Respiratory gymnastics in children with bronchial asthma. Breathing exercises in bronchial asthma. The benefits of breathing exercises

Asthma is a serious disease that can be treated with the use of medications, as well as a complex of breathing exercises. Correct execution technique improves the functioning of the respiratory organs.

Breathing exercises for asthma increase the elasticity of the walls of the bronchi, blood flows through the blood vessels in a larger volume, carrying a sufficient amount of oxygen. In addition, it is an effective way to prevent stroke.

If you perform therapeutic exercises correctly, then it not only helps the body fight the disease, but also has a positive effect on the body as a whole:

  • metabolism returns to normal;
  • the content of cholesterol decreases;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the heart works correctly, without disturbances;
  • the patient's nervous system becomes more resilient, stress is relieved.

If we talk about gymnastics for breathing in general, then it is worth saying that it improves the quality of life of the patient.

From the point of view of the impact on the disease, the following positive effects of exercise can be noted:

  • gas exchange in the organs of the respiratory system is normalized, and the cells receive the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • with proper breathing, mucus is better removed from the bronchi;
  • chest muscles become stronger and more elastic;
  • stagnation of blood in the lungs is prevented;
  • adhesions are prevented.

What results are achieved

Breathing in bronchial asthma is an important point that should be given great attention. If you correctly and regularly perform breathing exercises, you can achieve the desired results.

The bronchi are freed from mucus, ventilation and respiratory function of the lungs improves. Breathing properly with asthma means minimizing the frequency of asthma attacks.

Proper exercise allows you to achieve the following results:

  • the severity of symptoms decreases;
  • the respiratory apparatus is restored and returns to normal;
  • the emotional state improves;
  • the impact of stresses that exacerbate the disease is reduced;
  • sleep is normalized.

In order to achieve maximum results, experts advise doing gymnastics in complete silence. Do not turn on the music, it is better to focus on the inhalations and exhalations. The main principles of classes should be regularity, correct exercise and a serious approach.

Basic rules for doing gymnastics

Breathing exercises in asthma, as well as in bronchitis, should be carried out in complete rest, without haste and regularly.

There are a number of rules for training in bronchial asthma, following which you can avoid a large load on the body and achieve a better result:

  • during gymnastics, you need to breathe through your mouth. If you do not follow this rule when doing exercises for the treatment of bronchial asthma, then the contents from the nasopharynx can enter the lungs, and the exercises will not only not give the desired effect, but also harm the body;
  • with an exacerbation of the disease, exercises should be performed in between attacks. If you do not follow this rule, then a severe cough and bronchospasm may occur;
  • breathing should be shallow so as not to provoke an increase in the symptoms of the disease. Emotions need to be controlled;
  • regularity is the main requirement for performing exercises.

Exercises are prescribed in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations given by the attending physician.

Breathing exercises techniques

There are a large number of methods for doing gymnastics for asthma. The most effective is breathing exercises according to Buteyko and Strelnikova.

Performing these two types of gymnastics for asthma is available not only to adults, but also to children.

Please note: no matter what method was prescribed to the patient, if an unpleasant sensation or cough appears during the exercises, you should definitely tell the doctor about this for further correction of the exercises. Any of the methods should not cause discomfort!

General set of exercises

Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma are performed in a complex manner. Training starts with a minimum load, which gradually increases.

The main advantage is that gymnastics does not require special devices. It is enough to be in silence and strictly follow the rules of the exercises.

The main set of exercises includes movements that are used in any technique and help normalize breathing:

  • As a rule, with asthma, sputum and mucus accumulate inside the bronchi at night. To clean them, it is necessary, without getting out of bed, to pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest, and as soon as the legs approach the chest, you need to exhale through the mouth. At the initial stage, approximately the first 10-15 days, the exercise is repeated at least 10 times, and then the number gradually increases;
  • after completing the first exercise, you need to stand on your feet, hands on your waist. You should inhale the maximum amount of air through your nose, while the stomach should be as rounded as possible. Then a sharp exhalation is made, and the stomach should be drawn in as much as possible. If the exercise is done by an asthmatic, then it is not recommended to perform it more than 10 times in one approach. If dizziness appears during execution, classes are stopped;
  • "alternate breathing" - inhale alternately with the right, then with the left nostril. Constantly changing one side to the other, repeat at least 10 times;
  • In order to fight asthma more effectively, it is necessary to carry out deep ventilation of the lungs. To do this, the patient sits on a chair, hands on his knees. Inhale - spread your arms, exhale - join your hands on your left knee and pull it to your chest. The same is repeated with the right knee. With complications of bronchial asthma, the exercise is done no more than 10 times;
  • Asthma affects not only adults, but also children. Seating a child and making him do the exercises is quite difficult. So you can play with it. To do this, the child inhales a large amount of air through the mouth, and the exhalation should be slow. You can use a tube dipped in water through which the child will exhale. With this exercise, you need to observe that the exhalation time gradually increases.

Proper exercise is a guarantee that asthma attacks will be repeated less and less.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are very popular not only among asthma patients, but also among doctors who recommend doing it.

Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma were developed by Strelnikova several decades ago. The main goal of the technique is not only to help the patient with asthma attacks, but also to improve the state of health in general.

In 1980, information about the technique appeared in the magazine Physical Culture and Sport, which was popular at that time, after which the technique not only became widespread, but also helped a large number of people cope with seizures during its existence.

According to the observations of doctors, the technique will help only if the patient performs the exercises twice a day. In addition to asthma, classes help improve metabolism, blood circulation, and restore the nervous system.

The technique helps with pneumonia and congestive processes in the lungs. All parts of the body are involved in gymnastics: arms, head, legs, abs, even the pelvis. In order to properly perform all the exercises, you must use the recommendations and study the technique in more detail.

How to do exercises according to Strelnikova:

  • air should be inhaled only through the nose. The breath should be sharp. Do not focus on exhaling, as this is distracting;
  • exhalation is carried out through the nose, while accompanied by certain body movements;
  • you need to inhale the air in the rhythm of the drill step;
  • all exercises are done at the expense of 8. You need to count mentally;
  • You can do gymnastics standing, lying or sitting. The choice of position depends on the patient.

Examples of practical exercises

Consider a few exercises that each patient should master at the initial stage:

  • "palms" - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 4 sharp breaths are taken quickly. At the same time, the palms are clenched into a fist with each breath. When exhaling, the palms are voluntarily unclenched. The exercise is repeated at least 96 times. Please note - when performing this exercise, the body remains motionless, only the palms and the respiratory system work;
  • "Shoulders" - the exercise is performed while standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are pressed to the body at waist level and clenched into fists. With each breath, the hands seem to push something down. When inhaling, the arms return to their original position. The exercise is done in blocks: 4 sets of 12 times.

These are two exercises with which it is worth starting therapeutic exercises. Further, additional exercises are gradually added. New exercises should not be done all at once, but introduced gradually.

The full set of exercises can be viewed on Strelnikova's official website.

Please note: the proposed gymnastics is recognized as quite effective, and it is very important if the patient owns it at the time of the attack. With a strong attack, you can sit down, put your hands on your knees, bending slightly, inhale and lean back, allowing the air to escape. Repeat 2-4 times and take a break for 10 seconds.

When a child develops a disease, many doctors recommend visiting exercise therapy, but, in accordance with Strelnikova's theory, it is prohibited, since it is physical activity that can cause an attack and aggravate the disease. Therefore, the best option in the fight against the disease will be breathing exercises. Exercises with a child are best done together, turning them into a game.

Despite all the positive aspects of breathing exercises, the patient should be observed by a doctor during the training period. He will monitor the patient's condition and, if necessary, prescribe medications.

Breathing exercises according to Buteyko

Bronchial asthma can be treated with the help of breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. The method was proposed back in 1952, but is still widely used in the treatment of the disease.

The author considers the lack of the required amount of carbon dioxide in the body to be the main reason for the appearance of bronchial asthma. Deep breathing allows oxygen to enter the body, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide.

Due to the lack of carbon dioxide, bronchospasm develops, air intake decreases, which can lead to oxygen starvation.

Therefore, according to Buteyko, breathing in asthma should be shallow. Everyone can hold their breath, but learning to breathe shallowly is not.

The result can be seen only with regular training. The main exercises of the technique are based on reducing the supply of oxygen to the body and the accumulation of carbon dioxide:

  • full breath from the chest, holding the breath for 7.5 seconds. After a pause of 5 seconds, and everything is repeated from the very beginning at least 10 times;
  • breath through the nostrils alternately: 10 times one nostril, 10 - the other;
  • for the lungs to work properly, it is necessary to carry out deep ventilation of the lungs. It is necessary to take 12 extremely deep breaths within 60 seconds. No more than 5 seconds are given for each breath;
  • You can breathe in levels, at each level a different amount of time is allotted for inhalation. This is the so-called rare breath.

All Buteyko exercises are performed in a standing or sitting position. After class, you need to take a comfortable position and relax. You should stay in this position until your breathing is restored and becomes even.

Sound gymnastics

Sound gymnastics is indispensable for restoring the respiratory organs in asthma. Exercises include not only physical education, but also teaching proper breathing using various sounds.

The sounds that the patient makes during breathing exercises have a beneficial effect on the body and help to avoid asthma attacks.

The sound creates a vibration, which, descending into the chest, helps to relax the muscles, thanks to which the patient breathes better, and asthmatic attacks occur less frequently. In order for gymnastics to bring benefits, and not harm, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for its implementation:

  • each sound exercise begins and ends with the sounds "ppf". They are pronounced with the addition of lips with a tube;
  • a prerequisite is the pronunciation of the closed sound "mmm". This exercise is carried out in a sitting position, hands should be folded on your knees;
  • the sound should be made by the patient on exhalation;
  • the duration of the sound gradually increases from 5 to 30 seconds.

You can not start gymnastics with complex exercises. There are several steps that need to be done in sequence. At the preparatory stage, the patient learns to pronounce the sounds "o", "u", "e". When moving to the first stage, the sounds “d”, “s”, “z” are pronounced.

