Perga indications and contraindications. Contraindications for use. Video: the benefits and uses of pollen

The beneficial properties of bee pollen can significantly exceed those of honey, and also exceed the healing abilities of pure flower pollen by two or three times. This beekeeping product is not rare, but not every beekeeper wants to say goodbye to it. Perga is considered a real natural storehouse of biologically active substances. Given their high concentrations, the use of bee bread requires strict adherence to the doses recommended by experts.

Bee pollen is sometimes referred to as "bee bread". The product that bees store is necessary for them for wintering. The industriousness of insects is amazing. Sometimes honeycombs that beekeepers reject contain a lot of bee bread. Naturally, there is no waste in beekeeping. Thus, the collected bee bread can fall on the market or store counter. A special luck for buyers - it is impossible to fake a product. Although it costs a lot, but under the right storage conditions, it will only bring benefits, so such a purchase can be called a good investment in your health and longevity.

A characteristic feature of perga is its hypoallergenicity. Scientists can't unravel the secret why bees' processed product of thousands of flowers is safe even for those who suffer from honey allergies.

Product information

People who are not related to the apiary or familiar beekeepers may not know what bee perga is. It is a product of beekeeping, formed during the fermentation and processing of pollen by insects. The substance is collected in honeycombs; after pouring with honey and closing with wax, it can be stored for a very long time. Until the moment when the bees need to use stocks for the winter.

"Bee bread" is collected in granules, hexagonal elongated shape (according to the shape of honeycombs). Its structure is somewhat porous, and the granules themselves crumble under mechanical action. One such granule is obtained from about 10-15 flights of a bee into a hive and is a processed flower pollen. "Striped" bee bread production takes place in four stages.

  1. Collection. Bees collecting pollen, having processed it with saliva, stick the product to their legs.
  2. Delivery. Arriving in the hive, the insect gets rid of the "cargo".
  3. Processing and tamping. Homebody bees also process the pollen with saliva, after which they ram it into the honeycomb with their heads. When the hole is two-thirds full, filling stops. After filling the honeycombs, the free space of each of them is filled with honey.
  4. Packaging. Before hibernation, the bees "pack" their supplies with a layer of wax, which increases their shelf life.

It can be said that perga is pollen "canned food" prepared by bees as winter reserves.

Useful properties of bee pollen

Perga is considered the most valuable product of beekeeping, since it has not yet been possible to create it artificially in laboratory conditions. The reason is the unique list and ratio of bee enzymes involved in the process of storing pollen.

Flower nectar carried by insects is salivated at least three times. There is an assumption that the saliva of bees with different occupations differs in composition and concentration, which is the reason for the uniqueness of chemical reactions occurring in the hive. Medicinal properties of bee pollen are multiplied and enhanced in the process of formation of the final product. This process takes place in two main steps.

  1. Fermentation. Pressed pollen in combs under the action of special yeast begins to ferment, resulting in the release of lactic acid. In parallel, the activity of salivary enzymes increases, and the composition of pollen is actively processed.
  2. "Conservation". Lactic acid acts as a natural preservative and stops the fermentation process, creating an almost sterile environment in the combs. The bees pour the finished product with honey for greater safety.

Perga is almost completely absorbed by the body, after which it immediately begins to have therapeutic effects. The condition of patients whose treatment is supplemented with perga improves right before our eyes. An unusual fact is the similarity of the mineral composition of the product with human blood, which improves the absorption and use of all valuable micro and macro elements by the body.


The chemical composition of bee bread is very variable, since new raw materials are always used for its formation, and the process itself depends on the characteristics of the “striped workers”. But as a result of numerous studies, it was possible to establish common ingredients for all types of bee bread. Among them are the following.

