Causes of salivation in dogs. Excessive salivation in a dog: causes and what to do

Our four-legged friends, just like their owners, have a salivary fluid that the body produces for one reason or another. However, it happens that the pet's saliva flows constantly, which begins to burden its owner. Let's analyze the situation and think why do dogs drool and what can be done to reduce their exposure.

The main reasons why a dog drools

There are a number of reasons why salivation occurs, or scientifically - salivation.

  • Breed sign.

Indeed, some breeds have a breed predisposition to drooling. These animals include: Caucasian Shepherd breed, mastiff, german boxer, basset, sharpei, etc.

  • Ear diseases.

Of all the salivary glands: sublingual, zygomatic, submandibular, and parotid, the latter produce the most salivary fluid. Therefore, any injuries and diseases of the ears lead to increased production of saliva. Diseases include various kinds of fungi, otitis, inflammation, ulcers.

  • Infections.

It is not difficult to detect an infection, as a rule, in addition to abundant salivation, the pet becomes lethargic, refusal to eat, and involuntary urination may occur. Body temperature may be elevated as the immune system begins to fight the virus. It is worth noting that it is not possible for an animal to defeat the virus on its own, therefore the only right decision is to immediately show your pet to a veterinarian who, based on the symptoms, and possibly clinical tests, will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

  • Oral cavity problems.

These problems include diseases of the teeth, gums and their injuries. They are, in most cases, the answer to the question of why the dog is drooling. caries, stomatitis and even ordinary tartar in dogs can lead to the appearance of saliva, which will work on the principle of an antiseptic on a sore spot. Nevertheless, a trip to the veterinarian is mandatory, because by identifying the cause, it will be possible to eliminate it, and therefore, to minimize salivation. For example, if an animal eats and spits out food, rubs its mouth with its paw, bites gently, delays the process of eating, then something is wrong. Inspection of the mouth may reveal either a foreign object stuck between the teeth, or a damaged gum, or dark yellow teeth (dental calculus). The smell will also help to understand that something is wrong with the oral cavity.

The presence of blood in saliva indicates some kind of trauma to the tissues of the mouth.

  • Poisoning.

The animal may be poisoned. As a subject of poisoning, there can be: food not intended for a quadruped (chocolate and other sweets), stale food, household chemicals, fruits, plants, etc. Poisoning can occur both at home and on a walk. It is not difficult to identify it, the pet secretes abundant thick saliva.

  • Hormonal disorders.

Cause, why do dogs drool girls, may be hiding in a hormonal disorder. Some owners, not engaged in breeding, do not carry out the operation of castration of the animal. Accordingly, there is a risk of hormonal failure and cancer.

  • Problems of internal organs and chronic diseases.

When a pet has this or that disease that begins to affect the internal organs: kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and the like, increased salivation may be a side effect. This is especially true in adult animals.

  • animal hyperactivity.

If the animal does not fully expend its energy during the whole day, it becomes easily excitable. First of all, decorative breeds belong to such breeds, however, individuals can also come across among large dogs. A number of individuals from the abundance of emotions bark, others make a puddle, others rush headlong. And there are animals that just salivate.

  • Animals that are easily stressed.

Some pets easily panic, stress. The body's defense reaction to this is simple - a copious amount of saliva is secreted. For example, without accustoming a pet to a closed space - a carrier in puppyhood, you can eventually get a dog that is afraid of closed doors, elevators and the same carrier. Some are afraid of loud noises, new terrain, other four-legged relatives.

What should I do if my dog ​​is drooling?

Consider the case when the breed of a family friend does not provide for profuse salivation. In this case, the actions of the host are simple:

  1. It is necessary to observe the animal, to see if there are any other features of behavior or food intake that have not been observed before;
  2. Conduct an examination of the ears and auricles, suddenly ear mites in dogs or some other disease. As a rule, with sore ears, the dog will squeal when touched or regularly try to scratch them with his paw;
  3. If the dog is a girl, remember when the last time was in heat;
  4. Pay attention to the chair. In case of poisoning, there may be diarrhea;
  5. Check the integrity of the teeth and the presence of wounds in the mouth;
  6. For easily stressed individuals, expand the social circle, reveal hidden complexes and try to eliminate them either on your own or with the involvement of an experienced training instructor;
  7. Visit a veterinarian.

