yellow-green color.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in a child

In addition to discharge from the eyes, other symptoms appear, which include:

  • dried purulent crusts on the eyelids and eyelashes
  • eye redness
  • lacrimation
  • swelling of the eyelids

Causes of purulent discharge from the eyes in children

Eye diseases that can cause purulent discharge from the eyes in newborns and infants:

Dacryocystitis of the newborn

Many children are born with poorly developed tear ducts. This means that the tear cannot flow properly into nasal cavity. Because of this, in lacrimal sac a secret accumulates from the eyes and inflammation begins. At the same time, the baby has watery and festering, as a rule, only one eye.

Treatment in the first 3 months of the child is carried out with medication. Anti-inflammatory drops are instilled and lacrimal sac massage is applied. In most cases, dacryocystitis resolves. Sometimes probing of the lacrimal ducts is necessary.

Neonatal conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye in the period of 28 days after birth is called neonatal conjunctivitis.

Bacteria that cause inflammation: Staphylococcus aureus, chlamydia, streptococcus, etc.

Gonococcal infection of the newborn

At gonococcal infection newborns have very abundant purulent discharge, with pronounced swelling of the eyelids. Possible damage to the cornea and the development of corneal ulcers.

Eye injury during childbirth

When pathological childbirth possible damage to the eyes, and infection of the eye.

Inadequate eye prophylaxis immediately after birth

Immediately after birth, newborns are instilled with special antiseptic drops for prevention. In the case when drops are not used, the risk of developing neonatal conjunctivitis is increased.

Inflammation of the maternal genital tract

Inflammation of the mother's genital tract leads to infection of the child and the appearance of signs of inflammation of the eyes.

Causes of purulent discharge from the eyes in pregnant women and children older than a year

SARS and influenza

The pus that may be present in your child's eyes may be due to a viral infection. Knowing causal factors, as well as how to deal with them, you can prevent the development purulent discharge from the eyes of a baby.


If your baby has a cold, he may develop sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). Important Symptoms: fever, pain in the forehead and eyes, lacrimation and suppuration of the eyes.


If your baby has a runny nose and you notice redness and small mucus yellow discharge maybe it's an allergy.


The eyes of a child and pregnant women often fester due to infectious inflammation. Inflammation can be caused by both bacteria and viruses. The symptoms of conjunctivitis begin in one eye and then spread to the other eye.

Festering eye during pregnancy

In a pregnant woman due to hormonal changes the conjunctiva becomes loose and there is more mucous discharge from the eyes. This can cause some discomfort when wearing contact lenses.

If you are pregnant and you are using contact lenses, pay attention to the discharge from the eyes. In the event of a discharge yellow color remove lenses and see a doctor.

Festering eyes in a child treatment

Situations that require immediate attention and medical care include the following symptoms:

  • severe swelling of the eyelids and very profuse purulent discharge
  • increase in body temperature
  • the child complains of decreased vision and pain in the eyes
  • child rubs eyes
  • eye redness and tearing

It is important to know that the spread of infection in children occurs very quickly and rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical help in a timely manner.

During treatment when using eye ointments and a drop for sure preliminary removal pus from the eye. Any types of medicines (drops and ointments) are effective only after washing the eye.

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