  • Enzymes. They are found in the product in both active and spent forms. They significantly facilitate the process of assimilation of bee bread, and also improve human digestion as a whole, normalizing the enzymatic activity of the secretion glands and eliminating the deficiency of the necessary catalysts for food processing.
  • Squirrels. They are represented by easily digestible amino acids, among which there are all compounds indispensable for the human body. It is a building material for cells of tissues and organs, as well as for the production of its own enzymes, hormones, and other regulators of physiological processes.
  • Sahara. Carbohydrates of varying complexity act as sources of fast energy, as well as one that is used to support the body's work in a static mode. At the same time, it is known that bee bread carbohydrates are not dangerous in diabetes mellitus, since they do not cause spikes in blood glucose.
  • Fatty acid. They are represented by unsaturated and saturated glyceride compounds necessary for the regulation of metabolism, normalization of the cardiovascular system, production of hormones, enzymes. They act as the main structural components of cell membranes, have general strengthening and antioxidant properties.
  • hormone-like compounds. Regulate the hormonal background in the human body. This is due to the special benefits of the product for men and women of childbearing age. In addition, these substances are necessary for the regulation of metabolism at the glandular level.
  • Vitamins. According to the nutrient composition of perga, there are no equals even in nature. The easily digestible balanced list of nutrients includes all vitamin compounds known to mankind. Vitamins E, A, C, PP, group B complex took the leading positions in terms of concentration.
  • Minerals. The composition of bee bread includes almost the entire periodic table. Therapeutically significant concentrations belong to calcium, potassium, silicon, iodine, boron, cobalt, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium. All minerals are actively used by the human body to pay off existing deficiencies. The increased concentration of iron provides an anti-anemic effect.

The use of bee pollen should only take into account the recommended dosages of the product. This is due to the multicomponent and concentration of the composition.

Impact on the human body

Perga is able to provide the body with proteins to build new cells, as well as satisfy all the energy needs of the body. Note the mild stimulating effect of the product on the central nervous system. Receiving bee bread activates mental activity, improves the processes of memorization and reproduction of information recorded in memory. For this reason, the substance is taken only during the daytime, so as not to provoke insomnia. Other effects of the product on the nervous system:

  • normalizes the processes of excitation-inhibition;
  • eliminates anxiety;
  • helps fight depression
  • improves the conduction of nerve impulses.

Immunostimulatory effect

Perga is considered a useful product for the fight against colds, viral and bacterial ailments, as well as their complications. Reception during the flu will ensure a quick recovery, no complications, eliminate apathetic mood, lethargy and body aches. Also, the product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory organs.

The immunostimulatory properties of bee bread include not only the normalization of antibody production, but also an increase in their activity against foreign agents, as well as an improvement in the ability to recognize and eliminate cells with an atypical structure. Thus, the product significantly reduces the risk of developing oncology. Taking the substance in advance of the cold season will ensure that the immune system is ready to give a decisive rebuff to even the most volatile pathogens (like chickenpox and mumps).

Benefits for men, women and children

The benefits of bee pollen include the ability to stimulate the formation of blood cells. Course treatment eliminates anemia, prevents the re-development of anemia, normalizes clotting, and also eliminates cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis. This is especially true for men, in whom most reproductive problems occur due to the onset of atherosclerosis. Perga is used in the complex treatment of potency disorders, prostatitis, and infertility. The content of vitamin E in the product also contributes to this. Useful properties for ladies include:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • return to the physiological state of the hormonal background;
  • prevention of neoplasms, tumors, cysts (uterine fibroids, fibroids);
  • prevention of breast cancer;
  • elimination of PMS symptoms;
  • mitigation of the symptoms of menopause;
  • ensuring the late onset of menopause;
  • improved metabolism leading to weight loss;
  • prolongation of youth.

The product is given even to children. The medicinal properties of bee perga are to eliminate beriberi A, E, C. These vitamins are responsible for the growth and development of the child's muscle and bone tissue, as well as its reproductive system.

Impact on blood vessels and digestive organs

Perga is often recommended by coaches for athletes. The use of high doses provides an effect similar to steroid and anabolic drugs. That is, the beekeeping product will fit those who are determined to build muscle mass. The tool has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels:

  • increases the endurance of the heart muscle;
  • provides saturation of the myocardium with oxygen;
  • regulates the strength and frequency of heart contractions;
  • ensures the strength of the vascular walls;
  • optimizes their elasticity;
  • eliminates or weakens the symptoms of hyper- and hypotension;
  • brings the pressure back to normal;
  • prevents atherosclerotic lesions;
  • treats varicose veins, vasculitis, hemorrhoids.

One of the exceptional and very useful, which is carefully prepared from is bee bread. The benefits of this product have been known for many centuries. Consider what is bee perga, what useful properties it has and how to take it correctly.

Bee bee perga: description

(bee bread) - plant pollen, which is collected and placed in the honeycombs of the hive after treatment with a honey-enzyme composition. There, under the action of bacteria and various enzymes, pollen is preserved under anaerobic conditions. In finished form, it is a dense hexagonal prism.

Did you know? The taste of perga depends on the plants from which the pollen was collected and is a collection of sweet, sour and even slightly bitter shades.