If your dog greets you with a mouthful of drool, then this may be normal, but it can also be a sign of a health problem. Excessive salivation is called hypersalivation. In the event that you are the owner of a dog with a saggy lip, for example, a mastiff, then excessive saliva production is normal. Such a copious discharge is due to the structure of the face, but not to medical problems. However, in other cases, this profuse salivation in dogs may be a reason to visit a veterinarian.

If your dog suffers from a fear of thunderstorms, or is having a hard time with separation, then it is normal to salivate in large quantities. at these moments, the animal experiences stress and a feeling of fear, which is accompanied by the release of saliva. Other cases when saliva can profusely stand out - the desire to enjoy delicious food. Remember, you've probably also salivated at some point when you thought about food. The same is with the dog, if, for example, she hears the smell of meat or just hot dogs, the process of salivation may begin.

Often causes of excessive salivation are located in the oral cavity of the animal. The culprits of this process can be inflammation of the gums, mouth ulcers, tumors, cuts and abscesses. Carefully examine the animal's mouth and try to determine if the above symptoms are present in the oral cavity. If you find something like this, be sure to seek the advice of a veterinarian. Note that salivation in dogs can also be caused by dental problems.

Stomach upset

Problems with the stomach or digestive tract are another common problem that can cause this problem. A banal trip in a car can cause so-called. seasickness, which can provoke indigestion and lead to the release of saliva in an unnaturally large amount. Among other things, salivation can be a sign of more serious problems, such as hernias or tumors in the stomach or other areas of the animal's digestive system.

What did your dog eat?

If your pet likes to chew on various things or objects that are not intended for nutrition, then toxins that have entered the body from foreign objects may be the cause of saliva. In addition, drugs can also cause a similar reaction in the body, and even certain herbs, such as poinsettia, which are very toxic. Do not forget about other dangers: spiders and snakes. Their bites often provoke profuse salivation.

More serious problems

One of the most serious diseases in which there is excessive salivation in dogs- frenzy. With this disease, saliva is secreted in the form of foam. If your dog has been in contact with a wild animal, be sure to seek the advice of a veterinarian. Take care of the timely vaccination of the animal! Other causes of salivation can be: botulism, tetanus, neurological diseases, convulsions.

When to contact the veterinarian?

If profuse salivation is unnatural for your dog, then you need to contact your veterinarian immediately, because drooling may be a sign of another, more complex disease!

Many dog ​​owners notice profuse salivation in their pets. This symptom in some cases indicates the presence of diseases. To understand the reason why a dog is drooling, you need to follow your pet and see exactly when he begins to salivate.

Normal volume of saliva

Saliva in dogs is a colorless liquid that is produced by the salivary glands (parotid, zygomatic, sublingual, and submandibular). It wets the mouth, glues the chewed food and makes it easier to swallow. In addition, this liquid helps to cleanse the oral cavity, as it has a bactericidal effect.

On average, a medium-sized dog produces about 1 liter of saliva per day. This numerical value is considered normal. The animal may produce more saliva. For example, this happens when eating dry food. They cause increased salivation. However, there may be another reason.

Drooling before or after eating

Why does a dog drool is a question that many pet owners ask. A pet's saliva is more actively produced at those moments when he begins to realize that he will soon receive a portion of his favorite food. For example, the owner opens a bag or opens a tin of food. The pet hears this familiar sound, which serves as a signal that it is time to eat. Profuse salivation at such moments and when the pet eats is a natural process.

A piece of food stuck in the teeth or a bone stuck in the soft tissues of the oral cavity can provoke the production of saliva. In such cases, it is worth examining the pet's mouth, removing a foreign object on its own, or seeking help from specialists.