Sound gymnastics, like all other exercises, can be done only during the period when there are no attacks. Comprehensive treatment should include exercises associated with physical activity, breathing exercises and sound gymnastics.

Yoga breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for the treatment of asthma occupy a special place among the medical medicine of the countries of the East. Yoga allows you to do breathing exercises for asthma in full.

In this case, not only the lungs are involved, but also the entire muscles of the respiratory system, and auxiliary muscles. All yoga exercises are performed in a sitting position, legs crossed “in Turkish”.

Breathing exercises for asthma in children

Breathing exercises for the treatment of bronchial asthma in children are somewhat different from those for adults. Breathing exercises for asthma can be performed by a child from 3 years old.

Regardless of which technique was chosen as the treatment for the disease, the baby should not be forced to engage in force. Everything is carried out exclusively in the form of a game.

The main task of the parent in this process is to teach the child to breathe through the nose. Asthma exercises for children are the same as for adults. It is desirable that at the first lessons an instructor is engaged with the child, who will explain how to do gymnastics correctly.

Contraindications for gymnastics

Breathing exercises for asthma are an addition to the main treatment, but despite the fact that in most cases it has a positive effect on the body, there are situations when classes are harmful.

Therefore, breathing exercises for asthmatics should be stopped if:

  • the appearance of asthma attacks during exercise;
  • severe cough (dry or wet);
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • poor ventilation in the room. A prerequisite for the implementation of classes should be fresh air;
  • with oncological diseases, gymnastics cannot be done.

Following the basic rules, it is possible in the shortest possible time not to get rid of the disease, but to reduce the frequency of attacks.


Carrying out gymnastics for bronchial asthma is an important point in the fight against respiratory diseases.

Proper organization of classes, their regularity is a guarantee that in the shortest possible time the patient will learn to breathe correctly and control his fear, which will reduce the duration of the attack.

Therapeutic physical culture is prescribed by a doctor who observes the patient for a long time.

Bronchial asthma is a dangerous and very unpleasant disease. But it refers to those diseases that can be cured and the course of which can be slowed down. The correct regimen, competent treatment, breathing exercises for asthma, special physical exercises can greatly facilitate the life of an asthmatic and contribute to his recovery. This is especially true for children, who are often diagnosed with allergies by doctors, hoping that with the right treatment, the child will be able to recover and live a full life without medication.

Features of the disease

Bronchial asthma proceeds as a bronchial allergy, but is not situational, but chronic. Aggravations occur against the background of allergen blooms, malnutrition, but most often they begin with respiratory diseases such as colds and flu, and it is especially difficult for asthmatics who live in cold, humid climates.

In children, asthma sometimes occurs due to liver damage, which somehow affects the occurrence of an allergic reaction, an allergy, in turn, affects bronchospasm. Therefore, an asthmatic attack is possible against the background of malnutrition - spicy, fatty, salty, confectionery, chips can provoke an asthmatic attack. And long-term medication, smoking, alcohol also affect the functioning of the bronchi and can become an important factor influencing the onset of the disease.

Another important factor is the climate. Humid, cold climate is not a sentence, but the occurrence of even the slightest cold immediately leads to an exacerbation of the disease. And in the cold season, an asthmatic can seriously suffer from the disease, taking a lot of medicines. And vice versa, a dry warm climate, with fresh air saturated with salts or coniferous resins, greatly facilitates the course of the disease, or even in such conditions a person stops getting sick. Therefore, if possible, you need to organize spa treatment. Unfortunately, places with a good climate are not cheap - this is the southern coast of Crimea, Egypt, California, but you can find cheaper places - salt lakes, a significant array of coniferous forests, preferably pine.

Particularly dangerous places for asthma patients are the lowlands of large rivers, where there is high humidity, dampness, and frequent morning fogs. Therefore, when changing the climate, try to first try to live in new places, experiencing how the terrain will affect the respiratory system. The importance of climate and air conditions suggests that breathing exercises are best done outdoors if it is good for asthmatics, and in ventilated enclosed spaces if outside air can provoke an attack. For example, you should not practice outdoors during the abundant flowering of herbs and trees, especially in the heat, fresh, but humid and cold air is also undesirable for breathing.

The treatment of asthma must be approached comprehensively, then the disease recedes. Well, do not be too deluded by the possibility of a completely drug-free treatment. It is necessary to quickly get out of acute conditions with the help of medications that relieve symptoms, repeated attacks and improvement of the condition can be avoided with the help of hormonal devices. But the body needs to be strengthened and forced to get out of a painful state on its own. Therefore, consult a doctor and do regular and breathing exercises, gradually and evenly harden, lead a healthy lifestyle and you can not only live in peace, but also fully recover.

The Benefits of Exercise

Heavy exercise is often contraindicated in certain forms of asthma. But it must be taken into account that the conduct of a passive life, lack of physical activity leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the body. And vice versa, loading yourself with simple, but regular exercises, a person not only feels good, but generally improves his health. In the body, all organs are interconnected, and the improvement of the condition of some leads to an improvement in the work of other internal organs.

