Why dream of flowering trees of the article. Dream Interpretation: a flowering tree is a sign of good luck

A tree is interpreted by many dream books as a symbol of growth, development of a person or family. But a dream about him can have other meanings, it depends on your feelings. In order to find the correct interpretation of the dream, one should remember all the details and details of the dream.

Remember your dream in detail and pay attention to the following details:

  • What was the condition of the plant? Perhaps it was flowering or dry.
  • The type of tree that was dreamed of.
  • The part of the plant that you paid the most attention to.
  • What exactly happened in your dream.


What is the dream of a flowering tree?

The answer to this question can be found in Miller's dream book. See in a dream tall flowering tree- to a happy life. Relations with a loved one will add up perfectly, work will bring joy and high income.

If in a dream the branches are dotted with white flowers, you should be careful in communicating with an old friend. This dream warns that a faithful comrade can betray.

Big blooming garden, according to the spring interpreter, dreams of happiness in his personal life. Singles will find their love, and those who are married will enjoy the company of a spouse.


What trees of a certain type dream of is most detailed in N. Grishina's dream book:

What happens in a dream?

What caught your attention in the dream?

Why dream of plants of an unusual type or shape?

Other interpretations

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • Tree - to high incomes. Hacking it is a waste. Planting is wealth.
  • Sitting under a tree is good news. Sitting on it - get an award, a high position.
  • Picking fruit is a great success.
  • Burning tree - losses, losses. Blooming - prosperity in business.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Modern dream book

  • A tree with young leaves - the fulfillment of desires and hopes. Dried - loss, sadness. Blooming - promises a joyful life, success. If there are no flowers or leaves on it - to poverty.
  • Climbing a tree in a dream portends success, but also warns against unnecessary spending.
  • Cutting down or tearing it out means that you will waste energy and money.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Lunar dream book

Tree - prosperity and well-being. With fruits - profit, income. Without fruits - losses and losses. Dry - betrayal. Chop - loss. Plant - for money. Blooming - prosperity in business. Felled - sorrow, sadness.

Small Velesov dream book

Tree - for money. Felled or broken - grief, loss, death. Floating on the water - hardships and worries. High and lonely - quarrels and troubles.

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

Russian dream book

A flowering tree is the embodiment of hope. withered - losses. Chop it - lose a loved one. Forest - well-being.

English dream book

Generally speaking, seeing a tree in a dream can have two meanings. A living, green tree has a positive color, and the thicker its crown, the better. A dry or broken tree in almost all dream books does not bode well. What other interpretations do dream books offer?

Small Velesov dream book

Examines the dreaming tree in the same vein. A living, strong plant portends profit, and a dried or broken plant portends monetary loss or illness. Plant a tree - to wealth; hack - to loss in the family, illness of a family member; breaking branches - to a quarrel, a break in relations. A dry tree can portend failure, illness, funeral, sadness or treason.

If in a dream you saw a tree dried up in the yard of one of your relatives, then troubles should be expected in that family. A bent tree portends need, falling - quarrels in the family, burning - loss and sadness, naked - illness or widowhood. A shady tree portends the fulfillment of plans, and a flowering one portends success, profit and a happy event.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Associates the dreaming tree with the dreamer himself. The trunk is its position in society, the rhizomes are life attitudes and strategies, the foliage is relations with the environment, the bark represents the degree of resistance to hardships and protection from the outside world.

A strong green plant with lush noisy foliage is dreamed of by people with a stable position in society, who have close family and friendly ties. A dry tree without leaves dreams of loneliness, obstacles, an unexpected break in existing relationships. If you dream about how a tree blooms - to love and the emergence of new attachments.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Why is the tree dreaming according to this interpreter? Just as in the previous explanations, in it a healthy tree predicts a quick income, flowering - business achievements, fruitful - goodness and tranquility. Dreams acquire a negative coloration, where a tree is cut down - this is a loss, and torn out with a rhizome portends death and mourning, burning signals impending losses. Sawn logs and bars are harbingers of money or inheritance, while the thicker the trunk was, the greater the possible profit could be.

