What chicken bones should not be given to a dog. What kind of bones can be given to dogs? Can I give my dog ​​fish bones?

Many owners mistakenly believe that bones are the best treat for dogs. Some types of solid food can occasionally be given to four-legged pets, but the animal does not need such a treat every day. With frequent receipt of "maslaks", thin tubular bones, there is a risk of damage to enamel, gums, which leads to pulpitis and tooth decay.

It is useful for owners to know which bones can be given to dogs, in what form: raw or boiled before use. An important point is the problems that four-legged pets have when getting sharp bones. Veterinarians advise dog owners to follow the rules so that the animal does not injure the intestines with fragments of gnawed bone or damage tooth enamel with the further development of pulpitis and the destruction of fangs.

Why do dogs have bones?

Most owners believe that the animal needs to satisfy the natural instinct to gnaw something. To some extent, the statement is correct. However, it must be remembered: the period of active growth of teeth and the replacement of milk units in dogs ends at six months. Next, you need to protect the dentition from the effects of negative factors. The sharp edges of the bones injure the gums, scratch the enamel, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes and tooth decay in dogs.

Another important point. Pathogenic bacteria penetrate into microcracks on the enamel and gums, pulpitis develops, teeth gradually deteriorate. If the owner also gives inappropriate foods, such as sweets, the process proceeds more actively, the accumulation of hard and soft plaque is added to the inflammation. Over time, a complex of problems develops in the animal's mouth, which are difficult to cope with.

So is it necessary to give dogs bones or are they of no use at all? Veterinarians do not advise completely abandoning this product. Bones are a natural source of calcium and phosphorus, and moderate consumption is beneficial. Meat and cartilage contain a large amount of amino acids and proteins, which is beneficial for the body of puppies and adult dogs.

Another plus in favor of the bones. While the pet is chewing on a beef hip joint or cartilage, the animal calms down, becomes less irritable, and finds something to its liking. You can give a bone if the animal cannot calm down in any way, jumps, is overexcited beyond measure, the pet can not wait to chew on something. Monotonous movements calm the dog, distract. It is important to catch the moment when there is no meat left on the bone in order to pick up the unwanted product in time, until the pet gnaws it.

It is important to select the "right" bones and prepare them in a special way. You also need to know what types of solid food harm the teeth and digestive tract of animals.

On the page, read the information on how to properly inject a dog intramuscularly and subcutaneously.

It is also forbidden to feed the animal:

  • turkey bones. The situation is the same as with thin chicken bones. Tubular elements with a cavity easily split into many fragments of various sizes, which injure all areas with which they come into contact. Internal bleeding is a dangerous phenomenon, against which you can lose a four-legged pet;
  • lamb bones. Reasons for the ban: high fat content of meat, the possibility of injury when a dog chews lamb ribs. Hardened refractory fat is harmful to the stomach of four-legged pets. Some owners give dogs a hip joint, but it is better to replace this product with "maslak" - beef bone;
  • fish bones. You should never feed your pet with river and sea fish, from which the bones are poorly removed. If a dog consumes boiled gobies or pike, in which the bones and ridge remain, then the consequences can be very serious for the health of the animal. Common problems after swallowing fish bones: sharp edges scratch the throat, the dog coughs, as if trying to push a foreign object out of the larynx. Other serious consequences: the accumulation of undigested residues plus intestinal obstruction, blockage of the stomach, rupture of internal organs. Even small bones can do great harm, not to mention large sharp elements.

Dogs need something to chew on. Bones from the pet store are a great option to satisfy the natural instinct. The natural solid product can be given once or twice a week, following the recommendations above. It is important that the bones for the dog are large, beef, with a small amount of meat and cartilage. If the pet eats boiled fish, then you need to carefully select all the bones so that the animal does not damage the gums, throat, and sections of the digestive tract. It is important to adhere to the ban on rabbit, chicken, turkey bones, otherwise health problems in the dog cannot be avoided.

For more useful information about what bones can and cannot be given to dogs, you can find out after watching the following video:

Most people are sure that a dog loves bones, therefore, having become the owner of an animal, such a treat is considered mandatory. At the same time, few people know how dangerous such food is for a dog, because not all types of bones can be eaten by a pet, some of them can cause great harm to the animal.

What harm can bones do

First you need to understand what a bone is in the understanding of a product for a dog. You should not offer a bare bone without meat to a pet, for the reason that by cracking it, it can only hurt your teeth. Another thing is if there is meat on the bone and the animal can gnaw it, having significantly sated and satisfied its hunger.