Breathing exercises in bronchial asthma may not always drastically change the course of the disease, but it is an additional safe exercise that can be done outside periods of exacerbations of the disease. Exercise is in addition to conventional treatment and helps to mitigate attacks and is the prevention of complications.

The purpose of the exercises is to train the respiratory organs.
Training is best done outdoors if the weather is comfortable. In dusty rooms that are not ventilated, you can not do exercises. Classes should be abandoned, or their complexity should be reviewed, in the following cases:

  • after a strong cough, bronchospasm, asthma attacks, this is especially true of Strelnikova's gymnastics, which offers sharp breathing through the nose;
  • weather conditions are far from comfortable - it can be both frost and heat, as well as strong wind, rain, fog;
  • you have recently had a choking attack, severe cough or spasms;
  • after strong physical exertion, in which shortness of breath occurs;
  • if the bronchi are weakened by illness, you should refrain from exercising even for some time after recovery; this is especially true for children who often suffer from respiratory diseases;
  • bad mood, feeling unwell, get yourself in good psychological shape and then do it;
  • activities for children should be done in a playful way, and watch them so that an attack does not start.

Class rules

When practicing, you must adhere to the following rules:


With the help of breathing exercises, the mucous membrane is freed from sputum, breathing becomes normal, the lungs are better ventilated, bronchospasms become less frequent, the muscles responsible for the respiratory process are strengthened, the person learns to control the body, as a result of which attacks become less frequent, which means that the patient does not experience constant stress , which in itself can be a cause of exacerbation.

To make training more effective, You can spend under cheerful music for children and calm for adults. With asthma, you need to stick to diet number 5, give up alcohol and smoking. Be careful with medications - chronic medication, even for allergies, can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, especially hormonal medications. Therefore, after weakening the exacerbation, strengthen the body, try to make it recover as quickly as possible in a natural way.

Sometimes they say that you can not keep pets in the house. The dog is an exception, because if a child has asthma and was given a puppy, she will walk with him a lot, thinking less about her illness. Such physical activity, together with fresh air, will contribute to the recovery of the child. Of course, in order to keep a cat or a dog in the house, you need to make sure that pets are not a source of serious allergies.

Respiratory gymnastics is an auxiliary in the treatment, so it can be combined with physiotherapy procedures - inhalations, massage, electrophoresis. But after the procedures associated with heat, you need to pause for more than an hour. You should not get carried away with gymnastics, exercises, Strelnikova's breathing exercises, you need to strengthen the body in many ways and it will soon work normally.

It is necessary to limit access to allergens, but you should not exclude them altogether. It is necessary that the body gets used to them and gradually stops responding to them. Some allergens, such as grass pollen, cannot be completely eliminated. Harden the body, gradually strengthening, and the disease will recede.

Bronchial asthma is accompanied by asthma attacks. The disease poses a serious threat to human health, therefore, drug treatment is indispensable. Special exercises can be an excellent addition to the main therapy. Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma are suitable for children and adults.

Breathing technique

Regardless of the type of gymnastics, general rules are required. Ignoring the execution technique will not bring any benefit, moreover, it can aggravate the patient's condition, causing another attack of suffocation. Therapeutic exercises for bronchial asthma require compliance with the following recommendations:

  1. Proper breathing. Inhalation-exhalation can be carried out through the mouth, nose, depending on the exercise being performed. Before starting classes, it is necessary not only to remember how gymnastics is performed, but also how to breathe. Proper breathing is the key to efficiency.
  2. Regularity. A one-time workout will not bring the desired result, there may not even be temporary relief. Breathing exercises are carried out every day, you need to devote at least an hour to it.
  3. A complex approach. In addition to the medication prescribed by the doctor, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, and follow a diet. Then breathing exercises will be more effective.

Compliance with the technique of performing exercises will achieve the following results:

  • respiratory muscles develop;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • the bronchi are cleansed and relaxed;
  • pain in the chest, discomfort when breathing disappear.

Interesting! Many doctors have been developing their own methods of breathing exercises for patients with bronchial asthma. However, two of them remain the most effective and widespread - Strelnikova, Buteyko.

Performing gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method is popular for bronchial asthma. To obtain the effect, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. Inhalations are the main part of breathing during training. Energetic, powerful exhalation is impossible without proper inhalation. It is necessary to try to inhale the air as deeply as possible.
  2. Exhalations are the passive part of breathing. Strelnikova does not recommend loading the lungs when removing air from the body. Exhalation is done randomly.
  3. Rhythm. Exercises are carried out in a certain rhythm - counting.
  4. Each of them is performed 4 times.
  5. Gymnastics is repeated twice a day.

Interesting! Strelnikova is a vocal teacher, so the rules for performing gymnastics according to her method resemble musical exercises in rhythm and counting.

The main exercises are:

  1. "Fists". We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. We take a sharp breath through our nose, squeeze our fingers. Then gently unclench them, making a slow, calm exhalation.
  2. "The chauffeurs". The position of the body and legs remains the same. Hands on the belt, fingers clenched into fists. We take a sharp breath through our nose, lower our hands, as if dropping a load from our shoulders. We especially strongly strain the shoulder muscles. We exhale slowly, returning the hands back.

