When is the best time to donate prolactin? On what day of the cycle should I take prolactin. Norms of prolactin depending on the phase of the cycle

In a number of situations, it is sometimes critical to know the level of certain hormones in the blood in order to be sure that everything is normal with health. In women, one of the most "revealing" hormones is prolactin, but its level can vary greatly depending on a whole set of factors - and the calendar date is the main one - but not the only one. Let's figure out what day to take prolactin and how preparation for its delivery should be carried out so that there are no noticeable deviations, so that everything is as reliable as possible.

Prolactin, like a number of other hormones, is synthesized in women by the anterior lobe of their pituitary gland. Its functions are diverse, including ovulation, libido level, lactation, the creation and development of the mammary glands, as well as immunity and even water-salt balance. In women, it is one of the key hormones involved in an abundance of processes, but still it affects the mammary glands most of all, because prolactin is given up first of all with problems that are directly related to them.

Key indications

You need to donate blood for prolactin with a number of characteristic changes that occur in the body. The key ones are:

  • Unreasonable swelling of the breast, accompanied by severe pain.
  • Galactorrhea is the secretion of milk from the nipples that occurs outside of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Lack of milk after childbirth.
  • The formation of nodules in the tissues of the mammary gland (mastopathy).

  • Problems with conceiving a child.
  • Decreased libido and problems with orgasms.
  • Insufficiently regular menstrual cycle.
  • Numerous miscarriages.
  • Excessively long pregnancy.
  • Hair growth similar to that of men.

Lactation hormone - it is under this name that prolactin is known (mammotropin, lactotropin, luteotropic hormone). The list of functions of prolactin in the body is very diverse, and scientists are still working on the study of the role of mammotropin in the body. Therefore, there are more than 20 indications for which it is necessary to know the level of prolactin, from the diagnosis of infertility in women to erectile dysfunction in men.

Norms of prolactin in the body

Lactotropin is a truly female hormone: the norm of this substance in the blood is very variable and depends on a variety of reasons - time of day, mental state, last meal, sexual life, etc.

But the main biological reasons that affect prolactin levels are:

  • gender of the patient;
  • age;
  • pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • phase of the menstrual cycle in women.

In different laboratories, the norm of prolactin in mIU / l may vary - it depends on the research methods, the sensitivity of the reagents, etc.

The norm of prolactin for children

In newborn babies, the level of prolactin is quite high - up to 1700-2000 mU / l. At this time, the children's blood still contains a lot of maternal hormone, which can provoke "witch's milk" - the release of fluid from the nipples in babies. By the end of the first month of life, this figure drops to 628 mU/l in girls and 607 in boys.

After the first year of life, normal numbers for little girls and boys are 109-557 mU/l and 73-407 mU/l, respectively. The usual indicator up to 10 years is 40-400 mU / l, then the prolactin level begins to rise.

Norm for women

For non-pregnant women of reproductive age, normal lactotropin should be in the range of 136-1483 mIU/mL. The norms of prolactin on the days of the cycle look like this:

  • 1st, follicular phase - 136-999 mIU / ml (4.5-33 ng / ml);
  • 2nd, ovulatory phase - 190-1484 mIU / ml (6.3-49 ng / ml);
  • 3rd, luteal phase - 148-1212 mIU / ml (4.9-40 ng / ml).

During pregnancy, the level of luteotropic hormone jumps sharply. At 8-12 weeks, prolactin is already about 500-2000 mU / l, at 13-27 weeks - 2000-6000, at the peak it can reach values ​​in the range of 4000-10000 mU / l. Shortly before childbirth, lactotropin begins to fall.

At the onset of menopause, the prolactin level can decrease to 25-400 mU / l and will only decrease in the future.

Norm for men

Normal prolactin for adult men is a fairly constant value, after the onset of puberty it practically does not change. The norm is 55-359 mU / l, in many laboratories an indicator of up to 400 is considered normal.

Indications for passing the analysis, on what days to take

A variety of doctors can send patients to donate blood for prolactin. Endocrinologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, mammologist - the scope of the lactation hormone concerns various aspects of human health.

Lactotropin is very sensitive to fluctuations in biological rhythms, so you need to take it at a certain time. Experts have determined the ideal time for the delivery of prolactin - in the morning, on an empty stomach, between 8 and 10 am. In this case, the person should get out of bed no earlier than 3 hours before the analysis!

