Air flow dentistry. AirFlow - professional teeth cleaning: what is it, differences between airflow and ultrasonic cleaning. Indications for use

Modern life is so hectic and fleeting that sometimes there is not even enough time to devote proper time to good oral hygiene. Do you know what negative consequences this leads to? First, plaque accumulates in hard-to-reach places, then a stone forms on the teeth, which leads to damage to tooth enamel - caries, pulpitis, and so on.

That is why every year they develop innovative methods purges oral cavity, and one of the most successful and available ways is ultrasonic cleaning.

What is Air Flow

Air flow, like brushing your teeth with ultrasound is a professional hygienic procedure. The main indication for its implementation is the presence of a soft pigmented plaque. Ultrasonic tooth brushing- this is one of the varieties of professional cleaning, which preserves the health of your teeth and the whole body as a whole. If you are uncomfortable with bleeding gums, discomfort in your mouth or bad breath, then you can safely say that you have tartar in your mouth. According to dentists, every adult should undergo an annual procedure to remove tartar from the teeth.

As practice shows, tartar appears precisely in those places where a toothbrush cannot clean plaque, in which case ultrasonic cleaning comes to the rescue. Distinctive features ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is that the procedure is painless, does not damage tooth enamel, because. does not provide for mechanical impact and is released high efficiency. Removal of tartar occurs quickly and efficiently. Based clinical observations, we can conclude that it is tartar that is often the cause of caries, and therefore many other dental diseases.

Air Flow: mechanism of action

During the procedure, a finely dispersed mixture of water, air and sodium bicarbonate is applied to the surface of the teeth under high pressure ( baking soda). Solid particles are spherical in shape. Thanks to this, cleaning has a polishing effect, not an abrasive one. Air Flow allows you to clean not only the front surface of the teeth, but also hard-to-reach areas, interdental spaces. The presence of veneers, lumineers, crowns in the patient's oral cavity is not an obstacle to the procedure. These structures are also easy to clean with Air Flow.

Before carrying out a professional cleaning of the teeth, it is necessary to stop all inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity. Be sure to cure caries and gum disease. Immediately before the procedure, Vaseline is applied to the patient's lips, which will avoid overdrying of their surface. A saliva ejector is placed in the oral cavity. The nozzle of the device is placed 3-5 mm from the tooth at an angle of 30-60 degrees. In a circular motion, the dentist cleans the teeth, avoiding impact on adjacent soft tissues. The spent mixture is collected using a dental vacuum cleaner. Whole procedure Cleaning Air Flow takes about 30 minutes. After cleaning, it is necessary to refrain from eating coloring foods for several hours. The natural organic film covering the tooth is removed during the procedure, making the teeth more susceptible to the effects of various pigments.

Cleaning the oral cavity with ultrasound in the clinic includes several stages: treatment of the root canals, removal of plaque and tartar even in the most inaccessible places, washing the oral cavity and polishing the tooth enamel. Many experts believe that in order to achieve positive effect from performing any manipulations in the oral cavity, it is advisable to start with ultrasonic cleaning. As practice shows, ultrasonic cleaning of teeth, the cost of which differs from each feature and scope of work, is an effective procedure.

According to the recommendations of dentists, it is good to combine ultrasonic teeth cleaning with the home method of using the air flow dental plaque remover. Air flow - ultrasonic Toothbrush at home. latest method air flow is a jet method for cleaning teeth and oral cavity alkaline solution, the strong pressure of the solution washes even the most inaccessible places and removes stones from the teeth at home. It is worth noting that air flow is also used as a cleaning of tooth enamel and oral cavity and dentists in conditions medical institutions. This method has proven to be effective and affordable as an individual hygiene product. And the hygiene of the dental cavity should be observed from childhood, because it is effective hygiene that is the key to health!

Benefits of the Air Flow Method

1. Light whitening. The procedure has not only a cleansing, but also a whitening effect. Removal of plaque and pigmentation allows you to return the enamel to a natural, natural shade. As a rule, teeth look 1-2 shades lighter after brushing. Air Flow is a natural whitening that in many cases avoids a more intensive and costly procedure.