Some exercises are performed intensively, resembling dance moves. For example:

  1. "Head rotation". To perform, you can become straight, sit down, lie down. A short, sharp breath accompanies the turning of the head to each side. Exhale calmly. For comfort, you can perform such exercises to rhythmic music.
  2. "Dance". Take a step forward with each foot. We sharply put our hands in front of us, leaving them at eye level, take a sharp breath. We become in the starting position, calmly exhale.

Advice! These are just some of the exercises proposed by Strelnikova. Before starting breathing exercises, you need to consult with your doctor, asking him to help you choose the appropriate options.

According to the method of K. P. Buteyko

The Buteyko method helps to get rid of asthma attacks, to minimize the recurrence of the disease. Gymnastic exercises are based on the following principles:

  • the depth of inspiration decreases;
  • the pause between exhalation and the next inhalation increases.

In total, the breath should last 2-3 seconds, the exhalation and the subsequent pause - 3-4 seconds each.

Important! At first, a patient who began to perform gymnastics according to the proposed method may experience a lack of air, a phobia of suffocation, and pain. In an asthmatic, these phenomena cause fear, but it is important to continue the exercises, overpowering yourself.

The Buteyko method involves preparation before doing the exercises. It is carried out simply, lasts 10-15 minutes:

  • sit on a chair, keep your back straight, hands on your knees;
  • relax, close your eyes;
  • breathe quietly, exhale smoothly through the nose.

The result of the preparation should be a feeling of severe lack of air. The Buteyko medical complex consists of a number of exercises, the main ones are:

  1. Interval breathing. The basic rule of the exercise is the exact observance of the time interval (inhale - 2-3 seconds, exhale - 3-4, pause - 3-4). Performing the exercise allows you to strengthen the upper section of the lungs, it is used to expel sputum.
  2. Long breath - inhale for 7 seconds, exhale the same amount, pause for 5 seconds. Exercise strengthens the upper lung, chest, and diaphragm.
  3. Massage. We hold our breath for as long as possible, we perform a massage of the reflexogenic parts of the nose.
  4. Deep long breathing. We retract the stomach as much as possible, perform the second exercise.
  5. Ventilation. For a minute, take the deepest breaths in and out. Then we hold our breath as much as possible.

Important! For the result to be effective, you can not be distracted, talk, take breaks. Also important is concentration, emotional state, the ability to relax.

Benefits of doing gymnastics

Everyone can find a suitable technique, taking into account the characteristics of their body, the degree of the disease. You can perform gymnastics at home, without improvised means. Doctors advise using other exercises - inflating balloons is the most popular.

The implementation of a certain technique becomes the best option for the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and children. All that is required of a person is the exact observance of the recommendations.

Breathing exercises seem to teach a person to breathe again, now he will do it correctly. Oxygen entering the lungs during inhalation penetrates into all internal organs, vessels, cells. The bronchi dilate, sputum comes out, asthma symptoms subside, asthma attacks are observed less and less.

An important advantage of gymnastics is that a person begins to control breathing. Medications fight the causes and consequences of asthma. But only exercises ensure proper breathing.

Advice! In pharmacies, you can buy breathing simulators that teach a person to breathe correctly, but they are not available to everyone because of the high price.


It is necessary to postpone the implementation of breathing exercises for bronchial asthma in the following cases:

  • the appearance of an asthma attack;
  • lack of a suitable room (which can be ventilated, creating favorable conditions for training);
  • brisk walking, jogging before gymnastics;
  • transferred bronchitis, other colds;
  • deterioration of the general condition, exacerbation of various chronic diseases.

Breathing exercises are available to everyone. The initial stage of bronchial asthma usually does not require the use of strong drugs, exercise is the best way to treat. If the disease progresses, then drug therapy can be supplemented with gymnastics. You just need to choose a technique, study the execution technique and start breathing correctly.

909 04/03/2019 6 min.

With bronchial asthma, people often have to give up physical activity, as it can cause an attack of the disease.

But doctors say that reasonable and feasible physical activity does not harm the health of asthmatics, they help to cope with shortness of breath and suffocation that occur during an attack. Therefore, breathing exercises in bronchial asthma have a positive effect on the patient's body, reducing the frequency of attacks and facilitating their course.

It should be remembered that breathing exercises are not a replacement for traditional treatment with drugs, but an addition. The exercises that we will tell you about in this article will help alleviate the condition of asthmatics, but besides that, they are a good method of preventing various complications that can occur against the background of bronchial asthma.

What is bronchial asthma - definition of the disease, symptoms and methods of treatment

Bronchial asthma is called, which occurs due to bronchial hyperreactivity. The bronchi in asthmatics are very sensitive to various environmental influences, as a result of which they spasm.

Due to the large amount of mucus, swelling and spasm, the wall of the bronchus becomes thicker, and the lumen narrows. As a result, abnormal gas exchange with the environment is not ensured, and attacks of suffocation, wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing occur. Most often they appear at night or early in the morning. Attacks can pass by themselves, or after taking special medications.