The products were known to the pagan ancestors of the Slavs, Indian yogis, Tibetan lamas and even Egyptian pharaohs. And this means that it was consumed even before bee bread was recognized by modern scientists. Today, this unique product is not only consumed fresh, but also washed down with tea. In addition, rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory face and hair masks are made on its basis.

Chemical composition

The composition of bee bread is quite large, it is also called a natural multivitamin. It contains vitamins of groups B, C, A, E, D, K, as well as mineral salts and organic acids. Due to the presence in it, the amount of carbohydrates is 2.5 times greater than in pollen.

How does the product affect the human body

The use of perga has a positive effect on appearance: the skin condition improves, the number of wrinkles decreases, acne disappears, and skin regeneration increases. It has also been proven that this bee product helps to cure a fairly large number of problems in the body.

Beneficial features

According to its antimicrobial properties, perga is several times more useful than other bee products. Proper use will have the following beneficial properties on the body:

  • strengthening immunity. The product is useful for people suffering from colds;
  • body rejuvenation. Similar processes occur due to the tonic properties of the drug;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation. What is important for older people who have had a stroke or other brain injury;
  • improved metabolism. Natural probiotic that affects the state of the intestinal microflora;
  • increased sexual activity and increased potency in men;
  • assistance in bearing a child, elimination of toxicosis. Rapid recovery of strength after childbirth and increased lactation.

Due to all the available features, this product can be used by children from a very young age. Due to the special method of creation, it is not a strong allergen, like other bee products. However, it must be used wisely, avoiding overdose.
Pregnant women, too, this product will not cause any harm. According to experts who study perga, it can be used to raise hemoglobin levels, protect the fetus from the threat of miscarriage, improve the condition of the nervous system, cure insomnia and prepare the body for future stress.

Treatment: dosage for various ailments

Like any other medicinal product, perga has its own dosages, which are different for adults and children. In addition, you need to take into account the general condition of the body, the purpose of the reception, the age and even the weight of the person.

For the treatment of bee bread is simple dissolve under the tongue without drinking. It is recommended to do this before meals twice a day. The average dose for an adult is 20 g per day. Treatment is carried out in a monthly course, then take a break for up to 2 months and repeat again. On average, 3 courses are conducted per year.

However, it is better in each individual case to consult a doctor who will select the correct dosage based on your illness. It is strictly forbidden to treat children on their own. The most commonly prescribed dosage is 1/3 or ¼ tsp.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to increase the dose. You will not get the best therapeutic effect, but problems are quite possible. Also, bee bread should not be heated, this will lead to the loss of all the useful qualities of the product.

Immune Support

To increase immunity, bee bread is taken in combination with other products created by bees. The mixture is prepared from 2 g, 400 g and 30 g of perga.

Store the resulting product in a dark container in the refrigerator. Take on an empty stomach, 1 tsp. 30 days non-stop. This treatment with bee bread is especially relevant in spring and autumn, when immunity is the weakest.

Treatment of heart disease

Perga helps to dissolve the plaques that form on the walls of blood vessels, and also increases the body's natural defenses. In addition, such treatment is prescribed for hypertension, hypotension, heart failure, after strokes and heart attacks.

Bee bread is able to change its action depending on the time of intake: before or after a meal. In the first case, they take hypertensive patients, and in the second - hypotensive drugs. The dosage of one dose is 1 g. It is recommended to use the medicine several times a day.

Perga against allergies

Despite the fact that allergists do not like it, this does not apply to bee bread. Since this is the most low-allergenic product, many are interested in how to properly use bee bread with such a diagnosis.

Children from 3 years of age are prescribed a dosage of less than a gram per day. In adults, the dose is increased at least twice. However, it is better to select the dosage with the help of your doctor.

Gastrointestinal diseases

A small amount of perga with daily use stimulates the intestines. Based on this medicinal product, a large number of drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract are created.

The use of only 10 g daily will saturate the body with useful minerals, amino acids, vitamins, organic substances and monosaccharides. It must be dissolved in the mouth without drinking anything. This should be done 15 minutes before meals.

Treatment of the reproductive system

After the colossal benefits of bee bread for the treatment of male problems have been established, many are interested in how to properly use bee bread to restore health. It has been proven that regular use increases the blood supply to the genitals, increases the number of spermatozoa and makes them more active.

Also, bee bread helps to get rid of problems with the prostate. For prevention, it is enough to consume 8 g of the product twice a day. For the treatment of existing diseases, the dose is doubled.

Important! A feature of the reception is that it is important to dissolve it in the mouth without swallowing. Although swallowing will not cause harm, it will only lead to unnecessary waste of the medicine.