2. Safety. The mixture of water, air and cleansing powder does not damage the enamel and adjacent tissues. interventions in internal structures the tooth does not occur. Compared to other dental procedures, Air Flow has very few contraindications. Obstacles to its implementation are hyperesthesia of the teeth, bronchial asthma and allergy to citrus fruits (natural lemon essence is used during the procedure).

3. Painless. During cleaning, the dentist directs the device nozzle only at hard tissues teeth that do not have sensitivity. The surface of the gums is not affected. pain during the procedure there is no Air Flow.

Air Flow cleaning - price

Net dental clinics"Denta-El" is affordable prices for wide range hygiene procedures. Air Flow and ultrasonic teeth cleaning are quite inexpensive. Since the main abrasive in the Air Flow method is ordinary soda, professional cleaning procedure never causes development allergic reactions. Such dental hygiene allows you to achieve maximum results. As mentioned above, the Air Flow apparatus removes not only soft plaque, but also eliminates dark spots on enamel.

In this regard, the Air Flow method is sometimes credited with whitening properties. In fact, the method of brushing your teeth does not lighten the tooth enamel, but only restores its natural color, which is usually a little yellowish or grayish. However, for many people, returning their natural color to their teeth is quite a sufficient result of teeth whitening, which is why the Air Flow device can be positioned as a whitening device.

Hygiene and prevention
Service Price
Removal of plaque from one tooth 80
Covering with a protective varnish of one tooth 80
Coating of one tooth with "Seal & Protect", deep fluoridation 200
"AIR-FLOW" method (one jaw) 1600
Whitening "Discus Dental" (ZOOM) 19500
Whitening "Discus Dental" (two weeks) 15500
Chemical whitening of a devital tooth (one visit) 1200
Remineralizing therapy 3000
Making a mouthguard for whitening, remineralizing therapy 1500
Selective grinding in the area of ​​one tooth 250
Electrocoagulation of gums 350
Rubber curtain overlay 500
Installation of a temporary retainer made of light-curing material 3500
Intramuscular/intravenous injection 500
Jewelry for 1 tooth (SKYSE) 1500
Preventive sealing of fissures of one tooth (non-invasive method) 1500
Preventive filling of one tooth (non-invasive method) 1700
Polishing of tooth surfaces prof. pastes 70
Whitening "YOTUEL" 9700
Whitening "KLOX" 17000
Oral hygiene education 150
Treatment with splint therapy 17000
Professional dental hygiene Clinpro™ 7000
Covering the defect with Clinpro™ XT Varnish in the area of ​​one tooth 900
Clinpro™ White Varnish Remineralizing Therapy 3000
Removal of a two-layer cast from one jaw 1200
Removal of a simple impression from one jaw 800

AT recent times The dentist's office becomes not only a place for the treatment of diseases of the teeth and gums - patients who want to have white teeth and keep their health as long as possible turn to the doctor. Some people, wanting to whiten their teeth, resort to using home remedies or choosing a professional cleaning. Many methods are based on the principle of using various brightening compounds that can damage tooth enamel.

AT modern dentistry preference is given effective methods which gently clean the surface of the teeth without causing damage. One of the ways to make a smile beautiful is to brighten the enamel. Air method flow. What is it, what are the results and indications for the Air-cleaning procedure?

Removal of dental deposits using the Airflow method

The method of cleaning dental plaque with Air Flow is an alternative to professional cleaning, which has many contraindications. During Air-cleaning, the enamel is not subjected to any chemical or mechanical attack. The procedure does not involve the contact of teeth or gums with the apparatus or the use of chemical components. The principle of action of cleaning the surface of the teeth is the directed impact on solid deposits of an air-water jet, which is supplied under a certain pressure to the problem area. As an abrasive, the composition of the solution includes crystalline calcium or soda. The name of this method in translation sounds like air, flow - flow.