Doctors also advise women to go for the procedure at the beginning of the monthly cycle - prolactin is taken on the 5th-8th day (it is counted from the beginning of menstruation). But often a prolactin analysis is required 3 times during the cycle, so today many specialists allow you to come for blood sampling at any phase of the cycle.

For women, it is necessary to determine the level of lactotropin in the blood with the following disorders:

  • if there were no periods for more than six months, and pregnancy did not occur;
  • uterine bleeding (or irregular cycle);
  • complex diagnostics of infertility;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands and discharge from the nipples (in the absence of pregnancy);
  • diagnosed mastopathy;
  • severe headaches for a long time (if drugs do not save);
  • when vision falls for unknown reasons;
  • problems with lactation;
  • osteoporosis;
  • severe menopause, etc.

In men, prolactin donation is necessary if:

  • headache for unknown reasons and vision drops;
  • reduced libido and (or) there are problems with potency;
  • gynecomastia (breast enlargement);
  • galactorrhea (discharge of a milky fluid from the nipples).

What the analysis shows

A variety of factors can provoke increased prolactin. These are pregnancy, overheating (heat exposure), stress, taking antipsychotics, non-compliance with the rules for preparing for the test.

But if prolactin is significantly higher than normal, serious diseases can become causes:

  • diseases of the pituitary gland (tumor - prolactinoma, adenoma, cysts, etc.);
  • diseases of the hypothalamus (tumors, vascular diseases, etc.);
  • decreased production of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism);
  • eating disorders (anorexia);
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • autoimmune systemic ailments;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • hypovitaminosis of vitamins B, etc.

Prolactin falls below normal much less frequently. The main reasons are:

  • prolongation of pregnancy (over 9 months);
  • Sheehan's syndrome in women (postpartum pituitary infarction);
  • x-ray and radiation therapy;
  • head injury (caused by disruption of the pituitary gland).
  • long-term use of different groups of drugs: dopaminergic, anticonvulsant, etc.

How to prepare for the analysis

In order for the result of the analysis of prolactin to be as accurate as possible, you need to properly prepare for the procedure. The most important thing is that you need to donate blood for lactotropin in a calm and healthy state.

If you catch a cold, some chronic ailment worsens, or even get nervous, it is better to postpone the analysis for a few days. In this case, it is better to decide on which day prolactin can already be taken with your doctor.

There are also general rules for the analysis of lactotropin, mandatory for both men and women:

  • You need to take it in the morning, 3 or more hours after waking up, but no later than 10.00. You can't have breakfast.
  • 2-3 days before the procedure, you will have to refrain from sex (as well as from petting and any breast stimulation).
  • The day before the analysis, thermal procedures are prohibited - a bath, a sauna, a hot bath.
  • Heavy food (especially protein) one day before the procedure should be excluded. The ideal option is a light vegetable dinner on the eve of the prolactin analysis.
  • Before the analysis, no coffee, cigarettes, alcohol is prohibited the day before.
  • In the morning before blood sampling, you need to limit physical activity. Refuse morning exercises, do not run up the stairs, before donating blood it is better to sit and calm down.

How is a prolactin test done?

Initially, the determination of the level of prolactin in the blood is done in one and only way - by donating blood from a vein. If the first result showed an increase in the level of prolactin, then for accuracy the analysis is repeated 2 more times.

In this case, for women there is no difference when to take prolactin. But some doctors set a condition - all 3 procedures must be done within one monthly cycle.

If a triple analysis recorded elevated prolactin, then additional laboratory diagnostic methods are required:

  • TSH and T4 (to exclude primary hypothyroidism);
  • for women - analysis for FSH and LH, testosterone, estradiol (if polycystic ovaries are suspected);
  • for men - determination of testosterone levels (to exclude chronic prostatitis);
  • urine, blood tests (clinical and biochemical) - if there are suspicions of liver and kidney disorders.

Also, to determine the causes of high prolactin, special pharmacological tests are used - with thyroliberin and with metoclopramide (cerucal). This allows you to find out the presence / absence of a tumor as the cause of increased prolactin.

Many women have to take various tests to control their hormonal levels. Most often, this is necessary when planning and managing pregnancy, when choosing contraceptives and when diagnosing diseases. In the female body, periodic fluctuations in the level of hormones occur, therefore, for the correct result, tests should be taken on strictly defined days of the menstrual cycle. One of the important hormones that affects many other body systems is the hormone prolactin. When to take it, how to prepare for delivery, what can and cannot be done, just below in the article. There you can also learn about the causes of increased and decreased prolactin. And now - a little about what the prolactin hormone is, what it is.