A provoking factor can be not only an allergen, but also stress, fear, inhalation of dust, chemical fumes.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Attacks of dry cough in the morning or at night.
  2. Whistling rattling in chest.
  3. Thick, standing out after an attack.
  4. Shortness of breath with predominant difficulty in exhalation.
  5. Lack of air.
  6. Congestion in the chest.
  7. Suffocation.

During an attack, a person tries to sit down, resting his hands on a table or chair. This makes it easier for him to breathe.

The symptoms of bronchial asthma listed above can occur when exposed to some provoking external factors. These include:

  • Allergens(products, medicines, dust, plant pollen, animal hair). Diagnosed.
  • Inhalation of cold air.
  • Exposure to household chemicals(washing powders, perfumes, varnishes, cleaning products and so on).

Internal factors include

  • hereditary predisposition(Close relatives have bronchial asthma or suffer from any form of allergy).
  • Overweight(because of this, the diaphragm is located higher and does not provide sufficient ventilation of the lungs).
  • gender(in childhood, boys are more likely to get asthma, and in adulthood, the disease is most often diagnosed in women).

Types of bronchial asthma:

  1. allergic. It occurs upon contact with an allergen. A variant of allergic asthma is atopic asthma. It occurs in early childhood with increased sensitivity to household factors (cleaning products, washing powders, and so on).
  2. Non-allergic. It occurs under the influence of various factors that are of non-allergic origin, for example, hormonal changes in women during the menstrual cycle. One of the varieties of non-allergic asthma is aspirin asthma, which occurs when intolerance to Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and all yellow drugs.
  3. Mixed asthma. It combines the signs of the first two types of the disease.

Depending on the severity of the course, asthma is:

  1. Bronchial asthma of an intermittent (intermittent) course of a mild degree. It is characterized by rare attacks.
  2. Bronchial asthma persistent (permanent) mild. Attacks appear at least once a week, but not more than once a day.
  3. Bronchial asthma persistent moderate. Seizures occur more than once a week. However, they greatly affect performance.
  4. Bronchial asthma persistent severe. It is characterized by constant attacks throughout the day, which often occur at night.

Why breathing exercises are effective

The goal of breathing exercises is to create calm, shallow and shallow breathing, since deep breaths irritate the receptors in the bronchi, which leads to the onset or intensification of an asthma attack.

During exercise, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, and this reduces the risk of stroke. The walls of blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol plaques, activity at the cellular level and immunity increase, blood microcirculation is restored, and metabolic processes improve.

It is used not only for asthma, but also.

During gymnastics, the body self-purifies itself from negative factors that can provoke the appearance or worsen the course of this disease.

Strelnikova's technique

Breathing according to Strelnikova is a gymnastics method that was created by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova as a way to restore a singing voice.

But besides this, breathing exercises can be used for pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, neurosis, skin diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the genitourinary system.

The benefits of exercises according to Strelnikova

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are necessary in the following cases:

  1. To activate the blood supply and lymphatic supply.
  2. To improve the drainage functions of the focus of inflammation of the lungs.
  3. To protect against stagnant changes.
  4. To normalize lung ventilation.
  5. To provide respiratory excursion of the diaphragm.

It is worth noting that breathing exercises will be much more effective if combined with therapeutic chest massage.

Breathing according to Strelnikova is based on proper breathing. Here, special attention is paid to the breath. It should be energetic and noisy, but at the same time smooth. You need to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Starting loads during inflammation

Breathing exercises in bronchial asthma should be carried out according to the law of slow loads.

If you do not follow the principles of this law, then you can exacerbate the inflammatory process.

Gymnastics should be done daily for ten minutes. The procedure begins with a light charge. Exercises with an extended breath can be done with abundant sputum. This gymnastics is allowed to be done only after the symptoms of intoxication have decreased, in the absence of heart disorders. Do not exercise at temperatures above thirty-eight degrees.

First, all exercises are done lying down. To limit the mobility of the chest, it is necessary to improve local blood supply and accelerate the outflow of lymph in order to speed up the process of resorption of exudate.

Complex in a state of rehabilitation

Rules for increasing the load

Increasing the load during breathing exercises should be gradual. This should be done after receiving positive dynamics during the exercise.

The duration of exercise should not exceed fifteen minutes a day, regardless of its rhythm and speed.

Breathing exercises also have contraindications: glaucoma, high myopia, high blood pressure, epilepsy, heart disease. Therefore, you can do exercises only after consulting a specialist.


This video will show you how to do breathing exercises.


Thanks to respiratory gymnastics during bronchial asthma, the surface of the mucosa is cleared of sputum, the lumen of the respiratory tract increases, the work of the respiratory apparatus is restored, muscle tissues and the diaphragm are strengthened, and so on. But the most important thing is that a person’s condition is greatly facilitated, and their frequency and intensity gradually decrease.

Regularly performing the exercises in this article will not only help reduce the frequency and severity of attacks, but will also have a good effect on overall health. If you follow all the recommendations for doing breathing exercises, if you follow the doctor's recommendations, the disease will gradually disappear, and good health will return soon.

But remember that you can not self-medicate bronchial asthma, because the condition may worsen significantly or there will be a spasm of the bronchus and an asthma attack.