Dependence of salivation on the breed

Increased secretion of saliva in some dogs is normal. This applies to the following breeds:

  • basset hound (short-legged hound with massive paws and long ears);
  • German boxer (large stocky smooth-haired animal);
  • English mastiff (great dog).

In the above breeds, excessive salivation cannot be eliminated. An unpleasant symptom is not treatable. The cause of salivation is associated with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. When purchasing a Basset Hound, German Boxer or English Mastiff, this is worth considering.

Travel and stressful situations

Some dogs are happy to ride in a car, while others fall into a stupor at the form of transport. The fact is that some animals get sick during trips. In pets, the general condition becomes oppressed. There is nausea. Breathing quickens, and saliva, foam begins to flow.

The problem of motion sickness often disappears with age. The vestibular apparatus improves as the pet grows and develops. If salivation while traveling in a car is observed in an adult dog, then you should contact your veterinarian. The specialist will recommend drugs that prevent motion sickness:

  • flightfit;
  • graying;
  • bubbled;
  • aeron etc.

You can't do anything without a doctor's prescription.

Dogs deal with stressful situations in different ways. For example, someone makes a puddle of fear, and someone starts barking loudly and drooling. To prevent salivation, you need to strengthen the nervous system of your pet: walk with him more often, introduce him to other dogs and people.

Viruses and poisoning

If the dog does not eat his favorite food and does not play, he may be sick with something. The reason may be a viral infection. The body temperature rises, the general condition worsens. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, therefore, if suspicious symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Viruses are life-threatening. This is especially true for rabies. With this infectious disease, animals become very restless. They lose sleep. Swallowing becomes difficult, saliva, foam begin to stand out. Then paralysis develops, and after a while death occurs.

Sometimes saliva begins to stand out strongly due to poisoning. For example, a four-legged friend may steal spoiled food from the trash can or find some kind of waste on the street while walking. Such food that enters the stomach will irritate the digestive tract. As a result, salivation will increase. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur. In such cases, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian. He will tell you what to do.

Diseases and pathologies

Very often, abundant production of saliva is associated with stomatitis. This term refers to the inflammatory process, covering the gums, the mucous membrane of the mouth, the surface of the tongue. The causes of stomatitis development are associated with bacterial infections, injuries, burns, caries. With symptoms of this disease, the pet should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible.

Another common disease is periodontal disease. It occurs in every third dog. Most often, periodontal disease is detected in older pets. With an illness, the tissues that hold the tooth in the bone become inflamed. Due to periodontal disease, profuse salivation begins, an unpleasant odor from the mouth appears. Appropriate treatment will eliminate these symptoms.

Animals often have misaligned bites. This pathology of the mouth makes it difficult to receive and chew food. Incorrectly positioned teeth injure the mucous membrane, tongue and gums. As a result, drooling begins to stand out strongly. The bite can be corrected, because in veterinary dentistry there is such a direction as orthodontics.

It is relatively rare for dogs to develop inflammation of the salivary glands. However, owners should still keep this disease in mind. In sick animals, the area in the area of ​​​​localization of any gland swells, the temperature rises, food cravings disappear and profuse salivation occurs.

If there are no irritating factors and suspicious signs, and saliva flows profusely, then you should contact the veterinary clinic and show the pet to specialists. Perhaps the animal has some kind of disease that is asymptomatic. An examination will be required. Only after it, veterinarians will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It is not uncommon for a dog owner to notice that his pet is salivating profusely. This cannot but cause concern, since hypersalivation in many cases is associated with pathological changes occurring in the dog's body.

Causes of hypersalivation

Saliva is the secret of the salivary glands (sublingual, parotid, submandibular), entering the mouth. It is a colorless transparent liquid. The role of saliva lies in the antibacterial action, protection of the oral cavity from the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria due to the content of antiviral elements in it.

In addition, it helps dogs digest food, moistens hard pieces before swallowing.

