Prolonged runny nose in a child of 3 years. Which doctor treats a chronic runny nose in a child? What is rhinopharyngitis

Prolonged runny nose in children (aka chronic rhinitis) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which lasted more than 7 days. If you do not urgently begin to eliminate it, complications may arise that can even lead to disability.

Most often, a prolonged runny nose in babies appears in winter, when the weather is damp and the thaw begins. To prevent the disease from spreading to chronic form need to be treated promptly.

Any children's runny nose must be treated, otherwise it can become chronic!

Types of rhinitis

Your child may have a runny nose different types, each of which has its own characteristics. Consider the features of each of them:

  1. Vasomotor - appears due to hypersensitivity nasal mucosa to various stimuli ( cigarette smoke, pungent odors, chemical substances etc.). This type of disease can also develop as a result of foreign objects entering the nose, due to stress or certain pathologies (for example, adenoids, deviated septum) (see also:).
  2. Allergic - occurs due to the ingestion of an irritant (dust, pollen, animal hair, etc.) on the nasal mucosa. Such a runny nose can cause a child to sneeze, clear discharge from the nasal passages, difficulty breathing, severe lacrimation, rashes on skin, cough, etc.
  3. Infectious rhinitis develops as a result of pathogens (viruses, fungi, bacteria) entering the nasal mucosa. Microbes provoke its inflammation.

Causes of a protracted runny nose in children

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You should not start treating a runny nose in a child without finding out the cause of its occurrence. It can signal the development of a dozen various diseases, many of which are quite serious. Consider the main causes of rhinitis in children 2-4 years old. It is provoked:

  • allergic reaction;
  • sinusitis;
  • injury or damage to the nasal mucosa;
  • hyperplasia of adenoid tissues (we recommend reading:);
  • dryness in the room;
  • abuse of nasal drops.

allergic reactions

Allergens that contribute to the occurrence of a runny nose can get on the baby's nasal mucosa. In this case, the stimuli are: pollen, cigarette smoke, dust, food (strawberries, milk, chocolate, honey, eggs), animal hair, etc.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis are frequent sneezing, white clear slime from the sinuses, pruritus, urticaria, conjunctivitis. There are also more severe cases when a runny nose provokes the development of spasms in the bronchi, and it is very difficult for the baby to exhale.

A runny nose can be allergic in nature and occur when an allergen gets on the nasal mucosa


If a child does not have a runny nose for a long time, then this may indicate complications, one of which is sinusitis. This pathology consists in the accumulation of pus in the sinuses of the nose, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins. Sinusitis in children requires difficult treatment during which antibiotics are required. If the disease is very advanced, the baby may need a puncture or sinus lavage.

Sinusitis is manifested by a strong headache and ear pain. If a child at 2-4 years old makes such complaints, then he should be quickly shown to the doctor in order to avoid complications such as meningitis, deafness, and mental retardation.

Trauma or damage to the mucosa

Rhinitis can occur as a result of mechanical, chemical or thermal damage, that is, as a result of injury to the nasal mucosa. An injury can occur, for example, due to the "favorite" activity of some children - picking their nose with a finger, pen, pencil.

Depending on the degree of damage, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. If the mucosa is not severely injured, then everything can be corrected with the help of wound healing agents. In other cases, surgical intervention is required.

Hyperplasia of adenoid tissues

Another reason why children 2-4 years old develop a prolonged runny nose is hyperplasia (pathological growth) of adenoid tissues near the base of the nasal cavity from the side of the pharynx.

An enlarged tonsil blocks the nasal passages, preventing the child from breathing normally. The accumulation of snot is accompanied by a constant sensation of a lump in the throat and a violation of nasal breathing. Pathology is quite common in babies.

Dryness in the room

Due to its structure, a child's nose, unlike an adult, reacts negatively to poor-quality air. If the air in the room is too dry, the body may react to it with a prolonged runny nose.

In order to save the child from this type of rhinitis, you just need to humidify the air. If the parents do not have such an opportunity, then there is only one thing left - to stock up on clean scarves and wait for the heating season to end.

Abuse of nasal drops

There are two reasons for the development of a runny nose from drugs:

  • How side effect from the drug being taken;
  • rebound effect (when drugs are taken in excessive doses).

The second type of rhinitis, which is also called drug-induced, can manifest itself 4-6 days after the start of treatment for the common cold with vasoconstrictors. If the drops are used longer than the period recommended by the doctor, the mucous membrane gets used to them, and the treatment becomes ineffective. The drug will have to be canceled, and this threatens to increase the swelling of the nasal mucosa, that is, its congestion. That is why you shouldn't use vasoconstrictor drops longer than the time specified in the instructions.

One of the causes of a prolonged runny nose can be the abuse of vasoconstrictors.

How can you help your child recover faster?

Each parent wonders what to do if a runny nose in a child does not go away for a long time. How to quickly cure it? To start:

  • carry out wet cleaning in the room where the baby is located;
  • ventilate the room;
  • install a humidifier;
  • clean the baby's nose with a damp gauze turunda.

