What is warming up in a hospital called? Features of the treatment of rhinitis by heating in children. Washing with saline solutions and local antiseptics

As a rule, a runny nose is a sign of viral diseases. Also, a runny nose can be the cause of any chronic diseases. The course of the common cold is characterized by the release of a large amount of mucus in the nose, which contains substances that neutralize viruses. The body thus prevents the spread of the virus. Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing can also be caused by inflammation of the adenoids, nasal polyposis, chronic diseases, and inflammation of the dental canals. Therefore, before embarking on any treatment, an accurate diagnosis should be made by a doctor.

Like any disease, a runny nose should not be ignored and you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms. Once diagnosed and treated, the following recommendations can be used for a speedy recovery:

  1. All doctors recommend full course treatment at home, leading bed rest. This will avoid possible complications such as sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis and many others.
  2. Application of nasal lavage and removal of inflammation products. For this, a weak saline solution is used.
  3. It is advisable to use a humidifier in the house. If it is not there, then you can open the door to the bathroom and let warm steam into the room. Humid air helps to moisturize the mucus and its better discharge from the sinuses.
  4. Light facial massage over the maxillary sinuses - the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose and the area under the eyes along the cheekbone in the direction from the nose to the ear. The area between the eyebrows is also massaged. This leads to a decrease in edema and a better outflow of the nasal mucosa.
  5. Dry heating and steam heating. This is one of the most effective methods to speed up recovery and relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, heating is not shown in all cases.

The benefits of warming up

Dry heating results in blood vessels in the sinuses expand and blood circulation improves. This leads to the removal of edema, better waste of mucus and normalization of breathing. It is important to follow the course and repeat the manipulations regularly.

When can you warm up your nose?

  1. This procedure can be carried out only at the very initial stage of the disease - 1-3 times a day after the first signs of a runny nose.
  2. The warming method is also suitable for the convalescent stage when the patient is on antibiotic therapy. In this case, warming up will thin the pus and make breathing easier. Warming should be added no earlier than 4-5 days after the start of antibiotics.


  1. The procedure is contraindicated at elevated body temperature.
  2. If the disease has become protracted.
  3. There should be no purulent discharge from the nose. The exudate should not have a greenish tint and a sour smell.
  4. Also, warming up is contraindicated in the acute stage of the common cold, especially when the cold has turned into sinusitis. If you start warming up sinusitis at the stage when there is a lot of pus in the sinuses, then this can end very badly. Pus may not come out through the nose, but go up the middle nasal passage into the frontal sinus.

Possible ways of dry heating of the nose

Use of iodized salt

Ordinary salt from the store is first calcined in a pan. After a couple of tablespoons of salt, wrap tightly in soft tissue. You can use cotton or flannel. During the procedure, the patient must take horizontal position. It is not advisable to put a pillow under the head. You can put a small roller under the neck. A bag of salt is placed on the sinuses. In order not to burn the skin, you can first put a piece of cloth, which is removed as the salt heater cools. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes and is repeated daily 3-5 times a day until complete recovery. At the end, bed rest should be observed for half an hour. It is also important to provide warmth to the patient, to ensure that there are no drafts in the room.

Warming up with buckwheat

By and large, this method completely copies the previous one, with the only exception that buckwheat is used instead of salt.

Use of chicken eggs

The eggs are hard-boiled, then wrapped in a natural fiber cloth and applied to the nasal septum for 10-15 minutes. Boiled potatoes can be used instead of eggs. In this case, the potato is boiled in its uniform, then cut in half. To make the potatoes comfortable to hold, you can use a cloth. To avoid burns, slightly cooled potatoes are applied to the nasal towns with a cut part.

blue light treatment

The official name of this device is the Minin reflector. Unlike other types of heating, this method is good because there is no contact of the heat source with the skin. This avoids burns. The lamp is installed at a distance of 20 to 60 cm from the face. With a more distant location of the device healing effect will not come. To achieve maximum effect, the rays from the lamp should hit the skin at an angle of 45 degrees. The eyes remain closed. The duration of this method of treatment is 15 minutes with a single repetition during the day.

Overlay iodine grid

This is one of the simplest, but no less effective ways. An iodine mesh is applied to the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose. The patient takes a horizontal position for 40 minutes, keeping the body warm. The bridge of the nose is covered with a bandage or gauze folded several times, previously moistened with mineral water. A small piece of polyethylene and a layer of cotton are placed on top. The procedure can be repeated no earlier than 12 hours later.

Using pepper paste

First of all, you should make sure that the person does not have an allergic reaction to the patch. To do this, a small piece of the patch is glued to the back of the forearm. If after 5-10 minutes no redness appears, then the patch can be safely used. It is glued to the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose for half an hour. Reuse of the patch is made no earlier than 12 hours later.


A compress can be prepared from radish juice. For this, the root crop is rubbed on a fine grater and juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass. 5 gr. is added to the juice. heated sunflower oil. A piece of gauze is wetted in the resulting solution and applied to the nose. At the same time, the patient lies on a flat surface, the pillow is not placed under the head. On top of the gauze is a piece of polyethylene and a layer of cotton wool or warm fabric made from natural fibers. The duration of warming up is 40 minutes for an adult and 20 minutes for a child.

Salt heating pad

In the pharmacy, you can purchase a special heating pad for warming up various parts of the body, including the nose. It is made of dense sealed materials in the form of a hollow container. The inside is filled with a supersaturated solution of sodium chloride. The applicator is also installed on the heating pad. It must be broken before use. After that, the concentration of the solution changes and the liquid forms crystals around the applicator. During this process, heat is released. The procedure lasts 15 minutes and is repeated regularly a couple of times a day until complete recovery. After use, the heating pad should be placed in warm water. The crystals will begin to absorb heat, returning to their original liquid state.

Hot steam heating

The advantage of this method is that beneficial substances penetrate directly into the sinuses. Unlike tablets, inhalations do not negative impact to the work of internal organs. It also improves blood circulation, reduces swelling of the sinuses, which allows you to normalize breathing and remove mucus from the nose. Inhalations are carried out after eating after one and a half to two hours after the last meal. Water for inhalation should be no more than 70 degrees. Steam should be inhaled carefully so as not to burn the nasopharynx. Indications and contraindications for the use of inhalation are the same as when using dry methods of heating.


The most common product for preparing a solution for inhalation is potatoes. The fact is that this root crop contains substances such as tetradecane, dipropylene glycol and ethyl alcohol. Inhaling them, a person normalizes metabolic processes, swelling of the nasal sinuses subsides. You can just breathe over the steam of boiled potatoes in their uniforms. And you can add 5 gr each to a pot with water and potatoes. salt or soda, or both. During inhalation, the patient must be covered from above with a warm blanket or blanket. In this case, you should not lean too close to the pan so as not to burn the nasopharynx. There is a rule of breathing during inhalation. First, take 8-10 breaths through the nose, while exhaling through the mouth. After the same number of breaths are taken through the mouth, and exhalations through the nose. This method will most effectively remove swelling and clear the sinuses.


To prepare the solution, you can use chamomile, yarrow, sage, calendula, raspberry leaves. Dry grass is taken at the rate of 10-15 gr. per liter of water. The grass is poured with boiling water and infused from half an hour to an hour. After the mixture is heated, but not brought to a boil. Infusion for inhalation is ready.

Eucalyptus infusion

Alcoholic infusion of eucalyptus is sold in a pharmacy. It is necessary to heat half a liter of water and add 20-30 drops of infusion there. Eucalyptus oil helps to expel mucus, has an antimicrobial effect. If inhalation is done to a child, then the use of eucalyptus is possible from the age of three.

Essential oils

Pine, fir, eucalyptus, tea tree, sea buckthorn oils are suitable for inhalation. 1-3 drops of essential oil are added to 1 liter of water. You can also use ready solutions, which are sold in pharmacies and contain a complex of various essential oils.