Dentist equipment

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Along with traditional and familiar equipment, you can see Air Flow equipment in the dentist's office. The system is a compact combined instrument designed for tartar removal and gentle tooth polishing. The equipment consists of the following elements:

  1. a control unit that regulates and controls pressure;
  2. cleaning mixture tank and water tank;
  3. flexible hoses for liquid and air supply under pressure;
  4. two handles with tips that allow you to act on the desired area as accurately as possible.

Differences between the Airflow method and ultrasonic cleaning

There are many ways to restore whiteness to teeth. Among the safest are ultrasound procedure plaque removal; and Airflow. The question arises - which is better: performing teeth whitening using the Air Flow method or ultrasound? To determine which technique is more effective, you need to learn more about the principles of operation of each type.

The ultrasonic whitening method differs significantly from Airflow technology. Ultrasound cleaning uses equipment that acts on tartar using high-frequency vibrations. ultrasonic cleaning able to cope with the elimination of deposits in the peri-gingival pockets and slightly whiten the surface of the enamel. When cleaning teeth with ultrasound, a protective paste is applied to the enamel, which is also intended for polishing the surface. Thanks to this, the enamel increases resistance to chemicals.

Teeth whitening with Airflow is carried out using a special apparatus that delivers a cleansing composition under pressure. At the first stage, the tartar is destroyed by a mixture of water with an abrasive additive, after which the remaining deposits are washed off with a water jet. Such an effect is considered the most gentle for the oral mucosa. It is recommended to use Air Flow for prevention, as well as before the treatment of oral diseases. Features this method are considered:

  1. return to the natural color of the teeth;
  2. no risk of soft tissue injuries of the oral cavity;
  3. The duration of the session is no more than half an hour.

Indications for brushing your teeth

Enamel surface cleaning with Air Flow is used as an independent procedure for the care and prevention of oral diseases, and as preparatory phase before bleaching, installing prostheses or implants. The following factors are considered indications for Airflow:

  • the formation of plaque, solid deposits;
  • discoloration of the tooth due to the use of coloring drinks and foods;
  • some defects in the dentition (for example, crowding of teeth) in which other methods of cleaning the interdental space are ineffective;
  • installation or removal of braces;
  • planned prosthetics, implantation or chemical bleaching.

Airflow technology

Often, patients have questions about the method of whitening - what is it and how often is it possible to clean using this technology? Teeth whitening with Airflow has gained well-deserved popularity due to the absence of harm to enamel and gums. The procedure takes place without discomfort and does not entail any unpleasant consequences for teeth and oral mucosa.

The session usually takes no more than half an hour. The result of using the method is the removal of surface plaque, which appeared as a result of exposure to enamel of coloring substances from some drinks and food. The snow-white color of the enamel can be achieved only if the color of the teeth is naturally white.

In the event that the natural shade of the teeth is yellowish or gray, the whitening effect will not be noticeable. This effect allows you to clean the surface of the teeth from soft touch and hardened deposits. The photo for the article shows the effect of the procedure - before and after the session, the teeth look completely different.

Preparation for the procedure

Before cleaning your teeth, you must scheduled inspection dentist. Perhaps the specialist will recommend a session immediately after preventive examination, in case of detection of dental deposits or other indications.

For cleaning, a fine powder is used, which has a citrus or mint flavor. In case of allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to the components of the cleansing mixture, it is necessary to inform the doctor. It is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics before the session - small particles of the cleanser are dispersed during the procedure, some of them fall on the face, after the end of the procedure it becomes necessary to wash.

How is a whitening session going?

Before you start bleaching, you need to perform a number of preparatory steps:

  1. goggles are put on the patient's eyes for protection, a special cap is put on the head;
  2. in order to prevent drying of the lips, they are smeared with petroleum jelly;
  3. a saliva ejector is placed under the tongue.

The doctor cleans by directing the tip of the device at a certain angle. In this case, there is no direct contact of the equipment with the gums. Innings medical composition produced through two channels - water and air flow with abrasive particles are simultaneously supplied. All components, mixing, form a powerful stream (flow) of fine particles, which have a destructive effect on dental deposits.