Application in cosmetology

Perga is often used in cosmetology, it is able to restore hair and skin. To restore the hair, rinses are used with this product. The solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. powdered bee bread and a glass of warm boiled water. The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the head. Wash off after a few minutes.

For the face, you can make a mask of perga and. The application of such a composition will make the skin beautiful, velvety, smooth and radiant.

For the mask, take 30 g of bee bread, and

Bee perga is a product unique in its usefulness and healing properties. In everyday life, it is often called "bee bread", "bee bread". This name is completely justified and explains the purpose of perga.

Its tireless workers prepare it for themselves from flower pollen and use this product rich in protein compounds to feed bee offspring. Bee larvae perfectly absorb and digest practically sterile food, the supply of which is especially necessary for the bee colony in winter and early spring. But perga is extremely useful for the human body.

How useful is perga and why is the spectrum of its action so wide? This becomes clear if you get acquainted with its composition and properties in more detail.

First, let's try to figure out what perga is and where does it come from?

This natural product is obtained through several complex manipulations performed by bees with pollen. In order to completely preserve the collected pollen (its other name is pollen) and safely deliver it to the hive, insects moisten it with their saliva and stick it to the hind legs (one insect can bring up to 45 mg at a time).

Forager bees leave their cargo in the hive, and homebody bees begin to work on it, reprocessing pollen with saliva from the crop and filling the honeycombs with it. Pollen is not completely packed into them. There is still a place on top to fill the honeycombs with honey, and then also seal them with wax.

Under the influence of special yeast fungi, saliva enzymes secreted by insects, and beneficial bacteria, plant pollen, in the almost complete absence of oxygen, turns into a new product - bee bread.

Physical characteristics of perga

  • In shape, these are dense hexagonal granules;
  • The structure of perga resembles bread;
  • Taste - sweetish-sour, sometimes slightly bitter;
  • Perga has a delicate pleasant aroma.

Biochemical composition

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • mineral salts;
  • hormones;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • trace elements - iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, silicon, selenium, zinc, calcium, iodine, chromium, manganese, chromium and others;
  • rare carbohydrate compounds;
  • a special substance that activates the processes of regeneration and cell growth.

Bee pollen, balanced in its composition, is almost completely absorbed by the body and is a natural antibiotic, which is several times superior to pollen and honey in useful properties.

Bee pollen: useful properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties of bee bread are diverse. This makes it possible to use it not only for preventive purposes in traditional medicine, but also to successfully combine it with medicines in the treatment of various diseases.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of these products in the treatment and prevention of diseases of any nature. But very few people have ever heard of bee bread treatment. Yes, what is the treatment, most do not know what bee bread is at all.

Perga is a unique product of natural origin created by bees. True, insects harvest it by no means for people. In pristine nature, bees stock up on bee bread as food for the winter. During the entire cold period of the year, bees receive all the necessary nutrients from bee bread, the presence of which is due to medicinal properties of perga.

Perga treatment diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Most often you can find references to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases with bee bread. It so happened that world statistics puts these diseases in first place in terms of the number of deaths, and therefore the issue of their prevention is particularly relevant.

The main reason for the appearance of pain in the heart area is a lack of potassium in the body. Of the pharmacy artificial drugs, it is absorbed by only a couple of tens of percent. A feature of the medicinal properties of bee bread is the increased content of this macroelement in it and the uniquely high assimilation of it by the body. Perga reception allows you to get rid of headaches, heaviness in the chest, loss of strength.

Bee bread has medicinal properties for many diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as stroke and heart attack, low and high blood pressure. There are some features in the issue of receiving funds bee perga.

How to take it for a specific disease?

Hypertension patients it will be more useful to take a beekeeping product on an empty stomach, but hypotension feel more comfortable when taking bee bread after eating.

You should not abuse this product, all the necessary substances will enter the body subject to the dosage.

For use in stroke the largest dose of pollen is calculated. The dosage will be about five grams a day.

To normalize blood pressure I need no more than two grams for 2-3 doses. When treating with bee bread, you will not experience discomfort, because the product has a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Treatment of bee allergy

With allergic rashes in children, bee perga is indispensable. How to take it is necessary to decide individually. Usually it is three times a day for half a gram. You just need to remember that the increased allergenicity itself has perga.

Dosage should be considered on a specific case, depending on the complexity of the disease and the age of the baby. First of all, it is recommended to do an allergic test for a remedy.