Juices and pomace of medicinal plants

The most commonly used juice is onion and garlic. However, you should be careful when using this type of inhalation, because. Excessive amounts of the juice of these vegetables can irritate the nasal mucosa. A few drops of fresh onion or garlic are added to 1 liter of hot water. These vegetables contain phytoncides in their composition, which have an antimicrobial effect. You can also use kalanchoe juice. It has an antiviral effect. For inhalation, you will need 15-20 gr. juice of this plant.

Video - How to treat a runny nose with folk remedies


Preparations for inhalation can be bought at a pharmacy. The drug must be approved by the attending physician. In this case, the addition of the drug is carried out in a special apparatus - a nebulizer, because. adding drugs to plain water gives little. The nebulizer delivers the drug to the body in the form of an aerosol. Unlike carrying out inhalation over a pot of hot liquid, it is impossible to burn the nasal mucosa when using a nebulizer.

After inhalation, the patient must remain calm and warm. It is very effective to do inhalations at night. At the same time, it is important to keep your feet warm by wearing warm socks.

The best treatment options for a runny nose are the use of complex procedures. It is possible to combine washing the sinuses, warming up, massage, treatment with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. In this case, regularity should be observed - repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day. And of course, to observe bed rest until complete recovery in order to avoid complications.

Warming up the body

Mustard plasters, jars, pepper plasters, compresses, heating pads, “blue lamps” - for us, these things smell like childhood and inspire faith in recovery, but, for example, in America, doctors will intensively treat a cold person with pills, never mentioning such homemade means, since the “regulation” prescribes this to them - a treatment regimen officially recommended for general use, a deviation from which is fraught with a lawsuit for a doctor treating in the States. Therefore, for an American, the most popular remedy is a heated Coca-Cola. We, the Russians, who are not burdened by the all-pervading state concern for the health of each individual citizen, have much more opportunities for creativity for the treatment of colds. Only our good old remedies are not so simple, because only reflex zones can be heated, and then only if there is no temperature.

Reflexogenic zone of the upper respiratory tract- feet. They can be heated in the midst of a cold, and at the first sign of it. To do this, dry mustard can be poured into socks at night, which, due to the moisture of the skin, will begin to release phytoncides and essential oil. All kinds of "odorous" ointments and balms also need to smear the feet and reflex zones indicated in the instructions. The advantage of these funds a large number of essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The sometimes completely unbearable smell "pierces" the nose, the swelling goes down, it becomes easier to breathe.

Perfectly warm and protect against an impending cold mustard foot bath. In a bucket or bowl hot water add mustard solution filtered through gauze (at the rate of 100 g of powder per 10 l of water). They lower their legs there and cover their knees with a blanket along with a bucket. Periodically add hot water to maintain the temperature. After 10 - 15 minutes, you need to rinse your feet with warm water, wipe them off, put on woolen socks and lie down under the covers.

The reflexogenic zone of the larynx is located in the same place as the zone of the upper respiratory tract - on the basis of thumb arms. If the throat hurts, the voice is hoarse, then the advice will be this: glue the phalanges of the thumbs on both hands with strips of pepper plaster. Two days - and the disease hastily retreats.

mustard plasters also remain in our arsenal. With a runny nose and sore throat, mustard plasters can be placed on the chest and calves, and with a dry or wet cough - on upper part sternum, on the back between the shoulder blades and under the shoulder blades. At the same time, it is useful to use a pepper patch and a warming ointment at the same time - for example, rub a Vietnamese balm into the reflexogenic points and put mustard plasters, and the next day stick a pepper patch on your chest (for coughing). Mustard plasters are placed daily or every other day three or four times, then the need for this procedure will disappear due to your recovery.

Warming up with a blue lamp(Minin's lamp) has a beneficial effect on various inflammatory processes, so it is indicated not only for colds. The active principle of blue light is infrared radiation. The reflector is placed at a distance of 20 - 60 cm from the bare surface of the skin. The distance can be controlled with own hand, positioning the lamp depending on the strength of the thermal sensation. The feeling of warmth should be pleasant. The rays should fall on the surface of the skin obliquely. The duration of the session is from 3 - 5 to 15 - 20 minutes, gradually increasing from session to session. The frequency of procedures is once or twice a day. The entire course of treatment is designed for six to seven (maximum 15) procedures.

Attention! The reflector must not be left lit unattended, and in the absence of a special reflector, the blue lamp can be screwed into a conventional desktop structure with a reflector.

Deep warming of a cold body is achieved by using paraffin cake by virtue of her ability for a long time retain heat and slowly, during the entire procedure, give it to the patient's body, providing an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, resolving effect. Making paraffin heating at home is not difficult, although troublesome, but affordable. To do this, you need to break the paraffin purchased at the pharmacy into large pieces and carefully fold it into an old saucepan (it must be dry), which will henceforth be used only for the preparation of the paraffin mass. Then plunge it into water bath(so much water is poured into a saucepan of a larger diameter so that the saucepan with paraffin floats freely in it). The resulting structure is put on fire, covered with a lid and wait until the paraffin melts without a trace. After that, melted paraffin is carefully poured into a dry, shallow bowl, previously lined with parchment paper or medical oilcloth, waiting for 10-15 minutes until the paraffin cake cools down a little, compacts and forms. It will be ready only when it becomes dense and evenly homogeneous.

Be careful! In no case should you use semi-hardened paraffin, which will be covered with a crust, because this crust is fragile, it can burst - and hot paraffin will burn the skin. Then the oilcloth with the finished paraffin cake should be wrapped with a clean towel and applied to the sore spot, which must be wrapped with a warm scarf on top. Thus, the paraffin cake is held each time for 20 to 30 minutes.

If it is possible to buy ozocerite in a pharmacy ( mountain wax), then add it to paraffin in a ratio of 1: 1. The preparation process is the same as described above, only there will be more dirt - ozokerite is black and is difficult to wash off from the surface. But the heating itself with ozocerite will be better, deeper, and therefore more effective.

At the end of the procedure (it is better to do it at night so that the therapeutic effect of heating continues in a warm bed), the cooled cake is removed from the oilcloth, immediately broken into pieces (because the cold will be hard) and put in a saucepan until the next procedure.

Paraffin or mixed with ozocerite heating can be done every other day, since the effect lasts more than a day. But if necessary, nightly thermal procedures are also acceptable. Eight to ten procedures are recommended for a course of treatment. They should be refrained from by people suffering from oncological pathology, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, blood diseases, as well as purulent lesions body and hepatitis.

Warmer used for absorption inflammatory processes, warming the body and as a pain reliever. Under the influence of a heating pad, the vessels of the skin and deeper tissues expand, which has a therapeutic effect on the course of inflammatory processes, reduces pain caused by spasms.

Heating pads are rubber and electric. Rubber heating pad is a container with a volume of 1 - 2 liters with a stopper. To carry out the warming procedure, you need to fill the heating pad with hot water to three-quarters of its volume, then release the air by pressing and screw the cork tightly. It will not be superfluous to check the tightness of the heating pad, for which it is turned over with the cork neck down. After that, the heating pad must be wiped dry, wrapped in a towel and placed on the patient. Be careful! Periodically check the degree of heating of the skin under the heating pad. To prevent excessive redness too sensitive skin it can be lubricated with Vaseline. A very hot heating pad is placed first on a blanket, then on a sheet, and only after the patient and the heating pad “get used to each other”, directly on the body. The heating pad should be kept until cool. For local heating, it is recommended to use water at 40 °C. To warm the legs and bed, the water in the heating pad should be 60 ° C.

Instead of a water heater, you can use an electric one, the degree of heating of which is regulated by a rheostat. The regulator is usually located at the junction of the cord with the pillow. You need to use it intermittently. To warm the ears, you can use a smaller volume heating pad or a special heating pad with a hole for auricle. After warming up, a warming cotton bandage should be applied to the ear, and the cotton wool must be pre-warmed.