The norm for the production of saliva is 1 liter per day (for a medium-sized dog), but when fed with dry food, more is released. Excess volume indicates dysfunction of the glands responsible for secretion production. A number of factors contribute to this:

  1. Dental diseases. Caries, stomatitis, tartar, periodontal disease cause pain, which the body tries to neutralize through abundant saliva.
  2. Dislocation of the jaw. The dog cannot close its mouth, causing saliva to constantly flow.
  3. Ear diseases. Near the auricles are large parotid glands, which contribute to the production of saliva. In the presence of injuries, inflammations, tumors of a fungal infection in the ears, the glands begin to intensively produce a secret.
  4. Viral infections - rabies, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, canine distemper. These are very dangerous diseases that threaten not only the dog, but also its owner.
  5. Chronic pathologies - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, ulcers, tumors, gastritis
  6. Gynecological disorders, for example, diseases of the uterus.
  7. Poisoning, botulism. A dog can get poisoned by low-quality or heavy foods (fatty meat, sweets), toxic substances (poison, household chemicals), garbage, etc. Penetrating into the stomach, toxic substances irritate the organ and cause the outflow of bile and gastric juice.
  8. Licking and eating certain types of lizards, toads.
  9. Stress. A change of residence, separation from the owner, the appearance of another pet in the house, and even a simple trip to the veterinary clinic by car can cause severe psycho-emotional stress and, as a result, hypersalivation.
  10. Heatstroke. From overheating, evaporation of saliva occurs, which activates the processes of thermoregulation, increased blood supply to the tongue and hypersalivation.
  11. Helminthiasis. With helminthic invasion, salivation is accompanied by vomiting.
  12. Portosystemic shunt.
  13. Epilepsy. Drooling is usually a precursor to an epileptic seizure.
  14. Traumatic brain injury.
  15. Insect bites if the dog tries to eat them.
  16. Tumors, cysts of the salivary glands or oral cavity.
  17. Diseases of the immune system.

Veterinarians also note a number of causes of hypersalivation that are not associated with pathological processes. For example, salivation can be caused by a foreign body entering the oral cavity - fragments of bones, branches, etc. In females, abundant saliva is secreted during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance. In puppies, hypersalivation is observed during the period of changing teeth.

Many owners notice increased salivation in a dog when trying to give her a drug. And finally, the activity of the salivary glands is activated before eating, after excessive physical exertion - these are normal phenomena that do not require medical intervention.

Which breeds are more susceptible

In representatives of some breeds, hypersalivation is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. These are dogs with massive muzzles, loose, fleshy beaks and shortened jaws:

  • sharpei;
  • maltese;
  • bulldogs;
  • boxers;
  • St. Bernards;
  • Newfoundlands;
  • mastiffs,
  • great danes;
  • Caucasian Shepherds;
  • bloodhounds.

Such dogs drool for any reason: in cold and heat, before eating, from joy or excitement. Often they can see saliva during sleep. The phenomenon, which is called false ptyalism, is not considered a serious shortcoming of the breed, however, many breeders try not to allow too “loose” dogs to be bred.

When choosing a puppy, it is advisable to pay attention to his parents. If they constantly salivate and dirty everything around, then their babies will be the same. In this case, it remains only to accept and constantly wipe the dog's face.

Main symptoms

The signs leading to hypersalivation are varied, therefore, the clinical picture will vary. So, a decrease in appetite, careful and slow absorption of food, itching in the jaw area, and a lowered head speak of dental problems. The dog constantly whines, growls, including at the owner, and responds inadequately to touching the muzzle.

In case of poisoning, the dog is very thirsty, he is tormented by vomiting and diarrhea. Often he has a fever, blanching of the mucous membranes. Saliva is thick.

Viral infections are characterized by a sharp decrease in appetite, lethargy, apathy, fever, increased thirst.