There is no need to give the child strong medicines if a runny nose does not affect his good health. The gentle mode will be the most acceptable for him in this situation. It consists in simple rules care:

  • the baby should be left at home instead of the usual trip to kindergarten or school;
  • take a walk with your child - the walk should not last more than an hour.

Children who have begun to snot should drink a lot (for example, compote, homemade jelly, lemon tea). To cure a baby, he can be given milk with honey, but on condition that he is not allergic to the product.

A large number of drinking liquid with rhinitis will help the baby recover faster

Don't forget to clear your nose. To do this, you need to use a saline solution. Suitable drugs such as Otrivin, Marimer, Aquamaris. Regular washings are the key to a quick recovery.

Therapy depending on the cause of the disease

As a rule, not all parents at the first symptoms of rhinitis in a child seek medical help. They try to eliminate the disease on their own, without finding out the causes of its occurrence, and this is their main mistake. All mothers and fathers should know that the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the nature of rhinitis. Let's get acquainted with the principles of treatment of different types of rhinitis in more detail.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

If, as a result of diagnostic measures, it was found that the baby's rhinitis is allergic in nature, then the first measure to combat it is to identify the allergen and protect the child from contact with the irritant. Next, the allergist will prescribe antihistamines or nasal drops with vasodilating action. Do not forget that the latter should be used no more than 3 times a day and no longer than a week.

Most safe option for children, vasodilating drops are considered. They fight nasal congestion in the baby and make breathing easier.

Therapy for vasomotor rhinitis

Many methods are used to treat this type of rhinitis. The simplest of them is treatment with medications. The little patient is prescribed:

  • vasoconstrictor drops (decongestants);
  • rinsing the nasal cavity with saline (we recommend reading:);
  • topical antihistamines (to block sensitivity to irritants);
  • anticholinergics (to control and block the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis);
  • corticosteroids (to eliminate signs of illness).

If conservative methods treatment did not give results, the baby undergoes surgical therapy:

  • laser photodestruction;
  • radioelectrocoagulation;
  • ultrasonic disintegration;
  • vasotomy.

laser therapy with prolonged runny nose

Elimination of an infectious disease

For the treatment of prolonged infectious rhinitis in children, the following therapeutic measures are used:

  1. local treatment (the nose is instilled with saline and cleaned with an aspirator or pear, warmed with warm salt);
  2. taking general strengthening and immunomodulatory drugs;
  3. physiotherapy procedures.

If infectious rhinitis does not go away for more than two weeks, and yellow-green pus is released from the sinuses, the child is prescribed antibacterial drugs. They can be in the form of ointments, and in the form of sprays and liquid medicines.

General Treatments

Regardless of the reason for the baby's snot, everything must be done so that they can easily flow out of the nasal cavity. In this case, you need to ensure that the mucous membrane does not dry out. There are several methods of treating prolonged rhinitis in children, each of which has its pros and cons:

  1. medication;
  2. folk remedies;
  3. with the help of physiotherapy.

Quartz heating of the nose

The use of medications

  • vasoconstrictor (Nafthyzin, Nazivin, Galazolin, etc. to eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa) - taking this group of drugs has severe time limits;
  • antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Telfast, Levocabastine, etc.) - for the treatment of an allergic form of the disease;
  • antiviral (Interferon, Gerferon, Oksolin, etc.) - for the treatment of infectious rhinitis;
  • antibiotics (Bioparox, Polydex, etc. (we recommend reading:).) - for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis;
  • moisturizing drops (Aqua Maris, Aqualor, etc.) - to maintain the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa.

Treatment at home

If the baby has snot, and there is no way to get to the doctor, then you can start treatment at home, following this scheme:

  • rinse the nose using water with sea salt;
  • using an aspirator to remove mucus from the nasal passages;
  • drip nose with special drops;
  • using an inhaler, carry out inhalation;
  • lubricate the nose with warming ointment.

Do not forget that self-medication is very dangerous, so take your child to the doctor as soon as possible. Only he can prescribe effective treatment.

Physical procedures

In some cases, the method of physiotherapy is more effective than any medication. For the treatment of a child, there are many different devices for home use. One of these is a nebulizer that breaks down medicine into micro particles. The medicine, when inhaled, does not enter the blood and digestive system. It only affects the nasal mucosa.

The device for UV irradiation of the nasal cavity will help cure a runny nose in 5-6 procedures. In addition, it is used for quartzing rooms.

Another runny nose in a child is eliminated with a blue lamp. At the same time, it should be taken into account that this method not used for all types of disease.