Waste material is removed from the oral cavity using equipment similar to a vacuum cleaner. Cleaned teeth are covered special composition which prolongs the duration of the whitening effect. When using Air Flow equipment, not only hard plaque, but also the periodontal pockets are cleaned, the pigmented areas are cleansed, the surface of the teeth is polished.

Recovery period

Using this method of cleaning involves the temporary loss of the protective organic film covering the teeth. In order to maintain the effect, it is necessary to fulfill some simple conditions within two to three hours:

  • should refrain from smoking;
  • it is not recommended to drink coffee, strong tea, colored carbonated drinks;
  • do not eat berries and fruits that can stain the enamel.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the relative safety for health, Air Flow has a number of contraindications. People who have chronic diseases you should consult with your physician.

The limitations of using this whitening method include:

  1. chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  2. allergy or intolerance to the taste of citrus or menthol;
  3. some periodontal diseases;
  4. damaged or thin enamel, and hypersensitivity teeth;
  5. children's age, pregnancy, lactation.

Advantages of technology

The use of Air Flow, in addition to safety for enamel, has several advantages:

  • the procedure is absolutely painless;
  • one session is enough to get the effect;
  • complex oral hygiene is carried out;
  • the possibility of using in the presence of prostheses, bracket systems;
  • high cleaning efficiency in hard-to-reach areas;
  • prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums.

The external attractiveness of a person is emphasized not only by well-groomed skin and beautiful makeup, but also by a snow-white smile. Unfortunately, in order to attract views and listen to rave reviews, one toothpaste with a brush is not enough. Professional whitening teeth is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Today, the way out of the situation can be the Air Flow cleaning procedure, which can be done both in the state medical institution as well as in private clinics.

Procedure technology

Air Flow cleaning does not require any special professional equipment. The procedure is the removal of plaque using ordinary air, water and soda, which clean the teeth under the influence of high pressure. Calcium crystals can be used as an abrasive substance, gently cleaning the enamel. But in this case, the cost of the procedure will increase.

Whitening steps:

  1. Preparatory. The patient is put on goggles and a cap. The surface of the lips is smeared vaseline composition, and a saliva ejector is installed in the sublingual zone.
  2. Enamel cleaning. The tip of the device is directed to the surface of the teeth at a certain angle, with the help of which in a circular motion plaque is removed. There is no direct contact of this apparatus with the teeth. Reading takes place at some distance. The process itself is carried out under the influence powerful pressure, which, depending on the contamination of the enamel, can be adjusted.
  3. Removal of cleaned plaque. This procedure is performed with a special dental vacuum cleaner.
  4. The final stage. Purified tooth enamel covered with a special protective compound.

You can use the Air Flow whitening procedure and on teeth with artificial components. After it is carried out, all pathogenic plaque and age spots are removed from the tooth surface.

Benefits of Air Flow Cleaning

The main advantage of the procedure is its painlessness. Other benefits of Air Flow whitening include:

In addition to the above, cleaning Teeth Air flow is a good prevention of caries and various diseases periodontal.

Indications and contraindications

due to smoking and frequent use coffee, tea, red wine, a persistent and ugly plaque appears on the tooth enamel. It can be removed by cleaning with Air Flow. The procedure is shown in other cases:

  1. At chronic inflammation dental pockets.
  2. For the prevention of periodontitis and periodontitis.
  3. For removing pathogenic bacteria from hard-to-reach places in the treatment of orthodontic diseases.
  4. When using braces, implants, prostheses and other restorative elements.
  5. As a preparatory procedure if professional whitening is to be carried out.

Even though Air Flow is a gentle cleaning, it is shown not to all categories of citizens. The procedure cannot be carried out the following diseases and states:

Because during bleaching the protective film has been removed, which recovers within a few hours, after the procedure it is not recommended for some time:

  • smoke;
  • drink coffee and tea;
  • eat coloring foods (beets).