It is erroneous to think that a bone without meat helps to sharpen the teeth of dogs, because this is far from the case. The teeth grow in an animal for up to six months, after which the milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, which never change again during a dog's life. Whether they remain strong or wear off quickly depends on the quality of the animal's nutrition.

If you give him bones that damage the enamel, then the teeth will quickly disappear. The worst thing is if the soft tissue near the tooth (pulp) is damaged. A wound can form at the site of a scratch if harmful microorganisms get into it, a bacterial infection cannot be avoided, and it is very difficult to treat pulpitis in dogs.

Often dogs, trying to gnaw the bone, swallow its parts, and this is a great danger to the animal. So, a piece of bone can get stuck in the throat. You won’t be able to get it on your own, so you need the help of a surgeon. It is not uncommon for a bone to pass through the esophagus into the stomach and get stuck on its way to the intestines, causing constant vomiting. Again, the only way to save a pet is by performing an operation on it.

The worst thing is when part of the bone injures the intestine. To save the animal, you will first have to undergo surgical treatment, and then follow a very strict diet.

Fragments of bones are not always terrible, since the gastric juice produced in the stomach can digest the bone, but if there are a lot of them, they can be compressed, the intestines will not be able to empty and only an enema can help in this case. This complication is very common if the owner often feeds the dog bones.

Bones prohibited for consumption by animals

Among the forbidden bones, which in no case should be given to a dog, a special place is occupied by avian. They have a tubular shape, their fragments are very sharp, therefore they can easily pierce the dog's stomach.

A great danger is the fact that various diseases are very common among birds that infect the bones of the legs, harmful microorganisms are inside the hollow bone. By eating the meat of an infected chicken, a person will not become infected, but a huge amount of harmful microbes can enter the body of a dog that has bitten through a bone. Because of this, the animal may develop a toxic infection - a poisoning that can only be cured with antibiotics.

chicken bones after the dog chews them, they form many sharp fragments that can break her teeth and damage the gums, tongue or oral cavity. This is at best, as it is not uncommon for bones to become lodged in the esophagus, stomach, or intestines, causing bleeding or peritonitis, an infection that can be fatal.

Small rabbit bones, especially bones from the ribs, spinal column and hind legs, should not be given to the dog.

What bones can dogs eat

Bones are a source of calcium, phosphorus and other equally useful substances. For this reason, you should not completely abandon them, you just need to know which bones you can give your pet.

So the dog can be offered boiled bones. When they become soft, you can cook minced meat from them. You can add vegetables and vitamins to it for greater benefit. However, you should not give the dog a whole cooked neck or backbone of a bird, because they, like raw ones, broken into pieces, can greatly harm the dog's stomach.

It is important to remember that boiled bones are suitable for eating only if they are ground, because in the stomach, having digested and becoming one big lump, they can clog the intestines and, at best, vaseline suppositories will help the dog.

Pet can be offered beef bones, namely heads of the hip joints. After the dog gnaws all the meat from it, the maslak should be taken away, since trying to gnaw it, the dog can easily dislocate his jaw. The animal can also be offered to gnaw the meat from the ribs, but you need to make sure that the pet does not chew it and swallow it. Cartilaginous ribs can be given to a dog without fear, they cannot harm the animal.

Veterinarians also allow dogs to be given dried tripe, trachea, dried deer legs, and various store-bought sticks - bones. Tendon delicacies, pork ears and heels are very good for feeding the animal.

Benefits of Bones

In the diet of dogs, the presence of bones is desirable, because sometimes, especially when a puppy is 6 months old, he really wants to gnaw and bite something, and chewing, for example, a beef hip bone, he will be carried away by the activity and quickly calm down. The meat and cartilage that dogs gnaw from the bones are very useful, it is a source of protein and amino acids, which in turn regulate the growth of muscle mass, bones and is considered the main building material in the dog's body. Raw bones supply the dog's body with the necessary calcium and phosphorus.

At the same time, it is important to remember that although the sugar bone is a favorite product of dogs, it is still considered nothing more than a top dressing and treat in the dog’s diet.

Most people think stereotypes: they say that all cats drink milk and eat fish, and dogs should mostly be offered bones. Although many bones are dangerous - their fragments can accumulate in the intestines and stomach for more than one year, harm the pet's health and even cause death. From the article you will find out whether it is possible to give bones to a dog, and if so, which ones.