Features of the treatment of children in 2-3 years

When a child is only 2-3 years old, it is very difficult to treat a runny nose. The range of drugs for this age is limited, and many folk methods- undesirable, as they can harm him. In addition, a 2-3-year-old baby is unlikely to know how to blow his nose properly, which also complicates the recovery process. What to do in this case? How to treat rhinitis in a child? The answer is simple - follow the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment should be carried out as follows:

  • clean the nose of mucous accumulations using saline or sea salt products (Physiomer);
  • use vasoconstrictor drops to restore breathing through the nose;
  • use antibacterial go antiviral drugs for the treatment of an ailment;
  • make sure that the conditions in which the child lives contribute to a speedy recovery.

In order for recovery to proceed faster, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this: optimum temperature air should be 20 degrees, humidity - 50-60%

In general, the treatment of a runny nose in a 2-3-year-old child does not differ from the treatment of other children. age categories. The main thing is to ensure that the drugs are age appropriate. little patient.

Severe inflammation of the nasal mucosa leads to a prolonged runny nose. When the child experiences serious discomfort, there are difficulties in breathing, the sleep pattern is lost. Constants arise for a lot of reasons: holding wrong therapy, a complication of a previously acquired disease. First of all, you need to find out what caused the problem and evaluate general state health, so that the treatment does not lead to complications.

According to statistics, most people suffer from a runny nose due to a virus infection. Such an infection has pronounced symptoms: the patient initially blows out clear and liquid mucus, followed by reddening of the throat. Possible manifestation high temperature at first. Competent and proper therapy in this case - the key to success in the fight against the disease. The duration of a runny nose can be from one to two weeks. If the discharge from the nose goes on for a longer period, you need to contact possible reasons pathologies:

  1. Dry air. The main symptom will be the formation of dry crusts. The nasal mucosa suffers, dryness of the nasal passages causes discomfort to the child. The narrowness of the nasal passages allows you to quickly identify the problem.
  2. Medical rhinitis. Vasoconstrictors, used in a frequent and uncontrolled way, lead to a state when the body, without their help, ceases to cope on its own. Addiction results in a habit and the appearance of discharge after stopping the medication.
  3. Allergic reaction. Prolonged runny nose often occurs for this reason. It can be difficult for parents to independently diagnose the cause of this kind, which is why they prefer to use drops and sprays. Incorrect selection of treatment tactics often leads to complications.
  4. Weakened immunity. Frequent damage to the body by viruses and bacteria indicates weakness immune system. The chronic nature of the common cold can occur due to frequent illnesses to which the child is susceptible.
  5. bacterial infections., yellowish or green snot indicates development bacterial infection. Antibiotics in this case - required condition convalescence.
  6. Adenoids. A runny nose in this case accompanies the child, even if the body is not susceptible to any diseases. Congestion often becomes stronger closer to the night, and the nasopharyngeal tonsil increases in size. May cause chronic rhinitis.

If self-treatment of the common cold does not bear fruit for a long time(two or more weeks) or if true reason its manifestations are unknown, it is necessary to consult a specialist. It is not recommended to play for time in this case due to the occurrence of complications.

There are several symptoms by which it will be easier for parents to navigate the specifics of the disease:

  1. Treatment does not work after two weeks, nasal discharge continues to the same extent.
  2. Decreased baby's sense of smell. The child ceases to distinguish aromas, may not respond to the sharp smells of onions or garlic.
  3. The child's health deteriorates markedly. There is little activity, lethargy, diet and sleep patterns are disturbed. The kid may complain of headaches, often say that he is tired.
  4. The appearance of crusts on the mucous membrane. Common cause anomalies - vasoconstrictor drugs and irritated mucous membranes. Often itching may occur.
  5. thick mucus or purulent discharge from the nose. If the airways are affected, they may be white or greenish tint. In the event of a transparent mass of a thick nature, an allergic reaction of the body takes place.
  6. Congestion. If it's an allergy, then there is a cyclic increase in the symptom. In the case of an infection, the accompanying problem is permanent.
  7. . The first three months of a baby's life, the mucous membrane adapts to the conditions environment, and selection liquid mucus is normal. There is a mechanism that moisturizes the mucous membrane. Its excess is presented in the form of a runny nose. This phenomenon does not require treatment, it must be waited out.

If rhinitis does not go away for a long time, this is already a symptom of a serious illness. In case of regular accumulation of snot, shortness of breath, fever, cough and wheezing, you should immediately contact a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will give the necessary answers and prescribe treatment.

False symptoms: when not to worry?

The deterioration of the child's well-being often turns into parents' concern, but such a reaction is not always justified. Sometimes the manifestation of symptoms is not the result of a serious illness, but rather normal reaction an organism that does not need to be cured.

The baby may react sharply to bright light or inhale icy air. So, sneezing and the manifestation of secretions after that are the norm: treatment in this case will do more harm than help.

The cleanliness of the room in which the baby is often located is extremely important. important element affecting the health of the child. Prolonged runny nose can be caused by a large amount of accumulated dust. There is an enveloping of dust particles deposited in the nose, and thus it is excreted from the child's body.

Parents' concern is justified if the disease is permanent and cyclical. So, the child's daily life is under threat, and he experiences frequent discomfort.