In any case, if hypersalivation appears in combination with other signs, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Diagnostics in the veterinary clinic

When contacting a specialist, the owner should tell in detail about the dog's lifestyle, the features of keeping and feeding, contacts with other animals, medications used recently, and other symptoms. The task of the veterinarian is to differentiate ordinary salivation from salivation, accompanied by vomiting and smacking.

To diagnose the disease, the veterinarian will conduct a complete neurological and physical examination of the animal (special attention - the mouth and neck) and diagnostic studies, including a complete blood count (general, biochemical), urine, feces, ultrasound, X-ray, biopsy ( with suspected disorders of the immune system), swabs from the mucous membranes.

Method of treatment and prognosis

There is no single treatment regimen for hypersalivation. After establishing the cause that caused the abundant secretion of saliva, the doctor develops it individually, based on the diagnosis, the state of health of the animal, age, and so on.

Dental diseases and tumors are treated with teeth cleaning and surgery. Removal of a foreign body, if the owner could not get it at home, may require the use of anesthesia, sedation. For the treatment of infections of the oral cavity, inflammatory diseases, antibiotics, antiviral drugs are used.

If the dog's drooling is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, supportive therapy is prescribed with adjustment of nutrition and fluid administration.

As for the prognosis, it all depends on the root cause. If hypersalivation was caused by such a dangerous disease as rabies, which is not treated, then the prognosis is unfavorable.

What to do at home

The first thing an owner should do when he notices atypical salivation in his pet is to carefully examine the oral cavity. Perhaps there is a foreign body stuck there that needs to be removed. If a wound has formed in the mouth, it should be disinfected. The help of a veterinarian may be required only in case of suppuration of the wound.

If profuse salivation in a dog is observed before eating or after excessive physical exertion, then the owner does not need to do anything. As soon as the pet eats or calms down, the process of abundant salivation will stop.

With the stress caused by traveling in a car, you need to accustom your dog to travel. It is better to start with small distances, gradually increasing them. This trains the vestibular apparatus of the animal. A four-legged pet will eventually understand that a trip by car does not threaten him with anything terrible.

It happens that the dog is very nervous at exhibitions. In such cases, it is desirable to walk him more often, introduce him to other people and animals, change the situation. It is advisable to resort to the help of a cynologist. If the situation is difficult, the veterinarian may prescribe sedatives, homeopathic remedies, herbal decoctions.

If the owner is sure that the dog is poisoned, he can give her first aid with products intended for people. Suitable activated carbon, Enterosgel. However, if the symptoms of poisoning persist, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian.

Small puppies always gnaw on something during the period of changing teeth, as a result of which saliva constantly flows from their mouths. No worries. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. When the milk teeth are replaced by the molars and the gums stop bothering the baby, excessive salivation will stop. The only way the owner can help the puppy is to provide him with as many toys as possible that he can chew on.

Prevention measures

If the owner notices incessant profuse salivation in the dog, you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic. The sooner a visit to the veterinarian is made, the higher the chances of a full recovery of the animal.

Salivation is quite common in dogs., but if it is plentiful and does not stop for a long time, then this is a reason to start sounding the alarm. Basically, excessive salivation is a symptom of diseases caused by various causes themselves. This article describes the main causes of salivation in dogs, as well as recommendations for actions for pet owners in such cases.

Normal salivation in dogs

The saliva of dogs in the form of a colorless liquid is produced by special salivary glands, it is necessary for chewing food and facilitating the swallowing of food, it also cleanses the oral cavity of bacteria. Thus, salivation is a common occurrence in dogs, the normal rate for an average build is an average of one liter per day. Saliva is produced, as a rule, during meals, but there may be other reasons, which will be discussed later.