Treatment of sexual disorders with bee perga

Almost all male diseases will correct bee perga. Treatment should start as early as possible. Premature ejaculation, prostatitis and infertility can be avoided by taking eight grams of the bee product twice perga.

How you guessed it accept it must also be slowly dissolving in the mouth.

Only the dosage should be doubled. In the issue of women's health, the role of bee products is truly great, and this is especially true for bee pollen, but how and when to take it? During pregnancy, it is indispensable for bearing, and during lactation, it helps to increase the quantity and improve the quality of milk.

Bee pollen in the treatment of benign tumors

Simply amazing ability was discovered in bee pollen. As soon as people affected by benign tumors begin to take it, their well-being immediately improves.

It would seem ridiculous, but it is perga that treats tumors. The dosage is quite usual: 2-4 grams three times a day. Even neglected forms with a fairly mature tumor parenchyma are amenable to resorption in the treatment of bee pollen, which can be taken alone or with larval milk.

The most valuable product in beekeeping is still a beekeeping product, to which many may develop an allergic reaction. Therefore, carefully make sure that the latter does not cause perga. How to take and how much in each case must be decided individually. The main thing is not to overdo it!

Beekeeping products are a real source of life, which not all people perceive properly, treating them indifferently.
Here we will talk, in particular, about one of them.

Pergais a unique natural product of natural origin, which has no analogue in the concentration of all the constituent components necessary for normal functioning and development.

The bee leaving the hive visits a huge number of flowers. While flying, her body is electrified and being on a flower, particles of pollen are attracted to her. Then she deftly collects it with her paws from the head and abdomen, moving it into special baskets on her paws.

Arriving back, it throws pollen from its paws into the cells of honeycombs. The others do the same operation. Then, when the desired amount is reached in the cell, it is tamped and filled with honey, which does not allow air to penetrate inside.

Under the action of lactic acid bacteria in an anaerobic environment, the mixture is fermented. The result is perga. In fact, this is pollen, compacted by bees into cells and passed through lactic acid fermentation.
The bees need it to feed the larvae.

The use of bee bread

Its use is necessary for the treatment and prevention of:

  • Leukemia;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Reduction and normalization of pressure;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • memory impairment;
  • headaches;
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • kidney disease;
  • poor eyesight;
  • Prevention of stroke and its consequences;
  • Thins the blood;
  • Skin rejuvenation and prevention of aging;
  • Increased endurance athletes and muscle mass.

In diabetes, it activates the process of insulin secretion, making it a by-product for maintaining blood sugar levels, and also helps with radiation exposure, hair loss, fractures, and intoxication.

Perga properties

In terms of its properties, bee pollen is many times superior to “pollution” and will retain its therapeutic effect longer. Perga is well absorbed and is not an allergen, because. underwent lactic acid fermentation.

Its medicinal properties make it indispensable in the fight against many diseases, promote rapid tissue regeneration, thereby increasing the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood, the levelhemoglobinrises. Compared to other drugs, it copes best with anemia.

reduced immunity ? - You can't find a better way. Regular use of a small dose contributes to the maximum strengthening of the defense system, flu and other infections will pass you by.

And if you get sick, you will recover very easily and quickly, because. your body will have enough vitamins and other substances to fight the disease.

Together with antibioticsand other medicines, bee pollen enhances their effect and allows you to reduce their dose, and in some cases can replace them, due to its antibiotic properties.

Restores and normalizes the nervous and endocrine system.

It shows excellent results in the treatment of people with heart disease,especially the elderly. After taking it, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, after a few days, their health improves, they feel a surge of strength, cheerfulness, sleep normalizes, appetite appears.

Composition of perga

It includes all vitamins and essential amino acids necessary for a person (those that cannot be synthesized in our body and must be supplied with food), such as lysine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, threonine, methionine, valine.

Small amounts contain hormones and enzymes that regulate the most important biochemical processes and play an important role in the metabolic process.

Perga is rich in K-potassium, Fe-iron, Co-cobalt, Cu-copper. It also contains Ca-calcium, Mg-magnesium, Zn-zinc, P-phosphorus, Mn-manganese, Cr-chromium, J-iodine, etc.
In pollen harvested from yellow acacia, there is 20 times more provitamin A than in carrots. Rich in vitamins: A-retinol, E-tocopherol, C-ascorbic acid, D-calciferol, P-bioflavonoids, PP-nicotinomide, K-phylloquinols, gr. B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin).