Local heating with a heating pad or hot compress contraindicated with bleeding, acute inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis), within one or two days after a bruise and injury (as they sometimes write, “in the first hours”). Thermal procedures are contraindicated in oncological diseases. In these cases, you can use a heating pad only after the permission of the doctor.

Compress- This is a multilayer therapeutic bandage that acts as a distracting and resolving agent. Warm compresses, unlike heating pads, do not use external heat, but internal heat that accumulates in the tissues of the body, causing a long-term and persistent expansion of superficial vessels, which leads to a rush of blood to the site of inflammation. Thus, warming compresses, increasing blood circulation in the skin, tissues and organs, relieve swelling, reduce inflammation, relax convulsively contracted muscles, and tame pain.

Compresses can be made from water, cologne, alcohol mixed with water or vodka. Such a compress is made of four layers. The first layer is a cotton cloth moistened with water. room temperature and pressed. Layer on top of fabric compress paper or oilcloth, which protects the fabric from drying out and retains heat. The paper should be slightly larger than the fabric. An oilcloth should be tightly applied over the fabric. From above, both layers are covered with cotton wool, a woolen scarf or scarf. And finally, all this is not tightly bandaged and kept from 5 - 6 to 10 - 12 hours, that is, until dry. If the fabric has dried earlier, the compress must be removed. Before replacing the used compress with a new one, the place where it was applied must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water to avoid skin irritation.

Carefully! Warm compresses should not be applied if the patient has signs of any skin disease and boils.

Often with a cold or flu "shoots" in the ear. To rid yourself of such accompanying symptoms colds, a warm compress can be put on a sore ear. To do this, you must first lubricate the skin around the auricle with petroleum jelly or baby cream. Then in a slightly warm alcohol solution(alcohol and water 50 ml per 50 ml) or soak gauze or a clean soft cloth in vodka, wring it out and put it around the auricle, and note that the shell itself and the ear canal should remain open. Then, a circle should be cut out of waxed or special paper for compresses, an incision made in the middle and put on the sore ear, again leaving the shell and ear canal open. Put cotton wool over the paper around the ear and fix the resulting complex structure with a bandage. It is enough to keep the compress for 1.5 - 2 hours, it is not necessary to put it on at night, but then you can repeat it every day until the ear hurts. Can be used for compress camphor alcohol half diluted with water.

It was not in vain that we mentioned warming up the ears in the section on warming up the whole body. Firstly, the ear is part of it, and secondly, in fact, pain, discomfort in the ear, turning into otitis media, often accompany colds. If this disease is not treated, it can gradually develop into hearing loss or deafness. Therefore, otitis should be treated comprehensively. Here are some ways to treat folk warm-ups» with a trip to the Russian bath.

1. Start treating an earache after a severe cold immediately so that a complication does not begin. While in the steam room, keep a stone on the sore ear, heated on the heater and wrapped in a rag.

2. You can use a wormwood “cigarette” (see below) and warm it up with the following areas of the body:

Tragus ear - a point located in the center of the line running from the eye to the ear;

A point on the back of the hand in the center of the line running from the middle finger of the hand to the shoulder (the width of the palm from the wrist);

A point located under the previous point on the inside of the hand;

Sole pads under the ring finger and little toe of the foot;

A point located on the inside of the lower leg, a palm-width above the ankle.

3. Perform warming up after the bath. Wrap sagebrush herb in thin paper 20 cm long and 4 cm wide like a cigarette roll. You can add mint, sage to wormwood. When warming up, keep lit "cigarettes" at a distance of 5-8 mm from the place of heating. If it starts to bake, you need to take the “cigarettes” for a few seconds and continue heating. Perform warming up seven to ten times. Usually, the heating of all points lasts 10-15 minutes.

By the way, this last method can be considered adopted from Chinese medicine, where it is referred to as methods of spot heating of the body. In the traditional Chinese medicine warming method is the impact on the human body with the help of objects heated to a certain temperature, while the biologically active points of the body are stimulated, as a result of which the circulation of energy improves. The Chinese believe that spot heating contributes to:

improved metabolism. Under the influence of spot heating, the temperature rises and the metabolic process accelerates, as a result, the amount of oxygen and nutrients in the blood increases, and the waste products of the body's vital activity (toxins) are removed;

expansion of blood vessels. Heating expands blood vessels improves blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin;

improving the functioning of the sweat glands. Warming, acting on sensitive nerves, stimulates the sweat glands in the spine, facilitating the removal of toxins from the body;

beneficial effect on muscle tissue. An increase in temperature stimulates muscle relaxation, relieves fatigue, resulting in increased elasticity and performance. muscle mass. All tissues are saturated with oxygen;

has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. Improving the process of blood circulation stimulates the metabolism in the body, as a result of which the content of leukocytes and oxygen in the blood increases, and this, in turn, increases the body's immunity and has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

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Warming up is a very useful procedure for coughing, which significantly speeds up the healing process. But it only helps if you do everything right. In addition, not with every disease of the patient it is possible to warm. So it's better to get acquainted with the execution technique similar procedures closer, as well as to know in advance about their features and possible contraindications.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Why is it needed

How does regular warming help to cope with the disease? The answer is very simple - it launches various useful for humans physiological processes significantly speeding up recovery.

When warming the chest:

  • blood circulation is activated;
  • increased oxygen supply;
  • bronchi expand;
  • easier breathing;
  • accelerated intracellular processes;
  • stimulated the immune system.

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the diagnosis and the chosen method of heating. Some of them provide prolonged exposure on the body, others are shorter, but intense. You can perform the procedure at home or in the clinic, if you can visit it regularly.

Best of all, warming up helps with colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, pharyngitis. However, before starting treatment, you must make sure that there are no contraindications, which will be discussed below.

Home heating

At the initial stage of the disease or not too strong cough, simple procedures that are easy to perform at home help perfectly.

  1. Trituration. It is usually used for special ointments with essential oils and other ingredients that have a local irritating effect on the skin. You can buy them at the pharmacy or make your own. Proven folk remedies for are: camphor oil, alcohol tinctures herbs, fatty base (badger, goose, goat, bear fat) with essential oils, turpentine, oil with red pepper or onion juice. It is better to do rubbing at night, so that later you don’t get up and go out. Usually 2-3 procedures are enough to alleviate even.
  2. Compress. Warms stronger and deeper than rubbing. Therefore, you can leave it for a maximum of 2-3 hours. A good warming effect is given by a vodka or honey compress. A replacement for traditional mustard plasters can be a mixture of grated raw potatoes with ground hot pepper which also has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It warms up no worse, but the honey-mustard cake does not bake so much on apple cider vinegar, which must be kneaded immediately before the procedure. The compress must be well insulated: first it is covered with cellophane, and then with a thick layer of cotton wool. It is very important to ensure that it fits snugly against the body, otherwise the expected result will not be. You can repeat the procedure every other day.
  3. Iodine mesh. Very basic but enough effective method, which is especially good for chronic diseases. In addition to the fact that the treated area warms up deeply, the body also receives an additional amount of iodine, which, in turn, stimulates metabolic processes, accelerating them. Thus, the work of the whole organism is activated. Do iodine grid very easy: a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution of iodine draws vertical and horizontal stripes at a distance of about 1.5-2 cm from each other. By the way, if the grid quickly disappears, there is a clear lack of iodine in the body and you should think about iodine-containing drugs.
  4. Heating with salt. Our grandmothers also used this method, believing that salt “pulls out” the disease and negative energy from the body. We will not go into discussions about the energy component of the procedure, but it makes deep heating possible due to the fact that it is able to retain heat for a long time. For the procedure, you can use an ordinary stone or sea ​​salt. It is poured into a dense linen bag and then heated in a pan, oven or microwave. It is important to ensure that the bag does not cool down completely, because in this case, the salt will begin to “pull” heat from the body. Therefore, when the heat ceases to be felt by the hand, it must be removed. You can do the procedure every day.
  5. Blue lamp. Pretty too old method warming up at home. It helps with bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and even pneumonia. Blue light has a specific wavelength that can soothe inflammation. The lamp acts gently, does not irritate the skin, but at the same time gives very good results. It can be used to treat children from 6 months and pregnant women.
  6. Paraffin therapy. One of the strongest and most effective warming procedures, which at the same time positive influence on the condition of the skin. It can even be used to treat young children, with strict observance of precautionary measures. But if paraffin is applied to infants only on the arms and legs, then, starting from a year old, the child can undergo procedures on the chest and back, without fail avoiding the heart area. The procedure is best done before bedtime. To obtain a stable result, the course of treatment is at least 5 procedures, optimally 10-15, performed every other day.
  7. Heating with stones. Flat volcanic stones are best suited, which lie well on the body and do not roll. But you can also use large sea or river pebbles. The stones are heated in a frying pan or in the oven to a temperature of 50-70 degrees (depending on the sensitivity of the skin). The patient is placed on the stomach and the lung area is covered with warm stones. From above, the stones are covered with a terry towel and all together with a warm blanket. Just as when using salt, care must be taken that the stones do not begin to cool the body. This procedure greatly facilitates the discharge of sputum and can replace drainage massage. Therefore, it is better not to leave the patient alone, especially if it is a child, and position him so that his head is slightly lowered. With a large accumulation of mucus before the procedure, you can take an agent that thins it.