Prolactin - "milk" hormone

Milk translated into Latin sounds like "lactos", which gave the name to the hormone. For a long time, doctors have known its most important property - the regulation of milk synthesis. The mammary glands under the influence of the hormone begin to grow, they form colostrum and then mature milk. Many receptors are located on the nipple, which is why when prolactin is taken, in no case is it affected, so as not to get overestimated values. When breastfeeding, the highest level of the hormone is observed, and it begins to have a slight analgesic effect. Perhaps this is due to the fact that when a child unexpectedly bites on the nipple, the mother is not too hurt. Prolactin provides the child's immune independence from the mother and is involved in the maturation of the baby's lungs in late pregnancy. Hormone receptors are located not only on the chest, but also in all human organs. The effect of the hormone on other organs is still being studied.

Effects of medications, stress, alcohol and nicotine on prolactin

The hormone prolactin is very sensitive to the psycho-emotional state of a person. Its values ​​increase with stress, various anxiety states, and depression. Therefore, when taking prolactin, it is important to be in a calm state. Before taking the test, it is necessary to refrain from excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine, as this also greatly increases the concentration of the hormone. Some medications, especially antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, can greatly distort the results of the analysis in a big way. Therefore, how to donate blood for prolactin, what can and cannot be taken should be checked with the doctor who gives the referral. Downward results may change when taking drugs such as bromocriptine, cabergoline, tamoxifen and clostilbegit. With drug intoxication with opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, an increase in the secretion of prolactin occurs.

The effect of prolactin on immunity

According to the observations of doctors, prolactin is also involved in immune reactions. When the immune system is activated during inflammatory diseases, when treating an infection, its level can increase, and decrease when taking drugs that suppress the immune system. These include various glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, antitumor and chemotherapy drugs. Therefore, patients must check with the attending physician about prolactin, how to take it correctly, taking into account all the diseases in the anamnesis. You should not be afraid of elevated hormone levels if you are taking antiemetics, antihistamines, or drugs containing estrogen. However, at the end of the course of medication, it is necessary to check the level of the hormone again. A high level of prolactin can indicate serious health problems.

Causes of high prolactin

If during the test you found high levels of prolactin, then this may be due to pregnancy or lactation, nervousness, or non-compliance with the rules of blood donation. If all this is not suitable, then the following diseases should be excluded:

  • Prolactinoma is a condition in which a tumor forms on the pituitary gland that produces excessive amounts of prolactin. Its presence is indirectly indicated by such symptoms as the absence of menstruation in women, infertility and overweight;
  • hypothyroidism - a decrease in the level of hormones that the thyroid gland produces. To confirm this diagnosis, it is necessary to take an analysis for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH);
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition of the female reproductive system characterized by menstrual irregularities, infertility, and excessive body hair growth.

Elevated prolactin can also be associated with various diseases of the liver and kidneys. That is why the analysis of prolactin is sometimes very important. How to take and when, your doctor should advise, but most often for women this is the beginning of the cycle. Although, you may be advised to take it in the second half for 20-21 days.

What day to take prolactin?

The level of the hormone fluctuates not only during the cycle, but throughout the day, therefore, for a more accurate determination of the indicators, it is important to get up at least 3 hours before the analysis. The most suitable cycle days for women are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. The first day of the cycle is considered the day of the onset of moderate or heavy discharge during menstruation. In the case of spotting, you should wait for the appearance of abundant and then take an analysis for prolactin. How to take it correctly, what state you need to be in, how to calculate your cycle - the doctor (most often an endocrinologist or gynecologist) should warn about all this even before passing the analysis. As a rule, it is recommended to refrain from drinking coffee, physical activity, sexual intercourse and nervous tension 2 days before the analysis. Some doctors believe that this is even more important than the day of the cycle, since on any given day the hormone must be in a certain range indicated in the norms of each laboratory.

Causes of low prolactin

Low levels of the hormone can be observed in children and men. Usually, when a low prolactin level is detected, treatment is not prescribed, but the following diseases should be excluded:

  • benign and malignant formations of the pituitary gland;
  • pituitary tuberculosis;
  • any injury that affects the functioning of the pituitary gland.

In addition, do not forget about the drugs you take. So, for example, Levodopa and Dopamine can lead to a misinterpretation of the results that a prolactin test will show. How to take it, taking into account the medications taken, the doctor should tell. If you wish, you can ask about a preliminary diagnosis before passing the analysis. During the consultation, it would be nice to find out what the prolactin hormone is, what it is, and how the analysis will help establish the diagnosis. Usually, having a clinical picture in front of him, the doctor will give important information about the patient's state of health.