It is impossible not to say about the benefits of eating bone products in domestic dogs. Allowed bones should be given to puppies from 6 months of age, as they have a need to chew on something. When choosing a beef hip bone, the baby will be able to get carried away with the process and enjoy it. Meat and cartilage are sources of protein and amino acids that are responsible for regulating the growth of muscle mass and bones. Protein is not only a building material for the human body, but also for dogs. If you feed your pet with sometimes acceptable raw bones, the body will receive enough phosphorus, as well as calcium.

Video "What bones can and cannot be given to a dog"

In this video, a specialist will talk about the types of bones that are allowed and prohibited for dogs.

Possible danger of use

Many, based on the "grandmother's" experience, when the dog regularly ate a chicken bone product and lived to a respectable age, do the same with their pet.

However, it is worth talking about the consequences of feeding dogs with bones belonging to different animals and birds.

These are injuries of the pharynx, when the bones damage the numerous vessels of the vocal cords. Another dangerous damage to the trachea, which is fraught with blood loss and even death. Asphyxia is still possible, especially if the bones get stuck in the gaps between the chewing teeth, and the unfortunate animal chokes on saliva. Vomiting and further dehydration if the pet swallows a large bone stuck in the stomach. Usually in such cases, the only way to help is with the help of a surgical operation.

Also, the accumulation of bones in the stomach is not excluded, from which many stray dogs die. If the fragment passes through the pharynx and stomach, they speak of perforation of the small intestine. This is a dangerous injury, fraught with severe blood loss and necrosis. You should also be wary of blockage of the large intestine, as a result of which the process of defecation is accompanied by pain, bleeding is possible.

What bones should not be given

Tubular chicken

If we talk about a tubular product obtained from chickens, then it will be harmful if the animal, through the fault of the owner, decides to eat the bones of both domestic and factory poultry. Bones of this type are found in the thighs and wings. When biting tubular bones for dogs, they are dangerous because sharp fragments are formed that can pierce the intestines and cause perforation and even peritonitis. Sometimes in such cases, dogs are saved by performing an operation on time.


The turkey is a large poultry that is slaughtered at the age of 2 to 3 years. This explains why dogs should not be offered her bones - they are already well established. The tubular bones of this bird are located in the paws, wings and thighs. If a pet decides to eat turkey bones, he is guaranteed to damage his teeth, get a perforation, that is, damage to the intestinal walls.


Just as dangerous if a dog ate a chicken bone at home, eating goose can also harm its health. Since goose bones are comparable in danger to duck bones - they are well-formed, large, when chewed, fragments with sharp edges appear that injure the intestines of the animal. Even birds are characterized by diseases that infect the limbs.

A rabbit

If you really want to treat your pet with rabbit meat, it is recommended to use meat with cartilage elements. Rabbit bones are not given to dogs, they are small and have dangerous sharp edges, especially obtained from the hind legs, as well as the ribs and spine.

Also, dogs do not need to be fed a boiled beef or pork bone product. Such bones tend to make a dense lump and clog the intestines. It is not necessary to introduce softened bones from aspic into the diet, otherwise the pet will have to be saved on the operating table.

What to eat in moderation

Separately, we will tell you what bones can be given to dogs.

Boiled ones are rarely used and only soft and ground to a state of minced meat. In order for the pet's body to receive useful elements, it is recommended to add vegetables and vitamins to the dish.

Just do not offer the dog a whole cooked neck, or the backbone of a poultry.

Also suitable beef heads of the hip joints. When the dog gnaws the meat, the maslak is taken away so that when trying to gnaw it, the dog does not dislocate its jaw. You can allow the dog to gnaw meat from the ribs, but not to gnaw the bones or swallow them. Allowed and healthy are such types of food as dried tripe, dried deer legs, trachea and purchased bones, that is, sticks. Tendon treats may be present in the diet, as well as pig ears and heels.

Beginning dog owners and experienced kennel owners are wondering if puppies, teens and adult dogs should be given bones? Let's figure out in what form they are safe for a pet and how often they can be offered to pets?

Arguments for

Experienced owners and breeders are unanimous and say that raw bones can and should be given to dogs. Our pets are descended from wolves. They are only 0.02% different in genotype from their older brothers. When wolves pack their prey, for example, a deer, the leader with his female is the first to saturate, and then other members of the pack come up. With pleasure, predators eat meat and entrails, and finally gnaw the bones, bury them. Having feasted for a day, the flock knows that there may not be a large prey for a week.