Baths with decoctions of herbs are also useful for a strong cough, and at the stage of recovery, you can go to the bath. But here one must be especially careful - these procedures have more more contraindications than normal heating. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is better not to use them.

Physiotherapy procedures

Patients who are in a hospital or have the opportunity to visit a polyclinic regularly can be prescribed warming physiotherapy procedures, such as:

They have a much more intense effect on the body, since ultrasonic and laser waves are able to penetrate deep into tissues, and electrical impulses provide stronger stimulation.

The course of treatment should consist of at least 7-10 procedures, which, depending on the type of therapy, are performed every other day or every day. In no case should you supplement them with heating at home! Therefore, if you are assigned electrical procedures, you will have to refuse all the rest.

In most cases, contraindications to the procedures listed above are the same as for home procedures. But their list is opened by pregnancy, in which no electrical effects on the body are allowed.

After warming up, in no case should you immediately go outside. The insidiousness of electroprocedures is that their effect is practically not felt on the skin - it occurs at a deeper level. The more dangerous after them is a sharp temperature contrast. Therefore, if you need to go home, you will have to sit for 20-30 minutes, dress warmly and try to spend as little time as possible in the air, especially in the cold season.


The very first contraindication to warming up is fever body. As a rule, this is a signal that active inflammatory processes are present in the body, which will intensify even more after the procedure. Therefore, until the temperature drops to 37.2 and stays at this level for at least a day without taking antipyretic drugs, you can forget about warming up.

Also, the procedure is not performed when:

  • oncological diseases;
  • enlargement or hardening of the lymph nodes;
  • pulmonary or other internal bleeding;
  • diseases and blood clotting disorders;
  • hypertension 2-3 degree;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • serious cardiovascular disorders;
  • chronic cough of unknown etymology.

Pregnant women should not be warmed up when coughing without consulting a specialist - the body's reaction to it during this period can be unpredictable.

After the procedures, it is especially necessary to monitor in order to prevent hypothermia. It is necessary to keep the body warm not only until complete recovery, but also for at least two weeks after it, until the body's defenses are fully restored.

Warming up the nose with a runny nose is considered one of the effective methods in the fight against the disease. In fact, such a procedure has some contraindications for carrying out, and it is possible to achieve a positive effect if certain rules are observed.

Causes and symptoms of a runny nose

A runny nose is not a disease, but a symptom

A runny nose is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and in medicine this pathology is called rhinitis. Such a disease can develop under the influence various reasons and most often when viruses, bacteria or fungi enter the human body.

The most common cause of rhinitis are viruses from the group of adenoviruses, coronaviruses and rhinoviruses. In the event that a runny nose develops under their influence, then it is called infectious rhinitis.

Another common cause of inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is an allergic reaction. The penetration of allergens into the nasal passages during breathing causes them to swell, and the result is nasal congestion and mucus secretion.

What other reasons can provoke nasal congestion:

  1. nasal anomalies
  2. deviated septum
  3. hypertrophy
  4. taking medications
  5. foreign body in the nose
  6. adenoids
  7. polyps in the nasal cavity

Often a runny nose becomes one of the symptoms of such dangerous disease like latent hypothyroidism. Atrophic rhinitis develops with severe thinning of the nasal mucosa and its atrophy as a result of a rare type of inflammation.

In its development, a runny nose can go through several stages, and each of them is accompanied by the development of certain symptoms:

  • The initial stage of rhinitis can last from several hours to 2 days. The patient complains about increased dryness mucosa, burning sensation in the nasal cavity and constant itching. The breathing process is interrupted, and there are problems with the perception of tastes and smells.
  • At the second stage, the process of active reproduction of the virus begins and mucus begins to be released from the nasal cavity. It becomes problematic for the patient to breathe through the nose and may block the ears. In addition, the body temperature rises and increased tearing begins with sneezing. Rhinitis causes headaches and decreased appetite.
  • The final stage of the pathology occurs 4-5 days after infection and the development of the disease. Mucous membrane, damaged pathogenic microorganisms, is actively populated by bacteria and the result of this is the appearance of mucous secretions from the nose with an admixture of pus.

At normal condition immune system, the body enters into an active fight against the disease. Gradually, there is a decrease in swelling, the sense of smell and breathing through the nose are restored, and after a few days the patient recovers completely. In the event that the human body is too weakened, then without effective drug therapy unlikely to get by.

Ways to warm up the nose

Proper heating of the nose is an effective treatment!

The nasal warming procedure usually lasts minutes and can be done in the following ways:

  • You can boil potatoes in their uniforms, wrap them in some kind of cloth and attach them to the bridge of the nose for a while. This procedure is recommended before going to bed.
  • In a pan, you can calcine 1/2 cup of buckwheat and pour it into a pre-prepared bag. After this, the croup must be allowed to cool slightly and attach it to the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose. With the help of this procedure, it is possible to improve the movement of blood in the vessels, and thereby speed up the healing process.

At home, you can make warm compresses that have a healing effect. One of the most effective and effective is a black radish compress, which is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. it is necessary to grate the root crop and squeeze the juice out of it
  2. a little vegetable oil should be added to the juice, slightly warmed over a fire
  3. in the prepared solution, you need to moisten the bandage prepared in advance, wring it out slightly and attach it to the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose
  4. it is necessary to put another bag of salt on the compress, which must be preheated

The duration of this warm-up procedure is approximately 30 minutes per childhood and 1 hour in adult patients.

One of available ways warming up the nose with rhinitis are considered boiled eggs. They should be boiled, wrapped in a cloth and applied to the inflamed sinuses. Keep the eggs until they are cold.

Heating with a blue lamp

Blue lamp - an effective device for physiotherapy

In medical institutions, a blue lamp is used to warm the nose, which produces infrared radiation that penetrates into the deep layers of the tissue.

Warming up the nose in this way has many advantages:

  • normalizes the movement of blood in the vessels
  • breathing through the nose is restored
  • the process of cell regeneration is enhanced
  • certain types of pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed
  • declining pain syndrome
  • strengthening of the vascular walls

In case of rhinitis, the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose is warmed up by the lamp, and the device must be placed at a distance of 20 cm from it. It is important that the patient feels a well-defined, but at the same time not burning heat. During such warming, you should close your eyes and the whole procedure lasts about 10 minutes.

During the day, it is necessary to warm up the nose in this way several times, and after 2-3 days the runny nose will recede.

A good effect is given by warming up the nose in combination with washing the nasopharynx with a decoction of chamomile or saline. After a while, the patient will feel a noticeable relief, and his breathing will noticeably improve.