An objective reason can often be established only by a specialist. He will also take care of the effectiveness of the chosen therapy, compiled on the basis of a survey and complaints received by a small patient. ENT will be able to investigate nasal cavity using the necessary tools, examine the child and identify the nature of the inflammatory process. The specialist may also order an x-ray for an accurate diagnosis.

If you suspect an allergic reaction of the body, you will have to take an analysis and a sample to determine the irritant. A blood test is carried out on the basis of several indicators.

If a cough occurs after prolonged snot, it is necessary to resort to inhalation. In case of dry cough, the procedure will relieve inflammation. If the patient suffers from a wet cough, then inhalation will serve as an acceleration for the withdrawal of sputum. Healing liquid is prepared independently at home.

With long chronic rhinitis, accompanied by a cough, they resort to mustard plasters. The plates will need to be placed on the back and chest of the baby, avoiding the heart. It is better to use a terry cloth (a towel will do) to keep warm. When carrying out manipulations at night, the baby should simply dress warmly before going to bed.

Stuffy nose in a child: what to do?

To facilitate the child's breathing, they resort to the appointment of vasoconstrictor drops that can eliminate general symptoms and improve well-being. Thanks to such drugs, the swelling of the mucosa subsides and vasoconstriction occurs. The child stops suffering poor appetite, the child's sleep pattern is adjusted, calm breathing returns, and the nasal cavity does not block. Required dosage should be directed to a pediatrician.

The high effectiveness of drugs that narrow blood vessels does not make them a panacea for all diseases. Prolonged use of medications can lead to serious complications due to addiction of the body, when the reception is delayed. Apply vasoconstrictors no more than five days is required. Otherwise, the child will feel worse when the drops are stopped, begin to choke and experience discomfort. Neglecting the doctor's instructions can result in a long course of treatment.

A runny nose will quickly pass after the following procedures, which serve to relieve symptoms and eliminate the causes of chronic rhinitis:

  1. Washing the nose. The procedure is often referred to because of its simplicity and effectiveness: thanks to this, the nose stops flowing in a matter of days. Flushing can be done with a syringe or a small kettle. Solutions can be prepared at home. Often used salt water or antiseptic composition, resort to decoctions. The instruction is simple: a solution is poured into one nostril, and the liquid is sucked out of the other. Thanks to this, the mucous sinuses are washed, and the inflammation subsides.
  2. Warming up. resort to similar procedures it is necessary after consulting a specialist, because heating the sinuses can aggravate the purulent process. You can warm up the nose area on both sides using boiled eggs, warm salt or sand. You can also make a bandage soaked in vodka.
  3. Essential oils. You can use patches that include this product. These are available at any retail pharmacy. You can stick the patches on the fabric of the clothes. So, the child will breathe medicinal vapors, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and serves to facilitate breathing. The convenience of such patches is especially felt at night, when the treatment takes place during the baby's sleep.
  4. Inhalations. any kind of rhinitis, including chronic nature. Medicinal composition in this case, directly affects the nasal cavity, providing positive effect on the sinuses. If there is a possibility of an allergy to products used in couples, you can choose hot couples plain water, which accomplish their task in a similar way. It is necessary to explain to the child that you need to inhale through the nose. If parents do not use a nebulizer, you can get by with a basin, but you need to monitor the temperature of the composition so that the baby does not get burned.
  5. Walks. A runny nose is not the reason for the rejection of time spent on fresh air. Cancellation of walks can adversely affect the course of the disease. The circulation of oxygen is essential for the healing process. So, the active stage of cleaning the nasal cavity is manifested, inflammation passes. It is necessary to refuse walks when the child feels unwell or suffers from fever.
  6. Warming up the legs. Chronic runny nose can be cured by warming the feet. Mustard can also be added to the liquid used in foot baths to have a greater effect. So that the baby is not afraid, you can do the procedure together with the parent. It is better to add hot water not immediately, so that the child gets used to it.
  7. Folk remedies. The use of medicated drops often works best if the runny nose does not go away for a long time, but turning to traditional medicine not prevent. You can use aloe juice, which has bactericidal properties. It is necessary to dilute the product so as not to aggravate the situation with burns. You also need to give up breast milk, which is often buried in the nose of babies, because the pathology can develop even more.

When massaging the sinuses, blood circulation increases, which allows you to quickly get rid of inflammation.

Infectious lingering rhinitis may provoke various pathogenic bacteria. The definition of pathology is possible according to several parameters:

  • The constantly secreted mucus has a bad smell, has a viscosity.
  • The throat becomes red.
  • The child's body temperature rises.
  • Often the baby suffers from a cough.

Paranasal sinuses in case of an acute lesion cause pain upon contact.