When prolactin is taken: symptoms and conditions

Most often, people with certain problems turn to the doctor, analyzing which the doctor directs to take an analysis for prolactin. Symptoms that indirectly indicate problems with the hormonal background are:

With an individual approach to treatment, the doctor should inform you on which day to take prolactin for you and give appropriate recommendations. Self-medication and delivery of the hormone as a self-diagnosis is unlikely to bring good results. Usually, even experienced doctors prescribe this hormone to be taken several times (most often 3 times in a row) to be sure of the diagnosis.

Where is prolactin taken?

Prolactin is a very important hormone that affects the functioning of many body systems, so almost all laboratories can test for this hormone. Usually a laboratory assistant or laboratory manager immediately warns about how to prepare for his delivery. Blood is taken on an empty stomach from a vein. In private laboratories, blood sampling for this hormone is possible without an appointment. In state laboratories at hospitals and clinics, very often in the list of possible samples, there is no analysis for prolactin. The doctor who issued the referral for prolactin, where to pass, most often speaks himself or writes on a separate piece of paper. If he did not do this, you can clarify the information from him yourself. In most cases, he will recommend one of the city's trusted laboratories.

Prolactin norms

Patients who donate prolactin are often interested in the norms that need to be met. The attending physician cannot always give an exhaustive answer to this question. This is due to the fact that each laboratory uses its own equipment, which does not match the units of measurement with others. Therefore, on the form with the results of the analysis, most often, the norms for a particular laboratory are indicated. The most common following indicators of the norm: 109-557 mU / ml for women and 53-400 mU / ml for men.

Additional Research in Elevated Prolactin

If you have found high prolactin, then additional studies of the body are prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. Usually this:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and pituitary gland, which allows you to see the surface and thickness of the brain, all neoplasms and pathological processes;
  • study of the state of the thyroid gland. Control of hormones TSH, SvT4, SvT3, the pathological values ​​of which indicate a decrease in thyroid function (treatment is most often long-term, perhaps even lifelong);
  • determination of the level of cholesterol and lipids of low and high density, glucose tolerance test for women with overweight problems;
  • examination by an ophthalmologist in the presence of brain pathology according to MRI images.

Based on additional studies, a conclusion is made about the diagnosis and an individual treatment is selected.

The human body produces biologically active substances - hormones that affect the functionality of organs and systems. Vital processes, including reproductive ones, depend on them. One of these active substances is prolactin (lactotropin), a hormone that is produced in the female and male body by the anterior pituitary gland. Laboratory tests are carried out to determine the level of this substance. In the article we will analyze how to properly take a blood test for in order to get accurate results.

Hormone analysis: prolactin in womenand men

In the female body, lactotropic hormone is associated primarily with lactation. Promotes the development of the mammary glands in girls during puberty and ensures the secretion of milk after the birth of a child. It is a natural contraceptive during lactation. It also participates in the process of ovulation and stimulates the production of a hormone necessary to maintain pregnancy.

The indications for the study are:

  • Lack of ovulation or irregular periods.
  • Infertility.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Discharge from the nipples in non-pregnant women.
  • Delayed puberty at puberty.
  • Pain in the chest, mastopathy.
  • Problems with lactation.
  • Decreased sex drive.
  • Severe climax.

Information on which female hormones should be checked can be found in.

In men, lactotropin is involved in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, the formation of spermatozoa, and regulates immune processes. Indications for examination are a decrease in potency and libido, growth of the mammary glands, obesity, and infertility.

Hormone prolactin: how to take the test?

To determine the content of lactotropin, a laboratory study of venous blood is used.

To get accurate results, you need to follow some rules:

  • During the day, the level of the hormone fluctuates, and the maximum rate falls on the morning hours. Therefore, at this time, 2-3 hours after waking up, it is necessary to take blood for research.
  • The day before the test for prolactin, you should refrain from sexual intimacy, since during sexual arousal the level of this substance increases, and after orgasm, on the contrary, it decreases. Eliminate irritation of the nipples.
  • Stress also affects the content of lactotropin in the blood. Therefore, before taking blood, you need to normalize your condition. Those who are afraid of medical manipulations first need to calm down, because this can affect the accuracy of the indicators.
  • Exposure to high temperatures can distort the result of the study, 2 days in advance, you should abandon the sauna and any overheating.
  • The day before the examination, limit physical activity, in the morning before the analysis, even cancel exercises.
  • The study is carried out on an empty stomach, it is also recommended to refrain from smoking. Dinner is preferably light, without spicy and heavy food.