The main causes of excessive salivation

  1. Problems in the mouth, are one of the most common causes of excessive salivation in pets. Such diseases of the teeth, such as caries, stomatitis, and tartar cause severe pain and inflammation, which the dog's body tries to anesthetize by salivating abundantly. Also, the presence of a foreign object in the oral cavity can be the cause of abundant salivation, it can be a stuck bone or branch, etc. So in case of such phenomena, it is recommended to look at your pet's mouth and if a foreign object is found, remove it and then treat the wound with a disinfectant . The allocation of saliva with blood with a high degree of probability indicates that the dog's tongue or palate is injured. The main evidence of the presence of problems in the animal's oral cavity are: caution, slowness in eating, plaintive groaning, frequent position of the head down, abnormal reaction to human touch.
  2. Various injuries and diseases of the ears can also cause profuse salivation in these animals, the fact is that parotid glands, which are quite large in size, are located next to the ears. The main function of these glands is the production of a colorless liquid called saliva. In cases of various injuries and diseases of the ears, such as inflammation, fungi, tumors, which can affect the activity of the parotid glands, causing increased salivation in animals. These causes can only be identified and eliminated by a veterinarian.
  3. Presence of viral infections quite often cause salivation in dogs. The main signs of these diseases can be: a sharp decrease in the pet's appetite, lethargy, fever, the presence of strong thirst in the dog. Self-detection and treatment of such diseases is impossible, so it is recommended to urgently contact a veterinarian, in addition, many viral infections are dangerous not only for a pet, but also for the person himself.
  4. chronic diseases like diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various tumors, ulcers, gastritis and diseases of the liver, gallbladder. In general, any chronic disease can cause excessive salivation.
  5. different severity of poisoning. A pet can be poisoned by both edible products, such as sweets, fatty meat, and substances containing harmful elements, such as household chemicals or various poisons. When a poisonous substance enters the body of a dog, irritation of the digestive tract occurs, causing an outflow of gastric juice. This circumstance, in turn, causes a copious secretion of thick saliva, diarrhea and vomiting. At the first symptoms of poisoning in dogs, the same drugs are used that are used by humans: activated charcoal, enterosgel, but if such drugs do not give the desired effect, you should contact the veterinary clinic.
  6. Stress. Oddly enough, salivation in pets can be caused by psychological factors, so when moving to another place of residence, contact with other animals, the likelihood of a copious separation of a colorless liquid from the animal's mouth increases. To prevent such cases, it is recommended to prepare the dog, walk with him more often, change the familiar environment, in addition, the specialist can prescribe certain medications and herbal infusions, such as barboval, reyfit, etc.
  7. Features of the breed of dogs. In many breeds of pets, such as Shar Pei, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Boxers, etc., the presence of profuse salivation is a physiological feature, and this, as a rule, should not be of great concern to their owners.

Excessive salivation in puppies

The main reason for excessive salivation in puppies is associated with the teeth, the fact is that at the age of 3-4 months they begin to erupt teeth, which in turn causes severe pain and abundant salivary fluid. Stress caused, for example, by meeting new animals or being picked up by unfamiliar people can also cause salivation.

Necessary actions in case of excessive salivation

After the presence of profuse salivation in a pet has been noticed, it is necessary to observe it, namely, to track when saliva begins to flow profusely, whether the habits and behavior of the pet have changed.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the causes of salivation, which, as can be judged above, are quite numerous. For example, if excessive salivation is caused by diseases associated with the dog's oral cavity, it is necessary to identify these problems and get rid of them, whether it be caries or the presence of a stuck object in the mouth.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to independently identify the causes of excessive salivation, such as viral diseases, chronic diseases of various organs, without analysis and examination by a professional specialist, so after the appearance of profuse salivation is noticed, it is recommended to contact a veterinary clinic.

Thus, if an increased separation of saliva is detected in a pet, the following steps must be taken:

  • First, find out that excessive salivation is not a physiological feature of the breed.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to follow the pet, at what moments salivary fluid is abundantly produced.
  • Thirdly, it must be understood that excessive salivation in dogs can often be symptoms of a variety of problems, such as cavities, tartar, poisoning, viral infections, or a foreign body stuck in the dog's mouth.
  • Fourth, to identify the causes of increased salivation, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian for a full examination.
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