If you want to treat your pet with bones, remember that you need to give them raw. When cooked, they become brittle and there is a high risk of scratching the stomach or esophagus. In addition, useful substances are digested from the bones, they remain in the broth. You can cook it on the bones, but discard the boiled bones.

The soft bones will not damage the pet. This is how they become when they are extinguished for a long time. For example, small fish or chickens, etc., but they are of little use. It is better to purchase an electric meat grinder, scroll the necks through it and add them to cereals along with vegetables and vitamins.

Give the dog flat beef bones and the more meat on them, the better. Take the moslaki or hip bones after the pet gnaws on the remains of meat and the cartilaginous layer. Boil the broth on them, and discard the bones. If you leave Moslaks to a puppy, he may chew them so hard that he will dislocate his jaw. Better let it gnaw and take it.

Babies can be given lamb or beef spongy bones. Here it is important that it be a calf, a lamb. Then the bones are not too hard. Otherwise, when they break, they have hard edges and can injure the esophagus or stomach.

Consider the arguments why raw bones are good for our pets:

Dogs have a higher acidity in their stomachs than humans because their stomachs are adapted to digest raw bones. It is best to give the bones whole, cutting into the joints, do not crush them.

Arguments against

Unfortunately, bone fragments can accumulate in a pet's stomach or intestines for years. It happens that they stray into a ball, which interferes with the digestion of other food. You will not understand why, but one day a pet may die from a small tubular bone that will pierce his stomach. Bleeding will begin and if you do not urgently take the dog to the doctor, do not perform an operation, he will die.

Remember which bones a pet is strictly forbidden to:

Boil porridge on any bones, except for pork (you can not give pork). Throw out the bones, leave the cartilage.

Important! Pets should not be given boiled necks or spines from any of the birds. They are fragile and break up into many sharp fragments that can injure the esophagus with the pet's stomach.

What else can be consequences after eating bones by a dog? Consider common injuries:

  1. If the dog swallows a sharp tubular bone, it can scratch the mucous membranes and even pierce the throat. There will be heavy bleeding.
  2. If, when swallowing a bone, it damages the trachea, this can be fatal for the dog. There were cases that the owners even immediately took the pet to the veterinarian, but he lost too much blood or choked and died in their arms.
  3. Asphyxia. If a small bone gets stuck between the teeth, the dog will reflexively release a lot of saliva. There were cases when pets choked on their own liquid. If you do not notice what is happening to the dog and do not pull out the stuck bone, he will die from suffocation. Often the spine of a turkey, goose, duck will get stuck in this way and the dog dies from suffocation.
  4. Is your pet vomiting? Take him to the vet immediately. This could be a sign that he has a rather large piece of bone stuck in his stomach. Reflex desire to remove it from the stomach along with the vomit, but unfortunately it is too large and does not go away. The pet becomes dehydrated after frequent vomiting. You can pull out the bone only by operating on your pet.
  5. Bones, along with fragments, can accumulate in the stomach and clog it. Many stray dogs die from this. They do not eat properly and the acidity of the gastric juice in their stomachs drops. Bones do not dissolve and are not excreted from the body naturally through the intestines. "Lump with needles" clogs the stomach and requires surgery. The dog will die from internal bleeding or obstruction. The veterinarian can open the intestines, get bones with fragments, but then the dog will have a long rehabilitation period.
  6. It happens that the large intestine is clogged. This happens when bones in a semi-digested form accumulate in the large intestine, forming a kind of plug. Your dog will feel pain while defecating. This may be accompanied by bleeding. Veterinarians note that in those dogs that are often fed any bones, there is just such a blockage in the intestines.

Bones contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus. They are digested well in raw form, digested by gastric juice. There are no other nutrients. Cartilage is more useful in its raw form, but they can also be given boiled with buckwheat, rice, oatmeal porridge (others are less useful).

If you want to treat your pet with tasty and nutritious bones, then buy those with more meat and offer them only raw. Boiled it can be chicken necks twisted in an electric meat grinder or very soft from rabbit or chicken, etc. stew. Boiled tubular bones are strictly forbidden for dogs.

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Is it possible to give bones to a dog, why they are given, from which farm animals they are suitable, which ones will be optimal, and which ones can be harmful. Let's find out together.