Prolactin: preparation for the test in women

There are no special differences in the training of women and men. For the former, only the phase of the menstrual cycle can play a role. If this aspect is important, the doctor directing the analysis will definitely indicate on which days the material should be taken.

More often, a study is carried out from 3 to 9 days, but fluctuations during the month are not significant. Therefore, the time that is optimal for the patient is assigned. In most cases, several hormones are examined, then the day is chosen the one that is more important.

General information on how to properly test for female hormones is contained in.

How much is a blood test for prolactin?

For research, venous blood is needed. Pick up is required between 8 am and 11 am.

The procedure is painless, but for those who are afraid of any manipulation, it can be unpleasant. Important: before taking blood, you need to calm down, because this can affect the performance.

The analysis itself is done in one day. But the timing of the results depends on the delivery of the material to the laboratory. Usually the answer is ready in 1-3 days. There is an opportunity to make an urgent analysis.

In private laboratories, the results can be obtained on their websites and you can print the form yourself.

Deciphering a blood test for prolactin

The norm of lactotropin has gender differences, depends on the presence and duration of pregnancy, breastfeeding.

In addition, there are fluctuations in the blood associated with physiological causes (time of day, days of the menstrual cycle, overheating of the body).

Norm indicators:

  • Children under 1 month. – up to 2000 mmu/ml. This amount is associated with the presence of lactotropin in the amniotic fluid and its presence in the blood of newborns. Gradually, the amount of the hormone decreases.
  • Men– 86-324 mmu/ml.
  • Women from the onset of menstruation to menopause– 102-496 mmu/ml.
  • Women in menopause 170-330 mmu/ml.
  • Pregnant women in the 1st trimester– 500-1000 mmu/ml; in the 3rd trimester– up to 7600 mmu/ml.
  • Lactation period up to 6 months after childbirth– up to 2500 mmu/ml; up to 1 year– 1000-1200 mmu/ml.

The production of prolactin is influenced by the general hormonal background. Therefore, analysis is often prescribed in combination with other studies.

Prolactin is a substance produced in the anterior part of the pituitary gland and regulates the sexual sphere, childbearing and feeding.

Prolactin testing is performed for a number of indications. This includes menstrual disorders, female infertility, uterine bleeding, pain in the mammary glands, suspected brain tumors, impaired visual acuity with irregular menstruation. Also, a prolactin test should be taken when milk appears without pregnancy and when menstruation is delayed in the case of a negative pregnancy test.

The laboratory is best visited in the morning on an empty stomach, less than 3 hours after waking up. To decide how to donate blood for prolactin, it is worth remembering that instead of breakfast it is better to drink a glass of non-carbonated water, and about 3 hours before testing for prolactin, you must stop smoking and 2 days before alcohol. The optimal period for passing the analysis is the time interval for 5-8 days from the onset of menstruation. In any case, the doctor must be informed on what day after the start of menstruation these tests were taken.

Prolactin may be released more actively when nipples are stimulated. Therefore, one day before the test, it is necessary to exclude any irritation of the nipples, including during sexual intercourse. A few days before the test, you need to avoid stress, reduce physical activity and not be exposed to overheating in saunas: such conditions in women also affect the level of this substance.

This is interesting! Hormones that are produced by the pituitary gland are designed to regulate a single function of the body. Prolactin is an exception in this regard: its action is very diverse and has not yet been fully studied. For this reason, proposals have been made in the scientific community to rename it to "versatilin" (versatile is translated from English as multilateral).

An increased amount of this hormone also negatively affects the health of men: libido is suppressed, sexual function is inhibited, and the composition of sperm changes. After the analysis for prolactin is carried out, it becomes possible to identify the causes of pathologies of the mammary glands and infertility. In addition, due to the study of blood for the content of prolactin, it is possible to determine pituitary dysfunction, cirrhosis of the liver, autoimmune diseases, diseases of the hypothalamus and other abnormalities.

Normal levels of prolactin

Indicators of prolactin analysis within the normal range are shown in the table.

honey / ml - milli units per 1 milliliter. One honey/ml is equal to one nanogram per milliliter times 21.28. The initial high level of prolactin in newborns gradually decreases over 4-8 weeks.

The table shows that in adults, normal prolactin levels can fluctuate quite significantly. This feature is due to physiological processes that depend on the age and condition of the reproductive system. Prolactin levels also change with emotional and physical stress, insufficient sleep, overeating, drinking alcohol and smoking. In women, prolactin levels change during menstruation and during pregnancy.