Read about an equally dangerous disease called.

Breathing exercises during the development of bronchial diseases, contrary to the prevailing opinion that any physical and respiratory stress is prohibited in asthmatic diseases, have the most positive effect on the patient's condition.

Reasonable dosed exercises help to improve breathing and relieve symptoms of suffocation, which often accompany asthmatic diseases. Breathing exercises for asthma is one of the alternative types of treatment for asthmatics, but in no case does this technique replace drug treatment, being only an auxiliary method in the treatment complex.

Benefits of exercising for asthma

With the help of regular gymnastics, it is possible to reduce the acute symptoms of the disease and achieve significant improvement. In addition, the following positive impact is noted:

  1. Respiratory membranes are actively cleared of mucous contents.
  2. The lumen of the airways increases, which enhances bronchial and pulmonary ventilation.
  3. Thanks to gymnastics, the functionality of the respiratory apparatus is normalized.
  4. The incidence of bronchospasm is reduced.
  5. Diaphragmatic and muscular strengthening is noted, which are responsible for the work of the respiratory muscles.
  6. The normal activity of the cardiovascular system is restored.
  7. Due to the normalization of the respiratory organs, the frequency of asthma attacks is reduced, especially in children.
  8. Thanks to gymnastics, the patient learns to control his own breathing, independently reducing the intensity of attacks.

In addition, with breathing exercises, as the general condition normalizes, stress is relieved, which is a common cause of the development of a bronchial attack.

Contraindications for gymnastics

It must be remembered that, like any treatment, breathing exercises may have contraindications, so it must be abandoned in the following cases:

  • if the patient has an acute attack of suffocation, accompanied by a strong cough and bronchospasm;
  • in the event that external weather conditions (frost, heat, rain, wind, etc.) do not allow doing gymnastics;
  • the lack of the possibility of good ventilation of the training room;

  • immediately after strenuous walking or jogging, which can cause shortness of breath;
  • symptoms of increased fatigue and stressful situations;
  • recent pneumonia and acute bronchitis.

In the event that there are no contraindications to breathing exercises, you can start exercising. However, even in this case, certain rules must be followed.

Gymnastics rules

  1. One of the main rules is breathing through the mouth during the breathing exercise. Otherwise, nasopharyngeal contents may enter the bronchi. This can provoke an acute attack of the disease, which is especially dangerous for children. But it must be remembered that some techniques involve breathing mainly through the nose.
  2. In addition, in case of complication of asthma and excessive accumulation of sputum in the pulmonary and bronchial systems, it is necessary to perform exercises only in the intervals between inhalation and exhalation. Otherwise, bronchospasm and severe coughing are possible.
  3. Another important point is the ability to breathe shallowly, as deep breathing can provoke new asthma symptoms. In addition, you need to be able to control your emotions.
  4. Respiratory gymnastics can have a full therapeutic effect only if it is performed on a regular basis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the age of the patient.

Breathing exercises techniques

To date, there are 2 main methods that most effectively treat bronchial asthma. These include gymnastics according to Strelnikova and Buteyko.

These 2 types of gymnastic exercises are recommended even for children and elderly patients. Gymnastics is performed no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating, and the temperature in the room should not be excessively humid and cold.

In the event that discomfort occurs during the lesson, it is necessary to consult and adjust further treatment with the attending physician, since if the gymnastics is carried out correctly, discomfort should not occur.

In order to correctly perform the gymnastics of Strelnikova or Buteyko, it is necessary to adhere to the sequence of actions. Only in this case, the Strelnikova complex will give a positive result.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Breathing exercises are of great importance, so you need to get acquainted with the development of A.N. Strelnikova.

Strelnikova's technique has been used for a long time in the complex treatment of patients with respiratory diseases. The effectiveness of this method has been confirmed by numerous positive results.

The gymnastic complex consists of several exercises that are performed without special preparation. As a rule, such exercises require compression of the chest while inhaling. It is with the help of this technique that you can stop asthma attacks. In addition, breathing exercises allow you to treat not only asthma, but also chronic bronchitis.

Positive feedback received an exercise called "pump". It provides the removal of an attack, including among children, so it is necessary to study in advance the correctness of its implementation.

1. Exercise "Pump". It is performed standing or sitting on a chair. When sitting, it is necessary to rest with both hands on the knees. The exercise is performed in a series of 2-4 sharp short nasal breaths. It is not recommended to straighten up very much and lean back. Next, you should take a newspaper rolled into a tube or an oblong object in your hands and a movement is depicted, as if a car tire is being inflated with a pump. When tilting, inhale is taken, while unbending, exhalation is performed.

Tilts are performed calmly, often and easily. In this case, the head should be slightly bowed, as if the patient is looking at the pump. Tilts should be carried out not below the waist area, and the back should be round. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. It is important to observe the rhythm of movements (like a military march). It is necessary to take at least 8 breaths in a row with a break of 5 seconds, after which a repetition occurs, another 10 breaths. It is important to note that treatment in this way can be carried out not only in relation to bronchial asthma, but also cardiac, as well as to relieve hepatic colic.