To treat the infection, it is necessary to resort to local antimicrobial therapy. Its action extends only to the nasal region. The entry of a minimum amount of substances into the body does not result in extra load to organs. When the condition worsens, therapy is carried out with the help of injections. Vasoconstrictor drugs can be used for no more than five days. Thanks to homeopathy, there is a fight against microbes and a decrease in inflammation.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Allergies are characterized by swelling around the nose, regular sneezing, lack of fever, and redness of the eyes and nose. In this case, you need to get rid of the irritant. It is necessary to completely clean the apartment, get rid of dust and places of its accumulation, remove carpets from the room. To cure rhinitis allergic nature use antihistamines.

Runny nose is often not considered serious illness requiring specialist intervention. But the condition when the child does not pass snot for more than two weeks is not the norm for the body and requires immediate treatment. In this case, an appeal to a specialized institution is necessary.

Runny nose (rhinitis) is characterized by discharge from the nasal passages. In children, especially younger age, it may have a more severe and prolonged course than in adults. There is such a thing: a prolonged runny nose in a child. All parents should know how to treat it in order to prevent the development of complications.

Etiology of chronic rhinitis in childhood

All long-term rhinitis due to the occurrence are divided into 3 groups:

  • having an infectious genesis;
  • allergic origin;
  • vasomotor.

Runny nose allergic type occurs when an allergen enters the child's body from the outside. In response to this antigen, antibodies are produced, which lead to the development of an allergic reaction. One of its manifestations will be prolonged rhinitis. This type of runny nose is characterized by seasonality or the presence of a specific irritant next to the child. At the same time, the mucous discharge from the nasal passages is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in the general condition of the baby.

Rhinitis infectious origin occurs with SARS, influenza and other diseases caused by microbes or viruses. Such a runny nose will be accompanied intoxication syndrome, and discharge from the nasal passages can be not only watery or mucous, but also purulent character.

ABOUT vasomotor rhinitis one can speak when all other types are excluded. The leading element of the common cold of a vasomotor nature are pathological neuro-reflex reactions. Their trigger mechanism can be ordinary household irritants with which the child comes into contact every day. These include cold or dry air, fumes from household chemicals, and other pungent odors.

Important! Prolonged runny nose due to the peculiarities of the upper respiratory tract in children, curvature of the septum or frequent use vasoconstrictor drugs. Besides, long rhinitis happens with adenoids. In infants, a runny nose develops for the same reasons as in older children.

Signs of illness

Allocate the following symptoms, which indicate a prolonged runny nose:

  • the discharge is mucous or purulent, lasting more than two weeks;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing - both at night and during the day;
  • dullness of smell;
  • burning sensation or severe dryness in the nasal cavity;
  • cough;
  • sleep disorders;
  • problems with appetite (often can occur in a baby who is breastfed, since with a stuffy nose it is difficult for him to suck a bottle or mother's breast).

If the above symptoms occur, you must show the child to the doctor for an appointment adequate treatment.

How to treat a long runny nose in children

Depending on the expression clinical manifestations, treatment can be carried out either only with folk remedies, or with the use of medicines.

Important! In children early age it is necessary to regularly suction mucus from the nasal passages, since prolonged runny nose causes stagnation of discharge and aggravation of inflammation.

Medical treatment

One of the components of the treatment are various solutions for irrigation of the nasal cavity. They moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and improve the discharge of mucus. These solutions include:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Dolphin.

With a severe degree of nasal congestion, drops with a vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effect can quickly help. These drugs include Nazivin. It has a shape designed even for newborns.

If a persistent runny nose is complicated by a cough, inhalation with isotonic saline sodium chloride. Such inhalations soften the mucous membrane and reduce pain.

Isofra is recommended for use in severe cases children from 2 years old. Its composition includes antibacterial component- framycetin, which belongs to antibiotics a wide range actions. For use in children there is a very convenient dosage form- spray.

A drug such as IRS 19 is used. It not only allows you to fight the chronic course of the common cold, but also increases the level of local immunity. Its use is allowed in children from the age of three months. Recommended from 3 years of age adult dosage- one drop in each nasal passage 3-5 times a day.

There are also many drugs that can be injected into the nose with an inhaler. These can be anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous agents or immunomodulators. Inhalation therapy should not be carried out without other components of treatment.

Important! Doctor Komarovsky, when asked how to cure an incessant runny nose, replies that long-term self-medication is unacceptable, despite the wide selection of drugs in the pharmacy. It is necessary to go to an appointment with a competent specialist for the selection of adequate therapy. This is true both in the presence of a cold in a child and in an adult.

Folk remedies

A good effect with prolonged rhinitis is inhalation with decoctions of herbs and plants that have an anti-inflammatory and softening effect:

  • raspberries;
  • coltsfoot;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula.

To prepare them, you need 1 tsp. dry herbs to 1 cup boiling water. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

A child from 5 years old can be used to treat a runny nose with hot baths for the legs and arms, as well as applying mustard plasters to the chest and back. With the latter, you should be especially careful to prevent burns on the delicate skin of the child. These procedures are allowed only on condition that the disease proceeds without fever.