Miller's dream book

He interprets dreams about trees somewhat more diversely. So, cherry promises material gain and profit, and cherry blossoms - happy changes. Apricot tree warns of a change of residence, of a forced relocation. This dream book also talks about what trees in bloom dream of. A tall flowering tree portends a happy life, harmonious relationships with a partner, respect from colleagues and material incentives from superiors.

Dream Interpretation Felomena

Examines dreams associated with trees in more detail and gives answers to many questions. A bare tree without leaves, as in other dream books, warns of material and financial losses and failures in new business. Well, who is forewarned is forearmed. Be attentive to yourself and others, try to keep the situation under control and do not relax.

In this dream book, a tree with buds means a favorable situation in your life, an opportunity to receive good news. Fruit among dense greenery predicts tremendous success and an exciting future. Also, a fruit tree hints at summing up the results in any activity (harvesting).

Seeing a tree felling in a dream is a quick, unexpected and drastic change in your life. The atmosphere of the dream picture will tell you whether these changes will be good or bad. If after such a dream you woke up in a good mood, then you should not be afraid of trouble. They felled a tree - your rash actions in life can lead to collapse and problems. Watered - you are guaranteed respect from colleagues and people around you. They drew a tree on paper - expect financial success or receive an award and a gift.

Descended from a tree - in real life, you waste a lot of energy: you buy unnecessary things, you take everything too close to your heart, you fuss a lot. They hugged a tree - you will probably soon receive recognition, strengthen your position in society. The upcoming events will change your life for the better. Count on success, recognition and prosperity. A tree covered with snow warns that you are lagging behind modern life, you need to open your eyes so that trouble does not happen.

Anchor points:

- a symbol of a fulfilled hope, rebirth. Such a dream has always been considered a very good sign. It says that a joyful, bright period is coming in your life. Many new perspectives will open before you. For a woman, a dream promises incredible attractiveness in the eyes of men. If you feel in a dream and flowering tree scent- means your femininity develops even more. Pay attention to your intuition - maybe soon you will feel "cues from the future" to a greater extent.

Blooming cherry

The dream promises long-awaited happiness. What you have been striving for for so long will finally come into your life. Also, cherry blossoms to passionate and passionate love. You will meet with your betrothed, and if you have already found him, your relationship will move to a new level.

Apple trees in bloom

The dream says that a period of prosperity, bright events, new acquaintances awaits you. You will have success with the opposite sex. Your life will be filled with joy, you will be able to fully experience what bliss means.

apricot blossom

Blooming is a very good sign, promising change for the better in your destiny. Soon you will have fans and you will literally "bath" in male attention. Also, a dream portends an imminent marriage or a dizzying love affair.

The tree blossomed in the house

Blooming tree in the house- to prosperity and wealth. Sleep also means that all your work was not in vain, you will achieve the desired results pretty soon. In addition, expect the arrival of an influential person in your house who help you solve some problems.

Flowers in winter

The dream says that you have been going through various obstacles for a long time, but now, finally, in your life white line is coming. Your problems will be solved, your enemies will be defeated, and your worries will be left behind.

1. my dream.
2. Why do flowering trees dream of white flowers?
3. why do flowering trees dream of white flowers? (interpretation by day)
4. Why do flowering trees with fruits dream?
5. why dream of a lot of flowering trees?

1. my dream.