The old toothbrush has bacteria on it, so after cleaning it will need to be replaced with a new one. Experts recommend whitening teeth using the A ir F low procedure at least once a year.

Teeth whitening Air Flow - reviews

I work as a dental assistant, so I know firsthand about brushing my teeth. I use the AirFlow procedure every six months. And this is very important for everyone, since coffee, tea and smoking negatively affect the color of tooth enamel. Chemical bleaching is not done in our clinic as a matter of principle, as it damages the enamel. But before this procedure need to remove stones and plaque from the teeth That's what patients come to us for. Many of them do not agree to whitening after Air Flow. This cleaning result is quite satisfactory.

Svetlana, Russia

Yesterday I went to the dentist who cleaned my teeth. I mentally prepared for this for quite a long time, as I read a lot of negative reviews. Cleaning I needed because you need to put braces. Before this, the teeth must be cleaned of plaque and stones. At 25, I have fairly clean teeth. Only inside there is a small plaque, but no one sees it. I have finally chosen a clinic that matched my price and for the first time in my life I went to the dentist. I was very afraid, remembering the reviews about how someone's gums were torn, and that teeth ached after the procedure.

However, I was very pleased with the result! At the very beginning, the attentive doctor told me everything and warned me about possible discomfort. During the procedure, she was interested - does it hurt me and how do I feel? When they put me in a chair, they first smeared my lips with some kind of cream, put on glasses and silicone sponges. The sound during bleaching is like drilling with a machine. At the same time, no discomfort no. It was a little painful in the most sensitive and hard-to-reach places. Most of all, I was afraid that my gums would hurt during the procedure. It wasn't.

The most disgusting thing was cleaning between the teeth. After whitening all my teeth polished by machine and treated with fluorine. After that, I waited a bit for it to dry out and joyfully went home. Days passed, but no negative consequences I didn't feel it. Only the teeth have become even cleaner, and the smile is whiter.

I decided to whiten my teeth for the wedding and chose Air Flow cleaning. Already making an appointment with the doctor, I came across negative feedback about her, but still decided to go. Moreover, the doctor advised me so well and answered all the questions that I, without a doubt, went for the procedure. According to the doctor, my plaque is formed due to the fact that i drink a lot of coffee and my saliva is very thick.

The procedure consisted of two stages and took an hour in time. The dentist had to try hard, as there were a lot of stones on my teeth. I had almost no pain at all. Everything turned out to be tolerable, although pain threshold I have low. In the most painful places, the doctor took breaks, and supported me throughout the procedure. Before cleaning my mouth was smeared with Vaseline, and they put on me a cap, a cape, glasses and a napkin on my face. The doctor herself and her assistant were all sterile. After the procedure, the gums were smeared with a special medicine, and the enamel was coated with fluorine. At first, the gums bled and hurt, but then everything went away.

Zinaida, Moscow

I really like the Air Flow procedure. It can help restore tooth enamel natural color in just 45 minutes. After it, pebbles and specks remain in the distant past, and the teeth become bright and smooth. During the procedure itself, everything is tolerable and almost painless. Although pleasant, of course, is not enough. For the first time in the clinic, my teeth were cleaned even when they didn’t hear about Air Flow. And I liked the effect of this procedure. Compared to conventional cleaning, after such whitening, the tooth enamel becomes smoother.

However, there are also negative points. Advertise that this procedure is whitening. In fact, it's just cleaning and polishing with a laser. Very annoying sensitivity of the teeth after brushing, which increases significantly. Promise lasting effect whitening, but the teeth begin to stain after a couple of months. I'm already did five Air Fiow procedures, after which I warn you in my review - you can’t brush your teeth more often than once every six months. Otherwise, the sensitivity of the teeth will be disturbed. Dentists should pay attention to this.