Soften the nasal mucosa with sea ​​buckthorn oil. They should lubricate the nasal passages from the inside to prevent the formation of crusts. The tool can be used if the child is already 4 years old.

Possible consequences

The following complications of the common cold develop most often:

If you ignore the runny nose, these diseases will become chronic.


Home preventive measure to prevent the development of a protracted runny nose is a timely and adequate therapy acute form of this disease.

  • avoid hypothermia of the child;
  • carry out various hardening procedures;
  • maintain a sufficient level of vitamins in the body (vitamins C and B are especially important);
  • walk outdoors every day.

Even one week of a runny nose significantly reduces the quality of life - both for a child and an adult. And lingering rhinitis not only worsens general well-being child, but also leads to the development of complications. If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Prolonged runny nose, which experts call chronic rhinitis, is a severe inflammation nasal membranes. Pathology is most often independent disease, but a manifestation of other acute diseases, including infectious lesions, influenza, severe trauma to the nose and nasal septum. There is a prolonged runny nose due to the development of rhinitis, which has not been treated for a long time or unsuitable drugs have been used for therapy. In most cases, the disease manifests itself in children in wet time year, especially during the thaw period in winter period. It is imperative to carry out treatment of the pathology in order to prevent its transition into a chronic form.

The disease can be recognized by a number of characteristic features, which are most often distinguished by patients and specialists:

  • discharge from the nose lasts more than 10 days;
  • there is difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • the sense of smell has significantly worsened or completely disappeared;
  • the usual phlegm from the nose has been replaced by thick and purulent masses, which may be yellow or green;
  • noted in the nasal cavity severe burning or itching, worse on waking;
  • along with these symptoms severe drowsiness, increased fatigue;
  • headaches are often noted;
  • there is an accumulation of purulent masses in the nasopharynx;
  • sleep became intermittent, it is quite difficult to fall asleep due to the reduced function of nasal breathing.

Attention! If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist to exclude the development of sinusitis and other types of sinusitis. In children, such complications can develop quite quickly.

Video - How to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child

Chronic allergic rhinitis in children and its treatment

In children similar pathology most often it is the allergen that enters the body constantly. This may be due to inhalation harmful substance or through direct contact. Cause a runny nose allergic nature in children, many factors can occur, including blooms, indoor and outdoor dust, excretions, and pet hair.

If the reason is related to the flowering of indoor or outdoor plants, you should remove all flowers from the house, do not walk in places with big amount flowering trees and be sure to rinse the nasal cavity after going outside. It is also desirable to maintain normal humidity in the room and hide the windows with a special dust-catching mesh, which also traps pollen. In case of an allergic reaction to pets, even indirect contact with them is necessarily excluded in order to prevent deterioration of the condition.

The most difficult is the therapy to eliminate a protracted allergic rhinitis of an allergic nature due to the constant exposure to a house tick. In this case, upholstered furniture, pillows are completely removed, wet cleaning is constantly carried out.

Attention! Regardless of what caused the protracted allergic rhinitis, should be taken antihistamines. They will reduce swelling of the mucousand will not allow inflammation to take severe forms, including asthma.

Antihistamines for chronic colds


Traditional medicinal product, which involves the use of 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The dosage may vary according to the severity of the symptoms and the age of the child. The exact course of treatment is determined only by a specialist, in severe cases it can last up to two weeks. Take the medication 30 minutes after eating, so as not to reduce its effectiveness.


Cetrin is one of the most modern drugs for the treatment of allergies.

One of the most modern drugs for the treatment of allergies, including in childhood. It is necessary to use the medication in individually selected dosages. Usually for children, the specialist recommends 5 mg active substance daily. Cetrin should be taken with or without food from one day to two weeks. For kidney problems, this treatment antihistamine strictly contraindicated.


A medicine is produced in the form of a dragee, which should be taken one hour before meals. The dosage of Diazolin is selected taking into account the age of the child and the specifics of a prolonged runny nose. The number of dragees can be equal to 6 per day, take the drug after the same period of time. The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.

Attention! It makes sense to take such drugs even with the non-allergenic nature of the pathology. They significantly accelerate the removal of puffiness and allow you to remove symptoms such as itching and burning..

Ultrasound and mineral therapy against prolonged rhinitis

The ultrasound and mineralization procedure is carried out using Vulkan-1, a preparation specially developed for the treatment of the common cold. It is able to distribute medical solutions containing medicinal salts from the Urals and Transcarpathia. It can also be used for therapy sea ​​salt and solutions of medicinal herbs. The liquid penetrates deep into the respiratory system, due to which they are cleansed, restored and healed.

Medicinal substances eliminate the nasal passages from harmful bacteria and infections, erosion of the mucosa and wounds on it completely disappear. At the same time, there is a significant moistening of the respiratory tract, the mucus becomes fluid, completely comes out, which eliminates congestion and further inflammation.

Also, after the procedure of mineralization and irrigation of healing solutions, it is recommended to disinfect the nasal cavity with ozone and ultraviolet radiation. This greatly accelerates the death of infection and viruses, and also relieves inflammation.