Contraindications to the procedure

It is forbidden to warm the nose with sinusitis!

A runny nose can develop as a reaction to an infection that has entered the human body, and also as a consequence various stimuli and unfavorable environment.

Warming up the nose brings positive effect in the event that a runny nose is of a viral or bacterial origin.

At the same time, you will have to refuse to warm up the nose in the following cases:

  1. the patient has a fever
  2. purulent discharge from the nasal cavity
  3. disease lasts too long

Experts recommend starting to warm up the nose immediately after the appearance unpleasant symptoms that are not accompanied by an increase in temperature. In the event that there is pus in the secreted mucus, but warming up can further aggravate the patient's condition.

Useful video: is it possible to warm the nose with sinusitis

In what diseases will it be necessary to refuse warming up the nose:

  • purulent sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which manifests itself in the discharge thick mucus yellow or green
  • bacterial rhinitis is a runny nose caused by bacteria and often develops as a complication of viral infections
  • adenoiditis is inflammation pharyngeal tonsil, which develops under the influence of bacteria

The fact is that warming up the focus of localization of the inflammatory process can further enhance its course. In such a situation, the infection spreads to the paranasal sinuses, eyes, hearing organs, and even the brain. Warming up the nose with pathologies such as frontal sinusitis and sinusitis can lead to sad consequences.

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Comments (1)


07/22/2017 at 12:32 | #

After all, it is also necessary to warm up correctly and not in all cases. If I have a runny nose, I immediately spray the domestic spray Morenazal and I don’t know grief. Highly effective drug and not expensive.

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  • Katya - Interesting article. But I didn't see it. – 23.02.2018
  • Lyusya - When I get sick, the temperature. – 23.02.2018
  • Nadia - The author of the article has a huge fat minus. – 23.02.2018
  • Daniil - As a child, they were always advised to drink. – 22.02.2018
  • Ekaterina - A few years ago with her husband. – 22.02.2018
  • Ksenia - I used to constantly wake up with incredible. – 22.02.2018

The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your well-being, contact an ENT specialist without delay. All articles published on our resource are informational and educational in nature. In the case of using this material or its fragment on your site, an active link to the source is required.

Warming up for a cold: is it always possible to do, methods, recipes

Warming up of any kind is a way to induce localized fever. After a local increase in temperature, the body's defenses are activated, as a result of which the infectious disease passes faster. Warming up today is seen as a measure additional therapy and has a number of contraindications.

The essence of the treatment method

At local boost temperature on the treated area of ​​the skin develops hyperemia. It turns red as a result of expansion of capillaries and blood flow. Heating causes an increase in the number of phagocyte immunity cells, an increase in their activity. These cells destroy harmful bacteria and viruses that have caused the infection.

In addition, when heated, the amount of antibodies increases. These are protein compounds that mark foreign objects. Thanks to them, the immune system “understands” who exactly needs to be fought.

Warming the cavities or sinuses usually facilitates the outflow liquid secretion(mucus). It improves general state sick. Therefore, doctors often recommend warming up for a runny nose, non-purulent otitis media, and sometimes allergies.

Methods of local heating are that the therapeutic effect is directly on the diseased area. They have certain limitations and can vary significantly depending on the place of their application. Consider the most effective methods more.

Heating of the sinuses and wings of the nose

The procedure promotes the evacuation of liquid secretion. It should be carried out only when the mucus is clear and does not contain white or green clots. Indications for warming up the nose are the following diseases and syndromes:

  • Runny nose of any etiology. In some cases, the procedure can aggravate the course of allergies, therefore, with such a disease, it is better to carry it out after consulting a doctor.
  • Sinusitis. it common name diseases associated with inflammation of the sinuses. Most often, there is such a variety of it as sinusitis. Warming up is usually recommended when chronic course sinusitis.

The most common ways are as follows:

  1. Warming up in the shower or when washing. It is necessary to put the area of ​​the wings of the nose and sinuses under hot water jets for several minutes. You can combine the procedure with light massage: movement of the thumbs with slight pressure towards the outflow of fluid.
  2. Warming with salt bags. You can use ordinary table salt or salt with the addition of iodine for these purposes. It must be slightly warmed up in a frying pan, and then placed in bags of dense fabric (preferably flannel). Its temperature should be slightly above comfortable, when applied to the nose and sinuses, there should not be a strong burning sensation. The procedure time is minutes. After that, for half an hour it is desirable to remain calm, lying position.
  3. Pepper plaster compress. Important! The drug may cause allergies or irritation. It must be glued on the nose (from the bridge of the nose to the tip) and on the sinus area. The skin must first be degreased. In the absence of discomfort, it can be worn without removing it for up to two days. If there is a strong burning sensation and itching, you should immediately remove the patch and lubricate the skin with petroleum jelly or baby cream.
  4. Warming up boiled chicken egg. To do this, after cooking, the product must be wrapped with a towel or a clean napkin. You can apply the egg only to the sinuses, it can cause a burn to the skin of the nose. Heating can be done in two ways. The first option is to periodically apply an egg and remove when it gets too hot. The second way is to gently roll it over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sinuses.
  5. Warming up with boiled potatoes. Apply it to the forehead and paranasal sinuses. Freshly boiled potatoes are rolled. When it cools down a bit, it can already be left on the area for a minute.
  6. Iodine mesh. The drug dilates the vessels at the site of application, penetrating into the tissues, acts as an antiseptic. The "step" of the cell should be one centimeter. Before applying, it is better to check the sensitivity to the drug, for this it is applied to the shoulder for a day and monitor the reaction of the body.
  7. Warming with honey and propolis. Propolis grated on a coarse grater is mixed in equal proportions with honey. The resulting mixture is rolled into a cake, which, with the help of a plaster, is fixed overnight on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.
  8. Heating with paraffin. In the people, this remedy is known as a great way to get rid of nasal congestion. Paraffin must be melted in a water bath. Important! Only such heating ensures an even distribution of temperature; on an open fire, it can explode. The resulting liquid is applied to a cloth or gauze, which is wrapped in polyethylene and applied to the area of ​​the sinuses.

Ear warming

With the organ of hearing, you need to act more carefully than with other parts of the body. When warming the ear by placing it inside the turunda, you need to be sure of the integrity of the eardrum. Most often, the procedure is prescribed for otitis, which is not accompanied by a purulent process.

Common ways to carry out the procedure include the following:

  • Warming up with salt or cereals heated in a frying pan. They, just like with a cold, are packed in bags or wrapped in a piece of cloth.
  • Alcohol behind the ear compress. For its manufacture, a single piece of gauze is used. An incision is made in it through which the ear must pass. Gauze is wetted with alcohol or vodka. It is closed on all sides with polyethylene or cellophane. For fixation use cotton wool, bandages. The ear remains open when the compress is applied. The procedure time is up to 4 hours.
  • Laying turunda with alcohol in the ear canal. To do this, you can use boric or furacilin alcohol. It is slightly warmed up before the procedure. Turunda is left until it dries. Doctor medical sciences, I. A. Tikhomirova notes: “You can instill heated alcohol in 2-3 drops, it is better at night, cover it with cotton from the outside.” However, this method is not recommended by all doctors.
  • Heating with camphor oil. In addition to hyperemia, the drug relieves pain, has a calming effect. It is applied to a cotton turunda or a piece of tissue that is inserted into the ear.

Reflexogenic heating methods

Some doctors are extremely skeptical about this method, others regard it as an effective way to deal with colds. It is generally accepted that an increase in the temperature of the hands and feet increases the overall intensity of blood flow in the body, enhances the activity of cells of the immune system. Some experts believe that heating one area of ​​the body can indirectly cause an increase in temperature in another. Such data have not yet found a scientific justification.

Warming up feet and hands

The main technique is baths, salt applications or mustard plasters are rarely used.