In addition, it contains: phytohormones that stimulate the growth of plant tissues, phenolic compounds that help strengthen capillaries, have anti-atherosclerotic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antioxidant, antitumor and choleretic effects.

Its composition depends on the plants from which the pollen was collected, so each batch of pollen has an unequal composition. But regardless of the composition, any pollen produced by bees has a high nutritional and energy value.

Dose of perga

For an adult, depending on the purpose of use, it ranges from 10-30 grams per day.

If you are healthy, bee bread should be taken from 10 to 15 grams per day, for prevention purposes. For preventive purposes, it is better not to find a remedy.

For children is 70-100 mg / kg of body weight. In case of illness, the dose may be increased (under the supervision of the attending physician).

Its excessive consumption does not lead to a better therapeutic effect; on the contrary, with prolonged overdose, it can lead to hypervitaminosis.


1. Intolerance to the body of bee products. To test the tolerance of bee bread, dissolve 2-3 granules. The next day, if there are no signs of allergy to bee bread, dissolve 2-3 times more pellets. The final conclusion can be made the next morning.

2. Diabetes

3. Tendency to bleeding. Perga is contraindicated in cases of ulcerative, hemorrhoidal and gynecological bleeding, as pollen reduces blood clotting.

With increased caution and only after consultation with your doctor, bee bread can be used for:

1. Oncological diseases of stage III-IV

2. Toxic goiter

3. Uterine fibroids

Perga and pollen are effective in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Pure bee bread or its mixture with honey helps with coronary heart disease - the magnesium and potassium contained in it stimulates the work of the heart muscle. In addition, they normalize lipid metabolism, heart rate, increase mental and physical activity.

An excellent result is obtained by taking bee bread and pollen in the treatment of hypertension, especially its initial stage.. In this case, pollen is recommended to take half a teaspoon three times a day before meals. The course is designed for three weeks. No less effective is the intake of pollen mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:1. This mixture should be consumed one teaspoon three times a day before meals. Perga and pollen are among the most effective remedies for treating hypotension. Pollen is recommended to be taken in the same quantities as for hypertension, but after eating, since bee pollen and pollen normalize blood pressure well after eating.

Perga and pollen have vascular-strengthening properties, help lower blood cholesterol levels, slightly reduce blood clotting, exhibit anti-sclerotic effect, normalize lipid metabolism and blood circulation.

Pergu and pollen in capsules are good to use in the treatment of various kinds of anemia. caused, including the intake of certain medications or radiation therapy. The best result is the use of bee bread in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Perga and pollen regulate lipid metabolism well, unlike synthetic agents, which often do not give a positive effect.

Bee pollen and pollen have long been used to treat diseases of the digestive tract.. The effect of such treatment is often more noticeable than with the traditional use of chemotherapeutic agents.

In addition to normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract, pollen and bee bread restore the functions of the pancreas and liver. It has been experimentally confirmed that when using bee bread, the fertility of experimental animals increases by 70%, most likely, it has the same effect on humans.

Perga increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, improves appetite, gives vigor, promotes growth and stimulates mental activity.

Pollen normalizes the functioning of the intestines, and prevents the growth of pathogenic organisms, such as dysentery, E. coli, and others.

Pollen is recommended for use in enteritis, gastritis, colitis. It regulates the activity of the intestines in chronic diarrhea and constipation, increases the absorption and effect of nutrients. For this purpose, daily for one to one and a half months, it is recommended to take 1/3-2/3 teaspoon of pollen.

Perga and pollen are effective in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. With low acidity of gastric juice, pollen and perga should be taken before meals, with increased acidity - 1-1.5 hours before or three hours after a meal. A greater effect is given by the use of a mixture of bee pollen and pollen with honey, which should be consumed in a dessert spoon three times a day.

Vitamin K, contained in pollen, allows you to use it for bleeding ulcers, intestinal and stomach bleeding.

Due to the tonic properties of pollen, its ability to improve well-being, pollen is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system of people with an exhausted or weakened body.

Along with taking bee bread or pollen, you must strictly follow a special diet. An ointment prepared on the basis of pollen is successfully used as a wound healing agent.

Bee pollen and pollen are recommended for respiratory diseases., they are successfully used in the treatment of pneumonia, abscesses, accompanied by purulent intoxication, which weakens the immune system, reduces the body's resistance.

Perga and pollen help the body get rid of harmful toxins, such as fluorides and nitrates, as well as those found in many drugs. Perga and pollen enhance the therapeutic effect of medicines, while at the same time reducing their toxic effects on the body. They are especially effective in the treatment of oncological diseases, in which large doses of chemotherapeutic agents are used.