Attention! These methods are suitable for the treatment of any type of disorder in children. Before the start of the sessions, without fail seek help from your doctor, as there are contraindications.

Inhalations against prolonged rhinitis in children

For the treatment of children, such procedures are especially useful, since with the help of inhalations it is possible not only to cure a prolonged runny nose, but also to improve the tone of the respiratory system. There are several ways to carry out the procedure.

Attention! When using hot inhalations, care should be taken to ensure that the child does not burn the face with steam. If the baby is very mobile, it is better to refuse such treatment..

Vasoconstrictor drops for children


A feature of these drops is the presence of an antibiotic in them, which allows not only to reduce inflammation, but also to remove all purulent masses. Tsipromed is used for purulent rhinitis only in the presence of thick green or yellow discharge. To achieve the desired effect, the baby may be advised to take 2 drops up to 4 times a day, the exact dose is checked with the doctor. Therapy lasts up to 10 days.

A drug is produced in the form of a spray, which shows quick effect. It makes breathing easier in just 3 minutes after use. To obtain a stable result, you can use the drug 2 times a day, two doses in each nostril. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days.

Suitable for use from the first year of life. Use the medication 1-2 drops in each nasal passage. The exact number of daily applications should be clarified with the pediatrician, since their number depends on the age of the baby. Usually you can not use Otrivin Baby more than three times a day. Additionally, Aquamaris saline solution should be used with drops. The duration of treatment is not more than 5 days.

Attention! Specialists with a prolonged runny nose do not recommend further use of vasoconstrictor drops, since often prolonged symptom provoked by their uncontrolled use, which is addictive. If there is no other choice, the type of drops should be changed every three days until a lasting effect is achieved..

Other medicines for a chronic runny nose

A drugImageFormDosageA course of treatment
VibrocilDrops1-2 drops 2-3 times a dayNo more than 7 days
Allergodil Drops1 drop dailyUp to 6 months
Furacilin Solution for inhalation3 ml 3 times a dayUp to 5 days
coryzalia Pillsindividually3-5 days
Afrin Spray1 spray up to 3 times a dayNo more than 7 days
Polydex Antibiotic sprayUp to 4 sprays per dayNo more than 10 days

Attention! The appointment of some of the medicines described is possible only from the age of 6, as unforeseen side effects may occur.

Prolonged runny nose in children is a dangerous disorder, which in many cases can lead to the development of sinusitis and the chronic form of the disease. When treating pathology, it is worth minimizing the number of vasoconstrictor drops, since they negatively affect the tone of the walls of the nasal cavity, be sure to inhale and monitor the humidity in the room. At allergic forms disease, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the disorder in order to select the optimal drug.

In most cases, a runny nose in children is acute - the symptoms appear suddenly, increase rapidly and gradually disappear after a few days. Together with nasal breathing, the general condition of the patient is restored - fever, weakness, headache disappear. Such a runny nose can be repeated more than once during the year, most often caused by viruses of the respiratory group - rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus. However, sometimes manifestations of rhinitis persist even after 10 days of illness or longer. How to treat a chronic runny nose in a child? It is necessary to understand if there are any complications, find out what nature (infectious, allergic) nasal congestion has and, in accordance with this, select the appropriate pharmacological agents.


The problem of a prolonged runny nose in childhood is quite relevant - such a phenomenon can occur in completely small child both in preschoolers and adolescents. long runny nose causes reasonable concern, since it often indicates the development of complications of primary pathological process- rhinitis, that is, inflammation of the nasal mucosa. What to do if the child cannot breathe through the nose? To understand whether there is a need for treatment, you need to find out what is the reason for the long-term persistence of symptoms.

Most often accompanied by acute respiratory infections(ARI), which are usually combined with the simplified concept of "cold". ARI can be caused by viruses or bacteria that are transmitted by airborne droplets- thus, the nasal mucosa is the "entrance gate" of the infection, the first to encounter the causative agent of the disease. In most cases, a runny nose is acute, culminating in recovery for 7–8, less often 7–10 days.

Not uncommon in childhood is also allergic rhinitis- The duration of the course varies from several days to several weeks. Among the prerequisites for development are frequent respiratory infections, chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. With this pathology, the child is sensitive to a variety of allergens, contact with which maintains the activity of allergic inflammation.

Prolonged runny nose can also be associated with:

  • with the development of sinusitis;
  • with the development of adenoiditis;
  • with unsatisfactory microclimate conditions in the children's room (dry, overheated air, excess dust);
  • with the incorrect use of decongestants, or vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose (development of vasomotor).

Thus, a prolonged runny nose in a child lasts longer than 10 days, the cause may be infectious, allergic factors, unfavorable microclimate parameters, abuse of vasoconstrictor drops.