Exist following rules procedures:

  1. It is better to warm up at night.
  2. Treatment area: arms - to the middle of the forearm, and legs - to the middle of the calf.
  3. The optimum temperature of water or salt is 40°. After getting used to when taking a bath, you can add hot water for 5-10 minutes (up to 45 °).
  4. The procedure time should not exceed 20 minutes, for children it can be reduced to 10 minutes.
  5. You can add mustard or herbal decoctions to the baths.
  6. After warming up, it is better to put on warm socks on your feet, and gloves on your hands.

Important! Mustard powder should not be allowed to come into direct contact with the skin of the legs. This may cause a burn.

Warming up the chest and back

It should be noted right away that by warming up these areas, it is impossible to increase the temperature in the lungs and somehow cope with bronchitis or a deeper infection. Applications on the chest or back can only help the general activation of immune processes.

To do this, use the following measures:

  • Mustard plasters. They are placed, avoiding the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, having previously warmed in hot water. The optimal places are the sternum, the back under the shoulder blades, without affecting the spine. They are put for a minute, with good tolerance - for a quarter of an hour. The general course is 4 days, you should not apply mustard plasters more than 1 time per day.
  • Curd compress. A description of this type of treatment can only be found in reference books on traditional medicine. Cottage cheese is wrapped in gauze and placed on the back or chest. He takes off pain symptom, has a calming effect severe attacks cough.
  • Rubbing with alcohol, vodka. This method is suitable for slight hypothermia. For example, when the patient gets his feet wet, but there are no first signs of a cold yet. After rubbing, the patient is wrapped in a warm blanket, it is advisable to remain calm for several hours.

General body warming

These methods include a bath and psammotherapy (heating with sand). The first method is familiar and traditional for our country. It allows you to combine heating with inhalation, if you leave an infusion of herbs in the bath or take essential oils with you. When visiting it, active sweating of the body occurs. This allows you to get rid of toxins that are secreted by some bacteria that cause colds (staphylococci and streptococci).

Sand baths can be taken in special clinics or on a familiar clean beach on a sunny day. This procedure is recommended mainly for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, it can also be useful for minor colds. The main thing is to make sure that there is no wind at the chosen place. This type of warming up may be of interest to those who find themselves in " wild environment"- in a tent camp, in field practice.

Universal heating methods

These include methods that allow you to warm up a number of organs. They include:

  1. Blue lamp (Minin reflector). The device was created at the end of the 19th century, but is still used to treat the most various diseases. It emits infrared light, which deeply warms the area of ​​its influence. True, the upper layers of the skin are exposed to the most intense effect. It is better to use a warming lamp under the supervision of a doctor. Scheme of application - up to 3 times a day with gradual increase procedure time (from 5 to 15 minutes).
  2. Warmer. It is used less and less, but it is an easy and safe way to warm up the right place. If the temperature of the heating pad is too high, you can wrap it in a towel or even a blanket. With a warm heating pad, you can go to bed, combining warming up with bed rest.
  3. Inhalations. This procedure is a hot steam treatment of the respiratory tract. It is effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract: otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and rhinitis. As a result of inhalation therapeutic effect occurs not only due to heating, but also penetration to the source of inflammation useful substances. For this, decoctions, essential oils and medications.

When is warming contraindicated?

With colds, it is necessary to completely abandon this method in the following cases:

  • Purulent processes. In such cases, warming up will contribute to the development of infection, and excessive activity of the immune system, on the contrary, can be harmful.
  • High temperature (more than 37 °). This state of the body already indicates a fever. Accordingly, all the described effects are present.
  • oncological process. There is evidence that warming promotes tumor growth. For cancer, it is better to choose other treatment measures.
  • Integrity broken skin. In this case, warming up can worsen healing, and various kinds of compresses will additionally irritate the wounded area.

With caution, you need to approach warming up in childhood and pregnancy. It is recommended not to carry out procedures under the age of 2 years. Women in position should refuse to warm up with compounds that are absorbed through the skin or mucous membranes and can harm the fetus. It is also generally accepted that hot foot baths, and even more so full-fledged baths, can provoke a miscarriage.

Warming up stimulates the body's defenses and helps to get rid of infectious diseases of the ENT organs. Despite the ambiguous attitude of doctors to the procedure, many patients note their real therapeutic effect. A big plus of the method can be called the possibility in most cases of its implementation at home.

Bronchitis - indications for treatment in the hospital

Bronchitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. This is one of the most serious and common respiratory diseases that develops on the walls of the bronchi.

general information

Bronchitis is divided into acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is accompanied by an increase in bronchial secretion, which occurs in conjunction with coughing and sputum production. Often it is caused by viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses) and bacteria (pneumococci, streptococci).

The causes of bronchitis can be fungi, allergens or toxic substances. The most common way of infection is airborne (when communicating with a sick person). In some cases, the disease begins with viral infection, which is attached to the bacterial flora. This variety is called mixed. In adult patients, bronchitis is often caused by smoking. In the acute phase of the disease, it is recommended to treat bronchitis in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Indications for hospitalization

To the main reason acute bronchitis complications can be attributed to respiratory diseases or acute infections. Almost 80% of cases of acute bronchitis occur due to infection with viruses. The manifestations of the disease include: fever, cough, weakness, deterioration of well-being.

The methods used by specialists to treat bronchitis are as follows:

  1. creation of comfortable conditions for the patient;
  2. decrease in high temperature;
  3. cough treatment;
  4. use of folk methods;
  5. antibiotic therapy in acute form in case of bacterial infection(to the signs of such a phenomenon, the doctor may include the fact that after 5-7 days the temperature rises, bronchial sputum acquires purulent staining and its amount increases, the patient's state of health worsens).

Obstructive bronchitis is more severe than normal. Its main difference is in the narrowing, i.e. bronchial obstruction. They distinguish ordinary bronchitis from obstructive by wheezing, which the patient emits when breathing and difficult exhalation.

Children carry this disease hard and they are usually put in the hospital.

Symptoms of a disease in which children need hospitalization:

  • signs of obstruction;
  • high fever, lethargy, lack of appetite;
  • manifestation of signs of respiratory failure.

Obstructive bronchitis can affect not only children, but also adults, who often develop a chronic form.

Diagnostic methods

In the conditions of laboratory diagnostics, the study is carried out using modern equipment. To begin with, the doctor listens to the lungs with a phonendoscope. To diagnose obstructive bronchitis and assess its severity, a study of the function of external respiration, the so-called respiratory function, is used.

An x-ray examination on a radiograph can reveal swelling of the lungs, transparency of the lung tissues, and a low position of the diaphragm. Laboratory research blood with bronchitis shows lymphocytosis, increased ESR, hypoxemia. On the initial stages special meaning the doctor attaches to a bronchoscopic examination, the so-called bronchoscopy.

Bronchoscopy is considered the most effective method diagnosis for chronic obstructive bronchitis.

Bronchoscopy involves the introduction of an optical imaging system into the bronchi, with which you can examine the surface of the bronchi, make a sampling of materials. With bronchoscopy, the doctor can determine the deformation of the walls of the bronchi, inflammation, the presence of purulent discharge. With bronchoscopy, a biopsy is often prescribed. This procedure is painless and clarifies the diagnosis.

An allergist performs a scarification test. Positive test detects an allergen for histamine. A test with a match according to Votchan is also used, when the patient must extinguish the match 8 cm from the mouth. The doctor uses special research methods according to indications, depending on the nature of the disease.

Treatment in a hospital

Obstructive bronchitis in young children is treated in a hospital, older children are hospitalized for severe illness. Half-bed rest, a hypoallergenic diet are introduced as general recommendatory measures.

To improve patency in the bronchi, use:

  • expectorants;
  • mucolytics and bronchodilators;
  • increased amount of fluid.

When using expectorants to prevent bronchospasm, a bronchodilator is used. Bronchodilators can be in the form of syrups, tablets, and aerosols. You can carry out inhalation through a nebulizer with mucolytic drugs and bronchodilators.