Before the wedding, my sister wanted to whiten her teeth to sparkle at the celebration snow-white smile. She immediately refused dry cleanings, and the choice fell on Air Fiow. There was little time left before the wedding, so she went for almost the first teeth whitening procedure that came across in advertising. The essence of the method turned out to be that the teeth are simply brushed with water and soda mixed with air. My sister went to the procedure for three days in a row, where she was cleaned for 20 minutes. According to her, the sensations are not very pleasant, especially when the jet touches the gums.

To prevent staining of teeth, my sister was forbidden to smoke, drink coffee, tea and eat beets and everything that paints. Her teeth really are smooth and white. But all the pleasures ended there. The gums hurt after the procedure for 10 days, including at the wedding. Therefore, throughout the celebration, the sister ate little. Teeth reacted to hot, cold and even sour. This reaction turned out because for 3 procedures the enamel has become much thinner. It turns out that my sister has such tooth enamel that such cleaning is contraindicated for her.

And it became even more offensive when, literally two weeks later, the teeth quickly began to darken again. In my review, I want to warn everyone that before you start whitening your teeth even at home, consult first with an experienced specialist.

Nina, Russia

During next visit my dentist, I was advised to clean my teeth from plaque and tartar. I trust the doctor and agreed to the procedure easily. They put on glasses, a hat, an apron. All this is necessary so that small particles do not get into the eyes and hair. So that the lips do not interfere, in the mouth put in a special tool. During the process with special device teeth were cleaned with water and something similar to sand. The dental assistant made sure that no liquid dripped down my chin.

Each tooth is cleaned individually. The whole procedure took 30 minutes. I liked her very much. I did not feel any pain or discomfort, although my teeth are quite sensitive. After looking in the mirror after the procedure, I was very pleased with the result. The teeth became lighter, and there was no plaque even between the teeth. The process is simply divine. After her, not only beautiful teeth but also fresh breath.

Marina, Nizhny Novgorod

So, let's figure it out. Air Flow, which means “air flow” in English, is the name of the device manufactured by the Swiss company EMS. In modern dentistry, this very useful thing is used to remove pigmentation and soft plaque from the surface of the teeth, as well as various artificial structures– such as veneers, crowns, dental implants and the like. Air Flow acts on plaque with a jet consisting of a mixture of powder based on sodium bicarbonate (soda), water and compressed air. The solution is applied to the tooth surface under pressure and, as a result of air-abrasive treatment, cleans plaque and surface pigmentation in hard-to-reach areas.

The procedure goes as follows. The patient must be put on dental goggles, the lips are smeared with petroleum jelly to prevent them from drying out, and a saliva ejector is placed under the tongue. The doctor directs the tip of the Air Flow apparatus at an angle of 30-60 degrees relative to the tooth enamel and cleans each tooth in a circular motion without touching the gums. The spent mixture is collected by a dental vacuum cleaner, which is held by a doctor's assistant. Since during cleaning the organic film covering the tooth is lost in the first 2-3 hours after the procedure hygienic cleaning Air Flow, the patient should not consume coloring drinks and foods, as well as smoke.

Why is Air Flow called whitening?

In order to answer this question, we need to understand what actual effect we can get as a result of this procedure. The Air Flow device allows you to remove soft plaque, surface pigmentation from drinking coffee, tea, cigarettes and other coloring substances, thereby restoring their natural color to the teeth. The technique is also very effective for cleaning various restorations such as Hollywood veneers and Lumineers. So why this procedure called bleaching? The fact is that the teeth in the process of using Air Flow are cleaned in hard-to-reach places. regular brush places, due to which the area of ​​the cleaned tooth surface becomes larger, and, consequently, the amount of light reflected from it increases, as a result of which it seems that the enamel has become lighter.

"Undeniable cosmetic and psychological effect”, which the manufacturer of the miracle device promises, we will undoubtedly receive. Sometimes it really only takes cleaning and polishing to get whiter teeth, but if they are naturally yellow, no amount of cleaning will make them whiter. Unfortunately, few doctors warn patients about this fact, preferring to offer instead of effective whitening, its surrogate replacement, the so-called natural Air Flow teeth whitening.

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