A prolonged runny nose may indicate a decrease in immune reactivity, that is, the presence of immunodeficiency, as well as the formation of a chronic infectious and inflammatory focus (chronic rhinitis). It is necessary to start searching for the cause as soon as possible, since at the initial stage of the pathological process, changes can be completely or partially reversible, and it will be easier to improve the child's condition.

How to act

If the child does not get away with a runny nose, you first need to evaluate if there are other changes in the condition. So, weakness, swelling of the nasal mucosa, fever, thick, viscous purulent discharge from the nose that appeared on the background of rhinitis or almost immediately after recovery are likely signs of sinusitis or adenoiditis. Transparent highlights, pronounced swelling in combination with itching of the nose, eyes, sneezing - allergy symptoms. Dry and hot air leads to the appearance of congestion, periodic coughing without the manifestations characteristic of a cold or allergy. Medical rhinitis is characterized severe congestion nose, dependence on decongestant drops.

Install correct diagnosis only a pediatrician can, so do not postpone a visit to the clinic. It is necessary to tell the specialist in detail about what symptoms preceded a prolonged runny nose, whether vasoconstrictor drugs were used in the treatment of the child in the form of drops and nasal sprays - in what dosages, how often, for how many days. To clarify the situation in controversial cases, can be used, general analysis blood and other studies recommended by the doctor.

How to cure a chronic runny nose in a child? The first priority is to normalize the conditions in the room where the child spends most time. Necessary:

  1. Achieve humidity values ​​​​in the range of 50-70%, maintain the temperature at 18-20 ° C.
  2. Eliminate contact with irritants, which include dust, household chemicals, cosmetics, bird feather, tobacco smoke.
  3. Exclude sharp drops temperature of the inhaled air, make sure that the room is regularly ventilated.
  4. Free the room from things that can accumulate dust - heavy curtains, carpets, soft toys, fleecy bedspreads.
  5. Monitor the child's diet - exclude allergenic foods (citrus fruits, cow's milk, chocolate, etc.), spicy, crumbling dishes.

To treat a protracted runny nose, it is necessary to use saline solutions (Aqua Maris, Physiomer) for nasal rinsing, administration in the form of drops - this will help moisturize and cleanse the mucous membrane.

Already these actions can help get rid of obsessive congestion, if its cause was excessive dryness of the air. Eliminating dust as a common allergen will also allow the child to breathe easier. The listed measures are useful for any type of prolonged runny nose, as they help to reduce the irritating effect on the inflamed mucous membrane - they are mandatory, even if drug therapy is prescribed.

Principles of treatment

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child with sinusitis or adenoiditis? Sinusitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, and adenoiditis, an inflammatory process in the area of ​​a hypertrophically altered pharyngeal tonsil, can occur in isolation (any specific of the diseases) or occur in combination. At improper treatment or in its absence, they turn into a chronic form, therefore it is very important to recognize and treat protracted rhinitis in time. Recommended:

  • nasal lavage saline solutions(Physiomer), antiseptics (Furacillin) - including the method of "moving", or "cuckoo";
  • usage local antiseptics, antibiotics (Bioparox, Polydex);
  • inhalation of mucolytics, that is, mucus thinners (Fluimucil, Fluimucil Antibiotic IT);
  • the introduction of vasoconstrictor drops into the nose (Xylometazoline, Phenylephrine) - no longer than 5-7 days.

At purulent inflammation needed antibiotic therapy(Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin). Also shown are anti-inflammatory drugs (Tantum Verde, Sinupret, Pinosol, Hydrocortisone), physiotherapy (for example, laser therapy). "Cuckoo" is carried out by a children's ENT doctor in a medical institution.

What to do if an allergic lingering rhinitis occurs in a child - how to treat it in order to quickly alleviate the condition? Antihistamines (Desloratadine), topical glucocorticosteroids (Nasonex), decongestants are used. It is important to observe hypoallergenic diet, rinse and moisten the nose, if possible, identify allergens and avoid contact with them. Treatment of a protracted runny nose in children with allergies is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician and a pediatric allergist.

To cure a prolonged runny nose in a child with vasomotor drug-induced rhinitis, it is necessary to refuse vasoconstrictor drugs.

The risk of developing drug-induced rhinitis exists already after 7 days of regular use of vasoconstrictor drops, and the recommended duration of use in childhood is up to 3 days. Sometimes strictly controlled use is allowed for 5–7 days. Vasomotor runny nose will not go away on its own if you continue to use the drops, and running cases require surgical intervention so treatment should be started as early as possible.

If a child has a runny nose for a long time due to misuse vasoconstrictor drops, the rejection of these drugs should be combined with nasal lavage, the appointment of topical glucocorticosteroids, physiotherapy. The course of treatment usually lasts several weeks.

Treating a runny nose that lasts longer than 10 days is not always an easy task. Selection of drugs and necessary procedures is carried out by the doctor, since in each case it is required individual approach, and drugs that are approved for older children may not always be used in a small child. It is necessary to correctly combine pharmacological agents and non-drug methods in order to achieve the speedy disappearance of congestion and improve the condition.

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