Perga and pollen have antitumor and radioprotective properties, slowing down the growth of tumors, reducing the impact of pathological processes. As adjuvants, they increase the chance of a cure in cancer patients.

Pollen is a unique remedy for the treatment of chronic vesiculitis, adenomas and hypertrophy of the prostate, prostatitis, diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

The use of standard dosages of bee bread and pollen helps to get rid of neurological diseases. Simultaneous intake of pollen and medication enhances their effect, while reducing the side effects that all psychotropic drugs have. Perga and pollen are a good substitute for psychotropic drugs in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms in people suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism. It is also good to use pollen to relieve a hangover.

Perga and pollen, which contain iodine, have a positive effect on the endocrine system, stimulate the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, so they are used to treat patients with diabetes, colitis and hepatitis.

Pollen enhances the effect of many drugs, which allows you to reduce their dose, and sometimes completely abandon the use of medicines, replacing them with pollen. The medicinal properties of pollen depend on the type of plant from which it is collected. A mixture of pollen with honey is more effective than pure pollen.

Many fear that pollen can cause an allergic reaction, but the cause of allergies is usually flower pollen, which is carried by the wind and then enters the respiratory organs. When pollen is ingested, allergies cannot occur, moreover, pollen - pollen, which is processed by bee enzymes, almost never causes an allergic reaction. And for perga, this is even less likely.

Prostate adenoma

As an additional treatment, 1 hour before breakfast and lunch, eat 1 tsp. bee bread.


Take 1/2 teaspoon of perga 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, if necessary, it is repeated after a 1-2 week break.


Take 1/2 teaspoon of perga 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. After two weeks, the course can be repeated.

Heart rhythm disorder

Take 1/2 tbsp. spoons of bee bread, insisting it previously for 10-15 minutes. at room temperature in 1/4 tbsp. boiled water. The course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, after a 2-week break, it can be repeated.


Take 1 teaspoon of bee bread with honey 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Chronic kidney disease

Mix bee bread with honey in a ratio of 1: 1, take a mixture of 1 des. spoon 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. After a 2-week break, it should be repeated.

To prolong youth and energy nutrition it is recommended to take about 15g of perga (an incomplete tablespoon) per day.

For children, the amount of perga should be reduced to 5-10 g (1/2 teaspoon in the morning and afternoon).

Prolonged overdose of bee bread leads to hypervitaminosis, harms the liver, kidneys, spleen.

Heal by following the rules

Perga can be used for enteritis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, chronic constipation. It treats gastritis, peptic ulcer, diseases of the liver and pancreas. In these cases, a mixture of bee bread with honey helps better. Perga is recommended to be taken before and after surgical operations.

For diseases of the heart, circulatory system and blood, use bee bread mixed with honey, and in the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis - in its pure form.

Perga is effective in the treatment of acute bronchopneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, as well as in the treatment of male and female diseases (prostatitis, impotence, male infertility, menopause).

In the treatment of all these diseases, use the following recommendations:

Take bee bread at least one hour before meals or one hour after meals.

If you do this twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the afternoon, then you should take bee bread 1 teaspoon each (total you will get two teaspoons of bee bread per day).

If you want to take bee bread three times a day, then the dose per dose should be reduced: this is about a little more than half a teaspoon.

You can also take bee bread mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio.

How to store perga

Bee-bread in granules and bee-bread paste should be stored in glassware in a dry, dark, cool place, devoid of extraneous odors.

The shelf life of perga in such conditions is no more than 1 year. It is strongly not recommended to store bee bread in the refrigerator, as too high humidity leads to mold growth.

Freezing bee bread should not be allowed, as this leads to the loss of its biologically valuable properties.

Bees are no less useful gift of nature. The specificity of this product allows us to call it "bee bread". It is quite close in composition to pollen, as it is obtained in the process of its processing. Its color depends on the flowers and pollen with which it was made, because it looks multi-colored. Color varies from yellow to dark brown.


in honeycombs

The most common and natural form is in honeycombs. The trouble is that there is a lot of wax in such a product, and only half of this mass is perga itself. A significant drawback of this variety is a short shelf life. But it contains the highest quality bee bread. Considering that she has a musty smell by definition, it becomes difficult to understand when she has become moldy.

in the form of a paste

It is also found ground, in the form of a paste. This is ground honeycomb bee bread, with a thirty percent admixture of honey. This species has an unpresentable appearance and is not suitable for everyone due to the fact that it contains honey. And the product itself is only a third.