For treatment severe forms bronchitis in the hospital use the following antimicrobials:

  • penicillins ─ amoxiclav, amoxil;
  • macrolides ─ azithromycin, macrofoams;
  • fluoroquinols ─ norfloxacin;
  • cephalosporins ─ ceftriaxone, cefazolin, ceftriaxone are used by adults intramuscularly, intravenously and in droppers;
  • at complex treatment complex forms of bronchitis, it is recommended to take multivitamins and immunomodulators.

All antibiotics should be prescribed by a doctor and they need to be taken for as many days as the specialist says. With severe intoxication and with a severe form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe droppers with saline, etc. The number of droppers should be minimal so as not to increase the volume of sputum in the patient.

For treatment, a long course of antibiotics is used, so it is recommended to take probiotic preparations in parallel. These tools will help you get back on track. intestinal microflora. It is worth remembering about hepatoprotectors that will help the liver after a long course of antibiotic treatment.

In addition to medical methods, physiotherapy is also used in the hospital.

  • therapy using paraffin and therapeutic mud;
  • electrophoresis is a procedure in which particles medicinal substance sent to diseased areas under the influence of current, for the treatment of bronchitis use a solution of heparin, calcium chloride and potassium iodide;
  • UHF, acting on deep areas, relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation in the lungs and bronchi;
  • treatment with applications and banks;
  • inhalation;
  • massage and breathing exercises (during treatment in a hospital, massage is performed by specialists).

All of the above methods of treatment are used for better sputum discharge, increased blood supply. As a result of heating, the vessels in the bronchi expand, blood supply to the bronchi and lungs increases, due to which sputum is better formed and departs.

Many patients do not know how many days bronchitis is treated, and relax, believing that they are completely healthy. But bronchitis has always been considered a difficult disease and it takes 10 days to treat it. The number of days required for treatment depends on the form of the disease and the patient's desire to comply with the doctor's prescription.

Possible Complications

  • chronic bronchitis can develop against the background of an acute form, and in aged patients there is a high probability of the disease becoming chronic;
  • pneumonia;
  • respiratory and heart failure;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchial asthma.

Preventive measures

As a preventive measure, certain rules must be followed:

  1. rejection nicotine addiction adult patients;
  2. elimination of the source of infection;
  3. beware of hypothermia;
  4. start hardening;
  5. nutritious food rich in proteins;
  6. hygiene;
  7. monitor the cleanliness of the room, avoiding the accumulation of dust;
  8. trips to the sea coast or to dry mountainous areas.

Millions of bacteria and viruses are constantly present in our body, creating favorable conditions for the development of diseases weak immunity. It is very important to strengthen the immune system, especially in autumn and winter.

Bronchitis is a rather serious disease that is easily treatable under control. an experienced doctor. To prevent complications, do not self-medicate.

back pain with bronchitis

Basic list of bronchodilators

Citrus fruits help strengthen the immune system, but they are not always allowed to be used for lung diseases. Consult with your physician for clarification.

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The information on the site is provided for reference purposes only. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor!

Agree that with a cold or cough, we are not always in a hurry to see a doctor and pay attention to folk remedies getting rid of the disease. Warming up both the whole organism and its localized organs is now considered as effective method self-treatment, and as an effective physiotherapy prescribed for patients.

People learned about warming up as good remedy in the fight against colds and weakness thousands of years ago. Even in ancient Egypt, patients were buried in warm sand, as they believed that this way the disease would leave the human body faster. AT this moment various parts of the body are heated using various ingredients, such as salt, sand, mustard, boiled eggs and even cottage cheese.

Local heating of any diseased organ (for example, the wings and sinuses of the nose) causes an increase special cells that fight harmful bacteria in the body. This method has a therapeutic effect directly on the affected organ and helps the body cope with the disease faster.

Warming up the nose

If you have any of the symptoms described below, you should not resort to warming up, as complications may occur:

Mucus discharged from the nose, cloudy green;

You have a sore throat or purulent sinusitis;

You are sick with any viral disease (chickenpox, rubella, etc.);

You have polyps in your nose;

Only if you do not have any of the above symptoms, you can start warming up in one of the following ways.

A great and inexpensive way to prevent a runny nose! Pour a few tablespoons of coarse table salt (you can take sea salt) into a preheated pan, heat the salt for 5-7 minutes. Place the salt in a homemade bag made of a sufficiently dense fabric, tie it up and apply it to the wings of the nose. The procedure should last at least 10 minutes. After it, it is advisable not to practice physical activity within half an hour.

2. Warming up with a boiled egg

Boil an egg, wrap it in a thick cloth or paper. Apply to the sinuses carefully, as the egg can cause a burn. In addition, a similar method of heating is recommended to get rid of barley.

3. Warming up with boiled potatoes

Boil one medium potato with the skin on, apply the vegetable to the sinuses and forehead for minutes. Potatoes will relieve nasal congestion and speed up the healing process.

4. Warming up with a flatbread

For this method, you will need to make a small rye cake. 50 gr. rye flour mixed with 2-3 tbsp. l. honey, put in a water bath, wait until an obedient mass begins to form. Shape into a lozenge, cool slightly and apply to the wings and bridge of the nose. To keep the cake warm longer, cover it with cling film or cellophane.

5. Other heating methods

To eliminate the common cold and fight against respiratory diseases, various inhalations and pepper patches are also used, which are sold in pharmacies. In addition, the iodine grid helps a lot.

Ear warming

At home, ear warming should be done with caution. If you have purulent otitis media, then heating is contraindicated. It is best to consult a doctor, and if the specialist allows you to warm your ear, then boldly act.

1. Warming up with a blue lamp (Minin reflector)

An excellent remedy that will soothe the pain in your ear in just a couple of days. This lamp emits infrared rays that penetrate deep into sore spot and have a healing effect. You need to use the lamp several times a day for 5-10 minutes.

Cut a whole piece of gauze so that the ear passes through the gauze. Moisten gauze with furatsilin or boric alcohol, put it on your ear and cover with polyethylene. Secure the bandage with a bandage. Leave on the affected ear for 2-3 hours.

3. Warming up with turunda

Turunda is a tourniquet-shaped tampon made of bandage or cotton wool. This swab is soaked in alcohol and placed deep into the ear until completely dry.

Warming the chest with cough, bronchitis, sore throat

If you suffer from bronchitis, there is a strong cough, a sore throat, then warming up will definitely help you.

You also need to talk about contraindications. You should not warm up if:

You have an individual intolerance to the components that make up the mixture for rubbing;

Are you suffering from any skin disease?

During coughing, pus or blood clots are observed.

1. Warming up with a potato compress

Boil a couple of small potatoes, mash them, place them in a small strong bag and place them on the chest area of ​​the patient, after wrapping it with a scarf so as not to get burned. Do not remove the compress until the potatoes have cooled. It's best to crawl under a warm blanket to warm up the whole body.

2. Warming up with a honey compress

Mix in a bowl 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder and 1 tbsp. l. flour. Spread the mixture evenly over two bags and place one of them on the back, the other on the chest of the patient. Cover the patient with a warm blanket.

3. Warming up with mustard plasters

The traditional and well-known way is mustard plasters. You need to put them carefully, after wetting the mustard plasters in hot water. The optimal places for mustard plasters are the chest (without touching the mammary glands) and the back area above the shoulder blades. It is recommended to keep mustard plasters on the body for minutes.

4. Warming up with a curd compress

Yes, yes, even with the help of cottage cheese, you can defeat the disease. Cottage cheese at room temperature should be wrapped in cheesecloth and applied to the back and chest. Such compresses will help eliminate inflammation in the body and soothe a dry cough.

Rubbing with vodka or alcohol helps well with a cold, it is enough to rub the chest and back of the patient with the available liquid and wrap him in a blanket so that the ailment recedes.