Why are dogs allowed to gnaw bones, are they useful or not?

As a food product, they are ineffective for a dog. They are low-calorie, are absorbed by the body very poorly, most of them domestic dogs are simply not able to digest. Even well-boiled bones are dangerous for the animal. When eaten, they are crushed by the teeth, a large number of them can cause blockage of the intestines. It’s good if you manage with treatment - laxatives, enemas, etc. In case of an unfavorable course, this is an operation. But when acquiring a puppy, many owners immediately have a picture in their head - the dog gnaws a bone. So can dogs be given bones?

It is worth noting that they are suitable for making broth, especially large beef moss. An excellent porridge is then prepared on the broth. These bones have a lot of cartilaginous tissue, collagen fibers, and remnants of meat. This is why dogs love to chew on bones - because of their usefulness - the presence of collagen and cartilage. Usually, in their pure form, these products rarely get to them and instincts work. Dogs love to chew on them. The bone itself remains almost intact. This eliminates known risks.

At what age can a puppy eat a bone?

Can a puppy be given bones? Only veal, namely, the shoulder blade with cartilage, the sternum and pseudoribs. They are rich in chondrin and collagen.

It is recommended to enter into the diet from 3 months. After the start of the process of changing teeth. As the main food they are not suitable. Can be used as a toy with a pleasant taste from 2 months. It is important to ensure that there are no chips on the bones that the pet can get hurt on. The edges should be round and not broken. Problems can arise if the animal eats a small bone. A whole, rounded shape, with the remains of cartilage and ligaments, the bone will benefit the puppy. Especially when teeth change, he will gnaw on it, not furniture.

Older individuals can be given crosses of 1-2 year old bulls or calves.

Which animal bones can and cannot be given?

Let's find out what kind of bones can be given to dogs, and why?


The bones of old cows are yellowish and have a lot of beef fat on them. The bones of young individuals are white and practically free of fat. Here's what to remember when going to the market. Perfectly fit pseudo-ribs, sternum, shoulder blade. Medium and large breeds are very fond of the ridge. Veal heads can also be attributed to the bones. Boiled, this is a great dish for a dog. Here is the meat of the chewing muscles (cheeks), facial muscles, lips, nostrils, nasal septa (cartilage), brain. It is important to remove the wool after cooking. It separates easily. Do not pluck, but rather roll. Before cooking, cut the head in half along the axis of the skull. Pitching is not recommended - the smell of burning will remain.


These bones, like the pork itself, are very fatty. In addition, they are porous, because they mainly kill young individuals. Dogs eat such bones almost completely. Is it ok to give a dog pork bones with these characteristics? No. It is worth noting that the pork snout consists of cartilage, muscles and skin. Here it can be given 1-2 times a week raw. Freeze before feeding!


Bird bones should not be given to dogs at all. And that's why dogs shouldn't be given chicken bones. They are thin, soft, there is a lot of meat and cartilage left on them, and dogs willingly eat them. If they simply gnaw large beef bones, and leave the bones themselves, then birds can eat in large quantities (necks, wings, skeletons, heads) and completely. This is very harmful and dangerous. The very quality of the bones, like factory broiler chicken, is questionable.


Turkey bones differ from chicken bones only in size. All recommendations will be the same as for chicken bones.

A rabbit

Rabbit bones are very small and many tubular. As a delicacy, you can give the spine and pelvis to large dogs. Infrequently. The head deserves special attention, most dogs do not eat teeth and leave them.


These bones, like veal bones, are very good. But you should follow the same precautions as with the rest of the bones for your animal. It is not recommended to take them as the basis of the diet.

Moose, roe deer, wild boar

They must be deeply frozen and then be sure to boil well. The threat of trichinosis is much higher. Given the risks, each owner decides for himself. If you chose them, then follow the same recommendations as described above.

Artificial bones to strengthen and clean teeth - the benefits and harms

Chewable (gelatinous)

They are a safe toy. Puppies willingly gnaw it when changing teeth. Manufacturers produce for specific groups of breeds. But it is not always clear how chewing bones for dogs are made, here you should also choose a manufacturer, with an eye to his reputation. Excessive feeding is fraught with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.


They are a simple pet toy like a ball, a rubber pig or a chicken. Great for leisure. When choosing in a store, it is recommended to ask for a certificate of quality and safety of a rubber product. The choice of color and size is up to you.