In granules

Another thing is granulated. This species has already been decombed and provided in hexagonal prismatic granules.

Secrets of Education

The pollen is tightly compressed in the combs and undergoes the process of lactic acid fermentation. The end result of such fermentation is the transformation of pollen grains into Khlebina. The final product acquires a set of trace elements with high biological value and antimicrobial properties.

Education process

  1. Cleaning the pollen from its body, the bee wets it with its salivary secretions, in combination with nectar.
  2. The resulting mixture, called "pollution", they are placed in the baskets of the hind legs.
  3. They tamp these fringes with their heads in honeycombs, after which they pour honey.
  4. After that, the aforementioned fermentation process takes place.


A variety of vitamins stored in the composition are representatives of groups A, C, P, and E. It consists of 40% potassium, 25% magnesium, 17% calcium and iron. If you look at the composition of microelements, then it contains quite a lot of sugar - almost 35%, proteins 21.7%, lactic acid 3.1%, mineral components 2.4%, and fats only 1.6%.

Product comparison with other bee products

Comparison with pollen

It should be understood that pollen is the first product of pollen, because their trace elements have an excellent composition.

However, both elements are used for medicinal purposes.

Comparison with royal jelly

Royal jelly is nothing but a by-product of bee activity. and honey have nothing in common in their origin. It is produced exclusively by young bees. And it is used to fill the honeycombs where the eggs are laid. It will also be given as food to the larvae from which they will grow. It can help with many health problems. Has no age restrictions.

royal jelly Perga
  • tuberculosis;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • brucellosis;
  • arthritis;
  • Parkinson's disease.

It has a unique property of normalizing not only pressure, but also the activity of many organs of the body.

Milk is often placed under the tongue, as it is this method of application that is most effective.

  • eliminates damage to the body;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • useful for improving overall well-being.

Cellular is chewed, but the granules are swallowed in the right quantities.

It is absolutely impossible to pre-heat bee bread, just like freezing it! It can be used by both old people and children.

Comparison with honey

Perga Honey
  • Perfectly restores the microflora and intestinal mucosa, promotes cerebral circulation, treats children's food allergies.
  • It helps men to correct problems with potency, infertility.
  • It is difficult for pregnant women to do without bee bread. After all, it favorably affects the development of the fetus, prevents miscarriages, toxicosis.
  • In addition, it is useful for accelerating the restoration of blood and strength in the postpartum period of a woman in labor, increases lactation.
  • Bee honey can simplify the treatment of many diseases, and some of them can be cured on their own.
  • Honey is very quickly absorbed by the body, as it does not require long digestion. Bee honey is a frequent guest of tea drinking, as it replaces sugar without having so many harmful substances.
  • Honey is also often used in folk medicine, where it takes pride of place.
  • It is useful in diseases of the respiratory tract, kidneys, heart, digestive system and neuroses.

Medicinal use

First of all, perga is an absolutely safe, natural anabolic. It is impossible to make such a product in any other way than by bees. It stores a huge amount of monosaccharides and vitamins.

In addition, there is an extensive range of enzymes and products of lactic acid fermentation.

Applies in case:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • hepatitis A;
  • allergies;
  • heart problems;
  • circulatory disorders.

It also helps with memory problems and even gynecological problems. It treats many diseases, and also has a tonic effect.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to when buying bee bread, in addition to how it looks, is its smell. It must be musty.
  2. Its characteristic aftertaste is a contradiction of sweet and sour taste, with a hint of bitterness.
  3. As for the color, it should not be of the same type. Each granule must have different shades, akin to an amber stone. The color scheme, like honey, varies between yellow and brown.

You can also choose from the hands of the market, but this, alas, often leads to the risk of acquiring an unscrupulous product. Specialty stores eliminate this risk, which is especially important for first-time buyers.

Choose only the best, which will improve the health of you and your loved ones!

Mix with honey

How to use?

If taken correctly, this mixture helps to normalize the endocrine system, improve metabolism and increase growth. Perga granules are mixed with honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is not recommended to subject the resulting product to heat treatment. Should be taken after meals.

Mix with zabrus

Zabrus are wax caps used by bees to seal honeycombs. It's a little more than just . It has a huge range of useful qualities, helps with allergic reactions, hay fever, asthma. To increase its medicinal properties - it is recommended to mix it with bee bread.

How to use?

Zabrus is taken by chewing. For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to swallow one spoonful of zabrus and one spoonful of pollen.

Product extraction video

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