General body warming

Speaking of general heating body, it is impossible not to remember the Russian bath - a wonderful place where people relax with their soul and body, simultaneously improving their body. To heighten the effect, essential oils are dripped onto the heater, for example, fir oil, then breathing warm air becomes not only useful, but also extremely pleasant.

During bath procedures the whole body is warm. The body produces sweat, through which toxins and harmful substances are removed.

So called sand baths, known in ancient Egypt. Psammotherapy is actively used to treat diseases musculoskeletal system, with diseased joints and general weakness of the body. In addition, sand procedures are prescribed by a doctor for certain gynecological diseases, for example, chronic inflammation appendages, cystitis.

Sand baths imply a special course, the duration of which is procedures for two to three weeks. The patient should completely bury himself in clean, warm sand, leaving his head and heart area open. It is allowed to stay under a layer of sand for no more than 20 minutes, you need to make sure that you do not fall asleep and do not get sunstroke.

Psammotherapy has contraindications. Sand baths should not be used in case of exacerbation of certain diseases, in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, tuberculosis, oncology and various infectious diseases. In any case, it is best to consult a doctor.

Mustard is used not only in mustard plasters and rubbing, but also for such a warming method familiar to everyone since childhood, like mustard foot baths. Such baths will be very useful for those who have the first signs of a cold: cough, runny nose, sore throat, but the temperature has not risen.

To steam your legs well with mustard, you need to pour hot water into a basin or a deep bucket, add a little mustard powder there and gradually lower your legs into the mixture so as not to burn yourself. Mustard has a warming effect and bactericidal properties, destroys harmful bacteria, increases blood circulation. After the water has cooled, you need to carefully wipe your feet and put on woolen socks.

This method of heating also has contraindications:

High blood pressure;

Individual intolerance to mustard;


Cracks and wounds on the skin;

During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Warming up is great way fight colds and other diseases. However, it must be remembered that at high temperature, purulent processes, the presence of oncological formations, allergies to certain components in the composition of compresses or solutions, it is best to refrain from such therapy.

Sholokhova Olga Nikolaevna

Reading time: 5 minutes


Warming up during bronchitis: features, types and effect of the procedure

Respiratory tract diseases are necessarily accompanied by a cough. it defensive reaction organism, contributing to the speedy removal of all harmful substances from the lumen of the respiratory tract. Cough is the main symptom of bronchitis. And the treatment for this disease is aimed more at eliminating this reflex. Exist different methods getting rid of cough, for example, quite often patients use warming for bronchitis. Is it possible to warm the chest with bronchitis, consider below.

Etiology of inflammation of the bronchi

It is necessary to bask in bronchitis with great care, since in some types of illness this is a normal method of therapy, in others it is contraindicated and dangerous.

Inflammation of the bronchial mucosa occurs different reasons. The most common of them are:

  • Spread of infection in the body. Infection occurs due to the spread of viruses and bacteria.
  • chemical reason. The effect of temperature on the bronchi (burns), harmful vapors and substances causes bronchitis.
  • Allergic response to the body. When an allergen enters the respiratory tract (pet hair, pollen, dust, and so on), the immune system responds with an allergic reaction in the form of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.
  • Bronchitis due to tuberculosis.
  • Entry into the respiratory tract of a foreign body.

All these causes cause the same symptoms of bronchitis, headed by coughing. But the treatment of the disease in each case needs to be different.

At what type of bronchitis is warming allowed?

Many patients noted that when coughing, warming the chest is effective. Indeed, if the respiratory tract is affected by an infection, warming up with bronchitis is effective: the lumen in the bronchi expands slightly under the influence of heat, the blood supply to the cells is restored. This leads to the restoration of the normal structure of the shell and recovery.

Warming up the chest with bronchitis

If a foreign body enters, warming up is not effective. For recovery, at least this object must be removed from the lumen of the bronchi.

For obstructive bronchitis allergic nature this method of treatment is unacceptable, as it can lead to copious excretion mucus, which will further fill the lumen of the bronchi. The same effect is observed in the bronchitis of smokers, but they also have the danger that small particles can move along the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract into smaller bronchi.

Thus, if the question arose whether it is possible to warm the chest with bronchitis, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of the disease. After that, only take therapeutic measures.

How warming up affects the immune system?

When exposed to temperature from the outside, the receptors of our skin are irritated, because of this, the sympathetic nervous system. This leads to an increase in the production of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. The secreted substances contribute to an increase in local immunity, as a result of which the body acquires the ability to resist viruses. This "shaking" of the body leads to speedy recovery, since when warming up, all the forces of the body are mobilized.

Contraindications for breast warming

With dry cough and wet warming is effective, but there are conditions in which this procedure is contraindicated.

  1. During obstructive bronchitis, warming compresses are prohibited, as they can cause bronchospasm.
  2. If bronchitis is accompanied by heart problems, heating is prohibited.
  3. Warming compresses are not allowed when coughing if the person has damaged skin in the chest area.
  4. At a temperature, it is also impossible to warm the chest.
  5. With bronchitis in children under 1 year of age, heating is prohibited due to their anatomical features.
  6. If known for certain allergic cause cough in a child, it is not allowed to do warming manipulations.

Procedure for children

Children under 5 years of age are generally not recommended to be used for bronchitis at home. As soon as the disease begins, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to understand in the case of a specific disease whether it is possible to warm the baby's chest. Children under 5 often suffer from an obstructive form of the disease, such treatment can only aggravate their condition.

Heat treatment methods

Warm up the chest to get rid of dry and wet cough, can be done in several ways. But it is important to remember: if there is a temperature, you will have to abandon warming dressings.

mustard plasters

Warming up the chest is effectively done with the help of. During heat treatment, allyl essential oil is released from mustard powder. The medicinal property of mustard powder is that irritation and redness appear on the skin at the site of application, which indicates an improvement in blood circulation on the surface of the body and inside. This effect leads to a decrease in inflammatory processes, a decrease in pain.

Sachets with mustard powder impose on the interscapular region on the back. They can also be applied to the chest from the front, but you should avoid getting under the treatment bag of the mammary glands, birthmarks and the heart area.

Cupping treatment

Cupping on the back requires certain skills so as not to burn yourself and the patient. is based on creating a vacuum in the chest area. The skin is sucked into the cans, which contributes to a greater flow of blood to the skin area. There is a stimulation of blood circulation, metabolism, the release of toxins to the outside. This remedy is used not only for bronchitis and pneumonia. Also effective method for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, bronchial asthma and some other diseases.

Warm compresses

Treatment with compresses has been common for a long time. Can children make them? Yes, they are actively used in pediatrics with the permission of a doctor. Only you need to use substances that do not cause allergic reactions. They have practically no contraindications and do not have negative impact on the liver, like tablets.

For a compress, you need to prepare active substance: you can heat with mustard powder, diluted alcohol, use heating with salt, cabbage leaves, honey, potatoes, cottage cheese and so on. Healing mixture impose on the back or chest, avoiding the heart and spine. If the substance is liquid, you can soak gauze with it. Often in the treatment of possible respiratory diseases, salt is added. It speeds up the process of assimilation of the remedy.

The chest after gauze or thin fabric with a mixture should be covered with a layer of insulation - polyethylene, then use a dry towel or scarf for warming up. If the disease is accompanied by a dry cough, such treatment will quickly achieve a productive cough reflex.

Rubbing as a means of traditional medicine

AT home first aid kit there should be ointments with a warming effect in case of respiratory diseases. They are very good at soothing dry coughs. Rubbing is done using ointments, gels, essential oils, badger, goat or goose fat. Cough medicines in the form of an ointment can also be used. All these substances must be applied in a thin layer so as not to harm the patient. Rub in until completely absorbed. After the procedure, it is better to fall asleep, wrapped in a blanket, or wear something warm to maintain the effect. The temperature must be measured before grinding.

Read more our article “Is it possible to bathe in a bath with bronchitis?”

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