Pressed from veins (tendons)

The most useful type of artificial bones. They are more expensive, but they are more useful. They contain natural chondrin. It is very useful for puppies and adult animals. It is important not to overfeed the animal with this product. He is very fond of dogs. It becomes one of my favorite treats. The veins in them are treated with steam and crushed before pressing. They are safe, but in large quantities they will become harmful.

Raw bones - useful or not?

These bones contain the most useful substances. Can I give my dog ​​raw bones? - yes, but only pre-frozen. Properly selected bones, as described above, will be useful.

Is it possible to cook mosl, are they digested in a boiled form in the stomach of a dog?

Moslov makes an excellent broth for making porridge from any cereal. But the mosls themselves as food will bring harm. With prolonged cooking, they become porous and can be easily chewed. Only the bone itself will remain, the dog will eat the skewers (roundness at the edges). But the animal will digest such food very poorly. Also, the feces will be with the remnants of bone mass. In the end, everything will end with a blockage and an operation. The nutritional quality of such a diet is very low.

Which breeds of dogs can be fed with bones, and which ones can't?

Small breeds do not have such physical data and bones are contraindicated for them. Such dogs often have problems with their teeth - another reason for minus giving bones. The animal industry produces various artificial options for them. It is very good sometimes to give a pressed appearance from strands of suitable size. Gelatinous ones are less nutritious.

Possible dangerous consequences

The dog, when eating the bones, gnaws them and enough into small pieces. But it is very difficult for the body to digest them. A semi-digested porous mass accumulates. The result is difficult excretion of feces, the appearance of an admixture of blood. If the bones continue to be absorbed in the same amount, then the intestines become clogged. If you turn to the veterinarian in time, you can get by with a deep enema and laxatives. Then you need a strict diet.

If the blockage is so large that it cannot be washed out, or there are several foci, there is only one way out - an operation. Ultrasound will show everything. In a critical case, necrosis of the intestinal wall may occur due to circulatory disorders. This applies to everyone, even dogs of the largest breeds. With a favorable outcome of the operation, rehabilitation lasts a long time.

It is much more dangerous when a sharp piece of bone pierces the intestines or stomach, and sometimes in several places (the intestines are looped). The likelihood of peritonitis is very high. Surgery is inevitable. Treatment will include very powerful antibiotics.

Older dogs may have dental problems. Bones carry a high load for them.

Also, a pet can choke on a piece of bone, but this happens extremely rarely.

What bones do dogs like and why?

sugar brain

These are large, juicy bones of young farm animals. They are white in color, and the bone tissue of the skewers is relatively soft and well saturated with blood vessels. Lots of bone marrow. They are fairly easy to chew on. The amount of cartilage is high and it easily separates from the body of the bone. The porous structure of the skewers is well digested by large dogs and they are not visible in the feces. With constant feeding, problems can arise.

Beef ribs with meat leftovers

The intercostal muscles are very nutritious and palatable. The animals themselves willingly eat the ribs whole (young agricultural animals). This is especially true for pseudo-ribs.

with cartilage

Cartilage carries a large amount of collagen and chondrin to the dog. It is a building material for joints and tendons. It is useful for growing cheeks, for adults to keep in shape, for the elderly for prevention. All categories love them. Most of the cartilage is on the sternum, pseudoribs (extreme ribs not fused with the sternum), shoulder blades. A lot of cartilaginous tissue in veal heads, pig snout.

Useful tips for introducing bones into the diet depending on the breed

  1. Puppies should be given bones from the moment they start changing teeth.
  2. The bones must be of young agricultural animals and frozen.
  3. Chips and sharp edges are not allowed.
  4. Bones are given 2-3 times a week.
  5. As the basis of the diet, they are not suitable.
  6. The most useful are breast bone, pseudo-ribs, veal heads (boiled).
  7. Chicken bones are extremely dangerous (necks are an exception).
  8. Natural bones are not recommended for small breeds.
  9. Of the artificial, the most useful of the pressed veins. Gelatinous - just a treat. Rubber - a toy.
  10. The bones must be fresh, from young farm animals, white in color and without fat.


With the right choice of bones, they will benefit the dog. If the above recommendations are not followed, the consequences can be catastrophic. Natural bones are recommended for medium and large breeds, artificial bones for small ones. Bones must be fresh and from young farm animals, deep frozen. The best option is pseudo-ribs, sternum, shoulder blade with cartilage, boiled veal heads chopped along the axis.

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