A low level of prolactin may indicate the following conditions:

  • Tuberculosis of the pituitary gland;
  • Consequence of radiation therapy;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Apoplexy of the pituitary gland;
  • Tumors of the brain and pituitary gland;
  • Exceeding the gestation period during pregnancy;
  • Traumatic brain injury.

Elevated levels indicate the following diseases:

  • Anorexia nervosa;
  • Diseases of the hypothalamus;
  • The consequences of drug therapy;
  • Diseases of the pituitary gland;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • kidney failure;
  • Improper functioning of the adrenal cortex;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypothyroidism.

To determine the relationship between deviations in the level of prolactin and the state of health, as well as to choose the appropriate treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor, having previously passed an analysis for the hormone prolactin. The level of deviations can largely depend on the individual characteristics of the patient.

How is blood donation for prolactin

It takes about 5-7 minutes to take a blood test for prolactin, and this procedure usually does not cause any discomfort. Blood is taken from a vein, after which a cotton swab moistened with alcohol is applied. To prevent the occurrence of subcutaneous hematoma, the patient keeps the arm in a bent position at the elbow joint for five minutes. The received material for analysis is marked, and then sent for research. Serum is obtained from blood under laboratory conditions by plasma coagulation or during the precipitation of fibrinogen by calcium ions.

You can get tested for prolactin in both private and public clinics. When choosing private medical centers, pay attention to the reputation and status of the institution, as well as the professional level of training of employees. The average cost of an analysis for prolactin is 320 rubles. In this case, the result can be obtained the very next day, and with an urgent procedure - after two hours.

Note! Some biochemists believe that prolactin produced during pregnancy and lactation affects the maternal instinct. But not all scientists agree with this opinion. Otherwise, how to explain the fact that the maternal instinct is manifested in childless women, including adoptive parents?

Tests for prolactin can also be taken at public clinics. To perform this procedure, visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist, or your GP, who can give you a referral for analysis. If you want to quickly pass this test for prolactin, when it takes too long to take it with a referral, then contact a private clinic at any convenient time.

Why is the balance of prolactin and progesterone important?

Women with hormonal imbalances can be infertile. Pregnancy often does not occur when the balance of prolactin and progesterone, a hormone that creates the necessary conditions in the uterus for the development of a fertilized egg, is disturbed. The synthesis of progesterone can be blocked with an increase in the level of prolactin, which usually leads to impaired reproductive function. To exclude these violations, it is recommended to donate blood for prolactin and bring hormone levels back to normal even during pregnancy planning.

Progesterone has a number of important characteristics:

Thanks to progesterone, the uterine mucosa is prepared for the penetration and fixation of a fertilized egg;

The growth of the uterus during pregnancy is ensured and the mammary glands are prepared for lactation;

The rejection of the uterine epithelium is blocked, as a result of which menstruation during the gestation period stops;

Uterine contractions stop, which is a prerequisite for timely delivery;

There is a decrease in the activity of the immune system to maintain pregnancy, since the fetus is half alien to the mother's body.

In addition to infertility, a lack of progesterone can cause premature birth. In this regard, it is recommended to take a blood test to determine the amount of the “pregnancy hormone” both if it is impossible to become pregnant, and during the planning of the child and after conception.

Additional information for patients

If the amount of prolactin in the blood remains elevated for a long time, hyperprolactinemia disease may occur. The attending physician deciphers the analysis for prolactin, which determines the patient's condition and, if necessary, prescribes the appropriate treatment. An analysis for this hormone is prescribed by endocrinologists, gynecologists, andrologists or therapists. After examining the results, the doctor will help restore normal levels of the hormone.

The norm is considered to be a reduced amount of the hormone immediately before childbirth and an increased amount during lactation. Elevated prolactin in pregnant women is usually observed in the sixth month of pregnancy. These conditions do not require treatment. After pregnancy, women experience a decrease in the level of the hormone, which can also be observed in the period after taking medications.

If you feel unwell, the analysis of prolactin may give unreliable results. So, for example, strong feelings can become the cause of an increase in the amount of this hormone. To avoid this, it is recommended to sit quietly for twenty minutes before the analysis. After all, taking blood from a vein is almost painless here. If, due to excitement, the result turned out to be unreliable, then a second study is prescribed only after 14 days. Follow the recommendations, and your analyzes will be as reliable as possible.

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