2. "Tilts". This exercise is also effective in preventing an asthmatic attack and has received the most positive feedback from patients. To perform it, it is recommended to lean forward slightly, lowering your head. The arms should be bent at the elbow. At the same time, a noisy short breath is performed. With slow straightening, it is necessary to exhale and repeat this algorithm 2-3 more times with a break of 5-7 seconds. Be sure to perform 2 breaths (when moving with an inclination) and 4 breaths.

It is not at all necessary to count the number of actions, they are repeated until a feeling of slight fatigue sets in. It is important to count the number of breaths in a set of exercises (2 or 4). The average duration of the exercise is no more than 15 minutes.

With a severe development of the disease, it is quite difficult for the patient to take breaths on an inclination, it is allowed to sit on a chair. In this case, the body leans slightly forward, and the head is lowered, the back should be round, and the elbows should be placed on the knees. This position is accompanied by a noisy nasal breath at least 2 times. After every 2 breaths, you need to rest for 5 seconds. It is important to consider that in this exercise, of course, there is an exhalation, but it is done very calmly and easily, unlike inhalation, which is performed to the entire depth of the lung.

3. "Hug your shoulders." When performing this exercise, you should bend your arms at the elbow and raise them at the same level with your shoulders. The palms must be turned towards the face at chest level. One hand must be sharply thrown towards the other hand. One hand should touch the opposite shoulder and the other should touch the opposite armpit. Hands should work in a parallel direction. A sharp noisy breath must be repeated with each such “hug”.

In addition, when practicing Strelnikova, the following skills are required:

1. CORRECTLY EXECUTION OF THE INSP. In order to understand the principles of correct inhalation, it is necessary to imagine the situation that there is a smell of burning in the room. In accordance with this situation, it is necessary to sniff the air, as well as inhale the air noisily. This will be the correct inhalation tactic according to Strelnikova.

2. EXHALE. Inhalations and exhalations should be performed through the nose. You should not strain and wait for the onset of exhalation. It will come on its own. For the best effect, the mouth should be slightly opened on exhalation, which contributes to better respiratory activity.

3. TEMP. For better breathing, it is necessary to mentally count the rhythm while “inflating the tire”. The rate of breaths should be at least 60-70 movements in 1 minute. The inhalation should be loud, and the exhalation should be quiet. The norm is the performance of 100-200 breaths with a pause of 3 seconds. In the event that exercise does not contribute to the normalization of respiratory activity, it is recommended to use drug therapy with traditional bronchodilators.

Benefits of breathing exercises for asthma in children

For children, it is recommended to form group exercises in exercise therapy, since the emotional state of the child allows you to better assimilate knowledge among peers. And only when the child has mastered the respiratory complex according to Buteyko or Strelnikova in the team, is it allowed to conduct independent classes. However, it should be remembered that adults should always be nearby, and if they conduct joint classes, this will become an additional incentive for children.

To prevent the development of an asthmatic attack in children using the Strelnikova technique, frequent and rapid breathing through the nose and the obligatory performance of the “pump” exercise are recommended.

Many patients are interested in the question of the fundamental difference between Buteyko and Strelnikova's gymnastics. With the help of the Buteyko technique, it is possible to teach children to control their respiratory activity in the shortest possible time. In this case, breathing is performed on a hold, which is much easier to track than inhalations and exhalations. Both methods provide effective treatment of asthmatic diseases, and competent treatment, in turn, reduces the number of attacks and neutralizes the symptoms of the disease.

Breathing exercises according to Buteyko

Buteyko classes help to optimize the lungs during inhalation and exhalation. In the normal state, the following indications are observed:

  • inhale 2-3 sec;
  • exhalation must be done between 2 and 4 seconds;
  • the pause should not exceed 4 seconds.

Buteyko classes are allowed to be done while sitting. In this case, the chest should be as straightened as possible, and hands should be placed on your knees. The main Buteyko breathing exercises include:

  • superficial nasal frequent breathing for 10-12 minutes;
  • inhalation should be done slowly, just like exhalation, when all groups of respiratory muscles should relax;
  • it is necessary to perform successive breaths so that all parts of the lung are included, from the lowest, with the maximum opening of the chest. Exhalation should be done as long as possible (at least 5 seconds). If at the very beginning it is not possible to achieve the necessary breathing parameters, you can perform the Buteyko complex as it turns out, but in no case should it be interrupted;
  • inhalation should be carried out gradually, using different lung sections with the help of both nostrils. To prevent the ingress of excess air, it is allowed to pinch one nostril;
  • all respiratory movements are performed by nasal breathing with the diaphragm retracted, which allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Each movement is performed from 9 times;
  • the strongest breath or full exhalation should be performed at an accelerated pace. Repetitions can be done after 1 minute. It is important to consider that increased ventilation of the pulmonary system can manifest itself as slight dizziness;
  • the required inhalation time is 1.5 - 2 seconds with a pause between breaths of 5 seconds, after which a quick breath is taken. A full cycle should not exceed 4 minutes. In the future, classes are allowed to be done both sitting and standing, as well as in combination with squatting and light running.

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