My sister and I were in a trendy cafe that opened in our city not so long ago, but has already gained popularity. We drank coffee, leafed through magazines, updated social networks. The conversation was mainly about changing hair color for the summer and finding the best options and masters. And then everything started spinning, like in some movie, not otherwise. All objects rose into the air, began to dissolve, turning into white petals. And here is another moment - and we are already standing with her in a beautiful city garden, and everything around is blooming so spring white that it blinds our eyes! All trees were decorated with snow-white flowers. Their fragrance was very subtle and delicate, somewhat reminiscent of the slight scent of a rose. But not saturated, not spicy, but only barely perceptible. The wind cooled my skin nicely. He also picked up petals from flowers on trees, and decorated everything around with them - the ground, benches, even hammered the petals into our hair. And it was so pleasant and easy for us in this park, such joy filled us! We sat down under one of the trees, and as in childhood we began to look at its branches, every leaf and fragrant buds. We threw our heads back and silently smiled, looking at all this splendor. And then I woke up in my bed at 6 am. Yes, I had such an unusual and completely incomprehensible dream.

2. Why do flowering trees dream of white flowers?

I didn’t feel like sleeping anymore, and despite the day off, I got up and began to make coffee. While I was filling the coffee machine, I thought - maybe it’s worth looking for the interpretation of sleep? He was very unusual. What I found: trees that bloomed with white flowers in a dream is the most auspicious symbol that can happen! The fresh white color of the petals speaks of a new and pure period, of the beginning of a long journey that awaits the dreamer ahead.

To see how trees bloom with white flowers in a dream - fortunately and even to the fulfillment of a person's dreams! This is a real symbol of good luck and endless luck.

If you saw such a dream, then be calm - your difficulties will be resolved very soon, and all problems will leave you for a long time. The dream speaks of a very calm and peaceful period of life, without stress, without anxiety.

3. Why do flowering trees dream of white flowers?

(interpretation by day)

Gee! What a wonderful dream! And here's more:

  • If you saw white trees on the night from Monday to Tuesday, your best friend will ask you for a favor. Do not refuse the service, then you will return a hundred times more.
  • To see trees in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday means you will smile a lot soon. Who or what will make you rejoice and shine - remember, in a dream there were details and answers.
  • Trees blooming white on Thursday night speak of good human health. But do not abuse your well-being. Protect and strengthen your body and spirit.
  • On the night of Thursday and Friday, trees blooming with white flowers can tell about the approach of a big holiday in the family. It could be a wedding or the birth of a baby.
  • The same dream, but seen on Saturday - for a trip to the sea or just on vacation. You will have a good relaxation and restoration of all forces in the near future.
  • If you saw trees blooming with snow-white flowers on Sunday night, wait for a marriage proposal.
  • On Monday, snow-white flowers on the trees portend good news and joy.

And just on the weekend the dream was! An offer of a hand? Are you seriously? Yes, I jumped with excitement! It seems that after this dream, everything in my life should not turn out badly at all.

4. Why do flowering trees with fruits dream?

By the way, while I was looking for my snow-white trees, I also found that if fruits were immediately on the trees along with flowers, this is for material wealth, prosperity. The tree bloomed and immediately bore fruit - you will soon gain a large amount of money and will not need anything. To take care of a tree with fruits means to grow your capital. A person will be able to earn well and correctly accumulate or invest his money. He will not go broke on a new project, but on the contrary, he will be able to benefit from any undertaking. If a person picks a fruit that has not yet ripened from a tree, he is in a hurry to spend what he has earned. It is necessary to make accumulations, since the dreamer does not stand firmly on his feet. If in a dream you pick fruits from a tree that blooms at the same time, you should know that you are wasting money too much, living beyond your means. You should write down your expenses, be careful about spending. You could have made a good amount if you had not spent too much in the last six months of your life.

5. why dream of a lot of flowering trees?

And here's more about my dream: if you saw a whole park of snow-white trees in a dream, then there are good and joyful changes ahead. Also, such a dream means new acquaintances, pleasant meetings and calm conversations. For a young girl, such a dream can mean a wedding or a meeting with a man who will definitely make an offer later. Another garden, in which there were many white trees, can speak of the dreamer's pure and open soul. Such a person is peaceful, non-conflict, always optimistic about life and what is happening. He is not afraid of adversity or loss - his attitude helps him and all his loved ones to remain with a smile and see only positive changes everywhere.

Flowers on the branches of a tree in esotericism are a good symbol. A bright streak will come in the life of the sleeper, what he has long dreamed of will come true. When interpreting a dream, it is important to consider its details: what tree the dreamer saw and what actions he performed in a dream. The apple tree personifies the inner desires of the sleeper and warns him against rash acts, the cherry portends success in professional activities, the apricot - difficulties and disappointment.

General interpretation of the dream

A flowering tree portends the onset of favorable changes in the dreamer's life. The changes will affect his family, personal life and career. Red flowers symbolize the harmonious relationship between the dreamer and his soulmate. If a tree blooms in winter with white flowers, then the sleeper will experience unexpected emotions, pink ones - to an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance.

If, in addition to flowers on a tree, the sleeper sees ripe fruits, then there is a high probability of promotion up the career ladder. The dreamer must demonstrate his best qualities to his superiors and justify the trust placed in him. For a businessman, a dream portends the conclusion of a lucrative contract that will bring big profits.

The fruits on the trees also symbolize the addition to the family.

Old fruit trees with dry branches, on which flowers suddenly appeared, is a good sign. The dreamer will succeed in a business that he considered hopeless. Luck will be on his side, the main thing is to act and take reasonable risks.

Picking flowers is a bad omen. The sleeper spoils his life, ignores the real opportunities for success. Fighting with yourself is not easy, but the dreamer must overcome this period in order to start a new life. Also, do not take on difficult work, otherwise there is a great risk of letting the authorities down and putting yourself in an unfavorable light.

What tree has blossomed?

Seeing a flowering tree in a dream is an ambiguous symbol that needs a detailed interpretation. That is why the varieties of trees that the sleeper could see in the Kingdom of Morpheus will be given below. Dream plots:

  • The apple tree is a symbol of temptation, which will not be easy for the sleeper to overcome. If a married woman sees a dream, then she must be true to her marriage vows and not start an affair on the side. The betrayal will be revealed, and the relationship with the spouse will deteriorate. The game is definitely not worth the candle. A similar interpretation is given if a man sees an apple tree in bloom.
  • Cherry represents the professional success of the sleeper. If a person plans to open his own business, then his undertaking will be successful. For an office worker, a dream portends an increase in wages or an increase in the career ladder.
  • Apricot trees are a harbinger of disappointment. The sleeper's plans will not be realized, and failure will greatly upset him. If a girl sees a dream, then her relationship with a young man will not live up to her expectations. In general, it should be noted that the apricot reflects the dreamer's ambition and dreaminess. His desires do not match the possibilities.
  • The pear represents tears of joy and pleasant emotions that the sleeping person will soon experience. If a dream is seen by a person who has adult children, then the dream portends wedding chores.

Famous dream books

The interpretation of the dream in Miller's dream book is positive. The author believed that if a person dreams of flowering trees, then a happy event will happen in his life. Watching unusual trees strewn with flowers is a sign that bright colors will appear in a person’s life. Sadness will give way to joy, and the sleeper will again enjoy his life.

If the flowers are covered with raindrops, then in the future there will be problems in communicating with your loved one. The dream interpretation advises to objectively assess the situation and eliminate the cause of the conflict. Standing on top of a flowering tree is a reflection of the dreamer's authority and strength.

A flowering tree seen in autumn portends an acquaintance with an influential person. This interpretation is given in Vanga's dream book. If you had to stand under a tree, fleeing the weather, then it's time to openly demonstrate your feelings. A declaration of love to your soulmate will fill a person's life with happiness. It's time for decisive action!

Miss Hasse, in her famous dream book, considers a dream with lush flowering a harbinger of great happiness. The dreamer will be able to take a break from the daily routine and restore his strength. The update will have a positive impact on his perception of life. The sleeper will learn to appreciate what he has and enjoy the little things.

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